shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

ref: 90a36c5522a93fb6e829851ef29626d20159044e
dir: /src/base/ftobjs.h/

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/*                                                                         */
/*  ftobjs.h                                                               */
/*                                                                         */
/*  The FreeType private base classes (specification).                     */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Copyright 1996-1999 by                                                 */
/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg                       */
/*                                                                         */
/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used        */
/*  modified and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project       */
/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
/*                                                                         */

  /*                                                                       */
  /*  This file contains the definition of all internal FreeType classes.  */
  /*                                                                       */

#ifndef FTOBJS_H
#define FTOBJS_H

#include <ftconfig.h>
#include <ftsystem.h>
#include <ftdriver.h>

  /*                                                                       */
  /* Some generic definitions.                                             */
  /*                                                                       */
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE  1

#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE  0

#ifndef NULL
#define NULL  (void*)0

#ifndef UNUSED
#define UNUSED( arg )  ( (void)(arg) )

  /*                                                                       */
  /* The min and max functions missing in C.  As usual, be careful not to  */
  /* write things like MIN( a++, b++ ) to avoid side effects.              */
  /*                                                                       */
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN( a, b )  ( (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b) )

#ifndef MAX
#define MAX( a, b )  ( (a) > (b) ? (a) : (b) )

#ifndef ABS
#define ABS( a )     ( (a) < 0 ? -(a) : (a) )

  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Macro>                                                               */
  /*    FT_SET_ERROR                                                       */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Description>                                                         */
  /*    This macro is used to set an implicit `error' variable to a given  */
  /*    expression's value (usually a function call), and convert it to a  */
  /*    boolean which is set whenever the value is != 0.                   */
  /*                                                                       */
#undef  FT_SET_ERROR
#define FT_SET_ERROR( expression ) \
          ( (error = (expression)) != 0 )

  /****                                                                 ****/
  /****                                                                 ****/
  /****                           M E M O R Y                           ****/
  /****                                                                 ****/
  /****                                                                 ****/

  FT_Error  FT_Alloc( FT_Memory  memory,
                      FT_Long    size,
                      void**     P );

  FT_Error  FT_Realloc( FT_Memory  memory,
                        FT_Long    current,
                        FT_Long    size,
                        void**     P );

  void  FT_Free( FT_Memory  memory,
                 void**     P );

  /* This include is needed by the MEM_xxx() macros, it should be */
  /* available on every platform we know !!                       */
#include <string.h>

#define MEM_Set( dest, byte, count )  memset( dest, byte, count )

#define MEM_Copy( dest, source, count )  memcpy( dest, source, count )
#define MEM_Copy( dest, source, count )  bcopy( source, dest, count )

#define MEM_Move( dest, source, count )  memmove( dest, source, count )

  /*                                                                       */
  /* We now support closures to produce completely reentrant code.  This   */
  /* means the allocation functions now takes an additional argument       */
  /* (`memory').  It is a handle to a given memory object, responsible for */
  /* all low-level operations, including memory management and             */
  /* synchronisation.                                                      */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* In order to keep our code readable and use the same macros in the     */
  /* font drivers and the rest of the library, MEM_Alloc(), ALLOC(), and   */
  /* ALLOC_ARRAY() now use an implicit variable, `memory'.  It must be     */
  /* defined at all locations where a memory operation is queried.         */
  /*                                                                       */

  /*                                                                       */
  /* Note that ALL memory allocation functions need an IMPLICIT argument   */
  /* called `memory' to point to the current memory object.                */
  /*                                                                       */
#define MEM_Alloc( _pointer_, _size_ ) \
          FT_Alloc( memory, _size_, (void**)&(_pointer_) )

#define MEM_Realloc( _pointer_, _current_, _size_ ) \
          FT_Realloc( memory, _current_, _size_, (void**)&(_pointer_) )

#define ALLOC( _pointer_, _size_ ) \
          FT_SET_ERROR( MEM_Alloc( _pointer_, _size_ ) )

#define REALLOC( _pointer_, _current_, _size_ ) \
          FT_SET_ERROR( MEM_Realloc( _pointer_, _current_, _size_ ) )

#define ALLOC_ARRAY( _pointer_, _count_, _type_ ) \
          FT_SET_ERROR( MEM_Alloc( _pointer_, (_count_)*sizeof (_type_) ) )

#define REALLOC_ARRAY( _pointer_, _current_, _count_, _type_ ) \
          FT_SET_ERROR( MEM_Realloc( _pointer_, (_current_)*sizeof(_type_), \
                         (_count_)*sizeof(_type_) ) )

#define FREE( _pointer_ )  FT_Free( memory, (void**)&(_pointer_) )

  FT_Error  FT_New_Size( FT_Face   face,
                         FT_Size*  size );

  FT_Error  FT_Done_Size( FT_Size  size );

  FT_Error  FT_New_GlyphSlot( FT_Face        face,
                              FT_GlyphSlot*  aslot );

  void  FT_Done_GlyphSlot( FT_GlyphSlot  slot );

  /****                                                                 ****/
  /****                                                                 ****/
  /****                         D R I V E R S                           ****/
  /****                                                                 ****/
  /****                                                                 ****/

  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Struct>                                                              */
  /*    FT_DriverRec                                                       */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Description>                                                         */
  /*    The root font driver class.  A font driver is responsible for      */
  /*    managing and loading font files of a given format.                 */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*  <Fields>                                                             */
  /*     library     :: A handle to the driver's parent library.           */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*     memory      :: A handle to the driver's memory object.  This is a */
  /*                    duplicate of `library->memory'.                    */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*     interface   :: A set of driver methods that implement its         */
  /*                    behaviour.  These methods are called by the        */
  /*                    various FreeType functions like FT_New_Face(),     */
  /*                    FT_Load_Glyph(), etc.                              */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*     format      :: A typeless pointer, used to store the address of   */
  /*                    the driver's format specific interface.  This is a */
  /*                    table of other driver methods that are specific to */
  /*                    its format.  Format specific interfaces are        */
  /*                    defined in the driver's header files (e.g.,        */
  /*                    `freetype/drivers/ttlib/ttdriver.h').              */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*     version     :: The driver's version.  It can be used for          */
  /*                    versioning and dynamic driver update if needed.    */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*     description :: An ASCII string describing the driver's supported  */
  /*                    format, like `truetype', `type1', etc.             */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*     faces_list  :: The list of faces currently opened by this driver. */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*     extensions  :: a typeless pointer to the driver's extensions      */
  /*                    registry, when they are supported through the      */
  /*                    config macro FT_CONFIG_OPTION_EXTENSIONS           */
  /*                                                                       */
  typedef struct  FT_DriverRec_
    FT_Library          library;
    FT_Memory           memory;

    FT_Generic          generic;

    FT_DriverInterface  interface;
    FT_FormatInterface  format;

    FT_Int              version;      /* driver version     */
    FT_String*          description;  /* format description */

    FT_ListRec          faces_list;   /* driver's faces list    */

    void*               extensions;

  } FT_DriverRec;

  /****                                                                 ****/
  /****                                                                 ****/
  /****                      G L Y P H   Z O N E S                      ****/
  /****                                                                 ****/
  /****                                                                 ****/

  *  <Struct>
  *     FT_GlyphZone
  *  <Description>
  *     A glyph zone is used to load, scale and hint glyph outline
  *     coordinates.
  *  <Fields>
  *     memory       :: handle to memory manager
  *     max_points   :: max size in points of zone
  *     max_contours :: max size in contours of zone
  *     n_points     :: current number of points in zone
  *     n_contours   :: current number of contours in zone
  *     org          :: original glyph coordinates (font units/scaled)
  *     cur          :: current glyph coordinates  (scaled/hinted)
  *     tags         :: point control tags 
  *     contours     :: contour end points
  typedef struct  FT_GlyphZone_
    FT_Memory   memory;
    FT_UShort   max_points;
    FT_UShort   max_contours;
    FT_UShort   n_points;   /* number of points in zone    */
    FT_Short    n_contours; /* number of contours          */

    FT_Vector*  org;        /* original point coordinates  */
    FT_Vector*  cur;        /* current point coordinates   */

    FT_Byte*    tags;       /* current touch flags         */
    FT_UShort*  contours;   /* contour end points          */

  } FT_GlyphZone;

  FT_Error  FT_New_GlyphZone( FT_Memory      memory,
                              FT_UShort      maxPoints,
                              FT_Short       maxContours,
                              FT_GlyphZone*  zone );

  void      FT_Done_GlyphZone( FT_GlyphZone*  zone );
  FT_Error  FT_Update_GlyphZone( FT_GlyphZone*  zone,
                                 FT_UShort      num_points,
                                 FT_Short       num_contours );

  /****                                                                 ****/
  /****                                                                 ****/
  /****                       L I B R A R I E S                         ****/
  /****                                                                 ****/
  /****                                                                 ****/

#define FT_DEBUG_HOOK_TYPE1      1

  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Struct>                                                              */
  /*    FT_LibraryRec                                                      */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Description>                                                         */
  /*    The FreeType library class.  This is the root of all FreeType      */
  /*    data.  Use FT_New_Library() to create a library object, and        */
  /*    FT_Done_Library() to discard it and all child objects.             */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Fields>                                                              */
  /*    memory         :: The library's memory object.  Manages memory     */
  /*                      allocation                                       */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*    generic        :: Client data variable.  Used to extend the        */
  /*                      Library class by higher levels and clients.      */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*    num_drivers    :: The number of drivers currently registered       */
  /*                      within this library.  This is set to 0 for new   */
  /*                      libraries.  New drivers are added through the    */
  /*                      FT_Add_Driver() API function.                    */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*    drivers        :: A table used to store handles to the currently   */
  /*                      registered font drivers.  Note that each driver  */
  /*                      contains a list of its opened faces.             */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*    raster_pool    :: The raster object's render pool.  This can       */
  /*                      ideally be changed dynamically at run-time.      */
  /*                                                                       */
  typedef  void  (*FT_DebugHook_Func)( void* arg );
  typedef struct  FT_LibraryRec_
    FT_Memory           memory;         /* library's memory object          */

    FT_Generic          generic;

    FT_Int              num_drivers;
    FT_Driver           drivers[ FT_MAX_DRIVERS ];  /* driver objects  */

    FT_Raster_Funcs     raster_funcs[ FT_MAX_GLYPH_FORMATS ];
    FT_Raster           rasters     [ FT_MAX_GLYPH_FORMATS ];

    void*               raster_pool;      /* scan-line conversion render pool */
    long                raster_pool_size; /* size of render pool in bytes     */

    FT_DebugHook_Func   debug_hooks[4];

  } FT_LibraryRec;

  FT_Error  FT_New_Library( FT_Memory    memory,
                            FT_Library*  library );

  FT_Error  FT_Done_Library( FT_Library  library );

  void  FT_Set_Debug_Hook( FT_Library         library,
                           FT_UInt            hook_index,
                           FT_DebugHook_Func  debug_hook );

  FT_Error  FT_Add_Driver( FT_Library                 library,
                           const FT_DriverInterface*  driver_interface );

  FT_Error  FT_Remove_Driver( FT_Driver  driver );

  FT_Driver  FT_Get_Driver( FT_Library  library,
                            char*       driver_name );


  FT_Error  FT_New_Stream( const char*  filepathname,
                           FT_Stream    astream );

  FT_Memory  FT_New_Memory( void );


/* Define default raster's interface. The default raster is located in `src/base/ftraster.c' */
/*                                                                                           */
/* Client applications can register new rasters through the FT_Set_Raster API..              */
/*                                                                                           */
  FT_Raster_Funcs  ft_default_raster;

#endif /* FTOBJS_H */

/* END */