ref: 88cdbb34a229c863ab4f10114b98e3737eb2b64c
dir: /tests/gview.c/
#include <nirvana.h> #include NV_VIEWPORT_H #include <stdio.h> #include <ft2build.h> #include FT_FREETYPE_H /* include FreeType internals to debug hints */ #include <../src/pshinter/pshrec.h> #include <../src/pshinter/pshalgo1.h> #include <../src/pshinter/pshalgo2.h> /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** ROOT DEFINITIONS *****/ /***** *****/ /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ #include <time.h> /* for clock() */ /* SunOS 4.1.* does not define CLOCKS_PER_SEC, so include <sys/param.h> */ /* to get the HZ macro which is the equivalent. */ #if defined(__sun__) && !defined(SVR4) && !defined(__SVR4) #include <sys/param.h> #define CLOCKS_PER_SEC HZ #endif static int first_glyph = 0; static NV_Renderer renderer; static NV_Painter painter; static NV_Pixmap target; static NV_Error error; static NV_Memory memory; static NVV_Display display; static NVV_Surface surface; static FT_Library freetype; static FT_Face face; static NV_Pos glyph_scale; static NV_Pos glyph_org_x; static NV_Pos glyph_org_y; static NV_Transform glyph_transform; /* font units -> device pixels */ static NV_Transform size_transform; /* subpixels -> device pixels */ static NV_Scale grid_scale = 1.0; static int glyph_index; static int pixel_size = 12; /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** OPTIONS, COLORS and OTHERS *****/ /***** *****/ /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ static int option_show_axis = 1; static int option_show_dots = 1; static int option_show_stroke = 0; static int option_show_glyph = 1; static int option_show_grid = 1; static int option_show_em = 0; static int option_show_smooth = 1; static int option_show_blues = 0; static int option_show_ps_hints = 1; static int option_show_horz_hints = 1; static int option_show_vert_hints = 1; static int option_hinting = 1; static char temp_message[1024]; #define AXIS_COLOR 0xFFFF0000 #define GRID_COLOR 0xFFD0D0D0 #define ON_COLOR 0xFFFF2000 #define OFF_COLOR 0xFFFF0080 #define STRONG_COLOR 0xFF404040 #define INTERP_COLOR 0xFF206040 #define SMOOTH_COLOR 0xF000B040 #define BACKGROUND_COLOR 0xFFFFFFFF #define TEXT_COLOR 0xFF000000 #define EM_COLOR 0x80008000 #define BLUES_TOP_COLOR 0x4000008F #define BLUES_BOT_COLOR 0x40008F00 #define GHOST_HINT_COLOR 0xE00000FF #define STEM_HINT_COLOR 0xE02020FF #define STEM_JOIN_COLOR 0xE020FF20 /* print message and abort program */ static void Panic( const char* message ) { fprintf( stderr, "PANIC: %s\n", message ); exit(1); } /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** COMMON GRID DRAWING ROUTINES *****/ /***** *****/ /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ static void reset_scale( NV_Scale scale ) { /* compute font units -> grid pixels scale factor */ glyph_scale = target->width*0.75 / face->units_per_EM * scale; /* setup font units -> grid pixels transform */ nv_transform_set_scale( &glyph_transform, glyph_scale, -glyph_scale ); glyph_org_x = = target->width*0.125; glyph_org_y = = target->height*0.875; /* setup subpixels -> grid pixels transform */ nv_transform_set_scale( &size_transform, glyph_scale/nv_fromfixed(face->size->metrics.x_scale), - glyph_scale/nv_fromfixed(face->size->metrics.y_scale) ); =; } static void reset_size( int pixel_size, NV_Scale scale ) { FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes( face, pixel_size, pixel_size ); reset_scale( scale ); } static void clear_background( void ) { nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, 0, 0, target->width, target->height, BACKGROUND_COLOR ); } static void draw_grid( void ) { int x = (int)glyph_org_x; int y = (int)glyph_org_y; /* draw grid */ if ( option_show_grid ) { NV_Scale min, max, x, step; /* draw vertical grid bars */ step = 64. * size_transform.matrix.xx; if (step > 1.) { min = max = glyph_org_x; while ( min - step >= 0 ) min -= step; while ( max + step < target->width ) max += step; for ( x = min; x <= max; x += step ) nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, (NV_Int)(x+.5), 0, 1, target->height, GRID_COLOR ); } /* draw horizontal grid bars */ step = -64. * size_transform.matrix.yy; if (step > 1.) { min = max = glyph_org_y; while ( min - step >= 0 ) min -= step; while ( max + step < target->height ) max += step; for ( x = min; x <= max; x += step ) nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, 0, (NV_Int)(x+.5), target->width, 1, GRID_COLOR ); } } /* draw axis */ if ( option_show_axis ) { nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, x, 0, 1, target->height, AXIS_COLOR ); nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, 0, y, target->width, 1, AXIS_COLOR ); } if ( option_show_em ) { NV_Path path; NV_Path stroke; NV_UInt units = (NV_UInt)face->units_per_EM; nv_path_new_rectangle( renderer, 0, 0, units, units, 0, 0, &path ); nv_path_transform( path, &glyph_transform ); nv_path_stroke( path, 1.5, nv_path_linecap_butt, nv_path_linejoin_miter, 4.0, &stroke ); nv_painter_set_color( painter, EM_COLOR, 256 ); nv_painter_fill_path( painter, NULL, 0, stroke ); nv_path_destroy( stroke ); nv_path_destroy( path ); } } /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** POSTSCRIPT GLOBALS ROUTINES *****/ /***** *****/ /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ #include <../src/pshinter/pshglob.h> static void draw_ps_blue_zones( void ) { if ( option_show_blues && ps_debug_globals ) { PSH_Blues blues = &ps_debug_globals->blues; PSH_Blue_Table table; NV_Vector v; FT_Int y1, y2; FT_UInt count; PSH_Blue_Zone zone; /* draw top zones */ table = &blues->normal_top; count = table->count; zone = table->zones; for ( ; count > 0; count--, zone++ ) { v.x = 0; if ( !ps_debug_no_horz_hints ) { v.y = zone->cur_ref + zone->cur_delta; nv_vector_transform( &v, &size_transform ); } else { v.y = zone->org_ref + zone->org_delta; nv_vector_transform( &v, &glyph_transform ); } y1 = (int)(v.y + 0.5); v.x = 0; if ( !ps_debug_no_horz_hints ) { v.y = zone->cur_ref; nv_vector_transform( &v, &size_transform ); } else { v.y = zone->org_ref; nv_vector_transform( &v, &glyph_transform ); } y2 = (int)(v.y + 0.5); nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, 0, y1, target->width, y2-y1+1, BLUES_TOP_COLOR ); #if 0 printf( "top [%.3f %.3f]\n", zone->cur_bottom/64.0, zone->cur_top/64.0 ); #endif } /* draw bottom zones */ table = &blues->normal_bottom; count = table->count; zone = table->zones; for ( ; count > 0; count--, zone++ ) { v.x = 0; v.y = zone->cur_ref; nv_vector_transform( &v, &size_transform ); y1 = (int)(v.y + 0.5); v.x = 0; v.y = zone->cur_ref + zone->cur_delta; nv_vector_transform( &v, &size_transform ); y2 = (int)(v.y + 0.5); nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, 0, y1, target->width, y2-y1+1, BLUES_BOT_COLOR ); #if 0 printf( "bot [%.3f %.3f]\n", zone->cur_bottom/64.0, zone->cur_top/64.0 ); #endif } } } /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** POSTSCRIPT HINTER ALGORITHM 1 ROUTINES *****/ /***** *****/ /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ #include <../src/pshinter/pshalgo1.h> static int pshint_cpos = 0; static int pshint_vertical = -1; static void draw_ps1_hint( PSH1_Hint hint, FT_Bool vertical ) { int x1, x2; NV_Vector v; if ( pshint_vertical != vertical ) { if (vertical) pshint_cpos = 40; else pshint_cpos = 10; pshint_vertical = vertical; } if (vertical) { if ( !option_show_vert_hints ) return; v.x = hint->cur_pos; v.y = 0; nv_vector_transform( &v, &size_transform ); x1 = (int)(v.x + 0.5); v.x = hint->cur_pos + hint->cur_len; v.y = 0; nv_vector_transform( &v, &size_transform ); x2 = (int)(v.x + 0.5); nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, x1, 0, 1, target->height, psh1_hint_is_ghost(hint) ? GHOST_HINT_COLOR : STEM_HINT_COLOR ); if ( psh1_hint_is_ghost(hint) ) { x1 --; x2 = x1 + 2; } else nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, x2, 0, 1, target->height, psh1_hint_is_ghost(hint) ? GHOST_HINT_COLOR : STEM_HINT_COLOR ); nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, x1, pshint_cpos, x2+1-x1, 1, STEM_JOIN_COLOR ); } else { if (!option_show_horz_hints) return; v.y = hint->cur_pos; v.x = 0; nv_vector_transform( &v, &size_transform ); x1 = (int)(v.y + 0.5); v.y = hint->cur_pos + hint->cur_len; v.x = 0; nv_vector_transform( &v, &size_transform ); x2 = (int)(v.y + 0.5); nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, 0, x1, target->width, 1, psh1_hint_is_ghost(hint) ? GHOST_HINT_COLOR : STEM_HINT_COLOR ); if ( psh1_hint_is_ghost(hint) ) { x1 --; x2 = x1 + 2; } else nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, 0, x2, target->width, 1, psh1_hint_is_ghost(hint) ? GHOST_HINT_COLOR : STEM_HINT_COLOR ); nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, pshint_cpos, x2, 1, x1+1-x2, STEM_JOIN_COLOR ); } #if 0 printf( "[%7.3f %7.3f] %c\n", hint->cur_pos/64.0, (hint->cur_pos+hint->cur_len)/64.0, vertical ? 'v' : 'h' ); #endif pshint_cpos += 10; } /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** POSTSCRIPT HINTER ALGORITHM 2 ROUTINES *****/ /***** *****/ /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ #include <../src/pshinter/pshalgo2.h> static void draw_ps2_hint( PSH2_Hint hint, FT_Bool vertical ) { int x1, x2; NV_Vector v; if ( pshint_vertical != vertical ) { if (vertical) pshint_cpos = 40; else pshint_cpos = 10; pshint_vertical = vertical; } if (vertical) { if ( !option_show_vert_hints ) return; v.x = hint->cur_pos; v.y = 0; nv_vector_transform( &v, &size_transform ); x1 = (int)(v.x + 0.5); v.x = hint->cur_pos + hint->cur_len; v.y = 0; nv_vector_transform( &v, &size_transform ); x2 = (int)(v.x + 0.5); nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, x1, 0, 1, target->height, psh2_hint_is_ghost(hint) ? GHOST_HINT_COLOR : STEM_HINT_COLOR ); if ( psh2_hint_is_ghost(hint) ) { x1 --; x2 = x1 + 2; } else nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, x2, 0, 1, target->height, psh2_hint_is_ghost(hint) ? GHOST_HINT_COLOR : STEM_HINT_COLOR ); nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, x1, pshint_cpos, x2+1-x1, 1, STEM_JOIN_COLOR ); } else { if (!option_show_horz_hints) return; v.y = hint->cur_pos; v.x = 0; nv_vector_transform( &v, &size_transform ); x1 = (int)(v.y + 0.5); v.y = hint->cur_pos + hint->cur_len; v.x = 0; nv_vector_transform( &v, &size_transform ); x2 = (int)(v.y + 0.5); nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, 0, x1, target->width, 1, psh2_hint_is_ghost(hint) ? GHOST_HINT_COLOR : STEM_HINT_COLOR ); if ( psh2_hint_is_ghost(hint) ) { x1 --; x2 = x1 + 2; } else nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, 0, x2, target->width, 1, psh2_hint_is_ghost(hint) ? GHOST_HINT_COLOR : STEM_HINT_COLOR ); nv_pixmap_fill_rect( target, pshint_cpos, x2, 1, x1+1-x2, STEM_JOIN_COLOR ); } #if 0 printf( "[%7.3f %7.3f] %c\n", hint->cur_pos/64.0, (hint->cur_pos+hint->cur_len)/64.0, vertical ? 'v' : 'h' ); #endif pshint_cpos += 10; } static void ps2_draw_control_points( void ) { if ( ps2_debug_glyph ) { PSH2_Glyph glyph = ps2_debug_glyph; PSH2_Point point = glyph->points; FT_UInt count = glyph->num_points; NV_Transform transform, *trans = &transform; NV_Path vert_rect; NV_Path horz_rect; NV_Path dot, circle; nv_path_new_rectangle( renderer, -1, -6, 2, 12, 0, 0, &vert_rect ); nv_path_new_rectangle( renderer, -6, -1, 12, 2, 0, 0, &horz_rect ); nv_path_new_circle( renderer, 0, 0, 3., &dot ); nv_path_stroke( dot, 0.6, nv_path_linecap_butt, nv_path_linejoin_miter, 1., &circle ); for ( ; count > 0; count--, point++ ) { NV_Vector vec; vec.x = point->cur_x; vec.y = point->cur_y; nv_vector_transform( &vec, &size_transform ); nv_transform_set_translate( trans, vec.x, vec.y ); if ( option_show_smooth && !psh2_point_is_smooth(point) ) { nv_painter_set_color( painter, SMOOTH_COLOR, 256 ); nv_painter_fill_path( painter, trans, 0, circle ); } if (option_show_horz_hints) { if ( point->flags_y & PSH2_POINT_STRONG ) { nv_painter_set_color( painter, STRONG_COLOR, 256 ); nv_painter_fill_path( painter, trans, 0, horz_rect ); } } if (option_show_vert_hints) { if ( point->flags_x & PSH2_POINT_STRONG ) { nv_painter_set_color( painter, STRONG_COLOR, 256 ); nv_painter_fill_path( painter, trans, 0, vert_rect ); } } } nv_path_destroy( circle ); nv_path_destroy( dot ); nv_path_destroy( horz_rect ); nv_path_destroy( vert_rect ); } } /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** MAIN LOOP(S) *****/ /***** *****/ /************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************/ static void draw_glyph( int glyph_index ) { NV_Path path; pshint_vertical = -1; ps1_debug_hint_func = option_show_ps_hints ? draw_ps1_hint : 0; ps2_debug_hint_func = option_show_ps_hints ? draw_ps2_hint : 0; error = FT_Load_Glyph( face, glyph_index, option_hinting ? FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP : FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP | FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING ); if (error) Panic( "could not load glyph" ); if ( face->glyph->format != ft_glyph_format_outline ) Panic( "could not load glyph outline" ); error = nv_path_new_from_outline( renderer, (NV_Outline*)&face->glyph->outline, &size_transform, &path ); if (error) Panic( "could not create glyph path" ); /* trac� du glyphe plein */ if ( option_show_glyph ) { nv_painter_set_color ( painter, 0xFF404080, 128 ); nv_painter_fill_path ( painter, 0, 0, path ); } if ( option_show_stroke ) { NV_Path stroke; error = nv_path_stroke( path, 0.6, nv_path_linecap_butt, nv_path_linejoin_miter, 1.0, &stroke ); if (error) Panic( "could not stroke glyph path" ); nv_painter_set_color ( painter, 0xFF000040, 256 ); nv_painter_fill_path ( painter, 0, 0, stroke ); nv_path_destroy( stroke ); } /* trac� des points de controle */ if ( option_show_dots ) { NV_Path plot; NV_Outline out; NV_Scale r = 2; NV_Int n, first, last; nv_path_new_circle( renderer, 0, 0, 2., &plot ); nv_path_get_outline( path, NULL, memory, &out ); first = 0; for ( n = 0; n < out.n_contours; n++ ) { int m; NV_Transform trans; NV_Color color; NV_SubVector* vec; last = out.contours[n]; for ( m = first; m <= last; m++ ) { color = (out.tags[m] & FT_Curve_Tag_On) ? ON_COLOR : OFF_COLOR; vec = out.points + m; nv_transform_set_translate( &trans, vec->x/64.0, vec->y/64.0 ); nv_painter_set_color( painter, color, 256 ); nv_painter_fill_path( painter, &trans, 0, plot ); } first = last + 1; } nv_path_destroy( plot ); } nv_path_destroy( path ); /* autre infos */ { char temp[1024]; char temp2[64]; sprintf( temp, "font name : %s (%s)", face->family_name, face->style_name ); nv_pixmap_cell_text( target, 0, 0, temp, TEXT_COLOR ); FT_Get_Glyph_Name( face, glyph_index, temp2, 63 ); temp2[63] = 0; sprintf( temp, "glyph %4d: %s", glyph_index, temp2 ); nv_pixmap_cell_text( target, 0, 8, temp, TEXT_COLOR ); if ( temp_message[0] ) { nv_pixmap_cell_text( target, 0, 16, temp_message, TEXT_COLOR ); temp_message[0] = 0; } } } #define TOGGLE_OPTION(var,prefix) \ { \ var = !var; \ sprintf( temp_message, prefix " is now %s", \ var ? "on" : "off" ); \ break; \ } #define TOGGLE_OPTION_NEG(var,prefix) \ { \ var = !var; \ sprintf( temp_message, prefix " is now %s", \ !var ? "on" : "off" ); \ break; \ } static void handle_event( NVV_EventRec* ev ) { switch (ev->key) { case NVV_Key_Left: { if ( glyph_index > 0 ) glyph_index--; break; } case NVV_Key_Right: { if ( glyph_index+1 < face->num_glyphs ) glyph_index++; break; } case NVV_KEY('x'): TOGGLE_OPTION( option_show_axis, "grid axis display" ) case NVV_KEY('s'): TOGGLE_OPTION( option_show_stroke, "glyph stroke display" ) case NVV_KEY('g'): TOGGLE_OPTION( option_show_glyph, "glyph fill display" ) case NVV_KEY('d'): TOGGLE_OPTION( option_show_dots, "control points display" ) case NVV_KEY('e'): TOGGLE_OPTION( option_show_em, "EM square display" ) case NVV_KEY('+'): { grid_scale *= 1.2; reset_scale( grid_scale ); break; } case NVV_KEY('-'): { if (grid_scale > 0.3) { grid_scale /= 1.2; reset_scale( grid_scale ); } break; } case NVV_Key_Up: { pixel_size++; reset_size( pixel_size, grid_scale ); sprintf( temp_message, "pixel size = %d", pixel_size ); break; } case NVV_Key_Down: { if (pixel_size > 1) { pixel_size--; reset_size( pixel_size, grid_scale ); sprintf( temp_message, "pixel size = %d", pixel_size ); } break; } case NVV_KEY('z'): TOGGLE_OPTION_NEG( ps_debug_no_vert_hints, "vertical hints processing" ) case NVV_KEY('a'): TOGGLE_OPTION_NEG( ps_debug_no_horz_hints, "horizontal hints processing" ) case NVV_KEY('Z'): TOGGLE_OPTION( option_show_vert_hints, "vertical hints display" ) case NVV_KEY('A'): TOGGLE_OPTION( option_show_horz_hints, "horizontal hints display" ) case NVV_KEY('S'): TOGGLE_OPTION( option_show_smooth, "smooth points display" ); case NVV_KEY('b'): TOGGLE_OPTION( option_show_blues, "blue zones display" ); case NVV_KEY('h'): TOGGLE_OPTION( option_hinting, "hinting" ) default: ; } } static void usage() { Panic( "no usage" ); } #define OPTION1(n,code) \ case n : \ code \ argc--; \ argv++; \ break; #define OPTION2(n,code) \ case n : \ code \ argc -= 2; \ argv += 2; \ break; static void parse_options( int* argc_p, char*** argv_p ) { int argc = *argc_p; char** argv = *argv_p; while (argc > 2 && argv[1][0] == '-') { switch (argv[1][1]) { OPTION2( 'f', first_glyph = atoi( argv[2] ); ) OPTION2( 's', pixel_size = atoi( argv[2] ); ) default: usage(); } } *argc_p = argc; *argv_p = argv; } int main( int argc, char** argv ) { char* filename = "/fonts/lcdxsr.pfa"; parse_options( &argc, &argv ); if ( argc >= 2 ) filename = argv[1]; /* create library */ error = nv_renderer_new( 0, &renderer ); if (error) Panic( "could not create Nirvana renderer" ); memory = nv_renderer_get_memory( renderer ); error = nvv_display_new( renderer, &display ); if (error) Panic( "could not create display" ); error = nvv_surface_new( display, 460, 460, nv_pixmap_type_argb, &surface ); if (error) Panic( "could not create surface" ); target = nvv_surface_get_pixmap( surface ); error = nv_painter_new( renderer, &painter ); if (error) Panic( "could not create painter" ); nv_painter_set_target( painter, target ); clear_background(); error = FT_Init_FreeType( &freetype ); if (error) Panic( "could not initialise FreeType" ); error = FT_New_Face( freetype, filename, 0, &face ); if (error) Panic( "could not open font face" ); reset_size( pixel_size, grid_scale ); nvv_surface_set_title( surface, "FreeType Glyph Viewer" ); { NVV_EventRec event; glyph_index = first_glyph; for ( ;; ) { clear_background(); draw_grid(); ps_debug_hints = 0; draw_ps_blue_zones(); draw_glyph( glyph_index ); ps2_draw_control_points(); nvv_surface_refresh( surface, NULL ); nvv_surface_listen( surface, 0, &event ); if ( event.key == NVV_Key_Esc ) break; handle_event( &event ); switch (event.key) { case NVV_Key_Esc: goto Exit; default: ; } } } Exit: /* wait for escape */ /* destroy display (and surface) */ nvv_display_unref( display ); nv_renderer_unref( renderer ); return 0; }