ref: 824daa5881e60b9762b2bf9d9ff3dc1f277d4a2e
dir: /src/pcf/pcfdriver.c/
/* pcfdriver.c FreeType font driver for pcf files Copyright (C) 2000-2001, 2002 by Francesco Zappa Nardelli Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <ft2build.h> #include FT_INTERNAL_DEBUG_H #include FT_INTERNAL_STREAM_H #include FT_INTERNAL_OBJECTS_H #include "pcf.h" #include "pcfdriver.h" #include "pcfutil.h" #include "pcferror.h" #undef FT_COMPONENT #define FT_COMPONENT trace_pcfread typedef struct PCF_CMapRec_ { FT_CMapRec cmap; FT_UInt num_encodings; PCF_Encoding encodings; } PCF_CMapRec, *PCF_CMap; FT_CALLBACK_DEF( FT_Error ) pcf_cmap_init( PCF_CMap cmap ) { PCF_Face face = (PCF_Face)FT_CMAP_FACE( cmap ); cmap->num_encodings = (FT_UInt)face->nencodings; cmap->encodings = face->encodings; return FT_Err_Ok; } FT_CALLBACK_DEF( void ) pcf_cmap_done( PCF_CMap cmap ) { cmap->encodings = NULL; cmap->num_encodings = 0; } FT_CALLBACK_DEF( FT_UInt ) pcf_cmap_char_index( PCF_CMap cmap, FT_UInt32 charcode ) { PCF_Encoding encodings = cmap->encodings; FT_UInt min, max, mid; FT_UInt result = 0; min = 0; max = cmap->num_encodings; while ( min < max ) { FT_UInt32 code; mid = ( min + max ) >> 1; code = encodings[mid].enc; if ( charcode == code ) { result = encodings[mid].glyph + 1; break; } if ( charcode < code ) max = mid; else min = mid + 1; } return result; } FT_CALLBACK_DEF( FT_UInt ) pcf_cmap_char_next( PCF_CMap cmap, FT_UInt32 *acharcode ) { PCF_Encoding encodings = cmap->encodings; FT_UInt min, max, mid; FT_UInt32 charcode = *acharcode + 1; FT_UInt result = 0; min = 0; max = cmap->num_encodings; while ( min < max ) { FT_UInt32 code; mid = ( min + max ) >> 1; code = encodings[mid].enc; if ( charcode == code ) { result = encodings[mid].glyph + 1; goto Exit; } if ( charcode < code ) max = mid; else min = mid + 1; } charcode = 0; if ( min < cmap->num_encodings ) { charcode = encodings[min].enc; result = encodings[min].glyph + 1; } Exit: *acharcode = charcode; return result; } FT_CALLBACK_TABLE_DEF const FT_CMap_ClassRec pcf_cmap_class = { sizeof( PCF_CMapRec ), (FT_CMap_InitFunc) pcf_cmap_init, (FT_CMap_DoneFunc) pcf_cmap_done, (FT_CMap_CharIndexFunc)pcf_cmap_char_index, (FT_CMap_CharNextFunc) pcf_cmap_char_next }; /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode. It is an implicit */ /* parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log */ /* messages during execution. */ /* */ #undef FT_COMPONENT #define FT_COMPONENT trace_pcfdriver FT_CALLBACK_DEF( FT_Error ) PCF_Face_Done( PCF_Face face ) { FT_Memory memory = FT_FACE_MEMORY( face ); FT_FREE( face->encodings ); FT_FREE( face->metrics ); /* free properties */ { PCF_Property prop = face->properties; FT_Int i; for ( i = 0; i < face->nprops; i++ ) { prop = &face->properties[i]; FT_FREE( prop->name ); if ( prop->isString ) FT_FREE( prop->value ); } FT_FREE( face->properties ); } FT_FREE( face->toc.tables ); FT_FREE( face->root.family_name ); FT_FREE( face->root.available_sizes ); FT_FREE( face->charset_encoding ); FT_FREE( face->charset_registry ); FT_TRACE4(( "DONE_FACE!!!\n" )); return PCF_Err_Ok; } FT_CALLBACK_DEF( FT_Error ) PCF_Face_Init( FT_Stream stream, PCF_Face face, FT_Int face_index, FT_Int num_params, FT_Parameter* params ) { FT_Error error = PCF_Err_Ok; FT_UNUSED( num_params ); FT_UNUSED( params ); FT_UNUSED( face_index ); error = pcf_load_font( stream, face ); if ( error ) goto Fail; /* set-up charmap */ { FT_String *charset_registry, *charset_encoding; FT_Bool unicode_charmap = 0; charset_registry = face->charset_registry; charset_encoding = face->charset_encoding; if ( ( charset_registry != NULL ) && ( charset_encoding != NULL ) ) { if ( !ft_strcmp( face->charset_registry, "ISO10646" ) || ( !ft_strcmp( face->charset_registry, "ISO8859" ) && !ft_strcmp( face->charset_encoding, "1" ) ) ) unicode_charmap = 1; } { FT_CharMapRec charmap; charmap.face = FT_FACE( face ); charmap.encoding = ft_encoding_none; charmap.platform_id = 0; charmap.encoding_id = 0; if ( unicode_charmap ) { charmap.encoding = ft_encoding_unicode; charmap.platform_id = 3; charmap.encoding_id = 1; } error = FT_CMap_New( &pcf_cmap_class, NULL, &charmap, NULL ); #if 0 /* Select default charmap */ if (face->root.num_charmaps) face->root.charmap = face->root.charmaps[0]; #endif } } Exit: return error; Fail: FT_TRACE2(( "[not a valid PCF file]\n" )); error = PCF_Err_Unknown_File_Format; /* error */ goto Exit; } static FT_Error PCF_Set_Pixel_Size( FT_Size size ) { PCF_Face face = (PCF_Face)FT_SIZE_FACE( size ); FT_TRACE4(( "rec %d - pres %d\n", size->metrics.y_ppem, face->root.available_sizes->height )); if ( size->metrics.y_ppem == face->root.available_sizes->height ) { size->metrics.ascender = face->accel.fontAscent << 6; size->metrics.descender = face->accel.fontDescent * (-64); #if 0 size->metrics.height = face->accel.maxbounds.ascent << 6; #endif size->metrics.height = size->metrics.ascender - size->metrics.descender; size->metrics.max_advance = face->accel.maxbounds.characterWidth << 6; return PCF_Err_Ok; } else { FT_TRACE4(( "size WRONG\n" )); return PCF_Err_Invalid_Pixel_Size; } } static FT_Error PCF_Glyph_Load( FT_GlyphSlot slot, FT_Size size, FT_UInt glyph_index, FT_Int load_flags ) { PCF_Face face = (PCF_Face)FT_SIZE_FACE( size ); FT_Stream stream = face->; FT_Error error = PCF_Err_Ok; FT_Memory memory = FT_FACE( face )->memory; FT_Bitmap* bitmap = &slot->bitmap; PCF_Metric metric; int bytes; FT_UNUSED( load_flags ); FT_TRACE4(( "load_glyph %d ---", glyph_index )); if ( !face ) { error = PCF_Err_Invalid_Argument; goto Exit; } if ( glyph_index > 0 ) glyph_index--; metric = face->metrics + glyph_index; bitmap->rows = metric->ascent + metric->descent; bitmap->width = metric->rightSideBearing - metric->leftSideBearing; bitmap->num_grays = 1; bitmap->pixel_mode = ft_pixel_mode_mono; FT_TRACE6(( "BIT_ORDER %d ; BYTE_ORDER %d ; GLYPH_PAD %d\n", PCF_BIT_ORDER( face->bitmapsFormat ), PCF_BYTE_ORDER( face->bitmapsFormat ), PCF_GLYPH_PAD( face->bitmapsFormat ) )); switch ( PCF_GLYPH_PAD( face->bitmapsFormat ) ) { case 1: bitmap->pitch = ( bitmap->width + 7 ) >> 3; break; case 2: bitmap->pitch = ( ( bitmap->width + 15 ) >> 4 ) << 1; break; case 4: bitmap->pitch = ( ( bitmap->width + 31 ) >> 5 ) << 2; break; case 8: bitmap->pitch = ( ( bitmap->width + 63 ) >> 6 ) << 3; break; default: return PCF_Err_Invalid_File_Format; } /* XXX: to do: are there cases that need repadding the bitmap? */ bytes = bitmap->pitch * bitmap->rows; if ( FT_ALLOC( bitmap->buffer, bytes ) ) goto Exit; if ( FT_STREAM_SEEK( metric->bits ) || FT_STREAM_READ( bitmap->buffer, bytes ) ) goto Exit; if ( PCF_BIT_ORDER( face->bitmapsFormat ) != MSBFirst ) BitOrderInvert( bitmap->buffer,bytes ); if ( ( PCF_BYTE_ORDER( face->bitmapsFormat ) != PCF_BIT_ORDER( face->bitmapsFormat ) ) ) { switch ( PCF_SCAN_UNIT( face->bitmapsFormat ) ) { case 1: break; case 2: TwoByteSwap( bitmap->buffer, bytes ); break; case 4: FourByteSwap( bitmap->buffer, bytes ); break; } } slot->bitmap_left = metric->leftSideBearing; slot->bitmap_top = metric->ascent; slot->metrics.horiAdvance = metric->characterWidth << 6 ; slot->metrics.horiBearingX = metric->rightSideBearing << 6 ; slot->metrics.horiBearingY = metric->ascent << 6 ; slot->metrics.width = metric->characterWidth << 6 ; slot->metrics.height = bitmap->rows << 6; slot->linearHoriAdvance = (FT_Fixed)bitmap->width << 16; slot->format = ft_glyph_format_bitmap; slot->flags = FT_GLYPH_OWN_BITMAP; FT_TRACE4(( " --- ok\n" )); Exit: return error; } FT_CALLBACK_TABLE_DEF const FT_Driver_ClassRec pcf_driver_class = { { ft_module_font_driver, sizeof ( FT_DriverRec ), "pcf", 0x10000L, 0x20000L, 0, (FT_Module_Constructor)0, (FT_Module_Destructor) 0, (FT_Module_Requester) 0 }, sizeof( PCF_FaceRec ), sizeof( FT_SizeRec ), sizeof( FT_GlyphSlotRec ), (FT_Face_InitFunc) PCF_Face_Init, (FT_Face_DoneFunc) PCF_Face_Done, (FT_Size_InitFunc) 0, (FT_Size_DoneFunc) 0, (FT_Slot_InitFunc) 0, (FT_Slot_DoneFunc) 0, (FT_Size_ResetPointsFunc) PCF_Set_Pixel_Size, (FT_Size_ResetPixelsFunc) PCF_Set_Pixel_Size, (FT_Slot_LoadFunc) PCF_Glyph_Load, (FT_Face_GetKerningFunc) 0, (FT_Face_AttachFunc) 0, (FT_Face_GetAdvancesFunc) 0 }; /* END */