finished moving all configuration macros to
first step towards moving all configuration options
removed the unused/obsolete "ftbbox.c"
removed src/shared/ttnameid.h (redundant)
renamed ttnamedid.h to ttnameid.h
renamed all outlines functions to the
reformatting, changing the FT_Outline structure:
added the new "smooth" anti-aliaser
fixed a nasty bug that occured with CMAP format 4..
changed the structure of FT_Outline in order to pack
a few fixes to get rid of unwanted compile-time warnings
properly behave in case the console window became active
- ft_new_input_stream: don't make a new copy of the pathname
formatting: some tabs replaced by spaces
A first check of FT2's Make system. Many smaller and larger bugs have been
added missing "else": without it FT_Open_Face() would still scan the list of drivers when specifying an explicit driver
readme file: needs copyright notice
Mac modules file. For now the same as the default, minus the t1z driver. First step in adding a Mac FOND driver...
CodeWarrior Pro4 project file to build the FT library under MacOS
Mac backend for the graphics subsystem.
Don't #include <memory.h> but #include <string.h> to avoid header clash under MacOS. I don't think this affects other platforms.
added cast to the string literal for Text to shut up my compiler. (btw. this literal contains non 7-bit characters!)
ft_basename(): if compiled for MacOS, use the Mac path separator
ft_new_input_stream(): set the pathname field of the stream to args->pathname. Needed for the Mac fond driver.
a few changes to really compile font drivers in
simple change to compile with the latest FT2 source
simple minor fix in t1afm.h/t1afm.c
moved the ANSI "ftsystem.c" to src/base
updated the build system to avoid file duplication :
the Win32 seems to be fixed and working now
small update in config files
fixed a bug that prevented the reading of AFM
fixed a bug which appeared when loading
removed the reference to 'type1z' in order to allow compilation under OS/2
small fix, PageUp/PageDown now work
minor change, for benchmark comparison
added a memory checking test program, used to
simple update to allow several rendering modes
fixed a bug in the glyph loader that caused a memory
added some configuration macros
Formatting. Adding/Fixing documentation.
removed obsolete hinter source code
updated version of the experimental Type 1 driver
small fix (reduce compiler warnings)
Added prototype OpenType Layout support
removed obsolete source file
The code has been updated to use the finite-state
small bug fix used to compile when the SFNT
Added support for the "attach_file" format-specific driver
Added the function FT_Read_Fields, it acts as a
small update in FT_Open_Args (more could follow though..)
Sorry, forgot some changes needed to get rid of
fixed a small typo ( "height" in place of "eight" !!)
removed the "t1encode" files which are now
Some changes. The SFNT driver is able to return
some updates to make everything compile clean
introduced the FT_Attach_File function to support additional metrics
some modifications used to introduce the Type 1 AFM parser
some changes to ensure that the code compiles
added the FT_Attach_File function to enable AFM
small update to the kerning code
Updates to the Type 1 driver
New version of the Type 1 driver.
some updates to allow the selective compilation
added a python script used to generate some tables
fixed a small bug that prevented the modules list to
added a new glyph image format:
re-adding fterrors.h to the repository..
sorry, a small mistake made me "remove" fterrors.h with WinCVS
updated the "FT_SubGlyph" structure
The Type 1 experimental driver was updated
A major refresh of the TrueType driver :
moved the files in "docs/internals" to "docs/design". The image files
removed obsolete documentation files
removed the old "glyph_conventions" directory, now replaced by
weel, the previous operation didn't work well, as the images were
added the image files in binary form in the repository
removed the PNG images as they were incorrectly stored as text files