shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

ref: 6ec3f347655c1210b716a5666f68ebe60740a1e3
dir: /src/base/ftstroker.c/

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#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_STROKER_H

 /*****                                                                 *****/
 /*****                       BEZIER COMPUTATIONS                       *****/
 /*****                                                                 *****/

#define FT_EPSILON  2

#define FT_IS_SMALL(x)  ((x) > -FT_EPSILON && (x) < FT_EPSILON)

  static FT_Pos
  ft_pos_abs( FT_Pos  x )
    return  x >= 0 ? x : -x ;

  static void
  ft_conic_split( FT_Vector*  base )
    FT_Pos  a, b;

    base[4].x = base[2].x;
    b = base[1].x;
    a = base[3].x = ( base[2].x + b )/2;
    b = base[1].x = ( base[0].x + b )/2;
    base[2].x = ( a + b )/2;

    base[4].y = base[2].y;
    b = base[1].y;
    a = base[3].y = ( base[2].y + b )/2;
    b = base[1].y = ( base[0].y + b )/2;
    base[2].y = ( a + b )/2;

  static FT_Bool
  ft_conic_is_small_enough( FT_Vector*  base,
                            FT_Angle   *angle_in,
                            FT_Angle   *angle_out )
    FT_Vector  d1, d2;
    FT_Angle   theta;
    FT_Bool    close1, close2;

    d1.x = base[1].x - base[2].x;
    d1.y = base[1].y - base[2].y;
    d2.x = base[0].x - base[1].x;
    d2.y = base[0].y - base[1].y;

    close1 = FT_IS_SMALL(d1.x) && FT_IS_SMALL(d1.y);
    close2 = FT_IS_SMALL(d2.x) && FT_IS_SMALL(d2.y);

    if (close1)
      if (close2)
        *angle_in = *angle_out = 0;
        *angle_in = *angle_out = FT_Vector_Angle( &d2 );
    else if (close2)
      *angle_in = *angle_out = FT_Vector_Angle( &d1 );
      *angle_in  = FT_Vector_Angle(&d1);
      *angle_out = FT_Vector_Angle(&d2);

    theta = ft_pos_abs( FT_Angle_Diff( *angle_in, *angle_out ) );
    return ( theta < FT_SMALL_CONIC_THRESHOLD );

  static void
  ft_cubic_split( FT_Vector*  base )
    FT_Pos  a, b, c, d;

    base[6].x = base[3].x;
    c = base[1].x;
    d = base[2].x;
    base[1].x = a = ( base[0].x + c )/2;
    base[5].x = b = ( base[3].x + d )/2;
    c = ( c + d )/2;
    base[2].x = a = ( a + c )/2;
    base[4].x = b = ( b + c )/2;
    base[3].x = ( a + b )/2;

    base[6].y = base[3].y;
    c = base[1].y;
    d = base[2].y;
    base[1].y = a = ( base[0].y + c )/2;
    base[5].y = b = ( base[3].y + d )/2;
    c = ( c + d )/2;
    base[2].y = a = ( a + c )/2;
    base[4].y = b = ( b + c )/2;
    base[3].y = ( a + b )/2;

  static FT_Bool
  ft_cubic_is_small_enough( FT_Vector*  base,
                            FT_Angle   *angle_in,
                            FT_Angle   *angle_mid,
                            FT_Angle   *angle_out )
    FT_Vector  d1, d2, d3;
    FT_Angle   theta1, theta2;
    FT_Bool    close1, close2, close3;

    d1.x = base[2].x - base[3].x;
    d1.y = base[2].y - base[3].y;
    d2.x = base[1].x - base[2].x;
    d2.y = base[1].y - base[2].y;
    d3.x = base[0].x - base[1].x;
    d3.y = base[0].y - base[1].y;

    close1 = FT_IS_SMALL(d1.x) && FT_IS_SMALL(d1.y);
    close2 = FT_IS_SMALL(d2.x) && FT_IS_SMALL(d2.y);
    close3 = FT_IS_SMALL(d3.x) && FT_IS_SMALL(d3.y);

    if (close1 || close3)
      if (close2)
        /* basically a point */
        *angle_in = *angle_out = *angle_mid = 0;
      else if (close1)
        *angle_in  = *angle_mid = FT_Vector_Angle( &d2 );
        *angle_out = FT_Vector_Angle( &d3 );
      else  /* close2 */
        *angle_in  = FT_Vector_Angle( &d1 );
        *angle_mid = *angle_out = FT_Vector_Angle( &d2 );
    else if (close2)
      *angle_in  = *angle_mid = FT_Vector_Angle( &d1 );
      *angle_out = FT_Vector_Angle( &d3 );
      *angle_in  = FT_Vector_Angle(&d1);
      *angle_mid = FT_Vector_Angle(&d2);
      *angle_out = FT_Vector_Angle(&d3);
    theta1 = ft_pos_abs( nv_angle_diff( *angle_in,  *angle_mid ) );
    theta2 = ft_pos_abs( nv_angle_diff( *angle_mid, *angle_out ) );
    return ( theta1 < FT_SMALL_CUBIC_THRESHOLD &&
             theta2 < FT_SMALL_CUBIC_THRESHOLD );

 /*****                                                                 *****/
 /*****                       STROKE BORDERS                            *****/
 /*****                                                                 *****/

  typedef enum
    FT_STROKE_TAG_ON    = 1,   /* on-curve point  */
    FT_STROKE_TAG_CUBIC = 2,   /* cubic off-point */
    FT_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN = 4,   /* sub-path start  */
    FT_STROKE_TAG_END   = 8    /* sub-path end    */

  } FT_StrokeTags;

  typedef struct FT_StrokeBorderRec_
    FT_UInt     num_points;
    FT_UInt     max_points;
    FT_Vector*  points;
    FT_Byte*    tags;
    FT_Bool     movable;
    FT_Int      start;    /* index of current sub-path start point */
    FT_Memory   memory;

  } FT_StrokeBorderRec, *FT_StrokeBorder;

  static FT_Error
  ft_stroke_border_grow( FT_StrokeBorder  border,
                         FT_UInt          new_points )
    FT_UInt   old_max = border->max_points;
    FT_UInt   new_max = border->num_points + new_points;
    FT_Error  error   = 0;

    if ( new_max > old_max )
      FT_UInt    cur_max = old_max;
      FT_Memory  memory  =

      while ( cur_max < new_max )
        cur_max += (cur_max >> 1) + 16;

      if ( FT_RENEW_ARRAY( border->points, old_max, cur_max ) ||
           FT_RENEW_ARRAY( border->tags,   old_max, cur_max ) )
        goto Exit;

      border->max_points = cur_max;
    return error;

  static void
  ft_stroke_border_close( FT_StrokeBorder  border )
    FT_ASSERT( border->start >= 0 );

    border->tags[ border->start        ] |= FT_STROKE_TAG_BEGIN;
    border->tags[ border->num_points-1 ] |= FT_STROKE_TAG_END;

    border->start   = -1;
    border->movable = 0;

  static FT_Error
  ft_stroke_border_lineto( FT_StrokeBorder  border,
                           FT_Vector*       to,
                           FT_Bool          movable )
    FT_Error  error;

    FT_ASSERT( border->start >= 0 );

    if ( border->movable )
      /* move last point */
      border->points[ border->num_points-1 ] = *to;
      /* add one point */
      error = ft_stroke_border_grow( border, 1 );
      if (!error)
        FT_Vector*  vec = border->points + border->num_points;
        FT_Byte*    tag = border->tags   + border->num_points;

        vec[0] = *to;
        tag[0] = FT_STROKE_TAG_ON;

        border->num_points += 1;
    border->movable = movable;
    return error;

  static FT_Error
  ft_stroke_border_conicto( FT_StrokeBorder  border,
                            FT_Vector*       control,
                            FT_Vector*       to )
    FT_Error  error;

    FT_ASSERT( border->start >= 0 );

    error = ft_stroke_border_grow( border, 2 );
    if (!error)
      FT_Vector*  vec = border->points + border->num_points;
      FT_Byte*    tag = border->tags   + border->num_points;

      vec[0] = *control;
      vec[1] = *to;

      tag[0] = 0;
      tag[1] = FT_STROKE_TAG_ON;

      border->num_points += 2;
    border->movable = 0;
    return error;

  static FT_Error
  ft_stroke_border_cubicto( FT_StrokeBorder  border,
                            FT_Vector*       control1,
                            FT_Vector*       control2,
                            FT_Vector*       to )
    FT_Error  error;

    FT_ASSERT( border->start >= 0 );

    error = ft_stroke_border_grow( border, 3 );
    if (!error)
      FT_Vector*  vec = border->points + border->num_points;
      FT_Byte*    tag = border->tags   + border->num_points;

      vec[0] = *control1;
      vec[1] = *control2;
      vec[2] = *to;

      tag[0] = FT_STROKE_TAG_CUBIC;
      tag[1] = FT_STROKE_TAG_CUBIC;
      tag[2] = FT_STROKE_TAG_ON;

      border->num_points += 3;
    border->movable = 0;
    return error;


  static FT_Error
  ft_stroke_border_arcto( FT_StrokerBorder  border,
                           FT_Vector*        center,
                           FT_Fixed          radius,
                           FT_Angle          angle_start,
                           FT_Angle          angle_diff )
    FT_Angle   total, angle, step, rotate, next, theta;
    FT_Vector  a, b, a2, b2;
    FT_Fixed   length;
    FT_Error   error = 0;

    /* compute start point */
    FT_Vector_From_Polar( &a, radius, angle_start );
    a.x += center.x;
    a.y += center.y;

    total  = angle_diff;
    angle  = angle_start;
    rotate = ( angle_diff >= 0 ) ? FT_ANGLE_PI2 : -FT_ANGLE_PI2;

    while (total != 0)
      step = total;
      if ( step > FT_ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE )
        step   = FT_ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE;

      else if ( step < -FT_ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE )
        step = -FT_ARC_CUBIC_ANGLE;

      next  = angle + step;
      theta = step;
      if ( theta < 0 )
        theta = -theta;

      theta >>= 1

      /* compute end point */
      FT_Vector_From_Polar( &b, radius, next );
      b.x += center->x;
      b.y += center->y;

      /* compute first and second control points */
      length = FT_MulDiv( radius, FT_Sin(theta)*4,
                          (FT_ONE + FT_Cos(theta))*3 );

      FT_Vector_From_Polar( &a2, length, angle + rotate );
      a2.x += a.x;
      a2.y += a.y;

      FT_Vector_From_Polar( &b2, length, next - rotate );
      b2.x += b.x;
      b2.y += b.y;

      /* add cubic arc */
      error = ft_stroke_border_cubicto( border, &a2, &b2, &b );
      if (error) break;

      /* process the rest of the arc ?? */
      a      = b;
      total -= step;
      angle  = next;
    return error;

  static FT_Error
  ft_stroke_border_moveto( FT_StrokeBorder  border,
                           FT_Vector*       to )
    FT_Error  error;

    /* close current open path if any ? */
    if ( border->start >= 0 )
      ft_stroke_border_close( border );

    border->start   = border->num_points;
    border->movable = 0;

    return ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, to, 0 );

 static void
 ft_stroke_border_init( FT_StrokeBorder  border,
                        FT_Memory        memory )
   border->memory = memory;
   border->points = NULL;
   border->tags   = NULL;

   border->num_points = 0;
   border->max_points = 0;
   border->start      = -1;

 static void
 ft_stroke_border_reset( FT_StrokeBorder  border )
   border->num_points = 0;
   border->start      = -1;

 static void
 ft_stroke_border_done( FT_StrokeBorder  border )
   memory = border->memory;

   FT_FREE( border->points );
   FT_FREE( border->tags );

   border->num_points = 0;
   border->max_points = 0;
   border->start      = -1;

 /*****                                                                 *****/
 /*****                           STROKER                               *****/
 /*****                                                                 *****/

#define  FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE(s)   (FT_ANGLE_PI2 - (s)*FT_ANGLE_PI)

  typedef struct FT_StrokerRec_
    FT_Angle             angle_in;
    FT_Angle             angle_out;
    FT_Vector            center;
    FT_Bool              first_point;
    FT_Bool              subpath_open;
    FT_Angle             subpath_angle;
    FT_Vector            subpath_start;

    FT_Stroker_LineCap   line_cap;
    FT_Stroker_LineJoin  line_join;
    FT_Fixed             miter_limit;
    FT_Fixed             radius;

    FT_StrokeBorderRec   borders[2];
    FT_Memory            memory;

  } FT_StrokerRec;

  FT_Stroker_New( FT_Memory    memory,
                  FT_Stroker  *astroker )
    FT_Error    error;
    FT_Stroker  stroker;

    if ( !FT_NEW( stroker ) )
      stroker->memory = memory;

      ft_stroke_border_init( &stroker->borders[0], memory );
      ft_stroke_border_init( &stroker->borders[1], memory );
    *astroker = stroker;
    return error;

  FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
  FT_Stroker_Set( FT_Stroker           stroker,
                  FT_Fixed             radius,
                  FT_Stroker_LineCap   line_cap,
                  FT_Stroker_LineJoin  line_join,
                  FT_Fixed             miter_limit )
    stroker->radius      = radius;
    stroker->line_cap    = line_cap;
    stroker->line_join   = line_join;
    stroker->miter_limit = miter_limit;

    ft_stroke_border_reset( &stroker->borders[0] );
    ft_stroke_border_reset( &stroker->borders[1] );

  FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
  FT_Stroker_Done( FT_Stroker  stroker )
    if ( stroker )
      FT_Memory  memory = stroker->memory;

      ft_stroke_border_done( &stroker->borders[0] );
      ft_stroke_border_done( &stroker->borders[1] );

      stroker->memory = NULL;
      FT_FREE( stroker );

 /* creates a circular arc at a corner or cap */
  static FT_Error
  ft_stroker_arcto( FT_Stroker  stroker,
                    FT_Int      side )
    FT_Angle          total, rotate;
    FT_Fixed          radius = stroker->radius;
    FT_Error          error  = 0;
    FT_StrokeBorder*  border = stroker->borders + side;

    rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE(side);

    total = FT_Angle_Diff( stroker->angle_in, stroker->angle_out );
    if (total == FT_ANGLE_PI)
      total = -rotate*2;

    error = ft_stroke_border_arcto( border,
                                    stroker->angle_in + rotate,
                                    total );
    border->movable = 0;
    return error;

  /* adds a cap at the end of an opened path */
  static FT_Error
  ft_stroker_cap( FT_Stroker  stroker,
                  FT_Angle    angle,
                  FT_Int      side )
    FT_Error  error  = 0;

    if ( stroker->line_cap == FT_STROKER_LINECAP_ROUND )
      /* add a round cap */
      stroker->angle_in  = angle;
      stroker->angle_out = angle + FT_ANGLE_PI;
      error = ft_stroker_arcto( stroker, side );
    else if ( stroker->line_cap == FT_STROKER_LINECAP_SQUARE )
      /* add a square cap */
      FT_Vector         delta, delta2;
      FT_Angle          rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE(side);
      FT_Fixed          radius = stroker->radius;
      FT_StrokeBorder   border = stroker->borders + side;

      FT_Vector_From_Polar( &delta2, radius, angle+rotate );
      FT_Vector_From_Polar( &delta,  radius, angle );

      delta.x += stroker->center.x + delta2.x;
      delta.y += stroker->center.y + delta2.y;

      error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, 0 );
      if (error) goto Exit;

      FT_Vector_From_Polar( &delta2, radius, angle-rotate );
      FT_Vector_From_Polar( &delta,  radius, angle );

      delta.x += delta2.x + stroker->center.x;
      delta.y += delta2.y + stroker->center.y;

      error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, 0 );
    return error;

 /* process an inside corner, i.e. compute intersection */
  static FT_Error
  ft_stroker_inside( FT_Stroker  stroker,
                     FT_Int      side)
    FT_StrokeBorder*  border = stroker->borders + side;
    FT_Angle          phi, theta, rotate;
    FT_Fixed          length, thcos, sigma;
    FT_Vector         delta;
    FT_Error          error = 0;

    rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE(side);

    /* compute median angle */
    theta = FT_Angle_Diff( stroker->angle_in, stroker->angle_out );
    if ( theta == FT_ANGLE_PI )
      theta = rotate;
      theta = theta/2;

    phi = stroker->angle_in + theta;

    thcos  = FT_Cos( theta );
    sigma  = FT_MulFix( stroker->miter_limit, thcos );

    if ( sigma < 0x10000L )
      FT_Vector_From_Polar( &delta, stroker->radius, stroker->angle_out + rotate );
      delta.x += stroker->center.x;
      delta.y += stroker->center.y;
      border->movable = 0;
      length = FT_DivFix( stroker->radius, thcos );

      FT_Vector_From_Polar( &delta, length, phi + rotate );
      delta.x += stroker->center.x;
      delta.y += stroker->center.y;

    error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, 0 );

    return error;

 /* process an outside corner, i.e. compute bevel/miter/round */
  static FT_Error
  ft_stroker_outside( FT_Stroker  stroker,
                      FT_Int      side )
    FT_StrokeBorder*  border = stroker->borders + side;
    FT_Error          error;
    FT_Angle          rotate;

    if ( stroker->line_join == FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_ROUND )
      error = ft_stroker_arcto( stroker, side );
      /* this is a mitered or beveled corner */
      FT_Fixed   sigma, radius = stroker->radius;
      FT_Angle   theta, phi;
      FT_Fixed   thcos;
      FT_Bool    miter;

      rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE(side);
      miter  = FT_BOOL( stroker->line_join == FT_STROKER_LINEJOIN_MITER );

      theta  = FT_Angle_Diff( stroker->angle_in, stroker->angle_out );
      if (theta == FT_ANGLE_PI)
        theta = rotate;
        theta = theta/2;

      thcos  = FT_Cos( theta );
      sigma  = FT_MulFix( stroker->miter_limit, thcos );

      if ( sigma >= FT_ONE )
        miter = 0;

      phi = stroker->angle_in + theta + rotate;

      if (miter)  /* this is a miter (broken angle) */
        FT_Vector  middle, delta;
        FT_Fixed  length;

        /* compute middle point */
        FT_Vector_From_Polar( &middle, FT_MulFix( radius, stroker->miter_limit ),
                              phi );
        middle.x += stroker->center.x;
        middle.y += stroker->center.y;

        /* compute first angle point */
        length = FT_MulDiv( radius, FT_DivFix( FT_ONE - sigma,
                                    ft_abs( FT_Sin( theta ) ) );

        FT_Vector_From_Polar( &delta, length, phi + rotate );
        delta.x += middle.x;
        delta.y += middle.y;

        error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, 0 );
        if (error) goto Exit;

        /* compute second angle point */
        FT_Vector_From_Polar( &delta, length, phi - rotate );
        delta.x += middle.x;
        delta.y += middle.y;

        error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, 0 );
        if (error) goto Exit;

        /* finally, add a movable end point */
        FT_Vector_From_Polar( &delta, radius, stroker->angle_out + rotate );
        delta.x += stroker->center.x;
        delta.y += stroker->center.y;

        error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, 1 );
      else /* this is a bevel (intersection) */
        FT_Fixed  length;
        FT_Vector  delta;

        length = FT_DivFix( stroker->radius, thcos );

        FT_Vector_From_Polar( &delta, length, phi );
        delta.x += stroker->center.x;
        delta.y += stroker->center.y;

        error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, 0 );
        if (error) goto Exit;

        /* now add end point */
        FT_Vector_From_Polar( &delta, stroker->radius, stroker->angle_out + rotate );
        delta.x += stroker->center.x;
        delta.y += stroker->center.y;

        error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &delta, 1 );
    return error;

  static FT_Error
  ft_stroker_process_corner( FT_Stroker  stroker )
    FT_Error  error = 0;
    FT_Angle  turn;
    FT_Int    inside_side;

    turn = FT_Angle_Diff( stroker->angle_in, stroker->angle_out );

    /* no specific corner processing is required if the turn is 0 */
    if (turn == 0)
      goto Exit;

    /* when we turn to the right, the inside side is 0 */
    inside_side = 0;

    /* otherwise, the inside side is 1 */
    if (turn < 0)
      inside_side = 1;

    /* process the inside side */
    error = ft_stroker_inside( stroker, inside_side );
    if (error) goto Exit;

    /* process the outside side */
    error = ft_stroker_outside( stroker, 1-inside_side );

    return error;

 /* add two points to the left and right borders corresponding to the */
 /* start of the subpath..                                            */
  static FT_Error
  ft_stroker_subpath_start( FT_Stroker  stroker,
                            FT_Angle    start_angle )
    FT_Vector        delta;
    FT_Vector        point;
    FT_Error         error;
    FT_StrokeBorder  border;

    FT_Vector_From_Polar( &delta, stroker->radius, start_angle + FT_ANGLE_PI2 );

    point.x = stroker->center.x + delta.x;
    point.y = stroker->center.y + delta.y;

    border = stroker->borders;
    error = ft_stroke_border_moveto( border, &point, stroker->subpath_open );
    if (error) goto Exit;

    point.x = stroker->center.x - delta.x;
    point.y = stroker->center.y - delta.y;

    error = ft_stroke_border_moveto( border, &point, stroker->subpath_open );

    /* save angle for last cap */
    stroker->subpath_angle = start_angle;
    stroker->first_point   = 0;

    return error;

  FT_Stroker_LineTo( FT_Stroker  stroker,
                     FT_Vector*  to )
    FT_Error          error = 0;
    FT_StrokeBorder*  border;
    FT_Vector         delta;
    FT_Angle          angle;
    FT_Int            side;

    delta.x = to->x - stroker->center.x;
    delta.y = to->y - stroker->center.y;

    angle = FT_Atan2( delta.x, delta.y );
    FT_Vector_From_Polar( &delta, stroker->radius, angle + FT_ANGLE_PI2 );

    /* process corner if necessary */
    if ( stroker->first_point )
      /* this is the first segment of a subpath. We need to      */
      /* add a point to each border at their respective starting */
      /* point locations..                                       */
      error = ft_stroker_subpath_start( stroker, angle );
      if (error) goto Exit;
      /* process the current corner */
      stroker->angle_out = angle;
      error = ft_stroker_process_corner( stroker );
      if (error) goto Exit;

    /* now add a line segment to both the "inside" and "outside" paths */

    for ( border = stroker->borders, side = 1; side >= 0; side--, border++ )
      FT_Vector  point;

      point.x = to->x + delta.x;
      point.y = to->y + delta.y;

      error = ft_stroke_border_lineto( border, &point, 1 );
      if (error) goto Exit;

      delta.x = -delta.x;
      delta.y = -delta.y;

    stroker->angle_in  = angle;
    stroker->center    = *to;

    return error;

  FT_Stroker_ConicTo( FT_Stroker  stroker,
                      FT_Vector*  control,
                      FT_Vector*  to )
    FT_Error    error = 0;
    FT_Vector   bez_stack[34];
    FT_Vector*  arc;
    FT_Vector*  limit = bez_stack + 30;
    FT_Angle    start_angle;
    FT_Bool     first_arc = 1;

    arc    = bez_stack;
    arc[0] = *to;
    arc[1] = *control;
    arc[2] = stroker->center;

    while ( arc >= bez_stack )
      FT_Angle  angle_in, angle_out;

      if ( arc < limit &&
           !ft_conic_is_small_enough( arc, &angle_in, &angle_out ) )
        ft_conic_split( arc );
        arc += 2;

      if ( first_arc )
        first_arc = 0;

        start_angle = angle_in;

        /* process corner if necessary */
        if ( stroker->first_point )
          error = ft_stroker_subpath_start( stroker, start_angle );
          stroker->angle_out = start_angle;
          error = ft_stroker_process_corner( stroker );

      /* the arc's angle is small enough, we can add it directly to each */
      /* border..                                                        */
        FT_Vector  ctrl, end;
        FT_Angle   theta, phi, rotate;
        FT_Fixed  length;
        FT_Int     side;

        theta  = FT_Angle_Diff( angle_in, angle_out )/2;
        phi    = angle_in + theta;
        length = FT_DivFix( stroker->radius, FT_Cos(theta) );

        for ( side = 0; side <= 1; side++ )
          rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE(side);

          /* compute control point */
          FT_Vector_From_Polar( &ctrl, length, phi + rotate );
          ctrl.x += arc[1].x;
          ctrl.y += arc[1].y;

          /* compute end point */
          FT_Vector_From_Polar( &end, stroker->radius, angle_out + rotate );
          end.x += arc[0].x;
          end.y += arc[0].y;

          error = ft_stroke_border_conicto( stroker->borders + side, &ctrl, &end );
          if (error) goto Exit;

      arc -= 2;

      if (arc < bez_stack)
        stroker->angle_in = angle_out;

    stroker->center = *to;

    return error;

  FT_Stroker_CubicTo( FT_Stroker  stroker,
                      FT_Vector*      control1,
                      FT_Vector*      control2,
                      FT_Vector*      to )
    FT_Error    error = 0;
    FT_Vector   bez_stack[37];
    FT_Vector*  arc;
    FT_Vector*  limit = bez_stack + 32;
    FT_Angle    start_angle;
    FT_Bool     first_arc = 1;

    arc    = bez_stack;
    arc[0] = *to;
    arc[1] = *control2;
    arc[2] = *control1;
    arc[3] = stroker->center;

    while ( arc >= bez_stack )
      FT_Angle  angle_in, angle_mid, angle_out;

      if ( arc < limit &&
           !ft_cubic_is_small_enough( arc, &angle_in, &angle_mid, &angle_out ) )
        ft_cubic_split( arc );
        arc += 3;

      if ( first_arc )
        first_arc = 0;

        /* process corner if necessary */
        start_angle = angle_in;

        if ( stroker->first_point )
          error = ft_stroker_subpath_start( stroker, start_angle );
              stroker->angle_out = start_angle;
              error = ft_stroker_process_corner( stroker );
        if (error) goto Exit;

      /* the arc's angle is small enough, we can add it directly to each */
      /* border..                                                        */
        FT_Vector  ctrl1, ctrl2, end;
        FT_Angle   theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2, rotate;
        FT_Fixed   length1, length2;
        FT_Int     side;

        theta1  = ft_pos_abs( angle_mid - angle_in )/2;
        theta2  = ft_pos_abs( angle_out - angle_mid )/2;
        phi1    = (angle_mid+angle_in)/2;
        phi2    = (angle_mid+angle_out)/2;
        length1 = FT_DivFix( stroker->radius, FT_Cos(theta1) );
        length2 = FT_DivFix( stroker->radius, FT_Cos(theta2) );

        for ( side = 0; side <= 1; side++ )
          rotate = FT_SIDE_TO_ROTATE(side);

          /* compute control points */
          FT_Vector_From_Polar( &ctrl1, length1, phi1 + rotate );
          ft_vector_add( &ctrl1, &arc[2] );

          FT_Vector_From_Polar( &ctrl2, length2, phi2 + rotate );
          ft_vector_add( &ctrl2, &arc[1] );

          /* compute end point */
          FT_Vector_From_Polar( &end, stroker->radius, angle_out + rotate );
          ft_vector_add( &end, &arc[0] );

          error = ft_stroke_border_cubicto( stroker->borders + side, &ctrl1, &ctrl2, &end );
          if (error) goto Exit;

      arc -= 3;
      if (arc < bez_stack)
        stroker->angle_in = angle_out;

    stroker->center = *to;

    return error;

  FT_Stroker_BeginSubPath( FT_Stroker  stroker,
                           FT_Vector*  to,
                           FT_Bool     open )
    /* we cannot process the first point, because there is not enough     */
    /* information regarding its corner/cap. The latter will be processed */
    /* in the "end_subpath" routine                                       */
    /*                                                                    */
    stroker->first_point   = 1;
    stroker->center        = *to;
    stroker->subpath_open  = open;

    /* record the subpath start point index for each border */
    stroker->subpath_start = *to;
    return 0;

  FT_Error  ft_stroker_add_reverse_left( FT_Stroker  stroker,
                                         FT_Bool     open )
    FT_StrokeBorder  right  = stroker->borders + 0;
    FT_StrokeBorder  left   = stroker->borders + 1;
    FT_Int           new_points;
    FT_Error         error  = 0;

    FT_ASSERT( left->start >= 0 );

    new_points = left->num_points - left->start;
    if ( new_points > 0 )
      error = ft_stroker_border_grow( right, (FT_UInt)new_points );
      if (error) goto Exit;
        FT_Vector*    dst_point = right->points + right->num_points;
        FT_Path_Tag*  dst_tag   = right->tags   + right->num_points;
        FT_Vector*    src_point = left->points  + left->num_points - 1;
        FT_Path_Tag*  src_tag   = left->tags    + left->num_points - 1;

        while ( src_point >= left->points + left->start )
          *dst_point = *src_point;
          *dst_tag   = *src_tag;

          if (open)
            dst_tag[0] &= ~(FT_STROKER_TAG_BEGIN | FT_STROKER_TAG_END);
            /* switch begin/end tags if necessary.. */
            if (dst_tag[0] & (FT_STROKER_TAG_BEGIN | FT_STROKER_TAG_END))
              dst_tag[0] ^= (FT_STROKER_TAG_BEGIN | FT_STROKER_TAG_END);

      left->num_points   = left->start;
      right->num_points += new_points;

      right->movable = 0;
      left->movable  = 0;
    return error;

 /* there's a lot of magic in this function !! */
  FT_Stroker_EndSubPath( FT_Stroker  stroker )
    FT_Error  error  = 0;

    if ( stroker->subpath_open )
      FT_StrokeBorder  right = stroker->borders;

      /* all right, this is an opened path, we need to add a cap between     */
      /* right & left, add the reverse of left, then add a final cap between */
      /* left & right..                                                      */
      error = ft_stroker_cap( stroker, stroker->angle_in, 0 );
      if (error) goto Exit;

      /* add reversed points from "left" to "right" */
      error = ft_stroker_add_reverse_left( stroker, 1 );
      if (error) goto Exit;

      /* now add the final cap */
      stroker->center = stroker->subpath_start;
      error = ft_stroker_cap( stroker, stroker->subpath_angle+FT_ANGLE_PI, 0 );
      if (error) goto Exit;

      /* now, end the right subpath accordingly. the left one is */
      /* rewind and doesn't need further processing..            */
      error = ft_stroke_border_close( right );
      FT_Angle           turn;
      FT_Int             inside_side;

      /* process the corner ... */
      stroker->angle_out = stroker->subpath_angle;
      turn               = FT_Angle_Diff( stroker->angle_in, stroker->angle_out );

      /* no specific corner processing is required if the turn is 0 */
      if (turn != 0)
        /* when we turn to the right, the inside side is 0 */
        inside_side = 0;

        /* otherwise, the inside side is 1 */
        if (turn < 0)
          inside_side = 1;

        /* process the inside side */
        /* error = ft_stroker_inside( stroker, inside_side );
             if (error) goto Exit; */

        /* process the outside side */
        error = ft_stroker_outside( stroker, 1-inside_side );
        if (error) goto Exit;

      /* we will first end our two subpaths */
      error = ft_stroker_border_close( stroker->borders + 0 );
      if (error) goto Exit;

      error = ft_stroker_border_close( stroker->borders + 1 );
      if (error) goto Exit;

      /* now, add the reversed left subpath to "right" */
      error = ft_stroker_add_reverse_left( stroker, 0 );
      if (error) goto Exit;

    return error;