shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

ref: 57ecae22a7b837d486bb03eda944736780ce0868
dir: /src/cache/ftcbasic.c/

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#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_CACHE_H

#include "ftcerror.h"

  *  Basic Families
  typedef struct FTC_BasicAttrRec_
    FTC_ScalerRec  scaler;
    FT_UInt        load_flags;

  } FTC_BasicAttrRec, *FTC_BasicAttrs;

#define  FTC_BASIC_ATTR_COMPARE(a,b)                           \
       ( FTC_SCALER_COMPARE( &(a)->scaler, &(b)->scaler ) &&   \
         (a)->load_flags == (b)->load_flags                )

#define  FTC_BASIC_ATTR_HASH(a)   \
       ( FTC_SCALER_HASH(&(a)->scaler) + 31*(a)->load_flags )

  typedef struct FTC_BasicQueryRec_
    FTC_GQueryRec      gquery;
    FTC_BasicAttrRec   attrs;

  } FTC_BasicQueryRec, *FTC_BasicQuery;

  typedef struct FTC_BasicFamilyRec_
    FTC_FamilyRec      family;
    FTC_BasicAttrRec   attrs;

  } FTC_BasicFamilyRec, *FTC_BasicFamily;

  static FT_Bool
  ftc_basic_family_compare( FTC_BasicFamily   family,
                            FTC_BasicQuery    query )
    return FT_BOOL( FTC_BASIC_ATTR_COMPARE( &family->attrs, &query->attrs ) );

  static FT_Error
  ftc_basic_family_init( FTC_BasicFamily   family,
                         FTC_BasicQuery    query,
                         FTC_Cache         cache )
    ftc_family_init( FTC_FAMILY( family ), cache );
    family->attrs = query->attrs;
    return 0;

  static FT_Error
  ftc_basic_family_reset( FTC_BasicFamily  family,
                          FTC_BasicQuery   query )
    family->attrs = query->attrs;
    return 0;

  static FT_Bool
  ftc_basic_gnode_compare_faceid( FTC_GNode   gnode,
                                  FTC_FaceID  face_id,
                                  FTC_Cache   cache )
    FTC_BasicFamily  family = (FTC_BasicFamily) gnode->family;
    FT_Bool          result;

    result = FT_BOOL( family->attrs.scaler.face_id == face_id );
    if ( result )
     /* we must call this function to avoid this node from appearing
      * in later lookups with the same face_id !!
      FTC_GNode_UnselectFamily( gnode, cache );
    return result;

  static FT_UInt
  ftc_basic_family_get_count( FTC_BasicFamily  family,
                              FTC_Manager      manager )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_Face   face;
    FT_UInt   result = 0;

    error = FTC_Manager_LookupFace( manager, &family->attrs.scaler.face_id,
                                    &face );
    if ( !error )
      result = face->num_glyphs;

    return result;

  static FT_Error
  ftc_basic_family_load_bitmap( FTC_BasicFamily  family,
                                FT_UInt          gindex,
                                FTC_Manager      manager,
                                FT_Face         *aface )
    FT_Error  error;
    FT_Size   size;

    error = FTC_Manager_LookupSize( manager, &family->attrs.scaler, &size );
    if ( !error )
      FT_Face   face = size->face;

      error = FT_Load_Glyph( face, gindex, family->attrs.load_flags |
                                           FT_LOAD_RENDER );
      if ( !error )
        *aface = face;
    return error;

  static FT_Error
  ftc_basic_family_load_glyph( FTC_BasicFamily  family,
                               FT_UInt          gindex,
                               FTC_Cache        cache,
                               FT_Glyph        *aglyph )
    FT_Error       error;
    FTC_Scaler     scaler = &family->attrs.scaler;
    FT_Face        face;
    FT_Size        size;

    /* we will now load the glyph image */
    error = FTC_Manager_LookupSize( cache->manager,
                                    &size );
    if ( !error )
      face = size->face;

      error = FT_Load_Glyph( face, gindex, family->attrs.load_flags );
      if ( !error )
        if ( face->glyph->format == FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP  ||
             face->glyph->format == FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_OUTLINE )
          /* ok, copy it */
          FT_Glyph  glyph;

          error = FT_Get_Glyph( face->glyph, &glyph );
          if ( !error )
            *aglyph = glyph;
            goto Exit;
          error = FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;
    return error;

  * basic image cache

  static const FTC_IFamilyClassRec  ftc_basic_image_family_class =
      sizeof( FTC_BasicFamilyRec ),
      (FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc)  ftc_basic_family_compare,
      (FTC_MruNode_InitFunc)     ftc_basic_family_init,
      (FTC_MruNode_ResetFunc)    ftc_basic_family_reset,
      (FTC_MruNode_DoneFunc)     NULL
    (FTC_IFamily_LoadGlyphFunc)  ftc_basic_family_load_glyph

  static const FTC_GCacheClassRec  ftc_basic_image_cache_class =
      (FTC_Node_NewFunc)      FTC_INode_New,
      (FTC_Node_WeightFunc)   FTC_INode_Weight,
      (FTC_Node_CompareFunc)  FTC_GNode_Compare,
      (FTC_Node_CompareFunc)  ftc_basic_gnode_compare_faceid,
      (FTC_Node_FreeFunc)     FTC_INode_Free,

      sizeof( FTC_GCacheRec ),
      (FTC_Cache_InitFunc)    FTC_GCache_Init,
      (FTC_Cache_DoneFunc)    FTC_GCache_Done
    (FTC_MruListClass) & ftc_basic_image_family_class

  FTC_ImageCache_New( FTC_Manager      manager,
                      FTC_ImageCache  *acache )
    return FTC_GCache_New( manager, & ftc_basic_image_cache_class,
                           (FTC_GCache*) acache );

  /* documentation is in ftcimage.h */

  FTC_ImageCache_Lookup( FTC_ImageCache  cache,
                         FTC_ImageType   type,
                         FT_UInt         gindex,
                         FT_Glyph       *aglyph,
                         FTC_Node       *anode )
    FTC_BasicQueryRec  query;
    FTC_INode          node;
    FT_Error           error;
    FT_UInt32          hash;

    /* some argument checks are delayed to FTC_Cache_Lookup */
    if ( !aglyph )
      error = FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;
      goto Exit;

    *aglyph = NULL;
    if ( anode )
      *anode  = NULL;

    query.attrs.scaler.face_id = type->face_id;
    query.attrs.scaler.width   = type->width;
    query.attrs.scaler.height  = type->height;
    query.attrs.scaler.pixel   = 1;
    query.attrs.load_flags     = type->flags;

    hash = FTC_BASIC_ATTR_HASH( &query.attrs ) ^ (gindex << 8);

    error = FTC_GCache_Lookup( FTC_GCACHE( cache ),
                               hash, gindex,
                               FTC_GQUERY( &query ),
                               (FTC_Node*) &node );
    if ( !error )
      *aglyph = FTC_INODE(node)->glyph;

      if ( anode )
        *anode = FTC_NODE(node);

    return error;

  * basic small bitmap cache

  static const FTC_SFamilyClassRec  ftc_basic_sbit_family_class =
      sizeof( FTC_BasicFamilyRec ),
      (FTC_MruNode_CompareFunc)  ftc_basic_family_compare,
      (FTC_MruNode_InitFunc)     ftc_basic_family_init,
      (FTC_MruNode_ResetFunc)    ftc_basic_family_reset,
      (FTC_MruNode_DoneFunc)     NULL
    (FTC_SFamily_GetCountFunc)   ftc_basic_family_get_count,
    (FTC_SFamily_LoadGlyphFunc)  ftc_basic_family_load_bitmap

  static const FTC_GCacheClassRec  ftc_basic_sbit_cache_class =
      (FTC_Node_NewFunc)      FTC_SNode_New,
      (FTC_Node_WeightFunc)   FTC_SNode_Weight,
      (FTC_Node_CompareFunc)  FTC_SNode_Compare,
      (FTC_Node_CompareFunc)  ftc_basic_gnode_compare_faceid,
      (FTC_Node_FreeFunc)     FTC_SNode_Free,

      sizeof( FTC_GCacheRec ),
      (FTC_Cache_InitFunc)    FTC_GCache_Init,
      (FTC_Cache_DoneFunc)    FTC_GCache_Done
    (FTC_MruListClass) & ftc_basic_sbit_family_class

  FTC_SBitCache_New( FTC_Manager     manager,
                     FTC_SBitCache  *acache )
    return FTC_GCache_New( manager, & ftc_basic_sbit_cache_class,
                           (FTC_GCache*) acache );

  FTC_SBitCache_Lookup( FTC_SBitCache   cache,
                        FTC_ImageType   type,
                        FT_UInt         gindex,
                        FTC_SBit       *ansbit,
                        FTC_Node       *anode )
    FT_Error           error;
    FTC_BasicQueryRec  query;
    FTC_SNode          node;
    FT_UInt32          hash;

    if ( anode )
      *anode = NULL;

    /* other argument checks delayed to FTC_Cache_Lookup */
    if ( !ansbit )
      return FTC_Err_Invalid_Argument;

    *ansbit = NULL;

    query.attrs.scaler.face_id = type->face_id;
    query.attrs.scaler.width   = type->width;
    query.attrs.scaler.height  = type->height;
    query.attrs.scaler.pixel   = 1;
    query.attrs.load_flags     = type->flags;

   /* beware, the hash must be the same for all glyph ranges !!
    hash = FTC_BASIC_ATTR_HASH( &query.attrs ) ^

    error = FTC_GCache_Lookup( FTC_GCACHE( cache ),
                               FTC_GQUERY( &query ),
                               (FTC_Node*) &node );
    if ( error )
      goto Exit;

    *ansbit = node->sbits + ( gindex - FTC_GNODE(node)->gindex );

    if ( anode )
      *anode = FTC_NODE( node );
      FTC_NODE( node )->ref_count++;

    return error;