shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

ref: 50dd5858a7ff8563b68c93e13212d3a55d829560
dir: /docs/

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# DocMaker is a very simple program used to generate HTML documentation
# from the source files of the FreeType packages.

import fileinput, sys, string

html_header = """
<title>FreeType 2 API Reference</title>
<basefont face="Georgia, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva">
<style content="text/css">
  P { text-align=justify }
  H1 { text-align=center }
  H2 { text-align=center }
  LI { text-align=justify }
<body text="#000000"
<center><h1>FreeType 2 API Reference</h1></center>
<center><table width="80%"><tr><td>

html_footer = """

code_header = """
<font color=blue><pre>

code_footer = """

para_header = "<p>"
para_footer = "</p>"

block_header = """<table width="100%"><tr><td>"""
block_footer = "</table>"

source_header = """<table width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#D6E8FF" width="100%"><td><pre>
source_footer = """</pre></table>

# The FreeType 2 reference is extracted from the source files. These contain
# various comment blocks that follow one of the following formats:
#  /**************************
#   *
#   *  FORMAT1
#   *
#   *
#   *
#   *
#   *************************/
#  /**************************/
#  /*                        */
#  /*  FORMAT2               */
#  /*                        */
#  /*                        */
#  /*                        */
#  /*                        */
#  /**************************/
#  /*                        */
#  /*  FORMAT3               */
#  /*                        */
#  /*                        */
#  /*                        */
#  /*                        */
#  /**************************/
# Each block contains a list of markers, each one can be followed by
# some arbitrary text or a list of fields. Here's an example:
#    <Struct>
#       MyStruct
#    <Description>
#       this structure holds some data
#    <Fields>
#       x :: horizontal coordinate
#       y :: vertical coordinate
# This example defines three markers: 'Struct', 'Description' & 'Fields'
# The first two markers contain arbitrary text, while the last one contains
# a list of field
# each field is simple of the format:  WORD :: TEXT....
# Note that typically, each comment block is followed by some source
# code declaration that may need to be kept in the reference..

def make_block_list():
    """parse a file and extract comments blocks from it"""

    list   = []
    block  = []
    format = 0
    # we use "format" to store the state of our parser:
    #  0 - wait for beginning of comment
    #  1 - parse comment format 1
    #  2 - parse comment format 2
    #  4 - wait for beginning of source (or comment ??)
    #  5 - process source
    comment     = []
    source      = []
    state       = 0

    for line in fileinput.input():

        l = len( line )
        if l > 0 and line[l - 1] == '\012':
            line = line[0 : l - 1]

        # stripped version of the line
        line2 = string.strip( line )
        l     = len( line2 )

        # if this line begins with a comment and we are processing some
        # source, exit to state 0
        if format >= 4 and l > 2 and line2[0 : 2] == '/*':
            list.append( ( block, source ) )
            format = 0

        if format == 0:  #### wait for beginning of comment ####

            if l > 3 and line2[0 : 3] == '/**':
                i = 3
                while i < l and line2[i] == '*':
                    i = i + 1

                if i == l:
                    # this is '/**' followed by any number of '*', the
                    # beginning of a Format 1 block
                    block  = []
                    source = []
                    format = 1

                elif i == l - 1 and line2[i] == '/':
                    # this is '/**' followed by any number of '*', followed
                    # by a '/', i.e. the beginning of a Format 2 or 3 block
                    block  = []
                    source = []
                    format = 2

        # FORMAT 1
        elif format == 1:

            # if the line doesn't begin with a "*", something went
            # wrong, and we must exit, and forget the current block..
            if l == 0 or line2[0] != '*':
                block  = []
                format = 0
            # otherwise, we test for an end of block, which is an
            # arbitrary number of '*', followed by '/'
                i = 1
                while i < l and line2[i] == '*':
                    i = i + 1

                # test for the end of the block
                if i < l and line2[i] == '/':
                    if block != []:
                        format = 4
                        format = 0
                    # otherwise simply append line to current block
                    block.append( line2 )


        # FORMAT 2
        elif format == 2:

            # if the line doesn't begin with '/*' and end with '*/',
            # this is the end of the format 2 format
            if l < 4 or line2[: 2] != '/*' or line2[-2 :] != '*/':
                if block != []:
                    format = 4
                    format = 0
                # remove the start and end comment delimiters, then
                # right-strip the line
                line2 = string.rstrip( line2[2 : -2] )

                # check for end of a format2 block, i.e. a run of '*'
                if string.count( line2, '*' ) == l - 4:
                    if block != []:
                        format = 4
                        format = 0
                    # otherwise, add the line to the current block
                    block.append( line2 )

        if format >= 4:  #### source processing ####

            if l > 0:
                format = 5
            if format == 5:
                source.append( line )

    if format >= 4:
        list.append( [block, source] )
    return list

# This function is only used for debugging
def dump_block_list( list ):
    """dump a comment block list"""
    for block in list:
        print "----------------------------------------"
        for line in block[0]:
            print line
        for line in block[1]:
            print line

    print "---------the end-----------------------"

# The DocCode class is used to store source code lines
class DocCode:

    def __init__( self, margin = 0 ):
        self.lines  = []
        self.margin = margin 
    def add( self, line ):
        # remove margin whitespace
        if string.strip( line[: self.margin] ) == "":
            line = line[self.margin :]
        self.lines.append( line )

    def dump( self ):

        max_width = 50

        for line in self.lines:
            print "--" + line

        print ""

    def dump_html( self ):
        # clean the last empty lines
        l = len( self.lines ) - 1
        while len > 0 and string.strip( lines[len - 1] ) == "":
            len = len - 1

        print code_header
        for line in self.lines[0 : len]:
            print lines
        print code_footer

# The DocParagraph is used to store text paragraphs
# self.words is simply a list of words for the paragraph
class DocParagraph:

    def __init__( self ):
        self.words = []
    def add( self, line ):
        # get rid of unwanted spaces in the paragraph
        # the following line is the same as
        #   self.words.extend( string.split( line ) )
        # but older Python versions don't have the `extend' attribute
        self.words[len( self.words ) : len( self.words )] = \
          string.split( line )
    def dump( self ):

        max_width = 50
        cursor    = 0
        line      = ""
        for word in self.words:
            if cursor + len( word ) + 1 > max_width:
                print line
                cursor = 0
                line = ""
            line   = line + word + " "
            cursor = cursor + len( word ) + 1
        if cursor > 0:
            print line

        print ""

    def dump_html( self ):
        print para_header
        print para_footer

# DocContent is used to store the content of a given marker.
class DocContent:

    def __init__( self, lines_list ):
        self.items  = []
        code_mode   = 0
        code_margin = 0
        text        = []
        paragraph   = None
        code        = None
        elements    = []
        field       = None

        for aline in lines_list:
            if code_mode == 0:
                line   = string.lstrip( aline )
                l      = len( line )
                margin = len( aline ) - l

                # if the line is empty, this is the end of the current
                # paragraph
                if l == 0 or line == '{':
                    if paragraph:
                        elements.append( paragraph )
                        paragraph = None
                    if line == "":
                    code_mode   = 1
                    code_margin = margin
                    code        = None
                words = string.split( line )
                # test for a field delimiter on the start of the line, i.e.
                # the token `::'
                if len( words ) >= 2 and words[1] == "::":
                    if paragraph:
                        elements.append( paragraph )
                        paragraph = None

                    self.items.append( ( field, elements ) )
                    field    = words[0]
                    elements = []
                    words    = words[2 :]
                if len( words ) > 0:
                    line = string.join( words )
                    if not paragraph:
                        paragraph = DocParagraph()
                    paragraph.add( line )
                line = aline
                # the code block ends with a line that has a single '}' on it
                if line == " " * code_margin + '}':
                    if code:
                        elements.append( code )
                        code = None
                    code_mode   = 0
                    code_margin = 0
                # otherwise, add the line to the current paragraph
                    if not code:
                        code = DocCode()
                    code.add( line )
        if paragraph:
            elements.append( paragraph )

        if code:
            elements.append( code )
        self.items.append( ( field, elements ) )

    def dump( self ):
        for item in self.items:
            field = item[0]
            if field:
                print "<field " + field + ">"

            for element in item[1]:
            if field:
                print "</field>        "

    def dump_html( self ):
        n        = len( self.items )
        in_table = 0
        for i in range( n ):
            item  = self.items[i]
            field = item[0]
            if not field:
                if in_table:
                    print "</td></tr></table>"
                    in_table = 0
                for element in item[1]:
                if not in_table:
                    print "<table cellpadding=4><tr valign=top><td>"
                    in_table = 1
                    print "</td></tr><tr valign=top><td>"
                print "<b>" + field + "</b></td><td>"
                for element in item[1]:

        if in_table:
            print "</td></tr></table>"

# The DocBlock class is used to store a given comment block. It contains
# a list of markers, as well as a list of contents for each marker.
class DocBlock:

    def __init__( self, block_line_list = [], source_line_list = [] ):
        self.markers  = []
        self.contents = []
        self.source   = source_line_list
        marker   = ""
        content  = []
        alphanum = string.letters + string.digits + "_"
        for line in block_line_list:
            line2  = string.lstrip( line )
            l      = len( line2 )
            margin = len( line ) - l
            if l > 3 and line2[0] == '<':
                i = 1
                while i < l and line2[i] in alphanum:
                    i = i + 1
                if i < l and line2[i] == '>':
                    if marker or content:
                        self.add( marker, content )
                    marker  = line2[1 : i]
                    content = []
                    line2   = string.lstrip( line2[i + 1 :] )
                    l       = len( line2 )
                    line    = " " * margin + line2
            content.append( line )
        if marker or content:
            self.add( marker, content )
    def add( self, marker, lines ):
        # remove the first and last empty lines from the content list
        l = len( lines )
        if l > 0:
            i = 0
            while l > 0 and string.strip( lines[l - 1] ) == "":
                l = l - 1
            while i < l and string.strip( lines[i] ) == "":
                i = i + 1
            lines = lines[i : l]
            l     = len( lines )
        # add a new marker only if its marker and its content list aren't empty
        if l > 0 and marker:
            self.markers.append( marker )
            self.contents.append( lines )

    def dump( self ):
        for i in range( len( self.markers ) ):
            print "[" + self.markers[i] + "]"
            for line in self.contents[i]:
                print "-- " + line

    def doc_contents( self ):
        contents = []
        for item in self.contents:
          contents.append( DocContent( item ) )
        return contents

def dump_doc_blocks( block_list ):
    for block in block_list:
        docblock = DocBlock( block )
        print "<<------------------->>"

def dump_single_content( block_list ):

    block    = block_list[0]
    docblock = DocBlock( block )

    print "<block>"
    for i in range( len( docblock.markers ) ):
        marker   = docblock.markers[i]
        contents = docblock.contents[i]
        print "<marker " + marker + ">"
        doccontent = DocContent( contents )

        print "</marker>"
    print "</block>"        

def dump_doc_contents( block_list ):

    for block in block_list:
        docblock = DocBlock( block )
        print "<block>"
        for i in range( len( docblock.markers ) ):
            print "<marker " + docblock.markers[i] + ">"
            content = DocContent( docblock.contents[i] )
            print "</marker>"
        print "</block>"

def dump_html_1( block_list ):
    print html_header
    types = [ 'Type', 'Struct', 'FuncType', 'Function', 'Constant',
              'Enumeration' ]

    for block in block_list:
          docblock = DocBlock( block[0], block[1] )
          if len( docblock.markers ) == 0:

          print block_header

          for i in range( len( docblock.markers ) ):
              marker   = docblock.markers[i]
              content  = docblock.contents[i]
              dcontent = DocContent( content )
              if marker == "Description":
                  print "<ul><p>"
                  print "</p></ul>"
              elif marker in types:
                  print "<h3><font color=blue>" + content[0] + "</font></h3>"
                  print "<h4>" + marker + "</h4>"
                  print "<ul><p>"
                  print "</p></ul>"
              print ""

          print block_footer
          # print source code
          lines = block[1]
          l     = len( lines ) - 1
          while l >= 0 and string.strip( lines[l] ) == "":
            l = l - 1
          print source_header
          for line in lines[0 : l + 1]:
            print  line
          print source_footer
    print html_footer

def main( argv ):
    """main program loop"""
    sys.stderr.write( "extracting comment blocks from sources...\n" )
    list = make_block_list()
    dump_html_1( list )

# If called from the command line
if __name__ == '__main__':
    main( sys.argv )

# eof