shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

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dir: /src/sfnt/ttcolr.c/

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 * ttcolr.c
 *   TrueType and OpenType colored glyph layer support (body).
 * Copyright (C) 2018-2021 by
 * David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, Dominik Röttsches, and Werner Lemberg.
 * Originally written by Shao Yu Zhang <[email protected]>.
 * This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,
 * modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project
 * license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
 * this file you indicate that you have read the license and
 * understand and accept it fully.

   * `COLR' table specification:

#include <freetype/internal/ftdebug.h>
#include <freetype/internal/ftstream.h>
#include <freetype/tttags.h>
#include <freetype/ftcolor.h>
#include <freetype/config/integer-types.h>


#include "ttcolr.h"

  /* NOTE: These are the table sizes calculated through the specs. */
#define BASE_GLYPH_SIZE                   6U
#define COLOR_STOP_SIZE                   6U
#define LAYER_SIZE                        4U
#define COLR_HEADER_SIZE                 14U

  typedef enum  FT_PaintFormat_Internal_

  } FT_PaintFormat_Internal;

  typedef struct  BaseGlyphRecord_
    FT_UShort  gid;
    FT_UShort  first_layer_index;
    FT_UShort  num_layers;

  } BaseGlyphRecord;

  typedef struct  BaseGlyphV1Record_
    FT_UShort  gid;
    /* Offset from start of BaseGlyphV1List, i.e., from base_glyphs_v1. */
    FT_ULong   paint_offset;

  } BaseGlyphV1Record;

  typedef struct  Colr_
    FT_UShort  version;
    FT_UShort  num_base_glyphs;
    FT_UShort  num_layers;

    FT_Byte*  base_glyphs;
    FT_Byte*  layers;

    FT_ULong  num_base_glyphs_v1;
    /* Points at beginning of BaseGlyphV1List. */
    FT_Byte*  base_glyphs_v1;

    FT_ULong  num_layers_v1;
    FT_Byte*  layers_v1;

     * Paint tables start at the minimum of the end of the LayerList and the
     * end of the BaseGlyphList.  Record this location in a field here for
     * safety checks when accessing paint tables.
    FT_Byte*  paints_start_v1;

    /* The memory that backs up the `COLR' table. */
    void*     table;
    FT_ULong  table_size;

  } Colr;

   * The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit
   * parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log
   * messages during execution.
#define FT_COMPONENT  ttcolr

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  tt_face_load_colr( TT_Face    face,
                     FT_Stream  stream )
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;

    FT_Byte*  table = NULL;
    FT_Byte*  p     = NULL;
    /* Needed for reading array lengths in referenced tables. */
    FT_Byte*  p1    = NULL;

    Colr*  colr = NULL;

    FT_ULong  base_glyph_offset, layer_offset;
    FT_ULong  base_glyphs_offset_v1, num_base_glyphs_v1;
    FT_ULong  layer_offset_v1, num_layers_v1;
    FT_ULong  table_size;

    /* `COLR' always needs `CPAL' */
    if ( !face->cpal )
      return FT_THROW( Invalid_File_Format );

    error = face->goto_table( face, TTAG_COLR, stream, &table_size );
    if ( error )
      goto NoColr;

    if ( table_size < COLR_HEADER_SIZE )
      goto InvalidTable;

    if ( FT_FRAME_EXTRACT( table_size, table ) )
      goto NoColr;

    p = table;

    if ( FT_NEW( colr ) )
      goto NoColr;

    colr->version = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );
    if ( colr->version != 0 && colr->version != 1 )
      goto InvalidTable;

    colr->num_base_glyphs = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );
    base_glyph_offset     = FT_NEXT_ULONG( p );

    if ( base_glyph_offset >= table_size )
      goto InvalidTable;
    if ( colr->num_base_glyphs * BASE_GLYPH_SIZE >
           table_size - base_glyph_offset )
      goto InvalidTable;

    layer_offset     = FT_NEXT_ULONG( p );
    colr->num_layers = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );

    if ( layer_offset >= table_size )
      goto InvalidTable;
    if ( colr->num_layers * LAYER_SIZE > table_size - layer_offset )
      goto InvalidTable;

    if ( colr->version == 1 )
      base_glyphs_offset_v1 = FT_NEXT_ULONG( p );

      if ( base_glyphs_offset_v1 >= table_size )
        goto InvalidTable;

      p1                 = (FT_Byte*)( table + base_glyphs_offset_v1 );
      num_base_glyphs_v1 = FT_PEEK_ULONG( p1 );

      if ( num_base_glyphs_v1 * BASE_GLYPH_PAINT_RECORD_SIZE >
             table_size - base_glyphs_offset_v1 )
        goto InvalidTable;

      colr->num_base_glyphs_v1 = num_base_glyphs_v1;
      colr->base_glyphs_v1     = p1;

      layer_offset_v1 = FT_NEXT_ULONG( p );

      if ( layer_offset_v1 >= table_size )
        goto InvalidTable;

      if ( layer_offset_v1 )
        p1            = (FT_Byte*)( table + layer_offset_v1 );
        num_layers_v1 = FT_PEEK_ULONG( p1 );

        if ( num_layers_v1 * LAYER_V1_LIST_PAINT_OFFSET_SIZE >
               table_size - layer_offset_v1 )
          goto InvalidTable;

        colr->num_layers_v1 = num_layers_v1;
        colr->layers_v1     = p1;

        colr->paints_start_v1 =
            FT_MIN( colr->base_glyphs_v1 +
                    colr->num_base_glyphs_v1 * BASE_GLYPH_PAINT_RECORD_SIZE,
                    colr->layers_v1 +
                    colr->num_layers_v1 * LAYER_V1_LIST_PAINT_OFFSET_SIZE );
        colr->num_layers_v1   = 0;
        colr->layers_v1       = 0;
        colr->paints_start_v1 =
          colr->base_glyphs_v1 +
          colr->num_base_glyphs_v1 * BASE_GLYPH_PAINT_RECORD_SIZE;

    colr->base_glyphs = (FT_Byte*)( table + base_glyph_offset );
    colr->layers      = (FT_Byte*)( table + layer_offset      );
    colr->table       = table;
    colr->table_size  = table_size;

    face->colr = colr;

    return FT_Err_Ok;

    error = FT_THROW( Invalid_Table );

    FT_FRAME_RELEASE( table );
    FT_FREE( colr );

    return error;

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  tt_face_free_colr( TT_Face  face )
    FT_Stream  stream = face->;
    FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;

    Colr*  colr = (Colr*)face->colr;

    if ( colr )
      FT_FRAME_RELEASE( colr->table );
      FT_FREE( colr );

  static FT_Bool
  find_base_glyph_record( FT_Byte*          base_glyph_begin,
                          FT_UInt           num_base_glyph,
                          FT_UInt           glyph_id,
                          BaseGlyphRecord*  record )
    FT_UInt  min = 0;
    FT_UInt  max = num_base_glyph;

    while ( min < max )
      FT_UInt   mid = min + ( max - min ) / 2;
      FT_Byte*  p   = base_glyph_begin + mid * BASE_GLYPH_SIZE;

      FT_UShort  gid = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );

      if ( gid < glyph_id )
        min = mid + 1;
      else if (gid > glyph_id )
        max = mid;
        record->gid               = gid;
        record->first_layer_index = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );
        record->num_layers        = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );

        return 1;

    return 0;

  tt_face_get_colr_layer( TT_Face            face,
                          FT_UInt            base_glyph,
                          FT_UInt           *aglyph_index,
                          FT_UInt           *acolor_index,
                          FT_LayerIterator*  iterator )
    Colr*            colr = (Colr*)face->colr;
    BaseGlyphRecord  glyph_record;

    if ( !colr )
      return 0;

    if ( !iterator->p )
      FT_ULong  offset;

      /* first call to function */
      iterator->layer = 0;

      if ( !find_base_glyph_record( colr->base_glyphs,
                                    &glyph_record ) )
        return 0;

      if ( glyph_record.num_layers )
        iterator->num_layers = glyph_record.num_layers;
        return 0;

      offset = LAYER_SIZE * glyph_record.first_layer_index;
      if ( offset + LAYER_SIZE * glyph_record.num_layers > colr->table_size )
        return 0;

      iterator->p = colr->layers + offset;

    if ( iterator->layer >= iterator->num_layers )
      return 0;

    *aglyph_index = FT_NEXT_USHORT( iterator->p );
    *acolor_index = FT_NEXT_USHORT( iterator->p );

    if ( *aglyph_index >= (FT_UInt)( FT_FACE( face )->num_glyphs )   ||
         ( *acolor_index != 0xFFFF                                 &&
           *acolor_index >= face->palette_data.num_palette_entries ) )
      return 0;


    return 1;

  static FT_Bool
  read_color_line( FT_Byte*      color_line_p,
                   FT_ColorLine  *colorline )
    FT_Byte*        p = color_line_p;
    FT_PaintExtend  paint_extend;

    paint_extend = (FT_PaintExtend)FT_NEXT_BYTE( p );
    if ( paint_extend > FT_COLR_PAINT_EXTEND_REFLECT )
      return 0;

    colorline->extend = paint_extend;

    colorline->color_stop_iterator.num_color_stops    = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );
    colorline->color_stop_iterator.p                  = p;
    colorline->color_stop_iterator.current_color_stop = 0;

    return 1;

   * Read a paint offset for `FT_Paint*` objects that have them and check
   * whether it is within reasonable limits within the font and the COLR
   * table.
   * Return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
  static FT_Bool
  get_child_table_pointer ( Colr*      colr,
                            FT_Byte*   paint_base,
                            FT_Byte**  p,
                            FT_Byte**  child_table_pointer )
    FT_UInt32  paint_offset;
    FT_Byte*   child_table_p;

    if ( !child_table_pointer )
      return 0;

    paint_offset = FT_NEXT_UOFF3( *p );
    if ( !paint_offset )
      return 0;

    child_table_p = (FT_Byte*)( paint_base + paint_offset );

    if ( child_table_p < colr->paints_start_v1                         ||
         child_table_p >= ( (FT_Byte*)colr->table + colr->table_size ) )
      return 0;

    *child_table_pointer = child_table_p;
    return 1;

  static FT_Bool
  read_paint( Colr*           colr,
              FT_Byte*        p,
              FT_COLR_Paint*  apaint )
    FT_Byte*  paint_base     = p;
    FT_Byte*  child_table_p  = NULL;

    if ( !p || !colr || !colr->table )
      return 0;

    if ( p < colr->paints_start_v1                         ||
         p >= ( (FT_Byte*)colr->table + colr->table_size ) )
      return 0;

    apaint->format = (FT_PaintFormat)FT_NEXT_BYTE( p );

    if ( apaint->format >= FT_COLR_PAINT_FORMAT_MAX )
      return 0;

    if ( apaint->format == FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_COLR_LAYERS )
      /* Initialize layer iterator/ */
      FT_Byte    num_layers;
      FT_UInt32  first_layer_index;

      num_layers = FT_NEXT_BYTE( p );
      if ( num_layers > colr->num_layers_v1 )
        return 0;

      first_layer_index = FT_NEXT_ULONG( p );
      if ( first_layer_index + num_layers > colr->num_layers_v1 )
        return 0;

      apaint->u.colr_layers.layer_iterator.num_layers = num_layers;
      apaint->u.colr_layers.layer_iterator.layer      = 0;
      /* TODO: Check whether pointer is outside colr? */
      apaint->u.colr_layers.layer_iterator.p =
        colr->layers_v1 +
        LAYER_V1_LIST_PAINT_OFFSET_SIZE * first_layer_index;

      return 1;

    else if ( apaint->format == FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_SOLID )
      apaint->u.solid.color.palette_index = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );
      apaint->u.solid.color.alpha         = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );

      return 1;

    else if ( apaint->format == FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_COLR_GLYPH )
      apaint->u.colr_glyph.glyphID = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );

      return 1;

     * Grouped below here are all paint formats that have an offset to a
     * child paint table as the first entry (for example, a color line or a
     * child paint table).  Retrieve that and determine whether that paint
     * offset is valid first.

    if ( !get_child_table_pointer( colr, paint_base, &p, &child_table_p ) )
      return 0;

    if ( apaint->format == FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_LINEAR_GRADIENT )
      if ( !read_color_line( child_table_p,
                             &apaint->u.linear_gradient.colorline ) )
        return 0;

      apaint->u.linear_gradient.p0.x = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );
      apaint->u.linear_gradient.p0.y = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );
      apaint->u.linear_gradient.p1.x = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );
      apaint->u.linear_gradient.p1.y = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );
      apaint->u.linear_gradient.p2.x = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );
      apaint->u.linear_gradient.p2.y = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );

      return 1;

    else if ( apaint->format == FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_RADIAL_GRADIENT )
      if ( !read_color_line( child_table_p,
                             &apaint->u.radial_gradient.colorline ) )
        return 0;

      apaint->u.radial_gradient.c0.x = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );
      apaint->u.radial_gradient.c0.y = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );

      apaint->u.radial_gradient.r0 = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );

      apaint->u.radial_gradient.c1.x = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );
      apaint->u.radial_gradient.c1.y = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );

      apaint->u.radial_gradient.r1 = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );

      return 1;

    else if ( apaint->format == FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_SWEEP_GRADIENT )
      if ( !read_color_line( child_table_p,
                             &apaint->u.sweep_gradient.colorline ) )
        return 0;

      apaint-> = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );
      apaint-> = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );

      apaint->u.sweep_gradient.start_angle = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p ) << 2;
      apaint->u.sweep_gradient.end_angle   = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p ) << 2;

      return 1;

    if ( apaint->format == FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_GLYPH )
      apaint->u.glyph.paint.p                     = child_table_p;
      apaint->u.glyph.paint.insert_root_transform = 0;
      apaint->u.glyph.glyphID                     = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );

      return 1;

    else if ( apaint->format == FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_TRANSFORM )
      apaint->u.transform.paint.p                     = child_table_p;
      apaint->u.transform.paint.insert_root_transform = 0;

      if ( !get_child_table_pointer( colr, paint_base, &p, &child_table_p ) )
         return 0;

      p = child_table_p;

      apaint->u.transform.affine.xx = FT_NEXT_LONG( p );
      apaint->u.transform.affine.yx = FT_NEXT_LONG( p );
      apaint->u.transform.affine.xy = FT_NEXT_LONG( p );
      apaint->u.transform.affine.yy = FT_NEXT_LONG( p );
      apaint->u.transform.affine.dx = FT_NEXT_LONG( p );
      apaint->u.transform.affine.dy = FT_NEXT_LONG( p );

      return 1;

    else if ( apaint->format == FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_TRANSLATE )
      apaint->u.translate.paint.p                     = child_table_p;
      apaint->u.translate.paint.insert_root_transform = 0;

      apaint->u.translate.dx = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p ) << 16;
      apaint->u.translate.dy = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p ) << 16;

      return 1;

    else if ( apaint->format ==
                FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_SCALE                         ||
              (FT_PaintFormat_Internal)apaint->format ==
              (FT_PaintFormat_Internal)apaint->format ==
              (FT_PaintFormat_Internal)apaint->format ==
      apaint->u.scale.paint.p                     = child_table_p;
      apaint->u.scale.paint.insert_root_transform = 0;

      /* All scale paints get at least one scale value. */
      apaint->u.scale.scale_x = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p ) << 2;

      /* Non-uniform ones read an extra y value. */
      if ( apaint->format ==
             FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_SCALE                 ||
           (FT_PaintFormat_Internal)apaint->format ==
        apaint->u.scale.scale_y = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p ) << 2;
        apaint->u.scale.scale_y = apaint->u.scale.scale_x;

      /* Scale paints that have a center read center coordinates, */
      /* otherwise the center is (0,0).                           */
      if ( (FT_PaintFormat_Internal)apaint->format ==
           (FT_PaintFormat_Internal)apaint->format ==
        apaint->u.scale.center_x = FT_NEXT_SHORT ( p ) << 16;
        apaint->u.scale.center_y = FT_NEXT_SHORT ( p ) << 16;
        apaint->u.scale.center_x = 0;
        apaint->u.scale.center_y = 0;

      /* FT 'COLR' v1 API output format always returns fully defined */
      /* structs; we thus set the format to the public API value.    */
      apaint->format = FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_SCALE;

      return 1;

    else if ( apaint->format == FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_ROTATE ||
              (FT_PaintFormat_Internal)apaint->format ==
      apaint->u.rotate.paint.p                     = child_table_p;
      apaint->u.rotate.paint.insert_root_transform = 0;

      /* The angle is specified as F2DOT14 and our output type is an FT_Fixed,
       * shift by 2 positions. */
      apaint->u.rotate.angle = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p ) << 2;

      if ( (FT_PaintFormat_Internal)apaint->format ==
        /* The center is specified as Int16 in font units, shift by 16 bits to
         * convert to our FT_Fixed output type. */
        apaint->u.rotate.center_x = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p ) << 16;
        apaint->u.rotate.center_y = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p ) << 16;
        apaint->u.rotate.center_x = 0;
        apaint->u.rotate.center_y = 0;

      apaint->format = FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_ROTATE;

      return 1;

    else if ( apaint->format == FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_SKEW ||
              (FT_PaintFormat_Internal)apaint->format ==
      apaint->u.skew.paint.p                     = child_table_p;
      apaint->u.skew.paint.insert_root_transform = 0;

      apaint->u.skew.x_skew_angle = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p ) << 2;
      apaint->u.skew.y_skew_angle = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p ) << 2;

      if ( (FT_PaintFormat_Internal)apaint->format ==
        apaint->u.skew.center_x = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p ) << 16;
        apaint->u.skew.center_y = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p ) << 16;
        apaint->u.skew.center_x = 0;
        apaint->u.skew.center_y = 0;

      apaint->format = FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_SKEW;

      return 1;

    else if ( apaint->format == FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_COMPOSITE )
      FT_UInt  composite_mode;

      apaint->u.composite.source_paint.p                     = child_table_p;
      apaint->u.composite.source_paint.insert_root_transform = 0;

      composite_mode = FT_NEXT_BYTE( p );
      if ( composite_mode >= FT_COLR_COMPOSITE_MAX )
        return 0;

      apaint->u.composite.composite_mode = (FT_Composite_Mode)composite_mode;

      if ( !get_child_table_pointer( colr, paint_base, &p, &child_table_p ) )
         return 0;

      apaint->u.composite.backdrop_paint.p =
      apaint->u.composite.backdrop_paint.insert_root_transform =

      return 1;

    return 0;

  static FT_Bool
  find_base_glyph_v1_record( FT_Byte *           base_glyph_begin,
                             FT_UInt             num_base_glyph,
                             FT_UInt             glyph_id,
                             BaseGlyphV1Record  *record )
    FT_UInt  min = 0;
    FT_UInt  max = num_base_glyph;

    while ( min < max )
      FT_UInt  mid = min + ( max - min ) / 2;

       * `base_glyph_begin` is the beginning of `BaseGlyphV1List`;
       * skip `numBaseGlyphV1Records` by adding 4 to start binary search
       * in the array of `BaseGlyphV1Record`.
      FT_Byte  *p = base_glyph_begin + 4 + mid * BASE_GLYPH_PAINT_RECORD_SIZE;

      FT_UShort  gid = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );

      if ( gid < glyph_id )
        min = mid + 1;
      else if (gid > glyph_id )
        max = mid;
        record->gid          = gid;
        record->paint_offset = FT_NEXT_ULONG ( p );
        return 1;

    return 0;

  tt_face_get_colr_glyph_paint( TT_Face                  face,
                                FT_UInt                  base_glyph,
                                FT_Color_Root_Transform  root_transform,
                                FT_OpaquePaint*          opaque_paint )
    Colr*              colr = (Colr*)face->colr;
    BaseGlyphV1Record  base_glyph_v1_record;
    FT_Byte*           p;

    if ( !colr || !colr->table )
      return 0;

    if ( colr->version < 1 || !colr->num_base_glyphs_v1 ||
         !colr->base_glyphs_v1 )
      return 0;

    if ( opaque_paint->p )
      return 0;

    if ( !find_base_glyph_v1_record( colr->base_glyphs_v1,
                                     &base_glyph_v1_record ) )
      return 0;

    if ( !base_glyph_v1_record.paint_offset                   ||
         base_glyph_v1_record.paint_offset > colr->table_size )
      return 0;

    p = (FT_Byte*)( colr->base_glyphs_v1 +
                    base_glyph_v1_record.paint_offset );
    if ( p >= ( (FT_Byte*)colr->table + colr->table_size ) )
      return 0;

    opaque_paint->p = p;

    if ( root_transform == FT_COLOR_INCLUDE_ROOT_TRANSFORM )
      opaque_paint->insert_root_transform = 1;
      opaque_paint->insert_root_transform = 0;

    return 1;

  tt_face_get_paint_layers( TT_Face            face,
                            FT_LayerIterator*  iterator,
                            FT_OpaquePaint*    opaque_paint )
    FT_Byte*   p             = NULL;
    FT_Byte*   p_first_layer = NULL;
    FT_Byte*   p_paint       = NULL;
    FT_UInt32  paint_offset;

    Colr*  colr;

    if ( iterator->layer == iterator->num_layers )
      return 0;

    colr = (Colr*)face->colr;
    if ( !colr )
      return 0;

     * We have an iterator pointing at a paint offset as part of the
     * `paintOffset` array in `LayerV1List`.
    p = iterator->p;

     * First ensure that p is within COLRv1.
    if ( p < colr->layers_v1                               ||
         p >= ( (FT_Byte*)colr->table + colr->table_size ) )
      return 0;

     * Do a cursor sanity check of the iterator.  Counting backwards from
     * where it stands, we need to end up at a position after the beginning
     * of the `LayerV1List` table and not after the end of the
     * `LayerV1List`.
    p_first_layer = p -
                      iterator->layer * LAYER_V1_LIST_PAINT_OFFSET_SIZE -
    if ( p_first_layer < (FT_Byte*)colr->layers_v1 )
      return 0;
    if ( p_first_layer >= (FT_Byte*)(
           colr->layers_v1 + LAYER_V1_LIST_NUM_LAYERS_SIZE +
           colr->num_layers_v1 * LAYER_V1_LIST_PAINT_OFFSET_SIZE ) )
      return 0;

    paint_offset =
      FT_NEXT_ULONG( p );
    opaque_paint->insert_root_transform =

    p_paint = (FT_Byte*)( colr->layers_v1 + paint_offset );

    if ( p_paint < colr->paints_start_v1                         ||
         p_paint >= ( (FT_Byte*)colr->table + colr->table_size ) )
      return 0;

    opaque_paint->p = p_paint;

    iterator->p = p;


    return 1;

  tt_face_get_colorline_stops( TT_Face                face,
                               FT_ColorStop*          color_stop,
                               FT_ColorStopIterator  *iterator )
    Colr*  colr = (Colr*)face->colr;

    FT_Byte*  p;

    if ( !colr || !colr->table )
      return 0;

    if ( iterator->current_color_stop >= iterator->num_color_stops )
      return 0;

    if ( iterator->p +
           ( ( iterator->num_color_stops - iterator->current_color_stop ) *
             COLOR_STOP_SIZE ) >
         ( (FT_Byte *)colr->table + colr->table_size ) )
      return 0;

    /* Iterator points at first `ColorStop` of `ColorLine`. */
    p = iterator->p;

    color_stop->stop_offset = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );

    color_stop->color.palette_index = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p );

    color_stop->color.alpha = FT_NEXT_SHORT( p );

    iterator->p = p;

    return 1;

  tt_face_get_paint( TT_Face         face,
                     FT_OpaquePaint  opaque_paint,
                     FT_COLR_Paint*  paint )
    Colr*           colr = (Colr*)face->colr;
    FT_OpaquePaint  next_paint;
    FT_Matrix       ft_root_scale;

    if ( !colr || !colr->base_glyphs_v1 || !colr->table )
      return 0;

    if ( opaque_paint.insert_root_transform )
      /* 'COLR' v1 glyph information is returned in unscaled coordinates,
       * i.e., `FT_Size` is not applied or multiplied into the values.  When
       * client applications draw color glyphs, they can request to include
       * a top-level transform, which includes the active `x_scale` and
       * `y_scale` information for scaling the glyph, as well the additional
       * transform and translate configured through `FT_Set_Transform`.
       * This allows client applications to apply this top-level transform
       * to the graphics context first and only once, then have gradient and
       * contour scaling applied correctly when performing the additional
       * drawing operations for subsequenct paints.  Prepare this initial
       * transform here.
      paint->format = FT_COLR_PAINTFORMAT_TRANSFORM;

      next_paint.p                     = opaque_paint.p;
      next_paint.insert_root_transform = 0;
      paint->u.transform.paint         = next_paint;

      /* `x_scale` and `y_scale` are in 26.6 format, representing the scale
       * factor to get from font units to requested size.  However, expected
       * return values are in 16.16, so we shift accordingly with rounding.
      ft_root_scale.xx = ( face->root.size->metrics.x_scale + 32 ) >> 6;
      ft_root_scale.xy = 0;
      ft_root_scale.yx = 0;
      ft_root_scale.yy = ( face->root.size->metrics.y_scale + 32 ) >> 6;

      if ( face->root.internal->transform_flags & 1 )
        FT_Matrix_Multiply( &face->root.internal->transform_matrix,
                            &ft_root_scale );

      paint->u.transform.affine.xx = ft_root_scale.xx;
      paint->u.transform.affine.xy = ft_root_scale.xy;
      paint->u.transform.affine.yx = ft_root_scale.yx;
      paint->u.transform.affine.yy = ft_root_scale.yy;

      /* The translation is specified in 26.6 format and, according to the
       * documentation of `FT_Set_Translate`, is performed on the character
       * size given in the last call to `FT_Set_Char_Size`.  The
       * 'PaintTransform' paint table's `FT_Affine23` format expects
       * values in 16.16 format, thus we need to shift by 10 bits.
      if ( face->root.internal->transform_flags & 2 )
        paint->u.transform.affine.dx =
          face->root.internal->transform_delta.x << 10;
        paint->u.transform.affine.dy =
          face->root.internal->transform_delta.y << 10;
        paint->u.transform.affine.dx = 0;
        paint->u.transform.affine.dy = 0;

      return 1;

    return read_paint( colr, opaque_paint.p, paint );

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Error )
  tt_face_colr_blend_layer( TT_Face       face,
                            FT_UInt       color_index,
                            FT_GlyphSlot  dstSlot,
                            FT_GlyphSlot  srcSlot )
    FT_Error  error;

    FT_UInt  x, y;
    FT_Byte  b, g, r, alpha;

    FT_ULong  size;
    FT_Byte*  src;
    FT_Byte*  dst;

    if ( !dstSlot->bitmap.buffer )
      /* Initialize destination of color bitmap */
      /* with the size of first component.      */
      dstSlot->bitmap_left = srcSlot->bitmap_left;
      dstSlot->bitmap_top  = srcSlot->bitmap_top;

      dstSlot->bitmap.width      = srcSlot->bitmap.width;
      dstSlot->bitmap.rows       = srcSlot->bitmap.rows;
      dstSlot->bitmap.pixel_mode = FT_PIXEL_MODE_BGRA;
      dstSlot->bitmap.pitch      = (int)dstSlot->bitmap.width * 4;
      dstSlot->bitmap.num_grays  = 256;

      size = dstSlot->bitmap.rows * (unsigned int)dstSlot->bitmap.pitch;

      error = ft_glyphslot_alloc_bitmap( dstSlot, size );
      if ( error )
        return error;

      FT_MEM_ZERO( dstSlot->bitmap.buffer, size );
      /* Resize destination if needed such that new component fits. */
      FT_Int  x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max;

      x_min = FT_MIN( dstSlot->bitmap_left, srcSlot->bitmap_left );
      x_max = FT_MAX( dstSlot->bitmap_left + (FT_Int)dstSlot->bitmap.width,
                      srcSlot->bitmap_left + (FT_Int)srcSlot->bitmap.width );

      y_min = FT_MIN( dstSlot->bitmap_top - (FT_Int)dstSlot->bitmap.rows,
                      srcSlot->bitmap_top - (FT_Int)srcSlot->bitmap.rows );
      y_max = FT_MAX( dstSlot->bitmap_top, srcSlot->bitmap_top );

      if ( x_min != dstSlot->bitmap_left                                 ||
           x_max != dstSlot->bitmap_left + (FT_Int)dstSlot->bitmap.width ||
           y_min != dstSlot->bitmap_top - (FT_Int)dstSlot->bitmap.rows   ||
           y_max != dstSlot->bitmap_top                                  )
        FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;

        FT_UInt  width = (FT_UInt)( x_max - x_min );
        FT_UInt  rows  = (FT_UInt)( y_max - y_min );
        FT_UInt  pitch = width * 4;

        FT_Byte*  buf = NULL;
        FT_Byte*  p;
        FT_Byte*  q;

        size  = rows * pitch;
        if ( FT_ALLOC( buf, size ) )
          return error;

        p = dstSlot->bitmap.buffer;
        q = buf +
            (int)pitch * ( y_max - dstSlot->bitmap_top ) +
            4 * ( dstSlot->bitmap_left - x_min );

        for ( y = 0; y < dstSlot->bitmap.rows; y++ )
          FT_MEM_COPY( q, p, dstSlot->bitmap.width * 4 );

          p += dstSlot->bitmap.pitch;
          q += pitch;

        ft_glyphslot_set_bitmap( dstSlot, buf );

        dstSlot->bitmap_top  = y_max;
        dstSlot->bitmap_left = x_min;

        dstSlot->bitmap.width = width;
        dstSlot->bitmap.rows  = rows;
        dstSlot->bitmap.pitch = (int)pitch;

        dstSlot->internal->flags |= FT_GLYPH_OWN_BITMAP;
        dstSlot->format           = FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_BITMAP;

    if ( color_index == 0xFFFF )
      if ( face->have_foreground_color )
        b     = face->;
        g     = face->;
        r     = face->;
        alpha = face->foreground_color.alpha;
        if ( face->palette_data.palette_flags                          &&
             ( face->palette_data.palette_flags[face->palette_index] &
                 FT_PALETTE_FOR_DARK_BACKGROUND                      ) )
          /* white opaque */
          b     = 0xFF;
          g     = 0xFF;
          r     = 0xFF;
          alpha = 0xFF;
          /* black opaque */
          b     = 0x00;
          g     = 0x00;
          r     = 0x00;
          alpha = 0xFF;
      b     = face->palette[color_index].blue;
      g     = face->palette[color_index].green;
      r     = face->palette[color_index].red;
      alpha = face->palette[color_index].alpha;

    /* XXX Convert if srcSlot.bitmap is not grey? */
    src = srcSlot->bitmap.buffer;
    dst = dstSlot->bitmap.buffer +
          dstSlot->bitmap.pitch * ( dstSlot->bitmap_top - srcSlot->bitmap_top ) +
          4 * ( srcSlot->bitmap_left - dstSlot->bitmap_left );

    for ( y = 0; y < srcSlot->bitmap.rows; y++ )
      for ( x = 0; x < srcSlot->bitmap.width; x++ )
        int  aa = src[x];
        int  fa = alpha * aa / 255;

        int  fb = b * fa / 255;
        int  fg = g * fa / 255;
        int  fr = r * fa / 255;

        int  ba2 = 255 - fa;

        int  bb = dst[4 * x + 0];
        int  bg = dst[4 * x + 1];
        int  br = dst[4 * x + 2];
        int  ba = dst[4 * x + 3];

        dst[4 * x + 0] = (FT_Byte)( bb * ba2 / 255 + fb );
        dst[4 * x + 1] = (FT_Byte)( bg * ba2 / 255 + fg );
        dst[4 * x + 2] = (FT_Byte)( br * ba2 / 255 + fr );
        dst[4 * x + 3] = (FT_Byte)( ba * ba2 / 255 + fa );

      src += srcSlot->bitmap.pitch;
      dst += dstSlot->bitmap.pitch;

    return FT_Err_Ok;


  /* ANSI C doesn't like empty source files */
  typedef int  _tt_colr_dummy;


/* EOF */