shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

ref: 2fbf7e439f06416d195435baa89c403f2044c2dd
dir: /src/cid/cidload.c/

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 *  cidload.h                                                    2.0
 *    CID-keyed foint loader
 *  Copyright 1996-2000 by
 *  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.
 *  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used
 *  modified and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project
 *  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute
 *  this file you indicate that you have read the license and
 *  understand and accept it fully.
 *  This is the new and improved Type 1 data loader for FreeType 2.
 *  The old loader has several problems: it is slow, complex, difficult
 *  to maintain, and contains incredible hacks to make it accept some
 *  ill-formed Type 1 fonts without hiccup-ing. Moreover, about 5%
 *  of the Type 1 fonts on my machine still aren't loaded correctly
 *  with it.
 *  This version is much simpler, much faster and also easier to
 *  read and maintain by a great order of magnitude. The idea behind
 *  it is to _not_ try to read the Type 1 token stream with a state
 *  machine (i.e. a Postscript-like interpreter) but rather to perform
 *  simple pattern-matching.
 *  Indeed, nearly all data definitions follow a simple pattern
 *  like :
 *      ..... /Field <data> ....
 *  where <data> can be a number, a boolean, a string, or an
 *  array of numbers. There are a few exceptions, namely the
 *  encoding, font name, charstrings and subrs and they are
 *  handled with a special pattern-matching routine.
 *  All other common cases are handled very simply. The matching
 *  rules are defined in the file "t1tokens.h" through the use
 *  of several macros calls T1_FIELD_XXX
 *  The function "parse_dict" simply scans *linearly* a given
 *  dictionary (either the top-level or private one) and calls
 *  the appropriate callback when it encounters an immediate
 *  keyword.
 *  This is by far the fastest way one can find to parse and read
 *  all data :-)
 *  This led to tremendous code size reduction. Note that later,
 *  the glyph loader will also be _greatly_ simplified, and the
 *  automatic hinter will replace the clumsy "t1hinter"..

#include <freetype/internal/ftdebug.h>
#include <freetype/config/ftconfig.h>
#include <freetype/ftmm.h>

#include <freetype/internal/t1types.h>
#include <t1errors.h>
#include <cidload.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define FT_COMPONENT  trace_t1load

 /* reads a single offset */
  FT_Long  cid_get_offset( FT_Byte** start, FT_Byte  offsize )
    FT_Long  result;
    FT_Byte* p = *start;
    for ( result = 0; offsize > 0; offsize-- )
      result = (result << 8) | *p++;
    *start = p;
    return result;

  void  cid_decrypt( FT_Byte*   buffer,
                     FT_Int     length,
                     FT_UShort  seed )
    while ( length > 0 )
      FT_Byte  plain;

      plain     = (*buffer ^ (seed >> 8));
      seed      = (*buffer+seed)*52845+22719;
      *buffer++ = plain;

 /*****                                                                 *****/
 /*****                      TYPE 1 SYMBOL PARSING                      *****/
 /*****                                                                 *****/

  static  FT_Error   cid_load_keyword( CID_Face             face,
                                       CID_Loader*          loader,
                                       const T1_Field_Rec*  keyword )
    FT_Error    error;
    CID_Parser* parser = &loader->parser;
    FT_Byte*    object;
    CID_Info*   cid = &face->cid;

    /* if the keyword has a dedicated callback, call it */
    if (keyword->type == t1_field_callback)
      error = keyword->reader( face, parser );
      goto Exit;

    /* we must now compute the address of our target object */
    switch (keyword->location)
      case t1_field_cid_info:
          object = (FT_Byte*)cid;
      case t1_field_font_info:
          object = (FT_Byte*)&cid->font_info;
          CID_FontDict*  dict;
          if ( parser->num_dict < 0 )
            FT_ERROR(( "CID.Load_Keyword: invalid use of '%s' !!\n", keyword->ident ));
            error = T1_Err_Syntax_Error;
            goto Exit;
          dict = cid->font_dicts + parser->num_dict;
          switch (keyword->location)
            case t1_field_private:
              object = (FT_Byte*)&dict->private_dict;
              object = (FT_Byte*)dict;
    /* now, load the keyword data in the object's field(s) */
    if ( keyword->type == t1_field_integer_array ||
         keyword->type == t1_field_fixed_array   )
      error = CID_Load_Field_Table( parser, keyword, object );
      error = CID_Load_Field( parser, keyword, object );
    return error;

  FT_Error  parse_font_bbox( CID_Face  face, CID_Parser*  parser )
    FT_Short      temp[4];
    T1_BBox*      bbox = &face->cid.font_bbox;

    (void)CID_ToCoordArray( parser, 4, temp );
    bbox->xMin = temp[0];
    bbox->yMin = temp[1];
    bbox->xMax = temp[2];
    bbox->yMax = temp[3];
    return 0;

  FT_Error  parse_font_matrix( CID_Face  face, CID_Parser*  parser )
    FT_Matrix*     matrix;
    CID_FontDict*  dict;
    T1_Fixed       temp[4];

    if (parser->num_dict >= 0)
      dict   = face->cid.font_dicts + parser->num_dict;
      matrix = &dict->font_matrix;
      (void)CID_ToFixedArray( parser, 4, temp, 3 );
      matrix->xx = temp[0];
      matrix->yx = temp[1];
      matrix->xy = temp[2];
      matrix->yy = temp[3];
    return 0;

  FT_Error  parse_fd_array( CID_Face   face, CID_Parser*  parser )
    CID_Info*  cid    = &face->cid;
    FT_Memory  memory = face->root.memory;
    FT_Error   error;
    FT_Long    num_dicts;
    num_dicts = CID_ToInt(parser);
    if ( !cid->font_dicts )
      FT_Int  n;
      if ( ALLOC_ARRAY( cid->font_dicts, num_dicts, CID_FontDict ) )
        goto Exit;
      cid->num_dicts = (FT_UInt)num_dicts;
      /* don't forget to set a few defauts !! */
      for ( n = 0; n < cid->num_dicts; n++ )
        CID_FontDict*  dict = cid->font_dicts + n;
        /* default value for lenIV !! */
        dict->private_dict.lenIV = 4;
    return error;

  const T1_Field_Rec   t1_field_records[] = 
    #include <cidtokens.h>
    { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

  int  is_space( char c )
    return ( c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' );

  int  is_alpha( char c )
    return ( (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
             (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') ||
             (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
             (c == '.')             ||
             (c == '_') );

  void  skip_whitespace( CID_Parser* parser )
    FT_Byte*  cur = parser->cursor;

    while ( cur < parser->limit && is_space(*cur) )

    parser->cursor = cur;

  FT_Error  parse_dict( CID_Face    face,
                        CID_Loader*  loader,
                        FT_Byte*    base,
                        FT_Long     size )
    CID_Parser*  parser   = &loader->parser;

    parser->cursor = base;
    parser->limit  = base + size;
    parser->error  = 0;

      FT_Byte*  cur     = base;
      FT_Byte*  limit   = cur + size;

      for ( ;cur < limit; cur++ )
        /* look for %ADOBegin... */
        if ( *cur == '%' && cur + 20 < limit &&
             strncmp( (char*)cur, "%ADOBeginFontDict", 17 ) == 0 )
          cur += 17;
          /* if /FDArray was found, then cid->num_dicts is > 0, and */
          /* we can start increasing parser->num_dict               */
          if ( face->cid.num_dicts > 0 )
        /* look for immediates */
        else if (*cur == '/' && cur+2 < limit)
          FT_Byte* cur2;
          FT_Int   len;

          cur  ++;
          cur2 = cur;
          while (cur2 < limit && is_alpha(*cur2)) cur2++;
          len  = cur2-cur;

          if (len > 0 && len < 22)
            /* now, compare the immediate name to the keyword table */
            const T1_Field_Rec*  keyword = t1_field_records;

            for (;;)
              FT_Byte*  name;

              name = (FT_Byte*)keyword->ident;
              if (!name) break;

              if ( cur[0] == name[0] &&
                   len == (FT_Int)strlen((const char*)name) )
                FT_Int  n;
                for ( n = 1; n < len; n++ )
                  if (cur[n] != name[n])

                if (n >= len)
                  /* we found it - run the parsing callback !! */
                  parser->cursor = cur2;
                  skip_whitespace( parser );
                  parser->error = cid_load_keyword( face, loader, keyword );
                  if (parser->error)
                    return parser->error;

                  cur = parser->cursor;
    return parser->error;

  /* read the subrmap and the subrs of each font dict */
  FT_Error  cid_read_subrs( CID_Face   face )
    CID_Info*   cid    = &face->cid;
    FT_Memory   memory = face->root.memory;
    FT_Stream   stream = face->;
    FT_Error    error;
    FT_UInt     n;
    CID_Subrs*  subr;
    FT_UInt     max_offsets = 0;
    FT_ULong*   offsets = 0;
    if ( ALLOC_ARRAY( face->subrs, cid->num_dicts, CID_Subrs ) )
      goto Exit;
    subr = face->subrs;
    for ( n = 0; n < cid->num_dicts; n++, subr++ )
      CID_FontDict*  dict      = cid->font_dicts + n;
      FT_UInt        count, num_subrs = dict->num_subrs;
      FT_ULong       data_len;
      FT_Byte*       p;
      /* reallocate offsets array if needed */
      if ( num_subrs+1 > max_offsets )
        FT_UInt  new_max = (num_subrs+1+3) & -4;
        if ( REALLOC_ARRAY( offsets, max_offsets, new_max, FT_ULong ) )
          goto Fail;
        max_offsets = new_max;
      /* read the subrmap's offsets */
      if ( FILE_Seek( cid->data_offset + dict->subrmap_offset ) ||
           ACCESS_Frame( (num_subrs+1) * dict->sd_bytes )       )
        goto Fail;
      p = (FT_Byte*)stream->cursor;
      for ( count = 0; count <= num_subrs; count++ )
        offsets[count] = cid_get_offset( &p, dict->sd_bytes );
      /* now, compute the size of subrs charstrings, allocate and read them */
      data_len = offsets[num_subrs] - offsets[0];
      if ( ALLOC_ARRAY( subr->code, num_subrs+1, FT_Byte* ) ||
           ALLOC( subr->code[0], data_len )                 )
        goto Fail;

      if ( FILE_Seek( cid->data_offset + offsets[0] ) ||
           FILE_Read( subr->code[0], data_len )  )
        goto Exit;

      /* set up pointers */
      for ( count = 1; count <= num_subrs; count++ )
        FT_UInt  len;
        len = offsets[count] - offsets[count-1];
        subr->code[count] = subr->code[count-1] + len;

      /* decrypt subroutines */        
      for ( count = 0; count < num_subrs; count++ )
        FT_UInt  len;
        len = offsets[count+1] - offsets[count];
        cid_decrypt( subr->code[count], len, 4330 );

      subr->num_subrs = num_subrs;

    FREE( offsets );
    return error;
    if (face->subrs)
      for ( n = 0; n < cid->num_dicts; n++ )
        if (face->subrs[n].code)
          FREE( face->subrs[n].code[0] );
        FREE( face->subrs[n].code );
      FREE( face->subrs );
    goto Exit;

  void t1_init_loader( CID_Loader* loader, CID_Face  face )

    MEM_Set( loader, 0, sizeof(*loader) );

  void t1_done_loader( CID_Loader* loader )
    CID_Parser*  parser = &loader->parser;

    /* finalize parser */
    CID_Done_Parser( parser );

  FT_Error  T1_Open_Face( CID_Face  face )
    CID_Loader  loader;
    CID_Parser* parser;
    FT_Error   error;

    t1_init_loader( &loader, face );

    parser = &loader.parser;
    error = CID_New_Parser( parser, face->, face->root.memory );
    if (error) goto Exit;

    error = parse_dict( face, &loader,
                        parser->postscript_len );
    if (error) goto Exit;

    face->cid.data_offset = loader.parser.data_offset;
    error = cid_read_subrs( face );
    t1_done_loader( &loader );
    return error;