shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

ref: 2f0e11406890cbd15d86f8e75ab6ab4da8898af4
dir: /src/psaux/psintrp.c/

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/*                                                                         */
/*  cf2intrp.c                                                             */
/*                                                                         */
/*    Adobe's CFF Interpreter (body).                                      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Copyright 2007-2014 Adobe Systems Incorporated.                        */
/*                                                                         */
/*  This software, and all works of authorship, whether in source or       */
/*  object code form as indicated by the copyright notice(s) included      */
/*  herein (collectively, the "Work") is made available, and may only be   */
/*  used, modified, and distributed under the FreeType Project License,    */
/*  LICENSE.TXT.  Additionally, subject to the terms and conditions of the */
/*  FreeType Project License, each contributor to the Work hereby grants   */
/*  to any individual or legal entity exercising permissions granted by    */
/*  the FreeType Project License and this section (hereafter, "You" or     */
/*  "Your") a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge,              */
/*  royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent    */
/*  license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and      */
/*  otherwise transfer the Work, where such license applies only to those  */
/*  patent claims licensable by such contributor that are necessarily      */
/*  infringed by their contribution(s) alone or by combination of their    */
/*  contribution(s) with the Work to which such contribution(s) was        */
/*  submitted.  If You institute patent litigation against any entity      */
/*  (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that   */
/*  the Work or a contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes    */
/*  direct or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses   */
/*  granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate as of  */
/*  the date such litigation is filed.                                     */
/*                                                                         */
/*  By using, modifying, or distributing the Work you indicate that you    */
/*  have read and understood the terms and conditions of the               */
/*  FreeType Project License as well as those provided in this section,    */
/*  and you accept them fully.                                             */
/*                                                                         */

#include "psft.h"

#include "psglue.h"
#include "psfont.h"
#include "psstack.h"
#include "pshints.h"
#include "psintrp.h"

#include "pserror.h"

#include "psobjs.h"   /* for cff_random */
#include "t1decode.h" /* for t1  seac */

  /*                                                                       */
  /* The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit      */
  /* parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log  */
  /* messages during execution.                                            */
  /*                                                                       */
#define FT_COMPONENT  trace_cf2interp

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cf2_hintmask_init( CF2_HintMask  hintmask,
                     FT_Error*     error )
    FT_ZERO( hintmask );

    hintmask->error = error;

  cf2_hintmask_isValid( const CF2_HintMask  hintmask )
    return hintmask->isValid;

  cf2_hintmask_isNew( const CF2_HintMask  hintmask )
    return hintmask->isNew;

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cf2_hintmask_setNew( CF2_HintMask  hintmask,
                       FT_Bool       val )
    hintmask->isNew = val;

  /* clients call `getMaskPtr' in order to iterate */
  /* through hint mask                             */

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_Byte* )
  cf2_hintmask_getMaskPtr( CF2_HintMask  hintmask )
    return hintmask->mask;

  static size_t
  cf2_hintmask_setCounts( CF2_HintMask  hintmask,
                          size_t        bitCount )
    if ( bitCount > CF2_MAX_HINTS )
      /* total of h and v stems must be <= 96 */
      CF2_SET_ERROR( hintmask->error, Invalid_Glyph_Format );
      return 0;

    hintmask->bitCount  = bitCount;
    hintmask->byteCount = ( hintmask->bitCount + 7 ) / 8;

    hintmask->isValid = TRUE;
    hintmask->isNew   = TRUE;

    return bitCount;

  /* consume the hintmask bytes from the charstring, advancing the src */
  /* pointer                                                           */
  static void
  cf2_hintmask_read( CF2_HintMask  hintmask,
                     CF2_Buffer    charstring,
                     size_t        bitCount )
    size_t  i;

#ifndef CF2_NDEBUG
    /* these are the bits in the final mask byte that should be zero  */
    /* Note: this variable is only used in an assert expression below */
    /* and then only if CF2_NDEBUG is not defined                     */
    CF2_UInt  mask = ( 1 << ( -(CF2_Int)bitCount & 7 ) ) - 1;

    /* initialize counts and isValid */
    if ( cf2_hintmask_setCounts( hintmask, bitCount ) == 0 )

    FT_ASSERT( hintmask->byteCount > 0 );

    FT_TRACE4(( " (maskbytes:" ));

    /* set mask and advance interpreter's charstring pointer */
    for ( i = 0; i < hintmask->byteCount; i++ )
      hintmask->mask[i] = (FT_Byte)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );
      FT_TRACE4(( " 0x%02X", hintmask->mask[i] ));

    FT_TRACE4(( ")\n" ));

    /* assert any unused bits in last byte are zero unless there's a prior */
    /* error                                                               */
    /* bitCount -> mask, 0 -> 0, 1 -> 7f, 2 -> 3f, ... 6 -> 3, 7 -> 1      */
#ifndef CF2_NDEBUG
    FT_ASSERT( ( hintmask->mask[hintmask->byteCount - 1] & mask ) == 0 ||
               *hintmask->error                                        );

  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cf2_hintmask_setAll( CF2_HintMask  hintmask,
                       size_t        bitCount )
    size_t    i;
    CF2_UInt  mask = ( 1 << ( -(CF2_Int)bitCount & 7 ) ) - 1;

    /* initialize counts and isValid */
    if ( cf2_hintmask_setCounts( hintmask, bitCount ) == 0 )

    FT_ASSERT( hintmask->byteCount > 0 );
    FT_ASSERT( hintmask->byteCount <=
                 sizeof ( hintmask->mask ) / sizeof ( hintmask->mask[0] ) );

    /* set mask to all ones */
    for ( i = 0; i < hintmask->byteCount; i++ )
      hintmask->mask[i] = 0xFF;

    /* clear unused bits                                              */
    /* bitCount -> mask, 0 -> 0, 1 -> 7f, 2 -> 3f, ... 6 -> 3, 7 -> 1 */
    hintmask->mask[hintmask->byteCount - 1] &= ~mask;

  /* Type2 charstring opcodes */
    cf2_cmdRESERVED_0,   /* 0 */
    cf2_cmdHSTEM,        /* 1 */
    cf2_cmdRESERVED_2,   /* 2 */
    cf2_cmdVSTEM,        /* 3 */
    cf2_cmdVMOVETO,      /* 4 */
    cf2_cmdRLINETO,      /* 5 */
    cf2_cmdHLINETO,      /* 6 */
    cf2_cmdVLINETO,      /* 7 */
    cf2_cmdRRCURVETO,    /* 8 */
    cf2_cmdCLOSEPATH,    /* 9      T1 only */
    cf2_cmdCALLSUBR,     /* 10 */
    cf2_cmdRETURN,       /* 11 */
    cf2_cmdESC,          /* 12 */
    cf2_cmdHSBW,         /* 13     T1 only */
    cf2_cmdENDCHAR,      /* 14 */
    cf2_cmdVSINDEX,      /* 15 */
    cf2_cmdBLEND,        /* 16 */
    cf2_cmdRESERVED_17,  /* 17 */
    cf2_cmdHSTEMHM,      /* 18 */
    cf2_cmdHINTMASK,     /* 19 */
    cf2_cmdCNTRMASK,     /* 20 */
    cf2_cmdRMOVETO,      /* 21 */
    cf2_cmdHMOVETO,      /* 22 */
    cf2_cmdVSTEMHM,      /* 23 */
    cf2_cmdRCURVELINE,   /* 24 */
    cf2_cmdRLINECURVE,   /* 25 */
    cf2_cmdVVCURVETO,    /* 26 */
    cf2_cmdHHCURVETO,    /* 27 */
    cf2_cmdEXTENDEDNMBR, /* 28 */
    cf2_cmdCALLGSUBR,    /* 29 */
    cf2_cmdVHCURVETO,    /* 30 */
    cf2_cmdHVCURVETO     /* 31 */

    cf2_escDOTSECTION,   /* 0 */
    cf2_escVSTEM3,       /* 1      T1 only */
    cf2_escHSTEM3,       /* 2      T1 only */
    cf2_escAND,          /* 3 */
    cf2_escOR,           /* 4 */
    cf2_escNOT,          /* 5 */
    cf2_escSEAC,         /* 6      T1 only */
    cf2_escSBW,          /* 7      T1 only */
    cf2_escRESERVED_8,   /* 8 */
    cf2_escABS,          /* 9 */
    cf2_escADD,          /* 10     like otherADD */
    cf2_escSUB,          /* 11     like otherSUB */
    cf2_escDIV,          /* 12 */
    cf2_escRESERVED_13,  /* 13 */
    cf2_escNEG,          /* 14 */
    cf2_escEQ,           /* 15 */
    cf2_escCALLOTHERSUBR,/* 16     T1 only */
    cf2_escPOP,          /* 17     T1 only */
    cf2_escDROP,         /* 18 */
    cf2_escRESERVED_19,  /* 19 */
    cf2_escPUT,          /* 20     like otherPUT    */
    cf2_escGET,          /* 21     like otherGET    */
    cf2_escIFELSE,       /* 22     like otherIFELSE */
    cf2_escRANDOM,       /* 23     like otherRANDOM */
    cf2_escMUL,          /* 24     like otherMUL    */
    cf2_escRESERVED_25,  /* 25 */
    cf2_escSQRT,         /* 26 */
    cf2_escDUP,          /* 27     like otherDUP    */
    cf2_escEXCH,         /* 28     like otherEXCH   */
    cf2_escINDEX,        /* 29 */
    cf2_escROLL,         /* 30 */
    cf2_escRESERVED_31,  /* 31 */
    cf2_escRESERVED_32,  /* 32 */
    cf2_escSETCURRENTPT, /* 33     T1 only */
    cf2_escHFLEX,        /* 34 */
    cf2_escFLEX,         /* 35 */
    cf2_escHFLEX1,       /* 36 */
    cf2_escFLEX1,        /* 37 */
    cf2_escRESERVED_38   /* 38     & all higher     */

  /* `stemHintArray' does not change once we start drawing the outline. */
  static void
  cf2_doStems( const CF2_Font  font,
               CF2_Stack       opStack,
               CF2_ArrStack    stemHintArray,
               CF2_Fixed*      width,
               FT_Bool*        haveWidth,
               CF2_Fixed       hintOffset )
    CF2_UInt  i;
    CF2_UInt  count       = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
    FT_Bool   hasWidthArg = (FT_Bool)( count & 1 );

    /* variable accumulates delta values from operand stack */
    CF2_Fixed  position = hintOffset;

    if ( font->isT1 && !font->decoder->flex_state && !*haveWidth )
      FT_ERROR(( "cf2_doStems (Type 1 mode):"
                 " No width. Use hsbw/sbw as first op\n" ));
    if ( !font->isT1 && hasWidthArg && !*haveWidth )
      *width = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 0 ) +
                 cf2_getNominalWidthX( font->decoder );

    if ( font->decoder->width_only )
      goto exit;

    for ( i = hasWidthArg ? 1 : 0; i < count; i += 2 )
      /* construct a CF2_StemHint and push it onto the list */
      CF2_StemHintRec  stemhint;

      stemhint.min =
      position     = ADD_INT32( position,
                                cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, i ) );
      stemhint.max =
      position     = ADD_INT32( position,
                                cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, i + 1 ) );

      stemhint.used  = FALSE;
      stemhint.maxDS =
      stemhint.minDS = 0;

      cf2_arrstack_push( stemHintArray, &stemhint ); /* defer error check */

    cf2_stack_clear( opStack );

    /* cf2_doStems must define a width (may be default) */
    *haveWidth = TRUE;

  static void
  cf2_doFlex( CF2_Stack       opStack,
              CF2_Fixed*      curX,
              CF2_Fixed*      curY,
              CF2_GlyphPath   glyphPath,
              const FT_Bool*  readFromStack,
              FT_Bool         doConditionalLastRead )
    CF2_Fixed  vals[14];
    CF2_UInt   idx;
    FT_Bool    isHFlex;
    CF2_Int    top, i, j;

    vals[0] = *curX;
    vals[1] = *curY;
    idx     = 0;
    isHFlex = FT_BOOL( readFromStack[9] == FALSE );
    top     = isHFlex ? 9 : 10;

    for ( i = 0; i < top; i++ )
      vals[i + 2] = vals[i];
      if ( readFromStack[i] )
        vals[i + 2] = ADD_INT32( vals[i + 2], cf2_stack_getReal( opStack,
                                                                 idx++ ) );

    if ( isHFlex )
      vals[9 + 2] = *curY;

    if ( doConditionalLastRead )
      FT_Bool    lastIsX = (FT_Bool)(
                             cf2_fixedAbs( SUB_INT32( vals[10], *curX ) ) >
                             cf2_fixedAbs( SUB_INT32( vals[11], *curY ) ) );
      CF2_Fixed  lastVal = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx );

      if ( lastIsX )
        vals[12] = ADD_INT32( vals[10], lastVal );
        vals[13] = *curY;
        vals[12] = *curX;
        vals[13] = ADD_INT32( vals[11], lastVal );
      if ( readFromStack[10] )
        vals[12] = ADD_INT32( vals[10],
                              cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx++ ) );
        vals[12] = *curX;

      if ( readFromStack[11] )
        vals[13] = ADD_INT32( vals[11],
                              cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx ) );
        vals[13] = *curY;

    for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
      cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( glyphPath, vals[j * 6 + 2],
                                        vals[j * 6 + 3],
                                        vals[j * 6 + 4],
                                        vals[j * 6 + 5],
                                        vals[j * 6 + 6],
                                        vals[j * 6 + 7] );

    cf2_stack_clear( opStack );

    *curX = vals[12];
    *curY = vals[13];

  /* Blend numOperands on the stack,                */
  /* store results into the first numBlends values, */
  /* then pop remaining arguments.                  */
  static void
  cf2_doBlend( const CFF_Blend  blend,
               CF2_Stack        opStack,
               CF2_UInt         numBlends )
    CF2_UInt  delta;
    CF2_UInt  base;
    CF2_UInt  i, j;
    CF2_UInt  numOperands = (CF2_UInt)( numBlends * blend->lenBV );

    base  = cf2_stack_count( opStack ) - numOperands;
    delta = base + numBlends;

    for ( i = 0; i < numBlends; i++ )
      const CF2_Fixed*  weight = &blend->BV[1];

      /* start with first term */
      CF2_Fixed  sum = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, i + base );

      for ( j = 1; j < blend->lenBV; j++ )
        sum = ADD_INT32( sum,
                         FT_MulFix( *weight++,
                                    cf2_stack_getReal( opStack,
                                                       delta++ ) ) );

      /* store blended result  */
      cf2_stack_setReal( opStack, i + base, sum );

    /* leave only `numBlends' results on stack */
    cf2_stack_pop( opStack, numOperands - numBlends );

   * `error' is a shared error code used by many objects in this
   * routine.  Before the code continues from an error, it must check and
   * record the error in `*error'.  The idea is that this shared
   * error code will record the first error encountered.  If testing
   * for an error anyway, the cost of `goto exit' is small, so we do it,
   * even if continuing would be safe.  In this case, `lastError' is
   * set, so the testing and storing can be done in one place, at `exit'.
   * Continuing after an error is intended for objects which do their own
   * testing of `*error', e.g., array stack functions.  This allows us to
   * avoid an extra test after the call.
   * Unimplemented opcodes are ignored.
  FT_LOCAL_DEF( void )
  cf2_interpT2CharString( CF2_Font              font,
                          CF2_Buffer            buf,
                          CF2_OutlineCallbacks  callbacks,
                          const FT_Vector*      translation,
                          FT_Bool               doingSeac,
                          CF2_Fixed             curX,
                          CF2_Fixed             curY,
                          CF2_Fixed*            width )
    /* lastError is used for errors that are immediately tested */
    FT_Error  lastError = FT_Err_Ok;

    /* pointer to parsed font object */
    PS_Decoder*  decoder = font->decoder;

    FT_Error*  error  = &font->error;
    FT_Memory  memory = font->memory;

    CF2_Fixed  scaleY        = font->innerTransform.d;
    CF2_Fixed  nominalWidthX = cf2_getNominalWidthX( decoder );

    /* Stuff for Type 1 */
    FT_Int     known_othersubr_result_cnt   = 0;
    FT_Bool    large_int = FALSE;
    CF2_F16Dot16  results[PS_STORAGE_SIZE];   /* for othersubr results */
    FT_Int        result_cnt = 0;

    /* save this for hinting seac accents */
    CF2_Fixed  hintOriginY = curY;

    CF2_Stack  opStack = NULL;
    FT_UInt    stackSize;
    FT_Byte    op1;                       /* first opcode byte */

    CF2_F16Dot16  storage[CF2_STORAGE_SIZE];    /* for `put' and `get' */
    CF2_F16Dot16  flexStore[6];                 /* for Type 1 flex */

    /* instruction limit; 20,000,000 matches Avalon */
    FT_UInt32  instructionLimit = 20000000UL;

    CF2_ArrStackRec  subrStack;

    FT_Bool     haveWidth;
    CF2_Buffer  charstring = NULL;

    CF2_Int  charstringIndex = -1;       /* initialize to empty */

    /* TODO: placeholders for hint structures */

    /* objects used for hinting */
    CF2_ArrStackRec  hStemHintArray;
    CF2_ArrStackRec  vStemHintArray;

    CF2_HintMaskRec   hintMask;
    CF2_GlyphPathRec  glyphPath;

    FT_ZERO( &storage );
    FT_ZERO( &results );
    FT_ZERO( &flexStore );

    /* initialize the remaining objects */
    cf2_arrstack_init( &subrStack,
                       sizeof ( CF2_BufferRec ) );
    cf2_arrstack_init( &hStemHintArray,
                       sizeof ( CF2_StemHintRec ) );
    cf2_arrstack_init( &vStemHintArray,
                       sizeof ( CF2_StemHintRec ) );

    /* initialize CF2_StemHint arrays */
    cf2_hintmask_init( &hintMask, error );

    /* initialize path map to manage drawing operations */

    /* Note: last 4 params are used to handle `MoveToPermissive', which */
    /*       may need to call `hintMap.Build'                           */
    /* TODO: MoveToPermissive is gone; are these still needed?          */
    cf2_glyphpath_init( &glyphPath,
                        /* hShift, */
                        translation );

     * Initialize state for width parsing.  From the CFF Spec:
     *   The first stack-clearing operator, which must be one of hstem,
     *   hstemhm, vstem, vstemhm, cntrmask, hintmask, hmoveto, vmoveto,
     *   rmoveto, or endchar, takes an additional argument - the width (as
     *   described earlier), which may be expressed as zero or one numeric
     *   argument.
     * What we implement here uses the first validly specified width, but
     * does not detect errors for specifying more than one width.
     * If one of the above operators occurs without explicitly specifying
     * a width, we assume the default width.
     * CFF2 charstrings always return the default width (0).
    haveWidth = font->isCFF2 ? TRUE : FALSE;
    *width    = cf2_getDefaultWidthX( decoder );

     * Note: At this point, all pointers to resources must be NULL
     *       and all local objects must be initialized.
     *       There must be no branches to `exit:' above this point.

    /* allocate an operand stack */
    stackSize = font->isCFF2 ? cf2_getMaxstack( decoder )
                             : CF2_OPERAND_STACK_SIZE;
    opStack   = cf2_stack_init( memory, error, stackSize );

    if ( !opStack )
      lastError = FT_THROW( Out_Of_Memory );
      goto exit;

    /* initialize subroutine stack by placing top level charstring as */
    /* first element (max depth plus one for the charstring)          */
    /* Note: Caller owns and must finalize the first charstring.      */
    /*       Our copy of it does not change that requirement.         */
    cf2_arrstack_setCount( &subrStack, CF2_MAX_SUBR + 1 );

    charstring  = (CF2_Buffer)cf2_arrstack_getBuffer( &subrStack );
    *charstring = *buf;    /* structure copy */

    charstringIndex = 0;       /* entry is valid now */

    /* catch errors so far */
    if ( *error )
      goto exit;

    /* main interpreter loop */
    while ( 1 )
      if ( font->isT1 )
        FT_ASSERT( known_othersubr_result_cnt == 0   ||
                   result_cnt == 0 );

      if ( cf2_buf_isEnd( charstring ) )
        /* If we've reached the end of the charstring, simulate a */
        /* cf2_cmdRETURN or cf2_cmdENDCHAR.                       */
        /* We do this for both CFF and CFF2.                      */
        if ( charstringIndex )
          op1 = cf2_cmdRETURN;  /* end of buffer for subroutine */
          op1 = cf2_cmdENDCHAR; /* end of buffer for top level charstring */
        op1 = (FT_Byte)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );

        /* Explicit RETURN and ENDCHAR in CFF2 should be ignored. */
        /* Note: Trace message will report 0 instead of 11 or 14. */
        if ( ( op1 == cf2_cmdRETURN || op1 == cf2_cmdENDCHAR ) &&
             font->isCFF2                                      )
          op1 = cf2_cmdRESERVED_0;

      if ( font->isT1 )
        if ( result_cnt > 0 &&
             !( op1 == cf2_cmdCALLSUBR ||
                op1 == cf2_cmdRETURN   ||
                op1 == cf2_cmdESC      ||
                op1 >= 32 /* Numbers */ ) )
          /* all operands have been transferred by previous pops */
          result_cnt = 0;

        if ( large_int && !( op1 >= 32 || op1 == cf2_escDIV ) )
          FT_ERROR(( "cf2_interpT2CharString (Type 1 mode):"
                     " no `div' after large integer\n" ));

          large_int = FALSE;

      /* check for errors once per loop */
      if ( *error )
        goto exit;

      if ( instructionLimit == 0 )
        lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
        goto exit;

      switch( op1 )
      case cf2_cmdRESERVED_0:
      case cf2_cmdRESERVED_2:
      case cf2_cmdRESERVED_17:
        /* we may get here if we have a prior error */
        FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (%d)\n", op1 ));

      case cf2_cmdVSINDEX:
        FT_TRACE4(( " vsindex\n" ));

        if ( !font->isCFF2 )
          break;    /* clear stack & ignore */

        if ( font->blend.usedBV )
          /* vsindex not allowed after blend */
          lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
          goto exit;

          FT_Int  temp = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );

          if ( temp >= 0 )
            font->vsindex = (FT_UInt)temp;

      case cf2_cmdBLEND:
          FT_UInt  numBlends;

          FT_TRACE4(( " blend\n" ));

          if ( !font->isCFF2 )
            break;    /* clear stack & ignore */

          /* do we have a `blend' op in a non-variant font? */
          if ( !font->blend.font )
            lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
            goto exit;

          /* check cached blend vector */
          if ( font->cffload->blend_check_vector( &font->blend,
                                                  font->NDV ) )
            lastError = font->cffload->blend_build_vector( &font->blend,
                                                           font->NDV );
            if ( lastError )
              goto exit;

          /* do the blend */
          numBlends = (FT_UInt)cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
          if ( numBlends > stackSize )
            lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
            goto exit;

          cf2_doBlend( &font->blend, opStack, numBlends );

          font->blend.usedBV = TRUE;
        continue;     /* do not clear the stack */

      case cf2_cmdHSTEMHM:
      case cf2_cmdHSTEM:
        FT_TRACE4(( op1 == cf2_cmdHSTEMHM ? " hstemhm\n" : " hstem\n" ));

        if ( !font->isT1 )
          /* never add hints after the mask is computed */
          /* except if in Type 1 mode (no hintmask op)  */
          if ( cf2_hintmask_isValid( &hintMask ) )
            FT_TRACE4(( "cf2_interpT2CharString:"
                        " invalid horizontal hint mask\n" ));

        cf2_doStems( font,
                     font->isT1 ? decoder->builder.left_bearing->y
                                : 0 );

        if ( decoder->width_only )
          goto exit;


      case cf2_cmdVSTEMHM:
      case cf2_cmdVSTEM:
        FT_TRACE4(( op1 == cf2_cmdVSTEMHM ? " vstemhm\n" : " vstem\n" ));

        if ( !font->isT1 )
          /* never add hints after the mask is computed */
          /* except if in Type 1 mode (no hintmask op)  */
          if ( cf2_hintmask_isValid( &hintMask ) )
            FT_TRACE4(( "cf2_interpT2CharString:"
                        " invalid vertical hint mask\n" ));

        cf2_doStems( font,
                     font->isT1 ? decoder->builder.left_bearing->x
                                : 0 );

        if ( decoder->width_only )
          goto exit;


      case cf2_cmdVMOVETO:
        FT_TRACE4(( " vmoveto\n" ));

        if ( font->isT1 && !decoder->flex_state && !haveWidth )
          FT_ERROR(( "cf2_interpT2CharString (Type 1 mode):"
                     " No width. Use hsbw/sbw as first op\n" ));

        if ( cf2_stack_count( opStack ) > 1 && !haveWidth )
          *width = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 0 ),
                              nominalWidthX );

        /* width is defined or default after this */
        haveWidth = TRUE;

        if ( decoder->width_only )
          goto exit;

        curY = ADD_INT32( curY, cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack ) );

        cf2_glyphpath_moveTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );


      case cf2_cmdRLINETO:
          CF2_UInt  idx;
          CF2_UInt  count = cf2_stack_count( opStack );

          FT_TRACE4(( " rlineto\n" ));

          for ( idx = 0; idx < count; idx += 2 )
            curX = ADD_INT32( curX, cf2_stack_getReal( opStack,
                                                       idx + 0 ) );
            curY = ADD_INT32( curY, cf2_stack_getReal( opStack,
                                                       idx + 1 ) );

            cf2_glyphpath_lineTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );
        continue; /* no need to clear stack again */

      case cf2_cmdHLINETO:
      case cf2_cmdVLINETO:
          CF2_UInt  idx;
          CF2_UInt  count = cf2_stack_count( opStack );

          FT_Bool  isX = FT_BOOL( op1 == cf2_cmdHLINETO );

          FT_TRACE4(( isX ? " hlineto\n" : " vlineto\n" ));

          for ( idx = 0; idx < count; idx++ )
            CF2_Fixed  v = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx );

            if ( isX )
              curX = ADD_INT32( curX, v );
              curY = ADD_INT32( curY, v );

            isX = !isX;

            cf2_glyphpath_lineTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );

      case cf2_cmdRCURVELINE:
      case cf2_cmdRRCURVETO:
          CF2_UInt  count = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
          CF2_UInt  idx   = 0;

          FT_TRACE4(( op1 == cf2_cmdRCURVELINE ? " rcurveline\n"
                                               : " rrcurveto\n" ));

          while ( idx + 6 <= count )
            CF2_Fixed  x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;

            x1 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 0 ), curX );
            y1 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 1 ), curY );
            x2 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 2 ), x1 );
            y2 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 3 ), y1 );
            x3 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 4 ), x2 );
            y3 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 5 ), y2 );

            cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( &glyphPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 );

            curX  = x3;
            curY  = y3;
            idx  += 6;

          if ( op1 == cf2_cmdRCURVELINE )
            curX = ADD_INT32( curX, cf2_stack_getReal( opStack,
                                                       idx + 0 ) );
            curY = ADD_INT32( curY, cf2_stack_getReal( opStack,
                                                       idx + 1 ) );

            cf2_glyphpath_lineTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );
        continue; /* no need to clear stack again */

      case cf2_cmdCLOSEPATH:
        if ( !font->isT1 )
          FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (%d)\n", op1 ));
          FT_TRACE4(( " closepath" ));

          /* if there is no path, `closepath' is a no-op */
          ps_builder_close_contour( &decoder->builder );

          haveWidth = TRUE;

      case cf2_cmdCALLGSUBR:
      case cf2_cmdCALLSUBR:
          CF2_Int  subrNum;

          FT_TRACE4(( op1 == cf2_cmdCALLGSUBR ? " callgsubr"
                                              : " callsubr" ));

          if ( ( !font->isT1 && charstringIndex > CF2_MAX_SUBR ) ||
               (  font->isT1 && charstringIndex > T1_MAX_SUBRS_CALLS ) )
            /* max subr plus one for charstring */
            lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
            goto exit;                      /* overflow of stack */

          /* push our current CFF charstring region on subrStack */
          charstring = (CF2_Buffer)
                           (size_t)charstringIndex + 1 );

          /* set up the new CFF region and pointer */
          subrNum = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );

          if ( font->isT1 && decoder->locals_hash )
            size_t*  val = ft_hash_num_lookup( subrNum,
                                               decoder->locals_hash );

            if ( val )
              subrNum = *val;
              subrNum = -1;

          switch ( op1 )
          case cf2_cmdCALLGSUBR:
            FT_TRACE4(( " (idx %d, entering level %d)\n",
                        subrNum + decoder->globals_bias,
                        charstringIndex + 1 ));

            if ( cf2_initGlobalRegionBuffer( decoder,
                                             charstring ) )
              lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
              goto exit;  /* subroutine lookup or stream error */

            /* cf2_cmdCALLSUBR */
            FT_TRACE4(( " (idx %d, entering level %d)\n",
                        subrNum + decoder->locals_bias,
                        charstringIndex + 1 ));

            if ( cf2_initLocalRegionBuffer( decoder,
                                            charstring ) )
              lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
              goto exit;  /* subroutine lookup or stream error */

          charstringIndex += 1;       /* entry is valid now */
        continue; /* do not clear the stack */

      case cf2_cmdRETURN:
        FT_TRACE4(( " return (leaving level %d)\n", charstringIndex ));

        if ( charstringIndex < 1 )
          /* Note: cannot return from top charstring */
          lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
          goto exit;                      /* underflow of stack */

        /* restore position in previous charstring */
        charstring = (CF2_Buffer)
                         (CF2_UInt)--charstringIndex );
        continue;     /* do not clear the stack */

      case cf2_cmdESC:
          FT_Byte  op2 = (FT_Byte)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );

          /* first switch for 2-byte operators handles CFF2      */
          /* and opcodes that are reserved for both CFF and CFF2 */
          switch ( op2 )
          case cf2_escHFLEX:
              static const FT_Bool  readFromStack[12] =
                TRUE /* dx1 */, FALSE /* dy1 */,
                TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE  /* dy2 */,
                TRUE /* dx3 */, FALSE /* dy3 */,
                TRUE /* dx4 */, FALSE /* dy4 */,
                TRUE /* dx5 */, FALSE /* dy5 */,
                TRUE /* dx6 */, FALSE /* dy6 */

              FT_TRACE4(( " hflex\n" ));

              cf2_doFlex( opStack,
                          FALSE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );

          case cf2_escFLEX:
              static const FT_Bool  readFromStack[12] =
                TRUE /* dx1 */, TRUE /* dy1 */,
                TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE /* dy2 */,
                TRUE /* dx3 */, TRUE /* dy3 */,
                TRUE /* dx4 */, TRUE /* dy4 */,
                TRUE /* dx5 */, TRUE /* dy5 */,
                TRUE /* dx6 */, TRUE /* dy6 */

              FT_TRACE4(( " flex\n" ));

              cf2_doFlex( opStack,
                          FALSE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );
            break;      /* TODO: why is this not a continue? */

          case cf2_escHFLEX1:
              static const FT_Bool  readFromStack[12] =
                TRUE /* dx1 */, TRUE  /* dy1 */,
                TRUE /* dx2 */, TRUE  /* dy2 */,
                TRUE /* dx3 */, FALSE /* dy3 */,
                TRUE /* dx4 */, FALSE /* dy4 */,
                TRUE /* dx5 */, TRUE  /* dy5 */,
                TRUE /* dx6 */, FALSE /* dy6 */

              FT_TRACE4(( " hflex1\n" ));

              cf2_doFlex( opStack,
                          FALSE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );

          case cf2_escFLEX1:
              static const FT_Bool  readFromStack[12] =
                TRUE  /* dx1 */, TRUE  /* dy1 */,
                TRUE  /* dx2 */, TRUE  /* dy2 */,
                TRUE  /* dx3 */, TRUE  /* dy3 */,
                TRUE  /* dx4 */, TRUE  /* dy4 */,
                TRUE  /* dx5 */, TRUE  /* dy5 */,
                FALSE /* dx6 */, FALSE /* dy6 */

              FT_TRACE4(( " flex1\n" ));

              cf2_doFlex( opStack,
                          TRUE /* doConditionalLastRead */ );

          /* these opcodes are always reserved */
          case cf2_escRESERVED_8:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_13:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_19:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_25:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_31:
          case cf2_escRESERVED_32:
            FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (12, %d)\n", op2 ));

              if ( font->isCFF2 || op2 >= cf2_escRESERVED_38 )
                FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (12, %d)\n", op2 ));
              else if ( font->isT1 && result_cnt > 0 && op2 != cf2_escPOP )
                /* all operands have been transferred by previous pops */
                result_cnt = 0;
                /* second switch for 2-byte operators handles CFF and Type 1 */
                switch ( op2 )

                case cf2_escDOTSECTION:
                  /* something about `flip type of locking' -- ignore it */
                  FT_TRACE4(( " dotsection\n" ));


                case cf2_escVSTEM3:
                case cf2_escHSTEM3:
                  /* Type 1:                     */ /* Type 2:                      */
                  /* x0 dx0 x1 dx1 x2 dx2 vstem3 */ /* x dx {dxa dxb}* vstem        */
                  /* y0 dy0 y1 dy1 y2 dy2 hstem3 */ /* y dy {dya dyb}* hstem        */
                  /* relative to lsb point       */ /* relative to zero             */
                    if ( !font->isT1 )
                      FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (12, %d)\n", op2 ));
                      CF2_F16Dot16  v0, v1, v2;

                      FT_Bool isV = FT_BOOL( op2 == cf2_escVSTEM3 );

                      FT_TRACE4(( isV ? " vstem3\n"
                                      : " hstem3\n" ));

                      FT_ASSERT( ( cf2_stack_count( opStack ) == 6 ) );

                      v0 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 0 );
                      v1 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 2 );
                      v2 = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 4 );

                      cf2_stack_setReal( opStack, 2,
                                         SUB_INT32( SUB_INT32( v1, v0 ),
                                                    cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 1 ) ) );
                      cf2_stack_setReal( opStack, 4,
                                         SUB_INT32( SUB_INT32( v2, v1 ),
                                                    cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 3 ) ) );

                      cf2_doStems( font,
                                   isV ? &vStemHintArray : &hStemHintArray,
                                   isV ? decoder->builder.left_bearing->x
                                       : decoder->builder.left_bearing->y );

                      if ( decoder->width_only )
                        goto exit;

                case cf2_escAND:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg1;
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg2;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " and\n" ));

                    arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                    arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, arg1 && arg2 );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escOR:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg1;
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg2;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " or\n" ));

                    arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                    arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, arg1 || arg2 );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escNOT:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " not\n" ));

                    arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, !arg );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escSEAC:
                    if ( !font->isT1 )
                      FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (12, %d)\n", op2 ));
                      FT_Error     error2;
                      CF2_Int      bchar_index, achar_index;
                      FT_Vector    left_bearing, advance;
                      T1_Face      face  = (T1_Face)decoder->builder.face;
                      CF2_BufferRec  component;
                      CF2_Fixed      dummyWidth;

                      CF2_Int  achar = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
                      CF2_Int  bchar = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );

                      FT_Pos   ady   = cf2_stack_popFixed ( opStack );
                      FT_Pos   adx   = cf2_stack_popFixed ( opStack );
                      FT_Pos   asb   = cf2_stack_popFixed ( opStack );

                      FT_TRACE4(( " seac\n" ));

                      if ( doingSeac )
                        FT_ERROR(( " nested seac\n" ));
                        lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
                        goto exit;      /* nested seac */

                      if ( decoder->builder.metrics_only )
                        FT_ERROR(( " unexpected seac\n" ));
                        lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
                        goto exit;      /* unexpected seac */

                      /* `glyph_names' is set to 0 for CID fonts which do not */
                      /* include an encoding.  How can we deal with these?    */
                      if ( decoder->glyph_names == 0                   &&
                           !face->root.internal->incremental_interface )
                        if ( decoder->glyph_names == 0 )
                          FT_ERROR(( "cf2_interpT2CharString: (Type 1 seac)"
                                     " glyph names table not available in this font\n" ));
                          lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
                          goto exit;

                      /* seac weirdness */
                      adx += decoder->builder.left_bearing->x;

                      if ( face->root.internal->incremental_interface )
                        /* the caller must handle the font encoding also */
                        bchar_index = bchar;
                        achar_index = achar;
                        bchar_index = t1_lookup_glyph_by_stdcharcode_ps( decoder, bchar );
                        achar_index = t1_lookup_glyph_by_stdcharcode_ps( decoder, achar );

                      if ( bchar_index < 0 || achar_index < 0 )
                        FT_ERROR(( "cf2_interpT2CharString: (Type 1 seac)"
                                   " invalid seac character code arguments\n" ));
                        lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
                        goto exit;

                      /* if we are trying to load a composite glyph, do not load the */
                      /* accent character and return the array of subglyphs.         */
                      if ( decoder->builder.no_recurse )
                        FT_GlyphSlot    glyph  = (FT_GlyphSlot)decoder->builder.glyph;
                        FT_GlyphLoader  loader = glyph->internal->loader;
                        FT_SubGlyph     subg;

                        /* reallocate subglyph array if necessary */
                        error2 = FT_GlyphLoader_CheckSubGlyphs( loader, 2 );
                        if ( error2 )
                          lastError = error2;      /* pass FreeType error through */
                          goto exit;

                        subg = loader->current.subglyphs;

                        /* subglyph 0 = base character */
                        subg->index = bchar_index;
                        subg->flags = FT_SUBGLYPH_FLAG_ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES |
                        subg->arg1  = 0;
                        subg->arg2  = 0;

                        /* subglyph 1 = accent character */
                        subg->index = achar_index;
                        subg->flags = FT_SUBGLYPH_FLAG_ARGS_ARE_XY_VALUES;
                        subg->arg1  = (FT_Int)FIXED_TO_INT( adx - asb );
                        subg->arg2  = (FT_Int)FIXED_TO_INT( ady );

                        /* set up remaining glyph fields */
                        glyph->num_subglyphs = 2;
                        glyph->subglyphs     = loader->base.subglyphs;
                        glyph->format        = FT_GLYPH_FORMAT_COMPOSITE;

                        loader->current.num_subglyphs = 2;

                        goto exit;

                      /* First load `bchar' in builder */
                      /* now load the unscaled outline */

                      FT_GlyphLoader_Prepare( decoder->builder.loader );  /* prepare loader */

                      error2 = cf2_getT1SeacComponent( decoder, (FT_UInt)bchar_index, &component );
                      if ( error2 )
                        lastError = error2;      /* pass FreeType error through */
                        goto exit;
                      cf2_interpT2CharString( font,
                                              &dummyWidth );
                      cf2_freeT1SeacComponent( decoder, &component );

                      /* save the left bearing and width of the base character */
                      /* as they will be erased by the next load.              */

                      left_bearing = *decoder->builder.left_bearing;
                      advance      = *decoder->builder.advance;

                      decoder->builder.left_bearing->x = 0;
                      decoder->builder.left_bearing->y = 0;

                      /* Now load `achar' on top of */
                      /* the base outline           */

                      error2 = cf2_getT1SeacComponent( decoder, (FT_UInt)achar_index, &component );
                      if ( error2 )
                        lastError = error2;      /* pass FreeType error through */
                        goto exit;
                      cf2_interpT2CharString( font,
                                              adx - asb,
                                              &dummyWidth );
                      cf2_freeT1SeacComponent( decoder, &component );

                      /* restore the left side bearing and   */
                      /* advance width of the base character */

                      *decoder->builder.left_bearing = left_bearing;
                      *decoder->builder.advance      = advance;

                      goto exit;

                case cf2_escSBW:
                    if ( !font->isT1 )
                      FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (12, %d)\n", op2 ));
                      CF2_Fixed    lsb_x, lsb_y;
                      PS_Builder*  builder;

                      FT_TRACE4(( " sbw" ));

                      builder = &decoder->builder;

                      builder->advance->y = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                      builder->advance->x = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                      lsb_y = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                      lsb_x = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                      builder->left_bearing->x = ADD_INT32( builder->left_bearing->x,
                                                            lsb_x );
                      builder->left_bearing->y = ADD_INT32( builder->left_bearing->y,
                                                            lsb_y );

                      haveWidth = TRUE;

                      /* the `metrics_only' indicates that we only want to compute */
                      /* the glyph's metrics (lsb + advance width), not load the   */
                      /* rest of it; so exit immediately                           */
                      if ( builder->metrics_only )
                        goto exit;

                      curX = ADD_INT32( curX, lsb_x );
                      curY = ADD_INT32( curY, lsb_y );

                case cf2_escABS:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " abs\n" ));

                    arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    if ( arg < -CF2_FIXED_MAX )
                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, CF2_FIXED_MAX );
                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, FT_ABS( arg ) );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escADD:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  summand1;
                    CF2_F16Dot16  summand2;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " add\n" ));

                    summand2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                    summand1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
                                         ADD_INT32( summand1,
                                                    summand2 ) );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escSUB:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  minuend;
                    CF2_F16Dot16  subtrahend;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " sub\n" ));

                    subtrahend = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                    minuend    = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
                                         SUB_INT32( minuend, subtrahend ) );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escDIV:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  dividend;
                    CF2_F16Dot16  divisor;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " div\n" ));

                    if ( font->isT1 && large_int )
                      divisor  = (CF2_F16Dot16)cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
                      dividend = (CF2_F16Dot16)cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );

                      large_int = FALSE;
                      divisor  = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                      dividend = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
                                         FT_DivFix( dividend, divisor ) );

                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escNEG:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " neg\n" ));

                    arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    if ( arg < -CF2_FIXED_MAX )
                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, CF2_FIXED_MAX );
                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, -arg );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escEQ:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg1;
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg2;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " eq\n" ));

                    arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                    arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, arg1 == arg2 );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escCALLOTHERSUBR:
                  if ( !font->isT1 )
                    FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (12, %d)\n", op2 ));
                    CF2_Int   subr_no;
                    CF2_Int   arg_cnt;
                    CF2_UInt  count;
                    CF2_UInt  opIdx = 0;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " callothersubr\n" ));

                    subr_no = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
                    arg_cnt = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );

                    /*                                                         */
                    /* remove all operands to callothersubr from the stack     */
                    /*                                                         */
                    /* for handled othersubrs, where we know the number of     */
                    /* arguments, we increase the stack by the value of        */
                    /* known_othersubr_result_cnt                              */
                    /*                                                         */
                    /* for unhandled othersubrs the following pops adjust the  */
                    /* stack pointer as necessary                              */

                    count = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
                    FT_ASSERT( arg_cnt <= count );

                    opIdx += count - arg_cnt;

                    known_othersubr_result_cnt = 0;
                    result_cnt = 0;

                    /* XXX TODO: The checks to `arg_count == <whatever>'       */
                    /* might not be correct; an othersubr expects a certain    */
                    /* number of operands on the PostScript stack (as opposed  */
                    /* to the T1 stack) but it doesn't have to put them there  */
                    /* by itself; previous othersubrs might have left the      */
                    /* operands there if they were not followed by an          */
                    /* appropriate number of pops                              */
                    /*                                                         */
                    /* On the other hand, Adobe Reader 7.0.8 for Linux doesn't */
                    /* accept a font that contains charstrings like            */
                    /*                                                         */
                    /*     100 200 2 20 callothersubr                          */
                    /*     300 1 20 callothersubr pop                          */
                    /*                                                         */
                    /* Perhaps this is the reason why BuildCharArray exists.   */

                    switch ( subr_no )
                    case 0:                     /* end flex feature */
                      if ( arg_cnt != 3 )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      if ( !decoder->flex_state           ||
                           decoder->num_flex_vectors != 7 )
                        FT_ERROR(( "cf2_interpT2CharString (Type 1 mode):"
                                   " unexpected flex end\n" ));
                        lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
                        goto exit;

                      /* the two `results' are popped by the following setcurrentpoint */
                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, curX );
                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, curY );
                      known_othersubr_result_cnt = 2;

                    case 1:                     /* start flex feature */
                      if ( arg_cnt != 0 )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      if ( ps_builder_check_points( &decoder->builder, 6 ) )
                        goto exit;

                      decoder->flex_state        = 1;
                      decoder->num_flex_vectors  = 0;

                    case 2:                     /* add flex vectors */
                      FT_Int  idx;
                      FT_Int  idx2;

                      if ( arg_cnt != 0 )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      if ( !decoder->flex_state )
                        FT_ERROR(( "cf2_interpT2CharString (Type 1 mode):"
                                   " missing flex start\n" ));
                        lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
                        goto exit;

                      /* note that we should not add a point for index 0; */
                      /* this will move our current position to the flex  */
                      /* point without adding any point to the outline    */
                      idx = decoder->num_flex_vectors++;
                      if ( idx > 0 && idx < 7 )
                        /* in malformed fonts it is possible to have other */
                        /* opcodes in the middle of a flex (which don't    */
                        /* increase `num_flex_vectors'); we thus have to   */
                        /* check whether we can add a point                */
                        if ( ps_builder_check_points( &decoder->builder, 1 ) )
                          lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
                          goto exit;

                        /* map: 1->2 2->4 3->6 4->2 5->4 6->6 */
                        idx2 = ( idx > 3 ? idx - 3 : idx ) * 2;

                        flexStore[idx2 - 2] = curX;
                        flexStore[idx2 - 1] = curY;

                        if ( idx == 3 || idx == 6 )
                          cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( &glyphPath,
                                                 flexStore[5] );

                    case 3:                     /* change hints */
                      if ( arg_cnt != 1 )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      cf2_arrstack_clear( &vStemHintArray );
                      cf2_arrstack_clear( &hStemHintArray );

                      cf2_hintmask_init( &hintMask, error );
                      hintMask.isValid = FALSE;
                      hintMask.isNew   = TRUE;

                      known_othersubr_result_cnt = 1;

                    case 12:
                    case 13:
                      /* counter control hints, clear stack */
                      cf2_stack_clear( opStack );

                    case 14:
                    case 15:
                    case 16:
                    case 17:
                    case 18:                    /* multiple masters */
                      PS_Blend  blend = decoder->blend;
                      FT_UInt   num_points, nn, mm;
                      CF2_UInt  delta;
                      CF2_UInt  values;

                      if ( !blend )
                        FT_ERROR(( "t1_decoder_parse_charstrings:"
                                   " unexpected multiple masters operator\n" ));
                        lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
                        goto exit;

                      num_points = (FT_UInt)subr_no - 13 + ( subr_no == 18 );
                      if ( arg_cnt != (FT_Int)( num_points * blend->num_designs ) )
                        FT_ERROR(( "t1_decoder_parse_charstrings:"
                                   " incorrect number of multiple masters arguments\n" ));
                        lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
                        goto exit;

                      /* We want to compute                                    */
                      /*                                                       */
                      /*   a0*w0 + a1*w1 + ... + ak*wk                         */
                      /*                                                       */
                      /* but we only have a0, a1-a0, a2-a0, ..., ak-a0.        */
                      /*                                                       */
                      /* However, given that w0 + w1 + ... + wk == 1, we can   */
                      /* rewrite it easily as                                  */
                      /*                                                       */
                      /*   a0 + (a1-a0)*w1 + (a2-a0)*w2 + ... + (ak-a0)*wk     */
                      /*                                                       */
                      /* where k == num_designs-1.                             */
                      /*                                                       */
                      /* I guess that's why it's written in this `compact'     */
                      /* form.                                                 */
                      /*                                                       */
                      delta  = opIdx + num_points;
                      values = opIdx;
                      for ( nn = 0; nn < num_points; nn++ )
                        CF2_Fixed  tmp = cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, values );

                        for ( mm = 1; mm < blend->num_designs; mm++ )
                          tmp = ADD_INT32( tmp,
                                           FT_MulFix( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, delta++ ),
                                                      blend->weight_vector[mm] ) );

                        cf2_stack_setReal( opStack, values++, tmp );
                      cf2_stack_pop( opStack,
                                     arg_cnt - num_points );

                      known_othersubr_result_cnt = (FT_Int)num_points;

                    case 19:
                      /* <idx> 1 19 callothersubr                             */
                      /* => replace elements starting from index cvi( <idx> ) */
                      /*    of BuildCharArray with WeightVector               */
                      FT_Int    idx;
                      PS_Blend  blend = decoder->blend;

                      if ( arg_cnt != 1 || !blend )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      idx = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );

                      if ( idx < 0                                                    ||
                           (FT_UInt)idx + blend->num_designs > decoder->len_buildchar )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      ft_memcpy( &decoder->buildchar[idx],
                                 blend->num_designs *
                                 sizeof ( blend->weight_vector[0] ) );

                    case 20:
                      /* <arg1> <arg2> 2 20 callothersubr pop   */
                      /* ==> push <arg1> + <arg2> onto T1 stack */
                      CF2_F16Dot16  summand1;
                      CF2_F16Dot16  summand2;

                      if ( arg_cnt != 2 )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      summand2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                      summand1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
                                           ADD_INT32( summand1,
                                                      summand2 ) );
                      known_othersubr_result_cnt = 1;

                    case 21:
                      /* <arg1> <arg2> 2 21 callothersubr pop   */
                      /* ==> push <arg1> - <arg2> onto T1 stack */
                      CF2_F16Dot16  minuend;
                      CF2_F16Dot16  subtrahend;

                      if ( arg_cnt != 2 )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      subtrahend = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                      minuend    = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
                                           SUB_INT32( minuend, subtrahend ) );
                      known_othersubr_result_cnt = 1;

                    case 22:
                      /* <arg1> <arg2> 2 22 callothersubr pop   */
                      /* ==> push <arg1> * <arg2> onto T1 stack */
                      CF2_F16Dot16  factor1;
                      CF2_F16Dot16  factor2;

                      if ( arg_cnt != 2 )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      factor2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                      factor1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
                                           FT_MulFix( factor1, factor2 ) );
                      known_othersubr_result_cnt = 1;

                    case 23:
                      /* <arg1> <arg2> 2 23 callothersubr pop   */
                      /* ==> push <arg1> / <arg2> onto T1 stack */
                      CF2_F16Dot16  dividend;
                      CF2_F16Dot16  divisor;

                      if ( arg_cnt != 2 )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      divisor  = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                      dividend = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                      if ( divisor == 0 )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
                                           FT_DivFix( dividend, divisor ) );
                      known_othersubr_result_cnt = 1;

                    case 24:
                      /* <val> <idx> 2 24 callothersubr               */
                      /* ==> set BuildCharArray[cvi( <idx> )] = <val> */
                      CF2_Int   idx;
                      PS_Blend  blend = decoder->blend;

                      if ( arg_cnt != 2 || !blend )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      idx = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );

                      if ( idx < 0 || (FT_UInt) idx >= decoder->len_buildchar )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      decoder->buildchar[idx] = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    case 25:
                      /* <idx> 1 25 callothersubr pop        */
                      /* ==> push BuildCharArray[cvi( idx )] */
                      /*     onto T1 stack                   */
                      CF2_Int   idx;
                      PS_Blend  blend = decoder->blend;

                      if ( arg_cnt != 1 || !blend )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      idx = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );

                      if ( idx < 0 || (FT_UInt) idx >= decoder->len_buildchar )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
                                           decoder->buildchar[idx] );
                      known_othersubr_result_cnt = 1;

#if 0
                    case 26:
                      /* <val> mark <idx> ==> set BuildCharArray[cvi( <idx> )] = <val>, */
                      /*                      leave mark on T1 stack                    */
                      /* <val> <idx>      ==> set BuildCharArray[cvi( <idx> )] = <val>  */
                      XXX which routine has left its mark on the (PostScript) stack?;

                    case 27:
                      /* <res1> <res2> <val1> <val2> 4 27 callothersubr pop */
                      /* ==> push <res1> onto T1 stack if <val1> <= <val2>, */
                      /*     otherwise push <res2>                          */
                      CF2_F16Dot16  arg1;
                      CF2_F16Dot16  arg2;
                      CF2_F16Dot16  cond1;
                      CF2_F16Dot16  cond2;

                      if ( arg_cnt != 4 )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      cond2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                      cond1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                      arg2  = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                      arg1  = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
                                           cond1 <= cond2 ? arg1 : arg2 );
                      known_othersubr_result_cnt = 1;

                    case 28:
                      /* 0 28 callothersubr pop                               */
                      /* => push random value from interval [0, 1) onto stack */
                      CF2_F16Dot16  r;

                      if ( arg_cnt != 0 )
                        goto Unexpected_OtherSubr;

                      /* only use the lower 16 bits of `random'  */
                      /* to generate a number in the range (0;1] */
                      r = (CF2_F16Dot16)
                        ( ( decoder->current_subfont->random & 0xFFFF ) + 1 );

                      decoder->current_subfont->random =
                        cff_random( decoder->current_subfont->random );

                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, r );
                      known_othersubr_result_cnt = 1;

                      if ( arg_cnt >= 0 && subr_no >= 0 )
                        FT_UInt  i;

                        FT_ERROR(( "cf2_interpT2CharString (Type 1 mode):"
                                   " unknown othersubr [%d %d], wish me luck\n",
                                   arg_cnt, subr_no ));

                        /* Store the unused args for this unhandled OtherSubr */

                        if ( arg_cnt > PS_STORAGE_SIZE )
                          arg_cnt = PS_STORAGE_SIZE;
                        result_cnt = arg_cnt;

                        for ( i = 1; i <= arg_cnt; i++ )
                          results[result_cnt - i] = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                      /* fall through */

                      FT_ERROR(( "cf2_interpT2CharString (Type 1 mode):"
                                 " invalid othersubr [%d %d]\n", arg_cnt, subr_no ));
                      lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
                      goto exit;
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escPOP:
                  if ( !font->isT1 )
                    FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (12, %d)\n", op2 ));
                    FT_TRACE4(( " pop" ));

                    if ( known_othersubr_result_cnt > 0 )
                      /* ignore, we pushed the operands ourselves */

                    if ( result_cnt == 0 )
                      FT_ERROR(( "cf2_interpT2CharString (Type 1 mode):"
                                 " no more operands for othersubr\n" ));
                      lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
                      goto exit;

                    cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, results[result_cnt] );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escDROP:
                  FT_TRACE4(( " drop\n" ));

                  (void)cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escPUT:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  val;
                    CF2_Int       idx;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " put\n" ));

                    idx = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
                    val = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    if ( idx >= 0 && idx < CF2_STORAGE_SIZE )
                      storage[idx] = val;
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escGET:
                    CF2_Int  idx;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " get\n" ));

                    idx = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );

                    if ( idx >= 0 && idx < CF2_STORAGE_SIZE )
                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, storage[idx] );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escIFELSE:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg1;
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg2;
                    CF2_F16Dot16  cond1;
                    CF2_F16Dot16  cond2;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " ifelse\n" ));

                    cond2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                    cond1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                    arg2  = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                    arg1  = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
                                         cond1 <= cond2 ? arg1 : arg2 );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escRANDOM: /* in spec */
                    CF2_F16Dot16  r;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " random\n" ));

                    /* only use the lower 16 bits of `random'  */
                    /* to generate a number in the range (0;1] */
                    r = (CF2_F16Dot16)
                          ( ( decoder->current_subfont->random & 0xFFFF ) + 1 );

                    decoder->current_subfont->random =
                      cff_random( decoder->current_subfont->random );

                    cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, r );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escMUL:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  factor1;
                    CF2_F16Dot16  factor2;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " mul\n" ));

                    factor2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                    factor1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
                                         FT_MulFix( factor1, factor2 ) );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escSQRT:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " sqrt\n" ));

                    arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                    if ( arg > 0 )
                      /* use a start value that doesn't make */
                      /* the algorithm's addition overflow   */
                      FT_Fixed  root = arg < 10 ? arg : arg >> 1;
                      FT_Fixed  new_root;

                      /* Babylonian method */
                      for (;;)
                        new_root = ( root + FT_DivFix( arg, root ) + 1 ) >> 1;
                        if ( new_root == root )
                        root = new_root;
                      arg = new_root;
                      arg = 0;

                    cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escDUP:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " dup\n" ));

                    arg = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg );
                    cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escEXCH:
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg1;
                    CF2_F16Dot16  arg2;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " exch\n" ));

                    arg2 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                    arg1 = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg2 );
                    cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, arg1 );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escINDEX:
                    CF2_Int   idx;
                    CF2_UInt  size;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " index\n" ));

                    idx  = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
                    size = cf2_stack_count( opStack );

                    if ( size > 0 )
                      /* for `cf2_stack_getReal',   */
                      /* index 0 is bottom of stack */
                      CF2_UInt  gr_idx;

                      if ( idx < 0 )
                        gr_idx = size - 1;
                      else if ( (CF2_UInt)idx >= size )
                        gr_idx = 0;
                        gr_idx = size - 1 - (CF2_UInt)idx;

                      cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack,
                                           cf2_stack_getReal( opStack,
                                                              gr_idx ) );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escROLL:
                    CF2_Int  idx;
                    CF2_Int  count;

                    FT_TRACE4(( " roll\n" ));

                    idx   = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
                    count = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );

                    cf2_stack_roll( opStack, count, idx );
                  continue; /* do not clear the stack */

                case cf2_escSETCURRENTPT:
                  if ( !font->isT1 )
                    FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (12, %d)\n", op2 ));
                    FT_TRACE4(( " setcurrentpoint" ));

                    /* From the T1 specification, section 6.4:                */
                    /*                                                        */
                    /*   The setcurrentpoint command is used only in          */
                    /*   conjunction with results from OtherSubrs procedures. */

                    /* known_othersubr_result_cnt != 0 is already handled     */
                    /* above.                                                 */

                    /* Note, however, that both Ghostscript and Adobe         */
                    /* Distiller handle this situation by silently ignoring   */
                    /* the inappropriate `setcurrentpoint' instruction.  So   */
                    /* we do the same.                                        */
#if 0

                    if ( decoder->flex_state != 1 )
                      FT_ERROR(( "t1_decoder_parse_charstrings:"
                                 " unexpected `setcurrentpoint'\n" ));
                      goto Syntax_Error;

                    curY = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
                    curX = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

                    decoder->flex_state = 0;

                } /* end of 2nd switch checking op2 */
          } /* end of 1st switch checking op2 */
        } /* case cf2_cmdESC */


      case cf2_cmdHSBW:
        if ( !font->isT1 )
          FT_TRACE4(( " unknown op (%d)\n", op1 ));
          CF2_Fixed    lsb_x;
          PS_Builder*  builder;

          FT_TRACE4(( " hsbw" ));

          builder = &decoder->builder;

          builder->advance->x = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
          builder->advance->y = 0;

          lsb_x = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

          builder->left_bearing->x = ADD_INT32( builder->left_bearing->x,
                                                lsb_x );

          haveWidth = TRUE;

          /* the `metrics_only' indicates that we only want to compute */
          /* the glyph's metrics (lsb + advance width), not load the   */
          /* rest of it; so exit immediately                           */
          if ( builder->metrics_only )
            goto exit;

          curX = ADD_INT32( curX, lsb_x );

      case cf2_cmdENDCHAR:
        FT_TRACE4(( " endchar\n" ));

        if ( cf2_stack_count( opStack ) == 1 ||
             cf2_stack_count( opStack ) == 5 )
          if ( !haveWidth )
            *width = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 0 ),
                                nominalWidthX );

        /* width is defined or default after this */
        haveWidth = TRUE;

        if ( decoder->width_only )
          goto exit;

        /* close path if still open */
        cf2_glyphpath_closeOpenPath( &glyphPath );

        /* disable seac for CFF2 and Type1 (charstring ending with args on stack) */
        if ( !font->isCFF2 && !font->isT1 && cf2_stack_count( opStack ) > 1 )
          /* must be either 4 or 5 --                       */
          /* this is a (deprecated) implied `seac' operator */

          CF2_Int        achar;
          CF2_Int        bchar;
          CF2_BufferRec  component;
          CF2_Fixed      dummyWidth;   /* ignore component width */
          FT_Error       error2;

          if ( doingSeac )
            lastError = FT_THROW( Invalid_Glyph_Format );
            goto exit;      /* nested seac */

          achar = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );
          bchar = cf2_stack_popInt( opStack );

          curY = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );
          curX = cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack );

          error2 = cf2_getSeacComponent( decoder, achar, &component );
          if ( error2 )
            lastError = error2;      /* pass FreeType error through */
            goto exit;
          cf2_interpT2CharString( font,
                                  &dummyWidth );
          cf2_freeSeacComponent( decoder, &component );

          error2 = cf2_getSeacComponent( decoder, bchar, &component );
          if ( error2 )
            lastError = error2;      /* pass FreeType error through */
            goto exit;
          cf2_interpT2CharString( font,
                                  &dummyWidth );
          cf2_freeSeacComponent( decoder, &component );
        goto exit;

      case cf2_cmdCNTRMASK:
      case cf2_cmdHINTMASK:
        /* the final \n in the tracing message gets added in      */
        /* `cf2_hintmask_read' (which also traces the mask bytes) */
        FT_TRACE4(( op1 == cf2_cmdCNTRMASK ? " cntrmask" : " hintmask" ));

        /* never add hints after the mask is computed */
        if ( cf2_stack_count( opStack ) > 1    &&
             cf2_hintmask_isValid( &hintMask ) )
          FT_TRACE4(( "cf2_interpT2CharString: invalid hint mask\n" ));

        /* if there are arguments on the stack, there this is an */
        /* implied cf2_cmdVSTEMHM                                */
        cf2_doStems( font,
                     0 );

        if ( decoder->width_only )
          goto exit;

        if ( op1 == cf2_cmdHINTMASK )
          /* consume the hint mask bytes which follow the operator */
          cf2_hintmask_read( &hintMask,
                             cf2_arrstack_size( &hStemHintArray ) +
                               cf2_arrstack_size( &vStemHintArray ) );
           * Consume the counter mask bytes which follow the operator:
           * Build a temporary hint map, just to place and lock those
           * stems participating in the counter mask.  These are most
           * likely the dominant hstems, and are grouped together in a
           * few counter groups, not necessarily in correspondence
           * with the hint groups.  This reduces the chances of
           * conflicts between hstems that are initially placed in
           * separate hint groups and then brought together.  The
           * positions are copied back to `hStemHintArray', so we can
           * discard `counterMask' and `counterHintMap'.
          CF2_HintMapRec   counterHintMap;
          CF2_HintMaskRec  counterMask;

          cf2_hintmap_init( &counterHintMap,
                            scaleY );
          cf2_hintmask_init( &counterMask, error );

          cf2_hintmask_read( &counterMask,
                             cf2_arrstack_size( &hStemHintArray ) +
                               cf2_arrstack_size( &vStemHintArray ) );
          cf2_hintmap_build( &counterHintMap,
                             FALSE );

      case cf2_cmdRMOVETO:
        FT_TRACE4(( " rmoveto\n" ));

        if ( font->isT1 && !decoder->flex_state && !haveWidth )
          FT_ERROR(( "cf2_interpT2CharString (Type 1 mode):"
                     " No width. Use hsbw/sbw as first op\n" ));

        if ( cf2_stack_count( opStack ) > 2 && !haveWidth )
          *width = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 0 ),
                              nominalWidthX );

        /* width is defined or default after this */
        haveWidth = TRUE;

        if ( decoder->width_only )
          goto exit;

        curY = ADD_INT32( curY, cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack ) );
        curX = ADD_INT32( curX, cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack ) );

        if ( !decoder->flex_state )
          cf2_glyphpath_moveTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );


      case cf2_cmdHMOVETO:
        FT_TRACE4(( " hmoveto\n" ));

        if ( font->isT1 && !decoder->flex_state && !haveWidth )
          FT_ERROR(( "cf2_interpT2CharString (Type 1 mode):"
                     " No width. Use hsbw/sbw as first op\n" ));

        if ( cf2_stack_count( opStack ) > 1 && !haveWidth )
          *width = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, 0 ),
                              nominalWidthX );

        /* width is defined or default after this */
        haveWidth = TRUE;

        if ( decoder->width_only )
          goto exit;

        curX = ADD_INT32( curX, cf2_stack_popFixed( opStack ) );

        cf2_glyphpath_moveTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );


      case cf2_cmdRLINECURVE:
          CF2_UInt  count = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
          CF2_UInt  idx   = 0;

          FT_TRACE4(( " rlinecurve\n" ));

          while ( idx + 6 < count )
            curX = ADD_INT32( curX, cf2_stack_getReal( opStack,
                                                       idx + 0 ) );
            curY = ADD_INT32( curY, cf2_stack_getReal( opStack,
                                                       idx + 1 ) );

            cf2_glyphpath_lineTo( &glyphPath, curX, curY );
            idx += 2;

          while ( idx < count )
            CF2_Fixed  x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;

            x1 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 0 ), curX );
            y1 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 1 ), curY );
            x2 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 2 ), x1 );
            y2 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 3 ), y1 );
            x3 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 4 ), x2 );
            y3 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 5 ), y2 );

            cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( &glyphPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 );

            curX  = x3;
            curY  = y3;
            idx  += 6;

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );
        continue; /* no need to clear stack again */

      case cf2_cmdVVCURVETO:
          CF2_UInt  count, count1 = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
          CF2_UInt  idx = 0;

          /* if `cf2_stack_count' isn't of the form 4n or 4n+1, */
          /* we enforce it by clearing the second bit           */
          /* (and sorting the stack indexing to suit)           */
          count = count1 & ~2U;
          idx  += count1 - count;

          FT_TRACE4(( " vvcurveto\n" ));

          while ( idx < count )
            CF2_Fixed  x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;

            if ( ( count - idx ) & 1 )
              x1 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx ), curX );

              x1 = curX;

            y1 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 0 ), curY );
            x2 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 1 ), x1 );
            y2 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 2 ), y1 );
            x3 = x2;
            y3 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 3 ), y2 );

            cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( &glyphPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 );

            curX  = x3;
            curY  = y3;
            idx  += 4;

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );
        continue; /* no need to clear stack again */

      case cf2_cmdHHCURVETO:
          CF2_UInt  count, count1 = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
          CF2_UInt  idx = 0;

          /* if `cf2_stack_count' isn't of the form 4n or 4n+1, */
          /* we enforce it by clearing the second bit           */
          /* (and sorting the stack indexing to suit)           */
          count = count1 & ~2U;
          idx  += count1 - count;

          FT_TRACE4(( " hhcurveto\n" ));

          while ( idx < count )
            CF2_Fixed  x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;

            if ( ( count - idx ) & 1 )
              y1 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx ), curY );

              y1 = curY;

            x1 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 0 ), curX );
            x2 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 1 ), x1 );
            y2 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 2 ), y1 );
            x3 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 3 ), x2 );
            y3 = y2;

            cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( &glyphPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 );

            curX  = x3;
            curY  = y3;
            idx  += 4;

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );
        continue; /* no need to clear stack again */

      case cf2_cmdVHCURVETO:
      case cf2_cmdHVCURVETO:
          CF2_UInt  count, count1 = cf2_stack_count( opStack );
          CF2_UInt  idx = 0;

          FT_Bool  alternate = FT_BOOL( op1 == cf2_cmdHVCURVETO );

          /* if `cf2_stack_count' isn't of the form 8n, 8n+1, */
          /* 8n+4, or 8n+5, we enforce it by clearing the     */
          /* second bit                                       */
          /* (and sorting the stack indexing to suit)         */
          count = count1 & ~2U;
          idx  += count1 - count;

          FT_TRACE4(( alternate ? " hvcurveto\n" : " vhcurveto\n" ));

          while ( idx < count )
            CF2_Fixed x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3;

            if ( alternate )
              x1 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 0 ), curX );
              y1 = curY;
              x2 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 1 ), x1 );
              y2 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 2 ), y1 );
              y3 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 3 ), y2 );

              if ( count - idx == 5 )
                x3 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 4 ), x2 );

                x3 = x2;

              alternate = FALSE;
              x1 = curX;
              y1 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 0 ), curY );
              x2 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 1 ), x1 );
              y2 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 2 ), y1 );
              x3 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 3 ), x2 );

              if ( count - idx == 5 )
                y3 = ADD_INT32( cf2_stack_getReal( opStack, idx + 4 ), y2 );

                y3 = y2;

              alternate = TRUE;

            cf2_glyphpath_curveTo( &glyphPath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 );

            curX  = x3;
            curY  = y3;
            idx  += 4;

          cf2_stack_clear( opStack );
        continue;     /* no need to clear stack again */

      case cf2_cmdEXTENDEDNMBR:
          CF2_Int  v;

          CF2_Int  byte1 = cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );
          CF2_Int  byte2 = cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );

          v = (FT_Short)( ( byte1 << 8 ) |
                            byte2        );

          FT_TRACE4(( " %d", v ));

          cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, v );

        /* numbers */
          if ( /* op1 >= 32 && */ op1 <= 246 )
            CF2_Int  v;

            v = op1 - 139;

            FT_TRACE4(( " %d", v ));

            /* -107 .. 107 */
            cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, v );

          else if ( /* op1 >= 247 && */ op1 <= 250 )
            CF2_Int  v;

            v  = op1;
            v -= 247;
            v *= 256;
            v += cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );
            v += 108;

            FT_TRACE4(( " %d", v ));

            /* 108 .. 1131 */
            cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, v );

          else if ( /* op1 >= 251 && */ op1 <= 254 )
            CF2_Int  v;

            v  = op1;
            v -= 251;
            v *= 256;
            v += cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );
            v  = -v - 108;

            FT_TRACE4(( " %d", v ));

            /* -1131 .. -108 */
            cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, v );

          else /* op1 == 255 */
            CF2_Fixed  v;

            FT_UInt32  byte1 = (FT_UInt32)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );
            FT_UInt32  byte2 = (FT_UInt32)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );
            FT_UInt32  byte3 = (FT_UInt32)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );
            FT_UInt32  byte4 = (FT_UInt32)cf2_buf_readByte( charstring );

            v = (CF2_Fixed)( ( byte1 << 24 ) |
                             ( byte2 << 16 ) |
                             ( byte3 <<  8 ) |
                               byte4         );

            /* For Type 1:                                                     */
            /* According to the specification, values > 32000 or < -32000 must */
            /* be followed by a `div' operator to make the result be in the    */
            /* range [-32000;32000].  We expect that the second argument of    */
            /* `div' is not a large number.  Additionally, we don't handle     */
            /* stuff like `<large1> <large2> <num> div <num> div' or           */
            /* <large1> <large2> <num> div div'.  This is probably not allowed */
            /* anyway.                                                         */
            /* <large> <num> <num>+ div is not checked but should not be       */
            /* allowed as the large value remains untouched.                   */
            if ( font->isT1 )
              if ( v > 32000 || v < -32000 )
                if ( large_int )
                  FT_ERROR(( "cf2_interpT2CharString (Type 1 mode):"
                             " no `div' after large integer\n" ));
                  large_int = TRUE;

              FT_TRACE4(( " %d", v ));

              cf2_stack_pushInt( opStack, (CF2_Int)v );
              FT_TRACE4(( " %.5fF", v / 65536.0 ));

              cf2_stack_pushFixed( opStack, v );

        continue;   /* don't clear stack */

      } /* end of switch statement checking `op1' */

      cf2_stack_clear( opStack );

    } /* end of main interpreter loop */

    /* we get here if the charstring ends without cf2_cmdENDCHAR */
    FT_TRACE4(( "cf2_interpT2CharString:"
                "  charstring ends without ENDCHAR\n" ));

    /* check whether last error seen is also the first one */
    cf2_setError( error, lastError );

    if ( *error )
      FT_TRACE4(( "charstring error %d\n", *error ));

    /* free resources from objects we've used */
    cf2_glyphpath_finalize( &glyphPath );
    cf2_arrstack_finalize( &vStemHintArray );
    cf2_arrstack_finalize( &hStemHintArray );
    cf2_arrstack_finalize( &subrStack );
    cf2_stack_free( opStack );

    FT_TRACE4(( "\n" ));


/* END */