shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

ref: 0e96f05009f2e6d4237c15f01566e56cecfdf9a0
dir: /include/internal/t1types.h/

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/*                                                                         */
/*  t1types.h                                                              */
/*                                                                         */
/*    Basic Type1/Type2 type definitions and interface (specification      */
/*    only).                                                               */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Copyright 1996-2004, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013 by                   */
/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
/*                                                                         */
/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
/*                                                                         */

#ifndef __T1TYPES_H__
#define __T1TYPES_H__

#include <ft2build.h>
#include FT_TYPE1_TABLES_H


  /***                                                                   ***/
  /***                                                                   ***/
  /***              REQUIRED TYPE1/TYPE2 TABLES DEFINITIONS              ***/
  /***                                                                   ***/
  /***                                                                   ***/

  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Struct>                                                              */
  /*    T1_EncodingRec                                                     */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Description>                                                         */
  /*    A structure modeling a custom encoding.                            */
  /*                                                                       */
  /* <Fields>                                                              */
  /*    num_chars  :: The number of character codes in the encoding.       */
  /*                  Usually 256.                                         */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*    code_first :: The lowest valid character code in the encoding.     */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*    code_last  :: The highest valid character code in the encoding     */
  /*                  + 1. When equal to code_first there are no valid     */
  /*                  character codes.                                     */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*    char_index :: An array of corresponding glyph indices.             */
  /*                                                                       */
  /*    char_name  :: An array of corresponding glyph names.               */
  /*                                                                       */
  typedef struct  T1_EncodingRecRec_
    FT_Int       num_chars;
    FT_Int       code_first;
    FT_Int       code_last;

    FT_UShort*   char_index;
    FT_String**  char_name;

  } T1_EncodingRec, *T1_Encoding;

  /* used to hold extra data of PS_FontInfoRec that
   * cannot be stored in the publicly defined structure.
   * Note these can't be blended with multiple-masters.
  typedef struct  PS_FontExtraRec_
    FT_UShort  fs_type;

  } PS_FontExtraRec;

  typedef struct  T1_FontRec_
    PS_FontInfoRec   font_info;         /* font info dictionary   */
    PS_FontExtraRec  font_extra;        /* font info extra fields */
    PS_PrivateRec    private_dict;      /* private dictionary     */
    FT_String*       font_name;         /* top-level dictionary   */

    T1_EncodingType  encoding_type;
    T1_EncodingRec   encoding;

    FT_Byte*         subrs_block;
    FT_Byte*         charstrings_block;
    FT_Byte*         glyph_names_block;

    FT_Int           num_subrs;
    FT_Byte**        subrs;
    FT_PtrDist*      subrs_len;

    FT_Int           num_glyphs;
    FT_String**      glyph_names;       /* array of glyph names       */
    FT_Byte**        charstrings;       /* array of glyph charstrings */
    FT_PtrDist*      charstrings_len;

    FT_Byte          paint_type;
    FT_Byte          font_type;
    FT_Matrix        font_matrix;
    FT_Vector        font_offset;
    FT_BBox          font_bbox;
    FT_Long          font_id;

    FT_Fixed         stroke_width;

  } T1_FontRec, *T1_Font;

  typedef struct  CID_SubrsRec_
    FT_UInt    num_subrs;
    FT_Byte**  code;

  } CID_SubrsRec, *CID_Subrs;

  /***                                                                   ***/
  /***                                                                   ***/
  /***                AFM FONT INFORMATION STRUCTURES                    ***/
  /***                                                                   ***/
  /***                                                                   ***/

  typedef struct  AFM_TrackKernRec_
    FT_Int    degree;
    FT_Fixed  min_ptsize;
    FT_Fixed  min_kern;
    FT_Fixed  max_ptsize;
    FT_Fixed  max_kern;

  } AFM_TrackKernRec, *AFM_TrackKern;

  typedef struct  AFM_KernPairRec_
    FT_Int  index1;
    FT_Int  index2;
    FT_Int  x;
    FT_Int  y;

  } AFM_KernPairRec, *AFM_KernPair;

  typedef struct  AFM_FontInfoRec_
    FT_Bool        IsCIDFont;
    FT_BBox        FontBBox;
    FT_Fixed       Ascender;
    FT_Fixed       Descender;
    AFM_TrackKern  TrackKerns;   /* free if non-NULL */
    FT_Int         NumTrackKern;
    AFM_KernPair   KernPairs;    /* free if non-NULL */
    FT_Int         NumKernPair;

  } AFM_FontInfoRec, *AFM_FontInfo;

  /***                                                                   ***/
  /***                                                                   ***/
  /***                ORIGINAL T1_FACE CLASS DEFINITION                  ***/
  /***                                                                   ***/
  /***                                                                   ***/

  typedef struct T1_FaceRec_*   T1_Face;
  typedef struct CID_FaceRec_*  CID_Face;

  typedef struct  T1_FaceRec_
    FT_FaceRec      root;
    T1_FontRec      type1;
    const void*     psnames;
    const void*     psaux;
    const void*     afm_data;
    FT_CharMapRec   charmaprecs[2];
    FT_CharMap      charmaps[2];

    /* support for Multiple Masters fonts */
    PS_Blend        blend;

    /* undocumented, optional: indices of subroutines that express      */
    /* the NormalizeDesignVector and the ConvertDesignVector procedure, */
    /* respectively, as Type 2 charstrings; -1 if keywords not present  */
    FT_Int           ndv_idx;
    FT_Int           cdv_idx;

    /* undocumented, optional: has the same meaning as len_buildchar */
    /* for Type 2 fonts; manipulated by othersubrs 19, 24, and 25    */
    FT_UInt          len_buildchar;
    FT_Long*         buildchar;

    /* since version 2.1 - interface to PostScript hinter */
    const void*     pshinter;

  } T1_FaceRec;

  typedef struct  CID_FaceRec_
    FT_FaceRec       root;
    void*            psnames;
    void*            psaux;
    CID_FaceInfoRec  cid;
    PS_FontExtraRec  font_extra;
#if 0
    void*            afm_data;
    CID_Subrs        subrs;

    /* since version 2.1 - interface to PostScript hinter */
    void*            pshinter;

    /* since version 2.1.8, but was originally positioned after `afm_data' */
    FT_Byte*         binary_data; /* used if hex data has been converted */
    FT_Stream        cid_stream;

  } CID_FaceRec;


#endif /* __T1TYPES_H__ */

/* END */