ref: 07598339f7cd1dd830f99f63d60d7c174a9d0be4
dir: /src/tools/apinames.c/
/* * This little program is used to parse the FreeType headers and * find the declaration of all public APIs. This is easy, because * they all look like the following: * * FT_EXPORT( return_type ) * function_name( function arguments ); * * You must pass the list of header files as arguments. Wildcards are * accepted if you are using GCC for compilation (and probably by * other compilers too). * * Author: David Turner, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 * * This code is explicitly placed into the public domain. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #define PROGRAM_NAME "apinames" #define PROGRAM_VERSION "0.1" #define LINEBUFF_SIZE 1024 typedef enum OutputFormat_ { OUTPUT_LIST = 0, /* output the list of names, one per line */ OUTPUT_WINDOWS_DEF, /* output a Windows .DEF file for Visual C++ or Mingw */ OUTPUT_BORLAND_DEF, /* output a Windows .DEF file for Borland C++ */ OUTPUT_WATCOM_LBC /* output a Watcom Linker Command File */ } OutputFormat; static void panic( const char* message ) { fprintf( stderr, "PANIC: %s\n", message ); exit(2); } typedef struct NameRec_ { char* name; unsigned int hash; } NameRec, *Name; static Name the_names; static int num_names; static int max_names; static void names_add( const char* name, const char* end ) { int nn, len, h; Name nm; if ( end <= name ) return; /* compute hash value */ len = (int)(end - name); h = 0; for ( nn = 0; nn < len; nn++ ) h = h*33 + name[nn]; /* check for an pre-existing name */ for ( nn = 0; nn < num_names; nn++ ) { nm = the_names + nn; if ( (int)nm->hash == h && memcmp( name, nm->name, len ) == 0 && nm->name[len] == 0 ) return; } /* add new name */ if ( num_names >= max_names ) { max_names += (max_names >> 1) + 4; the_names = (NameRec*)realloc( the_names, sizeof(the_names[0])*max_names ); if ( the_names == NULL ) panic( "not enough memory" ); } nm = &the_names[num_names++]; nm->hash = h; nm->name = (char*)malloc( len+1 ); if ( nm->name == NULL ) panic( "not enough memory" ); memcpy( nm->name, name, len ); nm->name[len] = 0; } static int name_compare( const void* name1, const void* name2 ) { Name n1 = (Name)name1; Name n2 = (Name)name2; return strcmp( n1->name, n2->name ); } static void names_sort( void ) { qsort( the_names, (size_t)num_names, sizeof(the_names[0]), name_compare ); } static void names_dump( FILE* out, OutputFormat format, const char* dll_name ) { int nn; switch ( format ) { case OUTPUT_WINDOWS_DEF: if ( dll_name ) fprintf( out, "LIBRARY %s\n", dll_name ); fprintf( out, "DESCRIPTION FreeType 2 DLL\n" ); fprintf( out, "EXPORTS\n" ); for ( nn = 0; nn < num_names; nn++ ) fprintf( out, " %s\n", the_names[nn].name ); break; case OUTPUT_BORLAND_DEF: if ( dll_name ) fprintf( out, "LIBRARY %s\n", dll_name ); fprintf( out, "DESCRIPTION FreeType 2 DLL\n" ); fprintf( out, "EXPORTS\n" ); for ( nn = 0; nn < num_names; nn++ ) fprintf( out, " _%s\n", the_names[nn].name ); break; case OUTPUT_WATCOM_LBC: { /* we must omit the .dll suffix from the library name */ char temp[512]; const char* dot; if ( dll_name == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "you must provide a DLL name with the -d option!\n" ); exit( 4 ); } dot = strchr( dll_name, '.' ); if ( dot != NULL ) { int len = dot - dll_name; if ( len > (int)( sizeof( temp ) - 1 ) ) len = sizeof ( temp ) - 1; memcpy( temp, dll_name, len ); temp[len] = 0; dll_name = (const char*)temp; } for ( nn = 0; nn < num_names; nn++ ) fprintf( out, "++_%s.%s.%s\n", the_names[nn].name, dll_name, the_names[nn].name ); } break; default: /* LIST */ for ( nn = 0; nn < num_names; nn++ ) fprintf( out, "%s\n", the_names[nn].name ); } } /* states of the line parser */ typedef enum State_ { STATE_START = 0, /* waiting for FT_EXPORT keyword and return type */ STATE_TYPE /* type was read, waiting for function name */ } State; static int read_header_file( FILE* file, int verbose ) { static char buff[ LINEBUFF_SIZE+1 ]; State state = STATE_START; while ( !feof( file ) ) { char* p; if ( !fgets( buff, LINEBUFF_SIZE, file ) ) break; p = buff; while ( *p && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\\') ) /* skip leading whitespace */ p++; if ( *p == '\n' || *p == '\r' ) /* skip empty lines */ continue; switch ( state ) { case STATE_START: { if ( memcmp( p, "FT_EXPORT(", 10 ) != 0 ) break; p += 10; for (;;) { if ( *p == 0 || *p == '\n' || *p == '\r' ) goto NextLine; if ( *p == ')' ) { p++; break; } p++; } state = STATE_TYPE; /* sometimes, the name is just after the FT_EXPORT(...), so * skip whitespace, and fall-through if we find an alphanumeric * character */ while ( *p == ' ' || *p == '\t' ) p++; if ( !isalpha(*p) ) break; } /* fall-through */ case STATE_TYPE: { char* name = p; while ( isalnum(*p) || *p == '_' ) p++; if ( p > name ) { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, ">>> %.*s\n", (int)(p - name), name ); names_add( name, p ); } state = STATE_START; } break; default: ; } NextLine: ; } return 0; } static void usage( void ) { static const char* const format = "%s %s: extract FreeType API names from header files\n\n" "this program is used to extract the list of public FreeType API\n" "functions. It receives the list of header files as argument and\n" "generates a sorted list of unique identifiers\n\n" "usage: %s header1 [options] [header2 ...]\n\n" "options: - : parse the content of stdin, ignore arguments\n" " -v : verbose mode, output sent to standard error\n" " -oFILE : write output to FILE instead of standard output\n" " -dNAME : indicate DLL file name, 'freetype.dll' by default\n" " -w : output .DEF file for Visual C++ and Mingw\n" " -wB : output .DEF file for Borland C++\n" " -wW : output Watcom Linker Response File\n" "\n"; fprintf( stderr, format, PROGRAM_NAME, PROGRAM_VERSION, PROGRAM_NAME ); exit(1); } int main( int argc, const char* const* argv ) { int from_stdin = 0; int verbose = 0; OutputFormat format = OUTPUT_LIST; /* the default */ FILE* out = stdout; const char* library_name = NULL; if ( argc < 2 ) usage(); /* '-' used as a single argument means read source file from stdin */ while ( argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-' ) { const char* arg = argv[1]; switch ( arg[1] ) { case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'o': if ( arg[2] == 0 ) { if ( argc < 2 ) usage(); arg = argv[2]; argv++; argc--; } else arg += 2; out = fopen( arg, "wt" ); if ( out == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "could not open '%s' for writing\n", argv[2] ); exit(3); } break; case 'd': if ( arg[2] == 0 ) { if ( argc < 2 ) usage(); arg = argv[2]; argv++; argc--; } else arg += 2; library_name = arg; break; case 'w': format = OUTPUT_WINDOWS_DEF; switch ( arg[2] ) { case 'B': format = OUTPUT_BORLAND_DEF; break; case 'W': format = OUTPUT_WATCOM_LBC; break; case 0: break; default: usage(); } break; case 0: from_stdin = 1; break; default: usage(); } argc--; argv++; } if ( from_stdin ) { read_header_file( stdin, verbose ); } else { for ( --argc, argv++; argc > 0; argc--, argv++ ) { FILE* file = fopen( argv[0], "rb" ); if ( file == NULL ) fprintf( stderr, "unable to open '%s'\n", argv[0] ); else { if ( verbose ) fprintf( stderr, "opening '%s'\n", argv[0] ); read_header_file( file, verbose ); fclose( file ); } } } if ( num_names == 0 ) panic( "could not find exported functions !!\n" ); names_sort(); names_dump( out, format, library_name ); if ( out != stdout ) fclose( out ); return 0; }