ref: cf096b96c702cfb6b62355550e567dca35a4529d
dir: /grid/gridstart/
#!/bin/rc # connects to 9gridchan grid services and starts a new subrio # options -t tls -m mountonly -s scriptonly # awk '/exportfs/{print "srv -c", $1, $3, $5}' /mnt/registry/index fn cpl{ cp $1 /n/griddisk/cpl ptarg=`{basename $1} plumb$ptarg } fn error{ echo An error ocurred. exit } while (~ $1 -*){ switch($1){ case -t tls = yes shift case -m mountonly = yes shift case -s scriptonly = yes shift case * echo bad flag $1 >>[1=2] shift } } if(test -e /srv/gridregistry){ echo 'old grid connections found in /srv, remove? (y/n)' ans=`{read} if(~ $ans y){ rm /srv/gridchat rm /srv/gridplumber rm /srv/gridram rm /srv/gridregistry rm /srv/gridroot rm /srv/gridwiki rm /srv/griddisk rm /srv/pubregistry } } if(~ $tls yes){ auth/factotum echo 'key proto=dp9ik user=glenda dom=grid !password=9gridchan' >/mnt/factotum/ctl srvtls tcp!!16675 gridregistry /mnt/registry || error awk '/tlssrv/{print "srvtls -c", $1, $3, $5}' /mnt/registry/index >/tmp/gridscript # cat /mnt/registry/index |grep tlssrv |sed 's/^/srvtls -c /g' |sed 's/is //g' |sed 's/mountpoint //g' |sed 's/service.*$//g' >/tmp/gridscript } if(! ~ $tls yes){ srv tcp!!6675 gridregistry /mnt/registry || error awk '/exportfs/{print "srv -c", $1, $3, $5}' /mnt/registry/index >/tmp/gridscript # cat /mnt/registry/index |grep exportfs |sed 's/^/srv -c /g' |sed 's/is //g' |sed 's/mountpoint //g' |sed 's/service.*$//g' >/tmp/gridscript } if(~ $scriptonly yes){ echo 'script saved in /tmp/gridscript' cat /tmp/gridscript exit } . /tmp/gridscript if(~ $mountonly yes){ echo 'grid services mounted' exit } if(test -e /bin/grio) srio=(grio -s -c 0x99009900) if not srio=(rio -s) echo '#!/bin/rc window -r 0 0 700 400 chat window -r 700 0 1300 400 acme -l/tmp/gridacme window -r 0 400 700 750 mothra -a window -r 700 400 1300 750 page /n/gridroot/lib/musicant.png ' >/tmp/gridrio chmod +x /tmp/gridrio if(! test -e /mnt/web/ctl) webfs echo '/usr/glenda /lib/font/bit/vga/unicode.font /lib/font/bit/vga/unicode.font 0 66 f 1 1 36 36 3 1 33 36 1 0 /n/griddisk/ Del Snarf Get | Look F 1 1 15 15 28 15 2 23 15 0 1 Del Snarf Undo | Look Wiki /mnt/wiki' >/tmp/gridacme window -m -r 0 0 1350 750 $srio -i /tmp/gridrio