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be sure that each chapter starts at an odd page number. From: [email protected] Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 23:08:40 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro p. 113: s/and in well shape/and in good shape/ From: [email protected] Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 00:03:46 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro en p 114 creo que deberías decir 1 o 2 líneas en esta página sobre note/process groups: quién pertenece a un grupo... pones un ejemplo con la shell de una ventana, donde el alumno intuye que todos los procesos creados por la shell pertenecen al mismo grupo, y por tanto puede extrapolar que un proceso que crea otros está en el mismo grupo que éstos. Pero estaría bien decirlo. O si no poner referencia hacia adelante a 7.1 y 7.2. Por cierto, en p.114 hablas de process group, pero luego en 7.1 y 7.2utilizas la notación plan9: note group. Habría que unificar. Yo pondría en 114 note group en lugar de process group, y, quizá, no estoy seguro, una nota a pie diciendo que esto es parecido a process groups en unix. From: [email protected] Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 00:08:40 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro p116 However, Thisfunction From: [email protected] Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 00:17:18 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro p117 Cambiar It requirestheprocesstoinstall ahandler for theinterruptednote por ... the interrupt note No queda claro que el manejador obtiene "interrupt" en *msg, mientras que en tras una nota tratada en rerrstr se obtiene el string "interrupted" En el código es lo que parece, pero no en el texto From: [email protected] Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 00:51:43 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro p124 s/doesoccurs/does occur/ Sobre la semántica de close. En p. 100, dices: Atthispoint, thedescriptorwhosenumberisinfd isnolongernecessary, andcanbeclosed. Close no cierra descriptores, sino ficheros. Creo que aquí hay que rehacer algo, pues puede liarse el lector. Convendría explicar que el close después de dup cierra el fichero, en lo que a ese descriptor se refiere, pero el mismo proceso mantiene abierto ese mismo fichero a través del otro descriptor. O quizá bastaría con aclararlo en el capítulo 3, mostrando un programa que abre 2 veces para lectura/esc un mismo fichero, y luego cierra el fichero una vez, pero sigue pudiendo leer a través del otro descriptor. Aunque creo que habría que reincidir en p.100 al volver al dup, pues tras el dup son 2 descriptores apuntando al mismo chan, y tras cerrar el fichero a través de un descriptor, sigue estando abierto a través del otro descriptor. en p. 103 cambiar whichisequivalenttoadup(1,2) por .... dup(2,1) programa pipeto p109 Está muy bien hacerlo genérico, pero puede complicar la comprensión del uso de pipe el poner rc como proceso que ejecuta grep, en lugar de que se ejecute directamente. De hecho en la figura 5.3 no aparece rc... p104: andwhattocheckthatout, Thisfileinisanother invention p102: Iftheprogramhadwrite x If the program had written p. 97 s/did now write anything/did not write anything/ El problema 6 y el 7 de p.95 no se entienden bien. La respuesta al 6 es: #!/bin/rc /bin/rc $* Pero qué siginifca tu pregunta: "Can you specify..." Y por tanto el problema 7, pues que tampoco lo entiendo. problema 5 p95: ¿quieres que devuelva el msg del struct Waitmsg devuelto por wait, ¿no? Despista el Hint. La respuesta al Hint es "shell", pero, ¿cómo ayuda saber responder el hint a resolver el problema? el problema 4 de la p95 no se puede resolver sin hacer man wait En la p91 no explicas que el array time te da esos 3 tiempos que pides. Aunque se intuye :-) p.30, programa take.c ¿no deberías poner la primera vez que aparece "nil" qué es? p93, l-3: s/loader/loader\/linker/ > > p87: cambiar "dangerous" por "exciting and dangerous" en p75 dice: Asyoucansee, bothBtermandBflushreturnaninteger. Pero es la pprimera vez que se habla de Bflush. Habría que decir qué hace justo ahí. en programa lsdot.c, p. 67 falta close p.63, rm.c: hay que poner argc, argv > cambiar en el código 0664 por 0644 andrecordthewhat thefilewasopen Andthefilewereto where, no were A couple of small things from chapter 12: Section 12.2 - I believe Rune is defined in u.h rather than libc.h Section 12.5, the text of black.c doesn't quite match the surrounding discussion - the sleep call is for 5 seconds rather than the 10 seconds in the text, and the call to draw is: draw(screen, rect, black, nil, Pt(rect.min.x+20, rect.min.x+20); rather than draw(screen, screen->r, display->black, nil, ZP); as discussed in the text on p298. : Chapter 8 - in general, my shell doesn't print the double prompt on : continuation lines, just indents them - can this be configured somewhere? Most times you use the word "miss" I think you probably mean "lack", maybe sometimes "omit" (I suspect you are translating from "falta"?). As a Windows & Mac user, I found the user-interface style of rio & acme initially quite alien, and I think more description of this could be helpful, depending on the background of your students – eg the use of the three button mouse in rio, and particularly how the "Send" command allows you to treat the whole window as a kind of scratchpad to assemble commands, and does away with the need for the normal history mechanisms using command line recall and editing. I was very slow to appreciate this aspect of the system. I think it would also be good to have more info on using acme – maybe by including the acme paper as an appendix. The way that scrolling and the cursor keys work is initially baffling and frustrating to a Windows user, and I’ve still not mastered chording. I initially had trouble in following the discussion in Section 5.5, because I thought that you were saying that the mail program internally used the technique in pipeto.c, and I couldn’t see why it should. I think I was misled because of the way the sentence "This can be used for many things" was immediately followed by "For example, the mail program ...", which led me to think that the mail program was an example of a C program of the type mentioned in the first sentence, rather than a command being executed by such a program. In the listing rforkls.c in Section 1, the first flag to rfork should presumably be RFFDG, not RFCFDG? In section 7.3, I was not clear of the exact meaning of "After executing copy, the environment is not yet known to our shell. The reason is that the shell caches environment variables." Will the new environment ever become known to the current instance of the shell, or is it the case that environment variables are loaded only once, when the instance of the shell is started, so that the current instance will never see the new variable? If the latter, then "not yet" is a bit of an understatement. In Section 7.5, you introduce the mount command without describing the –c option, but then use this option the first time you use the command – I would have liked to see it explained here, but then maybe you’re trying to get your students to use the manual, rather than spoon-feeding them all the time. When you first introduced "bind" in the context of: bind –c /n/whale /n/other my immediate response was, "why on earth would I want to do that?" You make the uses of bind very clear later on in section 7.10 – perhaps a comment and a forward reference might be helpful? On p150, the "grep whale /proc/843/ns" and "ns" commands produce output containing the device name "#s", rather than the directory name "/srv" which you used originally, and you don’t introduce devices until section 7.7 – a comment and a forward reference could be helpful. Also, more detail on the differences between the output from the two commands would be useful – is it just the single quotes around #s/tcp!whale!9fs? It's surely a matter of taste whether they make the output prettier. In section 7.7, I think I understood the discussion, but found myself wondering how exactly it got us any further – we started by wondering how anything got mounted at /, and I ended up wondering how #/ managed to provide any files – this could well just be stupidity on my part, combined with a complete ignorance as to how device drivers work. The sandbox program in section 7.11 has a few problems. It should test for argc != 3, and in this context the final argument to fprint should be argv[0] rather than argv0, which has not been initialised. The arguments to execl should be argv[2], not argv[1]. It may be worth pointing out that if you are foolish enough not to bind a directory containing rc in "sandbox" – as I was – then the example will fail to execute /bin/rc. sam, ed yesterday process priorities upasfs timezone, ctim pipefile - que llevas usando Plan 9 para docencia más de 5 años, con un buen resultado. - En el item 5 de "outstanding features", hacer hincapié en que los sistemas populares (pe Linux) cada vez incluyen más conceptos de Plan 9, como /proc, varios ns, bla bla. Por lo tanto, el libro no trata sobre un bicho raro cuyos mecanismos no se aplican en sistemas populares, justo lo contrario: cada vez tiene más influencia. - que el otro libro que has escrito ha tenido éxito entre los alumnos y la comunidad de Plan 9. Dale bombo. Pon la url. - Austing --> Austin Solo una cosa. Creo que tanto en audiencia como en promocion no has vendido suficientemente bien, piensa que esa gente quiere vender libros. Por ejemplo, en promotion, pondria algo como: There is a growing and widespread interest in Linux and Unix like systems and operating systems in general. More and more people are interested in how a operating system works. Unix systems have grown to be too complex to be understood by only one person. The intended audience would be anyone willing to learn how a full fledge operating system works which includes hobbyists, professional programmers and students and CS an CE students. This is specially true for people interested in Unix since the system it is based on one which was written by the people who designed and implemented it after realizing their mistakes. Algo parecido en promotion. Parece que solo se podria promocionar en 9fans y puede que en otras comunidades de linux. Creo que deberias ser mas agresivo. El libro no es solo plan 9, es más general. From: [email protected] Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 20:06:44 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro problema 2 p129 1. en open falta cerrar comillas 2. Pregunta: la respuesta a lo que preguntas es "porque 0 no debe tener permiso de escritura"? Me ha costado poco ver dónde está el código: boot.c Explícame este problema From: [email protected] Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 20:23:18 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro En problema 3 p 129: Respuesta a 1ª pregunta: "porque puede llegar una nota durante la ejecución de open, y si hay un manejador para la misma, después se llama a dup, quedando apuntando 0 a donde fd: al aire" ¿sí? En el texto de la siguiente pregunta de este problema s/notice/NOTICE/ Respuesta: </NOTICE From: [email protected] Date: Tue, 19 Dec 2006 20:35:58 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro problema 4 p 129 Quieres que hagan un pipe, llamen a read sobre fd[0] y vean que está en PRead? From: [email protected] Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 00:10:34 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro p. 131: s/theremanyprograms/there are many programs/ s/sometypeofwireortheairforradiocommunication/copper wires, optical fibers or the air for radio communication/ From: [email protected] Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 00:17:18 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro p. 131: s/anethernet network(just sometypeof cablingandconventions)./an ethernet network: the most used link technology (hw+protocols) for digitally send bits over wires. From: [email protected] Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 00:30:20 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro p 131 s/Machinesattachedtothewirehaveaddresses/In some link technologies like ethernet, machines attached to the wire have link addresses/ s/identifydifferentmachinesattachedtothewire./identify different machines attached to the same wire/ From: [email protected] Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 00:31:51 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro p.131 s/wireyour machineisattachedat/wire your machine is attached at, and even if its particular link technology does not provide link addresses!/ From: [email protected] Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 00:35:21 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro p.131 s/it knowshowtoreachanymachine, givenitsaddress./it knows how to make information reach its destination given its network or IP address/ From: [email protected] Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 00:36:45 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro p. 131 s/TheinterfacefortheIPnet- workinPlan9issimilartotheonewesawforEthernet/The interface for accessing the IP protocol in Plan 9 is similar to the one .../ From: [email protected] Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 00:38:48 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro p.132 s/provideanabstractionsimilar/provide a service similar/ From: [email protected] Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 00:40:26 +0100 To: [email protected] Subject: libro p.132 TheIPdevicedriver The TCP/IP software Pág. 48, se menciona que rabbits.c es peor que diehard.c y que crea procesos de forma exponencial, pero no es así, tal y como está rabbits.c, todos los hijos mueren inmediatamente, por lo que la creación de procesos es lineal y además es sencillo de terminar, basta con matar al padre original. rabbits.c es: while(fork()) ; exits(nil); Debería ser algo como: while(fork() >= 0) ; exits(nil);