ref: 2b99422480d596ebc26921c87c6bb81a07949f3e
dir: /idx/doclean/
#!/bin/rc exec sed 's/^ix: //' $* awk ' # doclean # Input: "number tab IX string # 107 IX self-reference #1186 - # 281 TL APPENDIX A AMPL Reference Manual #26 - # Output: string (tab) number # excess spaces are removed output string # note reversal of order; rest of programs expect it # This contains some special pleading for the AMPL book BEGIN { FS = OFS = "\t" } /\t(TL|H1|H2|H3|LASTPAGE)/ { next } # zap expected noise $0 !~ /^ix: / { print "doclean: non index line: " $0 | "cat 1>&2"; next } { sub(/IX +/, "", $2) # zap "IX " sub(/ +#[0-9]+ .*$/, "", $2) # zap trailing blanks, slug, file gsub(/ +/, " ", $2) # compress internal blanks print $2, $1 # item (tab) page number } ' $*