shithub: touchuichal

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ref: 17f990e51fcb6acae16862097d1080b8bac9ca99
parent: d31e6756c4dafc8c8902e20f26d2054b600e6d4b
author: sirjofri <[email protected]>
date: Sat Oct 21 17:56:19 EDT 2023

adds numbers for calculation, calc script, and resulting numbers (averages)

--- /dev/null
+++ b/calc.awk
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+#!/bin/awk -f
+# meant to be executed within acme with records that look like this:
+# 5 * 3
+# 2 * 1
+	num1 = $1
+	num2 = $3
+	fac = num1 * num2 * 0.1
+	sum += fac
+	pure += num1
+	if (num2 > 5) {
+		pexp += num1
+		nexp++
+	} else {
+		pun += num1
+		nun++
+	}
+	count++
+	printf "%s\n", $0
+END {
+	printf "%.2f / %d = %f (weighted)\n", sum, count, sum/count
+	printf "%.2f / %d = %f\n", pure, count, pure/count
+	printf "experienced:   %d → %f\n", nexp, pexp/nexp
+	printf "unexperienced: %d → %f\n", nun, pun/nun
--- /dev/null
+++ b/numbers
@@ -1,0 +1,121 @@
+Val , EL
+4   ,  3
+5   ,  6
+2.5 ,  6
+3   ,  5
+5   ,  8
+5   , 10
+4   ,  1
+5   ,  5
+5   ,  1
+5   ,  5.5
+5   ,  7.5
+2   ,  2
+5   , 10
+1   ,  3
+4   ,  2
+5   ,  7
+5   ,  5
+38.60 / 17 = 2.270588 (weighted)
+70.50 / 17 = 4.147059
+experienced:   8 → 4.687500
+unexperienced: 9 → 3.666667
+2   ,  3
+3.5 ,  6
+0   ,  5
+4   ,  8
+2   , 10
+3   ,  1
+5   ,  5
+4   ,  1
+5   ,  5.5
+5   ,  7.5
+4   ,  2
+3   , 10
+4   ,  3
+5   ,  2
+5   ,  7
+5   ,  5
+29.60 / 16 = 1.850000 (weighted)
+59.50 / 16 = 3.718750
+experienced:   7 → 3.928571
+unexperienced: 9 → 3.555556
+text interfaces
+4   ,  3
+5   ,  6
+5   ,  5
+4   ,  8
+5   , 10
+5   ,  1
+5   ,  5
+5   ,  1
+4   ,  5.5
+5   ,  7.5
+4   ,  2
+5   , 10
+5   ,  3
+3   ,  2
+5   ,  7
+4   ,  5
+37.75 / 16 = 2.359375 (weighted)
+73.00 / 16 = 4.562500
+experienced:   7 → 4.714286
+unexperienced: 9 → 4.444444
+1   ,  3
+4   ,  6
+4   ,  5
+3   ,  8
+5   , 10
+1   ,  1
+3   ,  5
+5   ,  1
+4   ,  5.5
+1   ,  7.5
+5   ,  2
+3   , 10
+5   ,  3
+2   ,  2
+3   ,  7
+4   ,  5
+27.15 / 16 = 1.696875 (weighted)
+53.00 / 16 = 3.312500
+experienced:   7 → 3.285714
+unexperienced: 9 → 3.333333
+mouse interaction
+3   ,  3
+4   ,  6
+5   ,  5
+2   ,  8
+3   , 10
+3   ,  1
+3   ,  5
+0   ,  1
+2   ,  5.5
+1   ,  7.5
+4   ,  2
+2   , 10
+3   ,  3
+4   ,  2
+4   ,  7
+3   ,  5
+22.85 / 16 = 1.428125 (weighted)
+46.00 / 16 = 2.875000
+experienced:   7 → 2.571429
+unexperienced: 9 → 3.111111
--- a/survey.txt
+++ b/survey.txt
@@ -291,6 +291,36 @@
 - Sometimes. My French teacher used an interactive whiteboard in cool ways. She would set up lots of boards in advance of our classes. In class we would write, move cards around, play music, play video, all together. Having all that stuff ready to go in advance and letting us all do it together made learning boring stuff, like verb conjugations, interactive and fun! Best teacher I ever had. ‥(EL: 3/10)‥
 - Science Fiction :) Far too expensive for too little gain. Also, pretty exhausting to work with for a whole day. ‥(EL: 2/10)‥
+# Results
+It is possible to calculate the average importance of features of the Plan 9 operating systems using the answers of the users and their level of experience.
+The following listing contains two scores for each feature:
+The weighted score is the average based on the answer and the level of experience of the user.
+The second score is the average value without any weight.
+Answers without number are ignored in the calculation.
+- Namespaces: 2.27/5 (weighted); 4.15/5
+- Plumber: 1.85/5 (weighted); 3.72/5
+- Text interfaces: 2.36/5 (weighted); 4.56/5
+- The GUI: 1.70/5 (weighted); 3.31/5
+- Mouse interaction: 1.43/5 (weighted); 2.88/5
+It is also possible to split the answers into two groups based on their level of experience (EL):
+- Namespaces: EL>5: 8 → 4.69/5; EL≤5: 9 →3.67/5
+- Plumber: EL>5: 7 → 3.93/5; EL≤5: 9 → 3.56/5
+- Text interfaces: EL>5: 7 → 4.71/5; EL≤ 5: 9 → 4.44/5
+- The GUI: EL>5: 7 → 3.29/5; EL≤5: 9 → 3.33/5
+- Mouse interaction: EL>5: 7 → 2.57/5; EL≤5: 9 → 3.11/5
+For further calculations and research it is possible to evaluate all the answers of the users.
 # Other relevant user comments
 Due to the nature of a free text survey various people gave even deeper insights and knowledge that have are relevant enough to mention here.