shithub: puzzles

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ref: f862a227beeed5476d09cd67573996258bca5d19
parent: b909204392c9567564ee048eeea3b529420e1c86
author: Simon Tatham <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jun 23 05:14:19 EDT 2005

`Guess', a Mastermind clone from James Harvey. This checkin also
introduces a few new utility functions in misc.c, one of which is
the bitmap obfuscator from Mines (which has therefore been moved out
of mines.c).

[originally from svn r5992]

--- a/Recipe
+++ b/Recipe
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 FLIP     = flip tree234
 ALL      = list NET NETSLIDE cube fifteen sixteen rect pattern solo twiddle
-         + MINES samegame FLIP
+         + MINES samegame FLIP guess
 net      : [X] gtk COMMON NET
 netslide : [X] gtk COMMON NETSLIDE
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 mines    : [X] gtk COMMON MINES
 samegame : [X] gtk COMMON samegame
 flip     : [X] gtk COMMON FLIP
+guess    : [X] gtk COMMON guess
 # The Windows Net shouldn't be called `net.exe' since Windows
 # already has a reasonably important utility program by that name!
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@
 samegame : [G] WINDOWS COMMON samegame
+guess    : [G] WINDOWS COMMON guess
 # Mac OS X unified application containing all the puzzles.
 Puzzles  : [MX] osx osx.icns osx-info.plist COMMON ALL
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guess.c
@@ -1,0 +1,1079 @@
+ * guess.c: Mastermind clone.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include "puzzles.h"
+#define FLASH_FRAME 0.5F
+enum {
+    COL_EMPTY, /* must be COL_1 - 1 */
+    COL_1, COL_2, COL_3, COL_4, COL_5, COL_6, COL_7, COL_8, COL_9, COL_10,
+struct game_params {
+    int ncolours, npegs, nguesses;
+typedef struct pegrow {
+    int npegs;
+    int *pegs;          /* 0 is 'empty' */
+    int *feedback;      /* may well be unused */
+} *pegrow;
+struct game_state {
+    game_params params;
+    pegrow *guesses;  /* length params->nguesses */
+    pegrow solution;
+    int next_go; /* from 0 to nguesses-1;
+                    if next_go == nguesses then they've lost. */
+    int solved;
+static game_params *default_params(void)
+    game_params *ret = snew(game_params);
+    /* AFAIK this is the canonical Mastermind ruleset. */
+    ret->ncolours = 6;
+    ret->npegs = 4;
+    ret->nguesses = 10;
+    return ret;
+static int game_fetch_preset(int i, char **name, game_params **params)
+    return FALSE;
+static void free_params(game_params *params)
+    sfree(params);
+static game_params *dup_params(game_params *params)
+    game_params *ret = snew(game_params);
+    *ret = *params;		       /* structure copy */
+    return ret;
+static void decode_params(game_params *params, char const *string)
+    char const *p = string;
+    game_params *defs = default_params();
+    *params = *defs; free_params(defs);
+    while (*p) {
+	switch (*p++) {
+	case 'c':
+	    params->ncolours = atoi(p);
+	    while (*p && isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) p++;
+	    break;
+	case 'p':
+	    params->npegs = atoi(p);
+	    while (*p && isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) p++;
+	    break;
+	case 'g':
+	    params->nguesses = atoi(p);
+	    while (*p && isdigit((unsigned char)*p)) p++;
+	    break;
+	default:
+            ;
+	}
+    }
+static char *encode_params(game_params *params, int full)
+    char data[256];
+    sprintf(data, "c%dp%dg%d", params->ncolours, params->npegs, params->nguesses);
+    return dupstr(data);
+static config_item *game_configure(game_params *params)
+    config_item *ret;
+    char buf[80];
+    ret = snewn(4, config_item);
+    ret[0].name = "No. of colours";
+    ret[0].type = C_STRING;
+    sprintf(buf, "%d", params->ncolours);
+    ret[0].sval = dupstr(buf);
+    ret[0].ival = 0;
+    ret[1].name = "No. of pegs per row";
+    ret[1].type = C_STRING;
+    sprintf(buf, "%d", params->npegs);
+    ret[1].sval = dupstr(buf);
+    ret[1].ival = 0;
+    ret[2].name = "No. of guesses";
+    ret[2].type = C_STRING;
+    sprintf(buf, "%d", params->nguesses);
+    ret[2].sval = dupstr(buf);
+    ret[2].ival = 0;
+    ret[3].name = NULL;
+    ret[3].type = C_END;
+    ret[3].sval = NULL;
+    ret[3].ival = 0;
+    return ret;
+static game_params *custom_params(config_item *cfg)
+    game_params *ret = snew(game_params);
+    ret->ncolours = atoi(cfg[0].sval);
+    ret->npegs = atoi(cfg[1].sval);
+    ret->nguesses = atoi(cfg[2].sval);
+    return ret;
+static char *validate_params(game_params *params)
+    if (params->ncolours < 2 || params->npegs < 2)
+	return "Trivial solutions are uninteresting";
+    /* NB as well as the no. of colours we define, max(ncolours) must
+     * also fit in an unsigned char; see new_game_desc. */
+    if (params->ncolours > 10)
+	return "Too many colours";
+    if (params->nguesses < 1)
+	return "Must have at least one guess";
+    return NULL;
+static pegrow new_pegrow(int npegs)
+    pegrow pegs = snew(struct pegrow);
+    pegs->npegs = npegs;
+    pegs->pegs = snewn(pegs->npegs, int);
+    memset(pegs->pegs, 0, pegs->npegs * sizeof(int));
+    pegs->feedback = snewn(pegs->npegs, int);
+    memset(pegs->feedback, 0, pegs->npegs * sizeof(int));
+    return pegs;
+static pegrow dup_pegrow(pegrow pegs)
+    pegrow newpegs = snew(struct pegrow);
+    newpegs->npegs = pegs->npegs;
+    newpegs->pegs = snewn(newpegs->npegs, int);
+    memcpy(newpegs->pegs, pegs->pegs, newpegs->npegs * sizeof(int));
+    newpegs->feedback = snewn(newpegs->npegs, int);
+    memcpy(newpegs->feedback, pegs->feedback, newpegs->npegs * sizeof(int));
+    return newpegs;
+static void invalidate_pegrow(pegrow pegs)
+    memset(pegs->pegs, -1, pegs->npegs * sizeof(int));
+    memset(pegs->feedback, -1, pegs->npegs * sizeof(int));
+static void free_pegrow(pegrow pegs)
+    sfree(pegs->pegs);
+    sfree(pegs->feedback);
+    sfree(pegs);
+static char *new_game_desc(game_params *params, random_state *rs,
+			   game_aux_info **aux, int interactive)
+    unsigned char *bmp = snewn(params->npegs, unsigned char);
+    char *ret;
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < params->npegs; i++)
+        bmp[i] = (unsigned char)(random_upto(rs, params->ncolours)+1);
+    obfuscate_bitmap(bmp, params->npegs*8, FALSE);
+    ret = bin2hex(bmp, params->npegs);
+    sfree(bmp);
+    return ret;
+static void game_free_aux_info(game_aux_info *aux)
+    assert(!"Shouldn't happen");
+static char *validate_desc(game_params *params, char *desc)
+    /* desc is just an (obfuscated) bitmap of the solution; all we
+     * care is that it's the correct length. */
+    if (strlen(desc) != params->npegs * 2)
+        return "Game description is wrong length";
+    return NULL;
+static game_state *new_game(midend_data *me, game_params *params, char *desc)
+    game_state *state = snew(game_state);
+    unsigned char *bmp;
+    int i;
+    state->params = *params;
+    state->guesses = snewn(params->nguesses, pegrow);
+    for (i = 0; i < params->nguesses; i++)
+	state->guesses[i] = new_pegrow(params->npegs);
+    state->solution = new_pegrow(params->npegs);
+    bmp = hex2bin(desc, params->npegs);
+    obfuscate_bitmap(bmp, params->npegs*8, TRUE);
+    for (i = 0; i < params->npegs; i++)
+	state->solution->pegs[i] = (int)bmp[i];
+    sfree(bmp);
+    state->next_go = state->solved = 0;
+    return state;
+static game_state *dup_game(game_state *state)
+    game_state *ret = snew(game_state);
+    int i;
+    *ret = *state;
+    ret->guesses = snewn(state->params.nguesses, pegrow);
+    for (i = 0; i < state->params.nguesses; i++)
+	ret->guesses[i] = dup_pegrow(state->guesses[i]);
+    ret->solution = dup_pegrow(state->solution);
+    return ret;
+static void free_game(game_state *state)
+    int i;
+    free_pegrow(state->solution);
+    for (i = 0; i < state->params.nguesses; i++)
+	free_pegrow(state->guesses[i]);
+    sfree(state->guesses);
+    sfree(state);
+static game_state *solve_game(game_state *state, game_state *currstate,
+                              game_aux_info *aux, char **error)
+    game_state *ret = dup_game(currstate);
+    ret->solved = 1;
+    return ret;
+static char *game_text_format(game_state *state)
+    return NULL;
+struct game_ui {
+    pegrow curr_pegs; /* half-finished current move */
+    int *holds;
+    int colour_cur;   /* position of up-down colour picker cursor */
+    int peg_cur;      /* position of left-right peg picker cursor */
+    int display_cur, markable;
+    int drag_col, drag_x, drag_y; /* x and y are *center* of peg! */
+static game_ui *new_ui(game_state *state)
+    game_ui *ui = snew(struct game_ui);
+    memset(ui, 0, sizeof(struct game_ui));
+    ui->curr_pegs = new_pegrow(state->params.npegs);
+    ui->holds = snewn(state->params.npegs, int);
+    memset(ui->holds, 0, sizeof(int)*state->params.npegs);
+    return ui;
+static void free_ui(game_ui *ui)
+    free_pegrow(ui->curr_pegs);
+    sfree(ui->holds);
+    sfree(ui);
+static void game_changed_state(game_ui *ui, game_state *oldstate,
+                               game_state *newstate)
+    int i;
+    /* just clear the row-in-progress when we have an undo/redo. */
+    for (i = 0; i < ui->curr_pegs->npegs; i++)
+	ui->curr_pegs->pegs[i] = 0;
+#define PEGSZ   (ds->pegsz)
+#define PEGOFF  (ds->pegsz + ds->gapsz)
+#define HINTSZ  (ds->hintsz)
+#define HINTOFF (ds->hintsz + ds->gapsz)
+#define PEGRAD  (ds->pegrad)
+#define HINTRAD (ds->hintrad)
+#define COL_OX          (ds->colx)
+#define COL_OY          (ds->coly)
+#define COL_X(c)        (COL_OX)
+#define COL_Y(c)        (COL_OY + (c)*PEGOFF)
+#define COL_W           PEGOFF
+#define COL_H           (ds->colours->npegs*PEGOFF)
+#define GUESS_OX        (ds->guessx)
+#define GUESS_OY        (ds->guessy)
+#define GUESS_X(g,p)    (GUESS_OX + (p)*PEGOFF)
+#define GUESS_Y(g,p)    (GUESS_OY + (g)*PEGOFF)
+#define GUESS_W         (ds->solution->npegs*PEGOFF)
+#define GUESS_H         (ds->nguesses*PEGOFF)
+#define HINT_OX         (GUESS_OX + GUESS_W + ds->gapsz)
+#define HINT_OY         (GUESS_OY + (PEGSZ - HINTOFF - HINTSZ) / 2)
+#define HINT_X(g)       HINT_OX
+#define HINT_Y(g)       (HINT_OY + (g)*PEGOFF)
+#define HINT_W          (ds->hintw*HINTOFF)
+#define HINT_H          GUESS_H
+#define SOLN_OX         GUESS_OX
+#define SOLN_OY         (GUESS_OY + GUESS_H + ds->gapsz + 2)
+#define SOLN_W          GUESS_W
+#define SOLN_H          PEGOFF
+struct game_drawstate {
+    int nguesses;
+    pegrow *guesses;    /* same size as state->guesses */
+    pegrow solution;    /* only displayed if state->solved */
+    pegrow colours;     /* length ncolours, not npegs */
+    int *holds;
+    int pegsz, hintsz, gapsz; /* peg size (diameter), etc. */
+    int pegrad, hintrad;      /* radius of peg, hint */
+    int border;
+    int colx, coly;     /* origin of colours vertical bar */
+    int guessx, guessy; /* origin of guesses */
+    int solnx, solny;   /* origin of solution */
+    int hintw;          /* no. of hint tiles we're wide per row */
+    int w, h, started, solved;
+    int colour_cur, peg_cur, display_cur; /* as in game_ui. */
+    int next_go;
+    blitter *blit_peg;
+    int drag_col, blit_ox, blit_oy;
+static void set_peg(game_ui *ui, int peg, int col)
+    int i;
+    ui->curr_pegs->pegs[peg] = col;
+    /* set to 'markable' if all of our pegs are filled. */
+    for (i = 0; i < ui->curr_pegs->npegs; i++) {
+        if (ui->curr_pegs->pegs[i] == 0) return;
+    }
+    debug(("UI is markable."));
+    ui->markable = 1;
+static int mark_pegs(pegrow guess, pegrow solution, int ncols)
+    int nc_place = 0, nc_colour = 0, i, j;
+    assert(guess && solution && (guess->npegs == solution->npegs));
+    for (i = 0; i < guess->npegs; i++) {
+        if (guess->pegs[i] == solution->pegs[i]) nc_place++;
+    }
+    /* slight bit of cleverness: we have the following formula, from
+     * that gives:
+     *
+     * nc_colour = sum(colours, min(#solution, #guess)) - nc_place
+     *
+     * I think this is due to Knuth.
+     */
+    for (i = 1; i <= ncols; i++) {
+        int n_guess = 0, n_solution = 0;
+        for (j = 0; j < guess->npegs; j++) {
+            if (guess->pegs[j] == i) n_guess++;
+            if (solution->pegs[j] == i) n_solution++;
+        }
+        nc_colour += min(n_guess, n_solution);
+    }
+    nc_colour -= nc_place;
+    debug(("mark_pegs, %d pegs, %d right place, %d right colour",
+           guess->npegs, nc_place, nc_colour));
+    assert((nc_colour + nc_place) <= guess->npegs);
+    memset(guess->feedback, 0, guess->npegs*sizeof(int));
+    for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nc_place; i++)
+        guess->feedback[j++] = FEEDBACK_CORRECTPLACE;
+    for (i = 0; i < nc_colour; i++)
+        guess->feedback[j++] = FEEDBACK_CORRECTCOLOUR;
+    return nc_place;
+static game_state *mark_move(game_state *from, game_ui *ui)
+    int i, ncleared = 0, nc_place;
+    game_state *to = dup_game(from);
+    for (i = 0; i < to->solution->npegs; i++) {
+        to->guesses[from->next_go]->pegs[i] = ui->curr_pegs->pegs[i];
+    }
+    nc_place = mark_pegs(to->guesses[from->next_go], to->solution, to->params.ncolours);
+    if (nc_place == to->solution->npegs) {
+        to->solved = 1; /* win! */
+    } else {
+        to->next_go = from->next_go + 1;
+        if (to->next_go >= to->params.nguesses)
+            to->solved = 1; /* 'lose' so we show the pegs. */
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < to->solution->npegs; i++) {
+        if (!ui->holds[i] || to->solved) {
+            ui->curr_pegs->pegs[i] = 0;
+            ncleared++;
+        }
+        if (to->solved) ui->holds[i] = 0;
+    }
+    if (ncleared) {
+        ui->markable = 0;
+        if (ui->peg_cur == to->solution->npegs)
+            ui->peg_cur--;
+    }
+    return to;
+static game_state *make_move(game_state *from, game_ui *ui, game_drawstate *ds,
+                             int x, int y, int button)
+    int over_col = 0;           /* one-indexed */
+    int over_guess = -1;        /* zero-indexed */
+    int over_hint = 0;          /* zero or one */
+    game_state *ret = NULL;
+    int guess_ox = GUESS_X(from->next_go, 0);
+    int guess_oy = GUESS_Y(from->next_go, 0);
+    if (from->solved) return NULL;
+    if (x >= COL_OX && x <= (COL_OX + COL_W) &&
+        y >= COL_OY && y <= (COL_OY + COL_H)) {
+        over_col = ((y - COL_OY) / PEGOFF) + 1;
+    } else if (x >= guess_ox &&
+               y >= guess_oy && y <= (guess_oy + GUESS_H)) {
+        if (x <= (guess_ox + GUESS_W)) {
+            over_guess = (x - guess_ox) / PEGOFF;
+        } else {
+            over_hint = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    debug(("make_move: over_col %d, over_guess %d, over_hint %d",
+           over_col, over_guess, over_hint));
+    assert(ds->blit_peg);
+    /* mouse input */
+    if (button == LEFT_BUTTON) {
+        if (over_col > 0) {
+            ui->drag_col = over_col;
+            debug(("Start dragging from colours"));
+        } else if (over_guess > -1) {
+            int col = ui->curr_pegs->pegs[over_guess];
+            if (col) {
+                ui->drag_col = col;
+                debug(("Start dragging from a guess"));
+            }
+        }
+        if (ui->drag_col) {
+            ui->drag_x = x;
+            ui->drag_y = y;
+            debug(("Start dragging, col = %d, (%d,%d)",
+                   ui->drag_col, ui->drag_x, ui->drag_y));
+            ret = from;
+        }
+    } else if (button == LEFT_DRAG && ui->drag_col) {
+        ui->drag_x = x;
+        ui->drag_y = y;
+        debug(("Keep dragging, (%d,%d)", ui->drag_x, ui->drag_y));
+        ret = from;
+    } else if (button == LEFT_RELEASE && ui->drag_col) {
+        if (over_guess > -1) {
+            debug(("Dropping colour %d onto guess peg %d",
+                   ui->drag_col, over_guess));
+            set_peg(ui, over_guess, ui->drag_col);
+        }
+        ui->drag_col = 0;
+        debug(("Stop dragging."));
+        ret = from;
+    } else if (button == RIGHT_BUTTON) {
+        if (over_guess > -1) {
+            /* we use ths feedback in the game_ui to signify
+             * 'carry this peg to the next guess as well'. */
+            ui->holds[over_guess] = 1 - ui->holds[over_guess];
+            ret = from;
+        }
+    } else if (button == LEFT_RELEASE && over_hint && ui->markable) {
+        /* NB this won't trigger if on the end of a drag; that's on
+         * purpose, in case you drop by mistake... */
+        ret = mark_move(from, ui);
+    }
+    /* keyboard input */
+    if (button == CURSOR_UP || button == CURSOR_DOWN) {
+        ui->display_cur = 1;
+        if (button == CURSOR_DOWN && (ui->colour_cur+1) < from->params.ncolours)
+            ui->colour_cur++;
+        if (button == CURSOR_UP && ui->colour_cur > 0)
+            ui->colour_cur--;
+        ret = from;
+    } else if (button == CURSOR_LEFT || button == CURSOR_RIGHT) {
+        int maxcur = from->params.npegs;
+        if (ui->markable) maxcur++;
+        ui->display_cur = 1;
+        if (button == CURSOR_RIGHT && (ui->peg_cur+1) < maxcur)
+            ui->peg_cur++;
+        if (button == CURSOR_LEFT && ui->peg_cur > 0)
+            ui->peg_cur--;
+        ret = from;
+    } else if (button == CURSOR_SELECT || button == ' ' || button == '\r' ||
+               button == '\n') {
+        if (ui->peg_cur == from->params.npegs) {
+            ret = mark_move(from, ui);
+        } else {
+            set_peg(ui, ui->peg_cur, ui->colour_cur+1);
+            ret = from;
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Drawing routines.
+ */
+#define PEG_PREFER_SZ 32
+/* next three are multipliers for pegsz. It will look much nicer if
+ * (2*PEG_HINT) + PEG_GAP = 1.0 as the hints are formatted like that. */
+#define PEG_GAP   0.10
+#define PEG_HINT  0.35
+#define BORDER    0.5
+static void game_size(game_params *params, game_drawstate *ds,
+                      int *x, int *y, int expand)
+    double hmul, vmul_c, vmul_g, vmul, szx, szy;
+    int sz, colh, guessh;
+    hmul = BORDER   * 2.0 +               /* border */
+           1.0      * 2.0 +               /* vertical colour bar */
+           1.0      * params->npegs +     /* guess pegs */
+           PEG_GAP  * params->npegs +     /* guess gaps */
+           PEG_HINT * ds->hintw +         /* hint pegs */
+           PEG_GAP  * (ds->hintw - 1);    /* hint gaps */
+    vmul_c = BORDER  * 2.0 +                    /* border */
+             1.0     * params->ncolours +       /* colour pegs */
+             PEG_GAP * (params->ncolours - 1);  /* colour gaps */
+    vmul_g = BORDER  * 2.0 +                    /* border */
+             1.0     * (params->nguesses + 1) + /* guesses plus solution */
+             PEG_GAP * (params->nguesses + 1);  /* gaps plus gap above soln */
+    vmul = max(vmul_c, vmul_g);
+    szx = *x / hmul;
+    szy = *y / vmul;
+    sz = max(min((int)szx, (int)szy), 1);
+    if (expand)
+        ds->pegsz = sz;
+    else
+        ds->pegsz = min(sz, PEG_PREFER_SZ);
+    ds->hintsz = (int)((double)ds->pegsz * PEG_HINT);
+    ds->gapsz  = (int)((double)ds->pegsz * PEG_GAP);
+    ds->border = (int)((double)ds->pegsz * BORDER);
+    ds->pegrad  = (ds->pegsz -1)/2; /* radius of peg to fit in pegsz (which is 2r+1) */
+    ds->hintrad = (ds->hintsz-1)/2;
+    *x = (int)((double)ds->pegsz * hmul);
+    *y = (int)((double)ds->pegsz * vmul);
+    ds->w = *x; ds->h = *y;
+    colh = ((ds->pegsz + ds->gapsz) * params->ncolours) - ds->gapsz;
+    guessh = ((ds->pegsz + ds->gapsz) * params->nguesses);      /* guesses */
+    guessh += ds->gapsz + ds->pegsz;                            /* solution */
+    ds->colx = ds->border;
+    ds->coly = (*y - colh) / 2;
+    ds->guessx = ds->solnx = ds->border + ds->pegsz * 2;     /* border + colours */
+    ds->guessy = (*y - guessh) / 2;
+    ds->solny = ds->guessy + ((ds->pegsz + ds->gapsz) * params->nguesses) + ds->gapsz;
+    if (ds->pegsz > 0) {
+        if (ds->blit_peg) blitter_free(ds->blit_peg);
+        ds->blit_peg = blitter_new(ds->pegsz, ds->pegsz);
+    }
+static float *game_colours(frontend *fe, game_state *state, int *ncolours)
+    float *ret = snewn(3 * NCOLOURS, float);
+    frontend_default_colour(fe, &ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3]);
+    ret[COL_1 * 3 + 0] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_1 * 3 + 1] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_1 * 3 + 2] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_2 * 3 + 0] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_2 * 3 + 1] = 0.5F;
+    ret[COL_2 * 3 + 2] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_3 * 3 + 0] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_3 * 3 + 1] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_3 * 3 + 2] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_4 * 3 + 0] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_4 * 3 + 1] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_4 * 3 + 2] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_5 * 3 + 0] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_5 * 3 + 1] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_5 * 3 + 2] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_6 * 3 + 0] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_6 * 3 + 1] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_6 * 3 + 2] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_7 * 3 + 0] = 0.5F;
+    ret[COL_7 * 3 + 1] = 0.5F;
+    ret[COL_7 * 3 + 2] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_8 * 3 + 0] = 0.5F;
+    ret[COL_8 * 3 + 1] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_8 * 3 + 2] = 0.5F;
+    ret[COL_9 * 3 + 0] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_9 * 3 + 1] = 0.5F;
+    ret[COL_9 * 3 + 2] = 0.5F;
+    ret[COL_10 * 3 + 0] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_10 * 3 + 1] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_10 * 3 + 2] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_FRAME * 3 + 0] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_FRAME * 3 + 1] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_FRAME * 3 + 2] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_HIGHLIGHT * 3 + 0] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_HIGHLIGHT * 3 + 1] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_HIGHLIGHT * 3 + 2] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_LOWLIGHT * 3 + 0] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0] * 2.0 / 3.0;
+    ret[COL_LOWLIGHT * 3 + 1] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 1] * 2.0 / 3.0;
+    ret[COL_LOWLIGHT * 3 + 2] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 2] * 2.0 / 3.0;
+    ret[COL_FLASH * 3 + 0] = 0.5F;
+    ret[COL_FLASH * 3 + 1] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_FLASH * 3 + 2] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_HOLD * 3 + 0] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_HOLD * 3 + 1] = 0.5F;
+    ret[COL_HOLD * 3 + 2] = 0.5F;
+    ret[COL_EMPTY * 3 + 0] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0] * 2.0 / 3.0;
+    ret[COL_EMPTY * 3 + 1] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 1] * 2.0 / 3.0;
+    ret[COL_EMPTY * 3 + 2] = ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 2] * 2.0 / 3.0;
+    ret[COL_CORRECTPLACE*3 + 0] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_CORRECTPLACE*3 + 1] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_CORRECTPLACE*3 + 2] = 0.0F;
+    ret[COL_CORRECTCOLOUR*3 + 0] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_CORRECTCOLOUR*3 + 1] = 1.0F;
+    ret[COL_CORRECTCOLOUR*3 + 2] = 1.0F;
+    *ncolours = NCOLOURS;
+    return ret;
+static game_drawstate *game_new_drawstate(game_state *state)
+    struct game_drawstate *ds = snew(struct game_drawstate);
+    int i;
+    memset(ds, 0, sizeof(struct game_drawstate));
+    ds->guesses = snewn(state->params.nguesses, pegrow);
+    ds->nguesses = state->params.nguesses;
+    for (i = 0; i < state->params.nguesses; i++) {
+        ds->guesses[i] = new_pegrow(state->params.npegs);
+        invalidate_pegrow(ds->guesses[i]);
+    }
+    ds->solution = new_pegrow(state->params.npegs);
+    invalidate_pegrow(ds->solution);
+    ds->colours = new_pegrow(state->params.ncolours);
+    invalidate_pegrow(ds->colours);
+    ds->hintw = (state->params.npegs+1)/2; /* must round up */
+    ds->holds = snewn(state->params.npegs, int);
+    memset(ds->holds, 0, state->params.npegs*sizeof(int));
+    ds->blit_peg = NULL;
+    return ds;
+static void game_free_drawstate(game_drawstate *ds)
+    int i;
+    if (ds->blit_peg) blitter_free(ds->blit_peg);
+    free_pegrow(ds->colours);
+    free_pegrow(ds->solution);
+    for (i = 0; i < ds->nguesses; i++)
+        free_pegrow(ds->guesses[i]);
+    sfree(ds->holds);
+    sfree(ds->guesses);
+    sfree(ds);
+static void draw_peg(frontend *fe, game_drawstate *ds, int cx, int cy, int col)
+    if (PEGRAD > 0)
+        draw_circle(fe, cx+PEGRAD, cy+PEGRAD, PEGRAD, 1, COL_EMPTY + col);
+    else
+        draw_rect(fe, cx, cy, PEGSZ, PEGSZ, COL_EMPTY + col);
+    draw_update(fe, cx, cy, PEGSZ, PEGSZ);
+static void guess_redraw(frontend *fe, game_drawstate *ds, int guess,
+                         pegrow src, int force)
+    pegrow dest;
+    int rowx, rowy, i, scol;
+    if (guess == -1) {
+        dest = ds->solution;
+        rowx = SOLN_OX;
+        rowy = SOLN_OY;
+    } else {
+        dest = ds->guesses[guess];
+        rowx = GUESS_X(guess,0);
+        rowy = GUESS_Y(guess,0);
+    }
+    if (src) assert(src->npegs == dest->npegs);
+    for (i = 0; i < dest->npegs; i++) {
+        scol = src ? src->pegs[i] : 0;
+        if ((dest->pegs[i] != scol) || force)
+	    draw_peg(fe, ds, rowx + PEGOFF * i, rowy, scol);
+        dest->pegs[i] = scol;
+    }
+static void hint_redraw(frontend *fe, game_drawstate *ds, int guess,
+                        pegrow src, int force, int emptycol)
+    pegrow dest = ds->guesses[guess];
+    int rowx, rowy, i, scol, col, hintlen;
+    if (src) assert(src->npegs == dest->npegs);
+    hintlen = (dest->npegs + 1)/2;
+    for (i = 0; i < dest->npegs; i++) {
+        scol = src ? src->feedback[i] : 0;
+              (scol == FEEDBACK_CORRECTCOLOUR) ? COL_CORRECTCOLOUR : emptycol;
+        if ((scol != dest->feedback[i]) || force) {
+            rowx = HINT_X(guess);
+            rowy = HINT_Y(guess);
+            if (i < hintlen) {
+                rowx += HINTOFF * i;
+            } else {
+                rowx += HINTOFF * (i - hintlen);
+                rowy += HINTOFF;
+            }
+            if (HINTRAD > 0)
+                draw_circle(fe, rowx+HINTRAD, rowy+HINTRAD, HINTRAD, 1, col);
+            else
+                draw_rect(fe, rowx, rowy, HINTSZ, HINTSZ, col);
+            draw_update(fe, rowx, rowy, HINTSZ, HINTSZ);
+        }
+        dest->feedback[i] = scol;
+    }
+static void hold_redraw(frontend *fe, game_drawstate *ds, int guess, int *src, int force)
+    int shold, col, ox, oy, i;
+    if (guess >= ds->nguesses)
+        return;
+    for (i = 0; i < ds->solution->npegs; i++) {
+        shold = src ? src[i] : 0;
+        col = shold ? COL_HOLD : COL_BACKGROUND;
+        if ((shold != ds->holds[i]) || force) {
+            ox = GUESS_X(guess, i);
+            oy = GUESS_Y(guess, i) + PEGSZ + ds->gapsz/2;
+            draw_rect(fe, ox, oy, PEGSZ, 2, col);
+            draw_update(fe, ox, oy, PEGSZ, 2);
+        }
+        if (src) ds->holds[i] = shold;
+    }
+static void currmove_redraw(frontend *fe, game_drawstate *ds, int guess, int col)
+    int ox = GUESS_X(guess, 0), oy = GUESS_Y(guess, 0), off = PEGSZ/4;
+    draw_rect(fe, ox-off-1, oy, 2, PEGSZ, col);
+    draw_update(fe, ox-off-1, oy, 2, PEGSZ);
+static void cur_redraw(frontend *fe, game_drawstate *ds,
+                       int x, int y, int erase)
+    int cgap = ds->gapsz / 2;
+    int x1, y1, x2, y2, hi, lo;
+    x1 = x-cgap; x2 = x+PEGSZ+cgap;
+    y1 = y-cgap; y2 = y+PEGSZ+cgap;
+    lo = erase ? COL_BACKGROUND : COL_LOWLIGHT;
+    draw_line(fe, x1, y1, x2, y1, hi);
+    draw_line(fe, x2, y1, x2, y2, lo);
+    draw_line(fe, x2, y2, x1, y2, lo);
+    draw_line(fe, x1, y2, x1, y1, hi);
+    draw_update(fe, x1, y1, x2, y2);
+static void game_redraw(frontend *fe, game_drawstate *ds, game_state *oldstate,
+			game_state *state, int dir, game_ui *ui,
+			float animtime, float flashtime)
+    int i, cur_erase = 0, cur_draw = 0, new_move, last_go;
+    new_move = (state->next_go != ds->next_go) || !ds->started;
+    last_go = (state->next_go == state->params.nguesses-1);
+    if (!ds->started) {
+      draw_rect(fe, 0, 0, ds->w, ds->h, COL_BACKGROUND);
+      draw_rect(fe, SOLN_OX, SOLN_OY - ds->gapsz - 1, SOLN_W, 2, COL_FRAME);
+      draw_update(fe, 0, 0, ds->w, ds->h);
+    }
+    if (ds->drag_col != 0) {
+        debug(("Loading from blitter."));
+        blitter_load(fe, ds->blit_peg, ds->blit_ox, ds->blit_oy);
+        draw_update(fe, ds->blit_ox, ds->blit_oy, PEGSZ, PEGSZ);
+    }
+    /* draw the colours */
+    for (i = 0; i < state->params.ncolours; i++) {
+        if (ds->colours->pegs[i] != i+1) {
+	    draw_peg(fe, ds, COL_X(i), COL_Y(i), i+1);
+            ds->colours->pegs[i] = i+1;
+        }
+    }
+    /* draw the guesses (so far) and the hints */
+    for (i = 0; i < state->params.nguesses; i++) {
+        if (state->next_go > i || state->solved) {
+            /* this info is stored in the game_state already */
+            guess_redraw(fe, ds, i, state->guesses[i], 0);
+            hint_redraw(fe, ds, i, state->guesses[i],
+                        i == (state->next_go-1) ? 1 : 0, COL_EMPTY);
+        } else if (state->next_go == i) {
+            /* this is the one we're on; the (incomplete) guess is
+             * stored in the game_ui. */
+            guess_redraw(fe, ds, i, ui->curr_pegs, 0);
+            hint_redraw(fe, ds, i, NULL, 1, ui->markable ? COL_FLASH : COL_EMPTY);
+        } else {
+            /* we've not got here yet; it's blank. */
+            guess_redraw(fe, ds, i, NULL, 0);
+            hint_redraw(fe, ds, i, NULL, 0, COL_EMPTY);
+        }
+    }
+    /* draw the 'hold' markers */
+    if (state->solved) {
+        hold_redraw(fe, ds, state->next_go, NULL, 1);
+    } else if (new_move) {
+        hold_redraw(fe, ds, ds->next_go, NULL, 1);
+        hold_redraw(fe, ds, state->next_go, last_go ? NULL : ui->holds, 1);
+    } else
+        hold_redraw(fe, ds, state->next_go, last_go ? NULL : ui->holds, 0);
+    /* draw the 'current move' and 'able to mark' sign. */
+    if (new_move)
+        currmove_redraw(fe, ds, ds->next_go, COL_BACKGROUND);
+    if (!state->solved)
+        currmove_redraw(fe, ds, state->next_go, COL_HOLD);
+    /* draw the solution (or the big rectangle) */
+    if ((state->solved != ds->solved) || !ds->started) {
+        draw_rect(fe, SOLN_OX, SOLN_OY, SOLN_W, SOLN_H,
+                  state->solved ? COL_BACKGROUND : COL_EMPTY);
+        draw_update(fe, SOLN_OX, SOLN_OY, SOLN_W, SOLN_H);
+    }
+    if (state->solved)
+        guess_redraw(fe, ds, -1, state->solution, !ds->solved);
+    ds->solved = state->solved;
+    if (ui->display_cur && !ds->display_cur)
+        cur_draw = 1;
+    else if (!ui->display_cur && ds->display_cur)
+        cur_erase = 1;
+    else if (ui->display_cur) {
+        if ((state->next_go != ds->next_go) ||
+            (ui->peg_cur != ds->peg_cur) ||
+            (ui->colour_cur != ds->colour_cur)) {
+            cur_erase = 1;
+            cur_draw = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    if (cur_erase) {
+        cur_redraw(fe, ds, COL_X(ds->colour_cur), COL_Y(ds->colour_cur), 1);
+        cur_redraw(fe, ds,
+                   GUESS_X(ds->next_go, ds->peg_cur), GUESS_Y(ds->next_go, ds->peg_cur), 1);
+    }
+    if (cur_draw) {
+        cur_redraw(fe, ds, COL_X(ui->colour_cur), COL_Y(ui->colour_cur), 0);
+        cur_redraw(fe, ds,
+                   GUESS_X(state->next_go, ui->peg_cur), GUESS_Y(state->next_go, ui->peg_cur), 0);
+    }
+    ds->display_cur = ui->display_cur;
+    ds->peg_cur = ui->peg_cur;
+    ds->colour_cur = ui->colour_cur;
+    ds->next_go = state->next_go;
+    /* if ui->drag_col != 0, save the screen to the blitter,
+     * draw the peg where we saved, and set ds->drag_* == ui->drag_*. */
+    if (ui->drag_col != 0) {
+        int ox = ui->drag_x - (PEGSZ/2);
+        int oy = ui->drag_y - (PEGSZ/2);
+        debug(("Saving to blitter at (%d,%d)", ox, oy));
+        blitter_save(fe, ds->blit_peg, ox, oy);
+        draw_peg(fe, ds, ox, oy, ui->drag_col);
+        ds->blit_ox = ox; ds->blit_oy = oy;
+    }
+    ds->drag_col = ui->drag_col;
+    ds->started = 1;
+static float game_anim_length(game_state *oldstate, game_state *newstate,
+			      int dir, game_ui *ui)
+    return 0.0F;
+static float game_flash_length(game_state *oldstate, game_state *newstate,
+			       int dir, game_ui *ui)
+    return 0.0F;
+static int game_wants_statusbar(void)
+    return FALSE;
+static int game_timing_state(game_state *state)
+    return TRUE;
+#ifdef COMBINED
+#define thegame guess
+const struct game thegame = {
+    "Guess", "games.guess",
+    default_params,
+    game_fetch_preset,
+    decode_params,
+    encode_params,
+    free_params,
+    dup_params,
+    TRUE, game_configure, custom_params,
+    validate_params,
+    new_game_desc,
+    game_free_aux_info,
+    validate_desc,
+    new_game,
+    dup_game,
+    free_game,
+    TRUE, solve_game,
+    FALSE, game_text_format,
+    new_ui,
+    free_ui,
+    game_changed_state,
+    make_move,
+    game_size,
+    game_colours,
+    game_new_drawstate,
+    game_free_drawstate,
+    game_redraw,
+    game_anim_length,
+    game_flash_length,
+    game_wants_statusbar,
+    FALSE, game_timing_state,
+    0,				       /* mouse_priorities */
+/* vim: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8: */
--- a/list.c
+++ b/list.c
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 extern const game cube;
 extern const game fifteen;
 extern const game flip;
+extern const game guess;
 extern const game mines;
 extern const game net;
 extern const game netslide;
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
+    &guess,
--- a/mines.c
+++ b/mines.c
@@ -1828,112 +1828,6 @@
     return ret;
- * The Mines game descriptions contain the location of every mine,
- * and can therefore be used to cheat.
- * 
- * It would be pointless to attempt to _prevent_ this form of
- * cheating by encrypting the description, since Mines is
- * open-source so anyone can find out the encryption key. However,
- * I think it is worth doing a bit of gentle obfuscation to prevent
- * _accidental_ spoilers: if you happened to note that the game ID
- * starts with an F, for example, you might be unable to put the
- * knowledge of those mines out of your mind while playing. So,
- * just as discussions of film endings are rot13ed to avoid
- * spoiling it for people who don't want to be told, we apply a
- * keyless, reversible, but visually completely obfuscatory masking
- * function to the mine bitmap.
- */
-static void obfuscate_bitmap(unsigned char *bmp, int bits, int decode)
-    int bytes, firsthalf, secondhalf;
-    struct step {
-	unsigned char *seedstart;
-	int seedlen;
-	unsigned char *targetstart;
-	int targetlen;
-    } steps[2];
-    int i, j;
-    /*
-     * My obfuscation algorithm is similar in concept to the OAEP
-     * encoding used in some forms of RSA. Here's a specification
-     * of it:
-     * 
-     * 	+ We have a `masking function' which constructs a stream of
-     * 	  pseudorandom bytes from a seed of some number of input
-     * 	  bytes.
-     * 
-     * 	+ We pad out our input bit stream to a whole number of
-     * 	  bytes by adding up to 7 zero bits on the end. (In fact
-     * 	  the bitmap passed as input to this function will already
-     * 	  have had this done in practice.)
-     * 
-     * 	+ We divide the _byte_ stream exactly in half, rounding the
-     * 	  half-way position _down_. So an 81-bit input string, for
-     * 	  example, rounds up to 88 bits or 11 bytes, and then
-     * 	  dividing by two gives 5 bytes in the first half and 6 in
-     * 	  the second half.
-     * 
-     * 	+ We generate a mask from the second half of the bytes, and
-     * 	  XOR it over the first half.
-     * 
-     * 	+ We generate a mask from the (encoded) first half of the
-     * 	  bytes, and XOR it over the second half. Any null bits at
-     * 	  the end which were added as padding are cleared back to
-     * 	  zero even if this operation would have made them nonzero.
-     * 
-     * To de-obfuscate, the steps are precisely the same except
-     * that the final two are reversed.
-     * 
-     * Finally, our masking function. Given an input seed string of
-     * bytes, the output mask consists of concatenating the SHA-1
-     * hashes of the seed string and successive decimal integers,
-     * starting from 0.
-     */
-    bytes = (bits + 7) / 8;
-    firsthalf = bytes / 2;
-    secondhalf = bytes - firsthalf;
-    steps[decode ? 1 : 0].seedstart = bmp + firsthalf;
-    steps[decode ? 1 : 0].seedlen = secondhalf;
-    steps[decode ? 1 : 0].targetstart = bmp;
-    steps[decode ? 1 : 0].targetlen = firsthalf;
-    steps[decode ? 0 : 1].seedstart = bmp;
-    steps[decode ? 0 : 1].seedlen = firsthalf;
-    steps[decode ? 0 : 1].targetstart = bmp + firsthalf;
-    steps[decode ? 0 : 1].targetlen = secondhalf;
-    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
-	SHA_State base, final;
-	unsigned char digest[20];
-	char numberbuf[80];
-	int digestpos = 20, counter = 0;
-	SHA_Init(&base);
-	SHA_Bytes(&base, steps[i].seedstart, steps[i].seedlen);
-	for (j = 0; j < steps[i].targetlen; j++) {
-	    if (digestpos >= 20) {
-		sprintf(numberbuf, "%d", counter++);
-		final = base;
-		SHA_Bytes(&final, numberbuf, strlen(numberbuf));
-		SHA_Final(&final, digest);
-		digestpos = 0;
-	    }
-	    steps[i].targetstart[j] ^= digest[digestpos++];
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Mask off the pad bits in the final byte after both steps.
-	 */
-	if (bits % 8)
-	    bmp[bits / 8] &= 0xFF & (0xFF00 >> (bits % 8));
-    }
 static char *describe_layout(char *grid, int area, int x, int y,
                              int obfuscate)
--- a/misc.c
+++ b/misc.c
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
 #include "puzzles.h"
@@ -16,3 +18,155 @@
+ * The Mines (among others) game descriptions contain the location of every
+ * mine, and can therefore be used to cheat.
+ *
+ * It would be pointless to attempt to _prevent_ this form of
+ * cheating by encrypting the description, since Mines is
+ * open-source so anyone can find out the encryption key. However,
+ * I think it is worth doing a bit of gentle obfuscation to prevent
+ * _accidental_ spoilers: if you happened to note that the game ID
+ * starts with an F, for example, you might be unable to put the
+ * knowledge of those mines out of your mind while playing. So,
+ * just as discussions of film endings are rot13ed to avoid
+ * spoiling it for people who don't want to be told, we apply a
+ * keyless, reversible, but visually completely obfuscatory masking
+ * function to the mine bitmap.
+ */
+void obfuscate_bitmap(unsigned char *bmp, int bits, int decode)
+    int bytes, firsthalf, secondhalf;
+    struct step {
+	unsigned char *seedstart;
+	int seedlen;
+	unsigned char *targetstart;
+	int targetlen;
+    } steps[2];
+    int i, j;
+    /*
+     * My obfuscation algorithm is similar in concept to the OAEP
+     * encoding used in some forms of RSA. Here's a specification
+     * of it:
+     * 
+     * 	+ We have a `masking function' which constructs a stream of
+     * 	  pseudorandom bytes from a seed of some number of input
+     * 	  bytes.
+     * 
+     * 	+ We pad out our input bit stream to a whole number of
+     * 	  bytes by adding up to 7 zero bits on the end. (In fact
+     * 	  the bitmap passed as input to this function will already
+     * 	  have had this done in practice.)
+     * 
+     * 	+ We divide the _byte_ stream exactly in half, rounding the
+     * 	  half-way position _down_. So an 81-bit input string, for
+     * 	  example, rounds up to 88 bits or 11 bytes, and then
+     * 	  dividing by two gives 5 bytes in the first half and 6 in
+     * 	  the second half.
+     * 
+     * 	+ We generate a mask from the second half of the bytes, and
+     * 	  XOR it over the first half.
+     * 
+     * 	+ We generate a mask from the (encoded) first half of the
+     * 	  bytes, and XOR it over the second half. Any null bits at
+     * 	  the end which were added as padding are cleared back to
+     * 	  zero even if this operation would have made them nonzero.
+     * 
+     * To de-obfuscate, the steps are precisely the same except
+     * that the final two are reversed.
+     * 
+     * Finally, our masking function. Given an input seed string of
+     * bytes, the output mask consists of concatenating the SHA-1
+     * hashes of the seed string and successive decimal integers,
+     * starting from 0.
+     */
+    bytes = (bits + 7) / 8;
+    firsthalf = bytes / 2;
+    secondhalf = bytes - firsthalf;
+    steps[decode ? 1 : 0].seedstart = bmp + firsthalf;
+    steps[decode ? 1 : 0].seedlen = secondhalf;
+    steps[decode ? 1 : 0].targetstart = bmp;
+    steps[decode ? 1 : 0].targetlen = firsthalf;
+    steps[decode ? 0 : 1].seedstart = bmp;
+    steps[decode ? 0 : 1].seedlen = firsthalf;
+    steps[decode ? 0 : 1].targetstart = bmp + firsthalf;
+    steps[decode ? 0 : 1].targetlen = secondhalf;
+    for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+	SHA_State base, final;
+	unsigned char digest[20];
+	char numberbuf[80];
+	int digestpos = 20, counter = 0;
+	SHA_Init(&base);
+	SHA_Bytes(&base, steps[i].seedstart, steps[i].seedlen);
+	for (j = 0; j < steps[i].targetlen; j++) {
+	    if (digestpos >= 20) {
+		sprintf(numberbuf, "%d", counter++);
+		final = base;
+		SHA_Bytes(&final, numberbuf, strlen(numberbuf));
+		SHA_Final(&final, digest);
+		digestpos = 0;
+	    }
+	    steps[i].targetstart[j] ^= digest[digestpos++];
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Mask off the pad bits in the final byte after both steps.
+	 */
+	if (bits % 8)
+	    bmp[bits / 8] &= 0xFF & (0xFF00 >> (bits % 8));
+    }
+/* err, yeah, these two pretty much rely on unsigned char being 8 bits.
+ * Platforms where this is not the case probably have bigger problems
+ * than just making these two work, though... */
+char *bin2hex(const unsigned char *in, int inlen)
+    char *ret = snewn(inlen*2 + 1, char), *p = ret;
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < inlen*2; i++) {
+        int v = in[i/2];
+        if (i % 2 == 0) v >>= 4;
+        *p++ = "0123456789abcdef"[v & 0xF];
+    }
+    *p = '\0';
+    return ret;
+unsigned char *hex2bin(const char *in, int outlen)
+    unsigned char *ret = snewn(outlen, unsigned char);
+    int i;
+    debug(("hex2bin: in '%s'", in));
+    memset(ret, 0, outlen*sizeof(unsigned char));
+    for (i = 0; i < outlen*2; i++) {
+        int c = in[i];
+        int v;
+        assert(c != 0);
+        if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
+            v = c - '0';
+        else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
+            v = c - 'a' + 10;
+        else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
+            v = c - 'A' + 10;
+        else
+            v = 0;
+        ret[i / 2] |= v << (4 * (1 - (i % 2)));
+    }
+    return ret;
+/* vim: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8: */
--- a/puzzles.h
+++ b/puzzles.h
@@ -205,6 +205,13 @@
  * misc.c
 void free_cfg(config_item *cfg);
+void obfuscate_bitmap(unsigned char *bmp, int bits, int decode);
+/* allocates output each time. len is always in bytes of binary data.
+ * May assert (or just go wrong) if lengths are unchecked. */
+char *bin2hex(const unsigned char *in, int inlen);
+unsigned char *hex2bin(const char *in, int outlen);
  * version.c