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ref: de13ca2874e673b426efcf04f734ae6625635396
parent: 43f4fde2f2ef694f355edc2777525cf611dc0182
author: Simon Tatham <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jun 15 03:40:14 EDT 2023

Add a 'core' library alongside 'common'.

The 'core' library contains almost all the same objects as 'common',
but leaves out hat.c. And the auxiliary program 'hatgen' now links
against that slightly reduced core library instead of 'common'.

This avoids a dependency loop: one of hatgen's jobs is to generate
hat-tables.h, but hat-tables.h is a dependency of it.

Of course, the generated hat-tables.h is already committed, so this
doesn't present a bootstrapping problem in a normal build. But if
someone modifies hatgen.c in order to regenerate hat-tables.h, and
does so in a way that makes it uncompilable, they can't rebuild hatgen
and try again! Of course you can always revert changes with git, but
it's annoying to have to. Better to keep the dependencies non-cyclic
in the first place.

--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -5,11 +5,12 @@
+add_library(core_obj OBJECT
   combi.c divvy.c drawing.c dsf.c findloop.c grid.c latin.c
-  laydomino.c loopgen.c malloc.c matching.c midend.c misc.c penrose.c hat.c
-  ps.c random.c sort.c tdq.c tree234.c version.c
-  ${platform_common_sources})
+  laydomino.c loopgen.c malloc.c matching.c midend.c misc.c penrose.c
+  ps.c random.c sort.c tdq.c tree234.c version.c ${platform_common_sources})
+add_library(core $<TARGET_OBJECTS:core_obj>)
+add_library(common $<TARGET_OBJECTS:core_obj> hat.c)
--- a/auxiliary/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/auxiliary/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 cliprogram(combi-test combi-test.c)
 cliprogram(divvy-test divvy-test.c)
-cliprogram(hatgen hatgen.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TEST_HAT)
+cliprogram(hatgen hatgen.c CORE_LIB COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TEST_HAT)
 cliprogram(hat-test hat-test.c)
 cliprogram(latin-test latin-test.c)
 cliprogram(matching matching.c)
--- a/cmake/setup.cmake
+++ b/cmake/setup.cmake
@@ -148,12 +148,18 @@
 # a command-line helper tool.
 function(cliprogram NAME)
+    set(lib core)
+  else()
+    set(lib common)
+  endif()
     add_executable(${NAME} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/nullfe.c
-    target_link_libraries(${NAME} common ${platform_libs})
+    target_link_libraries(${NAME} ${lib} ${platform_libs})
       target_compile_definitions(${NAME} PRIVATE ${OPT_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS})