ref: 93103eeca4e41ecaa874069b10f2a3de8c392435
parent: d2369aab621c80449db7c589f0c65c722802b8b4
author: Simon Tatham <[email protected]>
date: Mon Apr 7 11:56:42 EDT 2008
Substantial reworking of Solo so that it implements both Sudoku-X (require both main diagonals to have one of every digit in addition to all the usual constraints) and Jigsaw Sudoku (replace the array of rectangular sub-blocks with the sub-blocks being random polyominoes). To implement the latter, I've moved my `divvy.c' library routine out of the `unfinished' subdirectory. Jigsaw mode is currently an undocumented feature: you enable it by setting the rows parameter to 1 (and the columns parameter to your desired grid size, which unlike normal Sudoku can be anything you like including a prime number). The reason it's undocumented is because generation times are not yet reliably short: sometimes generating a jigsaw-type puzzle can hang for hours and still get nowhere. (The algorithm should terminate in principle, but not in any time you're prepared to wait.) I _think_ I know how to solve this, but have yet to try it. Until then, jigsaw mode will remain a hidden feature. Printing of X-type puzzles is also substandard at present, because the current print-colour API replaces the desired light shading of the X-cells with heavy diagonal hatching. I plan to adjust the API imminently to address this. [originally from svn r7974]
--- /dev/null
+++ b/divvy.c
@@ -1,0 +1,781 @@
+ * Library code to divide up a rectangle into a number of equally
+ * sized ominoes, in a random fashion.
+ *
+ * Could use this for generating solved grids of
+ *
+ * or for generating the playfield for Jigsaw Sudoku.
+ */
+ * This code is restricted to simply connected solutions: that is,
+ * no single polyomino may completely surround another (not even
+ * with a corner visible to the outside world, in the sense that a
+ * 7-omino can `surround' a single square).
+ *
+ * It's tempting to think that this is a natural consequence of
+ * all the ominoes being the same size - after all, a division of
+ * anything into 7-ominoes must necessarily have all of them
+ * simply connected, because if one was not then the 1-square
+ * space in the middle could not be part of any 7-omino - but in
+ * fact, for sufficiently large k, it is perfectly possible for a
+ * k-omino to completely surround another k-omino. A simple
+ * example is this one with two 25-ominoes:
+ *
+ * +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ * | |
+ * + +--+--+--+--+--+ +
+ * | | | |
+ * + + + +
+ * | | | |
+ * + + + +--+
+ * | | | |
+ * + + + +--+
+ * | | | |
+ * + + + +
+ * | | | |
+ * + +--+--+--+--+--+ +
+ * | |
+ * +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
+ *
+ * I claim the smallest k which can manage this is 23. More
+ * formally:
+ *
+ * If a k-omino P is completely surrounded by another k-omino Q,
+ * such that every edge of P borders on Q, then k >= 23.
+ *
+ * Proof:
+ *
+ * It's relatively simple to find the largest _rectangle_ a
+ * k-omino can enclose. So I'll construct my proof in two parts:
+ * firstly, show that no 22-omino or smaller can enclose a
+ * rectangle as large as itself, and secondly, show that no
+ * polyomino can enclose a larger non-rectangle than a rectangle.
+ *
+ * The first of those claims:
+ *
+ * To surround an m x n rectangle, a polyomino must have 2m
+ * squares along the two m-sides of the rectangle, 2n squares
+ * along the two n-sides, and must fill in at least three of the
+ * corners in order to be connected. Thus, 2(m+n)+3 <= k. We wish
+ * to find the largest value of mn subject to that constraint, and
+ * it's clear that this is achieved when m and n are as close to
+ * equal as possible. (If they aren't, WLOG suppose m < n; then
+ * (m+1)(n-1) = mn + n - m - 1 >= mn, with equality only when
+ * m=n-1.)
+ *
+ * So the area of the largest rectangle which can be enclosed by a
+ * k-omino is given by floor(k'/2) * ceil(k'/2), where k' =
+ * (k-3)/2. This is a monotonic function in k, so there will be a
+ * unique point at which it goes from being smaller than k to
+ * being larger than k. That point is between 22 (maximum area 20)
+ * and 23 (maximum area 25).
+ *
+ * The second claim:
+ *
+ * Suppose we have an inner polyomino P surrounded by an outer
+ * polyomino Q. I seek to show that if P is non-rectangular, then
+ * P is also non-maximal, in the sense that we can transform P and
+ * Q into a new pair of polyominoes in which P is larger and Q is
+ * at most the same size.
+ *
+ * Consider walking along the boundary of P in a clockwise
+ * direction. (We may assume, of course, that there is only _one_
+ * boundary of P, i.e. P has no hole in the middle. If it does
+ * have a hole in the middle, it's _trivially_ non-maximal because
+ * we can just fill the hole in!) Our walk will take us along many
+ * edges between squares; sometimes we might turn left, and
+ * certainly sometimes we will turn right. Always there will be a
+ * square of P on our right, and a square of Q on our left.
+ *
+ * The net angle through which we turn during the entire walk must
+ * add up to 360 degrees rightwards. So if there are no left
+ * turns, then we must turn right exactly four times, meaning we
+ * have described a rectangle. Hence, if P is _not_ rectangular,
+ * then there must have been a left turn at some point. A left
+ * turn must mean we walk along two edges of the same square of Q.
+ *
+ * Thus, there is some square X in Q which is adjacent to two
+ * diagonally separated squares in P. Let us call those two
+ * squares N and E; let us refer to the other two neighbours of X
+ * as S and W; let us refer to the other mutual neighbour of S and
+ * W as D; and let us refer to the other mutual neighbour of S and
+ * E as Y. In other words, we have named seven squares, arranged
+ * thus:
+ *
+ * N
+ * W X E
+ * D S Y
+ *
+ * where N and E are in P, and X is in Q.
+ *
+ * Clearly at least one of W and S must be in Q (because otherwise
+ * X would not be connected to any other square in Q, and would
+ * hence have to be the whole of Q; and evidently if Q were a
+ * 1-omino it could not enclose _anything_). So we divide into
+ * cases:
+ *
+ * If both W and S are in Q, then we take X out of Q and put it in
+ * P, which does not expose any edge of P. If this disconnects Q,
+ * then we can reconnect it by adding D to Q.
+ *
+ * If only one of W and S is in Q, then wlog let it be W. If S is
+ * in _P_, then we have a particularly easy case: we can simply
+ * take X out of Q and add it to P, and this cannot disconnect X
+ * since X was a leaf square of Q.
+ *
+ * Our remaining case is that W is in Q and S is in neither P nor
+ * Q. Again we take X out of Q and put it in P; we also add S to
+ * Q. This ensures we do not expose an edge of P, but we must now
+ * prove that S is adjacent to some other existing square of Q so
+ * that we haven't disconnected Q by adding it.
+ *
+ * To do this, we recall that we walked along the edge XE, and
+ * then turned left to walk along XN. So just before doing all
+ * that, we must have reached the corner XSE, and we must have
+ * done it by walking along one of the three edges meeting at that
+ * corner which are _not_ XE. It can't have been SY, since S would
+ * then have been on our left and it isn't in Q; and it can't have
+ * been XS, since S would then have been on our right and it isn't
+ * in P. So it must have been YE, in which case Y was on our left,
+ * and hence is in Q.
+ *
+ * So in all cases we have shown that we can take X out of Q and
+ * add it to P, and add at most one square to Q to restore the
+ * containment and connectedness properties. Hence, we can keep
+ * doing this until we run out of left turns and P becomes
+ * rectangular. []
+ *
+ * ------------
+ *
+ * Anyway, that entire proof was a bit of a sidetrack. The point
+ * is, although constructions of this type are possible for
+ * sufficiently large k, divvy_rectangle() will never generate
+ * them. This could be considered a weakness for some purposes, in
+ * the sense that we can't generate all possible divisions.
+ * However, there are many divisions which we are highly unlikely
+ * to generate anyway, so in practice it probably isn't _too_ bad.
+ *
+ * If I wanted to fix this issue, I would have to make the rules
+ * more complicated for determining when a square can safely be
+ * _removed_ from a polyomino. Adding one becomes easier (a square
+ * may be added to a polyomino iff it is 4-adjacent to any square
+ * currently part of the polyomino, and the current test for loop
+ * formation may be dispensed with), but to determine which
+ * squares may be removed we must now resort to analysis of the
+ * overall structure of the polyomino rather than the simple local
+ * properties we can currently get away with measuring.
+ */
+ * Possible improvements which might cut the fail rate:
+ *
+ * - instead of picking one omino to extend in an iteration, try
+ * them all in succession (in a randomised order)
+ *
+ * - (for real rigour) instead of bfsing over ominoes, bfs over
+ * the space of possible _removed squares_. That way we aren't
+ * limited to randomly choosing a single square to remove from
+ * an omino and failing if that particular square doesn't
+ * happen to work.
+ *
+ * However, I don't currently think it's necessary to do either of
+ * these, because the failure rate is already low enough to be
+ * easily tolerable, under all circumstances I've been able to
+ * think of.
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include "puzzles.h"
+ * Subroutine which implements a function used in computing both
+ * whether a square can safely be added to an omino, and whether
+ * it can safely be removed.
+ *
+ * We enumerate the eight squares 8-adjacent to this one, in
+ * cyclic order. We go round that loop and count the number of
+ * times we find a square owned by the target omino next to one
+ * not owned by it. We then return success iff that count is 2.
+ *
+ * When adding a square to an omino, this is precisely the
+ * criterion which tells us that adding the square won't leave a
+ * hole in the middle of the omino. (If it did, then things get
+ * more complicated; see above.)
+ *
+ * When removing a square from an omino, the _same_ criterion
+ * tells us that removing the square won't disconnect the omino.
+ * (This only works _because_ we've ensured the omino is simply
+ * connected.)
+ */
+static int addremcommon(int w, int h, int x, int y, int *own, int val)
+ int neighbours[8];
+ int dir, count;
+ for (dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
+ int dx = ((dir & 3) == 2 ? 0 : dir > 2 && dir < 6 ? +1 : -1);
+ int dy = ((dir & 3) == 0 ? 0 : dir < 4 ? -1 : +1);
+ int sx = x+dx, sy = y+dy;
+ if (sx < 0 || sx >= w || sy < 0 || sy >= h)
+ neighbours[dir] = -1; /* outside the grid */
+ else
+ neighbours[dir] = own[sy*w+sx];
+ }
+ /*
+ * To begin with, check 4-adjacency.
+ */
+ if (neighbours[0] != val && neighbours[2] != val &&
+ neighbours[4] != val && neighbours[6] != val)
+ return FALSE;
+ count = 0;
+ for (dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
+ int next = (dir + 1) & 7;
+ int gotthis = (neighbours[dir] == val);
+ int gotnext = (neighbours[next] == val);
+ if (gotthis != gotnext)
+ count++;
+ }
+ return (count == 2);
+ * w and h are the dimensions of the rectangle.
+ *
+ * k is the size of the required ominoes. (So k must divide w*h,
+ * of course.)
+ *
+ * The returned result is a w*h-sized dsf.
+ *
+ * In both of the above suggested use cases, the user would
+ * probably want w==h==k, but that isn't a requirement.
+ */
+static int *divvy_internal(int w, int h, int k, random_state *rs)
+ int *order, *queue, *tmp, *own, *sizes, *addable, *removable, *retdsf;
+ int wh = w*h;
+ int i, j, n, x, y, qhead, qtail;
+ n = wh / k;
+ assert(wh == k*n);
+ order = snewn(wh, int);
+ tmp = snewn(wh, int);
+ own = snewn(wh, int);
+ sizes = snewn(n, int);
+ queue = snewn(n, int);
+ addable = snewn(wh*4, int);
+ removable = snewn(wh, int);
+ /*
+ * Permute the grid squares into a random order, which will be
+ * used for iterating over the grid whenever we need to search
+ * for something. This prevents directional bias and arranges
+ * for the answer to be non-deterministic.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < wh; i++)
+ order[i] = i;
+ shuffle(order, wh, sizeof(*order), rs);
+ /*
+ * Begin by choosing a starting square at random for each
+ * omino.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
+ own[i] = -1;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+ own[order[i]] = i;
+ sizes[i] = 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now repeatedly pick a random omino which isn't already at
+ * the target size, and find a way to expand it by one. This
+ * may involve stealing a square from another omino, in which
+ * case we then re-expand that omino, forming a chain of
+ * square-stealing which terminates in an as yet unclaimed
+ * square. Hence every successful iteration around this loop
+ * causes the number of unclaimed squares to drop by one, and
+ * so the process is bounded in duration.
+ */
+ while (1) {
+ {
+ int x, y;
+ printf("Top of loop. Current grid:\n");
+ for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
+ for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
+ printf("%3d", own[y*w+x]);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Go over the grid and figure out which squares can
+ * safely be added to, or removed from, each omino. We
+ * don't take account of other ominoes in this process, so
+ * we will often end up knowing that a square can be
+ * poached from one omino by another.
+ *
+ * For each square, there may be up to four ominoes to
+ * which it can be added (those to which it is
+ * 4-adjacent).
+ */
+ for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
+ for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
+ int yx = y*w+x;
+ int curr = own[yx];
+ int dir;
+ if (curr < 0) {
+ removable[yx] = FALSE; /* can't remove if not owned! */
+ } else if (sizes[curr] == 1) {
+ removable[yx] = TRUE; /* can always remove a singleton */
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * See if this square can be removed from its
+ * omino without disconnecting it.
+ */
+ removable[yx] = addremcommon(w, h, x, y, own, curr);
+ }
+ for (dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++) {
+ int dx = (dir == 0 ? -1 : dir == 1 ? +1 : 0);
+ int dy = (dir == 2 ? -1 : dir == 3 ? +1 : 0);
+ int sx = x + dx, sy = y + dy;
+ int syx = sy*w+sx;
+ addable[yx*4+dir] = -1;
+ if (sx < 0 || sx >= w || sy < 0 || sy >= h)
+ continue; /* no omino here! */
+ if (own[syx] < 0)
+ continue; /* also no omino here */
+ if (own[syx] == own[yx])
+ continue; /* we already got one */
+ if (!addremcommon(w, h, x, y, own, own[syx]))
+ continue; /* would non-simply connect the omino */
+ addable[yx*4+dir] = own[syx];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = j = 0; i < n; i++)
+ if (sizes[i] < k)
+ tmp[j++] = i;
+ if (j == 0)
+ break; /* all ominoes are complete! */
+ j = tmp[random_upto(rs, j)];
+ printf("Trying to extend %d\n", j);
+ /*
+ * So we're trying to expand omino j. We breadth-first
+ * search out from j across the space of ominoes.
+ *
+ * For bfs purposes, we use two elements of tmp per omino:
+ * tmp[2*i+0] tells us which omino we got to i from, and
+ * tmp[2*i+1] numbers the grid square that omino stole
+ * from us.
+ *
+ * This requires that wh (the size of tmp) is at least 2n,
+ * i.e. k is at least 2. There would have been nothing to
+ * stop a user calling this function with k=1, but if they
+ * did then we wouldn't have got to _here_ in the code -
+ * we would have noticed above that all ominoes were
+ * already at their target sizes, and terminated :-)
+ */
+ assert(wh >= 2*n);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ tmp[2*i] = tmp[2*i+1] = -1;
+ qhead = qtail = 0;
+ queue[qtail++] = j;
+ tmp[2*j] = tmp[2*j+1] = -2; /* special value: `starting point' */
+ while (qhead < qtail) {
+ int tmpsq;
+ j = queue[qhead];
+ /*
+ * We wish to expand omino j. However, we might have
+ * got here by omino j having a square stolen from it,
+ * so first of all we must temporarily mark that
+ * square as not belonging to j, so that our adjacency
+ * calculations don't assume j _does_ belong to us.
+ */
+ tmpsq = tmp[2*j+1];
+ if (tmpsq >= 0) {
+ assert(own[tmpsq] == j);
+ own[tmpsq] = -3;
+ }
+ /*
+ * OK. Now begin by seeing if we can find any
+ * unclaimed square into which we can expand omino j.
+ * If we find one, the entire bfs terminates.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
+ int dir;
+ if (own[order[i]] != -1)
+ continue; /* this square is claimed */
+ /*
+ * Special case: if our current omino was size 1
+ * and then had a square stolen from it, it's now
+ * size zero, which means it's valid to `expand'
+ * it into _any_ unclaimed square.
+ */
+ if (sizes[j] == 1 && tmpsq >= 0)
+ break; /* got one */
+ /*
+ * Failing that, we must do the full test for
+ * addability.
+ */
+ for (dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++)
+ if (addable[order[i]*4+dir] == j) {
+ /*
+ * We know this square is addable to this
+ * omino with the grid in the state it had
+ * at the top of the loop. However, we
+ * must now check that it's _still_
+ * addable to this omino when the omino is
+ * missing a square. To do this it's only
+ * necessary to re-check addremcommon.
+ */
+ if (!addremcommon(w, h, order[i]%w, order[i]/w,
+ own, j))
+ continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (dir == 4)
+ continue; /* we can't add this square to j */
+ break; /* got one! */
+ }
+ if (i < wh) {
+ i = order[i];
+ /*
+ * Restore the temporarily removed square _before_
+ * we start shifting ownerships about.
+ */
+ if (tmpsq >= 0)
+ own[tmpsq] = j;
+ /*
+ * We are done. We can add square i to omino j,
+ * and then backtrack along the trail in tmp
+ * moving squares between ominoes, ending up
+ * expanding our starting omino by one.
+ */
+ printf("(%d,%d)", i%w, i/w);
+ while (1) {
+ own[i] = j;
+ printf(" -> %d", j);
+ if (tmp[2*j] == -2)
+ break;
+ i = tmp[2*j+1];
+ j = tmp[2*j];
+ printf("; (%d,%d)", i%w, i/w);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ /*
+ * Increment the size of the starting omino.
+ */
+ sizes[j]++;
+ /*
+ * Terminate the bfs loop.
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we get here, we haven't been able to expand
+ * omino j into an unclaimed square. So now we begin
+ * to investigate expanding it into squares which are
+ * claimed by ominoes the bfs has not yet visited.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
+ int dir, nj;
+ nj = own[order[i]];
+ if (nj < 0 || tmp[2*nj] != -1)
+ continue; /* unclaimed, or owned by wrong omino */
+ if (!removable[order[i]])
+ continue; /* its omino won't let it go */
+ for (dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++)
+ if (addable[order[i]*4+dir] == j) {
+ /*
+ * As above, re-check addremcommon.
+ */
+ if (!addremcommon(w, h, order[i]%w, order[i]/w,
+ own, j))
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * We have found a square we can use to
+ * expand omino j, at the expense of the
+ * as-yet unvisited omino nj. So add this
+ * to the bfs queue.
+ */
+ assert(qtail < n);
+ queue[qtail++] = nj;
+ tmp[2*nj] = j;
+ tmp[2*nj+1] = order[i];
+ /*
+ * Now terminate the loop over dir, to
+ * ensure we don't accidentally add the
+ * same omino twice to the queue.
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Restore the temporarily removed square.
+ */
+ if (tmpsq >= 0)
+ own[tmpsq] = j;
+ /*
+ * Advance the queue head.
+ */
+ qhead++;
+ }
+ if (qhead == qtail) {
+ /*
+ * We have finished the bfs and not found any way to
+ * expand omino j. Panic, and return failure.
+ *
+ * FIXME: or should we loop over all ominoes before we
+ * give up?
+ */
+ printf("FAIL!\n");
+ retdsf = NULL;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int x, y;
+ printf("SUCCESS! Final grid:\n");
+ for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
+ for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
+ printf("%3d", own[y*w+x]);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Construct the output dsf.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
+ assert(own[i] >= 0 && own[i] < n);
+ tmp[own[i]] = i;
+ }
+ retdsf = snew_dsf(wh);
+ for (i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
+ dsf_merge(retdsf, i, tmp[own[i]]);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Construct the output dsf a different way, to verify that
+ * the ominoes really are k-ominoes and we haven't
+ * accidentally split one into two disconnected pieces.
+ */
+ dsf_init(tmp, wh);
+ for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
+ for (x = 0; x+1 < w; x++)
+ if (own[y*w+x] == own[y*w+(x+1)])
+ dsf_merge(tmp, y*w+x, y*w+(x+1));
+ for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
+ for (y = 0; y+1 < h; y++)
+ if (own[y*w+x] == own[(y+1)*w+x])
+ dsf_merge(tmp, y*w+x, (y+1)*w+x);
+ for (i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
+ j = dsf_canonify(retdsf, i);
+ assert(dsf_canonify(tmp, j) == dsf_canonify(tmp, i));
+ }
+ cleanup:
+ /*
+ * Free our temporary working space.
+ */
+ sfree(order);
+ sfree(tmp);
+ sfree(own);
+ sfree(sizes);
+ sfree(queue);
+ sfree(addable);
+ sfree(removable);
+ /*
+ * And we're done.
+ */
+ return retdsf;
+#ifdef TESTMODE
+static int fail_counter = 0;
+int *divvy_rectangle(int w, int h, int k, random_state *rs)
+ int *ret;
+ do {
+ ret = divvy_internal(w, h, k, rs);
+#ifdef TESTMODE
+ if (!ret)
+ fail_counter++;
+ } while (!ret);
+ return ret;
+#ifdef TESTMODE
+ * gcc -g -O0 -DTESTMODE -I.. -o divvy divvy.c ../random.c ../malloc.c ../dsf.c ../misc.c ../nullfe.c
+ *
+ * or to debug
+ *
+ * gcc -g -O0 -DDIVVY_DIAGNOSTICS -DTESTMODE -I.. -o divvy divvy.c ../random.c ../malloc.c ../dsf.c ../misc.c ../nullfe.c
+ */
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ int *dsf;
+ int i;
+ int w = 9, h = 4, k = 6, tries = 100;
+ random_state *rs;
+ rs = random_new("123456", 6);
+ if (argc > 1)
+ w = atoi(argv[1]);
+ if (argc > 2)
+ h = atoi(argv[2]);
+ if (argc > 3)
+ k = atoi(argv[3]);
+ if (argc > 4)
+ tries = atoi(argv[4]);
+ for (i = 0; i < tries; i++) {
+ int x, y;
+ dsf = divvy_rectangle(w, h, k, rs);
+ assert(dsf);
+ for (y = 0; y <= 2*h; y++) {
+ for (x = 0; x <= 2*w; x++) {
+ int miny = y/2 - 1, maxy = y/2;
+ int minx = x/2 - 1, maxx = x/2;
+ int classes[4], tx, ty;
+ for (ty = 0; ty < 2; ty++)
+ for (tx = 0; tx < 2; tx++) {
+ int cx = minx+tx, cy = miny+ty;
+ if (cx < 0 || cx >= w || cy < 0 || cy >= h)
+ classes[ty*2+tx] = -1;
+ else
+ classes[ty*2+tx] = dsf_canonify(dsf, cy*w+cx);
+ }
+ switch (y%2 * 2 + x%2) {
+ case 0: /* corner */
+ /*
+ * Cases for the corner:
+ *
+ * - if all four surrounding squares belong
+ * to the same omino, we print a space.
+ *
+ * - if the top two are the same and the
+ * bottom two are the same, we print a
+ * horizontal line.
+ *
+ * - if the left two are the same and the
+ * right two are the same, we print a
+ * vertical line.
+ *
+ * - otherwise, we print a cross.
+ */
+ if (classes[0] == classes[1] &&
+ classes[1] == classes[2] &&
+ classes[2] == classes[3])
+ printf(" ");
+ else if (classes[0] == classes[1] &&
+ classes[2] == classes[3])
+ printf("-");
+ else if (classes[0] == classes[2] &&
+ classes[1] == classes[3])
+ printf("|");
+ else
+ printf("+");
+ break;
+ case 1: /* horiz edge */
+ if (classes[1] == classes[3])
+ printf(" ");
+ else
+ printf("--");
+ break;
+ case 2: /* vert edge */
+ if (classes[2] == classes[3])
+ printf(" ");
+ else
+ printf("|");
+ break;
+ case 3: /* square centre */
+ printf(" ");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ sfree(dsf);
+ }
+ printf("%d retries needed for %d successes\n", fail_counter, tries);
+ return 0;
--- a/puzzles.but
+++ b/puzzles.but
@@ -930,6 +930,12 @@
the inverse of this: for example, if you select 2 columns and 3 rows,
each actual block will have 3 columns and 2 rows.)
+You can introduce an optional extra constraint on the puzzles,
+requiring that the two main diagonals of the grid also contain one
+of every digit. (This is sometimes known as \q{Sudoku-X} in
+newspapers.) In this mode, the squares on the two main diagonals
+will be shaded slightly so that you know it's enabled.
You can also configure the type of symmetry shown in the generated
puzzles. More symmetry makes the puzzles look prettier but may also
make them easier, since the symmetry constraints can force more
--- a/puzzles.h
+++ b/puzzles.h
@@ -382,6 +382,12 @@
void free_combi(combi_ctx *combi);
+ * divvy.c
+ */
+/* divides w*h rectangle into pieces of size k. Returns w*h dsf. */
+int *divvy_rectangle(int w, int h, int k, random_state *rs);
* Data structure containing the function calls and data specific
* to a particular game. This is enclosed in a data structure so
* that a particular platform can choose, if it wishes, to compile
--- a/solo.R
+++ b/solo.R
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
# -*- makefile -*-
-solo : [X] GTK COMMON solo solo-icon|no-icon
+SOLO = solo divvy dsf
-solo : [G] WINDOWS COMMON solo solo.res|noicon.res
+solo : [X] GTK COMMON SOLO solo-icon|no-icon
+solo : [G] WINDOWS COMMON SOLO solo.res|noicon.res
-ALL += solo
+solosolver : [U] solo[STANDALONE_SOLVER] dsf STANDALONE
+solosolver : [C] solo[STANDALONE_SOLVER] dsf STANDALONE
!begin gtk
GAMES += solo
--- a/solo.c
+++ b/solo.c
@@ -3,6 +3,26 @@
+ * - Jigsaw Sudoku is currently an undocumented feature enabled
+ * by setting r (`Rows of sub-blocks' in the GUI configurer) to
+ * 1. The reason it's undocumented is because they're rather
+ * erratic to generate, because gridgen tends to hang up for
+ * ages. I think this is because some jigsaw block layouts
+ * simply do not admit very many valid filled grids (and
+ * perhaps some have none at all).
+ * + To fix this, I think probably the solution is a change in
+ * grid generation policy: gridgen needs to have less of an
+ * all-or-nothing attitude and instead make only a limited
+ * amount of effort to construct a filled grid before giving
+ * up and trying a new layout. (Come to think of it, this
+ * same change might also make 5x5 standard Sudoku more
+ * practical to generate, if correctly tuned.)
+ * + If I get this fixed, other work needed on jigsaw mode is:
+ * * introduce a GUI config checkbox. game_configure()
+ * ticks this box iff r==1; if it's ticked in a call to
+ * custom_params(), we replace (c, r) with (c*r, 1).
+ * * document it.
+ *
* - reports from users are that `Trivial'-mode puzzles are still
* rather hard compared to newspapers' easy ones, so some better
* low-end difficulty grading would be nice
@@ -110,6 +130,7 @@
#define TILE_SIZE (ds->tilesize)
#define BORDER (TILE_SIZE / 2)
+#define GRIDEXTRA (TILE_SIZE / 32)
#define FLASH_TIME 0.4F
@@ -121,6 +142,7 @@
enum {
@@ -131,11 +153,65 @@
struct game_params {
+ /*
+ * For a square puzzle, `c' and `r' indicate the puzzle
+ * parameters as described above.
+ *
+ * A jigsaw-style puzzle is indicated by r==1, in which case c
+ * can be whatever it likes (there is no constraint on
+ * compositeness - a 7x7 jigsaw sudoku makes perfect sense).
+ */
int c, r, symm, diff;
+ int xtype; /* require all digits in X-diagonals */
-struct game_state {
+struct block_structure {
+ int refcount;
+ /*
+ * For text formatting, we do need c and r here.
+ */
int c, r;
+ /*
+ * For any square index, whichblock[i] gives its block index.
+ *
+ * For 0 <= b,i < cr, blocks[b][i] gives the index of the ith
+ * square in block b.
+ *
+ * whichblock and blocks are each dynamically allocated in
+ * their own right, but the subarrays in blocks are appended
+ * to the whichblock array, so shouldn't be freed
+ * individually.
+ */
+ int *whichblock, **blocks;
+ /*
+ * Textual descriptions of each block. For normal Sudoku these
+ * are of the form "(1,3)"; for jigsaw they are "starting at
+ * (5,7)". So the sensible usage in both cases is to say
+ * "elimination within block %s" with one of these strings.
+ *
+ * Only blocknames itself needs individually freeing; it's all
+ * one block.
+ */
+ char **blocknames;
+struct game_state {
+ /*
+ * For historical reasons, I use `cr' to denote the overall
+ * width/height of the puzzle. It was a natural notation when
+ * all puzzles were divided into blocks in a grid, but doesn't
+ * really make much sense given jigsaw puzzles. However, the
+ * obvious `n' is heavily used in the solver to describe the
+ * index of a number being placed, so `cr' will have to stay.
+ */
+ int cr;
+ struct block_structure *blocks;
+ int xtype;
digit *grid;
unsigned char *pencil; /* c*r*c*r elements */
unsigned char *immutable; /* marks which digits are clues */
@@ -147,6 +223,7 @@
game_params *ret = snew(game_params);
ret->c = ret->r = 3;
+ ret->xtype = FALSE;
ret->symm = SYMM_ROT2; /* a plausible default */
ret->diff = DIFF_BLOCK; /* so is this */
@@ -171,17 +248,19 @@
char *title;
game_params params;
} presets[] = {
- { "2x2 Trivial", { 2, 2, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_BLOCK } },
- { "2x3 Basic", { 2, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_SIMPLE } },
- { "3x3 Trivial", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_BLOCK } },
- { "3x3 Basic", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_SIMPLE } },
- { "3x3 Intermediate", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_INTERSECT } },
- { "3x3 Advanced", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_SET } },
- { "3x3 Extreme", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_EXTREME } },
- { "3x3 Unreasonable", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_RECURSIVE } },
+ { "2x2 Trivial", { 2, 2, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_BLOCK, FALSE } },
+ { "2x3 Basic", { 2, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_SIMPLE, FALSE } },
+ { "3x3 Trivial", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_BLOCK, FALSE } },
+ { "3x3 Basic", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_SIMPLE, FALSE } },
+ { "3x3 Basic X", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_SIMPLE, TRUE } },
+ { "3x3 Intermediate", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_INTERSECT, FALSE } },
+ { "3x3 Advanced", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_SET, FALSE } },
+ { "3x3 Advanced X", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_SET, TRUE } },
+ { "3x3 Extreme", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_EXTREME, FALSE } },
+ { "3x3 Unreasonable", { 3, 3, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_RECURSIVE, FALSE } },
- { "3x4 Basic", { 3, 4, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_SIMPLE } },
- { "4x4 Basic", { 4, 4, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_SIMPLE } },
+ { "3x4 Basic", { 3, 4, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_SIMPLE, FALSE } },
+ { "4x4 Basic", { 4, 4, SYMM_ROT2, DIFF_SIMPLE, FALSE } },
@@ -196,15 +275,27 @@
static void decode_params(game_params *ret, char const *string)
+ int seen_r = FALSE;
ret->c = ret->r = atoi(string);
+ ret->xtype = FALSE;
while (*string && isdigit((unsigned char)*string)) string++;
if (*string == 'x') {
ret->r = atoi(string);
+ seen_r = TRUE;
while (*string && isdigit((unsigned char)*string)) string++;
while (*string) {
- if (*string == 'r' || *string == 'm' || *string == 'a') {
+ if (*string == 'j') {
+ string++;
+ if (seen_r)
+ ret->c *= ret->r;
+ ret->r = 1;
+ } else if (*string == 'x') {
+ string++;
+ ret->xtype = TRUE;
+ } else if (*string == 'r' || *string == 'm' || *string == 'a') {
int sn, sc, sd;
sc = *string++;
if (sc == 'm' && *string == 'd') {
@@ -250,7 +341,13 @@
char str[80];
- sprintf(str, "%dx%d", params->c, params->r);
+ if (params->r > 1)
+ sprintf(str, "%dx%d", params->c, params->r);
+ else
+ sprintf(str, "%dj", params->c);
+ if (params->xtype)
+ strcat(str, "x");
if (full) {
switch (params->symm) {
case SYMM_REF8: strcat(str, "m8"); break;
@@ -279,7 +376,7 @@
config_item *ret;
char buf[80];
- ret = snewn(5, config_item);
+ ret = snewn(6, config_item);
ret[0].name = "Columns of sub-blocks";
ret[0].type = C_STRING;
@@ -293,22 +390,27 @@
ret[1].sval = dupstr(buf);
ret[1].ival = 0;
- ret[2].name = "Symmetry";
- ret[2].type = C_CHOICES;
- ret[2].sval = ":None:2-way rotation:4-way rotation:2-way mirror:"
+ ret[2].name = "\"X\" (require every number in each main diagonal)";
+ ret[2].type = C_BOOLEAN;
+ ret[2].sval = NULL;
+ ret[2].ival = params->xtype;
+ ret[3].name = "Symmetry";
+ ret[3].type = C_CHOICES;
+ ret[3].sval = ":None:2-way rotation:4-way rotation:2-way mirror:"
"2-way diagonal mirror:4-way mirror:4-way diagonal mirror:"
"8-way mirror";
- ret[2].ival = params->symm;
+ ret[3].ival = params->symm;
- ret[3].name = "Difficulty";
- ret[3].type = C_CHOICES;
- ret[3].sval = ":Trivial:Basic:Intermediate:Advanced:Extreme:Unreasonable";
- ret[3].ival = params->diff;
+ ret[4].name = "Difficulty";
+ ret[4].type = C_CHOICES;
+ ret[4].sval = ":Trivial:Basic:Intermediate:Advanced:Extreme:Unreasonable";
+ ret[4].ival = params->diff;
- ret[4].name = NULL;
- ret[4].type = C_END;
- ret[4].sval = NULL;
- ret[4].ival = 0;
+ ret[5].name = NULL;
+ ret[5].type = C_END;
+ ret[5].sval = NULL;
+ ret[5].ival = 0;
return ret;
@@ -319,8 +421,9 @@
ret->c = atoi(cfg[0].sval);
ret->r = atoi(cfg[1].sval);
- ret->symm = cfg[2].ival;
- ret->diff = cfg[3].ival;
+ ret->xtype = cfg[2].ival;
+ ret->symm = cfg[3].ival;
+ ret->diff = cfg[4].ival;
return ret;
@@ -327,7 +430,7 @@
static char *validate_params(game_params *params, int full)
- if (params->c < 2 || params->r < 2)
+ if (params->c < 2)
return "Both dimensions must be at least 2";
if (params->c > ORDER_MAX || params->r > ORDER_MAX)
return "Dimensions greater than "STR(ORDER_MAX)" are not supported";
@@ -391,28 +494,7 @@
* the numbers' possible positions (or the spaces' possible
* contents).
- * - Mutual neighbour elimination: find two squares A,B and a
- * number N in the possible set of A, such that putting N in A
- * would rule out enough possibilities from the mutual
- * neighbours of A and B that there would be no possibilities
- * left for B. Thereby rule out N in A.
- * + The simplest case of this is if B has two possibilities
- * (wlog {1,2}), and there are two mutual neighbours of A and
- * B which have possibilities {1,3} and {2,3}. Thus, if A
- * were to be 3, then those neighbours would contain 1 and 2,
- * and hence there would be nothing left which could go in B.
- * + There can be more complex cases of it too: if A and B are
- * in the same column of large blocks, then they can have
- * more than two mutual neighbours, some of which can also be
- * neighbours of one another. Suppose, for example, that B
- * has possibilities {1,2,3}; there's one square P in the
- * same column as B and the same block as A, with
- * possibilities {1,4}; and there are _two_ squares Q,R in
- * the same column as A and the same block as B with
- * possibilities {2,3,4}. Then if A contained 4, P would
- * contain 1, and Q and R would have to contain 2 and 3 in
- * _some_ order; therefore, once again, B would have no
- * remaining possibilities.
+ * - Forcing chains (see comment for solver_forcing().)
* - Recursion. If all else fails, we pick one of the currently
* most constrained empty squares and take a random guess at its
@@ -420,31 +502,16 @@
* get any further.
- * Within this solver, I'm going to transform all y-coordinates by
- * inverting the significance of the block number and the position
- * within the block. That is, we will start with the top row of
- * each block in order, then the second row of each block in order,
- * etc.
- *
- * This transformation has the enormous advantage that it means
- * every row, column _and_ block is described by an arithmetic
- * progression of coordinates within the cubic array, so that I can
- * use the same very simple function to do blockwise, row-wise and
- * column-wise elimination.
- */
-#define YTRANS(y) (((y)%c)*r+(y)/c)
-#define YUNTRANS(y) (((y)%r)*c+(y)/r)
struct solver_usage {
- int c, r, cr;
+ int cr;
+ struct block_structure *blocks;
* We set up a cubic array, indexed by x, y and digit; each
* element of this array is TRUE or FALSE according to whether
* or not that digit _could_ in principle go in that position.
- * The way to index this array is cube[(x*cr+y)*cr+n-1].
- * y-coordinates in here are transformed.
+ * The way to index this array is cube[(y*cr+x)*cr+n-1]; there
+ * are macros below to help with this.
unsigned char *cube;
@@ -461,12 +528,21 @@
unsigned char *row;
/* col[x*cr+n-1] TRUE if digit n has been placed in row x */
unsigned char *col;
- /* blk[(y*c+x)*cr+n-1] TRUE if digit n has been placed in block (x,y) */
+ /* blk[i*cr+n-1] TRUE if digit n has been placed in block i */
unsigned char *blk;
+ /* diag[i*cr+n-1] TRUE if digit n has been placed in diagonal i */
+ unsigned char *diag; /* diag 0 is \, 1 is / */
-#define cubepos(x,y,n) (((x)*usage->cr+(y))*usage->cr+(n)-1)
+#define cubepos2(xy,n) ((xy)*usage->cr+(n)-1)
+#define cubepos(x,y,n) cubepos2((y)*usage->cr+(x),n)
#define cube(x,y,n) (usage->cube[cubepos(x,y,n)])
+#define cube2(xy,n) (usage->cube[cubepos2(xy,n)])
+#define ondiag0(xy) ((xy) % (cr+1) == 0)
+#define ondiag1(xy) ((xy) % (cr-1) == 0 && (xy) > 0 && (xy) < cr*cr-1)
+#define diag0(i) ((i) * (cr+1))
+#define diag1(i) ((i+1) * (cr-1))
* Function called when we are certain that a particular square has
* a particular number in it. The y-coordinate passed in here is
@@ -474,8 +550,9 @@
static void solver_place(struct solver_usage *usage, int x, int y, int n)
- int c = usage->c, r = usage->r, cr = usage->cr;
- int i, j, bx, by;
+ int cr = usage->cr;
+ int sqindex = y*cr+x;
+ int i, bi;
@@ -503,17 +580,17 @@
* Rule out this number in all other positions in the block.
- bx = (x/r)*r;
- by = y % r;
- for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
- for (j = 0; j < c; j++)
- if (bx+i != x || by+j*r != y)
- cube(bx+i,by+j*r,n) = FALSE;
+ bi = usage->blocks->whichblock[sqindex];
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++) {
+ int bp = usage->blocks->blocks[bi][i];
+ if (bp != sqindex)
+ cube2(bp,n) = FALSE;
+ }
* Enter the number in the result grid.
- usage->grid[YUNTRANS(y)*cr+x] = n;
+ usage->grid[sqindex] = n;
* Cross out this number from the list of numbers left to place
@@ -520,16 +597,31 @@
* in its row, its column and its block.
usage->row[y*cr+n-1] = usage->col[x*cr+n-1] =
- usage->blk[((y%r)*c+(x/r))*cr+n-1] = TRUE;
+ usage->blk[bi*cr+n-1] = TRUE;
+ if (usage->diag) {
+ if (ondiag0(sqindex)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ if (diag0(i) != sqindex)
+ cube2(diag0(i),n) = FALSE;
+ usage->diag[n-1] = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (ondiag1(sqindex)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ if (diag1(i) != sqindex)
+ cube2(diag1(i),n) = FALSE;
+ usage->diag[cr+n-1] = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
-static int solver_elim(struct solver_usage *usage, int start, int step
+static int solver_elim(struct solver_usage *usage, int *indices
, char *fmt, ...
- int c = usage->c, r = usage->r, cr = c*r;
+ int cr = usage->cr;
int fpos, m, i;
@@ -539,8 +631,8 @@
m = 0;
fpos = -1;
for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
- if (usage->cube[start+i*step]) {
- fpos = start+i*step;
+ if (usage->cube[indices[i]]) {
+ fpos = indices[i];
@@ -549,11 +641,11 @@
assert(fpos >= 0);
n = 1 + fpos % cr;
- y = fpos / cr;
- x = y / cr;
- y %= cr;
+ x = fpos / cr;
+ y = x / cr;
+ x %= cr;
- if (!usage->grid[YUNTRANS(y)*cr+x]) {
+ if (!usage->grid[y*cr+x]) {
if (solver_show_working) {
va_list ap;
@@ -562,7 +654,7 @@
vprintf(fmt, ap);
printf(":\n%*s placing %d at (%d,%d)\n",
- solver_recurse_depth*4, "", n, 1+x, 1+YUNTRANS(y));
+ solver_recurse_depth*4, "", n, 1+x, 1+y);
solver_place(usage, x, y, n);
@@ -587,25 +679,29 @@
static int solver_intersect(struct solver_usage *usage,
- int start1, int step1, int start2, int step2
+ int *indices1, int *indices2
, char *fmt, ...
- int c = usage->c, r = usage->r, cr = c*r;
- int ret, i;
+ int cr = usage->cr;
+ int ret, i, j;
* Loop over the first domain and see if there's any set bit
* not also in the second.
- for (i = 0; i < cr; i++) {
- int p = start1+i*step1;
- if (usage->cube[p] &&
- !(p >= start2 && p < start2+cr*step2 &&
- (p - start2) % step2 == 0))
- return 0; /* there is, so we can't deduce */
+ for (i = j = 0; i < cr; i++) {
+ int p = indices1[i];
+ while (j < cr && indices2[j] < p)
+ j++;
+ if (usage->cube[p]) {
+ if (j < cr && indices2[j] == p)
+ continue; /* both domains contain this index */
+ else
+ return 0; /* there is, so we can't deduce */
+ }
@@ -615,11 +711,11 @@
* overlap; return +1 iff we actually _did_ anything.
ret = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < cr; i++) {
- int p = start2+i*step2;
- if (usage->cube[p] &&
- !(p >= start1 && p < start1+cr*step1 && (p - start1) % step1 == 0))
- {
+ for (i = j = 0; i < cr; i++) {
+ int p = indices2[i];
+ while (j < cr && indices1[j] < p)
+ j++;
+ if (usage->cube[p] && (j >= cr || indices1[j] != p)) {
if (solver_show_working) {
int px, py, pn;
@@ -634,12 +730,12 @@
pn = 1 + p % cr;
- py = p / cr;
- px = py / cr;
- py %= cr;
+ px = p / cr;
+ py = px / cr;
+ px %= cr;
printf("%*s ruling out %d at (%d,%d)\n",
- solver_recurse_depth*4, "", pn, 1+px, 1+YUNTRANS(py));
+ solver_recurse_depth*4, "", pn, 1+px, 1+py);
ret = +1; /* we did something */
@@ -653,6 +749,7 @@
struct solver_scratch {
unsigned char *grid, *rowidx, *colidx, *set;
int *neighbours, *bfsqueue;
+ int *indexlist, *indexlist2;
int *bfsprev;
@@ -660,13 +757,13 @@
static int solver_set(struct solver_usage *usage,
struct solver_scratch *scratch,
- int start, int step1, int step2
+ int *indices
, char *fmt, ...
- int c = usage->c, r = usage->r, cr = c*r;
+ int cr = usage->cr;
int i, j, n, count;
unsigned char *grid = scratch->grid;
unsigned char *rowidx = scratch->rowidx;
@@ -684,7 +781,7 @@
for (i = 0; i < cr; i++) {
int count = 0, first = -1;
for (j = 0; j < cr; j++)
- if (usage->cube[start+i*step1+j*step2])
+ if (usage->cube[indices[i*cr+j]])
first = j, count++;
@@ -717,7 +814,7 @@
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
- grid[i*cr+j] = usage->cube[start+rowidx[i]*step1+colidx[j]*step2];
+ grid[i*cr+j] = usage->cube[indices[rowidx[i]*cr+colidx[j]]];
* Having done that, we now have a matrix in which every row
@@ -800,8 +897,7 @@
if (!ok) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
if (!set[j] && grid[i*cr+j]) {
- int fpos = (start+rowidx[i]*step1+
- colidx[j]*step2);
+ int fpos = indices[rowidx[i]*cr+colidx[j]];
if (solver_show_working) {
int px, py, pn;
@@ -817,13 +913,13 @@
pn = 1 + fpos % cr;
- py = fpos / cr;
- px = py / cr;
- py %= cr;
+ px = fpos / cr;
+ py = px / cr;
+ px %= cr;
printf("%*s ruling out %d at (%d,%d)\n",
solver_recurse_depth*4, "",
- pn, 1+px, 1+YUNTRANS(py));
+ pn, 1+px, 1+py);
progress = TRUE;
@@ -855,158 +951,6 @@
- * Try to find a number in the possible set of (x1,y1) which can be
- * ruled out because it would leave no possibilities for (x2,y2).
- */
-static int solver_mne(struct solver_usage *usage,
- struct solver_scratch *scratch,
- int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
- int c = usage->c, r = usage->r, cr = c*r;
- int *nb[2];
- unsigned char *set = scratch->set;
- unsigned char *numbers = scratch->rowidx;
- unsigned char *numbersleft = scratch->colidx;
- int nnb, count;
- int i, j, n, nbi;
- nb[0] = scratch->neighbours;
- nb[1] = scratch->neighbours + cr;
- /*
- * First, work out the mutual neighbour squares of the two. We
- * can assert that they're not actually in the same block,
- * which leaves two possibilities: they're in different block
- * rows _and_ different block columns (thus their mutual
- * neighbours are precisely the other two corners of the
- * rectangle), or they're in the same row (WLOG) and different
- * columns, in which case their mutual neighbours are the
- * column of each block aligned with the other square.
- *
- * We divide the mutual neighbours into two separate subsets
- * nb[0] and nb[1]; squares in the same subset are not only
- * adjacent to both our key squares, but are also always
- * adjacent to one another.
- */
- if (x1 / r != x2 / r && y1 % r != y2 % r) {
- /* Corners of the rectangle. */
- nnb = 1;
- nb[0][0] = cubepos(x2, y1, 1);
- nb[1][0] = cubepos(x1, y2, 1);
- } else if (x1 / r != x2 / r) {
- /* Same row of blocks; different blocks within that row. */
- int x1b = x1 - (x1 % r);
- int x2b = x2 - (x2 % r);
- nnb = r;
- for (i = 0; i < r; i++) {
- nb[0][i] = cubepos(x2b+i, y1, 1);
- nb[1][i] = cubepos(x1b+i, y2, 1);
- }
- } else {
- /* Same column of blocks; different blocks within that column. */
- int y1b = y1 % r;
- int y2b = y2 % r;
- assert(y1 % r != y2 % r);
- nnb = c;
- for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
- nb[0][i] = cubepos(x2, y1b+i*r, 1);
- nb[1][i] = cubepos(x1, y2b+i*r, 1);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Right. Now loop over each possible number.
- */
- for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++) {
- if (!cube(x1, y1, n))
- continue;
- for (j = 0; j < cr; j++)
- numbersleft[j] = cube(x2, y2, j+1);
- /*
- * Go over every possible subset of each neighbour list,
- * and see if its union of possible numbers minus n has the
- * same size as the subset. If so, add the numbers in that
- * subset to the set of things which would be ruled out
- * from (x2,y2) if n were placed at (x1,y1).
- */
- memset(set, 0, nnb);
- count = 0;
- while (1) {
- /*
- * Binary increment: change the rightmost 0 to a 1, and
- * change all 1s to the right of it to 0s.
- */
- i = nnb;
- while (i > 0 && set[i-1])
- set[--i] = 0, count--;
- if (i > 0)
- set[--i] = 1, count++;
- else
- break; /* done */
- /*
- * Examine this subset of each neighbour set.
- */
- for (nbi = 0; nbi < 2; nbi++) {
- int *nbs = nb[nbi];
- memset(numbers, 0, cr);
- for (i = 0; i < nnb; i++)
- if (set[i])
- for (j = 0; j < cr; j++)
- if (j != n-1 && usage->cube[nbs[i] + j])
- numbers[j] = 1;
- for (i = j = 0; j < cr; j++)
- i += numbers[j];
- if (i == count) {
- /*
- * Got one. This subset of nbs, in the absence
- * of n, would definitely contain all the
- * numbers listed in `numbers'. Rule them out
- * of `numbersleft'.
- */
- for (j = 0; j < cr; j++)
- if (numbers[j])
- numbersleft[j] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * If we've got nothing left in `numbersleft', we have a
- * successful mutual neighbour elimination.
- */
- for (j = 0; j < cr; j++)
- if (numbersleft[j])
- break;
- if (j == cr) {
- if (solver_show_working) {
- printf("%*smutual neighbour elimination, (%d,%d) vs (%d,%d):\n",
- solver_recurse_depth*4, "",
- 1+x1, 1+YUNTRANS(y1), 1+x2, 1+YUNTRANS(y2));
- printf("%*s ruling out %d at (%d,%d)\n",
- solver_recurse_depth*4, "",
- n, 1+x1, 1+YUNTRANS(y1));
- }
- cube(x1, y1, n) = FALSE;
- return +1;
- }
- }
- return 0; /* nothing found */
* Look for forcing chains. A forcing chain is a path of
* pairwise-exclusive squares (i.e. each pair of adjacent squares
* in the path are in the same row, column or block) with the
@@ -1015,11 +959,11 @@
* (a) Each square on the path has precisely two possible numbers.
* (b) Each pair of squares which are adjacent on the path share
- * at least one possible number in common.
+ * at least one possible number in common.
* (c) Each square in the middle of the path shares _both_ of its
- * numbers with at least one of its neighbours (not the same
- * one with both neighbours).
+ * numbers with at least one of its neighbours (not the same
+ * one with both neighbours).
* These together imply that at least one of the possible number
* choices at one end of the path forces _all_ the rest of the
@@ -1026,12 +970,12 @@
* numbers along the path. In order to make real use of this, we
* need further properties:
- * (c) Ruling out some number N from the square at one end
- * of the path forces the square at the other end to
- * take number N.
+ * (c) Ruling out some number N from the square at one end of the
+ * path forces the square at the other end to take the same
+ * number N.
* (d) The two end squares are both in line with some third
- * square.
+ * square.
* (e) That third square currently has N as a possibility.
@@ -1045,7 +989,7 @@
static int solver_forcing(struct solver_usage *usage,
struct solver_scratch *scratch)
- int c = usage->c, r = usage->r, cr = c*r;
+ int cr = usage->cr;
int *bfsqueue = scratch->bfsqueue;
int *bfsprev = scratch->bfsprev;
@@ -1094,7 +1038,7 @@
number[y*cr+x] = t - n;
while (head < tail) {
- int xx, yy, nneighbours, xt, yt, xblk, i;
+ int xx, yy, nneighbours, xt, yt, i;
xx = bfsqueue[head++];
yy = xx / cr;
@@ -1110,10 +1054,20 @@
neighbours[nneighbours++] = yt*cr+xx;
for (xt = 0; xt < cr; xt++)
neighbours[nneighbours++] = yy*cr+xt;
- xblk = xx - (xx % r);
- for (yt = yy % r; yt < cr; yt += r)
- for (xt = xblk; xt < xblk+r; xt++)
- neighbours[nneighbours++] = yt*cr+xt;
+ xt = usage->blocks->whichblock[yy*cr+xx];
+ for (yt = 0; yt < cr; yt++)
+ neighbours[nneighbours++] = usage->blocks->blocks[xt][yt];
+ if (usage->diag) {
+ int sqindex = yy*cr+xx;
+ if (ondiag0(sqindex)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ neighbours[nneighbours++] = diag0(i);
+ }
+ if (ondiag1(sqindex)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ neighbours[nneighbours++] = diag1(i);
+ }
+ }
* Try visiting each of those neighbours.
@@ -1166,7 +1120,9 @@
if (currn == orign &&
(xt == x || yt == y ||
- (xt / r == x / r && yt % r == y % r))) {
+ (usage->blocks->whichblock[yt*cr+xt] == usage->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x]) ||
+ (usage->diag && ((ondiag0(yt*cr+xt) && ondiag0(y*cr+x)) ||
+ (ondiag1(yt*cr+xt) && ondiag1(y*cr+x)))))) {
if (solver_show_working) {
char *sep = "";
@@ -1177,7 +1133,7 @@
yl = yy;
while (1) {
printf("%s(%d,%d)", sep, 1+xl,
- 1+YUNTRANS(yl));
+ 1+yl);
xl = bfsprev[yl*cr+xl];
if (xl < 0)
@@ -1187,7 +1143,7 @@
printf("\n%*s ruling out %d at (%d,%d)\n",
solver_recurse_depth*4, "",
- orign, 1+xt, 1+YUNTRANS(yt));
+ orign, 1+xt, 1+yt);
cube(xt, yt, orign) = FALSE;
@@ -1209,11 +1165,13 @@
scratch->rowidx = snewn(cr, unsigned char);
scratch->colidx = snewn(cr, unsigned char);
scratch->set = snewn(cr, unsigned char);
- scratch->neighbours = snewn(3*cr, int);
+ scratch->neighbours = snewn(5*cr, int);
scratch->bfsqueue = snewn(cr*cr, int);
scratch->bfsprev = snewn(cr*cr, int);
+ scratch->indexlist = snewn(cr*cr, int); /* used for set elimination */
+ scratch->indexlist2 = snewn(cr, int); /* only used for intersect() */
return scratch;
@@ -1228,15 +1186,17 @@
+ sfree(scratch->indexlist);
+ sfree(scratch->indexlist2);
-static int solver(int c, int r, digit *grid, int maxdiff)
+static int solver(int cr, struct block_structure *blocks, int xtype,
+ digit *grid, int maxdiff)
struct solver_usage *usage;
struct solver_scratch *scratch;
- int cr = c*r;
- int x, y, x2, y2, n, ret;
+ int x, y, b, i, n, ret;
int diff = DIFF_BLOCK;
@@ -1244,9 +1204,8 @@
* possible).
usage = snew(struct solver_usage);
- usage->c = c;
- usage->r = r;
usage->cr = cr;
+ usage->blocks = blocks;
usage->cube = snewn(cr*cr*cr, unsigned char);
usage->grid = grid; /* write straight back to the input */
memset(usage->cube, TRUE, cr*cr*cr);
@@ -1258,6 +1217,12 @@
memset(usage->col, FALSE, cr * cr);
memset(usage->blk, FALSE, cr * cr);
+ if (xtype) {
+ usage->diag = snewn(cr * 2, unsigned char);
+ memset(usage->diag, FALSE, cr * 2);
+ } else
+ usage->diag = NULL;
scratch = solver_new_scratch(usage);
@@ -1266,7 +1231,7 @@
for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
if (grid[y*cr+x])
- solver_place(usage, x, YTRANS(y), grid[y*cr+x]);
+ solver_place(usage, x, y, grid[y*cr+x]);
* Now loop over the grid repeatedly trying all permitted modes
@@ -1288,24 +1253,26 @@
* Blockwise positional elimination.
- for (x = 0; x < cr; x += r)
- for (y = 0; y < r; y++)
- for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
- if (!usage->blk[(y*c+(x/r))*cr+n-1]) {
- ret = solver_elim(usage, cubepos(x,y,n), r*cr
+ for (b = 0; b < cr; b++)
+ for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
+ if (!usage->blk[b*cr+n-1]) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ scratch->indexlist[i] = cubepos2(usage->blocks->blocks[b][i],n);
+ ret = solver_elim(usage, scratch->indexlist
- , "positional elimination,"
- " %d in block (%d,%d)", n, 1+x/r, 1+y
+ , "positional elimination,"
+ " %d in block %s", n,
+ usage->blocks->blocknames[b]
- );
- if (ret < 0) {
- goto got_result;
- } else if (ret > 0) {
- diff = max(diff, DIFF_BLOCK);
- goto cont;
- }
- }
+ );
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ goto got_result;
+ } else if (ret > 0) {
+ diff = max(diff, DIFF_BLOCK);
+ goto cont;
+ }
+ }
if (maxdiff <= DIFF_BLOCK)
@@ -1316,10 +1283,12 @@
for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
if (!usage->row[y*cr+n-1]) {
- ret = solver_elim(usage, cubepos(0,y,n), cr*cr
+ for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
+ scratch->indexlist[x] = cubepos(x, y, n);
+ ret = solver_elim(usage, scratch->indexlist
, "positional elimination,"
- " %d in row %d", n, 1+YUNTRANS(y)
+ " %d in row %d", n, 1+y
if (ret < 0) {
@@ -1336,7 +1305,9 @@
for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
if (!usage->col[x*cr+n-1]) {
- ret = solver_elim(usage, cubepos(x,0,n), cr
+ for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
+ scratch->indexlist[y] = cubepos(x, y, n);
+ ret = solver_elim(usage, scratch->indexlist
, "positional elimination,"
" %d in column %d", n, 1+x
@@ -1352,15 +1323,59 @@
+ * X-diagonal positional elimination.
+ */
+ if (usage->diag) {
+ for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
+ if (!usage->diag[n-1]) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ scratch->indexlist[i] = cubepos2(diag0(i), n);
+ ret = solver_elim(usage, scratch->indexlist
+ , "positional elimination,"
+ " %d in \\-diagonal", n
+ );
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ goto got_result;
+ } else if (ret > 0) {
+ diff = max(diff, DIFF_SIMPLE);
+ goto cont;
+ }
+ }
+ for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
+ if (!usage->diag[cr+n-1]) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ scratch->indexlist[i] = cubepos2(diag1(i), n);
+ ret = solver_elim(usage, scratch->indexlist
+ , "positional elimination,"
+ " %d in /-diagonal", n
+ );
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ goto got_result;
+ } else if (ret > 0) {
+ diff = max(diff, DIFF_SIMPLE);
+ goto cont;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
* Numeric elimination.
for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
- if (!usage->grid[YUNTRANS(y)*cr+x]) {
- ret = solver_elim(usage, cubepos(x,y,1), 1
+ if (!usage->grid[y*cr+x]) {
+ for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
+ scratch->indexlist[n-1] = cubepos(x, y, n);
+ ret = solver_elim(usage, scratch->indexlist
- , "numeric elimination at (%d,%d)", 1+x,
+ , "numeric elimination at (%d,%d)",
+ 1+x, 1+y
if (ret < 0) {
@@ -1379,61 +1394,141 @@
* Intersectional analysis, rows vs blocks.
for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
- for (x = 0; x < cr; x += r)
- for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
+ for (b = 0; b < cr; b++)
+ for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++) {
+ if (usage->row[y*cr+n-1] ||
+ usage->blk[b*cr+n-1])
+ continue;
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++) {
+ scratch->indexlist[i] = cubepos(i, y, n);
+ scratch->indexlist2[i] = cubepos2(usage->blocks->blocks[b][i], n);
+ }
* solver_intersect() never returns -1.
- if (!usage->row[y*cr+n-1] &&
- !usage->blk[((y%r)*c+(x/r))*cr+n-1] &&
- (solver_intersect(usage, cubepos(0,y,n), cr*cr,
- cubepos(x,y%r,n), r*cr
+ if (solver_intersect(usage, scratch->indexlist,
+ scratch->indexlist2
, "intersectional analysis,"
- " %d in row %d vs block (%d,%d)",
- n, 1+YUNTRANS(y), 1+x/r, 1+y%r
+ " %d in row %d vs block %s",
+ n, 1+y, usage->blocks->blocknames[b]
) ||
- solver_intersect(usage, cubepos(x,y%r,n), r*cr,
- cubepos(0,y,n), cr*cr
+ solver_intersect(usage, scratch->indexlist2,
+ scratch->indexlist
, "intersectional analysis,"
- " %d in block (%d,%d) vs row %d",
- n, 1+x/r, 1+y%r, 1+YUNTRANS(y)
+ " %d in block %s vs row %d",
+ n, usage->blocks->blocknames[b], 1+y
- ))) {
+ )) {
diff = max(diff, DIFF_INTERSECT);
goto cont;
+ }
* Intersectional analysis, columns vs blocks.
for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
- for (y = 0; y < r; y++)
- for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
- if (!usage->col[x*cr+n-1] &&
- !usage->blk[(y*c+(x/r))*cr+n-1] &&
- (solver_intersect(usage, cubepos(x,0,n), cr,
- cubepos((x/r)*r,y,n), r*cr
+ for (b = 0; b < cr; b++)
+ for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++) {
+ if (usage->col[x*cr+n-1] ||
+ usage->blk[b*cr+n-1])
+ continue;
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++) {
+ scratch->indexlist[i] = cubepos(x, i, n);
+ scratch->indexlist2[i] = cubepos2(usage->blocks->blocks[b][i], n);
+ }
+ if (solver_intersect(usage, scratch->indexlist,
+ scratch->indexlist2
, "intersectional analysis,"
- " %d in column %d vs block (%d,%d)",
- n, 1+x, 1+x/r, 1+y
+ " %d in column %d vs block %s",
+ n, 1+x, usage->blocks->blocknames[b]
) ||
- solver_intersect(usage, cubepos((x/r)*r,y,n), r*cr,
- cubepos(x,0,n), cr
+ solver_intersect(usage, scratch->indexlist2,
+ scratch->indexlist
, "intersectional analysis,"
- " %d in block (%d,%d) vs column %d",
- n, 1+x/r, 1+y, 1+x
+ " %d in block %s vs column %d",
+ n, usage->blocks->blocknames[b], 1+x
- ))) {
+ )) {
diff = max(diff, DIFF_INTERSECT);
goto cont;
+ }
+ if (usage->diag) {
+ /*
+ * Intersectional analysis, \-diagonal vs blocks.
+ */
+ for (b = 0; b < cr; b++)
+ for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++) {
+ if (usage->diag[n-1] ||
+ usage->blk[b*cr+n-1])
+ continue;
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++) {
+ scratch->indexlist[i] = cubepos2(diag0(i), n);
+ scratch->indexlist2[i] = cubepos2(usage->blocks->blocks[b][i], n);
+ }
+ if (solver_intersect(usage, scratch->indexlist,
+ scratch->indexlist2
+ , "intersectional analysis,"
+ " %d in \\-diagonal vs block %s",
+ n, 1+x, usage->blocks->blocknames[b]
+ ) ||
+ solver_intersect(usage, scratch->indexlist2,
+ scratch->indexlist
+ , "intersectional analysis,"
+ " %d in block %s vs \\-diagonal",
+ n, usage->blocks->blocknames[b], 1+x
+ )) {
+ diff = max(diff, DIFF_INTERSECT);
+ goto cont;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Intersectional analysis, /-diagonal vs blocks.
+ */
+ for (b = 0; b < cr; b++)
+ for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++) {
+ if (usage->diag[cr+n-1] ||
+ usage->blk[b*cr+n-1])
+ continue;
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++) {
+ scratch->indexlist[i] = cubepos2(diag1(i), n);
+ scratch->indexlist2[i] = cubepos2(usage->blocks->blocks[b][i], n);
+ }
+ if (solver_intersect(usage, scratch->indexlist,
+ scratch->indexlist2
+ , "intersectional analysis,"
+ " %d in /-diagonal vs block %s",
+ n, 1+x, usage->blocks->blocknames[b]
+ ) ||
+ solver_intersect(usage, scratch->indexlist2,
+ scratch->indexlist
+ , "intersectional analysis,"
+ " %d in block %s vs /-diagonal",
+ n, usage->blocks->blocknames[b], 1+x
+ )) {
+ diff = max(diff, DIFF_INTERSECT);
+ goto cont;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if (maxdiff <= DIFF_INTERSECT)
@@ -1440,29 +1535,35 @@
* Blockwise set elimination.
- for (x = 0; x < cr; x += r)
- for (y = 0; y < r; y++) {
- ret = solver_set(usage, scratch, cubepos(x,y,1), r*cr, 1
+ for (b = 0; b < cr; b++) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
+ scratch->indexlist[i*cr+n-1] = cubepos2(usage->blocks->blocks[b][i], n);
+ ret = solver_set(usage, scratch, scratch->indexlist
- , "set elimination, block (%d,%d)", 1+x/r, 1+y
+ , "set elimination, block %s",
+ usage->blocks->blocknames[b]
- if (ret < 0) {
- goto got_result;
- } else if (ret > 0) {
- diff = max(diff, DIFF_SET);
- goto cont;
- }
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ goto got_result;
+ } else if (ret > 0) {
+ diff = max(diff, DIFF_SET);
+ goto cont;
+ }
* Row-wise set elimination.
for (y = 0; y < cr; y++) {
- ret = solver_set(usage, scratch, cubepos(0,y,1), cr*cr, 1
+ for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
+ for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
+ scratch->indexlist[x*cr+n-1] = cubepos(x, y, n);
+ ret = solver_set(usage, scratch, scratch->indexlist
- , "set elimination, row %d", 1+YUNTRANS(y)
+ , "set elimination, row %d", 1+y
if (ret < 0) {
@@ -1478,7 +1579,10 @@
* Column-wise set elimination.
for (x = 0; x < cr; x++) {
- ret = solver_set(usage, scratch, cubepos(x,0,1), cr, 1
+ for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
+ for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
+ scratch->indexlist[y*cr+n-1] = cubepos(x, y, n);
+ ret = solver_set(usage, scratch, scratch->indexlist
, "set elimination, column %d", 1+x
@@ -1492,11 +1596,57 @@
+ if (usage->diag) {
+ /*
+ * \-diagonal set elimination.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
+ scratch->indexlist[i*cr+n-1] = cubepos2(diag0(i), n);
+ ret = solver_set(usage, scratch, scratch->indexlist
+ , "set elimination, \\-diagonal"
+ );
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ goto got_result;
+ } else if (ret > 0) {
+ diff = max(diff, DIFF_SET);
+ goto cont;
+ }
+ /*
+ * /-diagonal set elimination.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
+ scratch->indexlist[i*cr+n-1] = cubepos2(diag1(i), n);
+ ret = solver_set(usage, scratch, scratch->indexlist
+ , "set elimination, \\-diagonal"
+ );
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ goto got_result;
+ } else if (ret > 0) {
+ diff = max(diff, DIFF_SET);
+ goto cont;
+ }
+ }
+ if (maxdiff <= DIFF_SET)
+ break;
* Row-vs-column set elimination on a single number.
for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++) {
- ret = solver_set(usage, scratch, cubepos(0,0,n), cr*cr, cr
+ for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
+ for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
+ scratch->indexlist[y*cr+x] = cubepos(x, y, n);
+ ret = solver_set(usage, scratch, scratch->indexlist
, "positional set elimination, number %d", n
@@ -1510,45 +1660,6 @@
- /*
- * Mutual neighbour elimination.
- */
- for (y = 0; y+1 < cr; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x+1 < cr; x++) {
- for (y2 = y+1; y2 < cr; y2++) {
- for (x2 = x+1; x2 < cr; x2++) {
- /*
- * Can't do mutual neighbour elimination
- * between elements of the same actual
- * block.
- */
- if (x/r == x2/r && y%r == y2%r)
- continue;
- /*
- * Otherwise, try (x,y) vs (x2,y2) in both
- * directions, and likewise (x2,y) vs
- * (x,y2).
- */
- if (!usage->grid[YUNTRANS(y)*cr+x] &&
- !usage->grid[YUNTRANS(y2)*cr+x2] &&
- (solver_mne(usage, scratch, x, y, x2, y2) ||
- solver_mne(usage, scratch, x2, y2, x, y))) {
- diff = max(diff, DIFF_EXTREME);
- goto cont;
- }
- if (!usage->grid[YUNTRANS(y)*cr+x2] &&
- !usage->grid[YUNTRANS(y2)*cr+x] &&
- (solver_mne(usage, scratch, x2, y, x, y2) ||
- solver_mne(usage, scratch, x, y2, x2, y))) {
- diff = max(diff, DIFF_EXTREME);
- goto cont;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
* Forcing chains.
@@ -1588,7 +1699,7 @@
count = 0;
for (n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
- if (cube(x,YTRANS(y),n))
+ if (cube(x,y,n))
@@ -1622,7 +1733,7 @@
/* Make a list of the possible digits. */
for (j = 0, n = 1; n <= cr; n++)
- if (cube(x,YTRANS(y),n))
+ if (cube(x,y,n))
list[j++] = n;
@@ -1655,7 +1766,7 @@
- ret = solver(c, r, outgrid, maxdiff);
+ ret = solver(cr, blocks, xtype, outgrid, maxdiff);
@@ -1767,7 +1878,8 @@
struct gridgen_coord { int x, y, r; };
struct gridgen_usage {
- int c, r, cr; /* cr == c*r */
+ int cr;
+ struct block_structure *blocks;
/* grid is a copy of the input grid, modified as we go along */
digit *grid;
/* row[y*cr+n-1] TRUE if digit n has been placed in row y */
@@ -1776,6 +1888,8 @@
unsigned char *col;
/* blk[(y*c+x)*cr+n-1] TRUE if digit n has been placed in block (x,y) */
unsigned char *blk;
+ /* diag[i*cr+n-1] TRUE if digit n has been placed in diagonal i */
+ unsigned char *diag;
/* This lists all the empty spaces remaining in the grid. */
struct gridgen_coord *spaces;
int nspaces;
@@ -1785,10 +1899,13 @@
* The real recursive step in the generating function.
+ *
+ * Return values: 1 means solution found, 0 means no solution
+ * found on this branch.
static int gridgen_real(struct gridgen_usage *usage, digit *grid)
- int c = usage->c, r = usage->r, cr = usage->cr;
+ int cr = usage->cr;
int i, j, n, sx, sy, bestm, bestr, ret;
int *digits;
@@ -1818,7 +1935,9 @@
m = 0;
for (n = 0; n < cr; n++)
if (!usage->row[y*cr+n] && !usage->col[x*cr+n] &&
- !usage->blk[((y/c)*c+(x/r))*cr+n])
+ !usage->blk[usage->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x]*cr+n] &&
+ (!usage->diag || ((!ondiag0(y*cr+x) || !usage->diag[n]) &&
+ (!ondiag1(y*cr+x) || !usage->diag[cr+n]))))
if (m < bestm || (m == bestm && usage->spaces[j].r < bestr)) {
@@ -1850,7 +1969,9 @@
j = 0;
for (n = 0; n < cr; n++)
if (!usage->row[sy*cr+n] && !usage->col[sx*cr+n] &&
- !usage->blk[((sy/c)*c+(sx/r))*cr+n]) {
+ !usage->blk[usage->blocks->whichblock[sy*cr+sx]*cr+n] &&
+ (!usage->diag || ((!ondiag0(sy*cr+sx) || !usage->diag[n]) &&
+ (!ondiag1(sy*cr+sx) || !usage->diag[cr+n])))) {
digits[j++] = n+1;
@@ -1864,7 +1985,13 @@
/* Update the usage structure to reflect the placing of this digit. */
usage->row[sy*cr+n-1] = usage->col[sx*cr+n-1] =
- usage->blk[((sy/c)*c+(sx/r))*cr+n-1] = TRUE;
+ usage->blk[usage->blocks->whichblock[sy*cr+sx]*cr+n-1] = TRUE;
+ if (usage->diag) {
+ if (ondiag0(sy*cr+sx))
+ usage->diag[n-1] = TRUE;
+ if (ondiag1(sy*cr+sx))
+ usage->diag[cr+n-1] = TRUE;
+ }
usage->grid[sy*cr+sx] = n;
@@ -1874,7 +2001,13 @@
/* Revert the usage structure. */
usage->row[sy*cr+n-1] = usage->col[sx*cr+n-1] =
- usage->blk[((sy/c)*c+(sx/r))*cr+n-1] = FALSE;
+ usage->blk[usage->blocks->whichblock[sy*cr+sx]*cr+n-1] = FALSE;
+ if (usage->diag) {
+ if (ondiag0(sy*cr+sx))
+ usage->diag[n-1] = FALSE;
+ if (ondiag1(sy*cr+sx))
+ usage->diag[cr+n-1] = FALSE;
+ }
usage->grid[sy*cr+sx] = 0;
@@ -1887,13 +2020,14 @@
- * Entry point to generator. You give it dimensions and a starting
+ * Entry point to generator. You give it parameters and a starting
* grid, which is simply an array of cr*cr digits.
-static void gridgen(int c, int r, digit *grid, random_state *rs)
+static int gridgen(int cr, struct block_structure *blocks, int xtype,
+ digit *grid, random_state *rs)
struct gridgen_usage *usage;
- int x, y, cr = c*r;
+ int x, y, ret;
* Clear the grid to start with.
@@ -1905,9 +2039,8 @@
usage = snew(struct gridgen_usage);
- usage->c = c;
- usage->r = r;
usage->cr = cr;
+ usage->blocks = blocks;
usage->grid = snewn(cr * cr, digit);
memcpy(usage->grid, grid, cr * cr);
@@ -1919,6 +2052,13 @@
memset(usage->col, FALSE, cr * cr);
memset(usage->blk, FALSE, cr * cr);
+ if (xtype) {
+ usage->diag = snewn(2 * cr, unsigned char);
+ memset(usage->diag, FALSE, 2 * cr);
+ } else {
+ usage->diag = NULL;
+ }
usage->spaces = snewn(cr * cr, struct gridgen_coord);
usage->nspaces = 0;
@@ -1939,7 +2079,7 @@
* Run the real generator function.
- gridgen_real(usage, grid);
+ ret = gridgen_real(usage, grid);
* Clean up the usage structure now we have our answer.
@@ -1950,6 +2090,8 @@
+ return ret;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1959,11 +2101,11 @@
* Check whether a grid contains a valid complete puzzle.
-static int check_valid(int c, int r, digit *grid)
+static int check_valid(int cr, struct block_structure *blocks, int xtype,
+ digit *grid)
- int cr = c*r;
unsigned char *used;
- int x, y, n;
+ int x, y, i, j, n;
used = snewn(cr, unsigned char);
@@ -2000,22 +2142,42 @@
* Check that each block contains precisely one of everything.
- for (x = 0; x < cr; x += r) {
- for (y = 0; y < cr; y += c) {
- int xx, yy;
- memset(used, FALSE, cr);
- for (xx = x; xx < x+r; xx++)
- for (yy = 0; yy < y+c; yy++)
- if (grid[yy*cr+xx] > 0 && grid[yy*cr+xx] <= cr)
- used[grid[yy*cr+xx]-1] = TRUE;
- for (n = 0; n < cr; n++)
- if (!used[n]) {
- sfree(used);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++) {
+ memset(used, FALSE, cr);
+ for (j = 0; j < cr; j++)
+ if (grid[blocks->blocks[i][j]] > 0 &&
+ grid[blocks->blocks[i][j]] <= cr)
+ used[grid[blocks->blocks[i][j]]-1] = TRUE;
+ for (n = 0; n < cr; n++)
+ if (!used[n]) {
+ sfree(used);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check that each diagonal contains precisely one of everything.
+ */
+ if (xtype) {
+ memset(used, FALSE, cr);
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ if (grid[diag0(i)] > 0 && grid[diag0(i)] <= cr)
+ used[grid[diag0(i)]-1] = TRUE;
+ for (n = 0; n < cr; n++)
+ if (!used[n]) {
+ sfree(used);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ if (grid[diag1(i)] > 0 && grid[diag1(i)] <= cr)
+ used[grid[diag1(i)]-1] = TRUE;
+ for (n = 0; n < cr; n++)
+ if (!used[n]) {
+ sfree(used);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
return TRUE;
@@ -2120,6 +2282,7 @@
int c = params->c, r = params->r, cr = c*r;
int area = cr*cr;
+ struct block_structure *blocks;
digit *grid, *grid2;
struct xy { int x, y; } *locs;
int nlocs;
@@ -2142,18 +2305,59 @@
locs = snewn(area, struct xy);
grid2 = snewn(area, digit);
+ blocks = snew(struct block_structure);
+ blocks->c = params->c; blocks->r = params->r;
+ blocks->whichblock = snewn(area*2, int);
+ blocks->blocks = snewn(cr, int *);
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ blocks->blocks[i] = blocks->whichblock + area + i*cr;
+ assert(!"This should never happen, so we don't need to create blocknames");
* Loop until we get a grid of the required difficulty. This is
* nasty, but it seems to be unpleasantly hard to generate
* difficult grids otherwise.
- do {
+ while (1) {
- * Generate a random solved state.
+ * Generate a random solved state, starting by
+ * constructing the block structure.
- gridgen(c, r, grid, rs);
- assert(check_valid(c, r, grid));
+ if (r == 1) { /* jigsaw mode */
+ int *dsf = divvy_rectangle(cr, cr, cr, rs);
+ int nb = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < area; i++)
+ blocks->whichblock[i] = -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < area; i++) {
+ int j = dsf_canonify(dsf, i);
+ if (blocks->whichblock[j] < 0)
+ blocks->whichblock[j] = nb++;
+ blocks->whichblock[i] = blocks->whichblock[j];
+ }
+ assert(nb == cr);
+ sfree(dsf);
+ } else { /* basic Sudoku mode */
+ for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
+ for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
+ blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x] = (y/c) * c + (x/r);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ blocks->blocks[i][cr-1] = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < area; i++) {
+ int b = blocks->whichblock[i];
+ j = blocks->blocks[b][cr-1]++;
+ assert(j < cr);
+ blocks->blocks[b][j] = i;
+ }
+ if (!gridgen(cr, blocks, params->xtype, grid, rs))
+ continue; /* this might happen if the jigsaw is unsuitable */
+ assert(check_valid(cr, blocks, params->xtype, grid));
* Save the solved grid in aux.
@@ -2219,7 +2423,7 @@
for (j = 0; j < ncoords; j++)
grid2[coords[2*j+1]*cr+coords[2*j]] = 0;
- ret = solver(c, r, grid2, maxdiff);
+ ret = solver(cr, blocks, params->xtype, grid2, maxdiff);
if (ret <= maxdiff) {
for (j = 0; j < ncoords; j++)
grid[coords[2*j+1]*cr+coords[2*j]] = 0;
@@ -2227,7 +2431,10 @@
memcpy(grid2, grid, area);
- } while (solver(c, r, grid2, maxdiff) < maxdiff);
+ if (solver(cr, blocks, params->xtype, grid2, maxdiff) == maxdiff)
+ break; /* found one! */
+ }
@@ -2240,7 +2447,7 @@
char *p;
int run, i;
- desc = snewn(5 * area, char);
+ desc = snewn(7 * area, char);
p = desc;
run = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= area; i++) {
@@ -2271,7 +2478,60 @@
run = 0;
- assert(p - desc < 5 * area);
+ if (r == 1) {
+ int currrun = 0;
+ *p++ = ',';
+ /*
+ * Encode the block structure. We do this by encoding
+ * the pattern of dividing lines: first we iterate
+ * over the cr*(cr-1) internal vertical grid lines in
+ * ordinary reading order, then over the cr*(cr-1)
+ * internal horizontal ones in transposed reading
+ * order.
+ *
+ * We encode the number of non-lines between the
+ * lines; _ means zero (two adjacent divisions), a
+ * means 1, ..., y means 25, and z means 25 non-lines
+ * _and no following line_ (so that za means 26, zb 27
+ * etc).
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i <= 2*cr*(cr-1); i++) {
+ int p0, p1, edge;
+ if (i == 2*cr*(cr-1)) {
+ edge = TRUE; /* terminating virtual edge */
+ } else {
+ if (i < cr*(cr-1)) {
+ y = i/(cr-1);
+ x = i%(cr-1);
+ p0 = y*cr+x;
+ p1 = y*cr+x+1;
+ } else {
+ x = i/(cr-1) - cr;
+ y = i%(cr-1);
+ p0 = y*cr+x;
+ p1 = (y+1)*cr+x;
+ }
+ edge = (blocks->whichblock[p0] != blocks->whichblock[p1]);
+ }
+ if (edge) {
+ while (currrun > 25)
+ *p++ = 'z', currrun -= 25;
+ if (currrun)
+ *p++ = 'a'-1 + currrun;
+ else
+ *p++ = '_';
+ currrun = 0;
+ } else
+ currrun++;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(p - desc < 7 * area);
*p++ = '\0';
desc = sresize(desc, p - desc, char);
@@ -2283,10 +2543,11 @@
static char *validate_desc(game_params *params, char *desc)
- int area = params->r * params->r * params->c * params->c;
+ int cr = params->c * params->r, area = cr*cr;
int squares = 0;
+ int *dsf;
- while (*desc) {
+ while (*desc && *desc != ',') {
int n = *desc++;
if (n >= 'a' && n <= 'z') {
squares += n - 'a' + 1;
@@ -2309,6 +2570,138 @@
if (squares > area)
return "Too much data to fit in grid";
+ if (params->r == 1) {
+ /*
+ * Now we expect a suffix giving the jigsaw block
+ * structure. Parse it and validate that it divides the
+ * grid into the right number of regions which are the
+ * right size.
+ */
+ if (*desc != ',')
+ return "Expected jigsaw block structure in game description";
+ int pos = 0;
+ dsf = snew_dsf(area);
+ desc++;
+ while (*desc) {
+ int c, adv;
+ if (*desc == '_')
+ c = 0;
+ else if (*desc >= 'a' && *desc <= 'z')
+ c = *desc - 'a' + 1;
+ else {
+ sfree(dsf);
+ return "Invalid character in game description";
+ }
+ desc++;
+ adv = (c != 25); /* 'z' is a special case */
+ while (c-- > 0) {
+ int p0, p1;
+ /*
+ * Non-edge; merge the two dsf classes on either
+ * side of it.
+ */
+ if (pos >= 2*cr*(cr-1)) {
+ sfree(dsf);
+ return "Too much data in block structure specification";
+ } else if (pos < cr*(cr-1)) {
+ int y = pos/(cr-1);
+ int x = pos%(cr-1);
+ p0 = y*cr+x;
+ p1 = y*cr+x+1;
+ } else {
+ int x = pos/(cr-1) - cr;
+ int y = pos%(cr-1);
+ p0 = y*cr+x;
+ p1 = (y+1)*cr+x;
+ }
+ dsf_merge(dsf, p0, p1);
+ pos++;
+ }
+ if (adv)
+ pos++;
+ }
+ /*
+ * When desc is exhausted, we expect to have gone exactly
+ * one space _past_ the end of the grid, due to the dummy
+ * edge at the end.
+ */
+ if (pos != 2*cr*(cr-1)+1) {
+ sfree(dsf);
+ return "Not enough data in block structure specification";
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now we've got our dsf. Verify that it matches
+ * expectations.
+ */
+ {
+ int *canons, *counts;
+ int i, j, c, ncanons = 0;
+ canons = snewn(cr, int);
+ counts = snewn(cr, int);
+ for (i = 0; i < area; i++) {
+ j = dsf_canonify(dsf, i);
+ for (c = 0; c < ncanons; c++)
+ if (canons[c] == j) {
+ counts[c]++;
+ if (counts[c] > cr) {
+ sfree(dsf);
+ sfree(canons);
+ sfree(counts);
+ return "A jigsaw block is too big";
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (c == ncanons) {
+ if (ncanons >= cr) {
+ sfree(dsf);
+ sfree(canons);
+ sfree(counts);
+ return "Too many distinct jigsaw blocks";
+ }
+ canons[ncanons] = j;
+ counts[ncanons] = 1;
+ ncanons++;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If we've managed to get through that loop without
+ * tripping either of the error conditions, then we
+ * must have partitioned the entire grid into at most
+ * cr blocks of at most cr squares each; therefore we
+ * must have _exactly_ cr blocks of _exactly_ cr
+ * squares each. I'll verify that by assertion just in
+ * case something has gone horribly wrong, but it
+ * shouldn't have been able to happen by duff input,
+ * only by a bug in the above code.
+ */
+ assert(ncanons == cr);
+ for (c = 0; c < ncanons; c++)
+ assert(counts[c] == cr);
+ sfree(canons);
+ sfree(counts);
+ }
+ sfree(dsf);
+ } else {
+ if (*desc)
+ return "Unexpected jigsaw block structure in game description";
+ }
return NULL;
@@ -2318,8 +2711,8 @@
int c = params->c, r = params->r, cr = c*r, area = cr * cr;
int i;
- state->c = params->c;
- state->r = params->r;
+ state->cr = cr;
+ state->xtype = params->xtype;
state->grid = snewn(area, digit);
state->pencil = snewn(area * cr, unsigned char);
@@ -2327,10 +2720,21 @@
state->immutable = snewn(area, unsigned char);
memset(state->immutable, FALSE, area);
+ state->blocks = snew(struct block_structure);
+ state->blocks->c = c; state->blocks->r = r;
+ state->blocks->refcount = 1;
+ state->blocks->whichblock = snewn(area*2, int);
+ state->blocks->blocks = snewn(cr, int *);
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ state->blocks->blocks[i] = state->blocks->whichblock + area + i*cr;
+ state->blocks->blocknames = (char **)smalloc(cr*(sizeof(char *)+80));
state->completed = state->cheated = FALSE;
i = 0;
- while (*desc) {
+ while (*desc && *desc != ',') {
int n = *desc++;
if (n >= 'a' && n <= 'z') {
int run = n - 'a' + 1;
@@ -2351,6 +2755,134 @@
assert(i == area);
+ if (r == 1) {
+ int pos = 0;
+ int *dsf;
+ int nb;
+ assert(*desc == ',');
+ dsf = snew_dsf(area);
+ desc++;
+ while (*desc) {
+ int c, adv;
+ if (*desc == '_')
+ c = 0;
+ else if (*desc >= 'a' && *desc <= 'z')
+ c = *desc - 'a' + 1;
+ else
+ assert(!"Shouldn't get here");
+ desc++;
+ adv = (c != 25); /* 'z' is a special case */
+ while (c-- > 0) {
+ int p0, p1;
+ /*
+ * Non-edge; merge the two dsf classes on either
+ * side of it.
+ */
+ assert(pos < 2*cr*(cr-1));
+ if (pos < cr*(cr-1)) {
+ int y = pos/(cr-1);
+ int x = pos%(cr-1);
+ p0 = y*cr+x;
+ p1 = y*cr+x+1;
+ } else {
+ int x = pos/(cr-1) - cr;
+ int y = pos%(cr-1);
+ p0 = y*cr+x;
+ p1 = (y+1)*cr+x;
+ }
+ dsf_merge(dsf, p0, p1);
+ pos++;
+ }
+ if (adv)
+ pos++;
+ }
+ /*
+ * When desc is exhausted, we expect to have gone exactly
+ * one space _past_ the end of the grid, due to the dummy
+ * edge at the end.
+ */
+ assert(pos == 2*cr*(cr-1)+1);
+ /*
+ * Now we've got our dsf. Translate it into a block
+ * structure.
+ */
+ nb = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < area; i++)
+ state->blocks->whichblock[i] = -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < area; i++) {
+ int j = dsf_canonify(dsf, i);
+ if (state->blocks->whichblock[j] < 0)
+ state->blocks->whichblock[j] = nb++;
+ state->blocks->whichblock[i] = state->blocks->whichblock[j];
+ }
+ assert(nb == cr);
+ sfree(dsf);
+ } else {
+ int x, y;
+ assert(!*desc);
+ for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
+ for (x = 0; x < cr; x++)
+ state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x] = (y/c) * c + (x/r);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Having sorted out whichblock[], set up the block index arrays.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ state->blocks->blocks[i][cr-1] = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < area; i++) {
+ int b = state->blocks->whichblock[i];
+ int j = state->blocks->blocks[b][cr-1]++;
+ assert(j < cr);
+ state->blocks->blocks[b][j] = i;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Set up the block names for solver diagnostic output.
+ */
+ {
+ char *p = (char *)(state->blocks->blocknames + cr);
+ if (r == 1) {
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ state->blocks->blocknames[i] = NULL;
+ for (i = 0; i < area; i++) {
+ int j = state->blocks->whichblock[i];
+ if (!state->blocks->blocknames[j]) {
+ state->blocks->blocknames[j] = p;
+ p += 1 + sprintf(p, "starting at (%d,%d)",
+ 1 + i%cr, 1 + i/cr);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ int bx, by;
+ for (by = 0; by < r; by++)
+ for (bx = 0; bx < c; bx++) {
+ state->blocks->blocknames[by*c+bx] = p;
+ p += 1 + sprintf(p, "(%d,%d)", bx+1, by+1);
+ }
+ }
+ assert(p - (char *)state->blocks->blocknames < cr*(sizeof(char *)+80));
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ assert(state->blocks->blocknames[i]);
+ }
return state;
@@ -2357,11 +2889,14 @@
static game_state *dup_game(game_state *state)
game_state *ret = snew(game_state);
- int c = state->c, r = state->r, cr = c*r, area = cr * cr;
+ int cr = state->cr, area = cr * cr;
- ret->c = state->c;
- ret->r = state->r;
+ ret->cr = state->cr;
+ ret->xtype = state->xtype;
+ ret->blocks = state->blocks;
+ ret->blocks->refcount++;
ret->grid = snewn(area, digit);
memcpy(ret->grid, state->grid, area);
@@ -2379,6 +2914,14 @@
static void free_game(game_state *state)
+ if (--state->blocks->refcount == 0) {
+ sfree(state->blocks->whichblock);
+ sfree(state->blocks->blocks);
+ sfree(state->blocks->blocknames);
+ sfree(state->blocks);
+ }
@@ -2388,7 +2931,7 @@
static char *solve_game(game_state *state, game_state *currstate,
char *ai, char **error)
- int c = state->c, r = state->r, cr = c*r;
+ int cr = state->cr;
char *ret;
digit *grid;
int solve_ret;
@@ -2402,7 +2945,7 @@
grid = snewn(cr*cr, digit);
memcpy(grid, state->grid, cr*cr);
- solve_ret = solver(c, r, grid, DIFF_RECURSIVE);
+ solve_ret = solver(cr, state->blocks, state->xtype, grid, DIFF_RECURSIVE);
*error = NULL;
@@ -2423,59 +2966,189 @@
return ret;
-static char *grid_text_format(int c, int r, digit *grid)
+static char *grid_text_format(int cr, struct block_structure *blocks,
+ int xtype, digit *grid)
- int cr = c*r;
+ int vmod, hmod;
int x, y;
- int maxlen;
- char *ret, *p;
+ int totallen, linelen, nlines;
+ char *ret, *p, ch;
- * There are cr lines of digits, plus r-1 lines of block
- * separators. Each line contains cr digits, cr-1 separating
- * spaces, and c-1 two-character block separators. Thus, the
- * total length of a line is 2*cr+2*c-3 (not counting the
- * newline), and there are cr+r-1 of them.
+ * For non-jigsaw Sudoku, we format in the way we always have,
+ * by having the digits unevenly spaced so that the dividing
+ * lines can fit in:
+ *
+ * . . | . .
+ * . . | . .
+ * ----+----
+ * . . | . .
+ * . . | . .
+ *
+ * For jigsaw puzzles, however, we must leave space between
+ * _all_ pairs of digits for an optional dividing line, so we
+ * have to move to the rather ugly
+ *
+ * . . . .
+ * ------+------
+ * . . | . .
+ * +---+
+ * . . | . | .
+ * ------+ |
+ * . . . | .
+ *
+ * We deal with both cases using the same formatting code; we
+ * simply invent a vmod value such that there's a vertical
+ * dividing line before column i iff i is divisible by vmod
+ * (so it's r in the first case and 1 in the second), and hmod
+ * likewise for horizontal dividing lines.
+ */
+ if (blocks->r != 1) {
+ vmod = blocks->r;
+ hmod = blocks->c;
+ } else {
+ vmod = hmod = 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Line length: we have cr digits, each with a space after it,
+ * and (cr-1)/vmod dividing lines, each with a space after it.
+ * The final space is replaced by a newline, but that doesn't
+ * affect the length.
+ */
+ linelen = 2*(cr + (cr-1)/vmod);
+ /*
+ * Number of lines: we have cr rows of digits, and (cr-1)/hmod
+ * dividing rows.
+ */
+ nlines = cr + (cr-1)/hmod;
+ /*
+ * Allocate the space.
+ */
+ totallen = linelen * nlines;
+ ret = snewn(totallen+1, char); /* leave room for terminating NUL */
+ /*
+ * Write the text.
- maxlen = (cr+r-1) * (2*cr+2*c-2);
- ret = snewn(maxlen+1, char);
p = ret;
for (y = 0; y < cr; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < cr; x++) {
- int ch = grid[y * cr + x];
- if (ch == 0)
- ch = '.';
- else if (ch <= 9)
- ch = '0' + ch;
- else
- ch = 'a' + ch-10;
- *p++ = ch;
- if (x+1 < cr) {
- *p++ = ' ';
- if ((x+1) % r == 0) {
- *p++ = '|';
- *p++ = ' ';
- }
- }
- }
- *p++ = '\n';
- if (y+1 < cr && (y+1) % c == 0) {
- for (x = 0; x < cr; x++) {
- *p++ = '-';
- if (x+1 < cr) {
- *p++ = '-';
- if ((x+1) % r == 0) {
- *p++ = '+';
- *p++ = '-';
- }
- }
- }
- *p++ = '\n';
- }
+ /*
+ * Row of digits.
+ */
+ for (x = 0; x < cr; x++) {
+ /*
+ * Digit.
+ */
+ digit d = grid[y*cr+x];
+ if (d == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Empty space: we usually write a dot, but we'll
+ * highlight spaces on the X-diagonals (in X mode)
+ * by using underscores instead.
+ */
+ if (xtype && (ondiag0(y*cr+x) || ondiag1(y*cr+x)))
+ ch = '_';
+ else
+ ch = '.';
+ } else if (d <= 9) {
+ ch = '0' + d;
+ } else {
+ ch = 'a' + d-10;
+ }
+ *p++ = ch;
+ if (x == cr-1) {
+ *p++ = '\n';
+ continue;
+ }
+ *p++ = ' ';
+ if ((x+1) % vmod)
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * Optional dividing line.
+ */
+ if (blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x] != blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x+1])
+ ch = '|';
+ else
+ ch = ' ';
+ *p++ = ch;
+ *p++ = ' ';
+ }
+ if (y == cr-1 || (y+1) % hmod)
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * Dividing row.
+ */
+ for (x = 0; x < cr; x++) {
+ int dwid;
+ int tl, tr, bl, br;
+ /*
+ * Division between two squares. This varies
+ * complicatedly in length.
+ */
+ dwid = 2; /* digit and its following space */
+ if (x == cr-1)
+ dwid--; /* no following space at end of line */
+ if (x > 0 && x % vmod == 0)
+ dwid++; /* preceding space after a divider */
+ if (blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x] != blocks->whichblock[(y+1)*cr+x])
+ ch = '-';
+ else
+ ch = ' ';
+ while (dwid-- > 0)
+ *p++ = ch;
+ if (x == cr-1) {
+ *p++ = '\n';
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((x+1) % vmod)
+ continue;
+ /*
+ * Corner square. This is:
+ * - a space if all four surrounding squares are in
+ * the same block
+ * - a vertical line if the two left ones are in one
+ * block and the two right in another
+ * - a horizontal line if the two top ones are in one
+ * block and the two bottom in another
+ * - a plus sign in all other cases. (If we had a
+ * richer character set available we could break
+ * this case up further by doing fun things with
+ * line-drawing T-pieces.)
+ */
+ tl = blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x];
+ tr = blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x+1];
+ bl = blocks->whichblock[(y+1)*cr+x];
+ br = blocks->whichblock[(y+1)*cr+x+1];
+ if (tl == tr && tr == bl && bl == br)
+ ch = ' ';
+ else if (tl == bl && tr == br)
+ ch = '|';
+ else if (tl == tr && bl == br)
+ ch = '-';
+ else
+ ch = '+';
+ *p++ = ch;
+ }
- assert(p - ret == maxlen);
+ assert(p - ret == totallen);
*p = '\0';
return ret;
@@ -2482,7 +3155,8 @@
static char *game_text_format(game_state *state)
- return grid_text_format(state->c, state->r, state->grid);
+ return grid_text_format(state->cr, state->blocks, state->xtype,
+ state->grid);
struct game_ui {
@@ -2527,7 +3201,7 @@
static void game_changed_state(game_ui *ui, game_state *oldstate,
game_state *newstate)
- int c = newstate->c, r = newstate->r, cr = c*r;
+ int cr = newstate->cr;
* We prevent pencil-mode highlighting of a filled square. So
* if the user has just filled in a square which we had a
@@ -2542,7 +3216,7 @@
struct game_drawstate {
int started;
- int c, r, cr;
+ int cr, xtype;
int tilesize;
digit *grid;
unsigned char *pencil;
@@ -2554,7 +3228,7 @@
static char *interpret_move(game_state *state, game_ui *ui, game_drawstate *ds,
int x, int y, int button)
- int c = state->c, r = state->r, cr = c*r;
+ int cr = state->cr;
int tx, ty;
char buf[80];
@@ -2639,7 +3313,7 @@
static game_state *execute_move(game_state *from, char *move)
- int c = from->c, r = from->r, cr = c*r;
+ int cr = from->cr;
game_state *ret;
int x, y, n;
@@ -2679,7 +3353,8 @@
* We've made a real change to the grid. Check to see
* if the game has been completed.
- if (!ret->completed && check_valid(c, r, ret->grid)) {
+ if (!ret->completed && check_valid(cr, ret->blocks, ret->xtype,
+ ret->grid)) {
ret->completed = TRUE;
@@ -2718,6 +3393,10 @@
frontend_default_colour(fe, &ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3]);
+ ret[COL_XDIAGONALS * 3 + 0] = 0.9F * ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0];
+ ret[COL_XDIAGONALS * 3 + 1] = 0.9F * ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 1];
+ ret[COL_XDIAGONALS * 3 + 2] = 0.9F * ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 2];
ret[COL_GRID * 3 + 0] = 0.0F;
ret[COL_GRID * 3 + 1] = 0.0F;
ret[COL_GRID * 3 + 2] = 0.0F;
@@ -2730,9 +3409,9 @@
ret[COL_USER * 3 + 1] = 0.6F * ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 1];
ret[COL_USER * 3 + 2] = 0.0F;
- ret[COL_HIGHLIGHT * 3 + 0] = 0.85F * ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0];
- ret[COL_HIGHLIGHT * 3 + 1] = 0.85F * ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 1];
- ret[COL_HIGHLIGHT * 3 + 2] = 0.85F * ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 2];
+ ret[COL_HIGHLIGHT * 3 + 0] = 0.78F * ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 0];
+ ret[COL_HIGHLIGHT * 3 + 1] = 0.78F * ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 1];
+ ret[COL_HIGHLIGHT * 3 + 2] = 0.78F * ret[COL_BACKGROUND * 3 + 2];
ret[COL_ERROR * 3 + 0] = 1.0F;
ret[COL_ERROR * 3 + 1] = 0.0F;
@@ -2749,14 +3428,13 @@
static game_drawstate *game_new_drawstate(drawing *dr, game_state *state)
struct game_drawstate *ds = snew(struct game_drawstate);
- int c = state->c, r = state->r, cr = c*r;
+ int cr = state->cr;
ds->started = FALSE;
- ds->c = c;
- ds->r = r;
ds->cr = cr;
+ ds->xtype = state->xtype;
ds->grid = snewn(cr*cr, digit);
- memset(ds->grid, 0, cr*cr);
+ memset(ds->grid, cr+2, cr*cr);
ds->pencil = snewn(cr*cr*cr, digit);
memset(ds->pencil, 0, cr*cr*cr);
ds->hl = snewn(cr*cr, unsigned char);
@@ -2778,7 +3456,7 @@
static void draw_number(drawing *dr, game_drawstate *ds, game_state *state,
int x, int y, int hl)
- int c = state->c, r = state->r, cr = c*r;
+ int cr = state->cr;
int tx, ty;
int cx, cy, cw, ch;
char str[2];
@@ -2788,28 +3466,44 @@
!memcmp(ds->pencil+(y*cr+x)*cr, state->pencil+(y*cr+x)*cr, cr))
return; /* no change required */
- tx = BORDER + x * TILE_SIZE + 2;
- ty = BORDER + y * TILE_SIZE + 2;
+ tx = BORDER + x * TILE_SIZE + 1 + GRIDEXTRA;
+ ty = BORDER + y * TILE_SIZE + 1 + GRIDEXTRA;
cx = tx;
cy = ty;
- cw = TILE_SIZE-3;
- ch = TILE_SIZE-3;
- if (x % r)
- cx--, cw++;
- if ((x+1) % r)
- cw++;
- if (y % c)
- cy--, ch++;
- if ((y+1) % c)
- ch++;
+ if (x > 0 && state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x] == state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x-1])
+ if (x+1 < cr && state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x] == state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x+1])
+ cw += GRIDEXTRA;
+ if (y > 0 && state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x] == state->blocks->whichblock[(y-1)*cr+x])
+ if (y+1 < cr && state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x] == state->blocks->whichblock[(y+1)*cr+x])
+ ch += GRIDEXTRA;
clip(dr, cx, cy, cw, ch);
/* background needs erasing */
- draw_rect(dr, cx, cy, cw, ch, (hl & 15) == 1 ? COL_HIGHLIGHT : COL_BACKGROUND);
+ draw_rect(dr, cx, cy, cw, ch,
+ ((hl & 15) == 1 ? COL_HIGHLIGHT :
+ (ds->xtype && (ondiag0(y*cr+x) || ondiag1(y*cr+x))) ? COL_XDIAGONALS :
+ /*
+ * Draw the corners of thick lines in corner-adjacent squares,
+ * which jut into this square by one pixel.
+ */
+ if (x > 0 && y > 0 && state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x] != state->blocks->whichblock[(y-1)*cr+x-1])
+ if (x+1 < cr && y > 0 && state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x] != state->blocks->whichblock[(y-1)*cr+x+1])
+ if (x > 0 && y+1 < cr && state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x] != state->blocks->whichblock[(y+1)*cr+x-1])
+ if (x+1 < cr && y+1 < cr && state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x] != state->blocks->whichblock[(y+1)*cr+x+1])
/* pencil-mode highlight */
if ((hl & 15) == 2) {
int coords[6];
@@ -2884,7 +3578,7 @@
game_state *state, int dir, game_ui *ui,
float animtime, float flashtime)
- int c = state->c, r = state->r, cr = c*r;
+ int cr = state->cr;
int x, y;
if (!ds->started) {
@@ -2897,18 +3591,13 @@
draw_rect(dr, 0, 0, SIZE(cr), SIZE(cr), COL_BACKGROUND);
- * Draw the grid.
+ * Draw the grid. We draw it as a big thick rectangle of
+ * COL_GRID initially; individual calls to draw_number()
+ * will poke the right-shaped holes in it.
- for (x = 0; x <= cr; x++) {
- int thick = (x % r ? 0 : 1);
- draw_rect(dr, BORDER + x*TILE_SIZE - thick, BORDER-1,
- 1+2*thick, cr*TILE_SIZE+3, COL_GRID);
- }
- for (y = 0; y <= cr; y++) {
- int thick = (y % c ? 0 : 1);
- draw_rect(dr, BORDER-1, BORDER + y*TILE_SIZE - thick,
- cr*TILE_SIZE+3, 1+2*thick, COL_GRID);
- }
@@ -2921,10 +3610,16 @@
for (y = 0; y < cr; y++) {
digit d = state->grid[y*cr+x];
if (d) {
- int box = (x/r)+(y/c)*c;
- ds->entered_items[x*cr+d-1] |= ((ds->entered_items[x*cr+d-1] & 1) << 1) | 1;
+ int box = state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x];
+ ds->entered_items[x*cr+d-1] |= ((ds->entered_items[x*cr+d-1] & 1) << 1) | 1;
ds->entered_items[y*cr+d-1] |= ((ds->entered_items[y*cr+d-1] & 4) << 1) | 4;
ds->entered_items[box*cr+d-1] |= ((ds->entered_items[box*cr+d-1] & 16) << 1) | 16;
+ if (ds->xtype) {
+ if (ondiag0(y*cr+x))
+ ds->entered_items[d-1] |= ((ds->entered_items[d-1] & 64) << 1) | 64;
+ if (ondiag1(y*cr+x))
+ ds->entered_items[cr+d-1] |= ((ds->entered_items[cr+d-1] & 64) << 1) | 64;
+ }
@@ -2949,7 +3644,9 @@
* in a single row, column, or box). */
if (d && ((ds->entered_items[x*cr+d-1] & 2) ||
(ds->entered_items[y*cr+d-1] & 8) ||
- (ds->entered_items[((x/r)+(y/c)*c)*cr+d-1] & 32)))
+ (ds->entered_items[state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x]*cr+d-1] & 32) ||
+ (ds->xtype && ((ondiag0(y*cr+x) && (ds->entered_items[d-1] & 128)) ||
+ (ondiag1(y*cr+x) && (ds->entered_items[cr+d-1] & 128))))))
highlight |= 16;
draw_number(dr, ds, state, x, y, highlight);
@@ -3001,7 +3698,7 @@
static void game_print(drawing *dr, game_state *state, int tilesize)
- int c = state->c, r = state->r, cr = c*r;
+ int cr = state->cr;
int ink = print_mono_colour(dr, 0);
int x, y;
@@ -3016,20 +3713,182 @@
draw_rect_outline(dr, BORDER, BORDER, cr*TILE_SIZE, cr*TILE_SIZE, ink);
- * Grid.
+ * Highlight X-diagonal squares.
+ if (state->xtype) {
+ int i;
+ int xhighlight = print_grey_colour(dr, HATCH_SLASH, 0.90F);
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ draw_rect(dr, BORDER + i*TILE_SIZE, BORDER + i*TILE_SIZE,
+ TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, xhighlight);
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++)
+ if (i*2 != cr-1) /* avoid redoing centre square, just for fun */
+ draw_rect(dr, BORDER + i*TILE_SIZE,
+ BORDER + (cr-1-i)*TILE_SIZE,
+ TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, xhighlight);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Main grid.
+ */
for (x = 1; x < cr; x++) {
- print_line_width(dr, (x % r ? 1 : 3) * TILE_SIZE / 40);
+ print_line_width(dr, TILE_SIZE / 40);
draw_line(dr, BORDER+x*TILE_SIZE, BORDER,
for (y = 1; y < cr; y++) {
- print_line_width(dr, (y % c ? 1 : 3) * TILE_SIZE / 40);
+ print_line_width(dr, TILE_SIZE / 40);
draw_line(dr, BORDER, BORDER+y*TILE_SIZE,
+ * Thick lines between cells. In order to do this using the
+ * line-drawing rather than rectangle-drawing API (so as to
+ * get line thicknesses to scale correctly) and yet have
+ * correctly mitred joins between lines, we must do this by
+ * tracing the boundary of each sub-block and drawing it in
+ * one go as a single polygon.
+ */
+ {
+ int *coords;
+ int bi, i, n;
+ int x, y, dx, dy, sx, sy, sdx, sdy;
+ print_line_width(dr, 3 * TILE_SIZE / 40);
+ /*
+ * Maximum perimeter of a k-omino is 2k+2. (Proof: start
+ * with k unconnected squares, with total perimeter 4k.
+ * Now repeatedly join two disconnected components
+ * together into a larger one; every time you do so you
+ * remove at least two unit edges, and you require k-1 of
+ * these operations to create a single connected piece, so
+ * you must have at most 4k-2(k-1) = 2k+2 unit edges left
+ * afterwards.)
+ */
+ coords = snewn(4*cr+4, int); /* 2k+2 points, 2 coords per point */
+ /*
+ * Iterate over all the blocks.
+ */
+ for (bi = 0; bi < cr; bi++) {
+ /*
+ * For each block, find a starting square within it
+ * which has a boundary at the left.
+ */
+ for (i = 0; i < cr; i++) {
+ int j = state->blocks->blocks[bi][i];
+ if (j % cr == 0 || state->blocks->whichblock[j-1] != bi)
+ break;
+ }
+ assert(i < cr); /* every block must have _some_ leftmost square */
+ x = state->blocks->blocks[bi][i] % cr;
+ y = state->blocks->blocks[bi][i] / cr;
+ dx = -1;
+ dy = 0;
+ /*
+ * Now begin tracing round the perimeter. At all
+ * times, (x,y) describes some square within the
+ * block, and (x+dx,y+dy) is some adjacent square
+ * outside it; so the edge between those two squares
+ * is always an edge of the block.
+ */
+ sx = x, sy = y, sdx = dx, sdy = dy; /* save starting position */
+ n = 0;
+ do {
+ int cx, cy, tx, ty, nin;
+ /*
+ * To begin with, record the point at one end of
+ * the edge. To do this, we translate (x,y) down
+ * and right by half a unit (so they're describing
+ * a point in the _centre_ of the square) and then
+ * translate back again in a manner rotated by dy
+ * and dx.
+ */
+ assert(n < 2*cr+2);
+ cx = ((2*x+1) + dy + dx) / 2;
+ cy = ((2*y+1) - dx + dy) / 2;
+ coords[2*n+0] = BORDER + cx * TILE_SIZE;
+ coords[2*n+1] = BORDER + cy * TILE_SIZE;
+ n++;
+ /*
+ * Now advance to the next edge, by looking at the
+ * two squares beyond it. If they're both outside
+ * the block, we turn right (by leaving x,y the
+ * same and rotating dx,dy clockwise); if they're
+ * both inside, we turn left (by rotating dx,dy
+ * anticlockwise and contriving to leave x+dx,y+dy
+ * unchanged); if one of each, we go straight on
+ * (and may enforce by assertion that they're one
+ * of each the _right_ way round).
+ */
+ nin = 0;
+ tx = x - dy + dx;
+ ty = y + dx + dy;
+ nin += (tx >= 0 && tx < cr && ty >= 0 && ty < cr &&
+ state->blocks->whichblock[ty*cr+tx] == bi);
+ tx = x - dy;
+ ty = y + dx;
+ nin += (tx >= 0 && tx < cr && ty >= 0 && ty < cr &&
+ state->blocks->whichblock[ty*cr+tx] == bi);
+ if (nin == 0) {
+ /*
+ * Turn right.
+ */
+ int tmp;
+ tmp = dx;
+ dx = -dy;
+ dy = tmp;
+ } else if (nin == 2) {
+ /*
+ * Turn left.
+ */
+ int tmp;
+ x += dx;
+ y += dy;
+ tmp = dx;
+ dx = dy;
+ dy = -tmp;
+ x -= dx;
+ y -= dy;
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Go straight on.
+ */
+ x -= dy;
+ y += dx;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now enforce by assertion that we ended up
+ * somewhere sensible.
+ */
+ assert(x >= 0 && x < cr && y >= 0 && y < cr &&
+ state->blocks->whichblock[y*cr+x] == bi);
+ assert(x+dx < 0 || x+dx >= cr || y+dy < 0 || y+dy >= cr ||
+ state->blocks->whichblock[(y+dy)*cr+(x+dx)] != bi);
+ } while (x != sx || y != sy || dx != sdx || dy != sdy);
+ /*
+ * That's our polygon; now draw it.
+ */
+ draw_polygon(dr, coords, n, -1, ink);
+ }
+ sfree(coords);
+ }
+ /*
* Numbers.
for (y = 0; y < cr; y++)
@@ -3133,7 +3992,7 @@
s = new_game(NULL, p, desc);
- ret = solver(p->c, p->r, s->grid, DIFF_RECURSIVE);
+ ret = solver(s->cr, s->blocks, s->xtype, s->grid, DIFF_RECURSIVE);
if (grade) {
printf("Difficulty rating: %s\n",
ret==DIFF_BLOCK ? "Trivial (blockwise positional elimination only)":
@@ -3146,7 +4005,7 @@
ret==DIFF_IMPOSSIBLE ? "Impossible (no solution exists)":
"INTERNAL ERROR: unrecognised difficulty code");
} else {
- printf("%s\n", grid_text_format(p->c, p->r, s->grid));
+ printf("%s\n", grid_text_format(s->cr, s->blocks, s->xtype, s->grid));
return 0;
--- a/unfinished/divvy.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,781 +1,0 @@
- * Library code to divide up a rectangle into a number of equally
- * sized ominoes, in a random fashion.
- *
- * Could use this for generating solved grids of
- *
- * or for generating the playfield for Jigsaw Sudoku.
- */
- * This code is restricted to simply connected solutions: that is,
- * no single polyomino may completely surround another (not even
- * with a corner visible to the outside world, in the sense that a
- * 7-omino can `surround' a single square).
- *
- * It's tempting to think that this is a natural consequence of
- * all the ominoes being the same size - after all, a division of
- * anything into 7-ominoes must necessarily have all of them
- * simply connected, because if one was not then the 1-square
- * space in the middle could not be part of any 7-omino - but in
- * fact, for sufficiently large k, it is perfectly possible for a
- * k-omino to completely surround another k-omino. A simple
- * example is this one with two 25-ominoes:
- *
- * +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
- * | |
- * + +--+--+--+--+--+ +
- * | | | |
- * + + + +
- * | | | |
- * + + + +--+
- * | | | |
- * + + + +--+
- * | | | |
- * + + + +
- * | | | |
- * + +--+--+--+--+--+ +
- * | |
- * +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+
- *
- * I claim the smallest k which can manage this is 23. More
- * formally:
- *
- * If a k-omino P is completely surrounded by another k-omino Q,
- * such that every edge of P borders on Q, then k >= 23.
- *
- * Proof:
- *
- * It's relatively simple to find the largest _rectangle_ a
- * k-omino can enclose. So I'll construct my proof in two parts:
- * firstly, show that no 22-omino or smaller can enclose a
- * rectangle as large as itself, and secondly, show that no
- * polyomino can enclose a larger non-rectangle than a rectangle.
- *
- * The first of those claims:
- *
- * To surround an m x n rectangle, a polyomino must have 2m
- * squares along the two m-sides of the rectangle, 2n squares
- * along the two n-sides, and must fill in at least three of the
- * corners in order to be connected. Thus, 2(m+n)+3 <= k. We wish
- * to find the largest value of mn subject to that constraint, and
- * it's clear that this is achieved when m and n are as close to
- * equal as possible. (If they aren't, WLOG suppose m < n; then
- * (m+1)(n-1) = mn + n - m - 1 >= mn, with equality only when
- * m=n-1.)
- *
- * So the area of the largest rectangle which can be enclosed by a
- * k-omino is given by floor(k'/2) * ceil(k'/2), where k' =
- * (k-3)/2. This is a monotonic function in k, so there will be a
- * unique point at which it goes from being smaller than k to
- * being larger than k. That point is between 22 (maximum area 20)
- * and 23 (maximum area 25).
- *
- * The second claim:
- *
- * Suppose we have an inner polyomino P surrounded by an outer
- * polyomino Q. I seek to show that if P is non-rectangular, then
- * P is also non-maximal, in the sense that we can transform P and
- * Q into a new pair of polyominoes in which P is larger and Q is
- * at most the same size.
- *
- * Consider walking along the boundary of P in a clockwise
- * direction. (We may assume, of course, that there is only _one_
- * boundary of P, i.e. P has no hole in the middle. If it does
- * have a hole in the middle, it's _trivially_ non-maximal because
- * we can just fill the hole in!) Our walk will take us along many
- * edges between squares; sometimes we might turn left, and
- * certainly sometimes we will turn right. Always there will be a
- * square of P on our right, and a square of Q on our left.
- *
- * The net angle through which we turn during the entire walk must
- * add up to 360 degrees rightwards. So if there are no left
- * turns, then we must turn right exactly four times, meaning we
- * have described a rectangle. Hence, if P is _not_ rectangular,
- * then there must have been a left turn at some point. A left
- * turn must mean we walk along two edges of the same square of Q.
- *
- * Thus, there is some square X in Q which is adjacent to two
- * diagonally separated squares in P. Let us call those two
- * squares N and E; let us refer to the other two neighbours of X
- * as S and W; let us refer to the other mutual neighbour of S and
- * W as D; and let us refer to the other mutual neighbour of S and
- * E as Y. In other words, we have named seven squares, arranged
- * thus:
- *
- * N
- * W X E
- * D S Y
- *
- * where N and E are in P, and X is in Q.
- *
- * Clearly at least one of W and S must be in Q (because otherwise
- * X would not be connected to any other square in Q, and would
- * hence have to be the whole of Q; and evidently if Q were a
- * 1-omino it could not enclose _anything_). So we divide into
- * cases:
- *
- * If both W and S are in Q, then we take X out of Q and put it in
- * P, which does not expose any edge of P. If this disconnects Q,
- * then we can reconnect it by adding D to Q.
- *
- * If only one of W and S is in Q, then wlog let it be W. If S is
- * in _P_, then we have a particularly easy case: we can simply
- * take X out of Q and add it to P, and this cannot disconnect X
- * since X was a leaf square of Q.
- *
- * Our remaining case is that W is in Q and S is in neither P nor
- * Q. Again we take X out of Q and put it in P; we also add S to
- * Q. This ensures we do not expose an edge of P, but we must now
- * prove that S is adjacent to some other existing square of Q so
- * that we haven't disconnected Q by adding it.
- *
- * To do this, we recall that we walked along the edge XE, and
- * then turned left to walk along XN. So just before doing all
- * that, we must have reached the corner XSE, and we must have
- * done it by walking along one of the three edges meeting at that
- * corner which are _not_ XE. It can't have been SY, since S would
- * then have been on our left and it isn't in Q; and it can't have
- * been XS, since S would then have been on our right and it isn't
- * in P. So it must have been YE, in which case Y was on our left,
- * and hence is in Q.
- *
- * So in all cases we have shown that we can take X out of Q and
- * add it to P, and add at most one square to Q to restore the
- * containment and connectedness properties. Hence, we can keep
- * doing this until we run out of left turns and P becomes
- * rectangular. []
- *
- * ------------
- *
- * Anyway, that entire proof was a bit of a sidetrack. The point
- * is, although constructions of this type are possible for
- * sufficiently large k, divvy_rectangle() will never generate
- * them. This could be considered a weakness for some purposes, in
- * the sense that we can't generate all possible divisions.
- * However, there are many divisions which we are highly unlikely
- * to generate anyway, so in practice it probably isn't _too_ bad.
- *
- * If I wanted to fix this issue, I would have to make the rules
- * more complicated for determining when a square can safely be
- * _removed_ from a polyomino. Adding one becomes easier (a square
- * may be added to a polyomino iff it is 4-adjacent to any square
- * currently part of the polyomino, and the current test for loop
- * formation may be dispensed with), but to determine which
- * squares may be removed we must now resort to analysis of the
- * overall structure of the polyomino rather than the simple local
- * properties we can currently get away with measuring.
- */
- * Possible improvements which might cut the fail rate:
- *
- * - instead of picking one omino to extend in an iteration, try
- * them all in succession (in a randomised order)
- *
- * - (for real rigour) instead of bfsing over ominoes, bfs over
- * the space of possible _removed squares_. That way we aren't
- * limited to randomly choosing a single square to remove from
- * an omino and failing if that particular square doesn't
- * happen to work.
- *
- * However, I don't currently think it's necessary to do either of
- * these, because the failure rate is already low enough to be
- * easily tolerable, under all circumstances I've been able to
- * think of.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include "puzzles.h"
- * Subroutine which implements a function used in computing both
- * whether a square can safely be added to an omino, and whether
- * it can safely be removed.
- *
- * We enumerate the eight squares 8-adjacent to this one, in
- * cyclic order. We go round that loop and count the number of
- * times we find a square owned by the target omino next to one
- * not owned by it. We then return success iff that count is 2.
- *
- * When adding a square to an omino, this is precisely the
- * criterion which tells us that adding the square won't leave a
- * hole in the middle of the omino. (If it did, then things get
- * more complicated; see above.)
- *
- * When removing a square from an omino, the _same_ criterion
- * tells us that removing the square won't disconnect the omino.
- * (This only works _because_ we've ensured the omino is simply
- * connected.)
- */
-static int addremcommon(int w, int h, int x, int y, int *own, int val)
- int neighbours[8];
- int dir, count;
- for (dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
- int dx = ((dir & 3) == 2 ? 0 : dir > 2 && dir < 6 ? +1 : -1);
- int dy = ((dir & 3) == 0 ? 0 : dir < 4 ? -1 : +1);
- int sx = x+dx, sy = y+dy;
- if (sx < 0 || sx >= w || sy < 0 || sy >= h)
- neighbours[dir] = -1; /* outside the grid */
- else
- neighbours[dir] = own[sy*w+sx];
- }
- /*
- * To begin with, check 4-adjacency.
- */
- if (neighbours[0] != val && neighbours[2] != val &&
- neighbours[4] != val && neighbours[6] != val)
- return FALSE;
- count = 0;
- for (dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
- int next = (dir + 1) & 7;
- int gotthis = (neighbours[dir] == val);
- int gotnext = (neighbours[next] == val);
- if (gotthis != gotnext)
- count++;
- }
- return (count == 2);
- * w and h are the dimensions of the rectangle.
- *
- * k is the size of the required ominoes. (So k must divide w*h,
- * of course.)
- *
- * The returned result is a w*h-sized dsf.
- *
- * In both of the above suggested use cases, the user would
- * probably want w==h==k, but that isn't a requirement.
- */
-static int *divvy_internal(int w, int h, int k, random_state *rs)
- int *order, *queue, *tmp, *own, *sizes, *addable, *removable, *retdsf;
- int wh = w*h;
- int i, j, n, x, y, qhead, qtail;
- n = wh / k;
- assert(wh == k*n);
- order = snewn(wh, int);
- tmp = snewn(wh, int);
- own = snewn(wh, int);
- sizes = snewn(n, int);
- queue = snewn(n, int);
- addable = snewn(wh*4, int);
- removable = snewn(wh, int);
- /*
- * Permute the grid squares into a random order, which will be
- * used for iterating over the grid whenever we need to search
- * for something. This prevents directional bias and arranges
- * for the answer to be non-deterministic.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < wh; i++)
- order[i] = i;
- shuffle(order, wh, sizeof(*order), rs);
- /*
- * Begin by choosing a starting square at random for each
- * omino.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
- own[i] = -1;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- own[order[i]] = i;
- sizes[i] = 1;
- }
- /*
- * Now repeatedly pick a random omino which isn't already at
- * the target size, and find a way to expand it by one. This
- * may involve stealing a square from another omino, in which
- * case we then re-expand that omino, forming a chain of
- * square-stealing which terminates in an as yet unclaimed
- * square. Hence every successful iteration around this loop
- * causes the number of unclaimed squares to drop by one, and
- * so the process is bounded in duration.
- */
- while (1) {
- {
- int x, y;
- printf("Top of loop. Current grid:\n");
- for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
- printf("%3d", own[y*w+x]);
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- /*
- * Go over the grid and figure out which squares can
- * safely be added to, or removed from, each omino. We
- * don't take account of other ominoes in this process, so
- * we will often end up knowing that a square can be
- * poached from one omino by another.
- *
- * For each square, there may be up to four ominoes to
- * which it can be added (those to which it is
- * 4-adjacent).
- */
- for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
- int yx = y*w+x;
- int curr = own[yx];
- int dir;
- if (curr < 0) {
- removable[yx] = FALSE; /* can't remove if not owned! */
- } else if (sizes[curr] == 1) {
- removable[yx] = TRUE; /* can always remove a singleton */
- } else {
- /*
- * See if this square can be removed from its
- * omino without disconnecting it.
- */
- removable[yx] = addremcommon(w, h, x, y, own, curr);
- }
- for (dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++) {
- int dx = (dir == 0 ? -1 : dir == 1 ? +1 : 0);
- int dy = (dir == 2 ? -1 : dir == 3 ? +1 : 0);
- int sx = x + dx, sy = y + dy;
- int syx = sy*w+sx;
- addable[yx*4+dir] = -1;
- if (sx < 0 || sx >= w || sy < 0 || sy >= h)
- continue; /* no omino here! */
- if (own[syx] < 0)
- continue; /* also no omino here */
- if (own[syx] == own[yx])
- continue; /* we already got one */
- if (!addremcommon(w, h, x, y, own, own[syx]))
- continue; /* would non-simply connect the omino */
- addable[yx*4+dir] = own[syx];
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = j = 0; i < n; i++)
- if (sizes[i] < k)
- tmp[j++] = i;
- if (j == 0)
- break; /* all ominoes are complete! */
- j = tmp[random_upto(rs, j)];
- printf("Trying to extend %d\n", j);
- /*
- * So we're trying to expand omino j. We breadth-first
- * search out from j across the space of ominoes.
- *
- * For bfs purposes, we use two elements of tmp per omino:
- * tmp[2*i+0] tells us which omino we got to i from, and
- * tmp[2*i+1] numbers the grid square that omino stole
- * from us.
- *
- * This requires that wh (the size of tmp) is at least 2n,
- * i.e. k is at least 2. There would have been nothing to
- * stop a user calling this function with k=1, but if they
- * did then we wouldn't have got to _here_ in the code -
- * we would have noticed above that all ominoes were
- * already at their target sizes, and terminated :-)
- */
- assert(wh >= 2*n);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- tmp[2*i] = tmp[2*i+1] = -1;
- qhead = qtail = 0;
- queue[qtail++] = j;
- tmp[2*j] = tmp[2*j+1] = -2; /* special value: `starting point' */
- while (qhead < qtail) {
- int tmpsq;
- j = queue[qhead];
- /*
- * We wish to expand omino j. However, we might have
- * got here by omino j having a square stolen from it,
- * so first of all we must temporarily mark that
- * square as not belonging to j, so that our adjacency
- * calculations don't assume j _does_ belong to us.
- */
- tmpsq = tmp[2*j+1];
- if (tmpsq >= 0) {
- assert(own[tmpsq] == j);
- own[tmpsq] = -3;
- }
- /*
- * OK. Now begin by seeing if we can find any
- * unclaimed square into which we can expand omino j.
- * If we find one, the entire bfs terminates.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
- int dir;
- if (own[order[i]] != -1)
- continue; /* this square is claimed */
- /*
- * Special case: if our current omino was size 1
- * and then had a square stolen from it, it's now
- * size zero, which means it's valid to `expand'
- * it into _any_ unclaimed square.
- */
- if (sizes[j] == 1 && tmpsq >= 0)
- break; /* got one */
- /*
- * Failing that, we must do the full test for
- * addability.
- */
- for (dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++)
- if (addable[order[i]*4+dir] == j) {
- /*
- * We know this square is addable to this
- * omino with the grid in the state it had
- * at the top of the loop. However, we
- * must now check that it's _still_
- * addable to this omino when the omino is
- * missing a square. To do this it's only
- * necessary to re-check addremcommon.
- */
- if (!addremcommon(w, h, order[i]%w, order[i]/w,
- own, j))
- continue;
- break;
- }
- if (dir == 4)
- continue; /* we can't add this square to j */
- break; /* got one! */
- }
- if (i < wh) {
- i = order[i];
- /*
- * Restore the temporarily removed square _before_
- * we start shifting ownerships about.
- */
- if (tmpsq >= 0)
- own[tmpsq] = j;
- /*
- * We are done. We can add square i to omino j,
- * and then backtrack along the trail in tmp
- * moving squares between ominoes, ending up
- * expanding our starting omino by one.
- */
- printf("(%d,%d)", i%w, i/w);
- while (1) {
- own[i] = j;
- printf(" -> %d", j);
- if (tmp[2*j] == -2)
- break;
- i = tmp[2*j+1];
- j = tmp[2*j];
- printf("; (%d,%d)", i%w, i/w);
- }
- printf("\n");
- /*
- * Increment the size of the starting omino.
- */
- sizes[j]++;
- /*
- * Terminate the bfs loop.
- */
- break;
- }
- /*
- * If we get here, we haven't been able to expand
- * omino j into an unclaimed square. So now we begin
- * to investigate expanding it into squares which are
- * claimed by ominoes the bfs has not yet visited.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
- int dir, nj;
- nj = own[order[i]];
- if (nj < 0 || tmp[2*nj] != -1)
- continue; /* unclaimed, or owned by wrong omino */
- if (!removable[order[i]])
- continue; /* its omino won't let it go */
- for (dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++)
- if (addable[order[i]*4+dir] == j) {
- /*
- * As above, re-check addremcommon.
- */
- if (!addremcommon(w, h, order[i]%w, order[i]/w,
- own, j))
- continue;
- /*
- * We have found a square we can use to
- * expand omino j, at the expense of the
- * as-yet unvisited omino nj. So add this
- * to the bfs queue.
- */
- assert(qtail < n);
- queue[qtail++] = nj;
- tmp[2*nj] = j;
- tmp[2*nj+1] = order[i];
- /*
- * Now terminate the loop over dir, to
- * ensure we don't accidentally add the
- * same omino twice to the queue.
- */
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Restore the temporarily removed square.
- */
- if (tmpsq >= 0)
- own[tmpsq] = j;
- /*
- * Advance the queue head.
- */
- qhead++;
- }
- if (qhead == qtail) {
- /*
- * We have finished the bfs and not found any way to
- * expand omino j. Panic, and return failure.
- *
- * FIXME: or should we loop over all ominoes before we
- * give up?
- */
- printf("FAIL!\n");
- retdsf = NULL;
- goto cleanup;
- }
- }
- {
- int x, y;
- printf("SUCCESS! Final grid:\n");
- for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
- printf("%3d", own[y*w+x]);
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- /*
- * Construct the output dsf.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
- assert(own[i] >= 0 && own[i] < n);
- tmp[own[i]] = i;
- }
- retdsf = snew_dsf(wh);
- for (i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
- dsf_merge(retdsf, i, tmp[own[i]]);
- }
- /*
- * Construct the output dsf a different way, to verify that
- * the ominoes really are k-ominoes and we haven't
- * accidentally split one into two disconnected pieces.
- */
- dsf_init(tmp, wh);
- for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
- for (x = 0; x+1 < w; x++)
- if (own[y*w+x] == own[y*w+(x+1)])
- dsf_merge(tmp, y*w+x, y*w+(x+1));
- for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
- for (y = 0; y+1 < h; y++)
- if (own[y*w+x] == own[(y+1)*w+x])
- dsf_merge(tmp, y*w+x, (y+1)*w+x);
- for (i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
- j = dsf_canonify(retdsf, i);
- assert(dsf_canonify(tmp, j) == dsf_canonify(tmp, i));
- }
- cleanup:
- /*
- * Free our temporary working space.
- */
- sfree(order);
- sfree(tmp);
- sfree(own);
- sfree(sizes);
- sfree(queue);
- sfree(addable);
- sfree(removable);
- /*
- * And we're done.
- */
- return retdsf;
-#ifdef TESTMODE
-static int fail_counter = 0;
-int *divvy_rectangle(int w, int h, int k, random_state *rs)
- int *ret;
- do {
- ret = divvy_internal(w, h, k, rs);
-#ifdef TESTMODE
- if (!ret)
- fail_counter++;
- } while (!ret);
- return ret;
-#ifdef TESTMODE
- * gcc -g -O0 -DTESTMODE -I.. -o divvy divvy.c ../random.c ../malloc.c ../dsf.c ../misc.c ../nullfe.c
- *
- * or to debug
- *
- * gcc -g -O0 -DDIVVY_DIAGNOSTICS -DTESTMODE -I.. -o divvy divvy.c ../random.c ../malloc.c ../dsf.c ../misc.c ../nullfe.c
- */
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- int *dsf;
- int i;
- int w = 9, h = 4, k = 6, tries = 100;
- random_state *rs;
- rs = random_new("123456", 6);
- if (argc > 1)
- w = atoi(argv[1]);
- if (argc > 2)
- h = atoi(argv[2]);
- if (argc > 3)
- k = atoi(argv[3]);
- if (argc > 4)
- tries = atoi(argv[4]);
- for (i = 0; i < tries; i++) {
- int x, y;
- dsf = divvy_rectangle(w, h, k, rs);
- assert(dsf);
- for (y = 0; y <= 2*h; y++) {
- for (x = 0; x <= 2*w; x++) {
- int miny = y/2 - 1, maxy = y/2;
- int minx = x/2 - 1, maxx = x/2;
- int classes[4], tx, ty;
- for (ty = 0; ty < 2; ty++)
- for (tx = 0; tx < 2; tx++) {
- int cx = minx+tx, cy = miny+ty;
- if (cx < 0 || cx >= w || cy < 0 || cy >= h)
- classes[ty*2+tx] = -1;
- else
- classes[ty*2+tx] = dsf_canonify(dsf, cy*w+cx);
- }
- switch (y%2 * 2 + x%2) {
- case 0: /* corner */
- /*
- * Cases for the corner:
- *
- * - if all four surrounding squares belong
- * to the same omino, we print a space.
- *
- * - if the top two are the same and the
- * bottom two are the same, we print a
- * horizontal line.
- *
- * - if the left two are the same and the
- * right two are the same, we print a
- * vertical line.
- *
- * - otherwise, we print a cross.
- */
- if (classes[0] == classes[1] &&
- classes[1] == classes[2] &&
- classes[2] == classes[3])
- printf(" ");
- else if (classes[0] == classes[1] &&
- classes[2] == classes[3])
- printf("-");
- else if (classes[0] == classes[2] &&
- classes[1] == classes[3])
- printf("|");
- else
- printf("+");
- break;
- case 1: /* horiz edge */
- if (classes[1] == classes[3])
- printf(" ");
- else
- printf("--");
- break;
- case 2: /* vert edge */
- if (classes[2] == classes[3])
- printf(" ");
- else
- printf("|");
- break;
- case 3: /* square centre */
- printf(" ");
- break;
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- }
- printf("\n");
- sfree(dsf);
- }
- printf("%d retries needed for %d successes\n", fail_counter, tries);
- return 0;