Fill in the grid with the letters shown to the top and left of it, so that the full grid is a valid Cayley table for a group.
If you don't already know what a group is, I don't really recommend trying to play this game. But if you want to try anyway, the above is equivalent to saying that the following conditions must be satisfied:
To place a letter, click in a square to select it, then type the letter on the keyboard. To erase a letter, click to select a square and then press Backspace.
Right-click in a square and then type a letter to add or remove the number as a pencil mark, indicating letters that you think might go in that square.
You can rearrange the order of elements in the rows and columns by dragging the column or row headings back and forth. (The rows and columns will stay in sync with each other.) Also, left-clicking between two row or column headings will add or remove a thick line between those two rows and the corresponding pair of columns (which is useful if you're considering a subgroup and its cosets).