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ref: 7a3549db51e7314ce5e07a6a4a3f6599bcf7c242
parent: ace2c7dafdc520b5e7ce34c6700e38c91fe219c9
author: Simon Tatham <[email protected]>
date: Tue Mar 11 13:59:38 EDT 2008

Update the OS X Puzzles makefile so that it builds on Leopard and
generates PPC/Intel dual-architecture binaries.

This turns out not to be too painful: you compile and link your
programs using `gcc -arch ppc' or `gcc -arch i386', then you use a
command of the form `lipo -create ppc-binary i386-binary -output
binary' to construct a universal binary. It works equally well on
command-line standalone executable files and the executables within
application directories. Also added the -mmacosx-version-min option,
since otherwise the OS X build tools appear to default to building
binaries which will crash (without anything resembling a
comprehensible error message) on any earlier release.

The handling of version.o in this checkin is somewhat grotty. I'd
prefer a method more cleverly intertwingled with so I
didn't have to maintain the OS X architecture list in both and Recipe. (Not that I anticipate Apple switching
architectures again in the immediate future, but it's the principle
of the thing.)

[originally from svn r7916]

--- a/Recipe
+++ b/Recipe
@@ -119,14 +119,23 @@
 # md5sum readily available. We do, however, have `md5 -r' which
 # generates _nearly_ the same output, but it has no check function.
 !begin osx
-version.o: FORCE;
+version.ppc.o: FORCE;
 	if test -z "$(VER)" && test -f manifest && (md5 -r `awk '{print $$2}' manifest` | diff -w manifest -); then \
-		$(CC) $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) `cat version.def` -c version.c; \
+		$(CC) -arch ppc $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) `cat version.def` -c version.c -o version.ppc.o; \
 	elif test -z "$(VER)" && test -d .svn && svnversion . >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
-		$(CC) $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) "-DREVISION=`svnversion .`" -c version.c; \
+		$(CC) -arch ppc $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) "-DREVISION=`svnversion .`" -c version.c -o version.ppc.o; \
 	else \
-		$(CC) $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(VER) -c version.c; \
+		$(CC) -arch ppc $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(VER) -c version.c -o version.ppc.o; \
+	fi
+version.i386.o: FORCE2;
+	if test -z "$(VER)" && test -f manifest && (md5 -r `awk '{print $$2}' manifest` | diff -w manifest -); then \
+		$(CC) -arch i386 $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) `cat version.def` -c version.c -o version.i386.o; \
+	elif test -z "$(VER)" && test -d .svn && svnversion . >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+		$(CC) -arch i386 $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) "-DREVISION=`svnversion .`" -c version.c -o version.i386.o; \
+	else \
+		$(CC) -arch i386 $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(VER) -c version.c -o version.i386.o; \
 !specialobj osx version
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1351,6 +1351,7 @@
 if (defined $makefiles{'osx'}) {
     $mftyp = 'osx';
     $dirpfx = &dirpfx($makefiles{'osx'}, "/");
+    @osxarchs = ('ppc', 'i386');
     ##-- Mac OS X makefile
     open OUT, ">$makefiles{'osx'}"; select OUT;
@@ -1363,6 +1364,7 @@
     print $_;
     "CC = \$(TOOLPATH)gcc\n".
+    "LIPO = \$(TOOLPATH)lipo\n".
     &splitline("CFLAGS = -O2 -Wall -Werror -g " .
 	       (join " ", map {"-I$dirpfx$_"} @srcdirs))."\n".
@@ -1376,7 +1378,6 @@
     print "\n\n";
     foreach $p (&prognames("MX")) {
       ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
-      $objstr = &objects($p, "X.o", undef, undef);
       $icon = &special($p, ".icns");
       $infoplist = &special($p, "info.plist");
       print "${prog}.app:\n\tmkdir -p \$\@\n";
@@ -1394,34 +1395,49 @@
       $targets .= " \$(${prog}_extra)";
       print &splitline("${prog}: $targets", 69) . "\n\n";
-      print &splitline("${prog}.app/Contents/MacOS/$prog: ".
-	               "${prog}.app/Contents/MacOS " . $objstr), "\n";
       $libstr = &objects($p, undef, undef, "-lX");
-      print &splitline("\t\$(CC)" . $mw . " \$(LDFLAGS) -o \$@ " .
+      $archbins = "";
+      foreach $arch (@osxarchs) {
+	$objstr = &objects($p, "X.${arch}.o", undef, undef);
+	print &splitline("${prog}.${arch}.bin: " . $objstr), "\n";
+	print &splitline("\t\$(CC) -arch ${arch} -mmacosx-version-min=10.3 \$(LDFLAGS) -o \$@ " .
                        $objstr . " $libstr", 69), "\n\n";
+	$archbins .= " ${prog}.${arch}.bin";
+      }
+      print &splitline("${prog}.app/Contents/MacOS/$prog: ".
+	               "${prog}.app/Contents/MacOS" . $archbins), "\n";
+      print &splitline("\t\$(LIPO) -create $archbins -output \$@", 69), "\n\n";
     foreach $p (&prognames("U")) {
       ($prog, $type) = split ",", $p;
-      $objstr = &objects($p, "X.o", undef, undef);
-      print &splitline($prog . ": " . $objstr), "\n";
       $libstr = &objects($p, undef, undef, "-lX");
-      print &splitline("\t\$(CC)" . $mw . " \$(ULDFLAGS) -o \$@ " .
-		       $objstr . " $libstr", 69), "\n\n";
+      $archbins = "";
+      foreach $arch (@osxarchs) {
+	$objstr = &objects($p, "X.${arch}.o", undef, undef);
+	print &splitline("${prog}.${arch}: " . $objstr), "\n";
+	print &splitline("\t\$(CC) -arch ${arch} -mmacosx-version-min=10.3 \$(ULDFLAGS) -o \$@ " .
+                       $objstr . " $libstr", 69), "\n\n";
+	$archbins .= " ${prog}.${arch}";
+      }
+      print &splitline("${prog}:" . $archbins), "\n";
+      print &splitline("\t\$(LIPO) -create $archbins -output \$@", 69), "\n\n";
-    foreach $d (&deps("X.o", undef, $dirpfx, "/")) {
-      print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj}, join " ", @{$d->{deps}})),
-          "\n";
-      $deflist = join "", map { " -D$_" } @{$d->{defs}};
-      if ($d->{deps}->[0] =~ /\.m$/) {
-	print "\t\$(CC) -x objective-c \$(COMPAT) \$(FWHACK) \$(CFLAGS)".
-	    " \$(XFLAGS)$deflist -c \$< -o \$\@\n";
-      } else {
-	print "\t\$(CC) \$(COMPAT) \$(FWHACK) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS)$deflist" .
-	    " -c \$< -o \$\@\n";
+    foreach $arch (@osxarchs) {
+      foreach $d (&deps("X.${arch}.o", undef, $dirpfx, "/")) {
+        print &splitline(sprintf("%s: %s", $d->{obj}, join " ", @{$d->{deps}})),
+            "\n";
+        $deflist = join "", map { " -D$_" } @{$d->{defs}};
+        if ($d->{deps}->[0] =~ /\.m$/) {
+	  print "\t\$(CC) -arch $arch -mmacosx-version-min=10.3 -x objective-c \$(COMPAT) \$(FWHACK) \$(CFLAGS)".
+	      " \$(XFLAGS)$deflist -c \$< -o \$\@\n";
+        } else {
+	  print "\t\$(CC) -arch $arch -mmacosx-version-min=10.3 \$(COMPAT) \$(FWHACK) \$(CFLAGS) \$(XFLAGS)$deflist" .
+	      " -c \$< -o \$\@\n";
+        }
     print "\nclean:\n".
-    "\trm -f *.o *.dmg". (join "", map { " $_" } &progrealnames("U")) . "\n".
+    "\trm -f *.o *.dmg". (join "", map { my $a=$_; (" $a", map { " ${a}.$_" } @osxarchs) } &progrealnames("U")) . "\n".
     "\trm -rf *.app\n";
     select STDOUT; close OUT;