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ref: 55f9540179d10828ef79e90cc2f1c1b9335ff242
parent: 4cfec3765a8a5c89126bb3ca3d49f5a8680bcfc7
author: Simon Tatham <[email protected]>
date: Wed Sep 17 12:43:36 EDT 2008

Yet another complete rewrite of Slant's loop detection during
gameplay. Having tried methods based on using the slashes to define
a dsf on grid vertices, and also methods based on tracing round the
loops using conventional (non-dsf-based) graph theory, it occurred
to me the other day that there's a far simpler technique involving
connectivity. A loop is precisely that which causes the playing area
to become disconnected; so what we do now is to go through and build
a dsf describing connectedness of the _area_ of the grid rather than
the vertices. That divides the area into its maximal connected
components, and then we can trivially identify every edge that's
part of a loop by noticing that it separates two nonequivalent
pieces of space. The resulting algorithm is half the size of the old
one, and it's much easier to be confident of its correctness.

(Having said which, there will doubtless turn out to be an
embarrassing bug in it, but I haven't found it yet.)

[originally from svn r8187]

--- a/slant.c
+++ b/slant.c
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@
 #define ERR_VERTEX 1
 #define ERR_SQUARE 2
-#define ERR_SQUARE_TMP 4
 struct game_state {
     struct game_params p;
@@ -1259,7 +1258,7 @@
     state->clues->h = h;
     state->clues->clues = snewn(W*H, signed char);
     state->clues->refcount = 1;
-    state->clues->tmpdsf = snewn(W*H, int);
+    state->clues->tmpdsf = snewn(W*H*2+W+H, int);
     memset(state->clues->clues, -1, W*H);
     while (*desc) {
         int n = *desc++;
@@ -1353,7 +1352,7 @@
 static int check_completion(game_state *state)
     int w = state->p.w, h = state->p.h, W = w+1, H = h+1;
-    int i, x, y, err = FALSE;
+    int x, y, err = FALSE;
     int *dsf;
     memset(state->errors, 0, W*H);
@@ -1360,152 +1359,85 @@
      * To detect loops in the grid, we iterate through each edge
-     * building up a dsf of connected components, and raise the
-     * alarm whenever we find an edge that connects two
-     * already-connected vertices.
-     * 
+     * building up a dsf of connected components of the space
+     * around the edges; if there's more than one such component,
+     * we have a loop, and in particular we can then easily
+     * identify and highlight every edge forming part of a loop
+     * because it separates two nonequivalent regions.
+     *
      * We use the `tmpdsf' scratch space in the shared clues
      * structure, to avoid mallocing too often.
-     * 
-     * When we find such an edge, we then search around the grid to
-     * find the loop it is a part of, so that we can highlight it
-     * as an error for the user. We do this by the hand-on-one-wall
-     * technique: the search will follow branches off the inside of
-     * the loop, discover they're dead ends, and unhighlight them
-     * again when returning to the actual loop.
-     * 
-     * This technique guarantees that every loop it tracks will
-     * surround a disjoint area of the grid (since if an existing
-     * loop appears on the boundary of a new one, so that there are
-     * multiple possible paths that would come back to the starting
-     * point, it will pick the one that allows it to turn right
-     * most sharply and hence the one that does not re-surround the
-     * area of the previous one). Thus, the total time taken in
-     * searching round loops is linear in the grid area since every
-     * edge is visited at most twice.
+     *
+     * For these purposes, the grid is considered to be divided
+     * into diamond-shaped regions surrounding an orthogonal edge.
+     * This means we have W*h vertical edges and w*H horizontal
+     * ones; so our vertical edges are indexed in the dsf as
+     * (y*W+x) (0<=y<h, 0<=x<W), and the horizontal ones as (W*h +
+     * y*w+x) (0<=y<H, 0<=x<w), where (x,y) is the topmost or
+     * leftmost point on the edge.
     dsf = state->clues->tmpdsf;
-    dsf_init(dsf, W*H);
+    dsf_init(dsf, W*h + w*H);
+    /* Start by identifying all the outer edges with each other. */
+    for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
+	dsf_merge(dsf, 0, y*W+0);
+	dsf_merge(dsf, 0, y*W+w);
+    }
+    for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
+	dsf_merge(dsf, 0, W*h + 0*w+x);
+	dsf_merge(dsf, 0, W*h + h*w+x);
+    }
+    /* Now go through the actual grid. */
     for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
         for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
-            int i1, i2;
-            if (state->soln[y*w+x] == 0)
-                continue;
-            if (state->soln[y*w+x] < 0) {
-                i1 = y*W+x;
-                i2 = (y+1)*W+(x+1);
-            } else {
-                i1 = y*W+(x+1);
-                i2 = (y+1)*W+x;
-            }
-            /*
-             * Our edge connects i1 with i2. If they're already
-             * connected, flag an error. Otherwise, link them.
-             */
-            if (dsf_canonify(dsf, i1) == dsf_canonify(dsf, i2)) {
-		int x1, y1, x2, y2, dx, dy, dt, pass;
-		err = TRUE;
+            if (state->soln[y*w+x] >= 0) {
-		 * Now search around the boundary of the loop to
-		 * highlight it.
-		 * 
-		 * We have to do this in two passes. The first
-		 * time, we toggle ERR_SQUARE_TMP on each edge;
-		 * this pass terminates with ERR_SQUARE_TMP set on
-		 * exactly the loop edges. In the second pass, we
-		 * trace round that loop again and turn
-		 * ERR_SQUARE_TMP into ERR_SQUARE. We have to do
-		 * this because otherwise we might cancel part of a
-		 * loop highlighted in a previous iteration of the
-		 * outer loop.
+		 * There isn't a \ in this square, so we can unify
+		 * the top edge with the left, and the bottom with
+		 * the right.
-		for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {
-		    x1 = i1 % W;
-		    y1 = i1 / W;
-		    x2 = i2 % W;
-		    y2 = i2 / W;
-		    do {
-			/* Mark this edge. */
-			if (pass == 0) {
-			    state->errors[min(y1,y2)*W+min(x1,x2)] ^=
-			} else {
-			    state->errors[min(y1,y2)*W+min(x1,x2)] |=
-			    state->errors[min(y1,y2)*W+min(x1,x2)] &=
-			}
-			/*
-			 * Progress to the next edge by turning as
-			 * sharply right as possible. In fact we do
-			 * this by facing back along the edge and
-			 * turning _left_ until we see an edge we
-			 * can follow.
-			 */
-			dx = x1 - x2;
-			dy = y1 - y2;
-			for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-			    /*
-			     * Rotate (dx,dy) to the left.
-			     */
-			    dt = dx; dx = dy; dy = -dt;
-			    /*
-			     * See if (x2,y2) has an edge in direction
-			     * (dx,dy).
-			     */
-			    if (x2+dx < 0 || x2+dx >= W ||
-				y2+dy < 0 || y2+dy >= H)
-				continue;  /* off the side of the grid */
-			    /* In the second pass, ignore unmarked edges. */
-			    if (pass == 1 &&
-				!(state->errors[(y2-(dy<0))*W+x2-(dx<0)] &
-				continue;
-			    if (state->soln[(y2-(dy<0))*w+x2-(dx<0)] ==
-				(dx==dy ? -1 : +1))
-				break;
-			}
-			/*
-			 * In pass 0, we expect to have found
-			 * _some_ edge we can follow, even if it
-			 * was found by rotating all the way round
-			 * and going back the way we came.
-			 * 
-			 * In pass 1, because we're removing the
-			 * mark on each edge that allows us to
-			 * follow it, we expect to find _no_ edge
-			 * we can follow when we've come all the
-			 * way round the loop.
-			 */
-			if (pass == 1 && i == 4)
-			    break;
-			assert(i < 4);
-			/*
-			 * Set x1,y1 to x2,y2, and x2,y2 to be the
-			 * other end of the new edge.
-			 */
-			x1 = x2;
-			y1 = y2;
-			x2 += dx;
-			y2 += dy;
-		    } while (y2*W+x2 != i2);
-		}
-	    } else
-                dsf_merge(dsf, i1, i2);
+		dsf_merge(dsf, y*W+x, W*h + y*w+x);
+		dsf_merge(dsf, y*W+(x+1), W*h + (y+1)*w+x);
+	    }
+            if (state->soln[y*w+x] <= 0) {
+		/*
+		 * There isn't a / in this square, so we can unify
+		 * the top edge with the right, and the bottom
+		 * with the left.
+		 */
+		dsf_merge(dsf, y*W+x, W*h + (y+1)*w+x);
+		dsf_merge(dsf, y*W+(x+1), W*h + y*w+x);
+	    }
+        }
+    /* Now go through again and mark the appropriate edges as erroneous. */
+    for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
+        for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
+	    int erroneous = 0;
+            if (state->soln[y*w+x] > 0) {
+		/*
+		 * A / separates the top and left edges (which
+		 * must already have been identified with each
+		 * other) from the bottom and right (likewise).
+		 * Hence it is erroneous if and only if the top
+		 * and right edges are nonequivalent.
+		 */
+		erroneous = (dsf_canonify(dsf, y*W+(x+1)) !=
+			     dsf_canonify(dsf, W*h + y*w+x));
+	    } else if (state->soln[y*w+x] < 0) {
+		/*
+		 * A \ separates the top and right edges (which
+		 * must already have been identified with each
+		 * other) from the bottom and left (likewise).
+		 * Hence it is erroneous if and only if the top
+		 * and left edges are nonequivalent.
+		 */
+		erroneous = (dsf_canonify(dsf, y*W+x) !=
+			     dsf_canonify(dsf, W*h + y*w+x));
+	    }
+	    if (erroneous) {
+		state->errors[y*W+x] |= ERR_SQUARE;
+		err = TRUE;
+	    }