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ref: 4c1e3ca7cbefda5d25b26c83c9767c81682f5478
parent: 333d57bf6ec7def6fa78215a71a2d05476167fc1
author: Simon Tatham <[email protected]>
date: Sat Aug 18 09:30:13 EDT 2007

Allow a 1-omino to be completely destroyed and recreated in an
arbitrary unclaimed square. This cures the most common cause of
generation failures (covering a large area in dominoes was the most
difficult case, and would fail even if the large area was 1xn!); the
failure rate is now sufficiently low under all circumstances I've
found that I'm willing to just loop until I get a success.

[originally from svn r7693]

--- a/unfinished/divvy.c
+++ b/unfinished/divvy.c
@@ -7,6 +7,21 @@
  * or for generating the playfield for Jigsaw Sudoku.
+ * Possible improvements which might cut the fail rate:
+ * 
+ *  - instead of picking one omino to extend in an iteration, try
+ *    them all in succession (in a randomised order)
+ * 
+ *  - (for real rigour) instead of bfsing over ominoes, bfs over
+ *    the space of possible _removed squares_. That way we aren't
+ *    limited to randomly choosing a single square to remove from
+ *    an omino and failing if that particular square doesn't
+ *    happen to work.
+ * 
+ * However, I don't currently think it's neecss~|~
+ */
 #include <assert.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
@@ -83,7 +98,7 @@
  * In both of the above suggested use cases, the user would
  * probably want w==h==k, but that isn't a requirement.
-int *divvy_rectangle(int w, int h, int k, random_state *rs)
+static int *divvy_internal(int w, int h, int k, random_state *rs)
     int *order, *queue, *tmp, *own, *sizes, *addable, *removable, *retdsf;
     int wh = w*h;
@@ -164,7 +179,9 @@
 		int dir;
 		if (curr < 0) {
-		    removable[yx] = 0; /* can't remove if it's not owned! */
+		    removable[yx] = FALSE; /* can't remove if not owned! */
+		} else if (sizes[curr] == 1) {
+		    removable[yx] = TRUE; /* can always remove a singleton */
 		} else {
 		     * See if this square can be removed from its
@@ -243,7 +260,7 @@
 	    tmpsq = tmp[2*j+1];
 	    if (tmpsq >= 0) {
 		assert(own[tmpsq] == j);
-		own[tmpsq] = -1;
+		own[tmpsq] = -3;
@@ -254,8 +271,22 @@
 	    for (i = 0; i < wh; i++) {
 		int dir;
-		if (own[order[i]] >= 0)
+		if (own[order[i]] != -1)
 		    continue;	       /* this square is claimed */
+		/*
+		 * Special case: if our current omino was size 1
+		 * and then had a square stolen from it, it's now
+		 * size zero, which means it's valid to `expand'
+		 * it into _any_ unclaimed square.
+		 */
+		if (sizes[j] == 1 && tmpsq >= 0)
+		    break;	       /* got one */
+		/*
+		 * Failing that, we must do the full test for
+		 * addability.
+		 */
 		for (dir = 0; dir < 4; dir++)
 		    if (addable[order[i]*4+dir] == j) {
@@ -274,6 +305,7 @@
 		if (dir == 4)
 		    continue;	       /* we can't add this square to j */
 		break;		       /* got one! */
 	    if (i < wh) {
@@ -280,6 +312,13 @@
 		i = order[i];
+		 * Restore the temporarily removed square _before_
+		 * we start shifting ownerships about.
+		 */
+		if (tmpsq >= 0)
+		    own[tmpsq] = j;
+		/*
 		 * We are done. We can add square i to omino j,
 		 * and then backtrack along the trail in tmp
 		 * moving squares between ominoes, ending up
@@ -451,7 +490,28 @@
 #ifdef TESTMODE
+static int fail_counter = 0;
+int *divvy_rectangle(int w, int h, int k, random_state *rs)
+    int *ret;
+    do {
+	ret = divvy_internal(w, h, k, rs);
+#ifdef TESTMODE
+	if (!ret)
+	    fail_counter++;
+    } while (!ret);
+    return ret;
+#ifdef TESTMODE
  * gcc -g -O0 -DTESTMODE -I.. -o divvy divvy.c ../random.c ../malloc.c ../dsf.c ../misc.c ../nullfe.c
@@ -463,7 +523,7 @@
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
     int *dsf;
-    int i, successes;
+    int i;
     int w = 9, h = 4, k = 6, tries = 100;
     random_state *rs;
@@ -478,84 +538,80 @@
     if (argc > 4)
 	tries = atoi(argv[4]);
-    successes = 0;
     for (i = 0; i < tries; i++) {
+	int x, y;
 	dsf = divvy_rectangle(w, h, k, rs);
-	if (dsf) {
-	    int x, y;
+	assert(dsf);
-	    successes++;
-	    for (y = 0; y <= 2*h; y++) {
-		for (x = 0; x <= 2*w; x++) {
-		    int miny = y/2 - 1, maxy = y/2;
-		    int minx = x/2 - 1, maxx = x/2;
-		    int classes[4], tx, ty;
-		    for (ty = 0; ty < 2; ty++)
-			for (tx = 0; tx < 2; tx++) {
-			    int cx = minx+tx, cy = miny+ty;
-			    if (cx < 0 || cx >= w || cy < 0 || cy >= h)
-				classes[ty*2+tx] = -1;
-			    else
-				classes[ty*2+tx] = dsf_canonify(dsf, cy*w+cx);
-			}
-		    switch (y%2 * 2 + x%2) {
-		      case 0:	       /* corner */
-			/*
-			 * Cases for the corner:
-			 * 
-			 *  - if all four surrounding squares
-			 *    belong to the same omino, we print a
-			 *    space.
-			 * 
-			 *  - if the top two are the same and the
-			 *    bottom two are the same, we print a
-			 *    horizontal line.
-			 * 
-			 *  - if the left two are the same and the
-			 *    right two are the same, we print a
-			 *    vertical line.
-			 * 
-			 *  - otherwise, we print a cross.
-			 */
-			if (classes[0] == classes[1] &&
-			    classes[1] == classes[2] &&
-			    classes[2] == classes[3])
-			    printf(" ");
-			else if (classes[0] == classes[1] &&
-				 classes[2] == classes[3])
-			    printf("-");
-			else if (classes[0] == classes[2] &&
-				 classes[1] == classes[3])
-			    printf("|");
+	for (y = 0; y <= 2*h; y++) {
+	    for (x = 0; x <= 2*w; x++) {
+		int miny = y/2 - 1, maxy = y/2;
+		int minx = x/2 - 1, maxx = x/2;
+		int classes[4], tx, ty;
+		for (ty = 0; ty < 2; ty++)
+		    for (tx = 0; tx < 2; tx++) {
+			int cx = minx+tx, cy = miny+ty;
+			if (cx < 0 || cx >= w || cy < 0 || cy >= h)
+			    classes[ty*2+tx] = -1;
-			    printf("+");
-			break;
-		      case 1:	       /* horiz edge */
-			if (classes[1] == classes[3])
-			    printf("  ");
-			else
-			    printf("--");
-			break;
-		      case 2:	       /* vert edge */
-			if (classes[2] == classes[3])
-			    printf(" ");
-			else
-			    printf("|");
-			break;
-		      case 3:	       /* square centre */
-			printf("  ");
-			break;
+			    classes[ty*2+tx] = dsf_canonify(dsf, cy*w+cx);
+		switch (y%2 * 2 + x%2) {
+		  case 0:	       /* corner */
+		    /*
+		     * Cases for the corner:
+		     *
+		     * 	- if all four surrounding squares belong
+		     * 	  to the same omino, we print a space.
+		     *
+		     * 	- if the top two are the same and the
+		     * 	  bottom two are the same, we print a
+		     * 	  horizontal line.
+		     *
+		     * 	- if the left two are the same and the
+		     * 	  right two are the same, we print a
+		     * 	  vertical line.
+		     *
+		     *  - otherwise, we print a cross.
+		     */
+		    if (classes[0] == classes[1] &&
+			classes[1] == classes[2] &&
+			classes[2] == classes[3])
+			printf(" ");
+		    else if (classes[0] == classes[1] &&
+			     classes[2] == classes[3])
+			printf("-");
+		    else if (classes[0] == classes[2] &&
+			     classes[1] == classes[3])
+			printf("|");
+		    else
+			printf("+");
+		    break;
+		  case 1:	       /* horiz edge */
+		    if (classes[1] == classes[3])
+			printf("  ");
+		    else
+			printf("--");
+		    break;
+		  case 2:	       /* vert edge */
+		    if (classes[2] == classes[3])
+			printf(" ");
+		    else
+			printf("|");
+		    break;
+		  case 3:	       /* square centre */
+		    printf("  ");
+		    break;
-		printf("\n");
-	    sfree(dsf);
+	printf("\n");
+	sfree(dsf);
-    printf("%d successes out of %d tries\n", successes, tries);
+    printf("%d retries needed for %d successes\n", fail_counter, tries);
     return 0;