shithub: puzzles

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ref: 3ff4d64060b7cf5675bc8a49a1746b7d7c3b26b8
parent: cc7f5503dc8f4ddf468e080a73028c83d1196e83
author: Simon Tatham <[email protected]>
date: Mon Mar 29 14:48:07 EDT 2021


I noticed this while I was overhauling the build system. We haven't
used an Inno Setup based installer for years, so the script that
constructed Inno Setup's input file is well and truly obsolete and
should have been deleted long since.

--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +1,0 @@
-# Perl script to generate an Inno Setup installer script for
-# Puzzles. This has to be scripted so that it can read gamedesc.txt
-# and automatically adjust to the current available set of puzzles.
-# Usage:
-#   $ ./ 20140922.sdfsdf gamedesc.txt > puzzles.iss
-# where the first argument is the version number which will be encoded
-# in the installer's version indicators. The first component of that
-# version number will be expected to be a YYYYMMDD-format date.
-use warnings;
-use Time::Local;
-$ver = shift @ARGV;
-# Parse the date out of $ver, and convert it into an integer number of
-# days since an arbitrary epoch. This number is used for the Windows
-# version resource (which wants a monotonic 16-bit integer). The epoch
-# is chosen so that the first build using this date-based mechanism
-# has a higher number than the last build in which that number was
-# derived from a Subversion revision.
-die "bad date format" if $ver !~ /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/;
-$date = timegm(0,0,0,$3,$2-1,$1);
-$integer_date = int($date / 86400) - 6000;
-$desc = shift @ARGV;
-open DESC, "<", $desc;
-while (<DESC>) {
-    chomp;
-    @_ = split /:/;
-    push @exes, $_[1];
-    $names{$_[1]} = $_[2];
-close DESC;
-print '; -*- no -*-'."\n";
-print ';'."\n";
-print '; -- Inno Setup installer script for Puzzles.'."\n";
-print ''."\n";
-print '[Setup]'."\n";
-print 'AppName=Simon Tatham\'s Portable Puzzle Collection'."\n";
-print 'AppVerName=Puzzles version '.$ver."\n";
-print 'VersionInfoTextVersion=Version '.$ver."\n";
-print 'AppVersion=r'.$ver."\n";
-print 'VersionInfoVersion=0.0.'.$integer_date.'.0'."\n";
-print 'AppPublisher=Simon Tatham'."\n";
-print 'AppPublisherURL='."\n";
-print 'DefaultDirName={pf}\Simon Tatham\'s Portable Puzzle Collection'."\n";
-print 'DefaultGroupName=Simon Tatham\'s Puzzles'."\n";
-# print 'SetupIconFile=fixmethinkoneup.ico'."\n";
-# print 'UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\fixmethinkoneup.exe'."\n";
-print 'ChangesAssociations=no'."\n";
-print 'Compression=zip/9'."\n";
-print 'AllowNoIcons=yes'."\n";
-print 'OutputBaseFilename=installer'."\n";
-print ''."\n";
-print '[Files]'."\n";
-for $exe (@exes) {
-    print 'Source: "'.$exe.'"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: promptifolder replacesameversion uninsrestartdelete'."\n";
-print 'Source: "website.url"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: uninsrestartdelete'."\n";
-print 'Source: "puzzles.chm"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: uninsrestartdelete'."\n";
-print 'Source: "puzzles.hlp"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: uninsrestartdelete'."\n";
-print 'Source: "puzzles.cnt"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: uninsrestartdelete'."\n";
-print 'Source: "LICENCE"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: uninsrestartdelete'."\n";
-print ''."\n";
-print '[Icons]'."\n";
-for $exe (@exes) {
-    print 'Name: "{group}\\'.$names{$exe}.'"; Filename: "{app}\\'.$exe.'"'."\n";
-print '; We have to fall back from the .chm to the older .hlp file on some Windows'."\n";
-print '; versions.'."\n";
-print 'Name: "{group}\Puzzles Manual"; Filename: "{app}\puzzles.chm"; MinVersion: 4.1,5.0'."\n";
-print 'Name: "{group}\Puzzles Manual"; Filename: "{app}\puzzles.hlp"; OnlyBelowVersion: 4.1,5.0'."\n";
-print 'Name: "{group}\Puzzles Web Site"; Filename: "{app}\website.url"'."\n";