ref: 3f9d88f3e742ead492a0f47062645f3c14654b1f
parent: 28f655c821d2d1ed37e8500586abacb0062df17b
author: Simon Tatham <[email protected]>
date: Mon May 2 05:42:09 EDT 2005
It's actually vitally important, it turns out, to have all of the `Cut', `Copy' and `Paste' items in the Edit menu of an OS X application - because there's nothing else that enables the keyboard cut/copy/paste shortcuts in an edit box! OS X Puzzles can now have game IDs pasted into it, which it previously couldn't. [originally from svn r5728]
--- a/osx.m
+++ b/osx.m
@@ -1236,7 +1236,9 @@
item = newitem(menu, "Undo", "z", NULL, @selector(undoMove:));
item = newitem(menu, "Redo", "S-z", NULL, @selector(redoMove:));
[menu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
+ item = newitem(menu, "Cut", "x", NULL, @selector(cut:));
item = newitem(menu, "Copy", "c", NULL, @selector(copy:));
+ item = newitem(menu, "Paste", "v", NULL, @selector(paste:));
menu = newsubmenu([NSApp mainMenu], "Type");
typemenu = menu;