ref: 3dfeadd7389c0dc7b54be7ab3ad201ea6b98b5b4
parent: 1add9dcc1bd28f86d9e3f6582e0d43ecbcd88301
author: Simon Tatham <[email protected]>
date: Sun May 15 06:58:09 EDT 2005
Er, except that I already had a Transferred new version code into that! [originally from svn r5783]
--- a/Recipe
+++ b/Recipe
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
if test -z "$(VER)" && test -f manifest && md5sum -c manifest; then \
$(CC) $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) `cat version.def` -c version.c; \
- elif test -z "$(VER)" && svnversion . >&/dev/null; then \
+ elif test -z "$(VER)" && test -d .svn && svnversion . >&/dev/null; then \
$(CC) $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) "-DREVISION=`svnversion .`" -c version.c; \
else \
$(CC) $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(VER) -c version.c; \
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
if test -z "$(VER)" && test -f manifest && (md5 -r `awk '{print $$2}' manifest` | diff -w manifest -); then \
$(CC) $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) `cat version.def` -c version.c; \
- elif test -z "$(VER)" && svnversion . >&/dev/null; then \
+ elif test -z "$(VER)" && test -d .svn && svnversion . >&/dev/null; then \
$(CC) $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) "-DREVISION=`svnversion .`" -c version.c; \
else \
$(CC) $(COMPAT) $(XFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(VER) -c version.c; \
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,9 +1,37 @@
+# Build a Unix source distribution from the Puzzles SVN area.
+# Pass a numeric argument to have the archive tagged as that SVN
+# revision. Otherwise, the script will work it out itself by
+# calling `svnversion', or failing that it will not version-tag the
+# archive at all.
+case "$#" in
+ 0)
+ # Ignore errors; if we can't get a version, we'll have a blank
+ # string.
+ rev=`svnversion . 2>/dev/null`
+ if test "x$rev" = "xexported"; then rev=; fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ case "$1" in *[!0-9]*) echo "Malformed revision number '$1'">&2;exit 1;;esac
+ rev="$1"
+ ;;
+if test "x$rev" != "x"; then
+ arcsuffix="-r$rev"
+ ver="-DREVISION=$rev"
+ arcsuffix=
+ ver=
mkdir tmp.$$
-mkdir tmp.$$/puzzles
+mkdir tmp.$$/puzzles$arcsuffix
# Build Windows Help and text versions of the manual for convenience.
halibut --winhelp=puzzles.hlp --text=puzzles.txt puzzles.but
@@ -14,9 +42,16 @@
for i in *.c *.m *.h *.but *.plist *.icns LICENCE README Recipe \ Makefile Makefile.* \
HACKING puzzles.txt puzzles.hlp puzzles.cnt; do
- ln -s ../../$i tmp.$$/puzzles
+ ln -s ../../$i tmp.$$/puzzles$arcsuffix
+ if test "x$ver" != "x"; then
+ md5sum $i >> tmp.$$/puzzles$arcsuffix/manifest
+ fi
-tar -C tmp.$$ -chzf - puzzles > ../puzzles.tar.gz
+if test "x$ver" != "x"; then
+ echo "$ver" >> tmp.$$/puzzles$arcsuffix/version.def
+tar -C tmp.$$ -chzf - puzzles$arcsuffix > ../puzzles$arcsuffix.tar.gz
rm -rf tmp.$$
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +1,0 @@
-# Build a Unix source distribution from the Puzzles SVN area.
-# Pass a numeric argument to have the archive tagged as that SVN
-# revision. Otherwise, the script will work it out itself by
-# calling `svnversion', or failing that it will not version-tag the
-# archive at all.
-case "$#" in
- 0)
- # Ignore errors; if we can't get a version, we'll have a blank
- # string.
- rev=`svnversion . 2>/dev/null`
- ;;
- *)
- case "$1" in *[!0-9]*) echo "Malformed revision number '$1'">&2;exit 1;;esac
- rev="$1"
- ;;
-if test "x$rev" != "x"; then
- arcsuffix="-r$rev"
- ver="-DREVISION=$rev"
- arcsuffix=
- ver=
-make -s -f Makefile.doc
-mkdir uxarc
-mkdir uxarc/$arcname
-find . -name uxarc -prune -o \
- -name CVS -prune -o \
- -name '*.app' -prune -o \
- -name '.[^.]*' -prune -o \
- -name . -o \
- -type d -exec mkdir uxarc/$arcname/{} \;
-find . -name uxarc -prune -o \
- -name CVS -prune -o \
- -name '.[^.]*' -prune -o \
- -name '*.app' -prune -o \
- -name '*.zip' -prune -o \
- -name '*.tar.gz' -prune -o \
- -type f -exec ln -s $PWD/{} uxarc/$arcname/{} \;
-if test "x$ver" != "x"; then
- (cd uxarc/$arcname;
- md5sum `find . -name '*.[ch]' -print` > manifest;
- echo "$ver" > version.def)
-tar -C uxarc -chzof $arcname.tar.gz $arcname
-rm -rf uxarc