ref: 2a0e91bc76738e36e89abd4dcae5f13bc063d210
parent: 97a0dc0fee0b9e7d1cd488309e03a19e942d1a57
author: Simon Tatham <[email protected]>
date: Sun Apr 12 10:37:47 EDT 2020
grid.c: fix size miscalculation in Floret tiling. A Floret grid of height h usually alternates columns of h hexagonal florets with columns of h-1. An exception is when h=1, in which case alternating columns of 1 and 0 florets would leave the grid disconnected. So in that situation all columns have 1 floret in them, and the starting y-coordinate oscillates to make the grid tile sensibly. However, that special case wasn't taken account of when calculating the grid height. As a result the anomalous extra florets in the height-1 tiling fell off the bottom of the puzzle window.
--- a/grid.c
+++ b/grid.c
@@ -2378,6 +2378,8 @@
*tilesize = FLORET_TILESIZE;
*xextent = (6*px+3*qx)/2 * (width-1) + 4*qx + 2*px;
*yextent = (5*qy-4*py) * (height-1) + 4*qy + 2*ry;
+ if (height == 1)
+ *yextent += (5*qy-4*py)/2;
static grid *grid_new_floret(int width, int height, const char *desc)