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ref: 0af537d2c0a56dc99f90d581341317a607531ff0
parent: 8d6647548f7d0051221374ad6eb2b6dd32e2a3ed
author: Simon Tatham <[email protected]>
date: Mon Mar 27 05:17:51 EDT 2023

Rename the 'aux' subdirectory to avoid Windows restrictions.

James Harvey points out that Windows still forbids calling a file
'aux' in any context. Even a directory. Gaaah.

--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
   OBJECTIVE "Reposition the points so that the lines do not cross.")
 cliprogram(obfusc obfusc.c)
--- a/aux/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1 +1,0 @@
-cliprogram(hatgen hatgen.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TEST_HAT)
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-<title>Kitemaps and metamaps for the hat tiling generator</title>
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-  <h1>Kitemaps and metamaps for the hat tiling generator</h1>
-  <p>See <a href="hats.html">hats.html</a> for the full explanation.</p>
-  <p>Here's the full set of kitemaps and metamaps for all the tile
-  types:</p>
-  <table>
-    <tr>
-      <th>Tile name</th>
-      <th>Original tile</th>
-      <th>First-order expansion</th>
-      <th>Kitemap</th>
-      <th>Metamap</th>
-    <tr>
-      <td>H</td>
-      <td><img src="single-H.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="expanded-H.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="kitemap-H.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="metamap-H.svg"></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>T</td>
-      <td><img src="single-T.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="expanded-T.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="kitemap-T.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="metamap-T.svg"></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>P</td>
-      <td><img src="single-P.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="expanded-P.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="kitemap-P.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="metamap-P.svg"></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>F</td>
-      <td><img src="single-F.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="expanded-F.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="kitemap-F.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="metamap-F.svg"></td>
-    </tr>
-  </table>
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-<title>Generating hat tilings for Loopy</title>
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-      border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
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-  <h1>Generating hat tilings for Loopy</h1>
-  <p>The <a href="">original paper</a>
-  describes a method for generating hat tilings from a system of four
-  'metatiles'. You can start with any one of the four tiles, and then
-  recursively apply a set of expansion rules that turn each tile into
-  a collection of smaller tiles from the same set.</p>
-  <p>This table shows the four tiles, with their one-letter names as
-  given in the paper, and how each one is expanded.</p>
-  <p>All the tiles have a significant orientation. The H, T and P
-  tiles are marked with arrows to indicate the orientation. The F tile
-  is asymmetric, so no arrow is needed.</p>
-  <p>I've assigned each tile in each expansion a number, which Loopy
-  will use for its coordinate system.</p>
-  <table>
-    <tr>
-      <th>Tile name</th>
-      <th>Single tile</th>
-      <th>Expansion</th>
-    <tr>
-      <td>H</td>
-      <td><img src="single-H.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="expanded-H.svg"></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>T</td>
-      <td><img src="single-T.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="expanded-T.svg"></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>P</td>
-      <td><img src="single-P.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="expanded-P.svg"></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>F</td>
-      <td><img src="single-F.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="expanded-F.svg"></td>
-    </tr>
-  </table>
-  <p><strong>Note that these expansions overlap</strong>. When two
-  adjacent metatiles are expanded, the outer layer of P and F tiles in
-  their expansions must be placed so that they overlap each other. The
-  original paper suggests a set of tiles to remove from these
-  expansions so that each metatile expands to a <em>disjoint</em> set
-  of smaller tiles. In our implementation, however, we prefer to keep
-  the overlap, because our coordinate system will use it.</p>
-  <p>Once you've generated a large enough patch of metatiles for your
-  needs, the final step is to convert it into the actual hat tiles.
-  The expansion of each metatile into hats is shown here. Again, I've
-  assigned numbers to each hat for coordinate-system purposes:</p>
-  <table>
-    <tr>
-      <th>Tile name</th>
-      <th>Conversion into hats</th>
-    <tr>
-      <td>H</td>
-      <td><img src="single-H.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="hats-single-H.svg"></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>T</td>
-      <td><img src="single-T.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="hats-single-T.svg"></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>P</td>
-      <td><img src="single-P.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="hats-single-P.svg"></td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr>
-      <td>F</td>
-      <td><img src="single-F.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="hats-single-F.svg"></td>
-    </tr>
-  </table>
-  <p>(The hat in the middle of the H is shaded to indicate that it's
-  one of the rare reflected ones. All the other hats are rotations of
-  each other.)</p>
-  <p>Given all of this, an obvious approach to generating a random
-  patch of hat tiling would be to start with a single metatile,
-  iterate the expansion process a few times until you have a tiled
-  area much larger than you need, and then pick a subrectangle of
-  it at random.</p>
-  <p>Loopy's algorithm for generating Penrose tilings (which admit a
-  similar, though less complicated, expansion system) works in exactly
-  this way.</p>
-  <p>One problem with that algorithm is that it spends a lot of effort
-  on generating huge areas of tiles that aren't actually needed. So
-  you'd prefer to adjust the algorithm so that at every stage of
-  expansion it spots tiles completely outside the target rectangle,
-  and throws them away <em>before</em> spending 5 iterations on
-  exponentially expanding them into huge amounts of detail that will
-  only be thrown away anyway later.</p>
-  <p>That works well for Penrose tilings, because there, the expansion
-  procedure is geometrically precise: coordinates in the expanded
-  tiling are scaled up by an exact factor from coordinates in the
-  original tiling. So at every stage it's easy to know exactly where
-  your target rectangle <em>is</em>, and discard things that don't
-  overlap it.</p>
-  <p>But the metatiles shown here don't have that property. The tiles
-  distort slightly as they expand. The <em>topological</em> properties
-  of the expanded tiling match the original (which expanded tiles
-  connect to each other), but the geometry (precise distances) is
-  different. So it would be harder to implement the pruning for this
-  tiling. The target rectangle might not even be rectangular in every
-  iteration!</p>
-  <p>Instead, I came up with a completely different mechanism, by
-  devising a coordinate system to track our position within multiple
-  layers of tile expansion. This allows us to generate precisely the
-  area of tiling we need, and waste no effort at all on anything
-  outside the target region.</p>
-  <p>We begin by assigning an integer index to each kite making up an
-  individual hat:</p>
-  <img src="hat-kites.svg">
-  <p>(For a reflected hat, these indices work in mirror image, so that
-  for example 5 is still the kite in the middle.)</p>
-  <p>Together with the indices we've assigned to hats within each
-  metatile, and to metatiles in the expansion of another metatile,
-  this gives us a coordinate system that can identify an individual
-  kite in an n-times-expanded metatile. For each large metatile
-  expansion, you can give the index of the smaller metatile selected
-  from its expansion; when we reach the last layer of metatiles and
-  expand them into hats, we can give the index of the hat in that
-  metatile; finally we can index the kite in that hat.</p>
-  <p><strong>But note that a kite can have multiple
-  coordinates</strong>, because of the overlap between the expansions
-  of adjacent metatiles. This will be useful!</p>
-  <p>Our next step is to unambiguously name the four directions in
-  which you can move from one kite to an adjacent kite. The directions
-  should be independent of the orientation of the kite. I've chosen to
-  name them from the viewpoint of someone standing at the pointy end
-  of the kite and looking towards the blunt end:</p>
-  <dl>
-    <dt><strong>Left</strong></dt>
-    <dd>Rotate 60° anticlockwise about the pointy end of the kite. For
-    example, in the above hat, going 'left' from kite 5 takes you to
-    kite 4.</dd>
-    <dt><strong>Right</strong></dt>
-    <dd>Rotate 60° clockwise about the pointy end. From kite 5, this
-    would take you to kite 6.</dd>
-    <dt><strong>Forward left</strong></dt>
-    <dd>Head forwards and slightly left, to the kite sharing the
-    left-hand one of this kite's short edges (as seen from the
-    centre). Equivalently, rotate 120° <em>clockwise</em> about the
-    blunt end. From kite 5, this takes you to kite 2.</dd>
-    <dt><strong>Forward right</strong></dt>
-    <dd>Head forwards and slightly right. Or rotate 120° anticlockwise
-    about the blunt end, if you prefer to think of it that way. From
-    kite 5, this takes you to kite 1.</dd>
-  </dl>
-  <p>The idea is that if we know how to transform the coordinates of a
-  single kite into the coordinates of each of those four adjacent
-  kites, then we can iterate that over a whole area and determine the
-  coordinates of every kite in the whole tiling.</p>
-  <p>Having done that, it's easy to identify each individual kite, by
-  several different methods. For example, you could iterate over edges
-  of the tiling to see whether the kites on each side have coordinates
-  differing only in the kite index; if so, they're part of the same
-  hat, and if not, not. Or a completely different approach (in fact
-  the one Loopy actually uses) would be to trace round the boundary of
-  each hat by starting from its kite #0 and just knowing what shape a
-  hat is.</p>
-  <p>So now we have to come up with an algorithm that lets us
-  transform a kite coordinate by making one of the four permitted
-  moves. To do this, we use two multilevel types of map.</p>
-  <p>The <strong>kitemap</strong> for a given metatile type is made by
-  expanding the metatile once into more metatiles, and then into hats.
-  For example, the T tile:</p>
-  <table class="noborder">
-    <tr>
-      <td><img src="single-T.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="arrow.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="expanded-T.svg" height="200px"></td>
-      <td><img src="arrow.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="kitemap-T.svg" height="500px"></td>
-    </tr>
-  </table>
-  <p>In each kite, we show a three-part coordinate, in little-endian
-  fashion (because that matches the order the coordinates are stored
-  in an array in the code that actually generates the tilings). For
-  example, 7.3.0 means kite 7 in hat 3 of metatile 0 of the
-  expansion.</p>
-  <p>This map can be converted into a lookup table, indexed by those
-  three-part coordinates and also the four move directions, which
-  allows you to look up that (for example) going Left from kite 7.3.0
-  goes to 0.0.0, or going Forward Left from 7.3.0 goes to 3.1.3.</p>
-  <p>But if you're at the very edge of the kitemap, this isn't enough.
-  For example, kite 0.0.4 right at the top can go Left to 1.0.4, but
-  if it wants to go in any of the other three directions, this map
-  doesn't help at all.</p>
-  <p>This is where the overlap between the metatile expansions comes
-  in. If you're in kite 0.0.4, then in particular, you're in the F
-  tile numbered 4 in the expansion of a larger T metatile. And that F
-  tile is <em>also</em> part of the expansion of at least one other
-  second-order metatile – maybe two of them – which means that there
-  are other equivalent coordinates describing the same kite, which
-  will place it in a different kitemap where it <em>isn't</em> right
-  on the edge,</p>
-  <p>In order to find those equivalent coordinates, we create a second
-  map for each metatile type, called the <strong>metamap</strong>.
-  This one arises from expanding the metatile twice into other
-  metatiles, instead of into hats:</p>
-  <table class="noborder">
-    <tr>
-      <td><img src="single-T.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="arrow.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="expanded-T.svg" height="200px"></td>
-      <td><img src="arrow.svg"></td>
-      <td><img src="metamap-T.svg" height="500px"></td>
-    </tr>
-  </table>
-  <p>Again, the coordinates are little-end first, so that 7.4 means
-  the 7th smallest-size tile expanded from the 4th medium-sized tile
-  expanded from the original single large tile.</p>
-  <p>Unlike the kitemap, the metamap is not used for <em>moving
-  around</em> the tiling to a different kite. It's used for rewriting
-  the coordinates of the current kite into equivalent forms. So each
-  the small tile in the metamap that's part of the expansion
-  of <em>more than one</em> medium-sized tile has more than one
-  coordinate pair. For example, tile 5.2 is also tile 5.4, and tile
-  7.0 is also 8.3 <em>and</em> also 4.5 (because it's where three
-  medium-tile expansions meet).</p>
-  <p>Using both of these maps (converted into appropriate lookup
-  tables in the code), you can always eventually find a valid
-  coordinate representation of whichever kite you like adjacent to
-  your current one. If the kitemap corresponding to the current
-  coordinates doesn't tell you the coordinates of the next kite, then
-  you can try rewriting the two least-significant metatile indices
-  (using the metamap corresponding to the type of the next-larger
-  metatile still) and then see if that gives you a new kitemap that
-  works. If even that doesn't work, you can move another level up, and
-  try a metamap rewrite on the 2nd and 3rd smallest metatile levels,
-  or the 3rd and 4th, etc. And eventually, you find something you can
-  do.</p>
-  <p>The full set of kitemaps and metamaps for all the tile
-  types is in <a href="hatmaps.html">hatmaps.html</a>.</p>
--- a/aux/doc/kitemap-F.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,783 +1,0 @@
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-<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 902.000000 798.743408 
-L 902.000000 833.384399 
-L 932.000000 850.704895 
-L 1052.000000 781.422852 
-L 992.000000 746.781860 
-z" />
-<text style="fill: black; font-family: Sans; font-size: 15; text-anchor: middle; text-align: center; " x="962" y="803.243">7.6</text>
-<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 992.000000 642.858826 
-L 962.000000 625.538330 
-L 932.000000 642.858826 
-L 932.000000 781.422852 
-L 992.000000 746.781860 
-z" />
-<text style="fill: black; font-family: Sans; font-size: 15; text-anchor: middle; text-align: center; " x="962" y="699.32">10.6</text>
--- a/aux/doc/single-F.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +1,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
-<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="66" height="162">
-<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 2.000000 140.564056 
-L 32.000000 157.884567 
-L 62.000000 140.564056 
-L 62.000000 2.000000 
-L 2.000000 36.641014 
-z" />
--- a/aux/doc/single-H.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
-<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="156" height="180">
-<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 2.000000 157.884567 
-L 32.000000 175.205078 
-L 152.000000 105.923050 
-L 152.000000 71.282021 
-L 32.000000 2.000000 
-L 2.000000 19.320511 
-z" />
-<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 9.000000; stroke-opacity: 0.2; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 32.000000 36.641014 L 77.000000 114.583298 L 81.392305 98.190992 M 77.000000 114.583298 L 60.607695 110.190993 " />
--- a/aux/doc/single-P.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +1,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
-<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="66" height="180">
-<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 2.000000 175.205093 
-L 62.000000 140.564087 
-L 62.000000 2.000000 
-L 2.000000 36.641037 
-z" />
-<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 9.000000; stroke-opacity: 0.2; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 14.000000 88.602562 L 50.000000 88.602554 L 37.999997 76.602557 M 50.000000 88.602554 L 38.000003 100.602557 " />
--- a/aux/doc/single-T.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
-<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="96" height="110">
-<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 2.000000 105.923042 
-L 92.000000 53.961521 
-L 2.000000 2.000000 
-z" />
-<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 9.000000; stroke-opacity: 0.2; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 11.000000 90.334587 L 38.000000 43.569218 L 21.607695 47.961522 M 38.000000 43.569218 L 42.392305 59.961523 " />
--- a/aux/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +1,0 @@
-# Regenerate all the SVG images in the aux/doc directory for hats.html
-# and hatmap.html.
-set -e
-if ! test -x "$hatgen"; then
-    echo "Provide pathname to hatgen as an argument" >&2
-    exit 1
-for tile in H T P F; do
-    "$hatgen" "$tile" > single-"$tile".svg
-    "$hatgen" c"$tile" > expanded-"$tile".svg
-    "$hatgen" h"$tile" > hats-single-"$tile".svg
-    "$hatgen" H"$tile" > kitemap-"$tile".svg
-    "$hatgen" C"$tile" > metamap-"$tile".svg
-"$hatgen" --hat > hat-kites.svg
--- a/aux/hatgen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1713 +1,0 @@
- * Generate patches of tiling by the 'hat' aperiodic monotile
- * discovered in 2023.
- *
- * This implementation of hat-tiling generation was intended to be the
- * basis for generating hat grids for Loopy. However, it turned out
- * that I found a better strategy, so this source file isn't used by
- * the main puzzle system. I've kept it anyway because I ended up
- * adapting it to generate the file hat-tables.h containing the lookup
- * tables for the algorithm I _did_ end up using. It also generates
- * diagrams that are useful for understanding that algorithm, and for
- * debugging it if anything still turns out to be wrong with it.
- *
- * Discoverers' website:
- * Preprint of paper:
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "puzzles.h"
-#include "tree234.h"
-#include "hat.h"
- * General strategy:
- *
- * We construct the hat tiling by means of a substitution system of
- * 'metatiles' which come in four types, called H,T,P,F. A (valid)
- * tiling of these metatiles can be expanded to a larger one by a set
- * of recursive subdivision rules. Once we have a large enough patch
- * of metatiles, we apply a final transformation that converts each
- * metatile into 1, 2 or 4 instances of the aperiodically tiling
- * 'hat'.
- *
- * Unlike the similar substitution system for Penrose tilings, the
- * expansion rules are not geometrically precise: the larger versions
- * of each metatile fit together combinatorially in the same way, but
- * their shapes are distorted slightly. So we must construct our
- * expanded meta-tiling by breadth-first search out from a starting
- * metatile, because we won't quite know the coordinates of the
- * expanded version of each metatile until we know one of the ones
- * next to it.
- */
- * Coordinate system:
- *
- * Everything in this code lives on the tiling known to grid.c as
- * 'Kites', which can be viewed as a tiling of hexagons each of which
- * is subdivided into six kites sharing their pointy vertex, or
- * (equivalently) a tiling of equilateral triangles each subdivided
- * into three kits sharing their blunt vertex.
- *
- * We express coordinates in this system relative to the basis (1, r)
- * where r = (1 + sqrt(3)i) / 2 is a primitive 6th root of unity. This
- * gives us a system in which two integer coordinates can address any
- * grid point, provided we scale up so that the side length of the
- * equilateral triangles in the tiling is 6.
- */
-typedef struct Point {
-    int x, y;                          /* represents x + yr */
-} Point;
-static inline Point left6(Point p)
-    /* r satisfies the equation r^2 = r-1. Hence, multiplying by r
-     * (achieving a rotation anticlockwise by 1/6 turn) transforms
-     * x+yr into xr+yr^2 = xr+y(r-1) = (-y) + (x+y)r.
-     *
-     * It's easy to check that iterating this transformation six times
-     * gives you back the same coordinates you started with. */
-    Point q = { -p.y, p.x + p.y };
-    return q;
-static inline Point right6(Point p)
-    /* Conversely, 1/r = 1 - r, so dividing by r turns x+yr into x/r+y
-     * = x(1-r) + y = (x+y) + (-x)r. */
-    Point q = { p.x + p.y, -p.x };
-    return q;
-typedef enum MetatileType { MT_H, MT_T, MT_P, MT_F } MetatileType;
-typedef struct Metatile Metatile;
-typedef struct MetaCoord {
-    Metatile *parent;
-    int index;
-} MetaCoord;
-struct Metatile {
-    /* Data fields describing the metatile and its position. */
-    MetatileType type;
-    Point start, orientation;
-    MetaCoord coords[4];
-    size_t ncoords;
-    /* Auxiliary fields used to store the progress of the expansion
-     * algorithm. */
-    bool queued;
-    Metatile *qnext;
-#define MT_MAXVERT 6 /* largest number of vertices of any metatile */
-#define MT_MAXVDEGREE 3 /* largest degree of any vertex of a meta-tiling */
-#define MT_MAXEXPAND 13 /* largest number of metatiles in any expansion */
-#define MT_MAXHAT 4 /* largest number of hats in a metatile */
-#define HAT_NVERT 14 /* vertices of a single hat (counting the straight one) */
-#define HAT_NKITE 8 /* kites in a single hat */
-static int metatile_cmp(void *av, void *bv)
-    Metatile *a = (Metatile *)av, *b = (Metatile *)bv;
-    if (a->type < b->type) return -1;
-    if (a->type > b->type) return +1;
-    if (a->start.x < b->start.x) return -1;
-    if (a->start.x > b->start.x) return +1;
-    if (a->start.y < b->start.y) return -1;
-    if (a->start.y > b->start.y) return +1;
-    if (a->orientation.x < b->orientation.x) return -1;
-    if (a->orientation.x > b->orientation.x) return +1;
-    if (a->orientation.y < b->orientation.y) return -1;
-    if (a->orientation.y > b->orientation.y) return +1;
-    return 0;
- * Return the coordinates of the vertices of a metatile, given the
- * coordinates of the vertex we deem to be distinguished, and a vector
- * of Euclidean length 1 showing its direction.
- *
- * If 'expanded' is true, we instead return the coordinates of the
- * corresponding vertices of the expanded version of the same
- * metatile.
- */
-static size_t metatile_vertices(Metatile m, Point *out, bool expanded)
-    static const Point vertices_H[] = {
-        {0, 0}, {4, -2}, {12, 6}, {10, 10}, {-6, 18}, {-8, 16},
-    };
-    static const Point vertices_T[] = {
-        {0, 0}, {6, 6}, {-6, 12},
-    };
-    static const Point vertices_P[] = {
-        {0, 0}, {4, 4}, {-4, 20}, {-8, 16},
-    };
-    static const Point vertices_F[] = {
-        {0, 0}, {4, -2}, {6, 0}, {-2, 16}, {-6, 12},
-    };
-    static const Point expanded_H[] = {
-        {0, 0}, {12, -6}, {30, 12}, {24, 24}, {-12, 42}, {-18, 36},
-    };
-    static const Point expanded_T[] = {
-        {0, 0}, {12, 12}, {-12, 24},
-    };
-    static const Point expanded_P[] = {
-        {0, 0}, {14, 8}, {-4, 44}, {-18, 36},
-    };
-    static const Point expanded_F[] = {
-        {0, 0}, {14, -4}, {18, 6}, {0, 42}, {-14, 34},
-    };
-    const Point *vertices;
-    size_t nvertices;
-    size_t i;
-    switch (m.type) {
-      case MT_H:
-        vertices = expanded ? expanded_H : vertices_H;
-        nvertices = lenof(vertices_H);
-        break;
-      case MT_T:
-        vertices = expanded ? expanded_T : vertices_T;
-        nvertices = lenof(vertices_T);
-        break;
-      case MT_P:
-        vertices = expanded ? expanded_P : vertices_P;
-        nvertices = lenof(vertices_P);
-        break;
-      default /* case MT_F */:
-        vertices = expanded ? expanded_F : vertices_F;
-        nvertices = lenof(vertices_F);
-        break;
-    }
-    assert(nvertices <= MT_MAXVERT);
-    Point orientation_r = left6(m.orientation);
-    for (i = 0; i < nvertices; i++) {
-        Point v = vertices[i];
-        out[i].x = m.start.x + v.x * m.orientation.x + v.y * orientation_r.x;
-        out[i].y = m.start.y + v.x * m.orientation.y + v.y * orientation_r.y;
-    }
-    return nvertices;
- * Return a list of metatiles that arise from expanding a given tile.
- */
-static size_t metatile_expand(Metatile m, Metatile *out)
-    static const Metatile tiles_H[] = {
-        {MT_H, {-4, 20}, {1, 0}},
-        {MT_H, {2, 2}, {1, 0}},
-        {MT_H, {8, 26}, {0, -1}},
-        {MT_T, {6, 24}, {-1, 0}},
-        {MT_P, {-8, 16}, {1, 0}},
-        {MT_P, {4, 34}, {0, -1}},
-        {MT_P, {6, 0}, {1, -1}},
-        {MT_F, {-10, 38}, {-1, 1}},
-        {MT_F, {-10, 44}, {0, -1}},
-        {MT_F, {-4, 2}, {1, 0}},
-        {MT_F, {2, 2}, {0, -1}},
-        {MT_F, {26, 14}, {1, 0}},
-        {MT_F, {32, 8}, {-1, 1}},
-    };
-    static const Metatile tiles_T[] = {
-        {MT_H, {10, 10}, {-1, 1}},
-        {MT_P, {-6, 0}, {1, 0}},
-        {MT_P, {8, 14}, {0, 1}},
-        {MT_P, {18, 6}, {-1, 1}},
-        {MT_F, {-14, 34}, {-1, 0}},
-        {MT_F, {-8, -2}, {1, -1}},
-        {MT_F, {22, 4}, {0, 1}},
-    };
-    static const Metatile tiles_P[] = {
-        {MT_H, {4, 22}, {0, 1}},
-        {MT_H, {10, 10}, {-1, 1}},
-        {MT_P, {-6, 0}, {1, 0}},
-        {MT_P, {6, 24}, {1, 0}},
-        {MT_P, {8, 14}, {0, 1}},
-        {MT_F, {-20, 40}, {1, -1}},
-        {MT_F, {-14, 34}, {-1, 0}},
-        {MT_F, {-8, -2}, {1, -1}},
-        {MT_F, {4, 46}, {-1, 1}},
-        {MT_F, {10, 10}, {1, 0}},
-        {MT_F, {16, 4}, {-1, 1}},
-    };
-    static const Metatile tiles_F[] = {
-        {MT_H, {8, 20}, {0, 1}},
-        {MT_H, {14, 8}, {-1, 1}},
-        {MT_P, {10, 22}, {1, 0}},
-        {MT_P, {12, 12}, {0, 1}},
-        {MT_F, {-16, 38}, {1, -1}},
-        {MT_F, {-10, 32}, {-1, 0}},
-        {MT_F, {-4, 2}, {1, 0}},
-        {MT_F, {2, 2}, {0, -1}},
-        {MT_F, {8, 44}, {-1, 1}},
-        {MT_F, {14, 8}, {1, 0}},
-        {MT_F, {20, 2}, {-1, 1}},
-    };
-    const Metatile *tiles;
-    size_t ntiles;
-    size_t i;
-    switch (m.type) {
-      case MT_H:
-        tiles = tiles_H;
-        ntiles = lenof(tiles_H);
-        break;
-      case MT_T:
-        tiles = tiles_T;
-        ntiles = lenof(tiles_T);
-        break;
-      case MT_P:
-        tiles = tiles_P;
-        ntiles = lenof(tiles_P);
-        break;
-      default /* case MT_F */:
-        tiles = tiles_F;
-        ntiles = lenof(tiles_F);
-        break;
-    }
-    assert(ntiles <= MT_MAXEXPAND);
-    Point orientation_r = left6(m.orientation);
-    for (i = 0; i < ntiles; i++) {
-        Metatile t = tiles[i];
-        out[i].type = t.type;
-        out[i].start.x = (m.start.x + t.start.x * m.orientation.x +
-                          t.start.y * orientation_r.x);
-        out[i].start.y = (m.start.y + t.start.x * m.orientation.y +
-                          t.start.y * orientation_r.y);
-        out[i].orientation.x = (t.orientation.x * m.orientation.x +
-                                t.orientation.y * orientation_r.x);
-        out[i].orientation.y = (t.orientation.x * m.orientation.y +
-                                t.orientation.y * orientation_r.y);
-    }
-    return ntiles;
-/* Store data about each vertex during an expansion. */
-typedef struct VertexMapping {
-    Point in;
-    /* Metatiles sharing this vertex */
-    Metatile *tiles[MT_MAXVDEGREE];
-    size_t ntiles;
-    /* The expanded coordinates of this vertex, if known */
-    bool mapped;
-    Point out;
-} VertexMapping;
-static int vertexmapping_cmp(void *av, void *bv)
-    VertexMapping *a = (VertexMapping *)av, *b = (VertexMapping *)bv;
-    if (a->in.x < b->in.x) return -1;
-    if (a->in.x > b->in.x) return +1;
-    if (a->in.y < b->in.y) return -1;
-    if (a->in.y > b->in.y) return +1;
-    return 0;
-static int vertexmapping_find(void *av, void *bv)
-    Point *a = (Point *)av;
-    VertexMapping *b = (VertexMapping *)bv;
-    if (a->x < b->in.x) return -1;
-    if (a->x > b->in.x) return +1;
-    if (a->y < b->in.y) return -1;
-    if (a->y > b->in.y) return +1;
-    return 0;
-typedef struct MetatileSet {
-    /* The tiles in the set */
-    tree234 *tiles;
-    /*
-     * Bounding box of a rectangular region within the original single
-     * tile this set was expanded from. We need this in order to pick
-     * a random chunk out of the tiling to return to our client: this
-     * box is the limit of where we might select our chunk from.
-     *
-     * The box is obtained by starting from the two obtuse vertices of
-     * the starting P metatile, and then mapping those two vertices
-     * through each expansion pass. This wouldn't work for the _other_
-     * two vertices of the P metatile, which end up in the middle of
-     * another metatile after the first expansion, so that the next
-     * expansion wouldn't find that point in its VertexMapping. But
-     * luckily the two inner P vertices do continue working: they
-     * alternate in subsequent expansions between vertex 1 and vertex
-     * 4 of an F metatile. And those are the ones we need to define a
-     * reliable bounding box - phew!
-     */
-    Point vertices[2];
-    size_t nvertices;
-} MetatileSet;
-static MetatileSet *metatile_initial_set(MetatileType type)
-    MetatileSet *s;
-    Metatile *m;
-    Point vertices[MT_MAXVERT];
-    size_t nv;
-    s = snew(MetatileSet);
-    s->tiles = newtree234(metatile_cmp);
-    m = snew(Metatile);
-    m->type = type;
-    m->start.x = 0;
-    m->start.y = 0;
-    m->orientation.x = 1;
-    m->orientation.y = 0;
-    m->ncoords = 0;
-    add234(s->tiles, m);
-    if (type == MT_P) {
-        nv = metatile_vertices(*m, vertices, false);
-        assert(nv == 4);
-        s->vertices[0] = vertices[1];
-        s->vertices[1] = vertices[3];
-        s->nvertices = 2;
-    } else {
-        s->nvertices = 0;
-    }
-    return s;
-static void metatile_free_set(MetatileSet *s)
-    Metatile *m;
-    while ((m = delpos234(s->tiles, 0)) != NULL)
-        sfree(m);
-    freetree234(s->tiles);
-    sfree(s);
-typedef struct Queue {
-    Metatile *head, *tail;
-} Queue;
-static void map_vertex(VertexMapping *vm, Point out, Queue *queue)
-    size_t i;
-    debug(("map_vertex %d,%d -> %d,%d", vm->in.x, vm->in.y, out.x, out.y));
-    if (vm->mapped) {
-        debug((" (already done)\n"));
-        return;
-    }
-    debug(("\n"));
-    vm->mapped = true;
-    vm->out = out;
-    for (i = 0; i < vm->ntiles; i++) {
-        Metatile *t = vm->tiles[i];
-        if (!t->queued) {
-            t->queued = true;
-            t->qnext = NULL;
-            if (queue->tail)
-                queue->tail->qnext = t;
-            else
-                queue->head = t;
-            queue->tail = t;
-            debug(("queued %c @ %d,%d d=%d,%d\n", "HTPF"[t->type], t->start.x,
-                   t->start.y, t->orientation.x, t->orientation.y));
-        }
-    }
- * Expand a set of metatiles into its next-generation set. Returns the
- * new set. The old set is not freed, but the auxiliary fields of its
- * Metatile structures will be used as intermediate storage.
- */
-static MetatileSet *metatile_set_expand(MetatileSet *si)
-    tree234 *vmap;
-    VertexMapping *vm;
-    Metatile *m;
-    Queue queue = { NULL, NULL };
-    size_t i, j;
-    MetatileSet *so = snew(MetatileSet);
-    so->tiles = newtree234(metatile_cmp);
-    /*
-     * Enumerate all the vertices in our tiling, and store the set of
-     * tiles they belong to.
-     */
-    vmap = newtree234(vertexmapping_cmp);
-    for (i = 0; (m = index234(si->tiles, i)) != NULL; i++) {
-        Point vertices[MT_MAXVERT];
-        size_t nv = metatile_vertices(*m, vertices, false);
-        for (j = 0; j < nv; j++) {
-            VertexMapping *newvm = snew(VertexMapping);
-            newvm->in = vertices[j];
-            newvm->ntiles = 0;
-            newvm->mapped = false;
-            vm = add234(vmap, newvm);
-            if (vm != newvm)
-                sfree(newvm);
-            assert(vm->ntiles < MT_MAXVDEGREE);
-            vm->tiles[vm->ntiles++] = m;
-        }
-        m->queued = false;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; (vm = index234(vmap, i)) != NULL; i++) {
-        debug(("vertex @ %d,%d {", vm->in.x, vm->in.y));
-        for (j = 0; j < vm->ntiles; j++) {
-            m = vm->tiles[j];
-            debug(("%s%c @ %d,%d d=%d,%d", j?", ":"", "HTPF"[m->type],
-                   m->start.x, m->start.y, m->orientation.x,
-                   m->orientation.y));
-        }
-        debug(("}\n"));
-    }
-    /*
-     * Initialise an arbitrary vertex to a known location.
-     */
-    {
-        Point p = {0, 0};
-        m = index234(si->tiles, 0);
-        vm = find234(vmap, &m->start, vertexmapping_find);
-        map_vertex(vm, p, &queue);
-    }
-    /*
-     * Now process the queue of tiles to be expanded.
-     */
-    debug(("-- start\n"));
-    while (queue.head) {
-        Metatile *m, m_moved;
-        Metatile t[MT_MAXEXPAND];
-        Point vi[MT_MAXVERT], vo[MT_MAXVERT];
-        size_t nv, nt;
-        m = queue.head;
-        queue.head = queue.head->qnext;
-        if (!queue.head)
-            queue.tail = NULL;
-        debug(("unqueued %c @ %d,%d d=%d,%d\n", "HTPF"[m->type],
-               m->start.x, m->start.y, m->orientation.x, m->orientation.y));
-        nv = metatile_vertices(*m, vi, false);
-        metatile_vertices(*m, vo, true);
-        /* Find a vertex of this tile that's already mapped, and use
-         * it to determine the placement. */
-        int dx, dy;
-        for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) {
-            vm = find234(vmap, &vi[i], vertexmapping_find);
-            assert(vm);
-            if (vm->mapped) {
-                dx = vm->out.x - vo[i].x;
-                dy = vm->out.y - vo[i].y;
-                debug(("found mapped vertex %d,%d -> %d,%d: "
-                       "offset=%d,%d\n",
-                       vm->in.x, vm->in.y, vm->out.x, vm->out.y, dx, dy));
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        assert(i < nv && "Why was this tile queued without a mapped vertex?");
-        /* Now map all the rest of the vertices of the tile. */
-        for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) {
-            vm = find234(vmap, &vi[i], vertexmapping_find);
-            vo[i].x += dx;
-            vo[i].y += dy;
-            map_vertex(vm, vo[i], &queue);
-        }
-        /* And expand it, substituting in its new starting coordinate. */
-        m_moved = *m; /* structure copy */
-        m_moved.start = vo[0];
-        nt = metatile_expand(m_moved, t);
-        for (i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
-            Metatile *newmt = snew(Metatile);
-            *newmt = t[i]; /* structure copy */
-            newmt->ncoords = 0;
-            debug(("expanded %c @ %d,%d d=%d,%d\n", "HTPF"[newmt->type],
-                   newmt->start.x, newmt->start.y, newmt->orientation.x,
-                   newmt->orientation.y));
-            Metatile *added = add234(so->tiles, newmt);
-            if (added != newmt)
-                sfree(newmt);
-            assert(added->ncoords < lenof(added->coords));
-            added->coords[added->ncoords].parent = m;
-            added->coords[added->ncoords].index = i;
-            added->ncoords++;
-        }
-    }
-    for (i = 0; (m = index234(si->tiles, i)) != NULL; i++) {
-        if (!m->queued)
-            debug(("OMITTED %c @ %d,%d d=%d,%d\n", "HTPF"[m->type],
-                   m->start.x, m->start.y, m->orientation.x,
-                   m->orientation.y));
-    }
-    /*
-     * Write out the remapped versions of the tile set's bounding
-     * vertices.
-     */
-    for (i = 0; i < si->nvertices; i++) {
-        vm = find234(vmap, &si->vertices[i], vertexmapping_find);
-        so->vertices[i] = vm->out;
-    }
-    so->nvertices = si->nvertices;
-    while ((vm = delpos234(vmap, 0)) != NULL)
-        sfree(vm);
-    freetree234(vmap);
-    return so;
-typedef struct Hat {
-    Point start, orientation;
-    bool reversed;
-    const Metatile *parent;
-    int index;
-} Hat;
-static size_t metatile_hats(const Metatile *m, Hat *out)
-    static const Hat hats_H[] = {
-        {{6, 0}, {1, 0}, false},
-        {{6, 6}, {0, -1}, false},
-        {{0, 12}, {1, 0}, false},
-        {{0, 6}, {-1, 0}, true},
-    };
-    static const Hat hats_T[] = {
-        {{-2, 10}, {-1, 1}, false},
-    };
-    static const Hat hats_P[] = {
-        {{-2, 10}, {-1, 1}, false},
-        {{-2, 16}, {0, 1}, false},
-    };
-    static const Hat hats_F[] = {
-        {{0, 6}, {-1, 1}, false},
-        {{0, 12}, {0, 1}, false},
-    };
-    const Hat *hats;
-    size_t nhats;
-    size_t i;
-    switch (m->type) {
-      case MT_H:
-        hats = hats_H;
-        nhats = lenof(hats_H);
-        break;
-      case MT_T:
-        hats = hats_T;
-        nhats = lenof(hats_T);
-        break;
-      case MT_P:
-        hats = hats_P;
-        nhats = lenof(hats_P);
-        break;
-      default /* case MT_F */:
-        hats = hats_F;
-        nhats = lenof(hats_F);
-        break;
-    }
-    assert(nhats <= MT_MAXHAT);
-    Point orientation_r = left6(m->orientation);
-    for (i = 0; i < nhats; i++) {
-        Hat h = hats[i];
-        out[i].parent = m;
-        out[i].index = i;
-        out[i].start.x = (m->start.x + h.start.x * m->orientation.x +
-                          h.start.y * orientation_r.x);
-        out[i].start.y = (m->start.y + h.start.x * m->orientation.y +
-                          h.start.y * orientation_r.y);
-        out[i].orientation.x = (h.orientation.x * m->orientation.x +
-                                h.orientation.y * orientation_r.x);
-        out[i].orientation.y = (h.orientation.x * m->orientation.y +
-                                h.orientation.y * orientation_r.y);
-        out[i].reversed = h.reversed;
-    }
-    return nhats;
-static size_t hat_vertices(Hat h, Point *out)
-    static const Point reference_hat[] = {
-        {0, 0}, {3, 0}, {2, 2}, {0, 3}, {-2, 4}, {-3, 3}, {-6, 6}, {-9, 6},
-        {-8, 4}, {-6, 3}, {-6, 0}, {-3, -3}, {-2, -2}, {0, -3},
-    };
-    size_t i;
-    Point orientation_r;
-    if (h.reversed)
-        orientation_r = right6(h.orientation);
-    else
-        orientation_r = left6(h.orientation);
-    assert(lenof(reference_hat) == HAT_NVERT);
-    for (i = 0; i < lenof(reference_hat); i++) {
-        Point v = reference_hat[h.reversed ? HAT_NVERT-1-i : i];
-        out[i].x = h.start.x + v.x * h.orientation.x + v.y * orientation_r.x;
-        out[i].y = h.start.y + v.x * h.orientation.y + v.y * orientation_r.y;
-    }
-    return lenof(reference_hat);
-typedef struct BoundingBox {
-    Point bl, tr;
-} BoundingBox;
-static bool point_in_bbox(Point p, const BoundingBox *bbox)
-    int xl, xr, x;
-    if (!bbox)
-        return true;
-    /*
-     * Bounding boxes have vertical edges, not aligned with our basis
-     * vector r. So the 'true' x coordinate of (x,y) is proportional
-     * to 2x+y.
-     */
-    if (p.y < bbox->bl.y || p.y > bbox->tr.y)
-        return false;
-    xl = 2*bbox->bl.x + bbox->bl.y;
-    xr = 2*bbox->tr.x + bbox->tr.y;
-    x = 2*p.x + p.y;
-    if (x < xl || x > xr)
-        return false;
-    return true;
-static bool hat_in_bbox(Hat h, const BoundingBox *bbox)
-    Point p[HAT_NVERT];
-    size_t i, np;
-    if (!bbox)
-        return true;
-    np = hat_vertices(h, p);
-    for (i = 0; i < np; i++)
-        if (!point_in_bbox(p[i], bbox))
-            return false;
-    return true;
-static Hat *metatile_set_to_hats(MetatileSet *s, size_t *nhats,
-                                 const BoundingBox *bbox)
-    Metatile *m;
-    size_t i, j, k, n;
-    Hat *h;
-    n = 0;
-    for (i = 0; (m = index234(s->tiles, i)) != NULL; i++) {
-        Hat htmp[MT_MAXHAT];
-        size_t nthis = metatile_hats(m, htmp);
-        for (k = 0; k < nthis; k++)
-            if (hat_in_bbox(htmp[k], bbox))
-                n++;
-    }
-    *nhats = n;
-    h = snewn(n, Hat);
-    j = 0;
-    for (i = 0; (m = index234(s->tiles, i)) != NULL; i++) {
-        Hat htmp[MT_MAXHAT];
-        size_t nthis = metatile_hats(m, htmp);
-        for (k = 0; k < nthis; k++) {
-            if (hat_in_bbox(htmp[k], bbox)) {
-                assert(j < n);
-                h[j++] = htmp[k]; /* structure copy */
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    assert(j == n);
-    return h;
-#if 0
-void hat_tiling_randomise(struct HatPatchParams *params, random_state *rs)
-    MetatileSet *s, *s2;
-    int x0, x1, y0, y1;
-    /*
-     * Iterate until we have a good-sized patch to select a rectangle
-     * from.
-     */
-    s = metatile_initial_set(MT_P);
-    params->iterations = 0;
-    while (true) {
-        x0 = 2 * s->vertices[0].x + s->vertices[0].y;
-        x1 = 2 * s->vertices[1].x + s->vertices[1].y;
-        if (x1 < x0) {
-            int t = x1;
-            x1 = x0;
-            x0 = t;
-        }
-        y0 = s->vertices[0].y;
-        y1 = s->vertices[1].y;
-        if (y1 < y0) {
-            int t = y1;
-            y1 = y0;
-            y0 = t;
-        }
-        if (50*params->w <= x1-x0 && 50*params->h <= y1-y0)
-            break;
-        params->iterations++;
-        s2 = metatile_set_expand(s);
-        metatile_free_set(s);
-        s = s2;
-    }
-    /*
-     * Now select that rectangle.
-     */
-    params->x = x0 + random_upto(rs, x1 - x0 - params->w + 1);
-    params->y = y0 + random_upto(rs, y1 - y0 - params->h + 1);
-void hat_tiling_generate(struct HatPatchParams *params,
-                         hat_tile_callback_fn cb, void *cbctx)
-    MetatileSet *s, *s2;
-    unsigned i;
-    size_t j, nh;
-    BoundingBox bbox;
-    Hat *hats;
-    s = metatile_initial_set(MT_P);
-    for (i = 0; i < params->iterations; i++) {
-        s2 = metatile_set_expand(s);
-        metatile_free_set(s);
-        s = s2;
-    }
- = (params->x - params->y) / 2;
- = ((params->x + params->w) - (params->y + params->h)) / 2;
- = params->y;
- = params->y + params->h;
-    hats = metatile_set_to_hats(s, &nh, &bbox);
-    for (j = 0; j < nh; j++) {
-        Point vertices[HAT_NVERT];
-        size_t nv = hat_vertices(hats[j], vertices);
-        int out[2 * HAT_NVERT];
-        size_t k;
-        for (k = 0; k < nv; k++) {
-            out[2*k] = 2 * vertices[k].x + vertices[k].y;
-            out[2*k+1] = vertices[k].y;
-        }
-        cb(cbctx, nv, out);
-    }
-    sfree(hats);
-    metatile_free_set(s);
-#ifdef TEST_HAT
- * Assortment of test modes that output Postscript diagrams.
- */
-static size_t hat_kite_centres(Hat h, Point *out)
-    static const Point reference_hat[] = {
-        {-7,5},{-5,4},{-5,1},{-4,-1},{-1,-1},{-2,1},{-1,2},{1,1},
-    };
-    size_t i;
-    Point orientation_r;
-    if (h.reversed)
-        orientation_r = right6(h.orientation);
-    else
-        orientation_r = left6(h.orientation);
-    assert(lenof(reference_hat) == HAT_NKITE);
-    for (i = 0; i < lenof(reference_hat); i++) {
-        Point v = reference_hat[i];
-        out[i].x = h.start.x + v.x * h.orientation.x + v.y * orientation_r.x;
-        out[i].y = h.start.y + v.x * h.orientation.y + v.y * orientation_r.y;
-    }
-    return lenof(reference_hat);
-static inline int round6(int x)
-    int sign = x<0 ? -1 : +1;
-    x *= sign;
-    x += 3;
-    x /= 6;
-    x *= 6;
-    x *= sign;
-    return x;
-static inline Point kite_left(Point k)
-    Point centre = { round6(k.x), round6(k.y) };
-    Point offset = { k.x - centre.x, k.y - centre.y };
-    offset = left6(offset);
-    Point r = { centre.x + offset.x, centre.y + offset.y };
-    return r;
-static inline Point kite_right(Point k)
-    Point centre = { round6(k.x), round6(k.y) };
-    Point offset = { k.x - centre.x, k.y - centre.y };
-    offset = right6(offset);
-    Point r = { centre.x + offset.x, centre.y + offset.y };
-    return r;
-static inline Point kite_forward_left(Point k)
-    Point centre = { round6(k.x), round6(k.y) };
-    Point offset = { k.x - centre.x, k.y - centre.y };
-    Point rotate = left6(offset);
-    Point r = { k.x + rotate.x + offset.x, k.y + rotate.y + offset.y };
-    return r;
-static inline Point kite_forward_right(Point k)
-    Point centre = { round6(k.x), round6(k.y) };
-    Point offset = { k.x - centre.x, k.y - centre.y };
-    Point rotate = right6(offset);
-    Point r = { k.x + rotate.x + offset.x, k.y + rotate.y + offset.y };
-    return r;
-typedef struct pspoint {
-    float x, y;
-} pspoint;
-static inline pspoint pscoords(Point p)
-    pspoint q = { p.x + p.y / 2.0F, p.y * sqrt(0.75) };
-    return q;
-typedef struct psbbox {
-    bool started;
-    pspoint bl, tr;
-} psbbox;
-static inline void psbbox_add(psbbox *bbox, pspoint p)
-    if (!bbox->started || bbox->bl.x > p.x)
-        bbox->bl.x = p.x;
-    if (!bbox->started || bbox->tr.x < p.x)
-        bbox->tr.x = p.x;
-    if (!bbox->started || bbox->bl.y > p.y)
-        bbox->bl.y = p.y;
-    if (!bbox->started || bbox->tr.y < p.y)
-        bbox->tr.y = p.y;
-    bbox->started = true;
-static void draw_metatiles_svg(const Metatile *tiles, size_t n,
-                               const Point *bounds, bool coords)
-    size_t i, j;
-    psbbox bbox = { false };
-    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-        Point vertices[MT_MAXVERT];
-        size_t nv = metatile_vertices(tiles[i], vertices, false);
-        for (j = 0; j < nv; j++)
-            psbbox_add(&bbox, pscoords(vertices[j]));
-    }
-    float ascale = 10, xscale = ascale, yscale = -ascale;
-    float border = 0.2 * ascale; /* leave room for strokes at the edges */
-    float ox = -xscale * + border;
-    float oy = -yscale * + border;
-    printf("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n");
-    printf("<svg xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.1\" "
-           "width=\"%g\" height=\"%g\">\n",
-           ceil(ox + xscale * + 2*border),
-           ceil(oy + yscale * + 2*border));
-    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-        Point vertices[MT_MAXVERT];
-        size_t nv = metatile_vertices(tiles[i], vertices, false);
-        pspoint pp[MT_MAXVERT];
-        for (j = 0; j < nv; j++) {
-            pp[j] = pscoords(vertices[j]);
-            pp[j].x = ox + xscale * pp[j].x;
-            pp[j].y = oy + yscale * pp[j].y;
-        }
-        printf("<path style=\""
-               "fill: none; "
-               "stroke: black; "
-               "stroke-width: %f; "
-               "stroke-linejoin: round; "
-               "stroke-linecap: round; "
-               "\" d=\"", 0.2 * ascale);
-        for (j = 0; j < nv; j++)
-            printf("%s %f %f \n", j ? "L" : "M", pp[j].x, pp[j].y);
-        printf("z\" />\n");
-        if (tiles[i].type != MT_F) {
-            /*
-             * Mark arrows on three of the metatile types (H, T, P),
-             * following the diagrams in the paper. (The metatile
-             * shapes other than F each have some symmetry, but their
-             * roles in the metatile substitution system are not
-             * similarly symmetric, so for diagnostic diagrams you
-             * want to mark their orientation.)
-             */
-            pspoint lstart, lend;
-            pspoint astart, aend, aforward, aleft;
-            double d;
-            /*
-             * Determine endpoints of a line crossing the polygon in
-             * the appropriate direction, by case analysis on the
-             * individual tile types.
-             */
-            switch (tiles[i].type) {
-              case MT_H:
-                lstart.x = (pp[4].x + pp[5].x) / 2;
-                lstart.y = (pp[4].y + pp[5].y) / 2;
-                lend.x = (pp[1].x + pp[2].x) / 2;
-                lend.y = (pp[1].y + pp[2].y) / 2;
-                break;
-              case MT_T:
-                lstart = pp[0];
-                lend.x = (pp[1].x + pp[2].x) / 2;
-                lend.y = (pp[1].y + pp[2].y) / 2;
-                break;
-              default /* case MT_P */:
-                lstart.x = (5*pp[3].x + 3*pp[0].x) / 8;
-                lstart.y = (5*pp[3].y + 3*pp[0].y) / 8;
-                lend.x = (5*pp[1].x + 3*pp[2].x) / 8;
-                lend.y = (5*pp[1].y + 3*pp[2].y) / 8;
-                break;
-            }
-            /*
-             * Now shorten that line a little and give it an arrowhead.
-             */
-            astart.x = (4 * lstart.x + lend.x) / 5;
-            astart.y = (4 * lstart.y + lend.y) / 5;
-            aend.x = (lstart.x + 4 * lend.x) / 5;
-            aend.y = (lstart.y + 4 * lend.y) / 5;
-            aforward.x = aend.x - astart.x;
-            aforward.y = aend.y - astart.y;
-            d = sqrt(aforward.x*aforward.x + aforward.y*aforward.y);
-            aforward.x /= d;
-            aforward.y /= d;
-            aleft.x = -aforward.y;
-            aleft.y = +aforward.x;
-            printf("<path style=\""
-                   "fill: none; "
-                   "stroke: black; "
-                   "stroke-width: %f; "
-                   "stroke-opacity: 0.2; "
-                   "stroke-linejoin: round; "
-                   "stroke-linecap: round; "
-                   "\" d=\"", 0.9 * ascale);
-            printf("M %f %f L %f %f ", astart.x, astart.y,
-                   aend.x, aend.y);
-            printf("L %f %f ",
-                   aend.x - 1.2 * ascale * (aforward.x + aleft.x),
-                   aend.y - 1.2 * ascale * (aforward.y + aleft.y));
-            printf("M %f %f L %f %f ", aend.x, aend.y,
-                   aend.x - 1.2 * ascale * (aforward.x - aleft.x),
-                   aend.y - 1.2 * ascale * (aforward.y - aleft.y));
-            printf("\" />\n");
-        }
-        if (coords) {
-            /*
-             * Print each tile's coordinates.
-             */
-            pspoint centre;
-            size_t j;
-            switch (tiles[i].type) {
-              case MT_H:
-                centre.x = (pp[0].x + pp[2].x + pp[4].x) / 3;
-                centre.y = (pp[0].y + pp[2].y + pp[4].y) / 3;
-                break;
-              case MT_T:
-                centre.x = (pp[0].x + pp[1].x + pp[2].x) / 3;
-                centre.y = (pp[0].y + pp[1].y + pp[2].y) / 3;
-                break;
-              case MT_P:
-                centre.x = (pp[0].x + pp[2].x) / 2;
-                centre.y = (pp[0].y + pp[2].y) / 2;
-                break;
-              default /* case MT_F */:
-                centre.x = (pp[2].x + pp[4].x) / 2;
-                centre.y = (pp[2].y + pp[4].y) / 2;
-                break;
-            }
-            double lineheight = ascale * 1.5;
-            double charheight = lineheight * 0.6; /* close enough */
-            double allheight = lineheight * (tiles[i].ncoords-1) + charheight;
-            for (j = 0; j < tiles[i].ncoords; j++) {
-                const Metatile *it;
-                unsigned cindex;
-                printf("<text style=\""
-                       "fill: black; "
-                       "font-family: Sans; "
-                       "font-size: %g; "
-                       "text-anchor: middle; "
-                       "text-align: center; "
-                       "\" x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\">", lineheight,
-                       centre.x,
-                       centre.y - allheight/2 + charheight + lineheight*j);
-                it = &tiles[i];
-                cindex = j;
-                while (cindex < it->ncoords) {
-                    if (it != &tiles[i])
-                        printf(".");
-                    printf("%d", (int)it->coords[cindex].index);
-                    it = it->coords[cindex].parent;
-                    cindex = 0; /* BODGING AHOY */
-                }
-                printf("</text>\n");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    printf("</svg>\n");
-static void draw_metatile_set_svg(
-    MetatileSet *tiles, const Point *bounds, bool coords)
-    /*
-     * Slurp the tree234 of tiles into an array for display.
-     * Tedious, but this test code doesn't have to be particularly
-     * efficient.
-     */
-    size_t nt = count234(tiles->tiles);
-    Metatile *t = snewn(nt, Metatile);
-    size_t i;
-    for (i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
-        Metatile *m = index234(tiles->tiles, i);
-        t[i] = *m; /* structure copy */
-    }
-    draw_metatiles_svg(t, nt, bounds, coords);
-    sfree(t);
-static void draw_hats_svg(const Hat *hats, size_t n,
-                          const Point *bounds, bool kites, char coordtype)
-    size_t i, j;
-    psbbox bbox = { false };
-    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-        Point vertices[HAT_NVERT];
-        size_t nv = hat_vertices(hats[i], vertices);
-        for (j = 0; j < nv; j++)
-            psbbox_add(&bbox, pscoords(vertices[j]));
-    }
-    float ascale = (coordtype == 'k' || coordtype == 'K' ? 20 : 10);
-    float xscale = ascale, yscale = -ascale;
-    float border = 0.2 * ascale; /* leave room for strokes at the edges */
-    float ox = -xscale * + border;
-    float oy = -yscale * + border;
-    printf("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n");
-    printf("<svg xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.1\" "
-           "width=\"%g\" height=\"%g\">\n",
-           ceil(ox + xscale * + 2*border),
-           ceil(oy + yscale * + 2*border));
-    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-        Point vertices[HAT_NVERT];
-        pspoint psvs[HAT_NVERT];
-        size_t nv = hat_vertices(hats[i], vertices);
-        int is = hats[i].reversed ? -1 : +1;
-        int io = hats[i].reversed ? 13 : 0;
-        printf("<path style=\""
-               "fill: %s; "
-               "stroke: black; "
-               "stroke-width: %f; "
-               "stroke-linejoin: round; "
-               "stroke-linecap: round; "
-               "\" d=\"",
-               hats[i].reversed ? "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)" : "none",
-               0.2 * ascale);
-        for (j = 0; j < nv; j++) {
-            psvs[j] = pscoords(vertices[j]);
-            printf("%s %f %f\n", j ? "L" : "M",
-                   ox + xscale * psvs[j].x, oy + yscale * psvs[j].y);
-        }
-        printf("z\" />\n");
-        if (kites) {
-            /*
-             * Draw internal lines within each hat dividing it into
-             * kites. This is done in a rather bodgy way, sorry.
-             */
-            const char *fmt = "<path style=\""
-                "fill: none; "
-                "stroke: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); "
-                "stroke-width: %f; "
-                "stroke-linejoin: round; "
-                "stroke-linecap: round; "
-                "\" d=\"M %f %f L %f %f\" />\n";
-            float strokewidth = 0.1 * ascale;
-            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
-                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*0].x,
-                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*0].y,
-                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*3].x,
-                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*3].y);
-            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
-                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*0].x,
-                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*0].y,
-                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*5].x,
-                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*5].y);
-            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
-                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*6].x,
-                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*6].y,
-                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*9].x,
-                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*9].y);
-            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
-                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*0].x,
-                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*0].y,
-                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*10].x,
-                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*10].y);
-            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
-                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*9].x,
-                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*9].y,
-                   ox + xscale * (psvs[io+is*6].x + psvs[io+is*12].x) / 2,
-                   oy + yscale * (psvs[io+is*6].y + psvs[io+is*12].y) / 2);
-            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
-                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*5].x,
-                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*5].y,
-                   ox + xscale * (psvs[io+is*6].x + psvs[io+is*12].x) / 2,
-                   oy + yscale * (psvs[io+is*6].y + psvs[io+is*12].y) / 2);
-            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
-                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*12].x,
-                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*12].y,
-                   ox + xscale * (psvs[io+is*6].x + psvs[io+is*12].x) / 2,
-                   oy + yscale * (psvs[io+is*6].y + psvs[io+is*12].y) / 2);
-        }
-        if (coordtype == 'h') {
-            double lineheight = ascale * 2;
-            double charheight = lineheight * 0.6; /* close enough */
-            printf("<text style=\""
-                   "fill: black; "
-                   "font-family: Sans; "
-                   "font-size: %gpx; "
-                   "text-anchor: middle; "
-                   "text-align: center; "
-                   "\" x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\">", lineheight,
-                   ox + xscale * (psvs[io+is*0].x + psvs[io+is*10].x) / 2,
-                   oy + yscale * (psvs[io+is*0].y + psvs[io+is*10].y) / 2
-                   + charheight/2);
-            printf("%d", (int)i);
-            printf("</text>\n");
-        } else if (coordtype == 'k') {
-            Point kites[HAT_NKITE];
-            size_t nk = hat_kite_centres(hats[i], kites);
-            double lineheight = ascale * 0.5;
-            double charheight = lineheight * 0.6; /* close enough */
-            for (j = 0; j < nk; j++) {
-                pspoint p = pscoords(kites[j]);
-                printf("<text style=\""
-                       "fill: black; "
-                       "font-family: Sans; "
-                       "font-size: %gpx; "
-                       "text-anchor: middle; "
-                       "text-align: center; "
-                       "\" x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\">", lineheight,
-                       ox + xscale * p.x,
-                       oy + yscale * p.y + charheight/2);
-                printf("%d.%d.%d", (int)j, hats[i].index,
-                       hats[i].parent->coords[0].index);
-                printf("</text>\n");
-            }
-        } else if (coordtype == 'K') {
-            Point kites[HAT_NKITE];
-            size_t nk = hat_kite_centres(hats[i], kites);
-            double lineheight = ascale * 1.1;
-            double charheight = lineheight * 0.6; /* close enough */
-            for (j = 0; j < nk; j++) {
-                pspoint p = pscoords(kites[j]);
-                printf("<text style=\""
-                       "fill: black; "
-                       "font-family: Sans; "
-                       "font-size: %gpx; "
-                       "text-anchor: middle; "
-                       "text-align: center; "
-                       "\" x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\">", lineheight,
-                       ox + xscale * p.x,
-                       oy + yscale * p.y + charheight/2);
-                printf("%d", (int)j);
-                printf("</text>\n");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    printf("</svg>\n");
-typedef enum KiteStep { KS_LEFT, KS_RIGHT, KS_F_LEFT, KS_F_RIGHT } KiteStep;
-static inline Point kite_step(Point k, KiteStep step)
-    switch (step) {
-      case KS_LEFT: return kite_left(k);
-      case KS_RIGHT: return kite_right(k);
-      case KS_F_LEFT: return kite_forward_left(k);
-      default /* case KS_F_RIGHT */: return kite_forward_right(k);
-    }
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-    if (argc <= 1) {
-        printf("usage: hat-test <mode>\n");
-        printf("modes: H,T,P,F        display a single unexpanded tile\n");
-        printf("       xH,xT,xP,xF    display the expansion of one tile\n");
-        printf("       cH,cT,cP,cF    display expansion with tile coords\n");
-        printf("       CH,CT,CP,CF    display double expansion with coords\n");
-        printf("       hH,hT,hP,hF    display the hats from one tile\n");
-        printf("       HH,HT,HP,HF    hats from an expansion, with coords\n");
-        printf("       m1, m2, ...    nth expansion of one H metatile\n");
-        printf("       M1, M2, ...    nth expansion turned into real hats\n");
-        printf("       --hat          show the kites in a single hat\n");
-        printf("       --tables       generate hat-tables.h for hat.c\n");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "H") || !strcmp(argv[1], "T") ||
-        !strcmp(argv[1], "P") || !strcmp(argv[1], "F")) {
-        MetatileType type = (argv[1][0] == 'H' ? MT_H :
-                             argv[1][0] == 'T' ? MT_T :
-                             argv[1][0] == 'P' ? MT_P : MT_F);
-        Metatile m = {type, {0, 0}, {1, 0}};
-        draw_metatiles_svg(&m, 1, NULL, false);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "xH") || !strcmp(argv[1], "xT") ||
-        !strcmp(argv[1], "xP") || !strcmp(argv[1], "xF")) {
-        MetatileType type = (argv[1][1] == 'H' ? MT_H :
-                             argv[1][1] == 'T' ? MT_T :
-                             argv[1][1] == 'P' ? MT_P : MT_F);
-        Metatile m = {type, {0, 0}, {1, 0}};
-        Metatile t[MT_MAXEXPAND];
-        size_t nt = metatile_expand(m, t);
-        draw_metatiles_svg(t, nt, NULL, false);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if (argv[1][0] && argv[1][1] &&
-        strchr("cC", argv[1][0]) && strchr("HTPF", argv[1][1])) {
-        MetatileType type = (argv[1][1] == 'H' ? MT_H :
-                             argv[1][1] == 'T' ? MT_T :
-                             argv[1][1] == 'P' ? MT_P : MT_F);
-        MetatileSet *t[3];
-        int nsets = (argv[1][0] == 'c' ? 2 : 3);
-        int i;
-        t[0] = metatile_initial_set(type);
-        for (i = 1; i < nsets; i++)
-            t[i] = metatile_set_expand(t[i-1]);
-        draw_metatile_set_svg(t[nsets-1], NULL, true);
-        for (i = 0; i < nsets; i++)
-            metatile_free_set(t[i]);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "hH") || !strcmp(argv[1], "hT") ||
-        !strcmp(argv[1], "hP") || !strcmp(argv[1], "hF")) {
-        MetatileType type = (
-            !strcmp(argv[1], "hH") ? MT_H :
-            !strcmp(argv[1], "hT") ? MT_T :
-            !strcmp(argv[1], "hP") ? MT_P : MT_F);
-        Metatile m = {type, {0, 0}, {1, 0}};
-        Hat h[MT_MAXHAT];
-        size_t nh = metatile_hats(&m, h);
-        draw_hats_svg(h, nh, NULL, false, 'h');
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--hat")) {
-        Hat h = { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, false, NULL, 0 };
-        draw_hats_svg(&h, 1, NULL, true, 'K');
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if (argv[1][0] == 'H' && argv[1][1] && strchr("HTPF", argv[1][1])) {
-        MetatileType type = (argv[1][1] == 'H' ? MT_H :
-                             argv[1][1] == 'T' ? MT_T :
-                             argv[1][1] == 'P' ? MT_P : MT_F);
-        MetatileSet *t[2];
-        size_t i, nh;
-        t[0] = metatile_initial_set(type);
-        t[1] = metatile_set_expand(t[0]);
-        Hat *h = metatile_set_to_hats(t[1], &nh, NULL);
-        draw_hats_svg(h, nh, NULL, true, 'k');
-        sfree(h);
-        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-            metatile_free_set(t[i]);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if (argv[1][0] == 'm' || argv[1][0] == 'M') {
-        int niter = atoi(argv[1] + 1);
-        MetatileSet *tiles = metatile_initial_set(MT_P);
-        while (niter-- > 0) {
-            MetatileSet *t2 = metatile_set_expand(tiles);
-            metatile_free_set(tiles);
-            tiles = t2;
-        }
-        if (argv[1][0] == 'M') {
-            size_t nh;
-            Hat *h = metatile_set_to_hats(tiles, &nh, NULL);
-            draw_hats_svg(h, nh, tiles->vertices, false, 0);
-            sfree(h);
-        } else {
-            draw_metatile_set_svg(tiles, tiles->vertices, false);
-        }
-        metatile_free_set(tiles);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--tables")) {
-        size_t i, j, k;
-        printf("/*\n"
-               " * Header file autogenerated by aux/hatgen.c\n"
-               " *\n"
-               " * To regenerate, run 'hatgen --tables > hat-tables.h'\n"
-               " */\n\n");
-        static const char HTPF[] = "HTPF";
-        printf("static const unsigned hats_in_metatile[] = {");
-        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-            Metatile m = {i, {0, 0}, {1, 0}};
-            Hat h[MT_MAXHAT];
-            size_t nh = metatile_hats(&m, h);
-            printf(" %zu,", nh);
-        }
-        printf(" };\n\n");
-        {
-            struct Parent {
-                MetatileType t;
-                unsigned index;
-            } parents[4][4*MT_MAXEXPAND];
-            size_t psizes[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
-            size_t csizes[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
-            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-                Metatile m = {i, {0, 0}, {1, 0}};
-                Metatile t[MT_MAXEXPAND];
-                size_t nt = metatile_expand(m, t);
-                printf("static const TileType children_%c[] = {\n"
-                       "   ", HTPF[i]);
-                for (j = 0; j < nt; j++) {
-                    MetatileType c = t[j].type;
-                    parents[c][psizes[c]].t = i;
-                    parents[c][psizes[c]].index = j;
-                    psizes[c]++;
-                    csizes[i]++;
-                    printf(" TT_%c,", HTPF[c]);
-                }
-                printf("\n};\n");
-            }
-            printf("static const TileType *const children[] = {\n");
-            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-                printf("    children_%c,\n", HTPF[i]);
-            printf("};\n");
-            printf("static const size_t nchildren[] = {\n");
-            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-                printf("    %u,\n", (unsigned)csizes[i]);
-            printf("};\n\n");
-            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-                printf("static const MetatilePossibleParent "
-                       "permitted_parents_%c[] = {\n", HTPF[i]);
-                for (j = 0; j < psizes[i]; j++)
-                    printf("    { TT_%c, %u },\n", HTPF[parents[i][j].t],
-                           parents[i][j].index);
-                printf("};\n");
-            }
-            printf("static const MetatilePossibleParent *const "
-                   "permitted_parents[] = {\n");
-            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-                printf("    permitted_parents_%c,\n", HTPF[i]);
-            printf("};\n");
-            printf("static const size_t n_permitted_parents[] = {\n");
-            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-                printf("    %u,\n", (unsigned)psizes[i]);
-            printf("};\n\n");
-        }
-        {
-            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-                MetatileSet *t[2];
-                size_t j, k, nh, nmeta, ti;
-                struct list {
-                    Point kite;
-                    unsigned ik, ih, im;
-                } list[8*MT_MAXHAT*MT_MAXEXPAND];
-                size_t len = 0;
-                t[0] = metatile_initial_set(i);
-                t[1] = metatile_set_expand(t[0]);
-                Hat *h = metatile_set_to_hats(t[1], &nh, NULL);
-                printf("static const KitemapEntry kitemap_%c[] = {\n",
-                       HTPF[i]);
-                Point origin = h[0].start;
-                for (j = 0; j < nh; j++) {
-                    Point kites[HAT_NKITE];
-                    size_t nk = hat_kite_centres(h[j], kites);
-                    for (k = 0; k < nk; k++) {
-                        struct list *le = &list[len++];
-                        le->kite.x = kites[k].x - origin.x;
-                        le->kite.y = kites[k].y - origin.y;
-                        le->ik = k;
-                        le->ih = h[j].index;
-                        le->im = h[j].parent->coords[0].index;
-#if 0
-                        printf("// %d,%d = %u.%u.%u\n", le->kite.x, le->kite.y, le->ik, le->ih, le->im);
-                    }
-                }
-                nmeta = count234(t[1]->tiles);
-                for (ti = 0; ti < 8 * 4 * nmeta; ti++) {
-                    unsigned ik = ti % 8;
-                    unsigned ih = ti / 8 % 4;
-                    unsigned im = ti / (8*4);
-                    struct list *src = NULL, *dst = NULL;
-                    int istep;
-                    for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
-                        struct list *tmp = &list[j];
-                        if (tmp->ik == ik && tmp->ih == ih && tmp->im == im) {
-                            src = tmp;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (ik == 0) {
-                        printf("    /* hat #%u in metatile #%u (type %c)",
-                               ih, im, HTPF[((Metatile *)index234(
-                                                 t[1]->tiles, im))->type]);
-                        if (!src)
-                            printf(" does not exist");
-                        printf(" */\n");
-                    }
-#if 0
-                    if (src)
-                        printf("    // src=%d,%d\n", src->kite.x, src->kite.y);
-                    printf("   ");
-                    for (istep = 0; istep < 4; istep++) {
-                        KiteStep step = istep;
-                        dst = NULL;
-                        if (src) {
-                            Point pdst = kite_step(src->kite, step);
-#if 0
-                            printf(" /* dst=%d,%d */", pdst.x, pdst.y);
-                            for (k = 0; k < len; k++) {
-                                struct list *tmp = &list[k];
-                                if (tmp->kite.x == pdst.x &&
-                                    tmp->kite.y == pdst.y) {
-                                    dst = tmp;
-                                    break;
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (!dst) {
-                            printf(" {-1,-1,-1},");
-                        } else {
-                            printf(" {%u,%u,%u},", dst->ik, dst->ih, dst->im);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    printf("\n");
-                }
-                printf("};\n");
-                sfree(h);
-                for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
-                    metatile_free_set(t[j]);
-            }
-            printf("static const KitemapEntry *const "
-                   "kitemap[] = {\n");
-            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-                printf("    kitemap_%c,\n", HTPF[i]);
-            printf("};\n\n");
-        }
-        {
-            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
-                MetatileSet *t[3];
-                Metatile *m;
-                int map[MT_MAXEXPAND * MT_MAXEXPAND];
-                size_t maplen;
-                for (j = 0; j < lenof(map); j++)
-                    map[j] = -1;
-                t[0] = metatile_initial_set(i);
-                for (j = 1; j < 3; j++)
-                    t[j] = metatile_set_expand(t[j-1]);
-                for (j = 0; (m = index234(t[2]->tiles, j)) != NULL; j++) {
-                    unsigned coords[4];
-                    size_t ncoords = 0;
-                    int cindex;
-#if 0
-                    printf("// ***\n");
-                    for (cindex = 0; cindex < m->ncoords; cindex++) {
-#if 0
-                        printf("// %d.%d\n", (int)m->coords[cindex].index,
-                               (int)m->coords[cindex].parent->coords[0].index);
-                        coords[ncoords++] = (
-                            m->coords[cindex].index + MT_MAXEXPAND *
-                            m->coords[cindex].parent->coords[0].index);
-                    }
-                    unsigned prev = ncoords-1;
-                    for (k = 0; k < ncoords; k++) {
-                        map[coords[prev]] = coords[k];
-                        prev = k;
-                    }
-                }
-                printf("static const MetamapEntry metamap_%c[] = {\n",
-                       HTPF[i]);
-                maplen = MT_MAXEXPAND * count234(t[1]->tiles);
-                for (j = 0; j < maplen; j++) {
-                    printf("    /* %u, %u -> */ ",
-                           (unsigned)(j % MT_MAXEXPAND),
-                           (unsigned)(j / MT_MAXEXPAND));
-                    if (map[j] == -1) {
-                        printf("{-1,-1}, /* does not exist */\n");
-                    } else {
-                        printf("{%u, %u},",
-                               (unsigned)(map[j] % MT_MAXEXPAND),
-                               (unsigned)(map[j] / MT_MAXEXPAND));
-                        if (map[j] == j)
-                            printf(" /* no alternatives */");
-                        printf("\n");
-                    }
-                }
-                printf("};\n");
-                for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
-                    metatile_free_set(t[j]);
-            }
-            printf("static const MetamapEntry *const "
-                   "metamap[] = {\n");
-            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-                printf("    metamap_%c,\n", HTPF[i]);
-            printf("};\n");
-        }
-        return 0;
-    }
-    fprintf(stderr, "unknown test mode '%s'\n", argv[1]);
-    return 1;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+cliprogram(hatgen hatgen.c COMPILE_DEFINITIONS TEST_HAT)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/doc/arrow.svg
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="110" height="200">
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 9.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 10 100 L 100 100 L 70 70 M 100 100 L 70 130" />
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/doc/expanded-F.svg
@@ -1,0 +1,84 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="336" height="543">
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 212.000000 261.807617 
+L 242.000000 244.487106 
+L 242.000000 105.923035 
+L 212.000000 88.602509 
+L 92.000000 157.884583 
+L 92.000000 192.525589 
+z" />
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 9.000000; stroke-opacity: 0.2; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 122.000000 175.205078 L 212.000000 175.205078 L 200.000000 163.205078 M 212.000000 175.205078 L 200.000000 187.205078 " />
+<text style="fill: black; font-family: Sans; font-size: 15; text-anchor: middle; text-align: center; " x="182" y="179.705">0</text>
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 212.000000 365.730652 
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+L 92.000000 261.807617 
+L 62.000000 279.128113 
+L 62.000000 417.692200 
+L 92.000000 435.012695 
+z" />
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 9.000000; stroke-opacity: 0.2; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 92.000000 400.371674 L 137.000000 322.429382 L 120.607696 326.821687 M 137.000000 322.429382 L 141.392305 338.821686 " />
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+L 302.000000 209.846085 
+L 302.000000 71.282043 
+L 242.000000 105.923035 
+z" />
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 9.000000; stroke-opacity: 0.2; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 254.000000 157.884552 L 290.000000 157.884567 L 278.000005 145.884562 M 290.000000 157.884567 L 277.999994 169.884562 " />
+<text style="fill: black; font-family: Sans; font-size: 15; text-anchor: middle; text-align: center; " x="272" y="162.385">2</text>
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 212.000000 331.089661 
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+L 92.000000 192.525589 
+L 92.000000 261.807617 
+z" />
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+L 212.000000 88.602509 
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+++ b/auxiliary/doc/hatmaps.html
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<title>Kitemaps and metamaps for the hat tiling generator</title>
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+      border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+      border-collapse: collapse;
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+  <h1>Kitemaps and metamaps for the hat tiling generator</h1>
+  <p>See <a href="hats.html">hats.html</a> for the full explanation.</p>
+  <p>Here's the full set of kitemaps and metamaps for all the tile
+  types:</p>
+  <table>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Tile name</th>
+      <th>Original tile</th>
+      <th>First-order expansion</th>
+      <th>Kitemap</th>
+      <th>Metamap</th>
+    <tr>
+      <td>H</td>
+      <td><img src="single-H.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="expanded-H.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="kitemap-H.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="metamap-H.svg"></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>T</td>
+      <td><img src="single-T.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="expanded-T.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="kitemap-T.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="metamap-T.svg"></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>P</td>
+      <td><img src="single-P.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="expanded-P.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="kitemap-P.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="metamap-P.svg"></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>F</td>
+      <td><img src="single-F.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="expanded-F.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="kitemap-F.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="metamap-F.svg"></td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/doc/hats-single-F.svg
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+++ b/auxiliary/doc/hats.html
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+<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
+<title>Generating hat tilings for Loopy</title>
+<style type="text/css">
+  table, tbody, tr, td, th {
+      border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
+      border-collapse: collapse;
+  }
+  table.noborder, table.noborder tbody, table.noborder td,
+  table.noborder th, table.noborder tr { border: none; }
+  table {
+      margin: 1em;
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+      padding: 0.5em;
+  }
+  <h1>Generating hat tilings for Loopy</h1>
+  <p>The <a href="">original paper</a>
+  describes a method for generating hat tilings from a system of four
+  'metatiles'. You can start with any one of the four tiles, and then
+  recursively apply a set of expansion rules that turn each tile into
+  a collection of smaller tiles from the same set.</p>
+  <p>This table shows the four tiles, with their one-letter names as
+  given in the paper, and how each one is expanded.</p>
+  <p>All the tiles have a significant orientation. The H, T and P
+  tiles are marked with arrows to indicate the orientation. The F tile
+  is asymmetric, so no arrow is needed.</p>
+  <p>I've assigned each tile in each expansion a number, which Loopy
+  will use for its coordinate system.</p>
+  <table>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Tile name</th>
+      <th>Single tile</th>
+      <th>Expansion</th>
+    <tr>
+      <td>H</td>
+      <td><img src="single-H.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="expanded-H.svg"></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>T</td>
+      <td><img src="single-T.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="expanded-T.svg"></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>P</td>
+      <td><img src="single-P.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="expanded-P.svg"></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>F</td>
+      <td><img src="single-F.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="expanded-F.svg"></td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <p><strong>Note that these expansions overlap</strong>. When two
+  adjacent metatiles are expanded, the outer layer of P and F tiles in
+  their expansions must be placed so that they overlap each other. The
+  original paper suggests a set of tiles to remove from these
+  expansions so that each metatile expands to a <em>disjoint</em> set
+  of smaller tiles. In our implementation, however, we prefer to keep
+  the overlap, because our coordinate system will use it.</p>
+  <p>Once you've generated a large enough patch of metatiles for your
+  needs, the final step is to convert it into the actual hat tiles.
+  The expansion of each metatile into hats is shown here. Again, I've
+  assigned numbers to each hat for coordinate-system purposes:</p>
+  <table>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Tile name</th>
+      <th>Conversion into hats</th>
+    <tr>
+      <td>H</td>
+      <td><img src="single-H.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="hats-single-H.svg"></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>T</td>
+      <td><img src="single-T.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="hats-single-T.svg"></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>P</td>
+      <td><img src="single-P.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="hats-single-P.svg"></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>F</td>
+      <td><img src="single-F.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="hats-single-F.svg"></td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <p>(The hat in the middle of the H is shaded to indicate that it's
+  one of the rare reflected ones. All the other hats are rotations of
+  each other.)</p>
+  <p>Given all of this, an obvious approach to generating a random
+  patch of hat tiling would be to start with a single metatile,
+  iterate the expansion process a few times until you have a tiled
+  area much larger than you need, and then pick a subrectangle of
+  it at random.</p>
+  <p>Loopy's algorithm for generating Penrose tilings (which admit a
+  similar, though less complicated, expansion system) works in exactly
+  this way.</p>
+  <p>One problem with that algorithm is that it spends a lot of effort
+  on generating huge areas of tiles that aren't actually needed. So
+  you'd prefer to adjust the algorithm so that at every stage of
+  expansion it spots tiles completely outside the target rectangle,
+  and throws them away <em>before</em> spending 5 iterations on
+  exponentially expanding them into huge amounts of detail that will
+  only be thrown away anyway later.</p>
+  <p>That works well for Penrose tilings, because there, the expansion
+  procedure is geometrically precise: coordinates in the expanded
+  tiling are scaled up by an exact factor from coordinates in the
+  original tiling. So at every stage it's easy to know exactly where
+  your target rectangle <em>is</em>, and discard things that don't
+  overlap it.</p>
+  <p>But the metatiles shown here don't have that property. The tiles
+  distort slightly as they expand. The <em>topological</em> properties
+  of the expanded tiling match the original (which expanded tiles
+  connect to each other), but the geometry (precise distances) is
+  different. So it would be harder to implement the pruning for this
+  tiling. The target rectangle might not even be rectangular in every
+  iteration!</p>
+  <p>Instead, I came up with a completely different mechanism, by
+  devising a coordinate system to track our position within multiple
+  layers of tile expansion. This allows us to generate precisely the
+  area of tiling we need, and waste no effort at all on anything
+  outside the target region.</p>
+  <p>We begin by assigning an integer index to each kite making up an
+  individual hat:</p>
+  <img src="hat-kites.svg">
+  <p>(For a reflected hat, these indices work in mirror image, so that
+  for example 5 is still the kite in the middle.)</p>
+  <p>Together with the indices we've assigned to hats within each
+  metatile, and to metatiles in the expansion of another metatile,
+  this gives us a coordinate system that can identify an individual
+  kite in an n-times-expanded metatile. For each large metatile
+  expansion, you can give the index of the smaller metatile selected
+  from its expansion; when we reach the last layer of metatiles and
+  expand them into hats, we can give the index of the hat in that
+  metatile; finally we can index the kite in that hat.</p>
+  <p><strong>But note that a kite can have multiple
+  coordinates</strong>, because of the overlap between the expansions
+  of adjacent metatiles. This will be useful!</p>
+  <p>Our next step is to unambiguously name the four directions in
+  which you can move from one kite to an adjacent kite. The directions
+  should be independent of the orientation of the kite. I've chosen to
+  name them from the viewpoint of someone standing at the pointy end
+  of the kite and looking towards the blunt end:</p>
+  <dl>
+    <dt><strong>Left</strong></dt>
+    <dd>Rotate 60° anticlockwise about the pointy end of the kite. For
+    example, in the above hat, going 'left' from kite 5 takes you to
+    kite 4.</dd>
+    <dt><strong>Right</strong></dt>
+    <dd>Rotate 60° clockwise about the pointy end. From kite 5, this
+    would take you to kite 6.</dd>
+    <dt><strong>Forward left</strong></dt>
+    <dd>Head forwards and slightly left, to the kite sharing the
+    left-hand one of this kite's short edges (as seen from the
+    centre). Equivalently, rotate 120° <em>clockwise</em> about the
+    blunt end. From kite 5, this takes you to kite 2.</dd>
+    <dt><strong>Forward right</strong></dt>
+    <dd>Head forwards and slightly right. Or rotate 120° anticlockwise
+    about the blunt end, if you prefer to think of it that way. From
+    kite 5, this takes you to kite 1.</dd>
+  </dl>
+  <p>The idea is that if we know how to transform the coordinates of a
+  single kite into the coordinates of each of those four adjacent
+  kites, then we can iterate that over a whole area and determine the
+  coordinates of every kite in the whole tiling.</p>
+  <p>Having done that, it's easy to identify each individual kite, by
+  several different methods. For example, you could iterate over edges
+  of the tiling to see whether the kites on each side have coordinates
+  differing only in the kite index; if so, they're part of the same
+  hat, and if not, not. Or a completely different approach (in fact
+  the one Loopy actually uses) would be to trace round the boundary of
+  each hat by starting from its kite #0 and just knowing what shape a
+  hat is.</p>
+  <p>So now we have to come up with an algorithm that lets us
+  transform a kite coordinate by making one of the four permitted
+  moves. To do this, we use two multilevel types of map.</p>
+  <p>The <strong>kitemap</strong> for a given metatile type is made by
+  expanding the metatile once into more metatiles, and then into hats.
+  For example, the T tile:</p>
+  <table class="noborder">
+    <tr>
+      <td><img src="single-T.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="arrow.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="expanded-T.svg" height="200px"></td>
+      <td><img src="arrow.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="kitemap-T.svg" height="500px"></td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <p>In each kite, we show a three-part coordinate, in little-endian
+  fashion (because that matches the order the coordinates are stored
+  in an array in the code that actually generates the tilings). For
+  example, 7.3.0 means kite 7 in hat 3 of metatile 0 of the
+  expansion.</p>
+  <p>This map can be converted into a lookup table, indexed by those
+  three-part coordinates and also the four move directions, which
+  allows you to look up that (for example) going Left from kite 7.3.0
+  goes to 0.0.0, or going Forward Left from 7.3.0 goes to 3.1.3.</p>
+  <p>But if you're at the very edge of the kitemap, this isn't enough.
+  For example, kite 0.0.4 right at the top can go Left to 1.0.4, but
+  if it wants to go in any of the other three directions, this map
+  doesn't help at all.</p>
+  <p>This is where the overlap between the metatile expansions comes
+  in. If you're in kite 0.0.4, then in particular, you're in the F
+  tile numbered 4 in the expansion of a larger T metatile. And that F
+  tile is <em>also</em> part of the expansion of at least one other
+  second-order metatile – maybe two of them – which means that there
+  are other equivalent coordinates describing the same kite, which
+  will place it in a different kitemap where it <em>isn't</em> right
+  on the edge,</p>
+  <p>In order to find those equivalent coordinates, we create a second
+  map for each metatile type, called the <strong>metamap</strong>.
+  This one arises from expanding the metatile twice into other
+  metatiles, instead of into hats:</p>
+  <table class="noborder">
+    <tr>
+      <td><img src="single-T.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="arrow.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="expanded-T.svg" height="200px"></td>
+      <td><img src="arrow.svg"></td>
+      <td><img src="metamap-T.svg" height="500px"></td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+  <p>Again, the coordinates are little-end first, so that 7.4 means
+  the 7th smallest-size tile expanded from the 4th medium-sized tile
+  expanded from the original single large tile.</p>
+  <p>Unlike the kitemap, the metamap is not used for <em>moving
+  around</em> the tiling to a different kite. It's used for rewriting
+  the coordinates of the current kite into equivalent forms. So each
+  the small tile in the metamap that's part of the expansion
+  of <em>more than one</em> medium-sized tile has more than one
+  coordinate pair. For example, tile 5.2 is also tile 5.4, and tile
+  7.0 is also 8.3 <em>and</em> also 4.5 (because it's where three
+  medium-tile expansions meet).</p>
+  <p>Using both of these maps (converted into appropriate lookup
+  tables in the code), you can always eventually find a valid
+  coordinate representation of whichever kite you like adjacent to
+  your current one. If the kitemap corresponding to the current
+  coordinates doesn't tell you the coordinates of the next kite, then
+  you can try rewriting the two least-significant metatile indices
+  (using the metamap corresponding to the type of the next-larger
+  metatile still) and then see if that gives you a new kitemap that
+  works. If even that doesn't work, you can move another level up, and
+  try a metamap rewrite on the 2nd and 3rd smallest metatile levels,
+  or the 3rd and 4th, etc. And eventually, you find something you can
+  do.</p>
+  <p>The full set of kitemaps and metamaps for all the tile
+  types is in <a href="hatmaps.html">hatmaps.html</a>.</p>
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/doc/single-F.svg
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="66" height="162">
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 2.000000 140.564056 
+L 32.000000 157.884567 
+L 62.000000 140.564056 
+L 62.000000 2.000000 
+L 2.000000 36.641014 
+z" />
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/doc/single-H.svg
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="156" height="180">
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 2.000000 157.884567 
+L 32.000000 175.205078 
+L 152.000000 105.923050 
+L 152.000000 71.282021 
+L 32.000000 2.000000 
+L 2.000000 19.320511 
+z" />
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 9.000000; stroke-opacity: 0.2; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 32.000000 36.641014 L 77.000000 114.583298 L 81.392305 98.190992 M 77.000000 114.583298 L 60.607695 110.190993 " />
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/doc/single-P.svg
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="66" height="180">
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 2.000000 175.205093 
+L 62.000000 140.564087 
+L 62.000000 2.000000 
+L 2.000000 36.641037 
+z" />
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 9.000000; stroke-opacity: 0.2; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 14.000000 88.602562 L 50.000000 88.602554 L 37.999997 76.602557 M 50.000000 88.602554 L 38.000003 100.602557 " />
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/doc/single-T.svg
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" width="96" height="110">
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 2.000000; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 2.000000 105.923042 
+L 92.000000 53.961521 
+L 2.000000 2.000000 
+z" />
+<path style="fill: none; stroke: black; stroke-width: 9.000000; stroke-opacity: 0.2; stroke-linejoin: round; stroke-linecap: round; " d="M 11.000000 90.334587 L 38.000000 43.569218 L 21.607695 47.961522 M 38.000000 43.569218 L 42.392305 59.961523 " />
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+# Regenerate all the SVG images in the aux/doc directory for hats.html
+# and hatmap.html.
+set -e
+if ! test -x "$hatgen"; then
+    echo "Provide pathname to hatgen as an argument" >&2
+    exit 1
+for tile in H T P F; do
+    "$hatgen" "$tile" > single-"$tile".svg
+    "$hatgen" c"$tile" > expanded-"$tile".svg
+    "$hatgen" h"$tile" > hats-single-"$tile".svg
+    "$hatgen" H"$tile" > kitemap-"$tile".svg
+    "$hatgen" C"$tile" > metamap-"$tile".svg
+"$hatgen" --hat > hat-kites.svg
--- /dev/null
+++ b/auxiliary/hatgen.c
@@ -1,0 +1,1713 @@
+ * Generate patches of tiling by the 'hat' aperiodic monotile
+ * discovered in 2023.
+ *
+ * This implementation of hat-tiling generation was intended to be the
+ * basis for generating hat grids for Loopy. However, it turned out
+ * that I found a better strategy, so this source file isn't used by
+ * the main puzzle system. I've kept it anyway because I ended up
+ * adapting it to generate the file hat-tables.h containing the lookup
+ * tables for the algorithm I _did_ end up using. It also generates
+ * diagrams that are useful for understanding that algorithm, and for
+ * debugging it if anything still turns out to be wrong with it.
+ *
+ * Discoverers' website:
+ * Preprint of paper:
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "puzzles.h"
+#include "tree234.h"
+#include "hat.h"
+ * General strategy:
+ *
+ * We construct the hat tiling by means of a substitution system of
+ * 'metatiles' which come in four types, called H,T,P,F. A (valid)
+ * tiling of these metatiles can be expanded to a larger one by a set
+ * of recursive subdivision rules. Once we have a large enough patch
+ * of metatiles, we apply a final transformation that converts each
+ * metatile into 1, 2 or 4 instances of the aperiodically tiling
+ * 'hat'.
+ *
+ * Unlike the similar substitution system for Penrose tilings, the
+ * expansion rules are not geometrically precise: the larger versions
+ * of each metatile fit together combinatorially in the same way, but
+ * their shapes are distorted slightly. So we must construct our
+ * expanded meta-tiling by breadth-first search out from a starting
+ * metatile, because we won't quite know the coordinates of the
+ * expanded version of each metatile until we know one of the ones
+ * next to it.
+ */
+ * Coordinate system:
+ *
+ * Everything in this code lives on the tiling known to grid.c as
+ * 'Kites', which can be viewed as a tiling of hexagons each of which
+ * is subdivided into six kites sharing their pointy vertex, or
+ * (equivalently) a tiling of equilateral triangles each subdivided
+ * into three kits sharing their blunt vertex.
+ *
+ * We express coordinates in this system relative to the basis (1, r)
+ * where r = (1 + sqrt(3)i) / 2 is a primitive 6th root of unity. This
+ * gives us a system in which two integer coordinates can address any
+ * grid point, provided we scale up so that the side length of the
+ * equilateral triangles in the tiling is 6.
+ */
+typedef struct Point {
+    int x, y;                          /* represents x + yr */
+} Point;
+static inline Point left6(Point p)
+    /* r satisfies the equation r^2 = r-1. Hence, multiplying by r
+     * (achieving a rotation anticlockwise by 1/6 turn) transforms
+     * x+yr into xr+yr^2 = xr+y(r-1) = (-y) + (x+y)r.
+     *
+     * It's easy to check that iterating this transformation six times
+     * gives you back the same coordinates you started with. */
+    Point q = { -p.y, p.x + p.y };
+    return q;
+static inline Point right6(Point p)
+    /* Conversely, 1/r = 1 - r, so dividing by r turns x+yr into x/r+y
+     * = x(1-r) + y = (x+y) + (-x)r. */
+    Point q = { p.x + p.y, -p.x };
+    return q;
+typedef enum MetatileType { MT_H, MT_T, MT_P, MT_F } MetatileType;
+typedef struct Metatile Metatile;
+typedef struct MetaCoord {
+    Metatile *parent;
+    int index;
+} MetaCoord;
+struct Metatile {
+    /* Data fields describing the metatile and its position. */
+    MetatileType type;
+    Point start, orientation;
+    MetaCoord coords[4];
+    size_t ncoords;
+    /* Auxiliary fields used to store the progress of the expansion
+     * algorithm. */
+    bool queued;
+    Metatile *qnext;
+#define MT_MAXVERT 6 /* largest number of vertices of any metatile */
+#define MT_MAXVDEGREE 3 /* largest degree of any vertex of a meta-tiling */
+#define MT_MAXEXPAND 13 /* largest number of metatiles in any expansion */
+#define MT_MAXHAT 4 /* largest number of hats in a metatile */
+#define HAT_NVERT 14 /* vertices of a single hat (counting the straight one) */
+#define HAT_NKITE 8 /* kites in a single hat */
+static int metatile_cmp(void *av, void *bv)
+    Metatile *a = (Metatile *)av, *b = (Metatile *)bv;
+    if (a->type < b->type) return -1;
+    if (a->type > b->type) return +1;
+    if (a->start.x < b->start.x) return -1;
+    if (a->start.x > b->start.x) return +1;
+    if (a->start.y < b->start.y) return -1;
+    if (a->start.y > b->start.y) return +1;
+    if (a->orientation.x < b->orientation.x) return -1;
+    if (a->orientation.x > b->orientation.x) return +1;
+    if (a->orientation.y < b->orientation.y) return -1;
+    if (a->orientation.y > b->orientation.y) return +1;
+    return 0;
+ * Return the coordinates of the vertices of a metatile, given the
+ * coordinates of the vertex we deem to be distinguished, and a vector
+ * of Euclidean length 1 showing its direction.
+ *
+ * If 'expanded' is true, we instead return the coordinates of the
+ * corresponding vertices of the expanded version of the same
+ * metatile.
+ */
+static size_t metatile_vertices(Metatile m, Point *out, bool expanded)
+    static const Point vertices_H[] = {
+        {0, 0}, {4, -2}, {12, 6}, {10, 10}, {-6, 18}, {-8, 16},
+    };
+    static const Point vertices_T[] = {
+        {0, 0}, {6, 6}, {-6, 12},
+    };
+    static const Point vertices_P[] = {
+        {0, 0}, {4, 4}, {-4, 20}, {-8, 16},
+    };
+    static const Point vertices_F[] = {
+        {0, 0}, {4, -2}, {6, 0}, {-2, 16}, {-6, 12},
+    };
+    static const Point expanded_H[] = {
+        {0, 0}, {12, -6}, {30, 12}, {24, 24}, {-12, 42}, {-18, 36},
+    };
+    static const Point expanded_T[] = {
+        {0, 0}, {12, 12}, {-12, 24},
+    };
+    static const Point expanded_P[] = {
+        {0, 0}, {14, 8}, {-4, 44}, {-18, 36},
+    };
+    static const Point expanded_F[] = {
+        {0, 0}, {14, -4}, {18, 6}, {0, 42}, {-14, 34},
+    };
+    const Point *vertices;
+    size_t nvertices;
+    size_t i;
+    switch (m.type) {
+      case MT_H:
+        vertices = expanded ? expanded_H : vertices_H;
+        nvertices = lenof(vertices_H);
+        break;
+      case MT_T:
+        vertices = expanded ? expanded_T : vertices_T;
+        nvertices = lenof(vertices_T);
+        break;
+      case MT_P:
+        vertices = expanded ? expanded_P : vertices_P;
+        nvertices = lenof(vertices_P);
+        break;
+      default /* case MT_F */:
+        vertices = expanded ? expanded_F : vertices_F;
+        nvertices = lenof(vertices_F);
+        break;
+    }
+    assert(nvertices <= MT_MAXVERT);
+    Point orientation_r = left6(m.orientation);
+    for (i = 0; i < nvertices; i++) {
+        Point v = vertices[i];
+        out[i].x = m.start.x + v.x * m.orientation.x + v.y * orientation_r.x;
+        out[i].y = m.start.y + v.x * m.orientation.y + v.y * orientation_r.y;
+    }
+    return nvertices;
+ * Return a list of metatiles that arise from expanding a given tile.
+ */
+static size_t metatile_expand(Metatile m, Metatile *out)
+    static const Metatile tiles_H[] = {
+        {MT_H, {-4, 20}, {1, 0}},
+        {MT_H, {2, 2}, {1, 0}},
+        {MT_H, {8, 26}, {0, -1}},
+        {MT_T, {6, 24}, {-1, 0}},
+        {MT_P, {-8, 16}, {1, 0}},
+        {MT_P, {4, 34}, {0, -1}},
+        {MT_P, {6, 0}, {1, -1}},
+        {MT_F, {-10, 38}, {-1, 1}},
+        {MT_F, {-10, 44}, {0, -1}},
+        {MT_F, {-4, 2}, {1, 0}},
+        {MT_F, {2, 2}, {0, -1}},
+        {MT_F, {26, 14}, {1, 0}},
+        {MT_F, {32, 8}, {-1, 1}},
+    };
+    static const Metatile tiles_T[] = {
+        {MT_H, {10, 10}, {-1, 1}},
+        {MT_P, {-6, 0}, {1, 0}},
+        {MT_P, {8, 14}, {0, 1}},
+        {MT_P, {18, 6}, {-1, 1}},
+        {MT_F, {-14, 34}, {-1, 0}},
+        {MT_F, {-8, -2}, {1, -1}},
+        {MT_F, {22, 4}, {0, 1}},
+    };
+    static const Metatile tiles_P[] = {
+        {MT_H, {4, 22}, {0, 1}},
+        {MT_H, {10, 10}, {-1, 1}},
+        {MT_P, {-6, 0}, {1, 0}},
+        {MT_P, {6, 24}, {1, 0}},
+        {MT_P, {8, 14}, {0, 1}},
+        {MT_F, {-20, 40}, {1, -1}},
+        {MT_F, {-14, 34}, {-1, 0}},
+        {MT_F, {-8, -2}, {1, -1}},
+        {MT_F, {4, 46}, {-1, 1}},
+        {MT_F, {10, 10}, {1, 0}},
+        {MT_F, {16, 4}, {-1, 1}},
+    };
+    static const Metatile tiles_F[] = {
+        {MT_H, {8, 20}, {0, 1}},
+        {MT_H, {14, 8}, {-1, 1}},
+        {MT_P, {10, 22}, {1, 0}},
+        {MT_P, {12, 12}, {0, 1}},
+        {MT_F, {-16, 38}, {1, -1}},
+        {MT_F, {-10, 32}, {-1, 0}},
+        {MT_F, {-4, 2}, {1, 0}},
+        {MT_F, {2, 2}, {0, -1}},
+        {MT_F, {8, 44}, {-1, 1}},
+        {MT_F, {14, 8}, {1, 0}},
+        {MT_F, {20, 2}, {-1, 1}},
+    };
+    const Metatile *tiles;
+    size_t ntiles;
+    size_t i;
+    switch (m.type) {
+      case MT_H:
+        tiles = tiles_H;
+        ntiles = lenof(tiles_H);
+        break;
+      case MT_T:
+        tiles = tiles_T;
+        ntiles = lenof(tiles_T);
+        break;
+      case MT_P:
+        tiles = tiles_P;
+        ntiles = lenof(tiles_P);
+        break;
+      default /* case MT_F */:
+        tiles = tiles_F;
+        ntiles = lenof(tiles_F);
+        break;
+    }
+    assert(ntiles <= MT_MAXEXPAND);
+    Point orientation_r = left6(m.orientation);
+    for (i = 0; i < ntiles; i++) {
+        Metatile t = tiles[i];
+        out[i].type = t.type;
+        out[i].start.x = (m.start.x + t.start.x * m.orientation.x +
+                          t.start.y * orientation_r.x);
+        out[i].start.y = (m.start.y + t.start.x * m.orientation.y +
+                          t.start.y * orientation_r.y);
+        out[i].orientation.x = (t.orientation.x * m.orientation.x +
+                                t.orientation.y * orientation_r.x);
+        out[i].orientation.y = (t.orientation.x * m.orientation.y +
+                                t.orientation.y * orientation_r.y);
+    }
+    return ntiles;
+/* Store data about each vertex during an expansion. */
+typedef struct VertexMapping {
+    Point in;
+    /* Metatiles sharing this vertex */
+    Metatile *tiles[MT_MAXVDEGREE];
+    size_t ntiles;
+    /* The expanded coordinates of this vertex, if known */
+    bool mapped;
+    Point out;
+} VertexMapping;
+static int vertexmapping_cmp(void *av, void *bv)
+    VertexMapping *a = (VertexMapping *)av, *b = (VertexMapping *)bv;
+    if (a->in.x < b->in.x) return -1;
+    if (a->in.x > b->in.x) return +1;
+    if (a->in.y < b->in.y) return -1;
+    if (a->in.y > b->in.y) return +1;
+    return 0;
+static int vertexmapping_find(void *av, void *bv)
+    Point *a = (Point *)av;
+    VertexMapping *b = (VertexMapping *)bv;
+    if (a->x < b->in.x) return -1;
+    if (a->x > b->in.x) return +1;
+    if (a->y < b->in.y) return -1;
+    if (a->y > b->in.y) return +1;
+    return 0;
+typedef struct MetatileSet {
+    /* The tiles in the set */
+    tree234 *tiles;
+    /*
+     * Bounding box of a rectangular region within the original single
+     * tile this set was expanded from. We need this in order to pick
+     * a random chunk out of the tiling to return to our client: this
+     * box is the limit of where we might select our chunk from.
+     *
+     * The box is obtained by starting from the two obtuse vertices of
+     * the starting P metatile, and then mapping those two vertices
+     * through each expansion pass. This wouldn't work for the _other_
+     * two vertices of the P metatile, which end up in the middle of
+     * another metatile after the first expansion, so that the next
+     * expansion wouldn't find that point in its VertexMapping. But
+     * luckily the two inner P vertices do continue working: they
+     * alternate in subsequent expansions between vertex 1 and vertex
+     * 4 of an F metatile. And those are the ones we need to define a
+     * reliable bounding box - phew!
+     */
+    Point vertices[2];
+    size_t nvertices;
+} MetatileSet;
+static MetatileSet *metatile_initial_set(MetatileType type)
+    MetatileSet *s;
+    Metatile *m;
+    Point vertices[MT_MAXVERT];
+    size_t nv;
+    s = snew(MetatileSet);
+    s->tiles = newtree234(metatile_cmp);
+    m = snew(Metatile);
+    m->type = type;
+    m->start.x = 0;
+    m->start.y = 0;
+    m->orientation.x = 1;
+    m->orientation.y = 0;
+    m->ncoords = 0;
+    add234(s->tiles, m);
+    if (type == MT_P) {
+        nv = metatile_vertices(*m, vertices, false);
+        assert(nv == 4);
+        s->vertices[0] = vertices[1];
+        s->vertices[1] = vertices[3];
+        s->nvertices = 2;
+    } else {
+        s->nvertices = 0;
+    }
+    return s;
+static void metatile_free_set(MetatileSet *s)
+    Metatile *m;
+    while ((m = delpos234(s->tiles, 0)) != NULL)
+        sfree(m);
+    freetree234(s->tiles);
+    sfree(s);
+typedef struct Queue {
+    Metatile *head, *tail;
+} Queue;
+static void map_vertex(VertexMapping *vm, Point out, Queue *queue)
+    size_t i;
+    debug(("map_vertex %d,%d -> %d,%d", vm->in.x, vm->in.y, out.x, out.y));
+    if (vm->mapped) {
+        debug((" (already done)\n"));
+        return;
+    }
+    debug(("\n"));
+    vm->mapped = true;
+    vm->out = out;
+    for (i = 0; i < vm->ntiles; i++) {
+        Metatile *t = vm->tiles[i];
+        if (!t->queued) {
+            t->queued = true;
+            t->qnext = NULL;
+            if (queue->tail)
+                queue->tail->qnext = t;
+            else
+                queue->head = t;
+            queue->tail = t;
+            debug(("queued %c @ %d,%d d=%d,%d\n", "HTPF"[t->type], t->start.x,
+                   t->start.y, t->orientation.x, t->orientation.y));
+        }
+    }
+ * Expand a set of metatiles into its next-generation set. Returns the
+ * new set. The old set is not freed, but the auxiliary fields of its
+ * Metatile structures will be used as intermediate storage.
+ */
+static MetatileSet *metatile_set_expand(MetatileSet *si)
+    tree234 *vmap;
+    VertexMapping *vm;
+    Metatile *m;
+    Queue queue = { NULL, NULL };
+    size_t i, j;
+    MetatileSet *so = snew(MetatileSet);
+    so->tiles = newtree234(metatile_cmp);
+    /*
+     * Enumerate all the vertices in our tiling, and store the set of
+     * tiles they belong to.
+     */
+    vmap = newtree234(vertexmapping_cmp);
+    for (i = 0; (m = index234(si->tiles, i)) != NULL; i++) {
+        Point vertices[MT_MAXVERT];
+        size_t nv = metatile_vertices(*m, vertices, false);
+        for (j = 0; j < nv; j++) {
+            VertexMapping *newvm = snew(VertexMapping);
+            newvm->in = vertices[j];
+            newvm->ntiles = 0;
+            newvm->mapped = false;
+            vm = add234(vmap, newvm);
+            if (vm != newvm)
+                sfree(newvm);
+            assert(vm->ntiles < MT_MAXVDEGREE);
+            vm->tiles[vm->ntiles++] = m;
+        }
+        m->queued = false;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; (vm = index234(vmap, i)) != NULL; i++) {
+        debug(("vertex @ %d,%d {", vm->in.x, vm->in.y));
+        for (j = 0; j < vm->ntiles; j++) {
+            m = vm->tiles[j];
+            debug(("%s%c @ %d,%d d=%d,%d", j?", ":"", "HTPF"[m->type],
+                   m->start.x, m->start.y, m->orientation.x,
+                   m->orientation.y));
+        }
+        debug(("}\n"));
+    }
+    /*
+     * Initialise an arbitrary vertex to a known location.
+     */
+    {
+        Point p = {0, 0};
+        m = index234(si->tiles, 0);
+        vm = find234(vmap, &m->start, vertexmapping_find);
+        map_vertex(vm, p, &queue);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Now process the queue of tiles to be expanded.
+     */
+    debug(("-- start\n"));
+    while (queue.head) {
+        Metatile *m, m_moved;
+        Metatile t[MT_MAXEXPAND];
+        Point vi[MT_MAXVERT], vo[MT_MAXVERT];
+        size_t nv, nt;
+        m = queue.head;
+        queue.head = queue.head->qnext;
+        if (!queue.head)
+            queue.tail = NULL;
+        debug(("unqueued %c @ %d,%d d=%d,%d\n", "HTPF"[m->type],
+               m->start.x, m->start.y, m->orientation.x, m->orientation.y));
+        nv = metatile_vertices(*m, vi, false);
+        metatile_vertices(*m, vo, true);
+        /* Find a vertex of this tile that's already mapped, and use
+         * it to determine the placement. */
+        int dx, dy;
+        for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) {
+            vm = find234(vmap, &vi[i], vertexmapping_find);
+            assert(vm);
+            if (vm->mapped) {
+                dx = vm->out.x - vo[i].x;
+                dy = vm->out.y - vo[i].y;
+                debug(("found mapped vertex %d,%d -> %d,%d: "
+                       "offset=%d,%d\n",
+                       vm->in.x, vm->in.y, vm->out.x, vm->out.y, dx, dy));
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        assert(i < nv && "Why was this tile queued without a mapped vertex?");
+        /* Now map all the rest of the vertices of the tile. */
+        for (i = 0; i < nv; i++) {
+            vm = find234(vmap, &vi[i], vertexmapping_find);
+            vo[i].x += dx;
+            vo[i].y += dy;
+            map_vertex(vm, vo[i], &queue);
+        }
+        /* And expand it, substituting in its new starting coordinate. */
+        m_moved = *m; /* structure copy */
+        m_moved.start = vo[0];
+        nt = metatile_expand(m_moved, t);
+        for (i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
+            Metatile *newmt = snew(Metatile);
+            *newmt = t[i]; /* structure copy */
+            newmt->ncoords = 0;
+            debug(("expanded %c @ %d,%d d=%d,%d\n", "HTPF"[newmt->type],
+                   newmt->start.x, newmt->start.y, newmt->orientation.x,
+                   newmt->orientation.y));
+            Metatile *added = add234(so->tiles, newmt);
+            if (added != newmt)
+                sfree(newmt);
+            assert(added->ncoords < lenof(added->coords));
+            added->coords[added->ncoords].parent = m;
+            added->coords[added->ncoords].index = i;
+            added->ncoords++;
+        }
+    }
+    for (i = 0; (m = index234(si->tiles, i)) != NULL; i++) {
+        if (!m->queued)
+            debug(("OMITTED %c @ %d,%d d=%d,%d\n", "HTPF"[m->type],
+                   m->start.x, m->start.y, m->orientation.x,
+                   m->orientation.y));
+    }
+    /*
+     * Write out the remapped versions of the tile set's bounding
+     * vertices.
+     */
+    for (i = 0; i < si->nvertices; i++) {
+        vm = find234(vmap, &si->vertices[i], vertexmapping_find);
+        so->vertices[i] = vm->out;
+    }
+    so->nvertices = si->nvertices;
+    while ((vm = delpos234(vmap, 0)) != NULL)
+        sfree(vm);
+    freetree234(vmap);
+    return so;
+typedef struct Hat {
+    Point start, orientation;
+    bool reversed;
+    const Metatile *parent;
+    int index;
+} Hat;
+static size_t metatile_hats(const Metatile *m, Hat *out)
+    static const Hat hats_H[] = {
+        {{6, 0}, {1, 0}, false},
+        {{6, 6}, {0, -1}, false},
+        {{0, 12}, {1, 0}, false},
+        {{0, 6}, {-1, 0}, true},
+    };
+    static const Hat hats_T[] = {
+        {{-2, 10}, {-1, 1}, false},
+    };
+    static const Hat hats_P[] = {
+        {{-2, 10}, {-1, 1}, false},
+        {{-2, 16}, {0, 1}, false},
+    };
+    static const Hat hats_F[] = {
+        {{0, 6}, {-1, 1}, false},
+        {{0, 12}, {0, 1}, false},
+    };
+    const Hat *hats;
+    size_t nhats;
+    size_t i;
+    switch (m->type) {
+      case MT_H:
+        hats = hats_H;
+        nhats = lenof(hats_H);
+        break;
+      case MT_T:
+        hats = hats_T;
+        nhats = lenof(hats_T);
+        break;
+      case MT_P:
+        hats = hats_P;
+        nhats = lenof(hats_P);
+        break;
+      default /* case MT_F */:
+        hats = hats_F;
+        nhats = lenof(hats_F);
+        break;
+    }
+    assert(nhats <= MT_MAXHAT);
+    Point orientation_r = left6(m->orientation);
+    for (i = 0; i < nhats; i++) {
+        Hat h = hats[i];
+        out[i].parent = m;
+        out[i].index = i;
+        out[i].start.x = (m->start.x + h.start.x * m->orientation.x +
+                          h.start.y * orientation_r.x);
+        out[i].start.y = (m->start.y + h.start.x * m->orientation.y +
+                          h.start.y * orientation_r.y);
+        out[i].orientation.x = (h.orientation.x * m->orientation.x +
+                                h.orientation.y * orientation_r.x);
+        out[i].orientation.y = (h.orientation.x * m->orientation.y +
+                                h.orientation.y * orientation_r.y);
+        out[i].reversed = h.reversed;
+    }
+    return nhats;
+static size_t hat_vertices(Hat h, Point *out)
+    static const Point reference_hat[] = {
+        {0, 0}, {3, 0}, {2, 2}, {0, 3}, {-2, 4}, {-3, 3}, {-6, 6}, {-9, 6},
+        {-8, 4}, {-6, 3}, {-6, 0}, {-3, -3}, {-2, -2}, {0, -3},
+    };
+    size_t i;
+    Point orientation_r;
+    if (h.reversed)
+        orientation_r = right6(h.orientation);
+    else
+        orientation_r = left6(h.orientation);
+    assert(lenof(reference_hat) == HAT_NVERT);
+    for (i = 0; i < lenof(reference_hat); i++) {
+        Point v = reference_hat[h.reversed ? HAT_NVERT-1-i : i];
+        out[i].x = h.start.x + v.x * h.orientation.x + v.y * orientation_r.x;
+        out[i].y = h.start.y + v.x * h.orientation.y + v.y * orientation_r.y;
+    }
+    return lenof(reference_hat);
+typedef struct BoundingBox {
+    Point bl, tr;
+} BoundingBox;
+static bool point_in_bbox(Point p, const BoundingBox *bbox)
+    int xl, xr, x;
+    if (!bbox)
+        return true;
+    /*
+     * Bounding boxes have vertical edges, not aligned with our basis
+     * vector r. So the 'true' x coordinate of (x,y) is proportional
+     * to 2x+y.
+     */
+    if (p.y < bbox->bl.y || p.y > bbox->tr.y)
+        return false;
+    xl = 2*bbox->bl.x + bbox->bl.y;
+    xr = 2*bbox->tr.x + bbox->tr.y;
+    x = 2*p.x + p.y;
+    if (x < xl || x > xr)
+        return false;
+    return true;
+static bool hat_in_bbox(Hat h, const BoundingBox *bbox)
+    Point p[HAT_NVERT];
+    size_t i, np;
+    if (!bbox)
+        return true;
+    np = hat_vertices(h, p);
+    for (i = 0; i < np; i++)
+        if (!point_in_bbox(p[i], bbox))
+            return false;
+    return true;
+static Hat *metatile_set_to_hats(MetatileSet *s, size_t *nhats,
+                                 const BoundingBox *bbox)
+    Metatile *m;
+    size_t i, j, k, n;
+    Hat *h;
+    n = 0;
+    for (i = 0; (m = index234(s->tiles, i)) != NULL; i++) {
+        Hat htmp[MT_MAXHAT];
+        size_t nthis = metatile_hats(m, htmp);
+        for (k = 0; k < nthis; k++)
+            if (hat_in_bbox(htmp[k], bbox))
+                n++;
+    }
+    *nhats = n;
+    h = snewn(n, Hat);
+    j = 0;
+    for (i = 0; (m = index234(s->tiles, i)) != NULL; i++) {
+        Hat htmp[MT_MAXHAT];
+        size_t nthis = metatile_hats(m, htmp);
+        for (k = 0; k < nthis; k++) {
+            if (hat_in_bbox(htmp[k], bbox)) {
+                assert(j < n);
+                h[j++] = htmp[k]; /* structure copy */
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    assert(j == n);
+    return h;
+#if 0
+void hat_tiling_randomise(struct HatPatchParams *params, random_state *rs)
+    MetatileSet *s, *s2;
+    int x0, x1, y0, y1;
+    /*
+     * Iterate until we have a good-sized patch to select a rectangle
+     * from.
+     */
+    s = metatile_initial_set(MT_P);
+    params->iterations = 0;
+    while (true) {
+        x0 = 2 * s->vertices[0].x + s->vertices[0].y;
+        x1 = 2 * s->vertices[1].x + s->vertices[1].y;
+        if (x1 < x0) {
+            int t = x1;
+            x1 = x0;
+            x0 = t;
+        }
+        y0 = s->vertices[0].y;
+        y1 = s->vertices[1].y;
+        if (y1 < y0) {
+            int t = y1;
+            y1 = y0;
+            y0 = t;
+        }
+        if (50*params->w <= x1-x0 && 50*params->h <= y1-y0)
+            break;
+        params->iterations++;
+        s2 = metatile_set_expand(s);
+        metatile_free_set(s);
+        s = s2;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Now select that rectangle.
+     */
+    params->x = x0 + random_upto(rs, x1 - x0 - params->w + 1);
+    params->y = y0 + random_upto(rs, y1 - y0 - params->h + 1);
+void hat_tiling_generate(struct HatPatchParams *params,
+                         hat_tile_callback_fn cb, void *cbctx)
+    MetatileSet *s, *s2;
+    unsigned i;
+    size_t j, nh;
+    BoundingBox bbox;
+    Hat *hats;
+    s = metatile_initial_set(MT_P);
+    for (i = 0; i < params->iterations; i++) {
+        s2 = metatile_set_expand(s);
+        metatile_free_set(s);
+        s = s2;
+    }
+ = (params->x - params->y) / 2;
+ = ((params->x + params->w) - (params->y + params->h)) / 2;
+ = params->y;
+ = params->y + params->h;
+    hats = metatile_set_to_hats(s, &nh, &bbox);
+    for (j = 0; j < nh; j++) {
+        Point vertices[HAT_NVERT];
+        size_t nv = hat_vertices(hats[j], vertices);
+        int out[2 * HAT_NVERT];
+        size_t k;
+        for (k = 0; k < nv; k++) {
+            out[2*k] = 2 * vertices[k].x + vertices[k].y;
+            out[2*k+1] = vertices[k].y;
+        }
+        cb(cbctx, nv, out);
+    }
+    sfree(hats);
+    metatile_free_set(s);
+#ifdef TEST_HAT
+ * Assortment of test modes that output Postscript diagrams.
+ */
+static size_t hat_kite_centres(Hat h, Point *out)
+    static const Point reference_hat[] = {
+        {-7,5},{-5,4},{-5,1},{-4,-1},{-1,-1},{-2,1},{-1,2},{1,1},
+    };
+    size_t i;
+    Point orientation_r;
+    if (h.reversed)
+        orientation_r = right6(h.orientation);
+    else
+        orientation_r = left6(h.orientation);
+    assert(lenof(reference_hat) == HAT_NKITE);
+    for (i = 0; i < lenof(reference_hat); i++) {
+        Point v = reference_hat[i];
+        out[i].x = h.start.x + v.x * h.orientation.x + v.y * orientation_r.x;
+        out[i].y = h.start.y + v.x * h.orientation.y + v.y * orientation_r.y;
+    }
+    return lenof(reference_hat);
+static inline int round6(int x)
+    int sign = x<0 ? -1 : +1;
+    x *= sign;
+    x += 3;
+    x /= 6;
+    x *= 6;
+    x *= sign;
+    return x;
+static inline Point kite_left(Point k)
+    Point centre = { round6(k.x), round6(k.y) };
+    Point offset = { k.x - centre.x, k.y - centre.y };
+    offset = left6(offset);
+    Point r = { centre.x + offset.x, centre.y + offset.y };
+    return r;
+static inline Point kite_right(Point k)
+    Point centre = { round6(k.x), round6(k.y) };
+    Point offset = { k.x - centre.x, k.y - centre.y };
+    offset = right6(offset);
+    Point r = { centre.x + offset.x, centre.y + offset.y };
+    return r;
+static inline Point kite_forward_left(Point k)
+    Point centre = { round6(k.x), round6(k.y) };
+    Point offset = { k.x - centre.x, k.y - centre.y };
+    Point rotate = left6(offset);
+    Point r = { k.x + rotate.x + offset.x, k.y + rotate.y + offset.y };
+    return r;
+static inline Point kite_forward_right(Point k)
+    Point centre = { round6(k.x), round6(k.y) };
+    Point offset = { k.x - centre.x, k.y - centre.y };
+    Point rotate = right6(offset);
+    Point r = { k.x + rotate.x + offset.x, k.y + rotate.y + offset.y };
+    return r;
+typedef struct pspoint {
+    float x, y;
+} pspoint;
+static inline pspoint pscoords(Point p)
+    pspoint q = { p.x + p.y / 2.0F, p.y * sqrt(0.75) };
+    return q;
+typedef struct psbbox {
+    bool started;
+    pspoint bl, tr;
+} psbbox;
+static inline void psbbox_add(psbbox *bbox, pspoint p)
+    if (!bbox->started || bbox->bl.x > p.x)
+        bbox->bl.x = p.x;
+    if (!bbox->started || bbox->tr.x < p.x)
+        bbox->tr.x = p.x;
+    if (!bbox->started || bbox->bl.y > p.y)
+        bbox->bl.y = p.y;
+    if (!bbox->started || bbox->tr.y < p.y)
+        bbox->tr.y = p.y;
+    bbox->started = true;
+static void draw_metatiles_svg(const Metatile *tiles, size_t n,
+                               const Point *bounds, bool coords)
+    size_t i, j;
+    psbbox bbox = { false };
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+        Point vertices[MT_MAXVERT];
+        size_t nv = metatile_vertices(tiles[i], vertices, false);
+        for (j = 0; j < nv; j++)
+            psbbox_add(&bbox, pscoords(vertices[j]));
+    }
+    float ascale = 10, xscale = ascale, yscale = -ascale;
+    float border = 0.2 * ascale; /* leave room for strokes at the edges */
+    float ox = -xscale * + border;
+    float oy = -yscale * + border;
+    printf("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n");
+    printf("<svg xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.1\" "
+           "width=\"%g\" height=\"%g\">\n",
+           ceil(ox + xscale * + 2*border),
+           ceil(oy + yscale * + 2*border));
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+        Point vertices[MT_MAXVERT];
+        size_t nv = metatile_vertices(tiles[i], vertices, false);
+        pspoint pp[MT_MAXVERT];
+        for (j = 0; j < nv; j++) {
+            pp[j] = pscoords(vertices[j]);
+            pp[j].x = ox + xscale * pp[j].x;
+            pp[j].y = oy + yscale * pp[j].y;
+        }
+        printf("<path style=\""
+               "fill: none; "
+               "stroke: black; "
+               "stroke-width: %f; "
+               "stroke-linejoin: round; "
+               "stroke-linecap: round; "
+               "\" d=\"", 0.2 * ascale);
+        for (j = 0; j < nv; j++)
+            printf("%s %f %f \n", j ? "L" : "M", pp[j].x, pp[j].y);
+        printf("z\" />\n");
+        if (tiles[i].type != MT_F) {
+            /*
+             * Mark arrows on three of the metatile types (H, T, P),
+             * following the diagrams in the paper. (The metatile
+             * shapes other than F each have some symmetry, but their
+             * roles in the metatile substitution system are not
+             * similarly symmetric, so for diagnostic diagrams you
+             * want to mark their orientation.)
+             */
+            pspoint lstart, lend;
+            pspoint astart, aend, aforward, aleft;
+            double d;
+            /*
+             * Determine endpoints of a line crossing the polygon in
+             * the appropriate direction, by case analysis on the
+             * individual tile types.
+             */
+            switch (tiles[i].type) {
+              case MT_H:
+                lstart.x = (pp[4].x + pp[5].x) / 2;
+                lstart.y = (pp[4].y + pp[5].y) / 2;
+                lend.x = (pp[1].x + pp[2].x) / 2;
+                lend.y = (pp[1].y + pp[2].y) / 2;
+                break;
+              case MT_T:
+                lstart = pp[0];
+                lend.x = (pp[1].x + pp[2].x) / 2;
+                lend.y = (pp[1].y + pp[2].y) / 2;
+                break;
+              default /* case MT_P */:
+                lstart.x = (5*pp[3].x + 3*pp[0].x) / 8;
+                lstart.y = (5*pp[3].y + 3*pp[0].y) / 8;
+                lend.x = (5*pp[1].x + 3*pp[2].x) / 8;
+                lend.y = (5*pp[1].y + 3*pp[2].y) / 8;
+                break;
+            }
+            /*
+             * Now shorten that line a little and give it an arrowhead.
+             */
+            astart.x = (4 * lstart.x + lend.x) / 5;
+            astart.y = (4 * lstart.y + lend.y) / 5;
+            aend.x = (lstart.x + 4 * lend.x) / 5;
+            aend.y = (lstart.y + 4 * lend.y) / 5;
+            aforward.x = aend.x - astart.x;
+            aforward.y = aend.y - astart.y;
+            d = sqrt(aforward.x*aforward.x + aforward.y*aforward.y);
+            aforward.x /= d;
+            aforward.y /= d;
+            aleft.x = -aforward.y;
+            aleft.y = +aforward.x;
+            printf("<path style=\""
+                   "fill: none; "
+                   "stroke: black; "
+                   "stroke-width: %f; "
+                   "stroke-opacity: 0.2; "
+                   "stroke-linejoin: round; "
+                   "stroke-linecap: round; "
+                   "\" d=\"", 0.9 * ascale);
+            printf("M %f %f L %f %f ", astart.x, astart.y,
+                   aend.x, aend.y);
+            printf("L %f %f ",
+                   aend.x - 1.2 * ascale * (aforward.x + aleft.x),
+                   aend.y - 1.2 * ascale * (aforward.y + aleft.y));
+            printf("M %f %f L %f %f ", aend.x, aend.y,
+                   aend.x - 1.2 * ascale * (aforward.x - aleft.x),
+                   aend.y - 1.2 * ascale * (aforward.y - aleft.y));
+            printf("\" />\n");
+        }
+        if (coords) {
+            /*
+             * Print each tile's coordinates.
+             */
+            pspoint centre;
+            size_t j;
+            switch (tiles[i].type) {
+              case MT_H:
+                centre.x = (pp[0].x + pp[2].x + pp[4].x) / 3;
+                centre.y = (pp[0].y + pp[2].y + pp[4].y) / 3;
+                break;
+              case MT_T:
+                centre.x = (pp[0].x + pp[1].x + pp[2].x) / 3;
+                centre.y = (pp[0].y + pp[1].y + pp[2].y) / 3;
+                break;
+              case MT_P:
+                centre.x = (pp[0].x + pp[2].x) / 2;
+                centre.y = (pp[0].y + pp[2].y) / 2;
+                break;
+              default /* case MT_F */:
+                centre.x = (pp[2].x + pp[4].x) / 2;
+                centre.y = (pp[2].y + pp[4].y) / 2;
+                break;
+            }
+            double lineheight = ascale * 1.5;
+            double charheight = lineheight * 0.6; /* close enough */
+            double allheight = lineheight * (tiles[i].ncoords-1) + charheight;
+            for (j = 0; j < tiles[i].ncoords; j++) {
+                const Metatile *it;
+                unsigned cindex;
+                printf("<text style=\""
+                       "fill: black; "
+                       "font-family: Sans; "
+                       "font-size: %g; "
+                       "text-anchor: middle; "
+                       "text-align: center; "
+                       "\" x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\">", lineheight,
+                       centre.x,
+                       centre.y - allheight/2 + charheight + lineheight*j);
+                it = &tiles[i];
+                cindex = j;
+                while (cindex < it->ncoords) {
+                    if (it != &tiles[i])
+                        printf(".");
+                    printf("%d", (int)it->coords[cindex].index);
+                    it = it->coords[cindex].parent;
+                    cindex = 0; /* BODGING AHOY */
+                }
+                printf("</text>\n");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    printf("</svg>\n");
+static void draw_metatile_set_svg(
+    MetatileSet *tiles, const Point *bounds, bool coords)
+    /*
+     * Slurp the tree234 of tiles into an array for display.
+     * Tedious, but this test code doesn't have to be particularly
+     * efficient.
+     */
+    size_t nt = count234(tiles->tiles);
+    Metatile *t = snewn(nt, Metatile);
+    size_t i;
+    for (i = 0; i < nt; i++) {
+        Metatile *m = index234(tiles->tiles, i);
+        t[i] = *m; /* structure copy */
+    }
+    draw_metatiles_svg(t, nt, bounds, coords);
+    sfree(t);
+static void draw_hats_svg(const Hat *hats, size_t n,
+                          const Point *bounds, bool kites, char coordtype)
+    size_t i, j;
+    psbbox bbox = { false };
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+        Point vertices[HAT_NVERT];
+        size_t nv = hat_vertices(hats[i], vertices);
+        for (j = 0; j < nv; j++)
+            psbbox_add(&bbox, pscoords(vertices[j]));
+    }
+    float ascale = (coordtype == 'k' || coordtype == 'K' ? 20 : 10);
+    float xscale = ascale, yscale = -ascale;
+    float border = 0.2 * ascale; /* leave room for strokes at the edges */
+    float ox = -xscale * + border;
+    float oy = -yscale * + border;
+    printf("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n");
+    printf("<svg xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.1\" "
+           "width=\"%g\" height=\"%g\">\n",
+           ceil(ox + xscale * + 2*border),
+           ceil(oy + yscale * + 2*border));
+    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+        Point vertices[HAT_NVERT];
+        pspoint psvs[HAT_NVERT];
+        size_t nv = hat_vertices(hats[i], vertices);
+        int is = hats[i].reversed ? -1 : +1;
+        int io = hats[i].reversed ? 13 : 0;
+        printf("<path style=\""
+               "fill: %s; "
+               "stroke: black; "
+               "stroke-width: %f; "
+               "stroke-linejoin: round; "
+               "stroke-linecap: round; "
+               "\" d=\"",
+               hats[i].reversed ? "rgba(0,0,0,0.2)" : "none",
+               0.2 * ascale);
+        for (j = 0; j < nv; j++) {
+            psvs[j] = pscoords(vertices[j]);
+            printf("%s %f %f\n", j ? "L" : "M",
+                   ox + xscale * psvs[j].x, oy + yscale * psvs[j].y);
+        }
+        printf("z\" />\n");
+        if (kites) {
+            /*
+             * Draw internal lines within each hat dividing it into
+             * kites. This is done in a rather bodgy way, sorry.
+             */
+            const char *fmt = "<path style=\""
+                "fill: none; "
+                "stroke: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); "
+                "stroke-width: %f; "
+                "stroke-linejoin: round; "
+                "stroke-linecap: round; "
+                "\" d=\"M %f %f L %f %f\" />\n";
+            float strokewidth = 0.1 * ascale;
+            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
+                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*0].x,
+                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*0].y,
+                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*3].x,
+                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*3].y);
+            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
+                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*0].x,
+                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*0].y,
+                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*5].x,
+                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*5].y);
+            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
+                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*6].x,
+                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*6].y,
+                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*9].x,
+                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*9].y);
+            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
+                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*0].x,
+                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*0].y,
+                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*10].x,
+                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*10].y);
+            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
+                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*9].x,
+                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*9].y,
+                   ox + xscale * (psvs[io+is*6].x + psvs[io+is*12].x) / 2,
+                   oy + yscale * (psvs[io+is*6].y + psvs[io+is*12].y) / 2);
+            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
+                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*5].x,
+                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*5].y,
+                   ox + xscale * (psvs[io+is*6].x + psvs[io+is*12].x) / 2,
+                   oy + yscale * (psvs[io+is*6].y + psvs[io+is*12].y) / 2);
+            printf(fmt, strokewidth,
+                   ox + xscale * psvs[io+is*12].x,
+                   oy + yscale * psvs[io+is*12].y,
+                   ox + xscale * (psvs[io+is*6].x + psvs[io+is*12].x) / 2,
+                   oy + yscale * (psvs[io+is*6].y + psvs[io+is*12].y) / 2);
+        }
+        if (coordtype == 'h') {
+            double lineheight = ascale * 2;
+            double charheight = lineheight * 0.6; /* close enough */
+            printf("<text style=\""
+                   "fill: black; "
+                   "font-family: Sans; "
+                   "font-size: %gpx; "
+                   "text-anchor: middle; "
+                   "text-align: center; "
+                   "\" x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\">", lineheight,
+                   ox + xscale * (psvs[io+is*0].x + psvs[io+is*10].x) / 2,
+                   oy + yscale * (psvs[io+is*0].y + psvs[io+is*10].y) / 2
+                   + charheight/2);
+            printf("%d", (int)i);
+            printf("</text>\n");
+        } else if (coordtype == 'k') {
+            Point kites[HAT_NKITE];
+            size_t nk = hat_kite_centres(hats[i], kites);
+            double lineheight = ascale * 0.5;
+            double charheight = lineheight * 0.6; /* close enough */
+            for (j = 0; j < nk; j++) {
+                pspoint p = pscoords(kites[j]);
+                printf("<text style=\""
+                       "fill: black; "
+                       "font-family: Sans; "
+                       "font-size: %gpx; "
+                       "text-anchor: middle; "
+                       "text-align: center; "
+                       "\" x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\">", lineheight,
+                       ox + xscale * p.x,
+                       oy + yscale * p.y + charheight/2);
+                printf("%d.%d.%d", (int)j, hats[i].index,
+                       hats[i].parent->coords[0].index);
+                printf("</text>\n");
+            }
+        } else if (coordtype == 'K') {
+            Point kites[HAT_NKITE];
+            size_t nk = hat_kite_centres(hats[i], kites);
+            double lineheight = ascale * 1.1;
+            double charheight = lineheight * 0.6; /* close enough */
+            for (j = 0; j < nk; j++) {
+                pspoint p = pscoords(kites[j]);
+                printf("<text style=\""
+                       "fill: black; "
+                       "font-family: Sans; "
+                       "font-size: %gpx; "
+                       "text-anchor: middle; "
+                       "text-align: center; "
+                       "\" x=\"%g\" y=\"%g\">", lineheight,
+                       ox + xscale * p.x,
+                       oy + yscale * p.y + charheight/2);
+                printf("%d", (int)j);
+                printf("</text>\n");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    printf("</svg>\n");
+typedef enum KiteStep { KS_LEFT, KS_RIGHT, KS_F_LEFT, KS_F_RIGHT } KiteStep;
+static inline Point kite_step(Point k, KiteStep step)
+    switch (step) {
+      case KS_LEFT: return kite_left(k);
+      case KS_RIGHT: return kite_right(k);
+      case KS_F_LEFT: return kite_forward_left(k);
+      default /* case KS_F_RIGHT */: return kite_forward_right(k);
+    }
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+    if (argc <= 1) {
+        printf("usage: hat-test <mode>\n");
+        printf("modes: H,T,P,F        display a single unexpanded tile\n");
+        printf("       xH,xT,xP,xF    display the expansion of one tile\n");
+        printf("       cH,cT,cP,cF    display expansion with tile coords\n");
+        printf("       CH,CT,CP,CF    display double expansion with coords\n");
+        printf("       hH,hT,hP,hF    display the hats from one tile\n");
+        printf("       HH,HT,HP,HF    hats from an expansion, with coords\n");
+        printf("       m1, m2, ...    nth expansion of one H metatile\n");
+        printf("       M1, M2, ...    nth expansion turned into real hats\n");
+        printf("       --hat          show the kites in a single hat\n");
+        printf("       --tables       generate hat-tables.h for hat.c\n");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "H") || !strcmp(argv[1], "T") ||
+        !strcmp(argv[1], "P") || !strcmp(argv[1], "F")) {
+        MetatileType type = (argv[1][0] == 'H' ? MT_H :
+                             argv[1][0] == 'T' ? MT_T :
+                             argv[1][0] == 'P' ? MT_P : MT_F);
+        Metatile m = {type, {0, 0}, {1, 0}};
+        draw_metatiles_svg(&m, 1, NULL, false);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "xH") || !strcmp(argv[1], "xT") ||
+        !strcmp(argv[1], "xP") || !strcmp(argv[1], "xF")) {
+        MetatileType type = (argv[1][1] == 'H' ? MT_H :
+                             argv[1][1] == 'T' ? MT_T :
+                             argv[1][1] == 'P' ? MT_P : MT_F);
+        Metatile m = {type, {0, 0}, {1, 0}};
+        Metatile t[MT_MAXEXPAND];
+        size_t nt = metatile_expand(m, t);
+        draw_metatiles_svg(t, nt, NULL, false);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (argv[1][0] && argv[1][1] &&
+        strchr("cC", argv[1][0]) && strchr("HTPF", argv[1][1])) {
+        MetatileType type = (argv[1][1] == 'H' ? MT_H :
+                             argv[1][1] == 'T' ? MT_T :
+                             argv[1][1] == 'P' ? MT_P : MT_F);
+        MetatileSet *t[3];
+        int nsets = (argv[1][0] == 'c' ? 2 : 3);
+        int i;
+        t[0] = metatile_initial_set(type);
+        for (i = 1; i < nsets; i++)
+            t[i] = metatile_set_expand(t[i-1]);
+        draw_metatile_set_svg(t[nsets-1], NULL, true);
+        for (i = 0; i < nsets; i++)
+            metatile_free_set(t[i]);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "hH") || !strcmp(argv[1], "hT") ||
+        !strcmp(argv[1], "hP") || !strcmp(argv[1], "hF")) {
+        MetatileType type = (
+            !strcmp(argv[1], "hH") ? MT_H :
+            !strcmp(argv[1], "hT") ? MT_T :
+            !strcmp(argv[1], "hP") ? MT_P : MT_F);
+        Metatile m = {type, {0, 0}, {1, 0}};
+        Hat h[MT_MAXHAT];
+        size_t nh = metatile_hats(&m, h);
+        draw_hats_svg(h, nh, NULL, false, 'h');
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--hat")) {
+        Hat h = { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, false, NULL, 0 };
+        draw_hats_svg(&h, 1, NULL, true, 'K');
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (argv[1][0] == 'H' && argv[1][1] && strchr("HTPF", argv[1][1])) {
+        MetatileType type = (argv[1][1] == 'H' ? MT_H :
+                             argv[1][1] == 'T' ? MT_T :
+                             argv[1][1] == 'P' ? MT_P : MT_F);
+        MetatileSet *t[2];
+        size_t i, nh;
+        t[0] = metatile_initial_set(type);
+        t[1] = metatile_set_expand(t[0]);
+        Hat *h = metatile_set_to_hats(t[1], &nh, NULL);
+        draw_hats_svg(h, nh, NULL, true, 'k');
+        sfree(h);
+        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+            metatile_free_set(t[i]);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (argv[1][0] == 'm' || argv[1][0] == 'M') {
+        int niter = atoi(argv[1] + 1);
+        MetatileSet *tiles = metatile_initial_set(MT_P);
+        while (niter-- > 0) {
+            MetatileSet *t2 = metatile_set_expand(tiles);
+            metatile_free_set(tiles);
+            tiles = t2;
+        }
+        if (argv[1][0] == 'M') {
+            size_t nh;
+            Hat *h = metatile_set_to_hats(tiles, &nh, NULL);
+            draw_hats_svg(h, nh, tiles->vertices, false, 0);
+            sfree(h);
+        } else {
+            draw_metatile_set_svg(tiles, tiles->vertices, false);
+        }
+        metatile_free_set(tiles);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(argv[1], "--tables")) {
+        size_t i, j, k;
+        printf("/*\n"
+               " * Header file autogenerated by aux/hatgen.c\n"
+               " *\n"
+               " * To regenerate, run 'hatgen --tables > hat-tables.h'\n"
+               " */\n\n");
+        static const char HTPF[] = "HTPF";
+        printf("static const unsigned hats_in_metatile[] = {");
+        for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+            Metatile m = {i, {0, 0}, {1, 0}};
+            Hat h[MT_MAXHAT];
+            size_t nh = metatile_hats(&m, h);
+            printf(" %zu,", nh);
+        }
+        printf(" };\n\n");
+        {
+            struct Parent {
+                MetatileType t;
+                unsigned index;
+            } parents[4][4*MT_MAXEXPAND];
+            size_t psizes[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+            size_t csizes[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+                Metatile m = {i, {0, 0}, {1, 0}};
+                Metatile t[MT_MAXEXPAND];
+                size_t nt = metatile_expand(m, t);
+                printf("static const TileType children_%c[] = {\n"
+                       "   ", HTPF[i]);
+                for (j = 0; j < nt; j++) {
+                    MetatileType c = t[j].type;
+                    parents[c][psizes[c]].t = i;
+                    parents[c][psizes[c]].index = j;
+                    psizes[c]++;
+                    csizes[i]++;
+                    printf(" TT_%c,", HTPF[c]);
+                }
+                printf("\n};\n");
+            }
+            printf("static const TileType *const children[] = {\n");
+            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+                printf("    children_%c,\n", HTPF[i]);
+            printf("};\n");
+            printf("static const size_t nchildren[] = {\n");
+            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+                printf("    %u,\n", (unsigned)csizes[i]);
+            printf("};\n\n");
+            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+                printf("static const MetatilePossibleParent "
+                       "permitted_parents_%c[] = {\n", HTPF[i]);
+                for (j = 0; j < psizes[i]; j++)
+                    printf("    { TT_%c, %u },\n", HTPF[parents[i][j].t],
+                           parents[i][j].index);
+                printf("};\n");
+            }
+            printf("static const MetatilePossibleParent *const "
+                   "permitted_parents[] = {\n");
+            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+                printf("    permitted_parents_%c,\n", HTPF[i]);
+            printf("};\n");
+            printf("static const size_t n_permitted_parents[] = {\n");
+            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+                printf("    %u,\n", (unsigned)psizes[i]);
+            printf("};\n\n");
+        }
+        {
+            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+                MetatileSet *t[2];
+                size_t j, k, nh, nmeta, ti;
+                struct list {
+                    Point kite;
+                    unsigned ik, ih, im;
+                } list[8*MT_MAXHAT*MT_MAXEXPAND];
+                size_t len = 0;
+                t[0] = metatile_initial_set(i);
+                t[1] = metatile_set_expand(t[0]);
+                Hat *h = metatile_set_to_hats(t[1], &nh, NULL);
+                printf("static const KitemapEntry kitemap_%c[] = {\n",
+                       HTPF[i]);
+                Point origin = h[0].start;
+                for (j = 0; j < nh; j++) {
+                    Point kites[HAT_NKITE];
+                    size_t nk = hat_kite_centres(h[j], kites);
+                    for (k = 0; k < nk; k++) {
+                        struct list *le = &list[len++];
+                        le->kite.x = kites[k].x - origin.x;
+                        le->kite.y = kites[k].y - origin.y;
+                        le->ik = k;
+                        le->ih = h[j].index;
+                        le->im = h[j].parent->coords[0].index;
+#if 0
+                        printf("// %d,%d = %u.%u.%u\n", le->kite.x, le->kite.y, le->ik, le->ih, le->im);
+                    }
+                }
+                nmeta = count234(t[1]->tiles);
+                for (ti = 0; ti < 8 * 4 * nmeta; ti++) {
+                    unsigned ik = ti % 8;
+                    unsigned ih = ti / 8 % 4;
+                    unsigned im = ti / (8*4);
+                    struct list *src = NULL, *dst = NULL;
+                    int istep;
+                    for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
+                        struct list *tmp = &list[j];
+                        if (tmp->ik == ik && tmp->ih == ih && tmp->im == im) {
+                            src = tmp;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (ik == 0) {
+                        printf("    /* hat #%u in metatile #%u (type %c)",
+                               ih, im, HTPF[((Metatile *)index234(
+                                                 t[1]->tiles, im))->type]);
+                        if (!src)
+                            printf(" does not exist");
+                        printf(" */\n");
+                    }
+#if 0
+                    if (src)
+                        printf("    // src=%d,%d\n", src->kite.x, src->kite.y);
+                    printf("   ");
+                    for (istep = 0; istep < 4; istep++) {
+                        KiteStep step = istep;
+                        dst = NULL;
+                        if (src) {
+                            Point pdst = kite_step(src->kite, step);
+#if 0
+                            printf(" /* dst=%d,%d */", pdst.x, pdst.y);
+                            for (k = 0; k < len; k++) {
+                                struct list *tmp = &list[k];
+                                if (tmp->kite.x == pdst.x &&
+                                    tmp->kite.y == pdst.y) {
+                                    dst = tmp;
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (!dst) {
+                            printf(" {-1,-1,-1},");
+                        } else {
+                            printf(" {%u,%u,%u},", dst->ik, dst->ih, dst->im);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    printf("\n");
+                }
+                printf("};\n");
+                sfree(h);
+                for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+                    metatile_free_set(t[j]);
+            }
+            printf("static const KitemapEntry *const "
+                   "kitemap[] = {\n");
+            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+                printf("    kitemap_%c,\n", HTPF[i]);
+            printf("};\n\n");
+        }
+        {
+            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+                MetatileSet *t[3];
+                Metatile *m;
+                int map[MT_MAXEXPAND * MT_MAXEXPAND];
+                size_t maplen;
+                for (j = 0; j < lenof(map); j++)
+                    map[j] = -1;
+                t[0] = metatile_initial_set(i);
+                for (j = 1; j < 3; j++)
+                    t[j] = metatile_set_expand(t[j-1]);
+                for (j = 0; (m = index234(t[2]->tiles, j)) != NULL; j++) {
+                    unsigned coords[4];
+                    size_t ncoords = 0;
+                    int cindex;
+#if 0
+                    printf("// ***\n");
+                    for (cindex = 0; cindex < m->ncoords; cindex++) {
+#if 0
+                        printf("// %d.%d\n", (int)m->coords[cindex].index,
+                               (int)m->coords[cindex].parent->coords[0].index);
+                        coords[ncoords++] = (
+                            m->coords[cindex].index + MT_MAXEXPAND *
+                            m->coords[cindex].parent->coords[0].index);
+                    }
+                    unsigned prev = ncoords-1;
+                    for (k = 0; k < ncoords; k++) {
+                        map[coords[prev]] = coords[k];
+                        prev = k;
+                    }
+                }
+                printf("static const MetamapEntry metamap_%c[] = {\n",
+                       HTPF[i]);
+                maplen = MT_MAXEXPAND * count234(t[1]->tiles);
+                for (j = 0; j < maplen; j++) {
+                    printf("    /* %u, %u -> */ ",
+                           (unsigned)(j % MT_MAXEXPAND),
+                           (unsigned)(j / MT_MAXEXPAND));
+                    if (map[j] == -1) {
+                        printf("{-1,-1}, /* does not exist */\n");
+                    } else {
+                        printf("{%u, %u},",
+                               (unsigned)(map[j] % MT_MAXEXPAND),
+                               (unsigned)(map[j] / MT_MAXEXPAND));
+                        if (map[j] == j)
+                            printf(" /* no alternatives */");
+                        printf("\n");
+                    }
+                }
+                printf("};\n");
+                for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
+                    metatile_free_set(t[j]);
+            }
+            printf("static const MetamapEntry *const "
+                   "metamap[] = {\n");
+            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+                printf("    metamap_%c,\n", HTPF[i]);
+            printf("};\n");
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr, "unknown test mode '%s'\n", argv[1]);
+    return 1;