ref: a75bb48bfeff08ecfdac54b75348b7065b9c7156
dir: /src/luaform.c/
/* * luafile - file formats in Lua. * * Copyright 2006-2007 Reuben Thomas * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Fifth Floor, 51 Franklin Street, Boston, MA 02111-1301, * USA. */ #include "st_i.h" #include <string.h> #include <lua.h> #include <lauxlib.h> /* Private data */ typedef struct luafile { lua_State *L; /* Lua state */ int readref; /* reference to read method */ int writeref; /* reference to write method */ int seekref; /* reference to seek method */ } *lua_t; assert_static(sizeof(struct luafile) <= ST_MAX_FILE_PRIVSIZE, /* else */ skel_PRIVSIZE_too_big); /* * Get the given method, checking that it is a function */ static st_bool get_method(lua_State *L, const char *lua_script, const char *meth, int *ref) { int ty; lua_getfield(L, -1, meth); if ((ty = lua_type(L, -1)) == LUA_TNIL) { st_fail("Lua script %s does not have a %s method", lua_script, meth); lua_pop(L, 1); return st_false; } else if (ty != LUA_TFUNCTION) { st_fail("Lua script %s's %s method is not a function", lua_script, meth); lua_pop(L, 1); return st_false; } *ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); return st_true; } /* * Set up Lua state and read script. */ static int lua_start(ft_t ft) { lua_t lua = (lua_t)ft->priv; int ret; lua->L = st_lua_new(); if (!ft->signal.lua_script) { st_fail("no Lua script given"); return ST_EOF; } else if ((ret = luaL_loadfile(lua->L, ft->signal.lua_script)) != 0) { st_fail("cannot load Lua script %s: error %d", ft->signal.lua_script, ret); return ST_EOF; } else if ((ret = lua_pcall(lua->L, 0, 1, 0)) != 0) { st_fail("cannot get methods from Lua script %s: error %d", ft->signal.lua_script, ret); return ST_EOF; } else if (lua_type(lua->L, -1) != LUA_TTABLE) { st_fail("Lua script %s did not return a table", ft->signal.lua_script); return ST_EOF; } else if (!get_method(lua->L, ft->signal.lua_script, "read", &lua->readref) || !get_method(lua->L, ft->signal.lua_script, "write", &lua->writeref) || !get_method(lua->L, ft->signal.lua_script, "seek", &lua->seekref)) return ST_EOF; lua_pop(lua->L, 1); /* Discard function */ return ST_SUCCESS; } /* * Read up to len samples of type st_sample_t from file into buf[]. * Return number of samples read. */ static st_size_t lua_read(ft_t ft, st_sample_t *buf, st_size_t len) { lua_t lua = (lua_t)ft->priv; st_sample_t_array_t inarr; st_size_t done; int ret; inarr.size = len; = buf; lua_rawgeti(lua->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, lua->readref); st_lua_pushfile(lua->L, ft->fp); st_lua_pusharray(lua->L, inarr); if ((ret = lua_pcall(lua->L, 2, 1, 0)) != 0) st_fail("error in Lua script's read method: %d", ret); done = lua_tointeger(lua->L, -1); lua_pop(lua->L, 1); return done; } /* * Write len samples of type st_sample_t from buf[] to file. * Return number of samples written. */ static st_size_t lua_write(ft_t ft, const st_sample_t *buf, st_size_t len) { lua_t lua = (lua_t)ft->priv; st_sample_t_array_t outarr; st_size_t done; int ret; outarr.size = len; = (st_sample_t *)buf; lua_rawgeti(lua->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, lua->writeref); st_lua_pushfile(lua->L, ft->fp); st_lua_pusharray(lua->L, outarr); if ((ret = lua_pcall(lua->L, 2, 1, 0)) != 0) st_fail("error in Lua script's write method: %d", ret); done = lua_tointeger(lua->L, -1); lua_pop(lua->L, 1); return done; } /* * Clean up state. */ static int lua_stop(ft_t ft) { lua_t lua = (lua_t)ft->priv; lua_close(lua->L); return ST_SUCCESS; } /* Seek relative to current position. */ static int lua_seek(ft_t ft, st_size_t offset) { lua_t lua = (lua_t)ft->priv; int ret; st_size_t done; lua_rawgeti(lua->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, lua->seekref); st_lua_pushfile(lua->L, ft->fp); lua_pushinteger(lua->L, offset); if ((ret = lua_pcall(lua->L, 2, 1, 0)) != 0) st_fail("error in Lua script's seek method: %d", ret); done = lua_toboolean(lua->L, -1); lua_pop(lua->L, 1); return done; } /* Format file suffixes */ static const char *lua_names[] = { "lua", NULL }; /* Format descriptor */ static st_format_t st_lua_format = { lua_names, NULL, 0, lua_start, lua_read, lua_stop, lua_start, lua_write, lua_stop, lua_seek }; /* * Function returning effect descriptor. This should be the only * externally visible object. */ const st_format_t *st_lua_format_fn(void) { return &st_lua_format; }