shithub: sox

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ref: 9e03e51267026d9bb36a0566d47ef5667e1a41d3
parent: 1d09da3a87e43eee7a345f970378c37312a71895
author: cbagwell <cbagwell>
date: Thu Nov 11 22:47:21 EST 1999

More makefile updates.

@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@
 system to add things such as sound playing support.  This is 
 generally documented in the Makefiles
+Optional Libraries
 There is optional GSM support as a data type but you must first
 install the GSM library on your system.  More information on it
 can be obtained from
@@ -55,11 +58,16 @@
 After installing the GSM library you must point to this file by
 commenting and modifying the appropriate section of the Makefile.
+Optional Compile Options
 If you're processing lots of u-law or a-law files, you should
 Makefile.  These substitute a table-based method for the standard method.
 The tables are 32K, so if you don't want them, you don't have to
-use them.
+use them.  It is automatically added to your Makefile if you run
+the configure script with the --enable-fast-ulaw or --enable-fast-alaw
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.gcc
@@ -1,0 +1,222 @@
+# Sound Tools Makefile
+# 	builds libst.a and sox
+# Updated on 02/24/97 - by Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Inhanced Makefile to install software and documented a little better.
+# Updated on 05 May 1998 by Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Made some changes for various platforms based on others sugestions
+#   and made my home system (Linux) the default. ;-)
+# July 19, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Redid makefile so that libraries could be optionally linked in.
+#   Also made each specific portion of system specifics a seperate
+#   line to comment/uncomment so that it will be easier to see how
+#   to compiler on a wider array of systems (he says with a grin).
+# These things are site dependant so you may want to change.
+PREFIX	= /usr/local
+BINDIR  = $(PREFIX)/bin
+MANDIR  = $(PREFIX)/man
+INCDIR	= $(PREFIX)/include
+SRCDIR	= sox-12.16
+FOBJ	= 8svx.o aiff.o alsa.o au.o auto.o avr.o cdr.o cvsd.o dat.o \
+	  g721.o g723_24.o g723_40.o g72x.o gsm.o hcom.o maud.o oss.o raw.o \
+	  sbdsp.o sf.o smp.o sndrtool.o sunaudio.o tx16w.o voc.o wav.o wve.o
+EOBJ	= avg.o band.o chorus.o compand.o copy.o cut.o deemphas.o dyn.o echo.o \
+	  echos.o flanger.o highp.o lowp.o map.o mask.o phaser.o pick.o \
+	  polyphas.o rate.o resample.o reverb.o reverse.o split.o \
+	  stat.o swap.o vibro.o
+SOUNDLIB = libst.a
+LIBOBJS = $(FOBJ) $(EOBJ) handlers.o libst.o misc.o util.o getopt.o
+# System dependency parameters
+#   Find anything related to your system and uncomment.
+# Default way to delete files.
+RM	    = rm -f
+# Chose the best compiler you got from the following:
+# GCC with all warnings and debug info
+CC		= gcc -g -Wall
+# GCC with no special options
+# CC		= gcc
+# Generic compiler on your system
+# CC		= cc
+# EMX GCC under OS/2 seems to need the following
+# CC		= gcc -Zcrtdll -Zexe
+# For optimized compilation, uncomment one of the following that your
+# compiler understands.
+# gcc's all understand this as do lots of standard compilers.  Try this one
+# first.
+# O		= -O2
+# getopt() support is defined here.  If you have a built-in
+# getopt() that is compatible with SVR5 then you don't need to
+# do anything special.
+# If you don't have any getopt() function then use the following
+# define to use Sox's builtin version
+# If your system has the more advanced version of getopt() that
+# also has its own getopt.h file (Such as the case with GNU libc 2.0)
+# then uncomment the following line.  Don't uncomment anything if
+# its in stdlib.h.
+# Uncomment the following if your system does not have a built in
+# strerror().  This includes SunOS.
+# Uncomment the following if your system does not have a built in
+# MEMMOVE function.  Sox will attempt to use bcopy instead.
+# SunOS has this problem.
+# If you have the GSM 6.10 libraries installed then uncomment the follow
+# 4 lines, and change to reflect your installation paths.
+# GSM_PRE_LIBS	= -L/usr/local/lib
+# GSM_POST_LIBS	= -lgsm
+# GSM_INCLUDES	= -I/usr/local/include/
+# For sound support on machines that include the OSS sound driver
+# (such as Linux) then uncomment the following line.
+# For sound support using the ALSA driver then uncomment the following line.
+# For sound support under SunOS and Solaris then uncomment the following line.
+# Uncomment the following lines if your compiling under DOS or Windows.
+# defines .snd to mean a DOS soundtool file (starts with SOUND)
+# RM		= del /q
+# Uncomment the following line if compiling under NeXT.
+# defines .snd to mean a NeXT sound format file only.
+# MISC DEFINES - The catch all for things that make even less sense
+#  then normal under unix.  If you need more than one of the following
+#  MISC DEFINES remember to include them on one line so it isn't just
+#  redefined.
+# If your sysetem has unistd.h then you'll most like need to add 
+# HAVE_UNISTD_H to your misd defines.
+# If your system has malloc.h then you'll most likely need to add
+# HAVE_MALLOC_H to your misd defines.
+# Testing new improved rate code.  You can use the older version if ther
+# are problems.
+# For an extra 32k memory, you can include u-law/a-law lookup
+# tables to speed compressiong/decompression of this type data.
+# Library setup
+# How should libaries be created.  Most systems can simply use the following.
+AR		= ar r
+# How should 'ranlib' be performed. HPUX, Linux, BSD-ish, SunOS, Solaris
+RANLIB		= ranlib
+# AT&T System V and GCC on DOS or OS/2 based systems
+# RANLIB	= ar ts
+# Some systems don't have a ranlib that you can run.  Use the following
+# for those systems.
+# RANLIB    = true
+# Some systems (i.e. MacOsX Server) don't need a separate math library
+MATHLIB = -lm
+all: sox
+sox: sox.o $(SOUNDLIB)
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o sox sox.o $(SOUNDLIB) $(SOX_PRE_LIBS) $(SOX_POST_LIBS)
+sox.o:		sox.c st.h
+$(LIBOBJS):	st.h version.h patchlvl.h
+man: sox.1 libst.3
+	$(RM) sox.txt libst.txt
+	nroff -man sox.1 | col -b > sox.txt
+	nroff -man libst.3 | col -b > libst.txt
+install: sox
+	if [ -f $(BINDIR)/rec ] ; then $(RM) $(BINDIR)/rec ; fi
+	if [ -f $(MANDIR)/man1/rec.1 ] ; then $(RM) $(MANDIR)/man1/rec.1 ; fi
+	install -c -m 755 sox play $(BINDIR)
+	install -c -m 644 sox.1 play.1 $(MANDIR)/man1
+	ln -s $(BINDIR)/play $(BINDIR)/rec
+	ln -s $(MANDIR)/man1/play.1 $(MANDIR)/man1/rec.1
+install-lib: libst.a
+	install -c -m 644 libst.a $(LIBDIR)
+	install -c -m 644 libst.3 $(MANDIR)/man3
+	install -c -m 644 st.h $(INCDIR)
+	$(RM) *~ *.o *.raw *.sf core sox libst.a
+tar:	clean
+	$(RM) ../$(SRCDIR).tar
+	cd ..; tar cvf $(SRCDIR).tar $(SRCDIR)
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -39,28 +39,6 @@
-# Sources.
-FSRC	= 8svx.c aiff.c au.c auto.c avr.c cdr.c cvsd.c dat.c g721.c \
-	  g723_24.c g723_40.c g72x.c gsm.c hcom.c maud.c raw.c \
-	  sf.c smp.c sndrtool.c tx16w.c voc.c wav.c wve.c
-ESRC	= avg.c band.c bandpass.c breject.c btrworth.c chorus.c compand.c \
-	  copy.c cut.c deemphas.c dyn.c echo.c echos.c filter.c flanger.c \
-	  highp.c highpass.c lowp.c lowpass.c map.c mask.c phaser.c pick.c \
-	  polyphas.c rate.c resample.c reverb.c reverse.c split.c \
-	  stat.c swap.c vibro.c 
-OSSSRC_0    =
-OSSSRC_1    = oss.c
-SUNAUSRC_1  = sunaudio.c
-ALSASRC_0   =
-ALSASRC_1   = alsa.c
-LIBSRCS	= $(FSRC) $(ESRC) handlers.c libst.c misc.c util.c $(EXTRASRCS)
 # Objects.
 FOBJ	= 8svx.o aiff.o au.o auto.o avr.o cdr.o cvsd.o dat.o g721.o \