shithub: sox

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ref: 98267de439714fcdff94c9588f34fb8a67df70c1
author: cbagwell <cbagwell>
date: Mon Feb 1 23:03:34 EST 1999

Initial revision

--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHEAT
@@ -1,0 +1,105 @@
+This is a cheat sheet of examples using SOX to do various common 
+sound file conversions.  The file format examples are starting
+to become dated.  Any offers to update this document to explain 
+the ends and outs of each format would be appreciated.
+In general, sox will attempt to take an input sound file format and
+convert it to a new file format using a similar data types and sample
+rates.  For instance "sox monkey.wav" would try and convert
+the mono 8000Hz u-law .au file to a 8000Hz u-law .wav file.
+If an output format doesn't support the same data types as the input
+file then Sox will generally select a default format to save it in.
+You can select a data type of your choice using command line options.
+You can also override data type values to have a output file of
+higher or lower percision data (and thus higher or lower file size).
+Most file formats that contain complete headers will automatically
+convert to a similar format.  This means .wav, .aiff, and .voc files
+will readily convert to each other without the need of complex
+command lines.
+If you create a sound file and you can not play it, check to make
+sure your sound card to play a file using this data type.
+SOX is great to use along with other command line programs.  The
+currently most used example is to use mpg123 to convert mp3 files
+in to wav files.  The following command line will do this:
+mpg123 -b 10000 -s filename.mp3 | sox -t raw -r 44100 -s -w -c 2 - filename.wav
+The SUN examples below all assume you have the old SUN voice-quality 8khz 
+u-law hardware.  If you do then you will want to have all your .au
+files in this format so that you cat do thinks like
+"cat > /dev/audio" and you will hear a good file.
+If the .AU file doesn't have a proper header, then you'll need the second 
+command line to let sox know the values.  If the .AU has a proper
+header then you can remove the "-r 8000 -U -b" in front of 
+SUN .au to Mac .snd:
+	sox -r 11025 -t ub file.snd
+	sox -t ul -r 8000 -r 11025 -t ub file.snd
+When you copy the file to the Mac, you'll have to set
+the sample rate by hand.
+Mac .snd to SUN .au
+	sox -r 11025 -t ub file.snd -r 8000 -U -b
+The Mac file might also be at sample rates 5012, 22050, or 44100.
+PC .voc to SUN .au
+	sox file.voc -r 8000 -U -b
+SUN .au to PC .voc 
+	sox file.voc 
+	sox -r 8000 -t ul file.voc 
+SUN .au to WAV - without clipping
+	sox -s -w file.wav
+	sox -t ul -r 8000 -s -w file.wav
+WAV to SUN .au
+	sox file.wav -r 8000 -U -b
+	sox file.wav -u -b file.voc
+	sox file.voc file.wav
+Any file to SUN .au
+sox -t auto file.X -c 1 -t aiff - |  sox -t aiff - -r 8000 -U -b -t au
+Just convert file format without making a disk file.
+Example: convert input stream in AIFF format to output stream in WAV format:
+sox -t aiff - -t wav -
+Some people try to put this kind of command in scripts.
+It is important to understand how the internals of Sox work when
+working with compressed audio, including u-law, a-law, ADPCM, or GSM.
+Sox takes ALL input data types and converts them to uncompressed
+32-bit signed data.  It will then convert this internal version into
+the requested output format.  This means unneeded noise can be introduced
+from decompressing data and then recompressing, such as would happen
+when reading u-law data and writing back out u-law data.  If possible,
+specify the output data to be uncompressed PCM.
+Good luck!
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHEAT.eft
@@ -1,0 +1,280 @@
+This is a cheat sheet of examples using SOX to
+add effects on sound files.
+The core problem is that you need some experience in using effects
+in order to say "that any old sound file sounds with effects
+absolutely hip". There isn't any rule-based system which tell you
+the correct setting of all the parameters for every effect.
+But after some time you will become an expert in using effects.
+Here are some examples which can be used with any music sample.
+(For a sample where only a single instrument is playing, extreme
+parameter setting may make well-known "typically" or "classical"
+sounds. Likewise, for drums, vocals or guitars.)
+Single effects will be explained and some given parameter settings
+that can be used to understand the theorie by listening to the sound file
+with the added effect.
+Using multiple effects in parallel or in sequel can result either
+in very perfect sound or ( mostly ) in a dramatic overloading in
+variations of sounds such that your ear may follow the sound but
+you will feel unsatisfied. Hence, for the first time using effects
+try to compose them as less as possible. We don't regard the
+composition of effects in the examples because to many combinations
+are possible and you really need a very fast maschine and a lot of
+memory to play them in real-time.
+And real-time playing of sounds will speed up learning the parameter
+Basically, we will use the "play" front-end of SOX since it is easier
+to listen sounds coming out of the speaker or earphone instead
+of looking at cryptical data in sound files.
+For easy listening of ( "xxx" is any sound format ):
+	play effect-name effect-parameters
+Or more SOX-like ( for "dsp" output ):
+	sox -t ossdsp -w -s /dev/dsp effect-name effect-parameters
+or ( for "au" output ):
+	sox -t sunau -w -s /dev/audio effect-name effect-parameters
+And for date freaks:
+	sox file.yyy effect-name effect-parameters
+Additional options can be used. However, in this case, for real-time
+playing you'll need a very fast machine.
+I played all examples in real-time on a Pentium 100 with 32 Mb and 
+Linux 2.0.30 using a self-recorded sample ( 3:15 min long in "wav"
+format with 44.1 kHz sample rate and stereo 16 bit ). 
+The sample should not contain any of the effects. However,
+if you take any recording of a sound track from radio or tape or cd,
+and it sounds like a live concert or ten people are playing the same
+rhythm with their drums or funky-groves, then take any other sample.
+(Typically, less then four different intruments and no synthesizer
+in the sample is suitable. Likewise, the combination vocal, drums, bass
+and guitar.)
+An echo effect can be naturally found in the mountains, standing somewhere
+on a moutain and shouting a single word will result in one or more repetitions
+of the word ( if not, turn a bit around ant try next, or climb to the next
+mountain ).
+However, the time difference between shouting and repeating is the delay 
+(time), its loudness is the decay. Multiple echos can have different delays and
+Very popular is using echos to play an instrument with itself together, like
+some guitar players ( Brain May from Queen ) or vocalists are doing.
+For music samples of more than one instrument, echo can be used to add a
+second sample shortly after the original one.
+This will sound as doubling the number of instruments playing the same sample:
+	play echo 0.8 0.88 60.0 0.4
+If the delay is very short then it sound like a (metallic) roboter playing
+	play echo 0.8 0.88 6.0 0.4
+Longer delay will sound like a open air concert in the mountains:
+	play echo 0.8 0.9 1000.0 0.3
+One mountain more, and:
+	play echo 0.8 0.9 1000.0 0.3 1800.0 0.25
+Like the echo effect, echos stand for "ECHO in Sequel", that is the first echos
+takes the input, the second the input and the first echos, the third the input
+and the first and the second echos, ... and so on.
+Care should be taken using many echos ( see introduction ); a single echos
+has the same effect as a single echo.
+The sample will be bounced twice in symmetric echos:
+	play echos 0.8 0.7 700.0 0.25 700.0 0.3
+The sample will be bounced twice in asymmetric echos:
+	play echos 0.8 0.7 700.0 0.25 900.0 0.3
+The sample will sound as played in a garage:
+	play echos 0.8 0.7 40.0 0.25 63.0 0.3
+The chorus effect has its name because it will often be used to make a single 
+vocal sound like a chorus. But it can be applied to other instrument samples
+It works like the echo effect with a short delay, but the delay isn't constant.
+The delay is varied using a sinodial or triangular modulation. The modulation
+depth defines the range the modulated delay is played before or after the
+delay. Hence the delayed sound will sound slower or faster, that is the delayed
+sound tuned around the original one, like in a chorus where some vocal are
+a bit out of tune.
+The typical delay is around 40ms to 60ms, the speed of the modualtion is best
+near 0.25Hz and the modulation depth around 2ms.
+A single delay will make the sample more overloaded:
+	play chorus 0.7 0.9 55.0 0.4 0.25 2.0 -t
+Two delays of the original samples sound like this:
+	play chorus 0.6 0.9 50.0 0.4 0.25 2.0 -t 60.0 0.32 0.4 1.3 -s
+A big chorus of the sample is ( three additional samples ):
+	play chorus 0.5 0.9 50.0 0.4 0.25 2.0 -t 60.0 0.32 0.4 2.3 -t \
+		40.0 0.3 0.3 1.3 -s
+The flanger effect is like the chorus effect, but the delay varies between
+0ms and maximal 5ms. It sound like wind blowing, sometimes faster or slower
+including changes of the speed.
+The flanger effect is widely used in funk and soul music, where the guitar 
+sound varies frequently slow or a bit faster.
+The typical delay is around 3ms to 5ms, the speed of the modulation is best
+near 0.5Hz.
+Now, let's groove the sample:
+	play flanger 0.6 0.87 3.0 0.9 0.5 -s
+listen carefully between the difference of sinodial and triangular modulation:
+	play flanger 0.6 0.87 3.0 0.9 0.5 -t
+If the decay is a bit lower, than the effect sounds more popular:
+	play flanger 0.8 0.88 3.0 0.4 0.5 -t
+The drunken loundspeaker system:
+	play flanger 0.9 0.9 4.0 0.23 1.3 -s
+The reverb effect is often used in audience hall which are to small or to many
+visitors disturb the reflection of sound at the walls to make the sound played
+more monumental. You can try the reverb effect in your bathroom or garage or
+sport halls by shouting loud some words. You'll hear the words reflected from
+the walls.
+The biggest problem in using the reverb effect is the correct setting of the
+(wall) delays such that the sound is relistic an doesn't sound like music
+playing in a tin or overloaded feedback distroys any illusion of any big hall.
+To help you for much realisitc reverb effects, you should decide first, how
+long the reverb should take place until it is not loud enough to be registered
+by your ears. This is be done by the reverb time "t", in small halls 200ms in
+bigger one 1000ms, if you like. Clearly, the walls of such a hall aren't far
+away, so you should define its setting be given every wall its delay time.
+However, if the wall is to far eway for the reverb time, you won't hear the
+reverb, so the nearest wall will be best "t/4" delay and the farest "t/2".
+You can try other distances as well, but it won't sound very realistic.
+The walls shouldn't stand to close to each other and not in a multiple interger
+distance to each other ( so avoid wall like: 200.0 and 202.0, or something
+like 100.0 and 200.0 ).
+Since audience halls do have a lot of walls, we will start designing one 
+beginning with one wall:
+	play reverb 1.0 600.0 180.0
+One wall more:
+	play reverb 1.0 600.0 180.0 200.0
+Next two walls:
+	play reverb 1.0 600.0 180.0 200.0 220.0 240.0
+Now, why not a futuristic hall with six walls:
+	play reverb 1.0 600.0 180.0 200.0 220.0 240.0 280.0 300.0
+If you run out of machine power or memory, then stop as much applications
+as possible ( every interupt will consume a lot of cpu time which for
+bigger halls is absolutely neccessary ).
+The phaser effect is like the flanger effect, but it uses a reverb instead of
+an echo and does phase shifting. You'll hear the difference in the examples
+comparing both effects ( simply change the effect name ).
+The delay modulation can be done sinodial or triangular, preferable is the
+later one for multiple instruments playing. For single instrument sounds
+the sinodial phaser effect will give a sharper phasing effect.
+The decay shouln't be to close to 1.0 which will cause dramatic feedback.
+A good range is about 0.5 to 0.1 for the decay.
+We will take a parameter setting as for the flanger before ( gain-out is
+lower since feedback can raise the output dramatically ):
+	play phaser 0.8 0.74 3.0 0.4 0.5 -t
+The drunken loundspeaker system ( now less alkohol ):
+	play phaser 0.9 0.85 4.0 0.23 1.3 -s
+A popular sound of the sample is as follows:
+	play phaser 0.89 0.85 1.0 0.24 2.0 -t
+The sample sounds if ten springs are in your ears:
+	play phaser 0.6 0.66 3.0 0.6 2.0 -t
+Other effects ( copy, rate, avg, stat, vibro, lowp, highp, band, reverb )
+The other effects are simply to use. However, an "easy to use manual" should
+be given here.
+More effects ( to do ! )
+There are a lot of effects around like noise gates, compressors, waw-waw,
+stereo effects and so on. They should be implemented making SOX to be more
+useful in sound mixing technics coming together with a great varity of
+different sound effects.
+Combining effects be using then in parallel or sequel on different channels
+needs some easy mechanism which is real-time stable.
+Really missing, is the changing of the parameters, starting and stoping of
+effects while playing samples in real-time!
+Good luck and have fun with all the effects!
+	Juergen Mueller		([email protected])
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Changelog
@@ -1,0 +1,169 @@
+Change History
+This file contains a list of all changes starting after the release of
+  o Fixed a bug in .au's handling of G.723.  It wasn't using the correct
+    number of bits.
+  o Quoted $filename in play/rec scripts so that files with spaces in
+    their names can be given.
+  o Old OS/2 support didn't work.  Replaced with known working EMX
+    GCC compatible code.
+  o ADPCM WAV files were defaulting to 8-bit outputs and thus losing
+    some persision.  Now defaults to 16-bit signed uncompressed data.
+  o Fixed a couple cross-platform compiler issues.
+  o Minor correction for -r example in manual page.
+  o Renamed to soxeffect and rewrote.  Symbolic links can be made
+    from this file to the name of a sox effect.  It will then run that
+    effect on STDIN and output the results to STDOUT.
+  o Fixed up some makefiles and 16-bit support from patches sent by
+    Mark Morgan Lloyd ([email protected]).  Also added some
+    nice DOS test bat files from him as well.
+  o Cleaned up some more cross-platform compile problems.  In the process
+    got it working with Turbo C again, kinda.  It still locks DOS up at times.
+  o Juergen Mueller moved Sox forward quite a bit by adding all the
+    most commonly known "Guitar Effects".  He enhanced echo support,
+    added chorus, flanger, and reverb effects.  He also wrote a very
+    handy CHEAT.eft file for using various effects.
+  o Incorporated Yamaha TX-16W sampler file support provided by
+    Rob Talley ([email protected]) and Mark Lakata ([email protected]).
+  o Fixed a small bug in hcom compression, dependent on sign 
+    extension.  Leigh Smith ([email protected]).
+  o sox -h now prints out the file formats and effects supported.
+    Leigh Smith and Chris Bagwell.
+  o smp transfers comments more completely.  Leigh Smith.
+  o aiff manages markers and loops correctly and produces more 
+    verbose output.  Leigh Smith.
+  o Added polyphase resampler ([email protected]).  This adds a slightly
+    different resampling algorithm to the mix.
+  o Michael Brown ([email protected]) sent a patch to stop crashes 
+    from happening when reading mono MS ADPCM files.
+  o Fabrice Bellard has added a less buggy 'rate' conversion.  I've left
+    the old rate code included but if all goes well this will become
+    the new 'rate'.  Please test and let me know how it works.  Resample
+    effect needs to be reworked now.
+  o Heiko Eissfeldt: Implemented a simple deemphasis effect for
+    certain audio cd samples.
+  o Matija Nalis ([email protected]) sent a patch to fix volume adjustment
+    (-v) option of sox.
+  o Fixed typo in optimazation flag in unix makefile, as pointed out by
+    Manoj Kasichainula ([email protected]).
+  o Fixed missing ';;' in play script. cbagwell
+  o Fixed bug in determining length of IMA and MS ADPCM WAVE files. cbagwell
+  o Fixed bug in how stereo effects were drained which fixed the
+    "reverse" effect from only saving half of stereo files. cbagwell
+  o Can use "-e" without an effect again.
+  o Added -g and -a options for new style support of GSM and ADPCM.  Added
+    error checking to various formats to avoid allowing these types.
+  o Bumped major version number up and shortened name.  The shorter name
+    should help the various distributions using this package.
+  o Added support for MS ADPCM and IMA (or DVI) ADPCM for .wav files.
+    Thanks to Mark Podlipec's xanim for this code ([email protected]).
+  o Change Lance Norskog's email address to [email protected].  The old
+    one was bouncing.
+  o Added path string to play and rec strings so that it could be run by
+    users without complete paths setup (i.e. Ran by "rc" files during bootup
+    or shutdown)
+  o Fixed -e option from Richard Guenther 
+      ([email protected]) and fixed a small bug
+    in stat.
+  o Fixed a bug in the mask effect for ULAW/ALAW files.
+  o Fixed a bug in cdr output files that appended trash to end of file.
+  o Guenter Geiger ([email protected]) made a rather large patch to
+    allow sox to work on 64-bit alphas.  It was done the easiest meathod
+    by changing all long declarations to use a macro that knows to
+    make it 32-bits.  Want to port to another 64-bit-but-not-alpha
+    machine?  Grep for "alpha" to see changes.  There are most likely
+    several bugs left for alphas.  Guenter is also supporting this
+    package for the Debian distribution.
+  o Did some major code cleanups to clear out some warning messages
+    during compile.  This is to clear up problems I'm finding under
+    both alpha and dos.  Some warning messages are actually useful
+    now (pointing out possible data loss).  Hopefully, I didn't
+    break anything.
+  o Code clean up allows me to finally compile code under Turbo C
+    again.  Too bad the EXE gets a currupted stack somewhere and locks
+    up the system.  Anyone want to try it with Borland C for me?
+    If you get a working EXE I would like to start distributing a DOS
+    package like there used to be.
+  o Speaking of cleanups, anyone want to help cleanup the makefiles for
+    various platforms?  They are quite outdated right now and it is
+    very obvious that Sox hasn't been able to compile under all the
+    platforms it once did for several releases.  Please send in 
+    the cleaned-up makefile versions along with what programs you
+    used to compile it with.
+  o There is a known bug in hcom's compress() function.  It is allocating
+    memory that can't be free'd under some OS's.  It causes a core dump.
+This release of sox is mainly a bugfix release.  The following things
+have changed:
+  o  Documentation has been updated when it was obviously wrong.
+     Much more work could be done.  Man pages were updated to
+     work correctly on Solaris and add some missing info.
+  o  Several people sent me patches to fix compiling on Solaris
+     as well as fix a few bugs.
+  o  Change USS driver's name to OSS.  Man, does that driver
+     like to change names!  This could cause problems if you
+     have made your own custom play and rec scripts.
+  o  Updated my email address.  Sorry if I haven't responded to
+     any emails as I no longer have access to my old address.
+     Please use [email protected].
+  o  Fixed unix test scripts so that they worked again.
+  o  Fixed endian bug in psion .wve code.
+  o  Replaced outdated voc info file with detailed format info
+     inside voc code.
+  o  Added new sound format, cvsd (Continuously Variable Slope Delta)
+     from Thomas Sailer ([email protected]).
+This release of sox is based on the latest gamma version released
+plus some patches I've made to support the following new features:
+I would like to thank everyone that wrote me about the long
+standing bug in Sox that could DELETE your /dev/* file if the
+program was aborted for reason such as invalid audio file.  Special
+thanks for Bryan Franklin for sending in a patch when I was
+to busy to even look for it.
+  o  Better play support for 8-bit stereo voc files.  New support
+     for outputing both 8-bit and 16-bit stereo voc files.
+  o  Built-in support for playing and recording from Linux /dev/dsp.
+     This is a re-write and seperate module from the previous
+     support included inside the sbdsp module.  Also fixes a buffer
+     size bug that showed up when using newer versions of OSS.
+     This driver will work with OSS (and older versions called USS, TASD
+     and Voxware).
+  o  Support for audio playing and recording with SunOS /dev/audio.
+  o  Fixes a bug were /dev/audio or /dev/dsp could be deleted
+     when playing an invalid format audio file.
+  o  Expanded options for play and rec scripts.  You can now specify
+     sox effects after the filename and hear them in real time.
+     Please be sure that an older version of sox is not in your path
+     because these script will possibly find it first and
+     incorrectly use it.  
+  o  Setting play/record volume still requires an external program.
+     If you have one a command line program to do this (such as
+     "mixer" for Linux) then you will want to edit the play and rec
+     to use this.  The current support for it is only in example
+     form of how it can be done.
--- /dev/null
@@ -1,0 +1,75 @@
+SOX: Sound Tools Installation
+October 16, 1998
+The sox program is just a batch utility that reads & writes
+files.  It's very easy to port to new computers.
+This distribution will compile and run on most Unix systems.
+It was originally developed on a Unix/386 machine running AT&T V.3.2
+but it currently developed under Linux.  With little work it should
+work with most SVR4 systems, BSD-derived Unix's and DOS systems that
+use the GNU tool set.
+Sox supports the following operating systems.  Use the listed
+Makefile when compiling.
+    AMIGA      Makefile.ami (hasn't been verified lately)
+    DOS        Makefile.dos (Borland and Turbo C, almost Microsoft C++)
+	    or Makefile.unx (using GCC compatible compiler)
+    OS/2       Makefile.unx (using EMX GCC compiler)
+    OS9        Makefile.os9
+    UNIX       Makefile.unx (or most platforms using GCC compatible compiler)
+    VMS        descrip.mms & sox.opt (Support is outdated.  Read vms.lis)
+    WIN95/NT   Makefile.unx (using Cynus GCC for Win32)
+            or Makefile.dos (with a little modifying for Visual C++)
+You can run the makefile on most systems by using the following
+command line:
+make -f      or
+Before compiling you will need to edit the Makefile and uncomment 
+the compiler define section related to your operating system
+and possibly comment out any previous system defines.
+There are a few additional defines available for your operating 
+system to add things such as sound playing support.  This is 
+generally documented in the Makefiles.  Look at Makefile.unx for
+the most complete set of optional defines that Sox supports.
+There is optional GSM support as a data type but you must first
+install the GSM library on your system.  More information on it
+can be obtained from
+After installing the GSM library you must point to this file by
+commenting and modifying the appropriate section of the Makefile.
+After successfully compiling SOX, try translating a sound file.
+If you can play one of the supported sound file formats,
+translate 'monkey.voc' to your format (we'll use 'xxx'):
+	sox monkey.voc
+You may have to give the word size and rate for the file.
+For example, this command will make a sound file with a data rate of
+12,500 samples per second and the data formatted as signed shorts:
+	sox monkey.voc -r 12500 -s -w 
+If plays properly (it's a very short monkey screech),
+congratulations!  SOX works.  Now you should run the ''
+shell script to exercise various test scenarios.  It should
+print nothing out.  You can only run this script under Unix.
+It shows alternate uses of the (far too) many options to sox.
+After that, '' tests most of the implemented file
+handlers to make sure that some portability issue haven't popped up.
+After testing with a sound file, try compiling sox with the
+optimizer (-O instead of -g).  It should run a little faster.
+If you're processing lots of u-law or a-law files, you should
+Makefile.  These substitute a table-based method for the standard method.
+The tables are 32K, so if you don't want them, you don't have to
+use them.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,256 @@
+# Sound Tools Makefile
+# 	builds libst.a and sox
+# Updated on 02/24/97 - by Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Inhanced Makefile to install software and documented a little better.
+# Updated on 05 May 1998 by Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Made some changes for various platforms based on others sugestions
+#   and made my home system (Linux) the default. ;-)
+# July 19, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Redid makefile so that libraries could be optionally linked in.
+#   Also made each specific portion of system specifics a seperate
+#   line to comment/uncomment so that it will be easier to see how
+#   to compiler on a wider array of systems (he says with a grin).
+# These things are site dependant so you may want to change.
+PREFIX	= /usr/local
+BINDIR  = $(PREFIX)/bin
+MANDIR  = $(PREFIX)/man
+SRCDIR	= sox-12.16
+FSRC	= 8svx.c aiff.c au.c auto.c cdr.c cvsd.c dat.c g711.c g721.c \
+	  g723_24.c g723_40.c g72x.c gsm.c hcom.c maud.c oss.c raw.c \
+	  sbdsp.c sf.c smp.c sndrtool.c sunaudio.c tx16w.c voc.c wav.c wve.c
+ESRC	= avg.c band.c chorus.c copy.c cut.c deemphas.c dyn.c echo.c echos.c \
+	  flanger.c highp.c lowp.c map.c mask.c phaser.c pick.c \
+	  polyphas.c rate.c resample.c reverb.c reverse.c split.c \
+	  stat.c vibro.c 
+PSRC	= sox.c
+SOURCES = $(PSRC) $(FSRC) $(ESRC) handlers.c libst.c misc.c util.c getopt.c
+HEADERS = st.h libst.h sfheader.h sfircam.h patchlvl.h version.h wav.h \
+	  g72x.h resdefs.h resampl.h
+TESTS   = monkey.voc
+MISC    = README INSTALL TODO TIPS CHEAT CHEAT.eft Changelog sox.1 sox.txt \
+	  libst.3 libst.txt play.1 Makefile.unx Makefile.dos Makefile.b30 \
+	  Makefile.c70 soxeffect play rec
+SKEL	= skel.c skeleff.c
+AMIGA	= Makefile.ami amiga.h
+DOS	= tests.bat testall.bat
+OS9	= Makefile.os9
+VMS     = descrip.mms sound2sun.c sound2sun.opt \
+	  sox.opt vms.lis
+	  $(AMIGA) $(DOS) $(OS9) $(VMS) \
+	  $(SKEL) $(TESTS)
+FOBJ	= 8svx.o aiff.o au.o auto.o cdr.o cvsd.o dat.o g711.o g721.o \
+	  g723_24.o g723_40.o g72x.o gsm.o hcom.o maud.o oss.o raw.o \
+	  sbdsp.o sf.o smp.o sndrtool.o sunaudio.o tx16w.o voc.o wav.o wve.o
+EOBJ	= avg.o band.o chorus.o copy.o cut.o deemphas.o dyn.o echo.o echos.o \
+	  flanger.o highp.o lowp.o map.o mask.o phaser.o pick.o \
+	  polyphas.o rate.o resample.o reverb.o reverse.o split.o \
+	  stat.o vibro.o
+SOUNDLIB = libst.a
+LIBOBJS = $(FOBJ) $(EOBJ) handlers.o libst.o misc.o util.o getopt.o
+# System dependency parameters
+#   Find anything related to your system and uncomment.
+# Default way to delete files.
+RM	    = rm -f
+# Chose the best compiler you got from the following:
+# GCC with all warnings and debug info
+CC		= gcc -g -Wall
+# GCC with no special options
+# CC		= gcc
+# Generic compiler on your system
+# CC		= cc
+# EMX GCC under OS/2 seems to need the following
+# CC		= gcc -Zcrtdll -Zexe
+# For optimized compilation, uncomment one of the following that your
+# compiler understands.
+# gcc's all understand this as do lots of standard compilers.  Try this one
+# first.
+# O		= -O2
+# getopt() support is defined here.  If you have a built-in
+# getopt() that is compatible with SVR5 then you don't need to
+# do anything special.
+# If you don't have any getopt() function then use the following
+# define to use Sox's builtin version
+# If your system has the more advanced version of getopt() that
+# also has its own getopt.h file (Such as the case with GNU libc 2.0)
+# then uncomment the following line.  Don't uncomment anything if
+# its in stdlib.h.
+# Uncomment the following if your system does not have a built in
+# strerror().  This includes SunOS.
+# Uncomment the following if your system does not have a built in
+# MEMMOVE function.  Sox will attempt to use bcopy instead.
+# SunOS has this problem.
+# If you have the GSM 6.10 libraries installed then uncomment the follow
+# 4 lines, and change to reflect your installation paths.
+GSM_PRE_LIBS	= -L/usr/local/lib
+GSM_POST_LIBS	= -lgsm
+GSM_INCLUDES	= -I/usr/local/include/
+# For sound support on machines that include the OSS sound driver
+# (such as Linux) then uncomment the following line.
+# For sound support under SunOS and Solaris then uncomment the following line.
+# For sound support on 386 AT&T Unix then uncomment the following line
+# For sound support on Intel BSD-derived Unix's using Steve Haenichen's SBLAST
+# driver uncomment the following line.
+# Uncomment the following lines if your compiling under DOS or Windows.
+# defines .snd to mean a DOS soundtool file (starts with SOUND)
+# RM		= del /q
+# Uncomment the following line if compiling under NeXT.
+# defines .snd to mean a NeXT sound format file only.
+# Uncomment the following line if compling under MacIntosh
+# defines .snd to mean a Mac-style headerless unsigned byte
+#  	sample, probably at 11050 hertz.  You'll have to set 
+#	the speed on the command line.
+# MISC DEFINES - The catch all for things that make even less sense
+#  then normal under unix.  If you need more than one of the following
+#  MISC DEFINES remember to include them on one line so it isn't just
+#  redefined.
+# Testing new improved rate code.  You can use the older version if ther
+# are problems.
+# For an extra 32k memory, you can include u-law/a-law lookup
+# tables to speed compressiong/decompression of this type data.
+# Library setup
+# How should libaries be created.  Most systems can simply use the following.
+AR		= ar r
+# How should 'ranlib' be performed. HPUX, Linux, BSD-ish, SunOS, Solaris
+RANLIB		= ranlib
+# AT&T System V and GCC on DOS or OS/2 based systems
+# RANLIB	= ar ts
+# Some systems don't have a ranlib that you can run.  Use the following
+# for those systems.
+# RANLIB    = true
+all: sox
+sox: sox.o $(SOUNDLIB)
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o sox sox.o $(SOUNDLIB) $(SOX_PRE_LIBS) $(SOX_POST_LIBS)
+sox.o:		sox.c st.h
+$(LIBOBJS):	st.h version.h patchlvl.h
+man: sox.1 libst.3
+	$(RM) sox.txt libst.txt
+	nroff -man sox.1 | col -b > sox.txt
+	nroff -man libst.3 | col -b > libst.txt
+install: sox
+	-install -c -m 755 sox play rec $(BINDIR)
+	-install -c -m 644 sox.1 play.1 $(MANDIR)/man1
+install-lib: libst.a
+	-install -c -m 644 libst.a $(LIBDIR)
+	-install -c -m 644 libst.3 $(MANDIR)/man3
+	$(RM) *~ *.o *.raw *.sf core sox libst.a
+tar:	clean
+	$(RM) ../$(SRCDIR).tar
+	cd ..; tar cvf $(SRCDIR).tar $(SRCDIR)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.ami
@@ -1,0 +1,143 @@
+## Sound Tools Makefile for AMIGA with SAS/C 6.1
+## 	builds libst.lib and sox
+## This must be redone to compile with DICE, GCC, etc.
+## Choose the version you wish to compile with:
+## <make-tool> -f Makefile.ami			(for basic version)
+## <make-tool> -f Makefile.ami CPU=030		(for 68030 version)
+## <make-tool> -f Makefile.ami FPU=881		(for 68881 FPU version)
+## <make-tool> -f Makefile.ami CPU=030 FPU=881	(for 030/881 version)
+## Note: This makefile does not work with SAS's 'smake' utility, because
+## 'smake' is weak.  Get yourself a real 'make' tool, such as the port of
+## 'dmake'.  If you can't find one, use the commented-out section below to
+## rewrite this makefile for 'smake'.
+FSRC	= 8svx.c aiff.c au.c auto.c cdr.c cvsd.c dat.c g711.c g721.c \
+	  g723_24.c g723_40.c g72x.c gsm.c hcom.c maud.c oss.c raw.c \
+	  sbdsp.c sf.c smp.c sndrtool.c sunaudio.c tx16w.c voc.c wav.c wve.c
+ESRC	= avg.c band.c chorus.c copy.c cut.c deemphas.c dyn.c echo.c echos.c \
+	  flanger.c highp.c lowp.c map.c mask.c phaser.c pick.c \
+	  polyphas.c rate.c resample.c reverb.c reverse.c split.c \
+	  stat.c vibro.c 
+PSRC= sox.c
+SOURCES   = $(PSRC) $(FSRC) $(ESRC) handlers.c libst.c misc.c getopt.c util.c
+HEADERS   = st.h libst.h sfheader.h version.h patchlvl.h 
+TESTS     = monkey.voc
+MISC    = README INSTALL TODO TIPS CHEAT CHEAT.eft Changelog sox.1 sox.txt \
+	  libst.3 libst.txt play.1 Makefile.unx Makefile.dos Makefile.b30 \
+	  Makefile.c70 soxeffect play rec
+SKEL	  = skel.c skeleff.c
+AMIGA	  = Makefile.ami amiga.h
+DOS	  = tests.bat testall.bat
+VMS       = descrip.mms sound2sun.c sound2sun.opt \
+	    sox.opt vms.lis
+	    $(SKEL) $(TESTS)
+FOBJ	= 8svx.o aiff.o au.o auto.o cdr.o cvsd.o dat.o g711.o g721.o \
+	  g723_24.o g723_40.o g72x.o gsm.o hcom.o maud.o oss.o raw.o \
+	  sbdsp.o sf.o smp.o sndrtool.o sunaudio.o tx16w.o voc.o wav.o wve.o
+EOBJ	= avg.o band.o chorus.o copy.o cut.o deemphas.o dyn.o echo.o echos.o \
+	  flanger.o highp.o lowp.o map.o mask.o phaser.o pick.o \
+	  polyphas.o rate.o resample.o reverb.o reverse.o split.o \
+	  stat.o vibro.o
+##SOUNDLIB is defined below
+LIBOBJS   = $(FOBJ) $(EOBJ) handlers.o libst.o misc.o getopt.o util.o
+## System dependency parameters
+## Amiga vars for SAS 6.1.
+## Lots of funky stuff here.  Unnecessary, but keeps it neat.
+## Also matches unix makefile more closely.
+##IGNore some warnings due to lack of prototyping in SOX code
+AR	= oml
+AR_ARGS	= a
+RM	= delete
+MATH	= 
+MATH881	= MATH=68881
+CPUF	= 
+CPUF030	= CPU=68030
+MATHLIB	= lib:scm.lib
+MATHLIB881	= lib:scm881.lib
+DEFS	= 
+DEFS881	= DEF=AMIGA_MC68881
+DEFS030	= DEF=AMIGA_MC68030
+SOX	= sox$(CPU)$(FPU)
+SOUNDLIB= libst$(CPU)$(FPU).lib
+LIBS	= $(MATHLIB$(FPU)) lib:sc.lib lib:amiga.lib
+##This is unnecessary if you have a serious 'make'.
+##If you don't, use it as a guide to building your
+##own makefile.
+## 68000, no FPU
+#SOX	= sox
+#SOUNDLIB= libst.lib
+#MATHLIB	= lib:scm.lib
+## 68000, 68881 FPU
+#SOX	= sox881
+#SOUNDLIB= libst881.lib
+#MATHLIB	= lib:scm881.lib lib:scm.lib
+## 68030, no FPU
+#SOX	= sox030
+#SOUNDLIB= libst030.lib
+#MATHLIB	= lib:scm.lib
+#CFLAGS	+= $(O) CPU=68030 DEF=AMIGA
+## 68030, 68881 FPU
+#SOX	= sox030881
+#SOUNDLIB= libst030881.lib
+#MATHLIB	= lib:scm881.lib lib:scm.lib
+#CFLAGS	+= $(O) MATH=68881 CPU=68030 DEF=AMIGA DEF=AMIGA_MC68881
+## start your engines
+all: $(SOX)
+$(SOX): sox.o $(SOUNDLIB)
+sox.o:		sox.c st.h
+	$(RM) sox.txt
+	nroff -man > sox.txt
+	nroff -man > st.txt
+	$(RM) #?.o
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.dos
@@ -1,0 +1,79 @@
+# Sound Tools Makefile - builds libst.lib and sox.exe
+#   Short and Sweat makefile - [email protected] 9/28/98
+#   With a little editing this makefile should compile under both
+#   pre and post Borland 3.0.
+#   Also some support for MS VC based on info from Mark Morgan Lloyd
+#   <[email protected]> 1/24/99
+# Need object files to know what libst.lib depends on.  All .c files
+# are compiled from default rules of make.
+FOBJ	= 8svx.obj aiff.obj au.obj auto.obj cdr.obj cvsd.obj dat.obj \
+	  g711.obj g721.obj g723_24.obj g723_40.obj g72x.obj gsm.obj \
+	  hcom.obj maud.obj oss.obj raw.obj sbdsp.obj sf.obj smp.obj \
+	  sndrtool.obj sunaudio.obj tx16w.obj voc.obj wav.obj wve.obj
+EOBJ	= avg.obj band.obj chorus.obj copy.obj cut.obj deemphas.obj \
+	  dyn.obj echo.obj echos.obj flanger.obj highp.obj lowp.obj \
+          map.obj mask.obj phaser.obj pick.obj polyphas.obj \
+	  rate.obj resample.obj reverb.obj reverse.obj split.obj \
+	  stat.obj vibro.obj
+LIBOBJS   = $(FOBJ) $(EOBJ) handlers.obj libst.obj misc.obj getopt.obj util.obj
+# The following defines tell where compiler files are kept, not where
+# things should be installed like Unix usually specifies.
+BINDIR  = d:\tc\bin
+LIBDIR  = d:\tc\lib
+INCDIR  = d:\tc\include
+#BINDIR	= d:\bc\bin
+#LIBDIR	= d:\bc\lib
+#INCDIR	= d:\bc\include
+# Use the following if you don't really need to define paths.
+#BINDIR = .
+#LIBDIR = .
+#INCDIR = .
+# Standard Borland options for Huge Memory Mode (more than 64k for both
+# code and data), Word aligned, compile to Objects only, Speed and Jump
+# optimized.
+# -v is for debuging and -N is to add stack corruption detection code.
+# both add unneeded size to code.
+# Pick one of the next two defines for pre/post Borland C 3.0
+CC      = $(BINDIR)\tcc
+#CC      = $(BINDIR)\bcc
+LDD	= $(BINDIR)\tlib
+CFLAGS  = -DDOS -DNEED_GETOPT -D__STDC__=1 -a -c -mh -G -O -v -N
+LFLAGS  = -v -mh
+# MS VC needs the following. /AL uses large memory model.
+#CC	= cl
+#LDD	= lib
+#CFLAGS	= -DDOS -D__STDC__=1 -DNEED_GETOPT -c -O /AL /Gt8192
+#LFLAGS	= /AL /Gt8192
+       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(INCDIR) -L$(LIBDIR) $*.c
+       $(LDD) libst -$* +$*
+all: sox.exe
+sox.exe: sox.obj libst.lib
+        $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -L$(LIBDIR) sox.obj libst.lib
+libst.lib: $(LIBOBJS)
+sox.obj: sox.c st.h
+        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I$(INCDIR) -L$(LIBDIR) $*.c
+        del *.obj
+        del sox.exe
+        del libst.lib
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.os9
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+# Sound Tools Makefile
+# 	builds libst.a and sox
+# This makefile assumes Microware Ultra C
+# NOTE! You have to rename 8svx.c to svx8.c
+# Boisy G. Pitre ([email protected])
+CFLAGS	=	-ai -DOS9 -DNEED_GETOPT	# use strict ANSI mode, shared libraries
+LFLAGS	=	$(CFLAGS) -l=/dd/lib/sys_clib.l
+CC		=	cc
+FOBJ	= $(RDIR)/8svx.r $(RDIR)/aiff.r $(RDIR)/au.r $(RDIR)/auto.r \
+	  $(RDIR)/cdr.r $(RDIR)/cvsd.r $(RDIR)/dat.r $(RDIR)/g711.r \
+	  $(RDIR)/g721.r $(RDIR)/g723_24.r $(RDIR)/g723_40.r \
+	  $(RDIR)/g72x.r $(RDIR)/gsm.r $(RDIR)/hcom.r $(RDIR)/maud.r \
+	  $(RDIR)/oss.r $(RDIR)/raw.r $(RDIR)/sbdsp.r $(RDIR)/sf.r \
+	  $(RDIR)/smp.r $(RDIR)/sndrtool.r $(RDIR)/sunaudio.r \
+	  $(RDIR)/tx16w.r $(RDIR)/voc.r $(RDIR)/wav.r $(RDIR)/wve.r
+EOBJ	= $(RDIR)/avg.r $(RDIR)/band.r $(RDIR)/chorus.r \
+	  $(RDIR)/copy.r $(RDIR)/cut.r $(RDIR)/deemphas.r $(RDIR)/dyn.r \
+	  $(RDIR)/echo.r $(RDIR)/echos.r $(RDIR)/flanger.r $(RDIR)/highp.r \
+	  $(RDIR)/lowp.r $(RDIR)/map.r $(RDIR)/mask.r $(RDIR)/phaser.r \
+	  $(RDIR)/pick.r $(RDIR)/polyphas.r $(RDIR)/rate.r \
+	  $(RDIR)/resample.r $(RDIR)/reverb.r $(RDIR)/reverse.r \
+	  $(RDIR)/split.r $(RDIR)/stat.r $(RDIR)/vibro.r
+LIBOBJS	=	$(FOBJ) $(EOBJ) $(RDIR)/handlers.r $(RDIR)/libst.r \
+			$(RDIR)/misc.r $(RDIR)/getopt.r $(RDIR)/util.r
+all:	sox
+	@echo Done
+sox:	$(RDIR)/sox.r $(LIBOBJS)
+	$(CC) -f=$@ $(RDIR)/sox.r $(LIBOBJS) $(LFLAGS)
+sox.r:		sox.c st.h
+$(LIBOBJS):	st.h version.h patchlvl.h
+# OS-9 systems need the appropriate programs
+# to make use of this section.
+man: sox.1 libst.3
+	del sox.txt
+	del libst.txt
+	nroff -man sox.1 ! col -b > sox.txt
+	nroff -man libst.3 ! col -b > libst.txt
+# Just guessing here
+svx8.c: 8svx.c
+	@echo Hey! You need to copy 8svx.c to svx8.c
+	# what's the cp command?
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.unx
@@ -1,0 +1,256 @@
+# Sound Tools Makefile
+# 	builds libst.a and sox
+# Updated on 02/24/97 - by Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Inhanced Makefile to install software and documented a little better.
+# Updated on 05 May 1998 by Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Made some changes for various platforms based on others sugestions
+#   and made my home system (Linux) the default. ;-)
+# July 19, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Redid makefile so that libraries could be optionally linked in.
+#   Also made each specific portion of system specifics a seperate
+#   line to comment/uncomment so that it will be easier to see how
+#   to compiler on a wider array of systems (he says with a grin).
+# These things are site dependant so you may want to change.
+PREFIX	= /usr/local
+BINDIR  = $(PREFIX)/bin
+MANDIR  = $(PREFIX)/man
+SRCDIR	= sox-12.16
+FSRC	= 8svx.c aiff.c au.c auto.c cdr.c cvsd.c dat.c g711.c g721.c \
+	  g723_24.c g723_40.c g72x.c gsm.c hcom.c maud.c oss.c raw.c \
+	  sbdsp.c sf.c smp.c sndrtool.c sunaudio.c tx16w.c voc.c wav.c wve.c
+ESRC	= avg.c band.c chorus.c copy.c cut.c deemphas.c dyn.c echo.c echos.c \
+	  flanger.c highp.c lowp.c map.c mask.c phaser.c pick.c \
+	  polyphas.c rate.c resample.c reverb.c reverse.c split.c \
+	  stat.c vibro.c 
+PSRC	= sox.c
+SOURCES = $(PSRC) $(FSRC) $(ESRC) handlers.c libst.c misc.c util.c getopt.c
+HEADERS = st.h libst.h sfheader.h sfircam.h patchlvl.h version.h wav.h \
+	  g72x.h resdefs.h resampl.h
+TESTS   = monkey.voc
+MISC    = README INSTALL TODO TIPS CHEAT CHEAT.eft Changelog sox.1 sox.txt \
+	  libst.3 libst.txt play.1 Makefile.unx Makefile.dos Makefile.b30 \
+	  Makefile.c70 soxeffect play rec
+SKEL	= skel.c skeleff.c
+AMIGA	= Makefile.ami amiga.h
+DOS	= tests.bat testall.bat
+OS9	= Makefile.os9
+VMS     = descrip.mms sound2sun.c sound2sun.opt \
+	  sox.opt vms.lis
+	  $(AMIGA) $(DOS) $(OS9) $(VMS) \
+	  $(SKEL) $(TESTS)
+FOBJ	= 8svx.o aiff.o au.o auto.o cdr.o cvsd.o dat.o g711.o g721.o \
+	  g723_24.o g723_40.o g72x.o gsm.o hcom.o maud.o oss.o raw.o \
+	  sbdsp.o sf.o smp.o sndrtool.o sunaudio.o tx16w.o voc.o wav.o wve.o
+EOBJ	= avg.o band.o chorus.o copy.o cut.o deemphas.o dyn.o echo.o echos.o \
+	  flanger.o highp.o lowp.o map.o mask.o phaser.o pick.o \
+	  polyphas.o rate.o resample.o reverb.o reverse.o split.o \
+	  stat.o vibro.o
+SOUNDLIB = libst.a
+LIBOBJS = $(FOBJ) $(EOBJ) handlers.o libst.o misc.o util.o getopt.o
+# System dependency parameters
+#   Find anything related to your system and uncomment.
+# Default way to delete files.
+RM	    = rm -f
+# Chose the best compiler you got from the following:
+# GCC with all warnings and debug info
+CC		= gcc -g -Wall
+# GCC with no special options
+# CC		= gcc
+# Generic compiler on your system
+# CC		= cc
+# EMX GCC under OS/2 seems to need the following
+# CC		= gcc -Zcrtdll -Zexe
+# For optimized compilation, uncomment one of the following that your
+# compiler understands.
+# gcc's all understand this as do lots of standard compilers.  Try this one
+# first.
+# O		= -O2
+# getopt() support is defined here.  If you have a built-in
+# getopt() that is compatible with SVR5 then you don't need to
+# do anything special.
+# If you don't have any getopt() function then use the following
+# define to use Sox's builtin version
+# If your system has the more advanced version of getopt() that
+# also has its own getopt.h file (Such as the case with GNU libc 2.0)
+# then uncomment the following line.  Don't uncomment anything if
+# its in stdlib.h.
+# Uncomment the following if your system does not have a built in
+# strerror().  This includes SunOS.
+# Uncomment the following if your system does not have a built in
+# MEMMOVE function.  Sox will attempt to use bcopy instead.
+# SunOS has this problem.
+# If you have the GSM 6.10 libraries installed then uncomment the follow
+# 4 lines, and change to reflect your installation paths.
+GSM_PRE_LIBS	= -L/usr/local/lib
+GSM_POST_LIBS	= -lgsm
+GSM_INCLUDES	= -I/usr/local/include/
+# For sound support on machines that include the OSS sound driver
+# (such as Linux) then uncomment the following line.
+# For sound support under SunOS and Solaris then uncomment the following line.
+# For sound support on 386 AT&T Unix then uncomment the following line
+# For sound support on Intel BSD-derived Unix's using Steve Haenichen's SBLAST
+# driver uncomment the following line.
+# Uncomment the following lines if your compiling under DOS or Windows.
+# defines .snd to mean a DOS soundtool file (starts with SOUND)
+# RM		= del /q
+# Uncomment the following line if compiling under NeXT.
+# defines .snd to mean a NeXT sound format file only.
+# Uncomment the following line if compling under MacIntosh
+# defines .snd to mean a Mac-style headerless unsigned byte
+#  	sample, probably at 11050 hertz.  You'll have to set 
+#	the speed on the command line.
+# MISC DEFINES - The catch all for things that make even less sense
+#  then normal under unix.  If you need more than one of the following
+#  MISC DEFINES remember to include them on one line so it isn't just
+#  redefined.
+# Testing new improved rate code.  You can use the older version if ther
+# are problems.
+# For an extra 32k memory, you can include u-law/a-law lookup
+# tables to speed compressiong/decompression of this type data.
+# Library setup
+# How should libaries be created.  Most systems can simply use the following.
+AR		= ar r
+# How should 'ranlib' be performed. HPUX, Linux, BSD-ish, SunOS, Solaris
+RANLIB		= ranlib
+# AT&T System V and GCC on DOS or OS/2 based systems
+# RANLIB	= ar ts
+# Some systems don't have a ranlib that you can run.  Use the following
+# for those systems.
+# RANLIB    = true
+all: sox
+sox: sox.o $(SOUNDLIB)
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o sox sox.o $(SOUNDLIB) $(SOX_PRE_LIBS) $(SOX_POST_LIBS)
+sox.o:		sox.c st.h
+$(LIBOBJS):	st.h version.h patchlvl.h
+man: sox.1 libst.3
+	$(RM) sox.txt libst.txt
+	nroff -man sox.1 | col -b > sox.txt
+	nroff -man libst.3 | col -b > libst.txt
+install: sox
+	-install -c -m 755 sox play rec $(BINDIR)
+	-install -c -m 644 sox.1 play.1 $(MANDIR)/man1
+install-lib: libst.a
+	-install -c -m 644 libst.a $(LIBDIR)
+	-install -c -m 644 libst.3 $(MANDIR)/man3
+	$(RM) *~ *.o *.raw *.sf core sox libst.a
+tar:	clean
+	$(RM) ../$(SRCDIR).tar
+	cd ..; tar cvf $(SRCDIR).tar $(SRCDIR)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -1,0 +1,201 @@
+		SOX: Sound eXchange
+SOX (also known as Sound eXchange) translates sound samples between different
+file formats, and optionally performs various sound effects.  
+This release understands:
+  o Raw files in various binary formats
+  o Raw textual data
+  o Microsoft .WAV files
+    o PCM, u-law, a-law
+    o MS ADPCM (Read only)
+    o IMA ADPCM (Read only)
+  o MAUD files
+  o Sound Blaster .VOC files
+  o IRCAM SoundFile files
+  o SUN .au files
+    o PCM, u-law, a-law
+    o G7xx ADPCM files (read only)
+  o mutant DEC .au files
+  o Apple/SGI AIFF files
+  o CD-R (music CD format)
+  o Macintosh HCOM files
+  o Sounder files
+  o NeXT .snd files
+  o Soundtool (DOS) files
+  o Psion (palmtop) A-law files
+The sound effects include:
+  o Channel Averaging
+  o Band-pass filter
+  o Chorus effect
+  o Cut out loop samples
+  o Add an echo 
+  o Add a sequence of echos
+  o Apply a flanger effect
+  o Apply a high-pass filter
+  o Apply a low-pass filter
+  o Display a list of loops in a file
+  o Add masking noise to a signal
+  o Apply a phaser effect
+  o Convert from stereo to mono
+  o Change sampling rates using several different algorithms.
+  o Apply a reverb effect
+  o Reverse the sound samples (to search for Satanic messages ;-)
+  o Convert from mono to stereo
+  o Display general stats on a sound sample
+  o Add the world-famous Fender Vibro-Champ effect
+Big news! Lots of new effects have been added.  This includes most the
+popular "Guitar Effects" talked about in the same named FAQ available.
+The 'resample' and 'polyphase' effect does high-grade signal rate
+changes using real signal theory.  Yes, it's very slow.  There seems
+to be a small problem with aliasing with 'resample' currently.
+More big news!  Sample loops are now supported in a few
+file formats: SMP and AIFF.  WAV and VOC needs it.  I don't know
+what other formats actually know about sampler notes & loops.
+(To make a loop, you need a waveform editor that knows about
+them and has special features.)
+This is the 12th release, Patchlevel 16 of the Sound Tools.
+Sox was originally written and maintained by Lance Norskog but
+unfortunetly he has stopped maintaining it since 1995.  I, Chris
+Bagwell ([email protected]), have started maintaining it since
+1996 to the present.  Lance may take supporting it back up in the future
+but until that time I will keep pushing its development forward.
+SOX is intended as the Swiss Army knife of sound processing tools.  It 
+doesn't do anything very well, but sooner or later it comes in very handy.
+SOX is really only usable day-to-day if you hide the wacky options with 
+one-line shell scripts.
+Unless your using a precompiled binary version, you will need to use
+the Amiga, DOS, OS9, or Unix Makefile as appropriate to compile SOX.
+Please read the Makefile's for several options that may need to be customized 
+for your setup.  See the INSTALL file for more detailed instructions.
+Now, read TIPS, CHEAT.eft and CHEAT.  These give a background on how
+SOX deals with sound files and how to convert this format
+to that format, and apply various effects with examples for the most 
+popular formats.
+SOX uses file suffices to determine the nature of a sound sample file.
+If it finds the suffix in its list, it uses the appropriate read
+or write handler to deal with that file.  You may override the suffix
+by giving a different type via the '-t type' argument.  See the manual
+page for more information.
+SOX has an auto-detect feature that attempts to figure out
+the nature of an unmarked sound sample.  It works very well.
+This is the 'auto' file format.
+I hope to inspire the creation of a common base of sound processing
+tools for computer multimedia work, similar to the PBM toolkit for 
+image manipulation.
+Sound Tools may be used for any purpose.  Source
+distributions must include the copyright notices.  Binary
+distributions must include acknowledgements to the creators.
+Files are copyright by their respective authors.
+If you have bug fixes/enhancements, please send it to me as I would like
+to coordinate the releases.  Please document your changes.  I don't 
+possess every kind of computer currently sold, and SOX is now beyond 
+the phase where I can understand and test most of your contributions.
+The majority of SOX features and source code are contributed
+by you the user.  Thank you very much for making SOX a success!
+	Creator:
+		Lance Norskog		[email protected] (inactive currently)
+	Mantainer:
+		Chris Bagwell		[email protected]
+	Contributors:
+		Juergen Mueller		[email protected]
+			chorus, echo, echos, flanger, phaser, and reverb
+			effects.
+		Guido Van Rossum	[email protected]
+			AU, AIFF, AUTO, HCOM, reverse,
+			many bug fixes
+		Jef Poskanzer		[email protected]
+			original code for u-law and delay line
+		Bill Neisius		bill%[email protected] 
+			DOS port, 8SVX, Sounder, Soundtool formats
+			Apollo fixes, stat with auto-picker
+		Rick Richardson		[email protected]
+			WAV and SB driver handlers, fixes
+		David Champion		[email protected]
+			Amiga port 
+		Pace Willisson		[email protected]
+			Fixes for ESIX
+		Leigh Smith		[email protected]
+			SMP and comment movement support.
+			AIFF Loop/MIDI support
+		David Sanderson		[email protected]
+			AIX3.1 fixes
+			(Note that to my knowledge AIX on RS/6000s has
+			NO SUPPORT for playing any sort of sound file,
+			so please don't write to me any more to ask
+			"how do I play sound files on my AIX box".  I
+			ported sox to AIX solely to use it to translate
+			between sound file formats.)
+		Glenn Lewis		[email protected]
+			AIFF chunking fixes
+		Brian Campbell		[email protected]
+			QNX port and 16-bit fixes
+		Chris Adams		[email protected]
+			DOS port fixes
+		John Kohl		[email protected]
+			BSD386 port, VOC stereo support
+		Ken Kubo		[email protected]
+			VMS port, VOC stereo support
+		Frank Gadegast 		<[email protected]>
+			Microsoft C 7.0 & C Borland 3.0 ports
+		David Elliot		<[email protected]>
+			CD-R format support
+		David Sears		<[email protected]>
+			Linux support
+		Tom Littlejohn          <[email protected]>
+			Raw textual data
+		Boisy G. Pitre 		[email protected]
+			OS9 port
+                Sun Microsystems, Guido Van Rossum
+		        CCITT G.711, G.721, G.723 implementation
+		Graeme Gill		[email protected]
+			A-LAW format, Good .WAV handling,
+			avg channel expansion
+		Allen Grider		[email protected]
+			VOC stereo mode, WAV file handling
+		Michel Fingerhut 	[email protected]
+			Upgrade 'sf' format to current IRCAM format.
+			Float file support.
+		Chris Knight
+			Achimedes Acorn support
+		Richard Caley 		[email protected]
+			Psion WVE handler
+		Lutz Vieweg		[email protected]
+			MAUD (Amiga) file handler
+		Tim Gardner		[email protected]
+			Windows NT port for V7
+		Jimen Ching 		[email protected]
+			Libst porting bugs
+		Lauren Weinstein	[email protected]
+			DOS porting, scripts, professional use
+		Chris Bagwell		[email protected]
+			OSS and Sun players, bugfixes, ADPCM support,
+			patch collection and maintance.
+		(your name could be here, too)
+		(I've probably lost a few, and several people fixed
+		 the same bugs.)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TIPS
@@ -1,0 +1,145 @@
+SOX usage:
+	sox [options] from-file-args to-file-args [ effect [effect-args]]
+First off: the -V option makes SOX print out its idea of
+what it is doing.  -V is your friend.
+	sox -V from-file-args to-file-args
+From-file-args and to-file-args are the same. 
+They are a series of options followed by a file name.
+The suffix on the file name usually is the file format type.
+The '-t xx' option overrides this and tells sox 
+the the file format is 'xx'.  The '-u/-s/-U' arguments
+say that the file is in unsigned, signed, or u-law format.
+The '-b/-w' arguments say that the file is in byte- or
+word-size (2 byte) samples.  The '-r number' argument
+says that the sample rate of the file is 'number'.
+The extensions ub, uw, sb, sw, and ul correspond
+to raw data files of formats unsigned byte, unsigned 
+word, signed byte, signed word, and u-law byte.
+Thus, '-t ul' is shorthand for '-t raw -U -b'.
+These conversions clip data and thus reduce sound quality, 
+so be careful:
+	Word to u-law.
+	Word to byte.
+	U-law to byte.
+	Reduction in sample rate.
+Any reduction in the sample data rate loses information
+and adds noise.  An increase in the data rate doesn't
+lose much information, but does add noise.  See the
+note below on low-pass filtering.
+To convert U-law to something else without clipping,
+you'll have to convert it to (signed or unsigned) words,
+which will double the size of the file.
+AUTO files:
+The 'AUTO' file type reads an unknown file and
+attempts to discern its binary format.
+AIFF files:
+AIFF files come with complete headers and other
+info.  They can in fact have multiple sound
+chunks and picture chunks.  SOX only reads
+the first sound chunk. 
+WAV files:
+WAVs use the RIFF format, which is Microsoft's
+needless imitation of AIFF.  See above comments.
+AIFF and RIFF files need their own librarian
+programs; SOX can only do a small fraction of
+what they need.
+It's best if you can copy or store files in
+AIFF or WAV format.  The sample rate and 
+binary format are marked; also comments may 
+be added to the file.
+SUN AU files:
+Most AU files you find are in 8khz 8-bit u-law format.
+This format was the first sound hardware SUN made available.
+Some of the files have correct headers; some do not.
+If the file has the header, this should convert it to
+another format:
+	sox to-file-args
+If not, this reads a raw u-law 8khz file:
+	sox -t ul -r 8000 to-file-args
+To convert a file to an old-style SUN .au file:
+	sox from-file-args -r 8000 -U -b
+AU format can have any speed and several data sizes;
+you need to specify '-r 8000 -U -b' to force SOX to
+use the old SUN format.
+Mac files:
+Mac files come in .snd, .aiff, and .hcom formats,
+among others; these are the most common.
+SND files are in unsigned byte format with no
+header.  They are either 11025, 22050, or 44100 hz.
+The speed seems to be a "resource" and doesn't
+get transported to Unix when the files are.
+Thus, you just have to know.
+	sox -r 11025 -t ub file.snd to-file-args
+	sox from-file-args -r 11025 -t ub file.snd
+PC files:
+There are several PC sound file formats. VOC is
+common; it has headers.  SND and SNDR are for
+some DOS sound package; I don't know much about them.
+WAV is the official Microsoft Windows format.
+WAV has format options for compressed sound;
+SOX doesn't implement this yet.  
+A sound effect may be applied to the sound sample
+while it is being copied from one file to another.
+Copy is the default effect; i.e. do nothing.
+Changing the sample rate requires the 'rate'
+effect.  This applies a simple linear interpolation
+to the sample.  This is a poor-quality sample
+changer.  After doing a rate conversion,
+you should try doing a low-pass filter to throw
+away some of the induced noise.  Pick a 'center'
+frequency about 85% of the lower of the two
+frequencies, or 42.5% of the lower of the
+two sample rates.  (The maximum frequency
+in a sample is 1/2 of the sample rate).
+	sox -r 8000 file.xx -r 22050 tmp.yy
+	sox tmp.yy file.yy lowp 3400
+	sox -r 44100 file.xx -r 22050 tmp.yy
+	sox tmp.yy file.yy lowp 9592
+Listen to both tmp.yy and file.yy and see if 
+the low-pass filter helps.  Be sure to do the
+low-pass filter before clipping the data to
+a smaller binary word size.  Say you have a 16-bit
+CD-quality (44100 hz) AIFF file that you want 
+to convert to a Mac sound resource:
+	sox -r 44100 file.aiff -r 11025 tmp.sw
+	sox tmp.sw -t ub file.mac lowp 9371
+	sox -r 44100 file.aiff -r 11025 tmp.ub
+	sox tmp.ub -t ub file.mac lowp 9371
+because you want to do the low-pass filter while 
+you still have sixteen-bit data.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,0 +1,87 @@
+People are encouraged to pick some of these and implement it.  Send
+all patches to [email protected].
+  o Add support for writing ADPCM output in .wav files.  It really only
+    feasible to add one version of ADPCM to output.  I'm leaning towards
+    IMA since it could support streaming and be used in other formats.
+    But of course, MS is pushing very hard to make their version the
+    standard, weither inferer or not.
+  o Add GSM support to WAV format.
+  o highpass and lowpass filters don't let you specify the cut
+    of freq.  Need some improvements to these filters.
+  o Grab latest stand alone version of resample and replace Sox's
+    outdated version.
+  o Find a mantainer for each supported platform.  Try hard to shrink
+    the number of makefiles by having all systems compile using one
+    makefile.
+  o Change all code that sets up auto-swapping of bytes (-x option) to match
+    that of cdr.c driver.  Current method fails on certain endian machines.
+  o Fix for how include files are found when fseek() is used.  In most
+    configs it has to hardcode the values for things like SEEK_SET. *BAD*
+    Include files are a mess, i.e. fseek problem.  Need to resort to
+    something like autoconf to really support all these platforms.
+  o Create a version of OSS and Sun driver that can play and record from the
+    same device in duplex.
+  o Internally sox can handle multiple effects on a given sound file.
+    Add support for this from the command line.  Will probably need to
+    break out the MCHAN to MCHAN and VCHAN to distingish effects that
+    can handle Multiple channels and effects that can change the number
+    of resulting channels to Various values.
+  o Enhance sox for better interactive support.  This includes updating
+    effect parameters in real time and ablity to start/stop/scan
+    file handlers in real time.
+  o More handlers!  Everyone who adds sound hardware to a computer has 
+    the urge to come up with their own file format.
+  o More effects!  I don't know DSP at all.  A Pitch Shifter is high
+    on the list.
+  o Loop support for all formats that know about it.  WAV has
+    some support for loops ("cue-points") but no support for
+    MIDI note numbers.  Someone needs to add this in.
+  o Comment strings.  Some file formats have space for embedded comments.
+    These are currently thrown away.  Printing them out, carrying them
+    forward, and an to add new ones would be handy.
+  o Update auto file type to include detection of .wve and .smp files.
+  o An effect loop for mixing mono -> stereo -> quad with sound
+    placement features: differential volume, phasing, and Doppler
+    shifting when the sound moves.  Static placement would work as
+    a SOX effect loop, but dynamic placement involves some scripting
+    feature, or joystick input etc.
+  o This software wants to be a dataflow system with signal
+    sources, sinks, and processors.  It wants to be class-based.
+    It wants to have a scripting control language.
+    It's really a shame I hate C++.
+  o Keep sox from using "fail" on errors.  Sox was supposed to be
+    a sound library called "ST" but libraries shouldn't exit a program,
+    they should return error codes for users to handle.
+  o Enhance general robustness... For instance, malloc is called in
+    lots of places without checking its return value.
+SOX includes skeleton format files to assist you in supporting new 
+formats, sound effect loops, and special-purpose programs.
+The full skeleton format, skel.c, helps you write a driver 
+for a new format which has data structures.  Skeleff.c is
+a starting point for writing a sound effect loop.  Sox.c is
+a good starting point for new programs.  (Someone finally
+did this and told me what was wrong...)
+In handlers.c, note that many formats set up the header and then
+use the raw driver for reading and writing.  
--- /dev/null
+++ b/amiga.h
@@ -1,0 +1,61 @@
+#ifdef AMIGA
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#ifdef AMIGA_MC68881
+#include <m68881.h>
+#endif /* AMIGA_MC68881 */
+#include "patchlvl.h"		/* yeah, I know it's not really a header...but why not? */
+/* Following is a really screwy way of incorporating compile-time info into *
+ * the binary as an Amiga version string.  Unfortunately, it was the only   *
+ * method I could find.  --dgc, 13 Jan 93                                   */
+#define AmiVerChars1	{'$', 'V', 'E', 'R', ':', ' ', 'S', 'o', 'u', 'n', 'd', ' ', 'E', 'x', 'c', 'h', 'a', 'n', 'g', 'e', ' ', 
+#define AmiVerChars2	'6', '8', '0', '3', '0', 
+#define AmiVerChars3	'/', 
+#define AmiVerChars4	'6', '8', '8', '8', '1', 
+#define AmiVerChars5	' ', 'P', 'a', 't', 'c', 'h', 'l', 'e', 'v', 'e', 'l', 
+	' ', '0'+(PATCHLEVEL/10), '0'+(PATCHLEVEL%10), '\0'}
+#ifdef AMIGA_MC68881
+#ifdef AMIGA_MC68030
+#define AmiVerChars	AmiVerChars1 AmiVerChars2 AmiVerChars3 AmiVerChars4 AmiVerChars5
+#define AmiVerChars	AmiVerChars1 AmiVerChars4 AmiVerChars5
+#endif /* AMIGA_MC68030 */
+#ifdef AMIGA_MC68030
+#define AmiVerChars	AmiVerChars1 AmiVerChars2 AmiVerChars5
+#define AmiVerChars	AmiVerChars1 AmiVerChars5
+#endif /* AMIGA_MC68030 */
+#endif /*AMIGA_MC68881*/
+/* if you change these strings, be sure to change the size here! */
+/* (and remember, sizeof() won't work)                           */
+#define AmiVerSize 46
+/* stdarg adjustments */
+#ifndef va_dcl
+#define va_dcl int va_alist;
+#endif /* !va_dcl*/
+/* BSD compat */
+#include <string.h>
+/* SAS/C does these; other might not */
+#ifndef bcopy
+#define	bcopy(from, to, len)	memmove(to, from, len)
+/* SAS/C library code includes unlink().   *
+ * If your compiler doesn't have unlink(), *
+ * uncomment this section.                 */
+#ifndef unlink
+#define	unlink		DeleteFile
+#endif /*AMIGA*/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cut.c
@@ -1,0 +1,116 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools cut effect file.
+ *
+ * Pull loop #n from a looped sound file.
+ * Not finished, don't use it yet.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct cutstuff {
+	int	which;			/* Loop # to pull */
+	int	where;			/* current sample # */
+	ULONG start;			/* first wanted sample */
+	ULONG end;			/* last wanted sample + 1 */
+} *cut_t;
+ * Process options
+ */
+void cut_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	cut_t cut = (cut_t) effp->priv;
+	/* parse it */
+	cut->which = 0;	/* for now */
+ * Prepare processing.
+ */
+void cut_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	cut_t cut = (cut_t) effp->priv;
+	/* nothing to do */
+	cut->where = 0;
+	cut->start = effp->loops[0].start;
+	cut->end = effp->loops[0].start + effp->loops[0].length;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void cut_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	cut_t cut = (cut_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	if ((cut->where + len <= cut->start) ||
+			(cut->where >= cut->end)) {
+		*isamp = len;
+		*osamp = 0;
+		cut->where += len;
+		return;
+	}
+	*isamp = len;		/* We will have processed all inputs */
+	if (cut->where < cut->start) {
+		/* skip */
+		ibuf += cut->start - cut->where;
+		len -= cut->start - cut->where;
+	}
+	if (cut->where + len >= cut->end) {
+		/* shorten */
+		len = cut->end - cut->where;
+	}
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		*obuf++ = *ibuf++;
+	}
+	*osamp = len;
+ * Drain out remaining samples if the effect generates any.
+ */
+void cut_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *obuf;
+int *osamp;
+	*osamp = 0;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ *	(free allocated memory, etc.)
+ */
+void cut_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/descrip.mms
@@ -1,0 +1,284 @@
+# MMS description file for SOX/SoundTools (and Gopstein/Harris sound2sun)
+# Modification History
+# 12 Dec 1992, K. S. Kubo, Created
+# NOTES (todo):
+#	* This does not yet provide support for VMS distribution (e.g. shar
+#	  target).
+#	* It may be nice to link the library as a shareable image.
+#	* To do this "right" this should also provide support for sounds
+#	  in the DDIF format... someday, maybe.
+# !!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!! This file is outdated.  Please refer
+# to Makefile.unx to see which source files need to be compiled
+# and update accordingly.  Please send any updates to [email protected]
+DEBUGFLAGS	= /debug/nooptimize
+LINKDBGFLAGS	= /nouserlibrary/traceback/debug
+DEBUGFLAGS	= /nodebug/optimize
+LINKDBGFLAGS	= /nouserlibrary/notraceback/nodebug
+CC		= cc
+CFLAGS		= /object=$*.OBJ$(DEBUGFLAGS)
+LINK		= link
+FSRC	= 	raw.c, \
+	  	voc.c, \
+		au.c, \
+		sf.c, \
+	  	aiff.c, \
+		hcom.c, \
+		8svx.c, \
+		sndrtool.c, \
+		wav.c, \
+		sbdsp.c, \
+		sunaduo.c, \
+		oss.c, \
+		smp.c, \
+		auto.c
+ESRC	=	copy.c, \
+		avg.c, \
+		stat.c, \
+		vibro.c, \
+		echo.c, \
+		rate.c, \
+		band.c, \
+		lowp.c, \
+		highp.c, \
+		reverse.c, \
+		dyn.c, \
+		cut.c, \
+		map.c, \
+		split.c, \
+		pick.c, \
+		mask.c, \
+		resample.c
+PSRC	=	sox.c
+OSRC	=	sound2sun.c
+SOURCES = 	$(FSRC),$(ESRC),$(PSRC), \
+		handlers.c, libst.c, misc.c, getopt.c, \
+		$(OSRC)
+HDRS	=	st.h, \
+		libst.h, \
+		sfheader.h, \
+		sfircam.h, \
+		patchlevel.h, \
+		version.h, \
+		wav.h, \
+		g72x.h,\
+		resdefs.h, \
+		resampl.h
+TESTS	=, \
+, \
+, \
+		monkey.voc
+MISC    = 	readme., readme2., install., todo, tips, cheat, sox.1, \
+		sox.txt, libst.3, libst.txt, makefile.unx, makefile.bor, \
+		Makefile.b30, Makefile.c70, soxeffect, play, rec
+VMS	=	descrip.mms, sox.opt, vms.lis,, sound2sun.opt, \
+		sound2sun.c,
+SKEL	  = skel.c skeleff.c
+SOUNDLIB  =	soundtools.olb
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(raw) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(voc) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(au) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(sf) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(aiff) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(hcom) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(8svx) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(sndrtool) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(wav) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(sbdsp) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(sunaudio) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(oss) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(smp) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(auto) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(copy) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(avg) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(stat) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(vibro) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(echo) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(rate) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(band) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(lowp) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(reverse) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(handlers) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(libst) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(misc) \
+    $(SOUNDLIB)(getopt)
+    @ if F$TrnLnm("VAXC$INCLUDE") .eqs. "" then define VAXC$INCLUDE sys$library
+    @ if F$TrnLnm("SYS") .eqs. "" then define SYS sys$library
+# Actual targets
+all : sox.exe sound2sun.exe
+    @ ! dummy argument
+clean :
+    - delete *.obj;
+    - delete *.raw;
+    - delete *.sf;
+depend : $(HDRS) $(SOURCES)
+    set command/replace clddir:depend
+    depend $(SOURCES)
+    ! dependencies updated
+sox.exe : sox.obj $(SOUNDLIB) descrip.mms sox.opt
+    $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) sox.obj, sox.opt/options
+sound2sun.exe : sound2sun.obj descrip.mms sound2sun.opt
+    $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) sound2sun.obj, sound2sun.opt/options
+    ! $(SOUNDLIB) updated
+raw.obj : libst.h
+raw.obj : raw.c
+raw.obj : st.h
+raw.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+raw.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+voc.obj : st.h
+voc.obj : voc.c
+voc.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+voc.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+au.obj : au.c
+au.obj : st.h
+au.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+au.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+sf.obj : sf.c
+sf.obj : sfheader.h
+sf.obj : st.h
+sf.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+sf.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+aiff.obj : aiff.c
+aiff.obj : st.h
+aiff.obj : sys$library:math.h
+aiff.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+aiff.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+hcom.obj : hcom.c
+hcom.obj : st.h
+hcom.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+hcom.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+8svx.obj : 8svx.c
+8svx.obj : st.h
+8svx.obj : sys$library:errno.h
+8svx.obj : sys$library:math.h
+8svx.obj : sys$library:perror.h
+8svx.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+8svx.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+8svx.obj : sys:types.h
+sndrtool.obj : sndrtool.c
+sndrtool.obj : st.h
+sndrtool.obj : sys$library:errno.h
+sndrtool.obj : sys$library:math.h
+sndrtool.obj : sys$library:perror.h
+sndrtool.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+sndrtool.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+wav.obj : st.h
+wav.obj : wav.c
+wav.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+wav.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+sbdsp.obj : sbdsp.c
+smp.obj : st.h
+smp.obj : smp.c
+smp.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+smp.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+smp.obj : sys$library:string.h
+auto.obj : st.h
+auto.obj : wav.c
+auto.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+auto.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+copy.obj : copy.c
+copy.obj : st.h
+copy.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+copy.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+avg.obj : avg.c
+avg.obj : st.h
+avg.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+avg.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+stat.obj : st.h
+stat.obj : stat.c
+stat.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+stat.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+vibro.obj : st.h
+vibro.obj : vibro.c
+vibro.obj : sys$library:math.h
+vibro.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+vibro.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+echo.obj : echo.c
+echo.obj : st.h
+echo.obj : sys$library:math.h
+echo.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+echo.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+rate.obj : rate.c
+rate.obj : st.h
+rate.obj : sys$library:math.h
+rate.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+rate.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+band.obj : band.c
+band.obj : st.h
+band.obj : sys$library:math.h
+band.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+band.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+lowp.obj : lowp.c
+lowp.obj : st.h
+lowp.obj : sys$library:math.h
+lowp.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+lowp.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+reverse.obj : reverse.c
+reverse.obj : st.h
+reverse.obj : sys$library:math.h
+reverse.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+reverse.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+sox.obj : sox.c
+sox.obj : st.h
+sox.obj : sys$library:errno.h
+sox.obj : sys$library:ctype.h
+sox.obj : sys$library:perror.h
+sox.obj : sys$library:stat.h
+sox.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+sox.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+sox.obj : sys$library:string.h
+sox.obj : sys$library:varargs.h
+sox.obj : sys:types.h
+handlers.obj : handlers.c
+handlers.obj : st.h
+handlers.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+handlers.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+libst.obj : libst.c
+misc.obj : misc.c
+misc.obj : st.h
+misc.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+misc.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+getopt.obj : getopt.c
+getopt.obj : st.h
+getopt.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+getopt.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
+sound2sun.obj : sound2sun.c
+sound2sun.obj : sys$library:stddef.h
+sound2sun.obj : sys$library:stdio.h
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dyn.c
@@ -1,0 +1,111 @@
+#ifdef USE_DYN
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools dynamic compander effect file.
+ *
+ * Compresses or expands dynamic range, i.e. range between
+ * soft and loud sounds.  U-law compression basically does this.
+ *
+ * Doesn't work.  Giving up for now.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for DYN.C file */
+typedef struct dyn{
+	int	rest;			/* bytes remaining in current block */
+} *dyn_t;
+ * Process options
+ */
+void dyn_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	if (n)
+		fail("Copy effect takes no options.");
+ * Prepare processing.
+ */
+void dyn_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
+	/* stuff data into delaying effects here */
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void dyn_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	int len, done;
+	LONG l;
+	double d, tmp;
+	int sign;
+#define NORMIT (65536.0)
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		d = *ibuf++;
+		if (d == 0.0)
+			l = 0;
+		else {
+			if (d < 0.0) {
+				d *= -1.0;
+				sign = -1;
+			} else
+				sign = 1;
+			d /= NORMIT;
+			tmp = log10(d);
+			tmp = pow(8.0, tmp);
+			tmp = tmp * NORMIT;
+			l = tmp * sign;
+		}
+		*obuf++ = l;
+	}
+ * Drain out remaining samples if the effect generates any.
+ */
+void dyn_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+LONG *obuf;
+int *osamp;
+	*osamp = 0;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ *	(free allocated memory, etc.)
+ */
+void dyn_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
+#endif /* USE_DYN */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libst.3
@@ -1,0 +1,187 @@ Sh 5
+.. Sp
+.if t .sp .5v
+.if n .sp
+.TH ST 3 "October 15 1996"
+libst \- Sound Tools : sound sample file and effects libraries.
+.B cc \fIfile.c\fB -o \fIfile \fBlibst.a
+.I Sound\ Tools
+is a library of sound sample file format readers/writers
+and sound effects processors.
+Sound Tools includes skeleton C
+files to assist you in writing new formats and effects.  
+The full skeleton driver, skel.c, helps you write drivers 
+for a new format which has data structures.  
+The simple skeleton drivers
+help you write a new driver for raw (headerless) formats, or
+for formats which just have a simple header followed by raw data.
+Most sound sample formats are fairly simple: they are just a string
+of bytes or words and are presumed to be sampled at a known data rate.
+Most of them have a short data structure at the beginning of the file.
+The Sound Tools formats and effects operate on an internal buffer format
+of signed 32-bit longs.
+The data processing routines are called with buffers of these
+samples, and buffer sizes which refer to the number of samples
+processed, not the number of bytes.
+File readers translate the input samples to signed longs
+and return the number of longs read.
+For example, data in linear signed byte format is left-shifted 24 bits.
+This does cause problems in processing the data.  
+For example:
+	*obuf++ = (*ibuf++ + *ibuf++)/2;
+.I not
+mix down left and right channels into one monophonic channel,
+because the resulting samples would overflow 32 bits.
+Instead, the ``avg'' effects must use:
+	*obuf++ = *ibuf++/2 + *ibuf++/2;
+Stereo data is stored with the left and right speaker data in
+successive samples.
+Quadraphonic data is stored in this order: 
+left front, right front, left rear, right rear.
+.I format 
+is responsible for translating between sound sample files
+and an internal buffer.  The internal buffer is store in signed longs
+with a fixed sampling rate.  The 
+.I format
+operates from two data structures:
+a format structure, and a private structure.
+The format structure contains a list of control parameters for
+the sample: sampling rate, data size (bytes, words, floats, etc.),
+style (unsigned, signed, logarithmic), number of sound channels.
+It also contains other state information: whether the sample file
+needs to be byte-swapped, whether fseek() will work, its suffix,
+its file stream pointer, its 
+.I format
+pointer, and the 
+.I private
+structure for the 
+.I format .
+.I private 
+area is just a preallocated data array for the 
+.I format
+to use however it wishes.  
+It should have a defined data structure
+and cast the array to that structure.  
+See voc.c for the use of a private data area.  
+Voc.c has to track the number of samples it 
+writes and when finishing, seek back to the beginning of the file
+and write it out.
+The private area is not very large.
+The ``echo'' effect has to malloc() a much larger area for its
+delay line buffers.
+.I format
+has 6 routines:
+.TP 20
+Set up the format parameters, or read in
+a data header, or do what needs to be done.
+.TP 20
+Given a buffer and a length: 
+read up to that many samples, 
+transform them into signed long integers,
+and copy them into the buffer.
+Return the number of samples actually read.
+.TP 20
+Do what needs to be done.
+.TP 20
+Set up the format parameters, or write out 
+a data header, or do what needs to be done.
+.TP 20
+Given a buffer and a length: 
+copy that many samples out of the buffer,
+convert them from signed longs to the appropriate
+data, and write them to the file.
+If it can't write out all the samples,
+.TP 20
+Fix up any file header, or do what needs to be done.
+An effects loop has one input and one output stream.
+It has 5 routines.
+.TP 20
+is called with a character string argument list for the effect.
+.TP 20
+is called with the signal parameters for the input and output
+.TP 20 
+is called with input and output data buffers,
+and (by reference) the input and output data sizes.
+It processes the input buffer into the output buffer,
+and sets the size variables to the numbers of samples
+actually processed.
+It is under no obligation to fill the output buffer.
+.TP 20 
+is called after there are no more input data samples.
+If the effect wishes to generate more data samples
+it copies the generated data into a given buffer
+and returns the number of samples generated.
+If it fills the buffer, it will be called again, etc.
+The echo effect uses this to fade away.
+.TP 20
+is called when there are no more input samples to process.
+.I stop
+may generate output samples on its own.
+See echo.c for how to do this, 
+and see that what it does is absolutely bogus.
+Theoretically, formats can be used to manipulate several files 
+inside one program.  Multi-sample files, for example the download
+for a sampling keyboard, can be handled cleanly with this feature.
+Many computers don't supply arithmetic shifting, so do multiplies
+and divides instead of << and >>.  The compiler will do the right
+thing if the CPU supplies arithmetic shifting.
+Do all arithmetic conversions one stage at a time.
+I've had too many problems with "obviously clean" combinations.
+In general, don't worry about "efficiency".  
+The sox.c base translator
+is disk-bound on any machine (other than a 8088 PC with an SMD disk 
+Just comment your code and make sure it's clean and simple.
+You'll find that DSP code is extremely painful to write as it is.
+The HCOM format is not re-entrant; it can only be used once in a program.
+The program/library interface is pretty weak.
+There's too much ad-hoc information which a program is supposed to
+gather up.
+Sound Tools wants to be an object-oriented dataflow architecture.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libst.c
@@ -1,0 +1,4362 @@
+/* libst.c - portable sound tools library
+#include "libst.h"
+** This routine converts from linear to ulaw.
+** Craig Reese: IDA/Supercomputing Research Center
+** Joe Campbell: Department of Defense
+** 29 September 1989
+** References:
+** 1) CCITT Recommendation G.711  (very difficult to follow)
+** 2) "A New Digital Technique for Implementation of Any
+**     Continuous PCM Companding Law," Villeret, Michel,
+**     et al. 1973 IEEE Int. Conf. on Communications, Vol 1,
+**     1973, pg. 11.12-11.17
+** 3) MIL-STD-188-113,"Interoperability and Performance Standards
+**     for Analog-to_Digital Conversion Techniques,"
+**     17 February 1987
+** Input: Signed 16 bit linear sample
+** Output: 8 bit ulaw sample
+#undef ZEROTRAP      /* turn off the trap as per the MIL-STD */
+#define uBIAS 0x84   /* define the add-in bias for 16 bit samples */
+#define uCLIP 32635
+#define ACLIP 31744
+unsigned char
+st_linear_to_ulaw( sample )
+int sample;
+    {
+    static int exp_lut[256] = {0,0,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,
+                               4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,
+                               5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,
+                               5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,
+                               6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,
+                               6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,
+                               6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,
+                               6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7};
+    int sign, exponent, mantissa;
+    unsigned char ulawbyte;
+    /* Get the sample into sign-magnitude. */
+    sign = (sample >> 8) & 0x80;		/* set aside the sign */
+    if ( sign != 0 ) sample = -sample;		/* get magnitude */
+    if ( sample > uCLIP ) sample = uCLIP;		/* clip the magnitude */
+    /* Convert from 16 bit linear to ulaw. */
+    sample = sample + uBIAS;
+    exponent = exp_lut[( sample >> 7 ) & 0xFF];
+    mantissa = ( sample >> ( exponent + 3 ) ) & 0x0F;
+    ulawbyte = ~ ( sign | ( exponent << 4 ) | mantissa );
+#ifdef ZEROTRAP
+    if ( ulawbyte == 0 ) ulawbyte = 0x02;	/* optional CCITT trap */
+    return ulawbyte;
+    }
+** This routine converts from ulaw to 16 bit linear.
+** Craig Reese: IDA/Supercomputing Research Center
+** 29 September 1989
+** References:
+** 1) CCITT Recommendation G.711  (very difficult to follow)
+** 2) MIL-STD-188-113,"Interoperability and Performance Standards
+**     for Analog-to_Digital Conversion Techniques,"
+**     17 February 1987
+** Input: 8 bit ulaw sample
+** Output: signed 16 bit linear sample
+st_ulaw_to_linear( ulawbyte )
+unsigned char ulawbyte;
+    {
+    static int exp_lut[8] = { 0, 132, 396, 924, 1980, 4092, 8316, 16764 };
+    int sign, exponent, mantissa, sample;
+    ulawbyte = ~ ulawbyte;
+    sign = ( ulawbyte & 0x80 );
+    exponent = ( ulawbyte >> 4 ) & 0x07;
+    mantissa = ulawbyte & 0x0F;
+    sample = exp_lut[exponent] + ( mantissa << ( exponent + 3 ) );
+    if ( sign != 0 ) sample = -sample;
+    return sample;
+    }
+unsigned char ulaw_comp_table[16384] = {
+	0xff,0xfe,0xfe,0xfd,0xfd,0xfc,0xfc,0xfb,
+	0xfb,0xfa,0xfa,0xf9,0xf9,0xf8,0xf8,0xf7,
+	0xf7,0xf6,0xf6,0xf5,0xf5,0xf4,0xf4,0xf3,
+	0xf3,0xf2,0xf2,0xf1,0xf1,0xf0,0xf0,0xef,
+	0xef,0xef,0xef,0xee,0xee,0xee,0xee,0xed,
+	0xed,0xed,0xed,0xec,0xec,0xec,0xec,0xeb,
+	0xeb,0xeb,0xeb,0xea,0xea,0xea,0xea,0xe9,
+	0xe9,0xe9,0xe9,0xe8,0xe8,0xe8,0xe8,0xe7,
+	0xe7,0xe7,0xe7,0xe6,0xe6,0xe6,0xe6,0xe5,
+	0xe5,0xe5,0xe5,0xe4,0xe4,0xe4,0xe4,0xe3,
+	0xe3,0xe3,0xe3,0xe2,0xe2,0xe2,0xe2,0xe1,
+	0xe1,0xe1,0xe1,0xe0,0xe0,0xe0,0xe0,0xdf,
+	0xdf,0xdf,0xdf,0xdf,0xdf,0xdf,0xdf,0xde,
+	0xde,0xde,0xde,0xde,0xde,0xde,0xde,0xdd,
+	0xdd,0xdd,0xdd,0xdd,0xdd,0xdd,0xdd,0xdc,
+	0xdc,0xdc,0xdc,0xdc,0xdc,0xdc,0xdc,0xdb,
+	0xdb,0xdb,0xdb,0xdb,0xdb,0xdb,0xdb,0xda,
+	0xda,0xda,0xda,0xda,0xda,0xda,0xda,0xd9,
+	0xd9,0xd9,0xd9,0xd9,0xd9,0xd9,0xd9,0xd8,
+	0xd8,0xd8,0xd8,0xd8,0xd8,0xd8,0xd8,0xd7,
+	0xd7,0xd7,0xd7,0xd7,0xd7,0xd7,0xd7,0xd6,
+	0xd6,0xd6,0xd6,0xd6,0xd6,0xd6,0xd6,0xd5,
+	0xd5,0xd5,0xd5,0xd5,0xd5,0xd5,0xd5,0xd4,
+	0xd4,0xd4,0xd4,0xd4,0xd4,0xd4,0xd4,0xd3,
+	0xd3,0xd3,0xd3,0xd3,0xd3,0xd3,0xd3,0xd2,
+	0xd2,0xd2,0xd2,0xd2,0xd2,0xd2,0xd2,0xd1,
+	0xd1,0xd1,0xd1,0xd1,0xd1,0xd1,0xd1,0xd0,
+	0xd0,0xd0,0xd0,0xd0,0xd0,0xd0,0xd0,0xcf,
+	0xcf,0xcf,0xcf,0xcf,0xcf,0xcf,0xcf,0xcf,
+	0xcf,0xcf,0xcf,0xcf,0xcf,0xcf,0xcf,0xce,
+	0xce,0xce,0xce,0xce,0xce,0xce,0xce,0xce,
+	0xce,0xce,0xce,0xce,0xce,0xce,0xce,0xcd,
+	0xcd,0xcd,0xcd,0xcd,0xcd,0xcd,0xcd,0xcd,
+	0xcd,0xcd,0xcd,0xcd,0xcd,0xcd,0xcd,0xcc,
+	0xcc,0xcc,0xcc,0xcc,0xcc,0xcc,0xcc,0xcc,
+	0xcc,0xcc,0xcc,0xcc,0xcc,0xcc,0xcc,0xcb,
+	0xcb,0xcb,0xcb,0xcb,0xcb,0xcb,0xcb,0xcb,
+	0xcb,0xcb,0xcb,0xcb,0xcb,0xcb,0xcb,0xca,
+	0xca,0xca,0xca,0xca,0xca,0xca,0xca,0xca,
+	0xca,0xca,0xca,0xca,0xca,0xca,0xca,0xc9,
+	0xc9,0xc9,0xc9,0xc9,0xc9,0xc9,0xc9,0xc9,
+	0xc9,0xc9,0xc9,0xc9,0xc9,0xc9,0xc9,0xc8,
+	0xc8,0xc8,0xc8,0xc8,0xc8,0xc8,0xc8,0xc8,
+	0xc8,0xc8,0xc8,0xc8,0xc8,0xc8,0xc8,0xc7,
+	0xc7,0xc7,0xc7,0xc7,0xc7,0xc7,0xc7,0xc7,
+	0xc7,0xc7,0xc7,0xc7,0xc7,0xc7,0xc7,0xc6,
+	0xc6,0xc6,0xc6,0xc6,0xc6,0xc6,0xc6,0xc6,
+	0xc6,0xc6,0xc6,0xc6,0xc6,0xc6,0xc6,0xc5,
+	0xc5,0xc5,0xc5,0xc5,0xc5,0xc5,0xc5,0xc5,
+	0xc5,0xc5,0xc5,0xc5,0xc5,0xc5,0xc5,0xc4,
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+	0x32,0x32,0x32,0x32,0x32,0x32,0x32,0x32,
+	0x32,0x32,0x32,0x32,0x32,0x32,0x32,0x32,
+	0x32,0x32,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,
+	0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,
+	0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,
+	0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,
+	0x33,0x33,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,
+	0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,
+	0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,
+	0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,0x34,
+	0x34,0x34,0x35,0x35,0x35,0x35,0x35,0x35,
+	0x35,0x35,0x35,0x35,0x35,0x35,0x35,0x35,
+	0x35,0x35,0x35,0x35,0x35,0x35,0x35,0x35,
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+	0x35,0x35,0x36,0x36,0x36,0x36,0x36,0x36,
+	0x36,0x36,0x36,0x36,0x36,0x36,0x36,0x36,
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+	0x36,0x36,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,
+	0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,
+	0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,
+	0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,0x37,
+	0x37,0x37,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,
+	0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,
+	0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,
+	0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,0x38,
+	0x38,0x38,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,
+	0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,
+	0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,
+	0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,0x39,
+	0x39,0x39,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,
+	0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,
+	0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,
+	0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,0x3a,
+	0x3a,0x3a,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,
+	0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,
+	0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,
+	0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,0x3b,
+	0x3b,0x3b,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,
+	0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,
+	0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,
+	0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,0x3c,
+	0x3c,0x3c,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,
+	0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,
+	0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,
+	0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,0x3d,
+	0x3d,0x3d,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,
+	0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,
+	0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,
+	0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,0x3e,
+	0x3e,0x3e,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,
+	0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,
+	0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,
+	0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,0x3f,
+	0x3f,0x3f,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,
+	0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,
+	0x40,0x40,0x41,0x41,0x41,0x41,0x41,0x41,
+	0x41,0x41,0x41,0x41,0x41,0x41,0x41,0x41,
+	0x41,0x41,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,
+	0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,
+	0x42,0x42,0x43,0x43,0x43,0x43,0x43,0x43,
+	0x43,0x43,0x43,0x43,0x43,0x43,0x43,0x43,
+	0x43,0x43,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x44,
+	0x44,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x44,
+	0x44,0x44,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x45,
+	0x45,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x45,0x45,
+	0x45,0x45,0x46,0x46,0x46,0x46,0x46,0x46,
+	0x46,0x46,0x46,0x46,0x46,0x46,0x46,0x46,
+	0x46,0x46,0x47,0x47,0x47,0x47,0x47,0x47,
+	0x47,0x47,0x47,0x47,0x47,0x47,0x47,0x47,
+	0x47,0x47,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x48,
+	0x48,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x48,
+	0x48,0x48,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x49,
+	0x49,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x49,0x49,
+	0x49,0x49,0x4a,0x4a,0x4a,0x4a,0x4a,0x4a,
+	0x4a,0x4a,0x4a,0x4a,0x4a,0x4a,0x4a,0x4a,
+	0x4a,0x4a,0x4b,0x4b,0x4b,0x4b,0x4b,0x4b,
+	0x4b,0x4b,0x4b,0x4b,0x4b,0x4b,0x4b,0x4b,
+	0x4b,0x4b,0x4c,0x4c,0x4c,0x4c,0x4c,0x4c,
+	0x4c,0x4c,0x4c,0x4c,0x4c,0x4c,0x4c,0x4c,
+	0x4c,0x4c,0x4d,0x4d,0x4d,0x4d,0x4d,0x4d,
+	0x4d,0x4d,0x4d,0x4d,0x4d,0x4d,0x4d,0x4d,
+	0x4d,0x4d,0x4e,0x4e,0x4e,0x4e,0x4e,0x4e,
+	0x4e,0x4e,0x4e,0x4e,0x4e,0x4e,0x4e,0x4e,
+	0x4e,0x4e,0x4f,0x4f,0x4f,0x4f,0x4f,0x4f,
+	0x4f,0x4f,0x4f,0x4f,0x4f,0x4f,0x4f,0x4f,
+	0x4f,0x4f,0x50,0x50,0x50,0x50,0x50,0x50,
+	0x50,0x50,0x51,0x51,0x51,0x51,0x51,0x51,
+	0x51,0x51,0x52,0x52,0x52,0x52,0x52,0x52,
+	0x52,0x52,0x53,0x53,0x53,0x53,0x53,0x53,
+	0x53,0x53,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x54,
+	0x54,0x54,0x55,0x55,0x55,0x55,0x55,0x55,
+	0x55,0x55,0x56,0x56,0x56,0x56,0x56,0x56,
+	0x56,0x56,0x57,0x57,0x57,0x57,0x57,0x57,
+	0x57,0x57,0x58,0x58,0x58,0x58,0x58,0x58,
+	0x58,0x58,0x59,0x59,0x59,0x59,0x59,0x59,
+	0x59,0x59,0x5a,0x5a,0x5a,0x5a,0x5a,0x5a,
+	0x5a,0x5a,0x5b,0x5b,0x5b,0x5b,0x5b,0x5b,
+	0x5b,0x5b,0x5c,0x5c,0x5c,0x5c,0x5c,0x5c,
+	0x5c,0x5c,0x5d,0x5d,0x5d,0x5d,0x5d,0x5d,
+	0x5d,0x5d,0x5e,0x5e,0x5e,0x5e,0x5e,0x5e,
+	0x5e,0x5e,0x5f,0x5f,0x5f,0x5f,0x5f,0x5f,
+	0x5f,0x5f,0x60,0x60,0x60,0x60,0x61,0x61,
+	0x61,0x61,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x63,0x63,
+	0x63,0x63,0x64,0x64,0x64,0x64,0x65,0x65,
+	0x65,0x65,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x67,0x67,
+	0x67,0x67,0x68,0x68,0x68,0x68,0x69,0x69,
+	0x69,0x69,0x6a,0x6a,0x6a,0x6a,0x6b,0x6b,
+	0x6b,0x6b,0x6c,0x6c,0x6c,0x6c,0x6d,0x6d,
+	0x6d,0x6d,0x6e,0x6e,0x6e,0x6e,0x6f,0x6f,
+	0x6f,0x6f,0x70,0x70,0x71,0x71,0x72,0x72,
+	0x73,0x73,0x74,0x74,0x75,0x75,0x76,0x76,
+	0x77,0x77,0x78,0x78,0x79,0x79,0x7a,0x7a,
+	0x7b,0x7b,0x7c,0x7c,0x7d,0x7d,0x7e,0x7e};
+int ulaw_exp_table[256] = {
+	 -32124,-31100,-30076,-29052,-28028,-27004,-25980,-24956,
+	 -23932,-22908,-21884,-20860,-19836,-18812,-17788,-16764,
+	 -15996,-15484,-14972,-14460,-13948,-13436,-12924,-12412,
+	 -11900,-11388,-10876,-10364, -9852, -9340, -8828, -8316,
+	  -7932, -7676, -7420, -7164, -6908, -6652, -6396, -6140,
+	  -5884, -5628, -5372, -5116, -4860, -4604, -4348, -4092,
+	  -3900, -3772, -3644, -3516, -3388, -3260, -3132, -3004,
+	  -2876, -2748, -2620, -2492, -2364, -2236, -2108, -1980,
+	  -1884, -1820, -1756, -1692, -1628, -1564, -1500, -1436,
+	  -1372, -1308, -1244, -1180, -1116, -1052,  -988,  -924,
+	   -876,  -844,  -812,  -780,  -748,  -716,  -684,  -652,
+	   -620,  -588,  -556,  -524,  -492,  -460,  -428,  -396,
+	   -372,  -356,  -340,  -324,  -308,  -292,  -276,  -260,
+	   -244,  -228,  -212,  -196,  -180,  -164,  -148,  -132,
+	   -120,  -112,  -104,   -96,   -88,   -80,   -72,   -64,
+	    -56,   -48,   -40,   -32,   -24,   -16,    -8,     0,
+	  32124, 31100, 30076, 29052, 28028, 27004, 25980, 24956,
+	  23932, 22908, 21884, 20860, 19836, 18812, 17788, 16764,
+	  15996, 15484, 14972, 14460, 13948, 13436, 12924, 12412,
+	  11900, 11388, 10876, 10364,  9852,  9340,  8828,  8316,
+	   7932,  7676,  7420,  7164,  6908,  6652,  6396,  6140,
+	   5884,  5628,  5372,  5116,  4860,  4604,  4348,  4092,
+	   3900,  3772,  3644,  3516,  3388,  3260,  3132,  3004,
+	   2876,  2748,  2620,  2492,  2364,  2236,  2108,  1980,
+	   1884,  1820,  1756,  1692,  1628,  1564,  1500,  1436,
+	   1372,  1308,  1244,  1180,  1116,  1052,   988,   924,
+	    876,   844,   812,   780,   748,   716,   684,   652,
+	    620,   588,   556,   524,   492,   460,   428,   396,
+	    372,   356,   340,   324,   308,   292,   276,   260,
+	    244,   228,   212,   196,   180,   164,   148,   132,
+	    120,   112,   104,    96,    88,    80,    72,    64,
+	     56,    48,    40,    32,    24,    16,     8,     0};
+ * A-law routines by Graeme W. Gill.
+ * Date: 93/5/7
+ *
+ * References:
+ * 1) CCITT Recommendation G.711
+ *
+ * These routines were used to create the fast
+ * lookup tables.
+ */
+#define ACLIP 31744
+unsigned char
+st_linear_to_Alaw( sample )
+int sample;
+    {
+    static int exp_lut[128] = {1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,
+                               4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,
+                               5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,
+                               5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,
+                               6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,
+                               6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,
+                               6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,
+                               6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,
+                               7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7};
+    int sign, exponent, mantissa;
+    unsigned char Alawbyte;
+    /* Get the sample into sign-magnitude. */
+    sign = ((~sample) >> 8) & 0x80;		/* set aside the sign */
+    if ( sign == 0 ) sample = -sample;		/* get magnitude */
+    if ( sample > ACLIP ) sample = ACLIP;	/* clip the magnitude */
+    /* Convert from 16 bit linear to ulaw. */
+    if (sample >= 256)
+	{
+	exponent = exp_lut[( sample >> 8 ) & 0x7F];
+	mantissa = ( sample >> ( exponent + 3 ) ) & 0x0F;
+	Alawbyte = (( exponent << 4 ) | mantissa);
+	}
+    else
+	Alawbyte = (sample >> 4);
+    Alawbyte ^= (sign ^ 0x55);
+    return Alawbyte;
+    }
+st_Alaw_to_linear( Alawbyte )
+unsigned char Alawbyte;
+    {
+    static int exp_lut[8] = { 0, 264, 528, 1056, 2112, 4224, 8448, 16896 };
+    int sign, exponent, mantissa, sample;
+    Alawbyte ^= 0x55;
+    sign = ( Alawbyte & 0x80 );
+    Alawbyte &= 0x7f;			/* get magnitude */
+    if (Alawbyte >= 16)
+	{
+	exponent = (Alawbyte >> 4 ) & 0x07;
+	mantissa = Alawbyte & 0x0F;
+	sample = exp_lut[exponent] + ( mantissa << ( exponent + 3 ) );
+	}
+    else
+	sample = (Alawbyte << 4) + 8;
+    if ( sign == 0 ) sample = -sample;
+    return sample;
+    }
+unsigned char Alaw_comp_table[16384] = {
+	 0xD5,0xD5,0xD5,0xD5,0xD4,0xD4,0xD4,0xD4,
+	 0xD7,0xD7,0xD7,0xD7,0xD6,0xD6,0xD6,0xD6,
+	 0xD1,0xD1,0xD1,0xD1,0xD0,0xD0,0xD0,0xD0,
+	 0xD3,0xD3,0xD3,0xD3,0xD2,0xD2,0xD2,0xD2,
+	 0xDD,0xDD,0xDD,0xDD,0xDC,0xDC,0xDC,0xDC,
+	 0xDF,0xDF,0xDF,0xDF,0xDE,0xDE,0xDE,0xDE,
+	 0xD9,0xD9,0xD9,0xD9,0xD8,0xD8,0xD8,0xD8,
+	 0xDB,0xDB,0xDB,0xDB,0xDA,0xDA,0xDA,0xDA,
+	 0xC5,0xC5,0xC5,0xC5,0xC4,0xC4,0xC4,0xC4,
+	 0xC7,0xC7,0xC7,0xC7,0xC6,0xC6,0xC6,0xC6,
+	 0xC1,0xC1,0xC1,0xC1,0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,0xC0,
+	 0xC3,0xC3,0xC3,0xC3,0xC2,0xC2,0xC2,0xC2,
+	 0xCD,0xCD,0xCD,0xCD,0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,0xCC,
+	 0xCF,0xCF,0xCF,0xCF,0xCE,0xCE,0xCE,0xCE,
+	 0xC9,0xC9,0xC9,0xC9,0xC8,0xC8,0xC8,0xC8,
+	 0xCB,0xCB,0xCB,0xCB,0xCA,0xCA,0xCA,0xCA,
+	 0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,0xF5,
+	 0xF4,0xF4,0xF4,0xF4,0xF4,0xF4,0xF4,0xF4,
+	 0xF7,0xF7,0xF7,0xF7,0xF7,0xF7,0xF7,0xF7,
+	 0xF6,0xF6,0xF6,0xF6,0xF6,0xF6,0xF6,0xF6,
+	 0xF1,0xF1,0xF1,0xF1,0xF1,0xF1,0xF1,0xF1,
+	 0xF0,0xF0,0xF0,0xF0,0xF0,0xF0,0xF0,0xF0,
+	 0xF3,0xF3,0xF3,0xF3,0xF3,0xF3,0xF3,0xF3,
+	 0xF2,0xF2,0xF2,0xF2,0xF2,0xF2,0xF2,0xF2,
+	 0xFD,0xFD,0xFD,0xFD,0xFD,0xFD,0xFD,0xFD,
+	 0xFC,0xFC,0xFC,0xFC,0xFC,0xFC,0xFC,0xFC,
+	 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,
+	 0xFE,0xFE,0xFE,0xFE,0xFE,0xFE,0xFE,0xFE,
+	 0xF9,0xF9,0xF9,0xF9,0xF9,0xF9,0xF9,0xF9,
+	 0xF8,0xF8,0xF8,0xF8,0xF8,0xF8,0xF8,0xF8,
+	 0xFB,0xFB,0xFB,0xFB,0xFB,0xFB,0xFB,0xFB,
+	 0xFA,0xFA,0xFA,0xFA,0xFA,0xFA,0xFA,0xFA,
+	 0xE5,0xE5,0xE5,0xE5,0xE5,0xE5,0xE5,0xE5,
+	 0xE5,0xE5,0xE5,0xE5,0xE5,0xE5,0xE5,0xE5,
+	 0xE4,0xE4,0xE4,0xE4,0xE4,0xE4,0xE4,0xE4,
+	 0xE4,0xE4,0xE4,0xE4,0xE4,0xE4,0xE4,0xE4,
+	 0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,
+	 0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,0xE7,
+	 0xE6,0xE6,0xE6,0xE6,0xE6,0xE6,0xE6,0xE6,
+	 0xE6,0xE6,0xE6,0xE6,0xE6,0xE6,0xE6,0xE6,
+	 0xE1,0xE1,0xE1,0xE1,0xE1,0xE1,0xE1,0xE1,
+	 0xE1,0xE1,0xE1,0xE1,0xE1,0xE1,0xE1,0xE1,
+	 0xE0,0xE0,0xE0,0xE0,0xE0,0xE0,0xE0,0xE0,
+	 0xE0,0xE0,0xE0,0xE0,0xE0,0xE0,0xE0,0xE0,
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+	 0xED,0xED,0xED,0xED,0xED,0xED,0xED,0xED,
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+	 0x16,0x16,0x16,0x16,0x16,0x16,0x16,0x16,
+	 0x16,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,
+	 0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,
+	 0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,
+	 0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,0x17,
+	 0x17,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,
+	 0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,
+	 0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,
+	 0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,0x14,
+	 0x14,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,
+	 0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,
+	 0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,
+	 0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,0x15,
+	 0x15,0x6A,0x6A,0x6A,0x6A,0x6A,0x6A,0x6A,
+	 0x6A,0x6A,0x6A,0x6A,0x6A,0x6A,0x6A,0x6A,
+	 0x6A,0x6B,0x6B,0x6B,0x6B,0x6B,0x6B,0x6B,
+	 0x6B,0x6B,0x6B,0x6B,0x6B,0x6B,0x6B,0x6B,
+	 0x6B,0x68,0x68,0x68,0x68,0x68,0x68,0x68,
+	 0x68,0x68,0x68,0x68,0x68,0x68,0x68,0x68,
+	 0x68,0x69,0x69,0x69,0x69,0x69,0x69,0x69,
+	 0x69,0x69,0x69,0x69,0x69,0x69,0x69,0x69,
+	 0x69,0x6E,0x6E,0x6E,0x6E,0x6E,0x6E,0x6E,
+	 0x6E,0x6E,0x6E,0x6E,0x6E,0x6E,0x6E,0x6E,
+	 0x6E,0x6F,0x6F,0x6F,0x6F,0x6F,0x6F,0x6F,
+	 0x6F,0x6F,0x6F,0x6F,0x6F,0x6F,0x6F,0x6F,
+	 0x6F,0x6C,0x6C,0x6C,0x6C,0x6C,0x6C,0x6C,
+	 0x6C,0x6C,0x6C,0x6C,0x6C,0x6C,0x6C,0x6C,
+	 0x6C,0x6D,0x6D,0x6D,0x6D,0x6D,0x6D,0x6D,
+	 0x6D,0x6D,0x6D,0x6D,0x6D,0x6D,0x6D,0x6D,
+	 0x6D,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x62,
+	 0x62,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x62,0x62,
+	 0x62,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63,
+	 0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63,0x63,
+	 0x63,0x60,0x60,0x60,0x60,0x60,0x60,0x60,
+	 0x60,0x60,0x60,0x60,0x60,0x60,0x60,0x60,
+	 0x60,0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,
+	 0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,0x61,
+	 0x61,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,
+	 0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,0x66,
+	 0x66,0x67,0x67,0x67,0x67,0x67,0x67,0x67,
+	 0x67,0x67,0x67,0x67,0x67,0x67,0x67,0x67,
+	 0x67,0x64,0x64,0x64,0x64,0x64,0x64,0x64,
+	 0x64,0x64,0x64,0x64,0x64,0x64,0x64,0x64,
+	 0x64,0x65,0x65,0x65,0x65,0x65,0x65,0x65,
+	 0x65,0x65,0x65,0x65,0x65,0x65,0x65,0x65,
+	 0x65,0x7A,0x7A,0x7A,0x7A,0x7A,0x7A,0x7A,
+	 0x7A,0x7B,0x7B,0x7B,0x7B,0x7B,0x7B,0x7B,
+	 0x7B,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x78,0x78,
+	 0x78,0x79,0x79,0x79,0x79,0x79,0x79,0x79,
+	 0x79,0x7E,0x7E,0x7E,0x7E,0x7E,0x7E,0x7E,
+	 0x7E,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,0x7F,
+	 0x7F,0x7C,0x7C,0x7C,0x7C,0x7C,0x7C,0x7C,
+	 0x7C,0x7D,0x7D,0x7D,0x7D,0x7D,0x7D,0x7D,
+	 0x7D,0x72,0x72,0x72,0x72,0x72,0x72,0x72,
+	 0x72,0x73,0x73,0x73,0x73,0x73,0x73,0x73,
+	 0x73,0x70,0x70,0x70,0x70,0x70,0x70,0x70,
+	 0x70,0x71,0x71,0x71,0x71,0x71,0x71,0x71,
+	 0x71,0x76,0x76,0x76,0x76,0x76,0x76,0x76,
+	 0x76,0x77,0x77,0x77,0x77,0x77,0x77,0x77,
+	 0x77,0x74,0x74,0x74,0x74,0x74,0x74,0x74,
+	 0x74,0x75,0x75,0x75,0x75,0x75,0x75,0x75,
+	 0x75,0x4A,0x4A,0x4A,0x4A,0x4B,0x4B,0x4B,
+	 0x4B,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x48,0x49,0x49,0x49,
+	 0x49,0x4E,0x4E,0x4E,0x4E,0x4F,0x4F,0x4F,
+	 0x4F,0x4C,0x4C,0x4C,0x4C,0x4D,0x4D,0x4D,
+	 0x4D,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x42,0x43,0x43,0x43,
+	 0x43,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x40,0x41,0x41,0x41,
+	 0x41,0x46,0x46,0x46,0x46,0x47,0x47,0x47,
+	 0x47,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x44,0x45,0x45,0x45,
+	 0x45,0x5A,0x5A,0x5A,0x5A,0x5B,0x5B,0x5B,
+	 0x5B,0x58,0x58,0x58,0x58,0x59,0x59,0x59,
+	 0x59,0x5E,0x5E,0x5E,0x5E,0x5F,0x5F,0x5F,
+	 0x5F,0x5C,0x5C,0x5C,0x5C,0x5D,0x5D,0x5D,
+	 0x5D,0x52,0x52,0x52,0x52,0x53,0x53,0x53,
+	 0x53,0x50,0x50,0x50,0x50,0x51,0x51,0x51,
+	 0x51,0x56,0x56,0x56,0x56,0x57,0x57,0x57,
+	 0x57,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x54,0x55,0x55,0x55};
+int Alaw_exp_table[256] = {
+	  -5504, -5248, -6016, -5760, -4480, -4224, -4992, -4736,
+	  -7552, -7296, -8064, -7808, -6528, -6272, -7040, -6784,
+	  -2752, -2624, -3008, -2880, -2240, -2112, -2496, -2368,
+	  -3776, -3648, -4032, -3904, -3264, -3136, -3520, -3392,
+	 -22016,-20992,-24064,-23040,-17920,-16896,-19968,-18944,
+	 -30208,-29184,-32256,-31232,-26112,-25088,-28160,-27136,
+	 -11008,-10496,-12032,-11520, -8960, -8448, -9984, -9472,
+	 -15104,-14592,-16128,-15616,-13056,-12544,-14080,-13568,
+	   -344,  -328,  -376,  -360,  -280,  -264,  -312,  -296,
+	   -472,  -456,  -504,  -488,  -408,  -392,  -440,  -424,
+	    -88,   -72,  -120,  -104,   -24,    -8,   -56,   -40,
+	   -216,  -200,  -248,  -232,  -152,  -136,  -184,  -168,
+	  -1376, -1312, -1504, -1440, -1120, -1056, -1248, -1184,
+	  -1888, -1824, -2016, -1952, -1632, -1568, -1760, -1696,
+	   -688,  -656,  -752,  -720,  -560,  -528,  -624,  -592,
+	   -944,  -912, -1008,  -976,  -816,  -784,  -880,  -848,
+	   5504,  5248,  6016,  5760,  4480,  4224,  4992,  4736,
+	   7552,  7296,  8064,  7808,  6528,  6272,  7040,  6784,
+	   2752,  2624,  3008,  2880,  2240,  2112,  2496,  2368,
+	   3776,  3648,  4032,  3904,  3264,  3136,  3520,  3392,
+	  22016, 20992, 24064, 23040, 17920, 16896, 19968, 18944,
+	  30208, 29184, 32256, 31232, 26112, 25088, 28160, 27136,
+	  11008, 10496, 12032, 11520,  8960,  8448,  9984,  9472,
+	  15104, 14592, 16128, 15616, 13056, 12544, 14080, 13568,
+	    344,   328,   376,   360,   280,   264,   312,   296,
+	    472,   456,   504,   488,   408,   392,   440,   424,
+	     88,    72,   120,   104,    24,     8,    56,    40,
+	    216,   200,   248,   232,   152,   136,   184,   168,
+	   1376,  1312,  1504,  1440,  1120,  1056,  1248,  1184,
+	   1888,  1824,  2016,  1952,  1632,  1568,  1760,  1696,
+	    688,   656,   752,   720,   560,   528,   624,   592,
+	    944,   912,  1008,   976,   816,   784,   880,   848};
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libst.h
@@ -1,0 +1,41 @@
+/* libst.h - include file for portable sound tools library
+** Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
+** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+** documentation.  This software is provided "as is" without express or
+** implied warranty.
+#define MINLIN -32768
+#define MAXLIN 32767
+#define LINCLIP(x) do { if ( x < MINLIN ) x = MINLIN ; else if ( x > MAXLIN ) x = MAXLIN; } while ( 0 )
+/* These do not round data.  Caller must round appropriately. */
+extern int ulaw_exp_table[256];
+extern unsigned char ulaw_comp_table[16384];
+#define st_ulaw_to_linear(ulawbyte) ulaw_exp_table[ulawbyte]
+#define st_linear_to_ulaw(linearword) ulaw_comp_table[(linearword / 4) & 0x3fff]
+unsigned char st_linear_to_ulaw( /* int sample */ );
+int st_ulaw_to_linear( /* unsigned char ulawbyte */ );
+extern int Alaw_exp_table[256];
+extern unsigned char Alaw_comp_table[16384];
+#define st_Alaw_to_linear(Alawbyte) Alaw_exp_table[Alawbyte]
+#define st_linear_to_Alaw(linearword) Alaw_comp_table[(linearword / 4) & 0x3fff]
+unsigned char st_linear_to_Alaw( /* int sample */ );
+int st_Alaw_to_linear( /* unsigned char ulawbyte */ );
+#ifdef	USG
+#define	setbuffer(x,y,z)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libst.txt
@@ -1,0 +1,264 @@
+ST(3)							    ST(3)
+       libst  -	 Sound	Tools  :  sound	 sample	 file and effects
+       libraries.
+       cc file.c -o file libst.a
+       Sound Tools is a library of sound sample file format read-
+       ers/writers and sound effects processors.
+       Sound  Tools  includes  skeleton	 C files to assist you in
+       writing	new  formats  and  effects.   The  full	 skeleton
+       driver,	skel.c,	 helps you write drivers for a new format
+       which has data structures.  The	simple	skeleton  drivers
+       help  you write a new driver for raw (headerless) formats,
+       or for formats which just have a simple header followed by
+       raw data.
+       Most sound sample formats are fairly simple: they are just
+       a string of bytes or words and are presumed to be  sampled
+       at  a  known  data  rate.   Most of them have a short data
+       structure at the beginning of the file.
+       The Sound Tools formats and effects operate on an internal
+       buffer format of signed 32-bit longs.  The data processing
+       routines are called with buffers	 of  these  samples,  and
+       buffer  sizes  which  refer  to the number of samples pro-
+       cessed, not the number of bytes.	 File  readers	translate
+       the input samples to signed longs and return the number of
+       longs read.  For example, data in linear signed byte  for-
+       mat is left-shifted 24 bits.
+       This  does  cause  problems  in	processing the data.  For
+       example:
+	    *obuf++ = (*ibuf++ + *ibuf++)/2;
+       would not mix down left and right channels into one  mono-
+       phonic  channel, because the resulting samples would over-
+       flow 32 bits.  Instead, the ``avg'' effects must use:
+	    *obuf++ = *ibuf++/2 + *ibuf++/2;
+       Stereo data is stored with the left and right speaker data
+       in  successive  samples.	  Quadraphonic	data is stored in
+       this order: left front,	right  front,  left  rear,  right
+       rear.
+       A format is responsible for translating between sound sam-
+       ple files and an internal buffer.  The internal buffer  is
+       store  in  signed  longs	 with a fixed sampling rate.  The
+       format operates from two data structures: a format  struc-
+       ture, and a private structure.
+			 October 15 1996			1
+ST(3)							    ST(3)
+       The format structure contains a list of control parameters
+       for the sample: sampling rate, data  size  (bytes,  words,
+       floats, etc.), style (unsigned, signed, logarithmic), num-
+       ber of sound  channels.	 It  also  contains  other  state
+       information:  whether  the  sample  file needs to be byte-
+       swapped, whether fseek() will work, its suffix,	its  file
+       stream pointer, its format pointer, and the private struc-
+       ture for the format .
+       The private area is just a preallocated data array for the
+       format to use however it wishes.	 It should have a defined
+       data structure and cast the array to that structure.   See
+       voc.c  for  the	use of a private data area.  Voc.c has to
+       track the number of samples it writes and when  finishing,
+       seek  back  to the beginning of the file and write it out.
+       The private area is not very large.  The	 ``echo''  effect
+       has  to	malloc()  a  much  larger area for its delay line
+       buffers.
+       A format has 6 routines:
+       startread	   Set up the format parameters, or  read
+			   in  a data header, or do what needs to
+			   be done.
+       read		   Given a buffer and a length:	 read  up
+			   to  that  many samples, transform them
+			   into signed long  integers,	and  copy
+			   them into the buffer.  Return the num-
+			   ber of samples actually read.
+       stopread		   Do what needs to be done.
+       startwrite	   Set up the format parameters, or write
+			   out a data header, or do what needs to
+			   be done.
+       write		   Given a buffer and a length: copy that
+			   many	 samples  out of the buffer, con-
+			   vert them from  signed  longs  to  the
+			   appropriate	data,  and  write them to
+			   the file.  If it can't write	 out  all
+			   the samples, fail.
+       stopwrite	   Fix	up  any	 file  header, or do what
+			   needs to be done.
+       An effects loop has one input and one output  stream.   It
+       has 5 routines.
+       getopts		   is  called  with  a	character  string
+			   argument list for the effect.
+			 October 15 1996			2
+ST(3)							    ST(3)
+       start		   is called with the  signal  parameters
+			   for the input and output streams.
+       flow		   is  called  with input and output data
+			   buffers, and (by reference) the  input
+			   and	output	data sizes.  It processes
+			   the	input  buffer  into  the   output
+			   buffer, and sets the size variables to
+			   the numbers of samples  actually  pro-
+			   cessed.   It is under no obligation to
+			   fill the output buffer.
+       drain		   is called  after  there  are	 no  more
+			   input  data	samples.   If  the effect
+			   wishes to generate more  data  samples
+			   it  copies  the  generated data into a
+			   given buffer and returns the number of
+			   samples  generated.	 If  it fills the
+			   buffer, it will be called again,  etc.
+			   The	echo  effect  uses  this  to fade
+			   away.
+       stop		   is called when there are no more input
+			   samples to process.	stop may generate
+			   output samples on its own.  See echo.c
+			   for	how to do this, and see that what
+			   it does is absolutely bogus.
+       Theoretically, formats can be used to  manipulate  several
+       files inside one program.  Multi-sample files, for example
+       the download for	 a  sampling  keyboard,	 can  be  handled
+       cleanly with this feature.
+       Many  computers	don't  supply  arithmetic shifting, so do
+       multiplies and divides instead of << and >>.  The compiler
+       will  do	 the  right  thing if the CPU supplies arithmetic
+       shifting.
+       Do all arithmetic conversions one stage at a  time.   I've
+       had too many problems with "obviously clean" combinations.
+       In general, don't worry	about  "efficiency".   The  sox.c
+       base translator is disk-bound on any machine (other than a
+       8088 PC with an SMD disk controller).  Just  comment  your
+       code  and  make	sure  it's clean and simple.  You'll find
+       that DSP code is extremely painful to write as it is.
+       The HCOM format is not re-entrant; it  can  only	 be  used
+       once in a program.
+       The program/library interface is pretty weak.  There's too
+			 October 15 1996			3
+ST(3)							    ST(3)
+       much ad-hoc information which a	program	 is  supposed  to
+       gather  up.   Sound  Tools  wants to be an object-oriented
+       dataflow architecture.
+			 October 15 1996			4
binary files /dev/null b/ differ
binary files /dev/null b/monkey.voc differ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patchlvl.h
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+#define	PATCHLEVEL	16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pick.c
@@ -1,0 +1,139 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ *  "pick" effect by Lauren Weinstein ([email protected]); 2/94
+ *  Creates a 1 channel file by selecting a single channel from
+ *  a 2 or 4 channel file.  Does not currently allow creating a 2 channel
+ *  file by selecting 2 channels from a 4 channel file.
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "libst.h"
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct pickstuff {
+	int	chan;	 /* selected channel */
+} *pick_t;
+/* channel names are offset by 1 from actual channel byte array offsets */
+#define CHAN_1	0	
+#define CHAN_2	1
+#define CHAN_3	2
+#define CHAN_4	3
+ * Process options
+ */
+pick_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	pick_t pick = (pick_t) effp->priv;
+	if (n == 1 && argv[0][0] == '-') {  /* must specify channel to pick */
+		switch (argv[0][1]) {
+			case 'l':
+				pick->chan = CHAN_1;
+				return;
+			case 'r':
+				pick->chan = CHAN_2;
+				return;
+			case '1':
+				pick->chan = CHAN_1;
+				return;
+			case '2':
+				pick->chan = CHAN_2;
+				return;
+			case '3':
+				pick->chan = CHAN_3;
+				return;
+			case '4':
+				pick->chan = CHAN_4;
+				return;
+		}
+	}
+	pick->chan = -1;  /* invalid option */
+ * Start processing.  Final option checking is done here since
+ * error/usage messages will vary based on the number of input/output
+ * channels selected, and that info is not available in pick_getopts()
+ * above.
+ */
+eff_t effp;
+	pick_t pick = (pick_t) effp->priv;
+	if (effp->outinfo.channels != 1)  /* must be one output channel */
+	   fail("Can't pick with other than 1 output channel."); 
+	if (effp->ininfo.channels != 2 && effp->ininfo.channels != 4)
+	        fail("Can't pick with other than 2 or 4 input channels.");
+        if (effp->ininfo.channels == 2) {  /* check for valid option */
+	   if (pick->chan == -1 || pick->chan == CHAN_3 || pick->chan == CHAN_4)
+   	      fail("Must specify channel to pick: '-l', '-r', '-1', or '-2'.");
+	}
+	else  /* must be 4 channels; check for valid option */
+	   if (pick->chan == -1)
+	      fail("Must specify channel to pick: '-1', '-2', '-3', or '-4'.");
+ * Process signed long samples from ibuf to obuf,
+ * isamp or osamp samples, whichever is smaller,
+ * while picking appropriate channels.
+ */
+void pick_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	pick_t pick = (pick_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	switch (effp->ininfo.channels) {
+		case 2:
+			len = ((*isamp/2 > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp/2);
+			for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+				*obuf++ = ibuf[pick->chan];
+				ibuf += 2;
+			}
+			*isamp = len * 2;
+			*osamp = len;
+			break;
+		case 4:
+			len = ((*isamp/4 > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp/4);
+			for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+				*obuf++ = ibuf[pick->chan];
+				ibuf += 4;
+			}
+			*isamp = len * 4;
+			*osamp = len;
+			break;
+	}
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void pick_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/play
@@ -1,0 +1,141 @@
+# Shell script to play sound files to unix style sound devices.
+# Should auto detect most supported systems and play the file for you.
+# Originally developed by Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   TODO:  Put each set of fopts and filenames on an array and then 
+#          play each filename back with the given effect.h
+# Change History:
+# June 1, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Kjetil Torgrim Homme <[email protected]> sent in a neat patch to
+#   attempt an educated guess on how to play sound on sun hardware.
+#   There is probably a better way to do it in the actual software though.
+#   Use the parsed out volume flag to have sox change the volume.  Yes, its
+#   better to use the audio devices hardware mixer to adjust volume but some
+#   way is better then no way.  Its still parsed seperately so people may
+#   optionally pass the parameter to a mixer.
+# September 7, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Updated usage checking a little more so that only one filename can
+#   be given.
+# January 9, 1999  - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Quoted $filename so that files with spaces in their names can
+#   be given.
+#   Arnim Rupp patch file to work with multiple sound devices via
+#   command line option.
+# Set up path to sox so that it can find it if user's path doesn't already
+# include it.
+export PATH
+  echo "play v1.5 - front end to Sox"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Usage: play [ fopts ] infile [effects]"
+  echo
+  echo "fopts: -c channels -d device -h -r rate -t type -v volume -s/-u/-U/-A -b/-w/-l/-f/-d/-D -x"
+  echo
+  echo "effects: avg/band/chorus/copy/cut/deemph/echo/echos/flanger/highp/lowp/map/mask/phaser/pick/polyphase/rate/resample/reverb/reverse/split/stat/vibro"
+  echo ""
+  echo "See sox man page for more info on required effects options."
+if [ "$1" = "" ] ; then
+  help; exit 1;
+while [ $# -ne 0 ] # loop over arguments
+do case $1 in
+   avg|band|chorus|copy|cut|echo|echos|flanger|highp|lowp|map|mask|phaser|pick|pred|rate|resample|reverb|reverse|split|stat|vibro)
+     effects="$@"
+     break
+     ;;
+   -c)
+     shift
+     fopts="$fopts -c $1"
+     ;;
+   -d)
+     shift
+     device="$1"
+     ;;
+   -h)
+     help;
+     exit 1;
+     ;;
+   -r)
+     shift
+     fopts="$fopts -r $1"
+     ;;
+   -t)
+     shift
+     fopts="$fopts -t $1"
+     ;;
+   -v)
+     shift
+     volume="-v $1"
+     ;;
+   -)
+     filename="-"
+     ;;
+   -*)
+     fopts="$fopts $1"
+     ;;
+   *)
+     if [ "$filename" = "" ]; then
+       filename="$1"
+     else
+       echo "Filename already give.  Ingoring extra name: $1"
+     fi
+     ;;
+   esac
+   shift
+arch=`uname -s`
+if [ "$arch" = "SunOS" ]; then
+  if [ "$device" = "" ]; then
+    device="/dev/audio"
+  fi
+  case `arch -k` in
+    sun4|sun4c|sun4d)
+      # Use below for older Sun audio hardware
+      sox $volume $fopts "$filename" -t sunau -U -c 1 $device $effects
+      ;;
+    *)
+      # Use below for newer Sun audio hardware that supports stereo linear
+      sox $volume $fopts "$filename" -t sunau -w -s $device $effects
+      ;;
+  esac
+  if [ "$arch" = "Linux" ]; then
+    if [ "$device" = "" ]; then
+      device="/dev/dsp"
+    fi
+# Possible way to set volume
+#    if [ "$volume" != "" ] ; then
+#      mixer $volume
+#    fi
+    # Best to always use highest quality output for sound.
+    sox $volume $fopts "$filename" -t ossdsp -w -s $device $effects
+  fi
--- /dev/null
+++ b/play.1
@@ -1,0 +1,49 @@
+.\" NAME should be all caps, SECTION should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
+.\" other parms are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
+play \- play any sound file 
+.B play
+.I "[fopts] infile [effect]"
+This manual page documents briefly the
+.BR play 
+.B play
+is a program that allows you to play different types of sound files. It is 
+a frontend to the more general sox package. Normally the play command 
+will detect the type and other parameters of the soundfile. If it can't do 
+so, the parametes can be changed through options.
+A summary of common options are included below.
+For a complete description for options and supported formats, see 
+.B sox(1) 
+man page.
+.B \-h 
+Show summary of options.
+.B \-r rate
+Define the samplerate of the playback.
+.B \-v volume
+Change the playback Volume.
+.B \-c channels
+Define the number of channels of the file.
+.B \-d device
+Specify a different device to play the sound file to.
+Other options and a description of effects are described in the sox man page.
+ sox(1)
+This manual page was written by Guenter Geiger <[email protected]>,
+for the Debian GNU/Linux system.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rec
@@ -1,0 +1,138 @@
+# Shell script to record sound files from unix style sound devices.
+# Should auto detect most supported systems and record the file for you.
+# Originally developed by Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+# Change History:
+# June 1, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Kjetil Torgrim Homme <[email protected]> sent in a neat patch to
+#   attempt an educated guess on how to rec sound on sun hardware.
+#   There is probably a better way to do it in the actual software though.
+#   Use the parsed out volume flag to have sox change the volume.  Yes, its
+#   better to use the audio devices hardware mixer to adjust volume but some
+#   way is better then no way.  Its still parsed seperately so people may
+#   optionally pass the parameter to a mixer.
+# September 7, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Updated usage checking a little more so that only one filename can
+#   be given.
+# January 9, 1999  - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+#   Quoted $filename so that files with spaces in their names can
+#   be given.
+#   Arnim Rupp patch file to work with multiple sound devices via
+#   command line option.
+# Set up path so that it can find Sox if user's path doesn't already
+# include it.
+export PATH
+  echo "rec v1.5 - front end to Sox"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Usage: rec [ fopts ] outfile [effects]"
+  echo
+  echo "fopts: -c channels -d device -h -r rate -t type -v volume -s/-u/-U/-A -b/-w/-l/-f/-d/-D -x"
+  echo
+  echo "effects: avg/band/chorus/copy/cut/deemph/echo/echos/flanger/highp/lowp/map/mask/phaser/pick/polyphase/rate/resample/reverb/reverse/split/stat/vibro"
+  echo ""
+  echo "See sox man page for more info on required effects options."
+if [ "$1" = "" ] ; then
+  help; exit 1;
+while [ $# -ne 0 ] # loop over arguments
+do case $1 in
+   avg|band|chorus|copy|cut|echo|echos|flanger|highp|lowp|map|mask|phaser|pick|pred|rate|resample|reverb|reverse|split|stat|vibro)
+     effects="$@"
+     break
+     ;;
+   -c)
+     shift
+     fopts="$fopts -c $1"
+     ;;
+   -d)
+     shift
+     device="$1"
+     ;;
+   -h)
+     help;
+     exit 1;
+     ;;
+   -r)
+     shift
+     fopts="$fopts -r $1"
+     ;;
+   -t)
+     shift
+     fopts="$fopts -t $1"
+     ;;
+   -v)
+     shift
+     volume="-v $1"
+     ;;
+   -)
+     filename="-"
+     ;;
+   -*)
+     fopts="$fopts $1"
+     ;;
+   *)
+     if [ "$filename" = "" ]; then
+       filename="$1"
+     else
+       echo "Filename already give.  Ingoring extra name: $1"
+     fi
+     ;;
+   esac
+   shift
+arch=`uname -s`
+echo "Send break (control-c) to end recording"
+if [ "$arch" = "SunOS" ]; then
+  if [ "$device" = "" ]; then
+    device="/dev/audio"
+  fi
+  case `arch -k` in
+    sun4|sun4c|sun4d)
+      # Use below for older Sun audio hardware
+      sox $volume -t sunau -U -c 1 $device $fopts "$filename" $effects
+      ;;
+    *)
+      # Use below for newer Sun audio hardware that supports stereo linear
+      sox $volume -t sunau -w -s $device $fopts "$filename" $effects
+      ;;
+  esac
+  if [ "$arch" = "Linux" ]; then
+    if [ "$device" = "" ]; then
+      device="/dev/dsp"
+    fi
+# Possible way to set volume
+#    if [ "$volume" != "" ] ; then
+#      mixer $volume
+#    fi
+    sox $volume -t ossdsp $device $fopts "$filename" $effects
+  fi
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resdefs.h
@@ -1,0 +1,39 @@
+ * FILE: stdefs.h
+ *   BY: Christopher Lee Fraley
+ * DESC: Defines standard stuff for inclusion in C programs.
+ * DATE: 6-JUN-88
+ * VERS: 1.0  (6-JUN-88, 2:00pm)
+ */
+#define TRUE  1
+#define FALSE 0
+/* Some files include both this file and math.h which will most
+ * likely already have PI defined.
+ */
+#ifndef PI
+#define PI (3.14159265358979232846)
+#ifndef PI2
+#define PI2 (6.28318530717958465692)
+#define D2R (0.01745329348)          /* (2*pi)/360 */
+#define R2D (57.29577951)            /* 360/(2*pi) */
+#define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y) ?(x):(y))
+#define MIN(x,y) ((x)<(y) ?(x):(y))
+#define ABS(x)   ((x)<0   ?(-(x)):(x))
+#define SGN(x)   ((x)<0   ?(-1):((x)==0?(0):(1)))
+typedef char           BOOL;
+typedef short          HWORD;
+typedef unsigned short UHWORD;
+typedef int            IWORD;
+#ifndef	WORD
+typedef int		WORD;
+typedef unsigned int   UWORD;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sbdsp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,157 @@
+char ansi_c_is_very_stupid_and_needs_a_variable_here;
+#if	defined(BLASTER) || defined(SBLAST)
+ * Copyright 1992 Rick Richardson
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Rick Richardson, Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not
+ * responsible for the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Direct to Sound Blaster device driver.
+ * SBLAST patches by John T. Kohl.
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#ifdef SBLAST
+#include <i386/isa/sblast.h>
+#include <sys/sb.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct sbdspstuff {
+	int	samples;		/* bytes remaining in current block */
+} *sbdsp_t;
+static got_int = 0;
+static void
+int s;
+	if (s) got_int = 1;
+	else signal(SIGINT, sigint);
+ * Do anything required before you start reading samples.
+ * Read file header. 
+ *	Find out sampling rate, 
+ *	size and style of samples, 
+ *	mono/stereo/quad.
+ */
+ft_t ft;
+	sbdsp_t sbdsp = (sbdsp_t) ft->priv;
+#ifdef	SBLAST
+	int off = 0;
+	/* If you need to seek around the input file. */
+	if (0 && ! ft->seekable)
+		fail("SKEL input file must be a file, not a pipe");
+	if (!ft->info.rate)
+		ft->info.rate = 11000;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	ft->info.channels = 1;
+	ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), DSP_IOCTL_RESET, 0);
+#ifdef SBLAST
+	ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), DSP_IOCTL_VOICE, &off);
+	ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), DSP_IOCTL_SPEED, &ft->info.rate);
+	ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), DSP_IOCTL_VOICE, 0);
+	ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), DSP_IOCTL_SPEED, ft->info.rate);
+	sigint(0);	/* Prepare to catch SIGINT */
+ * Read up to len samples from file.
+ * Convert to signed longs.
+ * Place in buf[].
+ * Return number of samples read.
+ */
+sbdspread(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	sbdsp_t sbdsp = (sbdsp_t) ft->priv;
+	int		rc;
+	if (got_int) return (0);
+	rc = rawread(ft, buf, len);
+	if (rc < 0) return 0;
+	return (rc);
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+ft_t ft;
+#ifdef SBLAST
+	ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), DSP_IOCTL_FLUSH, 0);
+ft_t ft;
+	sbdsp_t sbdsp = (sbdsp_t) ft->priv;
+#ifdef	SBLAST
+	int on = 1;
+	/* If you have to seek around the output file */
+	if (0 && ! ft->seekable)
+		fail("Output .sbdsp file must be a file, not a pipe");
+	if (!ft->info.rate)
+		ft->info.rate = 11000;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	ft->info.channels = 1;
+	ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), DSP_IOCTL_RESET, 0);
+#ifdef SBLAST
+	ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), DSP_IOCTL_FLUSH, 0);
+	ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), DSP_IOCTL_VOICE, &on);
+	ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), DSP_IOCTL_SPEED, &ft->info.rate);
+	ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), DSP_IOCTL_VOICE, 1);
+	ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), DSP_IOCTL_SPEED, ft->info.rate);
+sbdspwrite(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	sbdsp_t sbdsp = (sbdsp_t) ft->priv;
+	if (len == 0) return 0;
+	return (rawwrite(ft, buf, len));
+ft_t ft;
+	/* All samples are already written out. */
+	/* If file header needs fixing up, for example it needs the */
+ 	/* the number of samples in a field, seek back and write them here. */
+	fflush(ft->fp);
+	ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), DSP_IOCTL_FLUSH, 0);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sfheader.h
@@ -1,0 +1,120 @@
+# define SIZEOF_BSD_HEADER 1024
+# define SF_MAGIC 107364
+# define SF_LINK 107414
+# define SF_SHORT sizeof(short)
+# define SF_FLOAT sizeof(float)
+# define SF_BUFSIZE	(16*1024)
+# define SF_MAXCHAN	4
+# define MAXCOMM 512
+# define MINCOMM 256
+/* Codes for sfcode */
+# define SF_END 0
+# define SF_MAXAMP 1
+# define SF_COMMENT 2
+# define SF_LINKCODE 3
+typedef struct sfcode {
+	short	code;
+	short	bsize;
+typedef struct sfmaxamp {
+	float	value[SF_MAXCHAN];
+	LONG	samploc[SF_MAXCHAN];
+	LONG	timetag;
+typedef struct sfcomment {
+	char 	comment[MAXCOMM];
+typedef struct sflink {
+	char 	reality[50];
+	LONG 	startsamp;
+	LONG	endsamp;
+struct sfinfo {	
+	LONG	  sf_magic;
+	float	  sf_srate;
+	LONG	  sf_chans;
+	LONG	  sf_packmode;
+/*	char	  sf_codes;		/* BOGUS! */
+	SFCODE    sf_codes;
+} ;
+typedef union sfheader {
+	struct  sfinfo sfinfo;
+	char	filler[SIZEOF_BSD_HEADER];
+static SFCODE	ampcode = {
+sizeof(SFMAXAMP) + sizeof(SFCODE)
+# define sfchans(x) (x)->sfinfo.sf_chans
+# define sfmagic(x) (x)->sfinfo.sf_magic
+# define sfsrate(x) (x)->sfinfo.sf_srate
+# define sfclass(x) (x)->sfinfo.sf_packmode
+# define sfbsize(x) ((x)->st_size - sizeof(SFHEADER))
+# define sfcodes(x) (x)->sfinfo.sf_codes
+# define ismagic(x) ((x)->sfinfo.sf_magic == SF_MAGIC)
+# define islink(x)  ((x)->sfinfo.sf_magic == SF_LINK)
+# define sfmaxamp(mptr,chan) (mptr)->value[chan]
+# define sfmaxamploc(mptr,chan) (mptr)->samploc[chan]
+# define sfmaxamptime(x) (x)->timetag
+# define ismaxampgood(x,s) (sfmaxamptime(x) + 2  >= (s)->st_mtime)
+# define sfcomm(x,n) (x)->comment[n]
+# define realname(x) (x)->reality
+# define startsmp(x) (x)->startsamp
+# define endsmp(x) (x)->endsamp
+# define sfoffset(x,h) ((x)->startsamp * sfchans(h) * sfclass(h))
+# define sfendset(x,h) ((x)->endsamp * sfchans(h) * sfclass(h))
+# define sflseek(x,y,z) lseek(x,(z != 0) ? y : ((y) + sizeof(SFHEADER)),z)
+# define rheader(x,y) read(x,(char *) y,sizeof(SFHEADER)) != sizeof(SFHEADER)
+#define readopensf(name,fd,sfh,sfst,prog,result) \
+if ((fd = open(name, 0))  < 0) {  \
+	fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot access file %s\n",prog,name); \
+	result = -1;  \
+} \
+else if (stat(name,&sfst)){ \
+	fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot get status on %s\n",prog,name); \
+	result = -1;  \
+} \
+else if (rheader(fd,&sfh)){ \
+	fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot read header from %s\n",prog,name); \
+	result = -1;  \
+} \
+else if (!ismagic(&sfh)){ \
+	fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s not a bsd soundfile\n",prog,name); \
+	result = -1;  \
+} \
+else result = 0;
+#define rwopensf(name,fd,sfh,sfst,prog,result,code) \
+if ((fd = open(name, code))  < 0) {  \
+	fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot access file %s\n",prog,name); \
+	result = -1;  \
+} \
+else if (rheader(fd,&sfh)){ \
+	fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot read header from %s\n",prog,name); \
+	result = -1;  \
+} \
+else if (!ismagic(&sfh)){ \
+	fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s not a bsd soundfile\n",prog,name); \
+	result = -1;  \
+} \
+else if (stat(name,&sfst)){ \
+	fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot get status on %s\n",prog,name); \
+	result = -1;  \
+} \
+else result = 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+$   FVER = 'F$Verify(0)'
+$ !
+$ ! Sound2Au.Com
+$ ! translate a variety of sound formats into Sun .au format (compatible with
+$ ! DECsound) via SOX and SOUND2SUN.
+$ !
+$ ! sound2sun was written by Rich Gopstein and Harris Corporation.
+$ !
+$ ! SOX is part of the Sound Tools package written and distributed by
+$ ! 	Lance Norskog, et. al.
+$ !
+$ ! Usage
+$ !	@sound2au file_name [frequency]
+$ !
+$ ! where:
+$ !	file_name = filename template (may contain wildcards)
+$ !	frequency = sampling frequency (default 11000 Hz)
+$ !
+$ ! Modification History
+$ !	14 Dec 1992, K. S. Kubo, Created
+$ !
+$   If P1 .Eqs. "" THEN GOTO USAGE_EXIT
+$ !
+$   FTMPL 	= F$Parse(P1,"*.SND;")
+$   If F$TrnLnm("SOX_DIR") .Nes. "" Then Goto MORE_DEFS
+$   SDIR = F$Element(0, "]", F$Environment("PROCEDURE")) + "]"
+$   Define/NoLog SOX_DIR 'SDIR'
+$   SOX   	= "$ SOX_DIR:SOX"
+$   ONAME	= ""
+$   If P2 .Nes. "" Then SOUND2SUN = SOUND2SUN + " -f ''P2'"
+$ LOOP:
+$   FNAME = F$Search(FTMPL)
+$   If FNAME .Eqs. "" Then Goto REAL_EXIT
+$   If FNAME .Eqs. ONAME Then Goto REAL_EXIT
+$   VER   = F$Parse(FNAME,,,"VERSION")
+$   FTYPE = F$Parse(FNAME,,,"TYPE")
+$   FNAME = FNAME - VER - ";"	! strip version number off
+$   BNAME = FNAME - FTYPE	! get the base name
+$   SOX 'FNAME' -t .raw -u -b 'BNAME'.raw
+$   SOUND2SUN 'BNAME'.raw 'BNAME'.au
+$   Delete/NoLog 'BNAME'.raw;
+$   Goto LOOP
+$ !
+$   Write Sys$Output "Usage:  @SOUND2AU file_name"
+$ !
+$   FVER = F$Verify('FVER')
+$   EXIT 
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sound2sun.c
@@ -1,0 +1,201 @@
+/*      Copyright 1989 by Rich Gopstein and Harris Corporation          */
+/*                                                                      */
+/*      Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software   */
+/*      and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is        */
+/*      hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice        */
+/*      appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and   */
+/*      this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and  */
+/*      that the name of Rich Gopstein and Harris Corporation not be    */
+/*      used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution     */
+/*      of the software without specific, written prior permission.     */
+/*      Rich Gopstein and Harris Corporation make no representations    */
+/*      about the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It     */
+/*      provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.           */
+/* sound2sun.c - Convert sampled audio files into uLAW format for the   */
+/*               Sparcstation 1.                                        */
+/*               Send comments to ..!rutgers!soleil!gopstein            */
+/*									*/
+/*  Modified November 27, 1989 to convert to 8000 samples/sec           */
+/*   (contrary to man page)                                             */
+/*  Modified December 13, 1992 to write standard Sun .au header with	*/
+/*   unspecified length.  Also made miscellaneous changes for 		*/
+/*   VMS port.  (K. S. Kubo, [email protected])			*/
+/*  Fixed Bug with converting slow sample speeds			*/
+/*									*/
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define DEFAULT_FREQUENCY 11000
+#ifdef VAXC
+#define	READ_OPEN	"r", "mbf=16", "shr=get"
+#define WR_OPEN		"w", "mbf=16"
+#define READ_OPEN	"r"
+#define WR_OPEN		"w"
+FILE *infile, *outfile;
+/* convert two's complement ch into uLAW format */
+unsigned int cvt(ch)
+int ch;
+  int mask;
+  if (ch < 0) {
+    ch = -ch;
+    mask = 0x7f;
+  } else {
+    mask = 0xff;
+  }
+  if (ch < 32) {
+    ch = 0xF0 | 15 - (ch / 2);
+  } else if (ch < 96) {
+    ch = 0xE0 | 15 - (ch - 32) / 4;
+  } else if (ch < 224) {
+    ch = 0xD0 | 15 - (ch - 96) / 8;
+  } else if (ch < 480) {
+    ch = 0xC0 | 15 - (ch - 224) / 16;
+  } else if (ch < 992) {
+    ch = 0xB0 | 15 - (ch - 480) / 32;
+  } else if (ch < 2016) {
+    ch = 0xA0 | 15 - (ch - 992) / 64;
+  } else if (ch < 4064) {
+    ch = 0x90 | 15 - (ch - 2016) / 128;
+  } else if (ch < 8160) {
+    ch = 0x80 | 15 - (ch - 4064) /  256;
+  } else {
+    ch = 0x80;
+  }
+return (mask & ch);
+/* write a "standard" sun header with an unspecified length */
+#define wrulong(fp, ul) putc((ul >> 24) & 0xff, fp); \
+    putc((ul >> 16) & 0xff, fp); putc((ul >> 8) & 0xff, fp); \
+    putc(ul & 0xff, fp);
+static void
+FILE *optr;
+    wrulong(optr, 0x2e736e64);	/* Sun magic */
+    wrulong(optr, 24);		/* header size in bytes */
+    wrulong(optr, ((unsigned)(~0)));	/* unspecified data size */
+    wrulong(optr, 1);		/* Sun uLaw format */
+    wrulong(optr, 8000);	/* sample rate by definition :-) */
+    wrulong(optr, 1);		/* single channel */
+/*                                                     */
+/* Usage is "sound2sun [-f frequency] infile outfile"  */
+/*                                                     */
+/* "frequency" is the samples per second of the infile */
+/* the outfile is always 8000 samples per second.      */
+/*                                                     */
+/*                                                                     */
+/* The input file is expected to be a stream of one-byte excess-128    */
+/* samples.  Each sample is converted to 2's complement by subtracting */
+/* 128, then converted to uLAW and output.  We calculate the proper    */
+/* number of input bytes to skip in order to make the sample frequency */
+/* convert to 8000/sec properly.  Interpolation could be added, but it */
+/* doesn't appear to be necessary.                                     */
+/*                                                                     */
+main(argc, argv)
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+  float sum = 0;
+  float frequency, increment;
+  unsigned char ch;
+  unsigned char ulaw;
+  int chr;
+  if ((argc != 3) && (argc != 5)) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Usage: sound2sun [-f frequency] infile outfile\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (argc == 5) {
+    if (strcmp(argv[1], "-f") != 0) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "Usage: sound2sun [-f frequency] infile outfile\n");
+      exit(1);
+    } else {
+      frequency = atoi(argv[2]);
+    }
+  } else {
+    frequency = DEFAULT_FREQUENCY;
+  }
+  if ((infile = fopen(argv[argc-2], READ_OPEN)) == NULL) {
+    perror("Error opening infile");
+    exit(0);
+  }
+  if ((outfile = fopen(argv[argc-1], WR_OPEN)) == NULL) {
+    perror("Error opening outfile");
+    exit(0);
+  }
+  wr_header(outfile);
+  /* increment is the number of bytes to read each time */
+  increment = frequency / 8000;
+  ch = fgetc(infile);
+  while (!feof(infile)) {
+    /* convert the excess 128 to two's complement */
+    chr = 0x80 - ch;
+    /* increase the volume */
+    /* convert to uLAW */
+    ulaw = cvt(chr * 16);
+    /* output it */
+    fputc((char) ulaw, outfile);
+    /* skip enough input bytes to compensate for sampling frequency diff */
+    sum += increment;
+    while(sum > 0) {
+      if (!feof(infile)) ch = fgetc(infile);
+      sum--;
+    }
+  }
+  fclose(infile);
+  fclose(outfile);
+/*  *1    14-DEC-1992 17:46:37 CENYDD "main program" */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sound2sun.opt
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+! Basic C library stuff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sox.1
@@ -1,0 +1,723 @@ Sh 5
+.. Sp
+.if t .sp .5v
+.if n .sp
+.TH SOX 1 "September 6, 1998"
+sox \- SOund eXchange : universal sound sample translator
+.B sox \fIinfile outfile \fB
+.B sox \fIinfile outfile \fB[ \fIeffect\fR 
+.B [ \fIeffect options ...\fB ] ]
+.B sox \fIinfile \fB-e \fIeffect\fR 
+.B [ \fIeffect options ...\fB ]
+.B sox
+[\fI general options \fB ]
+[ \fIformat options \fB ]
+[ \fIformat options \fB ]
+[ \fIeffect\fR [ \fIeffect options ...\fB ] ]
+\fIGeneral options:\fB
+[ -e ]
+[ -h ]
+[ -p ]
+[ -v \fIvolume\fB ]
+[ -V ]
+\fIFormat options:\fB
+[ \fB-t \fIfiletype\fB ]
+[ -r \fIrate\fB ]
+[ -s/-u/-U/-A/-a/-g ]
+[ -b/-w/-l/-f/-d/-D ]
+[ -c \fIchannels\fB ]
+[ -x ]
+	avg [ \fI-l\fB | \fI-r\fB ]
+	band \fB[ \fI-n \fB] \fIcenter \fB[ \fIwidth\fB ]
+ 	check
+	chorus \fIgain-in gain out delay decay speed depth
+		-s\fB | \fI-t\fB [ \fIdelay decay speed depth -s\fB | -fI-t\fB ]
+	copy
+	cut
+	deemph
+	echo \fIgain-in gain-out delay decay\fB [ \fIdelay decay ...\fB]
+	echos \fIgain-in gain-out delay decay\fB [ \fIdelay decay ...\fB]
+	flanger \fIgain-in gain-out delay decay speed -s\fB | -fI-t\fB
+	highp \fIcenter\fB
+	lowp \fIcenter\fB
+	map
+	mask
+	phaser \fIgain-in gain-out delay decay speed -s\fB | \fI-t\fB
+	pick
+	polyphase [ \fI-w \fR< \fInum\fR / \fIham\fR > ] 
+               [ \fI -width \fR< \fI long \fR / \fIshort \fR / \fI# \fR> ] 
+               [ \fI-cutoff # \fR ]
+	\fBrate
+	resample
+	reverb \fIgain-out reverb-time delay\fB [ \fIdelay ... \fB]
+	reverse
+	split
+	stat [ \fIdebug\fB | \fI-v\fB ]
+	vibro \fIspeed \fB[ \fIdepth\fB ]
+.I Sox
+translates sound files from one format to another,
+possibly doing a sound effect.
+The option syntax is a little grotty, but in essence:
+	sox file.voc
+translates a sound sample in SUN Sparc .AU format 
+into a SoundBlaster .VOC file, while
+	sox -v 0.5 -r 12000 file.voc rate
+does the same format translation but also 
+lowers the amplitude by 1/2 and changes
+the sampling rate from 8000 hertz to 12000 hertz via
+.B rate
+\fIsound effect\fR loop.
+File type options:
+.TP 10
+\fB-t\fI filetype
+gives the type of the sound sample file.
+.TP 10
+\fB-r \fIrate\fR
+Give sample rate in Hertz of file.
+.TP 10
+The sample data is signed linear (2's complement),
+unsigned linear, U-law (logarithmic), A-law (logarithmic),
+U-law and A-law are the U.S. and international
+standards for logarithmic telephone sound compression.
+ADPCM is form of sound compression that has a good
+compromise between good sound quality and fast encoding/decoding
+GSM is a standard used for telephone sound compression in
+European countries and its gaining popularity because of its
+.TP 10
+The sample data is in bytes, 16-bit words, 32-bit longwords,
+32-bit floats, 64-bit double floats, or 80-bit IEEE floats.
+Floats and double floats are in native machine format.
+.TP 10
+The sample data is in XINU format; that is,
+it comes from a machine with the opposite word order 
+than yours and must
+be swapped according to the word-size given above.
+Only 16-bit and 32-bit integer data may be swapped.
+Machine-format floating-point data is not portable.
+IEEE floats are a fixed, portable format. ???
+.TP 10
+\fB-c \fIchannels\fR
+The number of sound channels in the data file.
+This may be 1, 2, or 4; for mono, stereo, or quad sound data.
+General options:
+.TP 10
+after the input file allows you to avoid giving
+an output file and just name an effect.
+This is mainly useful with the 
+.B stat
+effect but can be used with others.
+.TP 10
+Print version number and usage information.
+.TP 10
+Run in preview mode and run fast.  This will somewhat speed up
+sox when the output format has a different number of channels and
+a different rate then the input file.  The order that the effects 
+are run in will be arranged for maximum speed and not quality.
+.TP 10
+\fB-v \fIvolume\fR
+Change amplitude (floating point); 
+less than 1.0 decreases, greater than 1.0 increases.
+Note: we perceive volume logarithmically, not linearly.
+Note: see the
+.B stat
+.TP 10
+Print a description of processing phases.
+Useful for figuring out exactly how
+.I sox
+is mangling your sound samples.
+The input and output files may be standard input and output.
+This is specified by '-'.
+.B -t\ \fItype
+option must be given in this case,
+.I sox 
+will not know the format of the given file.
+.B -t,
+.B -r,
+.B -s/-u/-U/-A,
+.B -b/-w/-l/-f/-d/-D
+.B -x
+options refer to the input data when given before the
+input file name.  After, they refer to the output data.
+If you don't give an output file name,
+.I sox
+will just read the input file.
+This is useful for validating structured file formats;
+.B stat 
+effect may also be used
+via the 
+.B -e
+.I Sox
+needs to know the formats of the input and output files.
+File formats which have headers are checked, 
+if that header doesn't seem right,
+the program exits with an appropriate message.
+Currently, raw (no header) binary and textual data, 
+Amiga 8SVX, Apple/SGI AIFF, SPARC .AU (w/header), NeXT .SND,
+CD-R, CVSD, GSM 06.10, Mac HCOM, Sound Tools MAUD, OSS device drivers,
+Turtle Beach .SMP, Sound Blaster, Sndtool, and Sounder,
+Sun Audio device driver,
+Yamaha TX-16W Sampler, IRCAM Sound Files,  Creative Labs VOC,
+Psion .WVE, and Microsoft RIFF/WAV are supported.
+.TP 10
+.B .8svx
+Amiga 8SVX musical instrument description format.
+.TP 10
+.B .aiff
+AIFF files used on Apple IIc/IIgs and SGI.
+Note: the AIFF format supports only one SSND chunk.
+It does not support multiple sound chunks, 
+or the 8SVX musical instrument description format.
+AIFF files are multimedia archives and
+and can have multiple audio and picture chunks.
+You may need a separate archiver to work with them.
+.TP 10
+.B .au
+SUN Microsystems AU files.
+There are apparently many types of .au files;
+DEC has invented its own with a different magic number
+and word order.  
+The .au handler can read these files but will not write them.
+Some .au files have valid AU headers and some do not.
+The latter are probably original SUN u-law 8000 hz samples.
+These can be dealt with using the 
+.B .ul
+format (see below).
+.TP 10
+.B .cdr
+CD-R files are used in mastering music Compact Disks.
+The file format is, as you might expect, raw stereo
+raw unsigned samples at 44khz.  But, there's
+some blocking/padding oddity in the format, so it
+needs its own handler.
+.TP 10
+.B .cvs
+Continuously Variable Slope Delta modulation
+Used to compress speech audio for applications such as voice mail.
+.TP 10
+.B .dat      
+Text Data files
+These files contain a textual representation of the
+sample data.  There is one line at the beginning
+that contains the sample rate.  Subsequent lines
+contain two numeric data items: the time since
+the beginning of the sample and the sample value.
+Values are normalized so that the maximum and minimum
+are 1.00 and -1.00.  This file format can be used to
+create data files for external programs such as
+FFT analyzers or graph routines.  SOX can also convert
+a file in this format back into one of the other file
+.TP 10
+.B .gsm
+GSM 06.10 Lossy Speech Compression
+A standard for compressing speech which is used in the
+Global Standard for Mobil telecommunications (GSM).  Its good
+for its purpose, shrinking audio data size, but it will introduce
+lots of noise when a given sound sample is encoded and decoded
+multiple times.  This format is used by some voice mail applications.
+It is rather CPU intensive.
+GSM in
+.B sox
+is optional and requires access to an external GSM library.  To see
+if there is support for gsm run
+.I sox -h
+and look for it under the list of supported file formats.
+.TP 10
+.B .hcom
+Macintosh HCOM files.
+These are (apparently) Mac FSSD files with some variant
+of Huffman compression.
+The Macintosh has wacky file formats and this format
+handler apparently doesn't handle all the ones it should.
+Mac users will need your usual arsenal of file converters
+to deal with an HCOM file under Unix or DOS.
+.TP 10
+.B .maud
+An Amiga format
+An IFF-conform sound file type, registered by
+MS MacroSystem Computer GmbH, published along
+with the "Toccata" sound-card on the Amiga.
+Allows 8bit linear, 16bit linear, A-Law, u-law
+in mono and stereo.
+.TP 10
+.B ossdsp
+OSS /dev/dsp device driver
+This is a psuedo-file type and can be optionally compiled into Sox.  Run
+.B sox -h
+to see if you have support for this file type.  When this driver is used
+it allows you to open up the OSS /dev/dsp file and configure it to
+use the same data type as passed in to
+.B Sox.
+It works for both playing and recording sound samples.  When playing sound
+files it attempts to set up the OSS driver to use the same format as the
+input file.  It is suggested to always override the output values to use
+the highest quality samples your sound card can handle.  Example:
+.I -t ossdsp -w -s /dev/dsp
+.TP 10
+.B .sf
+IRCAM Sound Files.
+SoundFiles are used by academic music software 
+such as the CSound package, and the MixView sound sample editor.
+.TP 10
+.B .smp
+Turtle Beach SampleVision files.
+SMP files are for use with the PC-DOS package SampleVision by Turtle Beach
+Softworks. This package is for communication to several MIDI samplers. All
+sample rates are supported by the package, although not all are supported by
+the samplers themselves. Currently loop points are ignored.
+.TP 10
+.B sunau
+Sun /dev/audio device driver
+This is a psuedo-file type and can be optionally compiled into Sox.  Run
+.B sox -h
+to see if you have support for this file type.  When this driver is used
+it allows you to open up a Sun /dev/audio file and configure it to
+use the same data type as passed in to
+.B Sox.
+It works for both playing and recording sound samples.  When playing sound
+files it attempts to set up the audio driver to use the same format as the
+input file.  It is suggested to always override the output values to use
+the highest quality samples your hardware can handle.  Example:
+.I -t sunau -w -s /dev/audio
+.I -t sunau -U -c 1 /dev/audio
+for older sun equipment.
+.TP 10
+.B .txw
+Yamaha TX-16W sampler.
+A file format from a Yamaha sampling keyboard which wrote IBM-PC
+format 3.5" floppies.  Handles reading of files which do not have
+the sample rate field set to one of the expected by looking at some
+other bytes in the attack/loop length fields, and defaulting to
+33kHz if the sample rate is still unknown.
+.TP 10
+.B .vms
+More info to come.
+Used to compress speech audio for applications such as voice mail.
+.TP 10
+.B .voc
+Sound Blaster VOC files.
+VOC files are multi-part and contain silence parts, looping, and
+different sample rates for different chunks.
+On input, the silence parts are filled out, loops are rejected,
+and sample data with a new sample rate is rejected.
+Silence with a different sample rate is generated appropriately.
+On output, silence is not detected, nor are impossible sample rates.
+.TP 10
+.B .wav
+Microsoft .WAV RIFF files.
+These appear to be very similar to IFF files,
+but not the same.  
+They are the native sound file format of Windows.
+(Obviously, Windows was of such incredible importance
+to the computer industry that it just had to have its own 
+sound file format.)
+Normally \fB.wav\fR files have all formatting information
+in their headers, and so do not need any format options
+specified for an input file. If any are, they will
+override the file header, and you will be warned to this effect.
+You had better know what you are doing! Output format
+options will cause a format conversion, and the \fB.wav\fR
+will written appropriately.  Note that it is possible to
+write data of a type that cannot be specified by
+the \fB.wav\fR header, and you will be warned that
+you a writing a bad file !
+Sox currently can read PCM, ULAW, ALAW, MS ADPCM, and IMA (or DVI) ADPCM.
+It can output all of these formats except the ADPCM styles.
+.TP 10
+.B .wve
+Psion 8-bit alaw
+These are 8-bit a-law 8khz sound files used on the
+Psion palmtop portable computer.
+.TP 10
+.B .raw
+Raw files (no header).
+The sample rate, size (byte, word, etc), 
+and style (signed, unsigned, etc.)
+of the sample file must be given.
+The number of channels defaults to 1.
+.TP 10
+.B ".ub, .sb, .uw, .sw, .ul"
+These are several suffices which serve as
+a shorthand for raw files with a given size and style.
+Thus, \fBub, sb, uw, sw,\fR and \fBul\fR
+correspond to "unsigned byte", "signed byte",
+"unsigned word", "signed word", and "ulaw" (byte).
+The sample rate defaults to 8000 hz if not explicitly set,
+and the number of channels (as always) defaults to 1.
+There are lots of Sparc samples floating around in u-law format
+with no header and fixed at a sample rate of 8000 hz.
+(Certain sound management software cheerfully ignores the headers.)
+Similarly, most Mac sound files are in unsigned byte format with
+a sample rate of 11025 or 22050 hz.
+.TP 10
+.B .auto
+This is a ``meta-type'': specifying this type for an input file
+triggers some code that tries to guess the real type by looking for
+magic words in the header.  If the type can't be guessed, the program
+exits with an error message.  The input must be a plain file, not a
+pipe.  This type can't be used for output files.
+Only one effect from the palette may be applied to a sound sample.
+To do multiple effects you'll need to run 
+.I sox 
+in a pipeline.
+.TP 10
+avg [ \fI-l\fR | \fI-r\fR ]
+Reduce the number of channels by averaging the samples,
+or duplicate channels to increase the number of channels.
+Valid combinations are 1 - 2, 1 - 4, 2 - 4, 4 - 2, 4 - 1,
+2 - 1. The \fI-l\fR or \fI-r\fR option averages from
+just left or right channels/duplicates to just the left
+or right channels.
+.TP 10
+band \fB[ \fI-n \fB] \fIcenter \fB[ \fIwidth\fB ]
+Apply a band-pass filter.
+The frequency response drops logarithmically
+around the
+.I center
+.I width
+gives the slope of the drop.
+The frequencies at 
+.I "center + width"
+.I "center - width"
+will be half of their original amplitudes.
+.B Band
+defaults to a mode oriented to pitched signals,
+i.e. voice, singing, or instrumental music.
+.I -n
+(for noise) option uses the alternate mode
+for un-pitched signals.
+.B Band
+introduces noise in the shape of the filter,
+i.e. peaking at the 
+.I center
+frequency and settling around it.
+chorus \fIgain-in gain-out delay decay speed deptch 
+.TP 10
+       -s \fR| \fI-t [ \fIdelay decay speed depth -s \fR| \fI-t ... \fR]
+Add a chorus to a sound sample.  Each quadtuple
+delay/decay/speed/depth gives the delay in milliseconds
+and the decay (relative to gain-in) with a modulation
+speed in Hz using depth in milliseconds.
+The modulation is either sinodial (-s) or triangular
+(-t).  Gain-out is the volume of the output.
+.TP 10
+Copy the input file to the output file.
+This is the default effect if both files have the same 
+sampling rate, or the rates are "close".
+.TP 10
+cut \fIloopnumber
+Extract loop #N from a sample.
+.TP 10
+Apply a treble attenuation shelving filter to samples in
+audio cd format.  The frequency response of pre-emphasized
+recordings is rectified.  The filtering is defined in the
+standard document ISO 908.
+.TP 10
+echo \fIgain-in gain-out delay decay \fR[ \fIdelay decay ... \fR]
+Add echoing to a sound sample.
+Each delay/decay part gives the delay in milliseconds 
+and the decay (relative to gain-in) of that echo.
+Gain-out is the volume of the output.
+.TP 10
+echos \fIgain-in gain-out delay decay \fR[ \fIdelay decay ... \fR]
+Add a sequence of echos to a sound sample.
+Each delay/decay part gives the delay in milliseconds 
+and the decay (relative to gain-in) of that echo.
+Gain-out is the volume of the output.
+.TP 10
+flanger \fIgain-in gain-out delay decay speed -s \fR| \fI-t
+Add a flanger to a sound sample.  Each triple
+delay/decay/speed gives the delay in milliseconds
+and the decay (relative to gain-in) with a modulation
+speed in Hz.
+The modulation is either sinodial (-s) or triangular
+(-t).  Gain-out is the volume of the output.
+.TP 10
+highp \fIcenter
+Apply a high-pass filter.
+The frequency response drops logarithmically with 
+.I center
+frequency in the middle of the drop.
+The slope of the filter is quite gentle.
+.TP 10
+lowp \fIcenter
+Apply a low-pass filter.
+The frequency response drops logarithmically with 
+.I center
+frequency in the middle of the drop.
+The slope of the filter is quite gentle.
+.TP 10
+Display a list of loops in a sample,
+and miscellaneous loop info.
+.TP 10
+Add "masking noise" to signal.
+This effect deliberately adds white noise to a sound 
+in order to mask quantization effects,
+created by the process of playing a sound digitally.
+It tends to mask buzzing voices, for example.
+It adds 1/2 bit of noise to the sound file at the
+output bit depth.
+.TP 10
+phaser \fIgain-in gain-out delay decay speed -s \fR| \fI-t
+Add a phaser to a sound sample.  Each triple
+delay/decay/speed gives the delay in milliseconds
+and the decay (relative to gain-in) with a modulation
+speed in Hz.
+The modulation is either sinodial (-s) or triangular
+(-t).  The decay should be less than 0.5 to avoid
+feedback.  Gain-out is the volume of the output.
+.TP 10
+Select the left or right channel of a stereo sample,
+or one of four channels in a quadrophonic sample.
+polyphase [ \fI-w \fR< \fInum\fR / \fIham\fR > ] 
+          [ \fI -width \fR< \fI long \fR / \fIshort \fR / \fI# \fR> ] 
+.TP 10
+          [ \fI-cutoff # \fR ]
+Translate input sampling rate to output sampling rate via polyphase
+interpolation, a DSP algorithm.  This method is slow and uses lots
+of RAM, but gives much better results then 
+.B rate.
+-w < nut / ham > : select either a Nuttal (~90 dB stopband) or Hamming
+(~43 dB stopband) window.
+.B Warning:
+Nuttall windows require 2x length than Hamming windows.  Default is
+.I nut.
+-width long / short / # : specify the width of the filter.
+.I long
+is 1024 samples;
+.I short
+is 128 samples.  Alternatively, an exact number can be used.  Default is
+.I long.
+-cutoff # : specify the filter cutoff frequency in terms of fraction of
+bandwidth.  If upsampling, then this is the fraction of the orignal signal
+that should go through.  If downsampling, this is the fraction of the
+signal left after downsampling.  Default is 0.95.  Remember that
+this is a float.
+.TP 10
+Translate input sampling rate to output sampling rate
+via linear interpolation to the Least Common Multiple
+of the two sampling rates.
+This is the default effect 
+if the two files have different sampling rates.
+This is fast but noisy:
+the spectrum of the original sound will be shifted upwards
+and duplicated faintly when up-translating by a multiple.
+Lerp-ing is acceptable for cheap 8-bit sound hardware,
+but for CD-quality sound you should instead use either
+.B resample
+.B polyphase.
+If you are wondering which of
+.B Sox's
+rate changing effects to ues, you will want to read a
+detailed analysis of all of them at
+.TP 10
+resample [ \fIrolloff\fR [ \fIbeta\fR ] ]
+Translate input sampling rate to output sampling rate
+via simulated analog filtration.
+This method is slow and uses lots of RAM,
+but gives much better results then
+.B rate 
+(This has empirically been shown to be false.  The
+resample algorthym needs to be updated from its original source).
+.TP 10
+reverb \fIgain-out delay \fR[ \fIdelay ... \fR]
+Add reverbation to a sound sample.  Each delay is given 
+in milliseconds and its feedback is depending on the
+reverb-time in milliseconds.  Each delay should be in 
+the range of half to quarter of reverb-time to get
+a realistic reverbation.  Gain-out is the volume of the
+.TP 10
+Reverse the sound sample completely.
+Included for finding Satanic subliminals.
+.TP 10
+Turn a mono sample into a stereo sample by copying
+the input channel to the left and right channels.
+.TP 10
+stat [ debug | -v ]
+Do a statistical check on the input file,
+and print results on the standard error file.
+.B stat
+may copy the file untouched from input to output,
+if you select an output file.  
+The "Volume Adjustment:" field in the statistics
+gives you the argument to the
+.B -v
+.I number
+which will make the sample as loud as possible without clipping. 
+There is an optional parameter
+.B -v
+that will print out the "Volume Adjustment:" field's value and
+return.  This could be of use in scripts to auto convert the
+volume.  There is an also an optional parameter
+.B debug
+that will place sox into debug mode and print out a hex dump of the
+sound file from the internal buffer that is in 32-bit signed PCM data.
+This is mainly only of use in tracking down endian problems that
+creep in to sox on cross-platform versions.
+.TP 10
+vibro \fIspeed \fB [ \fIdepth\fB ]
+Add the world-famous Fender Vibro-Champ sound
+effect to a sound sample by using
+a sine wave as the volume knob.
+.B Speed 
+gives the Hertz value of the wave.
+This must be under 30.
+.B Depth
+gives the amount the volume is cut into
+by the sine wave,
+ranging 0.0 to 1.0 and defaulting to 0.5.
+.I Sox
+enforces certain effects.
+If the two files have different sampling
+rates, the requested effect must be one of
+.B copy,
+.B rate,
+." or
+." .B resample.
+If the two files have different numbers of channels,
+.B avg
+." or other channel mixing
+effect must be requested.
+The syntax is horrific.
+It's very tempting to include a default system that allows
+an effect name as the program name
+and just pipes a sound sample from standard input 
+to standard output, but the problem of inputting the
+sample rates makes this unworkable.
+Please report any bugs found in this version of sox to Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+.BR play (1) ,
+.BR rec (1)
+The echoplex effect is:
+Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+documentation.  This software is provided "as is" without express or
+implied warranty.
+The version of Sox that accompanies this manual page is support by 
+Chris Bagwell ([email protected]).  Please refer any questions 
+regarding it to this address.  You may obtain the latest version at the 
+the web site
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sox.opt
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+! SoundTools library
+! Basic C library stuff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sox.txt
@@ -1,0 +1,726 @@
+SOX(1)							   SOX(1)
+       sox - SOund eXchange : universal sound sample translator
+       sox infile outfile
+       sox infile outfile [ effect [ effect options ... ] ]
+       sox infile -e effect [ effect options ... ]
+       sox  [ general options  ] [ format options  ] ifile [ for-
+       mat options  ] ofile [ effect [ effect options ... ] ]
+       General options: [ -e ] [ -h ] [ -p ] [ -v volume ] [ -V ]
+       Format	options:   [   -t  filetype  ]	[  -r  rate  ]	[
+       -s/-u/-U/-A/-a/-g ] [ -b/-w/-l/-f/-d/-D ] [ -c channels	]
+       [ -x ]
+       Effects:
+	    avg [ -l | -r ]
+	    band [ -n ] center [ width ]
+	    check
+	    chorus  gain-in  gain  out	delay  decay  speed depth
+		 -s | -t [ delay decay speed depth -s | -fI-t ]
+	    copy
+	    cut
+	    deemph
+	    echo gain-in gain-out delay decay [ delay decay  ...]
+	    echos gain-in gain-out delay decay [ delay decay ...]
+	    flanger gain-in gain-out delay decay speed -s | -fI-t
+	    highp center
+	    lowp center
+	    map
+	    mask
+	    phaser gain-in gain-out delay decay speed -s | -t
+	    pick
+	    polyphase [ -w < num / ham > ]
+		      [	 -width <  long	 / short  / # > ]
+		      [ -cutoff #  ]
+	    rate
+	    resample
+	    reverb gain-out reverb-time delay [ delay ... ]
+	    reverse
+	    split
+	    stat [ debug | -v ]
+	    vibro speed [ depth ]
+       Sox  translates	sound  files  from one format to another,
+       possibly doing a sound effect.
+       The option syntax is a little grotty, but in essence:
+	    sox file.voc
+       translates a sound sample in SUN Sparc .AU format  into	a
+       SoundBlaster .VOC file, while
+			September 6, 1998			1
+SOX(1)							   SOX(1)
+	    sox -v 0.5 -r 12000 file.voc rate
+       does  the  same	format	translation  but  also lowers the
+       amplitude by 1/2 and changes the sampling rate  from  8000
+       hertz to 12000 hertz via the rate sound effect loop.
+       File type options:
+       -t filetype
+		 gives the type of the sound sample file.
+       -r rate	 Give sample rate in Hertz of file.
+       -s/-u/-U/-A/-a/-g
+		 The  sample  data  is signed linear (2's comple-
+		 ment), unsigned linear, U-law (logarithmic),  A-
+		 law  (logarithmic), ADPCM, or GSM.  U-law and A-
+		 law are the U.S. and international standards for
+		 logarithmic  telephone sound compression.  ADPCM
+		 is form of sound compression  that  has  a  good
+		 compromise  between  good sound quality and fast
+		 encoding/decoding time.  GSM is a standard  used
+		 for  telephone	 sound	compression  in	 European
+		 countries and its gaining popularity because  of
+		 its quality.
+       -b/-w/-l/-f/-d/-D
+		 The  sample  data  is	in  bytes,  16-bit words,
+		 32-bit longwords, 32-bit floats,  64-bit  double
+		 floats,  or 80-bit IEEE floats.  Floats and dou-
+		 ble floats are in native machine format.
+       -x	 The sample data is in XINU format; that  is,  it
+		 comes	from  a	 machine  with	the opposite word
+		 order than yours and must be  swapped	according
+		 to  the  word-size given above.  Only 16-bit and
+		 32-bit integer data may  be  swapped.	 Machine-
+		 format	 floating-point	 data  is  not	portable.
+		 IEEE floats are a fixed, portable format. ???
+       -c channels
+		 The number of sound channels in the  data  file.
+		 This  may  be	1,  2, or 4; for mono, stereo, or
+		 quad sound data.
+       General options:
+       -e	 after the input file allows you to avoid  giving
+		 an output file and just name an effect.  This is
+		 mainly useful with the stat effect  but  can  be
+		 used with others.
+       -h	 Print version number and usage information.
+       -p	 Run  in  preview  mode	 and run fast.	This will
+			September 6, 1998			2
+SOX(1)							   SOX(1)
+		 somewhat speed up sox when the output format has
+		 a  different  number of channels and a different
+		 rate then the input file.  The	 order	that  the
+		 effects  are run in will be arranged for maximum
+		 speed and not quality.
+       -v volume Change amplitude (floating point); less than 1.0
+		 decreases, greater than 1.0 increases.	 Note: we
+		 perceive volume logarithmically,  not	linearly.
+		 Note: see the stat effect.
+       -V	 Print	a description of processing phases.  Use-
+		 ful for figuring out exactly how sox is mangling
+		 your sound samples.
+       The  input and output files may be standard input and out-
+       put.  This is specified by '-'.	The -t type  option  must
+       be  given  in this case, else sox will not know the format
+       of   the	  given	  file.	   The	 -t,   -r,   -s/-u/-U/-A,
+       -b/-w/-l/-f/-d/-D  and  -x options refer to the input data
+       when given before the input file name.  After, they  refer
+       to the output data.
+       If  you don't give an output file name, sox will just read
+       the input file.	This is useful for validating  structured
+       file  formats; the stat effect may also be used via the -e
+       option.
+       Sox needs to know the formats  of  the  input  and  output
+       files.	File  formats  which have headers are checked, if
+       that header doesn't seem right, the program exits with  an
+       appropriate  message.   Currently,  raw (no header) binary
+       and textual data, Amiga 8SVX, Apple/SGI	AIFF,  SPARC  .AU
+       (w/header),  NeXT  .SND,	 CD-R, CVSD, GSM 06.10, Mac HCOM,
+       Sound Tools MAUD, OSS device drivers, Turtle  Beach  .SMP,
+       Sound  Blaster,	Sndtool,  and  Sounder,	 Sun Audio device
+       driver, Yamaha TX-16W Sampler, IRCAM  Sound  Files,   Cre-
+       ative  Labs  VOC,  Psion	 .WVE, and Microsoft RIFF/WAV are
+       supported.
+       .8svx	 Amiga 8SVX musical instrument	description  for-
+		 mat.
+       .aiff	 AIFF  files  used  on	Apple  IIc/IIgs	 and SGI.
+		 Note: the AIFF format	supports  only	one  SSND
+		 chunk.	  It  does  not	 support  multiple  sound
+		 chunks, or the 8SVX musical instrument	 descrip-
+		 tion format.  AIFF files are multimedia archives
+		 and and can  have  multiple  audio  and  picture
+		 chunks.   You	may  need  a separate archiver to
+		 work with them.
+			September 6, 1998			3
+SOX(1)							   SOX(1)
+       .au	 SUN Microsystems AU files.  There are apparently
+		 many  types  of  .au files; DEC has invented its
+		 own with  a  different	 magic	number	and  word
+		 order.	 The .au handler can read these files but
+		 will not write them.  Some .au files have  valid
+		 AU  headers  and  some	 do  not.  The latter are
+		 probably original SUN	u-law  8000  hz	 samples.
+		 These	can  be	 dealt	with using the .ul format
+		 (see below).
+       .cdr	 CD-R
+		 CD-R files are used in mastering  music  Compact
+		 Disks.	 The file format is, as you might expect,
+		 raw stereo raw unsigned samples at 44khz.   But,
+		 there's some blocking/padding oddity in the for-
+		 mat, so it needs its own handler.
+       .cvs	 Continuously Variable Slope Delta modulation
+		 Used to compress speech audio	for  applications
+		 such as voice mail.
+       .dat	 Text Data files
+		 These	files contain a textual representation of
+		 the sample data.   There  is  one  line  at  the
+		 beginning that contains the sample rate.  Subse-
+		 quent lines contain two numeric data items:  the
+		 time  since  the beginning of the sample and the
+		 sample value.	Values are normalized so that the
+		 maximum  and  minimum	are 1.00 and -1.00.  This
+		 file format can be used to create data files for
+		 external programs such as FFT analyzers or graph
+		 routines.  SOX can also convert a file	 in  this
+		 format	 back into one of the other file formats.
+       .gsm	 GSM 06.10 Lossy Speech Compression
+		 A standard for compressing speech which is  used
+		 in  the Global Standard for Mobil telecommunica-
+		 tions (GSM).  Its good for its purpose,  shrink-
+		 ing  audio data size, but it will introduce lots
+		 of noise when a given sound  sample  is  encoded
+		 and decoded multiple times.  This format is used
+		 by some voice mail applications.  It  is  rather
+		 CPU  intensive.   GSM	in  sox	 is  optional and
+		 requires access to an external GSM library.   To
+		 see  if  there is support for gsm run sox -h and
+		 look for it under the	list  of  supported  file
+		 formats.
+       .hcom	 Macintosh  HCOM  files.   These are (apparently)
+		 Mac FSSD files with some variant of Huffman com-
+		 pression.   The Macintosh has wacky file formats
+		 and this format handler apparently doesn't  han-
+		 dle all the ones it should.  Mac users will need
+		 your usual arsenal of file  converters	 to  deal
+			September 6, 1998			4
+SOX(1)							   SOX(1)
+		 with an HCOM file under Unix or DOS.
+       .maud	 An Amiga format
+		 An IFF-conform sound file type, registered by MS
+		 MacroSystem Computer GmbH, published along  with
+		 the  "Toccata"	 sound-card on the Amiga.  Allows
+		 8bit linear, 16bit linear, A-Law, u-law in  mono
+		 and stereo.
+       ossdsp	 OSS /dev/dsp device driver
+		 This is a psuedo-file type and can be optionally
+		 compiled into Sox.  Run sox -h	 to  see  if  you
+		 have  support	for  this  file	 type.	When this
+		 driver is used it allows you to open up the  OSS
+		 /dev/dsp  file	 and configure it to use the same
+		 data type as passed in to  Sox.   It  works  for
+		 both  playing and recording sound samples.  When
+		 playing sound files it attempts to  set  up  the
+		 OSS  driver  to use the same format as the input
+		 file.	It is suggested to  always  override  the
+		 output values to use the highest quality samples
+		 your sound card can handle.  Example: -t  ossdsp
+		 -w -s /dev/dsp
+       .sf	 IRCAM Sound Files.
+		 SoundFiles  are  used by academic music software
+		 such as the  CSound  package,	and  the  MixView
+		 sound sample editor.
+       .smp	 Turtle Beach SampleVision files.
+		 SMP  files  are  for use with the PC-DOS package
+		 SampleVision by  Turtle  Beach	 Softworks.  This
+		 package  is  for  communication  to several MIDI
+		 samplers. All sample rates are supported by  the
+		 package,  although  not all are supported by the
+		 samplers themselves. Currently loop  points  are
+		 ignored.
+       sunau	 Sun /dev/audio device driver
+		 This is a psuedo-file type and can be optionally
+		 compiled into Sox.  Run sox -h	 to  see  if  you
+		 have  support	for  this  file	 type.	When this
+		 driver is used it allows you to open  up  a  Sun
+		 /dev/audio file and configure it to use the same
+		 data type as passed in to  Sox.   It  works  for
+		 both  playing and recording sound samples.  When
+		 playing sound files it attempts to  set  up  the
+		 audio driver to use the same format as the input
+		 file.	It is suggested to  always  override  the
+		 output values to use the highest quality samples
+		 your hardware can handle.  Example: -t sunau  -w
+		 -s /dev/audio or -t sunau -U -c 1 /dev/audio for
+		 older sun equipment.
+			September 6, 1998			5
+SOX(1)							   SOX(1)
+       .txw	 Yamaha TX-16W sampler.
+		 A file format from a  Yamaha  sampling	 keyboard
+		 which	wrote  IBM-PC format 3.5" floppies.  Han-
+		 dles reading of files which do not have the sam-
+		 ple  rate  field  set	to one of the expected by
+		 looking at some other bytes in	 the  attack/loop
+		 length	 fields,  and  defaulting to 33kHz if the
+		 sample rate is still unknown.
+       .vms	 More info to come.
+		 Used to compress speech audio	for  applications
+		 such as voice mail.
+       .voc	 Sound Blaster VOC files.
+		 VOC  files  are  multi-part  and contain silence
+		 parts, looping, and different sample  rates  for
+		 different  chunks.   On input, the silence parts
+		 are filled out, loops are rejected,  and  sample
+		 data	with  a	 new  sample  rate  is	rejected.
+		 Silence with a different sample rate  is  gener-
+		 ated  appropriately.	On output, silence is not
+		 detected, nor are impossible sample rates.
+       .wav	 Microsoft .WAV RIFF files.
+		 These appear to be very similar  to  IFF  files,
+		 but  not  the	same.	They are the native sound
+		 file format of Windows.  (Obviously, Windows was
+		 of  such  incredible  importance to the computer
+		 industry that it just had to have its own  sound
+		 file format.)	Normally .wav files have all for-
+		 matting information in their headers, and so  do
+		 not  need  any	 format	 options specified for an
+		 input file. If any are, they will  override  the
+		 file  header,	and  you  will	be warned to this
+		 effect.  You had better know what you are doing!
+		 Output	 format	 options will cause a format con-
+		 version, and the  .wav	 will  written	appropri-
+		 ately.	  Note	that it is possible to write data
+		 of a type that cannot be specified by	the  .wav
+		 header,  and you will be warned that you a writ-
+		 ing a bad file !  Sox currently  can  read  PCM,
+		 It can output all of these  formats  except  the
+		 ADPCM styles.
+       .wve	 Psion 8-bit alaw
+		 These	are  8-bit a-law 8khz sound files used on
+		 the Psion palmtop portable computer.
+       .raw	 Raw files (no header).
+		 The sample rate, size	(byte,	word,  etc),  and
+		 style	(signed,  unsigned,  etc.)  of the sample
+		 file must be  given.	The  number  of	 channels
+		 defaults to 1.
+			September 6, 1998			6
+SOX(1)							   SOX(1)
+       .ub, .sb, .uw, .sw, .ul
+		 These	are  several  suffices	which  serve as a
+		 shorthand for raw files with a	 given	size  and
+		 style.	  Thus, ub, sb, uw, sw, and ul correspond
+		 to "unsigned  byte",  "signed	byte",	"unsigned
+		 word",	 "signed  word",  and "ulaw" (byte).  The
+		 sample rate defaults to 8000 hz if  not  explic-
+		 itly set, and the number of channels (as always)
+		 defaults to 1.	 There are lots of Sparc  samples
+		 floating  around  in u-law format with no header
+		 and fixed at a sample rate of 8000 hz.	 (Certain
+		 sound management software cheerfully ignores the
+		 headers.)  Similarly, most Mac sound  files  are
+		 in  unsigned  byte  format with a sample rate of
+		 11025 or 22050 hz.
+       .auto	 This is a ``meta-type'':  specifying  this  type
+		 for  an input file triggers some code that tries
+		 to guess the real  type  by  looking  for  magic
+		 words	in  the	 header.   If  the  type can't be
+		 guessed, the program exits with  an  error  mes-
+		 sage.	 The  input  must  be a plain file, not a
+		 pipe.	This type can't be used for output files.
+       Only one effect from the palette may be applied to a sound
+       sample.	To do multiple effects you'll need to run sox  in
+       a pipeline.
+       avg [ -l | -r ]
+		 Reduce	 the  number of channels by averaging the
+		 samples, or duplicate channels to  increase  the
+		 number	 of channels.  Valid combinations are 1 -
+		 2, 1 - 4, 2 - 4, 4 - 2, 4 - 1, 2 - 1. The -l  or
+		 -r option averages from just left or right chan-
+		 nels/duplicates to just the left or right  chan-
+		 nels.
+       band [ -n ] center [ width ]
+		 Apply	 a   band-pass	 filter.   The	frequency
+		 response drops logarithmically around the center
+		 frequency.   The  width  gives	 the slope of the
+		 drop.	The frequencies at  center  +  width  and
+		 center	 -  width  will be half of their original
+		 amplitudes.  Band defaults to a mode oriented to
+		 pitched signals, i.e. voice, singing, or instru-
+		 mental music.	The -n (for  noise)  option  uses
+		 the alternate mode for un-pitched signals.  Band
+		 introduces noise in the  shape	 of  the  filter,
+		 i.e.  peaking	at  the center frequency and set-
+		 tling around it.
+       chorus gain-in gain-out delay decay speed deptch
+			September 6, 1998			7
+SOX(1)							   SOX(1)
+	      -s | -t [ delay decay speed depth -s | -t ... ]
+		 Add a chorus to a sound sample.  Each	quadtuple
+		 delay/decay/speed/depth  gives the delay in mil-
+		 liseconds and the decay  (relative  to	 gain-in)
+		 with  a  modulation  speed  in Hz using depth in
+		 milliseconds.	The modulation is either sinodial
+		 (-s) or triangular (-t).  Gain-out is the volume
+		 of the output.
+       copy	 Copy the input file to the output file.  This is
+		 the  default  effect if both files have the same
+		 sampling rate, or the rates are "close".
+       cut loopnumber
+		 Extract loop #N from a sample.
+       deemph	 Apply a treble attenuation  shelving  filter  to
+		 samples  in  audio  cd	 format.   The	frequency
+		 response of pre-emphasized recordings is  recti-
+		 fied.	 The filtering is defined in the standard
+		 document ISO 908.
+       echo gain-in gain-out delay decay [ delay decay ... ]
+		 Add echoing to a sound sample.	 Each delay/decay
+		 part  gives  the  delay  in milliseconds and the
+		 decay (relative to gain-in) of that echo.  Gain-
+		 out is the volume of the output.
+       echos gain-in gain-out delay decay [ delay decay ... ]
+		 Add a sequence of echos to a sound sample.  Each
+		 delay/decay part gives the delay in milliseconds
+		 and  the  decay  (relative  to	 gain-in) of that
+		 echo.	Gain-out is the volume of the output.
+       flanger gain-in gain-out delay decay speed -s | -t
+		 Add a flanger to a sound  sample.   Each  triple
+		 delay/decay/speed  gives  the delay in millisec-
+		 onds and the decay (relative to gain-in) with	a
+		 modulation  speed  in	Hz.   The  modulation  is
+		 either sinodial (-s) or triangular (-t).   Gain-
+		 out is the volume of the output.
+       highp center
+		 Apply	 a   high-pass	 filter.   The	frequency
+		 response drops logarithmically with center  fre-
+		 quency	 in the middle of the drop.  The slope of
+		 the filter is quite gentle.
+       lowp center
+		 Apply a low-pass filter.  The frequency response
+		 drops	logarithmically	 with center frequency in
+		 the middle of the drop.  The slope of the filter
+		 is quite gentle.
+			September 6, 1998			8
+SOX(1)							   SOX(1)
+       map	 Display a list of loops in a sample, and miscel-
+		 laneous loop info.
+       mask	 Add "masking  noise"  to  signal.   This  effect
+		 deliberately  adds  white  noise  to  a sound in
+		 order to mask quantization effects,  created  by
+		 the  process  of  playing a sound digitally.  It
+		 tends to mask buzzing voices, for  example.   It
+		 adds  1/2  bit of noise to the sound file at the
+		 output bit depth.
+       phaser gain-in gain-out delay decay speed -s | -t
+		 Add a phaser to a  sound  sample.   Each  triple
+		 delay/decay/speed  gives  the delay in millisec-
+		 onds and the decay (relative to gain-in) with	a
+		 modulation  speed  in	Hz.   The  modulation  is
+		 either sinodial (-s) or  triangular  (-t).   The
+		 decay should be less than 0.5 to avoid feedback.
+		 Gain-out is the volume of the output.
+       pick	 Select the left or right  channel  of	a  stereo
+		 sample,  or  one  of  four channels in a quadro-
+		 phonic sample.
+       polyphase [ -w < num / ham > ]
+		 [  -width <  long  / short  / # > ]
+		 [ -cutoff #  ]
+		 Translate input sampling rate to output sampling
+		 rate  via  polyphase  interpolation, a DSP algo-
+		 rithm.	 This method is slow  and  uses	 lots  of
+		 RAM, but gives much better results then rate.
+		 -w  <	nut / ham > : select either a Nuttal (~90
+		 dB stopband) or Hamming (~43 dB  stopband)  win-
+		 dow.  Warning: Nuttall windows require 2x length
+		 than Hamming windows.	Default is nut.
+		 -width long / short / # : specify the	width  of
+		 the  filter.  long is 1024 samples; short is 128
+		 samples.  Alternatively, an exact number can  be
+		 used.	Default is long.
+		 -cutoff  # : specify the filter cutoff frequency
+		 in terms of fraction of  bandwidth.   If  upsam-
+		 pling,	 then this is the fraction of the orignal
+		 signal that should go through.	 If downsampling,
+		 this  is  the	fraction of the signal left after
+		 downsampling.	Default is 0.95.   Remember  that
+		 this is a float.
+       rate	 Translate input sampling rate to output sampling
+		 rate via linear interpolation to the Least  Com-
+		 mon Multiple of the two sampling rates.  This is
+		 the  default  effect  if  the	two  files   have
+			September 6, 1998			9
+SOX(1)							   SOX(1)
+		 different  sampling  rates.   This  is	 fast but
+		 noisy: the spectrum of the original  sound  will
+		 be  shifted  upwards and duplicated faintly when
+		 up-translating	 by  a	multiple.   Lerp-ing   is
+		 acceptable  for  cheap 8-bit sound hardware, but
+		 for CD-quality	 sound	you  should  instead  use
+		 either	 resample  or polyphase.  If you are won-
+		 dering which of Sox's rate changing  effects  to
+		 ues,  you  will want to read a detailed analysis
+		 of all of them at
+       resample [ rolloff [ beta ] ]
+		 Translate input sampling rate to output sampling
+		 rate  via  simulated  analog  filtration.   This
+		 method is slow and uses lots of RAM,  but  gives
+		 much  better results then rate (This has empiri-
+		 cally been shown  to  be  false.   The	 resample
+		 algorthym  needs to be updated from its original
+		 source).
+       reverb gain-out delay [ delay ... ]
+		 Add reverbation to a sound sample.   Each  delay
+		 is  given  in	milliseconds  and its feedback is
+		 depending on the  reverb-time	in  milliseconds.
+		 Each  delay  should  be  in the range of half to
+		 quarter of reverb-time to get a realistic rever-
+		 bation.  Gain-out is the volume of the output.
+       reverse	 Reverse  the  sound sample completely.	 Included
+		 for finding Satanic subliminals.
+       split	 Turn a mono sample into a stereo sample by copy-
+		 ing  the  input  channel  to  the left and right
+		 channels.
+       stat [ debug | -v ]
+		 Do a statistical check on the	input  file,  and
+		 print	results on the standard error file.  stat
+		 may copy the file untouched from input	 to  out-
+		 put,  if you select an output file.  The "Volume
+		 Adjustment:" field in the statistics  gives  you
+		 the  argument	to  the -v number which will make
+		 the sample as loud as possible without clipping.
+		 There	is  an	optional  parameter  -v that will
+		 print out the "Volume Adjustment:" field's value
+		 and  return.  This could be of use in scripts to
+		 auto convert the volume.  There is  an	 also  an
+		 optional  parameter  debug  that  will place sox
+		 into debug mode and print out a hex dump of  the
+		 sound	file  from the internal buffer that is in
+		 32-bit signed PCM data.  This is mainly only  of
+		 use  in tracking down endian problems that creep
+		 in to sox on cross-platform versions.
+			September 6, 1998		       10
+SOX(1)							   SOX(1)
+       vibro speed  [ depth ]
+		 Add the world-famous  Fender  Vibro-Champ  sound
+		 effect to a sound sample by using a sine wave as
+		 the volume knob.  Speed gives the Hertz value of
+		 the  wave.   This must be under 30.  Depth gives
+		 the amount the volume is cut into  by	the  sine
+		 wave,	ranging 0.0 to 1.0 and defaulting to 0.5.
+       Sox enforces certain effects.  If the two files have  dif-
+       ferent sampling rates, the requested effect must be one of
+       copy, or rate, If the two files have different numbers  of
+       channels, the avg effect must be requested.
+       The  syntax  is horrific.  It's very tempting to include a
+       default system that allows an effect name as  the  program
+       name  and just pipes a sound sample from standard input to
+       standard output, but the problem of inputting  the  sample
+       rates makes this unworkable.
+       Please  report  any  bugs  found in this version of sox to
+       Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+       play(1), rec(1)
+       The  echoplex  effect  is:  Copyright  (C)  1989	 by   Jef
+       Poskanzer.
+       Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this soft-
+       ware and its documentation for any purpose and without fee
+       is  hereby  granted,  provided  that  the  above copyright
+       notice appear in all copies and that both  that	copyright
+       notice  and  this  permission  notice appear in supporting
+       documentation.  This software is provided "as is"  without
+       express or implied warranty.
+       The  version  of	 Sox that accompanies this manual page is
+       support by Chris Bagwell	 ([email protected]).   Please
+       refer any questions regarding it to this address.  You may
+       obtain  the  latest  version   at   the	 the   web   site
+			September 6, 1998		       11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/soxeffect
@@ -1,0 +1,82 @@
+# soxeffect - When this script is ran using a different name then soxeffect
+# it will run sox using that name as the effect.  It uses stdin/stdout
+# to grab data and output data.
+# TODO: It would be nice to specify different output parameters then
+# the input format.
+# Some people prefer to rename sox to something like sox.bin, then use this
+# script to always run sox, using "ln -s soxeffect sox".
+# SOX=/usr/local/bin/sox.bin
+  echo "soxeffect v1.0 - effects front end to Sox"
+  echo ""
+  echo "Usage: [effectname] [ fopts ] [effectopts]"
+  echo
+  echo "When ran as the name of an effect that Sox supports, it will take"
+  echo "audio data from stdin, apply the effect, and write the output back"
+  echo "to stdout.  This means that [ fopts ] need to be given so that"
+  echo "sox will know what format the audio data is in."
+  echo
+  echo "effectname: avg/band/chorus/copy/cut/deemph/echo/echos/flanger/highp/lowp/map/mask/phaser/pick/polyphase/rate/resample/reverb/reverse/split/stat/vibro"
+  echo
+  echo "fopts: -c channels -h -r rate -t type -v volume -s/-u/-U/-A -b/-w/-l/-f/-d/-D -x"
+  echo ""
+  echo "See sox man page for more info on required effects options."
+case $NAME in
+	*/*)
+		NAME=`echo $NAME | sed "s'^.*/''"`
+	;;
+while [ $# -ne 0 ] # loop over arguments
+do case $1 in
+   -c)
+     shift
+     fopts="$fopts -c $1"
+     ;;
+   -h)
+     help;
+     exit 1;
+     ;;
+   -r)
+     shift
+     fopts="$fopts -r $1"
+     ;;
+   -t)
+     shift
+     fopts="$fopts -t $1"
+     ;;
+   -v)
+     shift
+     volume="-v $1"
+     ;;
+   -*)
+     fopts="$fopts $1"
+     ;;
+   *)
+     effectopts="$@"
+     break;
+     ;;
+   esac
+   shift
+case $NAME in
+	*sox)
+		exec $SOX $*
+	;;
+	*avg|*band|*chorus|*copy|*cut|*deemph|*echo|*echos|*flanger|*Highp|*lowp|*map|*mask|*Phaser|*pick|*polyphase|*rate|*resample|*reverb|*reverse|*split|*stat|*vibro)
+		$SOX $volume $fopts - $fopts - $NAME $effectopts
+	;;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/split.c
@@ -1,0 +1,130 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ *  "split" effect by Lauren Weinstein ([email protected]); 2/94
+ *  Splits 1 channel file to 2 channels (stereo), or 4 channels (quad);
+ *  or splits a 2 channel file to 4 channels.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for split */
+typedef struct splitstuff {
+	int	rest;		/* bytes remaining in current block */
+} *split_t;
+ * Process options
+ */
+split_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	if (n)
+		fail("Split effect takes no options.");
+ * Prepare processing.
+ */
+eff_t effp;
+	switch (effp->ininfo.channels) {
+		case 1:   /* 1 channel must split to 2 or 4 */
+			switch(effp->outinfo.channels) {
+				case 2:
+				case 4:
+					return;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 2:	  /* 2 channels must split to 4 */
+			switch(effp->outinfo.channels) {
+				case 4:
+					return;
+			}
+			break;
+	}
+	fail("Can't split %d channels into %d channels",
+		effp->ininfo.channels, effp->outinfo.channels);
+ * Process signed long samples from ibuf to obuf,
+ * isamp or osamp samples, whichever is smaller,
+ * while splitting into appropriate channels.
+ */
+void split_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	int len, done;
+ 	switch(effp->ininfo.channels) {
+		case 1:  /* 1 input channel */
+			switch(effp->outinfo.channels) {
+				case 2:  /* split to 2 channels */
+					len = ((*isamp > *osamp/2) 
+					      ? *osamp/2 : *isamp);
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						obuf[0] = obuf[1] = *ibuf++;
+						obuf += 2;
+					}			
+					*isamp = len;
+					*osamp = len * 2;
+					break;		
+				case 4:  /* split to 4 channels */
+					len = ((*isamp > *osamp/4) 
+					      ? *osamp/4 : *isamp);
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						obuf[0] = obuf[1] = obuf[2]
+					 	  = obuf[3] = *ibuf++;
+						obuf += 4;
+					}
+					*isamp = len;
+					*osamp = len * 4;
+					break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 2:  /* 2 input channels; split to 4 channels  */
+			 /* We're using the same channel ordering  */
+			 /* as in "avg.c"--sure hope it's correct! */
+			len = ((*isamp/2 > *osamp/4) 
+			      ? *osamp/4 : *isamp/2);
+			for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+				obuf[0] = obuf[2] = ibuf[0];
+				obuf[1] = obuf[3] = ibuf[1];
+				ibuf += 2;
+				obuf += 4;
+			}
+			*isamp = len;
+			*osamp = len * 2;
+			break;
+	}
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void split_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/8svx.c
@@ -1,0 +1,336 @@
+ * Amiga 8SVX format handler: W V Neisius, February 1992
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef	VMS
+#include <perror.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data used by writer */
+struct svxpriv {
+        ULONG nsamples;
+	FILE *ch[4];
+#ifndef SEEK_CUR
+#define SEEK_CUR        1
+#ifndef SEEK_SET
+#define SEEK_SET        0
+void svxwriteheader(P2(ft_t, LONG));
+/*                         8SVXSTARTREAD                                */
+void svxstartread(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+	struct svxpriv *p = (struct svxpriv *) ft->priv;
+	char buf[12];
+	char *endptr;
+	char *chunk_buf;
+	ULONG totalsize;
+	ULONG chunksize;
+	int channels;
+	LONG rate;
+	int littlendian = 0;
+	int i;
+	ULONG chan1_pos;
+	rate = 0;
+	channels = 1;
+	/* read FORM chunk */
+	if (fread(buf, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4 || strncmp(buf, "FORM", 4) != 0)
+		fail("8SVX: header does not begin with magic word 'FORM'");
+	totalsize = rblong(ft);
+	if (fread(buf, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4 || strncmp(buf, "8SVX", 4) != 0)
+		fail("8SVX: 'FORM' chunk does not specify '8SVX' as type");
+	/* read chunks until 'BODY' (or end) */
+	while (fread(buf,1,4,ft->fp) == 4 && strncmp(buf,"BODY",4) != 0) {
+		if (strncmp(buf,"VHDR",4) == 0) {
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			if (chunksize != 20)
+				fail ("8SVX: VHDR chunk has bad size");
+			fseek(ft->fp,12,SEEK_CUR);
+			rate = rbshort(ft);
+			fseek(ft->fp,1,SEEK_CUR);
+			fread(buf,1,1,ft->fp);
+			if (buf[0] != 0)
+				fail ("8SVX: unsupported data compression");
+			fseek(ft->fp,4,SEEK_CUR);
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (strncmp(buf,"ANNO",4) == 0) {
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			if (chunksize & 1)
+				chunksize++;
+			chunk_buf = (char *) malloc(chunksize + 1);
+			if (fread(chunk_buf,1,(size_t)chunksize,ft->fp) 
+					!= chunksize)
+				fail("8SVX: Unexpected EOF in ANNO header");
+			chunk_buf[chunksize] = '\0';
+			report ("%s",chunk_buf);
+			free(chunk_buf);
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (strncmp(buf,"NAME",4) == 0) {
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			if (chunksize & 1)
+				chunksize++;
+			chunk_buf = (char *) malloc(chunksize + 1);
+			if (fread (chunk_buf,1,(size_t)chunksize,ft->fp) 
+					!= chunksize)
+				fail("8SVX: Unexpected EOF in NAME header");
+			chunk_buf[chunksize] = '\0';
+			report ("%s",chunk_buf);
+			free(chunk_buf);
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (strncmp(buf,"CHAN",4) == 0) {
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			if (chunksize != 4) 
+				fail("8SVX: Short channel chunk");
+			channels = rblong(ft);
+			channels = (channels & 0x01) + 
+					((channels & 0x02) >> 1) +
+				   	((channels & 0x04) >> 2) + 
+					((channels & 0x08) >> 3);
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* some other kind of chunk */
+		chunksize = rblong(ft);
+		if (chunksize & 1)
+			chunksize++;
+		fseek(ft->fp,chunksize,SEEK_CUR);
+		continue;
+	}
+	if (rate == 0)
+		fail ("8SVX: invalid rate");
+	if (strncmp(buf,"BODY",4) != 0)
+		fail ("8SVX: BODY chunk not found");
+	p->nsamples = rblong(ft);
+	ft->info.channels = channels;
+	ft->info.rate = rate;
+	ft-> = SIGN2;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	/* open files to channels */
+	p->ch[0] = ft->fp;
+	chan1_pos = ftell(p->ch[0]);
+	for (i = 1; i < channels; i++) {
+		if ((p->ch[i] = fopen(ft->filename, READBINARY)) == NULL)
+			fail("Can't open channel file '%s': %s",
+				ft->filename, strerror(errno));
+		/* position channel files */
+		if (fseek(p->ch[i],chan1_pos,SEEK_SET))
+		    fail ("Can't position channel %d: %s",i,strerror(errno));
+		if (fseek(p->ch[i],p->nsamples/channels*i,SEEK_CUR))
+		    fail ("Can't seek channel %d: %s",i,strerror(errno));
+	}
+	endptr = (char *) &littlendian;
+	*endptr = 1;
+	if (littlendian == 1)
+		ft->swap = 1;
+/*                         8SVXREAD                                     */
+LONG svxread(ft, buf, nsamp) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, nsamp;
+	ULONG datum;
+	int done = 0;
+	int i;
+	struct svxpriv *p = (struct svxpriv *) ft->priv;
+	while (done < nsamp) {
+		for (i = 0; i < ft->info.channels; i++) {
+			datum = getc(p->ch[i]);
+			if (feof(p->ch[i]))
+				return done;
+			/* scale signed up to long's range */
+			*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 24);
+		}
+		done += ft->info.channels;
+	}
+	return done;
+/*                         8SVXSTOPREAD                                 */
+void svxstopread(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+	int i;
+	struct svxpriv *p = (struct svxpriv *) ft->priv;
+	/* close channel files */
+	for (i = 1; i < ft->info.channels; i++) {
+		fclose (p->ch[i]);
+	}
+/*                         8SVXSTARTWRITE                               */
+void svxstartwrite(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+	struct svxpriv *p = (struct svxpriv *) ft->priv;
+	int littlendian = 0;
+	int i;
+	char *endptr;
+	/* open channel output files */
+	p->ch[0] = ft->fp;
+	for (i = 1; i < ft->info.channels; i++) {
+		if ((p->ch[i] = tmpfile()) == NULL)
+			fail("Can't open channel output file: %s",
+				strerror(errno));
+	}
+	/* write header (channel 0) */
+	ft-> = SIGN2;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	p->nsamples = 0;
+	svxwriteheader(ft, p->nsamples);
+	endptr = (char *) &littlendian;
+	*endptr = 1;
+	if (littlendian == 1)
+		ft->swap = 1;
+/*                         8SVXWRITE                                    */
+void svxwrite(ft, buf, len)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	struct svxpriv *p = (struct svxpriv *) ft->priv;
+	LONG datum;
+	int done = 0;
+	int i;
+	p->nsamples += len;
+	while(done < len) {
+		for (i = 0; i < ft->info.channels; i++) {
+			datum = RIGHT(*buf++, 24);
+			putc((int)datum, p->ch[i]);
+		}
+		done += ft->info.channels;
+	}
+/*                         8SVXSTOPWRITE                                */
+void svxstopwrite(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+	struct svxpriv *p = (struct svxpriv *) ft->priv;
+	int i;
+	int len;
+	char svxbuf[512];
+	/* append all channel pieces to channel 0 */
+	/* close temp files */
+	for (i = 1; i < ft->info.channels; i++) {
+		if (fseek (p->ch[i], 0L, 0))
+			fail ("Can't rewind channel output file %d",i);
+		while (!feof(p->ch[i])) {
+			len = fread (svxbuf, 1, 512, p->ch[i]);
+			fwrite (svxbuf, 1, len, p->ch[0]);
+		}
+		fclose (p->ch[i]);
+	}
+	/* add a pad byte if BODY size is odd */
+	if(p->nsamples % 2 != 0)
+		fputc('\0', ft->fp);
+	/* fixup file sizes in header */
+	if (fseek(ft->fp, 0L, 0) != 0)
+		fail("can't rewind output file to rewrite 8SVX header");
+	svxwriteheader(ft, p->nsamples);
+/*                         8SVXWRITEHEADER                              */
+#define SVXHEADERSIZE 100
+void svxwriteheader(ft,nsamples)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG nsamples;
+	LONG formsize =  nsamples + SVXHEADERSIZE - 8;
+	/* FORM size must be even */
+	if(formsize % 2 != 0) formsize++;
+	fputs ("FORM", ft->fp);
+	wblong(ft, formsize);  /* size of file */
+	fputs("8SVX", ft->fp); /* File type */
+	fputs ("VHDR", ft->fp);
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) 20); /* number of bytes to follow */
+	wblong(ft, nsamples);  /* samples, 1-shot */
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) 0);  /* samples, repeat */
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) 0);  /* samples per repeat cycle */
+	wbshort(ft, (int) ft->info.rate); /* samples per second */
+	fputc(1,ft->fp); /* number of octaves */
+	fputc(0,ft->fp); /* data compression (none) */
+	wbshort(ft,1); wbshort(ft,0); /* volume */
+	fputs ("ANNO", ft->fp);
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) 32); /* length of block */
+	fputs ("File created by Sound Exchange  ", ft->fp);
+	fputs ("CHAN", ft->fp);
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) 4);
+	wblong(ft, (ft->info.channels == 2) ? (LONG) 6 :
+		   (ft->info.channels == 4) ? (LONG) 15 : (LONG) 2);
+	fputs ("BODY", ft->fp);
+	wblong(ft, nsamples); /* samples in file */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/aiff.c
@@ -1,0 +1,776 @@
+ * September 25, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Guido van Rossum And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Guido van Rossum And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools SGI/Amiga AIFF format.
+ * Used by SGI on 4D/35 and Indigo.
+ * This is a subformat of the EA-IFF-85 format.
+ * This is related to the IFF format used by the Amiga.
+ * But, apparently, not the same.
+ *
+ * Jan 93: new version from Guido Van Rossum that 
+ * correctly skips unwanted sections.
+ *
+ * Jan 94: add loop & marker support
+ * Jul 97: added comments I/O by Leigh Smith
+ * Nov 97: added verbose chunk comments
+ *
+ * June 1, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+ *   Fixed compile warnings reported by Kjetil Torgrim Homme
+ *   <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * Sept 9, 1998 - fixed loop markers.
+ *
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "st.h"
+#ifndef SEEK_SET
+#define SEEK_SET 0		/* nasty nasty */
+#ifndef SEEK_CUR
+#define SEEK_CUR 1		/* nasty nasty */
+#endif /* SEEK_CUR */
+/* Private data used by writer */
+struct aiffpriv {
+	ULONG nsamples;	/* number of 1-channel samples read or written */
+double read_ieee_extended();
+LONG rawread(P3(ft_t, LONG *, LONG));
+void aiffwriteheader(P2(ft_t, LONG));
+void rawwrite(P3(ft_t, LONG *, LONG));
+void write_ieee_extended(P2(ft_t, double));
+double ConvertFromIeeeExtended();
+void ConvertToIeeeExtended(P2(double, char *));
+void textChunk(P3(char **text, char *chunkDescription, ft_t ft));
+void reportInstrument(P1(ft_t ft));
+void aiffstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	struct aiffpriv *p = (struct aiffpriv *) ft->priv;
+	char buf[5];
+	ULONG totalsize;
+	LONG chunksize;
+	int channels = 0;
+	ULONG frames;
+	int bits = 0;
+	double rate = 0.0;
+	ULONG offset = 0;
+	ULONG blocksize = 0;
+	int littlendian = 0;
+	char *endptr;
+	int foundcomm = 0, foundmark = 0, foundinstr = 0;
+	struct mark {
+		int id, position;
+		char name[40]; 
+	} marks[32];
+	int i, j;
+	LONG nmarks = 0;
+	LONG sustainLoopBegin = 0, sustainLoopEnd = 0,
+	     releaseLoopBegin = 0, releaseLoopEnd = 0;
+	LONG seekto = 0L, ssndsize = 0L;
+	char *author;
+	char *copyright;
+	char *nametext;
+	/* FORM chunk */
+	if (fread(buf, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4 || strncmp(buf, "FORM", 4) != 0)
+		fail("AIFF header does not begin with magic word 'FORM'");
+	totalsize = rblong(ft);
+	if (fread(buf, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4 || strncmp(buf, "AIFF", 4) != 0)
+		fail("AIFF 'FORM' chunk does not specify 'AIFF' as type");
+	/* Skip everything but the COMM chunk and the SSND chunk */
+	/* The SSND chunk must be the last in the file */
+	while (1) {
+		if (fread(buf, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4)
+			if (ssndsize > 0)
+				break;
+			else
+				fail("Missing SSND chunk in AIFF file");
+		if (strncmp(buf, "COMM", 4) == 0) {
+			/* COMM chunk */
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			if (chunksize != 18)
+				fail("AIFF COMM chunk has bad size");
+			channels = rbshort(ft);
+			frames = rblong(ft);
+			bits = rbshort(ft);
+			rate = read_ieee_extended(ft);
+			foundcomm = 1;
+		}
+		else if (strncmp(buf, "SSND", 4) == 0) {
+			/* SSND chunk */
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			offset = rblong(ft);
+			blocksize = rblong(ft);
+			chunksize -= 8;
+			ssndsize = chunksize;
+			/* if can't seek, just do sound now */
+			if (!ft->seekable)
+				break;
+			/* else, seek to end of sound and hunt for more */
+			seekto = ftell(ft->fp);
+			fseek(ft->fp, chunksize, SEEK_CUR); 
+		}
+		else if (strncmp(buf, "MARK", 4) == 0) {
+			/* MARK chunk */
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			nmarks = rbshort(ft);
+			chunksize -= 2;
+			for(i = 0; i < nmarks; i++) {
+				int len;
+				marks[i].id = rbshort(ft);
+				marks[i].position = rblong(ft);
+				chunksize -= 6;
+				len = getc(ft->fp);
+				chunksize -= len + 1;
+				for(j = 0; j < len ; j++) 
+					marks[i].name[j] = getc(ft->fp);
+				marks[i].name[j] = 0;
+				if ((len & 1) == 0) {
+					chunksize--;
+					getc(ft->fp);
+				}
+			}
+			/* HA HA!  Sound Designer (and others) makes */
+			/* bogus files. It spits out bogus chunksize */
+			/* for MARK field */
+			while(chunksize-- > 0)
+				getc(ft->fp);
+			foundmark = 1;
+		}
+		else if (strncmp(buf, "INST", 4) == 0) {
+			/* INST chunk */
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			ft->instr.MIDInote = getc(ft->fp);
+			getc(ft->fp);				/* detune */
+			ft->instr.MIDIlow = getc(ft->fp);
+			ft->instr.MIDIhi = getc(ft->fp);
+			getc(ft->fp);			/* low velocity */
+			getc(ft->fp);			/* hi  velocity */
+			rbshort(ft);				/* gain */
+			ft->loops[0].type = rbshort(ft); /* sustain loop */
+			sustainLoopBegin = rbshort(ft);	 /* begin marker */
+			sustainLoopEnd = rbshort(ft);    /* end marker */
+			ft->loops[1].type = rbshort(ft); /* release loop */
+			releaseLoopBegin = rbshort(ft);  /* begin marker */
+			releaseLoopEnd = rbshort(ft);    /* end marker */
+			foundinstr = 1;
+		}
+		else if (strncmp(buf, "APPL", 4) == 0) {
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			while(chunksize-- > 0)
+				getc(ft->fp);
+		}
+		else if (strncmp(buf, "ALCH", 4) == 0) {
+			/* I think this is bogus and gets grabbed by APPL */
+			/* INST chunk */
+			rblong(ft);		/* ENVS - jeez! */
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			while(chunksize-- > 0)
+				getc(ft->fp);
+		}
+		else if (strncmp(buf, "ANNO", 4) == 0) {
+			/* Old form of comment chunk */
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			/* allocate enough memory to hold the comment */
+			ft->comment = (char *) malloc((size_t) chunksize);
+			if (ft->comment == NULL)
+			  fail("AIFF: Couldn't allocate ANNO header");
+			if (fread(ft->comment, 1, chunksize, ft->fp) != chunksize)
+			  fail("AIFF: Unexpected EOF in ANNO header");
+		}
+		else if (strncmp(buf, "AUTH", 4) == 0) {
+		  /* Author chunk */
+		  textChunk(&author, "Author:", ft);
+		  free(author);
+		}
+		else if (strncmp(buf, "NAME", 4) == 0) {
+		  /* Name chunk */
+		  textChunk(&nametext, "Name:", ft);
+		  free(nametext);
+		}
+		else if (strncmp(buf, "(c) ", 4) == 0) {
+		  /* Copyright chunk */
+		  textChunk(&copyright, "Copyright:", ft);
+		  free(copyright);
+		}
+		else {
+			buf[4] = 0;
+			/* bogus file, probably from the Mac */
+			if ((buf[0] < 'A' || buf[0] > 'Z') ||
+			    (buf[1] < 'A' || buf[1] > 'Z') ||
+			    (buf[2] < 'A' || buf[2] > 'Z') ||
+			    (buf[3] < 'A' || buf[3] > 'Z'))
+				break;
+			if (feof(ft->fp))
+				break;
+			report("AIFFstartread: ignoring '%s' chunk\n", buf);
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			if (feof(ft->fp))
+				break;
+			/* Skip the chunk using getc() so we may read
+			   from a pipe */
+			while (chunksize-- > 0) {
+				if (getc(ft->fp) == EOF)
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (feof(ft->fp))
+			break;
+	}
+	/* 
+	 * if a pipe, we lose all chunks after sound.  
+	 * Like, say, instrument loops. 
+	 */
+	if (ft->seekable)
+		if (seekto > 0)
+			fseek(ft->fp, seekto, SEEK_SET);
+		else
+			fail("AIFF: no sound data on input file");
+	/* SSND chunk just read */
+	if (blocksize != 0)
+		fail("AIFF header specifies nonzero blocksize?!?!");
+	while ((LONG) (--offset) >= 0) {
+		if (getc(ft->fp) == EOF)
+			fail("unexpected EOF while skipping AIFF offset");
+	}
+	if (foundcomm) {
+		ft->info.channels = channels;
+		ft->info.rate = rate;
+		ft-> = SIGN2;
+		switch (bits) {
+		case 8:
+			ft->info.size = BYTE;
+			break;
+		case 16:
+			ft->info.size = WORD;
+			break;
+		default:
+			fail("unsupported sample size in AIFF header: %d", bits);
+		}
+	} else  {
+		if ((ft->info.channels == -1)
+			|| (ft->info.rate == -1)
+			|| (ft-> == -1)
+			|| (ft->info.size == -1)) {
+		  report("You must specify # channels, sample rate, signed/unsigned,\n");
+		  report("and 8/16 on the command line.");
+		  fail("Bogus AIFF file: no COMM section.");
+		}
+	}
+	p->nsamples = ssndsize / ft->info.size;	/* leave out channels */
+	/* process instrument and marker notations. */
+	if (foundmark && !foundinstr)
+		fail("Bogus AIFF file: MARKers but no INSTrument.");
+	if (!foundmark && foundinstr)
+		fail("Bogus AIFF file: INSTrument but no MARKers.");
+	if (foundmark && foundinstr) {
+		int i;
+		int slbIndex = 0, sleIndex = 0;
+		int rlbIndex = 0, rleIndex = 0;
+		/* find our loop markers and save their marker indexes */
+		for(i = 0; i < nmarks; i++) { 
+		  if(marks[i].id == sustainLoopBegin)
+		    slbIndex = i;
+		  if(marks[i].id == sustainLoopEnd)
+		    sleIndex = i;
+		  if(marks[i].id == releaseLoopBegin)
+		    rlbIndex = i;
+		  if(marks[i].id == releaseLoopEnd)
+		    rleIndex = i;
+		}
+		ft->instr.nloops = 0;
+		if (ft->loops[0].type != 0) {
+			ft->loops[0].start = marks[slbIndex].position;
+			ft->loops[0].length = 
+			    marks[sleIndex].position - marks[slbIndex].position;
+			/* really the loop count should be infinite */
+			ft->loops[0].count = 1;	
+			ft->instr.loopmode = LOOP_SUSTAIN_DECAY | ft->loops[0].type;
+			ft->instr.nloops++;
+		}
+		if (ft->loops[1].type != 0) {
+			ft->loops[1].start = marks[rlbIndex].position;
+			ft->loops[1].length = 
+			    marks[rleIndex].position - marks[rlbIndex].position;
+			/* really the loop count should be infinite */
+			ft->loops[1].count = 1;
+			ft->instr.loopmode = LOOP_SUSTAIN_DECAY | ft->loops[1].type;
+			ft->instr.nloops++;
+		} 
+	}
+	if (verbose)
+	  reportInstrument(ft);
+	endptr = (char *) &littlendian;
+	*endptr = 1;
+	if (littlendian == 1)
+		ft->swap = 1;
+/* print out the MIDI key allocations, loop points, directions etc */
+void reportInstrument(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+  int loopNum;
+  if(ft->instr.nloops > 0)
+    fprintf(stderr, "AIFF Loop markers:\n");
+  for(loopNum  = 0; loopNum < ft->instr.nloops; loopNum++) {
+    if (ft->loops[loopNum].count) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "Loop %d: start: %6d", loopNum, ft->loops[loopNum].start);
+      fprintf(stderr, " end:   %6d", 
+	      ft->loops[loopNum].start + ft->loops[loopNum].length);
+      fprintf(stderr, " count: %6d", ft->loops[loopNum].count);
+      fprintf(stderr, " type:  ");
+      switch(ft->loops[loopNum].type & ~LOOP_SUSTAIN_DECAY) {
+      case 0: fprintf(stderr, "off\n"); break;
+      case 1: fprintf(stderr, "forward\n"); break;
+      case 2: fprintf(stderr, "forward/backward\n"); break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  fprintf(stderr, "Unity MIDI Note: %d\n", ft->instr.MIDInote);
+  fprintf(stderr, "Low   MIDI Note: %d\n", ft->instr.MIDIlow);
+  fprintf(stderr, "High  MIDI Note: %d\n", ft->instr.MIDIhi);
+/* Process a text chunk, allocate memory, display it if verbose and return */
+void textChunk(text, chunkDescription, ft) 
+char **text;
+char *chunkDescription;
+ft_t ft;
+  LONG chunksize = rblong(ft);
+  /* allocate enough memory to hold the text including a terminating \0 */
+  *text = (char *) malloc((size_t) chunksize + 1);
+  if (*text == NULL)
+    fail("AIFF: Couldn't allocate %s header", chunkDescription);
+  if (fread(*text, 1, chunksize, ft->fp) != chunksize)
+    fail("AIFF: Unexpected EOF in %s header", chunkDescription);
+  *(*text + chunksize) = '\0';
+  if(verbose) {
+    printf("%-10s   \"%s\"\n", chunkDescription, *text);
+  }
+LONG aiffread(ft, buf, len)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	struct aiffpriv *p = (struct aiffpriv *) ft->priv;
+	/* just read what's left of SSND chunk */
+	if (len > p->nsamples)
+		len = p->nsamples;
+	rawread(ft, buf, len);
+	p->nsamples -= len;
+	return len;
+void aiffstopread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	char buf[5];
+	ULONG chunksize;
+	if (!ft->seekable)
+	    while (! feof(ft->fp)) {
+		if (fread(buf, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4)
+			return;
+		chunksize = rblong(ft);
+		if (feof(ft->fp))
+			return;
+		buf[4] = '\0';
+		warn("Ignoring AIFF tail chunk: '%s', %d bytes long\n", 
+			buf, chunksize);
+		if (! strcmp(buf, "MARK") || ! strcmp(buf, "INST"))
+			warn("	You're stripping MIDI/loop info!\n");
+		while ((LONG) (--chunksize) >= 0) 
+			if (getc(ft->fp) == EOF)
+				return;
+	}
+	return;
+/* When writing, the header is supposed to contain the number of
+   samples and data bytes written.
+   Since we don't know how many samples there are until we're done,
+   we first write the header with an very large number,
+   and at the end we rewind the file and write the header again
+   with the right number.  This only works if the file is seekable;
+   if it is not, the very large size remains in the header.
+   Strictly spoken this is not legal, but the playaiff utility
+   will still be able to play the resulting file. */
+void aiffstartwrite(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+	struct aiffpriv *p = (struct aiffpriv *) ft->priv;
+	int littlendian = 0;
+	char *endptr;
+	p->nsamples = 0;
+	if (ft-> == ULAW && ft->info.size == BYTE) {
+		report("expanding 8-bit u-law to 16 bits");
+		ft->info.size = WORD;
+	}
+	ft-> = SIGN2; /* We have a fixed style */
+	/* Compute the "very large number" so that a maximum number
+	   of samples can be transmitted through a pipe without the
+	   risk of causing overflow when calculating the number of bytes.
+	   At 48 kHz, 16 bits stereo, this gives ~3 hours of music.
+	   Sorry, the AIFF format does not provide for an "infinite"
+	   number of samples. */
+	aiffwriteheader(ft, 0x7f000000L / (ft->info.size*ft->info.channels));
+	endptr = (char *) &littlendian;
+	*endptr = 1;
+	if (littlendian == 1)
+		ft->swap = 1;
+void aiffwrite(ft, buf, len)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	struct aiffpriv *p = (struct aiffpriv *) ft->priv;
+	p->nsamples += len;
+	rawwrite(ft, buf, len);
+ft_t ft;
+	struct aiffpriv *p = (struct aiffpriv *) ft->priv;
+	if (!ft->seekable)
+		return;
+	if (fseek(ft->fp, 0L, SEEK_SET) != 0)
+		fail("can't rewind output file to rewrite AIFF header");
+	aiffwriteheader(ft, p->nsamples / ft->info.channels);
+void aiffwriteheader(ft, nframes)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG nframes;
+	int hsize =
+		8 /*COMM hdr*/ + 18 /*COMM chunk*/ +
+		8 /*SSND hdr*/ + 12 /*SSND chunk*/;
+	int bits = 0;
+	int i;
+	hsize += 8 + 2 + 16*ft->instr.nloops;	/* MARK chunk */
+	hsize += 20;				/* INST chunk */
+	if (ft-> == SIGN2 && ft->info.size == BYTE)
+		bits = 8;
+	else if (ft-> == SIGN2 && ft->info.size == WORD)
+		bits = 16;
+	else
+		fail("unsupported output style/size for AIFF header");
+	fputs("FORM", ft->fp); /* IFF header */
+	wblong(ft, hsize + nframes * ft->info.size * ft->info.channels); /* file size */
+	fputs("AIFF", ft->fp); /* File type */
+	/* ANNO chunk -- holds comments text, however this is */
+	/* discouraged by Apple in preference to a COMT comments */
+	/* chunk, which holds a timestamp and marker id */
+	fputs("ANNO", ft->fp);
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) strlen(ft->comment)); /* ANNO chunk size, the No of chars */
+	fputs(ft->comment, ft->fp);
+	/* COMM chunk -- describes encoding (and #frames) */
+	fputs("COMM", ft->fp);
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) 18); /* COMM chunk size */
+	wbshort(ft, ft->info.channels); /* nchannels */
+	wblong(ft, nframes); /* number of frames */
+	wbshort(ft, bits); /* sample width, in bits */
+	write_ieee_extended(ft, (double)ft->info.rate);
+	/* MARK chunk -- set markers */
+	if (ft->instr.nloops) {
+		fputs("MARK", ft->fp);
+		if (ft->instr.nloops > 2)
+			ft->instr.nloops = 2;
+		wblong(ft, 2 + 16*ft->instr.nloops);
+		wbshort(ft, ft->instr.nloops);
+		for(i = 0; i < ft->instr.nloops; i++) {
+			wbshort(ft, i + 1);
+			wblong(ft, ft->loops[i].start);
+			fputc(0, ft->fp);
+			fputc(0, ft->fp);
+			wbshort(ft, i*2 + 1);
+			wblong(ft, ft->loops[i].start + ft->loops[i].length);
+			fputc(0, ft->fp);
+			fputc(0, ft->fp);
+			}
+		fputs("INST", ft->fp);
+		wblong(ft, 20);
+		/* random MIDI shit that we default on */
+		fputc(ft->instr.MIDInote, ft->fp);
+		fputc(0, ft->fp);			/* detune */
+		fputc(ft->instr.MIDIlow, ft->fp);
+		fputc(ft->instr.MIDIhi, ft->fp);
+		fputc(1, ft->fp);			/* low velocity */
+		fputc(127, ft->fp);			/* hi  velocity */
+		wbshort(ft, 0);				/* gain */
+		/* sustain loop */
+		wbshort(ft, ft->loops[0].type);
+		wbshort(ft, 1);				/* marker 1 */
+		wbshort(ft, 3);				/* marker 3 */
+		/* release loop, if there */
+		if (ft->instr.nloops == 2) {
+			wbshort(ft, ft->loops[1].type);
+			wbshort(ft, 2);			/* marker 2 */
+			wbshort(ft, 4);			/* marker 4 */
+		} else {
+			wbshort(ft, 0);			/* no release loop */
+			wbshort(ft, 0);
+			wbshort(ft, 0);
+		}
+	}
+	/* SSND chunk -- describes data */
+	fputs("SSND", ft->fp);
+	/* chunk size */
+	wblong(ft, 8 + nframes * ft->info.channels * ft->info.size); 
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) 0); /* offset */
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) 0); /* block size */
+double read_ieee_extended(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+	char buf[10];
+	if (fread(buf, 1, 10, ft->fp) != 10)
+		fail("EOF while reading IEEE extended number");
+	return ConvertFromIeeeExtended(buf);
+void write_ieee_extended(ft, x)
+ft_t ft;
+double x;
+	char buf[10];
+	ConvertToIeeeExtended(x, buf);
+	/*
+	report("converted %g to %o %o %o %o %o %o %o %o %o %o",
+		x,
+		buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4],
+		buf[5], buf[6], buf[7], buf[8], buf[9]);
+	*/
+	(void) fwrite(buf, 1, 10, ft->fp);
+ * C O N V E R T   T O   I E E E   E X T E N D E D
+ */
+/* Copyright (C) 1988-1991 Apple Computer, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Machine-independent I/O routines for IEEE floating-point numbers.
+ *
+ * NaN's and infinities are converted to HUGE_VAL or HUGE, which
+ * happens to be infinity on IEEE machines.  Unfortunately, it is
+ * impossible to preserve NaN's in a machine-independent way.
+ * Infinities are, however, preserved on IEEE machines.
+ *
+ * These routines have been tested on the following machines:
+ *    Apple Macintosh, MPW 3.1 C compiler
+ *    Apple Macintosh, THINK C compiler
+ *    Silicon Graphics IRIS, MIPS compiler
+ *    Cray X/MP and Y/MP
+ *    Digital Equipment VAX
+ *
+ *
+ * Implemented by Malcolm Slaney and Ken Turkowski.
+ *
+ * Malcolm Slaney contributions during 1988-1990 include big- and little-
+ * endian file I/O, conversion to and from Motorola's extended 80-bit
+ * floating-point format, and conversions to and from IEEE single-
+ * precision floating-point format.
+ *
+ * In 1991, Ken Turkowski implemented the conversions to and from
+ * IEEE double-precision format, added more precision to the extended
+ * conversions, and accommodated conversions involving +/- infinity,
+ * NaN's, and denormalized numbers.
+ */
+#ifndef HUGE_VAL
+# define HUGE_VAL HUGE
+#endif /*HUGE_VAL*/
+# define FloatToUnsigned(f)      ((ULONG)(((LONG)(f - 2147483648.0)) + 2147483647L) + 1)
+void ConvertToIeeeExtended(num, bytes)
+double num;
+char *bytes;
+    int    sign;
+    int expon;
+    double fMant, fsMant;
+    ULONG hiMant, loMant;
+    if (num < 0) {
+        sign = 0x8000;
+        num *= -1;
+    } else {
+        sign = 0;
+    }
+    if (num == 0) {
+        expon = 0; hiMant = 0; loMant = 0;
+    }
+    else {
+        fMant = frexp(num, &expon);
+        if ((expon > 16384) || !(fMant < 1)) {    /* Infinity or NaN */
+            expon = sign|0x7FFF; hiMant = 0; loMant = 0; /* infinity */
+        }
+        else {    /* Finite */
+            expon += 16382;
+            if (expon < 0) {    /* denormalized */
+                fMant = ldexp(fMant, expon);
+                expon = 0;
+            }
+            expon |= sign;
+            fMant = ldexp(fMant, 32);          
+            fsMant = floor(fMant); 
+            hiMant = FloatToUnsigned(fsMant);
+            fMant = ldexp(fMant - fsMant, 32); 
+            fsMant = floor(fMant); 
+            loMant = FloatToUnsigned(fsMant);
+        }
+    }
+    bytes[0] = expon >> 8;
+    bytes[1] = expon;
+    bytes[2] = hiMant >> 24;
+    bytes[3] = hiMant >> 16;
+    bytes[4] = hiMant >> 8;
+    bytes[5] = hiMant;
+    bytes[6] = loMant >> 24;
+    bytes[7] = loMant >> 16;
+    bytes[8] = loMant >> 8;
+    bytes[9] = loMant;
+ * C O N V E R T   F R O M   I E E E   E X T E N D E D  
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 1988-1991 Apple Computer, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Machine-independent I/O routines for IEEE floating-point numbers.
+ *
+ * NaN's and infinities are converted to HUGE_VAL or HUGE, which
+ * happens to be infinity on IEEE machines.  Unfortunately, it is
+ * impossible to preserve NaN's in a machine-independent way.
+ * Infinities are, however, preserved on IEEE machines.
+ *
+ * These routines have been tested on the following machines:
+ *    Apple Macintosh, MPW 3.1 C compiler
+ *    Apple Macintosh, THINK C compiler
+ *    Silicon Graphics IRIS, MIPS compiler
+ *    Cray X/MP and Y/MP
+ *    Digital Equipment VAX
+ *
+ *
+ * Implemented by Malcolm Slaney and Ken Turkowski.
+ *
+ * Malcolm Slaney contributions during 1988-1990 include big- and little-
+ * endian file I/O, conversion to and from Motorola's extended 80-bit
+ * floating-point format, and conversions to and from IEEE single-
+ * precision floating-point format.
+ *
+ * In 1991, Ken Turkowski implemented the conversions to and from
+ * IEEE double-precision format, added more precision to the extended
+ * conversions, and accommodated conversions involving +/- infinity,
+ * NaN's, and denormalized numbers.
+ */
+#ifndef HUGE_VAL
+# define HUGE_VAL HUGE
+#endif /*HUGE_VAL*/
+# define UnsignedToFloat(u)         (((double)((LONG)(u - 2147483647L - 1))) + 2147483648.0)
+ * Extended precision IEEE floating-point conversion routine.
+ ****************************************************************/
+double ConvertFromIeeeExtended(bytes)
+unsigned char *bytes;	/* LCN */
+    double    f;
+    int    expon;
+    ULONG hiMant, loMant;
+    expon = ((bytes[0] & 0x7F) << 8) | (bytes[1] & 0xFF);
+    hiMant    =    ((ULONG)(bytes[2] & 0xFF) << 24)
+            |    ((ULONG)(bytes[3] & 0xFF) << 16)
+            |    ((ULONG)(bytes[4] & 0xFF) << 8)
+            |    ((ULONG)(bytes[5] & 0xFF));
+    loMant    =    ((ULONG)(bytes[6] & 0xFF) << 24)
+            |    ((ULONG)(bytes[7] & 0xFF) << 16)
+            |    ((ULONG)(bytes[8] & 0xFF) << 8)
+            |    ((ULONG)(bytes[9] & 0xFF));
+    if (expon == 0 && hiMant == 0 && loMant == 0) {
+        f = 0;
+    }
+    else {
+        if (expon == 0x7FFF) {    /* Infinity or NaN */
+            f = HUGE_VAL;
+        }
+        else {
+            expon -= 16383;
+            f  = ldexp(UnsignedToFloat(hiMant), expon-=31);
+            f += ldexp(UnsignedToFloat(loMant), expon-=32);
+        }
+    }
+    if (bytes[0] & 0x80)
+        return -f;
+    else
+        return f;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/au.c
@@ -1,0 +1,324 @@
+ * Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993 Guido van Rossum And Sundry Contributors.
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Guido van Rossum And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ *
+ * October 7, 1998 - [email protected]
+ *   G.723 was using incorrect # of bits.  Corrected to 3 and 5 bits.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools Sun format with header (SunOS 4.1; see /usr/demo/SOUND).
+ * NeXT uses this format also, but has more format codes defined.
+ * DEC uses a slight variation and swaps bytes.
+ * We only support the common formats.
+ * CCITT G.721 (32 kbit/s) and G.723 (24/40 kbit/s) are also supported,
+ * courtesy Sun's public domain implementation.
+ * Output is always in big-endian (Sun/NeXT) order.
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "g72x.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/* Magic numbers used in Sun and NeXT audio files */
+#define SUN_MAGIC 	0x2e736e64		/* Really '.snd' */
+#define SUN_INV_MAGIC	0x646e732e		/* '.snd' upside-down */
+#define DEC_MAGIC	0x2e736400		/* Really '\0ds.' (for DEC) */
+#define DEC_INV_MAGIC	0x0064732e		/* '\0ds.' upside-down */
+#define SUN_HDRSIZE	24			/* Size of minimal header */
+#define SUN_UNSPEC	((unsigned)(~0))	/* Unspecified data size */
+#define SUN_ULAW	1			/* u-law encoding */
+#define SUN_LIN_8	2			/* Linear 8 bits */
+#define SUN_LIN_16	3			/* Linear 16 bits */
+#define SUN_LIN_24	4			/* Linear 24 bits */
+#define SUN_LIN_32	5			/* Linear 32 bits */
+#define SUN_FLOAT	6			/* IEEE FP 32 bits */
+#define SUN_DOUBLE	7			/* IEEE FP 64 bits */
+#define SUN_G721	23			/* CCITT G.721 4-bits ADPCM */
+#define SUN_G723_3	25			/* CCITT G.723 3-bits ADPCM */
+#define SUN_G723_5	26			/* CCITT G.723 5-bits ADPCM */
+/* The other formats are not supported by sox at the moment */
+/* Private data */
+struct aupriv {
+	/* For writer: */
+	ULONG data_size;
+	/* For G72x decoding: */
+	struct g72x_state state;
+	int (*dec_routine)();
+	int dec_bits;
+	unsigned int in_buffer;
+	int in_bits;
+void auwriteheader(P2(ft_t ft, ULONG data_size));
+LONG rawread(P3(ft_t, LONG *, LONG));
+void rawwrite(P3(ft_t,LONG *, LONG));
+void austartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	/* The following 6 variables represent a Sun sound header on disk.
+	   The numbers are written as big-endians.
+	   Any extra bytes (totalling hdr_size - 24) are an
+	   "info" field of unspecified nature, usually a string.
+	   By convention the header size is a multiple of 4. */
+	ULONG magic;
+	ULONG hdr_size;
+	ULONG data_size;
+	ULONG encoding;
+	ULONG sample_rate;
+	ULONG channels;
+	register int i;
+	char *buf;
+	struct aupriv *p = (struct aupriv *) ft->priv;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	if (sizeof(struct aupriv) > PRIVSIZE)
+		fail(
+"struct aupriv is too big (%d); change PRIVSIZE in st.h and recompile sox",
+		     sizeof(struct aupriv));
+	/* Check the magic word */
+	magic = rlong(ft);
+	if (magic == DEC_INV_MAGIC) {
+		ft->swap = 1;
+		report("Found inverted DEC magic word");
+	}
+	else if (magic == SUN_INV_MAGIC) {
+		ft->swap = 1;
+		report("Found inverted Sun/NeXT magic word");
+	}
+	else if (magic == SUN_MAGIC) {
+		ft->swap = 0;
+		report("Found Sun/NeXT magic word");
+	}
+	else if (magic == DEC_MAGIC) {
+		ft->swap = 0;
+		report("Found DEC magic word");
+	}
+	else
+		fail("Sun/NeXT/DEC header doesn't start with magic word\nTry the '.ul' file type with '-t ul -r 8000 filename'");
+	/* Read the header size */
+	hdr_size = rlong(ft);
+	if (hdr_size < SUN_HDRSIZE)
+		fail("Sun/NeXT header size too small.");
+	/* Read the data size; may be ~0 meaning unspecified */
+	data_size = rlong(ft);
+	/* Read the encoding; there are some more possibilities */
+	encoding = rlong(ft);
+	/* Translate the encoding into style and size parameters */
+	/* (Or, for G.72x, set the decoding routine and parameters) */
+	p->dec_routine = NULL;
+	p->in_buffer = 0;
+	p->in_bits = 0;
+	switch (encoding) {
+	case SUN_ULAW:
+		ft-> = ULAW;
+		ft->info.size = BYTE;
+		break;
+	case SUN_LIN_8:
+		ft-> = SIGN2;
+		ft->info.size = BYTE;
+		break;
+	case SUN_LIN_16:
+		ft-> = SIGN2;
+		ft->info.size = WORD;
+		break;
+	case SUN_G721:
+		ft-> = SIGN2;
+		ft->info.size = WORD;
+		g72x_init_state(&p->state);
+		p->dec_routine = g721_decoder;
+		p->dec_bits = 4;
+		break;
+	case SUN_G723_3:
+		ft-> = SIGN2;
+		ft->info.size = WORD;
+		g72x_init_state(&p->state);
+		p->dec_routine = g723_24_decoder;
+		p->dec_bits = 3;
+		break;
+	case SUN_G723_5:
+		ft-> = SIGN2;
+		ft->info.size = WORD;
+		g72x_init_state(&p->state);
+		p->dec_routine = g723_40_decoder;
+		p->dec_bits = 5;
+		break;
+	default:
+		report("encoding: 0x%lx", encoding);
+		fail("Unsupported encoding in Sun/NeXT header.\nOnly U-law, signed bytes, signed words, and ADPCM are supported.");
+	}
+	/* Read the sampling rate */
+	sample_rate = rlong(ft);
+	ft->info.rate = sample_rate;
+	/* Read the number of channels */
+	channels = rlong(ft);
+	ft->info.channels = (int) channels;
+	/* Skip the info string in header; print it if verbose */
+	hdr_size -= SUN_HDRSIZE; /* #bytes already read */
+	if (hdr_size > 0) {
+		buf = (char *) malloc(hdr_size + 1);
+		for(i = 0; i < hdr_size; i++) {
+			buf[i] = (char) getc(ft->fp);
+			if (feof(ft->fp))
+				fail("Unexpected EOF in Sun/NeXT header info.");
+		}
+		buf[i] = '\0';
+		ft->comment = buf;
+		report("Input file %s: Sun header info: %s", ft->filename, buf);
+	}
+/* When writing, the header is supposed to contain the number of
+   data bytes written, unless it is written to a pipe.
+   Since we don't know how many bytes will follow until we're done,
+   we first write the header with an unspecified number of bytes,
+   and at the end we rewind the file and write the header again
+   with the right size.  This only works if the file is seekable;
+   if it is not, the unspecified size remains in the header
+   (this is legal). */
+void austartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	struct aupriv *p = (struct aupriv *) ft->priv;
+	int littlendian = 0;
+	char *endptr;
+	p->data_size = 0;
+	auwriteheader(ft, SUN_UNSPEC);
+	endptr = (char *) &littlendian;
+	*endptr = 1;
+	if (littlendian == 1)
+		ft->swap = 1;
+ * Unpack input codes and pass them back as bytes.
+ * Returns 1 if there is residual input, returns -1 if eof, else returns 0.
+ * (Adapted from Sun's decode.c.)
+ */
+unpack_input(ft, code)
+ft_t			ft;
+unsigned char		*code;
+	struct aupriv		*p = (struct aupriv *) ft->priv;
+	unsigned char		in_byte;
+	if (p->in_bits < p->dec_bits) {
+		if (fread(&in_byte, sizeof (char), 1, ft->fp) != 1) {
+			*code = 0;
+			return (-1);
+		}
+		p->in_buffer |= (in_byte << p->in_bits);
+		p->in_bits += 8;
+	}
+	*code = p->in_buffer & ((1 << p->dec_bits) - 1);
+	p->in_buffer >>= p->dec_bits;
+	p->in_bits -= p->dec_bits;
+	return (p->in_bits > 0);
+LONG auread(ft, buf, samp)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, samp;
+	struct aupriv *p = (struct aupriv *) ft->priv;
+	unsigned char code;
+	int done;
+	if (p->dec_routine == NULL)
+		return rawread(ft, buf, samp);
+	done = 0;
+	while (samp > 0 && unpack_input(ft, &code) >= 0) {
+		*buf++ = LEFT((*p->dec_routine)(code, AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR,
+						&p->state),
+			      16);
+		samp--;
+		done++;
+	}
+	return done;
+void auwrite(ft, buf, samp)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, samp;
+	struct aupriv *p = (struct aupriv *) ft->priv;
+	p->data_size += samp * ft->info.size;
+	rawwrite(ft, buf, samp);
+void austopwrite(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+	struct aupriv *p = (struct aupriv *) ft->priv;
+	if (!ft->seekable)
+		return;
+	if (fseek(ft->fp, 0L, 0) != 0)
+		fail("Can't rewind output file to rewrite Sun header.");
+	auwriteheader(ft, p->data_size);
+void auwriteheader(ft, data_size)
+ft_t ft;
+ULONG data_size;
+	ULONG magic;
+	ULONG hdr_size;
+	ULONG encoding;
+	ULONG sample_rate;
+	ULONG channels;
+	if (ft-> == ULAW && ft->info.size == BYTE)
+		encoding = SUN_ULAW;
+	else if (ft-> == SIGN2 && ft->info.size == BYTE)
+		encoding = SUN_LIN_8;
+	else if (ft-> == SIGN2 && ft->info.size == WORD)
+		encoding = SUN_LIN_16;
+	else {
+		report("Unsupported output style/size for Sun/NeXT header or .AU format not specified.");
+		report("Only U-law, signed bytes, and signed words are supported.");
+		report("Defaulting to 8khz u-law\n");
+		encoding = SUN_ULAW;
+		ft-> = ULAW;
+		ft->info.size = BYTE;
+		ft->info.rate = 8000;  /* strange but true */
+	}
+	magic = SUN_MAGIC;
+	wblong(ft, magic);
+	if (ft->comment == NULL)
+		ft->comment = "";
+	hdr_size = SUN_HDRSIZE + strlen(ft->comment);
+	wblong(ft, hdr_size);
+	wblong(ft, data_size);
+	wblong(ft, encoding);
+	sample_rate = ft->info.rate;
+	wblong(ft, sample_rate);
+	channels = ft->info.channels;
+	wblong(ft, channels);
+	fputs(ft->comment, ft->fp);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/auto.c
@@ -1,0 +1,83 @@
+ * May 19, 1992
+ * Copyright 1992 Guido van Rossum And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Guido van Rossum And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * A meta-handler that recognizes most file types by looking in the
+ * first part of the file.  The file must be seekable!
+ * (IRCAM sound files are not recognized -- these don't seem to be
+ * used any more -- but this is just laziness on my part.) 
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include <string.h>
+IMPORT void gettype();
+void autostartread(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+	char *type;
+	char header[132];
+	if (!ft->seekable)
+		fail("Type AUTO input must be a file, not a pipe");
+	if (fread(header, 1, sizeof header, ft->fp) != sizeof header)
+		fail("Type AUTO detects short file");
+	fseek(ft->fp, 0L - sizeof header, 1); /* Seek back */
+	type = 0;
+	if ((strncmp(header, ".snd", 4) == 0) ||
+	    (strncmp(header, "dns.", 4) == 0) ||
+	    ((header[0] == '\0') && (strncmp(header+1, "ds.", 3) == 0))) {
+		type = "au";
+	}
+	else if (strncmp(header, "FORM", 4) == 0) {
+		if (strncmp(header + 8, "AIFF", 4) == 0)
+			type = "aiff";
+		else if (strncmp(header + 8, "8SVX", 4) == 0)
+			type = "8svx";
+		else if (strncmp(header + 8, "MAUD", 4) == 0)
+			type = "maud";
+	}
+	else if (strncmp(header, "RIFF", 4) == 0 &&
+		 strncmp(header + 8, "WAVE", 4) == 0) {
+		type = "wav";
+	}
+	else if (strncmp(header, "Creative Voice File", 19) == 0) {
+		type = "voc";
+	}
+	else if (strncmp(header+65, "FSSD", 4) == 0 &&
+		 strncmp(header+128, "HCOM", 4) == 0) {
+		type = "hcom";
+	}
+	else if (strncmp(header, "SOUND", 5) == 0) {
+		type = "sndt";
+	}
+	else if (header[0] == 0 && header[1] == 0) {
+		int rate = (header[2] & 0xff) + ((header[3] & 0xff) << 8);
+		if (rate >= 4000 && rate <= 25000)
+			type = "sndr";
+	}
+  	if (type == 0) {
+  		printf("Type AUTO doesn't recognize this header\n");
+                printf("Trying: -t raw -r 11000 -b -u\n\n");
+                type = "raw";
+                ft->info.rate = 11000;
+                ft->info.size = BYTE;
+                ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+                }
+	report("Type AUTO changed to %s", type);
+	ft->filetype = type;
+	gettype(ft); /* Change ft->h to the new format */
+	(* ft->h->startread)(ft);
+void autostartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	fail("Type AUTO can only be used for input!");
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/avg.c
@@ -1,0 +1,266 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ *
+ * Channel duplication code by Graeme W. Gill - 93/5/18
+ */
+ * Sound Tools stereo/quad -> mono mixdown effect file.
+ * and mono/stereo -> stereo/quad channel duplication.
+ *
+ * What's in a center channel?
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct avgstuff {
+	int	mix;			/* How are we mixing it? */
+} *avg_t;
+#define MIX_CENTER	0
+#define MIX_LEFT	1
+#define MIX_RIGHT	2
+ * Process options
+ */
+void avg_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	avg_t avg = (avg_t) effp->priv;
+	/* NOTE :- should probably have a pan option for both */
+	/* 2 -> 1 and 1 -> 2 etc. conversion, rather than just */
+	/* left and right. If 4 channels is to be fully supported, */
+	/* front and back pan is also needed. (GWG) */
+	/* (should  at least have MIX_FRONT and MIX_BACK) */
+	avg->mix = MIX_CENTER;
+	if (n) {
+		if(!strcmp(argv[0], "-l"))
+			avg->mix = MIX_LEFT;
+		else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "-r"))
+			avg->mix = MIX_RIGHT;
+		else
+			fail("Usage: avg [ -l | -r ]");
+	}
+ * Start processing
+ */
+eff_t effp;
+	switch (effp->outinfo.channels) {
+		case 1: switch (effp->ininfo.channels) {
+			case 2: 
+			case 4:
+				return;
+		}
+		case 2: switch (effp->ininfo.channels) {
+			case 1:
+			case 4:
+				return;
+		}
+		case 4: switch (effp->ininfo.channels) {
+			case 1:
+			case 2:
+				return;
+		}
+	}
+	fail("Can't average %d channels into %d channels",
+		effp->ininfo.channels, effp->outinfo.channels);
+ * Process either isamp or osamp samples, whichever is smaller.
+ */
+void avg_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	avg_t avg = (avg_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	switch (effp->outinfo.channels) {
+		case 1: switch (effp->ininfo.channels) {
+			case 2:
+				/* average 2 channels into 1 */
+				len = ((*isamp/2 > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp/2);
+				switch(avg->mix) {
+				    case MIX_CENTER:
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						*obuf++ = ibuf[0]/2 + ibuf[1]/2;
+						ibuf += 2;
+					}
+					break;
+				    case MIX_LEFT:
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						*obuf++ = ibuf[0];
+						ibuf += 2;
+					}
+					break;
+				    case MIX_RIGHT:
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						*obuf++ = ibuf[1];
+						ibuf += 2;
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+				*isamp = len * 2;
+				*osamp = len;
+				break;
+			case 4:
+				/* average 4 channels into 1 */
+				len = ((*isamp/4 > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp/4);
+				switch(avg->mix) {
+				    case MIX_CENTER:
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						*obuf++ = ibuf[0]/4 + ibuf[1]/4 +
+							ibuf[2]/4 + ibuf[3]/4;
+						ibuf += 4;
+					}
+					break;
+				    case MIX_LEFT:
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						*obuf++ = ibuf[0]/2 + ibuf[2]/2;
+						ibuf += 4;
+					}
+					break;
+				    case MIX_RIGHT:
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						*obuf++ = ibuf[1]/2 + ibuf[3]/2;
+						ibuf += 4;
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+				*isamp = len * 4;
+				*osamp = len;
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 2: switch (effp->ininfo.channels) {
+			case 1:
+				/* duplicate 1 channel into 2 */
+				len = ((*isamp > *osamp/2) ? *osamp/2 : *isamp);
+				switch(avg->mix) {
+				    case MIX_CENTER:
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						obuf[0] = obuf[1] = ibuf[0];
+						ibuf += 1;
+						obuf += 2;
+					}
+					break;
+				    case MIX_LEFT:
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						obuf[0] = ibuf[0];
+						obuf[1] = 0;
+						ibuf += 1;
+						obuf += 2;
+					}
+					break;
+				    case MIX_RIGHT:
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						obuf[0] = 0;
+						obuf[1] = ibuf[0];
+						ibuf += 1;
+						obuf += 2;
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+				*isamp = len;
+				*osamp = len * 2;
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * After careful inspection of CSOUND source code,
+			 * I'm mildly sure the order is:
+			 * 	front-left, front-right, rear-left, rear-right
+			 */
+			case 4:
+				/* average 4 channels into 2 */
+				len = ((*isamp/4 > *osamp/2) ? *osamp/2 : *isamp/4);
+				for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+					obuf[0] = ibuf[0]/2 + ibuf[2]/2;
+					obuf[1] = ibuf[1]/2 + ibuf[3]/2;
+					ibuf += 4;
+					obuf += 2;
+				}
+				*isamp = len * 4;
+				*osamp = len * 2;
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 4: switch (effp->ininfo.channels) {
+			case 1:
+				/* duplicate 1 channel into 4 */
+				len = ((*isamp > *osamp/4) ? *osamp/4 : *isamp);
+				switch(avg->mix) {
+				    case MIX_CENTER:
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						obuf[0] = obuf[1] = 
+						obuf[2] = obuf[3] = ibuf[0];
+						ibuf += 1;
+						obuf += 4;
+					}
+					break;
+				    case MIX_LEFT:
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						obuf[0] = obuf[2] = ibuf[0];
+						obuf[1] = obuf[3] = 0;
+						ibuf += 1;
+						obuf += 4;
+					}
+					break;
+				    case MIX_RIGHT:
+					for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+						obuf[0] = obuf[2] = 0;
+						obuf[1] = obuf[3] = ibuf[0];
+						ibuf += 1;
+						obuf += 4;
+					}
+					break;
+				}
+				*isamp = len;
+				*osamp = len * 4;
+				break;
+			case 2:
+				/* duplicate 2 channels into 4 */
+				len = ((*isamp/2 > *osamp/4) ? *osamp/4 : *isamp/2);
+				for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+					obuf[0] = obuf[2] = ibuf[0];
+					obuf[1] = obuf[3] = ibuf[1];
+					ibuf += 2;
+					obuf += 4;
+				}
+				*isamp = len * 2;
+				*osamp = len * 4;
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+	}	/* end switch out channels */
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ *
+ * Should have statistics on right, left, and output amplitudes.
+ */
+void avg_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/band.c
@@ -1,0 +1,128 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools Bandpass effect file.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:  2nd order recursive filter.
+ * Formula stolen from MUSIC56K, a toolkit of 56000 assembler stuff.
+ * Quote:
+ *   This is a 2nd order recursive band pass filter of the form.                
+ *   y(n)= a * x(n) - b * y(n-1) - c * y(n-2)   
+ *   where :    
+ *        x(n) = "IN"           
+ *        "OUT" = y(n)          
+ *        c = EXP(-2*pi*cBW/S_RATE)             
+ *        b = -4*c/(1+c)*COS(2*pi*cCF/S_RATE)   
+ *   if cSCL=2 (i.e. noise input)               
+ *        a = SQT(((1+c)*(1+c)-b*b)*(1-c)/(1+c))                
+ *   else       
+ *        a = SQT(1-b*b/(4*c))*(1-c)            
+ *   endif      
+ *   note :     cCF is the center frequency in Hertz            
+ *        cBW is the band width in Hertz        
+ *        cSCL is a scale factor, use 1 for pitched sounds      
+ *   use 2 for noise.           
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for Bandpass effect */
+typedef struct bandstuff {
+	float	center;
+	float	width;
+	double	A, B, C;
+	double	out1, out2;
+	short	noise;
+	/* 50 bytes of data, 52 bytes long for allocation purposes. */
+} *band_t;
+ * Process options
+ */
+void band_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	band_t band = (band_t) effp->priv;
+	band->noise = 0;
+	if (n > 0 && !strcmp(argv[0], "-n")) {
+		band->noise = 1;
+		n--;
+		argv++;
+	}
+	if ((n < 1) || !sscanf(argv[0], "%f", &band->center))
+		fail("Usage: band [ -n ] center [ width ]");
+	band->width = band->center / 2;
+	if ((n >= 2) && !sscanf(argv[1], "%f", &band->width))
+		fail("Usage: band [ -n ] center [ width ]");
+ * Prepare processing.
+ */
+void band_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	band_t band = (band_t) effp->priv;
+	if (band->center > effp->ininfo.rate/2)
+		fail("Band: center must be < minimum data rate/2\n");
+	band->C = exp(-2*M_PI*band->width/effp->ininfo.rate);
+	band->B = -4*band->C/(1+band->C)*
+		cos(2*M_PI*band->center/effp->ininfo.rate);
+	if (band->noise)
+		band->A = sqrt(((1+band->C)*(1+band->C)-band->B *
+			band->B)*(1-band->C)/(1+band->C));
+	else
+		band->A = sqrt(1-band->B*band->B/(4*band->C))*(1-band->C);
+	band->out1 = band->out2 = 0.0;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void band_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	band_t band = (band_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	double d;
+	LONG l;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	/* yeah yeah yeah registers & integer arithmetic yeah yeah yeah */
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		l = *ibuf++;
+		d = (band->A * l - band->B * band->out1) - band->C * band->out2;
+		band->out2 = band->out1;
+		band->out1 = d;
+		*obuf++ = d;
+	}
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void band_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cdr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,149 @@
+ * CD-R format handler
+ *
+ * David Elliott, Sony Microsystems -  July 5, 1991
+ *
+ * Copyright 1991 David Elliott And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ *
+ * This code automatically handles endianness differences
+ *
+ * cbagwell ([email protected]) - 20 April 1998
+ *
+ *   Changed endianness handling.  Seemed to be reversed (since format
+ *   is in big endian) and made it so that user could always override
+ *   swapping no matter what endian machine they are one.
+ *
+ *   Fixed bug were trash could be appended to end of file for certain
+ *   endian machines.
+ *
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#define SECTORSIZE	(2352 / 2)
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct cdrstuff {
+	LONG	samples;	/* number of samples written */
+} *cdr_t;
+LONG rawread(P3(ft_t, LONG *, LONG));
+void rawwrite(P3(ft_t, LONG *, LONG));
+ * Do anything required before you start reading samples.
+ * Read file header. 
+ *	Find out sampling rate, 
+ *	size and style of samples, 
+ *	mono/stereo/quad.
+ */
+void cdrstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	int     littlendian = 1;
+	char    *endptr;
+	endptr = (char *) &littlendian;
+	/* CDR is in Big Endian format.  Swap whats read in on */
+        /* Little Endian machines.                             */
+	if (*endptr)
+	{ 
+	    ft->swap = ft->swap ? 0 : 1;
+	}
+	ft->info.rate = 44100L;
+	ft->info.size = WORD;
+	ft-> = SIGN2;
+	ft->info.channels = 2;
+	ft->comment = NULL;
+ * Read up to len samples from file.
+ * Convert to signed longs.
+ * Place in buf[].
+ * Return number of samples read.
+ */
+LONG cdrread(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	return rawread(ft, buf, len);
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void cdrstopread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+void cdrstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	cdr_t cdr = (cdr_t) ft->priv;
+	int     littlendian = 1;
+	char    *endptr;
+	endptr = (char *) &littlendian;
+	/* CDR is in Big Endian format.  Swap whats written out on */
+	/* Little Endian Machines.                                 */
+	if (*endptr) 
+	{
+	    ft->swap = ft->swap ? 0 : 1;
+	}
+	cdr->samples = 0;
+	ft->info.rate = 44100L;
+	ft->info.size = WORD;
+	ft-> = SIGN2;
+	ft->info.channels = 2;
+void cdrwrite(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	cdr_t cdr = (cdr_t) ft->priv;
+	cdr->samples += len;
+	rawwrite(ft, buf, len);
+ * A CD-R file needs to be padded to SECTORSIZE, which is in terms of
+ * samples.  We write -32768 for each sample to pad it out.
+ */
+void cdrstopwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	cdr_t cdr = (cdr_t) ft->priv;
+	int padsamps = SECTORSIZE - (cdr->samples % SECTORSIZE);
+	short zero;
+	zero = 0;
+	if (padsamps == SECTORSIZE) {
+		return;
+	}
+	while (padsamps > 0) {
+		wshort(ft, zero);
+		padsamps--;
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chorus.c
@@ -1,0 +1,356 @@
+ * August 24, 1998
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Juergen Mueller And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Juergen Mueller And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * 	Chorus effect.
+ * 
+ * Flow diagram scheme for n delays ( 1 <= n <= MAX_CHORUS ):
+ *
+ *        * gain-in                                           ___
+ * ibuff -----+--------------------------------------------->|   |
+ *            |      _________                               |   |
+ *            |     |         |                   * decay 1  |   |
+ *            +---->| delay 1 |----------------------------->|   |
+ *            |     |_________|                              |   |
+ *            |        /|\                                   |   |
+ *            :         |                                    |   |
+ *            : +-----------------+   +--------------+       | + |
+ *            : | Delay control 1 |<--| mod. speed 1 |       |   |
+ *            : +-----------------+   +--------------+       |   |
+ *            |      _________                               |   |
+ *            |     |         |                   * decay n  |   |
+ *            +---->| delay n |----------------------------->|   |
+ *                  |_________|                              |   |
+ *                     /|\                                   |___|
+ *                      |                                      |  
+ *              +-----------------+   +--------------+         | * gain-out
+ *              | Delay control n |<--| mod. speed n |         |
+ *              +-----------------+   +--------------+         +----->obuff
+ *
+ *
+ * The delay i is controled by a sine or triangle modulation i ( 1 <= i <= n).
+ *
+ * Usage: 
+ *   chorus gain-in gain-out delay-1 decay-1 speed-1 depth-1 -s1|t1 [
+ *       delay-2 decay-2 speed-2 depth-2 -s2|-t2 ... ]
+ *
+ * Where:
+ *   gain-in, decay-1 ... decay-n :  0.0 ... 1.0      volume
+ *   gain-out :  0.0 ...      volume
+ *   delay-1 ... delay-n :  20.0 ... 100.0 msec
+ *   speed-1 ... speed-n :  0.1 ... 5.0 Hz       modulation 1 ... n
+ *   depth-1 ... depth-n :  0.0 ... 10.0 msec    modulated delay 1 ... n
+ *   -s1 ... -sn : modulation by sine 1 ... n
+ *   -t1 ... -tn : modulation by triangle 1 ... n
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   when decay is close to 1.0, the samples can begin clipping and the output
+ *   can saturate! 
+ *
+ * Hint:
+ *   1 / out-gain < gain-in ( 1 + decay-1 + ... + decay-n )
+ *
+ * Sound Tools chorus effect file.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* Harmless, and prototypes atof() etc. --dgc */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "st.h"
+#define MOD_SINE	0
+#define MOD_TRIANGLE	1
+#define MAX_CHORUS	7
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct chorusstuff {
+	int	num_chorus;
+	int	modulation[MAX_CHORUS];
+	int	counter;			
+	long	phase[MAX_CHORUS];
+	float	*chorusbuf;
+	float	in_gain, out_gain;
+	float	delay[MAX_CHORUS], decay[MAX_CHORUS];
+	float	speed[MAX_CHORUS], depth[MAX_CHORUS];
+	long	length[MAX_CHORUS];
+	int	*lookup_tab[MAX_CHORUS];
+	int	depth_samples[MAX_CHORUS], samples[MAX_CHORUS];
+	int	maxsamples, fade_out;
+} *chorus_t;
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+LONG chorus_clip24(l)
+LONG l;
+	if (l >= ((LONG)1 << 24))
+		return ((LONG)1 << 24) - 1;
+	else if (l <= -((LONG)1 << 24))
+		return -((LONG)1 << 24) + 1;
+	else
+		return l;
+/* This was very painful.  We need a sine library. */
+void chorus_sine(buf, len, max, depth)
+int *buf;
+long len;
+int max;
+int depth;
+	long i;
+	int offset;
+	double val;
+	offset = max - depth;
+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+		val = sin((double)i/(double)len * 2.0 * M_PI);
+		buf[i] = offset + (int) (val * (double)depth);
+	}
+void chorus_triangle(buf, len, max, depth)
+int *buf;
+long len;
+int max;
+int depth;
+	long i;
+	int offset;
+	double val;
+	offset = max - 2 * depth;
+	for (i = 0; i < len / 2; i++) {
+		val = i * 2.0 / len;
+		buf[i] = offset + (int) (val * 2.0 * (double)depth);
+	}
+	for (i = len / 2; i < len ; i++) {
+		val = (len - i) * 2.0 / len;
+		buf[i] = offset + (int) (val * 2.0 * (double)depth);
+	}
+ * Process options
+ */
+void chorus_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	chorus_t chorus = (chorus_t) effp->priv;
+	int i;
+	chorus->num_chorus = 0;
+	i = 0;
+	if ( ( n < 7 ) || (( n - 2 ) % 5 ) )
+	    fail("Usage: chorus gain-in gain-out delay decay speed depth [ -s | -t ]");
+	sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &chorus->in_gain);
+	sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &chorus->out_gain);
+	while ( i < n ) {
+		if ( chorus->num_chorus > MAX_CHORUS )
+			fail("chorus: to many delays, use less than %i delays", MAX_CHORUS);
+		sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &chorus->delay[chorus->num_chorus]);
+		sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &chorus->decay[chorus->num_chorus]);
+		sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &chorus->speed[chorus->num_chorus]);
+		sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &chorus->depth[chorus->num_chorus]);
+		if ( !strcmp(argv[i], "-s"))
+			chorus->modulation[chorus->num_chorus] = MOD_SINE;
+		else if ( ! strcmp(argv[i], "-t"))
+			chorus->modulation[chorus->num_chorus] = MOD_TRIANGLE;
+		else
+    			fail("Usage: chorus gain-in gain-out delay decay speed [ -s | -t ]");
+		i++;
+		chorus->num_chorus++;
+	}
+ * Prepare for processing.
+ */
+void chorus_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	chorus_t chorus = (chorus_t) effp->priv;
+	int i;
+	float sum_in_volume;
+	chorus->maxsamples = 0;
+	if ( chorus->in_gain < 0.0 )
+		fail("chorus: gain-in must be positive!\n");
+	if ( chorus->in_gain > 1.0 )
+		fail("chorus: gain-in must be less than 1.0!\n");
+	if ( chorus->out_gain < 0.0 )
+		fail("chorus: gain-out must be positive!\n");
+	for ( i = 0; i < chorus->num_chorus; i++ ) {
+		chorus->samples[i] = (int) ( ( chorus->delay[i] + 
+			chorus->depth[i] ) * effp->ininfo.rate / 1000.0);
+		chorus->depth_samples[i] = (int) (chorus->depth[i] * 
+			effp->ininfo.rate / 1000.0);
+		if ( chorus->delay[i] < 20.0 )
+	    		fail("chorus: delay must be more than 20.0 msec!\n");
+		if ( chorus->delay[i] > 100.0 )
+	    		fail("chorus: delay must be less than 100.0 msec!\n");
+		if ( chorus->speed[i] < 0.1 )
+	    		fail("chorus: speed must be more than 0.1 Hz!\n");
+		if ( chorus->speed[i] > 5.0 )
+	    		fail("chorus: speed must be less than 5.0 Hz!\n");
+		if ( chorus->depth[i] < 0.0 )
+	    		fail("chorus: delay must be more positive!\n");
+		if ( chorus->depth[i] > 10.0 )
+	    		fail("chorus: delay must be less than 10.0 msec!\n");
+		if ( chorus->decay[i] < 0.0 )
+	    		fail("chorus: decay must be positive!\n" );
+		if ( chorus->decay[i] > 1.0 )
+	    		fail("chorus: decay must be less that 1.0!\n" );
+		chorus->length[i] = effp->ininfo.rate / chorus->speed[i];
+		if (! (chorus->lookup_tab[i] = 
+			(int *) malloc(sizeof (int) * chorus->length[i])))
+			fail("chorus: Cannot malloc %d bytes!\n", 
+				sizeof(int) * chorus->length[i]);
+		if ( chorus->modulation[i] == MOD_SINE )
+			chorus_sine(chorus->lookup_tab[i], chorus->length[i], 
+				chorus->samples[i] - 1, chorus->depth_samples[i]);
+		else
+			chorus_triangle(chorus->lookup_tab[i], chorus->length[i], 
+				chorus->samples[i] - 1, chorus->depth_samples[i]);
+		chorus->phase[i] = 0;
+		if ( chorus->samples[i] > chorus->maxsamples )
+			chorus->maxsamples = chorus->samples[i];
+	}
+	/* Be nice and check the hint with warning, if... */
+	sum_in_volume = 1.0;
+	for ( i = 0; i < chorus->num_chorus; i++ )
+		sum_in_volume += chorus->decay[i];
+	if ( chorus->in_gain * ( sum_in_volume ) > 1.0 / chorus->out_gain )
+	warn("chorus: warning >>> gain-out can cause saturation or clipping of output <<<");
+	if (! (chorus->chorusbuf = 
+		(float *) malloc(sizeof (float) * chorus->maxsamples)))
+		fail("chorus: Cannot malloc %d bytes!\n", 
+			sizeof(float) * chorus->maxsamples);
+	for ( i = 0; i < chorus->maxsamples; i++ )
+		chorus->chorusbuf[i] = 0.0;
+	chorus->counter = 0;
+	chorus->fade_out = chorus->maxsamples;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void chorus_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	chorus_t chorus = (chorus_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	int i;
+	float d_in, d_out;
+	LONG out;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		/* Store delays as 24-bit signed longs */
+		d_in = (float) *ibuf++ / 256;
+		/* Compute output first */
+		d_out = d_in * chorus->in_gain;
+		for ( i = 0; i < chorus->num_chorus; i++ )
+			d_out += chorus->chorusbuf[(chorus->maxsamples + 
+		        chorus->counter - chorus->lookup_tab[i][chorus->phase[i]]) % 
+			chorus->maxsamples] * chorus->decay[i];
+		/* Adjust the output volume and size to 24 bit */
+		d_out = d_out * chorus->out_gain;
+		out = chorus_clip24((LONG) d_out);
+		*obuf++ = out * 256;
+		/* Mix decay of delay and input */
+		chorus->chorusbuf[chorus->counter] = d_in;
+		chorus->counter = 
+			( chorus->counter + 1 ) % chorus->maxsamples;
+		for ( i = 0; i < chorus->num_chorus; i++ )
+			chorus->phase[i]  = 
+				( chorus->phase[i] + 1 ) % chorus->length[i];
+	}
+	/* processed all samples */
+ * Drain out reverb lines. 
+ */
+void chorus_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *obuf;
+int *osamp;
+	chorus_t chorus = (chorus_t) effp->priv;
+	int done;
+	int i;
+	float d_in, d_out;
+	LONG out;
+	done = 0;
+	while ( ( done < *osamp ) && ( done < chorus->fade_out ) ) {
+		d_in = 0;
+		d_out = 0;
+		/* Compute output first */
+		for ( i = 0; i < chorus->num_chorus; i++ )
+			d_out += chorus->chorusbuf[(chorus->maxsamples + 
+		chorus->counter - chorus->lookup_tab[i][chorus->phase[i]]) % 
+		chorus->maxsamples] * chorus->decay[i];
+		/* Adjust the output volume and size to 24 bit */
+		d_out = d_out * chorus->out_gain;
+		out = chorus_clip24((LONG) d_out);
+		*obuf++ = out * 256;
+		/* Mix decay of delay and input */
+		chorus->chorusbuf[chorus->counter] = d_in;
+		chorus->counter = 
+			( chorus->counter + 1 ) % chorus->maxsamples;
+		for ( i = 0; i < chorus->num_chorus; i++ )
+			chorus->phase[i]  = 
+				( chorus->phase[i] + 1 ) % chorus->length[i];
+		done++;
+		chorus->fade_out--;
+	}
+	/* samples played, it remains */
+	*osamp = done;
+ * Clean up chorus effect.
+ */
+void chorus_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	chorus_t chorus = (chorus_t) effp->priv;
+	int i;
+	free((char *) chorus->chorusbuf);
+	chorus->chorusbuf = (float *) -1;   /* guaranteed core dump */
+	for ( i = 0; i < chorus->num_chorus; i++ ) {
+		free((char *) chorus->lookup_tab[i]);
+		chorus->lookup_tab[i] = (int *) -1;   /* guaranteed core dump */
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/copy.c
@@ -1,0 +1,70 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools skeleton effect file.
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+ * Process options
+ */
+void copy_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	if (n)
+		fail("Copy effect takes no options.");
+ * Start processing
+ */
+void copy_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
+	/* stuff data into delaying effects here */
+ * Read up to len samples from file.
+ * Convert to signed longs.
+ * Place in buf[].
+ * Return number of samples read.
+ */
+void copy_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	int done;
+	done = ((*isamp < *osamp) ? *isamp : *osamp);
+	memcpy(obuf, ibuf, done * sizeof(LONG));
+	*isamp = *osamp = done;
+	return;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void copy_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cvsd.c
@@ -1,0 +1,636 @@
+ *      CVSD (Continuously Variable Slope Delta modulation)
+ *      conversion routines
+ *
+ *      The CVSD format is described in the MIL Std 188 113, which is
+ *      available from
+ *
+ *	Copyright (C) 1996  
+ *      Thomas Sailer ([email protected]) (HB9JNX/AE4WA)
+ *      Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Electronics Lab
+ *
+ *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *	the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *	(at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *	GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *	Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * Change History:
+ *
+ * June 1, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+ *   Fixed compile warnings reported by Kjetil Torgrim Homme
+ *   <[email protected]>
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#ifndef SEEK_SET
+#define SEEK_SET 0		/* nasty nasty */
+#endif /* SEEK_SET */
+#include "cvsdfilt.h"
+#include "st.h"
+#include "libst.h"
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define memmove(dest,src,len) (bcopy((src),(dest),(len)))
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * private data structures
+ */
+struct cvsd_common_state {
+	unsigned overload;
+	float mla_int;
+	float mla_tc0;
+	float mla_tc1;
+	unsigned phase;
+	unsigned phase_inc;
+	float v_min, v_max;
+struct cvsd_decode_state {
+	float output_filter[DEC_FILTERLEN];
+struct cvsd_encode_state {
+	float recon_int;
+	float input_filter[ENC_FILTERLEN];
+struct cvsdpriv {
+	struct cvsd_common_state com;
+	union {
+		struct cvsd_decode_state dec;
+		struct cvsd_encode_state enc;
+	} c;
+	struct {
+		unsigned shreg;
+		unsigned mask;
+		unsigned cnt;
+	} bit;
+	unsigned bytes_written;
+	unsigned cvsd_rate;
+	char swapbits;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+float float_conv(fp1, fp2, n)
+float *fp1;
+float *fp2;
+int n;
+	float res = 0;
+	for(; n > 0; n--)
+		res += (*fp1++) * (*fp2++);
+	return res;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * some remarks about the implementation of the CVSD decoder
+ * the principal integrator is integrated into the output filter
+ * to achieve this, the coefficients of the output filter are multiplied
+ * with (1/(1-1/z)) in the initialisation code.
+ * the output filter must have a sharp zero at f=0 (i.e. the sum of the
+ * filter parameters must be zero). This prevents an accumulation of
+ * DC voltage at the principal integration.
+ */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void cvsdstartcommon(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+	struct cvsdpriv *p = (struct cvsdpriv *) ft->priv;
+	/* sanity check */
+	if (sizeof(struct cvsdpriv) > PRIVSIZE)
+		fail("struct cvsdpriv is too big (%d); change PRIVSIZE in st.h and recompile sox", sizeof(struct cvsdpriv));
+	p->cvsd_rate = (ft->info.rate <= 24000) ? 16000 : 32000;
+	ft->info.rate = 8000;
+	ft->info.channels = 1;
+	ft->info.size = WORD; /* make output format default to words */
+	ft-> = SIGN2;
+	p->swapbits = ft->swap;
+	ft->swap = 0;
+	/*
+	 * initialize the decoder
+	 */
+	p->com.overload = 0x5;
+	p->com.mla_int = 0;
+	/*
+	 * timeconst = (1/e)^(200 / SR) = exp(-200/SR)
+	 * SR is the sampling rate
+	 */
+	p->com.mla_tc0 = exp((-200.0)/((float)(p->cvsd_rate)));
+	/*
+	 * phase_inc = 32000 / SR
+	 */
+	p->com.phase_inc = 32000 / p->cvsd_rate;
+	/*
+	 * initialize bit shift register
+	 */
+	p->bit.shreg = p->bit.cnt = 0;
+	p->bit.mask = p->swapbits ? 0x80 : 1;
+	/*
+	 * count the bytes written
+	 */
+	p->bytes_written = 0;
+	p->com.v_min = 1;
+	p->com.v_max = -1;
+	report("cvsd: bit rate %dbit/s, bits from %s\n", p->cvsd_rate,
+	       p->swapbits ? "msb to lsb" : "lsb to msb");
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void cvsdstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	struct cvsdpriv *p = (struct cvsdpriv *) ft->priv;
+	float *fp1;
+	int i;
+	cvsdstartcommon(ft);
+	p->com.mla_tc1 = 0.1 * (1 - p->com.mla_tc0);
+	p->com.phase = 0;
+	/*
+	 * initialize the output filter coeffs (i.e. multiply
+	 * the coeffs with (1/(1-1/z)) to achieve integration
+	 * this is now done in the filter parameter generation utility
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * zero the filter 
+	 */
+	for(fp1 = p->c.dec.output_filter, i = DEC_FILTERLEN; i > 0; i--)
+		*fp1++ = 0;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void cvsdstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	struct cvsdpriv *p = (struct cvsdpriv *) ft->priv;
+	float *fp1;
+	int i;
+	cvsdstartcommon(ft);
+	p->com.mla_tc1 = 0.1 * (1 - p->com.mla_tc0);
+	p->com.phase = 4;
+	/*
+	 * zero the filter 
+	 */
+	for(fp1 = p->c.enc.input_filter, i = ENC_FILTERLEN; i > 0; i--)
+		*fp1++ = 0;
+	p->c.enc.recon_int = 0;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ft_t ft;
+	struct cvsdpriv *p = (struct cvsdpriv *) ft->priv;
+	if (p->bit.cnt) {
+		putc(p->bit.shreg, ft->fp);
+		p->bytes_written++;
+	}
+	report("cvsd: min slope %f, max slope %f\n", 
+	       p->com.v_min, p->com.v_max);	
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ft_t ft;
+	struct cvsdpriv *p = (struct cvsdpriv *) ft->priv;
+	report("cvsd: min value %f, max value %f\n", 
+	       p->com.v_min, p->com.v_max);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#undef DEBUG
+#ifdef DEBUG
+static struct {
+	FILE *f1;
+	FILE *f2;
+	int cnt
+} dbg = { NULL, NULL, 0 };
+LONG cvsdread(ft, buf, nsamp) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, nsamp;
+	struct cvsdpriv *p = (struct cvsdpriv *) ft->priv;
+	int done = 0;
+	float oval;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	if (!dbg.f1) {
+		if (!(dbg.f1 = fopen("dbg1", "w")))
+			fail("debugging");
+		fprintf(dbg.f1, "\"input\"\n");
+	}
+	if (!dbg.f2) {
+		if (!(dbg.f2 = fopen("dbg2", "w")))
+			fail("debugging");
+		fprintf(dbg.f2, "\"recon\"\n");
+	}
+	while (done < nsamp) {
+		if (!p->bit.cnt) {
+			p->bit.shreg = getc(ft->fp);
+			if (feof(ft->fp))
+				return done;
+			p->bit.cnt = 8;
+			p->bit.mask = p->swapbits ? 0x80 : 1;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * handle one bit
+		 */
+		p->bit.cnt--;
+		p->com.overload = ((p->com.overload << 1) | 
+				   (!!(p->bit.shreg & p->bit.mask))) & 7;
+		if (p->swapbits)
+			p->bit.mask >>= 1;
+		else
+			p->bit.mask <<= 1;
+		p->com.mla_int *= p->com.mla_tc0;
+		if ((p->com.overload == 0) || (p->com.overload == 7))
+			p->com.mla_int += p->com.mla_tc1;
+		memmove(p->c.dec.output_filter+1, p->c.dec.output_filter,
+			sizeof(p->c.dec.output_filter)-sizeof(float));
+		if (p->com.overload & 1)
+			p->c.dec.output_filter[0] = p->com.mla_int;
+		else
+			p->c.dec.output_filter[0] = -p->com.mla_int;
+		/*
+		 * check if the next output is due
+		 */
+		p->com.phase += p->com.phase_inc;
+		if (p->com.phase >= 4) {
+			oval = float_conv(p->c.dec.output_filter, 
+					  (p->cvsd_rate < 24000) ? 
+					  dec_filter_16 : dec_filter_32, 
+#ifdef DEBUG
+			fprintf(dbg.f1, "%f %f\n", (double)dbg.cnt, 
+				(double)p->com.mla_int);
+			fprintf(dbg.f2, "%f %f\n", (double)dbg.cnt, 
+				(double)oval);
+			dbg.cnt++;
+			if (oval > p->com.v_max)
+				p->com.v_max = oval;
+			if (oval < p->com.v_min)
+				p->com.v_min = oval;
+			*buf++ = (oval * ((float)LONG_MAX));
+			done++;
+		}
+		p->com.phase &= 3;
+	}
+	return done;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+cvsdwrite(ft, buf, nsamp) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, nsamp;
+	struct cvsdpriv *p = (struct cvsdpriv *) ft->priv;
+	int done = 0;
+	float inval;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	if (!dbg.f1) {
+		if (!(dbg.f1 = fopen("dbg1", "w")))
+			fail("debugging");
+		fprintf(dbg.f1, "\"input\"\n");
+	}
+	if (!dbg.f2) {
+		if (!(dbg.f2 = fopen("dbg2", "w")))
+			fail("debugging");
+		fprintf(dbg.f2, "\"recon\"\n");
+	}
+	for(;;) {
+		/*
+		 * check if the next input is due
+		 */
+		if (p->com.phase >= 4) {
+			if (done >= nsamp)
+				return;
+			memmove(p->c.enc.input_filter+1, p->c.enc.input_filter,
+				sizeof(p->c.enc.input_filter)-sizeof(float));
+			p->c.enc.input_filter[0] = (*buf++) / 
+				((float)LONG_MAX);
+			done++;
+		}
+		p->com.phase &= 3;
+		/* insert input filter here! */
+		inval = float_conv(p->c.enc.input_filter, 
+				   (p->cvsd_rate < 24000) ? 
+				   (enc_filter_16[(p->com.phase >= 2)]) : 
+				   (enc_filter_32[p->com.phase]), 
+		/*
+		 * encode one bit
+		 */
+		p->com.overload = (((p->com.overload << 1) |
+				    (inval >  p->c.enc.recon_int)) & 7);
+		p->com.mla_int *= p->com.mla_tc0;
+		if ((p->com.overload == 0) || (p->com.overload == 7))
+			p->com.mla_int += p->com.mla_tc1;
+		if (p->com.mla_int > p->com.v_max)
+			p->com.v_max = p->com.mla_int;
+		if (p->com.mla_int < p->com.v_min)
+			p->com.v_min = p->com.mla_int;
+		if (p->com.overload & 1) {
+			p->c.enc.recon_int += p->com.mla_int;
+			p->bit.shreg |= p->bit.mask;
+		} else
+			p->c.enc.recon_int -= p->com.mla_int;
+		if ((++(p->bit.cnt)) >= 8) {
+			putc(p->bit.shreg, ft->fp);
+			p->bytes_written++;
+			p->bit.shreg = p->bit.cnt = 0;
+			p->bit.mask = p->swapbits ? 0x80 : 1;
+		} else {
+			if (p->swapbits)
+				p->bit.mask >>= 1;
+			else
+				p->bit.mask <<= 1;
+		}
+		p->com.phase += p->com.phase_inc;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+		fprintf(dbg.f1, "%f %f\n", (double)dbg.cnt, (double)inval);
+		fprintf(dbg.f2, "%f %f\n", (double)dbg.cnt, 
+			(double)p->c.enc.recon_int);
+		dbg.cnt++;
+	}
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * DVMS file header
+ */
+struct dvms_header {
+	char          Filename[14];
+	unsigned      Id;
+	unsigned      State;
+	time_t        Unixtime;
+	unsigned      Usender;
+	unsigned      Ureceiver;
+	ULONG	      Length;
+	unsigned      Srate;
+	unsigned      Days;
+	unsigned      Custom1;
+	unsigned      Custom2;
+	char          Info[16];
+	char          extend[64];
+	unsigned      Crc;
+#define DVMS_HEADER_LEN 120
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static ULONG get32(p)
+unsigned char **p;
+	ULONG val = (((*p)[3]) << 24) | (((*p)[2]) << 16) | 
+		(((*p)[1]) << 8) | (**p);
+	(*p) += 4;
+	return val;
+static unsigned get16(p)
+unsigned char **p;
+	unsigned val = (((*p)[1]) << 8) | (**p);
+	(*p) += 2;
+	return val;
+static void put32(p, val)
+unsigned char **p;
+ULONG val;
+	*(*p)++ = val & 0xff;
+	*(*p)++ = (val >> 8) & 0xff;
+	*(*p)++ = (val >> 16) & 0xff;
+	*(*p)++ = (val >> 24) & 0xff;
+static void put16(p, val)
+unsigned char **p;
+unsigned val;
+	*(*p)++ = val & 0xff;
+	*(*p)++ = (val >> 8) & 0xff;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void dvms_read_header(f, hdr)
+FILE *f;
+struct dvms_header *hdr;
+	unsigned char hdrbuf[DVMS_HEADER_LEN];
+	unsigned char *pch = hdrbuf;
+	int i;
+	unsigned sum;
+	if (fread(hdrbuf, sizeof(hdrbuf), 1, f) != 1)
+		fail("unable to read DVMS header\n");
+	for(i = sizeof(hdrbuf), sum = 0; i > /*2*/3; i--) /* Deti bug */
+		sum += *pch++;
+	pch = hdrbuf;
+	memcpy(hdr->Filename, pch, sizeof(hdr->Filename));
+	pch += sizeof(hdr->Filename);
+	hdr->Id = get16(&pch);
+	hdr->State = get16(&pch);
+	hdr->Unixtime = get32(&pch);
+	hdr->Usender = get16(&pch);
+	hdr->Ureceiver = get16(&pch);
+	hdr->Length = get32(&pch);
+	hdr->Srate = get16(&pch);
+	hdr->Days = get16(&pch);
+	hdr->Custom1 = get16(&pch);
+	hdr->Custom2 = get16(&pch);
+	memcpy(hdr->Info, pch, sizeof(hdr->Info));
+	pch += sizeof(hdr->Info);
+	memcpy(hdr->extend, pch, sizeof(hdr->extend));
+	pch += sizeof(hdr->extend);
+	hdr->Crc = get16(&pch);
+	if (sum != hdr->Crc) 
+		fail("DVMS header checksum error, read %u, calculated %u\n",
+		     hdr->Crc, sum);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * note! file must be seekable
+ */
+static void dvms_write_header(f, hdr)
+FILE *f;
+struct dvms_header *hdr;
+	unsigned char hdrbuf[DVMS_HEADER_LEN];
+	unsigned char *pch = hdrbuf;
+	unsigned char *pchs = hdrbuf;
+	int i;
+	unsigned sum;
+	memcpy(pch, hdr->Filename, sizeof(hdr->Filename));
+	pch += sizeof(hdr->Filename);
+	put16(&pch, hdr->Id);
+	put16(&pch, hdr->State);
+	put32(&pch, hdr->Unixtime);
+	put16(&pch, hdr->Usender);
+	put16(&pch, hdr->Ureceiver);
+	put32(&pch, hdr->Length);
+	put16(&pch, hdr->Srate);
+	put16(&pch, hdr->Days);
+	put16(&pch, hdr->Custom1);
+	put16(&pch, hdr->Custom2);
+	memcpy(pch, hdr->Info, sizeof(hdr->Info));
+	pch += sizeof(hdr->Info);
+	memcpy(pch, hdr->extend, sizeof(hdr->extend));
+	pch += sizeof(hdr->extend);
+	for(i = sizeof(hdrbuf), sum = 0; i > /*2*/3; i--) /* Deti bug */
+		sum += *pchs++;
+	hdr->Crc = sum;
+	put16(&pch, hdr->Crc);
+	if (fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET) < 0)
+		fail("cannot write DVMS header, seek failed\n");
+	if (fwrite(hdrbuf, sizeof(hdrbuf), 1, f) != 1)
+		fail("cannot write DVMS header\n");
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static void make_dvms_hdr(ft, hdr)
+ft_t ft;
+struct dvms_header *hdr;
+	struct cvsdpriv *p = (struct cvsdpriv *) ft->priv;
+	int len;
+	memset(hdr->Filename, 0, sizeof(hdr->Filename));
+	len = strlen(ft->filename);
+	if (len >= sizeof(hdr->Filename))
+		len = sizeof(hdr->Filename)-1;
+	memcpy(hdr->Filename, ft->filename, len);
+	hdr->Id = hdr->State = 0;
+	hdr->Unixtime = time(NULL);
+	hdr->Usender = hdr->Ureceiver = 0;
+	hdr->Length = p->bytes_written;
+	hdr->Srate = p->cvsd_rate/100;
+	hdr->Days = hdr->Custom1 = hdr->Custom2 = 0;
+	memset(hdr->Info, 0, sizeof(hdr->Info));
+	len = strlen(ft->comment);
+	if (len >= sizeof(hdr->Info))
+		len = sizeof(hdr->Info)-1;
+	memcpy(hdr->Info, ft->comment, len);
+	memset(hdr->extend, 0, sizeof(hdr->extend));
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void dvmsstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	struct cvsdpriv *p = (struct cvsdpriv *) ft->priv;
+	struct dvms_header hdr;
+	dvms_read_header(ft->fp, &hdr);
+	report("DVMS header of source file \"%s\":");
+	report("  filename  \"%.14s\"",ft->filename);
+        report("  id        0x%x", hdr.Filename);
+	report("  state     0x%x", hdr.Id, hdr.State);
+	report("  time      %s",ctime(&hdr.Unixtime)); /* ctime generates lf */
+	report("  usender   %u", hdr.Usender);
+	report("  ureceiver %u", hdr.Ureceiver);
+	report("  length    %u", hdr.Length);
+	report("  srate     %u", hdr.Srate);
+	report("  days      %u", hdr.Days);
+	report("  custom1   %u", hdr.Custom1);
+	report("  custom2   %u", hdr.Custom2);
+	report("  info      \"%.16s\"\n", hdr.Info);
+	ft->info.rate = (hdr.Srate < 240) ? 16000 : 32000;
+	report("DVMS rate %dbit/s using %dbit/s deviation %d%%\n", 
+	       hdr.Srate*100, ft->info.rate, 
+	       ((ft->info.rate - hdr.Srate*100) * 100) / ft->info.rate);
+	cvsdstartread(ft);
+	p->swapbits = 0;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void dvmsstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	struct cvsdpriv *p = (struct cvsdpriv *) ft->priv;
+	struct dvms_header hdr;
+	cvsdstartwrite(ft);
+	make_dvms_hdr(ft, &hdr);
+	dvms_write_header(ft->fp, &hdr);
+	if (!ft->seekable)
+	       warn("Length in output .DVMS header will wrong since can't seek to fix it");
+	p->swapbits = 0;
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ft_t ft;
+	struct dvms_header hdr;
+	cvsdstopwrite(ft);
+	if (!ft->seekable)
+		return;
+	if (fseek(ft->fp, 0L, 0) != 0)
+		fail("Can't rewind output file to rewrite DVMS header.");
+	make_dvms_hdr(ft, &hdr);
+	dvms_write_header(ft->fp, &hdr);
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cvsdfilt.h
@@ -1,0 +1,121 @@
+ *      CVSD (Continuously Variable Slope Delta modulation)
+ *      conversion routines
+ *
+ *      The CVSD format is described in the MIL Std 188 113, which is
+ *      available from
+ *
+ *	Copyright (C) 1996  
+ *      Thomas Sailer ([email protected]) (HB9JNX/AE4WA)
+ *      Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Electronics Lab
+ *
+ *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *	the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *	(at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *	GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *	along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *	Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define ENC_FILTERLEN 16  /* PCM sampling rate */
+#define DEC_FILTERLEN 48  /* CVSD sampling rate */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static float dec_filter_16[48] = {
+	       0.001102,       0.001159,       0.000187,      -0.000175,
+	       0.002097,       0.006543,       0.009384,       0.008004,
+	       0.006562,       0.013569,       0.030745,       0.047053,
+	       0.050491,       0.047388,       0.062171,       0.109115,
+	       0.167120,       0.197144,       0.195471,       0.222098,
+	       0.354745,       0.599184,       0.849632,       0.956536,
+	       0.849632,       0.599184,       0.354745,       0.222098,
+	       0.195471,       0.197144,       0.167120,       0.109115,
+	       0.062171,       0.047388,       0.050491,       0.047053,
+	       0.030745,       0.013569,       0.006562,       0.008004,
+	       0.009384,       0.006543,       0.002097,      -0.000175,
+	       0.000187,       0.001159,       0.001102,       0.000000
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static float dec_filter_32[48] = {
+	       0.001950,       0.004180,       0.006331,       0.007907,
+	       0.008510,       0.008342,       0.008678,       0.011827,
+	       0.020282,       0.035231,       0.055200,       0.075849,
+	       0.091585,       0.098745,       0.099031,       0.101287,
+	       0.120058,       0.170672,       0.262333,       0.392047,
+	       0.542347,       0.684488,       0.786557,       0.823702,
+	       0.786557,       0.684488,       0.542347,       0.392047,
+	       0.262333,       0.170672,       0.120058,       0.101287,
+	       0.099031,       0.098745,       0.091585,       0.075849,
+	       0.055200,       0.035231,       0.020282,       0.011827,
+	       0.008678,       0.008342,       0.008510,       0.007907,
+	       0.006331,       0.004180,       0.001950,      -0.000000
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static float enc_filter_16_0[16] = {
+	      -0.000362,       0.004648,       0.001381,       0.008312,
+	       0.041490,      -0.001410,       0.124061,       0.247446,
+	      -0.106761,      -0.236326,      -0.023798,      -0.023506,
+	      -0.030097,       0.001493,      -0.005363,      -0.001672
+static float enc_filter_16_1[16] = {
+	       0.001672,       0.005363,      -0.001493,       0.030097,
+	       0.023506,       0.023798,       0.236326,       0.106761,
+	      -0.247446,      -0.124061,       0.001410,      -0.041490,
+	      -0.008312,      -0.001381,      -0.004648,       0.000362
+static float *enc_filter_16[2] = {
+	enc_filter_16_0, enc_filter_16_1
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static float enc_filter_32_0[16] = {
+	      -0.000289,       0.002112,       0.001421,       0.002235,
+	       0.021003,       0.001237,       0.047132,       0.129636,
+	      -0.027328,      -0.126462,      -0.021456,      -0.008069,
+	      -0.017959,       0.000301,      -0.002538,      -0.001278
+static float enc_filter_32_1[16] = {
+	      -0.000010,       0.002787,       0.000055,       0.006813,
+	       0.020249,      -0.000995,       0.077912,       0.112870,
+	      -0.076980,      -0.106971,      -0.005096,      -0.015449,
+	      -0.012591,       0.000813,      -0.003003,      -0.000527
+static float enc_filter_32_2[16] = {
+	       0.000527,       0.003003,      -0.000813,       0.012591,
+	       0.015449,       0.005096,       0.106971,       0.076980,
+	      -0.112870,      -0.077912,       0.000995,      -0.020249,
+	      -0.006813,      -0.000055,      -0.002787,       0.000010
+static float enc_filter_32_3[16] = {
+	       0.001278,       0.002538,      -0.000301,       0.017959,
+	       0.008069,       0.021456,       0.126462,       0.027328,
+	      -0.129636,      -0.047132,      -0.001237,      -0.021003,
+	      -0.002235,      -0.001421,      -0.002112,       0.000289
+static float *enc_filter_32[4] = {
+	enc_filter_32_0, enc_filter_32_1, enc_filter_32_2, enc_filter_32_3
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dat.c
@@ -1,0 +1,133 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools text format file.  Tom Littlejohn, March 93.
+ *
+ * Reads/writes sound files as text for use with fft and graph.
+ *
+ * June 28, 93: force output to mono.
+ *
+ * September 24, 1998: cbagwell - Set up extra output format info so that 
+ * reports are accurate.  Also warn user when forcing to mono.
+ *
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "libst.h"
+/* Private data for dat file */
+typedef struct dat {
+	double timevalue, deltat;
+} *dat_t;
+LONG roundoff(x)
+double x;
+    if (x < 0.0) return(x - 0.5);
+    else return(x + 0.5);
+    }
+ft_t ft;
+   char inpstr[82];
+   char sc;
+   while (ft->info.rate == 0) {
+      fgets(inpstr,82,ft->fp);
+      sscanf(inpstr," %c",&sc);
+      if (sc != ';') fail("Cannot determine sample rate.");
+#ifdef __alpha__
+      sscanf(inpstr," ; Sample Rate %d", &ft->info.rate);
+      sscanf(inpstr," ; Sample Rate %ld",&ft->info.rate);
+      }
+   /* size and style are really not necessary except to satisfy caller. */
+   ft->info.size = DOUBLE;
+   ft-> = SIGN2;
+ft_t ft;
+   dat_t dat = (dat_t) ft->priv;
+   double srate;
+   if (ft->info.channels > 1)
+   {
+        report("Can only create .dat files with one channel.");
+	report("Forcing output to 1 channel.");
+	ft->info.channels = 1;
+   }
+   ft->info.size = DOUBLE;
+   ft-> = SIGN2;
+   dat->timevalue = 0.0;
+   srate = ft->info.rate;
+   dat->deltat = 1.0 / srate;
+#ifdef __alpha__
+   fprintf(ft->fp,"; Sample Rate %d\015\n", ft->info.rate);
+   fprintf(ft->fp,"; Sample Rate %ld\015\n",ft->info.rate);
+LONG datread(ft, buf, nsamp)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, nsamp;
+    char inpstr[82];
+    double sampval;
+    int retc;
+    int done = 0;
+    char sc;
+    while (done < nsamp) {
+        do {
+          fgets(inpstr,82,ft->fp);
+          if (feof(ft->fp)) {
+		return (done);
+	  }
+          sscanf(inpstr," %c",&sc);
+          }
+          while(sc == ';');  /* eliminate comments */
+        retc = sscanf(inpstr,"%*s %lg",&sampval);
+        if (retc != 1) fail("Unable to read sample.");
+        *buf++ = roundoff(sampval * 2.147483648e9);
+        ++done;
+    }
+	return (done);
+datwrite(ft, buf, nsamp)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, nsamp;
+    dat_t dat = (dat_t) ft->priv;
+    int done = 0;
+    double sampval;
+    while(done < nsamp) {
+       sampval = *buf++ ;
+       sampval = sampval / 2.147483648e9;  /* normalize to approx 1.0 */
+       fprintf(ft->fp," %15.8g  %15.8g \015\n",dat->timevalue,sampval);
+       dat->timevalue += dat->deltat;
+       done++;
+       }
+    return;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/deemphas.c
@@ -1,0 +1,201 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained.
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ *
+ * Fixed deemphasis filter for processing pre-emphasized audio cd samples
+ * 09/02/98 (c) Heiko Ei�feldt
+ * License: GPL (Gnu Public License)
+ *
+ * This implements the inverse filter of the optional pre-emphasis stage as
+ * defined by ISO 908 (describing the audio cd format).
+ *
+ * Background:
+ * In the early days of audio cds, there were recording problems
+ * with noise (for example in classical recordings). The high dynamics
+ * of audio cds exposed these recording errors a lot.
+ *
+ * The commonly used solution at that time was to 'pre-emphasize' the
+ * trebles to have a better signal-noise-ratio. That is trebles were
+ * amplified before recording, so that they would give a stronger
+ * signal compared to the underlying (tape)noise.
+ *
+ * For that purpose the audio signal was prefiltered with the following
+ * frequency response (simple first order filter):
+ *
+ * V (in dB)
+ * ^
+ * |
+ * |                         _________________
+ * |                        /
+ * |                       / |
+ * |     20 dB / decade ->/  |
+ * |                     /   |
+ * |____________________/_ _ |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lg f
+ * |0 dB                |    |
+ * |                    |    |
+ * |                    |    |
+ *                 3.1KHz    ca. 10KHz
+ *
+ * So the recorded audio signal has amplified trebles compared to the
+ * original.
+ * HiFi cd players do correct this by applying an inverse filter
+ * automatically, the cd-rom drives or cd burners used by digital
+ * sampling programs (like cdda2wav) however do not.
+ *
+ * So, this is what this effect does.
+ *
+ * Here is the gnuplot file for the frequency response
+   of the deemphasis. The error is below +-0.1dB
+-------- Start of gnuplot file ---------------------
+# first define the ideal filter. We use the tenfold sampling frequency.
+# the coefficients follow
+a1=(B - 1.)/(B + 1.)
+b0=(1.0 + (1.0 - a1) * H0/2.)
+b1=(a1 + (a1 - 1.0) * H0/2.)
+# helper variables
+# now approximate the ideal curve with a fitted one for sampling
+# of 44100 Hz. Fitting parameters are
+# amplification at high frequencies V02
+# and tau of the upper edge frequency OmegaU2 = 2 *pi * f(upper)
+# the coefficients follow
+a12=(B2 - 1.)/(B2 + 1.)
+b02=(1.0 + (1.0 - a12) * (V02-1.)/2.)
+b12=(a12 + (a12 - 1.0) * (V02-1.)/2.)
+# helper variables
+# plot best, real, ideal, level with halved attenuation,
+#      level at full attentuation, 10fold magnified error
+set logscale x
+set grid xtics ytics mxtics mytics
+plot [f=1000:20000] [-12:2] 20*log10(H(f)),20*log10(H2(f)),
+pi*f)), 0.5*20*log10(V0), 20*log10(V0), 200*log10(H(f)/H2(f))
+pause -1 "Hit return to continue"
+-------- End of gnuplot file ---------------------
+ */
+ * adapted from Sound Tools skeleton effect file.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for deemph file */
+typedef struct deemphstuff {
+     LONG lastin;
+     double    lastout;
+} *deemph_t;
+ * Process options
+ *
+ * Don't do initialization now.
+ * The 'info' fields are not yet filled in.
+ */
+void deemph_getopts(effp, n, argv)
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+     if (n)
+          fail("Deemphasis filtering effect takes no options.\n");
+     if (sizeof(double)*PRIVSIZE < sizeof(struct deemphstuff))
+          fail("Internal error: PRIVSIZE too small.\n");
+ * Prepare processing.
+ * Do all initializations.
+ */
+void deemph_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+     /* check the input format */
+     if (effp-> != SIGN2
+         || effp->ininfo.rate != 44100
+         || effp->ininfo.size != WORD)
+          fail("The deemphasis effect works only with audio cd like samples.\nThe input format however has %d Hz sample rate and %d-byte%s signed linearly coded samples.",
+            effp->ininfo.rate, effp->ininfo.size,
+            effp-> != SIGN2 ? ", but not" : "");
+     {
+          deemph_t deemph = (deemph_t) effp->priv;
+          deemph->lastin = 0;
+          deemph->lastout = 0.0;
+     }
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+/* filter coefficients */
+#define a1      -0.62786881719628784282
+#define b0      0.45995451989513153057
+#define b1      -0.08782333709141937339
+void deemph_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+     deemph_t deemph = (deemph_t) effp->priv;
+     int len, done;
+     len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+     for(done = len; done; done--) {
+          deemph->lastout = *ibuf * b0 +
+                         deemph->lastin * b1 -
+                         deemph->lastout * a1;
+          deemph->lastin = *ibuf++;
+          *obuf++ = deemph->lastout > 0.0 ?
+                    deemph->lastout + 0.5 :
+                    deemph->lastout - 0.5;
+     }
+ * Drain out remaining samples if the effect generates any.
+ */
+void deemph_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+LONG *obuf;
+int *osamp;
+     /* nothing to do */
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.
+ *   (free allocated memory, etc.)
+ */
+void deemph_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+     /* nothing to do */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/echo.c
@@ -1,0 +1,260 @@
+ * August 24, 1998
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Juergen Mueller And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Juergen Mueller And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * This is the "echo.c" while the old "echo.c" from version 12 moves to
+ * "reverb.c" satisfying the defintions made in the Guitar FX FAQ.
+ *
+ *
+ * Echo effect for dsp.
+ * 
+ * Flow diagram scheme for n delays ( 1 <= n <= MAX_ECHOS ):
+ *
+ *        * gain-in                                              ___
+ * ibuff -----------+------------------------------------------>|   |
+ *                  |       _________                           |   |
+ *                  |      |         |                * decay 1 |   |
+ *                  +----->| delay 1 |------------------------->|   |
+ *                  |      |_________|                          |   |
+ *                  |            _________                      | + |
+ *                  |           |         |           * decay 2 |   |
+ *                  +---------->| delay 2 |-------------------->|   |
+ *                  |           |_________|                     |   |
+ *                  :                 _________                 |   |
+ *                  |                |         |      * decay n |   |
+ *                  +--------------->| delay n |--------------->|___|
+ *                                   |_________|                  | 
+ *                                                                | * gain-out
+ *                                                                |
+ *                                                                +----->obuff
+ *
+ * Usage: 
+ *   echo gain-in gain-out delay-1 decay-1 [delay-2 decay-2 ... delay-n decay-n]
+ *
+ * Where:
+ *   gain-in, decay-1 ... decay-n :  0.0 ... 1.0      volume
+ *   gain-out :  0.0 ...      volume
+ *   delay-1 ... delay-n :  > 0.0 msec
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   when decay is close to 1.0, the samples can begin clipping and the output
+ *   can saturate! 
+ *
+ * Hint:
+ *   1 / out-gain > gain-in ( 1 + decay-1 + ... + decay-n )
+ *
+ * Sound Tools reverb effect file.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* Harmless, and prototypes atof() etc. --dgc */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+#define DELAY_BUFSIZ ( 50L * MAXRATE )
+#define MAX_ECHOS 7	/* 24 bit x ( 1 + MAX_ECHOS ) = */
+			/* 24 bit x 8 = 32 bit !!!	*/
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct echostuff {
+	int	counter;			
+	int	num_delays;
+	double	*delay_buf;
+	float	in_gain, out_gain;
+	float	delay[MAX_ECHOS], decay[MAX_ECHOS];
+	long	samples[MAX_ECHOS], maxsamples, fade_out;
+} *echo_t;
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+/* If we are not carefull with the output volume */
+LONG echo_clip24(l)
+LONG l;
+	if (l >= ((LONG)1 << 24))
+		return ((LONG)1 << 24) - 1;
+	else if (l <= -((LONG)1 << 24))
+		return -((LONG)1 << 24) + 1;
+	else
+		return l;
+ * Process options
+ */
+void echo_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	echo_t echo = (echo_t) effp->priv;
+	int i;
+	echo->num_delays = 0;
+	if ((n < 4) || (n % 2))
+	    fail("Usage: echo gain-in gain-out delay decay [ delay decay ... ]");
+	i = 0;
+	sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &echo->in_gain);
+	sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &echo->out_gain);
+	while (i < n) {
+		if ( echo->num_delays >= MAX_ECHOS )
+			fail("echo: to many delays, use less than %i delays",
+				MAX_ECHOS);
+		/* Linux bug and it's cleaner. */
+		sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &echo->delay[echo->num_delays]);
+		sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &echo->decay[echo->num_delays]);
+		echo->num_delays++;
+	}
+ * Prepare for processing.
+ */
+void echo_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	echo_t echo = (echo_t) effp->priv;
+	int i;
+	float sum_in_volume;
+	long j;
+	echo->maxsamples = 0L;
+	if ( echo->in_gain < 0.0 )
+		fail("echo: gain-in must be positive!\n");
+	if ( echo->in_gain > 1.0 )
+		fail("echo: gain-in must be less than 1.0!\n");
+	if ( echo->out_gain < 0.0 )
+		fail("echo: gain-in must be positive!\n");
+	for ( i = 0; i < echo->num_delays; i++ ) {
+		echo->samples[i] = echo->delay[i] * effp->ininfo.rate / 1000.0;
+		if ( echo->samples[i] < 1 )
+		    fail("echo: delay must be positive!\n");
+		if ( echo->samples[i] > DELAY_BUFSIZ )
+			fail("echo: delay must be less than %g seconds!\n",
+				DELAY_BUFSIZ / (float) effp->ininfo.rate );
+		if ( echo->decay[i] < 0.0 )
+		    fail("echo: decay must be positive!\n" );
+		if ( echo->decay[i] > 1.0 )
+		    fail("echo: decay must be less than 1.0!\n" );
+		if ( echo->samples[i] > echo->maxsamples )
+			echo->maxsamples = echo->samples[i];
+	}
+	if (! (echo->delay_buf = (double *) malloc(sizeof (double) * echo->maxsamples)))
+		fail("echo: Cannot malloc %d bytes!\n", 
+			sizeof(long) * echo->maxsamples);
+	for ( j = 0; j < echo->maxsamples; ++j )
+		echo->delay_buf[j] = 0.0;
+	/* Be nice and check the hint with warning, if... */
+	sum_in_volume = 1.0;
+	for ( i = 0; i < echo->num_delays; i++ ) 
+		sum_in_volume += echo->decay[i];
+	if ( sum_in_volume * echo->in_gain > 1.0 / echo->out_gain )
+		warn("echo: warning >>> gain-out can cause saturation of output <<<");
+	echo->counter = 0;
+	echo->fade_out = echo->maxsamples;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void echo_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	echo_t echo = (echo_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	int j;
+	double d_in, d_out;
+	LONG out;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		/* Store delays as 24-bit signed longs */
+		d_in = (double) *ibuf++ / 256;
+		/* Compute output first */
+		d_out = d_in * echo->in_gain;
+		for ( j = 0; j < echo->num_delays; j++ ) {
+			d_out += echo->delay_buf[ 
+(echo->counter + echo->maxsamples - echo->samples[j]) % echo->maxsamples] 
+			* echo->decay[j];
+		}
+		/* Adjust the output volume and size to 24 bit */
+		d_out = d_out * echo->out_gain;
+		out = echo_clip24((LONG) d_out);
+		*obuf++ = out * 256;
+		/* Store input in delay buffer */
+		echo->delay_buf[echo->counter] = d_in;
+		/* Adjust the counter */
+		echo->counter = ( echo->counter + 1 ) % echo->maxsamples;
+	}
+	/* processed all samples */
+ * Drain out reverb lines. 
+ */
+void echo_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *obuf;
+int *osamp;
+	echo_t echo = (echo_t) effp->priv;
+	double d_in, d_out;
+	LONG out;
+	int j;
+	long done;
+	done = 0;
+	/* drain out delay samples */
+	while ( ( done < *osamp ) && ( done < echo->fade_out ) ) {
+		d_in = 0;
+		d_out = 0;
+		for ( j = 0; j < echo->num_delays; j++ ) {
+			d_out += echo->delay_buf[ 
+(echo->counter + echo->maxsamples - echo->samples[j]) % echo->maxsamples] 
+			* echo->decay[j];
+		}
+		/* Adjust the output volume and size to 24 bit */
+		d_out = d_out * echo->out_gain;
+		out = echo_clip24((LONG) d_out);
+		*obuf++ = out * 256;
+		/* Store input in delay buffer */
+		echo->delay_buf[echo->counter] = d_in;
+		/* Adjust the counters */
+		echo->counter = ( echo->counter + 1 ) % echo->maxsamples;
+		done++;
+		echo->fade_out--;
+	};
+	/* samples played, it remains */
+	*osamp = done;
+ * Clean up reverb effect.
+ */
+void echo_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	echo_t echo = (echo_t) effp->priv;
+	free((char *) echo->delay_buf);
+	echo->delay_buf = (double *) -1;   /* guaranteed core dump */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/echos.c
@@ -1,0 +1,262 @@
+ * August 24, 1998
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Juergen Mueller And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Juergen Mueller And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Echos effect for dsp.
+ * 
+ * Flow diagram scheme for n delays ( 1 <= n <= MAX_ECHOS ):
+ *
+ *                                                    * gain-in  ___
+ * ibuff --+--------------------------------------------------->|   |
+ *         |                                          * decay 1 |   |
+ *         |               +----------------------------------->|   |
+ *         |               |                          * decay 2 | + |
+ *         |               |             +--------------------->|   |
+ *         |               |             |            * decay n |   |
+ *         |    _________  |  _________  |     _________   +--->|___|
+ *         |   |         | | |         | |    |         |  |      | 
+ *         +-->| delay 1 |-+-| delay 2 |-+...-| delay n |--+      | * gain-out
+ *             |_________|   |_________|      |_________|         |
+ *                                                                +----->obuff
+ *
+ * Usage: 
+ *   echos gain-in gain-out delay-1 decay-1 [delay-2 decay-2 ... delay-n decay-n]
+ *
+ * Where:
+ *   gain-in, decay-1 ... decay-n :  0.0 ... 1.0      volume
+ *   gain-out :  0.0 ...      volume
+ *   delay-1 ... delay-n :  > 0.0 msec
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   when decay is close to 1.0, the samples can begin clipping and the output
+ *   can saturate! 
+ *
+ * Hint:
+ *   1 / out-gain > gain-in ( 1 + decay-1 + ... + decay-n )
+ *
+ * Sound Tools reverb effect file.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* Harmless, and prototypes atof() etc. --dgc */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+#define DELAY_BUFSIZ ( 50L * MAXRATE )
+#define MAX_ECHOS 7	/* 24 bit x ( 1 + MAX_ECHOS ) = */
+			/* 24 bit x 8 = 32 bit !!!	*/
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct echosstuff {
+	int	counter[MAX_ECHOS];			
+	int	num_delays;
+	double	*delay_buf;
+	float	in_gain, out_gain;
+	float	delay[MAX_ECHOS], decay[MAX_ECHOS];
+	long	samples[MAX_ECHOS], pointer[MAX_ECHOS], sumsamples;
+} *echos_t;
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+/* If we are not carefull with the output volume */
+LONG echos_clip24(l)
+LONG l;
+	if (l >= ((LONG)1 << 24))
+		return ((LONG)1 << 24) - 1;
+	else if (l <= -((LONG)1 << 24))
+		return -((LONG)1 << 24) + 1;
+	else
+		return l;
+ * Process options
+ */
+void echos_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	echos_t echos = (echos_t) effp->priv;
+	int i;
+	echos->num_delays = 0;
+	if ((n < 4) || (n % 2))
+	    fail("Usage: echos gain-in gain-out delay decay [ delay decay ... ]");
+	i = 0;
+	sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &echos->in_gain);
+	sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &echos->out_gain);
+	while (i < n) {
+		/* Linux bug and it's cleaner. */
+		sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &echos->delay[echos->num_delays]);
+		sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &echos->decay[echos->num_delays]);
+		echos->num_delays++;
+		if ( echos->num_delays > MAX_ECHOS )
+			fail("echos: to many delays, use less than %i delays",
+				MAX_ECHOS);
+	}
+	echos->sumsamples = 0;
+ * Prepare for processing.
+ */
+void echos_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	echos_t echos = (echos_t) effp->priv;
+	int i;
+	float sum_in_volume;
+	long j;
+	if ( echos->in_gain < 0.0 )
+		fail("echos: gain-in must be positive!\n");
+	if ( echos->in_gain > 1.0 )
+		fail("echos: gain-in must be less than 1.0!\n");
+	if ( echos->out_gain < 0.0 )
+		fail("echos: gain-in must be positive!\n");
+	for ( i = 0; i < echos->num_delays; i++ ) {
+		echos->samples[i] = echos->delay[i] * effp->ininfo.rate / 1000.0;
+		if ( echos->samples[i] < 1 )
+		    fail("echos: delay must be positive!\n");
+		if ( echos->samples[i] > DELAY_BUFSIZ )
+			fail("echos: delay must be less than %g seconds!\n",
+				DELAY_BUFSIZ / (float) effp->ininfo.rate );
+		if ( echos->decay[i] < 0.0 )
+		    fail("echos: decay must be positive!\n" );
+		if ( echos->decay[i] > 1.0 )
+		    fail("echos: decay must be less than 1.0!\n" );
+		echos->counter[i] = 0;
+		echos->pointer[i] = echos->sumsamples;
+		echos->sumsamples += echos->samples[i];
+	}
+	if (! (echos->delay_buf = (double *) malloc(sizeof (double) * echos->sumsamples)))
+		fail("echos: Cannot malloc %d bytes!\n", 
+			sizeof(long) * echos->sumsamples);
+	for ( j = 0; j < echos->samples[i]; ++j )
+		echos->delay_buf[j] = 0.0;
+	/* Be nice and check the hint with warning, if... */
+	sum_in_volume = 1.0;
+	for ( i = 0; i < echos->num_delays; i++ ) 
+		sum_in_volume += echos->decay[i];
+	if ( sum_in_volume * echos->in_gain > 1.0 / echos->out_gain )
+		warn("echos: warning >>> gain-out can cause saturation of output <<<");
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void echos_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	echos_t echos = (echos_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	int j;
+	double d_in, d_out;
+	LONG out;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		/* Store delays as 24-bit signed longs */
+		d_in = (double) *ibuf++ / 256;
+		/* Compute output first */
+		d_out = d_in * echos->in_gain;
+		for ( j = 0; j < echos->num_delays; j++ ) {
+			d_out += echos->delay_buf[echos->counter[j] + echos->pointer[j]] * echos->decay[j];
+		}
+		/* Adjust the output volume and size to 24 bit */
+		d_out = d_out * echos->out_gain;
+		out = echos_clip24((LONG) d_out);
+		*obuf++ = out * 256;
+		/* Mix decay of delays and input */
+		for ( j = 0; j < echos->num_delays; j++ ) {
+			if ( j == 0 )
+				echos->delay_buf[echos->counter[j] + echos->pointer[j]] = d_in;
+			else
+				echos->delay_buf[echos->counter[j] + echos->pointer[j]] = 
+				   echos->delay_buf[echos->counter[j-1] + echos->pointer[j-1]] + d_in;
+		}
+		/* Adjust the counters */
+		for ( j = 0; j < echos->num_delays; j++ )
+			echos->counter[j] = 
+			   ( echos->counter[j] + 1 ) % echos->samples[j];
+	}
+	/* processed all samples */
+ * Drain out reverb lines. 
+ */
+void echos_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *obuf;
+int *osamp;
+	echos_t echos = (echos_t) effp->priv;
+	double d_in, d_out;
+	LONG out;
+	int j;
+	long done;
+	done = 0;
+	/* drain out delay samples */
+	while ( ( done < *osamp ) && ( done < echos->sumsamples ) ) {
+		d_in = 0;
+		d_out = 0;
+		for ( j = 0; j < echos->num_delays; j++ ) {
+			d_out += echos->delay_buf[echos->counter[j] + echos->pointer[j]] * echos->decay[j];
+		}
+		/* Adjust the output volume and size to 24 bit */
+		d_out = d_out * echos->out_gain;
+		out = echos_clip24((LONG) d_out);
+		*obuf++ = out * 256;
+		/* Mix decay of delays and input */
+		for ( j = 0; j < echos->num_delays; j++ ) {
+			if ( j == 0 )
+				echos->delay_buf[echos->counter[j] + echos->pointer[j]] = d_in;
+			else
+				echos->delay_buf[echos->counter[j] + echos->pointer[j]] = 
+				   echos->delay_buf[echos->counter[j-1] + echos->pointer[j-1]];
+		}
+		/* Adjust the counters */
+		for ( j = 0; j < echos->num_delays; j++ )
+			echos->counter[j] = 
+			   ( echos->counter[j] + 1 ) % echos->samples[j];
+		done++;
+		echos->sumsamples--;
+	};
+	/* samples played, it remains */
+	*osamp = done;
+ * Clean up reverb effect.
+ */
+void echos_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	echos_t echos = (echos_t) effp->priv;
+	free((char *) echos->delay_buf);
+	echos->delay_buf = (double *) -1;   /* guaranteed core dump */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/flanger.c
@@ -1,0 +1,299 @@
+ * August 24, 1998
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Juergen Mueller And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Juergen Mueller And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * 	Flanger effect.
+ * 
+ * Flow diagram scheme:
+ *
+ *                                                 * gain-in  ___
+ * ibuff -----+--------------------------------------------->|   |
+ *            |      _______                                 |   |
+ *            |     |       |                      * decay   |   |
+ *            +---->| delay |------------------------------->| + |
+ *                  |_______|                                |   |
+ *                     /|\                                   |   |
+ *                      |                                    |___|
+ *                      |                                      | 
+ *              +---------------+      +------------------+    | * gain-out
+ *              | Delay control |<-----| modulation speed |    |
+ *              +---------------+      +------------------+    +----->obuff
+ *
+ *
+ * The delay is controled by a sine or triangle modulation.
+ *
+ * Usage: 
+ *   flanger gain-in gain-out delay decay speed [ -s | -t ]
+ *
+ * Where:
+ *   gain-in, decay :  0.0 ... 1.0      volume
+ *   gain-out :  0.0 ...      volume
+ *   delay :  0.0 ... 5.0 msec
+ *   speed :  0.1 ... 2.0 Hz       modulation
+ *   -s : modulation by sine (default)
+ *   -t : modulation by triangle
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   when decay is close to 1.0, the samples may begin clipping or the output
+ *   can saturate! 
+ *
+ * Hint:
+ *   1 / out-gain > gain-in * ( 1 + decay )
+ *
+ * Sound Tools flanger effect file.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* Harmless, and prototypes atof() etc. --dgc */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "st.h"
+#define MOD_SINE	0
+#define MOD_TRIANGLE	1
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct flangerstuff {
+	int	modulation;
+	int	counter;			
+	int	phase;
+	double	*flangerbuf;
+	float	in_gain, out_gain;
+	float	delay, decay;
+	float	speed;
+	long	length;
+	int	*lookup_tab;
+	long	maxsamples, fade_out;
+} *flanger_t;
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+LONG flanger_clip24(l)
+LONG l;
+	if (l >= ((LONG)1 << 24))
+		return ((LONG)1 << 24) - 1;
+	else if (l <= -((LONG)1 << 24))
+		return -((LONG)1 << 24) + 1;
+	else
+		return l;
+/* This was very painful.  We need a sine library. */
+void flanger_sine(buf, len, depth)
+int *buf;
+long len;
+long depth;
+	long i;
+	double val;
+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+		val = sin((double)i/(double)len * 2.0 * M_PI);
+		buf[i] = (int) ((1.0 + val) * depth / 2.0);
+	}
+void flanger_triangle(buf, len, depth)
+int *buf;
+long len;
+long depth;
+	long i;
+	double val;
+	for (i = 0; i < len / 2; i++) {
+		val = i * 2.0 / len;
+		buf[i] = (int) (val * depth);
+	}
+	for (i = len / 2; i < len ; i++) {
+		val = (len - i) * 2.0 / len;
+		buf[i] = (int) (val * depth);
+	}
+ * Process options
+ */
+void flanger_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	flanger_t flanger = (flanger_t) effp->priv;
+	if (!((n == 5) || (n == 6)))
+	    fail("Usage: flanger gain-in gain-out delay decay speed [ -s | -t ]");
+	sscanf(argv[0], "%f", &flanger->in_gain);
+	sscanf(argv[1], "%f", &flanger->out_gain);
+	sscanf(argv[2], "%f", &flanger->delay);
+	sscanf(argv[3], "%f", &flanger->decay);
+	sscanf(argv[4], "%f", &flanger->speed);
+	flanger->modulation = MOD_SINE;
+	if ( n == 6 ) {
+		if ( !strcmp(argv[5], "-s"))
+			flanger->modulation = MOD_SINE;
+		else if ( ! strcmp(argv[5], "-t"))
+			flanger->modulation = MOD_TRIANGLE;
+		else
+	    		fail("Usage: flanger gain-in gain-out delay decay speed [ -s | -t ]");
+	}
+ * Prepare for processing.
+ */
+void flanger_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	flanger_t flanger = (flanger_t) effp->priv;
+	int i;
+	flanger->maxsamples = flanger->delay * effp->ininfo.rate / 1000.0;
+	if ( flanger->in_gain < 0.0 )
+	    fail("flanger: gain-in must be positive!\n");
+	if ( flanger->in_gain > 1.0 )
+	    fail("flanger: gain-in must be less than 1.0!\n");
+	if ( flanger->out_gain < 0.0 )
+	    fail("flanger: gain-out must be positive!\n");
+	if ( flanger->delay < 0.0 )
+	    fail("flanger: delay must be positive!\n");
+	if ( flanger->delay > 5.0 )
+	    fail("flanger: delay must be less than 5.0 msec!\n");
+	if ( flanger->speed < 0.1 )
+	    fail("flanger: speed must be more than 0.1 Hz!\n");
+	if ( flanger->speed > 2.0 )
+	    fail("flanger: speed must be less than 2.0 Hz!\n");
+	if ( flanger->decay < 0.0 )
+	    fail("flanger: decay must be positive!\n" );
+	if ( flanger->decay > 1.0 )
+	    fail("flanger: decay must be less that 1.0!\n" );
+	/* Be nice and check the hint with warning, if... */
+	if ( flanger->in_gain * ( 1.0 + flanger->decay ) > 1.0 / flanger->out_gain )
+		warn("flanger: warning >>> gain-out can cause saturation or clipping of output <<<");
+	flanger->length = effp->ininfo.rate / flanger->speed;
+	if (! (flanger->flangerbuf = 
+		(double *) malloc(sizeof (double) * flanger->maxsamples)))
+		fail("flanger: Cannot malloc %d bytes!\n", 
+			sizeof(double) * flanger->maxsamples);
+	for ( i = 0; i < flanger->maxsamples; i++ )
+		flanger->flangerbuf[i] = 0.0;
+	if (! (flanger->lookup_tab = 
+		(int *) malloc(sizeof (int) * flanger->length)))
+		fail("flanger: Cannot malloc %d bytes!\n", 
+			sizeof(int) * flanger->length);
+	if ( flanger->modulation == MOD_SINE )
+		flanger_sine(flanger->lookup_tab, flanger->length, 
+			flanger->maxsamples - 1);
+	else
+		flanger_triangle(flanger->lookup_tab, flanger->length, 
+			flanger->maxsamples - 1);
+	flanger->counter = 0;
+	flanger->phase = 0;
+	flanger->fade_out = flanger->maxsamples;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void flanger_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	flanger_t flanger = (flanger_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	double d_in, d_out;
+	LONG out;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		/* Store delays as 24-bit signed longs */
+		d_in = (double) *ibuf++ / 256;
+		/* Compute output first */
+		d_out = d_in * flanger->in_gain;
+		d_out += flanger->flangerbuf[(flanger->maxsamples + 
+	flanger->counter - flanger->lookup_tab[flanger->phase]) % 
+	flanger->maxsamples] * flanger->decay;
+		/* Adjust the output volume and size to 24 bit */
+		d_out = d_out * flanger->out_gain;
+		out = flanger_clip24((LONG) d_out);
+		*obuf++ = out * 256;
+		/* Mix decay of delay and input */
+		flanger->flangerbuf[flanger->counter] = d_in;
+		flanger->counter = 
+			( flanger->counter + 1 ) % flanger->maxsamples;
+		flanger->phase  = ( flanger->phase + 1 ) % flanger->length;
+	}
+	/* processed all samples */
+ * Drain out reverb lines. 
+ */
+void flanger_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *obuf;
+int *osamp;
+	flanger_t flanger = (flanger_t) effp->priv;
+	int done;
+	double d_in, d_out;
+	LONG out;
+	done = 0;
+	while ( ( done < *osamp ) && ( done < flanger->fade_out ) ) {
+		d_in = 0;
+		d_out = 0;
+		/* Compute output first */
+		d_out += flanger->flangerbuf[(flanger->maxsamples + 
+	flanger->counter - flanger->lookup_tab[flanger->phase]) % 
+	flanger->maxsamples] * flanger->decay;
+		/* Adjust the output volume and size to 24 bit */
+		d_out = d_out * flanger->out_gain;
+		out = flanger_clip24((LONG) d_out);
+		*obuf++ = out * 256;
+		/* Mix decay of delay and input */
+		flanger->flangerbuf[flanger->counter] = d_in;
+		flanger->counter = 
+			( flanger->counter + 1 ) % flanger->maxsamples;
+		flanger->phase  = ( flanger->phase + 1 ) % flanger->length;
+		done++;
+		flanger->fade_out--;
+	}
+	/* samples playd, it remains */
+	*osamp = done;
+ * Clean up flanger effect.
+ */
+void flanger_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	flanger_t flanger = (flanger_t) effp->priv;
+	free((char *) flanger->flangerbuf);
+	flanger->flangerbuf = (double *) -1;   /* guaranteed core dump */
+	free((char *) flanger->lookup_tab);
+	flanger->lookup_tab = (int *) -1;   /* guaranteed core dump */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/g711.c
@@ -1,0 +1,288 @@
+ * This source code is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided
+ * for unrestricted use.  Users may copy or modify this source code without
+ * charge.
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun source code is provided with no support and without any obligation on
+ * the part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction,
+ * modification or enhancement.
+ *
+ *
+ * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue
+ * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if
+ * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 2550 Garcia Avenue
+ * Mountain View, California  94043
+ */
+ * g711.c
+ *
+ * u-law, A-law and linear PCM conversions.
+ */
+#define	SIGN_BIT	(0x80)		/* Sign bit for a A-law byte. */
+#define	QUANT_MASK	(0xf)		/* Quantization field mask. */
+#define	NSEGS		(8)		/* Number of A-law segments. */
+#define	SEG_SHIFT	(4)		/* Left shift for segment number. */
+#define	SEG_MASK	(0x70)		/* Segment field mask. */
+/* copy from CCITT G.711 specifications */
+unsigned char _u2a[128] = {			/* u- to A-law conversions */
+	1,	1,	2,	2,	3,	3,	4,	4,
+	5,	5,	6,	6,	7,	7,	8,	8,
+	9,	10,	11,	12,	13,	14,	15,	16,
+	17,	18,	19,	20,	21,	22,	23,	24,
+	25,	27,	29,	31,	33,	34,	35,	36,
+	37,	38,	39,	40,	41,	42,	43,	44,
+	46,	48,	49,	50,	51,	52,	53,	54,
+	55,	56,	57,	58,	59,	60,	61,	62,
+	64,	65,	66,	67,	68,	69,	70,	71,
+	72,	73,	74,	75,	76,	77,	78,	79,
+	81,	82,	83,	84,	85,	86,	87,	88,
+	89,	90,	91,	92,	93,	94,	95,	96,
+	97,	98,	99,	100,	101,	102,	103,	104,
+	105,	106,	107,	108,	109,	110,	111,	112,
+	113,	114,	115,	116,	117,	118,	119,	120,
+	121,	122,	123,	124,	125,	126,	127,	128};
+unsigned char _a2u[128] = {			/* A- to u-law conversions */
+	1,	3,	5,	7,	9,	11,	13,	15,
+	16,	17,	18,	19,	20,	21,	22,	23,
+	24,	25,	26,	27,	28,	29,	30,	31,
+	32,	32,	33,	33,	34,	34,	35,	35,
+	36,	37,	38,	39,	40,	41,	42,	43,
+	44,	45,	46,	47,	48,	48,	49,	49,
+	50,	51,	52,	53,	54,	55,	56,	57,
+	58,	59,	60,	61,	62,	63,	64,	64,
+	65,	66,	67,	68,	69,	70,	71,	72,
+	73,	74,	75,	76,	77,	78,	79,	79,
+	80,	81,	82,	83,	84,	85,	86,	87,
+	88,	89,	90,	91,	92,	93,	94,	95,
+	96,	97,	98,	99,	100,	101,	102,	103,
+	104,	105,	106,	107,	108,	109,	110,	111,
+	112,	113,	114,	115,	116,	117,	118,	119,
+	120,	121,	122,	123,	124,	125,	126,	127};
+/* see libst.h */
+static short seg_end[8] = {0xFF, 0x1FF, 0x3FF, 0x7FF,
+			    0xFFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF};
+static int
+search(val, table, size)
+	int		val;
+	short		*table;
+	int		size;
+	int		i;
+	for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+		if (val <= *table++)
+			return (i);
+	}
+	return (size);
+ * linear2alaw() - Convert a 16-bit linear PCM value to 8-bit A-law
+ *
+ * linear2alaw() accepts an 16-bit integer and encodes it as A-law data.
+ *
+ *		Linear Input Code	Compressed Code
+ *	------------------------	---------------
+ *	0000000wxyza			000wxyz
+ *	0000001wxyza			001wxyz
+ *	000001wxyzab			010wxyz
+ *	00001wxyzabc			011wxyz
+ *	0001wxyzabcd			100wxyz
+ *	001wxyzabcde			101wxyz
+ *	01wxyzabcdef			110wxyz
+ *	1wxyzabcdefg			111wxyz
+ *
+ * For further information see John C. Bellamy's Digital Telephony, 1982,
+ * John Wiley & Sons, pps 98-111 and 472-476.
+ */
+unsigned char
+	int		pcm_val;	/* 2's complement (16-bit range) */
+	int		mask;
+	int		seg;
+	unsigned char	aval;
+	if (pcm_val >= 0) {
+		mask = 0xD5;		/* sign (7th) bit = 1 */
+	} else {
+		mask = 0x55;		/* sign bit = 0 */
+		pcm_val = -pcm_val - 8;
+	}
+	/* Convert the scaled magnitude to segment number. */
+	seg = search(pcm_val, seg_end, 8);
+	/* Combine the sign, segment, and quantization bits. */
+	if (seg >= 8)		/* out of range, return maximum value. */
+		return (0x7F ^ mask);
+	else {
+		aval = seg << SEG_SHIFT;
+		if (seg < 2)
+			aval |= (pcm_val >> 4) & QUANT_MASK;
+		else
+			aval |= (pcm_val >> (seg + 3)) & QUANT_MASK;
+		return (aval ^ mask);
+	}
+ * alaw2linear() - Convert an A-law value to 16-bit linear PCM
+ *
+ */
+	unsigned char	a_val;
+	int		t;
+	int		seg;
+	a_val ^= 0x55;
+	t = (a_val & QUANT_MASK) << 4;
+	seg = ((unsigned)a_val & SEG_MASK) >> SEG_SHIFT;
+	switch (seg) {
+	case 0:
+		t += 8;
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		t += 0x108;
+		break;
+	default:
+		t += 0x108;
+		t <<= seg - 1;
+	}
+	return ((a_val & SIGN_BIT) ? t : -t);
+#define	BIAS		(0x84)		/* Bias for linear code. */
+ * linear2ulaw() - Convert a linear PCM value to u-law
+ *
+ * In order to simplify the encoding process, the original linear magnitude
+ * is biased by adding 33 which shifts the encoding range from (0 - 8158) to
+ * (33 - 8191). The result can be seen in the following encoding table:
+ *
+ *	Biased Linear Input Code	Compressed Code
+ *	------------------------	---------------
+ *	00000001wxyza			000wxyz
+ *	0000001wxyzab			001wxyz
+ *	000001wxyzabc			010wxyz
+ *	00001wxyzabcd			011wxyz
+ *	0001wxyzabcde			100wxyz
+ *	001wxyzabcdef			101wxyz
+ *	01wxyzabcdefg			110wxyz
+ *	1wxyzabcdefgh			111wxyz
+ *
+ * Each biased linear code has a leading 1 which identifies the segment
+ * number. The value of the segment number is equal to 7 minus the number
+ * of leading 0's. The quantization interval is directly available as the
+ * four bits wxyz.  * The trailing bits (a - h) are ignored.
+ *
+ * Ordinarily the complement of the resulting code word is used for
+ * transmission, and so the code word is complemented before it is returned.
+ *
+ * For further information see John C. Bellamy's Digital Telephony, 1982,
+ * John Wiley & Sons, pps 98-111 and 472-476.
+ */
+unsigned char
+	int		pcm_val;	/* 2's complement (16-bit range) */
+	int		mask;
+	int		seg;
+	unsigned char	uval;
+	/* Get the sign and the magnitude of the value. */
+	if (pcm_val < 0) {
+		pcm_val = BIAS - pcm_val;
+		mask = 0x7F;
+	} else {
+		pcm_val += BIAS;
+		mask = 0xFF;
+	}
+	/* Convert the scaled magnitude to segment number. */
+	seg = search(pcm_val, seg_end, 8);
+	/*
+	 * Combine the sign, segment, quantization bits;
+	 * and complement the code word.
+	 */
+	if (seg >= 8)		/* out of range, return maximum value. */
+		return (0x7F ^ mask);
+	else {
+		uval = (seg << 4) | ((pcm_val >> (seg + 3)) & 0xF);
+		return (uval ^ mask);
+	}
+ * ulaw2linear() - Convert a u-law value to 16-bit linear PCM
+ *
+ * First, a biased linear code is derived from the code word. An unbiased
+ * output can then be obtained by subtracting 33 from the biased code.
+ *
+ * Note that this function expects to be passed the complement of the
+ * original code word. This is in keeping with ISDN conventions.
+ */
+	unsigned char	u_val;
+	int		t;
+	/* Complement to obtain normal u-law value. */
+	u_val = ~u_val;
+	/*
+	 * Extract and bias the quantization bits. Then
+	 * shift up by the segment number and subtract out the bias.
+	 */
+	t = ((u_val & QUANT_MASK) << 3) + BIAS;
+	t <<= ((unsigned)u_val & SEG_MASK) >> SEG_SHIFT;
+	return ((u_val & SIGN_BIT) ? (BIAS - t) : (t - BIAS));
+/* A-law to u-law conversion */
+unsigned char
+	unsigned char	aval;
+	aval &= 0xff;
+	return ((aval & 0x80) ? (0xFF ^ _a2u[aval ^ 0xD5]) :
+	    (0x7F ^ _a2u[aval ^ 0x55]));
+/* u-law to A-law conversion */
+unsigned char
+	unsigned char	uval;
+	uval &= 0xff;
+	return ((uval & 0x80) ? (0xD5 ^ (_u2a[0xFF ^ uval] - 1)) :
+	    (0x55 ^ (_u2a[0x7F ^ uval] - 1)));
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/g721.c
@@ -1,0 +1,176 @@
+ * This source code is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided
+ * for unrestricted use.  Users may copy or modify this source code without
+ * charge.
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun source code is provided with no support and without any obligation on
+ * the part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction,
+ * modification or enhancement.
+ *
+ *
+ * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue
+ * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if
+ * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 2550 Garcia Avenue
+ * Mountain View, California  94043
+ */
+ * g721.c
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * g721_encoder(), g721_decoder()
+ *
+ * These routines comprise an implementation of the CCITT G.721 ADPCM
+ * coding algorithm.  Essentially, this implementation is identical to
+ * the bit level description except for a few deviations which
+ * take advantage of work station attributes, such as hardware 2's
+ * complement arithmetic and large memory.  Specifically, certain time
+ * consuming operations such as multiplications are replaced
+ * with lookup tables and software 2's complement operations are
+ * replaced with hardware 2's complement.
+ *
+ * The deviation from the bit level specification (lookup tables)
+ * preserves the bit level performance specifications.
+ *
+ * As outlined in the G.721 Recommendation, the algorithm is broken
+ * down into modules.  Each section of code below is preceded by
+ * the name of the module which it is implementing.
+ *
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "g72x.h"
+#include "libst.h"
+static short qtab_721[7] = {-124, 80, 178, 246, 300, 349, 400};
+ * Maps G.721 code word to reconstructed scale factor normalized log
+ * magnitude values.
+ */
+static short	_dqlntab[16] = {-2048, 4, 135, 213, 273, 323, 373, 425,
+				425, 373, 323, 273, 213, 135, 4, -2048};
+/* Maps G.721 code word to log of scale factor multiplier. */
+static short	_witab[16] = {-12, 18, 41, 64, 112, 198, 355, 1122,
+				1122, 355, 198, 112, 64, 41, 18, -12};
+ * Maps G.721 code words to a set of values whose long and short
+ * term averages are computed and then compared to give an indication
+ * how stationary (steady state) the signal is.
+ */
+static short	_fitab[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0x200, 0x200, 0x200, 0x600, 0xE00,
+				0xE00, 0x600, 0x200, 0x200, 0x200, 0, 0, 0};
+ * g721_encoder()
+ *
+ * Encodes the input vale of linear PCM, A-law or u-law data sl and returns
+ * the resulting code. -1 is returned for unknown input coding value.
+ */
+g721_encoder(sl, in_coding,state_ptr)
+	int		sl;
+	int		in_coding;
+	struct g72x_state *state_ptr;
+	short		sezi, se, sez;		/* ACCUM */
+	short		d;			/* SUBTA */
+	short		sr;			/* ADDB */
+	short		y;			/* MIX */
+	short		dqsez;			/* ADDC */
+	short		dq, i;
+	switch (in_coding) {	/* linearize input sample to 14-bit PCM */
+		sl = st_Alaw_to_linear(sl) >> 2;
+		break;
+		sl = st_ulaw_to_linear(sl) >> 2;
+		break;
+		sl >>= 2;			/* 14-bit dynamic range */
+		break;
+	default:
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	sezi = predictor_zero(state_ptr);
+	sez = sezi >> 1;
+	se = (sezi + predictor_pole(state_ptr)) >> 1;	/* estimated signal */
+	d = sl - se;				/* estimation difference */
+	/* quantize the prediction difference */
+	y = step_size(state_ptr);		/* quantizer step size */
+	i = quantize(d, y, qtab_721, 7);	/* i = ADPCM code */
+	dq = reconstruct(i & 8, _dqlntab[i], y);	/* quantized est diff */
+	sr = (dq < 0) ? se - (dq & 0x3FFF) : se + dq;	/* reconst. signal */
+	dqsez = sr + sez - se;			/* pole prediction diff. */
+	update(4, y, _witab[i] << 5, _fitab[i], dq, sr, dqsez, state_ptr);
+	return (i);
+ * g721_decoder()
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * Decodes a 4-bit code of G.721 encoded data of i and
+ * returns the resulting linear PCM, A-law or u-law value.
+ * return -1 for unknown out_coding value.
+ */
+g721_decoder(i, out_coding, state_ptr)
+	int		i;
+	int		out_coding;
+	struct g72x_state *state_ptr;
+	short		sezi, sei, sez, se;	/* ACCUM */
+	short		y;			/* MIX */
+	short		sr;			/* ADDB */
+	short		dq;
+	short		dqsez;
+	i &= 0x0f;			/* mask to get proper bits */
+	sezi = predictor_zero(state_ptr);
+	sez = sezi >> 1;
+	sei = sezi + predictor_pole(state_ptr);
+	se = sei >> 1;			/* se = estimated signal */
+	y = step_size(state_ptr);	/* dynamic quantizer step size */
+	dq = reconstruct(i & 0x08, _dqlntab[i], y); /* quantized diff. */
+	sr = (dq < 0) ? (se - (dq & 0x3FFF)) : se + dq;	/* reconst. signal */
+	dqsez = sr - se + sez;			/* pole prediction diff. */
+	update(4, y, _witab[i] << 5, _fitab[i], dq, sr, dqsez, state_ptr);
+	switch (out_coding) {
+		return (tandem_adjust_alaw(sr, se, y, i, 8, qtab_721));
+		return (tandem_adjust_ulaw(sr, se, y, i, 8, qtab_721));
+		return (sr << 2);	/* sr was 14-bit dynamic range */
+	default:
+		return (-1);
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/g723_24.c
@@ -1,0 +1,160 @@
+ * This source code is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided
+ * for unrestricted use.  Users may copy or modify this source code without
+ * charge.
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun source code is provided with no support and without any obligation on
+ * the part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction,
+ * modification or enhancement.
+ *
+ *
+ * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue
+ * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if
+ * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 2550 Garcia Avenue
+ * Mountain View, California  94043
+ */
+ * g723_24.c
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * g723_24_encoder(), g723_24_decoder()
+ *
+ * These routines comprise an implementation of the CCITT G.723 24 Kbps
+ * ADPCM coding algorithm.  Essentially, this implementation is identical to
+ * the bit level description except for a few deviations which take advantage
+ * of workstation attributes, such as hardware 2's complement arithmetic.
+ *
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "libst.h"
+#include "g72x.h"
+ * Maps G.723_24 code word to reconstructed scale factor normalized log
+ * magnitude values.
+ */
+static short	_dqlntab[8] = {-2048, 135, 273, 373, 373, 273, 135, -2048};
+/* Maps G.723_24 code word to log of scale factor multiplier. */
+static short	_witab[8] = {-128, 960, 4384, 18624, 18624, 4384, 960, -128};
+ * Maps G.723_24 code words to a set of values whose long and short
+ * term averages are computed and then compared to give an indication
+ * how stationary (steady state) the signal is.
+ */
+static short	_fitab[8] = {0, 0x200, 0x400, 0xE00, 0xE00, 0x400, 0x200, 0};
+static short qtab_723_24[3] = {8, 218, 331};
+ * g723_24_encoder()
+ *
+ * Encodes a linear PCM, A-law or u-law input sample and returns its 3-bit code.
+ * Returns -1 if invalid input coding value.
+ */
+g723_24_encoder(sl, in_coding, state_ptr)
+	int		sl;
+	int		in_coding;
+	struct g72x_state *state_ptr;
+	short		sei, sezi, se, sez;	/* ACCUM */
+	short		d;			/* SUBTA */
+	short		y;			/* MIX */
+	short		sr;			/* ADDB */
+	short		dqsez;			/* ADDC */
+	short		dq, i;
+	switch (in_coding) {	/* linearize input sample to 14-bit PCM */
+		sl = st_Alaw_to_linear(sl) >> 2;
+		break;
+		sl = st_ulaw_to_linear(sl) >> 2;
+		break;
+		sl >>= 2;		/* sl of 14-bit dynamic range */
+		break;
+	default:
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	sezi = predictor_zero(state_ptr);
+	sez = sezi >> 1;
+	sei = sezi + predictor_pole(state_ptr);
+	se = sei >> 1;			/* se = estimated signal */
+	d = sl - se;			/* d = estimation diff. */
+	/* quantize prediction difference d */
+	y = step_size(state_ptr);	/* quantizer step size */
+	i = quantize(d, y, qtab_723_24, 3);	/* i = ADPCM code */
+	dq = reconstruct(i & 4, _dqlntab[i], y); /* quantized diff. */
+	sr = (dq < 0) ? se - (dq & 0x3FFF) : se + dq; /* reconstructed signal */
+	dqsez = sr + sez - se;		/* pole prediction diff. */
+	update(3, y, _witab[i], _fitab[i], dq, sr, dqsez, state_ptr);
+	return (i);
+ * g723_24_decoder()
+ *
+ * Decodes a 3-bit CCITT G.723_24 ADPCM code and returns
+ * the resulting 16-bit linear PCM, A-law or u-law sample value.
+ * -1 is returned if the output coding is unknown.
+ */
+g723_24_decoder(i, out_coding, state_ptr)
+	int		i;
+	int		out_coding;
+	struct g72x_state *state_ptr;
+	short		sezi, sei, sez, se;	/* ACCUM */
+	short		y;			/* MIX */
+	short		sr;			/* ADDB */
+	short		dq;
+	short		dqsez;
+	i &= 0x07;			/* mask to get proper bits */
+	sezi = predictor_zero(state_ptr);
+	sez = sezi >> 1;
+	sei = sezi + predictor_pole(state_ptr);
+	se = sei >> 1;			/* se = estimated signal */
+	y = step_size(state_ptr);	/* adaptive quantizer step size */
+	dq = reconstruct(i & 0x04, _dqlntab[i], y); /* unquantize pred diff */
+	sr = (dq < 0) ? (se - (dq & 0x3FFF)) : (se + dq); /* reconst. signal */
+	dqsez = sr - se + sez;			/* pole prediction diff. */
+	update(3, y, _witab[i], _fitab[i], dq, sr, dqsez, state_ptr);
+	switch (out_coding) {
+		return (tandem_adjust_alaw(sr, se, y, i, 4, qtab_723_24));
+		return (tandem_adjust_ulaw(sr, se, y, i, 4, qtab_723_24));
+		return (sr << 2);	/* sr was of 14-bit dynamic range */
+	default:
+		return (-1);
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/g723_40.c
@@ -1,0 +1,180 @@
+ * This source code is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided
+ * for unrestricted use.  Users may copy or modify this source code without
+ * charge.
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun source code is provided with no support and without any obligation on
+ * the part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction,
+ * modification or enhancement.
+ *
+ *
+ * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue
+ * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if
+ * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 2550 Garcia Avenue
+ * Mountain View, California  94043
+ */
+ * g723_40.c
+ *
+ * Description:
+ *
+ * g723_40_encoder(), g723_40_decoder()
+ *
+ * These routines comprise an implementation of the CCITT G.723 40Kbps
+ * ADPCM coding algorithm.  Essentially, this implementation is identical to
+ * the bit level description except for a few deviations which
+ * take advantage of workstation attributes, such as hardware 2's
+ * complement arithmetic.
+ *
+ * The deviation from the bit level specification (lookup tables),
+ * preserves the bit level performance specifications.
+ *
+ * As outlined in the G.723 Recommendation, the algorithm is broken
+ * down into modules.  Each section of code below is preceded by
+ * the name of the module which it is implementing.
+ *
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "libst.h"
+#include "g72x.h"
+ * Maps G.723_40 code word to ructeconstructed scale factor normalized log
+ * magnitude values.
+ */
+static short	_dqlntab[32] = {-2048, -66, 28, 104, 169, 224, 274, 318,
+				358, 395, 429, 459, 488, 514, 539, 566,
+				566, 539, 514, 488, 459, 429, 395, 358,
+				318, 274, 224, 169, 104, 28, -66, -2048};
+/* Maps G.723_40 code word to log of scale factor multiplier. */
+static short	_witab[32] = {448, 448, 768, 1248, 1280, 1312, 1856, 3200,
+			4512, 5728, 7008, 8960, 11456, 14080, 16928, 22272,
+			22272, 16928, 14080, 11456, 8960, 7008, 5728, 4512,
+			3200, 1856, 1312, 1280, 1248, 768, 448, 448};
+ * Maps G.723_40 code words to a set of values whose long and short
+ * term averages are computed and then compared to give an indication
+ * how stationary (steady state) the signal is.
+ */
+static short	_fitab[32] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x200, 0x200, 0x200,
+			0x200, 0x200, 0x400, 0x600, 0x800, 0xA00, 0xC00, 0xC00,
+			0xC00, 0xC00, 0xA00, 0x800, 0x600, 0x400, 0x200, 0x200,
+			0x200, 0x200, 0x200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+static short qtab_723_40[15] = {-122, -16, 68, 139, 198, 250, 298, 339,
+				378, 413, 445, 475, 502, 528, 553};
+ * g723_40_encoder()
+ *
+ * Encodes a 16-bit linear PCM, A-law or u-law input sample and retuens
+ * the resulting 5-bit CCITT G.723 40Kbps code.
+ * Returns -1 if the input coding value is invalid.
+ */
+g723_40_encoder(sl, in_coding, state_ptr)
+	int		sl;
+	int		in_coding;
+	struct g72x_state *state_ptr;
+	short		sei, sezi, se, sez;	/* ACCUM */
+	short		d;			/* SUBTA */
+	short		y;			/* MIX */
+	short		sr;			/* ADDB */
+	short		dqsez;			/* ADDC */
+	short		dq, i;
+	switch (in_coding) {	/* linearize input sample to 14-bit PCM */
+		sl = st_Alaw_to_linear(sl) >> 2;
+		break;
+		sl = st_ulaw_to_linear(sl) >> 2;
+		break;
+		sl >>= 2;		/* sl of 14-bit dynamic range */
+		break;
+	default:
+		return (-1);
+	}
+	sezi = predictor_zero(state_ptr);
+	sez = sezi >> 1;
+	sei = sezi + predictor_pole(state_ptr);
+	se = sei >> 1;			/* se = estimated signal */
+	d = sl - se;			/* d = estimation difference */
+	/* quantize prediction difference */
+	y = step_size(state_ptr);	/* adaptive quantizer step size */
+	i = quantize(d, y, qtab_723_40, 15);	/* i = ADPCM code */
+	dq = reconstruct(i & 0x10, _dqlntab[i], y);	/* quantized diff */
+	sr = (dq < 0) ? se - (dq & 0x7FFF) : se + dq; /* reconstructed signal */
+	dqsez = sr + sez - se;		/* dqsez = pole prediction diff. */
+	update(5, y, _witab[i], _fitab[i], dq, sr, dqsez, state_ptr);
+	return (i);
+ * g723_40_decoder()
+ *
+ * Decodes a 5-bit CCITT G.723 40Kbps code and returns
+ * the resulting 16-bit linear PCM, A-law or u-law sample value.
+ * -1 is returned if the output coding is unknown.
+ */
+g723_40_decoder( i, out_coding, state_ptr)
+	int		i;
+	int		out_coding;
+	struct g72x_state *state_ptr;
+	short		sezi, sei, sez, se;	/* ACCUM */
+	short		y;			/* MIX */
+	short		sr;			/* ADDB */
+	short		dq;
+	short		dqsez;
+	i &= 0x1f;			/* mask to get proper bits */
+	sezi = predictor_zero(state_ptr);
+	sez = sezi >> 1;
+	sei = sezi + predictor_pole(state_ptr);
+	se = sei >> 1;			/* se = estimated signal */
+	y = step_size(state_ptr);	/* adaptive quantizer step size */
+	dq = reconstruct(i & 0x10, _dqlntab[i], y);	/* estimation diff. */
+	sr = (dq < 0) ? (se - (dq & 0x7FFF)) : (se + dq); /* reconst. signal */
+	dqsez = sr - se + sez;		/* pole prediction diff. */
+	update(5, y, _witab[i], _fitab[i], dq, sr, dqsez, state_ptr);
+	switch (out_coding) {
+		return (tandem_adjust_alaw(sr, se, y, i, 0x10, qtab_723_40));
+		return (tandem_adjust_ulaw(sr, se, y, i, 0x10, qtab_723_40));
+		return (sr << 2);	/* sr was of 14-bit dynamic range */
+	default:
+		return (-1);
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/g72x.c
@@ -1,0 +1,566 @@
+ * This source code is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided
+ * for unrestricted use.  Users may copy or modify this source code without
+ * charge.
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun source code is provided with no support and without any obligation on
+ * the part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction,
+ * modification or enhancement.
+ *
+ *
+ * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue
+ * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if
+ * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 2550 Garcia Avenue
+ * Mountain View, California  94043
+ */
+ * g72x.c
+ *
+ * Common routines for G.721 and G.723 conversions.
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "libst.h"
+#include "g72x.h"
+static short power2[15] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80,
+			0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800, 0x1000, 0x2000, 0x4000};
+ * quan()
+ *
+ * quantizes the input val against the table of size short integers.
+ * It returns i if table[i - 1] <= val < table[i].
+ *
+ * Using linear search for simple coding.
+ */
+static int
+	int		val;
+	short		*table;
+	int		size;
+	int		i;
+	for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+		if (val < *table++)
+			break;
+	return (i);
+ * fmult()
+ *
+ * returns the integer product of the 14-bit integer "an" and
+ * "floating point" representation (4-bit exponent, 6-bit mantessa) "srn".
+ */
+static int
+fmult(an, srn)
+	int		an;
+	int		srn;
+	short		anmag, anexp, anmant;
+	short		wanexp, wanmant;
+	short		retval;
+	anmag = (an > 0) ? an : ((-an) & 0x1FFF);
+	anexp = quan(anmag, power2, 15) - 6;
+	anmant = (anmag == 0) ? 32 :
+	    (anexp >= 0) ? anmag >> anexp : anmag << -anexp;
+	wanexp = anexp + ((srn >> 6) & 0xF) - 13;
+	wanmant = (anmant * (srn & 077) + 0x30) >> 4;
+	retval = (wanexp >= 0) ? ((wanmant << wanexp) & 0x7FFF) :
+	    (wanmant >> -wanexp);
+	return (((an ^ srn) < 0) ? -retval : retval);
+ * g72x_init_state()
+ *
+ * This routine initializes and/or resets the g72x_state structure
+ * pointed to by 'state_ptr'.
+ * All the initial state values are specified in the CCITT G.721 document.
+ */
+	struct g72x_state *state_ptr;
+	int		cnta;
+	state_ptr->yl = 34816L;
+	state_ptr->yu = 544;
+	state_ptr->dms = 0;
+	state_ptr->dml = 0;
+	state_ptr->ap = 0;
+	for (cnta = 0; cnta < 2; cnta++) {
+		state_ptr->a[cnta] = 0;
+		state_ptr->pk[cnta] = 0;
+		state_ptr->sr[cnta] = 32;
+	}
+	for (cnta = 0; cnta < 6; cnta++) {
+		state_ptr->b[cnta] = 0;
+		state_ptr->dq[cnta] = 32;
+	}
+	state_ptr->td = 0;
+ * predictor_zero()
+ *
+ * computes the estimated signal from 6-zero predictor.
+ *
+ */
+	struct g72x_state *state_ptr;
+	int		i;
+	int		sezi;
+	sezi = fmult(state_ptr->b[0] >> 2, state_ptr->dq[0]);
+	for (i = 1; i < 6; i++)			/* ACCUM */
+		sezi += fmult(state_ptr->b[i] >> 2, state_ptr->dq[i]);
+	return (sezi);
+ * predictor_pole()
+ *
+ * computes the estimated signal from 2-pole predictor.
+ *
+ */
+	struct g72x_state *state_ptr;
+	return (fmult(state_ptr->a[1] >> 2, state_ptr->sr[1]) +
+	    fmult(state_ptr->a[0] >> 2, state_ptr->sr[0]));
+ * step_size()
+ *
+ * computes the quantization step size of the adaptive quantizer.
+ *
+ */
+	struct g72x_state *state_ptr;
+	int		y;
+	int		dif;
+	int		al;
+	if (state_ptr->ap >= 256)
+		return (state_ptr->yu);
+	else {
+		y = state_ptr->yl >> 6;
+		dif = state_ptr->yu - y;
+		al = state_ptr->ap >> 2;
+		if (dif > 0)
+			y += (dif * al) >> 6;
+		else if (dif < 0)
+			y += (dif * al + 0x3F) >> 6;
+		return (y);
+	}
+ * quantize()
+ *
+ * Given a raw sample, 'd', of the difference signal and a
+ * quantization step size scale factor, 'y', this routine returns the
+ * ADPCM codeword to which that sample gets quantized.  The step
+ * size scale factor division operation is done in the log base 2 domain
+ * as a subtraction.
+ */
+quantize(d, y,table,size)
+	int		d;	/* Raw difference signal sample */
+	int		y;	/* Step size multiplier */
+	short		*table;	/* quantization table */
+	int		size;	/* table size of short integers */
+	short		dqm;	/* Magnitude of 'd' */
+	short		exp;	/* Integer part of base 2 log of 'd' */
+	short		mant;	/* Fractional part of base 2 log */
+	short		dl;	/* Log of magnitude of 'd' */
+	short		dln;	/* Step size scale factor normalized log */
+	int		i;
+	/*
+	 * LOG
+	 *
+	 * Compute base 2 log of 'd', and store in 'dl'.
+	 */
+	dqm = abs(d);
+	exp = quan(dqm >> 1, power2, 15);
+	mant = ((dqm << 7) >> exp) & 0x7F;	/* Fractional portion. */
+	dl = (exp << 7) + mant;
+	/*
+	 * SUBTB
+	 *
+	 * "Divide" by step size multiplier.
+	 */
+	dln = dl - (y >> 2);
+	/*
+	 * QUAN
+	 *
+	 * Obtain codword i for 'd'.
+	 */
+	i = quan(dln, table, size);
+	if (d < 0)			/* take 1's complement of i */
+		return ((size << 1) + 1 - i);
+	else if (i == 0)		/* take 1's complement of 0 */
+		return ((size << 1) + 1); /* new in 1988 */
+	else
+		return (i);
+ * reconstruct()
+ *
+ * Returns reconstructed difference signal 'dq' obtained from
+ * codeword 'i' and quantization step size scale factor 'y'.
+ * Multiplication is performed in log base 2 domain as addition.
+ */
+reconstruct(sign, dqln, y)
+	int		sign;	/* 0 for non-negative value */
+	int		dqln;	/* G.72x codeword */
+	int		y;	/* Step size multiplier */
+	short		dql;	/* Log of 'dq' magnitude */
+	short		dex;	/* Integer part of log */
+	short		dqt;
+	short		dq;	/* Reconstructed difference signal sample */
+	dql = dqln + (y >> 2);	/* ADDA */
+	if (dql < 0) {
+		return ((sign) ? -0x8000 : 0);
+	} else {		/* ANTILOG */
+		dex = (dql >> 7) & 15;
+		dqt = 128 + (dql & 127);
+		dq = (dqt << 7) >> (14 - dex);
+		return ((sign) ? (dq - 0x8000) : dq);
+	}
+ * update()
+ *
+ * updates the state variables for each output code
+ */
+update(code_size, y, wi, fi, dq, sr, dqsez, state_ptr)
+	int		code_size;	/* distinguish 723_40 with others */
+	int		y;		/* quantizer step size */
+	int		wi;		/* scale factor multiplier */
+	int		fi;		/* for long/short term energies */
+	int		dq;		/* quantized prediction difference */
+	int		sr;		/* reconstructed signal */
+	int		dqsez;		/* difference from 2-pole predictor */
+	struct g72x_state *state_ptr;	/* coder state pointer */
+	int		cnt;
+	short		mag, exp;	/* Adaptive predictor, FLOAT A */
+	short		a2p=0;		/* LIMC */
+	short		a1ul;		/* UPA1 */
+	short		pks1;		/* UPA2 */
+	short		fa1;
+	char		tr;		/* tone/transition detector */
+	short		ylint, thr2, dqthr;
+	short  		ylfrac, thr1;
+	short		pk0;
+	pk0 = (dqsez < 0) ? 1 : 0;	/* needed in updating predictor poles */
+	mag = dq & 0x7FFF;		/* prediction difference magnitude */
+	/* TRANS */
+	ylint = state_ptr->yl >> 15;	/* exponent part of yl */
+	ylfrac = (state_ptr->yl >> 10) & 0x1F;	/* fractional part of yl */
+	thr1 = (32 + ylfrac) << ylint;		/* threshold */
+	thr2 = (ylint > 9) ? 31 << 10 : thr1;	/* limit thr2 to 31 << 10 */
+	dqthr = (thr2 + (thr2 >> 1)) >> 1;	/* dqthr = 0.75 * thr2 */
+	if (state_ptr->td == 0)		/* signal supposed voice */
+		tr = 0;
+	else if (mag <= dqthr)		/* supposed data, but small mag */
+		tr = 0;			/* treated as voice */
+	else				/* signal is data (modem) */
+		tr = 1;
+	/*
+	 * Quantizer scale factor adaptation.
+	 */
+	/* update non-steady state step size multiplier */
+	state_ptr->yu = y + ((wi - y) >> 5);
+	/* LIMB */
+	if (state_ptr->yu < 544)	/* 544 <= yu <= 5120 */
+		state_ptr->yu = 544;
+	else if (state_ptr->yu > 5120)
+		state_ptr->yu = 5120;
+	/* FILTE & DELAY */
+	/* update steady state step size multiplier */
+	state_ptr->yl += state_ptr->yu + ((-state_ptr->yl) >> 6);
+	/*
+	 * Adaptive predictor coefficients.
+	 */
+	if (tr == 1) {			/* reset a's and b's for modem signal */
+		state_ptr->a[0] = 0;
+		state_ptr->a[1] = 0;
+		state_ptr->b[0] = 0;
+		state_ptr->b[1] = 0;
+		state_ptr->b[2] = 0;
+		state_ptr->b[3] = 0;
+		state_ptr->b[4] = 0;
+		state_ptr->b[5] = 0;
+	} else {			/* update a's and b's */
+		pks1 = pk0 ^ state_ptr->pk[0];		/* UPA2 */
+		/* update predictor pole a[1] */
+		a2p = state_ptr->a[1] - (state_ptr->a[1] >> 7);
+		if (dqsez != 0) {
+			fa1 = (pks1) ? state_ptr->a[0] : -state_ptr->a[0];
+			if (fa1 < -8191)	/* a2p = function of fa1 */
+				a2p -= 0x100;
+			else if (fa1 > 8191)
+				a2p += 0xFF;
+			else
+				a2p += fa1 >> 5;
+			if (pk0 ^ state_ptr->pk[1])
+				/* LIMC */
+				if (a2p <= -12160)
+					a2p = -12288;
+				else if (a2p >= 12416)
+					a2p = 12288;
+				else
+					a2p -= 0x80;
+			else if (a2p <= -12416)
+				a2p = -12288;
+			else if (a2p >= 12160)
+				a2p = 12288;
+			else
+				a2p += 0x80;
+		}
+		/* Possible bug: a2p not initialized if dqsez == 0) */
+		/* TRIGB & DELAY */
+		state_ptr->a[1] = a2p;
+		/* UPA1 */
+		/* update predictor pole a[0] */
+		state_ptr->a[0] -= state_ptr->a[0] >> 8;
+		if (dqsez != 0)
+			if (pks1 == 0)
+				state_ptr->a[0] += 192;
+			else
+				state_ptr->a[0] -= 192;
+		/* LIMD */
+		a1ul = 15360 - a2p;
+		if (state_ptr->a[0] < -a1ul)
+			state_ptr->a[0] = -a1ul;
+		else if (state_ptr->a[0] > a1ul)
+			state_ptr->a[0] = a1ul;
+		/* UPB : update predictor zeros b[6] */
+		for (cnt = 0; cnt < 6; cnt++) {
+			if (code_size == 5)		/* for 40Kbps G.723 */
+				state_ptr->b[cnt] -= state_ptr->b[cnt] >> 9;
+			else			/* for G.721 and 24Kbps G.723 */
+				state_ptr->b[cnt] -= state_ptr->b[cnt] >> 8;
+			if (dq & 0x7FFF) {			/* XOR */
+				if ((dq ^ state_ptr->dq[cnt]) >= 0)
+					state_ptr->b[cnt] += 128;
+				else
+					state_ptr->b[cnt] -= 128;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	for (cnt = 5; cnt > 0; cnt--)
+		state_ptr->dq[cnt] = state_ptr->dq[cnt-1];
+	/* FLOAT A : convert dq[0] to 4-bit exp, 6-bit mantissa f.p. */
+	if (mag == 0) {
+		state_ptr->dq[0] = (dq >= 0) ? 0x20 : 0xFC20;
+	} else {
+		exp = quan(mag, power2, 15);
+		state_ptr->dq[0] = (dq >= 0) ?
+		    (exp << 6) + ((mag << 6) >> exp) :
+		    (exp << 6) + ((mag << 6) >> exp) - 0x400;
+	}
+	state_ptr->sr[1] = state_ptr->sr[0];
+	/* FLOAT B : convert sr to 4-bit exp., 6-bit mantissa f.p. */
+	if (sr == 0) {
+		state_ptr->sr[0] = 0x20;
+	} else if (sr > 0) {
+		exp = quan(sr, power2, 15);
+		state_ptr->sr[0] = (exp << 6) + ((sr << 6) >> exp);
+	} else if (sr > -32768L) {
+		mag = -sr;
+		exp = quan(mag, power2, 15);
+		state_ptr->sr[0] =  (exp << 6) + ((mag << 6) >> exp) - 0x400;
+	} else
+		state_ptr->sr[0] = 0xFC20;
+	/* DELAY A */
+	state_ptr->pk[1] = state_ptr->pk[0];
+	state_ptr->pk[0] = pk0;
+	/* TONE */
+	if (tr == 1)		/* this sample has been treated as data */
+		state_ptr->td = 0;	/* next one will be treated as voice */
+	else if (a2p < -11776)	/* small sample-to-sample correlation */
+		state_ptr->td = 1;	/* signal may be data */
+	else				/* signal is voice */
+		state_ptr->td = 0;
+	/*
+	 * Adaptation speed control.
+	 */
+	state_ptr->dms += (fi - state_ptr->dms) >> 5;		/* FILTA */
+	state_ptr->dml += (((fi << 2) - state_ptr->dml) >> 7);	/* FILTB */
+	if (tr == 1)
+		state_ptr->ap = 256;
+	else if (y < 1536)					/* SUBTC */
+		state_ptr->ap += (0x200 - state_ptr->ap) >> 4;
+	else if (state_ptr->td == 1)
+		state_ptr->ap += (0x200 - state_ptr->ap) >> 4;
+	else if (abs((state_ptr->dms << 2) - state_ptr->dml) >=
+	    (state_ptr->dml >> 3))
+		state_ptr->ap += (0x200 - state_ptr->ap) >> 4;
+	else
+		state_ptr->ap += (-state_ptr->ap) >> 4;
+ * tandem_adjust(sr, se, y, i, sign)
+ *
+ * At the end of ADPCM decoding, it simulates an encoder which may be receiving
+ * the output of this decoder as a tandem process. If the output of the
+ * simulated encoder differs from the input to this decoder, the decoder output
+ * is adjusted by one level of A-law or u-law codes.
+ *
+ * Input:
+ *	sr	decoder output linear PCM sample,
+ *	se	predictor estimate sample,
+ *	y	quantizer step size,
+ *	i	decoder input code,
+ *	sign	sign bit of code i
+ *
+ * Return:
+ *	adjusted A-law or u-law compressed sample.
+ */
+tandem_adjust_alaw(sr, se, y, i, sign, qtab)
+	int		sr;	/* decoder output linear PCM sample */
+	int		se;	/* predictor estimate sample */
+	int		y;	/* quantizer step size */
+	int		i;	/* decoder input code */
+	int		sign;
+	short		*qtab;
+	unsigned char	sp;	/* A-law compressed 8-bit code */
+	short		dx;	/* prediction error */
+	char		id;	/* quantized prediction error */
+	int		sd;	/* adjusted A-law decoded sample value */
+	int		im;	/* biased magnitude of i */
+	int		imx;	/* biased magnitude of id */
+	if (sr <= -32768L)
+		sr = -1;
+	sp = st_linear_to_Alaw((sr >> 1) << 3);	/* short to A-law compression */
+	dx = (st_Alaw_to_linear(sp) >> 2) - se;	/* 16-bit prediction error */
+	id = quantize(dx, y, qtab, sign - 1);
+	if (id == i) {			/* no adjustment on sp */
+		return (sp);
+	} else {			/* sp adjustment needed */
+		/* ADPCM codes : 8, 9, ... F, 0, 1, ... , 6, 7 */
+		im = i ^ sign;		/* 2's complement to biased unsigned */
+		imx = id ^ sign;
+		if (imx > im) {		/* sp adjusted to next lower value */
+			if (sp & 0x80) {
+				sd = (sp == 0xD5) ? 0x55 :
+				    ((sp ^ 0x55) - 1) ^ 0x55;
+			} else {
+				sd = (sp == 0x2A) ? 0x2A :
+				    ((sp ^ 0x55) + 1) ^ 0x55;
+			}
+		} else {		/* sp adjusted to next higher value */
+			if (sp & 0x80)
+				sd = (sp == 0xAA) ? 0xAA :
+				    ((sp ^ 0x55) + 1) ^ 0x55;
+			else
+				sd = (sp == 0x55) ? 0xD5 :
+				    ((sp ^ 0x55) - 1) ^ 0x55;
+		}
+		return (sd);
+	}
+tandem_adjust_ulaw(sr, se, y, i, sign, qtab)
+	int		sr;	/* decoder output linear PCM sample */
+	int		se;	/* predictor estimate sample */
+	int		y;	/* quantizer step size */
+	int		i;	/* decoder input code */
+	int		sign;
+	short		*qtab;
+	unsigned char	sp;	/* u-law compressed 8-bit code */
+	short		dx;	/* prediction error */
+	char		id;	/* quantized prediction error */
+	int		sd;	/* adjusted u-law decoded sample value */
+	int		im;	/* biased magnitude of i */
+	int		imx;	/* biased magnitude of id */
+	if (sr <= -32768L)
+		sr = 0;
+	sp = st_linear_to_ulaw(sr << 2);	/* short to u-law compression */
+	dx = (st_ulaw_to_linear(sp) >> 2) - se;	/* 16-bit prediction error */
+	id = quantize(dx, y, qtab, sign - 1);
+	if (id == i) {
+		return (sp);
+	} else {
+		/* ADPCM codes : 8, 9, ... F, 0, 1, ... , 6, 7 */
+		im = i ^ sign;		/* 2's complement to biased unsigned */
+		imx = id ^ sign;
+		if (imx > im) {		/* sp adjusted to next lower value */
+			if (sp & 0x80)
+				sd = (sp == 0xFF) ? 0x7E : sp + 1;
+			else
+				sd = (sp == 0) ? 0 : sp - 1;
+		} else {		/* sp adjusted to next higher value */
+			if (sp & 0x80)
+				sd = (sp == 0x80) ? 0x80 : sp - 1;
+			else
+				sd = (sp == 0x7F) ? 0xFE : sp + 1;
+		}
+		return (sd);
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/g72x.h
@@ -1,0 +1,133 @@
+ * This source code is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided
+ * for unrestricted use.  Users may copy or modify this source code without
+ * charge.
+ *
+ *
+ * Sun source code is provided with no support and without any obligation on
+ * the part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction,
+ * modification or enhancement.
+ *
+ *
+ * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue
+ * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if
+ * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems, Inc.
+ * 2550 Garcia Avenue
+ * Mountain View, California  94043
+ */
+ * g72x.h
+ *
+ * Header file for CCITT conversion routines.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _G72X_H
+#define	_G72X_H
+#define	AUDIO_ENCODING_ULAW	(1)	/* ISDN u-law */
+#define	AUDIO_ENCODING_ALAW	(2)	/* ISDN A-law */
+#define	AUDIO_ENCODING_LINEAR	(3)	/* PCM 2's-complement (0-center) */
+ * The following is the definition of the state structure
+ * used by the G.721/G.723 encoder and decoder to preserve their internal
+ * state between successive calls.  The meanings of the majority
+ * of the state structure fields are explained in detail in the
+ * CCITT Recommendation G.721.  The field names are essentially indentical
+ * to variable names in the bit level description of the coding algorithm
+ * included in this Recommendation.
+ */
+struct g72x_state {
+	LONG yl;	/* Locked or steady state step size multiplier. */
+	short yu;	/* Unlocked or non-steady state step size multiplier. */
+	short dms;	/* Short term energy estimate. */
+	short dml;	/* Long term energy estimate. */
+	short ap;	/* Linear weighting coefficient of 'yl' and 'yu'. */
+	short a[2];	/* Coefficients of pole portion of prediction filter. */
+	short b[6];	/* Coefficients of zero portion of prediction filter. */
+	short pk[2];	/*
+			 * Signs of previous two samples of a partially
+			 * reconstructed signal.
+			 */
+	short dq[6];	/*
+			 * Previous 6 samples of the quantized difference
+			 * signal represented in an internal floating point
+			 * format.
+			 */
+	short sr[2];	/*
+			 * Previous 2 samples of the quantized difference
+			 * signal represented in an internal floating point
+			 * format.
+			 */
+	char td;	/* delayed tone detect, new in 1988 version */
+/* External function definitions. */
+extern void g72x_init_state(P1(struct g72x_state *));
+extern int g721_encoder(P3(
+		int sample,
+		int in_coding,
+		struct g72x_state *state_ptr));
+extern int g721_decoder(P3(
+		int code,
+		int out_coding,
+		struct g72x_state *state_ptr));
+extern int g723_24_encoder(P3(
+		int sample,
+		int in_coding,
+		struct g72x_state *state_ptr));
+extern int g723_24_decoder(P3(
+		int code,
+		int out_coding,
+		struct g72x_state *state_ptr));
+extern int g723_40_encoder(P3(
+		int sample,
+		int in_coding,
+		struct g72x_state *state_ptr));
+extern int g723_40_decoder(P3(
+		int code,
+		int out_coding,
+		struct g72x_state *state_ptr));
+int predictor_zero(P1(struct g72x_state *state_ptr));
+int predictor_pole(P1(struct g72x_state *state_ptr));
+int step_size(P1(struct g72x_state *state_ptr));
+int quantize(P4(int d,
+		int y,
+		short *table,
+		int size));
+int reconstruct(P3(int sign,
+		   int dqln,
+		   int y));
+void update(P8(int code_size,
+	       int y,
+	       int wi,
+	       int fi,
+	       int dq,
+	       int sr,
+	       int dqsez,
+	       struct g72x_state *state_ptr));
+int tandem_adjust_alaw(P6(int sr,
+			  int se,
+			  int y,
+			  int i,
+			  int sign,
+			  short *qtab));
+int tandem_adjust_ulaw(P6(int sr,
+			  int se,
+			  int y,
+			  int i,
+			  int sign,
+			  short *qtab));
+#endif /* !_G72X_H */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/getopt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,114 @@
+Date: Tue, 25 Dec 84 19:20:50 EST
+From: Keith Bostic <harvard!seismo!keith>
+To: genrad!sources
+Subject: public domain getopt(3)
+There have recently been several requests for a public
+domain version of getopt(3), recently.  Thought this
+might be worth reposting.
+		Keith Bostic
+			ARPA: keith@seismo 
+			UUCP: seismo!keith
+In April of this year, Henry Spencer (utzoo!henry) released a public
+domain version of getopt (USG, getopt(3)).  Well, I've been trying to
+port some USG dependent software and it didn't seem to work.  The problem
+ended up being that the USG version of getopt has some external variables
+that aren't mentioned in the documentation.  Anyway, to fix these problems,
+I rewrote the public version of getopt.  It has the following advantages:
+	-- it includes those "unknown" variables
+	-- it's smaller/faster 'cause it doesn't use the formatted
+		output conversion routines in section 3 of the UNIX manual.
+	-- the error messages are the same as S5's.
+	-- it has the same side-effects that S5's has.
+	-- the posted bug on how the error messages are flushed has been
+		implemented.  (posting by Tony Hansen; pegasus!hansen)
+I won't post the man pages since Henry already did; a special note,
+it's not documented in the S5 manual that the options ':' and '?' are
+illegal.  It should be obvious, but I thought I'd mention it...
+This software was derived from binaries of S5 and the S5 man page, and is
+(I think?) totally (I'm pretty sure?) compatible with S5 and backward
+compatible to Henry's version.
+		Keith Bostic
+			ARPA: keith@seismo 
+			UUCP: seismo!keith
+*UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories
+.. cut along the dotted line .........................................
+int ansi_c_needs_something_here_too;
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "st.h"
+ * get option letter from argument vector
+ */
+int	optind = 1,		/* index into parent argv vector */
+	optopt;			/* character checked for validity */
+char	*optarg;		/* argument associated with option */
+#define BADCH	(int)'?'
+#define EMSG	""
+#define tell(s)	fputs(*nargv,stderr);fputs(s,stderr); \
+		fputc(optopt,stderr);fputc('\n',stderr);return(BADCH);
+int getopt(nargc,nargv,ostr)
+int	nargc;
+char	**nargv,
+	*ostr;
+	static char	*place = EMSG;	/* option letter processing */
+	static char	*lastostr = (char *) 0;
+	register char	*oli;		/* option letter list index */
+	/* LANCE PATCH: dynamic reinitialization */
+	if (ostr != lastostr) {
+		lastostr = ostr;
+		place = EMSG;
+	}
+	if(!*place) {			/* update scanning pointer */
+		if((optind >= nargc) || (*(place = nargv[optind]) != '-')
+				|| ! *++place) {
+			place = EMSG;
+			return(EOF);
+		}
+		if (*place == '-') {	/* found "--" */
+			++optind;
+			return(EOF);
+		}
+	}				/* option letter okay? */
+	if ((optopt = (int)*place++) == (int)':' || !(oli = strchr(ostr,optopt))) {
+		if(!*place) ++optind;
+		tell(": illegal option -- ");
+	}
+	if (*++oli != ':') {		/* don't need argument */
+		optarg = NULL;
+		if (!*place) ++optind;
+	}
+	else {				/* need an argument */
+		if (*place) optarg = place;	/* no white space */
+		else if (nargc <= ++optind) {	/* no arg */
+			place = EMSG;
+			tell(": option requires an argument -- ");
+		}
+	 	else optarg = nargv[optind];	/* white space */
+		place = EMSG;
+		++optind;
+	}
+	return(optopt);			/* dump back option letter */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gsm.c
@@ -1,0 +1,162 @@
+#if defined(HAS_GSM)
+ * Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993 Guido van Rossum And Sundry Contributors.
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Guido van Rossum And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * GSM 06.10 courtesy Communications and Operating Systems Research Group,
+ * Technische Universitaet Berlin
+ *
+ * More information on this format can be obtained from
+ *
+ *
+ * Source is available from
+ *
+ * Written 26 Jan 1995 by Andrew Pam
+ * Portions Copyright (c) 1995 Serious Cybernetics
+ *
+ * July 19, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+ *   Added GSM support to SOX from patches floating around with the help
+ *   of Dima Barsky ([email protected]).
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "gsm.h"
+/* Private data */
+struct gsmpriv {
+	gsm		handle;
+	gsm_signal	sample[160];
+	int		index;
+ft_t ft;
+	struct gsmpriv *p = (struct gsmpriv *) ft->priv;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	if (sizeof(struct gsmpriv) > PRIVSIZE)
+		fail(
+"struct gsmpriv is too big (%d); change PRIVSIZE in st.h and recompile sox",
+		     sizeof(struct gsmpriv));
+	ft-> = GSM;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	if (!ft->info.rate)
+		ft->info.rate = 8000;
+	p->handle = gsm_create();
+	if (!p->handle)
+		fail("unable to create GSM stream");
+	p->index = 0;
+ft_t ft;
+	struct gsmpriv *p = (struct gsmpriv *) ft->priv;
+	ft-> = GSM;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	if (!ft->info.rate)
+		ft->info.rate = 8000;
+	p->handle = gsm_create();
+	if (!p->handle)
+		fail("unable to create GSM stream");
+	p->index = 0;
+ * Read up to len samples from file.
+ * Convert to signed longs.
+ * Place in buf[].
+ * Return number of samples read.
+ */
+gsmread(ft, buf, samp)
+ft_t ft;
+long *buf, samp;
+	int bytes;
+	int done = 0;
+	gsm_frame	frame;
+	struct gsmpriv *p = (struct gsmpriv *) ft->priv;
+	while (p->index && (p->index < 160) && (done < samp))
+		buf[done++] = LEFT(p->sample[p->index++], 16);
+	while (done < samp)
+	{
+		p->index = 0;
+		bytes = fread( frame, 1, sizeof(frame), ft->fp );
+		if (bytes <= 0)
+			return done;
+		if (bytes < sizeof(frame))
+			fail("invalid frame size: %d bytes", bytes);
+		if (gsm_decode(p->handle, frame, p->sample) < 0)
+			fail("error during GSM decode");
+		while ((p->index < 160) && (done < samp))
+			buf[done++] = LEFT(p->sample[p->index++], 16);
+	}
+	return done;
+gsmwrite(ft, buf, samp)
+ft_t ft;
+long *buf, samp;
+	int done = 0;
+	gsm_frame	frame;
+	struct gsmpriv *p = (struct gsmpriv *) ft->priv;
+	while (done < samp)
+	{
+		while ((p->index < 160) && (done < samp))
+			p->sample[p->index++] = RIGHT(buf[done++], 16);
+		if (p->index < 160)
+			return done;
+		gsm_encode(p->handle, p->sample, frame);
+		if (fwrite(frame, 1, sizeof(frame), ft->fp) != sizeof(frame))
+			fail("write error");
+		p->index = 0;
+	}
+	return done;
+ft_t ft;
+	struct gsmpriv *p = (struct gsmpriv *) ft->priv;
+	gsm_destroy(p->handle);
+ft_t ft;
+	gsm_frame	frame;
+	struct gsmpriv *p = (struct gsmpriv *) ft->priv;
+	if (p->index)
+	{
+		while (p->index < 160)
+			p->sample[p->index++] = 0;
+		gsm_encode(p->handle, p->sample, frame);
+		if (fwrite(frame, 1, sizeof(frame), ft->fp) != sizeof(frame))
+			fail("write error");
+	}
+	gsm_destroy(p->handle);
+#endif /* HAS_GSM */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handlers.c
@@ -1,0 +1,624 @@
+ * Originally created: July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+ * Sound Tools file format and effect tables.
+ */
+/* File format handlers. */
+char *aiffnames[] = {
+	"aiff",
+	"aif",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void aiffstartread();
+extern LONG aiffread();
+extern void aiffstopread();
+extern void aiffstartwrite();
+extern void aiffwrite();
+extern void aiffstopwrite();
+char *alnames[] = {
+	"al",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void alstartread();
+extern void alstartwrite();
+char *aunames[] = {
+	"au",
+#ifdef	NeXT
+	"snd",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void austartread();
+extern LONG auread();
+extern void austartwrite();
+extern void auwrite();
+extern void austopwrite();
+char *autonames[] = {
+	"auto",
+	(char *) 0,
+extern void autostartread();
+extern void autostartwrite();
+char *cdrnames[] = {
+	"cdr",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void cdrstartread();
+extern LONG cdrread();
+extern void cdrstopread();
+extern void cdrstartwrite();
+extern void cdrwrite();
+extern void cdrstopwrite();
+char *cvsdnames[] = {
+        "cvs",
+	"cvsd",
+	(char *)0
+extern void cvsdstartread();
+extern LONG cvsdread();
+extern void cvsdstopread();
+extern void cvsdstartwrite();
+extern void cvsdwrite();
+extern void cvsdstopwrite();
+char *datnames[] = {
+	"dat",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void datstartread();
+extern LONG datread();
+extern void datstartwrite();
+extern void datwrite();
+char *dvmsnames[] = {
+        "vms",
+	"dvms",
+	(char *)0
+extern void dvmsstartread();
+extern void dvmsstartwrite();
+extern void dvmsstopwrite();
+#ifdef HAS_GSM
+char *gsmnames[] = {
+        "gsm",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void gsmstartread();
+extern LONG gsmread();
+extern void gsmstopread();
+extern void gsmstartwrite();
+extern void gsmwrite();
+extern void gsmstopwrite();
+char *hcomnames[] = {
+	"hcom",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void hcomstartread();
+extern LONG hcomread();
+extern void hcomstopread();
+extern void hcomstartwrite();
+extern void hcomwrite();
+extern void hcomstopwrite();
+char *maudnames[] = {
+        "maud",
+        (char *) 0,
+extern void maudstartread();
+extern LONG maudread();
+extern void maudstopread();
+extern void maudwrite();
+extern void maudstartwrite();
+extern void maudstopwrite();
+#if	defined(OSS_PLAYER)
+char *ossdspnames[] = {
+	"ossdsp",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void ossdspstartread();
+extern LONG  ossdspread();
+extern void ossdspstopread();
+extern void ossdspstartwrite();
+extern void ossdspwrite();
+extern void ossdspstopwrite();
+char *rawnames[] = {
+	"raw",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void rawstartread();
+extern LONG rawread();
+extern void rawstartwrite();
+extern void rawwrite();
+extern void rawstopwrite();
+#if	defined(BLASTER) || defined(SBLAST)
+char *sbdspnames[] = {
+	"sbdsp",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void sbdspstartread();
+extern LONG sbdspread();
+extern void sbdspstopread();
+extern void sbdspstartwrite();
+extern void sbdspwrite();
+extern void sbdspstopwrite();
+char *sbnames[] = {
+	"sb",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void sbstartread();
+extern void sbstartwrite();
+char *sfnames[] = {
+	"sf",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void sfstartread();
+extern void sfstartwrite();
+char *smpnames[] = {
+	"smp",
+	(char *) 0,
+extern void smpstartread();
+extern LONG smpread();
+extern void smpwrite();
+extern void smpstartwrite();
+extern void smpstopwrite();
+char *sndrnames[] = {
+	"sndr",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void sndrstartwrite();
+char *sndtnames[] = {
+	"sndt",
+#ifdef	DOS
+	"snd",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void sndtstartread();
+extern void sndtstartwrite();
+extern void sndtwrite();
+extern void sndtstopwrite();
+#if	defined(SUNAUDIO_PLAYER)
+char *sunnames[] = {
+	"sunau",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void sunstartread();
+extern LONG sunread();
+extern void sunstopread();
+extern void sunstartwrite();
+extern void sunwrite();
+extern void sunstopwrite();
+char *svxnames[] = {
+	"8svx",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void svxstartread();
+extern LONG svxread();
+extern void svxstopread();
+extern void svxstartwrite();
+extern void svxwrite();
+extern void svxstopwrite();
+char *swnames[] = {
+	"sw",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void swstartread();
+extern void swstartwrite();
+char *txwnames[] = {
+    "txw",
+    (char *)0
+extern void txwstartread();
+extern LONG txwread();
+extern void txwstopread();
+extern void txwstartwrite();
+extern void txwwrite();
+extern void txwstopwrite();
+char *ubnames[] = {
+	"ub",
+	"sou",
+	"fssd",
+#ifdef	MAC
+	"snd",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void ubstartread();
+extern void ubstartwrite();
+char *ulnames[] = {
+	"ul",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void ulstartread();
+extern void ulstartwrite();
+char *uwnames[] = {
+	"uw",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void uwstartread();
+extern void uwstartwrite();
+char *vocnames[] = {
+	"voc",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void vocstartread();
+extern LONG vocread();
+extern void vocstopread();
+extern void vocstartwrite();
+extern void vocwrite();
+extern void vocstopwrite();
+char *wavnames[] = {
+	"wav",
+	(char *) 0
+extern void wavstartread();
+extern LONG wavread();
+extern void wavstartwrite();
+extern void wavwrite();
+extern void wavstopwrite();
+char *wvenames[] = {
+      "wve",
+      (char *) 0
+extern void wvestartread();
+extern LONG wveread();
+extern void wvestartwrite();
+extern void wvewrite();
+extern void wvestopwrite();
+extern void nothing();
+extern LONG nothing_success();
+EXPORT format_t formats[] = {
+	{aiffnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		aiffstartread, aiffread, aiffstopread,	   /* SGI/Apple AIFF */
+		aiffstartwrite, aiffwrite, aiffstopwrite},
+	{alnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		alstartread, rawread, nothing, 	           /* a-law byte raw */
+		alstartwrite, rawwrite, nothing},	
+	{aunames, FILE_STEREO,
+		austartread, auread, nothing,	       /* SPARC .AU w/header */
+		austartwrite, auwrite, austopwrite},	
+	{autonames, FILE_STEREO,
+		autostartread, nothing_success, nothing,/* Guess from header */
+		autostartwrite, nothing, nothing},	 /* patched run time */
+	{cdrnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		cdrstartread, cdrread, cdrstopread,	      /* CD-R format */
+		cdrstartwrite, cdrwrite, cdrstopwrite},
+	{cvsdnames, 0,
+	        cvsdstartread, cvsdread, cvsdstopread,	   /* Cont. Variable */
+	        cvsdstartwrite, cvsdwrite, cvsdstopwrite},    /* Slope Delta */
+	{datnames, 0,
+		datstartread, datread, nothing, 	/* Text data samples */
+		datstartwrite, datwrite, nothing},
+	{dvmsnames, 0,
+	        dvmsstartread, cvsdread, cvsdstopread,	   /* Cont. Variable */
+	        dvmsstartwrite, cvsdwrite, dvmsstopwrite},   /* Slope Delta */
+#ifdef HAS_GSM
+	{gsmnames, 0,
+	        gsmstartread, gsmread, gsmstopread,            /* GSM 06.10 */
+	        gsmstartwrite, gsmwrite, gsmstopwrite},
+	{hcomnames, 0,
+		hcomstartread, hcomread, hcomstopread,      /* Mac FSSD/HCOM */
+		hcomstartwrite, hcomwrite, hcomstopwrite},
+        {maudnames, FILE_STEREO,     			       /* Amiga MAUD */
+		maudstartread, maudread, maudstopread,
+		maudstartwrite, maudwrite, maudstopwrite},
+#if	defined(OSS_PLAYER)
+	/* OSS player. */
+	{ossdspnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		ossdspstartread, ossdspread, ossdspstopread, 	 /* /dev/dsp */
+		ossdspstartwrite, ossdspwrite, ossdspstopwrite},
+	{rawnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		rawstartread, rawread, nothing, 	       /* Raw format */
+		rawstartwrite, rawwrite, nothing},
+#if	defined(BLASTER) || defined(SBLAST)
+	/* 386 Unix sound blaster player. */
+	{sbdspnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		sbdspstartread, sbdspread, sbdspstopread,      /* /dev/sbdsp */
+		sbdspstartwrite, sbdspwrite, sbdspstopwrite},	
+	{sbnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		sbstartread, rawread, nothing, 	          /* signed byte raw */
+		sbstartwrite, rawwrite, nothing},	
+	{sfnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		sfstartread, rawread, nothing, 	         /* IRCAM Sound File */
+		sfstartwrite, rawwrite, nothing},	    /* Relies on raw */
+	{smpnames, FILE_STEREO | FILE_LOOPS,
+		smpstartread, smpread, nothing,	       /* SampleVision sound */
+		smpstartwrite, smpwrite, smpstopwrite},	     /* Turtle Beach */
+	{sndrnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		sndtstartread, rawread, nothing,       /* Sounder Sound File */
+		sndrstartwrite, rawwrite, nothing},
+	{sndtnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		sndtstartread, rawread, nothing,       /* Sndtool Sound File */
+		sndtstartwrite, sndtwrite, sndtstopwrite},
+#if	defined(SUNAUDIO_PLAYER)
+	/* Sun /dev/audio player. */
+	{sunnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		sunstartread, sunread, sunstopread, 	       /* /dev/audio */
+		sunstartwrite, sunwrite, sunstopwrite},
+	{svxnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		svxstartread, svxread, svxstopread,            /* Amiga 8SVX */
+		svxstartwrite, svxwrite, svxstopwrite},
+	{swnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		swstartread, rawread, nothing, 	          /* signed word raw */
+		swstartwrite, rawwrite, nothing},
+	{txwnames, 0,
+	        txwstartread, txwread, txwstopread,      /* Yamaha TX16W and */
+	        txwstartwrite, txwwrite, txwstopwrite},        /* SY99 waves */
+	{ubnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		ubstartread, rawread, nothing, 	        /* unsigned byte raw */
+		ubstartwrite, rawwrite, nothing},
+	{ulnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		ulstartread, rawread, nothing, 	           /* u-law byte raw */
+		ulstartwrite, rawwrite, nothing},	
+	{uwnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		uwstartread, rawread, nothing, 	        /* unsigned word raw */
+		uwstartwrite, rawwrite, nothing},	
+	{vocnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		vocstartread, vocread, vocstopread,    /* Sound Blaster .VOC */
+		vocstartwrite, vocwrite, vocstopwrite},
+	{wavnames, FILE_STEREO,
+		wavstartread, wavread, nothing, 	   /* Microsoft .wav */
+		wavstartwrite, wavwrite, wavstopwrite},	
+	{wvenames, 0,
+		wvestartread, wveread, nothing,                /* Psion .wve */
+		wvestartwrite, wvewrite, wvestopwrite},
+	{0, 0,
+	 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
+/* Effects handlers. */
+extern void null_drain();		/* dummy drain routine */
+extern void avg_getopts();
+extern void avg_start();
+extern void avg_flow();
+extern void avg_stop();
+extern void band_getopts();
+extern void band_start();
+extern void band_flow();
+extern void band_stop();
+extern void chorus_getopts();
+extern void chorus_start();
+extern void chorus_flow();
+extern void chorus_drain();
+extern void chorus_stop();
+extern void copy_getopts();
+extern void copy_start();
+extern void copy_flow();
+extern void copy_stop();
+extern void cut_getopts();
+extern void cut_start();
+extern void cut_flow();
+extern void cut_stop();
+extern void deemph_getopts();
+extern void deemph_start();
+extern void deemph_flow();
+extern void deemph_stop();
+#ifdef	USE_DYN
+extern void dyn_getopts();
+extern void dyn_start();
+extern void dyn_flow();
+extern void dyn_stop();
+extern void echo_getopts();
+extern void echo_start();
+extern void echo_flow();
+extern void echo_drain();
+extern void echo_stop();
+extern void echos_getopts();
+extern void echos_start();
+extern void echos_flow();
+extern void echos_drain();
+extern void echos_stop();
+extern void flanger_getopts();
+extern void flanger_start();
+extern void flanger_flow();
+extern void flanger_drain();
+extern void flanger_stop();
+extern void highp_getopts();
+extern void highp_start();
+extern void highp_flow();
+extern void highp_stop();
+extern void lowp_getopts();
+extern void lowp_start();
+extern void lowp_flow();
+extern void lowp_stop();
+extern void map_getopts();
+extern void map_start();
+extern void map_flow();
+extern void mask_getopts();
+extern void mask_flow();
+extern void phaser_getopts();
+extern void phaser_start();
+extern void phaser_flow();
+extern void phaser_drain();
+extern void phaser_stop();
+extern void pick_getopts();
+extern void pick_start();
+extern void pick_flow();
+extern void pick_stop();
+extern void poly_getopts();
+extern void poly_start();
+extern void poly_flow();
+extern void poly_drain();
+extern void poly_stop();
+extern void split_getopts();
+extern void split_start();
+extern void split_flow();
+extern void split_stop();
+extern void stat_getopts();
+extern void stat_start();
+extern void stat_flow();
+extern void stat_stop();
+extern void rate_getopts();
+extern void rate_start();
+extern void rate_flow();
+extern void rate_stop();
+extern void resample_getopts();
+extern void resample_start();
+extern void resample_flow();
+extern void resample_drain();
+extern void resample_stop();
+extern void reverb_getopts();
+extern void reverb_start();
+extern void reverb_flow();
+extern void reverb_drain();
+extern void reverb_stop();
+extern void reverse_getopts();
+extern void reverse_start();
+extern void reverse_flow();
+extern void reverse_drain();
+extern void reverse_stop();
+extern void vibro_getopts();
+extern void vibro_start();
+extern void vibro_flow();
+extern void vibro_stop();
+ * EFF_CHAN means that the number of channels can change.
+ * EFF_RATE means that the sample rate can change.
+ * The first effect which can handle a data rate change, stereo->mono, etc.
+ * is the default handler for that problem.
+ * 
+ * EFF_MCHAN just means that the effect is coded for multiple channels.
+ */
+EXPORT effect_t effects[] = {
+	{"null", 0, 			/* stand-in, never gets called */
+		nothing, nothing, nothing, null_drain, nothing},
+	{"avg", EFF_CHAN | EFF_MCHAN, 
+		avg_getopts, avg_start, avg_flow, null_drain, avg_stop},
+	{"band", 0, 
+		band_getopts, band_start, band_flow, null_drain, band_stop},
+	{"chorus", 0,
+	        chorus_getopts, chorus_start, chorus_flow,
+	 chorus_drain, chorus_stop},
+	{"copy", EFF_MCHAN, 
+		copy_getopts, copy_start, copy_flow, null_drain, nothing},
+	{"cut", EFF_MCHAN, 
+		cut_getopts, cut_start, cut_flow, null_drain, nothing},
+	{"deemph", EFF_MCHAN,
+	        deemph_getopts, deemph_start, deemph_flow,
+	        null_drain, deemph_stop},
+#ifdef	USE_DYN
+	{"dyn", 0, 
+		dyn_getopts, dyn_start, dyn_flow, null_drain, dyn_stop},
+	{"echo", 0, 
+		echo_getopts, echo_start, echo_flow, echo_drain, echo_stop},
+	{"echos", 0, 
+		echos_getopts, echos_start, echos_flow,
+	        echos_drain, echos_stop},
+	{"flanger", 0,
+	        flanger_getopts, flanger_start, flanger_flow,
+	        flanger_drain, flanger_stop},
+	{"highp", 0, 
+		highp_getopts, highp_start, highp_flow, null_drain,highp_stop},
+	{"lowp", 0, 
+		lowp_getopts, lowp_start, lowp_flow, null_drain, lowp_stop},
+	{"map", EFF_REPORT, 
+		map_getopts, map_start, map_flow, null_drain, nothing},
+	{"mask", EFF_MCHAN, 
+		mask_getopts, nothing, mask_flow, null_drain, nothing},
+	{"phaser", 0,
+	        phaser_getopts, phaser_start, phaser_flow,
+	        phaser_drain, phaser_stop},
+	{"pick", EFF_CHAN | EFF_MCHAN, 
+		pick_getopts, pick_start, pick_flow, null_drain, pick_stop},
+	{"polyphase", EFF_RATE,
+	        poly_getopts, poly_start, poly_flow,
+	        poly_drain, poly_stop},
+	{"rate", EFF_RATE, 
+		rate_getopts, rate_start, rate_flow, null_drain, nothing},
+	{"resample", EFF_RATE, 
+		resample_getopts, resample_start, resample_flow, 
+		resample_drain, resample_stop},
+	{"reverb", 0,
+	        reverb_getopts, reverb_start, reverb_flow,
+	        reverb_drain, reverb_stop},
+	{"reverse", 0, 
+		reverse_getopts, reverse_start, 
+		reverse_flow, reverse_drain, reverse_stop},
+	{"split", EFF_CHAN | EFF_MCHAN, 
+		split_getopts, split_start, split_flow, null_drain,split_stop},
+		stat_getopts, stat_start, stat_flow, null_drain, stat_stop},
+	{"vibro", 0, 
+		vibro_getopts, vibro_start, vibro_flow, null_drain, nothing},
+	{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hcom.c
@@ -1,0 +1,492 @@
+ * Sound Tools Macintosh HCOM format.
+ * These are really FSSD type files with Huffman compression,
+ * in MacBinary format.
+ * To do: make the MacBinary format optional (so that .data files
+ * are also acceptable).  (How to do this on output?)
+ *
+ * September 25, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Guido van Rossum And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Guido van Rossum And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ *
+ * April 28, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+ *
+ *  Rearranged some functions so that they are declared before they are
+ *  used.  Clears up some compiler warnings.  Because this functions passed
+ *  foats, it helped out some dump compilers pass stuff on the stack
+ *  correctly.
+ *
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#include <stdlib.h>
+IMPORT char *malloc(), *realloc();
+/* Dictionary entry for Huffman (de)compression */
+typedef struct {
+	LONG frequ;
+	short dict_leftson;
+	short dict_rightson;
+} dictent;
+/* Private data used by reader */
+struct readpriv {
+	/* Static data from the header */
+	dictent *dictionary;
+	LONG checksum;
+	int deltacompression;
+	/* Engine state */
+	LONG huffcount;
+	LONG cksum;
+	int dictentry;
+	int nrbits;
+	ULONG current;
+	short sample;
+void skipbytes(P2(ft_t, int));
+void hcomstartread(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+	struct readpriv *p = (struct readpriv *) ft->priv;
+	int i;
+	char buf[4];
+	ULONG datasize, rsrcsize;
+	ULONG huffcount, checksum, compresstype, divisor;
+	unsigned short dictsize;
+	/* Skip first 65 bytes of header */
+	skipbytes(ft, 65);
+	/* Check the file type (bytes 65-68) */
+	if (fread(buf, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4 || strncmp(buf, "FSSD", 4) != 0)
+		fail("Mac header type is not FSSD");
+	/* Skip to byte 83 */
+	skipbytes(ft, 83-69);
+	/* Get essential numbers from the header */
+	datasize = rblong(ft); /* bytes 83-86 */
+	rsrcsize = rblong(ft); /* bytes 87-90 */
+	/* Skip the rest of the header (total 128 bytes) */
+	skipbytes(ft, 128-91);
+	/* The data fork must contain a "HCOM" header */
+	if (fread(buf, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4 || strncmp(buf, "HCOM", 4) != 0)
+		fail("Mac data fork is not HCOM");
+	/* Then follow various parameters */
+	huffcount = rblong(ft);
+	checksum = rblong(ft);
+	compresstype = rblong(ft);
+	if (compresstype > 1)
+		fail("Bad compression type in HCOM header");
+	divisor = rblong(ft);
+	if (divisor == 0 || divisor > 4)
+		fail("Bad sampling rate divisor in HCOM header");
+	dictsize = rbshort(ft);
+	/* Translate to sox parameters */
+	ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft->info.rate = 22050 / divisor;
+	ft->info.channels = 1;
+	/* Allocate memory for the dictionary */
+	p->dictionary = (dictent *) malloc(511 * sizeof(dictent));
+	if (p->dictionary == NULL)
+		fail("can't malloc memory for Huffman dictionary");
+	/* Read dictionary */
+	for(i = 0; i < dictsize; i++) {
+		p->dictionary[i].dict_leftson = rbshort(ft);
+		p->dictionary[i].dict_rightson = rbshort(ft);
+		/*
+		report("%d %d",
+		       p->dictionary[i].dict_leftson,
+		       p->dictionary[i].dict_rightson);
+		       */
+	}
+	skipbytes(ft, 1); /* skip pad byte */
+	/* Initialized the decompression engine */
+	p->checksum = checksum;
+	p->deltacompression = compresstype;
+	if (!p->deltacompression)
+		report("HCOM data using value compression");
+	p->huffcount = huffcount;
+	p->cksum = 0;
+	p->dictentry = 0;
+	p->nrbits = -1; /* Special case to get first byte */
+void skipbytes(ft, n)
+ft_t ft;
+int n;
+	while (--n >= 0) {
+		if (getc(ft->fp) == EOF)
+			fail("unexpected EOF in Mac header");
+	}
+int hcomread(ft, buf, len)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	register struct readpriv *p = (struct readpriv *) ft->priv;
+	int done = 0;
+	if (p->nrbits < 0) {
+		/* The first byte is special */
+		if (p->huffcount == 0)
+			return 0; /* Don't know if this can happen... */
+		p->sample = getc(ft->fp);
+		if (p->sample == EOF)
+			fail("unexpected EOF at start of HCOM data");
+		*buf++ = (p->sample - 128) * 0x1000000L;
+		p->huffcount--;
+		p->nrbits = 0;
+		done++;
+		len--;
+		if (len == 0)
+			return done;
+	}
+	while (p->huffcount > 0) {
+		if(p->nrbits == 0) {
+			p->current = rblong(ft);
+			if (feof(ft->fp))
+				fail("unexpected EOF in HCOM data");
+			p->cksum += p->current;
+			p->nrbits = 32;
+		}
+		if(p->current & 0x80000000L) {
+			p->dictentry =
+				p->dictionary[p->dictentry].dict_rightson;
+		} else {
+			p->dictentry =
+				p->dictionary[p->dictentry].dict_leftson;
+		}
+		p->current = p->current << 1;
+		p->nrbits--;
+		if(p->dictionary[p->dictentry].dict_leftson < 0) {
+			short datum;
+			datum = p->dictionary[p->dictentry].dict_rightson;
+			if (!p->deltacompression)
+				p->sample = 0;
+			p->sample = (p->sample + datum) & 0xff;
+			p->huffcount--;
+			if (p->sample == 0)
+				*buf++ = -127 * 0x1000000L;
+			else
+				*buf++ = (p->sample - 128) * 0x1000000L;
+			p->dictentry = 0;
+			done++;
+			len--;
+			if (len == 0)
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+	return done;
+void hcomstopread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	register struct readpriv *p = (struct readpriv *) ft->priv;
+	if (p->huffcount != 0)
+		fail("not all HCOM data read");
+	if(p->cksum != p->checksum)
+		fail("checksum error in HCOM data");
+	free((char *)p->dictionary);
+	p->dictionary = NULL;
+struct writepriv {
+	unsigned char *data;	/* Buffer allocated with malloc */
+	unsigned int size;	/* Size of allocated buffer */
+	unsigned int pos;	/* Where next byte goes */
+#define BUFINCR (10*BUFSIZ)
+void hcomstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	register struct writepriv *p = (struct writepriv *) ft->priv;
+	switch (ft->info.rate) {
+	case 22050:
+	case 22050/2:
+	case 22050/3:
+	case 22050/4:
+		break;
+	default:
+		fail("unacceptable output rate for HCOM: try 5512, 7350, 11025 or 22050 hertz");
+	}
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	ft->info.channels = 1;
+	p->size = BUFINCR;
+	p->pos = 0;
+	p->data = (unsigned char *) malloc(p->size);
+	if (p->data == NULL)
+		fail("can't malloc buffer for uncompressed HCOM data");
+void hcomwrite(ft, buf, len)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	register struct writepriv *p = (struct writepriv *) ft->priv;
+	LONG datum;
+	if (p->pos + len > p->size) {
+		p->size = ((p->pos + len) / BUFINCR + 1) * BUFINCR;
+		p->data = (unsigned char *) realloc(p->data, p->size);
+		if (p->data == NULL)
+		    fail("can't realloc buffer for uncompressed HCOM data");
+	}
+	while (--len >= 0) {
+		datum = *buf++;
+		datum >>= 24;
+		datum ^= 128;
+		p->data[p->pos++] = datum;
+	}
+/* Some global compression stuff hcom uses.  hcom currently has problems */
+/* compiling here.  It could really use some cleaning up by someone that */
+/* understands this format. */
+/* XXX This uses global variables -- one day these should all be
+   passed around in a structure instead. */
+dictent dictionary[511];
+dictent *de;
+LONG codes[256];
+LONG codesize[256];
+LONG checksum;
+void makecodes(e, c, s, b)
+int e, c, s, b;
+  if(dictionary[e].dict_leftson < 0) {
+    codes[dictionary[e].dict_rightson] = c;
+    codesize[dictionary[e].dict_rightson] = s;
+  } else {
+    makecodes(dictionary[e].dict_leftson, c, s + 1, b << 1);
+    makecodes(dictionary[e].dict_rightson, c + b, s + 1, b << 1);
+  }
+LONG curword;
+int nbits;
+void putlong(c, v)
+unsigned char *c;
+LONG v;
+  *c++ = (v >> 24) & 0xff;
+  *c++ = (v >> 16) & 0xff;
+  *c++ = (v >> 8) & 0xff;
+  *c++ = v & 0xff;
+void putshort(c, v)
+unsigned char *c;
+short v;
+  *c++ = (v >> 8) & 0xff;
+  *c++ = v & 0xff;
+void putcode(c, df)
+unsigned char c;
+unsigned char ** df;
+LONG code, size;
+int i;
+  code = codes[c];
+  size = codesize[c];
+  for(i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+    curword = (curword << 1);
+    if(code & 1) curword += 1;
+    nbits++;
+    if(nbits == 32) {
+      putlong(*df, curword);
+      checksum += curword;
+      (*df) += 4;
+      nbits = 0;
+      curword = 0;
+    }
+    code = code >> 1;
+  }
+void compress(df, dl, fr)
+unsigned char **df;
+LONG *dl;
+float fr;
+  LONG samplerate;
+  unsigned char *datafork = *df;
+  unsigned char *ddf;
+  short dictsize;
+  int frequtable[256];
+  int i, sample, j, k, d, l, frequcount;
+  sample = *datafork;
+  for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) frequtable[i] = 0;
+  for(i = 1; i < *dl; i++) {
+    d = (datafork[i] - (sample & 0xff)) & 0xff; /* creates absolute entries LMS */
+    sample = datafork[i];
+    datafork[i] = d;
+#if 0				/* checking our table is accessed correctly */
+    if(d < 0 || d > 255)
+      printf("d is outside array bounds %d\n", d);
+    frequtable[d]++;
+  }
+  de = dictionary;
+  for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) if(frequtable[i] != 0) {
+    de->frequ = -frequtable[i];
+    de->dict_leftson = -1;
+    de->dict_rightson = i;
+    de++;
+  }
+  frequcount = de - dictionary;
+  for(i = 0; i < frequcount; i++) {
+    for(j = i + 1; j < frequcount; j++) {
+      if(dictionary[i].frequ > dictionary[j].frequ) {
+        k = dictionary[i].frequ;
+        dictionary[i].frequ = dictionary[j].frequ;
+        dictionary[j].frequ = k;
+        k = dictionary[i].dict_leftson;
+        dictionary[i].dict_leftson = dictionary[j].dict_leftson;
+        dictionary[j].dict_leftson = k;
+        k = dictionary[i].dict_rightson;
+        dictionary[i].dict_rightson = dictionary[j].dict_rightson;
+        dictionary[j].dict_rightson = k;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  while(frequcount > 1) {
+    j = frequcount - 1;
+    de->frequ = dictionary[j - 1].frequ;
+    de->dict_leftson = dictionary[j - 1].dict_leftson;
+    de->dict_rightson = dictionary[j - 1].dict_rightson;
+    l = dictionary[j - 1].frequ + dictionary[j].frequ;
+    for(i = j - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
+      if(l >= dictionary[i].frequ) break;
+      dictionary[i + 1] = dictionary[i];
+    }
+    i = i + 1;
+    dictionary[i].frequ = l;
+    dictionary[i].dict_leftson = j;
+    dictionary[i].dict_rightson = de - dictionary;
+    de++;
+    frequcount--;
+  }
+  dictsize = de - dictionary;
+  for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+    codes[i] = 0;
+    codesize[i] = 0;
+  }
+  makecodes(0, 0, 0, 1);
+  l = 0;
+  for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+	  l += frequtable[i] * codesize[i];
+  }
+  l = (((l + 31) >> 5) << 2) + 24 + dictsize * 4;
+  report("  Original size: %6d bytes", *dl);
+  report("Compressed size: %6d bytes", l);
+  if((datafork = (unsigned char *)malloc((unsigned)l)) == NULL)
+    fail("can't malloc buffer for compressed HCOM data");
+  ddf = datafork + 22;
+  for(i = 0; i < dictsize; i++) {
+    putshort(ddf, dictionary[i].dict_leftson);
+    ddf += 2;
+    putshort(ddf, dictionary[i].dict_rightson);
+    ddf += 2;
+  }
+  *ddf++ = 0;
+  *ddf++ = *(*df)++;
+  checksum = 0;
+  nbits = 0;
+  curword = 0;
+  for(i = 1; i < *dl; i++) putcode(*(*df)++, &ddf);
+  if(nbits != 0) {
+    codes[0] = 0;
+    codesize[0] = 32 - nbits;
+    putcode(0, &ddf);
+  }
+  strncpy((char *) datafork, "HCOM", 4);
+  putlong(datafork + 4, *dl);
+  putlong(datafork + 8, checksum);
+  putlong(datafork + 12, 1L);
+  samplerate = 22050 / (LONG)fr;
+  putlong(datafork + 16, samplerate);
+  putshort(datafork + 20, dictsize);
+  *df = datafork;		/* reassign passed pointer to new datafork */
+  *dl = l;			/* and its compressed length */
+void padbytes(ft, n)
+ft_t ft;
+int n;
+	while (--n >= 0)
+		putc('\0', ft->fp);
+/* End of hcom utility routines */
+void hcomstopwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	register struct writepriv *p = (struct writepriv *) ft->priv;
+	unsigned char *compressed_data = p->data;
+	LONG compressed_len = p->pos;
+	/* Compress it all at once */
+	compress(&compressed_data, &compressed_len, (double) ft->info.rate);
+	free((char *) p->data);
+	/* Write the header */
+	(void) fwrite("\000\001A", 1, 3, ft->fp); /* Dummy file name "A" */
+	padbytes(ft, 65-3);
+	(void) fwrite("FSSD", 1, 4, ft->fp);
+	padbytes(ft, 83-69);
+	wblong(ft, (ULONG) compressed_len); /* compressed_data size */
+	wblong(ft, (ULONG) 0); /* rsrc size */
+	padbytes(ft, 128 - 91);
+	if (ferror(ft->fp))
+		fail("write error in HCOM header");
+	/* Write the compressed_data fork */
+	if (fwrite((char *) compressed_data, 1, (int)compressed_len, ft->fp) != compressed_len)
+		fail("can't write compressed HCOM data");
+	free((char *) compressed_data);
+	/* Pad the compressed_data fork to a multiple of 128 bytes */
+	padbytes(ft, 128 - (int) (compressed_len%128));
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/highp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,105 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools High-Pass effect file.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:  1nd order filter.
+ * From Fugue source code:
+ *
+ * 	output[N] = B * (output[N-1] - input[N-1] + input[N])
+ *
+ * 	A = 2.0 * pi * center
+ * 	B = exp(-A / frequency)
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for Highpass effect */
+typedef struct highpstuff {
+	float	center;
+	double	A, B;
+	double	in1, out1;
+} *highp_t;
+ * Process options
+ */
+void highp_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	highp_t highp = (highp_t) effp->priv;
+	if ((n < 1) || !sscanf(argv[0], "%f", &highp->center))
+		fail("Usage: highp center");
+ * Prepare processing.
+ */
+void highp_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	highp_t highp = (highp_t) effp->priv;
+	if (highp->center > effp->ininfo.rate*2)
+		fail("Highpass: center must be < minimum data rate*2\n");
+	highp->A = (M_PI * 2.0 * highp->center) / effp->ininfo.rate;
+	highp->B = exp(-highp->A / effp->ininfo.rate);
+	highp->in1 = 0.0;
+	highp->out1 = 0.0;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void highp_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	highp_t highp = (highp_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	double d;
+	LONG l;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	d = highp->out1;
+	/* yeah yeah yeah registers & integer arithmetic yeah yeah yeah */
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		l = *ibuf++;
+		d = (highp->B * ((d - highp->in1) + (double) l)) / 65536.0;
+		d *= 0.8;
+		if (d > 32767)
+			d = 32767;
+		if (d < - 32767)
+			d = - 32767;
+		highp->in1 = l;
+		*obuf++ = d * 65536L;
+	}
+	highp->out1 = d;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void highp_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/lowp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,102 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools Low-Pass effect file.
+ *
+ * Algorithm:  1nd order filter.
+ * From Fugue source code:
+ *
+ * 	output[N] = input[N] * A + input[N-1] * B
+ *
+ * 	A = 2.0 * pi * center
+ * 	B = exp(-A / frequency)
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for Lowpass effect */
+typedef struct lowpstuff {
+	float	center;
+	double	A, B;
+	double	in1;
+} *lowp_t;
+ * Process options
+ */
+void lowp_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	lowp_t lowp = (lowp_t) effp->priv;
+	if ((n < 1) || !sscanf(argv[0], "%f", &lowp->center))
+		fail("Usage: lowp center");
+ * Prepare processing.
+ */
+void lowp_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	lowp_t lowp = (lowp_t) effp->priv;
+	if (lowp->center > effp->ininfo.rate*2)
+		fail("Lowpass: center must be < minimum data rate*2\n");
+	lowp->A = (M_PI * 2.0 * lowp->center) / effp->ininfo.rate;
+	lowp->B = exp(-lowp->A / effp->ininfo.rate);
+	lowp->in1 = 0.0;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void lowp_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	lowp_t lowp = (lowp_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	double d;
+	LONG l;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	/* yeah yeah yeah registers & integer arithmetic yeah yeah yeah */
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		l = *ibuf++;
+		d = lowp->A * (l / 65536L) + lowp->B * (lowp->in1 / 65536L);
+		d *= 0.8;
+		if (d > 32767)
+			d = 32767;
+		if (d < - 32767)
+			d = - 32767;
+		lowp->in1 = l;
+		*obuf++ = d * 65536L;
+	}
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void lowp_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/map.c
@@ -1,0 +1,67 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools Map effect file.
+ *
+ * Print out map of sound file instrument specifications.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+ * Process options
+ */
+void map_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	if (n)
+		fail("Map effect takes no options.");
+ * Prepare processing.
+ */
+void map_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	int i;
+	fprintf(stderr, "Loop info:\n");
+	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "Loop %d: start:  %6d",i,effp->loops[i].start);
+		fprintf(stderr, " length: %6d", effp->loops[i].length);
+		fprintf(stderr, " count: %6d", effp->loops[i].count);
+		fprintf(stderr, " type:  ");
+		switch(effp->loops[i].type) {
+			case 0: fprintf(stderr, "off\n"); break;
+			case 1: fprintf(stderr, "forward\n"); break;
+			case 2: fprintf(stderr, "forward/backward\n"); break;
+		}
+	}
+	fprintf(stderr, "MIDI note: %d\n", effp->instr.MIDInote);
+	fprintf(stderr, "MIDI low : %d\n", effp->instr.MIDIlow);
+	fprintf(stderr, "MIDI hi  : %d\n", effp->instr.MIDIhi);
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void map_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mask.c
@@ -1,0 +1,100 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools masking noise effect file.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+#define HALFABIT 1.44			/* square root of 2 */
+void newrand15();
+ULONG rand15();
+ * Problems:
+ * 	1) doesn't allow specification of noise depth
+ *	2) does triangular noise, could do local shaping
+ *	3) can run over 32 bits.
+ */
+ * Process options
+ */
+void mask_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	if (n)
+		fail("Mask effect takes no options.");
+	/* should take # of bits */
+	newrand15();
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void mask_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	int len, done;
+	LONG l;
+	LONG tri16;	/* 16 signed bits of triangular noise */
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	switch (effp-> {
+		case ULAW:
+		case ALAW:
+			for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+				tri16 = (rand15() + rand15()) - 32767;
+				l = *ibuf++ + tri16*16*HALFABIT;  /* 2^4.5 */
+				*obuf++ = l;
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+		switch (effp->outinfo.size) {
+			case BYTE:
+			for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+				tri16 = (rand15() + rand15()) - 32767;
+				l = *ibuf++ + tri16*256*HALFABIT;  /* 2^8.5 */
+				*obuf++ = l;
+			}
+			break;
+			case WORD:
+			for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+				tri16 = (rand15() + rand15()) - 32767;
+				l = *ibuf++ + tri16*HALFABIT;  /* 2^.5 */
+				*obuf++ = l;
+			}
+			break;
+			default:
+			for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+				*obuf++ = *ibuf++;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	*isamp = done;
+	*osamp = done;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/maud.c
@@ -1,0 +1,430 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools MAUD file format driver, by Lutz Vieweg 1993
+ *
+ * supports: mono and stereo, linear, a-lawa and u-law reading and writing
+ *
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "libst.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define SEEK_CUR 1		/* nasty nasty */
+/* Private data for MAUD file */
+struct maudstuff { /* max. 100 bytes!!!! */
+	ULONG nsamples;
+void maudwriteheader(P1(ft_t));
+void rawwrite(P3(ft_t, LONG *, LONG));
+ * Do anything required before you start reading samples.
+ * Read file header. 
+ *	Find out sampling rate, 
+ *	size and style of samples, 
+ *	mono/stereo/quad.
+ */
+void maudstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	struct maudstuff * p = (struct maudstuff *) ft->priv;
+	char buf[12];
+	char *endptr;
+	char *chunk_buf;
+	unsigned short bitpersam;
+	ULONG nom;
+	unsigned short denom;
+	unsigned short chaninf;
+	ULONG chunksize;
+	int littlendian = 0;
+	/* read FORM chunk */
+	if (fread(buf, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4 || strncmp(buf, "FORM", 4) != 0)
+		fail("MAUD: header does not begin with magic word 'FORM'");
+	rblong(ft); /* totalsize */
+	if (fread(buf, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4 || strncmp(buf, "MAUD", 4) != 0)
+		fail("MAUD: 'FORM' chunk does not specify 'MAUD' as type");
+	/* read chunks until 'BODY' (or end) */
+	while (fread(buf,1,4,ft->fp) == 4 && strncmp(buf,"MDAT",4) != 0) {
+		/*
+		buf[4] = 0;
+		report("chunk %s",buf);
+		*/
+		if (strncmp(buf,"MHDR",4) == 0) {
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			if (chunksize != 8*4) fail ("MAUD: MHDR chunk has bad size");
+			/* fseek(ft->fp,12,SEEK_CUR); */
+			p->nsamples = rblong(ft); /* number of samples stored in MDAT */
+			bitpersam = rbshort(ft);  /* number of bits per sample as stored in MDAT */
+			rbshort(ft);              /* number of bits per sample after decompression */
+			nom = rblong(ft);         /* clock source frequency */
+			denom = rbshort(ft);       /* clock devide           */
+			if (denom == 0) fail("MAUD: frequency denominator == 0, failed");
+			ft->info.rate = nom / denom;
+			chaninf = rbshort(ft); /* channel information */
+			switch (chaninf) {
+			case 0:
+				ft->info.channels = 1;
+				break;
+			case 1:
+				ft->info.channels = 2;
+				break;
+			default:
+				fail("MAUD: unsupported number of channels in file");
+				break;
+			}
+			chaninf = rbshort(ft); /* number of channels (mono: 1, stereo: 2, ...) */
+			if (chaninf != ft->info.channels) fail("MAUD: unsupported number of channels in file");
+			chaninf = rbshort(ft); /* compression type */
+			rblong(ft); /* rest of chunk, unused yet */
+			rblong(ft);
+			rblong(ft);
+			if (bitpersam == 8 && chaninf == 0) {
+				ft->info.size = BYTE;
+				ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+			}
+			else if (bitpersam == 8 && chaninf == 2) {
+				ft->info.size = BYTE;
+				ft-> = ALAW;
+			}
+			else if (bitpersam == 8 && chaninf == 3) {
+				ft->info.size = BYTE;
+				ft-> = ULAW;
+			}
+			else if (bitpersam == 16 && chaninf == 0) {
+				ft->info.size = WORD;
+				ft-> = SIGN2;
+			}
+			else fail("MAUD: unsupported compression type detected");
+			ft->comment = 0;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if (strncmp(buf,"ANNO",4) == 0) {
+			chunksize = rblong(ft);
+			if (chunksize & 1)
+				chunksize++;
+			chunk_buf = (char *) malloc(chunksize + 1);
+			if (fread(chunk_buf,1,(int)chunksize,ft->fp) 
+					!= chunksize)
+				fail("MAUD: Unexpected EOF in ANNO header");
+			chunk_buf[chunksize] = '\0';
+			report ("%s",chunk_buf);
+			free(chunk_buf);
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* some other kind of chunk */
+		chunksize = rblong(ft);
+		if (chunksize & 1)
+			chunksize++;
+		fseek(ft->fp,chunksize,SEEK_CUR);
+		continue;
+	}
+	if (strncmp(buf,"MDAT",4) != 0) fail("MAUD: MDAT chunk not found");
+	p->nsamples = rblong(ft);
+	endptr = (char *) &littlendian;
+	*endptr = 1;
+	if (littlendian == 1) ft->swap = 1;
+ * Read up to len samples from file.
+ * Convert to signed longs.
+ * Place in buf[].
+ * Return number of samples read.
+ */
+LONG maudread(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	register int datum;
+	int done = 0;
+	if (ft->info.channels == 1) {
+		if (ft->info.size == BYTE) {
+			switch(ft-> {
+			case UNSIGNED:
+				while(done < len) {
+					datum = getc(ft->fp);
+					if (feof(ft->fp)) return done;
+					/* Convert to signed */
+					datum ^= 128;
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 24);
+					done++;
+				}
+				break;
+			case ULAW:
+				/* grab table from Posk stuff */
+				while(done < len) {
+					datum = getc(ft->fp);
+					if (feof(ft->fp)) return done;
+					datum = st_ulaw_to_linear(datum);
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+					done++;
+				}
+				break;
+			case ALAW:
+				while(done < len) {
+					datum = st_Alaw_to_linear((unsigned char) getc(ft->fp));
+					if (feof(ft->fp)) return done;
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+					done++;
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			while(done < len) {
+				datum = rbshort(ft);
+				if (feof(ft->fp)) return done;
+				/* scale signed up to long's range */
+				*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+				done++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else { /* stereo */
+		if (ft->info.size == BYTE) {
+			switch(ft-> {
+			case UNSIGNED:
+				while(done < len) {
+					datum = getc(ft->fp);
+					if (feof(ft->fp)) return done;
+					/* Convert to signed */
+					datum ^= 128;
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 24);
+					datum = getc(ft->fp);
+					if (feof(ft->fp)) return done;
+					/* Convert to signed */
+					datum ^= 128;
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 24);
+					done += 2;
+				}
+				break;
+			case ULAW:
+				/* grab table from Posk stuff */
+				while(done < len) {
+					datum = getc(ft->fp);
+					if (feof(ft->fp)) return done;
+					datum = st_ulaw_to_linear(datum);
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+					datum = getc(ft->fp);
+					if (feof(ft->fp)) return done;
+					datum = st_ulaw_to_linear(datum);
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+					done += 2;
+				}
+				break;
+			case ALAW:
+				while(done < len) {
+					datum = st_Alaw_to_linear((unsigned char) getc(ft->fp));
+					if (feof(ft->fp)) return done;
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+					datum = st_Alaw_to_linear((unsigned char) getc(ft->fp));
+					if (feof(ft->fp)) return done;
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+					done += 2;
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			while(done < len) {
+				datum = rbshort(ft);
+				if (feof(ft->fp)) return done;
+				/* scale signed up to long's range */
+				*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+				datum = rbshort(ft);
+				if (feof(ft->fp)) return done;
+				/* scale signed up to long's range */
+				*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+				done += 2;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return done;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void maudstopread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+void maudstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	struct maudstuff * p = (struct maudstuff *) ft->priv;
+	int littlendian = 0;
+	char *endptr;
+	/* If you have to seek around the output file */
+	if (! ft->seekable) fail("Output .maud file must be a file, not a pipe");
+	if (ft->info.channels != 1 && ft->info.channels != 2) {
+		fail("MAUD: unsupported number of channels, unable to store");
+	}
+	if (ft->info.size == WORD) ft-> = SIGN2;
+	if (ft-> == ULAW || ft-> == ALAW) ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	if (ft->info.size == BYTE && ft-> == SIGN2) ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	p->nsamples = 0x7f000000L;
+	maudwriteheader(ft);
+	p->nsamples = 0;
+	endptr = (char *) &littlendian;
+	*endptr = 1;
+	if (littlendian == 1) ft->swap = 1;
+void maudwrite(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	struct maudstuff * p = (struct maudstuff *) ft->priv;
+	p->nsamples += len;
+	rawwrite(ft, buf, len);
+void maudstopwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	/* All samples are already written out. */
+	if (fseek(ft->fp, 0L, 0) != 0) fail("can't rewind output file to rewrite MAUD header");
+	maudwriteheader(ft);
+#define MAUDHEADERSIZE (4+(4+4+32)+(4+4+32)+(4+4))
+void maudwriteheader(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+	struct maudstuff * p = (struct maudstuff *) ft->priv;
+	fputs ("FORM", ft->fp);
+	wblong(ft, (p->nsamples*ft->info.size) + MAUDHEADERSIZE);  /* size of file */
+	fputs("MAUD", ft->fp); /* File type */
+	fputs ("MHDR", ft->fp);
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) 8*4); /* number of bytes to follow */
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) (p->nsamples ));  /* number of samples stored in MDAT */
+	switch (ft-> {
+	case UNSIGNED:
+		wbshort(ft, (int) 8); /* number of bits per sample as stored in MDAT */
+		wbshort(ft, (int) 8); /* number of bits per sample after decompression */
+		break;
+	case SIGN2:
+		wbshort(ft, (int) 16); /* number of bits per sample as stored in MDAT */
+		wbshort(ft, (int) 16); /* number of bits per sample after decompression */
+		break;
+	case ALAW:
+	case ULAW:
+		wbshort(ft, (int) 8); /* number of bits per sample as stored in MDAT */
+		wbshort(ft, (int) 16); /* number of bits per sample after decompression */
+		break;
+	}
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) ft->info.rate); /* clock source frequency */
+	wbshort(ft, (int) 1); /* clock devide */
+	if (ft->info.channels == 1) {
+		wbshort(ft, (int) 0); /* channel information */
+		wbshort(ft, (int) 1); /* number of channels (mono: 1, stereo: 2, ...) */
+	}
+	else {
+		wbshort(ft, (int) 1);
+		wbshort(ft, (int) 2);
+	}
+	switch (ft-> {
+	case UNSIGNED:
+	case SIGN2:
+		wbshort(ft, (int) 0); /* no compression */
+		break;
+	case ULAW:
+		wbshort(ft, (int) 3);
+		break;
+	case ALAW:
+		wbshort(ft, (int) 2);
+		break;
+	}
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) 0); /* reserved */
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) 0); /* reserved */
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) 0); /* reserved */
+	fputs ("ANNO", ft->fp);
+	wblong(ft, (LONG) 32); /* length of block */
+	fputs ("file written by SOX MAUD-export ", ft->fp);
+	fputs ("MDAT", ft->fp);
+	wblong(ft, p->nsamples * ft->info.size ); /* samples in file */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/misc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,434 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools miscellaneous stuff.
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#include "patchlvl.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+EXPORT char *sizes[] = {
+	"bytes",
+	"shorts",
+	"longs",
+	"32-bit floats",
+	"64-bit floats",
+	"IEEE floats"
+EXPORT char *styles[] = {
+	"unsigned",
+	"signed (2's complement)",
+	"u-law",
+	"a-law",
+	"adpcm",
+	"gsm"
+char readerr[] = "Premature EOF while reading sample file.";
+char writerr[] = "Error writing sample file.  You are probably out of disk space.";
+/* Utilities */
+/* Read short, little-endian: little end first. VAX/386 style. */
+unsigned short
+ft_t ft;
+	unsigned char uc, uc2;
+	uc  = getc(ft->fp);
+	uc2 = getc(ft->fp);
+	return (uc2 << 8) | uc;
+/* Read short, bigendian: big first. 68000/SPARC style. */
+unsigned short
+ft_t ft;
+	unsigned char uc, uc2;
+	uc2 = getc(ft->fp);
+	uc  = getc(ft->fp);
+	return (uc2 << 8) | uc;
+/* Write short, little-endian: little end first. VAX/386 style. */
+unsigned short
+#if	defined(__STDC__)
+wlshort(ft_t ft, unsigned short us)
+wlshort(ft, us)
+ft_t ft;
+unsigned short us;
+	putc(us, ft->fp);
+	putc(us >> 8, ft->fp);
+	if (ferror(ft->fp))
+		fail(writerr);
+	return(0);
+/* Write short, big-endian: big end first. 68000/SPARC style. */
+unsigned short
+#if	defined(__STDC__)
+wbshort(ft_t ft, unsigned short us)
+wbshort(ft, us)
+ft_t ft;
+unsigned short us;
+	putc(us >> 8, ft->fp);
+	putc(us, ft->fp);
+	if (ferror(ft->fp))
+		fail(writerr);
+	return(0);
+/* Read long, little-endian: little end first. VAX/386 style. */
+ft_t ft;
+	unsigned char uc, uc2, uc3, uc4;
+/*	if (feof(ft->fp))
+		fail(readerr);	*/	/* No worky! */
+	uc  = getc(ft->fp);
+	uc2 = getc(ft->fp);
+	uc3 = getc(ft->fp);
+	uc4 = getc(ft->fp);
+	return ((LONG)uc4 << 24) | ((LONG)uc3 << 16) | ((LONG)uc2 << 8) | (LONG)uc;
+/* Read long, bigendian: big first. 68000/SPARC style. */
+ft_t ft;
+	unsigned char uc, uc2, uc3, uc4;
+/*	if (feof(ft->fp))
+		fail(readerr);	 */	/* No worky! */
+	uc  = getc(ft->fp);
+	uc2 = getc(ft->fp);
+	uc3 = getc(ft->fp);
+	uc4 = getc(ft->fp);
+	return ((LONG)uc << 24) | ((LONG)uc2 << 16) | ((LONG)uc3 << 8) | (LONG)uc4;
+/* Write long, little-endian: little end first. VAX/386 style. */
+wllong(ft, ul)
+ft_t ft;
+ULONG ul;
+char datum;
+	datum = (char) (ul) & 0xff;
+	putc(datum, ft->fp);
+	datum = (char) (ul >> 8) & 0xff;
+	putc(datum, ft->fp);
+	datum = (char) (ul >> 16) & 0xff;
+	putc(datum, ft->fp);
+	datum = (char) (ul >> 24) & 0xff;
+	putc(datum, ft->fp);
+	if (ferror(ft->fp))
+		fail(writerr);
+	return(0);
+/* Write long, big-endian: big end first. 68000/SPARC style. */
+wblong(ft, ul)
+ft_t ft;
+ULONG ul;
+char datum;
+	datum = (char) (ul >> 24) & 0xff;
+	putc(datum, ft->fp);
+	datum = (char) (ul >> 16) & 0xff;
+	putc(datum, ft->fp);
+	datum = (char) (ul >> 8) & 0xff;
+	putc(datum, ft->fp);
+	datum = (char) (ul) & 0xff;
+	putc(datum, ft->fp);
+	if (ferror(ft->fp))
+		fail(writerr);
+	return(0);
+/* Read and write words and longs in "machine format".  Swap if indicated. */
+/* Read short. */
+unsigned short
+ft_t ft;
+	unsigned short us;
+/*	if (feof(ft->fp))
+		fail(readerr);	  */	/* No worky! */
+	fread(&us, 2, 1, ft->fp);
+	if (ft->swap)
+		us = swapw(us);
+	return us;
+/* Write short. */
+unsigned short
+#if	defined(__STDC__)
+wshort(ft_t ft, unsigned short us)
+wshort(ft, us)
+ft_t ft;
+unsigned short us;
+	if (ft->swap)
+		us = swapw(us);
+	if (fwrite(&us, 2, 1, ft->fp) != 1)
+		fail(writerr);
+	return(0);
+/* Read long. */
+ft_t ft;
+	ULONG ul;
+/*	if (feof(ft->fp))
+		fail(readerr);  */		/* No worky! */
+	fread(&ul, 4, 1, ft->fp);
+	if (ft->swap)
+		ul = swapl(ul);
+	return ul;
+/* Write long. */
+wlong(ft, ul)
+ft_t ft;
+ULONG ul;
+	if (ft->swap)
+		ul = swapl(ul);
+	if (fwrite(&ul, 4, 1, ft->fp) != 1)
+		fail(writerr);
+	return(0);
+/* Read float. */
+ft_t ft;
+	float f;
+/*    if (feof(ft->fp))
+		fail(readerr);	*/	/* No worky! */
+	fread(&f, sizeof(float), 1, ft->fp);
+	if (ft->swap)
+		f = swapf(f);
+	return f;
+wfloat(ft, f)
+ft_t ft;
+float f;
+	float t = f;
+	if (ft->swap)
+		t = swapf(t);
+	if (fwrite(&t, sizeof(float), 1, ft->fp) != 1)
+		fail(writerr);
+/* Read double. */
+ft_t ft;
+	double d;
+/*    if (feof(ft->fp))
+		fail(readerr); */	  /* No worky! */
+	fread(&d, sizeof(double), 1, ft->fp);
+	if (ft->swap)
+		d = swapd(d);
+	return d;
+/* Write double. */
+wdouble(ft, d)
+ft_t ft;
+double d;
+	if (ft->swap)
+		d = swapd(d);
+	if (fwrite(&d, sizeof(double), 1, ft->fp) != 1)
+		fail(writerr);
+/* generic swap routine */
+static void
+swapb(l, f, n)
+char *l, *f;
+int n;
+{    register int i;
+     for (i= 0; i< n; i++)
+	f[i]= l[n-i-1];
+/* Byte swappers */
+unsigned short
+#if	defined(__STDC__)
+swapw(unsigned short us)
+unsigned short us;
+	return ((us >> 8) | (us << 8)) & 0xffff;
+ULONG ul;
+	return (ul >> 24) | ((ul >> 8) & 0xff00) | ((ul << 8) & 0xff0000L) | (ul << 24);
+/* return swapped 32-bit float */
+#if	defined(__STDC__)
+swapf(float uf)
+float uf;
+	union {
+	    ULONG l;
+	    float f;
+	} u;
+	u.f= uf;
+	u.l= (u.l>>24) | ((u.l>>8)&0xff00) | ((u.l<<8)&0xff0000L) | (u.l<<24);
+	return u.f;
+double df;
+	double sdf;
+	swapb(&df, &sdf, sizeof(double));
+	return (sdf);
+/* dummy routines for do-nothing functions */
+void nothing() {}
+LONG nothing_success() {return(0);}
+/* dummy drain routine for effects */
+void null_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *obuf;
+LONG *osamp;
+	*osamp = 0;
+/* here for linear interp.  might be useful for other things */
+LONG gcd(a, b) 
+LONG a, b;
+	if (b == 0)
+		return a;
+	else
+		return gcd(b, a % b);
+LONG lcm(a, b)
+LONG a, b;
+	return (a * b) / gcd(a, b);
+ * Cribbed from Unix SVR3 programmer's manual 
+ */
+static ULONG rand15_seed;
+ULONG rand15() {
+	rand15_seed = (rand15_seed * 1103515245L) + 12345L;
+	return (ULONG) ((rand15_seed/65536L) % 32768L);
+void srand15(seed) 
+ULONG seed;
+	rand15_seed = seed;
+void newrand15() {
+	time_t t;
+	time(&t);
+	srand15(t);
+/* sine wave gen should be here, also */
+char *
+	static char versionstr[20];
+	sprintf(versionstr, "Version %d.%d", VERSION, PATCHLEVEL);
+	return(versionstr);
+/* strerror function */
+char *strerror(errcode)
+int errcode;
+	static char  nomesg[30];
+	extern int sys_nerr;
+	extern char *sys_errlist[];
+	if (errcode < sys_nerr)
+		return (sys_errlist[errcode]);
+	else
+	{
+		sprintf (nomesg, "Undocumented error %d", errcode);
+		return (nomesg);
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/oss.c
@@ -1,0 +1,474 @@
+#if	defined(OSS_PLAYER)
+ * Copyright 1997 Chris Bagwell And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained.
+ * Chris Bagwell And Sundry Contributors are not
+ * responsible for the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+/* Direct to Open Sound System (OSS) sound driver
+ * OSS is a popular unix sound driver for Intel x86 unices (eg. Linux)
+ * and several other unixes (such as SunOS/Solaris).
+ * This driver is compatible with OSS original source that was called
+ * USS, Voxware and TASD.
+ *
+ * added by Chris Bagwell ([email protected]) on 2/19/96
+ * based on info grabed from vplay.c in Voxware snd-utils-3.5 package.
+ * and on LINUX_PLAYER patches added by Greg Lee
+ * which was originally from Directo to Sound Blaster device driver (sbdsp.c).
+ * SBLAST patches by John T. Kohl.
+ */
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/soundcard.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "st.h"
+#include "libst.h"
+static int got_int = 0;
+static int abuf_size = 0;
+static int abuf_cnt = 0;
+static char *audiobuf;
+/* This is how we know when to stop recording.  User sends interrupt
+ * (eg. control-c) and then we mark a flag to show we are done.
+ * Must call "sigint(0)" during init so that the OS can be notified
+ * what to do.
+ */
+static void
+    if (s) got_int = 1;
+    else signal(SIGINT, sigint);
+ * Do anything required before you start reading samples.
+ * Read file header.
+ *	Find out sampling rate,
+ *	size and style of samples,
+ *	mono/stereo/quad.
+ */
+void ossdspstartread(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    int tmp;
+    int samplesize = 8, dsp_stereo;
+    if (ft->info.rate == 0.0) ft->info.rate = 8000;
+    if (ft->info.size == -1) ft->info.size = BYTE;
+    if (ft->info.size == BYTE) {
+	samplesize = 8;
+	if (ft-> == -1)
+	    ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	if (ft-> != UNSIGNED) {
+	    fail("OSS driver only supports unsigned with bytes");
+	}
+    }
+    else if (ft->info.size == WORD) {
+	samplesize = 16;
+	if (ft-> == -1)
+	    ft-> = SIGN2;
+	if (ft-> != SIGN2) {
+	    fail("OSS driver only supports signed with words");
+	}
+    }
+    else {
+	fail("OSS driver only supports bytes and words");
+    }
+    if (ft->info.channels == -1) ft->info.channels = 1;
+    else if (ft->info.channels > 2) ft->info.channels = 2;
+    ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), SNDCTL_DSP_RESET, 0);
+    ioctl (fileno(ft->fp), SNDCTL_DSP_GETBLKSIZE, &abuf_size);
+    if (abuf_size < 4 || abuf_size > 65536) {
+	fail("Invalid audio buffer size %d", abuf_size);
+    }
+    if ((audiobuf = malloc (abuf_size)) == NULL) {
+	fail("Unable to allocate input/output buffer of size %d", abuf_size);
+    }
+    if (ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), SNDCTL_DSP_SYNC, NULL) < 0) {
+	fail("Unable to sync dsp");
+    }
+    tmp = samplesize;
+    ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), SNDCTL_DSP_SAMPLESIZE, &tmp);
+    if (tmp != samplesize) {
+	fail("Unable to set the sample size to %d", samplesize);
+    }
+    if (ft->info.channels == 2) dsp_stereo = 1;
+    else dsp_stereo = 0;
+    tmp = dsp_stereo;
+    ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), SNDCTL_DSP_STEREO, &tmp);
+    if (tmp != dsp_stereo) {
+	ft->info.channels = 1;
+	warn("Couldn't set to %s", dsp_stereo?  "stereo":"mono");
+	dsp_stereo = 0;
+    }
+    tmp = ft->info.rate;
+    ioctl (fileno(ft->fp), SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, &tmp);
+    if (ft->info.rate != tmp) {
+	if (ft->info.rate - tmp > tmp/10 || tmp - ft->info.rate > tmp/10)
+	    warn("Unable to set audio speed to %d (set to %d)",
+		     ft->info.rate, tmp);
+	ft->info.rate = tmp;
+    }
+    sigint(0);	/* Prepare to catch SIGINT */
+int dspget(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    int rval;
+    if (abuf_cnt < 1) {
+	abuf_cnt = read (fileno(ft->fp), (char *)audiobuf, abuf_size);
+	if (abuf_cnt == 0) {
+	    got_int = 1; /* Act like user said end record */
+	    return(0);
+	}
+    }
+    rval = *(audiobuf + (abuf_size-abuf_cnt));
+    abuf_cnt--;
+    return(rval);
+/* Read short. */
+unsigned short dsprshort(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    unsigned short rval;
+    if (abuf_cnt < 2) {
+	abuf_cnt = read (fileno(ft->fp), (char *)audiobuf, abuf_size);
+	if (abuf_cnt == 0) {
+	    got_int = 1;  /* act like user said end recording */
+	    return(0);
+	}
+    }
+    rval = *((unsigned short *)(audiobuf + (abuf_size-abuf_cnt)));
+    abuf_cnt -= 2;
+    return(rval);
+ * Read up to len samples from file.
+ * Convert to signed longs.
+ * Place in buf[].
+ * Return number of samples read.
+ */
+LONG ossdspread(ft, buf, len)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+    register int datum;
+    int done = 0;
+    if (got_int)
+	return(0); /* Return with length 0 read so program will end */
+    switch(ft->info.size) {
+    case BYTE:
+	switch(ft-> {
+	case SIGN2:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		datum = dspget(ft);
+		if (got_int || feof(ft->fp))
+		    return(done);
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 24);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return done;
+	case UNSIGNED:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		datum = dspget(ft);
+		if (got_int || feof(ft->fp))
+		    return(done);
+		/* Convert to unsigned */
+		datum ^= 128;
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 24);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return done;
+	case ULAW:
+	    /* grab table from Posk stuff */
+	    while(done < len) {
+		datum = dspget(ft);
+		if (got_int || feof(ft->fp))
+		    return(done);
+		datum = st_ulaw_to_linear(datum);
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return done;
+	case ALAW:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		datum = dspget(ft);
+		if (got_int || feof(ft->fp))
+		    return(done);
+		datum = st_Alaw_to_linear(datum);
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return done;
+	}
+    case WORD:
+	switch(ft-> {
+	case SIGN2:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		datum = dsprshort(ft);
+		if (got_int || feof(ft->fp))
+		    return(done);
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return done;
+	case UNSIGNED:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		datum = dsprshort(ft);
+		if (got_int || feof(ft->fp))
+		    return(done);
+		/* Convert to unsigned */
+		datum ^= 0x8000;
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return done;
+	case ULAW:
+	    fail("No U-Law support for shorts");
+	    return done;
+	case ALAW:
+	    fail("No A-Law support");
+	    return done;
+	}
+    }
+    fail("Drop through in ossdspread!");
+    /* Return number of samples read */
+    return(done);
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.
+ * Don't close input file!
+ */
+void ossdspstopread(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+void ossdspstartwrite(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    int samplesize = 8, dsp_stereo;
+    int tmp;
+    if (ft->info.rate == 0.0) ft->info.rate = 8000;
+    if (ft->info.size == -1) ft->info.size = BYTE;
+    if (ft->info.size == BYTE) {
+	samplesize = 8;
+	if (ft-> == -1)
+	    ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	if (ft-> != UNSIGNED) {
+	    report("OSS driver only supports unsigned with bytes");
+	    report("Forcing to unsigned");
+	    ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	}
+    }
+    else if (ft->info.size == WORD) {
+	samplesize = 16;
+	if (ft-> == -1)
+	    ft-> = SIGN2;
+	if (ft-> != SIGN2) {
+	    report("OSS driver only supports signed with words");
+	    report("Forcing to signed linear");
+	    ft-> = SIGN2;
+	}
+    }
+    else {
+        ft->info.size = WORD;
+	ft-> = SIGN2;
+	report("OSS driver only supports bytes and words");
+	report("Forcing to signed linear word");
+    }
+    if (ft->info.channels == -1) ft->info.channels = 1;
+    else if (ft->info.channels > 2) ft->info.channels = 2;
+    ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), SNDCTL_DSP_RESET, 0);
+    ioctl (fileno(ft->fp), SNDCTL_DSP_GETBLKSIZE, &abuf_size);
+    if (abuf_size < 4 || abuf_size > 65536) {
+	    fail("Invalid audio buffer size %d", abuf_size);
+    }
+    if ((audiobuf = malloc (abuf_size)) == NULL) {
+	fail("Unable to allocate input/output buffer of size %d", abuf_size);
+    }
+    if (ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), SNDCTL_DSP_SYNC, NULL) < 0) {
+	fail("Unable to sync dsp");
+    }
+    tmp = samplesize;
+    ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), SNDCTL_DSP_SAMPLESIZE, &tmp);
+    if (tmp != samplesize) {
+	fail("Unable to set the sample size to %d", samplesize);
+    }
+    if (ft->info.channels == 2) dsp_stereo = 1;
+    else dsp_stereo = 0;
+    tmp = dsp_stereo;
+    ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), SNDCTL_DSP_STEREO, &tmp);
+    if (tmp != dsp_stereo) {
+	ft->info.channels = 1;
+	warn("Couldn't set to %s", dsp_stereo?  "stereo":"mono");
+	dsp_stereo = 0;
+    }
+    tmp = ft->info.rate;
+    ioctl (fileno(ft->fp), SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, &tmp);
+    if (ft->info.rate != tmp) {
+	if (ft->info.rate - tmp > tmp/10 || tmp - ft->info.rate > tmp/10)
+	    warn("Unable to set audio speed to %d (set to %d)",
+		     ft->info.rate, tmp);
+	ft->info.rate = tmp;
+    }
+void dspflush(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    if (write (fileno(ft->fp), audiobuf, abuf_cnt) != abuf_cnt) {
+        fail("Error writing to sound driver");
+    }
+    abuf_cnt = 0;
+void dspput(ft,c)
+ft_t ft;
+int c;
+    if (abuf_cnt > abuf_size-1) dspflush(ft);
+    *(audiobuf + abuf_cnt) = c;
+    abuf_cnt++;
+/* Write short. */
+ft_t ft;
+unsigned short ui;
+    if (abuf_cnt > abuf_size-2) dspflush(ft);
+    *((unsigned short *)(audiobuf + abuf_cnt)) = ui;
+    abuf_cnt += 2;
+void ossdspwrite(ft, buf, len)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+    register int datum;
+    int done = 0;
+    switch(ft->info.size) {
+    case BYTE:
+	switch(ft-> {
+	case SIGN2:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		datum = RIGHT(*buf++, 24);
+		dspput(ft,datum);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return;
+	case UNSIGNED:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		datum = RIGHT(*buf++, 24);
+		/* Convert to unsigned */
+		datum ^= 128;
+		dspput(ft,datum);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return;
+	case ULAW:
+	    /* grab table from Posk stuff */
+	    while(done < len) {
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		datum = RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+		datum = st_linear_to_ulaw(datum);
+		dspput(ft,datum);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return;
+	case ALAW:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		datum = RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+		/* round up to 12 bits of data */
+		datum += 0x8;	/* + 0b1000 */
+		datum = st_linear_to_Alaw(datum);
+		dspput(ft,datum);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return;
+	}
+    case WORD:
+	switch(ft-> {
+	case SIGN2:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		datum = RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+		dspshort(ft,datum);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return;
+	case UNSIGNED:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		datum = RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+		/* Convert to unsigned */
+		datum ^= 0x8000;
+		dspshort(ft,datum);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return;
+	case ULAW:
+	    fail("No U-Law support for shorts");
+	    return;
+	case ALAW:
+	    fail("No A-Law support");
+	    return;
+	}
+    }
+    fail("Drop through in ossdspwrite!");
+void ossdspstopwrite(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    dspflush(ft);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/phaser.c
@@ -1,0 +1,298 @@
+ * August 24, 1998
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Juergen Mueller And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Juergen Mueller And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * 	Phaser effect.
+ * 
+ * Flow diagram scheme:
+ *
+ *        * gain-in  +---+                     * gain-out
+ * ibuff ----------->|   |----------------------------------> obuff
+ *                   | + |  * decay
+ *                   |   |<------------+
+ *                   +---+  _______    |
+ *                     |   |       |   |
+ *                     +---| delay |---+
+ *                         |_______|
+ *                            /|\
+ *                             |
+ *                     +---------------+      +------------------+
+ *                     | Delay control |<-----| modulation speed |
+ *                     +---------------+      +------------------+
+ *
+ *
+ * The delay is controled by a sine or triangle modulation.
+ *
+ * Usage: 
+ *   phaser gain-in gain-out delay decay speed [ -s | -t ]
+ *
+ * Where:
+ *   gain-in, decay :  0.0 ... 1.0      volume
+ *   gain-out :  0.0 ...      volume
+ *   delay :  0.0 ... 5.0 msec
+ *   speed :  0.1 ... 2.0 Hz       modulation
+ *   -s : modulation by sine (default)
+ *   -t : modulation by triangle
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   when decay is close to 1.0, the samples may begin clipping or the output
+ *   can saturate! 
+ *
+ * Hint:
+ *   in-gain < ( 1 - decay * decay )
+ *   1 / out-gain > gain-in / ( 1 - decay )
+ *
+ * Sound Tools phaser effect file.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* Harmless, and prototypes atof() etc. --dgc */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "st.h"
+#define MOD_SINE	0
+#define MOD_TRIANGLE	1
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct phaserstuff {
+	int	modulation;
+	int	counter;			
+	int	phase;
+	double	*phaserbuf;
+	float	in_gain, out_gain;
+	float	delay, decay;
+	float	speed;
+	long	length;
+	int	*lookup_tab;
+	long	maxsamples, fade_out;
+} *phaser_t;
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+LONG phaser_clip24(l)
+LONG l;
+	if (l >= ((LONG)1 << 24))
+		return ((LONG)1 << 24) - 1;
+	else if (l <= -((LONG)1 << 24))
+		return -((LONG)1 << 24) + 1;
+	else
+		return l;
+/* This was very painful.  We need a sine library. */
+void phaser_sine(buf, len, depth)
+int *buf;
+long len;
+long depth;
+	long i;
+	double val;
+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+		val = sin((double)i/(double)len * 2.0 * M_PI);
+		buf[i] = (int) ((1.0 + val) * depth / 2.0);
+	}
+void phaser_triangle(buf, len, depth)
+int *buf;
+long len;
+long depth;
+	long i;
+	double val;
+	for (i = 0; i < len / 2; i++) {
+		val = i * 2.0 / len;
+		buf[i] = (int) (val * depth);
+	}
+	for (i = len / 2; i < len ; i++) {
+		val = (len - i) * 2.0 / len;
+		buf[i] = (int) (val * depth);
+	}
+ * Process options
+ */
+void phaser_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	phaser_t phaser = (phaser_t) effp->priv;
+	if (!((n == 5) || (n == 6)))
+	    fail("Usage: phaser gain-in gain-out delay decay speed [ -s | -t ]");
+	sscanf(argv[0], "%f", &phaser->in_gain);
+	sscanf(argv[1], "%f", &phaser->out_gain);
+	sscanf(argv[2], "%f", &phaser->delay);
+	sscanf(argv[3], "%f", &phaser->decay);
+	sscanf(argv[4], "%f", &phaser->speed);
+	phaser->modulation = MOD_SINE;
+	if ( n == 6 ) {
+		if ( !strcmp(argv[5], "-s"))
+			phaser->modulation = MOD_SINE;
+		else if ( ! strcmp(argv[5], "-t"))
+			phaser->modulation = MOD_TRIANGLE;
+		else
+	    		fail("Usage: phaser gain-in gain-out delay decay speed [ -s | -t ]");
+	}
+ * Prepare for processing.
+ */
+void phaser_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	phaser_t phaser = (phaser_t) effp->priv;
+	int i;
+	phaser->maxsamples = phaser->delay * effp->ininfo.rate / 1000.0;
+	if ( phaser->delay < 0.0 )
+	    fail("phaser: delay must be positive!\n");
+	if ( phaser->delay > 5.0 )
+	    fail("phaser: delay must be less than 5.0 msec!\n");
+	if ( phaser->speed < 0.1 )
+	    fail("phaser: speed must be more than 0.1 Hz!\n");
+	if ( phaser->speed > 2.0 )
+	    fail("phaser: speed must be less than 2.0 Hz!\n");
+	if ( phaser->decay < 0.0 )
+	    fail("phaser: decay must be positive!\n" );
+	if ( phaser->decay >= 1.0 )
+	    fail("phaser: decay must be less that 1.0!\n" );
+	/* Be nice and check the hint with warning, if... */
+	if ( phaser->in_gain > ( 1.0 - phaser->decay * phaser->decay ) )
+		warn("phaser: warning >>> gain-in can cause saturation or clipping of output <<<");
+	if ( phaser->in_gain / ( 1.0 - phaser->decay ) > 1.0 / phaser->out_gain )
+		warn("phaser: warning >>> gain-out can cause saturation or clipping of output <<<");
+	phaser->length = effp->ininfo.rate / phaser->speed;
+	if (! (phaser->phaserbuf = 
+		(double *) malloc(sizeof (double) * phaser->maxsamples)))
+		fail("phaser: Cannot malloc %d bytes!\n", 
+			sizeof(double) * phaser->maxsamples);
+	for ( i = 0; i < phaser->maxsamples; i++ )
+		phaser->phaserbuf[i] = 0.0;
+	if (! (phaser->lookup_tab = 
+		(int *) malloc(sizeof (int) * phaser->length)))
+		fail("phaser: Cannot malloc %d bytes!\n", 
+			sizeof(int) * phaser->length);
+	if ( phaser->modulation == MOD_SINE )
+		phaser_sine(phaser->lookup_tab, phaser->length, 
+			phaser->maxsamples - 1);
+	else
+		phaser_triangle(phaser->lookup_tab, phaser->length, 
+			phaser->maxsamples - 1);
+	phaser->counter = 0;
+	phaser->phase = 0;
+	phaser->fade_out = phaser->maxsamples;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void phaser_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	phaser_t phaser = (phaser_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	double d_in, d_out;
+	LONG out;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		/* Store delays as 24-bit signed longs */
+		d_in = (double) *ibuf++ / 256;
+		/* Compute output first */
+		d_in = d_in * phaser->in_gain;
+		d_in += phaser->phaserbuf[(phaser->maxsamples + 
+	phaser->counter - phaser->lookup_tab[phaser->phase]) % 
+	phaser->maxsamples] * phaser->decay * -1.0;
+		/* Adjust the output volume and size to 24 bit */
+		d_out = d_in * phaser->out_gain;
+		out = phaser_clip24((LONG) d_out);
+		*obuf++ = out * 256;
+		/* Mix decay of delay and input */
+		phaser->phaserbuf[phaser->counter] = d_in;
+		phaser->counter = 
+			( phaser->counter + 1 ) % phaser->maxsamples;
+		phaser->phase  = ( phaser->phase + 1 ) % phaser->length;
+	}
+	/* processed all samples */
+ * Drain out reverb lines. 
+ */
+void phaser_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *obuf;
+int *osamp;
+	phaser_t phaser = (phaser_t) effp->priv;
+	int done;
+	double d_in, d_out;
+	LONG out;
+	done = 0;
+	while ( ( done < *osamp ) && ( done < phaser->fade_out ) ) {
+		d_in = 0;
+		d_out = 0;
+		/* Compute output first */
+		d_in += phaser->phaserbuf[(phaser->maxsamples + 
+	phaser->counter - phaser->lookup_tab[phaser->phase]) % 
+	phaser->maxsamples] * phaser->decay * -1.0;
+		/* Adjust the output volume and size to 24 bit */
+		d_out = d_in * phaser->out_gain;
+		out = phaser_clip24((LONG) d_out);
+		*obuf++ = out * 256;
+		/* Mix decay of delay and input */
+		phaser->phaserbuf[phaser->counter] = d_in;
+		phaser->counter = 
+			( phaser->counter + 1 ) % phaser->maxsamples;
+		phaser->phase  = ( phaser->phase + 1 ) % phaser->length;
+		done++;
+		phaser->fade_out--;
+	}
+	/* samples playd, it remains */
+	*osamp = done;
+ * Clean up phaser effect.
+ */
+void phaser_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	phaser_t phaser = (phaser_t) effp->priv;
+	free((char *) phaser->phaserbuf);
+	phaser->phaserbuf = (double *) -1;   /* guaranteed core dump */
+	free((char *) phaser->lookup_tab);
+	phaser->lookup_tab = (int *) -1;   /* guaranteed core dump */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/polyphas.c
@@ -1,0 +1,648 @@
+ * July 14, 1998
+ * Copyright 1998  K. Bradley, Carnegie Mellon University
+ *
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools rate change effect file.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "st.h"
+typedef struct _list {
+    int number;
+    float *data_buffer;
+    struct _list *next;
+} List;
+typedef struct polyphase {
+  unsigned long	lcmrate;	   /* least common multiple of rates */
+  unsigned long inskip, outskip;   /* LCM increments for I & O rates */
+  unsigned long total;
+  unsigned long intot, outtot;	   /* total samples in terms of LCM rate */
+  long	lastsamp;
+  float **filt_array;
+  float **past_hist;
+  float *input_buffer;
+  int *filt_len;
+  List *l1, *l2;
+} *poly_t;
+ * Process options
+ */
+/* Options:  
+   -w <nut / ham>        :  window type
+   -width <short / long> :  window width
+                            short = 128 samples
+			    long  = 1024 samples
+	  <num>	            num:  explicit number
+   -cutoff <float>       :  frequency cutoff for base bandwidth.
+                            Default = 0.95 = 95%
+static int win_type  = 0;
+static int win_width = 1024;
+static float cutoff = 0.95;
+void poly_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+  /* 0: nuttall
+     1: hamming */
+  win_type = 0;
+  /* width:  short = 128
+             long = 1024 (default) */
+  win_width = 1024;
+  /* cutoff:  frequency cutoff of base bandwidth in percentage. */
+  cutoff = 0.95;
+  while(n >= 2) {
+    /* Window type check */
+    if(!strcmp(argv[0], "-w")) {
+      if(!strcmp(argv[1], "ham"))
+	win_type = 1;
+      if(!strcmp(argv[1], "nut"))
+	win_type = 0;
+      argv += 2;
+      n -= 2;
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* Window width check */
+    if(!strcmp(argv[0], "-width")) {
+      if(!strcmp(argv[1], "short"))
+	win_width = 128;
+      else if(!strcmp(argv[1], "long"))
+	win_width = 1024;
+      else
+	win_width = atoi(argv[1]);
+      argv += 2;
+      n -= 2;
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* Cutoff frequency check */
+    if(!strcmp(argv[0], "-cutoff")) {
+      cutoff = atof(argv[1]);
+      argv += 2;
+      n -= 2;
+      continue;
+    }
+    fail("Polyphase: unknown argument (%s %s)!", argv[0], argv[1]);
+  }
+ * Prepare processing.
+ */
+static int primes[] = {
+  2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37,
+  41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89,
+  97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151,
+  157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223,
+  227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281,
+  283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359,
+  367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433,
+  439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503,
+  509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593,
+  599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659,
+  661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743,
+  751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827,
+  829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911,
+  919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997
+#ifndef max
+#define max(x,y) ((x > y) ? x : y)
+List *prime(number)
+int number;
+    int j;
+    List *element = NULL;
+    if(number == 1)
+      return NULL;
+    for(j=167;j>= 0;j--) {
+	if(number % primes[j] == 0) {
+	    element = (List *) malloc(sizeof(List));
+	    element->number = primes[j];
+	    element->data_buffer = NULL;
+	    element->next = prime(number / primes[j]);
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    if(element == NULL) {
+	fail("Number %d too large of a prime.\n",number);
+    }
+    return element;
+List *prime_inv(number)
+int number;
+    int j;
+    List *element = NULL;
+    if(number == 1)
+      return NULL;
+    for(j=0;j<168;j++) {
+	if(number % primes[j] == 0) {
+	    element = (List *) malloc(sizeof(List));
+	    element->number = primes[j];
+	    element->data_buffer = NULL;
+	    element->next = prime_inv(number / primes[j]);
+	    break;
+	}
+    }
+    if(element == NULL) {
+	fail("Number %d too large of a prime.\n",number);
+    }
+    return element;
+#ifndef PI
+#define PI 3.14159265358979
+/* Calculate a Nuttall window of a given length.
+   Buffer must already be allocated to appropriate size.
+   */
+void nuttall(buffer, length)
+float *buffer;
+int length;
+  int j;
+  double N;
+  double N1;
+  if(buffer == NULL || length < 0)
+    fail("Illegal buffer %p or length %d to nuttall.\n", buffer, length);
+  /* Initial variable setups. */
+  N = (double) length - 1.0;
+  N1 = N / 2.0;
+  for(j = 0; j < length; j++) {
+    buffer[j] = 0.36335819 + 
+      0.4891775 * cos(2*PI*1*(j - N1) / N) +
+      0.1365995 * cos(2*PI*2*(j - N1) / N) + 
+      0.0106411 * cos(2*PI*3*(j - N1) / N);
+  }
+/* Calculate a Hamming window of given length.
+   Buffer must already be allocated to appropriate size.
+void hamming(buffer, length)
+float *buffer;
+int length;
+    int j;
+    if(buffer == NULL || length < 0)
+      fail("Illegal buffer %p or length %d to hamming.\n",buffer,length);
+    for(j=0;j<length;j++) 
+      buffer[j] = 0.5 - 0.46 * cos(2*PI*j/(length-1));
+/* Calculate the sinc function properly */
+float sinc(value)
+float value;
+    return(fabs(value) < 1E-50 ? 1.0 : sin(value) / value);
+/* Design a low-pass FIR filter using window technique.
+   Length of filter is in length, cutoff frequency in cutoff.
+   0 < cutoff <= 1.0 (normalized frequency)
+   buffer must already be allocated.
+void fir_design(buffer, length, cutoff)
+float *buffer;
+int length;
+float cutoff;
+    int j;
+    float sum;
+    float *ham_win;
+    if(buffer == NULL || length < 0 || cutoff < 0 || cutoff > PI)
+      fail("Illegal buffer %p, length %d, or cutoff %f.\n",buffer,length,cutoff);
+    /* Design Hamming window:  43 dB cutoff */
+    ham_win = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * length);
+    /* Use the user-option of window type */
+    if(win_type == 0) 
+      nuttall(ham_win, length);
+    else
+      hamming(ham_win,length);
+    /* Design filter:  windowed sinc function */
+    sum = 0.0;
+    for(j=0;j<length;j++) {
+	buffer[j] = sinc(PI*cutoff*(j-length/2)) * ham_win[j] / (2*cutoff);
+	sum += buffer[j];
+    }
+    /* Normalize buffer to have gain of 1.0: prevent roundoff error */
+    for(j=0;j<length;j++)
+      buffer[j] /= sum;
+    free((void *) ham_win);
+void poly_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+    poly_t rate = (poly_t) effp->priv;
+    List *t, *t2;
+    int num_l1, num_l2;
+    int j,k;
+    float f_cutoff;
+    extern long lcm();
+    rate->lcmrate = lcm((long)effp->ininfo.rate, (long)effp->outinfo.rate);
+    /* Cursory check for LCM overflow.  
+     * If both rate are below 65k, there should be no problem.
+     * 16 bits x 16 bits = 32 bits, which we can handle.
+     */
+    rate->inskip = rate->lcmrate / effp->ininfo.rate;
+    rate->outskip = rate->lcmrate / effp->outinfo.rate; 
+    /* Find the prime factors of inskip and outskip */
+    rate->l1 = prime(rate->inskip);
+    /* If we're going up, order things backwards. */
+    if(effp->ininfo.rate < effp->outinfo.rate)
+      rate->l2 = prime_inv(rate->outskip);
+    else
+      rate->l2 = prime(rate->outskip);
+    /* Find how many factors there were */
+    if(rate->l1 == NULL)
+      num_l1 = 0;
+    else
+      for(num_l1=0, t = rate->l1; t != NULL; num_l1++, t=t->next);
+    if(rate->l2 == NULL) 
+      num_l2 = 0;
+    else
+      for(num_l2=0, t = rate->l2; t != NULL; num_l2++, t=t->next);
+    k = 0;
+    t = rate->l1;
+    /* Compact the lists to be less than 10 */
+    while(k < num_l1 - 1) {
+	if(t->number * t->next->number < 10) {
+	    t->number = t->number * t->next->number;
+	    t2 = t->next;
+	    t->next = t->next->next;
+	    t2->next = NULL;
+	    free((void *) t2);
+	    num_l1--;
+	} else {
+	    k++;
+	    t = t->next;
+	}
+    }
+    k = 0;
+    t = rate->l2;
+    while(k < num_l2 - 1) {
+	if(t->number * t->next->number < 10) {
+	    t->number = t->number * t->next->number;
+	    t2 = t->next;
+	    t->next = t->next->next;
+	    t2->next = NULL;
+	    free((void *) t2);
+	    num_l2--;
+	} else {
+	    k++;
+	    t = t->next;
+	}
+    }
+    /* l1 and l2 are now lists of the prime factors compacted,
+       meaning that they're the lists of up/down sampling we need
+       */
+    /* Stretch them to be the same length by padding with 1 (no-op) */
+    if(num_l1 < num_l2) {
+	t = rate->l1;
+	if(t == NULL) {
+	    rate->l1 = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
+	    rate->l1->next = NULL;
+	    rate->l1->number = 1;
+	    rate->l1->data_buffer = NULL;
+	    t = rate->l1;
+	    num_l1++;
+	}
+	while(t->next != NULL)
+	  t = t->next;
+	for(k=0;k<num_l2-num_l1;k++) {
+	    t->next = (List *) malloc(sizeof(List));
+	    t->next->number = 1;
+	    t->next->data_buffer = NULL;
+	    t = t->next;
+	}
+	t->next = NULL;
+	num_l1 = num_l2;
+    } else {
+	t = rate->l2;
+	if(t == NULL) {
+	    rate->l2 = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
+	    rate->l2->next = NULL;
+	    rate->l2->number = 1;
+	    rate->l2->data_buffer = NULL;
+	    t = rate->l2;
+	    num_l2++;
+	}
+	/*
+	  while(t->next != NULL)
+	  t = t->next;
+	  */
+	for(k=0;k<num_l1-num_l2;k++) {
+	  t = rate->l2;
+	  rate->l2 = (List *) malloc(sizeof(List));
+	  rate->l2->number = 1;
+	  rate->l2->data_buffer = NULL;
+	  rate->l2->next = t;
+	}
+	/* t->next = NULL; */
+	num_l2 = num_l1;
+    }
+    /* l1 and l2 are now the same size. */
+    rate->total = num_l1;
+    report("Poly:  input rate %d, output rate %d.  %d stages.",effp->ininfo.rate, effp->outinfo.rate,num_l1);
+    report("Poly:  window: %s  size: %d  cutoff: %f.", (win_type == 0) ? ("nut") : ("ham"), win_width, cutoff);
+    for(k=0, t=rate->l1, t2=rate->l2;k<num_l1;k++,t=t->next,t2=t2->next)
+      report("Poly:  stage %d:  Up by %d, down by %d.",k+1,t->number,t2->number);
+    /* We'll have an array of filters and past history */
+    rate->filt_array = (float **) malloc(sizeof(float *) * num_l1);
+    rate->past_hist = (float **) malloc(sizeof(float *) * num_l1);
+    rate->filt_len = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * num_l1);
+    for(k = 0, t = rate->l1, t2 = rate->l2; k < num_l1; k++) {
+      rate->filt_len[k] = max(2 * 10 * max(t->number,t2->number), win_width);
+      rate->filt_array[k] = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * rate->filt_len[k]);
+      rate->past_hist[k] = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * rate->filt_len[k]);
+      t->data_buffer = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 1024 * rate->inskip);
+      for(j = 0; j < rate->filt_len[k]; j++)
+	rate->past_hist[k][j] = 0.0;
+      f_cutoff = (t->number > t2->number) ? 
+	(float) t->number : (float) t2->number;
+      fir_design(rate->filt_array[k], rate->filt_len[k]-1, cutoff / f_cutoff);
+      t = t->next;
+      t2 = t2->next;
+    }
+    rate->input_buffer = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * 2048);
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+static float *h;
+static int M, L, N;
+void polyphase_init(coef, num_coef, up_rate, down_rate)
+float *coef;
+int num_coef;
+int up_rate;
+int down_rate;
+    h = coef;
+    M = down_rate;
+    L = up_rate;
+    N = num_coef;
+void polyphase(input, output, past, num_samples_input)
+float *input;
+float *output;
+float *past;
+int num_samples_input;
+    int num_output;
+    int m,n;
+    float sum;
+    float inp;
+    int base;
+    int h_base;
+    num_output = num_samples_input * L / M;
+    for(m=0;m<num_output;m++) {
+	sum = 0.0;
+	base = (int) (m*M/L);
+	h_base = (m*M) % L;
+	for(n=0;n<N / L;n++) {
+	    if(base - n < 0)
+	      inp = past[base - n + N];
+	    else
+	      inp = input[base - n];
+	    sum += h[n*L + h_base] * inp;
+	}
+	output[m] = sum * L * 0.95;
+    }
+void poly_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+long *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+  poly_t rate = (poly_t) effp->priv;
+  float *temp_buf, *temp_buf2;
+  int j,k;
+  List *t1, *t2;
+  int in_size, out_size;
+  /* Sanity check:  how much can we tolerate? */
+  in_size = *isamp;
+  out_size = in_size * rate->inskip / rate->outskip;
+  if(out_size > *osamp) {
+    in_size = *osamp * rate->outskip / rate->inskip;
+    *isamp = in_size;
+  }
+  /* Check to see if we're really draining */
+  if(ibuf != NULL) {
+    for(k=0;k<*isamp;k++)
+      rate->input_buffer[k] = (float) (ibuf[k] >> 16);
+  } else {
+    for(k=0;k<*isamp;k++)
+      rate->input_buffer[k] = 0.0;
+  }      
+  temp_buf = rate->input_buffer;
+  t1 = rate->l1;
+  t2 = rate->l2;
+  for(k=0;k<rate->total;k++,t1=t1->next,t2=t2->next) {
+    polyphase_init(rate->filt_array[k], rate->filt_len[k], 
+		   t1->number,t2->number);
+    out_size = (in_size) * t1->number / t2->number;
+    temp_buf2 = t1->data_buffer;
+    polyphase(temp_buf, temp_buf2, rate->past_hist[k], in_size);
+    for(j = 0; j < rate->filt_len[k]; j++) 
+      rate->past_hist[k][j] = temp_buf[j+in_size - rate->filt_len[k]];
+    in_size = out_size;
+    temp_buf = temp_buf2;
+  }
+  if(out_size > *osamp)
+    out_size = *osamp;
+  *osamp = out_size;
+  if(ibuf != NULL) {
+    for(k=0;k < out_size;k++)
+      obuf[k] = ((int) temp_buf[k]) << 16;
+  } else {
+    /* Wait for all-zero samples to come through.
+       Should happen eventually with all-zero
+       input */
+    int found = 0;
+    for(k=0; k < out_size; k++) {
+      obuf[k] = ((int) temp_buf[k] << 16);
+      if(obuf[k] != 0)
+	found = 1;
+    }
+    if(!found)
+      *osamp = 0;
+  }
+ * Process tail of input samples.
+ */
+void poly_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+long *obuf;
+long *osamp;
+  long in_size = 1024;
+  /* Call "flow" with NULL input. */
+  poly_flow(effp, NULL, obuf, &in_size, osamp);
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void poly_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+    List *t, *t2;
+    poly_t rate = (poly_t) effp->priv;
+    int k;
+    /* Free lists */
+    for(t = rate->l1; t != NULL; ) {
+	t2 = t->next;
+	t->next = NULL;
+	if(t->data_buffer != NULL)
+	  free((void *) t->data_buffer);
+	free((void *) t);
+	t = t2;
+    }
+    for(t = rate->l2; t != NULL; ) {
+	t2 = t->next;
+	t->next = NULL;
+	if(t->data_buffer != NULL)
+	  free((void *) t->data_buffer);
+	free((void *) t);
+	t = t2;
+    }
+    for(k = 0; k < rate->total;k++) {
+	free((void *) rate->past_hist[k]);
+	free((void *) rate->filt_array[k]);
+    }
+    free((void *) rate->past_hist);
+    free((void *) rate->filt_array);
+    free((void *) rate->filt_len);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rate.c
@@ -1,0 +1,319 @@
+#ifndef USE_OLD_RATE
+ * August 21, 1998
+ * Copyright 1998 Fabrice Bellard.
+ *
+ * [Rewrote completly the code of Lance Norskog And Sundry
+ * Contributors with a more efficient algorithm.]
+ *
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.  
+ */
+ * Sound Tools rate change effect file.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+ * Linear Interpolation.
+ *
+ * The use of fractional increment allows us to use no buffer. It
+ * avoid the problems at the end of the buffer we had with the old
+ * method which stored a possibly big buffer of size
+ * lcm(in_rate,out_rate).
+ *
+ * Limited to 16 bit samples and sampling frequency <= 65535 Hz. If
+ * the input & output frequencies are equal, a delay of one sample is
+ * introduced 
+ *
+ * 1 << FRAC_BITS evaluating to zero in several places.  Changed with
+ * an (unsigned long) cast to make it safe.  MarkMLl 2/1/99
+ */
+#define FRAC_BITS 16
+/* Private data */
+typedef struct ratestuff {
+        u_l opos_frac;  /* fractional position of the output stream in input stream unit */
+        u_l opos;
+        u_l opos_inc_frac;  /* fractional position increment in the output stream */
+        u_l opos_inc; 
+        u_l ipos;      /* position in the input stream (integer) */
+        LONG ilast; /* last sample in the input stream */
+} *rate_t;
+ * Process options
+ */
+void rate_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	if (n)
+		fail("Rate effect takes no options.");
+ * Prepare processing.
+ */
+void rate_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	rate_t rate = (rate_t) effp->priv;
+        u_l incr;
+        rate->opos_frac=0;
+        rate->opos=0;
+        /* increment */
+        incr=(u_l)((double)effp->ininfo.rate / (double)effp->outinfo.rate * 
+                   (double) ((unsigned long) 1 << FRAC_BITS));
+        rate->opos_inc_frac = incr & (((unsigned long) 1 << FRAC_BITS)-1);
+        rate->opos_inc = incr >> FRAC_BITS;
+        rate->ipos=0;
+	rate->ilast = 0;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void rate_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	rate_t rate = (rate_t) effp->priv;
+	LONG *istart,*iend;
+	LONG *ostart,*oend;
+	LONG ilast,icur,out;
+        u_l tmp;
+        double t;
+        ilast=rate->ilast;
+        istart = ibuf;
+        iend = ibuf + *isamp;
+        ostart = obuf;
+        oend = obuf + *osamp;
+        while (obuf < oend) {
+                /* read as many input samples so that ipos > opos */
+                while (rate->ipos <= rate->opos) {
+                        if (ibuf >= iend) goto the_end;
+                        ilast = *ibuf++;
+                        rate->ipos++;
+                }
+                icur = *ibuf;
+                /* interpolate */
+                t=(double) rate->opos_frac / ((unsigned long) 1 << FRAC_BITS);
+                out = (double) ilast * (1.0 - t) + (double) icur * t;
+                /* output sample & increment position */
+                *obuf++=(LONG) out;
+                tmp = rate->opos_frac + rate->opos_inc_frac;
+                rate->opos = rate->opos + rate->opos_inc + (tmp >> FRAC_BITS);
+                rate->opos_frac = tmp & (((unsigned long) 1 << FRAC_BITS)-1);
+        }
+	*isamp = ibuf - istart;
+	*osamp = obuf - ostart;
+	rate->ilast = ilast;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void rate_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
+#else /* USE_OLD_RATE */
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools rate change effect file.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+ * Least Common Multiple Linear Interpolation 
+ *
+ * Find least common multiple of the two sample rates.
+ * Construct the signal at the LCM by interpolating successive
+ * input samples as straight lines.  Pull output samples from
+ * this line at output rate.
+ *
+ * Of course, actually calculate only the output samples.
+ *
+ * LCM must be 32 bits or less.  Two prime number sample rates
+ * between 32768 and 65535 will yield a 32-bit LCM, so this is 
+ * stretching it.
+ */
+ * Algorithm:
+ *  
+ *  Generate a master sample clock from the LCM of the two rates.
+ *  Interpolate linearly along it.  Count up input and output skips.
+ *
+ *  Input:   |inskip |       |       |       |       |
+ *                                                                      
+ *                                                                      
+ *                                                                      
+ *  LCM:     |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
+ *                                                                      
+ *                                                                      
+ *                                                                      
+ *  Output:  |  outskip  |           |           | 
+ *
+ *                                                                      
+ */
+/* Private data for Lerp via LCM file */
+typedef struct ratestuff {
+	u_l	lcmrate;		/* least common multiple of rates */
+	u_l	inskip, outskip;	/* LCM increments for I & O rates */
+	u_l	total;
+	u_l	intot, outtot;		/* total samples in LCM basis */
+	LONG	lastsamp;		/* history */
+} *rate_t;
+ * Process options
+ */
+void rate_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	if (n)
+		fail("Rate effect takes no options.");
+ * Prepare processing.
+ */
+void rate_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	rate_t rate = (rate_t) effp->priv;
+	IMPORT LONG lcm();
+	rate->lcmrate = lcm((LONG)effp->ininfo.rate, (LONG)effp->outinfo.rate);
+	/* Cursory check for LCM overflow.  
+	 * If both rate are below 65k, there should be no problem.
+	 * 16 bits x 16 bits = 32 bits, which we can handle.
+	 */
+	rate->inskip = rate->lcmrate / effp->ininfo.rate;
+	rate->outskip = rate->lcmrate / effp->outinfo.rate; 
+	rate->total = rate->intot = rate->outtot = 0;
+	rate->lastsamp = 0;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void rate_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	rate_t rate = (rate_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	LONG *istart = ibuf;
+	LONG last;
+	done = 0;
+	if (rate->total == 0) {
+		/* Emit first sample.  We know the fence posts meet. */
+		*obuf = *ibuf++;
+		rate->lastsamp = *obuf++ / 65536L;
+		done = 1;
+		rate->total = 1;
+		/* advance to second output */
+		rate->outtot += rate->outskip;
+		/* advance input range to span next output */
+		while ((rate->intot + rate->inskip) <= rate->outtot){
+			last = *ibuf++ / 65536L;
+			rate->intot += rate->inskip;
+		}
+	} 
+	/* start normal flow-through operation */
+	last = rate->lastsamp;
+	/* number of output samples the input can feed */
+	len = (*isamp * rate->inskip) / rate->outskip;
+	if (len > *osamp)
+		len = *osamp;
+	for(; done < len; done++) {
+		*obuf = last;
+		*obuf += ((float)((*ibuf / 65536L)  - last)* ((float)rate->outtot -
+				rate->intot))/rate->inskip;
+		*obuf *= 65536L;
+		obuf++;
+		/* advance to next output */
+		rate->outtot += rate->outskip;
+		/* advance input range to span next output */
+		while ((rate->intot + rate->inskip) <= rate->outtot){
+			last = *ibuf++ / 65536L;
+			rate->intot += rate->inskip;
+			if (ibuf - istart == *isamp)
+				goto out;
+		}
+		/* long samples with high LCM's overrun counters! */
+		if (rate->outtot == rate->intot)
+			rate->outtot = rate->intot = 0;
+	}
+	*isamp = ibuf - istart;
+	*osamp = len;
+	rate->lastsamp = last;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void rate_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
+#endif /* USE_OLD_RATE */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/raw.c
@@ -1,0 +1,361 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools raw format file.
+ *
+ * Includes .ub, .uw, .sb, .sw, and .ul formats at end
+ */
+ * Notes: most of the headerless formats set their handlers to raw
+ * in their startread/write routines.  
+ *
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "libst.h"
+void rawstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+void rawstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+/* Read raw file data, and convert it to */
+/* the sox internal signed long format. */
+LONG rawread(ft, buf, nsamp) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, nsamp;
+	register LONG datum;
+	int done = 0;
+	switch(ft->info.size) {
+		case BYTE:
+		    switch(ft->
+		    {
+			case SIGN2:
+				while(done < nsamp) {
+					datum = getc(ft->fp);
+					if (feof(ft->fp))
+						return done;
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 24);
+					done++;
+				}
+				return done;
+			case UNSIGNED:
+				while(done < nsamp) {
+					datum = getc(ft->fp);
+					if (feof(ft->fp))
+						return done;
+					/* Convert to signed */
+					datum ^= 128;
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 24);
+					done++;
+				}
+				return done;
+			case ULAW:
+				while(done < nsamp) {
+					datum = getc(ft->fp);
+					if (feof(ft->fp))
+						return done;
+					datum = st_ulaw_to_linear(datum);
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+					done++;
+				}
+				return done;
+			case ALAW:
+				while(done < nsamp) {
+				        datum = getc(ft->fp);
+				        if (feof(ft->fp))
+				                return done;
+				        datum = st_Alaw_to_linear(datum);
+				        /* scale signed up to long's range */
+				        *buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+				        done++;
+				}
+				return done;
+		    }
+		    break;
+		case WORD:
+		    switch(ft->
+		    {
+			case SIGN2:
+				while(done < nsamp) {
+					datum = rshort(ft);
+					if (feof(ft->fp))
+						return done;
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+					done++;
+				}
+				return done;
+			case UNSIGNED:
+				while(done < nsamp) {
+					datum = rshort(ft);
+					if (feof(ft->fp))
+						return done;
+					/* Convert to signed */
+					datum ^= 0x8000;
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+					done++;
+				}
+				return done;
+			case ULAW:
+				fail("No U-Law support for shorts");
+				return done;
+			case ALAW:
+				fail("No A-Law support for shorts");
+				return done;
+		    }
+		    break;
+		case FLOAT:
+			while(done < nsamp) {
+				datum = dovolume? volume * rfloat(ft)
+						: rfloat(ft);
+				if (feof(ft->fp))
+					return done;
+				*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+				done++;
+			}
+			return done;
+		default:
+			fail("Drop through in rawread!");
+	}
+	fail("Sorry, don't have code to read %s, %s",
+		styles[ft->], sizes[ft->info.size]);
+	return(0);
+/* Convert the sox internal signed long format */
+/* to the raw file data, and write it. */
+rawwrite(ft, buf, nsamp) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, nsamp;
+	register int datum;
+	int done = 0;
+	switch(ft->info.size) {
+		case BYTE:
+		    switch(ft->
+		    {
+			case SIGN2:
+				while(done < nsamp) {
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					datum = (int) RIGHT(*buf++, 24);
+					putc(datum, ft->fp);
+					done++;
+				}
+				return;
+			case UNSIGNED:
+				while(done < nsamp) {
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					datum = (int) RIGHT(*buf++, 24);
+					/* Convert to unsigned */
+					datum ^= 128;
+					putc(datum, ft->fp);
+					done++;
+				}
+				return;
+			case ULAW:
+				while(done < nsamp) {
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					datum = (int) RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+					/* round up to 12 bits of data */
+					datum += 0x8;	/* + 0b1000 */
+					datum = st_linear_to_ulaw(datum);
+					putc(datum, ft->fp);
+					done++;
+				}
+				return;
+			case ALAW:
+				while(done < nsamp) {
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					datum = (int) RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+					/* round up to 12 bits of data */
+					datum += 0x8;	/* + 0b1000 */
+					datum = st_linear_to_Alaw(datum);
+					putc(datum, ft->fp);
+					done++;
+				}
+				return;
+		    }
+		    break;
+		case WORD:
+		    switch(ft->
+		    {
+			case SIGN2:
+				while(done < nsamp) {
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					datum = (int) RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+					wshort(ft, datum);
+					done++;
+				}
+				return;
+			case UNSIGNED:
+				while(done < nsamp) {
+					/* scale signed up to long's range */
+					datum = (int) RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+					/* Convert to unsigned */
+					datum ^= 0x8000;
+					wshort(ft, datum);
+					done++;
+				}
+				return;
+			case ULAW:
+fail("No U-Law support for shorts (try -b option ?)");
+				return;
+			case ALAW:
+fail("No A-Law support for shorts (try -b option ?)");
+				return;
+		    }
+		    break;
+		case FLOAT:
+			while(done < nsamp) {
+				/* scale signed up to long's range */
+				datum = (int) RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+			 	wfloat(ft, (double) datum);
+				done++;
+			}
+			return;
+		default:
+		    fail("Drop through in rawwrite!");
+	}
+	fail("Sorry, don't have code to write %s, %s",
+		styles[ft->], sizes[ft->info.size]);
+* Set parameters to the fixed parameters known for this format,
+* and change format to raw format.
+void rawdefaults();
+/* Signed byte */
+void sbstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft-> = SIGN2;
+	rawdefaults(ft);
+void sbstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft-> = SIGN2;
+	rawdefaults(ft);
+void ubstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	rawdefaults(ft);
+void ubstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	rawdefaults(ft);
+void uwstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	ft->info.size = WORD;
+	ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	rawdefaults(ft);
+void uwstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	ft->info.size = WORD;
+	ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	rawdefaults(ft);
+void swstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	ft->info.size = WORD;
+	ft-> = SIGN2;
+	rawdefaults(ft);
+void swstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	ft->info.size = WORD;
+	ft-> = SIGN2;
+	rawdefaults(ft);
+void ulstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft-> = ULAW;
+	rawdefaults(ft);
+void ulstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft-> = ULAW;
+	rawdefaults(ft);
+void alstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft-> = ALAW;
+	rawdefaults(ft);
+void alstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft-> = ALAW;
+	rawdefaults(ft);
+void rawdefaults(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+	if (ft->info.rate == 0)
+		ft->info.rate = 8000;
+	if (ft->info.channels == -1)
+		ft->info.channels = 1;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/resampl.h
@@ -1,0 +1,75 @@
+ * FILE: resample.h
+ *   BY: Julius Smith (at CCRMA, Stanford U)
+ * C BY: translated from SAIL to C by Christopher Lee Fraley
+ *          ([email protected])
+ * DATE: 7-JUN-88
+ * VERS: 2.0  (17-JUN-88, 3:00pm)
+ */
+#define MAXNWING  5122
+#define MAXFACTOR 4       /* Maximum Factor without output buff overflow */
+/* Conversion constants */
+#define Nhc       8
+#define Na        7
+#define Np       (Nhc+Na)
+#define Npc      (1<<Nhc)
+#define Amask    ((1<<Na)-1)
+#define Pmask    ((1<<Np)-1)
+#define Nh       16
+#define Nb       16
+#define Nhxn     14
+#define Nhg      (Nh-Nhxn)
+#define NLpScl   13
+/* Description of constants:
+ *
+ * Npc - is the number of look-up values available for the lowpass filter
+ *    between the beginning of its impulse response and the "cutoff time"
+ *    of the filter.  The cutoff time is defined as the reciprocal of the
+ *    lowpass-filter cut off frequence in Hz.  For example, if the
+ *    lowpass filter were a sinc function, Npc would be the index of the
+ *    impulse-response lookup-table corresponding to the first zero-
+ *    crossing of the sinc function.  (The inverse first zero-crossing
+ *    time of a sinc function equals its nominal cutoff frequency in Hz.)
+ *    Npc must be a power of 2 due to the details of the current
+ *    implementation. The default value of 512 is sufficiently high that
+ *    using linear interpolation to fill in between the table entries
+ *    gives approximately 16-bit accuracy in filter coefficients.
+ *
+ * Nhc - is log base 2 of Npc.
+ *
+ * Na - is the number of bits devoted to linear interpolation of the
+ *    filter coefficients.
+ *
+ * Np - is Na + Nhc, the number of bits to the right of the binary point
+ *    in the integer "time" variable. To the left of the point, it indexes
+ *    the input array (X), and to the right, it is interpreted as a number
+ *    between 0 and 1 sample of the input X.  Np must be less than 16 in
+ *    this implementation.
+ *
+ * Nh - is the number of bits in the filter coefficients. The sum of Nh and
+ *    the number of bits in the input data (typically 16) cannot exceed 32.
+ *    Thus Nh should be 16.  The largest filter coefficient should nearly
+ *    fill 16 bits (32767).
+ *
+ * Nb - is the number of bits in the input data. The sum of Nb and Nh cannot
+ *    exceed 32.
+ *
+ * Nhxn - is the number of bits to right shift after multiplying each input
+ *    sample times a filter coefficient. It can be as great as Nh and as
+ *    small as 0. Nhxn = Nh-2 gives 2 guard bits in the multiply-add
+ *    accumulation.  If Nhxn=0, the accumulation will soon overflow 32 bits.
+ *
+ * Nhg - is the number of guard bits in mpy-add accumulation (equal to Nh-Nhxn).
+ *
+ * NLpScl - is the number of bits allocated to the unity-gain normalization
+ *    factor.  The output of the lowpass filter is multiplied by LpScl and
+ *    then right-shifted NLpScl bits. To avoid overflow, we must have 
+ *    Nb+Nhg+NLpScl < 32.
+ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/resample.c
@@ -1,0 +1,680 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools rate change effect file.
+ * Spiffy rate changer using Smith & Wesson Bandwidth-Limited Interpolation.
+ * The algorithm is described in "Bandlimited Interpolation -
+ * Introduction and Algorithm" by Julian O. Smith III.
+ * Available on as
+ * pub/BandlimitedInterpolation.eps.Z or similar.
+ *
+ * The latest stand alone version of this algorithm can be found
+ * at
+ * under the name of resample-version.number.tar.Z
+ *
+ * NOTE: This source badly needs to be updated to reflect the latest
+ * version of the above software!  Someone please perform this and
+ * send patches to [email protected].
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* resample includes */
+#include "resdefs.h"
+#include "resampl.h"
+#define IBUFFSIZE 1024                         /* Input buffer size */
+#define OBUFFSIZE (IBUFFSIZE*MAXFACTOR+2)      /* Calc'd out buffer size */
+/* Private data for Lerp via LCM file */
+typedef struct resamplestuff {
+   double Factor;               /* Factor = Fout/Fin sample rates */
+   double rolloff;              /* roll-off frequency */
+   double beta;                 /* passband/stopband tuning magic */
+   short InterpFilt;      	/* TRUE means interpolate filter coeffs */
+   UHWORD Oskip;		/* number of bogus output samples at start */
+   UHWORD LpScl, Nmult, Nwing;
+   HWORD *Imp;         		/* impulse [MAXNWING] Filter coefficients */
+   HWORD *ImpD;        		/* [MAXNWING] ImpD[n] = Imp[n+1]-Imp[n] */
+   /* for resample main loop */
+   UWORD Time;                  /* Current time/pos in input sample */
+   UHWORD Xp, Xoff, Xread;
+   HWORD *X, *Y; 		/* I/O buffers */
+} *resample_t;
+int makeFilter(P6(HWORD Imp[],
+		  HWORD ImpD[],
+		  UHWORD *LpScl,
+		  UHWORD Nwing,
+		  double Froll,
+		  double Beta));
+		HWORD Y[],
+		double Factor,
+		UWORD *Time,
+		UHWORD Nwing,
+		UHWORD LpScl,
+		HWORD Imp[],
+		HWORD ImpD[],
+		BOOL Interp));
+		HWORD Y[],
+		double Factor,
+		UWORD *Time,
+		UHWORD Nwing,
+		UHWORD LpScl,
+		HWORD Imp[],
+		HWORD ImpD[],
+		BOOL Interp));
+IWORD FilterUp(P7(HWORD Imp[],
+		  HWORD ImpD[],
+		  UHWORD Nwing,
+		  BOOL Interp,
+		  HWORD *Xp,
+		  HWORD Ph,
+		  HWORD Inc));
+IWORD FilterUD(P8(HWORD Imp[],
+		  HWORD ImpD[],
+		  UHWORD Nwing,
+		  BOOL Interp,
+		  HWORD *Xp,
+		  HWORD Ph,
+		  HWORD Inc,
+		  UHWORD dhb));
+ * Process options
+ */
+void resample_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	resample_t resample = (resample_t) effp->priv;
+	resample->rolloff = 0.85;
+	resample->beta = 2.120;
+	/* I don't know why this fails! */
+	if ((n >= 1) && !sscanf(argv[0], "%lf", &resample->rolloff))
+		fail("Usage: resample [ rolloff [ beta ] ]");
+	else if ((resample->rolloff < 0.01) || (resample->rolloff > 1.0))
+	    fail("resample: rolloff factor (%f) no good, should be 0.01<x<1.0", 
+			resample->rolloff);
+	if ((n >= 2) && !sscanf(argv[1], "%lf", &resample->beta))
+		fail("Usage: resample [ rolloff [ beta ] ]");
+	else if (resample->beta < 1.0)
+	        fail("resample: beta factor (%f) no good, should be >= 1.0", 
+			resample->beta);
+	/*
+	fprintf(stderr, "resample opts: %f, %f\n", 
+		resample->rolloff, resample->beta);
+	*/
+ * Prepare processing.
+ */
+void resample_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	resample_t resample = (resample_t) effp->priv;
+	int i;
+	if ((LONG)effp->ininfo.rate > (LONG)effp->outinfo.rate)
+		resample->rolloff = ((double)effp->outinfo.rate / 
+			(double)effp->ininfo.rate) * 0.97; /* empirical */
+	else
+		resample->rolloff = 0.85;
+	resample->InterpFilt = 1;	/* interpolate filter: slower */
+	resample->Factor = 
+		(double)effp->outinfo.rate / (double)effp->ininfo.rate;
+	/* Check for illegal constants */
+	if (Np >= 16)
+		fail("Error: Np>=16");
+	if (Nb+Nhg+NLpScl >= 32)
+		fail("Error: Nb+Nhg+NLpScl>=32");
+	if (Nh+Nb > 32)
+	      fail("Error: Nh+Nb>32");
+	resample->Imp = (HWORD *) malloc(sizeof(HWORD) * MAXNWING);
+	resample->ImpD = (HWORD *) malloc(sizeof(HWORD) * MAXNWING);
+	resample->X = (HWORD *) malloc(sizeof(HWORD) * IBUFFSIZE);
+	resample->Y = (HWORD *) malloc(sizeof(HWORD) * OBUFFSIZE);
+	/* upsampling requires smaller Nmults */
+	for(resample->Nmult = 37; resample->Nmult > 1; resample->Nmult -= 2) {
+		/* # of filter coeffs in right wing */
+		resample->Nwing = Npc*(resample->Nmult+1)/2;     
+		/* This prevents just missing last coeff */
+		/*   for integer conversion factors  */
+		resample->Nwing += Npc/2 + 1;      
+		/* returns error # or 0 for success */
+		if (makeFilter(resample->Imp, resample->ImpD, 
+				&resample->LpScl, resample->Nwing, 
+				resample->rolloff, resample->beta))
+				continue;
+			else
+				break;
+	}
+	if(resample->Nmult == 1)
+		fail("resample: Unable to make filter\n");
+	if (resample->Factor < 1)
+		resample->LpScl = resample->LpScl*resample->Factor + 0.5;
+	/* Calc reach of LP filter wing & give some creeping room */
+	resample->Xoff = ((resample->Nmult+1)/2.0) * 
+		MAX(1.0,1.0/resample->Factor) + 10;
+	if (IBUFFSIZE < 2*resample->Xoff)      /* Check input buffer size */
+		fail("IBUFFSIZE (or Factor) is too small");
+	/* Current "now"-sample pointer for input */
+	resample->Xp = resample->Xoff;             
+	/* Position in input array to read into */
+	resample->Xread = resample->Xoff;          
+	/* Current-time pointer for converter */
+	resample->Time = (resample->Xoff<<Np);     
+	/* Set sample drop at beginning */
+	resample->Oskip = resample->Xread * resample->Factor;
+	/* Need Xoff zeros at begining of sample */
+	for (i=0; i<resample->Xoff; i++)
+		resample->X[i] = 0;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void resample_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+LONG *isamp, *osamp;
+	resample_t resample = (resample_t) effp->priv;
+	LONG i, last, creep, Nout, Nx;
+	UHWORD Nproc;
+	/* constrain amount we actually process */
+	Nproc = IBUFFSIZE - resample->Xp;
+	if (Nproc * resample->Factor >= OBUFFSIZE)
+		Nproc = OBUFFSIZE / resample->Factor;
+	if (Nproc * resample->Factor >= *osamp)
+		Nproc = *osamp / resample->Factor;
+	Nx = Nproc - resample->Xread;
+	if (Nx <= 0)
+		fail("Nx negative: %d", Nx);
+	if (Nx > *isamp) {
+		Nx = *isamp;
+	}
+	for(i = resample->Xread; i < Nx + resample->Xread  ; i++) 
+		resample->X[i] = RIGHT(*ibuf++ + 0x8000, 16);
+	last = i;
+	Nproc = last - (resample->Xoff * 2);
+	for(; i < last + resample->Xoff  ; i++) 
+		resample->X[i] = 0;
+	/* If we're draining out a buffer tail, 
+	 * just do it next time or in drain.
+	 */
+	if ((Nx == *isamp) && (Nx <= resample->Xoff)) {
+		/* fill in starting here next time */
+		resample->Xread = last;
+		/* leave *isamp alone, we consumed it */
+		*osamp = 0;
+		return;
+	}
+        /* SrcUp() is faster if we can use it */
+	if (resample->Factor > 1)       /* Resample stuff in input buffer */
+	    Nout = SrcUp(resample->X, resample->Y,
+		resample->Factor, &resample->Time, Nproc,
+		resample->Nwing, resample->LpScl,
+		resample->Imp, resample->ImpD, 
+		resample->InterpFilt);      
+	else
+            Nout = SrcUD(resample->X, resample->Y,
+		resample->Factor, &resample->Time, Nproc,
+		resample->Nwing, resample->LpScl,
+		resample->Imp, resample->ImpD,
+		resample->InterpFilt);
+	/* Move converter Nproc samples back in time */
+	resample->Time -= (Nproc<<Np); 
+        /* Advance by number of samples processed */
+	resample->Xp += Nproc;
+	/* Calc time accumulation in Time */
+	creep = (resample->Time>>Np) - resample->Xoff; 
+	if (creep)
+	{
+		resample->Time -= (creep<<Np);   /* Remove time accumulation */
+		resample->Xp += creep;     /* and add it to read pointer */
+	}
+	/* Copy back portion of input signal that must be re-used */
+	for (i=0; i<last - resample->Xp + resample->Xoff; i++) 
+	    resample->X[i] = resample->X[i + resample->Xp - resample->Xoff];
+	/* Pos in input buff to read new data into */
+	resample->Xread = i;                 
+	resample->Xp = resample->Xoff;
+	/* copy to output buffer, zero-filling beginning */
+	/* zero-fill to preserve length and loop points */
+	for(i = 0; i < resample->Oskip; i++) {
+		*obuf++ = 0;
+	}
+	for(i = resample->Oskip; i < Nout + resample->Oskip; i++) {
+		*obuf++ = LEFT(resample->Y[i], 16);
+	}
+	*isamp = Nx;
+	*osamp = Nout;
+	resample->Oskip = 0;
+ * Process tail of input samples.
+ */
+void resample_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+ULONG *obuf;
+ULONG *osamp;
+	resample_t resample = (resample_t) effp->priv;
+	LONG i, Nout;
+	Nx = resample->Xread - resample->Xoff;
+	if (Nx <= resample->Xoff * 2) {
+		/* zero-fill end */
+		for(i = 0; i < resample->Xoff; i++)
+			*obuf++ = 0;
+		*osamp = resample->Xoff;
+		return;
+	}
+	if (Nx * resample->Factor >= *osamp)
+		fail("resample_drain: Overran output buffer!\n");
+	/* fill out end with zeros */
+	for(i = 0; i < resample->Xoff; i++)
+		resample->X[i + resample->Xread] = 0;
+        /* SrcUp() is faster if we can use it */
+	if (resample->Factor >= 1)       /* Resample stuff in input buffer */
+	    Nout = SrcUp(resample->X, resample->Y,
+		resample->Factor, &resample->Time, Nx,
+		resample->Nwing, resample->LpScl,
+		resample->Imp, resample->ImpD, 
+		resample->InterpFilt);      
+	else
+            Nout = SrcUD(resample->X, resample->Y,
+		resample->Factor, &resample->Time, Nx,
+		resample->Nwing, resample->LpScl,
+		resample->Imp, resample->ImpD,
+		resample->InterpFilt);
+	for(i = resample->Oskip; i < Nout; i++) {
+		*obuf++ = LEFT(resample->Y[i], 16);
+	}
+	*osamp = Nout - resample->Oskip;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void resample_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	resample_t resample = (resample_t) effp->priv;
+	free(resample->Imp);
+	free(resample->ImpD);
+	free(resample->X);
+	free(resample->Y);
+/* From resample:filters.c */
+/* Sampling rate up-conversion only subroutine;
+ * Slightly faster than down-conversion;
+ */
+HWORD SrcUp(X, Y, Factor, Time, Nx, Nwing, LpScl, Imp, ImpD, Interp)
+HWORD X[], Y[];
+double Factor;
+UWORD *Time;
+UHWORD Nx, Nwing, LpScl;
+HWORD Imp[], ImpD[];
+BOOL Interp;
+   HWORD *Xp, *Ystart;
+   IWORD v;
+   double dt;                  /* Step through input signal */ 
+   UWORD dtb;                  /* Fixed-point version of Dt */
+   UWORD endTime;              /* When Time reaches EndTime, return to user */
+   dt = 1.0/Factor;            /* Output sampling period */
+   dtb = dt*(1<<Np) + 0.5;     /* Fixed-point representation */
+   Ystart = Y;
+   endTime = *Time + (1<<Np)*(IWORD)Nx;
+   while (*Time < endTime)
+      {
+      Xp = &X[*Time>>Np];      /* Ptr to current input sample */
+      v = FilterUp(Imp, ImpD, Nwing, Interp, Xp, (HWORD)(*Time&Pmask),
+         -1);                  /* Perform left-wing inner product */
+      v += FilterUp(Imp, ImpD, Nwing, Interp, Xp+1, (HWORD)((-*Time)&Pmask),
+         1);                   /* Perform right-wing inner product */
+      v >>= Nhg;               /* Make guard bits */
+      v *= LpScl;              /* Normalize for unity filter gain */
+      *Y++ = v>>NLpScl;        /* Deposit output */
+      *Time += dtb;            /* Move to next sample by time increment */
+      }
+   return (Y - Ystart);        /* Return the number of output samples */
+/* Sampling rate conversion subroutine */
+HWORD SrcUD(X, Y, Factor, Time, Nx, Nwing, LpScl, Imp, ImpD, Interp)
+HWORD X[], Y[];
+double Factor;
+UWORD *Time;
+UHWORD Nx, Nwing, LpScl;
+HWORD Imp[], ImpD[];
+BOOL Interp;
+   HWORD *Xp, *Ystart;
+   IWORD v;
+   double dh;                  /* Step through filter impulse response */
+   double dt;                  /* Step through input signal */
+   UWORD endTime;              /* When Time reaches EndTime, return to user */
+   UWORD dhb, dtb;             /* Fixed-point versions of Dh,Dt */
+   dt = 1.0/Factor;            /* Output sampling period */
+   dtb = dt*(1<<Np) + 0.5;     /* Fixed-point representation */
+   dh = MIN(Npc, Factor*Npc);  /* Filter sampling period */
+   dhb = dh*(1<<Na) + 0.5;     /* Fixed-point representation */
+   Ystart = Y;
+   endTime = *Time + (1<<Np)*(IWORD)Nx;
+   while (*Time < endTime)
+      {
+      Xp = &X[*Time>>Np];      /* Ptr to current input sample */
+      v = FilterUD(Imp, ImpD, Nwing, Interp, Xp, (HWORD)(*Time&Pmask),
+          -1, dhb);            /* Perform left-wing inner product */
+      v += FilterUD(Imp, ImpD, Nwing, Interp, Xp+1, (HWORD)((-*Time)&Pmask),
+           1, dhb);            /* Perform right-wing inner product */
+      v >>= Nhg;               /* Make guard bits */
+      v *= LpScl;              /* Normalize for unity filter gain */
+      *Y++ = v>>NLpScl;        /* Deposit output */
+      *Time += dtb;            /* Move to next sample by time increment */
+      }
+   return (Y - Ystart);        /* Return the number of output samples */
+void LpFilter();
+int makeFilter(Imp, ImpD, LpScl, Nwing, Froll, Beta)
+HWORD Imp[], ImpD[];
+UHWORD *LpScl, Nwing;
+double Froll, Beta;
+   double DCgain, Scl, Maxh;
+   double *ImpR;
+   HWORD Dh;
+   LONG i, temp;
+   if (Nwing > MAXNWING)                      /* Check for valid parameters */
+      return(1);
+   if ((Froll<=0) || (Froll>1))
+      return(2);
+   if (Beta < 1)
+      return(3);
+   ImpR = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * MAXNWING);
+   LpFilter(ImpR, (int)Nwing, Froll, Beta, Npc); /* Design a Kaiser-window */
+                                                 /* Sinc low-pass filter */
+   /* Compute the DC gain of the lowpass filter, and its maximum coefficient
+    * magnitude. Scale the coefficients so that the maximum coeffiecient just
+    * fits in Nh-bit fixed-point, and compute LpScl as the NLpScl-bit (signed)
+    * scale factor which when multiplied by the output of the lowpass filter
+    * gives unity gain. */
+   DCgain = 0;
+   Dh = Npc;                       /* Filter sampling period for factors>=1 */
+   for (i=Dh; i<Nwing; i+=Dh)
+      DCgain += ImpR[i];
+   DCgain = 2*DCgain + ImpR[0];    /* DC gain of real coefficients */
+   for (Maxh=i=0; i<Nwing; i++)
+      Maxh = MAX(Maxh, fabs(ImpR[i]));
+   Scl = ((1<<(Nh-1))-1)/Maxh;     /* Map largest coeff to 16-bit maximum */
+   temp = fabs((1<<(NLpScl+Nh))/(DCgain*Scl));
+   if (temp >= (1L<<16)) {
+      free(ImpR);
+      return(4);                   /* Filter scale factor overflows UHWORD */
+    }
+   *LpScl = temp;
+   /* Scale filter coefficients for Nh bits and convert to integer */
+   if (ImpR[0] < 0)                /* Need pos 1st value for LpScl storage */
+      Scl = -Scl;
+   for (i=0; i<Nwing; i++)         /* Scale them */
+      ImpR[i] *= Scl;
+   for (i=0; i<Nwing; i++)         /* Round them */
+      Imp[i] = ImpR[i] + 0.5;
+   /* ImpD makes linear interpolation of the filter coefficients faster */
+   for (i=0; i<Nwing-1; i++)
+      ImpD[i] = Imp[i+1] - Imp[i];
+   ImpD[Nwing-1] = - Imp[Nwing-1];      /* Last coeff. not interpolated */
+   free(ImpR);
+   return(0);
+/* LpFilter()
+ *
+ * reference: "Digital Filters, 2nd edition"
+ *            R.W. Hamming, pp. 178-179
+ *
+ * Izero() computes the 0th order modified bessel function of the first kind.
+ *    (Needed to compute Kaiser window).
+ *
+ * LpFilter() computes the coeffs of a Kaiser-windowed low pass filter with
+ *    the following characteristics:
+ *
+ *       c[]  = array in which to store computed coeffs
+ *       frq  = roll-off frequency of filter
+ *       N    = Half the window length in number of coeffs
+ *       Beta = parameter of Kaiser window
+ *       Num  = number of coeffs before 1/frq
+ *
+ * Beta trades the rejection of the lowpass filter against the transition
+ *    width from passband to stopband.  Larger Beta means a slower
+ *    transition and greater stopband rejection.  See Rabiner and Gold
+ *    (Theory and Application of DSP) under Kaiser windows for more about
+ *    Beta.  The following table from Rabiner and Gold gives some feel
+ *    for the effect of Beta:
+ *
+ * All ripples in dB, width of transition band = D*N where N = window length
+ *
+ *               BETA    D       PB RIP   SB RIP
+ *               2.120   1.50  +-0.27      -30
+ *               3.384   2.23    0.0864    -40
+ *               4.538   2.93    0.0274    -50
+ *               5.658   3.62    0.00868   -60
+ *               6.764   4.32    0.00275   -70
+ *               7.865   5.0     0.000868  -80
+ *               8.960   5.7     0.000275  -90
+ *               10.056  6.4     0.000087  -100
+ */
+#define IzeroEPSILON 1E-21               /* Max error acceptable in Izero */
+double Izero(x)
+double x;
+   double sum, u, halfx, temp;
+   LONG n;
+   sum = u = n = 1;
+   halfx = x/2.0;
+   do {
+      temp = halfx/(double)n;
+      n += 1;
+      temp *= temp;
+      u *= temp;
+      sum += u;
+      } while (u >= IzeroEPSILON*sum);
+   return(sum);
+void LpFilter(c,N,frq,Beta,Num)
+double c[], frq, Beta;
+int N, Num;
+   double IBeta, temp;
+   int i;
+   /* Calculate filter coeffs: */
+   c[0] = 2.0*frq;
+   for (i=1; i<N; i++)
+      {
+      temp = PI*(double)i/(double)Num;
+      c[i] = sin(2.0*temp*frq)/temp;
+      }
+   /* Calculate and Apply Kaiser window to filter coeffs: */
+   IBeta = 1.0/Izero(Beta);
+   for (i=1; i<N; i++)
+      {
+      temp = (double)i / ((double)N * (double)1.0);
+      c[i] *= Izero(Beta*sqrt(1.0-temp*temp)) * IBeta;
+      }
+IWORD FilterUp(Imp, ImpD, Nwing, Interp, Xp, Ph, Inc)
+HWORD Imp[], ImpD[];
+UHWORD Nwing;
+BOOL Interp;
+HWORD *Xp, Ph, Inc;
+   HWORD a=0, *Hp, *Hdp=0, *End;
+   IWORD v, t;
+   v=0;
+   Hp = &Imp[Ph>>Na];
+   End = &Imp[Nwing];
+   if (Interp)
+      {
+      Hdp = &ImpD[Ph>>Na];
+      a = Ph & Amask;
+      }
+   /* Possible Bug: Hdp and a are not initialized if Interp == 0 */
+   if (Inc == 1)                     /* If doing right wing...              */
+      {                              /* ...drop extra coeff, so when Ph is  */
+      End--;                         /*    0.5, we don't do too many mult's */
+      if (Ph == 0)                   /* If the phase is zero...           */
+         {                           /* ...then we've already skipped the */
+         Hp += Npc;                  /*    first sample, so we must also  */
+         Hdp += Npc;                 /*    skip ahead in Imp[] and ImpD[] */
+         }
+      }
+   while (Hp < End)
+      {
+      t = *Hp;                       /* Get filter coeff */
+      if (Interp)
+         {
+         t += (((IWORD)*Hdp)*a)>>Na;  /* t is now interp'd filter coeff */
+         Hdp += Npc;                 /* Filter coeff differences step */
+	 }
+      t *= *Xp;      /* Mult coeff by input sample */
+	  if (t & (1<<(Nhxn-1)))  /* Round, if needed */
+		 t += (1<<(Nhxn-1));
+      t >>= Nhxn;    /* Leave some guard bits, but come back some */
+      v += t;        /* The filter output */
+      Hp += Npc;     /* Filter coeff step */
+      Xp += Inc;     /* Input signal step. NO CHECK ON ARRAY BOUNDS */
+      }
+   return(v);
+IWORD FilterUD(Imp, ImpD, Nwing, Interp, Xp, Ph, Inc, dhb)
+HWORD Imp[], ImpD[];
+UHWORD Nwing;
+BOOL Interp;
+HWORD *Xp, Ph, Inc;
+UHWORD dhb;
+   HWORD a, *Hp, *Hdp, *End;
+   IWORD v, t;
+   UWORD Ho;
+   v=0;
+   Ho = (Ph*(UWORD)dhb)>>Np;
+   End = &Imp[Nwing];
+   if (Inc == 1)                     /* If doing right wing...              */
+      {                              /* ...drop extra coeff, so when Ph is  */
+      End--;                         /*    0.5, we don't do too many mult's */
+      if (Ph == 0)                   /* If the phase is zero...           */
+         Ho += dhb;                  /* ...then we've already skipped the */
+      }                              /*    first sample, so we must also  */
+                                     /*    skip ahead in Imp[] and ImpD[] */
+   while ((Hp = &Imp[Ho>>Na]) < End)
+      {
+      t = *Hp;       /* Get IR sample */
+      if (Interp)
+         {
+         Hdp = &ImpD[Ho>>Na]; /* get interp (lower Na) bits from diff table */
+         a = Ho & Amask;                  /* a is logically between 0 and 1 */
+         t += (((IWORD)*Hdp)*a)>>Na;      /* t is now interp'd filter coeff */
+	 }
+      t *= *Xp;      /* Mult coeff by input sample */
+	  if (t & (1<<(Nhxn-1)))  /* Round, if needed */
+		 t += (1<<(Nhxn-1));
+      t >>= Nhxn;    /* Leave some guard bits, but come back some */
+      v += t;        /* The filter output */
+      Ho += dhb;     /* IR step */
+      Xp += Inc;     /* Input signal step. NO CHECK ON ARRAY BOUNDS */
+      }
+   return(v);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reverb.c
@@ -1,0 +1,291 @@
+ * August 24, 1998
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Juergen Mueller And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+** 	Echo effect. based on:
+** echoplex.c - echo generator
+** Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer.
+** Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+** documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
+** that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+** copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+** documentation.  This software is provided "as is" without express or
+** implied warranty.
+ * Changes to old "echo.c" now called "reverb.c":
+ *
+ * The effect name changes from "echo" to "reverb" (see Guitar FX FAQ) for
+ * the difference in its defintion.
+ * The idea of the echoplexer is modified and enhanceb by an automatic
+ * setting of each decay for realistic reverb.
+ * Some bugs are fixed concerning malloc and fade-outs.
+ * Added an output volume (gain-out) avoiding saturation or clipping.
+ *
+ *
+ * Reverb effect for dsp.
+ *
+ * Flow diagram scheme for n delays ( 1 <= n <= MAXREVERB )
+ *
+ *        * gain-in  +---+                        * gain-out
+ * ibuff ----------->|   |------------------------------------> obuff
+ *                   |   |  * decay 1
+ *                   |   |<------------------------+
+ *                   | + |  * decay 2              |
+ *                   |   |<--------------------+   |
+ *                   |   |  * decay n          |   |
+ *                   |   |<----------------+   |   |
+ *                   +---+                 |   |   |
+ *                     |      _________    |   |   |
+ *                     |     |         |   |   |   |
+ *                     +---->| delay n |---+   |   |
+ *                     .     |_________|       |   |
+ *                     .                       |   |
+ *                     .      _________        |   |
+ *                     |     |         |       |   |
+ *                     +---->| delay 2 |-------+   |
+ *                     |     |_________|           |
+ *                     |                           |
+ *                     |      _________            |
+ *                     |     |         |           |
+ *                     +---->| delay 1 |-----------+
+ *                           |_________|
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Usage:
+ *   reverb gain-out reverb-time delay-1 [ delay-2 ... delay-n ]
+ *
+ * Where:
+ *   gain-out :  0.0 ...      volume
+ *   reverb-time :  > 0.0 msec
+ *   delay-1 ... delay-n :  > 0.0 msec
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *   gain-in is automatically adjusted avoiding saturation and clipping of
+ *   the output. decay-1 to decay-n are computed such that at reverb-time
+ *   the input will be 60 dB of the original input for the given delay-1 
+ *   to delay-n. delay-1 to delay-n specify the time when the first bounce
+ *   of the input will appear. A proper setting for delay-1 to delay-n 
+ *   depends on the choosen reverb-time (see hint).
+ *
+ * Hint:
+ *   a realstic reverb effect can be obtained using for a given reverb-time "t"
+ *   delays in the range of "t/2 ... t/4". Each delay should not be an integer
+ *   of any other.
+ *
+ * Sound Tools reverb effect file.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h> /* Harmless, and prototypes atof() etc. --dgc */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+#define DELAY_BUFSIZ ( 50L * MAXRATE )
+#define MAXREVERBS 8
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct reverbstuff {
+	int	counter;			
+	int	numdelays;
+	float	*reverbbuf;
+	float	in_gain, out_gain, time;
+	float	delay[MAXREVERBS], decay[MAXREVERBS];
+	long	samples[MAXREVERBS], maxsamples;
+	LONG	pl, ppl, pppl;
+} *reverb_t;
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+#ifndef abs
+#define abs(a) ((a) >= 0 ? (a) : -(a))
+LONG reverb_clip24(l)
+LONG l;
+	if (l >= ((LONG)1 << 24))
+		return ((LONG)1 << 24) - 1;
+	else if (l <= -((LONG)1 << 24))
+		return -((LONG)1 << 24) + 1;
+	else
+		return l;
+ * Process options
+ */
+void reverb_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	reverb_t reverb = (reverb_t) effp->priv;
+	int i;
+	reverb->numdelays = 0;
+	reverb->maxsamples = 0;
+	if ( n < 3 )
+	    fail("Usage: reverb gain-out reverb-time delay [ delay ... ]");
+	if ( n - 2 > MAXREVERBS )
+	    fail("reverb: to many dalays, use less than %i delays",
+	i = 0;
+	sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &reverb->out_gain);
+	sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &reverb->time);
+	while (i < n) {
+		/* Linux bug and it's cleaner. */
+		sscanf(argv[i++], "%f", &reverb->delay[reverb->numdelays]);
+		reverb->numdelays++;
+	}
+ * Prepare for processing.
+ */
+void reverb_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	reverb_t reverb = (reverb_t) effp->priv;
+	int i;
+	reverb->in_gain = 1.0;
+	if ( reverb->out_gain < 0.0 )
+		fail("reverb: gain-out must be positive");
+	if ( reverb->out_gain > 1.0 )
+		warn("reverb: warnig >>> gain-out can cause saturation of output <<<");
+	if ( reverb->time < 0.0 )
+		fail("reverb: reverb-time must be positive");
+	for(i = 0; i < reverb->numdelays; i++) {
+		reverb->samples[i] = reverb->delay[i] * effp->ininfo.rate / 1000.0;
+		if ( reverb->samples[i] < 1 )
+		    fail("reverb: delay must be positive!\n");
+		if ( reverb->samples[i] > DELAY_BUFSIZ )
+			fail("reverb: delay must be less than %g seconds!\n",
+				DELAY_BUFSIZ / (float) effp->ininfo.rate );
+		/* Compute a realistic decay */
+		reverb->decay[i] = (float) pow(10.0,(-3.0 * reverb->delay[i] / reverb->time));
+		if ( reverb->samples[i] > reverb->maxsamples )
+		    reverb->maxsamples = reverb->samples[i];
+	}
+	if (! (reverb->reverbbuf = (float *) malloc(sizeof (float) * reverb->maxsamples)))
+		fail("reverb: Cannot malloc %d bytes!\n", 
+			sizeof(float) * reverb->maxsamples);
+	for ( i = 0; i < reverb->maxsamples; ++i )
+		reverb->reverbbuf[i] = 0.0;
+	reverb->pppl = reverb->ppl = reverb->pl = 0x7fffff;		/* fade-outs */
+	reverb->counter = 0;
+	/* Compute the input volume carefully */
+	for ( i = 0; i < reverb->numdelays; i++ )
+		reverb->in_gain *= 
+			( 1.0 - ( reverb->decay[i] * reverb->decay[i] ));
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void reverb_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	reverb_t reverb = (reverb_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	int i, j;
+	float d_in, d_out;
+	LONG out;
+	i = reverb->counter;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		/* Store delays as 24-bit signed longs */
+		d_in = (float) *ibuf++ / 256;
+		d_in = d_in * reverb->in_gain;
+		/* Mix decay of delay and input as output */
+		for ( j = 0; j < reverb->numdelays; j++ )
+			d_in +=
+reverb->reverbbuf[(i + reverb->maxsamples - reverb->samples[j]) % reverb->maxsamples] * reverb->decay[j];
+		d_out = d_in * reverb->out_gain;
+		out = reverb_clip24((LONG) d_out);
+		*obuf++ = out * 256;
+		reverb->reverbbuf[i] = d_in;
+		i++;		/* XXX need a % maxsamples here ? */
+		i %= reverb->maxsamples;
+	}
+	reverb->counter = i;
+	/* processed all samples */
+ * Drain out reverb lines. 
+ */
+void reverb_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *obuf;
+int *osamp;
+	reverb_t reverb = (reverb_t) effp->priv;
+	float d_in, d_out;
+	LONG out, l;
+	int i, j, done;
+	i = reverb->counter;
+	done = 0;
+	/* drain out delay samples */
+	do {
+		d_in = 0;
+		d_out = 0;
+		for ( j = 0; j < reverb->numdelays; ++j )
+			d_in += 
+reverb->reverbbuf[(i + reverb->maxsamples - reverb->samples[j]) % reverb->maxsamples] * reverb->decay[j];
+		d_out = d_in * reverb->out_gain;
+		out = reverb_clip24((LONG) d_out);
+		obuf[done++] = out * 256;
+		reverb->reverbbuf[i] = d_in;
+		l = reverb_clip24((LONG) d_in);
+		reverb->pppl = reverb->ppl;
+		reverb->ppl = reverb->pl;
+		reverb->pl = l;
+		i++;		/* need a % maxsamples here ? */
+		i %= reverb->maxsamples;
+	} while((done < *osamp) && 
+		((abs(reverb->pl) + abs(reverb->ppl) + abs(reverb->pppl)) > REVERB_FADE_THRESH));
+	reverb->counter = i;
+	*osamp = done;
+ * Clean up reverb effect.
+ */
+void reverb_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	reverb_t reverb = (reverb_t) effp->priv;
+	free((char *) reverb->reverbbuf);
+	reverb->reverbbuf = (float *) -1;   /* guaranteed core dump */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/reverse.c
@@ -1,0 +1,137 @@
+ * June 1, 1992
+ * Copyright 1992 Guido van Rossum And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Guido van Rossum And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * "reverse" effect, uses a temporary file created by tmpfile().
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+IMPORT FILE *tmpfile();
+#ifndef SEEK_SET
+#define SEEK_SET        0
+#ifndef SEEK_CUR
+#define SEEK_CUR        1
+#ifndef SEEK_END
+#define SEEK_END        2
+/* Private data */
+typedef struct reversestuff {
+	FILE *fp;
+	LONG pos;
+	int phase;
+} *reverse_t;
+#define WRITING 0
+#define READING 1
+ * Process options: none in our case.
+ */
+void reverse_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	if (n)
+		fail("Reverse effect takes no options.");
+ * Prepare processing: open temporary file.
+ */
+void reverse_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	reverse_t reverse = (reverse_t) effp->priv;
+	reverse->fp = tmpfile();
+	if (reverse->fp == NULL)
+		fail("Reverse effect can't create temporary file\n");
+	reverse->phase = WRITING;
+ * Effect flow: a degenerate case: write input samples on temporary file,
+ * don't generate any output samples.
+ */
+void reverse_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	reverse_t reverse = (reverse_t) effp->priv;
+	if (reverse->phase != WRITING)
+		fail("Internal error: reverse_flow called in wrong phase");
+	if (fwrite((char *)ibuf, sizeof(LONG), *isamp, reverse->fp)
+	    != *isamp)
+		fail("Reverse effect write error on temporary file\n");
+	*osamp = 0;
+ * Effect drain: generate the actual samples in reverse order.
+ */
+void reverse_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *obuf;
+int *osamp;
+	reverse_t reverse = (reverse_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, nbytes;
+	register int i, j;
+	LONG temp;
+	if (reverse->phase == WRITING) {
+		fflush(reverse->fp);
+		fseek(reverse->fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
+		reverse->pos = ftell(reverse->fp);
+		if (reverse->pos % sizeof(LONG) != 0)
+			fail("Reverse effect finds odd temporary file\n");
+		reverse->phase = READING;
+	}
+	len = *osamp;
+	nbytes = len * sizeof(LONG);
+	if (reverse->pos < nbytes) {
+		nbytes = reverse->pos;
+		len = nbytes / sizeof(LONG);
+	}
+	reverse->pos -= nbytes;
+	fseek(reverse->fp, reverse->pos, SEEK_SET);
+	if (fread((char *)obuf, sizeof(LONG), len, reverse->fp) != len)
+		fail("Reverse effect read error from temporary file\n");
+	for (i = 0, j = len-1; i < j; i++, j--) {
+		temp = obuf[i];
+		obuf[i] = obuf[j];
+		obuf[j] = temp;
+	}
+	*osamp = len;
+ * Close and unlink the temporary file.
+ */
+void reverse_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	reverse_t reverse = (reverse_t) effp->priv;
+	fclose(reverse->fp);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sf.c
@@ -1,0 +1,213 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools IRCAM SoundFile format handler.
+ * 
+ * Derived from: Sound Tools skeleton handler file.
+ */
+#define	IRCAM
+#include "st.h"
+#ifdef	IRCAM
+#include "sfircam.h"
+#define SIZEOF_BSD_HEADER 1024
+#include "sfheader.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+/* Private data for SF file */
+typedef struct sfstuff {
+	struct sfinfo info;
+} *sf_t;
+ * Read the codes from the sound file, allocate space for the comment and
+ * assign its pointer to the comment field in ft.
+ */
+void readcodes(ft, sfhead)
+ft_t ft;
+SFHEADER *sfhead;
+	char *commentbuf = NULL, *sfcharp, *newline;
+	short bsize, finished = 0;
+	SFCODE *sfcodep;
+	sfcodep = (SFCODE *) &sfcodes(sfhead);
+	do {
+		sfcharp = (char *) sfcodep + sizeof(SFCODE);
+		if (ft->swap) {
+			sfcodep->bsize = swapl(sfcodep->bsize);
+			sfcodep->code = swapl(sfcodep->code);
+		}
+		bsize = sfcodep->bsize - sizeof(SFCODE);
+		switch(sfcodep->code) {
+		case SF_END:
+			finished = 1;
+			break;
+		case SF_COMMENT:
+			if((commentbuf = (char *) malloc(bsize + 1)) != NULL) {
+				memcpy(commentbuf, sfcharp, bsize);
+				report("IRCAM comment: %s", sfcharp);
+				commentbuf[bsize] = '\0';
+				if((newline = strchr(commentbuf, '\n')) != NULL)
+					*newline = '\0';
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		sfcodep = (SFCODE *) (sfcharp + bsize);
+	} while(!finished);
+	if(commentbuf != NULL)	/* handles out of memory condition as well */
+		ft->comment = commentbuf;
+ * Do anything required before you start reading samples.
+ * Read file header. 
+ *	Find out sampling rate, 
+ *	size and style of samples, 
+ *	mono/stereo/quad.
+ */
+void sfstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	sf_t sf = (sf_t) ft->priv;
+	SFHEADER sfhead;
+	if (fread(&sfhead, 1, sizeof(SFHEADER), ft->fp) != sizeof(SFHEADER))
+		fail("unexpected EOF in SF header");
+	memcpy(&sf->info, &sfhead.sfinfo, sizeof(struct sfinfo));
+	if (ft->swap) {
+#ifdef	IRCAM
+		sf->info.sf_srate = swapf(sf->info.sf_srate);
+		sf->info.sf_magic = swapl(sf->info.sf_magic);
+		sf->info.sf_srate = swapl(sf->info.sf_srate);
+		sf->info.sf_packmode = swapl(sf->info.sf_packmode);
+		sf->info.sf_chans = swapl(sf->info.sf_chans);
+	}
+#ifdef	IRCAM
+	if ((sfmagic1(&sfhead) != SF_MAGIC1) ||
+	    (sfmagic2(&sfhead) != SF_MAGIC2))
+		fail(
+"SF %s file: can't read, it is byte-swapped or it is not an IRCAM SoundFile", 
+			ft->filename);
+	if (sf->info.sf_magic != SF_MAGIC)
+		if (sf->info.sf_magic == swapl(SF_MAGIC))
+fail("SF %s file: can't read, it is probably byte-swapped");
+	        else
+fail("SF %s file: can't read, it is not an IRCAM SoundFile");
+	/*
+	 * If your format specifies or your file header contains
+	 * any of the following information. 
+	 */
+	ft->info.rate = sf->info.sf_srate;
+	switch(sf->info.sf_packmode) {
+		case SF_SHORT:
+			ft->info.size = WORD;
+			ft-> = SIGN2;
+			break;
+		case SF_FLOAT:
+			ft->info.size = FLOAT;
+			ft-> = SIGN2;
+			break;
+		default:
+			fail("Soundfile input: unknown format 0x%x\n",
+				sf->info.sf_packmode);
+	}
+	ft->info.channels = (int) sf->info.sf_chans;
+	/* Read codes and print as comments. */
+	readcodes(ft, &sfhead);
+void sfstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	sf_t sf = (sf_t) ft->priv;
+	SFHEADER sfhead;
+	SFCODE *sfcodep;
+	char *sfcharp;
+	int littlendian = 0;
+	char *endptr;
+#ifdef	IRCAM
+	sf->info.magic_union._magic_bytes.sf_magic1 = SF_MAGIC1;
+	sf->info.magic_union._magic_bytes.sf_magic2 = SF_MAGIC2;
+	sf->info.magic_union._magic_bytes.sf_param = 0;
+	/* computer musicians can't code worth a damn */
+	/* you don't see this kind of junk in any other format */
+	endptr = (char *) &littlendian;
+	*endptr = 1;
+	if (littlendian == 1)
+		sf->info.magic_union._magic_bytes.sf_machine = SF_VAX;
+	else
+		sf->info.magic_union._magic_bytes.sf_machine = SF_SUN;
+	sf->info.sf_magic = SF_MAGIC;
+	sf->info.sf_srate = ft->info.rate;
+#ifdef	LATER
+	/* 
+	 * CSound sound-files have many formats. 
+	 * We stick with the IRCAM short-or-float scheme.
+	 */
+	if (ft->info.size == WORD) {
+		sf->info.sf_packmode = SF_SHORT;
+		ft-> = SIGN2;		/* Default to signed words */
+	} else if (ft->info.size == FLOAT)
+		sf->info.sf_packmode = SF_FLOAT;
+	else
+		fail("SoundFile %s: must set output as signed shorts or floats",
+			ft->filename);
+	if (ft->info.size == FLOAT) {
+		sf->info.sf_packmode = SF_FLOAT;
+		ft->info.size = FLOAT;
+	} else {
+		sf->info.sf_packmode = SF_SHORT;
+		ft->info.size = WORD;
+		ft-> = SIGN2;		/* Default to signed words */
+	}
+	sf->info.sf_chans = ft->info.channels;
+	/* Clean out structure so unused areas will remain constain  */
+	/* between different coverts and not rely on memory contents */
+	memset (&sfhead, 0, sizeof(SFHEADER));
+	memcpy(&sfhead.sfinfo, &sf->info, sizeof(struct sfinfo));
+	sfcodep = (SFCODE *) &sfcodes(&sfhead);
+	sfcodep->code = SF_COMMENT;
+	sfcodep->bsize = strlen(ft->comment) + sizeof(SFCODE);
+	while (sfcodep->bsize % 4)
+		sfcodep->bsize++;
+	sfcharp = (char *) sfcodep;
+	strcpy(sfcharp + sizeof(SFCODE), ft->comment);
+	sfcodep = (SFCODE *) (sfcharp + sfcodep->bsize);
+	sfcodep->code = SF_END;
+	sfcodep->bsize = sizeof(SFCODE);
+	sfcharp = (char *) sfcodep + sizeof(SFCODE);
+	while(sfcharp < (char *) &sfhead + SIZEOF_BSD_HEADER)
+		*sfcharp++ = '\0';
+	(void) fwrite(&sfhead, 1, sizeof(SFHEADER), ft->fp);
+/* Read and write are supplied by raw.c */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sfircam.h
@@ -1,0 +1,218 @@
+/*				SFHEADER.H				*/
+/* definitions and structures needed for manipulating soundfiles.
+ */
+#define SIZEOF_HEADER 1024
+#define SF_BUFSIZE	(16*1024) /* used only in play */
+#define SF_MAXCHAN	4
+#define MAXCOMM 512
+#define MINCOMM 256
+#define SF_MAGIC1 0144
+#define SF_MAGIC2 0243
+/* Definition of SF_MACHINE and SF_MAGIC
+ *
+ * Note that SF_MAGIC always has SF_MAGIC1 as its first byte, SF_MAGIC2 as its
+ * second, SF_MACHINE as its third, and zero as its fourth.  Separate define's
+ * are needed because byte order is different on different machines.
+ */
+#define SF_VAX 1
+#define SF_SUN 2
+#define SF_MIPS 3
+#define SF_NEXT 4
+#ifdef vax
+#define SF_MAGIC ((LONG)(SF_MAGIC1 | SF_MAGIC2 << 8 | SF_MACHINE << 16))
+#ifdef sun
+#define SF_MAGIC ((LONG)(SF_MAGIC1 << 24 | SF_MAGIC2 << 16 | SF_MACHINE << 8))
+#ifdef mips
+#define SF_MAGIC ((LONG)(SF_MAGIC1 | SF_MAGIC2 << 8 | SF_MACHINE << 16))
+#ifdef NeXT
+#define SF_MAGIC ((LONG)(SF_MAGIC1 << 24 | SF_MAGIC2 << 16 | SF_MACHINE << 8))
+/* Packing modes, as stored in the SFHEADER.sf_packmode field
+ *
+ * For each packing mode, the lower-order short is the number of bytes per
+ * sample, and for backward compatibility, SF_SHORT and SF_FLOAT have
+ * high-order short = 0 so overall they're the bytes per sample, but that's not
+ * true for all SF_'s.  Thus while the "sfclass" macro still returns a unique
+ * ID for each packing mode, the new "sfsamplesize" macro should be used to get
+ * the bytes per sample.
+ *
+ * Note that SF_X == SFMT_X in most, but not all, cases, because MIT changed
+ * SFMT_FLOAT and we kept SF_FLOAT for compatibility with existing sound files.
+ *
+ * Possible values of sf_packmode:
+ */
+#define SF_CHAR  ((LONG) sizeof(char))
+#define SF_ALAW  ((LONG) sizeof(char) | 0x10000)
+#define SF_ULAW  ((LONG) sizeof(char) | 0x20000)
+#define SF_SHORT ((LONG) sizeof(short))
+#define SF_LONG  ((LONG) sizeof(LONG) | 0x40000)
+#define SF_FLOAT ((LONG) sizeof(float))
+/* For marking data after fixed section of soundfile header -- see man (3carl)
+ * sfcodes and defintions of SFCODE and related structures, below.
+ */
+#define SF_END 0            /* Meaning no more information */
+#define SF_MAXAMP 1         /* Meaning maxamp follows */
+#define SF_COMMENT 2        /* code for "comment line" */
+#define SF_PVDATA      3
+#define SF_AUDIOENCOD  4
+#define SF_CODMAX      4
+ *
+ * The first four bytes are the magic information for the sound file.  They
+ * can be accessed, via a union, either as a structure of four unsigned bytes
+ * sf_magic1, sf_magic2, sf_machine, sf_param, or as the single long sf_magic.
+ * sf_magic is for backward compatibility; it should be SF_MAGIC as defined
+ * above.
+ */
+typedef union sfheader {
+	struct sfinfo {
+		union magic_union {
+			struct {
+				unsigned char sf_magic1;  /* byte 1 of magic */
+				unsigned char sf_magic2;  /* 2 */
+				unsigned char sf_machine; /* 3 */
+				unsigned char sf_param;	  /* 4 */
+				} _magic_bytes;
+			LONG sf_magic;			  /* magic as a 4-byte long */
+			} magic_union;
+		float	  sf_srate;
+		LONG	  sf_chans;
+		LONG	  sf_packmode;
+		char	  sf_codes;
+	} sfinfo;
+	char	filler[SIZEOF_HEADER];
+ * Definition of SFCODE and related data structs
+ *
+ * Two routines in libbicsf/sfcodes.c, getsfcode() and putsfcode()
+ * are used to insert additionnal information into a header
+ * or to retreive such information. See man sfcodes.
+ *
+ * 10/90 pw
+ *	These routines are now part of libcarl/sfcodes.c
+ */
+typedef struct sfcode {
+	short	code;
+	short	bsize;
+typedef struct Sfmaxamp {
+	float	value[SF_MAXCHAN];
+	LONG	samploc[SF_MAXCHAN];
+	LONG	timetag;
+typedef struct sfcomment {
+        char    comment[MAXCOMM];
+typedef struct {                  /* this code written by pvanal */
+        short   frameSize;
+	short   frameIncr;
+typedef struct {                  /*     ditto                    */
+        short   encoding;
+	short   grouping;
+ *     x is a pointer to SFHEADER
+ *
+ * For backward compatibility in MIT Csound code, sfmagic(x) still provides
+ * access to the first long of SFHEADER x.  It can be compared to SF_MAGIC,
+ * which is defined machine-dependently (above) to always be the right four
+ * bytes in the right order.
+ *
+ * sfclass(x) returns one of SF_SHORT, SF_FLOAT etc. defined above, while
+ * sfsamplesize(x) returns just the bytes per object, the lower-order short of
+ * sf_packmode.
+ */
+#define sfmagic(x) ((x)->sfinfo.magic_union.sf_magic)
+#define sfmagic1(x) ((x)->sfinfo.magic_union._magic_bytes.sf_magic1)
+#define sfmagic2(x) ((x)->sfinfo.magic_union._magic_bytes.sf_magic2)
+#define sfmachine(x) ((x)->sfinfo.magic_union._magic_bytes.sf_machine)
+#define sfparam(x) ((x)->sfinfo.magic_union._magic_bytes.sf_param)
+#define sfsrate(x) ((x)->sfinfo.sf_srate)
+#define sfchans(x) ((x)->sfinfo.sf_chans)
+#define sfclass(x) ((x)->sfinfo.sf_packmode)
+#define sfsamplesize(x) ((size_t) ((x)->sfinfo.sf_packmode & 0xFFFF))
+#define sfbsize(x) ((x)->st_size - sizeof(SFHEADER))
+#define sfcodes(x) ((x)->sfinfo.sf_codes)
+ * Macros for testing soundfiles
+ */
+/* True if soundfile and good arch */
+#define ismagic(x) ((sfmagic1(x) == SF_MAGIC1) && \
+	(sfmagic2(x) == SF_MAGIC2) && \
+	(sfmachine(x) == SF_MACHINE))
+/* True if soundfile */
+#define isforeignmagic(x) ((sfmagic1(x) == SF_MAGIC1) && \
+	(sfmagic2(x) == SF_MAGIC2))
+/* True if soundfile */
+#define issoundfile(x)  ((sfmagic1(x) == SF_MAGIC1) && \
+	(sfmagic2(x) == SF_MAGIC2))
+/* True if soundfile and foreign arch */
+#define isforeignsoundfile(x) ((sfmagic1(x) == SF_MAGIC1) && \
+	(sfmagic2(x) == SF_MAGIC2) && \
+	(sfmachine(x) != SF_MACHINE))
+/* True if foreign arch */
+#define isforeign(x) (sfmachine(x) != SF_MACHINE)
+ * The macros for opening soundfiles have been rewritten as C routines.
+ * In order to preserve compatibility, we supply the following new macros
+ */
+#define readopensf(name,fd,sfh,sfst,prog,result) \
+	result = (fd = openrosf(name, &sfh, &sfst, prog)) < 0 ? fd : 0;
+#define freadopensf(name,fp,sfh,sfst,prog,result) \
+	result = fopenrosf(name, &fp, &sfh, &sfst, prog);
+#define wropensf(name,fd,sfh,prog,result) \
+	result = (fd = openwosf(name, &sfh, prog)) < 0 ? fd : 0;
+#define rdwropensf(name,fd,sfh,sfst,prog,result) \
+	result = (fd = openrwsf(name, &sfh, &sfst, prog)) < 0 ? fd : 0;
+ * Definition of macro to get MAXAMP and COMMENT info
+ *
+ * sfm is ptr to SFMAXAMP
+ * sfst is the address of a stat struct
+ */
+#define sfmaxamp(mptr,chan) (mptr)->value[chan]
+#define sfmaxamploc(mptr,chan) (mptr)->samploc[chan]
+#define sfmaxamptime(x) (x)->timetag
+#define ismaxampgood(x,s) (sfmaxamptime(x) >= (s)->st_mtime)
+#define sfcomm(x,n) (x)->comment[n]
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/silence.c
@@ -1,0 +1,112 @@
+ * silence - effect to detect periods of silence in audio data and
+ *    use this to clip data before and after.
+ *
+ * Written by Chris Bagwell ([email protected]) - January 10, 1999
+ *
+  * Copyright 1999 Chris Bagwell And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Chris Bagwell And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct silencestuff {
+        int     threshold;
+        int     threshold_length;
+        int     threshold_count;
+        int     begin;
+        int     begin_skip;
+        int     begin_count;
+        int     end;
+        int     end_skip;
+        int     end_count;
+} *silenc_t;
+ * Process options
+ *
+ * Don't do initialization now.
+ * The 'info' fields are not yet filled in.
+ */
+void silence_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	if (n)
+		fail("Silence effect takes no options.");
+ * Prepare processing.
+ * Do all initializations.
+ */
+eff_t effp;
+    silence_t silence = (silence_t) effp->priv;
+    silence.threshold = 5;
+    silence.thres_length = 1000;
+    silence.thres_count = 0;
+    silence.begin = silence.end = 0;
+    silence.begin_skip = silence.end_skip = 0;
+    silence.begin_count = silence.end_count = 0;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void silence_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	silence_t silence = (silence_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+	    if (silence.threshold_count >= silence.threshold_length) { 
+		if no more samples
+			break
+		get a sample
+		l = sample converted to signed long
+		*buf++ = l;
+	}
+	*isamp = 
+	*osamp = 
+ * Drain out remaining samples if the effect generates any.
+ */
+void skel_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+LONG *obuf;
+int *osamp;
+	*osamp = 0;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ *	(free allocated memory, etc.)
+ */
+void skel_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/skel.c
@@ -1,0 +1,135 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools skeleton file format driver.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct skelstuff {
+	int	rest;			/* bytes remaining in current block */
+} *skel_t;
+ * Do anything required before you start reading samples.
+ * Read file header. 
+ *	Find out sampling rate, 
+ *	size and style of samples, 
+ *	mono/stereo/quad.
+ */
+ft_t ft;
+	skel_t sk = (skel_t) ft->priv;
+	/* If you need to seek around the input file. */
+	if (! ft->seekable)
+		fail("SKEL input file must be a file, not a pipe");
+	/*
+	 * If your format specifies or your file header contains
+	 * any of the following information. 
+	 */
+	ft->info.rate = 
+	ft->info.size = BYTE or WORD ...;
+	ft-> = UNSIGNED or SIGN2 ...;
+	ft->info.channels = 1 or 2 or 4;
+	ft->comment = any comment in file header.
+ * Read up to len samples from file.
+ * Convert to signed longs.
+ * Place in buf[].
+ * Return number of samples read.
+ */
+skelread(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	skel_t sk = (skel_t) ft->priv;
+	int abs;
+	float amp;
+	int done = 0;
+	char c;
+	unsigned char uc;
+	short s;
+	unsigned short us;
+	LONG l;
+	ULONG ul;
+	float f;
+	double d;
+	for(; done < len; done++) {
+		if no more samples
+			break
+		get a sample
+		l = sample converted to signed long
+		*buf++ = l;
+	}
+	return done;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+ft_t ft;
+ft_t ft;
+	skel_t sk = (skel_t) ft->priv;
+	/* If you have to seek around the output file */
+	if (! ft->seekable)
+		fail("Output .skel file must be a file, not a pipe");
+	/* If your format specifies any of the following info. */
+	ft->info.rate = 
+	ft->info.size = BYTE or WORD ...;
+	ft-> = UNSIGNED or SIGN2 ...;
+	ft->info.channels = 1 or 2 or 4;
+	/* Write file header, if any */
+	/* Write comment field, if any */
+skelwrite(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	skel_t sk = (skel_t) ft->priv;
+	register int datum;
+	int abs;
+	int done = 0;
+	while(len--)
+		putc((*buf++ >> 24) ^ 0x80, ft->fp);
+	/* If you cannot write out all of the supplied samples, */
+	/*	fail("SKEL: Can't write all samples to %s", ft->filename); */
+ft_t ft;
+	/* All samples are already written out. */
+	/* If file header needs fixing up, for example it needs the */
+ 	/* the number of samples in a field, seek back and write them here. */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/skeleff.c
@@ -1,0 +1,104 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools skeleton effect file.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for SKEL file */
+typedef struct skelstuff {
+	int	rest;			/* bytes remaining in current block */
+} *skel_t;
+ * Process options
+ *
+ * Don't do initialization now.
+ * The 'info' fields are not yet filled in.
+ */
+void skel_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	if (n)
+		fail("Copy effect takes no options.");
+ * Prepare processing.
+ * Do all initializations.
+ */
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
+	/* stuff data into delaying effects here */
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void skel_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	skel_t skel = (skel_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	char c;
+	unsigned char uc;
+	short s;
+	unsigned short us;
+	LONG l;
+	ULONG ul;
+	float f;
+	double d;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		if no more samples
+			break
+		get a sample
+		l = sample converted to signed long
+		*buf++ = l;
+	}
+	*isamp = 
+	*osamp = 
+ * Drain out remaining samples if the effect generates any.
+ */
+void skel_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+LONG *obuf;
+int *osamp;
+	*osamp = 0;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ *	(free allocated memory, etc.)
+ */
+void skel_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/smp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,363 @@
+ * June 30, 1992
+ * Copyright 1992 Leigh Smith And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Leigh Smith And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools SampleVision file format driver.
+ * Output is always in little-endian (80x86/VAX) order.
+ * 
+ * Derived from: Sound Tools skeleton handler file.
+ *
+ * Add: Loop point verbose info.  It's a start, anyway.
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#define NAMELEN    30		/* Size of Samplevision name */
+#define COMMENTLEN 60		/* Size of Samplevision comment, not shared */
+#define MIDI_UNITY 60		/* MIDI note number to play sample at unity */
+/* The header preceeding the sample data */
+struct smpheader {
+	char Id[18];		/* File identifier */
+	char version[4];	/* File version */
+	char comments[COMMENTLEN];	/* User comments */
+	char name[NAMELEN + 1];	/* Sample Name, left justified */
+#define HEADERSIZE (sizeof(struct smpheader) - 1)	/* -1 for name's \0 */
+/* Samplevision loop definition structure */
+struct loop {
+	ULONG start; /* Sample count into sample data, not byte count */
+	ULONG end;   /* end point */
+	char type;	     /* 0 = loop off, 1 = forward, 2 = forw/back */
+	short count;	     /* No of times to loop */
+/* Samplevision marker definition structure */
+struct marker {
+	char name[10];		/* Ascii Marker name */
+	ULONG position;	/* Sample Number, not byte number */
+/* The trailer following the sample data */
+struct smptrailer {
+	struct loop loops[8];		/* loops */
+	struct marker markers[8];	/* markers */
+	char MIDInote;			/* for unity pitch playback */
+	ULONG rate;			/* in hertz */
+	ULONG SMPTEoffset;		/* in subframes - huh? */
+	ULONG CycleSize;		/* sample count in one cycle of the */
+					/* sampled sound -1 if unknown */
+/* Private data for SMP file */
+typedef struct smpstuff {
+  ULONG NoOfSamps;		/* Sample data count in words */
+  /* comment memory resides in private data because it's small */
+  char comment[COMMENTLEN + NAMELEN + 3];
+} *smp_t;
+char *SVmagic = "SOUND SAMPLE DATA ", *SVvers = "2.1 ";
+ * Read the SampleVision trailer structure.
+ * Returns 1 if everything was read ok, 0 if there was an error.
+ */
+static int readtrailer(ft, trailer)
+ft_t ft;
+struct smptrailer *trailer;
+	int i;
+	rlshort(ft);			/* read reserved word */
+	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {	/* read the 8 loops */
+		trailer->loops[i].start = rllong(ft);
+		ft->loops[i].start = trailer->loops[i].start;
+		trailer->loops[i].end = rllong(ft);
+		ft->loops[i].length = 
+			trailer->loops[i].end - trailer->loops[i].start;
+		trailer->loops[i].type = getc(ft->fp);
+		ft->loops[i].type = trailer->loops[8].type;
+		trailer->loops[i].count = rlshort(ft);
+		ft->loops[8].count = trailer->loops[8].count;
+	}
+	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {	/* read the 8 markers */
+		if (fread(trailer->markers[i].name, 1, 10, ft->fp) != 10)
+			return(0);
+		trailer->markers[i].position = rllong(ft);
+	}
+	trailer->MIDInote = getc(ft->fp);
+	trailer->rate = rllong(ft);
+	trailer->SMPTEoffset = rllong(ft);
+	trailer->CycleSize = rllong(ft);
+	return(1);
+ * set the trailer data - loops and markers, to reasonably benign values
+ */
+void settrailer(ft, trailer, rate)
+ft_t ft;
+struct smptrailer *trailer;
+unsigned int rate;
+	int i;
+	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {	/* copy the 8 loops */
+	    if (ft->loops[i].type != 0) {
+		trailer->loops[i].start = ft->loops[i].start;
+		/* to mark it as not set */
+		trailer->loops[i].end = ft->loops[i].start + ft->loops[i].length;
+		trailer->loops[i].type = ft->loops[i].type;
+		trailer->loops[i].count = ft->loops[i].count;	
+	    } else {
+		/* set first loop start as FFFFFFFF */
+		trailer->loops[i].start = ~0;	
+		/* to mark it as not set */
+		trailer->loops[i].end = 0;	
+		trailer->loops[i].type = 0;
+		trailer->loops[i].count = 0;
+	    }
+	}
+	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {	/* write the 8 markers */
+		strcpy(trailer->markers[i].name, "          ");
+		trailer->markers[i].position = ~0;
+	}
+	trailer->MIDInote = MIDI_UNITY;		/* Unity play back */
+	trailer->rate = rate;
+	trailer->SMPTEoffset = 0;
+	trailer->CycleSize = -1;
+ * Write the SampleVision trailer structure.
+ * Returns 1 if everything was written ok, 0 if there was an error.
+ */
+static int writetrailer(ft, trailer)
+ft_t ft;
+struct smptrailer *trailer;
+	int i;
+	wlshort(ft, 0);			/* write the reserved word */
+	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {	/* write the 8 loops */
+		wllong(ft, trailer->loops[i].start);
+		wllong(ft, trailer->loops[i].end);
+		putc(trailer->loops[i].type, ft->fp);
+		wlshort(ft, trailer->loops[i].count);
+	}
+	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {	/* write the 8 markers */
+		if (fwrite(trailer->markers[i].name, 1, 10, ft->fp) != 10)
+			return(0);
+		wllong(ft, trailer->markers[i].position);
+	}
+	putc(trailer->MIDInote, ft->fp);
+	wllong(ft, trailer->rate);
+	wllong(ft, trailer->SMPTEoffset);
+	wllong(ft, trailer->CycleSize);
+	return(1);
+ * Do anything required before you start reading samples.
+ * Read file header. 
+ *	Find out sampling rate, 
+ *	size and style of samples, 
+ *	mono/stereo/quad.
+ */
+void smpstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	smp_t smp = (smp_t) ft->priv;
+	int littlendian = 0, i;
+	int namelen, commentlen;
+	LONG samplestart;
+	char *endptr;
+	struct smpheader header;
+	struct smptrailer trailer;
+	/* If you need to seek around the input file. */
+	if (! ft->seekable)
+		fail("SMP input file must be a file, not a pipe");
+	/* Read SampleVision header */
+	if (fread((char *) &header, 1, HEADERSIZE, ft->fp) != HEADERSIZE)
+		fail("unexpected EOF in SMP header");
+	if (strncmp(header.Id, SVmagic, 17) != 0)
+		fail("SMP header does not begin with magic word %s\n", SVmagic);
+	if (strncmp(header.version, SVvers, 4) != 0)
+		fail("SMP header is not version %s\n", SVvers);
+	/* Format the sample name and comments to a single comment */
+	/* string. We decrement the counters till we encounter non */
+        /* padding space chars, so the *lengths* are low by one */
+        for (namelen = NAMELEN-1;
+            namelen >= 0 &&[namelen] == ' '; namelen--)
+	  ;
+        for (commentlen = COMMENTLEN-1;
+            commentlen >= 0 && header.comments[commentlen] == ' '; commentlen--)
+	  ;
+	sprintf(smp->comment, "%.*s: %.*s", namelen+1,,
+		commentlen+1, header.comments);
+	ft->comment = smp->comment;
+	report("SampleVision file name and comments: %s", ft->comment);
+	/* Extract out the sample size (always intel format) */
+	smp->NoOfSamps = rllong(ft);
+	/* mark the start of the sample data */
+	samplestart = ftell(ft->fp);
+	/* seek from the current position (the start of sample data) by */
+	/* NoOfSamps * 2 */
+	if (fseek(ft->fp, smp->NoOfSamps * 2L, 1) == -1)
+		fail("SMP unable to seek to trailer");
+	if (!readtrailer(ft, &trailer))
+		fail("unexpected EOF in SMP trailer");
+	/* seek back to the beginning of the data */
+	if (fseek(ft->fp, samplestart, 0) == -1) 
+		fail("SMP unable to seek back to start of sample data");
+	ft->info.rate = (int) trailer.rate;
+	ft->info.size = WORD;
+	ft-> = SIGN2;
+	ft->info.channels = 1;
+	endptr = (char *) &littlendian;
+	*endptr = 1;
+	if (littlendian != 1)
+		ft->swap = 1;
+	if (verbose) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "SampleVision trailer:\n");
+		for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) if (1 || trailer.loops[i].count) {
+#ifdef __alpha__
+			fprintf(stderr, "Loop %d: start: %6d", i, trailer.loops[i].start);
+			fprintf(stderr, " end:   %6d", trailer.loops[i].end);
+			fprintf(stderr, "Loop %d: start: %6ld", i, trailer.loops[i].start);
+			fprintf(stderr, " end:   %6ld", trailer.loops[i].end);
+			fprintf(stderr, " count: %6d", trailer.loops[i].count);
+			fprintf(stderr, " type:  ");
+			switch(trailer.loops[i].type) {
+				case 0: fprintf(stderr, "off\n"); break;
+				case 1: fprintf(stderr, "forward\n"); break;
+				case 2: fprintf(stderr, "forward/backward\n"); break;
+			}
+		}
+		fprintf(stderr, "MIDI Note number: %d\n\n", trailer.MIDInote);
+	}
+	ft->instr.nloops = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) 
+		if (trailer.loops[i].type) 
+			ft->instr.nloops++;
+	for(i = 0; i < ft->instr.nloops; i++) {
+		ft->loops[i].type = trailer.loops[i].type;
+		ft->loops[i].count = trailer.loops[i].count;
+		ft->loops[i].start = trailer.loops[i].start;
+		ft->loops[i].length = trailer.loops[i].end 
+			- trailer.loops[i].start;
+	}
+	ft->instr.MIDIlow = ft->instr.MIDIhi =
+		ft->instr.MIDInote = trailer.MIDInote;
+	if (ft->instr.nloops > 0)
+		ft->instr.loopmode = LOOP_8;
+	else
+		ft->instr.loopmode = LOOP_NONE;
+ * Read up to len samples from file.
+ * Convert to signed longs.
+ * Place in buf[].
+ * Return number of samples read.
+ */
+LONG smpread(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	smp_t smp = (smp_t) ft->priv;
+	LONG datum;
+	int done = 0;
+	for(; done < len && smp->NoOfSamps; done++, smp->NoOfSamps--) {
+		datum = rshort(ft);
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+	}
+	return done;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void smpstopread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+void smpstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	smp_t smp = (smp_t) ft->priv;
+	struct smpheader header;
+	/* If you have to seek around the output file */
+	if (! ft->seekable)
+		fail("Output .smp file must be a file, not a pipe");
+	/* If your format specifies any of the following info. */
+	ft->info.size = WORD;
+	ft-> = SIGN2;
+	ft->info.channels = 1;
+	strcpy(header.Id, SVmagic);
+	strcpy(header.version, SVvers);
+	sprintf(header.comments, "%-*s", COMMENTLEN, "Converted using Sox.");
+	sprintf(, "%-*.*s", NAMELEN, NAMELEN, ft->comment);
+	/* Write file header */
+	if(fwrite(&header, 1, HEADERSIZE, ft->fp) != HEADERSIZE)
+		fail("SMP: Can't write header completely");
+	wllong(ft, 0);	/* write as zero length for now, update later */
+	smp->NoOfSamps = 0;
+void smpwrite(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	smp_t smp = (smp_t) ft->priv;
+	register int datum;
+	while(len--) {
+		datum = (int) RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+		wlshort(ft, datum);
+		smp->NoOfSamps++;
+	}
+	/* If you cannot write out all of the supplied samples, */
+	/*	fail("SMP: Can't write all samples to %s", ft->filename); */
+void smpstopwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	smp_t smp = (smp_t) ft->priv;
+	struct smptrailer trailer;
+	/* Assign the trailer data */
+	settrailer(ft, &trailer, ft->info.rate);
+	writetrailer(ft, &trailer);
+	if (fseek(ft->fp, 112, 0) == -1)
+		fail("SMP unable to seek back to save size");
+	wllong(ft, smp->NoOfSamps);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sndrtool.c
@@ -1,0 +1,159 @@
+ * Sounder/Sndtool format handler: W V Neisius, February 1992
+ *
+ * June 28, 93: force output to mono.
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data used by writer */
+struct sndpriv {
+        ULONG nsamples;
+#ifndef	SEEK_CUR
+#define	SEEK_CUR	1
+void  sndtwriteheader(P2(ft_t ft,LONG nsamples));
+void rawwrite(P3(ft_t, LONG *, LONG));
+/*                         SNDSTARTREAD                                */
+void sndtstartread(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+char buf[97];
+LONG rate;
+rate = 0;
+/* determine file type */
+        /* if first 5 bytes == SOUND then this is probably a sndtool sound */
+        /* if first word (16 bits) == 0 
+         and second word is between 4000 & 25000 then this is sounder sound */
+        /* otherwise, its probably raw, not handled here */
+if (fread(buf, 1, 2, ft->fp) != 2)
+	fail("SND: unexpected EOF");
+if (strncmp(buf,"\0\0",2) == 0)
+	{
+	/* sounder */
+	rate = rlshort(ft);
+	if (rate < 4000 || rate > 25000 )
+		fail ("SND: sample rate out of range");
+	fseek(ft->fp,4,SEEK_CUR);
+	}
+	{
+	/* sndtool ? */
+	fread(&buf[2],1,6,ft->fp);
+	if (strncmp(buf,"SOUND",5))
+		fail ("SND: unrecognized SND format");
+	fseek(ft->fp,12,SEEK_CUR);
+	rate = rlshort(ft);
+	fseek(ft->fp,6,SEEK_CUR);
+	if (fread(buf,1,96,ft->fp) != 96)
+		fail ("SND: unexpected EOF in SND header");
+	report ("%s",buf);
+	}
+ft->info.channels = 1;
+ft->info.rate = rate;
+ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+ft->info.size = BYTE;
+/*                         SNDTSTARTWRITE                               */
+void sndtstartwrite(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+struct sndpriv *p = (struct sndpriv *) ft->priv;
+/* write header */
+ft->info.channels = 1;
+ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+ft->info.size = BYTE;
+p->nsamples = 0;
+sndtwriteheader(ft, 0);
+/*                         SNDRSTARTWRITE                               */
+void sndrstartwrite(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+/* write header */
+ft->info.channels = 1;
+ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+ft->info.size = BYTE;
+/* sounder header */
+wlshort (ft,0); /* sample size code */
+wlshort (ft,(int) ft->info.rate);     /* sample rate */
+wlshort (ft,10);        /* volume */
+wlshort (ft,4); /* shift */
+/*                         SNDTWRITE                                     */
+void sndtwrite(ft, buf, len)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	struct sndpriv *p = (struct sndpriv *) ft->priv;
+	p->nsamples += len;
+	rawwrite(ft, buf, len);
+/*                         SNDTSTOPWRITE                                */
+void sndtstopwrite(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+struct sndpriv *p = (struct sndpriv *) ft->priv;
+/* fixup file sizes in header */
+if (fseek(ft->fp, 0L, 0) != 0)
+	fail("can't rewind output file to rewrite SND header");
+sndtwriteheader(ft, p->nsamples);
+/*                         SNDTWRITEHEADER                              */
+void sndtwriteheader(ft,nsamples)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG nsamples;
+char name_buf[97];
+/* sndtool header */
+fputs ("SOUND",ft->fp); /* magic */
+fputc (0x1a,ft->fp);
+wlshort (ft,(LONG)0);  /* hGSound */
+wllong (ft,nsamples);
+wllong (ft,(LONG)0);
+wllong (ft,nsamples);
+wlshort (ft,(int) ft->info.rate);
+wlshort (ft,0);
+wlshort (ft,10);
+wlshort (ft,4);
+sprintf (name_buf,"%s - File created by Sound Exchange",ft->filename);
+fwrite (name_buf, 1, 96, ft->fp);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sox.c
@@ -1,0 +1,907 @@
+ * Sox - The Swiss Army Knife of Audio Manipulation.
+ *
+ * This is the main function for the command line sox program.
+ *
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ *
+ * Change History:
+ *
+ * June 1, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+ *   Added patch to get volume working again.  Based on patch sent from
+ *   Matija Nalis <[email protected]>.
+ *   Added command line switches to force format to ADPCM or GSM.
+ *
+ * September 12, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+ *   Reworked code that handled effects.  Wasn't correctly draining
+ *   stereo effects and a few other problems.
+ *   Made command usage (-h) show supported effects and file formats.
+ *   (this is partially from a patch by Leigh Smith
+ *    [email protected]).
+ *
+ */ 
+#include "st.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#include "patchlvl.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>		/* for malloc() */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>		/* for fstat() */
+#include <sys/stat.h>		/* for fstat() */
+#ifdef unix
+#include <unistd.h>		/* for unlink() */
+#ifdef HAS_GETOPT_H
+#include <getopt.h>
+#ifdef VMS
+#include <perror.h>
+#define LASTCHAR        ']'
+#define LASTCHAR        '/'
+ * SOX main program.
+ *
+ * Rewrite for new nicer option syntax.  July 13, 1991.
+ * Rewrite for separate effects library.  Sep. 15, 1991.
+ * Incorporate Jimen Ching's fixes for real library operation: Aug 3, 1994.
+ * Rewrite for multiple effects: Aug 24, 1994.
+ */
+#ifdef AMIGA
+/* This is the Amiga version string */
+char amiversion[AmiVerSize]=AmiVerChars;      
+#endif /* AMIGA */
+int clipped = 0;		/* Volume change clipping errors */
+static LONG ibufl[BUFSIZ/2];	/* Left/right interleave buffers */
+static LONG ibufr[BUFSIZ/2];	
+static LONG obufl[BUFSIZ/2];
+static LONG obufr[BUFSIZ/2];
+void init();
+void doopts(P2(int, char **));
+void usage(P1(char *));
+int filetype(P1(int));
+void process();
+void statistics();
+LONG volumechange();
+void checkeffect(P1(eff_t));
+int getopt(P3(int,char **,char *));
+int flow_effect(P1(int));
+int drain_effect(P1(int));
+struct soundstream informat, outformat;
+ft_t ft;
+#define MAXEFF 4
+struct effect eff;
+struct effect efftab[MAXEFF];	/* table of left/mono channel effects */
+struct effect efftabR[MAXEFF];	/* table of right channel effects */
+				/* efftab[0] is the input stream */
+int neffects;			/* # of effects */
+char *ifile, *ofile, *itype, *otype;
+IMPORT char *optarg;
+IMPORT int optind;
+int main(argc, argv)
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+	myname = argv[0];
+	init();
+	ifile = ofile = NULL;
+	/* Get input format options */
+	ft = &informat;
+	doopts(argc, argv);
+	/* Get input file */
+	if (optind >= argc)
+		usage("No input file?");
+	ifile = argv[optind];
+	if (! strcmp(ifile, "-"))
+		ft->fp = stdin;
+	else if ((ft->fp = fopen(ifile, READBINARY)) == NULL)
+		fail("Can't open input file '%s': %s", 
+			ifile, strerror(errno));
+	ft->filename = ifile;
+	optind++;
+	/* If more arguments are left then look for -e to see if */
+	/* no output file is used, then just do an effect */
+	if (optind < argc && strcmp(argv[optind], "-e"))
+	    writing = 1;
+	else if (optind < argc) {
+	    writing = 0;
+	    optind++;  /* Move passed -e */
+	}
+	else
+	    writing = 1;  /* No arguments left but let next check fail */
+	/* Get output format options */
+	ft = &outformat;
+	doopts(argc, argv);
+	if (writing) {
+	    /* Get output file */
+	    if (optind >= argc)
+		usage("No output file?");
+	    ofile = argv[optind];
+	    ft->filename = ofile;
+	    /*
+	     * There are two choices here:
+	     *	1) stomp the old file - normal shell "> file" behavior
+	     *	2) fail if the old file already exists - csh mode
+	     */
+	    if (! strcmp(ofile, "-"))
+	    {
+		ft->fp = stdout;
+		/* stdout tends to be line-buffered.  Override this */
+		/* to be Full Buffering. */
+		if (setvbuf (ft->fp,NULL,_IOFBF,sizeof(char)*BUFSIZ))
+		    fail("Can't set write buffer");
+	    }
+	    else {
+		ft->fp = fopen(ofile, WRITEBINARY);
+		if (ft->fp == NULL)
+		    fail("Can't open output file '%s': %s", 
+			 ofile, strerror(errno));
+		/* stdout tends to be line-buffered.  Override this */
+		/* to be Full Buffering. */
+		if (setvbuf (ft->fp,NULL,_IOFBF,sizeof(char)*BUFSIZ))
+		    fail("Can't set write buffer");
+	    } /* end of else != stdout */
+	    /* Move passed filename */
+	    optind++;
+	} /* end if writing */
+	/* Get effect name */
+	if (optind < argc) {
+ = argv[optind];
+		optind++;
+		geteffect(&eff);
+		(* eff.h->getopts)(&eff, argc - optind, &argv[optind]);
+	} else {
+ = "null";
+		geteffect(&eff);
+	}
+	/* Check global arguments */
+	if (volume <= 0.0)
+		fail("Volume must be greater than 0.0");
+#if	defined(DUMB_FILESYSETM)
+	informat.seekable  = 0;
+	outformat.seekable = 0;
+	informat.seekable  = (filetype(fileno(informat.fp)) == S_IFREG);
+	outformat.seekable = (filetype(fileno(outformat.fp)) == S_IFREG); 
+	/* If file types have not been set with -t, set from file names. */
+	if (! informat.filetype) {
+		if ((informat.filetype = strrchr(ifile, LASTCHAR)) != NULL)
+			informat.filetype++;
+		else
+			informat.filetype = ifile;
+		if ((informat.filetype = strrchr(informat.filetype, '.')) != NULL)
+			informat.filetype++;
+		else /* Default to "auto" */
+			informat.filetype = "auto";
+	}
+	if (writing && ! outformat.filetype) {
+		if ((outformat.filetype = strrchr(ofile, LASTCHAR)) != NULL)
+			outformat.filetype++;
+		else
+			outformat.filetype = ofile;
+		if ((outformat.filetype = strrchr(outformat.filetype, '.')) != NULL)
+			outformat.filetype++;
+	}
+	/* Default the input comment to the filename. 
+	 * The output comment will be assigned when the informat 
+	 * structure is copied to the outformat. 
+	 */
+	informat.comment = informat.filename;
+	process();
+	statistics();
+	return(0);
+#ifdef HAS_GETOPT_H
+char *getoptstr = "+r:v:t:c:phsuUAagbwlfdDxV";
+char *getoptstr = "r:v:t:c:phsuUAagbwlfdDxV";
+void doopts(argc, argv)
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+	int c;
+	char *str;
+	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, getoptstr)) != -1) {
+		switch(c) {
+		case 'p':
+			soxpreview++;
+			break;
+		case 'h':
+			usage((char *)0);
+			/* no return from above */
+		case 't':
+			if (! ft) usage("-t");
+			ft->filetype = optarg;
+			if (ft->filetype[0] == '.')
+				ft->filetype++;
+			break;
+		case 'r':
+			if (! ft) usage("-r");
+			str = optarg;
+#ifdef __alpha__
+			if ((! sscanf(str, "%u", &ft->info.rate)) ||
+					(ft->info.rate <= 0))
+			if ((! sscanf(str, "%lu", &ft->info.rate)) ||
+					(ft->info.rate <= 0))
+				fail("-r must be given a positive integer");
+			break;
+		case 'v':
+			if (! ft) usage("-v");
+			str = optarg;
+			if ((! sscanf(str, "%e", &volume)) ||
+					(volume <= 0))
+				fail("Volume value '%s' is not a number",
+					optarg);
+			dovolume = 1;
+			break;
+		case 'c':
+			if (! ft) usage("-c");
+			str = optarg;
+			if (! sscanf(str, "%d", &ft->info.channels))
+				fail("-c must be given a number");
+			break;
+		case 'b':
+			if (! ft) usage("-b");
+			ft->info.size = BYTE;
+			break;
+		case 'w':
+			if (! ft) usage("-w");
+			ft->info.size = WORD;
+			break;
+		case 'l':
+			if (! ft) usage("-l");
+			ft->info.size = DWORD;
+			break;
+		case 'f':
+			if (! ft) usage("-f");
+			ft->info.size = FLOAT;
+			break;
+		case 'd':
+			if (! ft) usage("-d");
+			ft->info.size = DOUBLE;
+			break;
+		case 'D':
+			if (! ft) usage("-D");
+			ft->info.size = IEEE;
+			break;
+		case 's':
+			if (! ft) usage("-s");
+			ft-> = SIGN2;
+			break;
+		case 'u':
+			if (! ft) usage("-u");
+			ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+			break;
+		case 'U':
+			if (! ft) usage("-U");
+			ft-> = ULAW;
+			break;
+		case 'A':
+			if (! ft) usage("-A");
+			ft-> = ALAW;
+			break;
+		case 'a':
+			if (! ft) usage("-a");
+			ft-> = ADPCM;
+			break;
+		case 'g':
+			if (! ft) usage("-g");
+			ft-> = GSM;
+			break;
+		case 'x':
+			if (! ft) usage("-x");
+			ft->swap = 1;
+			break;
+		case 'V':
+			verbose = 1;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+void init() {
+	/* init files */
+      =  = 0;
+      =  = -1;
+     = = -1;
+  = = -1;
+	informat.comment   = outformat.comment = NULL;
+	informat.swap      = 0;
+	informat.filetype  = outformat.filetype  = (char *) 0;
+	informat.fp        = stdin;
+	outformat.fp       = stdout;
+	informat.filename  = "input";
+	outformat.filename = "output";
+ * Process input file -> effect table -> output file
+ *	one buffer at a time
+ */
+void process() {
+    LONG i;
+    int e, f, havedata;
+    gettype(&informat);
+    if (writing)
+	gettype(&outformat);
+    /* Read and write starters can change their formats. */
+    (* informat.h->startread)(&informat);
+    checkformat(&informat);
+    if (dovolume)
+	report("Volume factor: %f\n", volume);
+    report("Input file: using sample rate %lu\n\tsize %s, style %s, %d %s",
+, sizes[], 
+	   styles[],, 
+	   ( > 1) ? "channels" : "channel");
+    if (informat.comment)
+	report("Input file: comment \"%s\"\n", informat.comment);
+    /* need to check EFF_REPORT */
+    if (writing) {
+	copyformat(&informat, &outformat);
+	(* outformat.h->startwrite)(&outformat);
+	checkformat(&outformat);
+	cmpformats(&informat, &outformat);
+	report("Output file: using sample rate %lu\n\tsize %s, style %s, %d %s",
+, sizes[], 
+	       styles[],, 
+	       ( > 1) ? "channels" : "channel");
+	if (outformat.comment)
+	    report("Output file: comment \"%s\"\n", outformat.comment);
+    }
+    /* Very Important: 
+     * Effect fabrication and start is called AFTER files open.
+     * Effect may write out data beforehand, and
+     * some formats don't know their sample rate until now.
+     */
+    /* inform effect about signal information */
+    eff.ininfo =;
+    eff.outinfo =;
+    for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
+	memcpy(&eff.loops[i], &informat.loops[i], sizeof(struct loopinfo));
+    }
+    eff.instr = informat.instr;
+    /* build efftab */
+    checkeffect(&eff);
+    /* Start all effects */
+    for(e = 1; e < neffects; e++) {
+	(* efftab[e].h->start)(&efftab[e]);
+	if (efftabR[e].name) 
+	    (* efftabR[e].h->start)(&efftabR[e]);
+    }
+    /* Reserve an output buffer for all effects */
+    for(e = 0; e < neffects; e++) {
+	efftab[e].obuf = (LONG *) malloc(BUFSIZ * sizeof(LONG));
+	if (efftabR[e].name) 
+	    efftabR[e].obuf = (LONG *) malloc(BUFSIZ * sizeof(LONG));
+    }
+    /* Read initial chunk of input data. */
+    efftab[0].olen = (*informat.h->read)(&informat, 
+					 efftab[0].obuf, (LONG) BUFSIZ);
+    efftab[0].odone = 0;
+    /* Change the volume of this initial input data if needed. */
+    if (dovolume)
+	for (i = 0; i < efftab[0].olen; i++)
+	    efftab[0].obuf[i] = volumechange(efftab[0].obuf[i]);
+    /* Run input data through effects and get more until olen == 0 */
+    while (efftab[0].olen > 0) {
+	/* mark chain as empty */
+	for(e = 1; e < neffects; e++)
+	    efftab[e].odone = efftab[e].olen = 0;
+	do {
+	    /* run entire chain BACKWARDS: pull, don't push.*/
+	    /* this is because buffering system isn't a nice queueing system */
+	    for(e = neffects - 1; e > 0; e--) 
+		if (flow_effect(e))
+		    break;
+	    /* If outputing and output data was generated then write it */
+	    if (writing&&(efftab[neffects-1].olen>efftab[neffects-1].odone)) {
+		(* outformat.h->write)(&outformat, efftab[neffects-1].obuf, 
+				       (LONG) efftab[neffects-1].olen);
+	        efftab[neffects-1].odone = efftab[neffects-1].olen;
+	    }
+	    /* if stuff still in pipeline, set up to flow effects again */
+	    havedata = 0;
+	    for(e = 0; e < neffects - 1; e++)
+		if (efftab[e].odone < efftab[e].olen) {
+		    havedata = 1;
+		    break;
+		}
+	} while (havedata);
+	/* Read another chunk of input data. */
+	efftab[0].olen = (*informat.h->read)(&informat, 
+		efftab[0].obuf, (LONG) BUFSIZ);
+	efftab[0].odone = 0;
+	/* Change volume of these samples if needed. */
+	if (dovolume)
+	    for (i = 0; i < efftab[0].olen; i++)
+		efftab[0].obuf[i] = volumechange(efftab[0].obuf[i]);
+    }
+    /* Drain the effects out first to last, 
+     * pushing residue through subsequent effects */
+    /* oh, what a tangled web we weave */
+    for(f = 1; f < neffects; f++)
+    {
+	while (1) {
+	    if (drain_effect(f) == 0)
+		break;		/* out of while (1) */
+	    if (writing&&efftab[neffects-1].olen > 0)
+		(* outformat.h->write)(&outformat, efftab[neffects-1].obuf,
+				       (LONG) efftab[neffects-1].olen);
+	    if (efftab[f].olen != BUFSIZ)
+		break;
+	}
+    }
+    /* Very Important: 
+     * Effect stop is called BEFORE files close.
+     * Effect may write out more data after. 
+     */
+    for (e = 1; e < neffects; e++) {
+	(* efftab[e].h->stop)(&efftab[e]);
+	if (efftabR[e].name)
+	    (* efftabR[e].h->stop)(&efftabR[e]);
+    }
+    (* informat.h->stopread)(&informat);
+    fclose(informat.fp);
+    if (writing)
+        (* outformat.h->stopwrite)(&outformat);
+    if (writing)
+        fclose(outformat.fp);
+int flow_effect(e)
+int e;
+    LONG i, idone, odone, idonel, odonel, idoner, odoner;
+    LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+    /* I have no input data ? */
+    if (efftab[e-1].odone == efftab[e-1].olen)
+	return 0;
+    if (! efftabR[e].name) {
+	/* No stereo data, or effect can handle stereo data so
+	 * run effect over entire buffer.
+	 */
+	idone = efftab[e-1].olen - efftab[e-1].odone;
+	odone = BUFSIZ;
+	(* efftab[e].h->flow)(&efftab[e], 
+			      &efftab[e-1].obuf[efftab[e-1].odone], 
+			      efftab[e].obuf, &idone, &odone);
+	efftab[e-1].odone += idone;
+	efftab[e].odone = 0;
+	efftab[e].olen = odone;
+    } else {
+	/* Put stereo data in two seperate buffers and run effect
+	 * on each of them.
+	 */
+	idone = efftab[e-1].olen - efftab[e-1].odone;
+	odone = BUFSIZ;
+	ibuf = &efftab[e-1].obuf[efftab[e-1].odone];
+	for(i = 0; i < idone; i += 2) {
+	    ibufl[i/2] = *ibuf++;
+	    ibufr[i/2] = *ibuf++;
+	}
+	/* left */
+	idonel = (idone + 1)/2;		/* odd-length logic */
+	odonel = odone/2;
+	(* efftab[e].h->flow)(&efftab[e], ibufl, obufl, &idonel, &odonel);
+	/* right */
+	idoner = idone/2;		/* odd-length logic */
+	odoner = odone/2;
+	(* efftabR[e].h->flow)(&efftabR[e], ibufr, obufr, &idoner, &odoner);
+	obuf = efftab[e].obuf;
+	 /* This loop implies left and right effect will always output
+	  * the same amount of data.
+	  */
+	for(i = 0; i < odoner; i++) {
+	    *obuf++ = obufl[i];
+	    *obuf++ = obufr[i];
+	}
+	efftab[e-1].odone += idonel + idoner;
+	efftab[e].odone = 0;
+	efftab[e].olen = odonel + odoner;
+    } 
+    if (idone == 0) 
+	fail("Effect took no samples!");
+    return 1;
+int drain_effect(e)
+int e;
+    LONG i, olen, olenl, olenr;
+    LONG *obuf;
+    if (! efftabR[e].name) {
+	efftab[e].olen = BUFSIZ;
+	(* efftab[e].h->drain)(&efftab[e],efftab[e].obuf,
+			       &efftab[e].olen);
+    }
+    else {
+	olen = BUFSIZ;
+	/* left */
+	olenl = olen/2;
+	(* efftab[e].h->drain)(&efftab[e], obufl, &olenl);
+	/* right */
+	olenr = olen/2;
+	(* efftab[e].h->drain)(&efftabR[e], obufr, &olenr);
+	obuf = efftab[e].obuf;
+	/* This loop implies left and right effect will always output
+	 * the same amount of data.
+	 */
+	for(i = 0; i < olenr; i++) {
+	    *obuf++ = obufl[i];
+	    *obuf++ = obufr[i];
+	}
+	efftab[e].olen = olenl + olenr;
+    }
+    return(efftab[e].olen);
+#define setin(eff, effname) \
+	{ = effname; \
+	eff.ininfo.rate =; \
+	eff.ininfo.channels =; \
+	eff.outinfo.rate =; \
+	eff.outinfo.channels =;}
+#define setout(eff, effname) \
+	{ = effname; \
+	eff.ininfo.rate =; \
+	eff.ininfo.channels =; \
+	eff.outinfo.rate =; \
+	eff.outinfo.channels =;}
+ * If no effect given, decide what it should be.
+ * Smart ruleset for multiple effects in sequence.
+ * 	Puts user-specified effect in right place.
+ */
+eff_t effp;
+	int i, j;
+	int needchan = 0, needrate = 0;
+	/* if given effect does these, we don't need to add them */
+	needrate = ( != &&
+		! (effp->h->flags & EFF_RATE);
+	needchan = ( != &&
+		! (effp->h->flags & EFF_MCHAN);
+	neffects = 1;
+	/* effect #0 is the input stream */
+	/* inform all effects about all relevant changes */
+	for(i = 0; i < MAXEFF; i++) {
+		efftab[i].name = efftabR[i].name = (char *) 0;
+		/* inform effect about signal information */
+		efftab[i].ininfo =;
+		efftabR[i].ininfo =;
+		efftab[i].outinfo =;
+		efftabR[i].outinfo =;
+		for(j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+			memcpy(&efftab[i].loops[j], 
+				&informat.loops[j], sizeof(struct loopinfo));
+			memcpy(&efftabR[i].loops[j], 
+				&informat.loops[j], sizeof(struct loopinfo));
+		}
+		efftab[i].instr = informat.instr;
+		efftabR[i].instr = informat.instr;
+	}
+	/* If not writing output, then just add the user specified effect.
+	 * This is to avoid channel and rate averaging since you don't have
+	 * a real output format.
+	 */
+	if (! writing) {
+		neffects = 2;
+		efftab[1].name = effp->name;
+		if (( == 2) &&
+		   (! (effp->h->flags & EFF_MCHAN)))
+			efftabR[1].name = effp->name;
+	}
+	else if (soxpreview) {
+	    /* to go faster, i suppose rate could come first if downsampling */
+	    if (needchan && ( >
+		{
+	        if (needrate) {
+		    neffects = 4;
+		    efftab[1].name = "avg";
+		    efftab[2].name = "rate";
+		    setout(efftab[3], effp->name);
+		} else {
+		    neffects = 3;
+		    efftab[1].name = "avg";
+		    setout(efftab[2], effp->name);
+		}
+	    } else if (needchan && 
+		    ( < {
+	        if (needrate) {
+		    neffects = 4;
+		    efftab[1].name = effp->name;
+		    efftab[1].outinfo.rate =;
+		    efftab[1].outinfo.channels =;
+		    efftab[2].name = "rate";
+		    efftab[3].name = "avg";
+		} else {
+		    neffects = 3;
+		    efftab[1].name = effp->name;
+		    efftab[1].outinfo.channels =;
+		    efftab[2].name = "avg";
+		}
+	    } else {
+	        if (needrate) {
+		    neffects = 3;
+		    efftab[1].name = effp->name;
+		    efftab[1].outinfo.rate =;
+		    efftab[2].name = "rate";
+		    if ( == 2)
+			    efftabR[2].name = "rate";
+		} else {
+		    neffects = 2;
+		    efftab[1].name = effp->name;
+		}
+		if (( == 2) &&
+		    (! (effp->h->flags & EFF_MCHAN)))
+		        efftabR[1].name = effp->name;
+	    }
+	} else {	/* not preview mode */
+	    /* [ sum to mono,] [ then rate,] then effect */
+	    /* not the purest, but much faster */
+	    if (needchan && 
+			( > {
+	        if (needrate && ( != {
+		    neffects = 4;
+		    efftab[1].name = "avg";
+		    efftab[2].name = effp->name;
+		    efftab[2].outinfo.rate =;
+		    efftab[2].outinfo.channels =;
+		    efftab[3].name = "rate";
+		} else {
+		    neffects = 3;
+		    efftab[1].name = "avg";
+		    efftab[2].name = effp->name;
+		    efftab[2].outinfo.rate =;
+		    efftab[2].outinfo.channels =;
+		}
+	    } else if (needchan && 
+			( < {
+	        if (needrate) {
+		    neffects = 4;
+		    efftab[1].name = effp->name;
+		    if (! (effp->h->flags & EFF_MCHAN))
+			    efftabR[1].name = effp->name;
+		    efftab[1].outinfo.rate =;
+		    efftab[1].outinfo.channels =;
+		    efftab[2].name = "rate";
+		    efftab[3].name = "avg";
+		} else {
+		    neffects = 3;
+		    efftab[1].name = effp->name;
+		    if (! (effp->h->flags & EFF_MCHAN))
+			    efftabR[1].name = effp->name;
+		    efftab[1].outinfo.channels =;
+		    efftab[2].name = "avg";
+		}
+	    } else {
+	        if (needrate) {
+		    neffects = 3;
+		    efftab[1].name = effp->name;
+		    efftab[1].outinfo.rate =;
+		    efftab[2].name = "rate";
+		    if ( == 2)
+			    efftabR[2].name = "rate";
+		} else {
+		    neffects = 2;
+		    efftab[1].name = effp->name;
+		}
+		if (( == 2) &&
+		    (! (effp->h->flags & EFF_MCHAN)))
+		        efftabR[1].name = effp->name;
+	    }
+	}
+	for(i = 1; i < neffects; i++) {
+		/* pointer comparison OK here */
+		/* shallow copy of initialized effect data */
+		/* XXX this assumes that effect_getopt() doesn't malloc() */
+		if (efftab[i].name == effp->name) {
+			memcpy(&efftab[i], &eff, sizeof(struct effect));
+			if (efftabR[i].name) 
+			    memcpy(&efftabR[i], &eff, sizeof(struct effect));
+		} else {
+			/* set up & give default opts for added effects */
+			geteffect(&efftab[i]);
+			(* efftab[i].h->getopts)(&efftab[i],0,(char *)0);
+			if (efftabR[i].name) 
+			    memcpy(&efftabR[i], &efftab[i], 
+				sizeof(struct effect));
+		}
+	}
+    /* If a user doesn't specify an effect then a null entry could
+     * have been placed in the middle of the list above.  Remove
+     * those entries here.
+     */
+	for(i = 1; i < neffects; i++)
+	    if (! strcmp(efftab[i].name, "null")) {
+		for(; i < neffects; i++) {
+		    efftab[i] = efftab[i+1];
+		    efftabR[i] = efftabR[i+1];
+		}
+		neffects--;
+	    }
+/* Guido Van Rossum fix */
+void statistics() {
+	if (dovolume && clipped > 0)
+		report("Volume change clipped %d samples", clipped);
+LONG volumechange(y)
+LONG y;
+	double y1;
+	y1 = y * volume;
+	if (y1 < -2147483647.0) {
+		y1 = -2147483647.0;
+		clipped++;
+	}
+	else if (y1 > 2147483647.0) {
+		y1 = 2147483647.0;
+		clipped++;
+	}
+	return y1;
+int filetype(fd)
+int fd;
+	struct stat st;
+	fstat(fd, &st);
+	return st.st_mode & S_IFMT;
+char *usagestr = 
+"[ gopts ] [ fopts ] ifile [ fopts ] ofile [ effect [ effopts ] ]";
+void usage(opt)
+char *opt;
+    int i;
+	fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", myname);
+	if (verbose || !opt)
+		fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\n", version());
+	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s\n\n", usagestr);
+	if (opt)
+		fprintf(stderr, "Failed at: %s\n", opt);
+	else {
+	    fprintf(stderr,"gopts: -e -h -p -v volume -V\n\n");
+	    fprintf(stderr,"fopts: -r rate -c channels -s/-u/-U/-A/-a/-g -b/-w/-l/-f/-d/-D -x\n\n");
+	    fprintf(stderr, "effect: ");
+	    for (i = 1; effects[i].name != NULL; i++) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "%s ", effects[i].name);
+	    }
+	    fprintf(stderr, "\n\neffopts: depends on effect\n\n");
+	    fprintf(stderr, "Supported file formats: ");
+	    for (i = 0; formats[i].names != NULL; i++) {
+		/* only print the first name */
+		fprintf(stderr, "%s ", formats[i].names[0]);
+	    }
+	    fputc('\n', stderr);
+	}
+	exit(1);
+/* called from util.c:fail */
+void cleanup() {
+	/* Close the input file and outputfile before exiting*/
+	if (informat.fp)
+		fclose(informat.fp);
+	if (outformat.fp) {
+		fclose(outformat.fp);
+		/* remove the output file because we failed, if it's ours. */
+		/* Don't if its not a regular file. */
+		if (filetype(fileno(outformat.fp)) == S_IFREG)
+		    REMOVE(outformat.filename);
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/st.h
@@ -1,0 +1,288 @@
+#ifndef ST_H
+#define ST_H
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+#ifdef VAXC
+#define IMPORT  globalref
+#define EXPORT  globaldef
+ * use the VAX C optimized functions 
+ */ 
+#define calloc  VAXC$CALLOC_OPT
+#define cfree   VAXC$CFREE_OPT
+#define free    VAXC$FREE_OPT
+#define malloc  VAXC$MALLOC_OPT
+#define realloc VAXC$REALLOC_OPT
+#define IMPORT  extern
+#define EXPORT 
+ * Sound Tools sources header file.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifdef __alpha__
+#include <sys/types.h>   /* To get defines for 32-bit integers */
+#define	LONG	int32_t
+#define ULONG	u_int32_t
+#define	LONG	long
+#define ULONG	unsigned long
+#ifdef AMIGA
+#include "amiga.h"
+#endif /* AMIGA */
+ * Handler structure for each format.
+ */
+typedef struct format {
+	char	**names;	/* file type names */
+	int	flags;		/* details about file type */
+	void	(*startread)();			
+	LONG	(*read)();			
+	void	(*stopread)();		
+	void	(*startwrite)();			
+	void	(*write)();
+	void	(*stopwrite)();		
+} format_t;
+IMPORT format_t formats[];
+/* Signal parameters */
+struct  signalinfo {
+	LONG		rate;		/* sampling rate */
+	int		size;		/* word length of data */
+	int		style;		/* format of sample numbers */
+	int		channels;	/* number of sound channels */
+/* Loop parameters */
+struct  loopinfo {
+	int		start;		/* first sample */
+	int		length;		/* length */
+	int		count;		/* number of repeats, 0=forever */
+	int		type;		/* 0=no, 1=forward, 2=forward/back */
+/* Instrument parameters */
+/* vague attempt at generic information for sampler-specific info */
+struct  instrinfo {
+	char 		MIDInote;	/* for unity pitch playback */
+	char		MIDIlow, MIDIhi;/* MIDI pitch-bend range */
+	char		loopmode;	/* semantics of loop data */
+	char		nloops;		/* number of active loops */
+	unsigned char	smpte[4];	/* SMPTE offset (hour:min:sec:frame) */
+					/* this is a film audio thing */
+#define MIDI_UNITY 60		/* MIDI note number to play sample at unity */
+/* Loop modes, upper 4 bits mask the loop blass, lower 4 bits describe */
+/* the loop behaviour, ie. single shot, bidirectional etc. */
+#define LOOP_NONE          0	
+#define LOOP_8             32	/* 8 loops: don't know ?? */
+#define LOOP_SUSTAIN_DECAY 64	/* AIFF style: one sustain & one decay loop */
+ *  Format information for input and output files.
+ */
+#define	PRIVSIZE	330
+#define NLOOPS		8
+struct soundstream {
+	struct	signalinfo info;	/* signal specifications */
+	struct  instrinfo instr;	/* instrument specification */
+	struct  loopinfo loops[NLOOPS];	/* Looping specification */
+	char	swap;			/* do byte- or word-swap */
+	char	seekable;		/* can seek on this file */
+	char	*filename;		/* file name */
+	char	*filetype;		/* type of file */
+	char	*comment;		/* comment string */
+	FILE	*fp;			/* File stream pointer */
+	format_t *h;			/* format struct for this file */
+	double	priv[PRIVSIZE/8];	/* format's private data area */
+IMPORT struct soundstream informat, outformat;
+typedef struct soundstream *ft_t;
+/* flags field */
+#define FILE_STEREO	1	/* does file format support stereo? */
+#define FILE_LOOPS	2	/* does file format support loops? */
+#define FILE_INSTR	4	/* does file format support instrument specificications? */
+/* Size field */
+#define	BYTE	1
+#define	WORD	2
+#define	DWORD	4
+#define	FLOAT	5
+#define DOUBLE	6
+#define IEEE	7		/* IEEE 80-bit floats.  Is it necessary? */
+/* Style field */
+#define UNSIGNED	1	/* unsigned linear: Sound Blaster */
+#define SIGN2		2	/* signed linear 2's comp: Mac */
+#define	ULAW		3	/* U-law signed logs: US telephony, SPARC */
+#define ALAW		4	/* A-law signed logs: non-US telephony */
+#define ADPCM		5	/* Compressed PCM */
+#define GSM		6	/* GSM 6.10 33-byte frame lossy compression */
+IMPORT char *sizes[], *styles[];
+ * Handler structure for each effect.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+	char	*name;			/* effect name */
+	int	flags;			/* this and that */
+	void	(*getopts)();		/* process arguments */
+	void	(*start)();		/* start off effect */
+	void	(*flow)();		/* do a buffer */
+	void	(*drain)();		/* drain out at end */
+	void	(*stop)();		/* finish up effect */
+} effect_t;
+IMPORT effect_t effects[];
+#define	EFF_CHAN	1		/* Effect can mix channels up/down */
+#define EFF_RATE	2		/* Effect can alter data rate */
+#define EFF_MCHAN	4		/* Effect can handle multi-channel */
+#define EFF_REPORT	8		/* Effect does nothing */
+struct effect {
+	char		*name;		/* effect name */
+	struct signalinfo ininfo;	/* input signal specifications */
+	struct loopinfo   loops[8];	/* input loops  specifications */
+	struct instrinfo  instr;	/* input instrument  specifications */
+	struct signalinfo outinfo;	/* output signal specifications */
+	effect_t 	*h;		/* effects driver */
+	LONG		*obuf;		/* output buffer */
+	LONG		odone, olen;	/* consumed, total length */
+	double		priv[PRIVSIZE];	/* private area for effect */
+typedef struct effect *eff_t;
+#if	defined(__STDC__)
+#define	P1(a) a
+#define	P2(a,b) a, b
+#define	P3(a,b,c) a, b, c
+#define	P4(a,b,c,d) a, b, c, d
+#define	P5(a,b,c,d,e) a, b, c, d, e
+#define	P6(a,b,c,d,e,f) a, b, c, d, e, f
+#define	P7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) a, b, c, d, e, f, g
+#define	P8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h
+#define	P9(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i
+#define	P10(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j
+#define	P1(a)
+#define	P2(a,b)
+#define	P3(a,b,c)
+#define	P4(a,b,c,d)
+#define	P5(a,b,c,d,e)
+#define	P6(a,b,c,d,e,f)
+#define	P7(a,b,c,d,e,f,g)
+#define	P8(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)
+#define	P9(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i)
+#define	P10(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j)
+/* Utilities to read and write shorts and longs little-endian and big-endian */
+unsigned short rlshort(P1(ft_t ft));			/* short little-end */
+unsigned short rbshort(P1(ft_t ft));			/* short big-end    */
+unsigned short wlshort(P2(ft_t ft, unsigned short us));	/* short little-end */
+unsigned short wbshort(P2(ft_t ft, unsigned short us));	/* short big-end    */
+ULONG rllong(P1(ft_t ft));			/* long little-end  */
+ULONG rblong(P1(ft_t ft));			/* long big-end     */
+ULONG wllong(P2(ft_t ft, ULONG ul));		/* long little-end  */
+ULONG wblong(P2(ft_t ft, ULONG ul));		/* long big-end     */
+/* Read and write words and longs in "machine format".  Swap if indicated.  */
+unsigned short rshort(P1(ft_t ft));			
+unsigned short wshort(P2(ft_t ft, unsigned short us));
+ULONG rlong(P1(ft_t ft));		
+ULONG wlong(P2(ft_t ft, ULONG ul));
+float          rfloat(P1(ft_t ft));
+void           wfloat(P2(ft_t ft, double f));
+double         rdouble(P1(ft_t ft));
+void           wdouble(P2(ft_t ft, double d));
+/* Utilities to byte-swap values */
+unsigned short swapw(P1(unsigned short us));		/* Swap short */
+ULONG  	       swapl(P1(ULONG ul));			/* Swap long */
+float  	       swapf(P1(float f));			/* Swap float */
+double 	       swapd(P1(double d));			/* Swap double */
+IMPORT void report(P2(char *, ...)),  warn(P2(char *, ...)),
+	 fail(P2(char *, ...));
+/* util.c */
+IMPORT void geteffect(P1(eff_t));
+IMPORT void gettype(P1(ft_t));
+IMPORT void checkformat(P1(ft_t));
+IMPORT void copyformat(P2(ft_t, ft_t));
+IMPORT void cmpformats(P2(ft_t, ft_t));
+typedef	unsigned int u_i;
+typedef	ULONG u_l;
+typedef	unsigned short u_s;
+IMPORT float volume;	/* expansion coefficient */
+IMPORT int dovolume;
+IMPORT float amplitude;	/* Largest sample so far */
+IMPORT int writing;	/* are we writing to a file? */
+/* export flags */
+IMPORT int verbose;	/* be noisy on stderr */
+IMPORT int summary;	/* just print summary of information */
+IMPORT char *myname;
+IMPORT int soxpreview;	/* Preview mode: be fast and ugly */
+#define	MAXRATE	50L * 1024			/* maximum sample rate */
+#define RIGHT(datum, bits)	((datum) >> bits)
+#define LEFT(datum, bits)	((datum) << bits)
+#ifndef	M_PI
+#define M_PI	3.14159265358979323846
+#ifdef	VMS
+#define READBINARY      "r", "mbf=16", "ctx=stm" 
+#define WRITEBINARY     "w", "ctx=stm"
+#define READBINARY	"rb"
+#define WRITEBINARY	"wb"
+#define REMOVE unlink
+char *version();			/* return version number */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/stat.c
@@ -1,0 +1,211 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools statistics "effect" file.
+ *
+ * Build various statistics on file and print them.
+ * No output.
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for STAT effect */
+typedef struct statstuff {
+	LONG	min, max, mean;		/* amplitudes */
+	LONG	dmin, dmax, dmean;	/* deltas */
+	LONG	last;			/* previous sample */
+	int	first;
+	int	total;
+	int	volume;
+        ULONG   bin[4];
+} *stat_t;
+#define	abs(val)	(((val) < 0) ? -(val) : (val))
+ * Process options
+ */
+void stat_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	stat_t stat = (stat_t) effp->priv;
+	stat->volume = 0;
+	if (n)
+	{
+		if (!(strcmp(argv[0], "-v")))
+			stat->volume = 1;
+		else if (!(strcmp(argv[0], "debug")))
+			stat->volume = 2;
+		else
+			fail("Summary effect only allows debug or -v as options.");
+	}
+ * Prepare processing.
+ */
+void stat_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	stat_t stat = (stat_t) effp->priv;
+        int i;
+	stat->min = stat->dmin = 0x7fffffffL;
+	stat->max = stat->dmax = 0x80000000L;
+	stat->first = 1;
+	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+		stat->bin[i] = 0;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void stat_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	stat_t stat = (stat_t) effp->priv;
+	int len, done;
+	LONG samp, delta;
+	short count;
+	count = 0;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		/* work in absolute levels for both sample and delta */
+		samp = *ibuf++;
+	        *obuf++ = samp;
+		if (stat->volume == 2)
+		{
+#ifdef __alpha__
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%8x ",samp);
+		    fprintf(stderr,"%8lx ",samp);
+		    if (count++ == 5)
+		    {
+		        fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+			count = 0;
+		    }
+		}
+                stat->bin[RIGHT(samp,30)+2]++;
+		samp = abs(samp);
+		if (samp < stat->min)
+			stat->min = samp;
+		if (samp > stat->max)
+			stat->max = samp;
+		if (stat->first) {
+			stat->first = 0;
+			stat->mean = samp;
+			stat->dmean = 0;
+		} else  {
+			/* overflow avoidance */
+			if ((stat->mean > 0x20000000L) || (samp > 0x20000000L))
+				stat->mean = stat->mean/2 + samp/2;
+			else
+				stat->mean = (stat->mean + samp)/2;
+			delta = abs(samp - stat->last);
+			if (delta < stat->dmin)
+				stat->dmin = delta;
+			if (delta > stat->dmax)
+				stat->dmax = delta;
+			/* overflow avoidance */
+			if ((delta > 0x20000000L) || (stat->dmean > 0x20000000L))
+				stat->dmean = stat->dmean/2 + delta/2;
+			else
+				stat->dmean = (stat->dmean + delta)/2;
+		}
+		stat->last = samp;
+	}
+	/* Process all samples */
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+eff_t effp;
+	stat_t stat = (stat_t) effp->priv;
+	double amp, range;
+        float x;
+	stat->min   = RIGHT(stat->min, 16);
+	stat->max   = RIGHT(stat->max, 16);
+	stat->mean  = RIGHT(stat->mean, 16);
+	stat->dmin  = RIGHT(stat->dmin, 16);
+	stat->dmax  = RIGHT(stat->dmax, 16);
+	stat->dmean = RIGHT(stat->dmean, 16);
+	range = 32767.0;
+	amp = - stat->min;
+	if (amp < stat->max)
+		amp = stat->max;
+	/* Just print the volume adjustment */
+	if (stat->volume == 1) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "%.3f\n", 32767.0/amp);
+		return;
+	}
+	else if (stat->volume == 2) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+	}
+	/* print them out */
+	fprintf(stderr, "Maximum amplitude: %.3f\n", stat->max/range);
+	fprintf(stderr, "Minimum amplitude: %.3f\n", stat->min/range);
+	fprintf(stderr, "Mean    amplitude: %.3f\n", stat->mean/range);
+	fprintf(stderr, "Maximum delta:     %.3f\n", stat->dmax/range);
+	fprintf(stderr, "Minimum delta:     %.3f\n", stat->dmin/range);
+	fprintf(stderr, "Mean    delta:     %.3f\n", stat->dmean/range);
+	fprintf(stderr, "Volume adjustment: %.3f\n", 32767.0/amp);
+        if (stat->bin[2] == 0 && stat->bin[3] == 0)
+                fprintf(stderr, "\nProbably text, not sound\n");
+        else {
+                x = (float)(stat->bin[0] + stat->bin[3]) / (float)(stat->bin[1] + stat->bin[2]);
+                if (x >= 3.0)                        /* use opposite style */
+                        if (effp-> == UNSIGNED)
+                                printf ("\nTry: -t raw -b -s \n");
+                        else
+                                printf ("\nTry: -t raw -b -u \n");
+                else if (x <= 1.0/3.0);              /* correctly decoded */
+                else if (x >= 0.5 && x <= 2.0)       /* use ULAW */
+                        if (effp-> == ULAW)
+                                printf ("\nTry: -t raw -b -u \n");
+                        else
+                                printf ("\nTry: -t raw -b -U \n");
+                else    
+                        fprintf (stderr, "\nCan't guess the type\n");
+        }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sunaudio.c
@@ -1,0 +1,478 @@
+#if	defined(SUNAUDIO_PLAYER)
+ * Copyright 1997 Chris Bagwell And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained.
+ * Rick Richardson, Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not
+ * responsible for the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+/* Direct to Sun Audio Driver
+ *
+ * Added by Chris Bagwell ([email protected]) on 2/26/96
+ * Based on oss driver.
+ *
+ * Cleaned up changes of format somewhat in sunstartwrite on 03/31/98
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#ifdef __SVR4
+#include <sys/audioio.h>
+#include <sun/audioio.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include "st.h"
+#include "libst.h"
+static int got_int = 0;
+static int abuf_size = 0;
+static int abuf_cnt = 0;
+static char *audiobuf;
+/* This is how we know when to stop recording.  User sends interrupt
+ * (eg. control-c) and then we mark a flag to show we are done.
+ * Must call "sigint(0)" during init so that the OS can be notified
+ * what to do.
+ */
+static void
+int s;
+    fprintf(stderr,"Got SIGINT\n");
+    if (s) got_int = 1;
+    else signal(SIGINT, sigint);
+ * Do anything required before you start reading samples.
+ * Read file header.
+ *	Find out sampling rate,
+ *	size and style of samples,
+ *	mono/stereo/quad.
+ */
+void sunstartread(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    int samplesize, encoding;
+    audio_info_t audio_if;
+    /* Hard code for now. */
+    abuf_size = 1024;
+    if ((audiobuf = malloc (abuf_size)) == NULL) {
+	fail("unable to allocate input buffer of size %d", abuf_size);
+    }
+    if (ft->info.rate == 0.0) ft->info.rate = 8000;
+    if (ft->info.size == -1) ft->info.size = BYTE;
+    if (ft-> == -1) ft-> = ULAW;
+    if (ft->info.size == BYTE) {
+	samplesize = 8;
+	if (ft-> != ULAW &&
+	    ft-> != ALAW &&
+	    ft-> != SIGN2) {
+	    fail("Sun Audio driver only supports ULAW, ALAW, and Signed Linear for bytes.");
+	}
+    }
+    else if (ft->info.size == WORD) {
+	samplesize = 16;
+	if (ft-> != SIGN2) {
+	    fail("Sun Audio driver only supports Signed Linear for words.");
+	}
+    }
+    else {
+	fail("Sun Audio driver only supports bytes and words");
+    }
+    if (ft->info.channels == -1) ft->info.channels = 1;
+    else if (ft->info.channels > 1) {
+	report("Warning: some sun audio devices can not play stereo");
+	report("at all or sometime only with signed words.  If the");
+	report("sound seems sluggish then this is probably the case.");
+	report("Try forcing output to signed words or use the avg");
+	report("filter to reduce the number of channels.");
+	ft->info.channels = 2;
+    }
+    /* Read in old values, change to what we need and then send back */
+    if (ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), AUDIO_GETINFO, &audio_if) < 0) {
+	fail("Unable to initialize /dev/audio");
+    }
+    audio_if.record.precision = samplesize;
+    audio_if.record.channels = ft->info.channels;
+    audio_if.record.sample_rate = ft->info.rate;
+    if (ft-> == ULAW)
+    else if (ft-> == ALAW)
+    else
+    audio_if.record.encoding = encoding;
+    ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), AUDIO_SETINFO, &audio_if);
+    if (audio_if.record.precision != samplesize) {
+        fail("Unable to initialize sample size for /dev/audio");
+    }
+    if (audio_if.record.channels != ft->info.channels) {
+	fail("Unable to initialize number of channels for /dev/audio");
+    }
+    if (audio_if.record.sample_rate != ft->info.rate) {
+	fail("Unable to initialize rate for /dev/audio");
+    }
+    if (audio_if.record.encoding != encoding) {
+	fail("Unable to initialize style for /dev/audio");
+    }
+    sigint(0);	/* Prepare to catch SIGINT */
+int dspget(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    int rval;
+    if (abuf_cnt < 1) {
+	abuf_cnt = read (fileno(ft->fp), (char *)audiobuf, abuf_size);
+	if (abuf_cnt == 0) {
+	    got_int = 1; /* Act like user said end record */
+	    return(0);
+	}
+    }
+    rval = *(audiobuf + (abuf_size-abuf_cnt));
+    abuf_cnt--;
+    return(rval);
+/* Read short. */
+unsigned short dsprshort(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    unsigned short rval;
+    if (abuf_cnt < 2) {
+	abuf_cnt = read (fileno(ft->fp), (char *)audiobuf, abuf_size);
+	if (abuf_cnt == 0) {
+	    got_int = 1;  /* act like user said end recording */
+	    return(0);
+	}
+    }
+    rval = *((unsigned short *)(audiobuf + (abuf_size-abuf_cnt)));
+    abuf_cnt -= 2;
+    return(rval);
+ * Read up to len samples from file.
+ * Convert to signed longs.
+ * Place in buf[].
+ * Return number of samples read.
+ */
+LONG sunread(ft, buf, len)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+    register int datum;
+    int done = 0;
+    if (got_int)
+	return(0); /* Return with length 0 read so program will end */
+    switch(ft->info.size) {
+    case BYTE:
+	switch(ft-> {
+	case SIGN2:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		datum = dspget(ft);
+		if (got_int || feof(ft->fp))
+		    return(done);
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 24);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return done;
+	case UNSIGNED:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		datum = dspget(ft);
+		if (got_int || feof(ft->fp))
+		    return(done);
+		/* Convert to unsigned */
+		datum ^= 128;
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 24);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return done;
+	case ULAW:
+	    /* grab table from Posk stuff */
+	    while(done < len) {
+		datum = dspget(ft);
+		if (got_int || feof(ft->fp))
+		    return(done);
+		datum = st_ulaw_to_linear(datum);
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return done;
+	case ALAW:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		datum = dspget(ft);
+		if (got_int || feof(ft->fp))
+		    return(done);
+		datum = st_Alaw_to_linear(datum);
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return done;
+	}
+    case WORD:
+	switch(ft-> {
+	case SIGN2:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		datum = dsprshort(ft);
+		if (got_int || feof(ft->fp))
+		{
+		    fprintf(stderr,"Returning early\n");
+		    return(done);
+		}
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return done;
+	case UNSIGNED:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		datum = dsprshort(ft);
+		if (got_int || feof(ft->fp))
+		    return(done);
+		/* Convert to unsigned */
+		datum ^= 0x8000;
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		*buf++ = LEFT(datum, 16);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return done;
+	case ULAW:
+	    fail("No U-Law support for shorts");
+	    return done;
+	case ALAW:
+	    fail("No A-Law support");
+	    return done;
+	}
+    }
+    fail("Drop through in sunread!");
+    /* Return number of samples read */
+    return(done);
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.
+ * Don't close input file!
+ */
+void sunstopread(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+void sunstartwrite(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    int samplesize, encoding;
+    audio_info_t audio_if;
+    /* Hard code for now. */
+    abuf_size = 1024;
+    if ((audiobuf = malloc (abuf_size)) == NULL) {
+	fail("unable to allocate output buffer of size %d", abuf_size);
+    }
+    if (ft->info.rate == 0.0) ft->info.rate = 8000;
+    if (ft->info.size == -1) ft->info.size = BYTE;
+    if (ft-> == -1) ft-> = ULAW;
+    if (ft->info.size == BYTE) {
+	samplesize = 8;
+	if (ft-> != ULAW &&
+	    ft-> != ALAW &&
+	    ft-> != SIGN2) {
+	    report("Sun Audio driver only supports ULAW, ALAW, and Signed Linear for bytes.");
+	    report("Forcing to ULAW");
+	    ft-> = ULAW;
+	}
+    }
+    else if (ft->info.size == WORD) {
+	samplesize = 16;
+	if (ft-> != SIGN2) {
+	    report("Sun Audio driver only supports Signed Linear for words.");
+	    report("Forcing to Signed Linear");
+	    ft-> = SIGN2;
+	}
+    }
+    else {
+	report("Sun Audio driver only supports bytes and words");
+	ft->info.size = WORD;
+	samplesize = 16;
+    }
+    if (ft->info.channels == -1) ft->info.channels = 1;
+    else if (ft->info.channels > 1) ft->info.channels = 2;
+    /* Read in old values, change to what we need and then send back */
+    if (ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), AUDIO_GETINFO, &audio_if) < 0) {
+	fail("Unable to initialize /dev/audio");
+    }
+ = samplesize;
+ = ft->info.channels;
+ = ft->info.rate;
+    if (ft-> == ULAW)
+    else if (ft-> == ALAW)
+    else
+ = encoding;
+    ioctl(fileno(ft->fp), AUDIO_SETINFO, &audio_if);
+    if ( != samplesize) {
+	fail("Unable to initialize sample size for /dev/audio");
+    }
+    if ( != ft->info.channels) {
+	fail("Unable to initialize number of channels for /dev/audio");
+    }
+    if ( != ft->info.rate) {
+	fail("Unable to initialize rate for /dev/audio");
+    }
+    if ( != encoding) {
+	fail("Unable to initialize style for /dev/audio");
+    }
+void dspflush(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    if (write (fileno(ft->fp), audiobuf, abuf_cnt) != abuf_cnt) {
+	fail("Error writing to sound driver");
+    }
+    abuf_cnt = 0;
+void dspput(ft,c)
+ft_t ft;
+int c;
+    if (abuf_cnt > abuf_size-1) dspflush(ft);
+    *(audiobuf + abuf_cnt) = c;
+    abuf_cnt++;
+/* Write short. */
+ft_t ft;
+unsigned short ui;
+    if (abuf_cnt > abuf_size-2) dspflush(ft);
+    *((unsigned short *)(audiobuf + abuf_cnt)) = ui;
+    abuf_cnt += 2;
+void sunwrite(ft, buf, len)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+    register int datum;
+    int done = 0;
+    switch(ft->info.size) {
+    case BYTE:
+	switch(ft-> {
+	case SIGN2:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		datum = RIGHT(*buf++, 24);
+		dspput(ft,datum);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return;
+	case UNSIGNED:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		datum = RIGHT(*buf++, 24);
+		/* Convert to unsigned */
+		datum ^= 128;
+		dspput(ft,datum);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return;
+	case ULAW:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		datum = (int) RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+		/* round up to 12 bits of data */
+		datum += 0x8;	/* + 0b1000 */
+		datum = st_linear_to_ulaw(datum);
+		dspput(ft,datum);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return;
+	case ALAW:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		datum = RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+		/* round up to 12 bits of data */
+		datum += 0x8;	/* + 0b1000 */
+		datum = st_linear_to_Alaw(datum);
+		dspput(ft,datum);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return;
+	}
+    case WORD:
+	switch(ft-> {
+	case SIGN2:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		datum = RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+		dspshort(ft,datum);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return;
+	case UNSIGNED:
+	    while(done < len) {
+		/* scale signed up to long's range */
+		datum = RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+		/* Convert to unsigned */
+		datum ^= 0x8000;
+		dspshort(ft,datum);
+		done++;
+	    }
+	    return;
+	case ULAW:
+	    fail("No U-Law support for words");
+	    return;
+	case ALAW:
+	    fail("No A-Law support for words");
+	    return;
+	}
+    }
+    fail("Drop through in sunwrite!");
+void sunstopwrite(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    dspflush(ft);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/testall.bat
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+@echo off
+rem	First create a working copy of t.bat. Note optional cls and pause.
+echo @echo off >t.bat
+echo set format=%%1 >>t.bat
+echo shift >>t.bat
+echo set opts=%%1 %%2 %%3 %%4 %%5 %%6 %%7 %%8 %%9 >>t.bat
+echo. >>t.bat
+echo cls >>t.bat
+echo echo Format: %%format%%   Options: %%opts%% >>t.bat
+echo echo on >>t.bat
+echo .\sox monkey.voc %%opts%% %%tmp%%\monkey.%%format%% %%effect%% >>t.bat
+echo .\sox %%opts%% %%tmp%%\monkey.%%format%% %%tmp%%\monkey1.voc %%effect%% >>t.bat
+echo @echo off >>t.bat
+echo echo. >>t.bat
+echo xdir monkey.voc /c/b >>t.bat
+echo xdir %%tmp%%\monkey1.voc /c/b >>t.bat
+echo echo. >>t.bat
+echo echo The two lengths above should be the same, if the checksums differ >>t.bat
+echo echo investigate further skipping the internal checksum and rate bytes. >>t.bat
+echo set format=>>t.bat
+echo set opts=>>t.bat
+echo pause >>t.bat
+rem	Now set up any global effects and call the batch file. Note that
+rem	this needs extra work to cope with DOS's limitation of 3-character
+rem	extensions on the filename.
+set effect=%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+call t.bat 8svx
+call t.bat aiff
+call t.bat au
+call t.bat cdr
+call t.bat cvs
+call t.bat dat
+call t.bat vms
+call t.bat hcom -r 22050
+call t.bat maud
+call t.bat raw -r 8130 -t ub
+call t.bat sf
+call t.bat smp
+call t.bat sndr
+call t.bat sndt
+call t.bat txw
+call t.bat voc
+call t.bat wav
+call t.bat wve
+call t.bat wve
+del t.bat
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+t() {
+	format=$1
+	shift
+	opts="$*"
+	echo "Format: $format   Options: $opts"
+	./sox monkey.voc $opts /tmp/monkey.$format $effect
+	./sox $opts /tmp/monkey.$format /tmp/monkey1.voc  $effect
+t 8svx
+t aiff
+t au 
+t cdr
+t cvs
+t dat
+t vms
+t hcom -r 22050
+t maud
+t raw -r 8130 -t ub
+t sf 
+t smp
+t sndr
+t sndt 
+t txw
+t voc
+t wav 
+t wve
+t wve 
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests.bat
@@ -1,0 +1,91 @@
+@echo off
+rem	Test script for sox under DOS derived from This should
+rem	run without core-dumping or printing any error messages.
+set file=monkey
+rem verbose options
+rem set noise=-V
+del out.raw
+del out2.raw
+del in.raw
+echo on
+.\sox %noise% %file%.voc ub.raw
+.\sox %noise% -t raw -r 8196 -u -b -c 1 ub.raw -r 8196 -s -b sb.raw
+.\sox %noise% -t raw -r 8196 -s -b -c 1 sb.raw -r 8196 -u -b ub2.raw
+.\sox %noise% -r 8196 -u -b -c 1 ub2.raw -r 8196 ub2.voc
+@echo off
+xdir ub.raw /c/b
+xdir ub2.raw /c/b
+echo The two checksums above should be the same.
+echo Skip checksum and rate byte. DOS isn't good at this, so just use a
+echo rough test.
+xdir %file%.voc /c/b
+xdir ub2.voc /c/b
+echo The two lengths above should be the same, if the checksums differ
+echo investigate further skipping the internal checksum and rate bytes.
+del ub.raw
+del sb.raw
+del ub2.raw
+del ub2.voc
+echo on
+.\sox %noise% -u -r 8192 -u -b ub.raw
+.\sox %noise% -r 8192 -u -b ub.raw -U -b
+.\sox %noise% -u ub2.raw
+.\sox %noise% -w ub2.sf
+@echo off
+del ub.raw
+del ub2.raw
+rem del ub.sf
+echo on
+.\sox %noise% ub2.sf ub2.aif
+.\sox %noise% ub2.aif ub3.sf
+@echo off
+echo Skip comment field containing different filenames. Again, DOS sucks.
+xdir ub2.sf /c/b
+xdir ub3.sf /c/b
+echo The two lengths above should be the same, if the checksums differ
+echo investigate further skipping the internal filename comments.
+del ub2.sf
+del ub2.aif
+del ub3.sf
+rem Cmp -l of stop.raw and stop2.raw will show that most of the
+rem bytes are 1 apart.  This is quantization error.
+rem rm -f stop.raw stop2.raw
+rem Bytes 23 - 26 are the revision level of VOC file utilities and checksum.
+rem We may use different ones than Sound Blaster utilities do.
+rem We use 0/1 for the major/minor, SB uses that on the 1.15 utility disk.
+set file=
+set noise=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,0 +1,36 @@
+# test files
+# SOX Test script.  This should run without core-dumping or printing any
+# messages.
+# verbose options
+rm -f out.raw out2.raw in.raw 
+./sox $noise $file.voc ub.raw 
+./sox $noise -t raw -r 8196 -u -b -c 1 ub.raw -r 8196 -s -b sb.raw
+./sox $noise -t raw -r 8196 -s -b -c 1 sb.raw -r 8196 -u -b ub2.raw
+./sox $noise -r 8196 -u -b -c 1 ub2.raw -r 8196 ub2.voc 
+cmp -l ub.raw ub2.raw
+# skip checksum and rate byte
+cmp -l $file.voc ub2.voc | grep -v '^    2[3456]' | grep -v '^    31'
+rm -f ub.raw sb.raw ub2.raw ub2.voc
+./sox $noise $ -u -r 8192 -u -b ub.raw
+./sox $noise -r 8192 -u -b ub.raw -U -b 
+./sox $noise -u ub2.raw 
+./sox $noise -w ub2.sf
+rm -f ub.raw ub2.raw ub.sf 
+./sox $noise ub2.sf ub2.aiff
+./sox $noise ub2.aiff ub3.sf
+# skip comment field containing differnt filenames
+cmp -l ub2.sf ub3.sf | grep -v '^    2[3456789]'
+rm -f ub2.sf ub2.aiff ub3.sf
+# Cmp -l of stop.raw and stop2.raw will show that most of the 
+# bytes are 1 apart.  This is quantization error.
+# rm -f stop.raw stop2.raw
+# Bytes 23 - 26 are the revision level of VOC file utilities and checksum.
+# We may use different ones than Sound Blaster utilities do.
+# We use 0/1 for the major/minor, SB uses that on the 1.15 utility disk.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tx16w.c
@@ -1,0 +1,376 @@
+/* Yamaha TX-16W sampler file support
+ *
+ * May 20, 1993
+ * Copyright 1993 Rob Talley   ([email protected])
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose. This copyright notice and the following copyright 
+ * notice must be maintained intact. No warranty whatsoever is
+ * provided. This code is furnished AS-IS as a component of the
+ * larger work Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog and Sundry Contributors.
+ * Much appreciation to ross-c  for his sampConv utility for SGI/IRIX
+ * from where these methods were derived.
+ *
+ * Jan 24, 1994
+ * Pat McElhatton, HP Media Technology Lab <[email protected]>
+ * Handles reading of files which do not have the sample rate field
+ * set to one of the expected by looking at some other bytes in the
+ * attack/loop length fields, and defaulting to 33kHz if the sample
+ * rate is still unknown.
+ *
+ * January 12, 1995
+ * Copyright 1995 Mark Lakata ([email protected])
+ * Additions to tx16w.c SOX driver.  This version writes as well as
+ * reads TX16W format.
+ *
+ * July 31, 1998
+ * Cleaned up by Leigh Smith ([email protected])
+ * for incorporation into the main sox distribution.
+ *
+ * September 24, 1998
+ * Forced output to mono signed words to match input.  It was basically
+ * doing this anyways but now the user will see a display that its being
+ * overriding.  [email protected]
+ *
+ */
+#define TXMAXLEN 0x3FF80
+ * Sound Tools skeleton file format driver.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for TX16 file */
+typedef struct txwstuff {
+	LONG	rest;			/* bytes remaining in sample file */
+} *txw_t;
+IMPORT float volume, amplitude;
+IMPORT int summary, verbose;
+struct WaveHeader_ {
+  char filetype[6]; /* = "LM8953", */
+  unsigned char
+    nulls[10],
+    dummy_aeg[6],    /* space for the AEG (never mind this) */
+    format,          /* 0x49 = looped, 0xC9 = non-looped */
+    sample_rate,     /* 1 = 33 kHz, 2 = 50 kHz, 3 = 16 kHz */
+    atc_length[3],   /* I'll get to this... */
+    rpt_length[3],
+    unused[2];       /* set these to null, to be on the safe side */
+} ;
+static unsigned char magic1[4] = {0, 0x06, 0x10, 0xF6};
+static unsigned char magic2[4] = {0, 0x52, 0x00, 0x52};
+static LONG tx16w_len=0;
+static LONG writedone=0;
+ * Do anything required before you start reading samples.
+ * Read file header. 
+ *	Find out sampling rate, 
+ *	size and style of samples,
+ *	mono/stereo/quad.
+ */
+void txwstartread(ft)
+     ft_t ft;
+  int c;
+  char filetype[7];
+  char format;
+  char sample_rate;
+  LONG num_samp_bytes = 0;
+  char dummy;
+  char gunk[8];
+  int blewIt;
+  txw_t sk = (txw_t) ft->priv;
+  /* If you need to seek around the input file. */
+  if (! ft->seekable)
+    fail("txw input file must be a file, not a pipe");
+  /* This is dumb but portable, just count the bytes til EOF */
+  while ( getc(ft->fp) != EOF ) 
+    num_samp_bytes++; 
+  num_samp_bytes -= 32;		/* calculate num samples by sub header size */
+  fseek(ft->fp,0L,0);		/* rewind file */
+  sk->rest = num_samp_bytes;	/* set how many sample bytes to read */
+  /* first 6 bytes are file type ID LM8953 */
+  filetype[0] = getc(ft->fp);
+  filetype[1] = getc(ft->fp);
+  filetype[2] = getc(ft->fp);
+  filetype[3] = getc(ft->fp);
+  filetype[4] = getc(ft->fp);
+  filetype[5] = getc(ft->fp);
+  filetype[6] = '\0';
+  for( c = 16; c > 0 ; c-- )	/* Discard next 16 bytes */
+    dummy = getc(ft->fp);	/* they have no meaning here */
+  format = getc(ft->fp);
+  sample_rate = getc(ft->fp);
+  /*
+   * save next 8 bytes - if sample rate is 0, then we need
+   *  to look at gunk[2] and gunk[5] to get real rate
+   */
+  for( c = 0; c < 8; c++ )
+    gunk[c] = getc(ft->fp);
+  /*
+   * We should now be pointing at start of raw sample data in file 
+   */
+  /* Check to make sure we got a good filetype ID from file */
+  report("Found header filetype %s",filetype);
+  if(strcmp(filetype,"LM8953"))
+    fail("Invalid filetype ID in input file header, != LM8953");
+  /*
+   * Set up the sample rate as indicated by the header
+   */
+  switch( sample_rate ) {
+  case 1:
+    ft->info.rate = 33000;
+    break;
+  case 2:
+    ft->info.rate = 50000;
+    break;
+  case 3:
+    ft->info.rate = 16000;
+    break;
+  default:
+    blewIt = 1;
+    switch( gunk[2] & 0xFE ) {
+    case 0x06:
+      if ( (gunk[5] & 0xFE) == 0x52 ) {
+	blewIt = 0;
+	ft->info.rate = 33000;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 0x10:
+      if ( (gunk[5] & 0xFE) == 0x00 ) {
+	blewIt = 0;
+	ft->info.rate = 50000;
+      }
+      break;
+    case 0xF6:
+      if ( (gunk[5] & 0xFE) == 0x52 ) {
+	blewIt = 0;
+	ft->info.rate = 16000;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    if ( blewIt ) {
+      report("Invalid sample rate identifier found %d", (int)sample_rate);
+      ft->info.rate = 33000;
+    }
+  }
+  report("Sample rate = %ld",ft->info.rate);
+  ft->info.channels = 1 ; /* not sure about stereo sample data yet ??? */
+  ft->info.size = WORD; /* this is close enough */
+  ft-> = SIGN2;
+ * Read up to len samples from file.
+ * Convert to signed LONGs.
+ * Place in buf[].
+ * Return number of samples read.
+ */
+LONG txwread(ft, buf, len)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+    txw_t sk = (txw_t) ft->priv;
+	int done = 0;
+	unsigned char uc1,uc2,uc3;
+	unsigned short s1,s2;
+        /*
+	 * This gets called by the top level 'process' routine.
+	 * We will essentially get called with a buffer pointer
+	 * and a max length to read. Graciously, it is always
+	 * an even amount so we don't have to worry about
+	 * hanging onto the left over odd samples since there
+	 * won't be any. Something to look out for though :-(
+	 * We return the number of samples we read.
+	 * We will get called over and over again until we return
+	 *  0 bytes read.
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * This is ugly but it's readable!
+	 * Read three bytes from stream, then decompose these into
+	 * two unsigned short samples. 
+	 * TCC 3.0 appeared to do unwanted things, so we really specify
+	 *  exactly what we want to happen.
+	 * Convert unsigned short to LONG then shift up the result
+	 *  so that the 12-bit sample lives in the most significant
+	 *  12-bits of the LONG.
+	 * This gets our two samples into the internal format which we
+	 * deposit into the given buffer and adjust our counts respectivly.
+         */
+        for(done = 0; done < len; ) {
+	    if(sk->rest <= 0) break; /* Finished reading from file? */
+	    uc1 = (unsigned char)getc(ft->fp); /* read the three bytes */
+	    uc2 = (unsigned char)getc(ft->fp);
+	    uc3 = (unsigned char)getc(ft->fp);
+	    sk->rest -= 3; /* adjust remaining for bytes we just read */
+	    s1 = (unsigned short) (uc1 << 4) | (((uc2 >> 4) & 017));
+	    s2 = (unsigned short) (uc3 << 4) | (( uc2 & 017 ));
+	    *buf = (LONG) s1;
+            *buf = (*buf << 20);
+	    buf++; /* sample one is done */
+	    *buf = (LONG) s2;
+            *buf = (*buf << 20);
+	    buf++; /* sample two is done */
+	    done += 2; /* adjust converted & stored sample count */
+	    }
+	return done;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void txwstopread(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+void txwstartwrite(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+  struct WaveHeader_ WH;
+  report("tx16w selected output");
+  if (ft->info.channels != 1)
+      report("tx16w is overriding output format to 1 channel.");
+  ft->info.channels = 1 ; /* not sure about stereo sample data yet ??? */
+  if (ft->info.size != WORD || ft-> != SIGN2)
+      report("tx16w is overriding output format to size Signed Word format.");
+  ft->info.size = WORD; /* this is close enough */
+  ft-> = SIGN2;
+  /* If you have to seek around the output file */
+  if (! ft->seekable)
+      fail("Output .txw file must be a file, not a pipe");
+  /* dummy numbers, just for place holder, real header is written
+     at end of processing, since byte count is needed */
+  fwrite(&WH,1,32,ft->fp);
+  writedone = 32;
+void txwwrite(ft, buf, len)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	int i;
+        unsigned int w1,w2;
+        tx16w_len += len;
+        if (tx16w_len > TXMAXLEN) return;
+        for (i=0;i<len;i+=2) {
+            w1 =  *buf++ >> 20;
+            if (i+1==len)
+                w2 = 0;
+            else {
+                w2 =  *buf++ >> 20;
+            }
+            putc((w1 >> 4) & 0xFF,ft->fp);
+            putc((((w1 & 0x0F) << 4) | (w2 & 0x0F)) & 0xFF,ft->fp);
+            putc((w2 >> 4) & 0xFF,ft->fp);
+            writedone += 3;
+        }
+void txwstopwrite(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    struct WaveHeader_ WH;
+    int AttackLength, LoopLength, i;
+    /* All samples are already written out. */
+    /* If file header needs fixing up, for example it needs the */
+    /* the number of samples in a field, seek back and write them here. */
+    /* If your format specifies any of the following info. */
+    /*
+      ft->info.rate = 
+      ft->info.size = BYTE or WORD ...;
+      ft-> = UNSIGNED or SIGN2 ...;
+      ft->info.channels = 1 or 2 or 4;
+      */
+    report("tx16w:output finished");
+    strncpy(WH.filetype,"LM8953",6);
+    for (i=0;i<10;i++) WH.nulls[i]=0;
+    for (i=0;i<6;i++)  WH.dummy_aeg[i]=0;
+    for (i=0;i<2;i++)  WH.unused[i]=0;
+    for (i=0;i<2;i++)  WH.dummy_aeg[i] = 0;
+    for (i=2;i<6;i++)  WH.dummy_aeg[i] = 0x7F;
+    WH.format = 0xC9;   /* loop off */
+    /* the actual sample rate is not that important ! */  
+    if (ft->info.rate < 24000)      WH.sample_rate = 3;
+    else if (ft->info.rate < 41000) WH.sample_rate = 1;
+    else                            WH.sample_rate = 2;
+    if (tx16w_len >= TXMAXLEN) {
+        fprintf(stderr,"Sound too large for TX16W. Truncating, Loop Off\n");
+        AttackLength       = TXMAXLEN/2;
+        LoopLength         = TXMAXLEN/2;
+    }
+    else if (tx16w_len >=TXMAXLEN/2) {
+        AttackLength       = TXMAXLEN/2;
+        LoopLength         = tx16w_len - TXMAXLEN/2;
+        if (LoopLength < 0x40) {
+            LoopLength   +=0x40;
+            AttackLength -= 0x40;
+        }
+    }    
+    else if (tx16w_len >= 0x80) {
+        AttackLength                       = tx16w_len -0x40;
+        LoopLength                         = 0x40;
+    }
+    else {
+        AttackLength                       = 0x40;
+        LoopLength                         = 0x40;
+        for(i=tx16w_len;i<0x80;i++) {
+            putc(0,ft->fp);
+            putc(0,ft->fp);
+            putc(0,ft->fp);
+            writedone += 3;
+        }
+    }
+    /* Fill up to 256 byte blocks; the TX16W seems to like that */
+    while ((writedone % 0x100) != 0) {
+        putc(0,ft->fp);
+        writedone++;
+    }
+    WH.atc_length[0] = 0xFF & AttackLength;
+    WH.atc_length[1] = 0xFF & (AttackLength >> 8);
+    WH.atc_length[2] = (0x01 & (AttackLength >> 16)) +
+        magic1[WH.sample_rate];
+    WH.rpt_length[0] = 0xFF & LoopLength;
+    WH.rpt_length[1] = 0xFF & (LoopLength >> 8);
+    WH.rpt_length[2] = (0x01 & (LoopLength >> 16)) +
+        magic2[WH.sample_rate];
+    rewind(ft->fp);
+    fwrite(&WH,1,32,ft->fp);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util.c
@@ -1,0 +1,274 @@
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "version.h"
+#include "patchlvl.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <varargs.h>
+ * util.c.
+ * Incorporate Jimen Ching's fixes for real library operation: Aug 3, 1994.
+ * Redo all work from scratch, unfortunately.
+ * Separate out all common variables used by effects & handlers,
+ * and utility routines for other main programs to use.
+ */
+EXPORT float volume = 1.0;	/* expansion coefficient */
+EXPORT int dovolume = 0;
+EXPORT float amplitude = 1.0;	/* Largest sample so far */
+EXPORT int writing = 0;	/* are we writing to a file? */
+/* export flags */
+EXPORT int verbose = 0;	/* be noisy on stderr */
+EXPORT int summary = 0;	/* just print summary of information */
+EXPORT char *myname;
+EXPORT int soxpreview = 0;	/* preview mode */
+#if	defined(__STDC__)
+report(char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list args;
+#if	!defined(__STDC__)
+	char *fmt;
+	if (! verbose)
+		return;
+	fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", myname);
+#if	!defined(__STDC__)
+	va_start(args);
+	fmt = va_arg(args, char *);
+	va_start(args, fmt);
+	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+#if	defined(__STDC__)
+warn(char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list args;
+#if	!defined(__STDC__)
+	char *fmt;
+	fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", myname);
+#if	!defined(__STDC__)
+	va_start(args);
+	fmt = va_arg(args, char *);
+	va_start(args, fmt);
+	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+#if	defined(__STDC__)
+fail(char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list args;
+#if	!defined(__STDC__)
+	char *fmt;
+	extern void cleanup();
+	fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", myname);
+#if	!defined(__STDC__)
+	va_start(args);
+	fmt = va_arg(args, char *);
+	va_start(args, fmt);
+	vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+	cleanup();
+	exit(2);
+int strcmpcase(s1, s2)
+char *s1, *s2;
+	while(*s1 && *s2 && (tolower(*s1) == tolower(*s2)))
+		s1++, s2++;
+	return *s1 - *s2;
+ * Check that we have a known format suffix string.
+ */
+ft_t formp;
+	char **list;
+	int i;
+	if (! formp->filetype)
+fail("Must give file type for %s file, either as suffix or with -t option",
+	for(i = 0; formats[i].names; i++) {
+		for(list = formats[i].names; *list; list++) {
+			char *s1 = *list, *s2 = formp->filetype;
+			if (! strcmpcase(s1, s2))
+				break;	/* not a match */
+		}
+		if (! *list)
+			continue;
+		/* Found it! */
+		formp->h = &formats[i];
+		return;
+	}
+	if (! strcmpcase(formp->filetype, "snd")) {
+		verbose = 1;
+		report("File type '%s' is used to name several different formats.", formp->filetype);
+		report("If the file came from a Macintosh, it is probably");
+		report("a .ub file with a sample rate of 11025 (or possibly 5012 or 22050).");
+		report("Use the sequence '-t .ub -r 11025 file.snd'");
+		report("If it came from a PC, it's probably a Soundtool file.");
+		report("Use the sequence '-t .sndt file.snd'");
+		report("If it came from a NeXT, it's probably a .au file.");
+		fail("Use the sequence '-t .au file.snd'\n");
+	}
+	fail("File type '%s' of %s file is not known!",
+		formp->filetype, formp->filename);
+ * Check that we have a known effect name.
+ */
+eff_t effp;
+	int i;
+	for(i = 0; effects[i].name; i++) {
+		char *s1 = effects[i].name, *s2 = effp->name;
+		while(*s1 && *s2 && (tolower(*s1) == tolower(*s2)))
+			s1++, s2++;
+		if (*s1 || *s2)
+			continue;	/* not a match */
+		/* Found it! */
+		effp->h = &effects[i];
+		return;
+	}
+	/* Guido Van Rossum fix */
+	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Known effects: ",myname);
+	for (i = 1; effects[i].name; i++)
+		fprintf(stderr, "%s ", effects[i].name);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+	fail("Effect '%s' is not known!", effp->name);
+ * File format routines 
+ */
+void copyformat(ft, ft2)
+ft_t ft, ft2;
+	int noise = 0, i;
+	double factor;
+	if (ft2->info.rate == 0) {
+		ft2->info.rate = ft->info.rate;
+		noise = 1;
+	}
+	if (ft2->info.size == -1) {
+		ft2->info.size = ft->info.size;
+		noise = 1;
+	}
+	if (ft2-> == -1) {
+		ft2-> = ft->;
+		noise = 1;
+	}
+	if (ft2->info.channels == -1) {
+		ft2->info.channels = ft->info.channels;
+		noise = 1;
+	}
+	if (ft2->comment == NULL) {
+		ft2->comment = ft->comment;
+		noise = 1;
+	}
+	/* 
+	 * copy loop info, resizing appropriately 
+	 * it's in samples, so # channels don't matter
+	 */
+	factor = (double) ft2->info.rate / (double) ft->info.rate;
+	for(i = 0; i < NLOOPS; i++) {
+		ft2->loops[i].start = ft->loops[i].start * factor;
+		ft2->loops[i].length = ft->loops[i].length * factor;
+		ft2->loops[i].count = ft->loops[i].count;
+		ft2->loops[i].type = ft->loops[i].type;
+	}
+	/* leave SMPTE # alone since it's absolute */
+	ft2->instr = ft->instr;
+void cmpformats(ft, ft2)
+ft_t ft, ft2;
+/* check that all settings have been given */
+void checkformat(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	if (ft->info.rate == 0)
+		fail("Sampling rate for %s file was not given\n", ft->filename);
+	if ((ft->info.rate < 100) || (ft->info.rate > 50000L))
+		fail("Sampling rate %lu for %s file is bogus\n", 
+			ft->info.rate, ft->filename);
+	if (ft->info.size == -1)
+		fail("Data size was not given for %s file\nUse one of -b/-w/-l/-f/-d/-D", ft->filename);
+	if (ft-> == -1 && ft->info.size != FLOAT)
+		fail("Data style was not given for %s file\nUse one of -s/-u/-U/-A", ft->filename);
+	/* it's so common, might as well default */
+	if (ft->info.channels == -1)
+		ft->info.channels = 1;
+	/*	fail("Number of output channels was not given for %s file",
+			ft->filename); */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vibro.c
@@ -1,0 +1,134 @@
+ * Sound Tools Vibro effect file.
+ *
+ * Modeled on world-famous Fender(TM) Amp Vibro knobs.
+ * 
+ * Algorithm: generate a sine wave ranging from
+ * 0 + depth to 1.0, where signal goes from -1.0 to 1.0.
+ * Multiply signal with sine wave.  I think.
+ *
+ * July 5, 1991
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ *
+ * April 28, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+ *
+ *  Rearranged some functions so that they are declared before they are
+ *  used.  Clears up some compiler warnings.  Because this functions passed
+ *  foats, it helped out some dump compilers pass stuff on the stack
+ *  correctly.
+ *
+ */
+#include <math.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "st.h"
+/* Private data for Vibro effect */
+typedef struct vibrostuff {
+	float 		speed;
+	float 		depth;
+	short		*sinetab;		/* sine wave to apply */
+	int		mult;			/* multiplier */
+	unsigned	length;			/* length of table */
+	int		counter;		/* current counter */
+} *vibro_t;
+ * Process options
+ */
+void vibro_getopts(effp, n, argv) 
+eff_t effp;
+int n;
+char **argv;
+	vibro_t vibro = (vibro_t) effp->priv;
+	vibro->depth = 0.5;
+	if ((n == 0) || !sscanf(argv[0], "%f", &vibro->speed) ||
+		((n == 2) && !sscanf(argv[1], "%f", &vibro->depth)))
+		fail("Usage: vibro speed [ depth ]");
+	if ((vibro->speed <= 0.001) || (vibro->speed > 30.0) || 
+			(vibro->depth < 0.0) || (vibro->depth > 1.0))
+		fail("Vibro: speed must be < 30.0, 0.0 < depth < 1.0");
+/* This was very painful.  We need a sine library. */
+void sine(buf, len, depth)
+short *buf;
+int len;
+float depth;
+	int i;
+	int scale = depth * 128;
+	int base = (1.0 - depth) * 128;
+	double val;
+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+		val = sin((float)i/(float)len * 2.0 * M_PI);
+		buf[i] = (val + 1.0) * scale + base * 2;
+	}
+ * Prepare processing.
+ */
+void vibro_start(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	vibro_t vibro = (vibro_t) effp->priv;
+	vibro->length = effp->ininfo.rate / vibro->speed;
+	if (! (vibro->sinetab = (short*) malloc(vibro->length * sizeof(short))))
+		fail("Vibro: Cannot malloc %d bytes",
+			vibro->length * sizeof(short));
+	sine(vibro->sinetab, vibro->length, vibro->depth);
+	vibro->counter = 0;
+ * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf.
+ * Return number of samples processed.
+ */
+void vibro_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+eff_t effp;
+LONG *ibuf, *obuf;
+int *isamp, *osamp;
+	vibro_t vibro = (vibro_t) effp->priv;
+	register int counter, tablen;
+	int len, done;
+	short *sinetab;
+	LONG l;
+	len = ((*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp);
+	sinetab = vibro->sinetab;
+	counter = vibro->counter;
+	tablen = vibro->length;
+	for(done = 0; done < len; done++) {
+		l = *ibuf++;
+		/* 24x8 gives 32-bit result */
+		*obuf++ = ((l / 256) * sinetab[counter++ % tablen]);
+	}
+	vibro->counter = counter;
+	/* processed all samples */
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void vibro_stop(effp)
+eff_t effp;
+	/* nothing to do */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/voc.c
@@ -1,0 +1,568 @@
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ *
+ * September 8, 1993
+ * Copyright 1993 T. Allen Grider - for changes to support block type 9
+ * and word sized samples.  Same caveats and disclaimer as above.
+ *
+ * February 22, 1996
+ * by Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+ * Added support for block type 8 (extended) which allows for 8-bit stereo 
+ * files.  Added support for saving stereo files and 16-bit files.
+ * Added VOC format info from audio format FAQ so I don't have to keep
+ * looking around for it.
+ */
+ * Sound Tools Sound Blaster VOC handler sources.
+ */
+The following is taken from the Audio File Formats FAQ dated 2-Jan-1995
+and submitted by Guido van Rossum <[email protected]>.
+Creative Voice (VOC) file format
+From: [email protected]
+(byte numbers are hex!)
+    HEADER (bytes 00-19)
+    Series of DATA BLOCKS (bytes 1A+) [Must end w/ Terminator Block]
+- ---------------------------------------------------------------
+     byte #     Description
+     ------     ------------------------------------------
+     00-12      "Creative Voice File"
+     13         1A (eof to abort printing of file)
+     14-15      Offset of first datablock in .voc file (std 1A 00
+                in Intel Notation)
+     16-17      Version number (minor,major) (VOC-HDR puts 0A 01)
+     18-19      2's Comp of Ver. # + 1234h (VOC-HDR puts 29 11)
+- ---------------------------------------------------------------
+   Data Block:  TYPE(1-byte), SIZE(3-bytes), INFO(0+ bytes)
+   NOTE: Terminator Block is an exception -- it has only the TYPE byte.
+      TYPE   Description     Size (3-byte int)   Info
+      ----   -----------     -----------------   -----------------------
+      00     Terminator      (NONE)              (NONE)
+      01     Sound data      2+length of data    *
+      02     Sound continue  length of data      Voice Data
+      03     Silence         3                   **
+      04     Marker          2                   Marker# (2 bytes)
+      05     ASCII           length of string    null terminated string
+      06     Repeat          2                   Count# (2 bytes)
+      07     End repeat      0                   (NONE)
+      08     Extended        4                   ***
+      *Sound Info Format:       **Silence Info Format:
+       ---------------------      ----------------------------
+       00   Sample Rate           00-01  Length of silence - 1
+       01   Compression Type      02     Sample Rate
+       02+  Voice Data
+    ***Extended Info Format:
+       ---------------------
+       00-01  Time Constant: Mono: 65536 - (256000000/sample_rate)
+                             Stereo: 65536 - (25600000/(2*sample_rate))
+       02     Pack
+       03     Mode: 0 = mono
+                    1 = stereo
+  Marker#           -- Driver keeps the most recent marker in a status byte
+  Count#            -- Number of repetitions + 1
+                         Count# may be 1 to FFFE for 0 - FFFD repetitions
+                         or FFFF for endless repetitions
+  Sample Rate       -- SR byte = 256-(1000000/sample_rate)
+  Length of silence -- in units of sampling cycle
+  Compression Type  -- of voice data
+                         8-bits    = 0
+                         4-bits    = 1
+                         2.6-bits  = 2
+                         2-bits    = 3
+                         Multi DAC = 3+(# of channels) [interesting--
+                                       this isn't in the developer's manual]
+Detailed description of new data blocks (VOC files version 1.20 and above):
+        (Source is fax from Barry Boone at Creative Labs, 405/742-6622)
+BLOCK 8 - digitized sound attribute extension, must preceed block 1.
+          Used to define stereo, 8 bit audio
+        BYTE bBlockID;       // = 8
+        BYTE nBlockLen[3];   // 3 byte length
+        WORD wTimeConstant;  // time constant = same as block 1
+        BYTE bPackMethod;    // same as in block 1
+        BYTE bVoiceMode;     // 0-mono, 1-stereo
+        Data is stored left, right
+BLOCK 9 - data block that supersedes blocks 1 and 8.  
+          Used for stereo, 16 bit.
+        BYTE bBlockID;          // = 9
+        BYTE nBlockLen[3];      // length 12 plus length of sound
+        DWORD dwSamplesPerSec;  // samples per second, not time const.
+        BYTE bBitsPerSample;    // e.g., 8 or 16
+        BYTE bChannels;         // 1 for mono, 2 for stereo
+        WORD wFormat;           // see below
+        BYTE reserved[4];       // pad to make block w/o data 
+                                // have a size of 16 bytes
+        Valid values of wFormat are:
+                0x0000  8-bit unsigned PCM
+                0x0001  Creative 8-bit to 4-bit ADPCM
+                0x0002  Creative 8-bit to 3-bit ADPCM
+                0x0003  Creative 8-bit to 2-bit ADPCM
+                0x0004  16-bit signed PCM
+                0x0006  CCITT a-Law
+                0x0007  CCITT u-Law
+                0x02000 Creative 16-bit to 4-bit ADPCM
+        Data is stored left, right
+#include "st.h"
+#include <string.h>
+/* Private data for VOC file */
+typedef struct vocstuff {
+	LONG	rest;			/* bytes remaining in current block */
+	LONG	rate;			/* rate code (byte) of this chunk */
+	int		silent;			/* sound or silence? */
+	LONG	srate;			/* rate code (byte) of silence */
+	LONG	blockseek;		/* start of current output block */
+	LONG	samples;		/* number of samples output */
+	int		size;			/* word length of data */
+	int		channels;		/* number of sound channels */
+	int     extended;       /* Has an extended block been read? */
+} *vs_t;
+#define	VOC_TERM	0
+#define	VOC_DATA	1
+#define	VOC_CONT	2
+#define	VOC_SILENCE	3
+#define	VOC_MARKER	4
+#define	VOC_TEXT	5
+#define	VOC_LOOP	6
+#define	VOC_LOOPEND	7
+#define VOC_EXTENDED    8
+#define VOC_DATA_16	9
+#define	min(a, b)	(((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
+void getblock();
+void blockstart(P1(ft_t));
+void blockstop(P1(ft_t));
+void vocstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	char header[20];
+	vs_t v = (vs_t) ft->priv;
+	int sbseek;
+	if (! ft->seekable)
+		fail("VOC input file must be a file, not a pipe");
+	if (fread(header, 1, 20, ft->fp) != 20)
+		fail("unexpected EOF in VOC header");
+	if (strncmp(header, "Creative Voice File\032", 19))
+		fail("VOC file header incorrect");
+	sbseek = rlshort(ft);
+	fseek(ft->fp, sbseek, 0);
+	v->rate = -1;
+	v->rest = 0;
+	v->extended = 0;
+	getblock(ft);
+	if (v->rate == -1)
+		fail("Input .voc file had no sound!");
+	ft->info.size = v->size;
+	ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	if (v->size == WORD)
+	    ft-> = SIGN2;
+	if (ft->info.channels == -1)
+		ft->info.channels = v->channels;
+LONG vocread(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	vs_t v = (vs_t) ft->priv;
+	int done = 0;
+	if (v->rest == 0)
+		getblock(ft);
+	if (v->rest == 0)
+		return 0;
+	if (v->silent) {
+		/* Fill in silence */
+		for(;v->rest && (done < len); v->rest--, done++)
+			*buf++ = 0x80000000L;
+	} else {
+		for(;v->rest && (done < len); v->rest--, done++) {
+			LONG l1, l2;
+			switch(v->size)
+			{
+			    case BYTE:
+				if ((l1 = getc(ft->fp)) == EOF) {
+				    fail("VOC input: short file"); /* */
+				    v->rest = 0;
+				    return 0;
+				}
+				l1 ^= 0x80;	/* convert to signed */
+				*buf++ = LEFT(l1, 24);
+				break;
+			    case WORD:
+				l1 = getc(ft->fp);
+				l2 = getc(ft->fp);
+				if (l1 == EOF || l2 == EOF)
+				{
+				    fail("VOC input: short file");
+				    v->rest = 0;
+				    return 0;
+				}
+				l1 = (l2 << 8) | l1; /* already sign2 */
+				*buf++ = LEFT(l1, 16);
+				v->rest--;
+				break;
+			}	
+		}
+	}
+	return done;
+/* nothing to do */
+void vocstopread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+/* When saving samples in VOC format the following outline is followed:
+ * If an 8-bit mono sample then use a VOC_DATA header.
+ * If an 8-bit stereo sample then use a VOC_EXTENDED header followed
+ * by a VOC_DATA header.
+ * If a 16-bit sample (either stereo or mono) then save with a 
+ * VOC_DATA_16 header.
+ *
+ * This approach will cause the output to be an its most basic format
+ * which will work with the oldest software (eg. an 8-bit mono sample
+ * will be able to be played with a really old SB VOC player.)
+ */
+void vocstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	vs_t v = (vs_t) ft->priv;
+	if (! ft->seekable)
+		fail("Output .voc file must be a file, not a pipe");
+	v->samples = 0;
+	/* File format name and a ^Z (aborts printing under DOS) */
+	(void) fwrite("Creative Voice File\032\032", 1, 20, ft->fp);
+	wlshort(ft, 26);		/* size of header */
+	wlshort(ft, 0x10a);             /* major/minor version number */
+	wlshort(ft, 0x1129);		/* checksum of version number */
+	if (ft->info.size == BYTE)
+	  ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	else
+	  ft-> = SIGN2;
+	if (ft->info.channels == -1)
+		ft->info.channels = 1;
+void vocwrite(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	vs_t v = (vs_t) ft->priv;
+	unsigned char uc;
+	int sw;
+	if (v->samples == 0) {
+	  /* No silence packing yet. */
+	  v->silent = 0;
+	  blockstart(ft);
+	}
+	v->samples += len;
+	while(len--) {
+	  if (ft->info.size == BYTE) {
+	    uc = RIGHT(*buf++, 24);
+	    uc ^= 0x80;
+	    putc(uc, ft->fp);
+	  } else {
+		sw = (int) RIGHT(*buf++, 16);
+	    wlshort(ft,sw);
+          }
+	}
+void vocstopwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	blockstop(ft);
+/* Voc-file handlers */
+/* Read next block header, save info, leave position at start of data */
+ft_t ft;
+	vs_t v = (vs_t) ft->priv;
+	unsigned char uc, block;
+	ULONG sblen;
+	LONG new_rate;
+	int i;
+	v->silent = 0;
+	while (v->rest == 0) {
+		if (feof(ft->fp))
+			return;
+		block = getc(ft->fp);
+		if (block == VOC_TERM)
+			return;
+		if (feof(ft->fp))
+			return;
+		uc = getc(ft->fp);
+		sblen = uc;
+		uc = getc(ft->fp);
+		sblen |= ((LONG) uc) << 8;
+		uc = getc(ft->fp);
+		sblen |= ((LONG) uc) << 16;
+		switch(block) {
+		case VOC_DATA: 
+		        uc = getc(ft->fp);
+			/* When DATA block preceeded by an EXTENDED     */
+			/* block, the DATA blocks rate value is invalid */
+		        if (!v->extended) {
+			  if (uc == 0)
+			    fail("File %s: Sample rate is zero?");
+			  if ((v->rate != -1) && (uc != v->rate))
+			    fail("File %s: sample rate codes differ: %d != %d",
+				 ft->filename,v->rate, uc);
+			  v->rate = uc;
+			  ft->info.rate = 1000000.0/(256 - v->rate);
+			  v->channels = 1;
+			}
+			uc = getc(ft->fp);
+			if (uc != 0)
+			  fail("File %s: only interpret 8-bit data!",
+			       ft->filename);
+			v->extended = 0;
+			v->rest = sblen - 2;
+			v->size = BYTE;
+			return;
+		case VOC_DATA_16:
+			new_rate = rllong(ft);
+			if (new_rate == 0)
+			    fail("File %s: Sample rate is zero?",ft->filename);
+			if ((v->rate != -1) && (new_rate != v->rate))
+			    fail("File %s: sample rate codes differ: %d != %d",
+				ft->filename, v->rate, new_rate);
+			v->rate = new_rate;
+			ft->info.rate = new_rate;
+			uc = getc(ft->fp);
+			switch (uc)
+			{
+			    case 8:	v->size = BYTE; break;
+			    case 16:	v->size = WORD; break;
+			    default:	fail("Don't understand size %d", uc);
+			}
+			v->channels = getc(ft->fp);
+			getc(ft->fp);	/* unknown1 */
+			getc(ft->fp);	/* notused */
+			getc(ft->fp);	/* notused */
+			getc(ft->fp);	/* notused */
+			getc(ft->fp);	/* notused */
+			getc(ft->fp);	/* notused */
+			v->rest = sblen - 12;
+			return;
+		case VOC_CONT: 
+			v->rest = sblen;
+			return;
+		case VOC_SILENCE: 
+			{
+			unsigned short period;
+			period = rlshort(ft);
+			uc = getc(ft->fp);
+			if (uc == 0)
+				fail("File %s: Silence sample rate is zero");
+			/* 
+			 * Some silence-packed files have gratuitously
+			 * different sample rate codes in silence.
+			 * Adjust period.
+			 */
+			if ((v->rate != -1) && (uc != v->rate))
+				period = (period * (256 - uc))/(256 - v->rate);
+			else
+				v->rate = uc;
+			v->rest = period;
+			v->silent = 1;
+			return;
+			}
+		case VOC_MARKER:
+			uc = getc(ft->fp);
+			uc = getc(ft->fp);
+			/* Falling! Falling! */
+		case VOC_TEXT:
+			{
+			int i;
+			/* Could add to comment in SF? */
+			for(i = 0; i < sblen; i++)
+				getc(ft->fp);
+			}
+			continue;	/* get next block */
+		case VOC_LOOP:
+		case VOC_LOOPEND:
+			report("File %s: skipping repeat loop");
+			for(i = 0; i < sblen; i++)
+				getc(ft->fp);
+			break;
+			/* An Extended block is followed by a data block */
+			/* Set this byte so we know to use the rate      */
+			/* value from the extended block and not the     */
+			/* data block.					 */
+			v->extended = 1;
+			new_rate = rlshort(ft);
+			if (new_rate == 0)
+			   fail("File %s: Sample rate is zero?");
+			if ((v->rate != -1) && (new_rate != v->rate))
+			   fail("File %s: sample rate codes differ: %d != %d",
+					ft->filename, v->rate, new_rate);
+			v->rate = new_rate;
+			uc = getc(ft->fp);
+			if (uc != 0)
+				fail("File %s: only interpret 8-bit data!",
+					ft->filename);
+			uc = getc(ft->fp);
+			if (uc)
+				ft->info.channels = 2;  /* Stereo */
+			/* Needed number of channels before finishing
+			   compute for rate */
+			ft->info.rate = (256000000L/(65536L - v->rate))/ft->info.channels;
+			/* An extended block must be followed by a data */
+			/* block to be valid so loop back to top so it  */
+			/* can be grabed.				*/
+			continue;
+		default:
+			report("File %s: skipping unknown block code %d",
+				ft->filename, block);
+			for(i = 0; i < sblen; i++)
+				getc(ft->fp);
+		}
+	}
+/* Start an output block. */
+void blockstart(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+	vs_t v = (vs_t) ft->priv;
+	v->blockseek = ftell(ft->fp);
+	if (v->silent) {
+		putc(VOC_SILENCE, ft->fp);	/* Silence block code */
+		putc(0, ft->fp);		/* Period length */
+		putc(0, ft->fp);		/* Period length */
+		putc((int) v->rate, ft->fp);		/* Rate code */
+	} else {
+	  if (ft->info.size == BYTE) {
+	    /* 8-bit sample section.  By always setting the correct     */
+	    /* rate value in the DATA block (even when its preceeded    */
+	    /* by an EXTENDED block) old software can still play stereo */
+	    /* files in mono by just skipping over the EXTENDED block.  */
+	    /* Prehaps the rate should be doubled though to make up for */
+	    /* double amount of samples for a given time????            */
+	    if (ft->info.channels > 1) {
+	      putc(VOC_EXTENDED, ft->fp);	/* Voice Extended block code */
+	      putc(4, ft->fp);                /* block length = 4 */
+	      putc(0, ft->fp);                /* block length = 4 */
+	      putc(0, ft->fp);                /* block length = 4 */
+		  v->rate = 65536L - (256000000.0/(2*(float)ft->info.rate));
+	      wlshort(ft,v->rate);	/* Rate code */
+	      putc(0, ft->fp);                /* File is not packed */
+	      putc(1, ft->fp);                /* samples are in stereo */
+	    }
+	    putc(VOC_DATA, ft->fp);		/* Voice Data block code */
+	    putc(0, ft->fp);		/* block length (for now) */
+	    putc(0, ft->fp);		/* block length (for now) */
+	    putc(0, ft->fp);		/* block length (for now) */
+	    v->rate = 256 - (1000000.0/(float)ft->info.rate);
+	    putc((int) v->rate, ft->fp);/* Rate code */
+	    putc(0, ft->fp);		/* 8-bit raw data */
+	} else {
+	    putc(VOC_DATA_16, ft->fp);		/* Voice Data block code */
+	    putc(0, ft->fp);		/* block length (for now) */
+	    putc(0, ft->fp);		/* block length (for now) */
+	    putc(0, ft->fp);		/* block length (for now) */
+	    v->rate = ft->info.rate;
+	    wllong(ft, v->rate);	/* Rate code */
+	    putc(16, ft->fp);		/* Sample Size */
+	    putc(ft->info.channels, ft->fp);	/* Sample Size */
+	    putc(0, ft->fp);		/* Unknown */
+	    putc(0, ft->fp);		/* Unused */
+	    putc(0, ft->fp);		/* Unused */
+	    putc(0, ft->fp);		/* Unused */
+	    putc(0, ft->fp);		/* Unused */
+	    putc(0, ft->fp);		/* Unused */
+	  }
+	}
+/* End the current data or silence block. */
+void blockstop(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	vs_t v = (vs_t) ft->priv;
+	LONG datum;
+	putc(0, ft->fp);			/* End of file block code */
+	fseek(ft->fp, v->blockseek, 0);		/* seek back to block length */
+	fseek(ft->fp, 1, 1);			/* seek forward one */
+	if (v->silent) {
+		datum = (v->samples) & 0xff;
+		putc((int)datum, ft->fp);       /* low byte of length */
+		datum = (v->samples >> 8) & 0xff;
+		putc((int)datum, ft->fp);  /* high byte of length */
+	} else {
+	  if (ft->info.size == BYTE) {
+	    if (ft->info.channels > 1) {
+	      fseek(ft->fp, 8, 1); /* forward 7 + 1 for new block header */
+	    }
+	  }
+	        v->samples += 2;		/* adjustment: SBDK pp. 3-5 */
+		datum = (v->samples) & 0xff;
+		putc((int)datum, ft->fp);       /* low byte of length */
+		datum = (v->samples >> 8) & 0xff;
+		putc((int)datum, ft->fp);  /* middle byte of length */
+		datum = (v->samples >> 16) & 0xff;
+		putc((int)datum, ft->fp); /* high byte of length */
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wav.c
@@ -1,0 +1,986 @@
+ * Microsoft's WAVE sound format driver
+ *
+ * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for
+ * any purpose.  This copyright notice must be maintained. 
+ * Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors are not responsible for 
+ * the consequences of using this software.
+ *
+ * Change History:
+ *
+ * September 11, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+ *   Fixed length bug for IMA and MS ADPCM files.
+ *
+ * June 1, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+ *   Fixed some compiler warnings as reported by Kjetil Torgrim Homme
+ *   <[email protected]>.
+ *   Fixed bug that caused crashes when reading mono MS ADPCM files. Patch
+ *   was sent from Michael Brown ([email protected]).
+ *
+ * March 15, 1998 - Chris Bagwell ([email protected])
+ *   Added support for Microsoft's ADPCM and IMA (or better known as
+ *   DVI) ADPCM format for wav files.  Info on these formats
+ *   was taken from the xanim project, written by
+ *   Mark Podlipec ([email protected]).  For those pieces of code,
+ *   the following copyrights notice applies:
+ *
+ *    XAnim Copyright (C) 1990-1997 by Mark Podlipec.
+ *    All rights reserved.
+ * 
+ *    This software may be freely copied, modified and redistributed without
+ *    fee for non-commerical purposes provided that this copyright notice is
+ *    preserved intact on all copies and modified copies.
+ * 
+ *    There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software.
+ *    It is provided solely "as is". The author(s) disclaim(s) all
+ *    responsibility and liability with respect to this software's usage
+ *    or its effect upon hardware or computer systems.
+ *
+ * NOTE: Previous maintainers weren't very good at providing contact
+ * information.
+ *
+ * Copyright 1992 Rick Richardson
+ * Copyright 1991 Lance Norskog And Sundry Contributors
+ *
+ * Fixed by various contributors previous to 1998:
+ * 1) Little-endian handling
+ * 2) Skip other kinds of file data
+ * 3) Handle 16-bit formats correctly
+ * 4) Not go into infinite loop
+ *
+ * User options should override file header - we assumed user knows what
+ * they are doing if they specify options.
+ * Enhancements and clean up by Graeme W. Gill, 93/5/17
+ */
+#include <string.h>		/* Included for strncmp */
+#include <stdlib.h>		/* Included for malloc and free */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "wav.h"
+/* Private data for .wav file */
+typedef struct wavstuff {
+    LONG	   numSamples;
+    int		   second_header;  /* non-zero on second header write */
+    unsigned short formatTag;	   /* What type of encoding file is using */
+    /* The following are only needed for ADPCM wav files */
+    unsigned short samplesPerBlock;
+    unsigned short bytesPerBlock;
+    unsigned short blockAlign;
+    short	  *samples[2];	    /* Left and Right sample buffers */
+    short	  *samplePtr[2];    /* Pointers to current samples */
+    unsigned short blockSamplesRemaining;/* Samples remaining in each channel */    
+    unsigned char *packet;	    /* Temporary buffer for packets */
+} *wav_t;
+static char *wav_format_str();
+LONG rawread(P3(ft_t, LONG *, LONG));
+void rawwrite(P3(ft_t, LONG *, LONG));
+void wavwritehdr(P1(ft_t));
+ *
+ * Lookup tables for MS ADPCM format
+ *
+ */
+static LONG gaiP4[]    = { 230, 230, 230, 230, 307, 409, 512, 614,
+			   768, 614, 512, 409, 307, 230, 230, 230 };
+/* TODO : The first 7 coef's are are always hardcode and must
+   appear in the actual WAVE file.  They should be read in
+   in case a sound program added extras to the list. */
+static LONG gaiCoef1[] = { 256, 512, 0, 192, 240, 460,  392 };
+static LONG gaiCoef2[] = { 0, -256,  0,  64,   0,-208, -232};
+ *
+ * Lookup tables for IMA ADPCM format
+ *
+ */
+static int imaIndexAdjustTable[16] = {
+   -1, -1, -1, -1,  /* +0 - +3, decrease the step size */
+    2, 4, 6, 8,     /* +4 - +7, increase the step size */
+   -1, -1, -1, -1,  /* -0 - -3, decrease the step size */
+    2, 4, 6, 8,     /* -4 - -7, increase the step size */
+static int imaStepSizeTable[89] = {
+   7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 31, 34,
+   37, 41, 45, 50, 55, 60, 66, 73, 80, 88, 97, 107, 118, 130, 143,
+   157, 173, 190, 209, 230, 253, 279, 307, 337, 371, 408, 449, 494,
+   544, 598, 658, 724, 796, 876, 963, 1060, 1166, 1282, 1411, 1552,
+   1707, 1878, 2066, 2272, 2499, 2749, 3024, 3327, 3660, 4026,
+   4428, 4871, 5358, 5894, 6484, 7132, 7845, 8630, 9493, 10442,
+   11487, 12635, 13899, 15289, 16818, 18500, 20350, 22385, 24623,
+   27086, 29794, 32767
+/* IMA ADPCM Support Functions Section                                      */
+ *
+ * MsAdpcmDecode - Decode a given sample and update state tables
+ *
+ */
+short ImaAdpcmDecode(deltaCode, state) 
+unsigned char deltaCode;
+ImaState_t *state;
+    /* Get the current step size */
+   int step;
+   int difference;
+   step = imaStepSizeTable[state->index];
+   /* Construct the difference by scaling the current step size */
+   /* This is approximately: difference = (deltaCode+.5)*step/4 */
+   difference = step>>3;
+   if ( deltaCode & 1 ) difference += step>>2;
+   if ( deltaCode & 2 ) difference += step>>1;
+   if ( deltaCode & 4 ) difference += step;
+   if ( deltaCode & 8 ) difference = -difference;
+   /* Build the new sample */
+   state->previousValue += difference;
+   if (state->previousValue > 32767) state->previousValue = 32767;
+   else if (state->previousValue < -32768) state->previousValue = -32768;
+   /* Update the step for the next sample */
+   state->index += imaIndexAdjustTable[deltaCode];
+   if (state->index < 0) state->index = 0;
+   else if (state->index > 88) state->index = 88;
+   return state->previousValue;
+ *
+ * ImaAdpcmNextBlock - Grab and decode complete block of samples
+ *
+ */
+unsigned short  ImaAdpcmNextBlock(ft)
+ft_t ft;    
+    wav_t	wav = (wav_t) ft->priv;
+    /* Pull in the packet and check the header */
+    unsigned short bytesRead;
+    unsigned char *bytePtr;
+    ImaState_t state[2];  /* One decompressor state for each channel */
+    int ch;
+    unsigned short remaining;
+    unsigned short samplesThisBlock;
+    int i;
+    unsigned char b;
+    bytesRead = fread(wav->packet,1,wav->blockAlign,ft->fp);
+    if (bytesRead < wav->blockAlign) 
+    { 
+	/* If it looks like a valid header is around then try and */
+	/* work with partial blocks.  Specs say it should be null */
+	/* padded but I guess this is better then trailing quite. */
+	if (bytesRead >= (4 * ft->info.channels))
+	{
+	    samplesThisBlock = (wav->blockAlign - (3 * ft->info.channels));
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    warn ("Premature EOF on .wav input file");
+	    return 0;
+	}
+    }
+    else
+	samplesThisBlock = wav->samplesPerBlock;
+    bytePtr = wav->packet;
+    /* Read the four-byte header for each channel */
+    /* Reset the decompressor */
+    for(ch=0;ch < ft->info.channels; ch++) {
+	/* Got this from xanim */
+	state[ch].previousValue = ((int)bytePtr[1]<<8) +
+	    (int)bytePtr[0];
+	if (state[ch].previousValue & 0x8000)
+	    state[ch].previousValue -= 0x10000;
+	if (bytePtr[2] > 88)
+	{
+	    warn("IMA ADPCM Format Error (bad index value) in wav file");
+	    state[ch].index = 88;
+	}
+	else
+	    state[ch].index = bytePtr[2];
+	if (bytePtr[3])
+	    warn("IMA ADPCM Format Error (synchronization error) in wav file");
+	bytePtr+=4; /* Skip this header */
+	wav->samplePtr[ch] = wav->samples[ch];
+	/* Decode one sample for the header */
+	*(wav->samplePtr[ch]++) = state[ch].previousValue;
+    }
+    /* Decompress nybbles. Remainging is bytes in block minus header  */
+    /* Subtract the one sample taken from header */
+    remaining = samplesThisBlock-1;
+    while (remaining) {
+	/* Always decode 8 samples */
+	remaining -= 8;
+	/* Decode 8 left samples */
+	for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
+	    b = *bytePtr++;
+	    *(wav->samplePtr[0]++) = ImaAdpcmDecode(b & 0x0f,&state[0]);
+	    *(wav->samplePtr[0]++) = ImaAdpcmDecode((b>>4) & 0x0f,&state[0]);
+	}
+	if (ft->info.channels < 2)
+	    continue; /* If mono, skip rest of loop */
+	/* Decode 8 right samples */
+	for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
+	    b = *bytePtr++;
+	    *(wav->samplePtr[1]++) = ImaAdpcmDecode(b & 0x0f,&state[1]);
+	    *(wav->samplePtr[1]++) = ImaAdpcmDecode((b>>4) & 0x0f,&state[1]);
+	}
+    }
+    /* For a full block, the following should be true: */
+    /* wav->samplesPerBlock = blockAlign - 8byte header + 1 sample in header */
+    return wav->samplesPerBlock;
+/* MS ADPCM Support Functions Section                                       */
+ *
+ * MsAdpcmDecode - Decode a given sample and update state tables
+ *
+ */
+LONG MsAdpcmDecode(deltaCode, state) 
+LONG deltaCode;
+MsState_t *state;
+    LONG predict;
+    LONG sample;
+    LONG idelta;
+    /** Compute next Adaptive Scale Factor (ASF) **/
+    idelta = state->index;
+    state->index = (gaiP4[deltaCode] * idelta) >> 8;
+    if (state->index < 16) state->index = 16;
+    if (deltaCode & 0x08) deltaCode = deltaCode - 0x10;
+    /** Predict next sample **/
+    predict = ((state->sample1 * gaiCoef1[state->bpred]) + (state->sample2 * gaiCoef2[state->bpred])) >> 8;
+    /** reconstruct original PCM **/
+    sample = (deltaCode * idelta) + predict;
+    if (sample > 32767) sample = 32767;
+    else if (sample < -32768) sample = -32768;
+    state->sample2 = state->sample1;
+    state->sample1 = sample;
+    return (sample);
+ *
+ * MsAdpcmNextBlock - Grab and decode complete block of samples
+ *
+ */
+unsigned short  MsAdpcmNextBlock(ft)
+ft_t ft;    
+    wav_t	wav = (wav_t) ft->priv;
+    unsigned short bytesRead;
+    unsigned char *bytePtr;
+    MsState_t state[2];  /* One decompressor state for each channel */
+    unsigned short samplesThisBlock;
+    unsigned short remaining;
+    unsigned char b;
+    /* Pull in the packet and check the header */
+    bytesRead = fread(wav->packet,1,wav->blockAlign,ft->fp);
+    if (bytesRead < wav->blockAlign) 
+    {
+	/* If it looks like a valid header is around then try and */
+	/* work with partial blocks.  Specs say it should be null */
+	/* padded but I guess this is better then trailing quite. */
+	if (bytesRead >= (7 * ft->info.channels))
+	{
+	    samplesThisBlock = (wav->blockAlign - (6 * ft->info.channels));
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    warn ("Premature EOF on .wav input file");
+	    return 0;
+	}
+    }
+    else
+	samplesThisBlock = wav->samplesPerBlock;
+    bytePtr = wav->packet;
+    /* Read the four-byte header for each channel */
+    /* Reset the decompressor */
+    state[0].bpred = *bytePtr++;	/* Left */
+    if (ft->info.channels > 1)
+	state[1].bpred = *bytePtr++;	/* Right */
+    else
+	state[1].bpred = 0;
+    /* 7 should be variable from AVI/WAV header */
+    if (state[0].bpred >= 7)
+    {
+	warn("MSADPCM bpred %x and should be less than 7\n",state[0].bpred);
+	return(0);
+    }
+    if (state[1].bpred >= 7)
+    {
+	warn("MSADPCM bpred %x and should be less than 7\n",state[1].bpred);
+	return(0);
+    }
+    state[0].index = *bytePtr++;  state[0].index |= (*bytePtr++)<<8;
+    if (state[0].index & 0x8000) state[0].index -= 0x10000;
+    if (ft->info.channels > 1)
+    {
+	state[1].index = *bytePtr++;  state[1].index |= (*bytePtr++)<<8;
+	if (state[1].index & 0x8000) state[1].index -= 0x10000;
+    }
+    state[0].sample1 = *bytePtr++;  state[0].sample1 |= (*bytePtr++)<<8;
+    if (state[0].sample1 & 0x8000) state[0].sample1 -= 0x10000;
+    if (ft->info.channels > 1)
+    {
+	state[1].sample1 = *bytePtr++;  state[1].sample1 |= (*bytePtr++)<<8;
+	if (state[1].sample1 & 0x8000) state[1].sample1 -= 0x10000;
+    }
+    state[0].sample2 = *bytePtr++;  state[0].sample2 |= (*bytePtr++)<<8;
+    if (state[0].sample2 & 0x8000) state[0].sample2 -= 0x10000;
+    if (ft->info.channels > 1)
+    {
+	state[1].sample2 = *bytePtr++;  state[1].sample2 |= (*bytePtr++)<<8;
+	if (state[1].sample2 & 0x8000) state[1].sample2 -= 0x10000;
+    }
+    wav->samplePtr[0] = wav->samples[0];
+    wav->samplePtr[1] = wav->samples[1];
+    /* Decode two samples for the header */
+    *(wav->samplePtr[0]++) = state[0].sample2;
+    *(wav->samplePtr[0]++) = state[0].sample1;
+    if (ft->info.channels > 1)
+    {
+	*(wav->samplePtr[1]++) = state[1].sample2;
+	*(wav->samplePtr[1]++) = state[1].sample1;
+    }
+    /* Decompress nybbles.  Minus 2 included in header */
+    remaining = samplesThisBlock-2;
+    while (remaining) {
+	b = *bytePtr++;
+	*(wav->samplePtr[0]++) = MsAdpcmDecode((b>>4) & 0x0f, &state[0]);
+	remaining--;
+	if (ft->info.channels == 1)
+	{	    
+	    *(wav->samplePtr[0]++) = MsAdpcmDecode(b & 0x0f, &state[0]);
+	    remaining--;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+	    *(wav->samplePtr[1]++) = MsAdpcmDecode(b & 0x0f, &state[1]);
+	}
+    }
+    return samplesThisBlock;
+/* General Sox WAV file code                                                */
+ * Do anything required before you start reading samples.
+ * Read file header. 
+ *	Find out sampling rate, 
+ *	size and style of samples, 
+ *	mono/stereo/quad.
+ */
+void wavstartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+    wav_t	wav = (wav_t) ft->priv;
+    char	magic[4];
+    ULONG	len;
+    int		littlendian = 1;
+    char	*endptr;
+    /* wave file characteristics */
+    unsigned short wChannels;	    /* number of channels */
+    ULONG    wSamplesPerSecond;     /* samples per second per channel */
+    ULONG    wAvgBytesPerSec;	    /* estimate of bytes per second needed */
+    unsigned short wBitsPerSample;  /* bits per sample */
+    unsigned short wExtSize = 0;    /* extended field for ADPCM */
+    unsigned short wNumCoefs = 0;   /* Related to IMA ADPCM */
+    ULONG    data_length;	    /* length of sound data in bytes */
+    ULONG    bytespersample;	    /* bytes per sample (per channel */
+    endptr = (char *) &littlendian;
+    if (!*endptr) ft->swap = 1;
+    /* If you need to seek around the input file. */
+    if (0 && ! ft->seekable)
+	fail("WAVE input file must be a file, not a pipe");
+    if ( fread(magic, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4 || strncmp("RIFF", magic, 4))
+	fail("WAVE: RIFF header not found");
+    len = rllong(ft);
+    if ( fread(magic, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4 || strncmp("WAVE", magic, 4))
+	fail("WAVE header not found");
+    /* Now look for the format chunk */
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	if ( fread(magic, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4 )
+	    fail("WAVE file missing fmt spec");
+	len = rllong(ft);
+	if (strncmp("fmt ", magic, 4) == 0)
+	    break;				/* Found the format chunk */
+	/* skip to next chunk */	
+	while (len > 0 && !feof(ft->fp))
+	{
+	    getc(ft->fp);
+	    len--;
+	}
+    }
+    if ( len < 16 )
+	fail("WAVE file fmt chunk is too short");
+    wav->formatTag = rlshort(ft);
+    len -= 2;
+    switch (wav->formatTag)
+    {
+	fail("WAVE file is in unsupported Microsoft Official Unknown format.");
+    case WAVE_FORMAT_PCM:
+        /* Default (-1) depends on sample size.  Set that later on. */
+	if (ft-> != -1 && ft-> != UNSIGNED &&
+	    ft-> != SIGN2)
+	    warn("User options overriding style read in .wav header");
+	break;
+	if (ft-> == -1 || ft-> == ADPCM)
+	    ft-> = ADPCM;
+	else
+	    warn("User options overriding style read in .wav header");
+	break;
+	if (ft-> == -1 || ft-> == ALAW)
+	    ft-> = ALAW;
+	else
+	    warn("User options overriding style read in .wav header");
+	break;
+	if (ft-> == -1 || ft-> == ULAW)
+	    ft-> = ULAW;
+	else
+	    warn("User options overriding style read in .wav header");
+	break;
+	fail("Sorry, this WAV file is in OKI ADPCM format.");
+	fail("Sorry, this WAV file is in Digistd format.");
+	fail("Sorry, this WAV file is in Digifix format.");
+	fail("Sorry, this WAV file is in IBM U-law format.");
+    case IBM_FORMAT_ALAW:
+	fail("Sorry, this WAV file is in IBM A-law format.");
+	fail("Sorry, this WAV file is in IBM ADPCM format.");
+    default:	fail("WAV file has unknown format type");
+    }
+    wChannels = rlshort(ft);
+    len -= 2;
+    /* User options take precedence */
+    if (ft->info.channels == -1 || ft->info.channels == wChannels)
+	ft->info.channels = wChannels;
+    else
+	warn("User options overriding channels read in .wav header");
+    wSamplesPerSecond = rllong(ft);
+    len -= 4;
+    if (ft->info.rate == 0 || ft->info.rate == wSamplesPerSecond)
+	ft->info.rate = wSamplesPerSecond;
+    else
+	warn("User options overriding rate read in .wav header");
+    wAvgBytesPerSec = rllong(ft);	/* Average bytes/second */
+    wav->blockAlign = rlshort(ft);	/* Block align */
+    len -= 6;
+    /* bits per sample per channel */	
+    wBitsPerSample =  rlshort(ft);
+    len -= 2;
+    /* ADPCM formats have extended fmt chunk.  Check for those cases. */
+    if (wav->formatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM)
+    {
+	if (wBitsPerSample != 4)
+	    fail("Can only handle 4-bit MS ADPCM in wav files");
+	wExtSize = rlshort(ft);
+	wav->samplesPerBlock = rlshort(ft);
+	wav->bytesPerBlock = (wav->samplesPerBlock + 7)/2 * ft->info.channels;
+	wNumCoefs = rlshort(ft);
+	wav->packet = (unsigned char *)malloc(wav->blockAlign);
+	len -= 6;
+	wav->samples[1] = wav->samples[0] = 0;
+	/* Use ft->info.channels after this becuase wChannels is now bad */
+	while (wChannels-- > 0)
+	    wav->samples[wChannels] = (short *)malloc(wav->samplesPerBlock*sizeof(short));
+	/* Here we are setting the bytespersample AFTER de-compression */
+	bytespersample = WORD;
+    }
+    else if (wav->formatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM)
+    {
+	if (wBitsPerSample != 4)
+	    fail("Can only handle 4-bit IMA ADPCM in wav files");
+	wExtSize = rlshort(ft);
+	wav->samplesPerBlock = rlshort(ft);
+	wav->bytesPerBlock = (wav->samplesPerBlock + 7)/2 * ft->info.channels;
+	wav->packet = (unsigned char *)malloc(wav->blockAlign);
+	len -= 4;
+	wav->samples[1] = wav->samples[0] = 0;
+	/* Use ft->info.channels after this becuase wChannels is now bad */
+	while (wChannels-- > 0)
+	    wav->samples[wChannels] = (short *)malloc(wav->samplesPerBlock*sizeof(short));
+	/* Here we are setting the bytespersample AFTER de-compression */
+	bytespersample = WORD;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      bytespersample = (wBitsPerSample + 7)/8;
+    }
+    switch (bytespersample)
+    {
+    case BYTE:
+	/* User options take precedence */
+	if (ft->info.size == -1 || ft->info.size == BYTE)
+	    ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	else
+	    warn("User options overriding size read in .wav header");
+	/* Now we have enough information to set default styles. */
+	if (ft-> == -1)
+	    ft-> = UNSIGNED;
+	break;
+    case WORD:
+	if (ft->info.size == -1 || ft->info.size == WORD)
+	    ft->info.size = WORD;
+	else
+	    warn("User options overriding size read in .wav header");
+	/* Now we have enough information to set default styles. */
+	if (ft-> == -1)
+	    ft-> = SIGN2;
+	break;
+    case DWORD:
+	if (ft->info.size == -1 || ft->info.size == DWORD)
+	    ft->info.size = DWORD;
+	else
+	    warn("User options overriding size read in .wav header");
+	/* Now we have enough information to set default styles. */
+	if (ft-> == -1)
+	    ft-> = SIGN2;
+	break;
+    default:
+	fail("Sorry, don't understand .wav size");
+    }
+    /* Skip past the rest of any left over fmt chunk */
+    while (len > 0 && !feof(ft->fp))
+    {
+	getc(ft->fp);
+	len--;
+    }
+    /* Now look for the wave data chunk */
+    for (;;)
+    {
+	if ( fread(magic, 1, 4, ft->fp) != 4 )
+	    fail("WAVE file has missing data chunk");
+	len = rllong(ft);
+	if (strncmp("data", magic, 4) == 0)
+	    break;				/* Found the data chunk */
+	while (len > 0 && !feof(ft->fp)) 	/* skip to next chunk */
+	{
+	    getc(ft->fp);
+	    len--;
+	}
+    }
+    data_length = len;
+    if (wav->formatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM)
+    {
+	/* Compute easiest part of number of samples.  For every block, there
+	   are samplesPerBlock samples to read. */
+	wav->numSamples = (((data_length / wav->blockAlign) * wav->samplesPerBlock) * ft->info.channels);
+	/* Next, for any partial blocks, substract overhead from it and it
+	   will leave # of samples to read. */
+	wav->numSamples += ((data_length - ((data_length/wav->blockAlign)
+					    *wav->blockAlign))
+			    - (6 * ft->info.channels)) * ft->info.channels;
+	wav->blockSamplesRemaining = 0;	       /* Samples left in buffer */
+    }
+    else if (wav->formatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM)
+    {
+	/* Compute easiest part of number of samples.  For every block, there
+	   are samplesPerBlock samples to read. */
+	wav->numSamples = (((data_length / wav->blockAlign) * wav->samplesPerBlock) * ft->info.channels);
+	/* Next, for any partial blocks, substract overhead from it and it
+	   will leave # of samples to read. */
+	wav->numSamples += ((data_length - ((data_length/wav->blockAlign)
+					    *wav->blockAlign))
+			    - (3 * ft->info.channels)) * ft->info.channels;
+	wav->blockSamplesRemaining = 0;	       /* Samples left in buffer */
+    }
+    else
+	wav->numSamples = data_length/ft->info.size;	/* total samples */
+    report("Reading Wave file: %s format, %d channel%s, %d samp/sec",
+	   wav_format_str(wav->formatTag), ft->info.channels,
+	   wChannels == 1 ? "" : "s", wSamplesPerSecond);
+    report("        %d byte/sec, %d block align, %d bits/samp, %u data bytes",
+	   wAvgBytesPerSec, wav->blockAlign, wBitsPerSample, data_length);
+    /* Can also report exteded fmt information */
+    if (wav->formatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM)
+	report("        %d Extsize, %d Samps/block, %d bytes/block %d Num Coefs\n",wExtSize,wav->samplesPerBlock,wav->bytesPerBlock,wNumCoefs);
+    else if (wav->formatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM)
+	report("        %d Extsize, %d Samps/block, %d bytes/block\n",wExtSize,wav->samplesPerBlock,wav->bytesPerBlock);
+ * Read up to len samples from file.
+ * Convert to signed longs.
+ * Place in buf[].
+ * Return number of samples read.
+ */
+LONG wavread(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	wav_t	wav = (wav_t) ft->priv;
+	LONG	done;
+	if (len > wav->numSamples) len = wav->numSamples;
+	/* If file is in ADPCM style then read in multiple blocks else */
+	/* read as much as possible and return quickly. */
+	if (ft-> == ADPCM)
+	{
+	    done = 0;
+	    while (done < len) { /* Still want data? */
+		/* See if need to read more from disk */
+		if (wav->blockSamplesRemaining == 0) { 
+		    if (wav->formatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM)
+			wav->blockSamplesRemaining = ImaAdpcmNextBlock(ft);
+		    else
+			wav->blockSamplesRemaining = MsAdpcmNextBlock(ft);
+		    if (wav->blockSamplesRemaining == 0)
+		    {
+			/* Don't try to read any more samples */
+			wav->numSamples = 0;
+			return done;
+		    }
+		    wav->samplePtr[0] = wav->samples[0];
+		    wav->samplePtr[1] = wav->samples[1];
+		}
+		switch(ft->info.channels) { /* Copy data into buf */
+		case 1: /* Mono: Just copy left channel data */
+		    while ((wav->blockSamplesRemaining > 0) && (done < len))
+		    {
+			/* Output is already signed */
+			*buf++ = LEFT(*(wav->samplePtr[0]++), 16);
+			done++;
+			wav->blockSamplesRemaining--;
+		    }
+		    break;
+		case 2: /* Stereo: Interleave samples */
+		    while ((wav->blockSamplesRemaining > 0) && (done < len))
+		    {
+			/* Output is already signed */
+			*buf++ = LEFT(*(wav->samplePtr[0]++),16); /* Left */
+			*buf++ = LEFT(*(wav->samplePtr[1]++),16); /* Right */
+			done += 2;
+			wav->blockSamplesRemaining--;
+		    }
+		    break;
+		default:
+		    fail ("Can only handle stereo or mono files");
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	else /* else not ADPCM style */
+	{
+	    done = rawread(ft, buf, len);
+	    /* If software thinks there are more samples but I/O */
+	    /* says otherwise, let the user no about this.       */
+	    if (done == 0 && wav->numSamples != 0)
+		warn("Premature EOF on .wav input file");
+	}
+	wav->numSamples -= done;
+	return done;
+ * Do anything required when you stop reading samples.  
+ * Don't close input file! 
+ */
+void wavstopread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+    wav_t	wav = (wav_t) ft->priv;
+    if (wav->packet) free(wav->packet);
+    if (wav->samples[0]) free(wav->samples[0]);
+    if (wav->samples[1]) free(wav->samples[1]);
+void wavstartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	wav_t	wav = (wav_t) ft->priv;
+	int	littlendian = 1;
+	char	*endptr;
+	endptr = (char *) &littlendian;
+	if (!*endptr) ft->swap = 1;
+	wav->numSamples = 0;
+	wav->second_header = 0;
+	if (! ft->seekable)
+		warn("Length in output .wav header will wrong since can't seek to fix it");
+	wavwritehdr(ft);
+void wavwritehdr(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	wav_t	wav = (wav_t) ft->priv;
+        /* wave file characteristics */
+        unsigned short wFormatTag = 0;          /* data format */
+        unsigned short wChannels;               /* number of channels */
+        ULONG  wSamplesPerSecond;       	/* samples per second per channel */
+        ULONG  wAvgBytesPerSec;        		 /* estimate of bytes per second needed */
+        unsigned short wBlockAlign;             /* byte alignment of a basic sample block */
+        unsigned short wBitsPerSample;          /* bits per sample */
+        ULONG  data_length;             	/* length of sound data in bytes */
+	ULONG  bytespersample; 			/* bytes per sample (per channel) */
+	switch (ft->info.size)
+	{
+		case BYTE:
+		        wBitsPerSample = 8;
+			break;
+		case WORD:
+			wBitsPerSample = 16;
+			break;
+		case DWORD:
+			wBitsPerSample = 32;
+			break;
+		default:
+			wBitsPerSample = 32;
+			break;
+	}
+	switch (ft->
+	{
+		case UNSIGNED:
+			wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
+			if (wBitsPerSample != 8 && !wav->second_header)
+				warn("Warning - writing bad .wav file using unsigned data and %d bits/sample",wBitsPerSample);
+			break;
+		case SIGN2:
+			wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
+			if (wBitsPerSample == 8 && !wav->second_header)
+				warn("Warning - writing bad .wav file using signed data and %d bits/sample",wBitsPerSample);
+			break;
+		case ALAW:
+			wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW;
+			if (wBitsPerSample != 8 && !wav->second_header)
+				warn("Warning - writing bad .wav file using A-law data and %d bits/sample",wBitsPerSample);
+			break;
+		case ULAW:
+			wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW;
+			if (wBitsPerSample != 8 && !wav->second_header)
+				warn("Warning - writing bad .wav file using U-law data and %d bits/sample",wBitsPerSample);
+			break;
+		case ADPCM:
+			wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM;
+		        warn("Can not support writing ADPCM style. Overriding to Signed Words\n");
+			ft-> = SIGN2;
+			wBitsPerSample = 16;
+			/* wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM;
+			   wBitsPerSample = 4;
+			if (wBitsPerSample != 4 && !wav->second_header)
+			warn("Warning - writing bad .wav file using IMA ADPCM and %d bits/sample",wBitsPerSample);
+			break; */
+	}
+	wSamplesPerSecond = ft->info.rate;
+	bytespersample = (wBitsPerSample + 7)/8;
+	wAvgBytesPerSec = ft->info.rate * ft->info.channels * bytespersample;
+	wChannels = ft->info.channels;
+	wBlockAlign = ft->info.channels * bytespersample;
+	if (!wav->second_header)	/* use max length value first time */
+		data_length = 0x7fffffffL - (8+16+12);
+	else	/* fixup with real length */
+	{
+	    if (ft-> == ADPCM)
+		data_length = wav->numSamples / 2;
+	    else
+		data_length = bytespersample * wav->numSamples;
+	}
+	/* figured out header info, so write it */
+	fputs("RIFF", ft->fp);
+	wllong(ft, data_length + 8+16+12);	/* Waveform chunk size: FIXUP(4) */
+	fputs("WAVE", ft->fp);
+	fputs("fmt ", ft->fp);
+	wllong(ft, (LONG)16);		/* fmt chunk size */
+	wlshort(ft, wFormatTag);
+	wlshort(ft, wChannels);
+	wllong(ft, wSamplesPerSecond);
+	wllong(ft, wAvgBytesPerSec);
+	wlshort(ft, wBlockAlign);
+	wlshort(ft, wBitsPerSample);
+	fputs("data", ft->fp);
+	wllong(ft, data_length);		/* data chunk size: FIXUP(40) */
+	if (!wav->second_header) {
+		report("Writing Wave file: %s format, %d channel%s, %d samp/sec",
+	        	wav_format_str(wFormatTag), wChannels,
+	        	wChannels == 1 ? "" : "s", wSamplesPerSecond);
+		report("        %d byte/sec, %d block align, %d bits/samp",
+	                wAvgBytesPerSec, wBlockAlign, wBitsPerSample);
+	} else
+		report("Finished writing Wave file, %u data bytes\n",data_length);
+void wavwrite(ft, buf, len) 
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, len;
+	wav_t	wav = (wav_t) ft->priv;
+	wav->numSamples += len;
+	rawwrite(ft, buf, len);
+ft_t ft;
+	/* All samples are already written out. */
+	/* If file header needs fixing up, for example it needs the */
+ 	/* the number of samples in a field, seek back and write them here. */
+	if (!ft->seekable)
+		return;
+	if (fseek(ft->fp, 0L, 0) != 0)
+		fail("Sorry, can't rewind output file to rewrite .wav header.");
+	((wav_t) ft->priv)->second_header = 1;
+	wavwritehdr(ft);
+ * Return a string corresponding to the wave format type.
+ */
+static char *
+unsigned wFormatTag;
+	switch (wFormatTag)
+	{
+			return "Microsoft Official Unknown";
+			return "Microsoft PCM";
+			return "Microsoft ADPCM";
+			return "Microsoft A-law";
+			return "Microsoft U-law";
+			return "OKI ADPCM format.";
+			return "IMA ADPCM";
+			return "Digistd format.";
+			return "Digifix format.";
+			return "IBM U-law format.";
+			return "IBM A-law";
+                case IBM_FORMAT_ADPCM:
+                	return "IBM ADPCM";
+		default:
+			return "Unknown";
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wav.h
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+/* wav.h - various structures and defines used by WAV converter. */
+/* purloined from public Microsoft RIFF docs */
+#define	WAVE_FORMAT_UNKNOWN		(0x0000)
+#define	WAVE_FORMAT_PCM			(0x0001) 
+#define	WAVE_FORMAT_ADPCM		(0x0002)
+#define	WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW		(0x0006)
+#define	WAVE_FORMAT_MULAW		(0x0007)
+#define	WAVE_FORMAT_OKI_ADPCM		(0x0010)
+#define WAVE_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM		(0x0011)
+#define	WAVE_FORMAT_DIGISTD		(0x0015)
+#define	WAVE_FORMAT_DIGIFIX		(0x0016)
+#define	IBM_FORMAT_MULAW         	(0x0101)
+#define	IBM_FORMAT_ALAW			(0x0102)
+#define	IBM_FORMAT_ADPCM         	(0x0103)
+typedef struct MsState {
+    LONG  index;	/* Index into step size table */
+    ULONG bpred;	/* Most recent sample value */
+    LONG  sample1;
+    LONG  sample2;
+} MsState_t;
+typedef struct ImaState {
+   int index;    	/* Index into step size table */
+   int previousValue; 	/* Most recent sample value */
+} ImaState_t;
+#endif /* WAV_H_INCLUDED */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/wve.c
@@ -1,0 +1,158 @@
+ * Psion wve format, based on the au format file. Hacked by
+ * Richard Caley ([email protected])
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include "g72x.h"
+/* Magic numbers used in Psion audio files */
+#define PSION_MAGIC     "ALawSoundFile**"
+#define PSION_VERSION   ((short)3856)
+#define PSION_INV_VERSION   ((short)4111)
+#define PSION_HDRSIZE	32
+struct wvepriv
+    {
+    unsigned int length;
+    short padding;
+    short repeats;
+    };
+void wvewriteheader(P1(ft_t ft));
+LONG rawread(P3(ft_t, LONG *, LONG));
+void rawwrite(P3(ft_t, LONG *, LONG));
+void wvestartread(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	struct wvepriv *p = (struct wvepriv *) ft->priv;
+	char magic[16];
+	short version;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	if (sizeof(struct wvepriv) > PRIVSIZE)
+		fail(
+"struct wvepriv is too big (%d); change PRIVSIZE in st.h and recompile sox",
+		     sizeof(struct wvepriv));
+	/* Check the magic word */
+        fread(magic, 16, 1, ft->fp);
+	if (strcmp(magic, PSION_MAGIC)==0) {
+		report("Found Psion magic word");
+	}
+	else
+		fail("Psion header doesn't start with magic word\nTry the '.al' file type with '-t al -r 8000 filename'");
+        version=rshort(ft);
+	/* Check for what type endian machine its read on */
+	if (version == PSION_INV_VERSION)
+	{
+	    ft->swap = 1;
+	    report("Found inverted PSION magic word");
+	}
+	else if (version == PSION_VERSION)
+	{
+	    ft->swap = 0;
+	    report("Found PSION magic word");
+	}
+	else
+	    fail("Wrong version in Psion header");
+     	p->length=rlong(ft);
+	p->padding=rshort(ft);
+	p->repeats=rshort(ft);
+ 	(void)rshort(ft);
+ 	(void)rshort(ft);
+ 	(void)rshort(ft);
+	ft-> = ALAW;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft->info.rate = 8000;
+	ft->info.channels = 1;
+/* When writing, the header is supposed to contain the number of
+   data bytes written, unless it is written to a pipe.
+   Since we don't know how many bytes will follow until we're done,
+   we first write the header with an unspecified number of bytes,
+   and at the end we rewind the file and write the header again
+   with the right size.  This only works if the file is seekable;
+   if it is not, the unspecified size remains in the header
+   (this is illegal). */
+void wvestartwrite(ft) 
+ft_t ft;
+	struct wvepriv *p = (struct wvepriv *) ft->priv;
+	p->length = 0;
+	if (p->repeats == 0)
+	    p->repeats = 1;
+	ft-> = ALAW;
+	ft->info.size = BYTE;
+	ft->info.rate = 8000;
+	wvewriteheader(ft);
+LONG wveread(ft, buf, samp)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, samp;
+	return rawread(ft, buf, samp);
+void wvewrite(ft, buf, samp)
+ft_t ft;
+LONG *buf, samp;
+	struct wvepriv *p = (struct wvepriv *) ft->priv;
+	p->length += samp * ft->info.size;
+	rawwrite(ft, buf, samp);
+ft_t ft;
+	if (!ft->seekable)
+		return;
+	if (fseek(ft->fp, 0L, 0) != 0)
+		fail("Can't rewind output file to rewrite Psion header.");
+	wvewriteheader(ft);
+void wvewriteheader(ft)
+ft_t ft;
+    char magic[16];
+    short version;
+    short zero;
+    struct wvepriv *p = (struct wvepriv *) ft->priv;
+    strcpy(magic,PSION_MAGIC);
+    version=PSION_VERSION;
+    zero=0;
+    fwrite(magic, sizeof(magic), 1, ft->fp);
+    wshort(ft, version);
+    wblong(ft, p->length);
+    wshort(ft, p->padding);
+    wshort(ft, p->repeats);
+    wshort(ft, zero);
+    wshort(ft, zero);
+    wshort(ft, zero);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -1,0 +1,41 @@
+$   FVER = 'F$VERIFY(0)'
+$ !
+$ ! test files
+$ ! SOX Test script.  This should run without access violating or printing
+$ ! any messages.
+$ !
+$ ! VMS translation of tests.shr
+$ !
+$ ! Modification History
+$ ! 14 Dec 1992, K. S. Kubo, Created
+$ !
+$ ! NOTES:
+$ !	Does not support the voc test w/o checksum and rate byte.
+$ !
+$   FILE 	= "monkey"
+$   PROC_PATH	= F$Environment("PROCEDURE")
+$   SOX		= "$ " + F$Parse(PROC_PATH,,,"DEVICE") + -
+$ !
+$ ! verbose option -- uncomment the following line
+$ ! SOX		= SOX + " ""-V"""
+$ !
+$   DELETE/NOLOG ub.raw;*, sb.raw;*, ub2.raw;*, ub2.voc;*,;*, ub2.sf;*
+$   SOX 'FILE'.voc ub.raw
+$   SOX -t raw -r 8196 -u -b -c 1 ub.raw -r 8196 -s -b sb.raw
+$   SOX -t raw -r 8196 -s -b -c 1 sb.raw -r 8196 -u -b ub2.raw
+$   SOX -r 8196 -u -b -c 1 ub2.raw -r 8196 ub2.voc 
+$   DIFF/MODE=HEX ub.raw ub2.raw
+$   DELETE/NOLOG ub.raw;*, sb.raw;*, ub2.raw;*, ub2.voc;*
+$   SOX 'FILE'.au -u -r 8192 -u -b ub.raw
+$   SOX -r 8192 -u -b ub.raw -U -b 
+$   SOX -u ub2.raw 
+$   SOX -w ub2.sf
+$   DELETE/NOLOG ub.raw;*,;*, ub2.raw;*, ub2.sf;*
+$ !
+$   EXIT
--- /dev/null
+++ b/version.h
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+#define VERSION 12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vms.lis
@@ -1,0 +1,65 @@
+VAX/VMS port of SOX, release 5, patchlevel 7
+As an important side note, the DECsound tool only recognizes DDIF and Sun .au
+format sounds (Sun .au sounds *must* be uLaw, 8000Hz sampling rate to be
+The portmeister makes no representations about the suitability of this
+software for any purpose.  This software is provided "as is" without
+warranties expressed or implied.
+New files:
+	sox.opt	- linker options file
+	descrip.mms - MMS description file
+ - VMS DCL command file to translate a sound to a Sun .au
+	    by way of sound2sun
+	sound2sun.c - program to convert sampled audio files to uLAW format
+	    (by Rich Gopstein and Harris Corporation)
+	sound2sun.opt - options file for sound2sun
+ - VMS DCL command file equivalent of
+Modified files:
+	st.h -
+		added VMS definitions for READBINARY and WRITEBINARY
+		changed "#ifdef SYSV" to "#if defined(SYSV) || defined(VMS)"
+		    to pick up definitions of index, rindex, and bcopy
+		added definitions of macros IMPORT and EXPORT (used on VMS
+		    for variable scope) -- collateral damage affects variables
+		    formats, informat, outformat, sizes, styles, effects
+	wav.c -
+		changed extern to IMPORT for volume, amplitude, summary, and 
+		    verbose
+	voc.c -
+		changed extern to IMPORT for summary and verbose
+	sox.c -
+		replaced "extern errno" with "#include <errno.h>"
+		replaced "extern sys_errlist[]| with "#include <perror.h>"
+		added EXPORT to verbose, summary, volume, amplitdue, 
+		    informat, outformat, and writing
+		removed unneeded extern declaration of formats[] (already
+		    defined in st.h)
+	sndrtool.c -
+		replaced "extern errno" with "#include <errno.h>"
+		replaced "extern sys_errlist[]| with "#include <perror.h>"
+	skel.c -
+		changed extern to IMPORT for volume, amplitude, summary, and 
+		    verbose
+	sf.c -
+		changed extern to IMPORT for summary and verbose
+	sbdsp.c -
+		changed extern to IMPORT for volume, amplitude, summary, and 
+		    verbose
+	raw.c -
+		changed extern to IMPORT for summary and verbose
+	misc.c -
+		moved "#include st.h" to top of file
+		added EXPORT to sizes[] and styles[]
+	handlers.c -
+		added EXPORT to effects[] and formats[]
+	echo.c -
+		changed extern to IMPORT for writing
+	8svx.c -
+		replaced "extern errno" with "#include <errno.h>"
+		replaced "extern sys_errlist[]| with "#include <perror.h>"