ref: 4554e1f0311a0d0f9b62ea8b013fffcfcd82fa7f
dir: /src/compand.c/
/* * Compander effect * * Written by Nick Bailey ([email protected] or * [email protected]) * * Copyright 1999 Chris Bagwell And Nick Bailey * This source code is freely redistributable and may be used for * any purpose. This copyright notice must be maintained. * Chris Bagwell And Nick Bailey are not responsible for * the consequences of using this software. */ #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include "st_i.h" /* * Compressor/expander effect for dsp. * * Flow diagram for one channel: * * ------------ --------------- * | | | | --- * ibuff ---+---| integrator |--->| transfer func |--->| | * | | | | | | | * | ------------ --------------- | | * gain * | | * |----------->obuff * | ------- | | * | | | | | * +----->| delay |-------------------------->| | * | | --- * ------- * * Usage: * compand attack1,decay1[,attack2,decay2...] * in-dB1,out-dB1[,in-dB2,out-dB2...] * [ gain [ initial-volume [ delay ] ] ] * * Note: clipping can occur if the transfer function pushes things too * close to 0 dB. In that case, use a negative gain, or reduce the * output level of the transfer function. */ static st_effect_t st_compand_effect; typedef struct { int expectedChannels; /* Also flags that channels aren't to be treated individually when = 1 and input not mono */ int transferPoints; /* Number of points specified on the transfer function */ double *attackRate; /* An array of attack rates */ double *decayRate; /* ... and of decay rates */ double *transferIns; /* ... and points on the transfer function */ double *transferOuts; double *volume; /* Current "volume" of each channel */ double outgain; /* Post processor gain */ double delay; /* Delay to apply before companding */ st_sample_t *delay_buf; /* Old samples, used for delay processing */ st_ssize_t delay_buf_size;/* Size of delay_buf in samples */ st_ssize_t delay_buf_ptr; /* Index into delay_buf */ st_ssize_t delay_buf_cnt; /* No. of active entries in delay_buf */ short int delay_buf_full; /* Shows buffer situation (important for st_compand_drain) */ } *compand_t; /* * Process options * * Don't do initialization now. * The 'info' fields are not yet filled in. */ static int st_compand_getopts(eff_t effp, int n, char **argv) { compand_t l = (compand_t) effp->priv; if (n < 2 || n > 5) { st_fail (st_compand_effect.usage); return (ST_EOF); } else { /* Right no. of args, but are they well formed? */ char *s; int rates, tfers, i, commas; /* Start by checking the attack and decay rates */ for (s = argv[0], commas = 0; *s; ++s) if (*s == ',') ++commas; if (commas % 2 == 0) /* There must be an even number of attack/decay parameters */ { st_fail("compander: Odd number of attack & decay rate parameters"); return (ST_EOF); } rates = 1 + commas/2; l->attackRate = (double *)xmalloc(sizeof(double) * rates); l->decayRate = (double *)xmalloc(sizeof(double) * rates); l->volume = (double *)xmalloc(sizeof(double) * rates); l->expectedChannels = rates; l->delay_buf = NULL; /* Now tokenise the rates string and set up these arrays. Keep them in seconds at the moment: we don't know the sample rate yet. */ s = strtok(argv[0], ","); i = 0; do { l->attackRate[i] = atof(s); s = strtok(NULL, ","); l->decayRate[i] = atof(s); s = strtok(NULL, ","); ++i; } while (s != NULL); /* Same business, but this time for the transfer function */ for (s = argv[1], commas = 0; *s; ++s) if (*s == ',') ++commas; if (commas % 2 == 0) /* There must be an even number of transfer parameters */ { st_fail("compander: Odd number of transfer function parameters" "Each input value in dB must have a corresponding output value"); return (ST_EOF); } tfers = 3 + commas/2; /* 0, 0 at start; 1, 1 at end */ l->transferIns = (double *)xmalloc(sizeof(double) * tfers); l->transferOuts = (double *)xmalloc(sizeof(double) * tfers); l->transferPoints = tfers; l->transferIns[0] = 0.0; l->transferOuts[0] = 0.0; l->transferIns[tfers-1] = 1.0; l->transferOuts[tfers-1] = 1.0; s = strtok(argv[1], ","); i = 1; do { if (!strcmp(s, "-inf")) { st_fail("Input signals of zero level must always generate zero output"); return (ST_EOF); } l->transferIns[i] = pow(10.0, atof(s)/20.0); if (l->transferIns[i] > 1.0) { st_fail("dB values are relative to maximum input, and, ipso facto, " "cannot exceed 0"); return (ST_EOF); } if (l->transferIns[i] == 1.0) /* Final point was explicit */ --(l->transferPoints); if (i > 0 && l->transferIns[i] <= l->transferIns[i-1]) { st_fail("Transfer function points don't have strictly ascending " "input amplitude"); return (ST_EOF); } s = strtok(NULL, ","); l->transferOuts[i] = strcmp(s, "-inf") ? pow(10.0, atof(s)/20.0) : 0; s = strtok(NULL, ","); ++i; } while (s != NULL); /* If there is a postprocessor gain, store it */ if (n >= 3) l->outgain = pow(10.0, atof(argv[2])/20.0); else l->outgain = 1.0; /* Set the initial "volume" to be attibuted to the input channels. Unless specified, choose 1.0 (maximum) otherwise clipping will result if the user has seleced a long attack time */ for (i = 0; i < l->expectedChannels; ++i) { double v = n>=4 ? pow(10.0, atof(argv[3])/20) : 1.0; l->volume[i] = v; /* If there is a delay, store it. */ if (n >= 5) l->delay = atof(argv[4]); else l->delay = 0.0; } } return (ST_SUCCESS); } /* * Prepare processing. * Do all initializations. */ static int st_compand_start(eff_t effp) { compand_t l = (compand_t) effp->priv; int i; st_debug("Starting compand effect"); st_debug("Rate %ld, size %d, encoding %d, output gain %g.", effp->outinfo.rate, effp->outinfo.size, effp->outinfo.encoding, l->outgain); st_debug("%d input channel(s) expected: actually %d", l->expectedChannels, effp->outinfo.channels); st_debug("Attack and decay rates" "======================"); for (i = 0; i < l->expectedChannels; ++i) st_debug("Channel %d: attack = %-12g decay = %-12g", i, l->attackRate[i], l->decayRate[i]); st_debug("Transfer function (linear values)" "================= ============="); for (i = 0; i < l->transferPoints; ++i) st_debug("%12g -> %-12g", l->transferIns[i], l->transferOuts[i]); /* Convert attack and decay rates using number of samples */ for (i = 0; i < l->expectedChannels; ++i) { if (l->attackRate[i] > 1.0/effp->outinfo.rate) l->attackRate[i] = 1.0 - exp(-1.0/(effp->outinfo.rate * l->attackRate[i])); else l->attackRate[i] = 1.0; if (l->decayRate[i] > 1.0/effp->outinfo.rate) l->decayRate[i] = 1.0 - exp(-1.0/(effp->outinfo.rate * l->decayRate[i])); else l->decayRate[i] = 1.0; } /* Allocate the delay buffer */ l->delay_buf_size = l->delay * effp->outinfo.rate * effp->outinfo.channels; if (l->delay_buf_size > 0) l->delay_buf = (st_sample_t *)xmalloc(sizeof(long) * l->delay_buf_size); for (i = 0; i < l->delay_buf_size; i++) l->delay_buf[i] = 0; l->delay_buf_ptr = 0; l->delay_buf_cnt = 0; l->delay_buf_full= 0; return (ST_SUCCESS); } /* * Update a volume value using the given sample * value, the attack rate and decay rate */ static void doVolume(double *v, double samp, compand_t l, int chan) { double s = samp/ST_SAMPLE_MAX; double delta = s - *v; if (delta > 0.0) /* increase volume according to attack rate */ *v += delta * l->attackRate[chan]; else /* reduce volume according to decay rate */ *v += delta * l->decayRate[chan]; } /* * Processed signed long samples from ibuf to obuf. * Return number of samples processed. */ static int st_compand_flow(eff_t effp, const st_sample_t *ibuf, st_sample_t *obuf, st_size_t *isamp, st_size_t *osamp) { compand_t l = (compand_t) effp->priv; int len = (*isamp > *osamp) ? *osamp : *isamp; int filechans = effp->outinfo.channels; int idone,odone; int64_t checkbuf; /* if st_sample_t of type int32_t */ for (idone = 0,odone = 0; idone < len; ibuf += filechans) { int chan; /* Maintain the volume fields by simulating a leaky pump circuit */ for (chan = 0; chan < filechans; ++chan) { if (l->expectedChannels == 1 && filechans > 1) { /* User is expecting same compander for all channels */ int i; double maxsamp = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < filechans; ++i) { double rect = fabs(ibuf[i]); if (rect > maxsamp) maxsamp = rect; } doVolume(&l->volume[0], maxsamp, l, 0); break; } else doVolume(&l->volume[chan], fabs(ibuf[chan]), l, chan); } /* Volume memory is updated: perform compand */ for (chan = 0; chan < filechans; ++chan) { double v = l->expectedChannels > 1 ? l->volume[chan] : l->volume[0]; double outv; int piece; for (piece = 1 /* yes, 1 */; piece < l->transferPoints; ++piece) if (v >= l->transferIns[piece - 1] && v < l->transferIns[piece]) break; outv = l->transferOuts[piece-1] + (l->transferOuts[piece] - l->transferOuts[piece-1]) * (v - l->transferIns[piece-1]) / (l->transferIns[piece] - l->transferIns[piece-1]); if (l->delay_buf_size <= 0) { checkbuf = ibuf[chan]*(outv/v)*l->outgain; ST_SAMPLE_CLIP_COUNT(checkbuf, effp->clips); obuf[odone] = checkbuf; idone++; odone++; } else { if (l->delay_buf_cnt >= l->delay_buf_size) { l->delay_buf_full=1; /* delay buffer is now definetly full */ checkbuf = l->delay_buf[l->delay_buf_ptr]*(outv/v)*l->outgain; ST_SAMPLE_CLIP_COUNT(checkbuf, effp->clips); obuf[odone] = checkbuf; odone++; idone++; } else { l->delay_buf_cnt++; idone++; /* no "odone++" because we did not fill obuf[...] */ } l->delay_buf[l->delay_buf_ptr++] = ibuf[chan]; l->delay_buf_ptr %= l->delay_buf_size; } } } *isamp = idone; *osamp = odone; return (ST_SUCCESS); } /* * Drain out compander delay lines. */ static int st_compand_drain(eff_t effp, st_sample_t *obuf, st_size_t *osamp) { compand_t l = (compand_t) effp->priv; st_size_t done; /* * Drain out delay samples. Note that this loop does all channels. */ if(l->delay_buf_full==0) l->delay_buf_ptr=0; for (done = 0; done < *osamp && l->delay_buf_cnt > 0; done++) { obuf[done] = l->delay_buf[l->delay_buf_ptr++]; l->delay_buf_ptr %= l->delay_buf_size; l->delay_buf_cnt--; } /* tell caller number of samples played */ *osamp = done; if (l->delay_buf_cnt > 0) return ST_SUCCESS; else return ST_EOF; } /* * Clean up compander effect. */ static int st_compand_stop(eff_t effp) { compand_t l = (compand_t) effp->priv; free((char *) l->delay_buf); free((char *) l->transferOuts); free((char *) l->transferIns); free((char *) l->volume); free((char *) l->decayRate); free((char *) l->attackRate); l->delay_buf = NULL; l->transferOuts = NULL; l->transferIns = NULL; l->volume = NULL; l->decayRate = NULL; l->attackRate = NULL; return (ST_SUCCESS); } static st_effect_t st_compand_effect = { "compand", "Usage: {<attack_time>,<decay_time>}+ {<dB_in>,<db_out>}+ [<dB_postamp> [<initial-volume> [<delay_time]]]\n" " where {}+ means e or more in a comma-separated, white-space-free list'\n" " and [] indications possible omission. dB values are floating\n" " point or -inf'; times are in seconds.", ST_EFF_MCHAN, st_compand_getopts, st_compand_start, st_compand_flow, st_compand_drain, st_compand_stop, st_effect_nothing }; const st_effect_t *st_compand_effect_fn(void) { return &st_compand_effect; }