ref: 307885170d650df8918e71f50b368f76883b68cd
parent: baa718b3cfdebe3d2b8c6dc8223c9fbfd62acb80
author: cbagwell <cbagwell>
date: Tue Nov 30 17:13:09 EST 1999
Adding new gsm/adpcm test program.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,0 +1,102 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# -- program to help generate response/error graphs for adpcm/gsm code.
+# Copyright (C) 1999 Stanley J. Brooks <[email protected]>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+use strict;
+# set default values
+my $toast='/usr/bin/toast';
+my $sox='../sox';
+my $fmt='';
+my $rate=8000; # sample rates
+my $p=200; # silence before/after tonepulse
+my $env="-e2000:8000:2000"; # attack, duration, drop
+my ($ding,$model,$t,$rms,$lim)=("./ding","./model","sw",11585.2, 0.5);
+my $effect=''; # you may want to try a filter
+# parse commandline arguments
+while ($_ = shift @ARGV) {
+ if (m{^-[tgai]$}) {
+ $fmt=$_;
+ } else {
+ unshift @ARGV,$_;
+ last;
+ }
+if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
+ $effect="@ARGV";
+# output a nice header explaining the data
+print("# Testing gsm compress/decompress ");
+if ($fmt eq '-t') {
+ print("by $toast\n");
+ print("by $sox -r$rate in.sw $fmt out.wav $effect\n");
+print("# with tone pulses from 0.00 to 0.99 percent of Nyquist\n");
+print("# produced by $ding -f0.xx -v0.5 -o$p $env -p$p d/i0.xx.$t\n");
+print("# col 1 is frequency/Nyquist\n");
+print("# col 2 is (power) dB gain\n");
+print("# col 3 is (power) dB level of error signal\n");
+print("#\n#freq dB-gain dB-error\n");
+# generate the test data
+my $f;
+my %q;
+my $nyq = 1.0;
+for ($f=0.00; $f<1.001; $f+=0.01) {
+ my @mod;
+ #if ($f>0.995) { $f=0.999; }
+ my $s=sprintf("%4.2f",$f);
+ #print "$ding -v0.5 -o$p $env -p$p -f$s -d1.0 d/i$s.$t\n";
+ qx{$ding -v0.5 -o$p $env -p$p -f$s -d1.0 d/i$s.$t &>/dev/null};
+ if ($fmt eq '-t') {
+ qx{$toast -l d/i$s.$t};
+ qx{$toast -dl d/i$s.$t.gsm};
+ }else{
+ qx{$sox -r$rate d/i$s.$t -g d/g$s.wav $effect 2>/dev/null};
+ unlink "d/i$s.$t";
+ qx{$sox d/g$s.wav d/i$s.$t 2>/dev/null};
+ unlink "d/g$s.wav";
+ }
+ @mod = grep {/v2max/} qx{$model -f$s $env $rate d/i$s.$t 2>&1};
+ print STDERR "$s: ",@mod;
+ $_=shift(@mod);
+ if (m{s2max *([0-9.]+), *v2max *([0-9.]+), *rmserr *(-?[0-9.]+)}) {
+ #print("$s $1\n");
+ #print("$s $1 $3\n");
+ my $v = ($1 > $lim)? $1 : $lim;
+ my $r = ($3 > $lim)? $3 : $lim;
+ my $dbv = 20*log($v/$rms)/log(10);
+ my $dbr = 20*log($r/$rms)/log(10);
+ printf("%s %.3f %.3f\n",$s,$dbv,$dbr);
+ }
+ unlink "d/i$s.$t";
+print("#freq dB-gain dB-error\n");
+exit 0;