ref: 1097cf3938f1b42c149bbfc9f3801c565d741ccb
parent: c732806642d50570b6ab392467df07b78b216f97
author: cbagwell <cbagwell>
date: Tue Apr 11 11:55:17 EDT 2000
Forgot to add speed.c.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/speed.c
@@ -1,0 +1,295 @@
+ * (c) Fabien Coelho <[email protected]> for sox, 03/2000.
+ *
+ * see sox copyright.
+ *
+ * speed up or down the sound, like a tape.
+ * basically it's like resampling without resampling;-)
+ * this could be done just by changing the rate of the file?
+ * I don't know whether any rate is admissible.
+ * implemented with a slow automaton, but it's easier than one more buffer.
+ * I think it is especially inefficient.
+ */
+#include "st.h"
+#include <limits.h> /* LONG_MAX */
+/* type used for computations.
+ */
+#ifndef SPEED_FLOAT
+#define SPEED_FLOAT float
+#define SPEED_FLOAT_SCAN "%f"
+/* constants
+ */
+#define FOUR ((SPEED_FLOAT)(4.0e0))
+#define ONE ((SPEED_FLOAT)(1.0e0))
+#define HALF ((SPEED_FLOAT)(0.5e0))
+#define ONESIXTH ((SPEED_FLOAT)(1.0e0/6.0e0))
+#define ZERO ((SPEED_FLOAT)(0.0e0))
+#define SPEED_USAGE "speed factor (default 1.0, <1 slows)"
+/* automaton status
+ */
+typedef enum { sp_input, sp_transfer, sp_compute } buffer_state_t;
+/* internal structure
+ */
+typedef struct
+ /* options
+ */
+ SPEED_FLOAT factor; /* speed factor. */
+ /* internals.
+ */
+ int clipped; /* number of clipped values to report */
+ SPEED_FLOAT rate; /* rate of buffer sweep */
+ int compression; /* integer compression of the signal. */
+ int index; /* how much of the input buffer is filled */
+ LONG * ibuf; /* small internal input buffer for compression */
+ SPEED_FLOAT cbuf[4]; /* computation buffer for interpolation */
+ SPEED_FLOAT frac; /* current index position in cbuf */
+ int icbuf; /* available position in cbuf */
+ buffer_state_t state; /* automaton status */
+} * speed_t;
+static void debug(char * where, speed_t s)
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s: f=%f r=%f comp=%d i=%d ic=%d frac=%f state=%d v=%f\n",
+ where, s->factor, s->rate, s->compression, s->index,
+ s->icbuf, s->frac, s->state, s->cbuf[0]);
+/* compute f(x) with a cubic interpolation...
+ */
+static SPEED_FLOAT cub(
+ SPEED_FLOAT fm1, /* f(-1) */
+ SPEED_FLOAT f0, /* f(0) */
+ SPEED_FLOAT f1, /* f(1) */
+ SPEED_FLOAT f2, /* f(2) */
+ SPEED_FLOAT x) /* 0.0 <= x < 1.0 */
+ /* a x^3 + b x^2 + c x + d */
+ register SPEED_FLOAT a, b, c, d;
+ d = f0;
+ b = HALF * (f1+fm1) - f0;
+ a = ONESIXTH * (f2-f1+fm1-f0-FOUR*b);
+ c = f1 - a - b - d;
+ return ((a * x + b) * x + c) * x + d;
+/* clip if necessary, and report. */
+static LONG clip(speed_t speed, SPEED_FLOAT v)
+ if (v < -LONG_MAX)
+ {
+ speed->clipped++;
+ return -LONG_MAX;
+ }
+ else if (v > LONG_MAX)
+ {
+ speed->clipped++;
+ return LONG_MAX;
+ }
+ else
+ return (LONG) v;
+/* get options. */
+int st_speed_getopts(effp, n, argv)
+ eff_t effp;
+ int n;
+ char ** argv;
+ speed_t speed = (speed_t) effp->priv;
+ speed->factor = ONE; /* default */
+ if (n && (!sscanf(argv[0], SPEED_FLOAT_SCAN, &speed->factor) ||
+ speed->factor<=ZERO))
+ {
+ fail(SPEED_USAGE);
+ return ST_EOF;
+ }
+ return ST_SUCCESS;
+/* start processing. */
+int st_speed_start(effp)
+ eff_t effp;
+ speed_t speed = (speed_t) effp->priv;
+ speed->clipped = 0;
+ if (speed->factor >= ONE)
+ {
+ speed->compression = (int) speed->factor; /* floor */
+ speed->rate = speed->factor / speed->compression;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ speed->compression = 1;
+ speed->rate = speed->factor;
+ }
+ speed->ibuf = (LONG*) malloc(speed->compression*sizeof(LONG));
+ speed->index = 0;
+ speed->state = sp_input;
+ speed->cbuf[0] = ZERO; /* default previous value for interpolation */
+ speed->icbuf = 1;
+ speed->frac = ZERO;
+ if (!speed->ibuf) {
+ fail("malloc failed");
+ return ST_EOF;
+ }
+ return ST_SUCCESS;
+#ifndef MIN
+#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
+/* transfer input buffer to computation buffer.
+ */
+static void transfer(speed_t speed)
+ register int i;
+ register SPEED_FLOAT s = ZERO;
+ for (i=0; i<speed->index; i++)
+ s += (SPEED_FLOAT) speed->ibuf[i];
+ speed->cbuf[speed->icbuf++] = s / ((SPEED_FLOAT) speed->index);
+ if (speed->icbuf == 4)
+ speed->state = sp_compute;
+ else
+ speed->state = sp_input;
+ speed->index = 0;
+/* interpolate values
+ */
+static int compute(speed_t speed, LONG * obuf, int olen)
+ register int i;
+ for(i = 0;
+ i<olen && speed->frac < ONE;
+ i++, speed->frac += speed->rate)
+ obuf[i] = clip(speed,
+ cub(speed->cbuf[0], speed->cbuf[1],
+ speed->cbuf[2], speed->cbuf[3],
+ speed->frac));
+ if (speed->frac >= ONE)
+ {
+ speed->frac -= ONE;
+ speed->cbuf[0] = speed->cbuf[1];
+ speed->cbuf[1] = speed->cbuf[2];
+ speed->cbuf[2] = speed->cbuf[3];
+ speed->icbuf = 3;
+ speed->state = sp_input;
+ }
+ return i; /* number of data out */
+/* handle a flow.
+ */
+int st_speed_flow(effp, ibuf, obuf, isamp, osamp)
+ eff_t effp;
+ LONG * ibuf, *obuf;
+ LONG * isamp, * osamp;
+ speed_t speed;
+ register int len, iindex, oindex;
+ speed = (speed_t) effp->priv;
+ len = MIN(*isamp, *osamp);
+ iindex = 0;
+ oindex = 0;
+ while (iindex<len && oindex<len)
+ {
+ /* store to input buffer. */
+ if (speed->state==sp_input)
+ {
+ speed->ibuf[speed->index++] = ibuf[iindex++];
+ if (speed->index==speed->compression)
+ speed->state = sp_transfer;
+ }
+ /* transfer to compute buffer. */
+ if (speed->state==sp_transfer)
+ transfer(speed);
+ /* compute interpolation. */
+ if (speed->state==sp_compute)
+ oindex += compute(speed, obuf+oindex, len-oindex);
+ }
+ *isamp = iindex;
+ *osamp = oindex;
+ return ST_SUCCESS;
+/* end of stuff.
+ */
+int st_speed_drain(effp, obuf, osamp)
+ eff_t effp;
+ LONG * obuf;
+ LONG * osamp;
+ speed_t speed = (speed_t) effp->priv;
+ register int i, oindex;
+ transfer(speed);
+ /* fix up trail by emptying cbuf */
+ for (oindex=0, i=0; i<3 && oindex<*osamp; i++)
+ {
+ oindex += compute(speed, obuf+oindex, *osamp-oindex);
+ speed->cbuf[3] = ZERO;
+ speed->icbuf = 4;
+ }
+ *osamp = oindex; /* report how much was generated. */
+ return ST_SUCCESS;
+/* stop processing. report overflows.
+ */
+int st_speed_stop(effp)
+ eff_t effp;
+ speed_t speed = (speed_t) effp->priv;
+ if (speed->clipped)
+ warn("SPEED: %d values clipped...", speed->clipped);
+ free(speed->ibuf);
+ return ST_SUCCESS;