shithub: pc

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ref: 67e8be8642a885c06881deed932613c35ebf5dc0
parent: 61c977fbe25def632a3f351a44ed1ede1f0477f4
author: Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir <[email protected]>
date: Fri Feb 18 20:01:05 EST 2022

pc(1) port

--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,97 @@
+TARGET = pc
+PREFIX ?= /usr/local
+CFLAGS ?= -O2 -Iinclude -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types -Wno-microsoft-anon-tag -fms-extensions
+	libc/dofmt.o\
+	libc/dorfmt.o\
+	libc/encodefmt.o\
+	libc/fltfmt.o\
+	libc/fmt.o\
+	libc/fmtfd.o\
+	libc/fmtfdflush.o\
+	libc/fmtlock.o\
+	libc/fmtprint.o\
+	libc/fmtquote.o\
+	libc/fmtrune.o\
+	libc/fmtstr.o\
+	libc/fmtvprint.o\
+	libc/fprint.o\
+	libc/genrandom.o\
+	libc/mallocz.o\
+	libc/nan64.o\
+	libc/print.o\
+	libc/rune.o\
+	libc/snprint.o\
+	libc/sprint.o\
+	libc/strtod.o\
+	libc/sysfatal.o\
+	libc/u16.o\
+	libc/u32.o\
+	libc/u64.o\
+	libc/utflen.o\
+	libc/vfprint.o\
+	libc/vsnprint.o\
+	libmp/betomp.o\
+	libmp/cnfield.o\
+	libmp/gmfield.o\
+	libmp/letomp.o\
+	libmp/mpadd.o\
+	libmp/mpaux.o\
+	libmp/mpcmp.o\
+	libmp/mpdigdiv.o\
+	libmp/mpdiv.o\
+	libmp/mpexp.o\
+	libmp/mpextendedgcd.o\
+	libmp/mpfield.o\
+	libmp/mpfmt.o\
+	libmp/mpinvert.o\
+	libmp/mpleft.o\
+	libmp/mplogic.o\
+	libmp/mpmod.o\
+	libmp/mpmodop.o\
+	libmp/mpmul.o\
+	libmp/mpnrand.o\
+	libmp/mprand.o\
+	libmp/mpright.o\
+	libmp/mpsel.o\
+	libmp/mpsub.o\
+	libmp/mptobe.o\
+	libmp/mptober.o\
+	libmp/mptoi.o\
+	libmp/mptole.o\
+	libmp/mptolel.o\
+	libmp/mptoui.o\
+	libmp/mptouv.o\
+	libmp/mptov.o\
+	libmp/mpvecadd.o\
+	libmp/mpveccmp.o\
+	libmp/mpvecdigmuladd.o\
+	libmp/mpvecsub.o\
+	libmp/mpvectscmp.o\
+	libmp/strtomp.o\
+	pc.o\
+.PHONY: all default install uninstall clean
+all: default
+default: $(TARGET)
+install: $(TARGET)
+	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
+	install -m 755 $(TARGET) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
+	install -d $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1
+	install -m 644 pc.1 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1
+	rm -f $(TARGET) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/$(TARGET) $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1/pc.1
+	rm -f $(TARG) $(OFILES) pc.c
+pc.o: pc.c
+pc.c: pc.y
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/9windows.h
@@ -1,0 +1,21 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <direct.h>
+#include <process.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+/* disable various silly warnings */
+#ifdef MSVC
+#pragma warning( disable : 4245 4305 4244 4102 4761 4090 4028 4024)
+typedef __int64		p9_vlong;
+typedef	unsigned __int64 p9_uvlong;
+typedef unsigned uintptr;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/bio.h
@@ -1,0 +1,27 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+typedef FILE Biobufhdr;
+typedef Biobufhdr Biobuf;
+static uint8_t lastc;
+static int
+Bgetc(Biobufhdr *bp)
+	lastc = fgetc(bp);
+	return feof(bp) ? -1 : lastc;
+static int
+Bungetc(Biobufhdr *bp)
+	ungetc(lastc, bp);
+	lastc = 0;
+	return 0;
+static Biobufhdr *
+Bfdopen(int f, int mode)
+	return stdin;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/dtos.h
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+#if defined(linux) || defined(IRIX) || defined(SOLARIS) || defined(OSF1) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__sun) || defined(sun) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
+#	include "unix.h"
+#	ifdef __APPLE__
+#		define panic dt_panic
+#	endif
+#elif defined(WINDOWS)
+#	include "9windows.h"
+#	define main mymain
+#	error "Define an OS"
+#ifdef IRIX
+typedef int socklen_t;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/lib.h
@@ -1,0 +1,315 @@
+/* avoid name conflicts */
+#define accept	pm_accept
+#define listen  pm_listen
+#define sleep	ksleep
+#define wakeup	kwakeup
+#ifdef strtod
+#undef strtod
+#define strtod		fmtstrtod
+/* conflicts on some os's */
+#define encrypt	libencrypt
+#define decrypt libdecrypt
+#define oserror	liboserror
+#define clone	libclone
+#define atexit	libatexit
+#define log2	liblog2
+#define log	liblog
+#define reboot	libreboot
+#define strtoll libstrtoll
+#undef timeradd
+#define timeradd	xtimeradd
+#define gmtime	libgmtime
+#define	nil	((void*)0)
+typedef unsigned char	p9_uchar;
+typedef unsigned int	p9_uint;
+typedef unsigned int	p9_ulong;
+typedef int		p9_long;
+typedef signed char	p9_schar;
+typedef unsigned short	p9_ushort;
+typedef unsigned int	Rune;
+typedef unsigned int	p9_u32int;
+typedef unsigned long long p9_u64int;
+typedef p9_u32int mpdigit;
+/* make sure we don't conflict with predefined types */
+#define schar	p9_schar
+#define uchar	p9_uchar
+#define ushort	p9_ushort
+#define uint	p9_uint
+#define u32int	p9_u32int
+#define u64int	p9_u64int
+/* #define long int rather than p9_long so that "unsigned long" is valid */
+#define long	int
+#define ulong	p9_ulong
+#define vlong	p9_vlong
+#define uvlong	p9_uvlong
+#define	nelem(x)	(sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
+#define SET(x)		((x)=0)
+#define	USED(x)		if(x);else
+	UTFmax		= 4,		/* maximum bytes per rune */
+	Runesync	= 0x80,		/* cannot represent part of a UTF sequence (<) */
+	Runeself	= 0x80,		/* rune and UTF sequences are the same (<) */
+	Runeerror	= 0xFFFD,	/* decoding error in UTF */
+	Runemax		= 0x10FFFF,	/* 21-bit rune */
+	Runemask	= 0x1FFFFF,	/* bits used by runes (see grep) */
+ * new rune routines
+ */
+extern	int	runetochar(char*, Rune*);
+extern	int	chartorune(Rune*, char*);
+extern	int	runelen(long);
+extern	int	fullrune(char*, int);
+extern  int	wstrtoutf(char*, Rune*, int);
+extern  int	wstrutflen(Rune*);
+ * rune routines from converted str routines
+ */
+extern	long	utflen(char*);
+extern	char*	utfrune(char*, long);
+extern	char*	utfrrune(char*, long);
+ * Syscall data structures
+ */
+#define	MORDER	0x0003	/* mask for bits defining order of mounting */
+#define	MREPL	0x0000	/* mount replaces object */
+#define	MBEFORE	0x0001	/* mount goes before others in union directory */
+#define	MAFTER	0x0002	/* mount goes after others in union directory */
+#define	MCREATE	0x0004	/* permit creation in mounted directory */
+#define	MCACHE	0x0010	/* cache some data */
+#define	MMASK	0x0017	/* all bits on */
+#define	OREAD	0	/* open for read */
+#define	OWRITE	1	/* write */
+#define	ORDWR	2	/* read and write */
+#define	OEXEC	3	/* execute, == read but check execute permission */
+#define	OTRUNC	16	/* or'ed in (except for exec), truncate file first */
+#define	OCEXEC	32	/* or'ed in, close on exec */
+#define	ORCLOSE	64	/* or'ed in, remove on close */
+#define	OEXCL   0x1000	/* or'ed in, exclusive create */
+#define	NCONT	0	/* continue after note */
+#define	NDFLT	1	/* terminate after note */
+#define	NSAVE	2	/* clear note but hold state */
+#define	NRSTR	3	/* restore saved state */
+#define	ERRMAX			128	/* max length of error string */
+#define	KNAMELEN		28	/* max length of name held in kernel */
+/* bits in Qid.type */
+#define QTDIR		0x80		/* type bit for directories */
+#define QTAPPEND	0x40		/* type bit for append only files */
+#define QTEXCL		0x20		/* type bit for exclusive use files */
+#define QTMOUNT		0x10		/* type bit for mounted channel */
+#define QTAUTH		0x08		/* type bit for authentication file */
+#define QTFILE		0x00		/* plain file */
+/* bits in Dir.mode */
+#define DMDIR		0x80000000	/* mode bit for directories */
+#define DMAPPEND		0x40000000	/* mode bit for append only files */
+#define DMEXCL		0x20000000	/* mode bit for exclusive use files */
+#define DMMOUNT		0x10000000	/* mode bit for mounted channel */
+#define DMAUTH		0x08000000	/* mode bit for authentication files */
+#define DMREAD		0x4		/* mode bit for read permission */
+#define DMWRITE		0x2		/* mode bit for write permission */
+#define DMEXEC		0x1		/* mode bit for execute permission */
+typedef struct Lock
+#ifdef PTHREAD
+	int init;
+	pthread_mutex_t mutex;
+	int key;
+} Lock;
+typedef struct QLock
+	Lock	lk;
+	struct Proc	*hold;
+	struct Proc	*first;
+	struct Proc	*last;
+} QLock;
+struct Qid
+	uvlong	path;
+	ulong	vers;
+	uchar	type;
+} Qid;
+struct Dir {
+	/* system-modified data */
+	ushort	type;	/* server type */
+	uint	dev;	/* server subtype */
+	/* file data */
+	Qid	qid;	/* unique id from server */
+	ulong	mode;	/* permissions */
+	ulong	atime;	/* last read time */
+	ulong	mtime;	/* last write time */
+	vlong	length;	/* file length */
+	char	*name;	/* last element of path */
+	char	*uid;	/* owner name */
+	char	*gid;	/* group name */
+	char	*muid;	/* last modifier name */
+} Dir;
+struct Waitmsg
+	int pid;	/* of loved one */
+	ulong time[3];	/* of loved one & descendants */
+	char	*msg;
+} Waitmsg;
+ * print routines
+ */
+typedef struct Fmt	Fmt;
+struct Fmt{
+	uchar	runes;			/* output buffer is runes or chars? */
+	void	*start;			/* of buffer */
+	void	*to;			/* current place in the buffer */
+	void	*stop;			/* end of the buffer; overwritten if flush fails */
+	int	(*flush)(Fmt *);	/* called when to == stop */
+	void	*farg;			/* to make flush a closure */
+	int	nfmt;			/* num chars formatted so far */
+	va_list	args;			/* args passed to dofmt */
+	int	r;			/* % format Rune */
+	int	width;
+	int	prec;
+	ulong	flags;
+	FmtWidth	= 1,
+	FmtLeft		= FmtWidth << 1,
+	FmtPrec		= FmtLeft << 1,
+	FmtSharp	= FmtPrec << 1,
+	FmtSpace	= FmtSharp << 1,
+	FmtSign		= FmtSpace << 1,
+	FmtZero		= FmtSign << 1,
+	FmtUnsigned	= FmtZero << 1,
+	FmtShort	= FmtUnsigned << 1,
+	FmtLong		= FmtShort << 1,
+	FmtVLong	= FmtLong << 1,
+	FmtComma	= FmtVLong << 1,
+	FmtByte	= FmtComma << 1,
+	FmtFlag		= FmtByte << 1,
+	FmtLDouble	= FmtFlag << 1
+extern	int	print(char*, ...);
+extern	char*	seprint(char*, char*, char*, ...);
+extern	char*	vseprint(char*, char*, char*, va_list);
+extern	int	snprint(char*, int, char*, ...);
+extern	int	vsnprint(char*, int, char*, va_list);
+extern	char*	smprint(char*, ...);
+extern	char*	vsmprint(char*, va_list);
+extern	int	sprint(char*, char*, ...);
+extern	int	fprint(int, char*, ...);
+extern	int	vfprint(int, char*, va_list);
+extern	int	(*doquote)(int);
+extern	int	runesprint(Rune*, char*, ...);
+extern	int	runesnprint(Rune*, int, char*, ...);
+extern	int	runevsnprint(Rune*, int, char*, va_list);
+extern	Rune*	runeseprint(Rune*, Rune*, char*, ...);
+extern	Rune*	runevseprint(Rune*, Rune*, char*, va_list);
+extern	Rune*	runesmprint(char*, ...);
+extern	Rune*	runevsmprint(char*, va_list);
+extern       Rune*	runestrchr(Rune*, Rune);
+extern       long	runestrlen(Rune*);
+extern       Rune*	runestrstr(Rune*, Rune*);
+extern	int	fmtfdinit(Fmt*, int, char*, int);
+extern	int	fmtfdflush(Fmt*);
+extern	int	fmtstrinit(Fmt*);
+extern	int	fmtinstall(int, int (*)(Fmt*));
+extern	char*	fmtstrflush(Fmt*);
+extern	int	runefmtstrinit(Fmt*);
+extern	Rune*	runefmtstrflush(Fmt*);
+extern	int	fmtstrcpy(Fmt*, char*);
+extern	int	fmtprint(Fmt*, char*, ...);
+extern	int	fmtvprint(Fmt*, char*, va_list);
+extern	void*	mallocz(ulong, int);
+extern	int	fmtrune(Fmt *f, int r);
+#define getcallerpc(v) 0
+extern	char*	cleanname(char*);
+extern	void	sysfatal(char*, ...);
+extern	char*	strecpy(char*, char*, char*);
+extern	int	tokenize(char*, char**, int);
+extern	int	getfields(char*, char**, int, int, char*);
+extern	char*	utfecpy(char*, char*, char*);
+extern	int	tas(int*);
+extern	void	quotefmtinstall(void);
+extern	int	dec64(uchar*, int, char*, int);
+extern	int	enc64(char*, int, uchar*, int);
+extern	int	dec32(uchar*, int, char*, int);
+extern	int	enc32(char*, int, uchar*, int);
+extern	int	dec16(uchar*, int, char*, int);
+extern	int	enc16(char*, int, uchar*, int);
+extern	int	dec64chr(int);
+extern	int	enc64chr(int);
+extern	int	dec32chr(int);
+extern	int	enc32chr(int);
+extern	int	dec16chr(int);
+extern	int	enc16chr(int);
+extern	int	encodefmt(Fmt*);
+void		hnputs(void *p, unsigned short v);
+extern	int	dofmt(Fmt*, char*);
+extern	double	__NaN(void);
+extern	int	__isNaN(double);
+extern	double	strtod(const char*, char**);
+extern	vlong	strtoll(const char *, char **, int);
+extern	int	utfnlen(char*, long);
+extern	double	__Inf(int);
+extern	int	__isInf(double, int);
+extern int (*fmtdoquote)(int);
+extern void exits(char*);
+extern long readn(int, void*, long);
+extern	void	genrandom(uchar *buf, int nbytes);
+ * Time-of-day
+ */
+struct Tm
+	int	sec;
+	int	min;
+	int	hour;
+	int	mday;
+	int	mon;
+	int	year;
+	int	wday;
+	int	yday;
+	char	zone[4];
+	int	tzoff;
+} Tm;
+extern	Tm*	gmtime(long);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/libc.h
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+#include "lib.h"
+#define setmalloctag(a,b)
+#define qlock(x) ((void)(x))
+#define qunlock(x) ((void)(x))
+#define lock(x) ((void)(x))
+#define unlock(x) ((void)(x))
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/mp.h
@@ -1,0 +1,176 @@
+#define _MPINT 1
+ * the code assumes mpdigit to be at least an int
+ * mpdigit must be an atomic type.  mpdigit is defined
+ * in the architecture specific u.h
+ */
+typedef struct mpint mpint;
+struct mpint
+	int	sign;	/* +1 or -1 */
+	int	size;	/* allocated digits */
+	int	top;	/* significant digits */
+	mpdigit	*p;
+	char	flags;
+	MPstatic=	0x01,	/* static constant */
+	MPnorm=		0x02,	/* normalization status */
+	MPtimesafe=	0x04,	/* request time invariant computation */
+	MPfield=	0x08,	/* this mpint is a field modulus */
+	Dbytes=		sizeof(mpdigit),	/* bytes per digit */
+	Dbits=		Dbytes*8		/* bits per digit */
+/* allocation */
+void	mpsetminbits(int n);	/* newly created mpint's get at least n bits */
+mpint*	mpnew(int n);		/* create a new mpint with at least n bits */
+void	mpfree(mpint *b);
+void	mpbits(mpint *b, int n);	/* ensure that b has at least n bits */
+mpint*	mpnorm(mpint *b);		/* dump leading zeros */
+mpint*	mpcopy(mpint *b);
+void	mpassign(mpint *old, mpint *new);
+/* random bits */
+mpint*	mprand(int bits, void (*gen)(uchar*, int), mpint *b);
+/* return uniform random [0..n-1] */
+mpint*	mpnrand(mpint *n, void (*gen)(uchar*, int), mpint *b);
+/* conversion */
+mpint*	strtomp(char*, char**, int, mpint*);	/* ascii */
+int	mpfmt(Fmt*);
+char*	mptoa(mpint*, int, char*, int);
+mpint*	letomp(uchar*, uint, mpint*);	/* byte array, little-endian */
+int	mptole(mpint*, uchar*, uint, uchar**);
+void	mptolel(mpint *b, uchar *p, int n);
+mpint*	betomp(uchar*, uint, mpint*);	/* byte array, big-endian */
+int	mptobe(mpint*, uchar*, uint, uchar**);
+void	mptober(mpint *b, uchar *p, int n);
+uint	mptoui(mpint*);			/* unsigned int */
+mpint*	uitomp(uint, mpint*);
+int	mptoi(mpint*);			/* int */
+mpint*	itomp(int, mpint*);
+uvlong	mptouv(mpint*);			/* unsigned vlong */
+mpint*	uvtomp(uvlong, mpint*);
+vlong	mptov(mpint*);			/* vlong */
+mpint*	vtomp(vlong, mpint*);
+/* divide 2 digits by one */
+void	mpdigdiv(mpdigit *dividend, mpdigit divisor, mpdigit *quotient);
+/* in the following, the result mpint may be */
+/* the same as one of the inputs. */
+void	mpadd(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum);	/* sum = b1+b2 */
+void	mpsub(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *diff);	/* diff = b1-b2 */
+void	mpleft(mpint *b, int shift, mpint *res);	/* res = b<<shift */
+void	mpright(mpint *b, int shift, mpint *res);	/* res = b>>shift */
+void	mpmul(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *prod);	/* prod = b1*b2 */
+void	mpexp(mpint *b, mpint *e, mpint *m, mpint *res);	/* res = b**e mod m */
+void	mpmod(mpint *b, mpint *m, mpint *remainder);	/* remainder = b mod m */
+/* logical operations */
+void	mpand(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *res);
+void	mpbic(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *res);
+void	mpor(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *res);
+void	mpnot(mpint *b, mpint *res);
+void	mpxor(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *res);
+void	mptrunc(mpint *b, int n, mpint *res);
+void	mpxtend(mpint *b, int n, mpint *res);
+void	mpasr(mpint *b, int shift, mpint *res);
+/* modular arithmetic, time invariant when 0≤b1≤m-1 and 0≤b2≤m-1 */
+void	mpmodadd(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *m, mpint *sum);	/* sum = b1+b2 % m */
+void	mpmodsub(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *m, mpint *diff);	/* diff = b1-b2 % m */
+void	mpmodmul(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *m, mpint *prod);	/* prod = b1*b2 % m */
+/* quotient = dividend/divisor, remainder = dividend % divisor */
+void	mpdiv(mpint *dividend, mpint *divisor,  mpint *quotient, mpint *remainder);
+/* return neg, 0, pos as b1-b2 is neg, 0, pos */
+int	mpcmp(mpint *b1, mpint *b2);
+/* res = s != 0 ? b1 : b2 */
+void	mpsel(int s, mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *res);
+/* extended gcd return d, x, and y, s.t. d = gcd(a,b) and ax+by = d */
+void	mpextendedgcd(mpint *a, mpint *b, mpint *d, mpint *x, mpint *y);
+/* res = b**-1 mod m */
+void	mpinvert(mpint *b, mpint *m, mpint *res);
+/* bit counting */
+int	mpsignif(mpint*);	/* number of sigificant bits in mantissa */
+int	mplowbits0(mpint*);	/* k, where n = 2**k * q for odd q */
+/* well known constants */
+extern mpint	*mpzero, *mpone, *mptwo;
+/* sum[0:alen] = a[0:alen-1] + b[0:blen-1] */
+/* prereq: alen >= blen, sum has room for alen+1 digits */
+void	mpvecadd(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *sum);
+/* diff[0:alen-1] = a[0:alen-1] - b[0:blen-1] */
+/* prereq: alen >= blen, diff has room for alen digits */
+void	mpvecsub(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *diff);
+/* p[0:n] += m * b[0:n-1] */
+/* prereq: p has room for n+1 digits */
+void	mpvecdigmuladd(mpdigit *b, int n, mpdigit m, mpdigit *p);
+/* p[0:n] -= m * b[0:n-1] */
+/* prereq: p has room for n+1 digits */
+int	mpvecdigmulsub(mpdigit *b, int n, mpdigit m, mpdigit *p);
+/* p[0:alen+blen-1] = a[0:alen-1] * b[0:blen-1] */
+/* prereq: alen >= blen, p has room for m*n digits */
+void	mpvecmul(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *p);
+void	mpvectsmul(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *p);
+/* sign of a - b or zero if the same */
+int	mpveccmp(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen);
+int	mpvectscmp(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen);
+/* divide the 2 digit dividend by the one digit divisor and stick in quotient */
+/* we assume that the result is one digit - overflow is all 1's */
+void	mpdigdiv(mpdigit *dividend, mpdigit divisor, mpdigit *quotient);
+/* playing with magnitudes */
+int	mpmagcmp(mpint *b1, mpint *b2);
+void	mpmagadd(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum);	/* sum = b1+b2 */
+void	mpmagsub(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum);	/* sum = b1+b2 */
+/* chinese remainder theorem */
+typedef struct CRTpre	CRTpre;		/* precomputed values for converting */
+					/*  twixt residues and mpint */
+typedef struct CRTres	CRTres;		/* residue form of an mpint */
+struct CRTres
+	int	n;		/* number of residues */
+	mpint	*r[1];		/* residues */
+CRTpre*	crtpre(int, mpint**);			/* precompute conversion values */
+CRTres*	crtin(CRTpre*, mpint*);			/* convert mpint to residues */
+void	crtout(CRTpre*, CRTres*, mpint*);	/* convert residues to mpint */
+void	crtprefree(CRTpre*);
+void	crtresfree(CRTres*);
+/* fast field arithmetic */
+typedef struct Mfield	Mfield;
+struct Mfield
+	mpint	m;
+	int	(*reduce)(Mfield*, mpint*, mpint*);
+mpint *mpfield(mpint*);
+Mfield *gmfield(mpint*);
+Mfield *cnfield(mpint*);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/thread.h
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+typedef struct Ref Ref;
+struct Ref {
+	long ref;
+static void
+incref(Ref *r)
+	r->ref++;
+static long
+decref(Ref *r)
+	return --(r->ref);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/u.h
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+#include "dtos.h"
+/* avoid name conflicts */
+#undef accept
+#undef listen
+/* sys calls */
+#undef bind
+#undef chdir
+#undef close
+#undef create
+#undef dup
+#undef export
+#undef fstat
+#undef fwstat
+#undef mount
+#undef open
+#undef start
+#undef read
+#undef remove
+#undef seek
+#undef stat
+#undef write
+#undef wstat
+#undef unmount
+#undef pipe
+#undef iounit
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/unix.h
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+#undef _FORTIFY_SOURCE	/* stupid ubuntu warnings */
+#define __BSD_VISIBLE 1 /* FreeBSD 5.x */
+#define _BSD_SOURCE 1
+#define _NETBSD_SOURCE 1	/* NetBSD */
+#define _SVID_SOURCE 1
+#define _DEFAULT_SOURCE 1
+#if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__OpenBSD__)
+#	ifndef _XOPEN_SOURCE
+#		define _XOPEN_SOURCE 1000
+#	endif
+#	endif
+#define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE 1
+#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#ifdef PTHREAD
+#include <pthread.h>
+#define malloc malloc0
+#define free free0
+void *malloc(size_t);
+void free(void *);
+typedef long long		p9_vlong;
+typedef unsigned long long p9_uvlong;
+typedef uintptr_t uintptr;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/dofmt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,539 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+/* format the output into f->to and return the number of characters fmted  */
+dofmt(Fmt *f, char *fmt)
+	Rune rune, *rt, *rs;
+	int r;
+	char *t, *s;
+	int n, nfmt;
+	nfmt = f->nfmt;
+	for(;;){
+		if(f->runes){
+			rt = (Rune*)f->to;
+			rs = (Rune*)f->stop;
+			while((r = *(uchar*)fmt) && r != '%'){
+				if(r < Runeself)
+					fmt++;
+				else{
+					fmt += chartorune(&rune, fmt);
+					r = rune;
+				}
+				FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, r);
+			}
+			fmt++;
+			f->nfmt += rt - (Rune *)f->to;
+			f->to = rt;
+			if(!r)
+				return f->nfmt - nfmt;
+			f->stop = rs;
+		}else{
+			t = (char*)f->to;
+			s = (char*)f->stop;
+			while((r = *(uchar*)fmt) && r != '%'){
+				if(r < Runeself){
+					FMTCHAR(f, t, s, r);
+					fmt++;
+				}else{
+					n = chartorune(&rune, fmt);
+					if(t + n > s){
+						t = (char*)__fmtflush(f, t, n);
+						if(t != nil)
+							s = (char*)f->stop;
+						else
+							return -1;
+					}
+					while(n--)
+						*t++ = *fmt++;
+				}
+			}
+			fmt++;
+			f->nfmt += t - (char *)f->to;
+			f->to = t;
+			if(!r)
+				return f->nfmt - nfmt;
+			f->stop = s;
+		}
+		fmt = (char*)__fmtdispatch(f, fmt, 0);
+		if(fmt == nil)
+			return -1;
+	}
+void *
+__fmtflush(Fmt *f, void *t, int len)
+	if(f->runes)
+		f->nfmt += (Rune*)t - (Rune*)f->to;
+	else
+		f->nfmt += (char*)t - (char *)f->to;
+	f->to = t;
+	if(f->flush == 0 || (*f->flush)(f) == 0 || (char*)f->to + len > (char*)f->stop){
+		f->stop = f->to;
+		return nil;
+	}
+	return f->to;
+ * put a formatted block of memory sz bytes long of n runes into the output buffer,
+ * left/right justified in a field of at least f->width charactes
+ */
+__fmtpad(Fmt *f, int n)
+	char *t, *s;
+	int i;
+	t = (char*)f->to;
+	s = (char*)f->stop;
+	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+		FMTCHAR(f, t, s, ' ');
+	f->nfmt += t - (char *)f->to;
+	f->to = t;
+	return 0;
+__rfmtpad(Fmt *f, int n)
+	Rune *t, *s;
+	int i;
+	t = (Rune*)f->to;
+	s = (Rune*)f->stop;
+	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+		FMTRCHAR(f, t, s, ' ');
+	f->nfmt += t - (Rune *)f->to;
+	f->to = t;
+	return 0;
+__fmtcpy(Fmt *f, const void *vm, int n, int sz)
+	Rune *rt, *rs, r;
+	char *t, *s, *m, *me;
+	ulong fl;
+	int nc, w;
+	m = (char*)vm;
+	me = m + sz;
+	w = f->width;
+	fl = f->flags;
+	if((fl & FmtPrec) && n > f->prec)
+		n = f->prec;
+	if(f->runes){
+		if(!(fl & FmtLeft) && __rfmtpad(f, w - n) < 0)
+			return -1;
+		rt = (Rune*)f->to;
+		rs = (Rune*)f->stop;
+		for(nc = n; nc > 0; nc--){
+			r = *(uchar*)m;
+			if(r < Runeself)
+				m++;
+			else if((me - m) >= UTFmax || fullrune(m, me-m))
+				m += chartorune(&r, m);
+			else
+				break;
+			FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, r);
+		}
+		f->nfmt += rt - (Rune *)f->to;
+		f->to = rt;
+		if(fl & FmtLeft && __rfmtpad(f, w - n) < 0)
+			return -1;
+	}else{
+		if(!(fl & FmtLeft) && __fmtpad(f, w - n) < 0)
+			return -1;
+		t = (char*)f->to;
+		s = (char*)f->stop;
+		for(nc = n; nc > 0; nc--){
+			r = *(uchar*)m;
+			if(r < Runeself)
+				m++;
+			else if((me - m) >= UTFmax || fullrune(m, me-m))
+				m += chartorune(&r, m);
+			else
+				break;
+			FMTRUNE(f, t, s, r);
+		}
+		f->nfmt += t - (char *)f->to;
+		f->to = t;
+		if(fl & FmtLeft && __fmtpad(f, w - n) < 0)
+			return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+__fmtrcpy(Fmt *f, const void *vm, int n)
+	Rune r, *m, *me, *rt, *rs;
+	char *t, *s;
+	ulong fl;
+	int w;
+	m = (Rune*)vm;
+	w = f->width;
+	fl = f->flags;
+	if((fl & FmtPrec) && n > f->prec)
+		n = f->prec;
+	if(f->runes){
+		if(!(fl & FmtLeft) && __rfmtpad(f, w - n) < 0)
+			return -1;
+		rt = (Rune*)f->to;
+		rs = (Rune*)f->stop;
+		for(me = m + n; m < me; m++)
+			FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, *m);
+		f->nfmt += rt - (Rune *)f->to;
+		f->to = rt;
+		if(fl & FmtLeft && __rfmtpad(f, w - n) < 0)
+			return -1;
+	}else{
+		if(!(fl & FmtLeft) && __fmtpad(f, w - n) < 0)
+			return -1;
+		t = (char*)f->to;
+		s = (char*)f->stop;
+		for(me = m + n; m < me; m++){
+			r = *m;
+			FMTRUNE(f, t, s, r);
+		}
+		f->nfmt += t - (char *)f->to;
+		f->to = t;
+		if(fl & FmtLeft && __fmtpad(f, w - n) < 0)
+			return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+/* fmt out one character */
+__charfmt(Fmt *f)
+	char x[1];
+	x[0] = va_arg(f->args, int);
+	f->prec = 1;
+	return __fmtcpy(f, (const char*)x, 1, 1);
+/* fmt out one rune */
+__runefmt(Fmt *f)
+	Rune x[1];
+	x[0] = va_arg(f->args, int);
+	return __fmtrcpy(f, (const void*)x, 1);
+/* public helper routine: fmt out a null terminated string already in hand */
+fmtstrcpy(Fmt *f, char *s)
+	int i, j;
+	Rune r;
+	if(!s)
+		return __fmtcpy(f, "<nil>", 5, 5);
+	/* if precision is specified, make sure we don't wander off the end */
+	if(f->flags & FmtPrec){
+		i = 0;
+		for(j=0; j<f->prec && s[i]; j++)
+			i += chartorune(&r, s+i);
+		return __fmtcpy(f, s, j, i);
+	}
+	return __fmtcpy(f, s, utflen(s), strlen(s));
+/* fmt out a null terminated utf string */
+__strfmt(Fmt *f)
+	char *s;
+	s = va_arg(f->args, char *);
+	return fmtstrcpy(f, s);
+/* public helper routine: fmt out a null terminated rune string already in hand */
+fmtrunestrcpy(Fmt *f, Rune *s)
+	Rune *e;
+	int n, p;
+	if(!s)
+		return __fmtcpy(f, "<nil>", 5, 5);
+	/* if precision is specified, make sure we don't wander off the end */
+	if(f->flags & FmtPrec){
+		p = f->prec;
+		for(n = 0; n < p; n++)
+			if(s[n] == 0)
+				break;
+	}else{
+		for(e = s; *e; e++)
+			;
+		n = e - s;
+	}
+	return __fmtrcpy(f, s, n);
+/* fmt out a null terminated rune string */
+__runesfmt(Fmt *f)
+	Rune *s;
+	s = va_arg(f->args, Rune *);
+	return fmtrunestrcpy(f, s);
+/* fmt a % */
+__percentfmt(Fmt *f)
+	Rune x[1];
+	x[0] = f->r;
+	f->prec = 1;
+	return __fmtrcpy(f, (const void*)x, 1);
+/* fmt an integer */
+__ifmt(Fmt *f)
+	char buf[70], *p, *conv;
+	uvlong vu;
+	ulong u;
+	int neg, base, i, n, fl, w, isv;
+	neg = 0;
+	fl = f->flags;
+	isv = 0;
+	vu = 0;
+	u = 0;
+	/*
+	 * Unsigned verbs for ANSI C
+	 */
+	switch(f->r){
+	case 'x':
+	case 'X':
+	case 'o':
+	case 'u':
+	case 'p':
+		fl |= FmtUnsigned;
+		fl &= ~(FmtSign|FmtSpace);
+		break;
+	}
+	if(f->r == 'p'){
+		if(sizeof(void*) == sizeof(uvlong)){
+			isv = 1;
+			vu = (uvlong)va_arg(f->args, uvlong);
+		}else
+			u = (ulong)va_arg(f->args, ulong);
+		f->r = 'x';
+		fl |= FmtUnsigned;
+	}else if(fl & FmtVLong){
+		isv = 1;
+		if(fl & FmtUnsigned)
+			vu = va_arg(f->args, uvlong);
+		else
+			vu = va_arg(f->args, vlong);
+	}else if(fl & FmtLong){
+		if(fl & FmtUnsigned)
+			u = va_arg(f->args, ulong);
+		else
+			u = va_arg(f->args, long);
+	}else if(fl & FmtByte){
+		if(fl & FmtUnsigned)
+			u = (uchar)va_arg(f->args, int);
+		else
+			u = (char)va_arg(f->args, int);
+	}else if(fl & FmtShort){
+		if(fl & FmtUnsigned)
+			u = (ushort)va_arg(f->args, int);
+		else
+			u = (short)va_arg(f->args, int);
+	}else{
+		if(fl & FmtUnsigned)
+			u = va_arg(f->args, uint);
+		else
+			u = va_arg(f->args, int);
+	}
+	conv = "0123456789abcdef";
+	switch(f->r){
+	case 'd':
+	case 'i':
+	case 'u':
+		base = 10;
+		break;
+	case 'x':
+		base = 16;
+		break;
+	case 'X':
+		base = 16;
+		conv = "0123456789ABCDEF";
+		break;
+	case 'b':
+		base = 2;
+		break;
+	case 'o':
+		base = 8;
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(!(fl & FmtUnsigned)){
+		if(isv && (vlong)vu < 0){
+			vu = -(vlong)vu;
+			neg = 1;
+		}else if(!isv && (long)u < 0){
+			u = -(long)u;
+			neg = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	p = buf + sizeof buf - 1;
+	n = 0;
+	if(isv){
+		while(vu){
+			i = vu % base;
+			vu /= base;
+			if((fl & FmtComma) && n % 4 == 3){
+				*p-- = ',';
+				n++;
+			}
+			*p-- = conv[i];
+			n++;
+		}
+	}else{
+		while(u){
+			i = u % base;
+			u /= base;
+			if((fl & FmtComma) && n % 4 == 3){
+				*p-- = ',';
+				n++;
+			}
+			*p-- = conv[i];
+			n++;
+		}
+	}
+	if(n == 0){
+		*p-- = '0';
+		n = 1;
+	}
+	for(w = f->prec; n < w && p > buf+3; n++)
+		*p-- = '0';
+	if(neg || (fl & (FmtSign|FmtSpace)))
+		n++;
+	if(fl & FmtSharp){
+		if(base == 16)
+			n += 2;
+		else if(base == 8){
+			if(p[1] == '0')
+				fl &= ~FmtSharp;
+			else
+				n++;
+		}
+	}
+	if((fl & FmtZero) && !(fl & (FmtLeft|FmtPrec))){
+		for(w = f->width; n < w && p > buf+3; n++)
+			*p-- = '0';
+		f->width = 0;
+	}
+	if(fl & FmtSharp){
+		if(base == 16)
+			*p-- = f->r;
+		if(base == 16 || base == 8)
+			*p-- = '0';
+	}
+	if(neg)
+		*p-- = '-';
+	else if(fl & FmtSign)
+		*p-- = '+';
+	else if(fl & FmtSpace)
+		*p-- = ' ';
+	f->flags &= ~FmtPrec;
+	return __fmtcpy(f, p + 1, n, n);
+__countfmt(Fmt *f)
+	void *p;
+	ulong fl;
+	fl = f->flags;
+	p = va_arg(f->args, void*);
+	if(fl & FmtVLong){
+		*(vlong*)p = f->nfmt;
+	}else if(fl & FmtLong){
+		*(long*)p = f->nfmt;
+	}else if(fl & FmtByte){
+		*(char*)p = f->nfmt;
+	}else if(fl & FmtShort){
+		*(short*)p = f->nfmt;
+	}else{
+		*(int*)p = f->nfmt;
+	}
+	return 0;
+__flagfmt(Fmt *f)
+	switch(f->r){
+	case ',':
+		f->flags |= FmtComma;
+		break;
+	case '-':
+		f->flags |= FmtLeft;
+		break;
+	case '+':
+		f->flags |= FmtSign;
+		break;
+	case '#':
+		f->flags |= FmtSharp;
+		break;
+	case ' ':
+		f->flags |= FmtSpace;
+		break;
+	case 'u':
+		f->flags |= FmtUnsigned;
+		break;
+	case 'h':
+		if(f->flags & FmtShort)
+			f->flags |= FmtByte;
+		f->flags |= FmtShort;
+		break;
+	case 'L':
+		f->flags |= FmtLDouble;
+		break;
+	case 'l':
+		if(f->flags & FmtLong)
+			f->flags |= FmtVLong;
+		f->flags |= FmtLong;
+		break;
+	}
+	return 1;
+/* default error format */
+__badfmt(Fmt *f)
+	char x[3];
+	x[0] = '%';
+	x[1] = f->r;
+	x[2] = '%';
+	f->prec = 3;
+	__fmtcpy(f, (const void*)x, 3, 3);
+	return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/dorfmt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+/* format the output into f->to and return the number of characters fmted  */
+dorfmt(Fmt *f, const Rune *fmt)
+	Rune *rt, *rs;
+	int r;
+	char *t, *s;
+	int nfmt;
+	nfmt = f->nfmt;
+	for(;;){
+		if(f->runes){
+			rt = f->to;
+			rs = f->stop;
+			while((r = *fmt++) && r != '%'){
+				FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, r);
+			}
+			f->nfmt += rt - (Rune *)f->to;
+			f->to = rt;
+			if(!r)
+				return f->nfmt - nfmt;
+			f->stop = rs;
+		}else{
+			t = f->to;
+			s = f->stop;
+			while((r = *fmt++) && r != '%'){
+				FMTRUNE(f, t, f->stop, r);
+			}
+			f->nfmt += t - (char *)f->to;
+			f->to = t;
+			if(!r)
+				return f->nfmt - nfmt;
+			f->stop = s;
+		}
+		fmt = __fmtdispatch(f, (Rune*)fmt, 1);
+		if(fmt == nil)
+			return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;		/* not reached */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/encodefmt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,78 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+encodefmt(Fmt *f)
+	char *out;
+	char *buf;
+	int len;
+	int ilen;
+	int rv;
+	uchar *b;
+	char *p;
+	char obuf[64];	// rsc optimization
+	if(!(f->flags&FmtPrec) || f->prec < 1)
+		goto error;
+	b = va_arg(f->args, uchar*);
+	if(b == 0)
+		return fmtstrcpy(f, "<nil>");
+	ilen = f->prec;
+	f->prec = 0;
+	f->flags &= ~FmtPrec;
+	switch(f->r){
+	case '<':
+		len = (8*ilen+4)/5 + 3;
+		break;
+	case '[':
+		len = (8*ilen+5)/6 + 4;
+		break;
+	case 'H':
+		len = 2*ilen + 1;
+		break;
+	default:
+		goto error;
+	}
+	if(len > sizeof(obuf)){
+		buf = malloc(len);
+		if(buf == nil)
+			goto error;
+	} else
+		buf = obuf;
+	// convert
+	out = buf;
+	switch(f->r){
+	case '[':
+		rv = enc64(out, len, b, ilen);
+		break;
+	case '<':
+		rv = enc32(out, len, b, ilen);
+		break;
+	case 'H':
+		rv = enc16(out, len, b, ilen);
+		break;
+	default:
+		rv = -1;
+		break;
+	}
+	if(rv < 0)
+		goto error;
+	if((f->flags & FmtLong) != 0 && f->r != '[')
+		for(p = buf; *p; p++)
+			*p = tolower(*p);
+	fmtstrcpy(f, buf);
+	if(buf != obuf)
+		free(buf);
+	return 0;
+	return fmtstrcpy(f, "<encodefmt>");
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/fltfmt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,375 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+	FDIGIT	= 30,
+	FDEFLT	= 6,
+	NSIGNIF	= 17
+ * first few powers of 10, enough for about 1/2 of the
+ * total space for doubles.
+ */
+static double pows10[] =
+	  1e0,   1e1,   1e2,   1e3,   1e4,   1e5,   1e6,   1e7,   1e8,   1e9,  
+	 1e10,  1e11,  1e12,  1e13,  1e14,  1e15,  1e16,  1e17,  1e18,  1e19,  
+	 1e20,  1e21,  1e22,  1e23,  1e24,  1e25,  1e26,  1e27,  1e28,  1e29,  
+	 1e30,  1e31,  1e32,  1e33,  1e34,  1e35,  1e36,  1e37,  1e38,  1e39,  
+	 1e40,  1e41,  1e42,  1e43,  1e44,  1e45,  1e46,  1e47,  1e48,  1e49,  
+	 1e50,  1e51,  1e52,  1e53,  1e54,  1e55,  1e56,  1e57,  1e58,  1e59,  
+	 1e60,  1e61,  1e62,  1e63,  1e64,  1e65,  1e66,  1e67,  1e68,  1e69,  
+	 1e70,  1e71,  1e72,  1e73,  1e74,  1e75,  1e76,  1e77,  1e78,  1e79,  
+	 1e80,  1e81,  1e82,  1e83,  1e84,  1e85,  1e86,  1e87,  1e88,  1e89,  
+	 1e90,  1e91,  1e92,  1e93,  1e94,  1e95,  1e96,  1e97,  1e98,  1e99,  
+	1e100, 1e101, 1e102, 1e103, 1e104, 1e105, 1e106, 1e107, 1e108, 1e109, 
+	1e110, 1e111, 1e112, 1e113, 1e114, 1e115, 1e116, 1e117, 1e118, 1e119, 
+	1e120, 1e121, 1e122, 1e123, 1e124, 1e125, 1e126, 1e127, 1e128, 1e129, 
+	1e130, 1e131, 1e132, 1e133, 1e134, 1e135, 1e136, 1e137, 1e138, 1e139, 
+	1e140, 1e141, 1e142, 1e143, 1e144, 1e145, 1e146, 1e147, 1e148, 1e149, 
+	1e150, 1e151, 1e152, 1e153, 1e154, 1e155, 1e156, 1e157, 1e158, 1e159, 
+#undef pow10
+#define  pow10(x)  fmtpow10(x)
+static double
+pow10(int n)
+	double d;
+	int neg;
+	neg = 0;
+	if(n < 0){
+		if(n < DBL_MIN_10_EXP){
+			return 0.;
+		}
+		neg = 1;
+		n = -n;
+	}else if(n > DBL_MAX_10_EXP){
+		return HUGE_VAL;
+	}
+	if(n < (int)(sizeof(pows10)/sizeof(pows10[0])))
+		d = pows10[n];
+	else{
+		d = pows10[sizeof(pows10)/sizeof(pows10[0]) - 1];
+		for(;;){
+			n -= sizeof(pows10)/sizeof(pows10[0]) - 1;
+			if(n < (int)(sizeof(pows10)/sizeof(pows10[0]))){
+				d *= pows10[n];
+				break;
+			}
+			d *= pows10[sizeof(pows10)/sizeof(pows10[0]) - 1];
+		}
+	}
+	if(neg){
+		return 1./d;
+	}
+	return d;
+static int
+xadd(char *a, int n, int v)
+	char *b;
+	int c;
+	if(n < 0 || n >= NSIGNIF)
+		return 0;
+	for(b = a+n; b >= a; b--) {
+		c = *b + v;
+		if(c <= '9') {
+			*b = c;
+			return 0;
+		}
+		*b = '0';
+		v = 1;
+	}
+	*a = '1';	/* overflow adding */
+	return 1;
+static int
+xsub(char *a, int n, int v)
+	char *b;
+	int c;
+	for(b = a+n; b >= a; b--) {
+		c = *b - v;
+		if(c >= '0') {
+			*b = c;
+			return 0;
+		}
+		*b = '9';
+		v = 1;
+	}
+	*a = '9';	/* underflow subtracting */
+	return 1;
+static void
+xdtoa(Fmt *fmt, char *s2, double f)
+	char s1[NSIGNIF+10];
+	double g, h;
+	int e, d, i, n;
+	int c1, c2, c3, c4, ucase, sign, chr, prec;
+	prec = FDEFLT;
+	if(fmt->flags & FmtPrec)
+		prec = fmt->prec;
+	if(prec > FDIGIT)
+		prec = FDIGIT;
+	if(__isNaN(f)) {
+		strcpy(s2, "NaN");
+		return;
+	}
+	if(__isInf(f, 1)) {
+		strcpy(s2, "+Inf");
+		return;
+	}
+	if(__isInf(f, -1)) {
+		strcpy(s2, "-Inf");
+		return;
+	}
+	sign = 0;
+	if(f < 0) {
+		f = -f;
+		sign++;
+	}
+	ucase = 0;
+	chr = fmt->r;
+	if(isupper(chr)) {
+		ucase = 1;
+		chr = tolower(chr);
+	}
+	e = 0;
+	g = f;
+	if(g != 0) {
+		frexp(f, &e);
+		e = e * .301029995664;
+		if(e >= -150 && e <= +150) {
+			d = 0;
+			h = f;
+		} else {
+			d = e/2;
+			h = f * pow10(-d);
+		}
+		g = h * pow10(d-e);
+		while(g < 1) {
+			e--;
+			g = h * pow10(d-e);
+		}
+		while(g >= 10) {
+			e++;
+			g = h * pow10(d-e);
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * convert NSIGNIF digits and convert
+	 * back to get accuracy.
+	 */
+	for(i=0; i<NSIGNIF; i++) {
+		d = g;
+		s1[i] = d + '0';
+		g = (g - d) * 10;
+	}
+	s1[i] = 0;
+	/*
+	 * try decimal rounding to eliminate 9s
+	 */
+	c2 = prec + 1;
+	if(chr == 'f')
+		c2 += e;
+	if(c2 >= NSIGNIF-2) {
+		strcpy(s2, s1);
+		d = e;
+		s1[NSIGNIF-2] = '0';
+		s1[NSIGNIF-1] = '0';
+		sprint(s1+NSIGNIF, "e%d", e-NSIGNIF+1);
+		g = strtod(s1, nil);
+		if(g == f)
+			goto found;
+		if(xadd(s1, NSIGNIF-3, 1)) {
+			e++;
+			sprint(s1+NSIGNIF, "e%d", e-NSIGNIF+1);
+		}
+		g = strtod(s1, nil);
+		if(g == f)
+			goto found;
+		strcpy(s1, s2);
+		e = d;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * convert back so s1 gets exact answer
+	 */
+	for(;;) {
+		sprint(s1+NSIGNIF, "e%d", e-NSIGNIF+1);
+		g = strtod(s1, nil);
+		if(f > g) {
+			if(xadd(s1, NSIGNIF-1, 1))
+				e--;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(f < g) {
+			if(xsub(s1, NSIGNIF-1, 1))
+				e++;
+			continue;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * sign
+	 */
+	d = 0;
+	i = 0;
+	if(sign)
+		s2[d++] = '-';
+	else if(fmt->flags & FmtSign)
+		s2[d++] = '+';
+	else if(fmt->flags & FmtSpace)
+		s2[d++] = ' ';
+	/*
+	 * copy into final place
+	 * c1 digits of leading '0'
+	 * c2 digits from conversion
+	 * c3 digits of trailing '0'
+	 * c4 digits after '.'
+	 */
+	c1 = 0;
+	c2 = prec + 1;
+	c3 = 0;
+	c4 = prec;
+	switch(chr) {
+	default:
+		if(xadd(s1, c2, 5))
+			e++;
+		break;
+	case 'g':
+		/*
+		 * decide on 'e' of 'f' style convers
+		 */
+		if(xadd(s1, c2, 5))
+			e++;
+		if(e >= -5 && e <= prec) {
+			c1 = -e - 1;
+			c4 = prec - e;
+			chr = 'h';	// flag for 'f' style
+		}
+		break;
+	case 'f':
+		if(xadd(s1, c2+e, 5))
+			e++;
+		c1 = -e;
+		if(c1 > prec)
+			c1 = c2;
+		c2 += e;
+		break;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * clean up c1 c2 and c3
+	 */
+	if(c1 < 0)
+		c1 = 0;
+	if(c2 < 0)
+		c2 = 0;
+	if(c2 > NSIGNIF) {
+		c3 = c2-NSIGNIF;
+		c2 = NSIGNIF;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * copy digits
+	 */
+	while(c1 > 0) {
+		if(c1+c2+c3 == c4)
+			s2[d++] = '.';
+		s2[d++] = '0';
+		c1--;
+	}
+	while(c2 > 0) {
+		if(c2+c3 == c4)
+			s2[d++] = '.';
+		s2[d++] = s1[i++];
+		c2--;
+	}
+	while(c3 > 0) {
+		if(c3 == c4)
+			s2[d++] = '.';
+		s2[d++] = '0';
+		c3--;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * strip trailing '0' on g conv
+	 */
+	if(fmt->flags & FmtSharp) {
+		if(0 == c4)
+			s2[d++] = '.';
+	} else
+	if(chr == 'g' || chr == 'h') {
+		for(n=d-1; n>=0; n--)
+			if(s2[n] != '0')
+				break;
+		for(i=n; i>=0; i--)
+			if(s2[i] == '.') {
+				d = n;
+				if(i != n)
+					d++;
+				break;
+			}
+	}
+	if(chr == 'e' || chr == 'g') {
+		if(ucase)
+			s2[d++] = 'E';
+		else
+			s2[d++] = 'e';
+		c1 = e;
+		if(c1 < 0) {
+			s2[d++] = '-';
+			c1 = -c1;
+		} else
+			s2[d++] = '+';
+		if(c1 >= 100) {
+			s2[d++] = c1/100 + '0';
+			c1 = c1%100;
+		}
+		s2[d++] = c1/10 + '0';
+		s2[d++] = c1%10 + '0';
+	}
+	s2[d] = 0;
+static int
+floatfmt(Fmt *fmt, double f)
+	char s[341];		/* precision+exponent+sign+'.'+null */
+	xdtoa(fmt, s, f);
+	fmt->flags &= FmtWidth|FmtLeft;
+	__fmtcpy(fmt, s, strlen(s), strlen(s));
+	return 0;
+__efgfmt(Fmt *f)
+	double d;
+	d = va_arg(f->args, double);
+	return floatfmt(f, d);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/fmt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,216 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+	Maxfmt = 64
+typedef struct Convfmt Convfmt;
+struct Convfmt
+	int	c;
+	volatile	Fmts	fmt;	/* for spin lock in fmtfmt; avoids race due to write order */
+	/* lock by calling __fmtlock, __fmtunlock */
+	int	nfmt;
+	Convfmt	fmt[Maxfmt];
+} fmtalloc;
+static Convfmt knownfmt[] = {
+	' ',	__flagfmt,
+	'#',	__flagfmt,
+	'%',	__percentfmt,
+	'+',	__flagfmt,
+	',',	__flagfmt,
+	'-',	__flagfmt,
+	'C',	__runefmt,	/* Plan 9 addition */
+	'E',	__efgfmt,
+#ifndef PLAN9PORT
+	'F',	__efgfmt,	/* ANSI only */
+	'G',	__efgfmt,
+#ifndef PLAN9PORT
+	'L',	__flagfmt,	/* ANSI only */
+	'S',	__runesfmt,	/* Plan 9 addition */
+	'X',	__ifmt,
+	'b',	__ifmt,		/* Plan 9 addition */
+	'c',	__charfmt,
+	'd',	__ifmt,
+	'e',	__efgfmt,
+	'f',	__efgfmt,
+	'g',	__efgfmt,
+	'h',	__flagfmt,
+#ifndef PLAN9PORT
+	'i',	__ifmt,		/* ANSI only */
+	'l',	__flagfmt,
+	'n',	__countfmt,
+	'o',	__ifmt,
+	'p',	__ifmt,
+//	'r',	__errfmt,
+	's',	__strfmt,
+#ifdef PLAN9PORT
+	'u',	__flagfmt,
+	'u',	__ifmt,
+	'x',	__ifmt,
+	0,	0,
+int	(*fmtdoquote)(int);
+ * __fmtlock() must be set
+ */
+static int
+__fmtinstall(int c, Fmts f)
+	Convfmt *p, *ep;
+	if(c<=0 || c>=65536)
+		return -1;
+	if(!f)
+		f = __badfmt;
+	ep = &fmtalloc.fmt[fmtalloc.nfmt];
+	for(p=fmtalloc.fmt; p<ep; p++)
+		if(p->c == c)
+			break;
+	if(p == &fmtalloc.fmt[Maxfmt])
+		return -1;
+	p->fmt = f;
+	if(p == ep){	/* installing a new format character */
+		fmtalloc.nfmt++;
+		p->c = c;
+	}
+	return 0;
+fmtinstall(int c, int (*f)(Fmt*))
+	int ret;
+	__fmtlock();
+	ret = __fmtinstall(c, f);
+	__fmtunlock();
+	return ret;
+static Fmts
+fmtfmt(int c)
+	Convfmt *p, *ep;
+	ep = &fmtalloc.fmt[fmtalloc.nfmt];
+	for(p=fmtalloc.fmt; p<ep; p++)
+		if(p->c == c){
+			while(p->fmt == 0)	/* loop until value is updated */
+				;
+			return p->fmt;
+		}
+	/* is this a predefined format char? */
+	__fmtlock();
+	for(p=knownfmt; p->c; p++)
+		if(p->c == c){
+			__fmtinstall(p->c, p->fmt);
+			__fmtunlock();
+			return p->fmt;
+		}
+	__fmtunlock();
+	return __badfmt;
+__fmtdispatch(Fmt *f, void *fmt, int isrunes)
+	Rune rune, r;
+	int i, n;
+	f->flags = 0;
+	f->width = f->prec = 0;
+	for(;;){
+		if(isrunes){
+			r = *(Rune*)fmt;
+			fmt = (Rune*)fmt + 1;
+		}else{
+			fmt = (char*)fmt + chartorune(&rune, (char*)fmt);
+			r = rune;
+		}
+		f->r = r;
+		switch(r){
+		case '\0':
+			return nil;
+		case '.':
+			f->flags |= FmtWidth|FmtPrec;
+			continue;
+		case '0':
+			if(!(f->flags & FmtWidth)){
+				f->flags |= FmtZero;
+				continue;
+			}
+			/* fall through */
+		case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+		case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+			i = 0;
+			while(r >= '0' && r <= '9'){
+				i = i * 10 + r - '0';
+				if(isrunes){
+					r = *(Rune*)fmt;
+					fmt = (Rune*)fmt + 1;
+				}else{
+					r = *(char*)fmt;
+					fmt = (char*)fmt + 1;
+				}
+			}
+			if(isrunes)
+				fmt = (Rune*)fmt - 1;
+			else
+				fmt = (char*)fmt - 1;
+		numflag:
+			if(f->flags & FmtWidth){
+				f->flags |= FmtPrec;
+				f->prec = i;
+			}else{
+				f->flags |= FmtWidth;
+				f->width = i;
+			}
+			continue;
+		case '*':
+			i = va_arg(f->args, int);
+			if(i < 0){
+				/*
+				 * negative precision =>
+				 * ignore the precision.
+				 */
+				if(f->flags & FmtPrec){
+					f->flags &= ~FmtPrec;
+					f->prec = 0;
+					continue;
+				}
+				i = -i;
+				f->flags |= FmtLeft;
+			}
+			goto numflag;
+		}
+		n = (*fmtfmt(r))(f);
+		if(n < 0)
+			return nil;
+		if(n == 0)
+			return fmt;
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/fmtdef.h
@@ -1,0 +1,103 @@
+ * dofmt -- format to a buffer
+ * the number of characters formatted is returned,
+ * or -1 if there was an error.
+ * if the buffer is ever filled, flush is called.
+ * it should reset the buffer and return whether formatting should continue.
+ */
+typedef int (*Fmts)(Fmt*);
+typedef struct Quoteinfo Quoteinfo;
+struct Quoteinfo
+	int	quoted;		/* if set, string must be quoted */
+	int	nrunesin;	/* number of input runes that can be accepted */
+	int	nbytesin;	/* number of input bytes that can be accepted */
+	int	nrunesout;	/* number of runes that will be generated */
+	int	nbytesout;	/* number of bytes that will be generated */
+/* Edit .+1,/^$/ |cfn |grep -v static | grep __ */
+double       __Inf(int sign);
+double       __NaN(void);
+int          __badfmt(Fmt *f);
+int          __charfmt(Fmt *f);
+int          __countfmt(Fmt *f);
+int          __efgfmt(Fmt *fmt);
+int          __errfmt(Fmt *f);
+int          __flagfmt(Fmt *f);
+int          __fmtFdFlush(Fmt *f);
+int          __fmtcpy(Fmt *f, const void *vm, int n, int sz);
+void*        __fmtdispatch(Fmt *f, void *fmt, int isrunes);
+void *       __fmtflush(Fmt *f, void *t, int len);
+void         __fmtlock(void);
+int          __fmtpad(Fmt *f, int n);
+double       __fmtpow10(int n);
+int          __fmtrcpy(Fmt *f, const void *vm, int n);
+void         __fmtunlock(void);
+int          __ifmt(Fmt *f);
+int          __isInf(double d, int sign);
+int          __isNaN(double d);
+int          __needsquotes(char *s, int *quotelenp);
+int          __percentfmt(Fmt *f);
+void         __quotesetup(char *s, Rune *r, int nin, int nout, Quoteinfo *q, int sharp, int runesout);
+int          __quotestrfmt(int runesin, Fmt *f);
+int          __rfmtpad(Fmt *f, int n);
+int          __runefmt(Fmt *f);
+int          __runeneedsquotes(Rune *r, int *quotelenp);
+int          __runesfmt(Fmt *f);
+int          __strfmt(Fmt *f);
+#define FMTCHAR(f, t, s, c)\
+	do{\
+	if(t + 1 > (char*)s){\
+		t = __fmtflush(f, t, 1);\
+		if(t != nil)\
+			s = f->stop;\
+		else\
+			return -1;\
+	}\
+	*t++ = c;\
+	}while(0)
+#define FMTRCHAR(f, t, s, c)\
+	do{\
+	if(t + 1 > (Rune*)s){\
+		t = __fmtflush(f, t, sizeof(Rune));\
+		if(t != nil)\
+			s = f->stop;\
+		else\
+			return -1;\
+	}\
+	*t++ = c;\
+	}while(0)
+#define FMTRUNE(f, t, s, r)\
+	do{\
+	Rune _rune;\
+	int _runelen;\
+	if(t + UTFmax > (char*)s && t + (_runelen = runelen(r)) > (char*)s){\
+		t = __fmtflush(f, t, _runelen);\
+		if(t != nil)\
+			s = f->stop;\
+		else\
+			return -1;\
+	}\
+	if(r < Runeself)\
+		*t++ = r;\
+	else{\
+		_rune = r;\
+		t += runetochar(t, &_rune);\
+	}\
+	}while(0)
+#ifdef va_copy
+#	define VA_COPY(a,b) va_copy(a,b)
+#	define VA_END(a) va_end(a)
+#	define VA_COPY(a,b) (a) = (b)
+#	define VA_END(a)
+#define PLAN9PORT
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/fmtfd.c
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+ * public routine for final flush of a formatting buffer
+ * to a file descriptor; returns total char count.
+ */
+fmtfdflush(Fmt *f)
+	if(__fmtFdFlush(f) <= 0)
+		return -1;
+	return f->nfmt;
+ * initialize an output buffer for buffered printing
+ */
+fmtfdinit(Fmt *f, int fd, char *buf, int size)
+	f->runes = 0;
+	f->start = buf;
+	f->to = buf;
+	f->stop = buf + size;
+	f->flush = __fmtFdFlush;
+	f->farg = (void*)(uintptr_t)fd;
+	f->nfmt = 0;
+	return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/fmtfdflush.c
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+ * generic routine for flushing a formatting buffer
+ * to a file descriptor
+ */
+__fmtFdFlush(Fmt *f)
+	int n;
+	n = (char*)f->to - (char*)f->start;
+	if(n && write((uintptr_t)f->farg, f->start, n) != n)
+		return 0;
+	f->to = f->start;
+	return 1;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/fmtlock.c
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+static Lock fmtl;
+	lock(&fmtl);
+	unlock(&fmtl);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/fmtprint.c
@@ -1,0 +1,33 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+ * format a string into the output buffer
+ * designed for formats which themselves call fmt,
+ * but ignore any width flags
+ */
+fmtprint(Fmt *f, char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list va;
+	int n;
+	f->flags = 0;
+	f->width = 0;
+	f->prec = 0;
+	VA_COPY(va, f->args);
+	VA_END(f->args);
+	va_start(f->args, fmt);
+	n = dofmt(f, fmt);
+	va_end(f->args);
+	f->flags = 0;
+	f->width = 0;
+	f->prec = 0;
+	VA_COPY(f->args,va);
+	VA_END(va);
+	if(n >= 0)
+		return 0;
+	return n;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/fmtquote.c
@@ -1,0 +1,249 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+ * How many bytes of output UTF will be produced by quoting (if necessary) this string?
+ * How many runes? How much of the input will be consumed?
+ * The parameter q is filled in by __quotesetup.
+ * The string may be UTF or Runes (s or r).
+ * Return count does not include NUL.
+ * Terminate the scan at the first of:
+ *	NUL in input
+ *	count exceeded in input
+ *	count exceeded on output
+ * *ninp is set to number of input bytes accepted.
+ * nin may be <0 initially, to avoid checking input by count.
+ */
+__quotesetup(char *s, Rune *r, int nin, int nout, Quoteinfo *q, int sharp, int runesout)
+	int w;
+	Rune c;
+	q->quoted = 0;
+	q->nbytesout = 0;
+	q->nrunesout = 0;
+	q->nbytesin = 0;
+	q->nrunesin = 0;
+	if(sharp || nin==0 || (s && *s=='\0') || (r && *r=='\0')){
+		if(nout < 2)
+			return;
+		q->quoted = 1;
+		q->nbytesout = 2;
+		q->nrunesout = 2;
+	}
+	for(; nin!=0; nin--){
+		if(s)
+			w = chartorune(&c, s);
+		else{
+			c = *r;
+			w = runelen(c);
+		}
+		if(c == '\0')
+			break;
+		if(runesout){
+			if(q->nrunesout+1 > nout)
+				break;
+		}else{
+			if(q->nbytesout+w > nout)
+				break;
+		}
+		if((c <= L' ') || (c == L'\'') || (fmtdoquote!=0 && fmtdoquote(c))){
+			if(!q->quoted){
+				if(runesout){
+					if(1+q->nrunesout+1+1 > nout)	/* no room for quotes */
+						break;
+				}else{
+					if(1+q->nbytesout+w+1 > nout)	/* no room for quotes */
+						break;
+				}
+				q->nrunesout += 2;	/* include quotes */
+				q->nbytesout += 2;	/* include quotes */
+				q->quoted = 1;
+			}
+			if(c == '\'')	{
+				if(runesout){
+					if(1+q->nrunesout+1 > nout)	/* no room for quotes */
+						break;
+				}else{
+					if(1+q->nbytesout+w > nout)	/* no room for quotes */
+						break;
+				}
+				q->nbytesout++;
+				q->nrunesout++;	/* quotes reproduce as two characters */
+			}
+		}
+		/* advance input */
+		if(s)
+			s += w;
+		else
+			r++;
+		q->nbytesin += w;
+		q->nrunesin++;
+		/* advance output */
+		q->nbytesout += w;
+		q->nrunesout++;
+	}
+static int
+qstrfmt(char *sin, Rune *rin, Quoteinfo *q, Fmt *f)
+	Rune r, *rm, *rme;
+	char *t, *s, *m, *me;
+	Rune *rt, *rs;
+	ulong fl;
+	int nc, w;
+	m = sin;
+	me = m + q->nbytesin;
+	rm = rin;
+	rme = rm + q->nrunesin;
+	w = f->width;
+	fl = f->flags;
+	if(f->runes){
+		if(!(fl & FmtLeft) && __rfmtpad(f, w - q->nrunesout) < 0)
+			return -1;
+	}else{
+		if(!(fl & FmtLeft) && __fmtpad(f, w - q->nbytesout) < 0)
+			return -1;
+	}
+	t = (char*)f->to;
+	s = (char*)f->stop;
+	rt = (Rune*)f->to;
+	rs = (Rune*)f->stop;
+	if(f->runes)
+		FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, '\'');
+	else
+		FMTRUNE(f, t, s, '\'');
+	for(nc = q->nrunesin; nc > 0; nc--){
+		if(sin){
+			r = *(uchar*)m;
+			if(r < Runeself)
+				m++;
+			else if((me - m) >= UTFmax || fullrune(m, me-m))
+				m += chartorune(&r, m);
+			else
+				break;
+		}else{
+			if(rm >= rme)
+				break;
+			r = *(uchar*)rm++;
+		}
+		if(f->runes){
+			FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, r);
+			if(r == '\'')
+				FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, r);
+		}else{
+			FMTRUNE(f, t, s, r);
+			if(r == '\'')
+				FMTRUNE(f, t, s, r);
+		}
+	}
+	if(f->runes){
+		FMTRCHAR(f, rt, rs, '\'');
+		USED(rs);
+		f->nfmt += rt - (Rune *)f->to;
+		f->to = rt;
+		if(fl & FmtLeft && __rfmtpad(f, w - q->nrunesout) < 0)
+			return -1;
+	}else{
+		FMTRUNE(f, t, s, '\'');
+		USED(s);
+		f->nfmt += t - (char *)f->to;
+		f->to = t;
+		if(fl & FmtLeft && __fmtpad(f, w - q->nbytesout) < 0)
+			return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+__quotestrfmt(int runesin, Fmt *f)
+	int nin, outlen;
+	Rune *r;
+	char *s;
+	Quoteinfo q;
+	nin = -1;
+	if(f->flags&FmtPrec)
+		nin = f->prec;
+	if(runesin){
+		r = va_arg(f->args, Rune *);
+		s = nil;
+	}else{
+		s = va_arg(f->args, char *);
+		r = nil;
+	}
+	if(!s && !r)
+		return __fmtcpy(f, (void*)"<nil>", 5, 5);
+	if(f->flush)
+		outlen = 0x7FFFFFFF;	/* if we can flush, no output limit */
+	else if(f->runes)
+		outlen = (Rune*)f->stop - (Rune*)f->to;
+	else
+		outlen = (char*)f->stop - (char*)f->to;
+	__quotesetup(s, r, nin, outlen, &q, f->flags&FmtSharp, f->runes);
+//print("bytes in %d bytes out %d runes in %d runesout %d\n", q.nbytesin, q.nbytesout, q.nrunesin, q.nrunesout);
+	if(runesin){
+		if(!q.quoted)
+			return __fmtrcpy(f, r, q.nrunesin);
+		return qstrfmt(nil, r, &q, f);
+	}
+	if(!q.quoted)
+		return __fmtcpy(f, s, q.nrunesin, q.nbytesin);
+	return qstrfmt(s, nil, &q, f);
+quotestrfmt(Fmt *f)
+	return __quotestrfmt(0, f);
+quoterunestrfmt(Fmt *f)
+	return __quotestrfmt(1, f);
+	fmtinstall('q', quotestrfmt);
+	fmtinstall('Q', quoterunestrfmt);
+__needsquotes(char *s, int *quotelenp)
+	Quoteinfo q;
+	__quotesetup(s, nil, -1, 0x7FFFFFFF, &q, 0, 0);
+	*quotelenp = q.nbytesout;
+	return q.quoted;
+__runeneedsquotes(Rune *r, int *quotelenp)
+	Quoteinfo q;
+	__quotesetup(nil, r, -1, 0x7FFFFFFF, &q, 0, 0);
+	*quotelenp = q.nrunesout;
+	return q.quoted;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/fmtrune.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+fmtrune(Fmt *f, int r)
+	Rune *rt;
+	char *t;
+	int n;
+	if(f->runes){
+		rt = (Rune*)f->to;
+		FMTRCHAR(f, rt, f->stop, r);
+		f->to = rt;
+		n = 1;
+	}else{
+		t = (char*)f->to;
+		FMTRUNE(f, t, f->stop, r);
+		n = t - (char*)f->to;
+		f->to = t;
+	}
+	f->nfmt += n;
+	return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/fmtstr.c
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+fmtstrflush(Fmt *f)
+	if(f->start == nil)
+		return nil;
+	*(char*)f->to = '\0';
+	return (char*)f->start;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/fmtvprint.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+ * format a string into the output buffer
+ * designed for formats which themselves call fmt,
+ * but ignore any width flags
+ */
+fmtvprint(Fmt *f, char *fmt, va_list args)
+	va_list va;
+	int n;
+	f->flags = 0;
+	f->width = 0;
+	f->prec = 0;
+	VA_COPY(va,f->args);
+	VA_END(f->args);
+	VA_COPY(f->args,args);
+	n = dofmt(f, fmt);
+	f->flags = 0;
+	f->width = 0;
+	f->prec = 0;
+	VA_END(f->args);
+	VA_COPY(f->args,va);
+	VA_END(va);
+	if(n >= 0)
+		return 0;
+	return n;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/fprint.c
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+fprint(int fd, char *fmt, ...)
+	int n;
+	va_list args;
+	va_start(args, fmt);
+	n = vfprint(fd, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	return n;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/genrandom.c
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#undef long
+#undef ulong
+#include <unistd.h>
+genrandom(uchar *buf, int nbytes)
+	getentropy(buf, nbytes);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/mallocz.c
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+mallocz(ulong n, int clr)
+	void *v;
+	v = malloc(n);
+	if(v && clr)
+		memset(v, 0, n);
+	return v;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/nan.h
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+extern double __NaN(void);
+extern double __Inf(int);
+extern int __isNaN(double);
+extern int __isInf(double, int);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/nan64.c
@@ -1,0 +1,67 @@
+ * 64-bit IEEE not-a-number routines.
+ * This is big/little-endian portable assuming that 
+ * the 64-bit doubles and 64-bit integers have the
+ * same byte ordering.
+ */
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+#if defined (__APPLE__) || (__powerpc__)
+#define _NEEDLL
+static uvlong uvnan    = ((uvlong)0x7FF00000<<32)|0x00000001;
+static uvlong uvinf    = ((uvlong)0x7FF00000<<32)|0x00000000;
+static uvlong uvneginf = ((uvlong)0xFFF00000<<32)|0x00000000;
+	uvlong *p;
+	/* gcc complains about "return *(double*)&uvnan;" */
+	p = &uvnan;
+	return *(double*)p;
+__isNaN(double d)
+	uvlong x;
+	double *p;
+	p = &d;
+	x = *(uvlong*)p;
+	return (ulong)(x>>32)==0x7FF00000 && !__isInf(d, 0);
+__Inf(int sign)
+	uvlong *p;
+	if(sign < 0)
+		p = &uvinf;
+	else
+		p = &uvneginf;
+	return *(double*)p;
+__isInf(double d, int sign)
+	uvlong x;
+	double *p;
+	p = &d;
+	x = *(uvlong*)p;
+	if(sign == 0)
+		return x==uvinf || x==uvneginf;
+	else if(sign > 0)
+		return x==uvinf;
+	else
+		return x==uvneginf;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/print.c
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+print(char *fmt, ...)
+	int n;
+	va_list args;
+	va_start(args, fmt);
+	n = vfprint(1, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	return n;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/rune.c
@@ -1,0 +1,204 @@
+#include	<u.h>
+#include	<libc.h>
+	Bit1	= 7,
+	Bitx	= 6,
+	Bit2	= 5,
+	Bit3	= 4,
+	Bit4	= 3,
+	Bit5	= 2,
+	T1	= ((1<<(Bit1+1))-1) ^ 0xFF,	/* 0000 0000 */
+	Tx	= ((1<<(Bitx+1))-1) ^ 0xFF,	/* 1000 0000 */
+	T2	= ((1<<(Bit2+1))-1) ^ 0xFF,	/* 1100 0000 */
+	T3	= ((1<<(Bit3+1))-1) ^ 0xFF,	/* 1110 0000 */
+	T4	= ((1<<(Bit4+1))-1) ^ 0xFF,	/* 1111 0000 */
+	T5	= ((1<<(Bit5+1))-1) ^ 0xFF,	/* 1111 1000 */
+	Rune1	= (1<<(Bit1+0*Bitx))-1,		/* 0000 0000 0000 0000 0111 1111 */
+	Rune2	= (1<<(Bit2+1*Bitx))-1,		/* 0000 0000 0000 0111 1111 1111 */
+	Rune3	= (1<<(Bit3+2*Bitx))-1,		/* 0000 0000 1111 1111 1111 1111 */
+	Rune4	= (1<<(Bit4+3*Bitx))-1,		/* 0011 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 */
+	Maskx	= (1<<Bitx)-1,			/* 0011 1111 */
+	Testx	= Maskx ^ 0xFF,			/* 1100 0000 */
+	Bad	= Runeerror,
+chartorune(Rune *rune, char *str)
+	int c, c1, c2, c3;
+	long l;
+	/*
+	 * one character sequence
+	 *	00000-0007F => T1
+	 */
+	c = *(uchar*)str;
+	if(c < Tx) {
+		*rune = c;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * two character sequence
+	 *	0080-07FF => T2 Tx
+	 */
+	c1 = *(uchar*)(str+1) ^ Tx;
+	if(c1 & Testx)
+		goto bad;
+	if(c < T3) {
+		if(c < T2)
+			goto bad;
+		l = ((c << Bitx) | c1) & Rune2;
+		if(l <= Rune1)
+			goto bad;
+		*rune = l;
+		return 2;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * three character sequence
+	 *	0800-FFFF => T3 Tx Tx
+	 */
+	c2 = *(uchar*)(str+2) ^ Tx;
+	if(c2 & Testx)
+		goto bad;
+	if(c < T4) {
+		l = ((((c << Bitx) | c1) << Bitx) | c2) & Rune3;
+		if(l <= Rune2)
+			goto bad;
+		*rune = l;
+		return 3;
+	}
+ 	/*
+	 * four character sequence
+	 *	10000-10FFFF => T4 Tx Tx Tx
+	 */
+	if(UTFmax >= 4) {
+		c3 = *(uchar*)(str+3) ^ Tx;
+		if(c3 & Testx)
+			goto bad;
+		if(c < T5) {
+			l = ((((((c << Bitx) | c1) << Bitx) | c2) << Bitx) | c3) & Rune4;
+			if(l <= Rune3)
+				goto bad;
+			if(l > Runemax)
+				goto bad;
+			*rune = l;
+			return 4;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * bad decoding
+	 */
+	*rune = Bad;
+	return 1;
+runetochar(char *str, Rune *rune)
+	long c;
+	c = *rune;
+	if(c > Runemax)
+		c = Runeerror;
+	/*
+	 * one character sequence
+	 *	00000-0007F => 00-7F
+	 */
+	if(c <= Rune1) {
+		str[0] = c;
+		return 1;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * two character sequence
+	 *	0080-07FF => T2 Tx
+	 */
+	if(c <= Rune2) {
+		str[0] = T2 | (c >> 1*Bitx);
+		str[1] = Tx | (c & Maskx);
+		return 2;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * three character sequence
+	 *	0800-FFFF => T3 Tx Tx
+	 */
+	if(c <= Rune3) {
+		str[0] = T3 |  (c >> 2*Bitx);
+		str[1] = Tx | ((c >> 1*Bitx) & Maskx);
+		str[2] = Tx |  (c & Maskx);
+		return 3;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * four character sequence
+	 *	10000-1FFFFF => T4 Tx Tx Tx
+	 */
+	str[0] = T4 |  (c >> 3*Bitx);
+	str[1] = Tx | ((c >> 2*Bitx) & Maskx);
+	str[2] = Tx | ((c >> 1*Bitx) & Maskx);
+	str[3] = Tx |  (c & Maskx);
+	return 4;
+runelen(long c)
+	Rune rune;
+	char str[UTFmax];
+	rune = c;
+	return runetochar(str, &rune);
+runenlen(Rune *r, int nrune)
+	int nb, c;
+	nb = 0;
+	while(nrune--) {
+		c = *r++;
+		if(c <= Rune1)
+			nb++;
+		else
+		if(c <= Rune2)
+			nb += 2;
+		else
+		if(c <= Rune3 || c > Runemax)
+			nb += 3;
+		else
+			nb += 4;
+	}
+	return nb;
+fullrune(char *str, int n)
+	int c;
+	if(n <= 0)
+		return 0;
+	c = *(uchar*)str;
+	if(c < Tx)
+		return 1;
+	if(c < T3)
+		return n >= 2;
+	if(UTFmax == 3 || c < T4)
+		return n >= 3;
+	return n >= 4;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/snprint.c
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+snprint(char *buf, int len, char *fmt, ...)
+	int n;
+	va_list args;
+	va_start(args, fmt);
+	n = vsnprint(buf, len, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	return n;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/sprint.c
@@ -1,0 +1,24 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+sprint(char *buf, char *fmt, ...)
+	int n;
+	uint len;
+	va_list args;
+	len = 1<<30;  /* big number, but sprint is deprecated anyway */
+	/*
+	 * on PowerPC, the stack is near the top of memory, so
+	 * we must be sure not to overflow a 32-bit pointer.
+	 */
+	if((uintptr)buf+len < (uintptr)buf)
+		len = -(uintptr)buf-1;
+	va_start(args, fmt);
+	n = vsnprint(buf, len, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	return n;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/strtod.c
@@ -1,0 +1,542 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+ * This routine will convert to arbitrary precision
+ * floating point entirely in multi-precision fixed.
+ * The answer is the closest floating point number to
+ * the given decimal number. Exactly half way are
+ * rounded ala ieee rules.
+ * Method is to scale input decimal between .500 and .999...
+ * with external power of 2, then binary search for the
+ * closest mantissa to this decimal number.
+ * Nmant is is the required precision. (53 for ieee dp)
+ * Nbits is the max number of bits/word. (must be <= 28)
+ * Prec is calculated - the number of words of fixed mantissa.
+ */
+	Nbits	= 28,				/* bits safely represented in a ulong */
+	Nmant	= 53,				/* bits of precision required */
+	Bias	= 1022,
+	Prec	= (Nmant+Nbits+1)/Nbits,	/* words of Nbits each to represent mantissa */
+	Sigbit	= 1<<(Prec*Nbits-Nmant),	/* first significant bit of Prec-th word */
+	Ndig	= 1500,
+	One	= (ulong)(1<<Nbits),
+	Half	= (ulong)(One>>1),
+	Maxe	= 310,
+	S0	= 0,		/* _		_S0	+S1	#S2	.S3 */
+	S1,			/* _+		#S2	.S3 */
+	S2,			/* _+#		#S2	.S4	eS5 */
+	S3,			/* _+.		#S4 */
+	S4,			/* _+#.#	#S4	eS5 */
+	S5,			/* _+#.#e	+S6	#S7 */
+	S6,			/* _+#.#e+	#S7 */
+	S7,			/* _+#.#e+#	#S7 */
+	Fsign	= 1<<0,		/* found - */
+	Fesign	= 1<<1,		/* found e- */
+	Fdpoint	= 1<<2,		/* found . */
+static	int	xcmp(char*, char*);
+static	int	fpcmp(char*, ulong*);
+static	void	frnorm(ulong*);
+static	void	divascii(char*, int*, int*, int*);
+static	void	mulascii(char*, int*, int*, int*);
+static	void	divby(char*, int*, int);
+static ulong	umuldiv(ulong, ulong, ulong);
+typedef	struct	Tab	Tab;
+struct	Tab
+	int	bp;
+	int	siz;
+	char*	cmp;
+#ifndef ERANGE
+#define ERANGE 12345
+fmtstrtod(const char *as, char **aas)
+	int na, ona, ex, dp, bp, c, i, flag, state;
+	ulong low[Prec], hig[Prec], mid[Prec], num, den;
+	double d;
+	char *s, a[Ndig];
+	flag = 0;	/* Fsign, Fesign, Fdpoint */
+	na = 0;		/* number of digits of a[] */
+	dp = 0;		/* na of decimal point */
+	ex = 0;		/* exonent */
+	state = S0;
+	for(s=(char*)as;; s++) {
+		c = *s;
+		if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
+			switch(state) {
+			case S0:
+			case S1:
+			case S2:
+				state = S2;
+				break;
+			case S3:
+			case S4:
+				state = S4;
+				break;
+			case S5:
+			case S6:
+			case S7:
+				state = S7;
+				ex = ex*10 + (c-'0');
+				continue;
+			}
+			if(na == 0 && c == '0') {
+				dp--;
+				continue;
+			}
+			if(na < Ndig-50)
+				a[na++] = c;
+			continue;
+		}
+		switch(c) {
+		case '\t':
+		case '\n':
+		case '\v':
+		case '\f':
+		case '\r':
+		case ' ':
+			if(state == S0)
+				continue;
+			break;
+		case '-':
+			if(state == S0)
+				flag |= Fsign;
+			else
+				flag |= Fesign;
+		case '+':
+			if(state == S0)
+				state = S1;
+			else
+			if(state == S5)
+				state = S6;
+			else
+				break;	/* syntax */
+			continue;
+		case '.':
+			flag |= Fdpoint;
+			dp = na;
+			if(state == S0 || state == S1) {
+				state = S3;
+				continue;
+			}
+			if(state == S2) {
+				state = S4;
+				continue;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 'e':
+		case 'E':
+			if(state == S2 || state == S4) {
+				state = S5;
+				continue;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * clean up return char-pointer
+	 */
+	switch(state) {
+	case S0:
+		if(xcmp(s, "nan") == 0) {
+			if(aas != nil)
+				*aas = s+3;
+			goto retnan;
+		}
+	case S1:
+		if(xcmp(s, "infinity") == 0) {
+			if(aas != nil)
+				*aas = s+8;
+			goto retinf;
+		}
+		if(xcmp(s, "inf") == 0) {
+			if(aas != nil)
+				*aas = s+3;
+			goto retinf;
+		}
+	case S3:
+		if(aas != nil)
+			*aas = (char*)as;
+		goto ret0;	/* no digits found */
+	case S6:
+		s--;		/* back over +- */
+	case S5:
+		s--;		/* back over e */
+		break;
+	}
+	if(aas != nil)
+		*aas = s;
+	if(flag & Fdpoint)
+	while(na > 0 && a[na-1] == '0')
+		na--;
+	if(na == 0)
+		goto ret0;	/* zero */
+	a[na] = 0;
+	if(!(flag & Fdpoint))
+		dp = na;
+	if(flag & Fesign)
+		ex = -ex;
+	dp += ex;
+	if(dp < -Maxe-Nmant/3){ /* actually -Nmant*log(2)/log(10), but Nmant/3 close enough */
+		errno = ERANGE;
+		goto ret0;	/* underflow by exp */
+	} else
+	if(dp > +Maxe)
+		goto retinf;	/* overflow by exp */
+	/*
+	 * normalize the decimal ascii number
+	 * to range .[5-9][0-9]* e0
+	 */
+	bp = 0;		/* binary exponent */
+	while(dp > 0)
+		divascii(a, &na, &dp, &bp);
+	while(dp < 0 || a[0] < '5')
+		mulascii(a, &na, &dp, &bp);
+	a[na] = 0;
+	/*
+	 * very small numbers are represented using
+	 * bp = -Bias+1.  adjust accordingly.
+	 */
+	if(bp < -Bias+1){
+		ona = na;
+		divby(a, &na, -bp-Bias+1);
+		if(na < ona){
+			memmove(a+ona-na, a, na);
+			memset(a, '0', ona-na);
+			na = ona;
+		}
+		a[na] = 0;
+		bp = -Bias+1;
+	}
+	/* close approx by naive conversion */
+	num = 0;
+	den = 1;
+	for(i=0; i<9 && (c=a[i]); i++) {
+		num = num*10 + (c-'0');
+		den *= 10;
+	}
+	low[0] = umuldiv(num, One, den);
+	hig[0] = umuldiv(num+1, One, den);
+	for(i=1; i<Prec; i++) {
+		low[i] = 0;
+		hig[i] = One-1;
+	}
+	/* binary search for closest mantissa */
+	for(;;) {
+		/* mid = (hig + low) / 2 */
+		c = 0;
+		for(i=0; i<Prec; i++) {
+			mid[i] = hig[i] + low[i];
+			if(c)
+				mid[i] += One;
+			c = mid[i] & 1;
+			mid[i] >>= 1;
+		}
+		frnorm(mid);
+		/* compare */
+		c = fpcmp(a, mid);
+		if(c > 0) {
+			c = 1;
+			for(i=0; i<Prec; i++)
+				if(low[i] != mid[i]) {
+					c = 0;
+					low[i] = mid[i];
+				}
+			if(c)
+				break;	/* between mid and hig */
+			continue;
+		}
+		if(c < 0) {
+			for(i=0; i<Prec; i++)
+				hig[i] = mid[i];
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* only hard part is if even/odd roundings wants to go up */
+		c = mid[Prec-1] & (Sigbit-1);
+		if(c == Sigbit/2 && (mid[Prec-1]&Sigbit) == 0)
+			mid[Prec-1] -= c;
+		break;	/* exactly mid */
+	}
+	/* normal rounding applies */
+	c = mid[Prec-1] & (Sigbit-1);
+	mid[Prec-1] -= c;
+	if(c >= Sigbit/2) {
+		mid[Prec-1] += Sigbit;
+		frnorm(mid);
+	}
+	goto out;
+	return 0;
+	return __NaN();
+	/*
+	 * Unix strtod requires these.  Plan 9 would return Inf(0) or Inf(-1). */
+	errno = ERANGE;
+	if(flag & Fsign)
+		return -HUGE_VAL;
+	return HUGE_VAL;
+	d = 0;
+	for(i=0; i<Prec; i++)
+		d = d*One + mid[i];
+	if(flag & Fsign)
+		d = -d;
+	d = ldexp(d, bp - Prec*Nbits);
+	if(d == 0){	/* underflow */
+		errno = ERANGE;
+	}
+	return d;
+static void
+frnorm(ulong *f)
+	int i, c;
+	c = 0;
+	for(i=Prec-1; i>0; i--) {
+		f[i] += c;
+		c = f[i] >> Nbits;
+		f[i] &= One-1;
+	}
+	f[0] += c;
+static int
+fpcmp(char *a, ulong* f)
+	ulong tf[Prec];
+	int i, d, c;
+	for(i=0; i<Prec; i++)
+		tf[i] = f[i];
+	for(;;) {
+		/* tf *= 10 */
+		for(i=0; i<Prec; i++)
+			tf[i] = tf[i]*10;
+		frnorm(tf);
+		d = (tf[0] >> Nbits) + '0';
+		tf[0] &= One-1;
+		/* compare next digit */
+		c = *a;
+		if(c == 0) {
+			if('0' < d)
+				return -1;
+			if(tf[0] != 0)
+				goto cont;
+			for(i=1; i<Prec; i++)
+				if(tf[i] != 0)
+					goto cont;
+			return 0;
+		}
+		if(c > d)
+			return +1;
+		if(c < d)
+			return -1;
+		a++;
+	cont:;
+	}
+static void
+_divby(char *a, int *na, int b)
+	int n, c;
+	char *p;
+	p = a;
+	n = 0;
+	while(n>>b == 0) {
+		c = *a++;
+		if(c == 0) {
+			while(n) {
+				c = n*10;
+				if(c>>b)
+					break;
+				n = c;
+			}
+			goto xx;
+		}
+		n = n*10 + c-'0';
+		(*na)--;
+	}
+	for(;;) {
+		c = n>>b;
+		n -= c<<b;
+		*p++ = c + '0';
+		c = *a++;
+		if(c == 0)
+			break;
+		n = n*10 + c-'0';
+	}
+	(*na)++;
+	while(n) {
+		n = n*10;
+		c = n>>b;
+		n -= c<<b;
+		*p++ = c + '0';
+		(*na)++;
+	}
+	*p = 0;
+static void
+divby(char *a, int *na, int b)
+	while(b > 9){
+		_divby(a, na, 9);
+		a[*na] = 0;
+		b -= 9;
+	}
+	if(b > 0)
+		_divby(a, na, b);
+static	Tab	tab1[] =
+	 1,  0, "",
+	 3,  1, "7",
+	 6,  2, "63",
+	 9,  3, "511",
+	13,  4, "8191",
+	16,  5, "65535",
+	19,  6, "524287",
+	23,  7, "8388607",
+	26,  8, "67108863",
+	27,  9, "134217727",
+static void
+divascii(char *a, int *na, int *dp, int *bp)
+	int b, d;
+	Tab *t;
+	d = *dp;
+	if(d >= (int)(nelem(tab1)))
+		d = (int)(nelem(tab1))-1;
+	t = tab1 + d;
+	b = t->bp;
+	if(memcmp(a, t->cmp, t->siz) > 0)
+		d--;
+	*dp -= d;
+	*bp += b;
+	divby(a, na, b);
+static void
+mulby(char *a, char *p, char *q, int b)
+	int n, c;
+	n = 0;
+	*p = 0;
+	for(;;) {
+		q--;
+		if(q < a)
+			break;
+		c = *q - '0';
+		c = (c<<b) + n;
+		n = c/10;
+		c -= n*10;
+		p--;
+		*p = c + '0';
+	}
+	while(n) {
+		c = n;
+		n = c/10;
+		c -= n*10;
+		p--;
+		*p = c + '0';
+	}
+static	Tab	tab2[] =
+	 1,  1, "",				/* dp = 0-0 */
+	 3,  3, "125",
+	 6,  5, "15625",
+	 9,  7, "1953125",
+	13, 10, "1220703125",
+	16, 12, "152587890625",
+	19, 14, "19073486328125",
+	23, 17, "11920928955078125",
+	26, 19, "1490116119384765625",
+	27, 19, "7450580596923828125",		/* dp 8-9 */
+static void
+mulascii(char *a, int *na, int *dp, int *bp)
+	char *p;
+	int d, b;
+	Tab *t;
+	d = -*dp;
+	if(d >= (int)(nelem(tab2)))
+		d = (int)(nelem(tab2))-1;
+	t = tab2 + d;
+	b = t->bp;
+	if(memcmp(a, t->cmp, t->siz) < 0)
+		d--;
+	p = a + *na;
+	*bp -= b;
+	*dp += d;
+	*na += d;
+	mulby(a, p+d, p, b);
+static int
+xcmp(char *a, char *b)
+	int c1, c2;
+	while(c1 = *b++) {
+		c2 = *a++;
+		if(isupper(c2))
+			c2 = tolower(c2);
+		if(c1 != c2)
+			return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static ulong
+umuldiv(ulong a, ulong b, ulong c)
+	return ((uvlong)a * (uvlong)b) / c;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/strtod.h
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+extern double __NaN(void);
+extern double __Inf(int);
+extern double __isNaN(double);
+extern double __isInf(double, int);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/sysfatal.c
@@ -1,0 +1,24 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+static void
+_sysfatalimpl(char *fmt, va_list arg)
+	vfprint(2, fmt, arg);
+	fprint(2, "\n");
+	exit(1);
+void (*_sysfatal)(char *fmt, va_list arg) = _sysfatalimpl;
+sysfatal(char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list arg;
+	va_start(arg, fmt);
+	(*_sysfatal)(fmt, arg);
+	va_end(arg);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/u16.c
@@ -1,0 +1,69 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#define between(x,min,max)	(((min-1-x) & (x-max-1))>>8)
+enc16chr(int o)
+	int c;
+	c  = between(o,  0,  9) & ('0'+o);
+	c |= between(o, 10, 15) & ('A'+(o-10));
+	return c;
+dec16chr(int c)
+	int o;
+	o  = between(c, '0', '9') & (1+(c-'0'));
+	o |= between(c, 'A', 'F') & (1+10+(c-'A'));
+	o |= between(c, 'a', 'f') & (1+10+(c-'a'));
+	return o-1;
+dec16(uchar *out, int lim, char *in, int n)
+	int c, w = 0, i = 0;
+	uchar *start = out;
+	uchar *eout = out + lim;
+	while(n-- > 0){
+		c = dec16chr(*in++);
+		if(c < 0)
+			continue;
+		w = (w<<4) + c;
+		i++;
+		if(i == 2){
+			if(out + 1 > eout)
+				goto exhausted;
+			*out++ = w;
+			w = 0;
+			i = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	return out - start;
+enc16(char *out, int lim, uchar *in, int n)
+	uint c;
+	char *eout = out + lim;
+	char *start = out;
+	while(n-- > 0){
+		c = *in++;
+		if(out + 2 >= eout)
+			goto exhausted;
+		*out++ = enc16chr(c>>4);
+		*out++ = enc16chr(c&15);
+	}
+	*out = 0;
+	return out - start;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/u32.c
@@ -1,0 +1,132 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#define between(x,min,max)	(((min-1-x) & (x-max-1))>>8)
+enc32chr(int o)
+	int c;
+	c  = between(o,  0, 25) & ('A'+o);
+	c |= between(o, 26, 31) & ('2'+(o-26));
+	return c;
+dec32chr(int c)
+	int o;
+	o  = between(c, 'A', 'Z') & (1+(c-'A'));
+	o |= between(c, 'a', 'z') & (1+(c-'a'));
+	o |= between(c, '2', '7') & (1+26+(c-'2'));
+	return o-1;
+dec32(uchar *dest, int ndest, char *src, int nsrc)
+	uchar *start;
+	int i, j, u[8];
+	if(ndest+1 < (5*nsrc+7)/8)
+		return -1;
+	start = dest;
+	while(nsrc>=8){
+		for(i=0; i<8; i++){
+			j = dec32chr(src[i]);
+			if(j < 0)
+				j = 0;
+			u[i] = j;
+		}
+		*dest++ = (u[0]<<3) | (0x7 & (u[1]>>2));
+		*dest++ = ((0x3 & u[1])<<6) | (u[2]<<1) | (0x1 & (u[3]>>4));
+		*dest++ = ((0xf & u[3])<<4) | (0xf & (u[4]>>1));
+		*dest++ = ((0x1 & u[4])<<7) | (u[5]<<2) | (0x3 & (u[6]>>3));
+		*dest++ = ((0x7 & u[6])<<5) | u[7];
+		src  += 8;
+		nsrc -= 8;
+	}
+	if(nsrc > 0){
+		if(nsrc == 1 || nsrc == 3 || nsrc == 6)
+			return -1;
+		for(i=0; i<nsrc; i++){
+			j = dec32chr(src[i]);
+			if(j < 0)
+				j = 0;
+			u[i] = j;
+		}
+		*dest++ = (u[0]<<3) | (0x7 & (u[1]>>2));
+		if(nsrc == 2)
+			goto out;
+		*dest++ = ((0x3 & u[1])<<6) | (u[2]<<1) | (0x1 & (u[3]>>4));
+		if(nsrc == 4)
+			goto out;
+		*dest++ = ((0xf & u[3])<<4) | (0xf & (u[4]>>1));
+		if(nsrc == 5)
+			goto out;
+		*dest++ = ((0x1 & u[4])<<7) | (u[5]<<2) | (0x3 & (u[6]>>3));
+	}
+	return dest-start;
+enc32(char *dest, int ndest, uchar *src, int nsrc)
+	char *start;
+	int j;
+	if(ndest <= (8*nsrc+4)/5)
+		return -1;
+	start = dest;
+	while(nsrc>=5){
+		j = (0x1f & (src[0]>>3));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		j = (0x1c & (src[0]<<2)) | (0x03 & (src[1]>>6));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		j = (0x1f & (src[1]>>1));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		j = (0x10 & (src[1]<<4)) | (0x0f & (src[2]>>4));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		j = (0x1e & (src[2]<<1)) | (0x01 & (src[3]>>7));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		j = (0x1f & (src[3]>>2));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		j = (0x18 & (src[3]<<3)) | (0x07 & (src[4]>>5));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		j = (0x1f & (src[4]));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		src  += 5;
+		nsrc -= 5;
+	}
+	if(nsrc){
+		j = (0x1f & (src[0]>>3));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		j = (0x1c & (src[0]<<2));
+		if(nsrc == 1)
+			goto out;
+		j |= (0x03 & (src[1]>>6));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		j = (0x1f & (src[1]>>1));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		j = (0x10 & (src[1]<<4));
+		if(nsrc == 2)
+			goto out;
+		j |= (0x0f & (src[2]>>4));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		j = (0x1e & (src[2]<<1));
+		if(nsrc == 3)
+			goto out;
+		j |= (0x01 & (src[3]>>7));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		j = (0x1f & (src[3]>>2));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+		j = (0x18 & (src[3]<<3));
+		*dest++ = enc32chr(j);
+	}
+	*dest = 0;
+	return dest-start;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/u64.c
@@ -1,0 +1,130 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#define between(x,min,max)	(((min-1-x) & (x-max-1))>>8)
+enc64chr(int o)
+	int c;
+	c  = between(o,  0, 25) & ('A'+o);
+	c |= between(o, 26, 51) & ('a'+(o-26));
+	c |= between(o, 52, 61) & ('0'+(o-52));
+	c |= between(o, 62, 62) & ('+');
+	c |= between(o, 63, 63) & ('/');
+	return c;
+dec64chr(int c)
+	int o;
+	o  = between(c, 'A', 'Z') & (1+(c-'A'));
+	o |= between(c, 'a', 'z') & (1+26+(c-'a'));
+	o |= between(c, '0', '9') & (1+52+(c-'0'));
+	o |= between(c, '+', '+') & (1+62);
+	o |= between(c, '/', '/') & (1+63);
+	return o-1;
+dec64(uchar *out, int lim, char *in, int n)
+	ulong b24;
+	uchar *start = out;
+	uchar *e = out + lim;
+	int i, c;
+	b24 = 0;
+	i = 0;
+	while(n-- > 0){
+		c = dec64chr(*in++);
+		if(c < 0)
+			continue;
+		switch(i){
+		case 0:
+			b24 = c<<18;
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			b24 |= c<<12;
+			break;
+		case 2:
+			b24 |= c<<6;
+			break;
+		case 3:
+			if(out + 3 > e)
+				goto exhausted;
+			b24 |= c;
+			*out++ = b24>>16;
+			*out++ = b24>>8;
+			*out++ = b24;
+			i = 0;
+			continue;
+		}
+		i++;
+	}
+	switch(i){
+	case 2:
+		if(out + 1 > e)
+			goto exhausted;
+		*out++ = b24>>16;
+		break;
+	case 3:
+		if(out + 2 > e)
+			goto exhausted;
+		*out++ = b24>>16;
+		*out++ = b24>>8;
+		break;
+	}
+	return out - start;
+enc64(char *out, int lim, uchar *in, int n)
+	int i;
+	ulong b24;
+	char *start = out;
+	char *e = out + lim;
+	for(i = n/3; i > 0; i--){
+		b24 = *in++<<16;
+		b24 |= *in++<<8;
+		b24 |= *in++;
+		if(out + 4 >= e)
+			goto exhausted;
+		*out++ = enc64chr(b24>>18);
+		*out++ = enc64chr((b24>>12)&0x3f);
+		*out++ = enc64chr((b24>>6)&0x3f);
+		*out++ = enc64chr(b24&0x3f);
+	}
+	switch(n%3){
+	case 2:
+		b24 = *in++<<16;
+		b24 |= *in<<8;
+		if(out + 4 >= e)
+			goto exhausted;
+		*out++ = enc64chr(b24>>18);
+		*out++ = enc64chr((b24>>12)&0x3f);
+		*out++ = enc64chr((b24>>6)&0x3f);
+		*out++ = '=';
+		break;
+	case 1:
+		b24 = *in<<16;
+		if(out + 4 >= e)
+			goto exhausted;
+		*out++ = enc64chr(b24>>18);
+		*out++ = enc64chr((b24>>12)&0x3f);
+		*out++ = '=';
+		*out++ = '=';
+		break;
+	}
+	*out = 0;
+	return out - start;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/utf.h
@@ -1,0 +1,53 @@
+#ifndef _UTFH_
+#define _UTFH_ 1
+typedef unsigned int Rune;	/* 32 bits */
+	UTFmax		= 4,		/* maximum bytes per rune */
+	Runesync	= 0x80,		/* cannot represent part of a UTF sequence (<) */
+	Runeself	= 0x80,		/* rune and UTF sequences are the same (<) */
+	Runeerror	= 0xFFFD,	/* decoding error in UTF */
+	Runemax		= 0x10FFFF,	/* 21-bit rune */
+	Runemask	= 0x1FFFFF,	/* bits used by runes (see grep) */
+ * rune routines
+ */
+extern	int	runetochar(char*, Rune*);
+extern	int	chartorune(Rune*, char*);
+extern	int	runelen(long);
+extern	int	runenlen(Rune*, int);
+extern	int	fullrune(char*, int);
+extern	int	utflen(char*);
+extern	int	utfnlen(char*, long);
+extern	char*	utfrune(char*, long);
+extern	char*	utfrrune(char*, long);
+extern	char*	utfutf(char*, char*);
+extern	char*	utfecpy(char*, char*, char*);
+extern	Rune*	runestrcat(Rune*, Rune*);
+extern	Rune*	runestrchr(Rune*, Rune);
+extern	int	runestrcmp(Rune*, Rune*);
+extern	Rune*	runestrcpy(Rune*, Rune*);
+extern	Rune*	runestrncpy(Rune*, Rune*, long);
+extern	Rune*	runestrecpy(Rune*, Rune*, Rune*);
+extern	Rune*	runestrdup(Rune*);
+extern	Rune*	runestrncat(Rune*, Rune*, long);
+extern	int	runestrncmp(Rune*, Rune*, long);
+extern	Rune*	runestrrchr(Rune*, Rune);
+extern	long	runestrlen(Rune*);
+extern	Rune*	runestrstr(Rune*, Rune*);
+extern	Rune	tolowerrune(Rune);
+extern	Rune	totitlerune(Rune);
+extern	Rune	toupperrune(Rune);
+extern	int	isalpharune(Rune);
+extern	int	islowerrune(Rune);
+extern	int	isspacerune(Rune);
+extern	int	istitlerune(Rune);
+extern	int	isupperrune(Rune);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/utfdef.h
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+#define uchar _utfuchar
+#define ushort _utfushort
+#define uint _utfuint
+#define ulong _utfulong
+#define vlong _utfvlong
+#define uvlong _utfuvlong
+typedef unsigned char		uchar;
+typedef unsigned short		ushort;
+typedef unsigned int		uint;
+typedef unsigned long		ulong;
+#define nelem(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))
+#define nil ((void*)0)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/utflen.c
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+utflen(char *s)
+	int c;
+	long n;
+	Rune rune;
+	n = 0;
+	for(;;) {
+		c = *(uchar*)s;
+		if(c < Runeself) {
+			if(c == 0)
+				return n;
+			s++;
+		} else
+			s += chartorune(&rune, s);
+		n++;
+	}
+	return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/vfprint.c
@@ -1,0 +1,19 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+vfprint(int fd, char *fmt, va_list args)
+	Fmt f;
+	char buf[256];
+	int n;
+	fmtfdinit(&f, fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+	VA_COPY(f.args,args);
+	n = dofmt(&f, fmt);
+	VA_END(f.args);
+	if(n > 0 && __fmtFdFlush(&f) == 0)
+		return -1;
+	return n;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libc/vsnprint.c
@@ -1,0 +1,24 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include "fmtdef.h"
+vsnprint(char *buf, int len, char *fmt, va_list args)
+	Fmt f;
+	if(len <= 0)
+		return -1;
+	f.runes = 0;
+	f.start = buf;
+ = buf;
+	f.stop = buf + len - 1;
+	f.flush = 0;
+	f.farg = nil;
+	f.nfmt = 0;
+	VA_COPY(f.args,args);
+	dofmt(&f, fmt);
+	VA_END(f.args);
+	*(char*) = '\0';
+	return (char*) - buf;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/betomp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// convert a big-endian byte array (most significant byte first) to an mpint
+betomp(uchar *p, uint n, mpint *b)
+	int m, s;
+	mpdigit x;
+	if(b == nil){
+		b = mpnew(0);
+		setmalloctag(b, getcallerpc(&p));
+	}
+	mpbits(b, n*8);
+	m = DIGITS(n*8);
+	b->top = m--;
+	b->sign = 1;
+	s = ((n-1)*8)%Dbits;
+	x = 0;
+	for(; n > 0; n--){
+		x |= ((mpdigit)(*p++)) << s;
+		s -= 8;
+		if(s < 0){
+			b->p[m--] = x;
+			s = Dbits-8;
+			x = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	return mpnorm(b);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/cnfield.c
@@ -1,0 +1,114 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+ * fast reduction for crandall numbers of the form: 2^n - c
+ */
+enum {
+	MAXDIG = 1024 / Dbits,
+typedef struct CNfield CNfield;
+struct CNfield
+	Mfield f;	
+	mpint	m[1];
+	int	s;
+	mpdigit	c;
+static int
+cnreduce(Mfield *m, mpint *a, mpint *r)
+	mpdigit q[MAXDIG-1], t[MAXDIG], d;
+	CNfield *f = (CNfield*)m;
+	int qn, tn, k;
+	k = f->;
+	if((a->top - k) >= MAXDIG)
+		return -1;
+	mpleft(a, f->s, r);
+	if(r->top <= k)
+		mpbits(r, (k+1)*Dbits);
+	/* q = hi(r) */
+	qn = r->top - k;
+	memmove(q, r->p+k, qn*Dbytes);
+	/* r = lo(r) */
+	r->top = k;
+	r->sign = 1;
+	do {
+		/* t = q*c */
+		tn = qn+1;
+		memset(t, 0, tn*Dbytes);
+		mpvecdigmuladd(q, qn, f->c, t);
+		/* q = hi(t) */
+		qn = tn - k;
+		if(qn <= 0) qn = 0;
+		else memmove(q, t+k, qn*Dbytes);
+		/* r += lo(t) */
+		if(tn > k)
+			tn = k;
+		mpvecadd(r->p, k, t, tn, r->p);
+		/* if(r >= m) r -= m */
+		mpvecsub(r->p, k+1, f->m->p, k, t);
+		d = t[k];
+		for(tn = 0; tn < k; tn++)
+			r->p[tn] = (r->p[tn] & d) | (t[tn] & ~d);
+	} while(qn > 0);
+	if(f->s != 0)
+		mpright(r, f->s, r);
+	mpnorm(r);
+	return 0;
+cnfield(mpint *N)
+	mpint *M, *C;
+	CNfield *f;
+	mpdigit d;
+	int s;
+	if(N->top <= 2 || N->top >= MAXDIG)
+		return nil;
+	f = nil;
+	d = N->p[N->top-1];
+	for(s = 0; (d & (mpdigit)1<<Dbits-1) == 0; s++)
+		d <<= 1;
+	C = mpnew(0);
+	M = mpcopy(N);
+	mpleft(N, s, M);
+	mpleft(mpone, M->top*Dbits, C);
+	mpsub(C, M, C);
+	if(C->top != 1)
+		goto out;
+	f = mallocz(sizeof(CNfield) + M->top*sizeof(mpdigit), 1);
+	if(f == nil)
+		goto out;
+	f->s = s;
+	f->c = C->p[0];
+	f->m->size = M->top;
+	f->m->p = (mpdigit*)&f[1];
+	mpassign(M, f->m);
+	mpassign(N, (mpint*)f);
+	f->f.reduce = cnreduce;
+	f->f.m.flags |= MPfield;
+	mpfree(M);
+	mpfree(C);
+	return (Mfield*)f;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/dat.h
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+#define	mpdighi  (mpdigit)(1<<(Dbits-1))
+#define DIGITS(x) ((Dbits - 1 + (x))/Dbits)
+// for converting between int's and mpint's
+#define MAXUINT ((uint)-1)
+#define MAXINT (MAXUINT>>1)
+#define MININT (MAXINT+1)
+// for converting between vlongs's and mpint's
+#define MAXUVLONG (~0ULL)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/gmfield.c
@@ -1,0 +1,173 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+ * fast reduction for generalized mersenne numbers (GM)
+ * using a series of additions and subtractions.
+ */
+enum {
+	MAXDIG = 1024/Dbits,
+typedef struct GMfield GMfield;
+struct GMfield
+	Mfield f;	
+	mpint	m2[1];
+	int	nadd;
+	int	nsub;
+	int	indx[256];
+static int
+gmreduce(Mfield *m, mpint *a, mpint *r)
+	GMfield *g = (GMfield*)m;
+	mpdigit d0, t[MAXDIG];
+	int i, j, d, *x;
+	if(mpmagcmp(a, g->m2) >= 0)
+		return -1;
+	if(a != r)
+		mpassign(a, r);
+	d = g->;
+	mpbits(r, (d+1)*Dbits*2);
+	memmove(t+d, r->p+d, d*Dbytes);
+	r->sign = 1;
+	r->top = d;
+	r->p[d] = 0;
+	if(g->nsub > 0)
+		mpvecdigmuladd(g->f.m.p, d, g->nsub, r->p);
+	x = g->indx;
+	for(i=0; i<g->nadd; i++){
+		t[0] = 0;
+		d0 = t[*x++];
+		for(j=1; j<d; j++)
+			t[j] = t[*x++];
+		t[0] = d0;
+		mpvecadd(r->p, d+1, t, d, r->p);
+	}
+	for(i=0; i<g->nsub; i++){
+		t[0] = 0;
+		d0 = t[*x++];
+		for(j=1; j<d; j++)
+			t[j] = t[*x++];
+		t[0] = d0;
+		mpvecsub(r->p, d+1, t, d, r->p);
+	}
+	mpvecdigmulsub(g->f.m.p, d, r->p[d], r->p);
+	r->p[d] = 0;
+	mpvecsub(r->p, d+1, g->f.m.p, d, r->p+d+1);
+	d0 = r->p[2*d+1];
+	for(j=0; j<d; j++)
+		r->p[j] = (r->p[j] & d0) | (r->p[j+d+1] & ~d0);
+	mpnorm(r);
+	return 0;
+gmfield(mpint *N)
+	int i,j,d, s, *C, *X, *x, *e;
+	mpint *M, *T;
+	GMfield *g;
+	d = N->top;
+	if(d <= 2 || d > MAXDIG/2 || (mpsignif(N) % Dbits) != 0)
+		return nil;
+	g = nil;
+	T = mpnew(0);
+	M = mpcopy(N);
+	C = malloc(sizeof(int)*(d+1));
+	X = malloc(sizeof(int)*(d*d));
+	if(C == nil || X == nil)
+		goto out;
+	for(i=0; i<=d; i++){
+		if((M->p[i]>>8) != 0 && (~M->p[i]>>8) != 0)
+			goto out;
+		j = M->p[i];
+		C[d - i] = -j;
+		itomp(j, T);
+		mpleft(T, i*Dbits, T);
+		mpsub(M, T, M);
+	}
+	for(j=0; j<d; j++)
+		X[j] = C[d-j];
+	for(i=1; i<d; i++){
+		X[d*i] = X[d*(i-1) + d-1]*C[d];
+		for(j=1; j<d; j++)
+			X[d*i + j] = X[d*(i-1) + j-1] + X[d*(i-1) + d-1]*C[d-j];
+	}
+	g = mallocz(sizeof(GMfield) + (d+1)*sizeof(mpdigit)*2, 1);
+	if(g == nil)
+		goto out;
+	g->m2->p = (mpdigit*)&g[1];
+	g->m2->size = d*2+1;
+	mpmul(N, N, g->m2);
+	mpassign(N, (mpint*)g);
+	g->f.reduce = gmreduce;
+	g->f.m.flags |= MPfield;
+	s = 0;
+	x = g->indx;
+	e = x + nelem(g->indx) - d;
+	for(g->nadd=0; x <= e; x += d, g->nadd++){
+		s = 0;
+		for(i=0; i<d; i++){
+			for(j=0; j<d; j++){
+				if(X[d*i+j] > 0 && x[j] == 0){
+					X[d*i+j]--;
+					x[j] = d+i;
+					s = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(s == 0)
+			break;
+	}
+	for(g->nsub=0; x <= e; x += d, g->nsub++){
+		s = 0;
+		for(i=0; i<d; i++){
+			for(j=0; j<d; j++){
+				if(X[d*i+j] < 0 && x[j] == 0){
+					X[d*i+j]++;
+					x[j] = d+i;
+					s = 1;
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(s == 0)
+			break;
+	}
+	if(s != 0){
+		mpfree((mpint*)g);
+		g = nil;
+	}
+	free(C);
+	free(X);
+	mpfree(M);
+	mpfree(T);
+	return (Mfield*)g;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/letomp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// convert a little endian byte array (least significant byte first) to an mpint
+letomp(uchar *s, uint n, mpint *b)
+	int i=0, m = 0;
+	mpdigit x=0;
+	if(b == nil){
+		b = mpnew(0);
+		setmalloctag(b, getcallerpc(&s));
+	}
+	mpbits(b, 8*n);
+	for(; n > 0; n--){
+		x |= ((mpdigit)(*s++)) << i;
+		i += 8;
+		if(i == Dbits){
+			b->p[m++] = x;
+			i = 0;
+			x = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	if(i > 0)
+		b->p[m++] = x;
+	b->top = m;
+	b->sign = 1;
+	return mpnorm(b);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpadd.c
@@ -1,0 +1,58 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// sum = abs(b1) + abs(b2), i.e., add the magnitudes
+mpmagadd(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum)
+	int m, n;
+	mpint *t;
+	sum->flags |= (b1->flags | b2->flags) & MPtimesafe;
+	// get the sizes right
+	if(b2->top > b1->top){
+		t = b1;
+		b1 = b2;
+		b2 = t;
+	}
+	n = b1->top;
+	m = b2->top;
+	if(n == 0){
+		mpassign(mpzero, sum);
+		return;
+	}
+	if(m == 0){
+		mpassign(b1, sum);
+		sum->sign = 1;
+		return;
+	}
+	mpbits(sum, (n+1)*Dbits);
+	sum->top = n+1;
+	mpvecadd(b1->p, n, b2->p, m, sum->p);
+	sum->sign = 1;
+	mpnorm(sum);
+// sum = b1 + b2
+mpadd(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum)
+	int sign;
+	if(b1->sign != b2->sign){
+		assert(((b1->flags | b2->flags | sum->flags) & MPtimesafe) == 0);
+		if(b1->sign < 0)
+			mpmagsub(b2, b1, sum);
+		else
+			mpmagsub(b1, b2, sum);
+	} else {
+		sign = b1->sign;
+		mpmagadd(b1, b2, sum);
+		if(sum->top != 0)
+			sum->sign = sign;
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpaux.c
@@ -1,0 +1,205 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+static mpdigit _mptwodata[1] = { 2 };
+static mpint _mptwo =
+	1, 1, 1,
+	_mptwodata,
+	MPstatic|MPnorm
+mpint *mptwo = &_mptwo;
+static mpdigit _mponedata[1] = { 1 };
+static mpint _mpone =
+	1, 1, 1,
+	_mponedata,
+	MPstatic|MPnorm
+mpint *mpone = &_mpone;
+static mpdigit _mpzerodata[1] = { 0 };
+static mpint _mpzero =
+	1, 1, 0,
+	_mpzerodata,
+	MPstatic|MPnorm
+mpint *mpzero = &_mpzero;
+static int mpmindigits = 33;
+// set minimum digit allocation
+mpsetminbits(int n)
+	if(n < 0)
+		sysfatal("mpsetminbits: n < 0");
+	if(n == 0)
+		n = 1;
+	mpmindigits = DIGITS(n);
+// allocate an n bit 0'd number 
+mpnew(int n)
+	mpint *b;
+	if(n < 0)
+		sysfatal("mpsetminbits: n < 0");
+	n = DIGITS(n);
+	if(n < mpmindigits)
+		n = mpmindigits;
+	b = mallocz(sizeof(mpint) + n*Dbytes, 1);
+	if(b == nil)
+		sysfatal("mpnew: %r");
+	setmalloctag(b, getcallerpc(&n));
+	b->p = (mpdigit*)&b[1];
+	b->size = n;
+	b->sign = 1;
+	b->flags = MPnorm;
+	return b;
+// guarantee at least n significant bits
+mpbits(mpint *b, int m)
+	int n;
+	n = DIGITS(m);
+	if(b->size >= n){
+		if(b->top >= n)
+			return;
+	} else {
+		if(b->p == (mpdigit*)&b[1]){
+			b->p = (mpdigit*)mallocz(n*Dbytes, 0);
+			if(b->p == nil)
+				sysfatal("mpbits: %r");
+			memmove(b->p, &b[1], Dbytes*b->top);
+			memset(&b[1], 0, Dbytes*b->size);
+		} else {
+			b->p = (mpdigit*)realloc(b->p, n*Dbytes);
+			if(b->p == nil)
+				sysfatal("mpbits: %r");
+		}
+		b->size = n;
+	}
+	memset(&b->p[b->top], 0, Dbytes*(n - b->top));
+	b->top = n;
+	b->flags &= ~MPnorm;
+mpfree(mpint *b)
+	if(b == nil)
+		return;
+	if(b->flags & MPstatic)
+		sysfatal("freeing mp constant");
+	memset(b->p, 0, b->size*Dbytes);
+	if(b->p != (mpdigit*)&b[1])
+		free(b->p);
+	free(b);
+mpnorm(mpint *b)
+	int i;
+	if(b->flags & MPtimesafe){
+		assert(b->sign == 1);
+		b->flags &= ~MPnorm;
+		return b;
+	}
+	for(i = b->top-1; i >= 0; i--)
+		if(b->p[i] != 0)
+			break;
+	b->top = i+1;
+	if(b->top == 0)
+		b->sign = 1;
+	b->flags |= MPnorm;
+	return b;
+mpcopy(mpint *old)
+	mpint *new;
+	new = mpnew(Dbits*old->size);
+	setmalloctag(new, getcallerpc(&old));
+	new->sign = old->sign;
+	new->top = old->top;
+	new->flags = old->flags & ~(MPstatic|MPfield);
+	memmove(new->p, old->p, Dbytes*old->top);
+	return new;
+mpassign(mpint *old, mpint *new)
+	if(new == nil || old == new)
+		return;
+	new->top = 0;
+	mpbits(new, Dbits*old->top);
+	new->sign = old->sign;
+	new->top = old->top;
+	new->flags &= ~MPnorm;
+	new->flags |= old->flags & ~(MPstatic|MPfield);
+	memmove(new->p, old->p, Dbytes*old->top);
+// number of significant bits in mantissa
+mpsignif(mpint *n)
+	int i, j;
+	mpdigit d;
+	if(n->top == 0)
+		return 0;
+	for(i = n->top-1; i >= 0; i--){
+		d = n->p[i];
+		for(j = Dbits-1; j >= 0; j--){
+			if(d & (((mpdigit)1)<<j))
+				return i*Dbits + j + 1;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+// k, where n = 2**k * q for odd q
+mplowbits0(mpint *n)
+	int k, bit, digit;
+	mpdigit d;
+	assert(n->flags & MPnorm);
+	if(n->top==0)
+		return 0;
+	k = 0;
+	bit = 0;
+	digit = 0;
+	d = n->p[0];
+	for(;;){
+		if(d & (1<<bit))
+			break;
+		k++;
+		bit++;
+		if(bit==Dbits){
+			if(++digit >= n->top)
+				return 0;
+			d = n->p[digit];
+			bit = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	return k;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpcmp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// return neg, 0, pos as abs(b1)-abs(b2) is neg, 0, pos
+mpmagcmp(mpint *b1, mpint *b2)
+	int i;
+	i = b1->flags | b2->flags;
+	if(i & MPtimesafe)
+		return mpvectscmp(b1->p, b1->top, b2->p, b2->top);
+	if(i & MPnorm){
+		i = b1->top - b2->top;
+		if(i)
+			return i;
+	}
+	return mpveccmp(b1->p, b1->top, b2->p, b2->top);
+// return neg, 0, pos as b1-b2 is neg, 0, pos
+mpcmp(mpint *b1, mpint *b2)
+	int sign;
+	sign = (b1->sign - b2->sign) >> 1;	// -1, 0, 1
+	return sign | (sign&1)-1 & mpmagcmp(b1, b2)*b1->sign;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpdigdiv.c
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+//	divide two digits by one and return quotient
+mpdigdiv(mpdigit *dividend, mpdigit divisor, mpdigit *quotient)
+	mpdigit hi, lo, q, x, y;
+	int i;
+	hi = dividend[1];
+	lo = dividend[0];
+	// return highest digit value if the result >= 2**32
+	if(hi >= divisor || divisor == 0){
+		divisor = 0;
+		*quotient = ~divisor;
+		return;
+	}
+	// very common case
+	if(~divisor == 0){
+		lo += hi;
+		if(lo < hi){
+			hi++;
+			lo++;
+		}
+		if(lo+1 == 0)
+			hi++;
+		*quotient = hi;
+		return;
+	}
+	// at this point we know that hi < divisor
+	// just shift and subtract till we're done
+	q = 0;
+	x = divisor;
+	for(i = Dbits-1; hi > 0 && i >= 0; i--){
+		x >>= 1;
+		if(x > hi)
+			continue;
+		y = divisor<<i;
+		if(x == hi && y > lo)
+			continue;
+		if(y > lo)
+			hi--;
+		lo -= y;
+		hi -= x;
+		q |= 1<<i;
+	}
+	q += lo/divisor;
+	*quotient = q;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpdiv.c
@@ -1,0 +1,142 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// division ala knuth, seminumerical algorithms, pp 237-238
+// the numbers are stored backwards to what knuth expects so j
+// counts down rather than up.
+mpdiv(mpint *dividend, mpint *divisor, mpint *quotient, mpint *remainder)
+	int j, s, vn, sign, qsign, rsign;
+	mpdigit qd, *up, *vp, *qp;
+	mpint *u, *v, *t;
+	assert(quotient != remainder);
+	assert(divisor->flags & MPnorm);
+	// divide bv zero
+	if(divisor->top == 0)
+		abort();
+	// division by one or small powers of two
+	if(divisor->top == 1 && (divisor->p[0] & divisor->p[0]-1) == 0){
+		vlong r = 0;
+		if(dividend->top > 0)
+			r = (vlong)dividend->sign * (dividend->p[0] & divisor->p[0]-1);
+		if(quotient != nil){
+			sign = divisor->sign;
+			for(s = 0; ((divisor->p[0] >> s) & 1) == 0; s++)
+				;
+			mpright(dividend, s, quotient);
+			if(sign < 0)
+				quotient->sign ^= (-mpmagcmp(quotient, mpzero) >> 31) << 1;
+		}
+		if(remainder != nil){
+			remainder->flags |= dividend->flags & MPtimesafe;
+			vtomp(r, remainder);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	assert((dividend->flags & MPtimesafe) == 0);
+	// quick check
+	if(mpmagcmp(dividend, divisor) < 0){
+		if(remainder != nil)
+			mpassign(dividend, remainder);
+		if(quotient != nil)
+			mpassign(mpzero, quotient);
+		return;
+	}
+	qsign = divisor->sign * dividend->sign;
+	rsign = dividend->sign;
+	// D1: shift until divisor, v, has hi bit set (needed to make trial
+	//     divisor accurate)
+	qd = divisor->p[divisor->top-1];
+	for(s = 0; (qd & mpdighi) == 0; s++)
+		qd <<= 1;
+	u = mpnew((dividend->top+2)*Dbits + s);
+	if(s == 0 && divisor != quotient && divisor != remainder) {
+		mpassign(dividend, u);
+		v = divisor;
+	} else {
+		mpleft(dividend, s, u);
+		v = mpnew(divisor->top*Dbits);
+		mpleft(divisor, s, v);
+	}
+	up = u->p+u->top-1;
+	vp = v->p+v->top-1;
+	vn = v->top;
+	// D1a: make sure high digit of dividend is less than high digit of divisor
+	if(*up >= *vp){
+		*++up = 0;
+		u->top++;
+	}
+	// storage for multiplies
+	t = mpnew(4*Dbits);
+	qp = nil;
+	if(quotient != nil){
+		mpbits(quotient, (u->top - v->top)*Dbits);
+		quotient->top = u->top - v->top;
+		qp = quotient->p+quotient->top-1;
+	}
+	// D2, D7: loop on length of dividend
+	for(j = u->top; j > vn; j--){
+		// D3: calculate trial divisor
+		mpdigdiv(up-1, *vp, &qd);
+		// D3a: rule out trial divisors 2 greater than real divisor
+		if(vn > 1) for(;;){
+			memset(t->p, 0, 3*Dbytes);	// mpvecdigmuladd adds to what's there
+			mpvecdigmuladd(vp-1, 2, qd, t->p);
+			if(mpveccmp(t->p, 3, up-2, 3) > 0)
+				qd--;
+			else
+				break;
+		}
+		// D4: u -= v*qd << j*Dbits
+		sign = mpvecdigmulsub(v->p, vn, qd, up-vn);
+		if(sign < 0){
+			// D6: trial divisor was too high, add back borrowed
+			//     value and decrease divisor
+			mpvecadd(up-vn, vn+1, v->p, vn, up-vn);
+			qd--;
+		}
+		// D5: save quotient digit
+		if(qp != nil)
+			*qp-- = qd;
+		// push top of u down one
+		u->top--;
+		*up-- = 0;
+	}
+	if(qp != nil){
+		assert((quotient->flags & MPtimesafe) == 0);
+		mpnorm(quotient);
+		if(quotient->top != 0)
+			quotient->sign = qsign;
+	}
+	if(remainder != nil){
+		assert((remainder->flags & MPtimesafe) == 0);
+		mpright(u, s, remainder);	// u is the remainder shifted
+		if(remainder->top != 0)
+			remainder->sign = rsign;
+	}
+	mpfree(t);
+	mpfree(u);
+	if(v != divisor)
+		mpfree(v);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpexp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,96 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// res = b**e
+// knuth, vol 2, pp 398-400
+enum {
+	Freeb=	0x1,
+	Freee=	0x2,
+	Freem=	0x4,
+//int expdebug;
+mpexp(mpint *b, mpint *e, mpint *m, mpint *res)
+	mpint *t[2];
+	int tofree;
+	mpdigit d, bit;
+	int i, j;
+	assert(m == nil || m->flags & MPnorm);
+	assert((e->flags & MPtimesafe) == 0);
+	res->flags |= b->flags & MPtimesafe;
+	i = mpcmp(e,mpzero);
+	if(i==0){
+		mpassign(mpone, res);
+		return;
+	}
+	if(i<0)
+		sysfatal("mpexp: negative exponent");
+	t[0] = mpcopy(b);
+	t[1] = res;
+	tofree = 0;
+	if(res == b){
+		b = mpcopy(b);
+		tofree |= Freeb;
+	}
+	if(res == e){
+		e = mpcopy(e);
+		tofree |= Freee;
+	}
+	if(res == m){
+		m = mpcopy(m);
+		tofree |= Freem;
+	}
+	// skip first bit
+	i = e->top-1;
+	d = e->p[i];
+	for(bit = mpdighi; (bit & d) == 0; bit >>= 1)
+		;
+	bit >>= 1;
+	j = 0;
+	for(;;){
+		for(; bit != 0; bit >>= 1){
+			if(m != nil)
+				mpmodmul(t[j], t[j], m, t[j^1]);
+			else
+				mpmul(t[j], t[j], t[j^1]);
+			if(bit & d) {
+				if(m != nil)
+					mpmodmul(t[j^1], b, m, t[j]);
+				else
+					mpmul(t[j^1], b, t[j]);
+			} else
+				j ^= 1;
+		}
+		if(--i < 0)
+			break;
+		bit = mpdighi;
+		d = e->p[i];
+	}
+	if(t[j] == res){
+		mpfree(t[j^1]);
+	} else {
+		mpassign(t[j], res);
+		mpfree(t[j]);
+	}
+	if(tofree){
+		if(tofree & Freeb)
+			mpfree(b);
+		if(tofree & Freee)
+			mpfree(e);
+		if(tofree & Freem)
+			mpfree(m);
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpextendedgcd.c
@@ -1,0 +1,115 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#define iseven(a)	(((a)->p[0] & 1) == 0)
+// extended binary gcd
+// For a and b it solves, v = gcd(a,b) and finds x and y s.t.
+// ax + by = v
+// Handbook of Applied Cryptography, Menezes et al, 1997, pg 608.  
+mpextendedgcd(mpint *a, mpint *b, mpint *v, mpint *x, mpint *y)
+	mpint *u, *A, *B, *C, *D;
+	int g;
+	if(v == nil){
+		v = mpnew(0);
+		mpextendedgcd(a, b, v, x, y);
+		mpfree(v);
+		return;
+	}
+	assert(x == nil || (x->flags & MPtimesafe) == 0);
+	assert(y == nil || (y->flags & MPtimesafe) == 0);
+	assert((a->flags&b->flags) & MPnorm);
+	assert(((a->flags|b->flags|v->flags) & MPtimesafe) == 0);
+	if(a->sign < 0 || b->sign < 0){
+		mpassign(mpzero, v);
+		mpassign(mpzero, y);
+		mpassign(mpzero, x);
+		return;
+	}
+	if(a->top == 0){
+		mpassign(b, v);
+		mpassign(mpone, y);
+		mpassign(mpzero, x);
+		return;
+	}
+	if(b->top == 0){
+		mpassign(a, v);
+		mpassign(mpone, x);
+		mpassign(mpzero, y);
+		return;
+	}
+	g = 0;
+	a = mpcopy(a);
+	b = mpcopy(b);
+	while(iseven(a) && iseven(b)){
+		mpright(a, 1, a);
+		mpright(b, 1, b);
+		g++;
+	}
+	u = mpcopy(a);
+	mpassign(b, v);
+	A = mpcopy(mpone);
+	B = mpcopy(mpzero);
+	C = mpcopy(mpzero);
+	D = mpcopy(mpone);
+	for(;;) {
+//		print("%B %B %B %B %B %B\n", u, v, A, B, C, D);
+		while(iseven(u)){
+			mpright(u, 1, u);
+			if(!iseven(A) || !iseven(B)) {
+				mpadd(A, b, A);
+				mpsub(B, a, B);
+			}
+			mpright(A, 1, A);
+			mpright(B, 1, B);
+		}
+//		print("%B %B %B %B %B %B\n", u, v, A, B, C, D);
+		while(iseven(v)){
+			mpright(v, 1, v);
+			if(!iseven(C) || !iseven(D)) {
+				mpadd(C, b, C);
+				mpsub(D, a, D);
+			}
+			mpright(C, 1, C);
+			mpright(D, 1, D);
+		}
+//		print("%B %B %B %B %B %B\n", u, v, A, B, C, D);
+		if(mpcmp(u, v) >= 0){
+			mpsub(u, v, u);
+			mpsub(A, C, A);
+			mpsub(B, D, B);
+		} else {
+			mpsub(v, u, v);
+			mpsub(C, A, C);
+			mpsub(D, B, D);
+		}
+		if(u->top == 0)
+			break;
+	}
+	mpassign(C, x);
+	mpassign(D, y);
+	mpleft(v, g, v);
+	mpfree(A);
+	mpfree(B);
+	mpfree(C);
+	mpfree(D);
+	mpfree(u);
+	mpfree(a);
+	mpfree(b);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpfield.c
@@ -1,0 +1,21 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+mpfield(mpint *N)
+	Mfield *f;
+	if(N == nil || N->flags & (MPfield|MPstatic))
+		return N;
+	if((f = cnfield(N)) != nil)
+		goto Exchange;
+	if((f = gmfield(N)) != nil)
+		goto Exchange;
+	return N;
+	setmalloctag(f, getcallerpc(&N));
+	mpfree(N);
+	return (mpint*)f;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpfmt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,254 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+static int
+toencx(mpint *b, char *buf, int len, int (*enc)(char*, int, uchar*, int))
+	uchar *p;
+	int n, rv;
+	p = nil;
+	n = mptobe(b, nil, 0, &p);
+	if(n < 0)
+		return -1;
+	rv = (*enc)(buf, len, p, n);
+	free(p);
+	return rv;
+static int
+topow2(mpint *b, char *buf, int len, int s)
+	mpdigit *p, x;
+	int i, j, sn;
+	char *out, *eout;
+	if(len < 1)
+		return -1;
+	sn = 1<<s;
+	out = buf;
+	eout = buf+len;
+	for(p = &b->p[b->top-1]; p >= b->p; p--){
+		x = *p;
+		for(i = Dbits-s; i >= 0; i -= s){
+			j = x >> i & sn - 1;
+			if(j != 0 || out != buf){
+				if(out >= eout)
+					return -1;
+				*out++ = enc16chr(j);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(out == buf)
+		*out++ = '0';
+	if(out >= eout)
+		return -1;
+	*out = 0;
+	return 0;
+static char*
+modbillion(int rem, ulong r, char *out, char *buf)
+	ulong rr;
+	int i;
+	for(i = 0; i < 9; i++){
+		rr = r%10;
+		r /= 10;
+		if(out <= buf)
+			return nil;
+		*--out = '0' + rr;
+		if(rem == 0 && r == 0)
+			break;
+	}
+	return out;
+static int
+to10(mpint *b, char *buf, int len)
+	mpint *d, *r, *billion;
+	char *out;
+	if(len < 1)
+		return -1;
+	d = mpcopy(b);
+	d->flags &= ~MPtimesafe;
+	mpnorm(d);
+	r = mpnew(0);
+	billion = uitomp(1000000000, nil);
+	out = buf+len;
+	*--out = 0;
+	do {
+		mpdiv(d, billion, d, r);
+		out = modbillion(d->top, r->p[0], out, buf);
+		if(out == nil)
+			break;
+	} while(d->top != 0);
+	mpfree(d);
+	mpfree(r);
+	mpfree(billion);
+	if(out == nil)
+		return -1;
+	len -= out-buf;
+	if(out != buf)
+		memmove(buf, out, len);
+	return 0;
+static int
+to8(mpint *b, char *buf, int len)
+	mpdigit x, y;
+	char *out;
+	int i, j;
+	if(len < 2)
+		return -1;
+	out = buf+len;
+	*--out = 0;
+	i = j = 0;
+	x = y = 0;
+	while(j < b->top){
+		y = b->p[j++];
+		if(i > 0)
+			x |= y << i;
+		else
+			x = y;
+		i += Dbits;
+		while(i >= 3){
+Digout:			i -= 3;
+			if(out > buf)
+				out--;
+			else if(x != 0)
+				return -1;
+			*out = '0' + (x & 7);
+			x = y >> Dbits-i;
+		}
+	}
+	if(i > 0)
+		goto Digout;
+	while(*out == '0') out++;
+	if(*out == '\0')
+		*--out = '0';
+	len -= out-buf;
+	if(out != buf)
+		memmove(buf, out, len);
+	return 0;
+mpfmt(Fmt *fmt)
+	mpint *b;
+	char *x, *p;
+	int base;
+	b = va_arg(fmt->args, mpint*);
+	if(b == nil)
+		return fmtstrcpy(fmt, "*");
+	base = fmt->prec;
+	if(base == 0)
+		base = 16;	/* default */
+	fmt->flags &= ~FmtPrec;
+	p = mptoa(b, base, nil, 0);
+	if(p == nil)
+		return fmtstrcpy(fmt, "*");
+	else{
+		if((fmt->flags & FmtSharp) != 0){
+			switch(base){
+			case 16:
+				x = "0x";
+				break;
+			case 8:
+				x = "0";
+				break;
+			case 2:
+				x = "0b";
+				break;
+			default:
+				x = "";
+			}
+			if(*p == '-')
+				fmtprint(fmt, "-%s%s", x, p + 1);
+			else
+				fmtprint(fmt, "%s%s", x, p);
+		}
+		else
+			fmtstrcpy(fmt, p);
+		free(p);
+		return 0;
+	}
+mptoa(mpint *b, int base, char *buf, int len)
+	char *out;
+	int rv, alloced;
+	if(base == 0)
+		base = 16;	/* default */
+	alloced = 0;
+	if(buf == nil){
+		/* rv <= log₂(base) */
+		for(rv=1; (base >> rv) > 1; rv++)
+			;
+		len = 10 + (b->top*Dbits / rv);
+		buf = malloc(len);
+		if(buf == nil)
+			return nil;
+		alloced = 1;
+	}
+	if(len < 2)
+		return nil;
+	out = buf;
+	if(b->sign < 0){
+		*out++ = '-';
+		len--;
+	}
+	switch(base){
+	case 64:
+		rv = toencx(b, out, len, enc64);
+		break;
+	case 32:
+		rv = toencx(b, out, len, enc32);
+		break;
+	case 16:
+		rv = topow2(b, out, len, 4);
+		break;
+	case 10:
+		rv = to10(b, out, len);
+		break;
+	case 8:
+		rv = to8(b, out, len);
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		rv = topow2(b, out, len, 2);
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		rv = topow2(b, out, len, 1);
+		break;
+	default:
+		abort();
+		return nil;
+	}
+	if(rv < 0){
+		if(alloced)
+			free(buf);
+		return nil;
+	}
+	return buf;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpinvert.c
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+// use extended gcd to find the multiplicative inverse
+// res = b**-1 mod m
+mpinvert(mpint *b, mpint *m, mpint *res)
+	mpint *v;
+	v = mpnew(0);
+	mpextendedgcd(b, m, v, res, nil);
+	if(mpcmp(v, mpone) != 0)
+		abort();
+	mpfree(v);
+	mpmod(res, m, res);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpleft.c
@@ -1,0 +1,51 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// res = b << shift
+mpleft(mpint *b, int shift, mpint *res)
+	int d, l, r, i, otop;
+	mpdigit this, last;
+	res->sign = b->sign;
+	if(b->top==0){
+		res->top = 0;
+		return;
+	}
+	// a zero or negative left shift is a right shift
+	if(shift <= 0){
+		mpright(b, -shift, res);
+		return;
+	}
+	// b and res may be the same so remember the old top
+	otop = b->top;
+	// shift
+	mpbits(res, otop*Dbits + shift);	// overkill
+	res->top = DIGITS(otop*Dbits + shift);
+	d = shift/Dbits;
+	l = shift - d*Dbits;
+	r = Dbits - l;
+	if(l == 0){
+		for(i = otop-1; i >= 0; i--)
+			res->p[i+d] = b->p[i];
+	} else {
+		last = 0;
+		for(i = otop-1; i >= 0; i--) {
+			this = b->p[i];
+			res->p[i+d+1] = (last<<l) | (this>>r);
+			last = this;
+		}
+		res->p[d] = last<<l;
+	}
+	for(i = 0; i < d; i++)
+		res->p[i] = 0;
+	res->flags |= b->flags & MPtimesafe;
+	mpnorm(res);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mplogic.c
@@ -1,0 +1,212 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+	mplogic calculates b1|b2 subject to the
+	following flag bits (fl)
+	bit 0: subtract 1 from b1
+	bit 1: invert b1
+	bit 2: subtract 1 from b2
+	bit 3: invert b2
+	bit 4: add 1 to output
+	bit 5: invert output
+	it inverts appropriate bits automatically
+	depending on the signs of the inputs
+static void
+mplogic(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum, int fl)
+	mpint *t;
+	mpdigit *dp1, *dp2, *dpo, d1, d2, d;
+	int c1, c2, co;
+	int i;
+	assert(((b1->flags | b2->flags | sum->flags) & MPtimesafe) == 0);
+	if(b1->sign < 0) fl ^= 0x03;
+	if(b2->sign < 0) fl ^= 0x0c;
+	sum->sign = (int)(((fl|fl>>2)^fl>>4)<<30)>>31|1;
+	if(sum->sign < 0) fl ^= 0x30;
+	if(b2->top > b1->top){
+		t = b1;
+		b1 = b2;
+		b2 = t;
+		fl = fl >> 2 & 0x03 | fl << 2 & 0x0c | fl & 0x30;
+	}
+	mpbits(sum, b1->top*Dbits+1);
+	dp1 = b1->p;
+	dp2 = b2->p;
+	dpo = sum->p;
+	c1 = fl & 1;
+	c2 = fl >> 2 & 1;
+	co = fl >> 4 & 1;
+	for(i = 0; i < b1->top; i++){
+		d1 = dp1[i] - c1;
+		if(i < b2->top)
+			d2 = dp2[i] - c2;
+		else
+			d2 = 0;
+		if(d1 != (mpdigit)-1) c1 = 0;
+		if(d2 != (mpdigit)-1) c2 = 0;
+		if((fl & 2) != 0) d1 ^= -1;
+		if((fl & 8) != 0) d2 ^= -1;
+		d = d1 | d2;
+		if((fl & 32) != 0) d ^= -1;
+		d += co;
+		if(d != 0) co = 0;
+		dpo[i] = d;
+	}
+	sum->top = i;
+	if(co)
+		dpo[sum->top++] = co;
+	mpnorm(sum);
+mpor(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum)
+	mplogic(b1, b2, sum, 0);
+mpand(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum)
+	mplogic(b1, b2, sum, 0x2a);
+mpbic(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum)
+	mplogic(b1, b2, sum, 0x22);
+mpnot(mpint *b, mpint *r)
+	mpadd(b, mpone, r);
+	if(r->top != 0)
+		r->sign ^= -2;
+mpxor(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *sum)
+	mpint *t;
+	mpdigit *dp1, *dp2, *dpo, d1, d2, d;
+	int c1, c2, co;
+	int i, fl;
+	assert(((b1->flags | b2->flags | sum->flags) & MPtimesafe) == 0);
+	if(b2->top > b1->top){
+		t = b1;
+		b1 = b2;
+		b2 = t;
+	}
+	fl = (b1->sign & 10) ^ (b2->sign & 12);
+	sum->sign = (int)(fl << 28) >> 31 | 1;
+	mpbits(sum, b1->top*Dbits+1);
+	dp1 = b1->p;
+	dp2 = b2->p;
+	dpo = sum->p;
+	c1 = fl >> 1 & 1;
+	c2 = fl >> 2 & 1;
+	co = fl >> 3 & 1;
+	for(i = 0; i < b1->top; i++){
+		d1 = dp1[i] - c1;
+		if(i < b2->top)
+			d2 = dp2[i] - c2;
+		else
+			d2 = 0;
+		if(d1 != (mpdigit)-1) c1 = 0;
+		if(d2 != (mpdigit)-1) c2 = 0;
+		d = d1 ^ d2;
+		d += co;
+		if(d != 0) co = 0;
+		dpo[i] = d;
+	}
+	sum->top = i;
+	if(co)
+		dpo[sum->top++] = co;
+	mpnorm(sum);
+mptrunc(mpint *b, int n, mpint *r)
+	int d, m, i, c;
+	assert(((b->flags | r->flags) & MPtimesafe) == 0);
+	mpbits(r, n);
+	r->top = DIGITS(n);
+	d = n / Dbits;
+	m = n % Dbits;
+	if(b->sign == -1){
+		c = 1;
+		for(i = 0; i < r->top; i++){
+			if(i < b->top)
+				r->p[i] = ~(b->p[i] - c);
+			else
+				r->p[i] = -1;
+			if(r->p[i] != 0)
+				c = 0;
+		}
+		if(m != 0)
+			r->p[d] &= (1<<m) - 1;
+	}else if(b->sign == 1){
+		if(d >= b->top){
+			mpassign(b, r);
+			mpnorm(r);
+			return;
+		}
+		if(b != r)
+			for(i = 0; i < d; i++)
+				r->p[i] = b->p[i];
+		if(m != 0)
+			r->p[d] = b->p[d] & (1<<m)-1;
+	}
+	r->sign = 1;
+	mpnorm(r);
+mpxtend(mpint *b, int n, mpint *r)
+	int d, m, c, i;
+	d = (n - 1) / Dbits;
+	m = (n - 1) % Dbits;
+	if(d >= b->top){
+		mpassign(b, r);
+		return;
+	}
+	mptrunc(b, n, r);
+	mpbits(r, n);
+	if((r->p[d] & 1<<m) == 0){
+		mpnorm(r);
+		return;
+	}
+	r->p[d] |= -(1<<m);
+	r->sign = -1;
+	c = 1;
+	for(i = 0; i < r->top; i++){
+		r->p[i] = ~(r->p[i] - c);
+		if(r->p[i] != 0)
+			c = 0;
+	}
+	mpnorm(r);
+mpasr(mpint *b, int n, mpint *r)
+	if(b->sign > 0 || n <= 0){
+		mpright(b, n, r);
+		return;
+	}
+	mpadd(b, mpone, r);
+	mpright(r, n, r);
+	mpsub(r, mpone, r);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpmod.c
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+mpmod(mpint *x, mpint *n, mpint *r)
+	int sign;
+	mpint *ns;
+	sign = x->sign;
+	ns = sign < 0 && n == r ? mpcopy(n) : n;
+	if((n->flags & MPfield) == 0
+	|| ((Mfield*)n)->reduce((Mfield*)n, x, r) != 0)
+		mpdiv(x, n, nil, r);
+	if(sign < 0){
+		mpmagsub(ns, r, r);
+		if(ns != n) mpfree(ns);
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpmodop.c
@@ -1,0 +1,95 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+/* operands need to have m->top+1 digits of space and satisfy 0 ≤ a ≤ m-1 */
+static mpint*
+modarg(mpint *a, mpint *m)
+	if(a->size <= m->top || a->sign < 0 || mpmagcmp(a, m) >= 0){
+		a = mpcopy(a);
+		mpmod(a, m, a);
+		mpbits(a, Dbits*(m->top+1));
+		a->top = m->top;
+	} else if(a->top < m->top){
+		memset(&a->p[a->top], 0, (m->top - a->top)*Dbytes);
+	}
+	return a;
+mpmodadd(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *m, mpint *sum)
+	mpint *a, *b;
+	mpdigit d;
+	int i, j;
+	a = modarg(b1, m);
+	b = modarg(b2, m);
+	sum->flags |= (a->flags | b->flags) & MPtimesafe;
+	mpbits(sum, Dbits*2*(m->top+1));
+	mpvecadd(a->p, m->top, b->p, m->top, sum->p);
+	mpvecsub(sum->p, m->top+1, m->p, m->top, sum->p+m->top+1);
+	d = sum->p[2*m->top+1];
+	for(i = 0, j = m->top+1; i < m->top; i++, j++)
+		sum->p[i] = (sum->p[i] & d) | (sum->p[j] & ~d);
+	sum->top = m->top;
+	sum->sign = 1;
+	mpnorm(sum);
+	if(a != b1)
+		mpfree(a);
+	if(b != b2)
+		mpfree(b);
+mpmodsub(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *m, mpint *diff)
+	mpint *a, *b;
+	mpdigit d;
+	int i, j;
+	a = modarg(b1, m);
+	b = modarg(b2, m);
+	diff->flags |= (a->flags | b->flags) & MPtimesafe;
+	mpbits(diff, Dbits*2*(m->top+1));
+	a->p[m->top] = 0;
+	mpvecsub(a->p, m->top+1, b->p, m->top, diff->p);
+	mpvecadd(diff->p, m->top, m->p, m->top, diff->p+m->top+1);
+	d = ~diff->p[m->top];
+	for(i = 0, j = m->top+1; i < m->top; i++, j++)
+		diff->p[i] = (diff->p[i] & d) | (diff->p[j] & ~d);
+	diff->top = m->top;
+	diff->sign = 1;
+	mpnorm(diff);
+	if(a != b1)
+		mpfree(a);
+	if(b != b2)
+		mpfree(b);
+mpmodmul(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *m, mpint *prod)
+	mpint *a, *b;
+	a = modarg(b1, m);
+	b = modarg(b2, m);
+	mpmul(a, b, prod);
+	mpmod(prod, m, prod);
+	if(a != b1)
+		mpfree(a);
+	if(b != b2)
+		mpfree(b);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpmul.c
@@ -1,0 +1,176 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+//  from knuth's 1969 seminumberical algorithms, pp 233-235 and pp 258-260
+//  mpvecmul is an assembly language routine that performs the inner
+//  loop.
+//  the karatsuba trade off is set empiricly by measuring the algs on
+//  a 400 MHz Pentium II.
+// karatsuba like (see knuth pg 258)
+// prereq: p is already zeroed
+static void
+mpkaratsuba(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *p)
+	mpdigit *t, *u0, *u1, *v0, *v1, *u0v0, *u1v1, *res, *diffprod;
+	int u0len, u1len, v0len, v1len, reslen;
+	int sign, n;
+	// divide each piece in half
+	n = alen/2;
+	if(alen&1)
+		n++;
+	u0len = n;
+	u1len = alen-n;
+	if(blen > n){
+		v0len = n;
+		v1len = blen-n;
+	} else {
+		v0len = blen;
+		v1len = 0;
+	}
+	u0 = a;
+	u1 = a + u0len;
+	v0 = b;
+	v1 = b + v0len;
+	// room for the partial products
+	t = mallocz(Dbytes*5*(2*n+1), 1);
+	if(t == nil)
+		sysfatal("mpkaratsuba: %r");
+	u0v0 = t;
+	u1v1 = t + (2*n+1);
+	diffprod = t + 2*(2*n+1);
+	res = t + 3*(2*n+1);
+	reslen = 4*n+1;
+	// t[0] = (u1-u0)
+	sign = 1;
+	if(mpveccmp(u1, u1len, u0, u0len) < 0){
+		sign = -1;
+		mpvecsub(u0, u0len, u1, u1len, u0v0);
+	} else
+		mpvecsub(u1, u1len, u0, u1len, u0v0);
+	// t[1] = (v0-v1)
+	if(mpveccmp(v0, v0len, v1, v1len) < 0){
+		sign *= -1;
+		mpvecsub(v1, v1len, v0, v1len, u1v1);
+	} else
+		mpvecsub(v0, v0len, v1, v1len, u1v1);
+	// t[4:5] = (u1-u0)*(v0-v1)
+	mpvecmul(u0v0, u0len, u1v1, v0len, diffprod);
+	// t[0:1] = u1*v1
+	memset(t, 0, 2*(2*n+1)*Dbytes);
+	if(v1len > 0)
+		mpvecmul(u1, u1len, v1, v1len, u1v1);
+	// t[2:3] = u0v0
+	mpvecmul(u0, u0len, v0, v0len, u0v0);
+	// res = u0*v0<<n + u0*v0
+	mpvecadd(res, reslen, u0v0, u0len+v0len, res);
+	mpvecadd(res+n, reslen-n, u0v0, u0len+v0len, res+n);
+	// res += u1*v1<<n + u1*v1<<2*n
+	if(v1len > 0){
+		mpvecadd(res+n, reslen-n, u1v1, u1len+v1len, res+n);
+		mpvecadd(res+2*n, reslen-2*n, u1v1, u1len+v1len, res+2*n);
+	}
+	// res += (u1-u0)*(v0-v1)<<n
+	if(sign < 0)
+		mpvecsub(res+n, reslen-n, diffprod, u0len+v0len, res+n);
+	else
+		mpvecadd(res+n, reslen-n, diffprod, u0len+v0len, res+n);
+	memmove(p, res, (alen+blen)*Dbytes);
+	free(t);
+#define KARATSUBAMIN 32
+mpvecmul(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *p)
+	int i;
+	mpdigit d;
+	mpdigit *t;
+	// both mpvecdigmuladd and karatsuba are fastest when a is the longer vector
+	if(alen < blen){
+		i = alen;
+		alen = blen;
+		blen = i;
+		t = a;
+		a = b;
+		b = t;
+	}
+	if(alen >= KARATSUBAMIN && blen > 1){
+		// O(n^1.585)
+		mpkaratsuba(a, alen, b, blen, p);
+	} else {
+		// O(n^2)
+		for(i = 0; i < blen; i++){
+			d = b[i];
+			if(d != 0)
+				mpvecdigmuladd(a, alen, d, &p[i]);
+		}
+	}
+mpvectsmul(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *p)
+	int i;
+	mpdigit *t;
+	if(alen < blen){
+		i = alen;
+		alen = blen;
+		blen = i;
+		t = a;
+		a = b;
+		b = t;
+	}
+	if(blen == 0)
+		return;
+	for(i = 0; i < blen; i++)
+		mpvecdigmuladd(a, alen, b[i], &p[i]);
+mpmul(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *prod)
+	mpint *oprod;
+	oprod = prod;
+	if(prod == b1 || prod == b2){
+		prod = mpnew(0);
+		prod->flags = oprod->flags;
+	}
+	prod->flags |= (b1->flags | b2->flags) & MPtimesafe;
+	prod->top = 0;
+	mpbits(prod, (b1->top+b2->top+1)*Dbits);
+	if(prod->flags & MPtimesafe)
+		mpvectsmul(b1->p, b1->top, b2->p, b2->top, prod->p);
+	else
+		mpvecmul(b1->p, b1->top, b2->p, b2->top, prod->p);
+	prod->top = b1->top+b2->top+1;
+	prod->sign = b1->sign*b2->sign;
+	mpnorm(prod);
+	if(oprod != prod){
+		mpassign(prod, oprod);
+		mpfree(prod);
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpnrand.c
@@ -1,0 +1,23 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+/* return uniform random [0..n-1] */
+mpnrand(mpint *n, void (*gen)(uchar*, int), mpint *b)
+	int bits;
+	bits = mpsignif(n);
+	if(bits == 0)
+		abort();
+	if(b == nil){
+		b = mpnew(bits);
+		setmalloctag(b, getcallerpc(&n));
+	}
+	do {
+		mprand(bits, gen, b);
+	} while(mpmagcmp(b, n) >= 0);
+	return b;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mprand.c
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+mprand(int bits, void (*gen)(uchar*, int), mpint *b)
+	mpdigit mask;
+	if(b == nil){
+		b = mpnew(bits);
+		setmalloctag(b, getcallerpc(&bits));
+	}else
+		mpbits(b, bits);
+	b->sign = 1;
+	b->top = DIGITS(bits);
+	(*gen)((uchar*)b->p, b->top*Dbytes);
+	mask = ((mpdigit)1 << (bits%Dbits))-1;
+	if(mask != 0)
+		b->p[b->top-1] &= mask;
+	return mpnorm(b);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpright.c
@@ -1,0 +1,57 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// res = b >> shift
+mpright(mpint *b, int shift, mpint *res)
+	int d, l, r, i;
+	mpdigit this, last;
+	res->sign = b->sign;
+	if(b->top==0){
+		res->top = 0;
+		return;
+	}
+	// a negative right shift is a left shift
+	if(shift < 0){
+		mpleft(b, -shift, res);
+		return;
+	}
+	if(res != b)
+		mpbits(res, b->top*Dbits - shift);
+	else if(shift == 0)
+		return;
+	d = shift/Dbits;
+	r = shift - d*Dbits;
+	l = Dbits - r;
+	//  shift all the bits out == zero
+	if(d>=b->top){
+		res->sign = 1;
+		res->top = 0;
+		return;
+	}
+	// special case digit shifts
+	if(r == 0){
+		for(i = 0; i < b->top-d; i++)
+			res->p[i] = b->p[i+d];
+	} else {
+		last = b->p[d];
+		for(i = 0; i < b->top-d-1; i++){
+			this = b->p[i+d+1];
+			res->p[i] = (this<<l) | (last>>r);
+			last = this;
+		}
+		res->p[i++] = last>>r;
+	}
+	res->top = i;
+	res->flags |= b->flags & MPtimesafe;
+	mpnorm(res);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpsel.c
@@ -1,0 +1,42 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// res = s != 0 ? b1 : b2
+mpsel(int s, mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *res)
+	mpdigit d;
+	int n, m, i;
+	res->flags |= (b1->flags | b2->flags) & MPtimesafe;
+	if((res->flags & MPtimesafe) == 0){
+		mpassign(s ? b1 : b2, res);
+		return;
+	}
+	res->flags &= ~MPnorm;
+	n = b1->top;
+	m = b2->top;
+	mpbits(res, Dbits*(n >= m ? n : m));
+	res->top = n >= m ? n : m;
+	s = (-s^s|s)>>(sizeof(s)*8-1);
+	res->sign = (b1->sign & s) | (b2->sign & ~s);
+	d = -((mpdigit)s & 1);
+	i = 0;
+	while(i < n && i < m){
+		res->p[i] = (b1->p[i] & d) | (b2->p[i] & ~d);
+		i++;
+	}
+	while(i < n){
+		res->p[i] = b1->p[i] & d;
+		i++;
+	}
+	while(i < m){
+		res->p[i] = b2->p[i] & ~d;
+		i++;
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpsub.c
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// diff = abs(b1) - abs(b2), i.e., subtract the magnitudes
+mpmagsub(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *diff)
+	int n, m, sign;
+	mpint *t;
+	// get the sizes right
+	if(mpmagcmp(b1, b2) < 0){
+		assert(((b1->flags | b2->flags | diff->flags) & MPtimesafe) == 0);
+		sign = -1;
+		t = b1;
+		b1 = b2;
+		b2 = t;
+	} else {
+		diff->flags |= (b1->flags | b2->flags) & MPtimesafe;
+		sign = 1;
+	}
+	n = b1->top;
+	m = b2->top;
+	if(m == 0){
+		mpassign(b1, diff);
+		diff->sign = sign;
+		return;
+	}
+	mpbits(diff, n*Dbits);
+	mpvecsub(b1->p, n, b2->p, m, diff->p);
+	diff->sign = sign;
+	diff->top = n;
+	mpnorm(diff);
+// diff = b1 - b2
+mpsub(mpint *b1, mpint *b2, mpint *diff)
+	int sign;
+	if(b1->sign != b2->sign){
+		assert(((b1->flags | b2->flags | diff->flags) & MPtimesafe) == 0);
+		sign = b1->sign;
+		mpmagadd(b1, b2, diff);
+		diff->sign = sign;
+		return;
+	}
+	sign = b1->sign;
+	mpmagsub(b1, b2, diff);
+	if(diff->top != 0)
+		diff->sign *= sign;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mptobe.c
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// convert an mpint into a big endian byte array (most significant byte first; left adjusted)
+//   return number of bytes converted
+//   if p == nil, allocate and result array
+mptobe(mpint *b, uchar *p, uint n, uchar **pp)
+	int m;
+	m = (mpsignif(b)+7)/8;
+	if(m == 0)
+		m++;
+	if(p == nil){
+		n = m;
+		p = malloc(n);
+		if(p == nil)
+			sysfatal("mptobe: %r");
+		setmalloctag(p, getcallerpc(&b));
+	} else {
+		if(n < m)
+			return -1;
+		if(n > m)
+			memset(p+m, 0, n-m);
+	}
+	if(pp != nil)
+		*pp = p;
+	mptober(b, p, m);
+	return m;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mptober.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+mptober(mpint *b, uchar *p, int n)
+	int i, j, m;
+	mpdigit x;
+	memset(p, 0, n);
+	p += n;
+	m = b->top*Dbytes;
+	if(m < n)
+		n = m;
+	i = 0;
+	while(n >= Dbytes){
+		n -= Dbytes;
+		x = b->p[i++];
+		for(j = 0; j < Dbytes; j++){
+			*--p = x;
+			x >>= 8;
+		}
+	}
+	if(n > 0){
+		x = b->p[i];
+		for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
+			*--p = x;
+			x >>= 8;
+		}
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mptoi.c
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+ *  this code assumes that mpdigit is at least as
+ *  big as an int.
+ */
+itomp(int i, mpint *b)
+	if(b == nil){
+		b = mpnew(0);
+		setmalloctag(b, getcallerpc(&i));
+	}
+	b->sign = (i >> (sizeof(i)*8 - 1)) | 1;
+	i *= b->sign;
+	*b->p = i;
+	b->top = 1;
+	return mpnorm(b);
+mptoi(mpint *b)
+	uint x;
+	if(b->top==0)
+		return 0;
+	x = *b->p;
+	if(b->sign > 0){
+		if(b->top > 1 || (x > MAXINT))
+			x = (int)MAXINT;
+		else
+			x = (int)x;
+	} else {
+		if(b->top > 1 || x > MAXINT+1)
+			x = (int)MININT;
+		else
+			x = -(int)x;
+	}
+	return x;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mptole.c
@@ -1,0 +1,28 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// convert an mpint into a little endian byte array (least significant byte first)
+//   return number of bytes converted
+//   if p == nil, allocate and result array
+mptole(mpint *b, uchar *p, uint n, uchar **pp)
+	int m;
+	m = (mpsignif(b)+7)/8;
+	if(m == 0)
+		m++;
+	if(p == nil){
+		n = m;
+		p = malloc(n);
+		if(p == nil)
+			sysfatal("mptole: %r");
+		setmalloctag(p, getcallerpc(&b));
+	} else if(n < m)
+		return -1;
+	if(pp != nil)
+		*pp = p;
+	mptolel(b, p, n);
+	return m;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mptolel.c
@@ -1,0 +1,33 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+mptolel(mpint *b, uchar *p, int n)
+	int i, j, m;
+	mpdigit x;
+	memset(p, 0, n);
+	m = b->top*Dbytes;
+	if(m < n)
+		n = m;
+	i = 0;
+	while(n >= Dbytes){
+		n -= Dbytes;
+		x = b->p[i++];
+		for(j = 0; j < Dbytes; j++){
+			*p++ = x;
+			x >>= 8;
+		}
+	}
+	if(n > 0){
+		x = b->p[i];
+		for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
+			*p++ = x;
+			x >>= 8;
+		}
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mptoui.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+ *  this code assumes that mpdigit is at least as
+ *  big as an int.
+ */
+uitomp(uint i, mpint *b)
+	if(b == nil){
+		b = mpnew(0);
+		setmalloctag(b, getcallerpc(&i));
+	}
+	*b->p = i;
+	b->top = 1;
+	b->sign = 1;
+	return mpnorm(b);
+mptoui(mpint *b)
+	uint x;
+	x = *b->p;
+	if(b->sign < 0)
+		x = 0;
+	else if(b->top > 1 || (sizeof(mpdigit) > sizeof(uint) && x > MAXUINT))
+		x =  MAXUINT;
+	return x;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mptouv.c
@@ -1,0 +1,47 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+#define VLDIGITS (sizeof(vlong)/sizeof(mpdigit))
+ *  this code assumes that a vlong is an integral number of
+ *  mpdigits long.
+ */
+uvtomp(uvlong v, mpint *b)
+	int s;
+	if(b == nil){
+		b = mpnew(VLDIGITS*Dbits);
+		setmalloctag(b, getcallerpc(&v));
+	}else
+		mpbits(b, VLDIGITS*Dbits);
+	b->sign = 1;
+	for(s = 0; s < VLDIGITS; s++){
+		b->p[s] = v;
+		v >>= sizeof(mpdigit)*8;
+	}
+	b->top = s;
+	return mpnorm(b);
+mptouv(mpint *b)
+	uvlong v;
+	int s;
+	if(b->top == 0 || b->sign < 0)
+		return 0LL;
+	if(b->top > VLDIGITS)
+		return -1LL;
+	v = 0ULL;
+	for(s = 0; s < b->top; s++)
+		v |= (uvlong)b->p[s]<<(s*sizeof(mpdigit)*8);
+	return v;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mptov.c
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+#define VLDIGITS (sizeof(vlong)/sizeof(mpdigit))
+ *  this code assumes that a vlong is an integral number of
+ *  mpdigits long.
+ */
+vtomp(vlong v, mpint *b)
+	int s;
+	uvlong uv;
+	if(b == nil){
+		b = mpnew(VLDIGITS*Dbits);
+		setmalloctag(b, getcallerpc(&v));
+	}else
+		mpbits(b, VLDIGITS*Dbits);
+	b->sign = (v >> (sizeof(v)*8 - 1)) | 1;
+	uv = v * b->sign;
+	for(s = 0; s < VLDIGITS; s++){
+		b->p[s] = uv;
+		uv >>= sizeof(mpdigit)*8;
+	}
+	b->top = s;
+	return mpnorm(b);
+mptov(mpint *b)
+	uvlong v;
+	int s;
+	if(b->top == 0)
+		return 0LL;
+	if(b->top > VLDIGITS){
+		if(b->sign > 0)
+			return (vlong)MAXVLONG;
+		else
+			return (vlong)MINVLONG;
+	}
+	v = 0ULL;
+	for(s = 0; s < b->top; s++)
+		v |= (uvlong)b->p[s]<<(s*sizeof(mpdigit)*8);
+	if(b->sign > 0){
+		if(v > MAXVLONG)
+			v = MAXVLONG;
+	} else {
+		if(v > MINVLONG)
+			v = MINVLONG;
+		else
+			v = -(vlong)v;
+	}
+	return (vlong)v;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpvecadd.c
@@ -1,0 +1,35 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// prereq: alen >= blen, sum has at least blen+1 digits
+mpvecadd(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *sum)
+	int i, carry;
+	mpdigit x, y;
+	carry = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < blen; i++){
+		x = *a++;
+		y = *b++;
+		x += carry;
+		if(x < carry)
+			carry = 1;
+		else
+			carry = 0;
+		x += y;
+		if(x < y)
+			carry++;
+		*sum++ = x;
+	}
+	for(; i < alen; i++){
+		x = *a++ + carry;
+		if(x < carry)
+			carry = 1;
+		else
+			carry = 0;
+		*sum++ = x;
+	}
+	*sum = carry;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpveccmp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,27 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+mpveccmp(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen)
+	mpdigit x;
+	while(alen > blen)
+		if(a[--alen] != 0)
+			return 1;
+	while(blen > alen)
+		if(b[--blen] != 0)
+			return -1;
+	while(alen > 0){
+		--alen;
+		x = a[alen] - b[alen];
+		if(x == 0)
+			continue;
+		if(x > a[alen])
+			return -1;
+		else
+			return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpvecdigmuladd.c
@@ -1,0 +1,103 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+#define LO(x) ((x) & ((1<<(Dbits/2))-1))
+#define HI(x) ((x) >> (Dbits/2))
+static void
+mpdigmul(mpdigit a, mpdigit b, mpdigit *p)
+	mpdigit x, ah, al, bh, bl, p1, p2, p3, p4;
+	int carry;
+	// half digits
+	ah = HI(a);
+	al = LO(a);
+	bh = HI(b);
+	bl = LO(b);
+	// partial products
+	p1 = ah*bl;
+	p2 = bh*al;
+	p3 = bl*al;
+	p4 = ah*bh;
+	// p = ((p1+p2)<<(Dbits/2)) + (p4<<Dbits) + p3
+	carry = 0;
+	x = p1<<(Dbits/2);
+	p3 += x;
+	if(p3 < x)
+		carry++;
+	x = p2<<(Dbits/2);
+	p3 += x;
+	if(p3 < x)
+		carry++;
+	p4 += carry + HI(p1) + HI(p2);	// can't carry out of the high digit
+	p[0] = p3;
+	p[1] = p4;
+// prereq: p must have room for n+1 digits
+mpvecdigmuladd(mpdigit *b, int n, mpdigit m, mpdigit *p)
+	int i;
+	mpdigit carry, x, y, part[2];
+	carry = 0;
+	part[1] = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
+		x = part[1] + carry;
+		if(x < carry)
+			carry = 1;
+		else
+			carry = 0;
+		y = *p;
+		mpdigmul(*b++, m, part);
+		x += part[0];
+		if(x < part[0])
+			carry++;
+		x += y;
+		if(x < y)
+			carry++;
+		*p++ = x;
+	}
+	*p = part[1] + carry;
+// prereq: p must have room for n+1 digits
+mpvecdigmulsub(mpdigit *b, int n, mpdigit m, mpdigit *p)
+	int i;
+	mpdigit x, y, part[2], borrow;
+	borrow = 0;
+	part[1] = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
+		x = *p;
+		y = x - borrow;
+		if(y > x)
+			borrow = 1;
+		else
+			borrow = 0;
+		x = part[1];
+		mpdigmul(*b++, m, part);
+		x += part[0];
+		if(x < part[0])
+			borrow++;
+		x = y - x;
+		if(x > y)
+			borrow++;
+		*p++ = x;
+	}
+	x = *p;
+	y = x - borrow - part[1];
+	*p = y;
+	if(y > x)
+		return -1;
+	else
+		return 1;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpvecsub.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+// prereq: a >= b, alen >= blen, diff has at least alen digits
+mpvecsub(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen, mpdigit *diff)
+	int i, borrow;
+	mpdigit x, y;
+	borrow = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < blen; i++){
+		x = *a++;
+		y = *b++;
+		y += borrow;
+		if(y < borrow)
+			borrow = 1;
+		else
+			borrow = 0;
+		if(x < y)
+			borrow++;
+		*diff++ = x - y;
+	}
+	for(; i < alen; i++){
+		x = *a++;
+		y = x - borrow;
+		if(y > x)
+			borrow = 1;
+		else
+			borrow = 0;
+		*diff++ = y;
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/mpvectscmp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+mpvectscmp(mpdigit *a, int alen, mpdigit *b, int blen)
+	mpdigit x, y, z, v;
+	int m, p;
+	if(alen > blen){
+		v = 0;
+		while(alen > blen)
+			v |= a[--alen];
+		m = p = (-v^v|v)>>Dbits-1;
+	} else if(blen > alen){
+		v = 0;
+		while(blen > alen)
+			v |= b[--blen];
+		m = (-v^v|v)>>Dbits-1;
+		p = m^1;
+	} else
+		m = p = 0;
+	while(alen-- > 0){
+		x = a[alen];
+		y = b[alen];
+		z = x - y;
+		x = ~x;
+		v = ((-z^z|z)>>Dbits-1) & ~m;
+		p = ((~(x&y|x&z|y&z)>>Dbits-1) & v) | (p & ~v);
+		m |= v;
+	}
+	return (p-m) | m;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/os.h
@@ -1,0 +1,3 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/reduce
@@ -1,0 +1,16 @@
+ls -p ../$objtype/*.[cs] >[2]/dev/null | sed 's/..$//' > /tmp/reduce.$pid
+#	if empty directory, just return the input files
+if (! ~ $status '|') {
+	echo $*
+	rm /tmp/reduce.$pid
+	exit 0
+echo $* | tr ' ' \012 | grep -v -f /tmp/reduce.$pid | tr \012 ' '
+rm /tmp/reduce.$pid
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libmp/strtomp.c
@@ -1,0 +1,206 @@
+#include "os.h"
+#include <mp.h>
+#include "dat.h"
+static char*
+frompow2(char *a, mpint *b, int s)
+	char *p, *next;
+	mpdigit x;
+	int i;
+	i = 1<<s;
+	for(p = a; (dec16chr(*p) & 255) < i; p++)
+		;
+	mpbits(b, (p-a)*s);
+	b->top = 0;
+	next = p;
+	while(p > a){
+		x = 0;
+		for(i = 0; i < Dbits; i += s){
+			if(p <= a)
+				break;
+			x |= dec16chr(*--p)<<i;
+		}
+		b->p[b->top++] = x;
+	}
+	return next;
+static char*
+from8(char *a, mpint *b)
+	char *p, *next;
+	mpdigit x, y;
+	int i;
+	for(p = a; ((*p - '0') & 255) < 8; p++)
+		;
+	mpbits(b, (p-a)*3);
+	b->top = 0;
+	next = p;
+	i = 0;
+	x = y = 0;
+	while(p > a){
+		y = *--p - '0';
+		x |= y << i;
+		i += 3;
+		if(i >= Dbits){
+			i -= Dbits;
+			b->p[b->top++] = x;
+			x = y >> 3-i;
+		}
+	}
+	if(i > 0)
+		goto Digout;
+	return next;
+static ulong mppow10[] = {
+	1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000, 100000000, 1000000000
+static char*
+from10(char *a, mpint *b)
+	ulong x, y;
+	mpint *pow, *r;
+	int i;
+	pow = mpnew(0);
+	r = mpnew(0);
+	b->top = 0;
+	for(;;){
+		// do a billion at a time in native arithmetic
+		x = 0;
+		for(i = 0; i < 9; i++){
+			y = *a - '0';
+			if(y > 9)
+				break;
+			a++;
+			x *= 10;
+			x += y;
+		}
+		if(i == 0)
+			break;
+		// accumulate into mpint
+		uitomp(mppow10[i], pow);
+		uitomp(x, r);
+		mpmul(b, pow, b);
+		mpadd(b, r, b);
+		if(i < 9)
+			break;
+	}
+	mpfree(pow);
+	mpfree(r);
+	return a;
+static char*
+fromdecx(char *a, mpint *b, int (*chr)(int), int (*dec)(uchar*, int, char*, int))
+	char *buf = a;
+	uchar *p;
+	int n, m;
+	b->top = 0;
+	for(; (*chr)(*a) >= 0; a++)
+		;
+	n = a-buf;
+	if(n > 0){
+		p = malloc(n);
+		if(p == nil)
+			sysfatal("malloc: %r");
+		m = (*dec)(p, n, buf, n);
+		if(m > 0)
+			betomp(p, m, b);
+		free(p);
+	}
+	return a;
+strtomp(char *a, char **pp, int base, mpint *b)
+	int sign;
+	char *e;
+	if(b == nil){
+		b = mpnew(0);
+		setmalloctag(b, getcallerpc(&a));
+	}
+	while(*a==' ' || *a=='\t')
+		a++;
+	sign = 1;
+	for(;; a++){
+		switch(*a){
+		case '-':
+			sign *= -1;
+			continue;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	if(base == 0){
+		base = 10;
+		if(a[0] == '0'){
+			if(a[1] == 'x' || a[1] == 'X') {
+				a += 2;
+				base = 16;
+			} else if(a[1] == 'b' || a[1] == 'B') {
+				a += 2;
+				base = 2;
+			} else if(a[1] >= '0' && a[1] <= '7') {
+				a++;
+				base = 8;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	switch(base){
+	case 2:
+		e = frompow2(a, b, 1);
+		break;
+	case 4:
+		e = frompow2(a, b, 2);
+		break;
+	case 8:
+		e = from8(a, b);
+		break;
+	case 10:
+		e = from10(a, b);
+		break;
+	case 16:
+		e = frompow2(a, b, 4);
+		break;
+	case 32:
+		e = fromdecx(a, b, dec32chr, dec32);
+		break;
+	case 64:
+		e = fromdecx(a, b, dec64chr, dec64);
+		break;
+	default:
+		abort();
+		return nil;
+	}
+	if(pp != nil)
+		*pp = e;
+	// if no characters parsed, there wasn't a number to convert
+	if(e == a)
+		return nil;
+	b->sign = sign;
+	return mpnorm(b);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc.1
@@ -1,0 +1,167 @@
+.TH PC 1
+pc \- programmer's calculator
+.B pc
+.B -n
+.I Pc
+is an arbitrary precision integer calculator with a special emphasis on supporting two's complement bit operations and working with different number bases.
+.I Pc
+reads input statements which are either expressions or control statements.
+Multiple statements in one line can be separated by semicolons.
+.I Pc
+prints the value of all expressions that are not terminated by a semicolon.
+.I Pc
+can be run non-interactively by using the
+.B -n
+switch. In this case no input prompt is printed.
+Expressions can use the C-like operators
+.B + - * ** \fR(exponentiation\fR)
+.B / % \fR(Euclidean division, by default\fR)
+.B "& | ^ ~ ! << >>"
+.B "&& || \fR(returning the second argument, if appropriate)"
+.B < >= < <= == !=
+The \fB$\fR operator performs sign extension. \fIn\fB$\fIx\fR truncates \fIx\fR to \fIn\fR bits and sign extends.
+If \fIn\fR is omitted, it is inferred from the highest set bit (the result is always ≤ 0 in this case).
+Variables can be defined using
+.BR = .
+The builtin variable
+.B @
+always refers to the last printed result.
+Numbers can use the prefixes
+.B 0b
+.B 0
+.B 0d
+(decimal) and
+.B 0x
+.B _
+in numbers can be added for readability and is ignored.
+.SS Builtin functions
+.TF \fIcat(a0,n0,...,aN,nN)
+.I bin(n)
+Display \fIn\fR in binary.
+.I oct(n)
+Display \fIn\fR in octal.
+.I dec(n)
+Display \fIn\fR in decimal.
+.I hex(n)
+Display \fIn\fR in hexadecimal.
+.I pb(n, b)
+Display \fIn\fR in base \fIb\fR (currently must be one of 0, 2, 8, 10, 16; 0 uses the defined output base).
+.I abs(n)
+Absolute value of \fIn\fR.
+.I round(n,m)
+\fIn\fR rounded to the nearest multiple of \fIm\fR.
+Numbers exactly halfway between are rounded to the next even multiple.
+.I floor(n,m)
+\fIn\fR rounded down to the next multiple of \fIm\fR.
+.I ceil(n,m)
+\fIn\fR rounded up to the next multiple of \fIm\fR.
+.I trunc(n,m)
+\fIn\fR truncated to \fIm\fR bits.
+.I xtend(n,m)
+\fIn\fR truncated to \fIm\fR bits, with the highest bit interpreted as a sign bit.
+.I rev(n,m)
+\fIn\fR truncated to \fIm\fR bits, with the order of bits reversed.
+.I ubits(n)
+The minimum number of bits required to represent \fIn\fR as an unsigned number.
+.I sbits(n)
+The minimum number of bits required to represent \fIn\fR as an signed number.
+.I nsa(n)
+The number of bits set in \fIn\fR.
+.I cat(a\d\s70\s0\u,n\d\s70\s0\u,...,a\d\s7N\s0\u,n\d\s7N\s0\u)
+Truncate each of the \fIa\d\s7i\s0\u\fR arguments to \fIn\d\s7i\s0\u\fR bits and concatenate their binary representation.
+.I gcd(n,m)
+The greatest common divisor of \fIn\fR and \fIm\fR.
+.I clog(a,b)
+The ceiling of the logarithm of \fIa\fR with respect to base \fIb\fR. \fIb\fR can be omitted, in which case it defaults to 2.
+.I minv(n,m)
+The inverse of \fIn\fR mod \fIm\fR.
+.I rand(n)
+A random number satisfying 0 ≤ \fIrand(n)\fR < \fIn\fR.
+.SS Control statements
+Control statements are always evaluated with default input base 10.
+\fL_\fR \fIn\fR
+If \fIn\fR ≠ 0, insert 
+.B _
+in all printed numbers, every
+.I n
+\fL<\fR \fIn\fR
+Set the default input base to \fIn\fR (default 10).
+The input base can always be overriden by the base prefixes defined above.
+\fL>\fR \fIn\fR
+Set the output base to \fIn\fR.
+If \fIn\fR = 0 (default), print each number in the base it was input in.
+\fL/\fR 0
+Use Euclidean division (default).
+\fIa\fR / \fIb\fR is rounded towards ±∞ (opposite sign as \fIb\fR).
+\fIa\fR % \fIb\fR is always non-negative.
+\fL/\fR 1
+Use truncating division (same as C).
+\fIa\fR / \fIb\fR is rounded towards zero.
+\fIa\fR % \fIb\fR can be negative.
+\fL\'\fR 1
+Enable numbering bits (disable with 0).
+If the base is a power of two, print the number of the corresponding bit above each digit.
+.B /sys/src/cmd/pc.y
+.IR bc (1),
+With the input base set to 16, terms such as
+are ambiguous.
+They are interpreted as numbers only if there is no function or variable of the same name.
+To force interpretation as a number, use the \fL0x\fR prefix.
+Arbitrary bases should be supported, but are not supported by the 9front's
+.IR mp (2)
+string functions.
+.I Pc
+first appeared in 9front (August, 2016).
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pc.y
@@ -1,0 +1,1070 @@
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <bio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <mp.h>
+#include <thread.h>
+#undef long
+#include <unistd.h>
+int inbase = 10, outbase, divmode, sep, heads, fail, prompt, eof;
+enum { MAXARGS = 16 };
+typedef struct Num Num;
+struct Num {
+	mpint;
+	int b;
+	Ref;
+enum { STRONG = 0x100 };
+void *
+emalloc(int n)
+	void *v;
+	v = malloc(n);
+	if(v == nil)
+		sysfatal("malloc: %r");
+	memset(v, 0, n);
+	setmalloctag(v, getcallerpc(&n));
+	return v;
+void *
+error(char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list va;
+	Fmt f;
+	char buf[256];
+	fmtfdinit(&f, 2, buf, sizeof(buf));
+	va_start(va, fmt);
+	fmtvprint(&f, fmt, va);
+	fmtrune(&f, '\n');
+	fmtfdflush(&f);
+	va_end(va);
+	fail++;
+	return nil;
+Num *
+	Num *r;
+	r = emalloc(sizeof(Num));
+	r->ref = 1;
+	r->p = emalloc(sizeof(mpdigit));
+	mpassign(mpzero, r);
+	return r;
+Num *
+numincref(Num *n)
+	incref(n);
+	return n;
+Num *
+numdecref(Num *n)
+	if(n == nil) return nil;
+	if(decref(n) == 0){
+		free(n->p);
+		free(n);
+		return nil;
+	}
+	return n;
+Num *
+nummod(Num *n)
+	Num *m;
+	if(n == nil) return nil;
+	if(n->ref == 1) return n;
+	m = numalloc();
+	mpassign(n, m);
+	m->b = n->b;
+	numdecref(n);
+	return m;
+basemax(int a, int b)
+	if(a == STRONG+10 && b >= STRONG) return b;
+	if(b == STRONG+10 && a >= STRONG) return a;
+	if(a == 10) return b;
+	if(b == 10) return a;
+	if(a < b) return b;
+	return a;
+typedef struct Symbol Symbol;
+struct Symbol {
+	enum {
+	} t;
+	Num *val;
+	int nargs;
+	Num *(*func)(int unused, Num **); 
+	char *name;
+	Symbol *next;
+Symbol *symtab[64];
+Symbol *
+getsym(char *n, int mk)
+	Symbol **p;
+	for(p = &symtab[*n&63]; *p != nil; p = &(*p)->next)
+		if(strcmp((*p)->name, n) == 0)
+			return *p;
+	if(!mk) return nil;
+	*p = emalloc(sizeof(Symbol));
+	(*p)->name = strdup(n);
+	return *p;
+static void
+printhead(int n, int s, int sp, char *t)
+	char *q;
+	int i, j, k;
+	for(i = 1; i < n; i *= 10)
+		;
+	while(i /= 10, i != 0){
+		q = t;
+		*--q = 0;
+		for(j = 0, k = 0; j < n; j += s, k++){
+			if(k == sep && sep != 0){
+				*--q = ' ';
+				k = 0;
+			}
+			if(j >= i || j == 0 && i == 1)
+				*--q = '0' + j / i % 10;
+			else
+				*--q = ' ';
+		}
+		for(j = 0; j < sp; j++)
+			*--q = ' ';
+		print("%s\n", q);
+	}
+numprint(Num *n)
+	int b;
+	int l, i, st, sp;
+	char *s, *t, *p, *q;
+	if(n == nil) return;
+	if(n->b >= STRONG || n->b != 0 && outbase == 0)
+		b = n->b & ~STRONG;
+	else if(outbase == 0)
+		b = 10;
+	else
+		b = outbase;
+	s = mptoa(n, b, nil, 0);
+	l = strlen(s);
+	t = emalloc(l * 2 + 4);
+	q = t + l * 2 + 4;
+	if(heads){
+		switch(b){
+		case 16: st = 4; sp = 2; break;
+		case 8: st = 3; sp = 1; break;
+		case 2: st = 1; sp = 2; break;
+		default: st = 0; sp = 0;
+		}
+		if(n->sign < 0)
+			sp++;
+		if(st != 0)
+			printhead(mpsignif(n), st, sp, q);
+	}
+	*--q = 0;
+	for(p = s + l - 1, i = 0; p >= s && *p != '-'; p--, i++){
+		if(sep != 0 && i == sep){
+			*--q = '_';
+			i = 0;
+		}
+		if(*p >= 'A')
+			*--q = *p + ('a' - 'A');
+		else
+			*--q = *p;
+	}
+	if(mpcmp(n, mpzero) != 0)
+		switch(b){
+		case 16: *--q = 'x'; *--q = '0'; break;
+		case 10: if(outbase != 0 && outbase != 10 || inbase != 10) {*--q = 'd'; *--q = '0';} break;
+		case 8: *--q = '0'; break;
+		case 2: *--q = 'b'; *--q = '0'; break;
+		}
+	if(p >= s)
+		*--q = '-';
+	print("%s\n", q);
+	free(s);
+	free(t);
+numdecrefs(int n, Num **x)
+	int i;
+	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+		numdecref(x[i]);
+Num *
+fncall(Symbol *s, int n, Num **x)
+	int i;
+	if(s->t != SYMFUNC){
+		numdecrefs(n, x);
+		return error("%s: not a function", s->name);
+	}
+	else if(s->nargs >= 0 && s->nargs != n){
+		numdecrefs(n, x);
+		return error("%s: wrong number of arguments", s->name);
+	}
+	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
+		if(x[i] == nil)
+			return nil;
+	return s->func(n, x);
+Num *
+hexfix(Symbol *s)
+	char *b, *p, *q;
+	if(inbase != 16) return nil;
+	if(s->val != nil) return numincref(s->val);
+	if(strspn(s->name, "0123456789ABCDEFabcdef_") != strlen(s->name)) return nil;
+	b = strdup(s->name);
+	for(p = b, q = b; *p != 0; p++)
+		if(*p != '_')
+			*q++ = *p;
+	*q = 0;
+	s->val = numalloc();
+	strtomp(b, nil, 16, s->val);
+	s->val->b = 16;
+	free(b);
+	return numincref(s->val);
+%union {
+	Num *n;
+	Symbol *sym;
+	struct {
+		Num *x[MAXARGS];
+		int n;
+	} args;
+%token <n> LNUM
+%token <sym> LSYMB
+%type <n> expr
+%type <args> elist elist1
+%right '='
+%right '?'
+%left LOLOR
+%left LOLAND
+%left '|'
+%left '^'
+%left '&'
+%left LOEQ LONE
+%left '<' '>' LOLE LOGE
+%left '+' '-'
+%left unary
+%left '*' '/' '%'
+%right LOEXP
+%right '$'
+	int save;
+	Num *last;
+	Num *lastp;
+	extern Num *numbin(int op, Num *a, Num *b);
+	extern void yyerror(char *msg);
+	extern int yylex(void);
+input: | input line '\n' {
+		if(!fail && last != nil) {
+			numprint(last);
+			numdecref(lastp);
+			lastp = last;
+		}
+		fail = 0;
+		last = nil;
+	}
+line: stat
+	| line ';' stat
+stat: { last = nil; }
+	| expr { last = $1; }
+	| '_' { save = inbase; inbase = 10; } expr {
+		inbase = save;
+		if(mpcmp($3, mpzero) < 0)
+			error("no.");
+		if(!fail) 
+			sep = mptoi($3);
+		numdecref($3);
+		numdecref(last);
+		last = nil;
+	}
+	| '<' { save = inbase; inbase = 10; } expr {
+		inbase = save;
+		if(!fail) 
+			inbase = mptoi($3);
+		if(inbase != 2 && inbase != 8 && inbase != 10 && inbase != 16){
+			error("no.");
+			inbase = save;
+		}
+		numdecref($3);
+		numdecref(last);
+		last = nil;
+	}
+	| '>' { save = inbase; inbase = 10; } expr {
+		inbase = save;
+		save = outbase;
+		if(!fail) 
+			outbase = mptoi($3);
+		if(outbase != 0 && outbase != 2 && outbase != 8 && outbase != 10 && outbase != 16){
+			error("no.");
+			outbase = save;
+		}
+		numdecref($3);
+		numdecref(last);
+		last = nil;
+	}
+	| '/' { save = inbase; inbase = 10; } expr {
+		inbase = save;
+		save = divmode;
+		if(!fail) 
+			divmode = mptoi($3);
+		if(divmode != 0 && divmode != 1){
+			error("no.");
+			divmode = save;
+		}
+		numdecref($3);
+		numdecref(last);
+		last = nil;
+	}
+	| '\'' { save = inbase; inbase = 10; } expr {
+		inbase = save;
+		save = heads;
+		if(!fail) 
+			heads = mptoi($3);
+		if(heads != 0 && heads != 1){
+			error("no.");
+			heads = save;
+		}
+		numdecref($3);
+		numdecref(last);
+		last = nil;
+	}
+	| error
+expr: LNUM
+	| '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; }
+	| expr '+' expr { $$ = numbin('+', $1, $3); }
+	| expr '-' expr { $$ = numbin('-', $1, $3); }
+	| expr '*' expr { $$ = numbin('*', $1, $3); }
+	| expr '/' expr { $$ = numbin('/', $1, $3); }
+	| expr '%' expr { $$ = numbin('%', $1, $3); }
+	| expr '&' expr { $$ = numbin('&', $1, $3); }
+	| expr '|' expr { $$ = numbin('|', $1, $3); }
+	| expr '^' expr { $$ = numbin('^', $1, $3); }	
+	| expr LOEXP expr { $$ = numbin(LOEXP, $1, $3); }
+	| expr LOLSH expr { $$ = numbin(LOLSH, $1, $3); }
+	| expr LORSH expr { $$ = numbin(LORSH, $1, $3); }
+	| expr LOEQ expr { $$ = numbin(LOEQ, $1, $3); }
+	| expr LONE expr { $$ = numbin(LONE, $1, $3); }
+	| expr '<' expr { $$ = numbin('<', $1, $3); }
+	| expr '>' expr { $$ = numbin('>', $1, $3); }
+	| expr LOLE expr { $$ = numbin(LOLE, $1, $3); }
+	| expr LOGE expr { $$ = numbin(LOGE, $1, $3); }
+	| expr LOLAND expr { $$ = numbin(LOLAND, $1, $3); }
+	| expr LOLOR expr { $$ = numbin(LOLOR, $1, $3); }
+	| '+' expr %prec unary { $$ = $2; }
+	| '-' expr %prec unary { $$ = nummod($2); if($$ != nil) mpsub(mpzero, $$, $$); }
+	| '~' expr %prec unary { $$ = nummod($2); if($$ != nil) mpnot($$, $$); }
+	| '!' expr %prec unary { $$ = nummod($2); if($$ != nil) {itomp(mpcmp($$, mpzero) == 0, $$); $$->b = 0; } }
+	| '$' expr { $$ = nummod($2); if($$ != nil) {if($2->sign > 0) mpxtend($2, mpsignif($2), $$); else mpassign($2, $$); } }
+	| expr '?' expr ':' expr %prec '?' {
+		if($1 == nil || mpcmp($1, mpzero) != 0){
+			$$ = $3;
+			numdecref($5);
+		}else{
+			$$ = $5;
+			numdecref($3);
+		}
+		numdecref($1);
+	}
+	| LSYMB '(' elist ')' { $$ = fncall($1, $3.n, $3.x); }
+	| LSYMB {
+		Num *n;
+		$$ = nil;
+		switch($1->t){
+		case SYMVAR: $$ = numincref($1->val); break;
+		case SYMNONE:
+			n = hexfix($1);
+			if(n != nil) $$ = n;
+			else error("%s undefined", $1->name);
+			break;
+		case SYMFUNC: error("%s is a function", $1->name); break;
+		default: error("%s invalid here", $1->name);
+		}
+	}
+	| LSYMB '=' expr {
+		if($1->t != SYMNONE && $1->t != SYMVAR)
+			error("%s redefined", $1->name);
+		else if(!fail){
+			$1->t = SYMVAR;
+			numdecref($1->val);
+			$1->val = numincref($3);
+		}
+		$$ = $3;
+	}
+	| '@' {
+		$$ = lastp;
+		if($$ == nil) error("no last result");
+		else numincref($$);
+	}
+	| expr '$' expr { $$ = numbin('$', $1, $3); }
+elist: { $$.n = 0; } | elist1
+elist1: expr { $$.x[0] = $1; $$.n = 1; }
+	| elist1 ',' expr {
+		$$ = $1;
+		if($$.n >= MAXARGS)
+			error("too many arguments");
+		else
+			$$.x[$$.n++] = $3;
+	}
+typedef struct Keyword Keyword;
+struct Keyword {
+	char *name;
+	int tok;
+Keyword ops[] = {
+	"**", LOEXP,
+	"<<", LOLSH,
+	"<=", LOLE,
+	">>", LORSH,
+	">=", LOGE,
+	"==", LOEQ,
+	"&&", LOLAND,
+	"||", LOLOR,
+	"", 0,
+Keyword *optab[128];
+Biobuf *in;
+int prompted;
+Num *
+numbin(int op, Num *a, Num *b)
+	mpint *r;
+	if(fail || a == nil || b == nil) return nil;
+	a = nummod(a);
+	a->b = basemax(a->b, b->b);
+	switch(op){
+	case '+': mpadd(a, b, a); break;
+	case '-': mpsub(a, b, a); break;
+	case '*': mpmul(a, b, a); break;
+	case '/':
+		if(mpcmp(b, mpzero) == 0){
+			numdecref(a);
+			numdecref(b);
+			return error("division by zero");
+		}
+		r = mpnew(0);
+		mpdiv(a, b, a, r);
+		if(!divmode && r->sign < 0){
+			if(b->sign > 0)
+				mpsub(a, mpone, a);
+			else
+				mpadd(a, mpone, a);
+		}
+		mpfree(r);
+		break;
+	case '%':
+		if(mpcmp(b, mpzero) == 0){
+			numdecref(a);
+			numdecref(b);
+			return error("division by zero");
+		}	
+		mpdiv(a, b, nil, a);
+		if(!divmode && a->sign < 0){
+			if(b->sign > 0)
+				mpadd(a, b, a);
+			else
+				mpsub(a, b, a);
+		}
+		break;
+	case '&': mpand(a, b, a); break;
+	case '|': mpor(a, b, a); break;
+	case '^': mpxor(a, b, a); break;
+	case LOEXP:
+		if(mpcmp(b, mpzero) < 0){
+			numdecref(a);
+			numdecref(b);
+			return error("negative exponent");
+		}
+		mpexp(a, b, nil, a);
+		break;
+	case LOLSH:
+		if(mpsignif(b) >= 31){
+			if(b->sign > 0)
+				error("left shift overflow");
+			itomp(-(mpcmp(a, mpzero) < 0), a);
+		}else
+			mpasr(a, -mptoi(b), a);
+		break;	
+	case LORSH:
+		if(mpsignif(b) >= 31){
+			if(b->sign < 0)
+				error("right shift overflow");
+			itomp(-(mpcmp(a, mpzero) < 0), a);
+		}else
+			mpasr(a, mptoi(b), a);
+		break;
+	case '<': itomp(mpcmp(a, b) < 0, a); a->b = 0; break;
+	case '>': itomp(mpcmp(a, b) > 0, a); a->b = 0; break;
+	case LOLE: itomp(mpcmp(a, b) <= 0, a); a->b = 0; break;
+	case LOGE: itomp(mpcmp(a, b) >= 0, a); a->b = 0; break;
+	case LOEQ: itomp(mpcmp(a, b) == 0, a); a->b = 0; break;
+	case LONE: itomp(mpcmp(a, b) != 0, a); a->b = 0; break;
+	case LOLAND:
+		a->b = b->b;
+		if(mpcmp(a, mpzero) == 0)
+			mpassign(mpzero, a);
+		else
+			mpassign(b, a);
+		break;
+	case LOLOR:
+		a->b = b->b;
+		if(mpcmp(a, mpzero) != 0)
+			mpassign(mpone, a);
+		else
+			mpassign(b, a);
+		break;
+	case '$':
+		a->b = b->b;
+		mpxtend(b, mptoi(a), a);
+		break;
+	}
+	numdecref(b);
+	return a;
+	int c, b;
+	char buf[512], *p;
+	Keyword *kw;
+	if(prompt && !prompted && !eof) {print("; "); prompted = 1;}
+	do
+		c = Bgetc(in);
+	while(c != '\n' && isspace(c));
+	if(c < 0 && !eof){
+		eof = 1;
+		c = '\n';
+	}
+	if(c == '\n')
+		prompted = 0;
+	if(isdigit(c)){
+		for(p = buf, *p++ = c; c = Bgetc(in), isalnum(c) || c == '_'; )
+			if(p < buf + sizeof(buf) - 1 && c != '_')
+				*p++ = c;
+		*p = 0;
+		if(c >= 0) Bungetc(in);
+		b = inbase;
+		p = buf;
+		if(*p == '0'){
+			p++;
+			switch(*p++){
+			case 0: p -= 2; break;
+			case 'b': case 'B': b = 2; break;
+			case 'd': case 'D': b = 10; break;
+			case 'x': case 'X': b = 16; break;
+			default: p--; b = 8; break;
+			}
+		}
+		yylval.n = numalloc();
+		strtomp(p, &p, b, yylval.n);
+		if(*p != 0) error("not a number: %s", buf);
+		yylval.n->b = b;
+		return LNUM;
+	}
+	if(isalpha(c) || c >= 0x80 || c == '_'){
+		for(p = buf, *p++ = c; c = Bgetc(in), isalnum(c) || c >= 0x80 || c == '_'; )
+			if(p < buf + sizeof(buf) - 1)
+				*p++ = c;
+		*p = 0;
+		Bungetc(in);
+		if(buf[0] == '_' && buf[1] == 0) return '_';
+		yylval.sym = getsym(buf, 1);
+		return LSYMB;
+	}
+	if(c < 128 && (kw = optab[c], kw != nil)){
+		b = Bgetc(in);
+		for(; kw->name[0] == c; kw++)
+			if(kw->name[0] == b)
+				return kw->tok;
+		if(c >= 0) Bungetc(in);
+	}
+	return c;
+yyerror(char *msg)
+	error("%s", msg);
+regfunc(char *n, Num *(*f)(int unused, Num **), int nargs)
+	Symbol *s;
+	s = getsym(n, 1);
+	s->t = SYMFUNC;
+	s->func = f;
+	s->nargs = nargs;
+toint(Num *n, int *p, int mustpos)
+	if(mpsignif(n) > 31 || mustpos && mpcmp(n, mpzero) < 0){
+		error("invalid argument");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if(p != nil)
+		*p = mptoi(n);
+	return 0;
+Num *
+fnhex(int unused, Num **a)
+	Num *r;
+	r = nummod(a[0]);
+	r->b = STRONG | 16;
+	return r;
+Num *
+fndec(int unused, Num **a)
+	Num *r;
+	r = nummod(a[0]);
+	r->b = STRONG | 10;
+	return r;
+Num *
+fnoct(int unused, Num **a)
+	Num *r;
+	r = nummod(a[0]);
+	r->b = STRONG | 8;
+	return r;
+Num *
+fnbin(int unused, Num **a)
+	Num *r;
+	r = nummod(a[0]);
+	r->b = STRONG | 2;
+	return r;
+Num *
+fnpb(int unused, Num **a)
+	Num *r;
+	int b;
+	if(toint(a[1], &b, 1)){
+	out:
+		numdecref(a[0]);
+		numdecref(a[1]);
+		return nil;
+	}
+	if(b != 0 && b != 2 && b != 8 && b != 10 && b != 16){
+		error("unsupported base");
+		goto out;
+	}
+	r = nummod(a[0]);
+	if(b == 0)
+		r->b = 0;
+	else
+		r->b = STRONG | b;
+	return r;
+Num *
+fnabs(int unused, Num **a)
+	Num *r;
+	r = nummod(a[0]);
+	r->sign = 1;
+	return r;
+Num *
+fnround(int unused, Num **a)
+	mpint *q, *r;
+	int i;
+	if(mpcmp(a[1], mpzero) <= 0){
+		numdecref(a[0]);
+		numdecref(a[1]);
+		return error("invalid argument");
+	}
+	q = mpnew(0);
+	r = mpnew(0);
+	a[0] = nummod(a[0]);
+	mpdiv(a[0], a[1], q, r);
+	if(r->sign < 0) mpadd(r, a[1], r);
+	mpleft(r, 1, r);
+	i = mpcmp(r, a[1]);
+	mpright(r, 1, r);
+	if(i > 0 || i == 0 && (a[0]->sign < 0) ^ (q->top != 0 && (q->p[0] & 1) != 0))
+		mpsub(r, a[1], r);
+	mpsub(a[0], r, a[0]);
+	mpfree(q);
+	mpfree(r);
+	numdecref(a[1]);
+	return a[0];
+Num *
+fnfloor(int unused, Num **a)
+	mpint *r;
+	if(mpcmp(a[1], mpzero) <= 0){
+		numdecref(a[0]);
+		numdecref(a[1]);
+		return error("invalid argument");
+	}
+	r = mpnew(0);
+	a[0] = nummod(a[0]);
+	mpdiv(a[0], a[1], nil, r);
+	if(r->sign < 0) mpadd(r, a[1], r);
+	mpsub(a[0], r, a[0]);
+	mpfree(r);
+	numdecref(a[1]);
+	return a[0];
+Num *
+fnceil(int unused, Num **a)
+	mpint *r;
+	if(mpcmp(a[1], mpzero) <= 0){
+		numdecref(a[0]);
+		numdecref(a[1]);
+		return error("invalid argument");
+	}
+	r = mpnew(0);
+	a[0] = nummod(a[0]);
+	mpdiv(a[0], a[1], nil, r);
+	if(r->sign < 0) mpadd(r, a[1], r);
+	if(mpcmp(r, mpzero) != 0){
+		mpsub(a[0], r, a[0]);
+		mpadd(a[0], a[1], a[0]);
+	}
+	mpfree(r);
+	numdecref(a[1]);
+	return a[0];
+Num *
+fntrunc(int unused, Num **a)
+	int i;
+	if(toint(a[1], &i, 1)){
+		numdecref(a[0]);
+		numdecref(a[1]);
+		return nil;
+	}
+	a[0] = nummod(a[0]);
+	mptrunc(a[0], i, a[0]);
+	return a[0];
+Num *
+fnxtend(int unused, Num **a)
+	int i;
+	if(toint(a[1], &i, 1)) return nil;
+	a[0] = nummod(a[0]);
+	mpxtend(a[0], i, a[0]);
+	return a[0];
+Num *
+fnclog(int n, Num **a)
+	int r;
+	if(n != 1 && n != 2){
+		numdecrefs(n, a);
+		return error("clog: wrong number of arguments");
+	}
+	if(mpcmp(a[0], mpzero) <= 0 || n == 2 && mpcmp(a[1], mpone) <= 0){
+		numdecref(a[0]);
+		return error("invalid argument");
+	}
+	if(n == 1 || mpcmp(a[1], mptwo) == 0){
+		a[0] = nummod(a[0]);
+		mpsub(a[0], mpone, a[0]);
+		itomp(mpsignif(a[0]), a[0]);
+		a[0]->b = 0;
+		if(n == 2) numdecref(a[1]);
+		return a[0];
+	}
+	a[0] = nummod(a[0]);
+	for(r = 0; mpcmp(a[0], mpone) > 0; r++){
+		mpadd(a[0], a[1], a[0]);
+		mpsub(a[0], mpone, a[0]);
+		mpdiv(a[0], a[1], a[0], nil);
+	}
+	itomp(r, a[0]);
+	a[0]->b = 0;
+	numdecref(a[1]);
+	return a[0];
+Num *
+fnubits(int unused, Num **a)
+	if(a[0]->sign < 0){
+		numdecref(a[0]);
+		return error("invalid argument");
+	}
+	a[0] = nummod(a[0]);
+	itomp(mpsignif(a[0]), a[0]);
+	a[0]->b = 0;
+	return a[0];
+Num *
+fnsbits(int unused, Num **a)
+	a[0] = nummod(a[0]);
+	if(a[0]->sign < 0) mpadd(a[0], mpone, a[0]);
+	itomp(mpsignif(a[0]) + 1, a[0]);
+	a[0]->b = 0;
+	return a[0];
+Num *
+fnnsa(int unused, Num **a)
+	int n, i;
+	mpdigit d;
+	a[0] = nummod(a[0]);
+	if(a[0]->sign < 0){
+		numdecref(a[0]);
+		return error("invalid argument");
+	}
+	n = 0;
+	for(i = 0; i < a[0]->top; i++){
+		d = a[0]->p[i];
+		for(; d != 0; d &= d-1)
+			n++;
+	}
+	itomp(n, a[0]);
+	a[0]->b = 0;
+	return a[0];
+Num *
+fngcd(int unused, Num **a)
+	a[0] = nummod(a[0]);
+	a[0]->b = basemax(a[0]->b, a[1]->b);
+	mpextendedgcd(a[0], a[1], a[0], nil, nil);
+	return a[0];
+Num *
+fnrand(int unused, Num **a)
+	Num *n;
+	n = numalloc();
+	n->b = a[0]->b;
+	mpnrand(a[0], genrandom, n);
+	numdecref(a[0]);
+	return n;
+Num *
+fnminv(int unused, Num **a)
+	mpint *x;
+	a[0] = nummod(a[0]);
+	x = mpnew(0);
+	mpextendedgcd(a[0], a[1], x, a[0], nil);
+	if(mpcmp(x, mpone) != 0)
+		error("no modular inverse");
+	else
+		mpmod(a[0], a[1], a[0]);
+	mpfree(x);
+	numdecref(a[1]);
+	return a[0];
+Num *
+fnrev(int unused, Num **a)
+	mpdigit v, m;
+	int i, j, n;
+	if(toint(a[1], &n, 1)){
+		numdecref(a[0]);
+		numdecref(a[1]);
+		return nil;
+	}
+	a[0] = nummod(a[0]);
+	mptrunc(a[0], n, a[0]);
+	for(i = 0; i < a[0]->top; i++){
+		v = a[0]->p[i];
+		m = -1;
+		for(j = sizeof(mpdigit) * 8; j >>= 1; ){
+			m ^= m << j;
+			v = v >> j & m | v << j & ~m;
+		}
+		a[0]->p[i] = v;
+	}
+	for(i = 0; i < a[0]->top / 2; i++){
+		v = a[0]->p[i];
+		a[0]->p[i] = a[0]->p[a[0]->top - 1 - i];
+		a[0]->p[a[0]->top - 1 - i] = v;
+	}
+	mpleft(a[0], n - a[0]->top * sizeof(mpdigit) * 8, a[0]);
+	numdecref(a[1]);
+	return a[0];
+Num *
+fncat(int n, Num **a)
+	int i, w;
+	Num *r;
+	if(n % 2 != 0){
+		error("cat: odd number of arguments");
+		i = 0;
+	fail:
+		for(; i < n; i++)
+			numdecref(a[i]);
+		return nil;
+	}
+	r = numalloc();
+	for(i = 0; i < n; i += 2){
+		if(toint(a[i+1], &w, 1)) goto fail;
+		mpleft(r, w, r);
+		if(a[i]->sign < 0 || mpsignif(a[i]) > w){
+			a[i] = nummod(a[i]);
+			mptrunc(a[i], w, a[i]);
+		}
+		r->b = basemax(r->b, a[i]->b);
+		mpor(r, a[i], r);
+		numdecref(a[i]);
+		numdecref(a[i+1]);
+	}
+	return r;
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+	Keyword *kw;
+	fmtinstall('B', mpfmt);
+	for(kw = ops; kw->name[0] != 0; kw++)
+		if(optab[kw->name[0]] == nil)
+			optab[kw->name[0]] = kw;
+	regfunc("hex", fnhex, 1);
+	regfunc("dec", fndec, 1);
+	regfunc("oct", fnoct, 1);
+	regfunc("bin", fnbin, 1);
+	regfunc("pb", fnpb, 2);
+	regfunc("abs", fnabs, 1);
+	regfunc("round", fnround, 2);
+	regfunc("floor", fnfloor, 2);
+	regfunc("ceil", fnceil, 2);
+	regfunc("trunc", fntrunc, 2);
+	regfunc("xtend", fnxtend, 2);
+	regfunc("clog", fnclog, -1);
+	regfunc("ubits", fnubits, 1);
+	regfunc("sbits", fnsbits, 1);
+	regfunc("nsa", fnnsa, 1);
+	regfunc("gcd", fngcd, 2);
+	regfunc("minv", fnminv, 2);
+	regfunc("rand", fnrand, 1);
+	regfunc("rev", fnrev, 2);
+	regfunc("cat", fncat, -1);
+	prompt = isatty(fileno(stdin));
+	in = Bfdopen(0, OREAD);
+	if(in == nil) sysfatal("Bfdopen: %r");
+	yyparse();
+	extern int yynerrs;
+	return yynerrs ? 1 : 0;