ref: 930d5bb3dcd6554322a7bf0772cb9cfa78645a23
parent: 9d431352a71d801b59a75dcf9660a96ba940a413
author: cancel <[email protected]>
date: Sat Nov 24 06:15:28 EST 2018
Add descriptive example of drawing a grid
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <limits.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <ncurses.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {
// Enable UTF-8 by explicitly initializing our locale before initializing
@@ -24,15 +27,92 @@
// Hide the terminal cursor
- printw("Type any character to see it in bold\n");
+ printw("Type any character to fill it in an alternating grid\n");
- int ch = getch();
- printw("Your character:\n");
- attron(A_BOLD);
- printw(" %c\n", ch);
- attroff(A_BOLD);
- printw("Press any key to exit");
+ // 'chtype' is the type of character that ncurses uses. It will be an
+ // ASCII-like value, if that's what the user hit on the keyboard, but
+ // 'chtype' is larger than an 8-bit number and could have something else in
+ // it (some Unicode character, a control character for the terminal, etc.)
+ chtype ch = getch();
+ // We get the dimensions that the terminal is currently set to, so we know
+ // how big of a buffer to allocate. We'll fill the buffer with some
+ // characters after we've allocated it.
+ int term_height = getmaxy(stdscr);
+ int term_width = getmaxx(stdscr);
+ assert(term_height >= 0 && term_width >= 0);
+ // We use 'size_t' when we talk about the size of memory. We also sometimes
+ // use it when looping over indices in an array, but we won't do that this
+ // time, since we already have the terminal width and height as regular ints.
+ size_t term_cells = term_height * term_width;
+ // 'calloc' uses the C runtime library to give us a chunk of memory that we
+ // can use to do whatever we want. The first argument is the number of things
+ // we'll put into the memory, and the second argument is the size of the
+ // those things. The total amount of memory it gives us back will be (number
+ // of guys * size of guys).
+ //
+ // There is also another function you may have heard of -- malloc -- which
+ // does mostly the same thing. The main differences are that 1) malloc does
+ // not turn all of the memory into zeroes before giving it to us, and 2)
+ // malloc only takes one argument.
+ //
+ // Because malloc doesn't zero the memory for us, you have to make sure that
+ // you always clear (or write to it) yourself before using it. That wouldn't
+ // be a problem in our example, though.
+ //
+ // Because malloc only takes one argument, you have to do the multiplication
+ // yourself, and if you want to be safe about it, you have to check to make
+ // sure the multiplication won't overflow. calloc does that for us.
+ //
+ // sizeof is a special thing that returns the size of an expression or type
+ // *at compile time*.
+ chtype* buff = calloc(term_cells, sizeof(chtype));
+ // For each row, in the buffer, fill it with an alternating pattern of spaces
+ // and the character the user typed.
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < term_height; ++iy) {
+ // Make a pointer to the start of this line in the buffer. We don't
+ // actually have to do this -- we could replace line[ix] with (buff + iy *
+ // term_width + ix), but this makes it easier to see what's going on.
+ chtype* line = buff + iy * term_width;
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < term_width; ++ix) {
+ // Note that 'if' here is being used with a numerical value instead a
+ // boolean. C doesn't actually have real booleans: a 0 value (whatever
+ // the number type happens to be, int, char, etc.) is considered 'false',
+ // and anything else is 'true'.
+ if ((iy + ix) % 2) {
+ line[ix] = ' ';
+ } else {
+ line[ix] = ch;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Loop over each row in the buffer, and send the entire row to ncurses all
+ // at once. This is the fastest way to draw to the terminal with ncurses.
+ for (int i = 0; i < term_height; ++i) {
+ // Move the cursor directly to the start of the row.
+ move(i, 0);
+ // Send the entire line at once. If it's too long, it will be truncated
+ // instead of wrapping.
+ //
+ // We use addchnstr instead of addchstr (notice the 'n') because we know
+ // exactly how long the line is, and we don't have a null terminator in our
+ // string. If we tried to use addchstr, it would keep trying to read until
+ // it got to the end of our buffer, and then past the end of our buffer
+ // into unknown memory, because we don't have a null terminator in it.
+ addchnstr(buff + i * term_width, term_width);
+ }
+ // We don't need our buffer anymore. We call `free` to return it back to the
+ // operating system. If we don't do this, and we lose track of our `buff`
+ // pointer, the memory has leaked, and it can't be reclaimed by the OS until
+ // the program is terminated.
+ free(buff);
+ // Refresh the terminal to make sure our changes get displayed immediately.
+ // Wair for the user's next input before terminating.
return 0;