shithub: openh264

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ref: f42cbaca324d1b41e8ed68a21217a043ef501c13
parent: cd1991a0e39a6429af387394056420f2a7d48608
author: [email protected] <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jan 18 05:12:49 EST 2018

adjust output order in log for readability
            add UT and log

--- a/codec/encoder/core/src/encoder_ext.cpp
+++ b/codec/encoder/core/src/encoder_ext.cpp
@@ -641,8 +641,8 @@
         WelsLog (pLogCtx, WELS_LOG_WARNING, "layerId(%d) Profile is baseline, Change CABAC to CAVLC", i);
     } else if (pLayerInfo->uiProfileIdc == PRO_UNKNOWN) {
-      if ((i==0) || pCodingParam->bSimulcastAVC) {
-        pLayerInfo->uiProfileIdc = (pCodingParam->iEntropyCodingModeFlag)?PRO_HIGH:PRO_BASELINE;
+      if ((i == 0) || pCodingParam->bSimulcastAVC) {
+        pLayerInfo->uiProfileIdc = (pCodingParam->iEntropyCodingModeFlag) ? PRO_HIGH : PRO_BASELINE;
       } else {
         pLayerInfo->uiProfileIdc = PRO_SCALABLE_BASELINE;
@@ -4188,17 +4188,23 @@
   if (bNeedReset) {
     WelsLog (& (*ppCtx)->sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO,
-             pOldParam->bSimulcastAVC, pNewParam->bSimulcastAVC, pOldParam->iSpatialLayerNum, pNewParam->iSpatialLayerNum,
-             pOldParam->iPicWidth, pNewParam->iPicWidth, pOldParam->iPicHeight, pNewParam->iPicHeight,
-             pOldParam->SUsedPicRect.iWidth, pNewParam->SUsedPicRect.iWidth, pOldParam->SUsedPicRect.iHeight,
-             pNewParam->SUsedPicRect.iHeight);
+             pOldParam->bSimulcastAVC, pNewParam->bSimulcastAVC,
+             pOldParam->iSpatialLayerNum, pNewParam->iSpatialLayerNum,
+             pOldParam->iPicWidth, pNewParam->iPicWidth,
+             pOldParam->iPicHeight, pNewParam->iPicHeight,
+             pOldParam->SUsedPicRect.iWidth, pNewParam->SUsedPicRect.iWidth,
+             pOldParam->SUsedPicRect.iHeight, pNewParam->SUsedPicRect.iHeight);
     WelsLog (& (*ppCtx)->sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO,
-             "WelsEncoderParamAdjust(),bEnableLongTermReference(%d,%d),iLTRRefNum(%d,%d),iMultipleThreadIdc(%d,%d),bEnableBackgroundDetection(%d,%d),bEnableAdaptiveQuant(%d,%d),eSpsPpsIdStrategy(%d,%d),iMaxNumRefFrame(%d,%d)",
-             pOldParam->bEnableLongTermReference, pNewParam->bEnableLongTermReference, pOldParam->iLTRRefNum, pNewParam->iLTRRefNum,
-             pOldParam->iMultipleThreadIdc, pNewParam->iMultipleThreadIdc, pOldParam->bEnableBackgroundDetection,
-             pNewParam->bEnableBackgroundDetection, pOldParam->bEnableAdaptiveQuant, pNewParam->bEnableAdaptiveQuant,
-             pOldParam->eSpsPpsIdStrategy, pNewParam->eSpsPpsIdStrategy, pNewParam->iMaxNumRefFrame, pOldParam->iMaxNumRefFrame);
+             "WelsEncoderParamAdjust(),bEnableLongTermReference(%d,%d),iLTRRefNum(%d,%d),iMultipleThreadIdc(%d,%d),bEnableBackgroundDetection(%d,%d),bEnableAdaptiveQuant(%d,%d),eSpsPpsIdStrategy(%d,%d),iMaxNumRefFrame(%d,%d),iTemporalLayerNum(%d,%d)",
+             pOldParam->bEnableLongTermReference, pNewParam->bEnableLongTermReference,
+             pOldParam->iLTRRefNum, pNewParam->iLTRRefNum,
+             pOldParam->iMultipleThreadIdc, pNewParam->iMultipleThreadIdc,
+             pOldParam->bEnableBackgroundDetection, pNewParam->bEnableBackgroundDetection,
+             pOldParam->bEnableAdaptiveQuant, pNewParam->bEnableAdaptiveQuant,
+             pOldParam->eSpsPpsIdStrategy, pNewParam->eSpsPpsIdStrategy,
+             pOldParam->iMaxNumRefFrame, pNewParam->iMaxNumRefFrame,
+             pOldParam->iTemporalLayerNum, pNewParam->iTemporalLayerNum);
   if (!bNeedReset) { // Check its picture resolutions/quality settings respectively in each dependency layer
     iIndexD = 0;
@@ -4218,8 +4224,9 @@
         WelsLog (& (*ppCtx)->sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO,
                  "WelsEncoderParamAdjust(),iIndexD = %d,sSpatialLayers.wxh_old(%d,%d),sSpatialLayers.wxh_new(%d,%d),iActualwxh_old(%d,%d),iActualwxh_new(%d,%d)",
                  iIndexD, pOldParam->sSpatialLayers[iIndexD].iVideoWidth, pOldParam->sSpatialLayers[iIndexD].iVideoHeight,
-                 pNewParam->sSpatialLayers[iIndexD].iVideoWidth, pNewParam->sSpatialLayers[iIndexD].iVideoHeight, kpOldDlp->iActualWidth,
-                 kpOldDlp->iActualHeight, kpNewDlp->iActualWidth, kpNewDlp->iActualHeight);
+                 pNewParam->sSpatialLayers[iIndexD].iVideoWidth, pNewParam->sSpatialLayers[iIndexD].iVideoHeight,
+                 kpOldDlp->iActualWidth, kpOldDlp->iActualHeight,
+                 kpNewDlp->iActualWidth, kpNewDlp->iActualHeight);
@@ -4251,7 +4258,8 @@
         bNeedReset = true;
         WelsLog (& (*ppCtx)->sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO,
                  "WelsEncoderParamAdjust() iIndexD = %d,fInputFrameRate(%f,%f),fOutputFrameRate(%f,%f),fMaxFrameRate(%f,%f)", iIndexD,
-                 kpOldDlp->fInputFrameRate, kpNewDlp->fInputFrameRate, kpOldDlp->fOutputFrameRate, kpNewDlp->fOutputFrameRate,
+                 kpOldDlp->fInputFrameRate, kpNewDlp->fInputFrameRate,
+                 kpOldDlp->fOutputFrameRate, kpNewDlp->fOutputFrameRate,
                  pOldParam->fMaxFrameRate, pNewParam->fMaxFrameRate);
--- a/test/api/encode_options_test.cpp
+++ b/test/api/encode_options_test.cpp
@@ -1957,8 +1957,8 @@
   sParam.iEntropyCodingModeFlag = rand() % 2;
   sParam.sSpatialLayers[0].iSpatialBitrate = sParam.iTargetBitrate = 3000;
-  int TraceLevel = WELS_LOG_DEBUG;
-  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &TraceLevel);
+//  int TraceLevel = WELS_LOG_DEBUG;
+//  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &TraceLevel);
   //decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &TraceLevel);
   iEncProfileIdc = profileList[rand() % 11];
   iEncLevelIdc =  levelList[rand() % 18];
@@ -1980,7 +1980,7 @@
   ASSERT_TRUE (iDecProfileIdc == iEncProfileIdc) << "enc_profile = " << iEncProfileIdc << "  dec_profile = " <<
-    iDecProfileIdc;
+      iDecProfileIdc;
   //check whether the level is changed according to level limitation
   ELevelIdc uiLevel = LEVEL_UNKNOWN;
@@ -2213,8 +2213,8 @@
   prepareParamDefault (1, iSliceNum, iWidth, iHeight, fFrameRate, &sParam);
   sParam.iTemporalLayerNum = 2;
-  //int TraceLevel = WELS_LOG_DEBUG;
-  //encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &TraceLevel);
+//  int TraceLevel = WELS_LOG_DEBUG;
+//  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &TraceLevel);
   iRet = encoder_->InitializeExt (&sParam);
   ASSERT_TRUE (iRet == cmResultSuccess) << "InitializeExt: iRet = " << iRet << " at " << sParam.iPicWidth << "x" <<
@@ -2261,3 +2261,74 @@
   ASSERT_TRUE (iRet == cmResultSuccess) << "rv = " << iRet;
+TEST_F (EncodeDecodeTestAPI,  TemporalLayerChangeDuringEncoding_Specific) {
+  int iWidth       = 320;
+  int iHeight      = 192;
+  float fFrameRate = 15;
+  int iSliceNum    = 1;
+  int iRet = 0;
+  int iTotalFrame  = (rand() % 20) + 3;
+  int iFrameNum = 0;
+  SEncParamExt sParam;
+  encoder_->GetDefaultParams (&sParam);
+  prepareParamDefault (1, iSliceNum, iWidth, iHeight, fFrameRate, &sParam);
+  int originalTemporalLayerNum = 1;
+  int originalBR = 500000;
+  float originalFR = 7.5;
+  int iSteps[3] = {2, 1, 3};
+  int iStepIdx = 0;
+  bool bSetOption = false;
+  sParam.iTemporalLayerNum = originalTemporalLayerNum;
+  sParam.iNumRefFrame = 1;
+ int TraceLevel = WELS_LOG_INFO;
+  encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_LEVEL, &TraceLevel);
+  iRet = encoder_->InitializeExt (&sParam);
+  ASSERT_TRUE (iRet == cmResultSuccess) << "InitializeExt: iRet = " << iRet << " at " << sParam.iPicWidth << "x" <<
+                                        sParam.iPicHeight;
+  ASSERT_TRUE (InitialEncDec (iWidth, iHeight));
+  int frameSize = EncPic.iPicWidth * EncPic.iPicHeight * 3 / 2;
+  do {
+    FileInputStream fileStream;
+    ASSERT_TRUE (fileStream.Open ("res/CiscoVT2people_320x192_12fps.yuv"));
+    while ( (, frameSize) == frameSize) {
+      if ( (iStepIdx < 3) && (iFrameNum == ((iTotalFrame / 3) * (iStepIdx + 1)))) {
+        sParam.iTemporalLayerNum = originalTemporalLayerNum * iSteps[iStepIdx];
+        sParam.iTargetBitrate = sParam.sSpatialLayers[0].iSpatialBitrate = originalBR * iSteps[iStepIdx];
+        sParam.fMaxFrameRate = sParam.sSpatialLayers[0].fFrameRate = originalFR * pow (2, iSteps[iStepIdx]);
+        encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_SVC_ENCODE_PARAM_EXT, &sParam);
+        bSetOption = true;
+        iStepIdx += 1;
+      }
+      iRet = encoder_->EncodeFrame (&EncPic, &info);
+      EXPECT_TRUE (iRet == cmResultSuccess) << "rv = " << iRet;
+      if (bSetOption) {
+        if ((iStepIdx == 1) || (iStepIdx == 3)) {
+          EXPECT_TRUE (info.eFrameType == videoFrameTypeIDR) << "iStepIdx=" << iStepIdx << "iFrameNum=" << iFrameNum << "iTotalFrame=" << iTotalFrame;
+        } else {
+          EXPECT_TRUE (info.eFrameType != videoFrameTypeIDR) << "iStepIdx=" << iStepIdx << "iFrameNum=" << iFrameNum << "iTotalFrame=" << iTotalFrame;
+        }
+        bSetOption = false;
+      }
+    }
+    iFrameNum++;
+  } while (iFrameNum < iTotalFrame);
+  iRet = encoder_->Uninitialize();
+  ASSERT_TRUE (iRet == cmResultSuccess) << "rv = " << iRet;