ref: e8540af9eb72d364ac82afd42de029324ca4555f
parent: c247c5a05dbdfcf3f499d6a4b57f05cd68e081d7
parent: a688f5278ab379f5baa2df276f6e18e2f04da3f8
author: Ethan Hugg <>
date: Wed Mar 19 05:17:34 EDT 2014
Merge pull request #541 from licaiguo/disable-warnings disable most warnings produced by -Wall
--- a/build/
+++ b/build/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
include build/
+CFLAGS += -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC -DLINUX -DMT_ENABLED -MMD -MP
LDFLAGS += -lpthread
ifeq ($(ASM_ARCH), x86)
ifeq ($(ENABLE64BIT), Yes)
--- a/codec/api/svc/codec_app_def.h
+++ b/codec/api/svc/codec_app_def.h
@@ -228,10 +228,10 @@
/*LTR settings*/
bool bEnableLongTermReference; // 0: on, 1: off
int iLTRRefNum;
- int iLtrMarkPeriod;
+ unsigned int iLtrMarkPeriod;
/* multi-thread settings*/
- short iMultipleThreadIdc; // 1 # 0: auto(dynamic imp. internal encoder); 1: multiple threads imp. disabled; > 1: count number of threads;
+ unsigned short iMultipleThreadIdc; // 1 # 0: auto(dynamic imp. internal encoder); 1: multiple threads imp. disabled; > 1: count number of threads;
/* Deblocking loop filter */
int iLoopFilterDisableIdc; // 0: on, 1: off, 2: on except for slice boundaries
--- a/codec/console/dec/src/h264dec.cpp
+++ b/codec/console/dec/src/h264dec.cpp
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
goto label_exit;
- if (fread (pBuf, 1, iFileSize, pH264File) != iFileSize) {
+ if (fread (pBuf, 1, iFileSize, pH264File) != (uint32_t)iFileSize) {
fprintf (stderr, "Unable to read whole file\n");
goto label_exit;
--- a/codec/console/enc/src/welsenc.cpp
+++ b/codec/console/enc/src/welsenc.cpp
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
} else if (strTag[0].compare ("FrameRateOut") == 0) {
pDLayer->fFrameRate = (float)atof (strTag[1].c_str());
}else if (strTag[0].compare ("ReconFile") == 0) {
- const int kiLen = strTag[1].length();
+ const unsigned int kiLen = strTag[1].length();
if (kiLen >= sizeof(sFileSet.sRecFileName[iLayer]))
return -1;
sFileSet.sRecFileName[iLayer][kiLen] = '\0';
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@
else if (!strcmp (pCommand, "-drec") && (n + 1 < argc)) {
unsigned int iLayer = atoi (argv[n++]);
- const int iLen = strlen (argv[n]);
+ const unsigned int iLen = strlen (argv[n]);
if (iLen >= sizeof(sFileSet.sRecFileName[iLayer]))
return 1;
sFileSet.sRecFileName[iLayer][iLen] = '\0';
--- a/codec/decoder/core/src/deblocking.cpp
+++ b/codec/decoder/core/src/deblocking.cpp
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
- 0, 1, 2, 3 ,
+ 0, 1, 2, 3,
12, 13, 14, 15
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@
void WelsDeblockingMb (PDqLayer pCurDqLayer, PDeblockingFilter pFilter, int32_t iBoundryFlag) {
- uint8_t nBS[2][4][4] = { 0 };
+ uint8_t nBS[2][4][4] = {{{ 0 }}};
int32_t iMbXyIndex = pCurDqLayer->iMbXyIndex;
int32_t iCurMbType = pCurDqLayer->pMbType[iMbXyIndex];
@@ -630,8 +630,8 @@
int32_t iMbWidth = pCurDqLayer->iMbWidth;
int32_t iTotalMbCount = pSliceHeaderExt->sSliceHeader.pSps->uiTotalMbCount;
- SDeblockingFilter pFilter = {0};
+ SDeblockingFilter pFilter;
+ memset (&pFilter, 0, sizeof(pFilter));
PFmo pFmo = pCtx->pFmo;
int32_t iNextMbXyIndex = 0;
int32_t iTotalNumMb = pCurDqLayer->sLayerInfo.sSliceInLayer.iTotalMbInCurSlice;
--- a/codec/encoder/core/src/deblocking.cpp
+++ b/codec/encoder/core/src/deblocking.cpp
@@ -117,32 +117,32 @@
static const ALIGNED_DECLARE (int32_t, g_kiTableBlock8x8Idx[2][4][4], 16) = {
- 0, 0, 2, 2,
- 0, 0, 2, 2,
- 1, 1, 3, 3,
- 1, 1, 3, 3
+ {0, 0, 2, 2},
+ {0, 0, 2, 2},
+ {1, 1, 3, 3},
+ {1, 1, 3, 3}
- 0, 0, 1, 1,
- 0, 0, 1, 1,
- 2, 2, 3, 3,
- 2, 2, 3, 3
+ {0, 0, 1, 1},
+ {0, 0, 1, 1},
+ {2, 2, 3, 3},
+ {2, 2, 3, 3}
static const ALIGNED_DECLARE (int32_t, g_kiTableBlock8x8NIdx[2][4][4], 16) = {
- 1, 1, 3, 3,
- 0, 0, 2, 2,
- 0, 0, 2, 2,
- 1, 1, 3, 3
+ {1, 1, 3, 3},
+ {0, 0, 2, 2},
+ {0, 0, 2, 2},
+ {1, 1, 3, 3}
- 2, 2, 3, 3,
- 0, 0, 1, 1,
- 0, 0, 1, 1,
- 2, 2, 3, 3
+ {2, 2, 3, 3},
+ {0, 0, 1, 1},
+ {0, 0, 1, 1},
+ {2, 2, 3, 3}
@@ -584,7 +584,7 @@
void DeblockingMbAvcbase (SWelsFuncPtrList* pFunc, SMB* pCurMb, SDeblockingFilter* pFilter) {
- uint8_t uiBS[2][4][4] = { 0 };
+ uint8_t uiBS[2][4][4] = {{{ 0 }}};
Mb_Type uiCurMbType = pCurMb->uiMbType;
int32_t iMbStride = pFilter->iMbStride;
--- a/codec/encoder/core/src/encoder_ext.cpp
+++ b/codec/encoder/core/src/encoder_ext.cpp
@@ -177,10 +177,10 @@
SDLayerParam* fDlp = &pCodingParam->sDependencyLayers[i];
const int32_t kiPicWidth = fDlp->iFrameWidth;
const int32_t kiPicHeight = fDlp->iFrameHeight;
- int32_t iMbWidth = 0;
- int32_t iMbHeight = 0;
+ uint32_t iMbWidth = 0;
+ uint32_t iMbHeight = 0;
int32_t iMbNumInFrame = 0;
- int32_t iMaxSliceNum = MAX_SLICES_NUM;
+ uint32_t iMaxSliceNum = MAX_SLICES_NUM;
if (kiPicWidth <= 0 || kiPicHeight <= 0) {
WelsLog (pCtx, WELS_LOG_ERROR, "ParamValidationExt(), invalid %d x %d in dependency layer settings!\n", kiPicWidth, kiPicHeight);
@@ -924,10 +924,10 @@
int32_t iMbWidth;
int32_t iCountMbNum; // count number of SMB in each spatial
int32_t iSizeAllMbAlignCache; // cache line size aligned in each spatial
- } sMbSizeMap[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER] = {0};
- int32_t iLineSizeY[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER][2] = {0};
- int32_t iLineSizeUV[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER][2] = {0};
- int32_t iMapSpatialIdx[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER][2] = {0};
+ } sMbSizeMap[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER] = {{ 0 }};
+ int32_t iLineSizeY[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER][2] = {{ 0 }};
+ int32_t iLineSizeUV[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER][2] = {{ 0 }};
+ int32_t iMapSpatialIdx[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER][2] = {{ 0 }};
int32_t iSizeDec = 0;
int32_t iSizeEnc = 0;
int32_t iCountLayersNeedCs[2] = {0};
@@ -1668,7 +1668,7 @@
int32_t InitSliceSettings (SWelsSvcCodingParam* pCodingParam, const int32_t kiCpuCores, int16_t* pMaxSliceCount) {
int32_t iSpatialIdx = 0, iSpatialNum = pCodingParam->iSpatialLayerNum;
- int16_t iMaxSliceCount = 0;
+ uint16_t iMaxSliceCount = 0;
do {
SDLayerParam* pDlp = &pCodingParam->sDependencyLayers[iSpatialIdx];
--- a/codec/encoder/core/src/sample.cpp
+++ b/codec/encoder/core/src/sample.cpp
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
int32_t WelsSampleSatd4x4_c (uint8_t* pSample1, int32_t iStride1, uint8_t* pSample2, int32_t iStride2) {
int32_t iSatdSum = 0;
- int32_t pSampleMix[4][4] = { 0 };
+ int32_t pSampleMix[4][4] = {{ 0 }};
int32_t iSample0, iSample1, iSample2, iSample3;
int32_t i = 0;
uint8_t* pSrc1 = pSample1;
--- a/codec/encoder/core/src/slice_multi_threading.cpp
+++ b/codec/encoder/core/src/slice_multi_threading.cpp
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
int32_t iRunLen[MAX_THREADS_NUM] = {0};
int32_t iSliceIdx = 0;
- int32_t iNumMbInEachGom;
+ int32_t iNumMbInEachGom = 0;
SWelsSvcRc* pWelsSvcRc = &pCtx->pWelsSvcRc[iCurDid];
if (pCtx->pSvcParam->bEnableRc) {
iNumMbInEachGom = pWelsSvcRc->iNumberMbGom;
--- a/codec/encoder/core/src/wels_preprocess.cpp
+++ b/codec/encoder/core/src/wels_preprocess.cpp
@@ -585,8 +585,8 @@
void CWelsPreProcess::BilateralDenoising (SPicture* pSrc, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight) {
int32_t iMethodIdx = METHOD_DENOISE;
- SPixMap sSrcPixMap = {0};
+ SPixMap sSrcPixMap;
+ memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof(sSrcPixMap));
sSrcPixMap.pPixel[0] = pSrc->pData[0];
sSrcPixMap.pPixel[1] = pSrc->pData[1];
sSrcPixMap.pPixel[2] = pSrc->pData[2];
@@ -605,9 +605,10 @@
bool bSceneChangeFlag = false;
SSceneChangeResult sSceneChangeDetectResult = { SIMILAR_SCENE };
- SPixMap sSrcPixMap = {0};
- SPixMap sRefPixMap = {0};
+ SPixMap sSrcPixMap;
+ SPixMap sRefPixMap;
+ memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof(sSrcPixMap));
+ memset (&sRefPixMap, 0, sizeof(sRefPixMap));
sSrcPixMap.pPixel[0] = pCurPicture->pData[0];
sSrcPixMap.iSizeInBits = g_kiPixMapSizeInBits;
sSrcPixMap.iStride[0] = pCurPicture->iLineSize[0];
@@ -635,9 +636,10 @@
int32_t CWelsPreProcess::DownsamplePadding (SPicture* pSrc, SPicture* pDstPic, int32_t iSrcWidth, int32_t iSrcHeight,
int32_t iShrinkWidth, int32_t iShrinkHeight, int32_t iTargetWidth, int32_t iTargetHeight) {
int32_t iRet = 0;
- SPixMap sSrcPixMap = {0};
- SPixMap sDstPicMap = {0};
+ SPixMap sSrcPixMap;
+ SPixMap sDstPicMap;
+ memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof(sSrcPixMap));
+ memset (&sDstPicMap, 0, sizeof(sDstPicMap));
sSrcPixMap.pPixel[0] = pSrc->pData[0];
sSrcPixMap.pPixel[1] = pSrc->pData[1];
sSrcPixMap.pPixel[2] = pSrc->pData[2];
@@ -683,8 +685,10 @@
pVaaInfo->sVaaCalcInfo.pRefY = pRefPicture->pData[0];
int32_t iMethodIdx = METHOD_VAA_STATISTICS;
- SPixMap sCurPixMap = {0};
- SPixMap sRefPixMap = {0};
+ SPixMap sCurPixMap;
+ SPixMap sRefPixMap;
+ memset (&sCurPixMap, 0, sizeof(sCurPixMap));
+ memset (&sRefPixMap, 0, sizeof(sRefPixMap));
SVAACalcParam calc_param = {0};
sCurPixMap.pPixel[0] = pCurPicture->pData[0];
@@ -727,8 +731,10 @@
pVaaInfo->pRefV = pRefPicture->pData[2];
- SPixMap sSrcPixMap = {0};
- SPixMap sRefPixMap = {0};
+ SPixMap sSrcPixMap;
+ SPixMap sRefPixMap;
+ memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof(sSrcPixMap));
+ memset (&sRefPixMap, 0, sizeof(sRefPixMap));
SBGDInterface BGDParam = {0};
sSrcPixMap.pPixel[0] = pCurPicture->pData[0];
@@ -770,8 +776,10 @@
int32_t iMethodIdx = METHOD_ADAPTIVE_QUANT;
- SPixMap pSrc = {0};
- SPixMap pRef = {0};
+ SPixMap pSrc;
+ SPixMap pRef;
+ memset (&pSrc, 0, sizeof(pSrc));
+ memset (&pRef, 0, sizeof(pRef));
int32_t iRet = 0;
pSrc.pPixel[0] = pCurPicture->pData[0];
@@ -858,8 +866,10 @@
- SPixMap sSrcPixMap = {0};
- SPixMap sRefPixMap = {0};
+ SPixMap sSrcPixMap;
+ SPixMap sRefPixMap;
+ memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof(SPixMap));
+ memset (&sRefPixMap, 0, sizeof(SPixMap));
int32_t iRet = 0;
sSrcPixMap.pPixel[0] = pCurPicture->pData[0];