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ref: cad753d87126cbc818dbfa2ee416547774d30e43
parent: 0df6b1357b9a88949bf4ff309254314f89c06ca2
parent: aed919a65aa73331a3c0e4c673f019659a138489
author: volvet <>
date: Mon Mar 31 09:59:29 EDT 2014

Merge pull request #603 from ruil2/vp_update2

add scene change for screen content

Approved by Sijia.  

--- a/codec/encoder/core/inc/encoder.h
+++ b/codec/encoder/core/inc/encoder.h
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@
 void InitFrameCoding (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, const EVideoFrameType keFrameType);
 EVideoFrameType DecideFrameType (sWelsEncCtx* pEncCtx, const int8_t kiSpatialNum);
+int32_t GetTemporalLevel (SDLayerParam* fDlp, const int32_t kiFrameNum, const int32_t kiGopSize);
  * \brief	Dump reconstruction for dependency layer
--- a/codec/encoder/core/inc/encoder_context.h
+++ b/codec/encoder/core/inc/encoder_context.h
@@ -89,7 +89,9 @@
   int32_t						iLTRMarkMode; // direct mark or delay mark
   int32_t						iLTRMarkSuccessNum; //successful marked num, for mark mode switch
   int32_t						iCurLtrIdx;// current int32_t term reference index to mark
-  int32_t						iLastLtrIdx;
+  int32_t						iLastLtrIdx[MAX_TEMPORAL_LAYER_NUM];
+  int32_t						iSceneLtrIdx;// related to Scene LTR, used by screen content
   uint32_t					uiLtrMarkInterval;// the interval from the last int32_t term pRef mark
   bool						bLTRMarkingFlag;	//decide whether current frame marked as LTR
@@ -148,7 +150,7 @@
   SRefList**					ppRefPicListExt;		// reference picture list for SVC
   SPicture*					pRefList0[16];
   SLTRState*					pLtr;//[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER];
+  bool                          bCurFrameMarkedAsSceneLtr;
   // Derived
   int32_t						iCodingIndex;
   int32_t						iFrameIndex;			// count how many frames elapsed during coding context currently
--- a/codec/encoder/core/inc/picture.h
+++ b/codec/encoder/core/inc/picture.h
@@ -95,9 +95,11 @@
   bool		bUsedAsRef;						//for pRef pic management
   bool		bIsLongRef;	// long term reference frame flag	//for pRef pic management
+  bool    bIsSceneLTR;  //long term reference & large scene change
   uint8_t		uiRecieveConfirmed;
   uint8_t		uiTemporalId;
   uint8_t		uiSpatialId;
+  int32_t   iFrameAverageQp;
 } SPicture;
--- a/codec/encoder/core/inc/wels_preprocess.h
+++ b/codec/encoder/core/inc/wels_preprocess.h
@@ -62,8 +62,18 @@
 typedef struct {
-  int32_t    iBestRefSrcListIdx;   //idx in  h->spatial_pic[base_did];
-  bool       bSceneLtrFlag;
+	int32_t iMinFrameComplexity;
+  int32_t iMinFrameComplexity08;
+  int32_t iMinFrameComplexity11;
+  int32_t iMinFrameNumGap;
+  int32_t iMinFrameQp;
+typedef struct {
+  SPicture   *pRefPicture;
+  int32_t     iSrcListIdx;   //idx in  h->spatial_pic[base_did];
+  bool        bSceneLtrFlag;
 typedef struct {
@@ -100,8 +110,8 @@
   SRefInfoParam    sVaaStrBestRefCandidate[MAX_REF_PIC_COUNT];
   int32_t    iNumOfAvailableRef;
-  int32_t    *pVaaBestBlockStaticIdc;//pointer
-  int32_t    *pVaaBlockStaticIdc[16];//real memory,
+  uint8_t    *pVaaBestBlockStaticIdc;//pointer
+  uint8_t    *pVaaBlockStaticIdc[16];//real memory,
 class CWelsLib {
@@ -162,7 +172,16 @@
                               const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight);
   ESceneChangeIdc DetectSceneChangeScreen(sWelsEncCtx* pCtx,SPicture* pCurPicture);
- private:
+  void InitPixMap( const SPicture *pPicture, SPixMap *pPixMap );
+  void GetAvailableRefList(SPicture ** pSrcPicList,uint8_t iCurTid, const int32_t iClosestLtrFrameNum,
+                           SRefInfoParam* pAvailableRefList, int32_t& iAvailableRefNum, int32_t& iAvailableSceneRefNum);
+  void InitRefJudgement( SRefJudgement *pRefJudgement );
+  bool JudgeBestRef(SPicture* pRefPic,const SRefJudgement& sRefJudgement, const int32_t iFrameComplexity, const bool bIsClosestLtrFrame);
+  void SaveBestRefToJudgement(const int32_t iRefPictureAvQP, const int32_t iComplexity, SRefJudgement* pRefJudgement);
+  void SaveBestRefToLocal(SRefInfoParam *pRefPicInfo,const SSceneChangeResult& sSceneChangeResult, SRefInfoParam* pRefSaved);
+  void SaveBestRefToVaa(SRefInfoParam& sRefSaved,SRefInfoParam* pVaaBestRef);
   Scaled_Picture   m_sScaledPicture;
   SPicture*	   m_pLastSpatialPicture[MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER][2];
   IWelsVP*         m_pInterfaceVp;
--- a/codec/encoder/core/src/encoder_ext.cpp
+++ b/codec/encoder/core/src/encoder_ext.cpp
@@ -2146,7 +2146,7 @@
  * \brief	get temporal level due to configuration and coding context
-static inline int32_t GetTemporalLevel (SDLayerParam* fDlp, const int32_t kiFrameNum, const int32_t kiGopSize) {
+int32_t GetTemporalLevel (SDLayerParam* fDlp, const int32_t kiFrameNum, const int32_t kiGopSize) {
   const int32_t kiCodingIdx	= kiFrameNum & (kiGopSize - 1);
   return fDlp->uiCodingIdx2TemporalId[kiCodingIdx];
--- a/codec/encoder/core/src/ref_list_mgr_svc.cpp
+++ b/codec/encoder/core/src/ref_list_mgr_svc.cpp
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
   pLtr->bLTRMarkingFlag = false;	//decide whether current frame marked as LTR
   pLtr->bLTRMarkEnable = false; //when LTR is confirmed and the interval is no smaller than the marking period
   pLtr->iCurLtrIdx = 0;
-  pLtr->iLastLtrIdx = 0;
+  memset(&pLtr->iLastLtrIdx , 0 , sizeof(pLtr->iLastLtrIdx)) ;
   pLtr->uiLtrMarkInterval = 0;
   // LTR mark feedback
@@ -435,7 +435,11 @@
       pLtr->bLTRMarkingFlag = true;
       pLtr->bLTRMarkEnable = false;
       pLtr->uiLtrMarkInterval = 0;
-      pLtr->iLastLtrIdx = pLtr->iCurLtrIdx;
+      for(int32_t i = 0 ; i< MAX_TEMPORAL_LAYER_NUM; ++i){
+        if (pCtx->uiTemporalId<i || pCtx->uiTemporalId ==0){
+          pLtr->iLastLtrIdx[i] = pLtr->iCurLtrIdx;
+        }
+      }
     } else {
       pLtr->bLTRMarkingFlag = false;
--- a/codec/encoder/core/src/wels_preprocess.cpp
+++ b/codec/encoder/core/src/wels_preprocess.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
 #include "picture_handle.h"
 #include "encoder_context.h"
 #include "utils.h"
+#include "encoder.h"
 namespace WelsSVCEnc {
@@ -206,9 +207,9 @@
   m_bInitDone = false;
   m_pEncCtx = pEncCtx;
   memset (&m_sScaledPicture, 0, sizeof (m_sScaledPicture));
-  memset (m_pSpatialPic, 0, sizeof(m_pSpatialPic));
-  memset (m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal, 0, sizeof(m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal));
-  memset (m_uiSpatialPicNum, 0, sizeof(m_uiSpatialPicNum));
+  memset (m_pSpatialPic, 0, sizeof (m_pSpatialPic));
+  memset (m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal, 0, sizeof (m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal));
+  memset (m_uiSpatialPicNum, 0, sizeof (m_uiSpatialPicNum));
 CWelsPreProcess::~CWelsPreProcess() {
@@ -273,7 +274,7 @@
     do {
       SPicture* pPic = AllocPicture (pMa, kiPicWidth, kiPicHeight, false);
-      WELS_VERIFY_RETURN_IF(1, (NULL == pPic))
+      WELS_VERIFY_RETURN_IF (1, (NULL == pPic))
       m_pSpatialPic[iDlayerIndex][i] = pPic;
       ++ i;
     } while (i < kuiRefNumInTemporal);
@@ -371,17 +372,17 @@
   return 0;
-int32_t CWelsPreProcess::UpdateSpatialPictures(sWelsEncCtx* pCtx, SWelsSvcCodingParam* pParam,
+int32_t CWelsPreProcess::UpdateSpatialPictures (sWelsEncCtx* pCtx, SWelsSvcCodingParam* pParam,
     const int8_t iCurTid, const int32_t d_idx) {
-  if (iCurTid < m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal[d_idx] - 1 || pParam->iDecompStages == 0){
+  if (iCurTid < m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal[d_idx] - 1 || pParam->iDecompStages == 0) {
     if ((iCurTid >= MAX_TEMPORAL_LEVEL) || (m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal[d_idx] - 1 > MAX_TEMPORAL_LEVEL)) {
-      InitLastSpatialPictures(pCtx);
+      InitLastSpatialPictures (pCtx);
       return 1;
     if (pParam->bEnableLongTermReference && pCtx->bLongTermRefFlag[d_idx][iCurTid]) {
       SPicture* tmp	= m_pSpatialPic[d_idx][m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal[d_idx] + pCtx->pVaa->uiMarkLongTermPicIdx];
       m_pSpatialPic[d_idx][m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal[d_idx] + pCtx->pVaa->uiMarkLongTermPicIdx] =
-      m_pSpatialPic[d_idx][iCurTid];
+        m_pSpatialPic[d_idx][iCurTid];
       m_pSpatialPic[d_idx][iCurTid] = m_pSpatialPic[d_idx][m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal[d_idx] - 1];
       m_pSpatialPic[d_idx][m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal[d_idx] - 1] = tmp;
       pCtx->bLongTermRefFlag[d_idx][iCurTid] = false;
@@ -442,18 +443,16 @@
   DownsamplePadding (pSrcPic, pDstPic, iSrcWidth, iSrcHeight, iShrinkWidth, iShrinkHeight, iTargetWidth, iTargetHeight);
-  if (pSvcParam->bEnableSceneChangeDetect && !pCtx->pVaa->bIdrPeriodFlag){
-    if(pSvcParam->iUsageType == SCREEN_CONTENT_REAL_TIME)
-    {
-        pCtx->pVaa->eSceneChangeIdc = (pCtx->bEncCurFrmAsIdrFlag ? LARGE_CHANGED_SCENE: DetectSceneChangeScreen(pCtx,pDstPic));
-        pCtx->pVaa->bSceneChangeFlag = ( LARGE_CHANGED_SCENE == pCtx->pVaa->eSceneChangeIdc);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if((!pCtx->bEncCurFrmAsIdrFlag )&& ! (pCtx->iCodingIndex & (pSvcParam->uiGopSize - 1))) {
+  if (pSvcParam->bEnableSceneChangeDetect && !pCtx->pVaa->bIdrPeriodFlag) {
+    if (pSvcParam->iUsageType == SCREEN_CONTENT_REAL_TIME) {
+      pCtx->pVaa->eSceneChangeIdc = (pCtx->bEncCurFrmAsIdrFlag ? LARGE_CHANGED_SCENE : DetectSceneChangeScreen (pCtx,
+                                     pDstPic));
+      pCtx->pVaa->bSceneChangeFlag = (LARGE_CHANGED_SCENE == pCtx->pVaa->eSceneChangeIdc);
+    } else {
+      if ((!pCtx->bEncCurFrmAsIdrFlag) && ! (pCtx->iCodingIndex & (pSvcParam->uiGopSize - 1))) {
         SPicture* pRefPic = pCtx->pLtr[iDependencyId].bReceivedT0LostFlag ?
-                        m_pSpatialPic[iDependencyId][m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal[iDependencyId] +
-                            pCtx->pVaa->uiValidLongTermPicIdx] : m_pLastSpatialPicture[iDependencyId][0];
+                            m_pSpatialPic[iDependencyId][m_uiSpatialLayersInTemporal[iDependencyId] +
+                                pCtx->pVaa->uiValidLongTermPicIdx] : m_pLastSpatialPicture[iDependencyId][0];
         pCtx->pVaa->bSceneChangeFlag = DetectSceneChange (pDstPic, pRefPic);
@@ -594,7 +593,7 @@
 void CWelsPreProcess::BilateralDenoising (SPicture* pSrc, const int32_t kiWidth, const int32_t kiHeight) {
   int32_t iMethodIdx = METHOD_DENOISE;
   SPixMap sSrcPixMap;
-  memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof(sSrcPixMap));
+  memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof (sSrcPixMap));
   sSrcPixMap.pPixel[0] = pSrc->pData[0];
   sSrcPixMap.pPixel[1] = pSrc->pData[1];
   sSrcPixMap.pPixel[2] = pSrc->pData[2];
@@ -615,8 +614,8 @@
   SSceneChangeResult sSceneChangeDetectResult = { SIMILAR_SCENE };
   SPixMap sSrcPixMap;
   SPixMap sRefPixMap;
-  memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof(sSrcPixMap));
-  memset (&sRefPixMap, 0, sizeof(sRefPixMap));
+  memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof (sSrcPixMap));
+  memset (&sRefPixMap, 0, sizeof (sRefPixMap));
   sSrcPixMap.pPixel[0] = pCurPicture->pData[0];
   sSrcPixMap.iSizeInBits = g_kiPixMapSizeInBits;
   sSrcPixMap.iStride[0] = pCurPicture->iLineSize[0];
@@ -646,8 +645,8 @@
   int32_t iRet = 0;
   SPixMap sSrcPixMap;
   SPixMap sDstPicMap;
-  memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof(sSrcPixMap));
-  memset (&sDstPicMap, 0, sizeof(sDstPicMap));
+  memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof (sSrcPixMap));
+  memset (&sDstPicMap, 0, sizeof (sDstPicMap));
   sSrcPixMap.pPixel[0]   = pSrc->pData[0];
   sSrcPixMap.pPixel[1]   = pSrc->pData[1];
   sSrcPixMap.pPixel[2]   = pSrc->pData[2];
@@ -695,8 +694,8 @@
     int32_t iMethodIdx = METHOD_VAA_STATISTICS;
     SPixMap sCurPixMap;
     SPixMap sRefPixMap;
-    memset (&sCurPixMap, 0, sizeof(sCurPixMap));
-    memset (&sRefPixMap, 0, sizeof(sRefPixMap));
+    memset (&sCurPixMap, 0, sizeof (sCurPixMap));
+    memset (&sRefPixMap, 0, sizeof (sRefPixMap));
     SVAACalcParam calc_param = {0};
     sCurPixMap.pPixel[0] = pCurPicture->pData[0];
@@ -741,8 +740,8 @@
     int32_t iMethodIdx = METHOD_BACKGROUND_DETECTION;
     SPixMap sSrcPixMap;
     SPixMap sRefPixMap;
-    memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof(sSrcPixMap));
-    memset (&sRefPixMap, 0, sizeof(sRefPixMap));
+    memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof (sSrcPixMap));
+    memset (&sRefPixMap, 0, sizeof (sRefPixMap));
     SBGDInterface BGDParam = {0};
     sSrcPixMap.pPixel[0] = pCurPicture->pData[0];
@@ -786,8 +785,8 @@
     int32_t iMethodIdx = METHOD_ADAPTIVE_QUANT;
     SPixMap pSrc;
     SPixMap pRef;
-    memset (&pSrc, 0, sizeof(pSrc));
-    memset (&pRef, 0, sizeof(pRef));
+    memset (&pSrc, 0, sizeof (pSrc));
+    memset (&pRef, 0, sizeof (pRef));
     int32_t iRet = 0;
     pSrc.pPixel[0] = pCurPicture->pData[0];
@@ -876,8 +875,8 @@
     int32_t iMethodIdx = METHOD_COMPLEXITY_ANALYSIS;
     SPixMap sSrcPixMap;
     SPixMap sRefPixMap;
-    memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof(SPixMap));
-    memset (&sRefPixMap, 0, sizeof(SPixMap));
+    memset (&sSrcPixMap, 0, sizeof (SPixMap));
+    memset (&sRefPixMap, 0, sizeof (SPixMap));
     int32_t iRet = 0;
     sSrcPixMap.pPixel[0] = pCurPicture->pData[0];
@@ -902,31 +901,227 @@
-ESceneChangeIdc CWelsPreProcess::DetectSceneChangeScreen(sWelsEncCtx* pCtx,SPicture* pCurPicture)
-    SWelsSvcCodingParam* pSvcParam = pCtx->pSvcParam;
-	  SVAAFrameInfoExt *pVaaExt			= static_cast<SVAAFrameInfoExt *>(pCtx->pVaa);
-    if ( NULL==pCtx || NULL == pVaaExt || NULL== pCurPicture)
-    {
-        return LARGE_CHANGED_SCENE;
+void CWelsPreProcess::InitPixMap (const SPicture* pPicture, SPixMap* pPixMap) {
+  pPixMap->pPixel[0] = pPicture->pData[0];
+  pPixMap->pPixel[1] = pPicture->pData[1];
+  pPixMap->pPixel[2] = pPicture->pData[2];
+  pPixMap->iSizeInBits = sizeof (uint8_t);
+  pPixMap->iStride[0] = pPicture->iLineSize[0];
+  pPixMap->iStride[1] = pPicture->iLineSize[1];
+  pPixMap->sRect.iRectWidth = pPicture->iWidthInPixel;
+  pPixMap->sRect.iRectHeight = pPicture->iHeightInPixel;
+  pPixMap->eFormat = VIDEO_FORMAT_I420;
+void CWelsPreProcess::GetAvailableRefList (SPicture** pSrcPicList, uint8_t iCurTid, const int32_t iClosestLtrFrameNum,
+    SRefInfoParam* pAvailableRefList, int32_t& iAvailableRefNum, int32_t& iAvailableSceneRefNum) {
+  SWelsSvcCodingParam*		pSvcParam = m_pEncCtx->pSvcParam;
+  const int32_t iSourcePicNum = pSvcParam->iNumRefFrame;
+  if (0 >= iSourcePicNum) {
+    iAvailableRefNum = 0;
+    iAvailableSceneRefNum = 0;
+    return ;
+  }
+  const bool bCurFrameMarkedAsSceneLtr = m_pEncCtx->bCurFrameMarkedAsSceneLtr;
+  SPicture* pRefPic = NULL;
+  uint8_t uiRefTid = 0;
+  bool bRefRealLtr = false;
+  iAvailableRefNum = 1; //zero is left for the closest frame
+  iAvailableSceneRefNum = 0;
+  //the saving order will be depend on pSrcPicList
+  //TODO: use a frame_idx to find the closer ref in time distance, and correctly sort the ref list
+  for (int32_t i = iSourcePicNum - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+    pRefPic = pSrcPicList[i];
+    if (NULL == pRefPic || !pRefPic->bUsedAsRef || !pRefPic->bIsLongRef || (bCurFrameMarkedAsSceneLtr
+        && (!pRefPic->bIsSceneLTR))) {
+      continue;
+    uiRefTid = pRefPic->uiTemporalId;
+    bRefRealLtr = pRefPic->bIsSceneLTR;
-    const int32_t iTargetDid = pSvcParam->iSpatialLayerNum-1;
-    if ( 0!= iTargetDid )
-    {
-        return LARGE_CHANGED_SCENE;
+    if (bRefRealLtr || (0 == iCurTid && 0 == uiRefTid) || (uiRefTid < iCurTid)) {
+      int32_t idx = (pRefPic->iLongTermPicNum == iClosestLtrFrameNum) ? (0) : (iAvailableRefNum++);
+      pAvailableRefList[idx].pRefPicture = pRefPic;
+      pAvailableRefList[idx].iSrcListIdx = i + 1; //in SrcList, the idx 0 is reserved for CurPic
+      iAvailableSceneRefNum += bRefRealLtr;
+  }
-    ESceneChangeIdc iVaaFrameSceneChangeIdc = LARGE_CHANGED_SCENE;
+  if (pAvailableRefList[0].pRefPicture == NULL) {
+    for (int32_t i = 1; i < iAvailableRefNum ; ++i) {
+      pAvailableRefList[i - 1].pRefPicture = pAvailableRefList[i].pRefPicture;
+      pAvailableRefList[i - 1].iSrcListIdx = pAvailableRefList[i].iSrcListIdx;
+    }
-    SPicture **pSrcPicList = &m_pSpatialPic[iTargetDid][1];
-     if ( NULL==pSrcPicList )
-    {
-        return LARGE_CHANGED_SCENE;
+    pAvailableRefList[iAvailableRefNum - 1].pRefPicture = NULL;
+    pAvailableRefList[iAvailableRefNum - 1].iSrcListIdx = 0;
+    --iAvailableRefNum;
+  }
+void CWelsPreProcess::InitRefJudgement (SRefJudgement* pRefJudgement) {
+  pRefJudgement->iMinFrameComplexity = INT_MAX;
+  pRefJudgement->iMinFrameComplexity08 = INT_MAX;
+  pRefJudgement->iMinFrameComplexity11 = INT_MAX;
+  pRefJudgement->iMinFrameNumGap = INT_MAX;
+  pRefJudgement->iMinFrameQp = INT_MAX;
+bool CWelsPreProcess::JudgeBestRef (SPicture* pRefPic, const SRefJudgement& sRefJudgement,
+                                    const int32_t iFrameComplexity, const bool bIsClosestLtrFrame) {
+  return (bIsClosestLtrFrame ? (iFrameComplexity < sRefJudgement.iMinFrameComplexity11) :
+          ((iFrameComplexity < sRefJudgement.iMinFrameComplexity08) || ((iFrameComplexity <= sRefJudgement.iMinFrameComplexity11)
+              && (pRefPic->iFrameAverageQp < sRefJudgement.iMinFrameQp))));
+void CWelsPreProcess::SaveBestRefToJudgement (const int32_t iRefPictureAvQP, const int32_t iComplexity,
+    SRefJudgement* pRefJudgement) {
+  pRefJudgement->iMinFrameQp = iRefPictureAvQP;
+  pRefJudgement->iMinFrameComplexity =  iComplexity;
+  pRefJudgement->iMinFrameComplexity08 = static_cast<int32_t> (iComplexity * 0.8);
+  pRefJudgement->iMinFrameComplexity11 = static_cast<int32_t> (iComplexity * 1.1);
+void CWelsPreProcess::SaveBestRefToLocal (SRefInfoParam* pRefPicInfo, const SSceneChangeResult& sSceneChangeResult,
+    SRefInfoParam* pRefSaved) {
+  pRefSaved->iSrcListIdx = pRefPicInfo->iSrcListIdx;
+  pRefSaved->bSceneLtrFlag = pRefPicInfo->bSceneLtrFlag;
+void CWelsPreProcess::SaveBestRefToVaa (SRefInfoParam& sRefSaved, SRefInfoParam* pVaaBestRef) {
+  (*pVaaBestRef) = sRefSaved;
+ESceneChangeIdc CWelsPreProcess::DetectSceneChangeScreen (sWelsEncCtx* pCtx, SPicture* pCurPicture) {
+  SWelsSvcCodingParam* pSvcParam = pCtx->pSvcParam;
+  SVAAFrameInfoExt* pVaaExt			= static_cast<SVAAFrameInfoExt*> (pCtx->pVaa);
+  if (NULL == pCtx || NULL == pVaaExt || NULL == pCurPicture) {
+  }
+  const int32_t iTargetDid = pSvcParam->iSpatialLayerNum - 1;
+  if (0 != iTargetDid) {
+  }
+  ESceneChangeIdc iVaaFrameSceneChangeIdc = LARGE_CHANGED_SCENE;
+  SPicture** pSrcPicList = &m_pSpatialPic[iTargetDid][1];
+  if (NULL == pSrcPicList) {
+  }
+  SRefInfoParam sAvailableRefList[MAX_REF_PIC_COUNT] = {0};
+  int32_t iAvailableRefNum = 0;
+  int32_t iAvailableSceneRefNum = 0;
+  int32_t iSceneChangeMethodIdx = METHOD_SCENE_CHANGE_DETECTION_SCREEN;
+  SSceneChangeResult sSceneChangeResult = {SIMILAR_SCENE, 0, 0, NULL};
+  SPixMap sSrcMap = {0};
+  SPixMap sRefMap = {0};
+  SRefJudgement sLtrJudgement;
+  SRefJudgement sSceneLtrJudgement;
+  SRefInfoParam sLtrSaved = {0};
+  SRefInfoParam sSceneLtrSaved = {0};
+  int32_t iNumOfLargeChange = 0, iNumOfMediumChangeToLtr = 0;
+  bool bBestRefIsLtr = false, bIsClosestLtrFrame = false;
+  int32_t ret = 1, iScdIdx = 0, i = 0;
+  SPicture* pRefPic = NULL;
+  SRefInfoParam* pRefPicInfo = NULL;
+  uint8_t*  pCurBlockStaticPointer = NULL;
+  uint8_t*  pBestStrBlockStaticPointer = NULL;
+  uint8_t*  pBestLtrBlockStaticPointer = NULL;
+  const int32_t iNegligibleMotionBlocks = (static_cast<int32_t> ((pCurPicture->iWidthInPixel >> 3) *
+                                          (pCurPicture->iHeightInPixel >> 3) * STATIC_SCENE_MOTION_RATIO));
+  const uint8_t iCurTid = GetTemporalLevel (&pSvcParam->sDependencyLayers[m_pEncCtx->sSpatialIndexMap[0].iDid],
+                          m_pEncCtx->iCodingIndex, pSvcParam->uiGopSize);
+  const int32_t iClosestLtrFrameNum = pCtx->pLtr[iTargetDid].iLastLtrIdx[iCurTid];//TBD
+  GetAvailableRefList (pSrcPicList, iCurTid, iClosestLtrFrameNum, &sAvailableRefList[0], iAvailableRefNum,
+                       iAvailableSceneRefNum);
+  //after this build, pAvailableRefList[idx].iSrcListIdx is the idx of the ref in h->spatial_pic
+  if (0 == iAvailableRefNum) {
+    WelsLog (pCtx, WELS_LOG_ERROR, "SceneChangeDetect() iAvailableRefNum=0 but not I.\n");
+  }
+  InitPixMap (pCurPicture, &sSrcMap);
+  InitRefJudgement (&sLtrJudgement);
+  InitRefJudgement (&sSceneLtrJudgement);
+  for (iScdIdx = 0; iScdIdx < iAvailableRefNum; iScdIdx ++) {
+    pCurBlockStaticPointer = pVaaExt->pVaaBlockStaticIdc[iScdIdx];
+    sSceneChangeResult.eSceneChangeIdc = SIMILAR_SCENE;
+    sSceneChangeResult.pStaticBlockIdc = pCurBlockStaticPointer;//
+    pRefPicInfo = & (sAvailableRefList[iScdIdx]);
+    assert (NULL != pRefPicInfo);
+    pRefPic = pRefPicInfo->pRefPicture;
+    InitPixMap (pRefPic, &sRefMap);
+    bIsClosestLtrFrame = (pRefPic->iLongTermPicNum == iClosestLtrFrameNum);
+    //TBD scrolling detection
+    m_pInterfaceVp->Set (iSceneChangeMethodIdx, (void*) (&sSceneChangeResult));
+    ret = m_pInterfaceVp->Process (iSceneChangeMethodIdx, &sSrcMap, &sRefMap);
+    if (ret == 0) {
+      m_pInterfaceVp->Get (iSceneChangeMethodIdx, (void*)&sSceneChangeResult);
+      const int32_t iFrameComplexity = sSceneChangeResult.iFrameComplexity;
+      const int32_t iSceneDetectIdc = sSceneChangeResult.eSceneChangeIdc;
+      const int32_t iMotionBlockNum = sSceneChangeResult.iMotionBlockNum;
+      const bool bCurRefIsLtr = pRefPic->bIsSceneLTR;
+      const int32_t iRefPicAvQP = pRefPic->iFrameAverageQp;
+      //for scene change detection
+      iNumOfLargeChange += (static_cast<int32_t> (LARGE_CHANGED_SCENE == iSceneDetectIdc));
+      iNumOfMediumChangeToLtr += (static_cast<int32_t> ((bCurRefIsLtr) && (iSceneDetectIdc != SIMILAR_SCENE)));
+      //for reference selection
+      //this judge can only be saved when iAvailableRefNum==1, which is very limit
+      //when LTR is OFF, it can still judge from all available STR
+      if (JudgeBestRef (pRefPic, sLtrJudgement, iFrameComplexity, bIsClosestLtrFrame)) {
+        SaveBestRefToJudgement (iRefPicAvQP, iFrameComplexity, &sLtrJudgement);
+        SaveBestRefToLocal (pRefPicInfo, sSceneChangeResult, &sLtrSaved);
+        bBestRefIsLtr = bCurRefIsLtr;
+        pBestStrBlockStaticPointer = sSceneChangeResult.pStaticBlockIdc;
+      }
+      if (bCurRefIsLtr && JudgeBestRef (pRefPic, sSceneLtrJudgement, iFrameComplexity, bIsClosestLtrFrame)) {
+        SaveBestRefToJudgement (iRefPicAvQP, iFrameComplexity, &sSceneLtrJudgement);
+        SaveBestRefToLocal (pRefPicInfo, sSceneChangeResult, &sSceneLtrSaved);
+        pBestLtrBlockStaticPointer = sSceneChangeResult.pStaticBlockIdc;
+      }
+      if (iMotionBlockNum <= iNegligibleMotionBlocks) {
+        break;
+      }
+  }
-    return static_cast<ESceneChangeIdc>(iVaaFrameSceneChangeIdc);
+  if (iNumOfLargeChange == iAvailableRefNum) {
+    iVaaFrameSceneChangeIdc = LARGE_CHANGED_SCENE;
+  } else if ((iNumOfMediumChangeToLtr == iAvailableSceneRefNum) && (0 != iAvailableSceneRefNum)) {
+    iVaaFrameSceneChangeIdc = MEDIUM_CHANGED_SCENE;
+  } else {
+    iVaaFrameSceneChangeIdc = SIMILAR_SCENE;
+  }
+  SaveBestRefToVaa (sLtrSaved, & (pVaaExt->sVaaStrBestRefCandidate[0]));
+  if (0 == iAvailableSceneRefNum) {
+    SaveBestRefToVaa (sSceneLtrSaved, & (pVaaExt->sVaaStrBestRefCandidate[1]));
+  }
+  pVaaExt->iNumOfAvailableRef = 1;
+  return static_cast<ESceneChangeIdc> (iVaaFrameSceneChangeIdc);
 void  CWelsPreProcess::Padding (uint8_t* pSrcY, uint8_t* pSrcU, uint8_t* pSrcV, int32_t iStrideY, int32_t iStrideUV,
                                 int32_t iActualWidth, int32_t iPaddingWidth, int32_t iActualHeight, int32_t iPaddingHeight) {
@@ -1049,7 +1244,7 @@
     //in VP Process
     if (kiTargetWidth > iSrcWidth || kiTargetHeight > iSrcHeight) {
-      Padding(pDstY, pDstU, pDstV, kiDstStrideY, kiDstStrideUV, iSrcWidth, kiTargetWidth, iSrcHeight, kiTargetHeight);
+      Padding (pDstY, pDstU, pDstV, kiDstStrideY, kiDstStrideUV, iSrcWidth, kiTargetWidth, iSrcHeight, kiTargetHeight);