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ref: 9fade10d77dea9ff9efe0b437a1ee042e6b3b587
parent: 2d3071e37cd17d44b05abcac9abb577b91d5349a
author: huili2 <[email protected]>
date: Tue Nov 24 04:38:58 EST 2015

disable wrongly calling for parseonly related

--- a/codec/decoder/plus/src/welsDecoderExt.cpp
+++ b/codec/decoder/plus/src/welsDecoderExt.cpp
@@ -304,13 +304,13 @@
     iVal = * ((int*)pOption); // int value for error concealment idc
-    m_pDecContext->pParam->eEcActiveIdc = m_pDecContext->eErrorConMethod = (ERROR_CON_IDC) iVal;
-    if ((m_pDecContext->bParseOnly) && (m_pDecContext->eErrorConMethod != ERROR_CON_DISABLE)) {
+    if ((m_pDecContext->bParseOnly) && (iVal != (int32_t) ERROR_CON_DISABLE)) {
       WelsLog (&m_pWelsTrace->m_sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO,
                "CWelsDecoder::SetOption for ERROR_CON_IDC = %d not allowd for parse only!.", iVal);
       return cmInitParaError;
+    m_pDecContext->pParam->eEcActiveIdc = m_pDecContext->eErrorConMethod = (ERROR_CON_IDC) iVal;
     InitErrorCon (m_pDecContext);
     WelsLog (&m_pWelsTrace->m_sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO,
              "CWelsDecoder::SetOption for ERROR_CON_IDC = %d.", iVal);
@@ -438,6 +438,11 @@
     const int kiSrcLen,
     unsigned char** ppDst,
     SBufferInfo* pDstInfo) {
+  if (m_pDecContext->bParseOnly) {
+    WelsLog (&m_pWelsTrace->m_sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_ERROR, "bParseOnly should be false for this API calling! \n");
+    m_pDecContext->iErrorCode |= dsInvalidArgument;
+    return dsInvalidArgument;
+  }
   if (CheckBsBuffer (m_pDecContext, kiSrcLen)) {
     return dsOutOfMemory;
@@ -578,6 +583,11 @@
 DECODING_STATE CWelsDecoder::DecodeParser (const unsigned char* kpSrc,
     const int kiSrcLen,
     SParserBsInfo* pDstInfo) {
+  if (!m_pDecContext->bParseOnly) {
+    WelsLog (&m_pWelsTrace->m_sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_ERROR, "bParseOnly should be true for this API calling! \n");
+    m_pDecContext->iErrorCode |= dsInvalidArgument;
+    return dsInvalidArgument;
+  }
   if (CheckBsBuffer (m_pDecContext, kiSrcLen)) {
     return dsOutOfMemory;
--- a/test/decoder/DecUT_DecExt.cpp
+++ b/test/decoder/DecUT_DecExt.cpp
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
   void DecoderBs (const char* sFileName);
   //Test Initialize/Uninitialize
   void TestInitUninit();
+  //Test parse only API
+  void TestParseOnlyAPI();
   void TestEndOfStream();
@@ -66,6 +68,7 @@
   ISVCDecoder* m_pDec;
   SDecodingParam m_sDecParam;
   SBufferInfo m_sBufferInfo;
+  SParserBsInfo m_sParserBsInfo;
   uint8_t* m_pData[3];
   unsigned char m_szBuffer[BUF_SIZE]; //for mocking packet
   int m_iBufLength; //record the valid data in m_szBuffer
@@ -74,6 +77,7 @@
 //Init members
 void DecoderInterfaceTest::Init() {
   memset (&m_sBufferInfo, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
+  memset (&m_sParserBsInfo, 0, sizeof (SParserBsInfo));
   memset (&m_sDecParam, 0, sizeof (SDecodingParam));
   m_sDecParam.pFileNameRestructed = NULL;
   m_sDecParam.uiCpuLoad = rand() % 100;
@@ -96,6 +100,7 @@
     ASSERT_EQ (eRet, cmResultSuccess);
   memset (&m_sDecParam, 0, sizeof (SDecodingParam));
+  memset (&m_sParserBsInfo, 0, sizeof (SParserBsInfo));
   memset (&m_sBufferInfo, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
   m_pData[0] = m_pData[1] = m_pData[2] = NULL;
   m_iBufLength = 0;
@@ -180,16 +185,15 @@
     m_szBuffer[m_iBufLength++] = 0; //NAL_UNIT_UNSPEC_0
-    int iAddLength = iPacketLength - 5; //excluding 0001 and type
-    if (iAddLength > PAYLOAD_SIZE)
-      iAddLength = PAYLOAD_SIZE;
-    for (int i = 0; i < iAddLength; ++i) {
-      m_szBuffer[m_iBufLength++] = rand() % 256;
-    }
-    m_szBuffer[m_iBufLength++] = '\0';
+  int iAddLength = iPacketLength - 5; //excluding 0001 and type
+  if (iAddLength > PAYLOAD_SIZE)
+    iAddLength = PAYLOAD_SIZE;
+  for (int i = 0; i < iAddLength; ++i) {
+    m_szBuffer[m_iBufLength++] = rand() % 256;
+  }
+  m_szBuffer[m_iBufLength++] = '\0';
 //Test Initialize/Uninitialize
@@ -218,6 +222,87 @@
     EXPECT_EQ (iOutput, 21);
     EXPECT_EQ (eRet, cmInitExpected);
+//Test parse only API
+void DecoderInterfaceTest::TestParseOnlyAPI() {
+  int iOutput;
+  int iRet;
+  m_pData[0] = m_pData[1] = m_pData[2] = NULL;
+  m_szBuffer[0] = m_szBuffer[1] = m_szBuffer[2] = 0;
+  m_szBuffer[3] = 1;
+  m_iBufLength = 4;
+  MockPacketType (NAL_UNIT_SPS, 12);
+  m_pDec->Uninitialize();
+  //test 1: bParseOnly = true; eEcActiveIdc = 0,1
+  for (int iNum = 0; iNum < 2; ++iNum) { //loop for EC
+    memset (&m_sBufferInfo, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
+    memset (&m_sParserBsInfo, 0, sizeof (SParserBsInfo));
+    memset (&m_sDecParam, 0, sizeof (SDecodingParam));
+    m_sDecParam.pFileNameRestructed = NULL;
+    m_sDecParam.uiCpuLoad = rand() % 100;
+    m_sDecParam.uiTargetDqLayer = -1;
+    m_sDecParam.bParseOnly = true;
+    m_sDecParam.eEcActiveIdc = (ERROR_CON_IDC) iNum;
+    m_sDecParam.sVideoProperty.size = sizeof (SVideoProperty);
+    m_sDecParam.sVideoProperty.eVideoBsType = (VIDEO_BITSTREAM_TYPE) (rand() % 3);
+    iRet = m_pDec->Initialize (&m_sDecParam);
+    ASSERT_EQ (iRet, (int32_t) cmResultSuccess);
+    iRet = m_pDec->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_ERROR_CON_IDC, &iOutput);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iRet, (int32_t) cmResultSuccess);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iOutput, (int32_t) ERROR_CON_DISABLE); //should be 0
+    //call DecodeParser(), correct call
+    iRet = (int32_t) m_pDec->DecodeParser (m_szBuffer, m_iBufLength, &m_sParserBsInfo);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iRet, (int32_t) dsNoParamSets);
+    iRet = m_pDec->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_ERROR_CON_IDC, &iOutput);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iRet, (int32_t) cmResultSuccess);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iOutput, (int32_t) ERROR_CON_DISABLE); //should be 0
+    //call DecodeFrame2(), incorrect call
+    iRet = (int32_t) m_pDec->DecodeFrame2 (m_szBuffer, m_iBufLength, m_pData, &m_sBufferInfo);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iRet, (int32_t) dsInvalidArgument);
+    iRet = m_pDec->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_ERROR_CON_IDC, &iOutput);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iRet, (int32_t) cmResultSuccess);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iOutput, (int32_t) ERROR_CON_DISABLE); //should be 0
+    m_pDec->Uninitialize();
+  }
+  //test 2: bParseOnly = false; eEcActiveIdc = 0,1
+  for (int iNum = 0; iNum < 2; ++iNum) { //loop for EC
+    memset (&m_sBufferInfo, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
+    memset (&m_sParserBsInfo, 0, sizeof (SParserBsInfo));
+    memset (&m_sDecParam, 0, sizeof (SDecodingParam));
+    m_sDecParam.pFileNameRestructed = NULL;
+    m_sDecParam.uiCpuLoad = rand() % 100;
+    m_sDecParam.uiTargetDqLayer = -1;
+    m_sDecParam.bParseOnly = false;
+    m_sDecParam.eEcActiveIdc = (ERROR_CON_IDC) iNum;
+    m_sDecParam.sVideoProperty.size = sizeof (SVideoProperty);
+    m_sDecParam.sVideoProperty.eVideoBsType = (VIDEO_BITSTREAM_TYPE) (rand() % 3);
+    iRet = m_pDec->Initialize (&m_sDecParam);
+    ASSERT_EQ (iRet, (int32_t) cmResultSuccess);
+    iRet = m_pDec->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_ERROR_CON_IDC, &iOutput);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iRet, (int32_t) cmResultSuccess);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iOutput, iNum);
+    //call DecodeParser(), incorrect call
+    iRet = (int32_t) m_pDec->DecodeParser (m_szBuffer, m_iBufLength, &m_sParserBsInfo);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iRet, (int32_t) dsInvalidArgument); //error call
+    iRet = m_pDec->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_ERROR_CON_IDC, &iOutput);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iRet, (int32_t) cmResultSuccess);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iOutput, iNum);
+    //call DecodeFrame2(), correct call
+    iRet = (int32_t) m_pDec->DecodeFrame2 (m_szBuffer, m_iBufLength, m_pData, &m_sBufferInfo);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iRet, (int32_t) dsNoParamSets);
+    iRet = m_pDec->GetOption (DECODER_OPTION_ERROR_CON_IDC, &iOutput);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iRet, (int32_t) cmResultSuccess);
+    EXPECT_EQ (iOutput, iNum);
+    m_pDec->Uninitialize();
+  }