ref: 542fd232cc05f86b4de26516d71a5c9ec7d0e55a
parent: f9f2bbf805ebb82d0cc46dd79aade2dfb264f046
author: Sijia Chen <[email protected]>
date: Tue Oct 6 07:10:06 EDT 2015
add a .template file for codec UT
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/api/encode_decode_api_test.h
@@ -1,0 +1,163 @@
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include "codec_def.h"
+#include "utils/BufferedData.h"
+#include "utils/FileInputStream.h"
+#include "BaseDecoderTest.h"
+#include "BaseEncoderTest.h"
+#include "wels_common_defs.h"
+#include "utils/HashFunctions.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+using namespace WelsCommon;
+//TODO: some content here in this file is the same with encode_decode_api_test.cpp
+//plan to combine them after some on-going code reviews in that file to avoid merging conflict
+#define TRY_TIME_RANGE (10)
+#define ENCODE_FRAME_NUM (30)
+#define LEVEL_ID_RANGE (18)
+#define MAX_WIDTH (4096)
+#define MAX_HEIGHT (2304)
+#define MAX_FRAME_RATE (30)
+#define MIN_FRAME_RATE (1)
+#define RC_MODE_RANGE (4)
+#define BIT_RATE_RANGE (10000)
+#define MAX_QP (51)
+#define MIN_QP (0)
+#define QP_RANGE (2*MAX_QP)
+#define SLICE_MODE_NUM (6)
+#define LOOP_FILTER_IDC_NUM (3)
+#define MAX_REF_PIC_COUNT (16)
+#define MIN_REF_PIC_COUNT (1)
+#define LONG_TERM_REF_NUM (2)
+#define VALID_SIZE(iSize) (((iSize)>16)?(iSize):16)
+#define GET_MB_WIDTH(x) (((x) + 15)/16)
+typedef struct SLost_Sim {
+ WelsCommon::EWelsNalUnitType eNalType;
+ bool isLost;
+} SLostSim;
+struct EncodeDecodeFileParamBase {
+ int numframes;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ float frameRate;
+ int slicenum;
+ bool bLostPara;
+ const char* pLossSequence;
+static void welsStderrTraceOrigin (void* ctx, int level, const char* string) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", string);
+typedef struct STrace_Unit {
+ int iTarLevel;
+} STraceUnit;
+static void TestOutPutTrace (void* ctx, int level, const char* string) {
+ STraceUnit* pTraceUnit = (STraceUnit*) ctx;
+ EXPECT_LE (level, pTraceUnit->iTarLevel);
+class EncodeDecodeTestBase : public BaseEncoderTest, public BaseDecoderTest {
+ public:
+ uint8_t iRandValue;
+ public:
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ BaseEncoderTest::SetUp();
+ BaseDecoderTest::SetUp();
+ pFunc = welsStderrTraceOrigin;
+ pTraceInfo = NULL;
+ encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_CALLBACK, &pFunc);
+ encoder_->SetOption (ENCODER_OPTION_TRACE_CALLBACK_CONTEXT, &pTraceInfo);
+ decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_CALLBACK, &pFunc);
+ decoder_->SetOption (DECODER_OPTION_TRACE_CALLBACK_CONTEXT, &pTraceInfo);
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() {
+ BaseEncoderTest::TearDown();
+ BaseDecoderTest::TearDown();
+ }
+ virtual void prepareParam (int iLayers, int iSlices, int width, int height, float framerate, SEncParamExt* pParam);
+ virtual void prepareEncDecParam (const EncodeDecodeFileParamBase EncDecFileParam);
+ virtual void encToDecData (const SFrameBSInfo& info, int& len);
+ virtual void encToDecSliceData (const int iLayerNum, const int iSliceNum, const SFrameBSInfo& info, int& len);
+ virtual int GetRandWidth() {
+ return WelsClip3 ((((rand() % MAX_WIDTH) >> 1) + 1) << 1, 16, MAX_WIDTH);
+ }
+ virtual int GetRandHeight() {
+ return WelsClip3 ((((rand() % MAX_HEIGHT) >> 1) + 1) << 1, 16, MAX_HEIGHT);
+ }
+ protected:
+ SEncParamExt param_;
+ BufferedData buf_;
+ SSourcePicture EncPic;
+ SFrameBSInfo info;
+ SBufferInfo dstBufInfo_;
+ std::vector<SLostSim> m_SLostSim;
+ WelsTraceCallback pFunc;
+ STraceUnit sTrace;
+ STraceUnit* pTraceInfo;
+class EncodeDecodeTestAPIBase : public EncodeDecodeTestBase {
+ public:
+ uint8_t iRandValue;
+ public:
+ void SetUp() {
+ EncodeDecodeTestBase::SetUp();
+ }
+ void TearDown() {
+ EncodeDecodeTestBase::TearDown();
+ }
+ void prepareParam0 (int iLayers, int iSlices, int width, int height, float framerate, SEncParamExt* pParam);
+ void prepareParamDefault (int iLayers, int iSlices, int width, int height, float framerate, SEncParamExt* pParam);
+ void InitialEncDec (int iWidth, int iHeight);
+ void RandomParamExtCombination();
+ void ValidateParamExtCombination();
+ void SliceParamValidationForMode2 (int iSpatialIdx);
+ void SliceParamValidationForMode3 (int iSpatialIdx);
+ void SliceParamValidationForMode4();
+ void EncodeOneFrame (int iCheckTypeIndex);
+ void EncDecOneFrame (const int iWidth, const int iHeight, const int iFrame, FILE* pfEnc);
+ void TestOneSimulcastAVC (SEncParamExt* pParam, ISVCDecoder** decoder, unsigned char** pBsBuf, int iSpatialLayerNum,
+ int iEncFrameNum,
+ int iCallTimes);
+class EncodeDecodeTestAPI : public ::testing::TestWithParam<EncodeDecodeFileParamBase>, public EncodeDecodeTestAPIBase {
+ void SetUp() {
+ EncodeDecodeTestAPIBase::SetUp();
+ }
+ void TearDown() {
+ EncodeDecodeTestAPIBase::TearDown();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/api/encode_decode_api_test.template
@@ -1,0 +1,142 @@
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include "codec_def.h"
+#include "utils/BufferedData.h"
+#include "utils/FileInputStream.h"
+#include "BaseDecoderTest.h"
+#include "BaseEncoderTest.h"
+#include "wels_common_defs.h"
+#include "utils/HashFunctions.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "encode_decode_api_test.h"
+using namespace WelsCommon;
+TEST_F (EncodeDecodeTestAPI, LogEncoding) {
+ //FillInit
+ //int iSpatialLayerNum = $SPATIAL_NUM;
+ //int iWidth = $SOURCE_WIDTH;
+ //int iHeight = $SOURCE_HEIGHT;
+ //int iEncFrameNum = $TOTAL_FRMS;
+ //FillFirstParam
+ int rv = encoder_->InitializeExt (¶m_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE (rv == cmResultSuccess);
+ unsigned char* pBsBuf[MAX_SPATIAL_LAYER_NUM];
+ int aLen[MAX_SPATIAL_LAYER_NUM] = {0};
+ ISVCDecoder* decoder[MAX_SPATIAL_LAYER_NUM];
+ fEnc[0] = fopen ("enc0.264", "wb");
+ fEnc[1] = fopen ("enc1.264", "wb");
+ fEnc[2] = fopen ("enc2.264", "wb");
+ fEnc[3] = fopen ("enc3.264", "wb");
+ int iIdx = 0;
+ //create decoder
+ for (iIdx = 0; iIdx < iSpatialLayerNum; iIdx++) {
+ pBsBuf[iIdx] = static_cast<unsigned char*> (malloc (iWidth * iHeight * 3 * sizeof (unsigned char) / 2));
+ EXPECT_TRUE (pBsBuf[iIdx] != NULL);
+ aLen[iIdx] = 0;
+ long rv = WelsCreateDecoder (&decoder[iIdx]);
+ ASSERT_EQ (0, rv);
+ EXPECT_TRUE (decoder[iIdx] != NULL);
+ SDecodingParam decParam;
+ memset (&decParam, 0, sizeof (SDecodingParam));
+ decParam.eOutputColorFormat = videoFormatI420;
+ decParam.uiTargetDqLayer = UCHAR_MAX;
+ decParam.eEcActiveIdc = ERROR_CON_SLICE_COPY;
+ decParam.sVideoProperty.eVideoBsType = VIDEO_BITSTREAM_DEFAULT;
+ rv = decoder[iIdx]->Initialize (&decParam);
+ ASSERT_EQ (0, rv);
+ }
+ for (int iFrame = 0; iFrame < iEncFrameNum; iFrame++) {
+ int iResult;
+ int iLayerLen = 0;
+ unsigned char* pData[3] = { NULL };
+ //FillParam
+ InitialEncDec (param_.iPicWidth, param_.iPicHeight);
+ EncodeOneFrame (0);
+ // init
+ for (iIdx = 0; iIdx < iSpatialLayerNum; iIdx++) {
+ aLen[iIdx] = 0;
+ }
+ for (int iLayer = 0; iLayer < info.iLayerNum; ++iLayer) {
+ iLayerLen = 0;
+ const SLayerBSInfo& layerInfo = info.sLayerInfo[iLayer];
+ const int kiFirstNalType = ((* (layerInfo.pBsBuf + 4)) & 0x1f);
+ if (param_.bSimulcastAVC) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE ((kiFirstNalType == NAL_SPS) || (kiFirstNalType == NAL_PPS) || (kiFirstNalType == NAL_SLICE)
+ || (kiFirstNalType == NAL_SLICE_IDR) || (kiFirstNalType == NAL_SEI));
+ }
+ for (int iNal = 0; iNal < layerInfo.iNalCount; ++iNal) {
+ iLayerLen += layerInfo.pNalLengthInByte[iNal];
+ }
+ if (param_.bSimulcastAVC) {
+ iIdx = layerInfo.uiSpatialId;
+ EXPECT_TRUE (iIdx < iSpatialLayerNum);
+ memcpy ((pBsBuf[iIdx] + aLen[iIdx]), layerInfo.pBsBuf, iLayerLen * sizeof (unsigned char));
+ aLen[iIdx] += iLayerLen;
+ } else {
+ if (layerInfo.uiLayerType == NON_VIDEO_CODING_LAYER) {
+ // under SimulcastSVC, need to copy non-VCL to all layers
+ for (iIdx = 0; iIdx < iSpatialLayerNum; iIdx++) {
+ memcpy ((pBsBuf[iIdx] + aLen[iIdx]), layerInfo.pBsBuf, iLayerLen * sizeof (unsigned char));
+ aLen[iIdx] += iLayerLen;
+ }
+ } else {
+ iIdx = layerInfo.uiSpatialId;
+ EXPECT_TRUE (iIdx < iSpatialLayerNum);
+ memcpy ((pBsBuf[iIdx] + aLen[iIdx]), layerInfo.pBsBuf, iLayerLen * sizeof (unsigned char));
+ aLen[iIdx] += iLayerLen;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (iIdx = 0; iIdx < iSpatialLayerNum; iIdx++) {
+ pData[0] = pData[1] = pData[2] = 0;
+ memset (&dstBufInfo_, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
+ if (aLen[iIdx] > 0) {
+ fwrite (pBsBuf[iIdx], aLen[iIdx], 1, fEnc[iIdx]);
+ iResult = decoder[iIdx]->DecodeFrame2 (pBsBuf[iIdx], aLen[iIdx], pData, &dstBufInfo_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE (iResult == cmResultSuccess) << "iResult=" << iResult << "LayerIdx=" << iIdx;
+ iResult = decoder[iIdx]->DecodeFrame2 (NULL, 0, pData, &dstBufInfo_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE (iResult == cmResultSuccess) << "iResult=" << iResult << "LayerIdx=" << iIdx;
+ EXPECT_EQ (dstBufInfo_.iBufferStatus, 1) << "LayerIdx=" << iIdx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (iIdx = 0; iIdx < iSpatialLayerNum; iIdx++) {
+ free (pBsBuf[iIdx]);
+ if (decoder[iIdx] != NULL) {
+ decoder[iIdx]->Uninitialize();
+ WelsDestroyDecoder (decoder[iIdx]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SPATIAL_LAYER_NUM; i++) {
+ fclose (fEnc[i]);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file