shithub: libvpx

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ref: f30c419d4a50dcd1e7b3a25c3852338fbe8908e4
parent: 3fd96f7d7d848ce8fc3ff27cb689207d191996ed
author: Johann <[email protected]>
date: Thu May 2 07:40:52 EDT 2019

android: do not attempt standalone builds

arm builds require too many tweaks to keep up with changes
to the ndk. Recommend ndk-build instead.

Update documentation and drop --sdk-path references. If
--enable-external-build is used instead we do not need the compiler


Change-Id: Id024345afd7af988321f8f97ebab19c425cb0493

--- a/build/make/
+++ b/build/make/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 # Run the configure script from the jni directory.  Base libvpx
 # encoder/decoder configuration will look similar to:
 # ./libvpx/configure --target=armv7-android-gcc --disable-examples \
-#                    --sdk-path=/opt/android-ndk-r6b/
+#                    --enable-external-build
 # When targeting Android, realtime-only is enabled by default.  This can
 # be overridden by adding the command line flag:
@@ -40,25 +40,6 @@
 # Running ndk-build will build libvpx and include it in your project.
-# Alternatively, building the examples and unit tests can be accomplished in the
-# following way:
-# Create a standalone toolchain from the NDK:
-# For example - to test on arm64 devices with clang:
-# $NDK/build/tools/ \
-#   --arch arm64 --install-dir=/tmp/my-android-toolchain
-# export PATH=/tmp/my-android-toolchain/bin:$PATH
-# CROSS=aarch64-linux-android- CC=clang CXX=clang++ /path/to/libvpx/configure \
-#   --target=arm64-android-gcc
-# Push the resulting binaries to a device and run them:
-# adb push test_libvpx /data/tmp/test_libvpx
-# adb shell /data/tmp/test_libvpx --gtest_filter=\*Sixtap\*
-# Make sure to push the test data as well and set LIBVPX_TEST_DATA
--- a/build/make/
+++ b/build/make/
@@ -646,11 +646,7 @@
-      --sdk-path=*)
-        [ -d "${optval}" ] || die "Not a directory: ${optval}"
-        sdk_path="${optval}"
-        ;;
-      --libc|--as|--prefix|--libdir|--sdk-path)
+      --libc|--as|--prefix|--libdir)
         die "Option ${opt} requires argument"
@@ -1101,51 +1097,10 @@
-          if [ -n "${sdk_path}" ]; then
-            SDK_PATH=${sdk_path}
-            COMPILER_LOCATION=`find "${SDK_PATH}" \
-              -name "arm-linux-androideabi-gcc*" -print -quit`
-            TOOLCHAIN_PATH=${COMPILER_LOCATION%/*}/arm-linux-androideabi-
-            CC=${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}gcc
-            CXX=${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}g++
-            AR=${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}ar
-            LD=${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}gcc
-            AS=${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}as
-            STRIP=${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}strip
-            NM=${TOOLCHAIN_PATH}nm
-            if [ -z "${alt_libc}" ]; then
-              alt_libc=`find "${SDK_PATH}" -name arch-arm -print | \
-                awk '{n = split($0,a,"/"); \
-                split(a[n-1],b,"-"); \
-                print $0 " " b[2]}' | \
-                sort -g -k 2 | \
-                awk '{ print $1 }' | tail -1`
-            fi
-            if [ -d "${alt_libc}" ]; then
-              add_cflags "--sysroot=${alt_libc}"
-              add_ldflags "--sysroot=${alt_libc}"
-            fi
-            # linker flag that routes around a CPU bug in some
-            # Cortex-A8 implementations (NDK Dev Guide)
-            add_ldflags "-Wl,--fix-cortex-a8"
-            enable_feature pic
-            soft_enable realtime_only
-            if [ ${tgt_isa} = "armv7" ]; then
-              soft_enable runtime_cpu_detect
-            fi
-            if enabled runtime_cpu_detect; then
-              add_cflags "-I${SDK_PATH}/sources/android/cpufeatures"
-            fi
-          else
-            echo "Assuming standalone build with NDK toolchain."
-            echo "See build/make/ for details."
-            check_add_ldflags -static
-            soft_enable unit_tests
-          fi
+          echo "Assuming standalone build with NDK toolchain."
+          echo "See build/make/ for details."
+          check_add_ldflags -static
+          soft_enable unit_tests
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
   --libc=PATH                     path to alternate libc
   --size-limit=WxH                max size to allow in the decoder
   --as={yasm|nasm|auto}           use specified assembler [auto, yasm preferred]
-  --sdk-path=PATH                 path to root of sdk (android builds only)
   ${toggle_codec_srcs}            in/exclude codec library source code
   ${toggle_debug_libs}            in/exclude debug version of libraries
   ${toggle_static_msvcrt}         use static MSVCRT (VS builds only)
--- a/test/android/README
+++ b/test/android/README
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
 ./libvpx/configure --target=armv7-android-gcc --enable-external-build \
   --enable-postproc --disable-install-srcs --enable-multi-res-encoding \
   --enable-temporal-denoising --disable-unit-tests --disable-install-docs \
-  --disable-examples --disable-runtime-cpu-detect --sdk-path=$NDK
+  --disable-examples --disable-runtime-cpu-detect
 2) From the parent directory, invoke ndk-build:
 NDK_PROJECT_PATH=. ndk-build APP_BUILD_SCRIPT=./libvpx/test/android/ \
   APP_ABI=armeabi-v7a APP_PLATFORM=android-18 APP_OPTIM=release \
-  APP_STL=gnustl_static
+  APP_STL=c++_static
 Note: Both adb and ndk-build are available prebuilt at: