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ref: 1787e7dbe09ac71052a785ce2f64f04b7075524f
parent: 2dc0a5132da161265c302f5f5cd55398c1b4b75c
author: Johann <[email protected]>
date: Wed Aug 16 09:10:59 EDT 2017

quantize ssse3: copy implementation to intrinsics

Still does not pass tests. Does match the previous assembly, although
saving the sign before multiplying is dubious.

Change-Id: Ia163f18c755aba542d6e93f7bf7343184660df5a

--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -368,14 +368,11 @@
 #endif  // HAVE_SSE2
-// TODO(johannkoenig): SSSE3 optimizations do not yet pass this test.
                                                      VPX_BITS_8, 16)));
 #if ARCH_X86_64
 // TODO(johannkoenig): SSSE3 optimizations do not yet pass this test.
@@ -390,7 +387,7 @@
                                  VPX_BITS_8, 32)));
 #endif  // ARCH_X86_64
-#endif  // HAVE_SSSE3
 // TODO(johannkoenig): AVX optimizations do not yet pass the 32x32 test or
 // highbitdepth configurations.
--- a/vpx_dsp/
+++ b/vpx_dsp/
@@ -283,7 +283,6 @@
 DSP_SRCS-$(HAVE_SSE2)   += x86/highbd_quantize_intrin_sse2.c
 ifeq ($(ARCH_X86_64),yes)
-DSP_SRCS-$(HAVE_SSSE3)  += x86/quantize_ssse3_x86_64.asm
 DSP_SRCS-$(HAVE_AVX)    += x86/quantize_avx_x86_64.asm
--- a/vpx_dsp/
+++ b/vpx_dsp/
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@
   specialize qw/vpx_quantize_b neon sse2 ssse3 avx/;
   add_proto qw/void vpx_quantize_b_32x32/, "const tran_low_t *coeff_ptr, intptr_t n_coeffs, int skip_block, const int16_t *zbin_ptr, const int16_t *round_ptr, const int16_t *quant_ptr, const int16_t *quant_shift_ptr, tran_low_t *qcoeff_ptr, tran_low_t *dqcoeff_ptr, const int16_t *dequant_ptr, uint16_t *eob_ptr, const int16_t *scan, const int16_t *iscan";
-  specialize qw/vpx_quantize_b_32x32 neon/, "$ssse3_x86_64", "$avx_x86_64";
+  specialize qw/vpx_quantize_b_32x32 neon ssse3/, "$avx_x86_64";
   if (vpx_config("CONFIG_VP9_HIGHBITDEPTH") eq "yes") {
     add_proto qw/void vpx_highbd_quantize_b/, "const tran_low_t *coeff_ptr, intptr_t n_coeffs, int skip_block, const int16_t *zbin_ptr, const int16_t *round_ptr, const int16_t *quant_ptr, const int16_t *quant_shift_ptr, tran_low_t *qcoeff_ptr, tran_low_t *dqcoeff_ptr, const int16_t *dequant_ptr, uint16_t *eob_ptr, const int16_t *scan, const int16_t *iscan";
--- a/vpx_dsp/x86/quantize_ssse3.c
+++ b/vpx_dsp/x86/quantize_ssse3.c
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
   // Setup global values.
   zbin = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)zbin_ptr);
-  // x86 has no "greater *or equal* comparison. Subtract 1 from zbin so
+  // x86 has no "greater *or equal*" comparison. Subtract 1 from zbin so
   // it is a strict "greater" comparison.
   zbin = _mm_sub_epi16(zbin, _mm_set1_epi16(1));
   round = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)round_ptr);
@@ -156,6 +156,226 @@
   // Accumulate eob.
+  {
+    __m128i eob_shuffled;
+    eob_shuffled = _mm_shuffle_epi32(eob, 0xe);
+    eob = _mm_max_epi16(eob, eob_shuffled);
+    eob_shuffled = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(eob, 0xe);
+    eob = _mm_max_epi16(eob, eob_shuffled);
+    eob_shuffled = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(eob, 0x1);
+    eob = _mm_max_epi16(eob, eob_shuffled);
+    *eob_ptr = _mm_extract_epi16(eob, 1);
+  }
+void vpx_quantize_b_32x32_ssse3(
+    const tran_low_t *coeff_ptr, intptr_t n_coeffs, int skip_block,
+    const int16_t *zbin_ptr, const int16_t *round_ptr, const int16_t *quant_ptr,
+    const int16_t *quant_shift_ptr, tran_low_t *qcoeff_ptr,
+    tran_low_t *dqcoeff_ptr, const int16_t *dequant_ptr, uint16_t *eob_ptr,
+    const int16_t *scan_ptr, const int16_t *iscan_ptr) {
+  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
+  const __m128i one = _mm_set1_epi16(1);
+  intptr_t index = 16;
+  __m128i zbin, round, quant, dequant, shift;
+  __m128i coeff0, coeff1;
+  __m128i qcoeff0, qcoeff1;
+  __m128i cmp_mask0, cmp_mask1;
+  __m128i all_zero;
+  __m128i qtmp0, qtmp1;
+  __m128i zero_coeff0, zero_coeff1, iscan0, iscan1;
+  __m128i eob = zero, eob0, eob1;
+  (void)scan_ptr;
+  (void)n_coeffs;
+  (void)skip_block;
+  assert(!skip_block);
+  // Setup global values.
+  // The 32x32 halves zbin and round.
+  zbin = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)zbin_ptr);
+  // Shift with rounding.
+  zbin = _mm_add_epi16(zbin, one);
+  zbin = _mm_srli_epi16(zbin, 1);
+  // x86 has no "greater *or equal*" comparison. Subtract 1 from zbin so
+  // it is a strict "greater" comparison.
+  zbin = _mm_sub_epi16(zbin, one);
+  round = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)round_ptr);
+  round = _mm_add_epi16(round, one);
+  round = _mm_srli_epi16(round, 1);
+  quant = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)quant_ptr);
+  dequant = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)dequant_ptr);
+  shift = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)quant_shift_ptr);
+  // I suspect this is not technically OK because quant_shift can be up
+  // to 1 << 16 and shifting up again will outrange that, but the test is not
+  // comprehensive enough to catch that and "it's been that way forever"
+  shift = _mm_slli_epi16(shift, 1);
+  // Do DC and first 15 AC.
+  coeff0 = load_tran_low(coeff_ptr);
+  coeff1 = load_tran_low(coeff_ptr + 8);
+  qcoeff0 = _mm_abs_epi16(coeff0);
+  qcoeff1 = _mm_abs_epi16(coeff1);
+  cmp_mask0 = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(qcoeff0, zbin);
+  zbin = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(zbin, zbin);  // Switch DC to AC.
+  cmp_mask1 = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(qcoeff1, zbin);
+  all_zero = _mm_or_si128(cmp_mask0, cmp_mask1);
+  if (_mm_movemask_epi8(all_zero) == 0) {
+    _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(qcoeff_ptr), zero);
+    _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(qcoeff_ptr + 8), zero);
+    _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(dqcoeff_ptr), zero);
+    _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(dqcoeff_ptr + 8), zero);
+    _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(qcoeff_ptr + 4), zero);
+    _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(qcoeff_ptr + 12), zero);
+    _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(dqcoeff_ptr + 4), zero);
+    _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(dqcoeff_ptr + 12), zero);
+    round = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(round, round);
+    quant = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(quant, quant);
+    shift = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(shift, shift);
+    dequant = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(dequant, dequant);
+  } else {
+    qcoeff0 = _mm_adds_epi16(qcoeff0, round);
+    round = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(round, round);
+    qcoeff1 = _mm_adds_epi16(qcoeff1, round);
+    qtmp0 = _mm_mulhi_epi16(qcoeff0, quant);
+    quant = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(quant, quant);
+    qtmp1 = _mm_mulhi_epi16(qcoeff1, quant);
+    qtmp0 = _mm_add_epi16(qtmp0, qcoeff0);
+    qtmp1 = _mm_add_epi16(qtmp1, qcoeff1);
+    qcoeff0 = _mm_mulhi_epi16(qtmp0, shift);
+    shift = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(shift, shift);
+    qcoeff1 = _mm_mulhi_epi16(qtmp1, shift);
+    // Reinsert signs.
+    qcoeff0 = _mm_sign_epi16(qcoeff0, coeff0);
+    qcoeff1 = _mm_sign_epi16(qcoeff1, coeff1);
+    // Mask out zbin threshold coeffs.
+    qcoeff0 = _mm_and_si128(qcoeff0, cmp_mask0);
+    qcoeff1 = _mm_and_si128(qcoeff1, cmp_mask1);
+    store_tran_low(qcoeff0, qcoeff_ptr);
+    store_tran_low(qcoeff1, qcoeff_ptr + 8);
+    // Un-sign to bias rounding like C.
+    // dequant is almost always negative, so this is probably the backwards way
+    // to handle the sign. However, it matches the previous assembly.
+    coeff0 = _mm_abs_epi16(qcoeff0);
+    coeff1 = _mm_abs_epi16(qcoeff1);
+    coeff0 = _mm_mullo_epi16(coeff0, dequant);
+    dequant = _mm_unpackhi_epi64(dequant, dequant);
+    coeff1 = _mm_mullo_epi16(coeff1, dequant);
+    // "Divide" by 2.
+    coeff0 = _mm_srli_epi16(coeff0, 1);
+    coeff1 = _mm_srli_epi16(coeff1, 1);
+    coeff0 = _mm_sign_epi16(coeff0, qcoeff0);
+    coeff1 = _mm_sign_epi16(coeff1, qcoeff1);
+    store_tran_low(coeff0, dqcoeff_ptr);
+    store_tran_low(coeff1, dqcoeff_ptr + 8);
+    // Scan for eob.
+    zero_coeff0 = _mm_cmpeq_epi16(coeff0, zero);
+    zero_coeff1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi16(coeff1, zero);
+    iscan0 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(iscan_ptr));
+    iscan1 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(iscan_ptr + 8));
+    // Add one to convert from indices to counts.
+    iscan0 = _mm_sub_epi16(iscan0, cmp_mask0);
+    iscan1 = _mm_sub_epi16(iscan1, cmp_mask1);
+    eob = _mm_andnot_si128(zero_coeff0, iscan0);
+    eob1 = _mm_andnot_si128(zero_coeff1, iscan1);
+    eob = _mm_max_epi16(eob, eob1);
+  }
+  // AC only loop.
+  for (index = 16; index < 32 * 32; index += 16) {
+    coeff0 = load_tran_low(coeff_ptr + index);
+    coeff1 = load_tran_low(coeff_ptr + index + 8);
+    qcoeff0 = _mm_abs_epi16(coeff0);
+    qcoeff1 = _mm_abs_epi16(coeff1);
+    cmp_mask0 = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(qcoeff0, zbin);
+    cmp_mask1 = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(qcoeff1, zbin);
+    all_zero = _mm_or_si128(cmp_mask0, cmp_mask1);
+    if (_mm_movemask_epi8(all_zero) == 0) {
+      _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(qcoeff_ptr + index), zero);
+      _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(qcoeff_ptr + index + 8), zero);
+      _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(dqcoeff_ptr + index), zero);
+      _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(dqcoeff_ptr + index + 8), zero);
+      _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(qcoeff_ptr + index + 4), zero);
+      _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(qcoeff_ptr + index + 12), zero);
+      _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(dqcoeff_ptr + index + 4), zero);
+      _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(dqcoeff_ptr + index + 12), zero);
+      continue;
+    }
+    qcoeff0 = _mm_adds_epi16(qcoeff0, round);
+    qcoeff1 = _mm_adds_epi16(qcoeff1, round);
+    qtmp0 = _mm_mulhi_epi16(qcoeff0, quant);
+    qtmp1 = _mm_mulhi_epi16(qcoeff1, quant);
+    qtmp0 = _mm_add_epi16(qtmp0, qcoeff0);
+    qtmp1 = _mm_add_epi16(qtmp1, qcoeff1);
+    qcoeff0 = _mm_mulhi_epi16(qtmp0, shift);
+    qcoeff1 = _mm_mulhi_epi16(qtmp1, shift);
+    qcoeff0 = _mm_sign_epi16(qcoeff0, coeff0);
+    qcoeff1 = _mm_sign_epi16(qcoeff1, coeff1);
+    qcoeff0 = _mm_and_si128(qcoeff0, cmp_mask0);
+    qcoeff1 = _mm_and_si128(qcoeff1, cmp_mask1);
+    store_tran_low(qcoeff0, qcoeff_ptr + index);
+    store_tran_low(qcoeff1, qcoeff_ptr + index + 8);
+    coeff0 = _mm_abs_epi16(qcoeff0);
+    coeff1 = _mm_abs_epi16(qcoeff1);
+    coeff0 = _mm_mullo_epi16(coeff0, dequant);
+    coeff1 = _mm_mullo_epi16(coeff1, dequant);
+    coeff0 = _mm_srli_epi16(coeff0, 1);
+    coeff1 = _mm_srli_epi16(coeff1, 1);
+    coeff0 = _mm_sign_epi16(coeff0, qcoeff0);
+    coeff1 = _mm_sign_epi16(coeff1, qcoeff1);
+    store_tran_low(coeff0, dqcoeff_ptr + index);
+    store_tran_low(coeff1, dqcoeff_ptr + index + 8);
+    zero_coeff0 = _mm_cmpeq_epi16(coeff0, zero);
+    zero_coeff1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi16(coeff1, zero);
+    iscan0 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(iscan_ptr + index));
+    iscan1 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(iscan_ptr + index + 8));
+    iscan0 = _mm_sub_epi16(iscan0, cmp_mask0);
+    iscan1 = _mm_sub_epi16(iscan1, cmp_mask1);
+    eob0 = _mm_andnot_si128(zero_coeff0, iscan0);
+    eob1 = _mm_andnot_si128(zero_coeff1, iscan1);
+    eob0 = _mm_max_epi16(eob0, eob1);
+    eob = _mm_max_epi16(eob, eob0);
+  }
     __m128i eob_shuffled;
     eob_shuffled = _mm_shuffle_epi32(eob, 0xe);
--- a/vpx_dsp/x86/quantize_ssse3_x86_64.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +1,0 @@
-;  Copyright (c) 2015 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
-;  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
-;  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
-;  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
-;  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
-;  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
-%include "third_party/x86inc/x86inc.asm"
-pw_1: times 8 dw 1
-SECTION .text
-%macro QUANTIZE_FN 2
-cglobal quantize_%1, 0, %2, 15, coeff, ncoeff, skip, zbin, round, quant, \
-                                shift, qcoeff, dqcoeff, dequant, \
-                                eob, scan, iscan
-  ; actual quantize loop - setup pointers, rounders, etc.
-  movifnidn                   coeffq, coeffmp
-  movifnidn                  ncoeffq, ncoeffmp
-  mov                             r2, dequantmp
-  movifnidn                    zbinq, zbinmp
-  movifnidn                   roundq, roundmp
-  movifnidn                   quantq, quantmp
-  mova                            m0, [zbinq]              ; m0 = zbin
-  mova                            m1, [roundq]             ; m1 = round
-  mova                            m2, [quantq]             ; m2 = quant
-%ifidn %1, b_32x32
-  pcmpeqw                         m5, m5
-  psrlw                           m5, 15
-  paddw                           m0, m5
-  paddw                           m1, m5
-  psrlw                           m0, 1                    ; m0 = (m0 + 1) / 2
-  psrlw                           m1, 1                    ; m1 = (m1 + 1) / 2
-  mova                            m3, [r2q]                ; m3 = dequant
-  psubw                           m0, [pw_1]
-  mov                             r2, shiftmp
-  mov                             r3, qcoeffmp
-  mova                            m4, [r2]                 ; m4 = shift
-  mov                             r4, dqcoeffmp
-  mov                             r5, iscanmp
-%ifidn %1, b_32x32
-  psllw                           m4, 1
-  pxor                            m5, m5                   ; m5 = dedicated zero
-  DEFINE_ARGS coeff, ncoeff, d1, qcoeff, dqcoeff, iscan, d2, d3, d4, d5, eob
-  lea                         coeffq, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*4]
-  lea                        qcoeffq, [ qcoeffq+ncoeffq*4]
-  lea                       dqcoeffq, [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*4]
-  lea                         coeffq, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*2]
-  lea                        qcoeffq, [ qcoeffq+ncoeffq*2]
-  lea                       dqcoeffq, [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*2]
-  lea                         iscanq, [  iscanq+ncoeffq*2]
-  neg                        ncoeffq
-  ; get DC and first 15 AC coeffs
-  ; coeff stored as 32bit numbers & require 16bit numbers
-  mova                            m9, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*4+ 0]
-  packssdw                        m9, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*4+16]
-  mova                           m10, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*4+32]
-  packssdw                       m10, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*4+48]
-  mova                            m9, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*2+ 0] ; m9 = c[i]
-  mova                           m10, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*2+16] ; m10 = c[i]
-  pabsw                           m6, m9                   ; m6 = abs(m9)
-  pabsw                          m11, m10                  ; m11 = abs(m10)
-  pcmpgtw                         m7, m6, m0               ; m7 = c[i] >= zbin
-  punpckhqdq                      m0, m0
-  pcmpgtw                        m12, m11, m0              ; m12 = c[i] >= zbin
-  paddsw                          m6, m1                   ; m6 += round
-  punpckhqdq                      m1, m1
-  paddsw                         m11, m1                   ; m11 += round
-  pmulhw                          m8, m6, m2               ; m8 = m6*q>>16
-  punpckhqdq                      m2, m2
-  pmulhw                         m13, m11, m2              ; m13 = m11*q>>16
-  paddw                           m8, m6                   ; m8 += m6
-  paddw                          m13, m11                  ; m13 += m11
-  pmulhw                          m8, m4                   ; m8 = m8*qsh>>16
-  punpckhqdq                      m4, m4
-  pmulhw                         m13, m4                   ; m13 = m13*qsh>>16
-  psignw                          m8, m9                   ; m8 = reinsert sign
-  psignw                         m13, m10                  ; m13 = reinsert sign
-  pand                            m8, m7
-  pand                           m13, m12
-  ; store 16bit numbers as 32bit numbers in array pointed to by qcoeff
-  mova                           m11, m8
-  mova                            m6, m8
-  pcmpgtw                         m5, m8
-  punpcklwd                      m11, m5
-  punpckhwd                       m6, m5
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+ 0], m11
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+16], m6
-  pxor                            m5, m5
-  mova                           m11, m13
-  mova                            m6, m13
-  pcmpgtw                         m5, m13
-  punpcklwd                      m11, m5
-  punpckhwd                       m6, m5
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+32], m11
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+48], m6
-  pxor                            m5, m5             ; reset m5 to zero register
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*2+ 0], m8
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*2+16], m13
-%ifidn %1, b_32x32
-  pabsw                           m8, m8
-  pabsw                          m13, m13
-  pmullw                          m8, m3                   ; dqc[i] = qc[i] * q
-  punpckhqdq                      m3, m3
-  pmullw                         m13, m3                   ; dqc[i] = qc[i] * q
-%ifidn %1, b_32x32
-  psrlw                           m8, 1
-  psrlw                          m13, 1
-  psignw                          m8, m9
-  psignw                         m13, m10
-  ; store 16bit numbers as 32bit numbers in array pointed to by qcoeff
-  mova                            m11, m8
-  mova                            m6, m8
-  pcmpgtw                         m5, m8
-  punpcklwd                      m11, m5
-  punpckhwd                       m6, m5
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+ 0], m11
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+16], m6
-  pxor                            m5, m5
-  mova                           m11, m13
-  mova                            m6, m13
-  pcmpgtw                         m5, m13
-  punpcklwd                      m11, m5
-  punpckhwd                       m6, m5
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+32], m11
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+48], m6
-  pxor                            m5, m5             ; reset m5 to zero register
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*2+ 0], m8
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*2+16], m13
-  pcmpeqw                         m8, m5                   ; m8 = c[i] == 0
-  pcmpeqw                        m13, m5                   ; m13 = c[i] == 0
-  mova                            m6, [  iscanq+ncoeffq*2+ 0] ; m6 = scan[i]
-  mova                           m11, [  iscanq+ncoeffq*2+16] ; m11 = scan[i]
-  psubw                           m6, m7                   ; m6 = scan[i] + 1
-  psubw                          m11, m12                  ; m11 = scan[i] + 1
-  pandn                           m8, m6                   ; m8 = max(eob)
-  pandn                          m13, m11                  ; m13 = max(eob)
-  pmaxsw                          m8, m13
-  add                        ncoeffq, mmsize
-  jz .accumulate_eob
-  ; pack coeff from 32bit to 16bit array
-  mova                            m9, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*4+ 0]
-  packssdw                        m9, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*4+16]
-  mova                           m10, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*4+32]
-  packssdw                       m10, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*4+48]
-  mova                            m9, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*2+ 0] ; m9 = c[i]
-  mova                           m10, [  coeffq+ncoeffq*2+16] ; m10 = c[i]
-  pabsw                           m6, m9                   ; m6 = abs(m9)
-  pabsw                          m11, m10                  ; m11 = abs(m10)
-  pcmpgtw                         m7, m6, m0               ; m7 = c[i] >= zbin
-  pcmpgtw                        m12, m11, m0              ; m12 = c[i] >= zbin
-%ifidn %1, b_32x32
-  pmovmskb                       r6d, m7
-  pmovmskb                       r2d, m12
-  or                              r6, r2
-  jz .skip_iter
-  paddsw                          m6, m1                   ; m6 += round
-  paddsw                         m11, m1                   ; m11 += round
-  pmulhw                         m14, m6, m2               ; m14 = m6*q>>16
-  pmulhw                         m13, m11, m2              ; m13 = m11*q>>16
-  paddw                          m14, m6                   ; m14 += m6
-  paddw                          m13, m11                  ; m13 += m11
-  pmulhw                         m14, m4                   ; m14 = m14*qsh>>16
-  pmulhw                         m13, m4                   ; m13 = m13*qsh>>16
-  psignw                         m14, m9                   ; m14 = reinsert sign
-  psignw                         m13, m10                  ; m13 = reinsert sign
-  pand                           m14, m7
-  pand                           m13, m12
-  ; store 16bit numbers as 32bit numbers in array pointed to by qcoeff
-  mova                           m11, m14
-  mova                            m6, m14
-  pcmpgtw                         m5, m14
-  punpcklwd                      m11, m5
-  punpckhwd                       m6, m5
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+ 0], m11
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+16], m6
-  pxor                            m5, m5
-  mova                           m11, m13
-  mova                            m6, m13
-  pcmpgtw                         m5, m13
-  punpcklwd                      m11, m5
-  punpckhwd                       m6, m5
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+32], m11
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+48], m6
-  pxor                            m5, m5             ; reset m5 to zero register
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*2+ 0], m14
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*2+16], m13
-%ifidn %1, b_32x32
-  pabsw                          m14, m14
-  pabsw                          m13, m13
-  pmullw                         m14, m3                   ; dqc[i] = qc[i] * q
-  pmullw                         m13, m3                   ; dqc[i] = qc[i] * q
-%ifidn %1, b_32x32
-  psrlw                          m14, 1
-  psrlw                          m13, 1
-  psignw                         m14, m9
-  psignw                         m13, m10
-  ; store 16bit numbers as 32bit numbers in array pointed to by qcoeff
-  mova                           m11, m14
-  mova                            m6, m14
-  pcmpgtw                         m5, m14
-  punpcklwd                      m11, m5
-  punpckhwd                       m6, m5
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+ 0], m11
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+16], m6
-  pxor                            m5, m5
-  mova                           m11, m13
-  mova                            m6, m13
-  pcmpgtw                         m5, m13
-  punpcklwd                      m11, m5
-  punpckhwd                       m6, m5
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+32], m11
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+48], m6
-  pxor                            m5, m5
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*2+ 0], m14
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*2+16], m13
-  pcmpeqw                        m14, m5                   ; m14 = c[i] == 0
-  pcmpeqw                        m13, m5                   ; m13 = c[i] == 0
-  mova                            m6, [  iscanq+ncoeffq*2+ 0] ; m6 = scan[i]
-  mova                           m11, [  iscanq+ncoeffq*2+16] ; m11 = scan[i]
-  psubw                           m6, m7                   ; m6 = scan[i] + 1
-  psubw                          m11, m12                  ; m11 = scan[i] + 1
-  pandn                          m14, m6                   ; m14 = max(eob)
-  pandn                          m13, m11                  ; m13 = max(eob)
-  pmaxsw                          m8, m14
-  pmaxsw                          m8, m13
-  add                        ncoeffq, mmsize
-  jl .ac_only_loop
-%ifidn %1, b_32x32
-  jmp .accumulate_eob
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+ 0], m5
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+16], m5
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+32], m5
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+48], m5
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+ 0], m5
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+16], m5
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+32], m5
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*4+48], m5
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*2+ 0], m5
-  mova        [qcoeffq+ncoeffq*2+16], m5
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*2+ 0], m5
-  mova       [dqcoeffq+ncoeffq*2+16], m5
-  add                        ncoeffq, mmsize
-  jl .ac_only_loop
-  ; horizontally accumulate/max eobs and write into [eob] memory pointer
-  mov                             r2, eobmp
-  pshufd                          m7, m8, 0xe
-  pmaxsw                          m8, m7
-  pshuflw                         m7, m8, 0xe
-  pmaxsw                          m8, m7
-  pshuflw                         m7, m8, 0x1
-  pmaxsw                          m8, m7
-  pextrw                          r6, m8, 0
-  mov                             [r2], r6
-  RET
-INIT_XMM ssse3
-QUANTIZE_FN b_32x32, 7