ref: bc99f48aca15efd07cb81853172b95e83076314f
parent: b1b59893acc33c24f4c72d2531244c76d36b564c
author: spiricom <[email protected]>
date: Tue Jan 21 18:28:01 EST 2020
updated tLivingString and probably tSampler
binary files a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store differ
binary files a/LEAF/.DS_Store b/LEAF/.DS_Store differ
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-delay.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-delay.h
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
float tTapeDelay_tapOut (tTapeDelay* const d, float tapDelay);
float tTapeDelay_addTo (tTapeDelay* const, float value, uint32_t tapDelay);
float tTapeDelay_tick (tTapeDelay* const, float sample);
+ void tTapeDelay_incrementInPoint(tTapeDelay* const dl);
float tTapeDelay_getLastOut (tTapeDelay* const);
float tTapeDelay_getLastIn (tTapeDelay* const);
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-reverb.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-reverb.h
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
float inv_sr, inv_441;
- tDelay allpassDelays[8];
- tDelay combDelays[6];
+ tLinearDelay allpassDelays[8];
+ tLinearDelay combDelays[6];
float allpassCoeff;
float combCoeffs[6];
float lowpassState;
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@
void tNReverb_free (tNReverb* const);
float tNReverb_tick (tNReverb* const, float input);
+ void tNReverb_tickStereo(tNReverb* const rev, float input, float* output);
// Set reverb time in seconds.
void tNReverb_setT60 (tNReverb* const, float t60);
@@ -93,8 +94,8 @@
float feedback_filter;
float feedback_gain;
float mix;
+ uint32_t frozen;
float size, size_max, t;
float f1_delay_2_last,
@@ -138,6 +139,7 @@
float tDattorroReverb_tick (tDattorroReverb* const, float input);
void tDattorroReverb_tickStereo (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float input, float* output);
void tDattorroReverb_setMix (tDattorroReverb* const, float mix);
+ void tDattorroReverb_setFreeze (tDattorroReverb* const rev, uint32_t freeze);
void tDattorroReverb_setHP (tDattorroReverb* const, float freq);
void tDattorroReverb_setSize (tDattorroReverb* const, float size);
void tDattorroReverb_setInputDelay (tDattorroReverb* const, float preDelay);
--- a/LEAF/Inc/leaf-sampling.h
+++ b/LEAF/Inc/leaf-sampling.h
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
float* buff;
uint32_t idx;
- uint32_t length;
+ uint32_t bufferLength;
+ uint32_t recordedLength;
RecordMode mode;
int active;
@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@
void tBuffer_clear (tBuffer* const);
- uint32_t tBuffer_getLength(tBuffer* const);
+ uint32_t tBuffer_getBufferLength(tBuffer* const);
+ uint32_t tBuffer_getRecordedLength(tBuffer* const sb);
@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@
int32_t start, targetstart;
int32_t end, targetend;
uint32_t len;
uint32_t cfxlen;
float numticks;
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@
void tSampler_setStart (tSampler* const, int32_t start);
void tSampler_setEnd (tSampler* const, int32_t end);
static void handleStartEndChange(tSampler* const sp);
void tSampler_setCrossfadeLength (tSampler* const sp, uint32_t length);
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-delay.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-delay.c
@@ -552,6 +552,13 @@
return d->lastOut;
+void tTapeDelay_incrementInPoint(tTapeDelay* const dl)
+ _tTapeDelay* d = *dl;
+ // Increment input pointer modulo length.
+ if (++(d->inPoint) == d->maxDelay ) d->inPoint = 0;
void tTapeDelay_setRate(tTapeDelay* const dl, float rate)
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-mempool.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-mempool.c
@@ -71,8 +71,13 @@
pool->head = create_node(pool->mpool, NULL, NULL, pool->msize-header_size);
- for (int i = 0; i < pool->head->size; i++) memory[i+header_size]=0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < pool->head->size; i++)
+ {
+ memory[i+header_size]=0;
+ }
void leaf_pool_init(char* memory, size_t size)
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-physical.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-physical.c
@@ -440,6 +440,7 @@
tExpSmooth_init(&p->wlSmooth, leaf.sampleRate/freq, 0.01); // smoother for string wavelength (not freq, to avoid expensive divisions)
tLivingString_setFreq(pl, freq);
+ p->freq = freq;
tExpSmooth_init(&p->ppSmooth, pickPos, 0.01); // smoother for pick position
tLivingString_setPickPos(pl, pickPos);
@@ -447,6 +448,7 @@
tLinearDelay_init(&p->delUF,p->waveLengthInSamples, 2400);
tLinearDelay_init(&p->delUB,p->waveLengthInSamples, 2400);
tLinearDelay_init(&p->delLB,p->waveLengthInSamples, 2400);
+ p->dampFreq = dampFreq;
tOnePole_init(&p->bridgeFilter, dampFreq);
tOnePole_init(&p->nutFilter, dampFreq);
tOnePole_init(&p->prepFilterU, dampFreq);
@@ -454,6 +456,7 @@
+ p->prepIndex = prepIndex;
tFeedbackLeveler_init(&p->fbLevU, targetLev, levSmoothFactor, levStrength, levMode);
tFeedbackLeveler_init(&p->fbLevL, targetLev, levSmoothFactor, levStrength, levMode);
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-reverb.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-reverb.c
@@ -149,20 +149,16 @@
for ( i=0; i<6; i++ )
- tDelay_init(&r->combDelays[i], lengths[i], lengths[i] * 2.0f);
+ tLinearDelay_init(&r->combDelays[i], lengths[i], lengths[i] * 2.0f);
r->combCoeffs[i] = pow(10.0, (-3 * lengths[i] * leaf.invSampleRate / t60));
for ( i=0; i<8; i++ )
- tDelay_init(&r->allpassDelays[i], lengths[i+6], lengths[i+6] * 2.0f);
+ tLinearDelay_init(&r->allpassDelays[i], lengths[i+6], lengths[i+6] * 2.0f);
- for ( i=0; i<2; i++ )
- {
- tDelay_setDelay(&r->combDelays[i], lengths[i+2]);
- }
tNReverb_setT60(rev, t60);
r->allpassCoeff = 0.7f;
r->mix = 0.3f;
@@ -174,12 +170,12 @@
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
- tDelay_free(&r->combDelays[i]);
+ tLinearDelay_free(&r->combDelays[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
- tDelay_free(&r->allpassDelays[i]);
+ tLinearDelay_free(&r->allpassDelays[i]);
@@ -193,7 +189,7 @@
r->t60 = t60;
- for (int i=0; i<6; i++) r->combCoeffs[i] = pow(10.0, (-3.0 * tDelay_getDelay(&r->combDelays[i]) * leaf.invSampleRate / t60 ));
+ for (int i=0; i<6; i++) r->combCoeffs[i] = pow(10.0, (-3.0 * tLinearDelay_getDelay(&r->combDelays[i]) * leaf.invSampleRate / t60 ));
@@ -208,60 +204,114 @@
_tNReverb* r = *rev;
r->lastIn = input;
- float temp, temp0, temp1, temp2, out;
+ float temp, temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, out;
int i;
temp0 = 0.0;
for ( i=0; i<6; i++ )
- temp = input + (r->combCoeffs[i] * tDelay_getLastOut(&r->combDelays[i]));
- temp0 += tDelay_tick(&r->combDelays[i],temp);
+ temp = input + (r->combCoeffs[i] * tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->combDelays[i]));
+ temp0 += tLinearDelay_tick(&r->combDelays[i],temp);
for ( i=0; i<3; i++ )
- temp = tDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[i]);
+ temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[i]);
temp1 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
temp1 += temp0;
- tDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[i], temp1);
+ tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[i], temp1);
temp0 = -(r->allpassCoeff * temp1) + temp;
// One-pole lowpass filter.
r->lowpassState = 0.7f * r->lowpassState + 0.3f * temp0;
- temp = tDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[3]);
+ temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[3]);
temp1 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
temp1 += r->lowpassState;
- tDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[3], temp1 );
+ tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[3], temp1 );
temp1 = -(r->allpassCoeff * temp1) + temp;
- temp = tDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[4]);
+ temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[4]);
temp2 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
temp2 += temp1;
- tDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[4], temp2 );
- out = r->mix * ( -( r->allpassCoeff * temp2 ) + temp );
+ tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[4], temp2 );
+ out = -( r->allpassCoeff * temp2 ) + temp ;
- /*
- temp = tLinearDelayGetLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[5]);
+ //the other channel in stereo version below
+ temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[5]);
temp3 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
temp3 += temp1;
- tLinearDelayTick(&r->allpassDelays[5], temp3 );
- lastFrame_[1] = effectMix_*( - ( r->allpassCoeff * temp3 ) + temp );
- */
+ tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[5], temp3 );
+ out = r->mix *( - ( r->allpassCoeff * temp3 ) + temp );
temp = ( 1.0f - r->mix ) * input;
out += temp;
r->lastOut = out;
return out;
+void tNReverb_tickStereo(tNReverb* const rev, float input, float* output)
+ _tNReverb* r = *rev;
+ r->lastIn = input;
+ float temp, temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3, out;
+ int i;
+ temp0 = 0.0;
+ for ( i=0; i<6; i++ )
+ {
+ temp = input + (r->combCoeffs[i] * tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->combDelays[i]));
+ temp0 += tLinearDelay_tick(&r->combDelays[i],temp);
+ }
+ for ( i=0; i<3; i++ )
+ {
+ temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[i]);
+ temp1 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
+ temp1 += temp0;
+ tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[i], temp1);
+ temp0 = -(r->allpassCoeff * temp1) + temp;
+ }
+ // One-pole lowpass filter.
+ r->lowpassState = 0.7f * r->lowpassState + 0.3f * temp0;
+ temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[3]);
+ temp1 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
+ temp1 += r->lowpassState;
+ tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[3], temp1 );
+ temp1 = -(r->allpassCoeff * temp1) + temp;
+ float drymix = ( 1.0f - r->mix ) * input;
+ temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[4]);
+ temp2 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
+ temp2 += temp1;
+ tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[4], temp2 );
+ output[0] = -( r->allpassCoeff * temp2 ) + temp + drymix;
+ out = output[0];
+ temp = tLinearDelay_getLastOut(&r->allpassDelays[5]);
+ temp3 = r->allpassCoeff * temp;
+ temp3 += temp1;
+ tLinearDelay_tick(&r->allpassDelays[5], temp3 );
+ output[1] = r->mix *( - ( r->allpassCoeff * temp3 ) + temp + drymix);
+ r->lastOut = out;
void tNReverbSampleRateChanged (tNReverb* const rev)
_tNReverb* r = *rev;
- for (int i=0; i<6; i++) r->combCoeffs[i] = pow(10.0, (-3.0 * tDelay_getDelay(&r->combDelays[i]) * leaf.invSampleRate / r->t60 ));
+ for (int i=0; i<6; i++) r->combCoeffs[i] = pow(10.0, (-3.0 * tLinearDelay_getDelay(&r->combDelays[i]) * leaf.invSampleRate / r->t60 ));
// ======================================DATTORRO=========================================
@@ -279,7 +329,7 @@
r->size_max = 2.0f;
r->size = 1.f;
r->t = r->size * leaf.sampleRate * 0.001f;
+ r->frozen = 0;
tTapeDelay_init(&r->in_delay, 0.f, SAMP(200.f));
tOnePole_init(&r->in_filter, 1.f);
@@ -381,67 +431,75 @@
_tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
- // INPUT
- float in_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->in_delay, input);
- in_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->in_filter, in_sample);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ float in_sample, f1_sample,f1_delay_2_sample, f2_sample, f2_delay_2_sample;
+ if (r->frozen)
- in_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->in_allpass[i], in_sample);
- }
+ input = 0.0f;
+ //r->f1_last = 0.0f;
+ //r->f2_last = 0.0f;
+ }
+ // INPUT
+ in_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->in_delay, input);
+ in_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->in_filter, in_sample);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ in_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->in_allpass[i], in_sample);
+ }
+ f1_sample = in_sample + r->f2_last; // + f2_last_out;
+ tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f1_allpass, SAMP(30.51f) + tCycle_tick(&r->f1_lfo) * SAMP(4.0f));
+ f1_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->f1_allpass, f1_sample);
+ f1_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_1, f1_sample);
+ f1_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->f1_filter, f1_sample);
+ f1_sample = f1_sample + r->f1_delay_2_last * 0.5f;
+ f1_delay_2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_2, f1_sample * 0.5f);
+ r->f1_delay_2_last = f1_delay_2_sample;
+ f1_sample = r->f1_delay_2_last + f1_sample;
+ f1_sample = tHighpass_tick(&r->f1_hp, f1_sample);
+ f1_sample *= r->feedback_gain;
+ r->f1_last = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_3, f1_sample);
+ f2_sample = in_sample + r->f1_last;
+ tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f2_allpass, SAMP(22.58f) + tCycle_tick(&r->f2_lfo) * SAMP(4.0f));
+ f2_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->f2_allpass, f2_sample);
+ f2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_1, f2_sample);
+ f2_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->f2_filter, f2_sample);
+ f2_sample = f2_sample + r->f2_delay_2_last * 0.5f;
+ f2_delay_2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_2, f2_sample * 0.5f);
+ r->f2_delay_2_last = f2_delay_2_sample;
+ f2_sample = r->f2_delay_2_last + f2_sample;
+ f2_sample = tHighpass_tick(&r->f2_hp, f2_sample);
+ f2_sample *= r->feedback_gain;
+ r->f2_last = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_3, f2_sample);
- float f1_sample = in_sample + r->f2_last; // + f2_last_out;
- tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f1_allpass, SAMP(30.51f) + tCycle_tick(&r->f1_lfo) * SAMP(4.0f));
- f1_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->f1_allpass, f1_sample);
- f1_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_1, f1_sample);
- f1_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->f1_filter, f1_sample);
- f1_sample = f1_sample + r->f1_delay_2_last * 0.5f;
- float f1_delay_2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_2, f1_sample * 0.5f);
- r->f1_delay_2_last = f1_delay_2_sample;
- f1_sample = r->f1_delay_2_last + f1_sample;
- f1_sample = tHighpass_tick(&r->f1_hp, f1_sample);
- f1_sample *= r->feedback_gain;
- r->f1_last = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_3, f1_sample);
- float f2_sample = in_sample + r->f1_last;
- tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f2_allpass, SAMP(22.58f) + tCycle_tick(&r->f2_lfo) * SAMP(4.0f));
- f2_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->f2_allpass, f2_sample);
- f2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_1, f2_sample);
- f2_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->f2_filter, f2_sample);
- f2_sample = f2_sample + r->f2_delay_2_last * 0.5f;
- float f2_delay_2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_2, f2_sample * 0.5f);
- r->f2_delay_2_last = f2_delay_2_sample;
- f2_sample = r->f2_delay_2_last + f2_sample;
- f2_sample = tHighpass_tick(&r->f2_hp, f2_sample);
- f2_sample *= r->feedback_gain;
- r->f2_last = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_3, f2_sample);
// TAP OUT 1
f1_sample = tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_1, SAMP(8.9f)) +
tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_1, SAMP(99.8f));
@@ -482,72 +540,86 @@
void tDattorroReverb_tickStereo (tDattorroReverb* const rev, float input, float* output)
_tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
+ float in_sample, f1_sample,f1_delay_2_sample, f2_sample, f2_delay_2_sample;
- // INPUT
- float in_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->in_delay, input);
- in_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->in_filter, in_sample);
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ if (r->frozen)
- in_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->in_allpass[i], in_sample);
+ input = 0.0f;
+ //r->f1_last = 0.0f;
+ //r->f2_last = 0.0f;
+ // INPUT
+ in_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->in_delay, input);
- float f1_sample = in_sample + r->f2_last; // + f2_last_out;
+ in_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->in_filter, in_sample);
- tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f1_allpass, SAMP(30.51f) + tCycle_tick(&r->f1_lfo) * SAMP(4.0f));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ in_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->in_allpass[i], in_sample);
+ }
- f1_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->f1_allpass, f1_sample);
- f1_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_1, f1_sample);
+ f1_sample = in_sample + r->f2_last; // + f2_last_out;
- f1_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->f1_filter, f1_sample);
+ tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f1_allpass, SAMP(30.51f) + tCycle_tick(&r->f1_lfo) * SAMP(4.0f));
- f1_sample = f1_sample + r->f1_delay_2_last * 0.5f;
+ f1_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->f1_allpass, f1_sample);
- float f1_delay_2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_2, f1_sample * 0.5f);
+ f1_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_1, f1_sample);
- r->f1_delay_2_last = f1_delay_2_sample;
+ f1_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->f1_filter, f1_sample);
- f1_sample = r->f1_delay_2_last + f1_sample;
+ f1_sample = f1_sample + r->f1_delay_2_last * 0.5f;
- f1_sample = tHighpass_tick(&r->f1_hp, f1_sample);
+ f1_delay_2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_2, f1_sample * 0.5f);
- f1_sample *= r->feedback_gain;
+ r->f1_delay_2_last = f1_delay_2_sample;
- f1_sample = tanhf(f1_sample);
+ f1_sample = r->f1_delay_2_last + f1_sample;
- r->f1_last = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_3, f1_sample);
+ f1_sample = tHighpass_tick(&r->f1_hp, f1_sample);
- float f2_sample = in_sample + r->f1_last;
+ f1_sample *= r->feedback_gain;
- tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f2_allpass, SAMP(22.58f) + tCycle_tick(&r->f2_lfo) * SAMP(4.0f));
+ if (r->frozen)
+ {
+ f1_sample = 0.0f;
+ }
- f2_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->f2_allpass, f2_sample);
+ r->f1_last = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f1_delay_3, f1_sample);
- f2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_1, f2_sample);
+ f2_sample = in_sample + r->f1_last;
- f2_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->f2_filter, f2_sample);
+ tAllpass_setDelay(&r->f2_allpass, SAMP(22.58f) + tCycle_tick(&r->f2_lfo) * SAMP(4.0f));
- f2_sample = f2_sample + r->f2_delay_2_last * 0.5f;
+ f2_sample = tAllpass_tick(&r->f2_allpass, f2_sample);
- float f2_delay_2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_2, f2_sample * 0.5f);
+ f2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_1, f2_sample);
- r->f2_delay_2_last = f2_delay_2_sample;
+ f2_sample = tOnePole_tick(&r->f2_filter, f2_sample);
- f2_sample = r->f2_delay_2_last + f2_sample;
+ f2_sample = f2_sample + r->f2_delay_2_last * 0.5f;
- f2_sample = tHighpass_tick(&r->f2_hp, f2_sample);
+ f2_delay_2_sample = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_2, f2_sample * 0.5f);
- f2_sample *= r->feedback_gain;
+ r->f2_delay_2_last = f2_delay_2_sample;
- f2_sample = tanhf(f2_sample);
+ f2_sample = r->f2_delay_2_last + f2_sample;
- r->f2_last = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_3, f2_sample);
+ f2_sample = tHighpass_tick(&r->f2_hp, f2_sample);
+ f2_sample *= r->feedback_gain;
+ if (r->frozen)
+ {
+ f2_sample = 0.0f;
+ }
+ r->f2_last = tTapeDelay_tick(&r->f2_delay_3, f2_sample);
// TAP OUT 1
f1_sample = tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_1, SAMP(8.9f)) +
tTapeDelay_tapOut(&r->f1_delay_1, SAMP(99.8f));
@@ -589,6 +661,35 @@
_tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
r->mix = LEAF_clip(0.0f, mix, 1.0f);
+void tDattorroReverb_setFreeze (tDattorroReverb* const rev, uint32_t freeze)
+ _tDattorroReverb* r = *rev;
+ r->frozen = freeze;
+ if (freeze)
+ {
+ tAllpass_setGain(&r->f2_allpass, 1.0f);
+ tAllpass_setGain(&r->f1_allpass, 1.0f);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ //tAllpass_setGain(&r->in_allpass[i], 1.0f);
+ }
+ tCycle_setFreq(&r->f1_lfo, 0.0f);
+ tCycle_setFreq(&r->f2_lfo, 0.0f);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tAllpass_setGain(&r->f2_allpass, 0.7f);
+ tAllpass_setGain(&r->f1_allpass, 0.7f);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ //tAllpass_setGain(&r->in_allpass[i], in_allpass_gains[i]);
+ }
+ tCycle_setFreq(&r->f1_lfo, 0.1f);
+ tCycle_setFreq(&r->f2_lfo, 0.07f);
+ }
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf-sampling.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf-sampling.c
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
s->buff = (float*) leaf_alloc( sizeof(float) * length);
- s->length = length;
+ s->bufferLength = length;
+ s->recordedLength = 0;
s->active = 0;
s->idx = 0;
s->mode = RecordOneShot;
@@ -44,8 +45,8 @@
s->buff = (float*) mpool_alloc( sizeof(float) * length, pool);
- s->length = length;
- s->active = 0;
+ s->bufferLength = length;
+ s->recordedLength = 0;
s->idx = 0;
s->mode = RecordOneShot;
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@
s->idx += 1;
- if (s->idx >= s->length)
+ if (s->idx >= s->bufferLength)
if (s->mode == RecordOneShot)
@@ -96,17 +97,18 @@
void tBuffer_read(tBuffer* const sb, float* buff, uint32_t len)
_tBuffer* s = *sb;
- for (int i = 0; i < s->length; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < s->bufferLength; i++)
if (i < len) s->buff[i] = buff[i];
else s->buff[i] = 0.f;
+ s->recordedLength = len;
float tBuffer_get (tBuffer* const sb, int idx)
_tBuffer* s = *sb;
- if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= s->length)) return 0.f;
+ if ((idx < 0) || (idx >= s->bufferLength)) return 0.f;
return s->buff[idx];
@@ -121,6 +123,7 @@
_tBuffer* s = *sb;
s->active = 0;
+ s->recordedLength = s->idx;
int tBuffer_getRecordPosition(tBuffer* const sb)
@@ -138,18 +141,24 @@
void tBuffer_clear (tBuffer* const sb)
_tBuffer* s = *sb;
- for (int i = 0; i < s->length; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < s->bufferLength; i++)
s->buff[i] = 0.f;
-uint32_t tBuffer_getLength(tBuffer* const sb)
+uint32_t tBuffer_getBufferLength(tBuffer* const sb)
_tBuffer* s = *sb;
- return s->length;
+ return s->bufferLength;
+uint32_t tBuffer_getRecordedLength(tBuffer* const sb)
+ _tBuffer* s = *sb;
+ return s->recordedLength;
static void handleStartEndChange(tSampler* const sp);
@@ -156,8 +165,6 @@
static void attemptStartEndChange(tSampler* const sp);
-static void updateStartEnd(tSampler* const sp);
void tSampler_init(tSampler* const sp, tBuffer* const b)
_tSampler* p = *sp = (_tSampler*) leaf_alloc(sizeof(_tSampler));
@@ -168,7 +175,7 @@
p->active = 0;
p->start = 0;
- p->end = p->samp->length - 1;
+ p->end = p->samp->bufferLength - 1;
p->len = p->end - p->start;
@@ -205,8 +212,17 @@
_tBuffer* s = *b;
p->samp = s;
+ p->start = 0;
+ p->end = p->samp->bufferLength - 1;
+ p->len = p->end - p->start;
+ p->idx = 0.f;
+volatile uint32_t errorState = 0;
float tSampler_tick (tSampler* const sp)
_tSampler* p = *sp;
@@ -227,46 +243,22 @@
float* buff = p->samp->buff;
- int dir = p->bnf * p->dir * p->flip;
int idx, revidx;
float alpha, revalpha;
- int32_t start = p->start, end = p->end;
+ int32_t start = p->start;
+ int32_t end = p->end;
if (p->flip < 0)
start = p->end;
end = p->start;
- if (p->mode == PlayLoop)
- {
- while((int)p->idx < start)
- {
- p->idx += (float)(p->len);
- }
- while((int)p->idx > end)
- {
- p->idx -= (float)(p->len);
- }
- }
- else // == PlayBackAndForth
- {
- if (p->idx < start)
- {
- p->bnf = -p->bnf;
- p->idx = start;
- }
- else if (p->idx > end)
- {
- p->bnf = -p->bnf;
- p->idx = end;
- }
- }
+ int dir = p->bnf * p->dir * p->flip;
idx = (int) p->idx;
alpha = p->idx - idx;
@@ -280,7 +272,7 @@
uint32_t cfxlen = p->cfxlen;
if (p->len < cfxlen) cfxlen = p->len * 0.25f;//p->len;
- int length = p->samp->length;
+ int length = p->samp->recordedLength;
if (dir > 0)
{ // num samples (hopping the increment size) to end of loop
@@ -291,25 +283,23 @@
numticks = (revidx-start) * p->iinc;
- if (cfxlen > 0) // necessary to avoid divide by zero, also a waste of computation otherwise
+ // Check dir (direction) to interpolate properly
+ if (dir > 0)
+ int i1 = ((idx-1) < 0) ? 0 : idx-1;
+ int i3 = ((idx+1) >= length) ? (idx) : (idx+1);
+ int i4 = ((idx+2) >= length) ? (length-1) : (idx+2);
- // Check dir (direction) to interpolate properly
- if (dir > 0)
+ sample = LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x (buff[i1],
+ buff[idx],
+ buff[i3],
+ buff[i4],
+ alpha);
+ if (cfxlen > 0)// necessary to avoid divide by zero, also a waste of computation otherwise
- int i1 = ((idx-1) < 0) ? 0 : idx-1;
- int i3 = ((idx+1) >= length) ? (idx) : (idx+1);
- int i4 = ((idx+2) >= length) ? (length-1) : (idx+2);
- sample = LEAF_interpolate_hermite (buff[i1],
- buff[idx],
- buff[i3],
- buff[i4],
- alpha);
if (p->mode == PlayLoop)
@@ -351,24 +341,31 @@
- else
- {
- int i1 = ((revidx+1) >= length) ? (length-1) : revidx+1;
- int i3 = ((revidx-1) < 0) ? revidx : (revidx-1);
- int i4 = ((revidx-2) < 0) ? 0 : (revidx-2);
+ else
+ {
+ g2 = 0.0f;
+ }
- sample = LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x (buff[i1],
- buff[revidx],
- buff[i3],
- buff[i4],
- revalpha);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int i1 = ((revidx+1) >= length) ? (length-1) : revidx+1;
+ int i3 = ((revidx-1) < 0) ? revidx : (revidx-1);
+ int i4 = ((revidx-2) < 0) ? 0 : (revidx-2);
+ sample = LEAF_interpolate_hermite_x (buff[i1],
+ buff[revidx],
+ buff[i3],
+ buff[i4],
+ revalpha);
+ if (cfxlen > 0)// necessary to avoid divide by zero, also a waste of computation otherwise
+ {
if (p->mode == PlayLoop)
if (numticks <= (float) cfxlen)
@@ -375,8 +372,12 @@
int cdx = end + (numticks * p->inc);
- if (cdx > p->samp->length - 2)
+ if (cdx > length - 2)
+ //the problem with the click is here --- at some point it crosses this threshold and jumps from a point near the boundary to a point far away from the boundary - that's not correct
+ ///// ooooops
cdx = end - (numticks * p->inc);
i1 = ((cdx-1) < 0) ? 0 : cdx-1;
@@ -403,22 +404,51 @@
g2 = (float) (cfxlen - numticks) / (float) cfxlen;
+ else
+ {
+ g2 = 0.0f;
+ }
- else
- {
- g2 = 0.0f;
- }
float inc = fmod(p->inc, p->len);
p->idx += (dir * inc);
+ //handle start and end cases for looping and back and forth modes
+ if (p->mode == PlayLoop)
+ {
+ while((int)p->idx < start)
+ {
+ p->idx += (float)(p->len);
+ }
+ while((int)p->idx > end)
+ {
- // attemptStartEndChange(sp);
+ p->idx -= (float)(p->len);
+ }
+ }
+ else // == PlayBackAndForth
+ {
+ if (p->idx < start)
+ {
+ p->bnf = -p->bnf;
+ p->idx = start + 1;
+ }
+ else if (p->idx > end)
+ {
+ p->bnf = -p->bnf;
+ p->idx = end - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ //handle very short fade out for end of one-shot normal playback
if (p->mode == PlayNormal)
if (numticks < (0.007f * leaf.sampleRate))
@@ -463,11 +493,14 @@
+ if (fabsf(sample-p->last) > 0.1f)
+ {
+ errorState = 1;
+ }
p->last = sample;
return p->last;
@@ -532,11 +565,11 @@
static void handleStartEndChange(tSampler* const sp)
_tSampler* p = *sp;
p->len = abs(p->end - p->start);
if (p->len < (p->cfxlen * 0.25f)) p->cfxlen = p->len * 0.25f;
if (p->start > p->end)
p->flip = -1;
@@ -562,32 +595,6 @@
-static void updateStartEnd(tSampler* const sp)
- _tSampler* p = *sp;
- if (p->targetstart >= 0)
- {
- if (p->targetstart != p->end)
- {
- p->start = p->targetstart;
- handleStartEndChange(sp);
- p->targetstart = -1;
- }
- }
- if (p->targetend >= 0)
- {
- if (p->targetend != p->start)
- {
- p->end = p->targetend;
- handleStartEndChange(sp);
- p->targetend = -1;
- }
- }
void tSampler_setStart (tSampler* const sp, int32_t start)
_tSampler* p = *sp;
@@ -611,7 +618,7 @@
int dir = p->bnf * p->dir * tempflip;
uint32_t cfxlen = (p->len < p->cfxlen) ? 0 : p->cfxlen;
- if (tempflip > 0 && dir > 0) // start is start and we're playing forward
+ if ((tempflip > 0) && (dir > 0)) // start is start and we're playing forward
if (((start > p->idx) || (p->end-p->idx <= cfxlen)) && (start > p->end))// start given is after current index or we're in a crossfade
@@ -619,7 +626,7 @@
- else if (tempflip < 0 && dir < 0) // start is end and we're playing in reverse
+ else if ((tempflip < 0) && (dir < 0)) // start is end and we're playing in reverse
if (((start < p->idx) || (p->idx-p->end <= cfxlen)) && (start < p->end))// start given is before current index or we're in a crossfade
@@ -629,7 +636,7 @@
- p->start = LEAF_clipInt(0, start, p->samp->length - 1);
+ p->start = LEAF_clipInt(0, start, p->samp->recordedLength - 1);
p->targetstart = -1;
@@ -676,7 +683,7 @@
- p->end = LEAF_clipInt(0, end, (p->samp->length - 1));
+ p->end = LEAF_clipInt(0, end, (p->samp->recordedLength - 1));
p->targetend = -1;
--- a/LEAF/Src/leaf.c
+++ b/LEAF/Src/leaf.c
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
LEAF leaf;
void LEAF_init(float sr, int blocksize, char* memory, size_t memorysize, float(*random)(void))
leaf_pool_init(memory, memorysize);