ref: bdf6173d6dfff6ac1627fd61bd3e0aff6a6193ec
parent: 360031948abcc9928af0181641093e8959f6bc9a
author: unknown <[email protected]>
date: Wed Jan 15 06:16:05 EST 2014
Passing through the buffer, albeit not correctly.
--- a/js/h264bsd.js
+++ b/js/h264bsd.js
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@
H264Decoder.h264bsdInit(this.Module, this.pStorage, 0);
-H264Decoder.returnVals = ['H264BSD_RDY' , 'H264BSD_PIC_RDY' , 'H264BSD_HDRS_RDY' , 'H264BSD_ERROR' , 'H264BSD_PARAM_SET_ERROR' , 'H264BSD_MEMALLOC_ERROR'];
H264Decoder.RDY = 0;
H264Decoder.PIC_RDY = 1;
H264Decoder.HDRS_RDY = 2;
@@ -59,30 +57,44 @@
data = new Uint8Array(data);
- var heapOffset = 0;
- var allocedPtr = 0;
+ var offset = 0; //The offset into the heap when decoding
+ var length = data.byteLength; //The byte-wise length of the data to decode
+ var pAlloced = 0; //The original pointer to the data buffer (for freeing)
+ var pBytesRead = 0; //Pointer to bytesRead
+ var bytesRead; //UInt32 containing the number of bytes read from a decode operation
+ var retCode = 0; //Return code from a decode operation
- if(data.buffer === H264Decoder.Module.HEAPU8.buffer) {
- heapOffset = data.byteOffset;
- } else {
- heapOffset = allocedPtr = H264Decoder.malloc(H264Decoder.Module, data.byteLength);
- H264Decoder.Module.HEAPU8.set(data, heapOffset);
- }
+ //Get a pointer into the heap were our decoded bytes will live
+ offset = pAlloced = H264Decoder.malloc(H264Decoder.Module, length);
+ H264Decoder.Module.HEAPU8.set(data, offset);
- var len = data.byteLength;
- var offset = heapOffset;
- var pBytesRead = 0;
- while(len > 0) {
- var ret = H264Decoder.h264bsdDecode(H264Decoder.Module, H264Decoder.pStorage, offset, len, 0, pBytesRead);
- console.log('Ret: ' , H264Decoder.returnVals[ret], ' pBytesRead: ', pBytesRead);
+ //get a pointer to where bytesRead will be stored: Uint32 = 4 bytes
+ pBytesRead = H264Decoder.malloc(H264Decoder.Module, 4);
+ bytesRead = new Uint32Array(H264Decoder.Module.HEAPU32.buffer, pBytesRead, 1);
+ //Keep deocding frames while there is still something to decode
+ while(length > 0) {
+ retCode = H264Decoder.h264bsdDecode(H264Decoder.Module, H264Decoder.pStorage, offset, length, 0, pBytesRead);
+ console.log('Ret: ' , retCode,' pStorage: ', H264Decoder.pStorage, ' offset: ', offset, ' length: ', length, ' pBytesRead: ', pBytesRead, ' bytesRead: ', bytesRead);
+ var numBytesRead = bytesRead[0];
+ length = length - numBytesRead;
+ offset = offset + numBytesRead;
- if(allocedPtr != 0) {
-, allocedPtr);
+ if(pAlloced != 0) {
+, pAlloced);
+// u32 h264bsdDecode(storage_t *pStorage, u8 *byteStrm, u32 len, u32 picId, u32 *readBytes);
+H264Decoder.h264bsdDecode = function(Module, pStorage, pBytes, len, picId, pBytesRead) {
+ return H264Decoder.Module.ccall('h264bsdDecode', Number,
+ [Number, Number, Number, Number, Number],
+ [pStorage, pBytes, len, picId, pBytesRead]);
// storage_t* h264bsdAlloc();
H264Decoder.h264bsdAlloc = function(Module) {
return H264Decoder.Module.ccall('h264bsdAlloc', Number);
@@ -101,14 +113,6 @@
//void h264bsdShutdown(storage_t *pStorage);
H264Decoder.h264bsdShutdown = function(Module, pStorage) {
H264Decoder.Module.ccall('h264bsdShutdown', null, [Number], [pStorage]);
-// u32 h264bsdDecode(storage_t *pStorage, u8 *byteStrm, u32 len, u32 picId, u32 *readBytes);
-H264Decoder.h264bsdDecode = function(Module, pStorage, pBytes, len, picId, pBytesRead) {
- return H264Decoder.Module.ccall('h264bsdDecode',
- Number,
- [Number, Number, Number, Number, Number],
- [pStorage, pBytes, len, picId, pBytesRead]);
// u8* h264bsdNextOutputPicture(storage_t *pStorage, u32 *picId, u32 *isIdrPic, u32 *numErrMbs);
--- a/test/h264bsd.html
+++ b/test/h264bsd.html
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
<input type="file" id="file" name="file" />
+ <canvas id="canvas" style="width:640px;height:480px;border:solid;"></canvas>
<script src="../js/h264bsd_asm.js"></script>
<script src="../js/h264bsd.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">