shithub: femtolisp

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ref: ecfd81148fe6a4d77924b8201051fadc36c3e42b
parent: eceeddf6d218e12cefb36fb9594c29be37852dd2
author: JeffBezanson <[email protected]>
date: Tue Jul 28 00:16:20 EDT 2009

changing optional args to allow default values to be computed from
  preceding arguments
tidying some stuff with keywords

--- a/femtolisp/builtins.c
+++ b/femtolisp/builtins.c
@@ -135,8 +135,7 @@
     argcount("keyword?", nargs, 1);
     symbol_t *sym = tosymbol(args[0], "keyword?");
-    char *str = sym->name;
-    return fl_is_keyword_name(str, strlen(str)) ? FL_T : FL_F;
+    return iskeyword(sym) ? FL_T : FL_F;
 static value_t fl_top_level_value(value_t *args, u_int32_t nargs)
@@ -152,7 +151,7 @@
     argcount("set-top-level-value!", nargs, 2);
     symbol_t *sym = tosymbol(args[0], "set-top-level-value!");
-    if (!sym->isconst)
+    if (!isconstant(sym))
         sym->binding = args[1];
     return args[1];
@@ -187,7 +186,7 @@
     argcount("constant?", nargs, 1);
     if (issymbol(args[0]))
-        return (isconstant(args[0]) ? FL_T : FL_F);
+        return (isconstant((symbol_t*)ptr(args[0])) ? FL_T : FL_F);
     if (iscons(args[0])) {
         if (car_(args[0]) == QUOTE)
             return FL_T;
--- a/femtolisp/compiler.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/compiler.lsp
@@ -3,30 +3,30 @@
 (define Instructions
   (let ((e (table))
-	 [:nop :dup :pop :call :tcall :jmp :brf :brt :jmp.l :brf.l :brt.l :ret
+	 [nop dup pop call tcall jmp brf brt jmp.l brf.l brt.l ret
-	  :eq? :eqv? :equal? :atom? :not :null? :boolean? :symbol?
-	  :number? :bound? :pair? :builtin? :vector? :fixnum? :function?
+	  eq? eqv? equal? atom? not null? boolean? symbol?
+	  number? bound? pair? builtin? vector? fixnum? function?
-	  :cons :list :car :cdr :set-car! :set-cdr!
-	  :apply
+	  cons list car cdr set-car! set-cdr!
+	  apply
-	  :+ :- :* :/ :div0 := :< :compare
+	  + - * / div0 = < compare
-	  :vector :aref :aset!
+	  vector aref aset!
-	  :loadt :loadf :loadnil :load0 :load1 :loadi8
-	  :loadv :loadv.l
-	  :loadg :loadg.l
-	  :loada :loada.l :loadc :loadc.l
-	  :setg :setg.l
-	  :seta :seta.l :setc :setc.l
+	  loadt loadf loadnil load0 load1 loadi8
+	  loadv loadv.l
+	  loadg loadg.l
+	  loada loada.l loadc loadc.l
+	  setg setg.l
+	  seta seta.l setc setc.l
-	  :closure :argc :vargc :trycatch :copyenv :let :for :tapply
-	  :add2 :sub2 :neg :largc :lvargc
-	  :loada0 :loada1 :loadc00 :loadc01 :call.l :tcall.l
-	  :brne :brne.l :cadr :brnn :brnn.l :brn :brn.l
-	  :optargs
+	  closure argc vargc trycatch copyenv let for tapply
+	  add2 sub2 neg largc lvargc
+	  loada0 loada1 loadc00 loadc01 call.l tcall.l
+	  brne brne.l cadr brnn brnn.l brn brn.l
+	  optargs brbound
 	  dummy_t dummy_f dummy_nil]))
     (for 0 (1- (length keys))
@@ -34,19 +34,19 @@
 	   (put! e (aref keys i) i)))))
 (define arg-counts
-  (table :eq?      2      :eqv?     2
-	 :equal?   2      :atom?    1
-	 :not      1      :null?    1
-	 :boolean? 1      :symbol?  1
-	 :number?  1      :bound?   1
-	 :pair?    1      :builtin? 1
-	 :vector?  1      :fixnum?  1
-	 :cons     2      :car      1
-	 :cdr      1      :set-car! 2
-	 :set-cdr! 2      :=        2
-         :<        2      :compare  2
-         :aref     2      :aset!    3
-	 :div0     2))
+  (table eq?      2      eqv?     2
+	 equal?   2      atom?    1
+	 not      1      null?    1
+	 boolean? 1      symbol?  1
+	 number?  1      bound?   1
+	 pair?    1      builtin? 1
+	 vector?  1      fixnum?  1
+	 cons     2      car      1
+	 cdr      1      set-car! 2
+	 set-cdr! 2      =        2
+         <        2      compare  2
+         aref     2      aset!    3
+	 div0     2))
 (define (make-code-emitter) (vector () (table) 0 +inf.0))
 (define (bcode:code   b) (aref b 0))
@@ -64,60 +64,60 @@
 		      (aset! b 2 (+ nconst 1)))))))
 (define (emit e inst . args)
   (if (null? args)
-      (if (and (eq? inst :car) (pair? (aref e 0))
-	       (eq? (car (aref e 0)) :cdr))
-	  (set-car! (aref e 0) :cadr)
+      (if (and (eq? inst 'car) (pair? (aref e 0))
+	       (eq? (car (aref e 0)) 'cdr))
+	  (set-car! (aref e 0) 'cadr)
 	  (aset! e 0 (cons inst (aref e 0))))
-	(if (memq inst '(:loadv :loadg :setg))
+	(if (memq inst '(loadv loadg setg))
 	    (set! args (list (bcode:indexfor e (car args)))))
 	(let ((longform
-	       (assq inst '((:loadv :loadv.l) (:loadg :loadg.l) (:setg :setg.l)
-			    (:loada :loada.l) (:seta  :seta.l)))))
+	       (assq inst '((loadv loadv.l) (loadg loadg.l) (setg setg.l)
+			    (loada loada.l) (seta  seta.l)))))
 	  (if (and longform
 		   (> (car args) 255))
 	      (set! inst (cadr longform))))
 	(let ((longform
-	       (assq inst '((:loadc :loadc.l) (:setc :setc.l)))))
+	       (assq inst '((loadc loadc.l) (setc setc.l)))))
 	  (if (and longform
 		   (or (> (car  args) 255)
 		       (> (cadr args) 255)))
 	      (set! inst (cadr longform))))
-	(if (eq? inst :loada)
+	(if (eq? inst 'loada)
 	    (cond ((equal? args '(0))
-		   (set! inst :loada0)
+		   (set! inst 'loada0)
 		   (set! args ()))
 		  ((equal? args '(1))
-		   (set! inst :loada1)
+		   (set! inst 'loada1)
 		   (set! args ()))))
-	(if (eq? inst :loadc)
+	(if (eq? inst 'loadc)
 	    (cond ((equal? args '(0 0))
-		   (set! inst :loadc00)
+		   (set! inst 'loadc00)
 		   (set! args ()))
 		  ((equal? args '(0 1))
-		   (set! inst :loadc01)
+		   (set! inst 'loadc01)
 		   (set! args ()))))
 	(let ((lasti (if (pair? (aref e 0))
 			 (car (aref e 0)) ()))
 	      (bc (aref e 0)))
-	  (cond ((and (eq? inst :brf) (eq? lasti :not)
-		      (eq? (cadr bc) :null?))
-		 (aset! e 0 (cons (car args) (cons :brn (cddr bc)))))
-		((and (eq? inst :brf) (eq? lasti :not))
-		 (aset! e 0 (cons (car args) (cons :brt (cdr bc)))))
-		((and (eq? inst :brf) (eq? lasti :eq?))
-		 (aset! e 0 (cons (car args) (cons :brne (cdr bc)))))
-		((and (eq? inst :brf) (eq? lasti :null?))
-		 (aset! e 0 (cons (car args) (cons :brnn (cdr bc)))))
-		((and (eq? inst :brt) (eq? lasti :null?))
-		 (aset! e 0 (cons (car args) (cons :brn (cdr bc)))))
+	  (cond ((and (eq? inst 'brf) (eq? lasti 'not)
+		      (eq? (cadr bc) 'null?))
+		 (aset! e 0 (cons (car args) (cons 'brn (cddr bc)))))
+		((and (eq? inst 'brf) (eq? lasti 'not))
+		 (aset! e 0 (cons (car args) (cons 'brt (cdr bc)))))
+		((and (eq? inst 'brf) (eq? lasti 'eq?))
+		 (aset! e 0 (cons (car args) (cons 'brne (cdr bc)))))
+		((and (eq? inst 'brf) (eq? lasti 'null?))
+		 (aset! e 0 (cons (car args) (cons 'brnn (cdr bc)))))
+		((and (eq? inst 'brt) (eq? lasti 'null?))
+		 (aset! e 0 (cons (car args) (cons 'brn (cdr bc)))))
 		 (aset! e 0 (nreconc (cons inst args) bc)))))))
 (define (make-label e)   (gensym))
-(define (mark-label e l) (emit e :label l))
+(define (mark-label e l) (emit e 'label l))
 ; convert symbolic bytecode representation to a byte array.
 ; labels are fixed-up.
@@ -127,13 +127,7 @@
 	 (long? (>= (+ (length v)  ; 1 byte for each entry, plus...
 		       ; at most half the entries in this vector can be
 		       ; instructions accepting 32-bit arguments
-		       (* 3 (div0 (length v) 2))
-		       #;(* 3 (count (lambda (i)
-				     (memq i '(:loadv.l :loadg.l :setg.l
-					       :loada.l :seta.l :loadc.l
-					       :setc.l :jmp :brt :brf
-					       :largc :lvargc)))
-				   cl)))
+		       (* 3 (div0 (length v) 2)))
     (let ((n              (length v))
 	  (i              0)
@@ -146,7 +140,7 @@
       (while (< i n)
 	  (set! vi (aref v i))
-	  (if (eq? vi :label)
+	  (if (eq? vi 'label)
 	      (begin (put! label-to-loc (aref v (+ i 1)) (sizeof bcode))
 		     (set! i (+ i 2)))
@@ -155,34 +149,40 @@
 			   (get Instructions
 				(if long?
 				    (case vi
-				      (:jmp  :jmp.l)
-				      (:brt  :brt.l)
-				      (:brf  :brf.l)
-				      (:brne :brne.l)
-				      (:brnn :brnn.l)
-				      (:brn  :brn.l)
+				      (jmp  'jmp.l)
+				      (brt  'brt.l)
+				      (brf  'brf.l)
+				      (brne 'brne.l)
+				      (brnn 'brnn.l)
+				      (brn  'brn.l)
 				      (else vi))
 		(set! i (+ i 1))
 		(set! nxt (if (< i n) (aref v i) #f))
-		(cond ((memq vi '(:jmp :brf :brt :brne :brnn :brn))
+		(cond ((memq vi '(jmp brf brt brne brnn brn))
 		       (put! fixup-to-label (sizeof bcode) nxt)
 		       (io.write bcode ((if long? int32 int16) 0))
 		       (set! i (+ i 1)))
+		      ((eq? vi 'brbound)
+		       (io.write bcode (int32 nxt))
+		       (set! i (+ i 1))
+		       (put! fixup-to-label (sizeof bcode) (aref v i))
+		       (io.write bcode (int32 0))
+		       (set! i (+ i 1)))
 		      ((number? nxt)
 		       (case vi
-			 ((:loadv.l :loadg.l :setg.l :loada.l :seta.l
-			   :largc :lvargc :call.l :tcall.l :optargs)
+			 ((loadv.l loadg.l setg.l loada.l seta.l
+			   largc lvargc call.l tcall.l)
 			  (io.write bcode (int32 nxt))
 			  (set! i (+ i 1)))
-			 ((:loadc :setc)  ; 2 uint8 args
+			 ((loadc setc)  ; 2 uint8 args
 			  (io.write bcode (uint8 nxt))
 			  (set! i (+ i 1))
 			  (io.write bcode (uint8 (aref v i)))
 			  (set! i (+ i 1)))
-			 ((:loadc.l :setc.l)  ; 2 int32 args
+			 ((loadc.l setc.l optargs)  ; 2 int32 args
 			  (io.write bcode (int32 nxt))
 			  (set! i (+ i 1))
 			  (io.write bcode (int32 (aref v i)))
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
        (if (and (constant? s)
 		(printable? (top-level-value s)))
-	   (emit g :loadv (top-level-value s))
+	   (emit g 'loadv (top-level-value s))
 	   (emit g (aref Is 2) s))))))
 (define (compile-if g env tail? x)
@@ -262,11 +262,11 @@
 	   (compile-in g env tail? else))
 	   (compile-in g env #f test)
-	   (emit g :brf elsel)
+	   (emit g 'brf elsel)
 	   (compile-in g env tail? then)
 	   (if tail?
-	       (emit g :ret)
-	       (emit g :jmp endl))
+	       (emit g 'ret)
+	       (emit g 'jmp endl))
 	   (mark-label g elsel)
 	   (compile-in g env tail? else)
 	   (mark-label g endl)))))
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
 	 (compile-in g env tail? (car forms)))
 	 (compile-in g env #f (car forms))
-	 (emit g :pop)
+	 (emit g 'pop)
 	 (compile-begin g env tail? (cdr forms)))))
 (define (compile-prog1 g env x)
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
   (compile-in g env #f (cadr x))
   (if (pair? (cddr x))
       (begin (compile-begin g env #f (cddr x))
-	     (emit g :pop))))
+	     (emit g 'pop))))
 (define (compile-while g env cond body)
   (let ((top  (make-label g))
@@ -292,10 +292,10 @@
     (compile-in g env #f #f)
     (mark-label g top)
     (compile-in g env #f cond)
-    (emit g :brf end)
-    (emit g :pop)
+    (emit g 'brf end)
+    (emit g 'pop)
     (compile-in g env #f body)
-    (emit g :jmp top)
+    (emit g 'jmp top)
     (mark-label g end)))
 (define (1arg-lambda? func)
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
       (begin (compile-in g env #f lo)
 	     (compile-in g env #f hi)
 	     (compile-in g env #f func)
-	     (emit g :for))
+	     (emit g 'for))
       (error "for: third form must be a 1-argument lambda")))
 (define (compile-short-circuit g env tail? forms default branch)
@@ -319,16 +319,16 @@
 	 (let ((end  (make-label g)))
 	   (compile-in g env #f (car forms))
-	   (emit g :dup)
+	   (emit g 'dup)
 	   (emit g branch end)
-	   (emit g :pop)
+	   (emit g 'pop)
 	   (compile-short-circuit g env tail? (cdr forms) default branch)
 	   (mark-label g end)))))
 (define (compile-and g env tail? forms)
-  (compile-short-circuit g env tail? forms #t :brf))
+  (compile-short-circuit g env tail? forms #t 'brf))
 (define (compile-or g env tail? forms)
-  (compile-short-circuit g env tail? forms #f :brt))
+  (compile-short-circuit g env tail? forms #f 'brt))
 (define (compile-arglist g env lst)
   (for-each (lambda (a)
@@ -337,10 +337,10 @@
   (length lst))
 (define (argc-error head count)
-  (error (string "compile error: " head " expects " count
-		 (if (= count 1)
-		     " argument."
-		     " arguments."))))
+  (error "compile error: " head " expects " count
+	 (if (= count 1)
+	     " argument."
+	     " arguments.")))
 (define (compile-app g env tail? x)
   (let ((head (car x)))
@@ -356,28 +356,28 @@
   (let ((head (car x))
 	(args (cdr x)))
     (unless (length= args (length (cadr head)))
-	    (error (string "apply: incorrect number of arguments to " head)))
+	    (error "apply: incorrect number of arguments to " head))
     (receive (the-f dept) (compile-f- env head #t)
-      (emit g :loadv the-f)
+      (emit g 'loadv the-f)
       (bcode:cdepth g dept))
     (let ((nargs (compile-arglist g env args)))
-      (emit g :copyenv)
-      (emit g (if tail? :tcall :call) (+ 1 nargs)))))
+      (emit g 'copyenv)
+      (emit g (if tail? 'tcall 'call) (+ 1 nargs)))))
 (define builtin->instruction
-  (let ((b2i (table number? :number?  cons :cons
-		    fixnum? :fixnum?  equal? :equal?
-		    eq? :eq?  symbol? :symbol?
-		    div0 :div0  builtin? :builtin?
-		    aset! :aset!  - :-  boolean? :boolean?  not :not
-		    apply :apply  atom? :atom?
-		    set-cdr! :set-cdr!  / :/
-		    function? :function?  vector :vector
-		    list :list  bound? :bound?
-		    < :<  * :* cdr :cdr  null? :null?
-		    + :+  eqv? :eqv? compare :compare  aref :aref
-		    set-car! :set-car!  car :car
-		    pair? :pair?  = :=  vector? :vector?)))
+  (let ((b2i (table number? 'number?  cons 'cons
+		    fixnum? 'fixnum?  equal? 'equal?
+		    eq? 'eq?  symbol? 'symbol?
+		    div0 'div0  builtin? 'builtin?
+		    aset! 'aset!  - '-  boolean? 'boolean?  not 'not
+		    apply 'apply  atom? 'atom?
+		    set-cdr! 'set-cdr!  / '/
+		    function? 'function?  vector 'vector
+		    list 'list  bound? 'bound?
+		    < '<  * '* cdr 'cdr  null? 'null?
+		    + '+  eqv? 'eqv? compare 'compare  aref 'aref
+		    set-car! 'set-car!  car 'car
+		    pair? 'pair?  = '=  vector? 'vector?)))
     (lambda (b)
       (get b2i b #f))))
@@ -387,25 +387,25 @@
 	     (not (length= (cdr x) count)))
 	(argc-error head count))
     (case b  ; handle special cases of vararg builtins
-      (:list (if (= nargs 0) (emit g :loadnil) (emit g b nargs)))
-      (:+    (cond ((= nargs 0) (emit g :load0))
-		   ((= nargs 2) (emit g :add2))
-		   (else (emit g b nargs))))
-      (:-    (cond ((= nargs 0) (argc-error head 1))
-		   ((= nargs 1) (emit g :neg))
-		   ((= nargs 2) (emit g :sub2))
-		   (else (emit g b nargs))))
-      (:*    (if (= nargs 0) (emit g :load1)
-		 (emit g b nargs)))
-      (:/    (if (= nargs 0)
-		 (argc-error head 1)
-		 (emit g b nargs)))
-      (:vector   (if (= nargs 0)
-		     (emit g :loadv [])
-		     (emit g b nargs)))
-      (:apply    (if (< nargs 2)
-		     (argc-error head 2)
-		     (emit g (if tail? :tapply :apply) nargs)))
+      (list (if (= nargs 0) (emit g 'loadnil) (emit g b nargs)))
+      (+    (cond ((= nargs 0) (emit g 'load0))
+		  ((= nargs 2) (emit g 'add2))
+		  (else (emit g b nargs))))
+      (-    (cond ((= nargs 0) (argc-error head 1))
+		  ((= nargs 1) (emit g 'neg))
+		  ((= nargs 2) (emit g 'sub2))
+		  (else (emit g b nargs))))
+      (*    (if (= nargs 0) (emit g 'load1)
+		(emit g b nargs)))
+      (/    (if (= nargs 0)
+		(argc-error head 1)
+		(emit g b nargs)))
+      (vector   (if (= nargs 0)
+		    (emit g 'loadv [])
+		    (emit g b nargs)))
+      (apply    (if (< nargs 2)
+		    (argc-error head 2)
+		    (emit g (if tail? 'tapply 'apply) nargs)))
       (else      (emit g b)))))
 (define (compile-call g env tail? x)
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@
 	  ; more than 255 arguments, need long versions of instructions
 	  (begin (compile-in g env #f head)
 		 (let ((nargs (compile-arglist g env (cdr x))))
-		   (emit g (if tail? :tcall.l :call.l) nargs)))
+		   (emit g (if tail? 'tcall.l 'call.l) nargs)))
 	  (let ((b (and (builtin? head)
 			(builtin->instruction head))))
 	    (if (and (eq? head 'cadr)
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
 		     (equal? (top-level-value 'cadr) cadr)
 		     (length= x 2))
 		(begin (compile-in g env #f (cadr x))
-		       (emit g :cadr))
+		       (emit g 'cadr))
 		  (if (not b)
 		      (compile-in g env #f head))
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@
 		  (let ((nargs (compile-arglist g env (cdr x))))
 		    (if b
 			(compile-builtin-call g env tail? x head b nargs)
-			(emit g (if tail? :tcall :call) nargs))))))))))
+			(emit g (if tail? 'tcall 'call) nargs))))))))))
 (define (expand-define form body)
   (if (symbol? form)
@@ -448,34 +448,34 @@
 (define (fits-i8 x) (and (fixnum? x) (>= x -128) (<= x 127)))
 (define (compile-in g env tail? x)
-  (cond ((symbol? x) (compile-sym g env x [:loada :loadc :loadg]))
+  (cond ((symbol? x) (compile-sym g env x [loada loadc loadg]))
 	((atom? x)
-	 (cond ((eq? x 0)   (emit g :load0))
-	       ((eq? x 1)   (emit g :load1))
-	       ((eq? x #t)  (emit g :loadt))
-	       ((eq? x #f)  (emit g :loadf))
-	       ((eq? x ())  (emit g :loadnil))
-	       ((fits-i8 x) (emit g :loadi8 x))
-	       (else        (emit g :loadv x))))
+	 (cond ((eq? x 0)   (emit g 'load0))
+	       ((eq? x 1)   (emit g 'load1))
+	       ((eq? x #t)  (emit g 'loadt))
+	       ((eq? x #f)  (emit g 'loadf))
+	       ((eq? x ())  (emit g 'loadnil))
+	       ((fits-i8 x) (emit g 'loadi8 x))
+	       (else        (emit g 'loadv x))))
 	 (case (car x)
-	   (quote    (emit g :loadv (cadr x)))
+	   (quote    (emit g 'loadv (cadr x)))
 	   (if       (compile-if g env tail? x))
 	   (begin    (compile-begin g env tail? (cdr x)))
 	   (prog1    (compile-prog1 g env x))
 	   (lambda   (receive (the-f dept) (compile-f- env x)
-		       (begin (emit g :loadv the-f)
+		       (begin (emit g 'loadv the-f)
 			      (bcode:cdepth g dept)
 			      (if (< dept (nnn env))
-				  (emit g :closure)))))
+				  (emit g 'closure)))))
 	   (and      (compile-and g env tail? (cdr x)))
 	   (or       (compile-or  g env tail? (cdr x)))
 	   (while    (compile-while g env (cadr x) (cons 'begin (cddr x))))
 	   (for      (compile-for   g env (cadr x) (caddr x) (cadddr x)))
 	   (return   (compile-in g env #t (cadr x))
-		     (emit g :ret))
+		     (emit g 'ret))
 	   (set!     (compile-in g env #f (caddr x))
-		     (compile-sym g env (cadr x) [:seta :setc :setg]))
+		     (compile-sym g env (cadr x) [seta setc setg]))
 	   (define   (compile-in g env tail?
 				 (expand-define (cadr x) (cddr x))))
 	   (trycatch (compile-in g env #f `(lambda () ,(cadr x)))
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
 		     (unless (1arg-lambda? (caddr x))
 			     (error "trycatch: second form must be a 1-argument lambda"))
 		     (compile-in g env #f (caddr x))
-		     (emit g :trycatch))
+		     (emit g 'trycatch))
 	   (else   (compile-app g env tail? x))))))
 (define (compile-f env f . let?)
@@ -516,19 +516,29 @@
       (or (symbol? (car l))
 	  (and (pair? (car l))
 	       (or (every pair? (cdr l))
-		   (error (string "compile error: invalid argument list "
-				  o ". optional arguments must come last."))))
-	  (error (string "compile error: invalid formal argument " (car l)
-			 " in list " o)))
+		   (error "compile error: invalid argument list "
+			  o ". optional arguments must come last.")))
+	  (error "compile error: invalid formal argument " (car l)
+		 " in list " o))
       (check-formals (cdr l) o))
      (if (eq? l o)
-	 (error (string "compile error: invalid argument list " o))
-	 (error (string "compile error: invalid formal argument " l
-			" in list " o)))))
+	 (error "compile error: invalid argument list " o)
+	 (error "compile error: invalid formal argument " l " in list " o))))
   (check-formals l l)
   (map (lambda (s) (if (pair? s) (car s) s))
        (to-proper l)))
+(define (emit-optional-arg-inits g env opta vars i)
+  ; i is the lexical var index of the opt arg to process next
+  (if (pair? opta)
+      (let ((nxt (make-label g)))
+	(emit g 'brbound i nxt)
+	(compile-in g (cons (list-head vars i) env) #f (cadar opta))
+	(emit g 'seta i)
+	(emit g 'pop)
+	(mark-label g nxt)
+	(emit-optional-arg-inits g env (cdr opta) vars (+ i 1)))))
 (define compile-f-
   (let ((*defines-processed-token* (gensym)))
     ; to eval a top-level expression we need to avoid internal define
@@ -553,24 +563,26 @@
       (let ((g    (make-code-emitter))
 	    (args (cadr f))
+	    (atail (lastcdr (cadr f)))
 	    (vars (lambda-vars (cadr f)))
 	    (opta (filter pair? (cadr f)))
 	    (name (if (eq? (lastcdr f) *defines-processed-token*)
 		      (lastcdr f))))
-	(let ((nargs (if (atom? args) 0 (length args))))
+	(let* ((nargs (if (atom? args) 0 (length args)))
+	       (nreq  (- nargs (length opta))))
 	  ; emit argument checking prologue
 	  (if (not (null? opta))
-	      (begin (bcode:indexfor g (list->vector (map cadr opta)))
-		     (emit g :optargs (- nargs (length opta)))))
+	      (begin (emit g 'optargs (if (null? atail) nreq (- nreq)) nargs)
+		     (emit-optional-arg-inits g env opta vars nreq)))
-	  (cond ((not (null? let?))      (emit g :let))
-		((> nargs 255)           (emit g (if (null? (lastcdr args))
-						     :largc :lvargc)
+	  (cond ((not (null? let?))      (emit g 'let))
+		((> nargs 255)           (emit g (if (null? atail)
+						     'largc 'lvargc)
-		((null? (lastcdr args))  (emit g :argc  nargs))
-		(else  (emit g :vargc nargs)))
+		((not (null? atail))     (emit g 'vargc nargs))
+		((null? opta)            (emit g 'argc  nargs)))
 	  ; compile body and return
 	  (compile-in g (cons vars env) #t
@@ -577,7 +589,7 @@
 		      (if (eq? (lastcdr f) *defines-processed-token*)
 			  (caddr f)
 			  (lambda-body f)))
-	  (emit g :ret)
+	  (emit g 'ret)
 	  (values (function (encode-byte-code (bcode:code g))
 			    (const-to-idx-vec g) name)
 		  (aref g 3)))))))
@@ -623,43 +635,49 @@
 	       (if (> i 4) (newline))
 	       (dotimes (xx lev) (princ "\t"))
 	       (princ (hex5 (- i 4)) ":  "
-		      (string.tail (string inst) 1) "\t")
+		      (string inst) "\t")
 	       (set! i (+ i 1))
 	       (case inst
-		 ((:loadv.l :loadg.l :setg.l)
+		 ((loadv.l loadg.l setg.l)
 		  (print-val (aref vals (ref-int32-LE code i)))
 		  (set! i (+ i 4)))
-		 ((:loadv :loadg :setg)
+		 ((loadv loadg setg)
 		  (print-val (aref vals (aref code i)))
 		  (set! i (+ i 1)))
-		 ((:loada :seta :call :tcall :list :+ :- :* :/ :vector
-		   :argc :vargc :loadi8 :apply :tapply)
+		 ((loada seta call tcall list + - * / vector
+		   argc vargc loadi8 apply tapply)
 		  (princ (number->string (aref code i)))
 		  (set! i (+ i 1)))
-		 ((:loada.l :seta.l :largc :lvargc :call.l :tcall.l :optargs)
+		 ((loada.l seta.l largc lvargc call.l tcall.l)
 		  (princ (number->string (ref-int32-LE code i)))
 		  (set! i (+ i 4)))
-		 ((:loadc :setc)
+		 ((loadc setc)
 		  (princ (number->string (aref code i)) " ")
 		  (set! i (+ i 1))
 		  (princ (number->string (aref code i)))
 		  (set! i (+ i 1)))
-		 ((:loadc.l :setc.l)
+		 ((loadc.l setc.l optargs)
 		  (princ (number->string (ref-int32-LE code i)) " ")
 		  (set! i (+ i 4))
 		  (princ (number->string (ref-int32-LE code i)))
 		  (set! i (+ i 4)))
-		 ((:jmp :brf :brt :brne :brnn :brn)
+		 ((brbound)
+		  (princ (number->string (ref-int32-LE code i)) " ")
+		  (set! i (+ i 4))
+		  (princ "@" (hex5 (+ i -4 (ref-int32-LE code i))))
+		  (set! i (+ i 4)))
+		 ((jmp brf brt brne brnn brn)
 		  (princ "@" (hex5 (+ i -4 (ref-int16-LE code i))))
 		  (set! i (+ i 2)))
-		 ((:jmp.l :brf.l :brt.l :brne.l :brnn.l :brn.l)
+		 ((jmp.l brf.l brt.l brne.l brnn.l brn.l)
 		  (princ "@" (hex5 (+ i -4 (ref-int32-LE code i))))
 		  (set! i (+ i 4)))
--- a/femtolisp/flisp.boot
+++ b/femtolisp/flisp.boot
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
-(*banner* ";  _\n; |_ _ _ |_ _ |  . _ _\n; | (-||||_(_)|__|_)|_)\n;-------------------|----------------------------------------------------------\n\n" *syntax-environment* #table(assert #function("<000r1c0~]c1c2c3~L2L2L2L4;" [if raise quote assert-failed])  letrec #function("?000s1e0e0c1L1e2c3~32L1e2c4~32e5\x7f3134L1e2c6~3242;" [nconc lambda map #function("9000r1e0c1L1e2~3142;" [nconc set! copy-list]) copy-list #function("6000r1^;" [])])  backquote #function("7000r1e0~41;" [bq-process])  label #function(":000r2c0~L1c1~\x7fL3L3^L2;" [lambda set!])  do #function("A000s2c0e130\x7fMe2c3~32e2e4~32e2c5~32u46;" [#function("B000vc0~c1g2c2\x7fe3c4L1e5\x81N3132e3c4L1e5i0231e3~L1g432L133L4L3L2L1e3~L1g332L3;" [letrec lambda if nconc begin copy-list]) gensym map cadr #function("7000r1e0~31F680e1~41;~M;" [cddr caddr])])  when #function("<000s1c0~c1\x7fK^L4;" [if begin])  unwind-protect #function("9000r2c0e130e130u43;" [#function("@000vc0\x7fc1_\x81L3L2L1c2c3\x80c1~L1c4\x7fL1c5~L2L3L3L3\x7fL1L3L3;" [let lambda prog1 trycatch begin raise]) gensym])  dotimes #function("<000s1c0~M~\x86u43;" [#function("=000vc0`c1\x7faL3e2c3L1~L1L1e4\x813133L4;" [for - nconc lambda copy-list])])  define-macro #function("?000s1c0c1~ML2e2c3L1~NL1e4\x7f3133L3;" [set-syntax! quote nconc lambda copy-list])  receive #function("@000s2c0c1_\x7fL3e2c1L1~L1e3g23133L3;" [call-with-values lambda nconc copy-list])  unless #function("=000s1c0~^c1\x7fKL4;" [if begin])  let #function(";000s1c0^u42;" [#function("<000v\x80C6D0\x80m02\x81Mo002\x81No01530^2c0e1c2L1e3c4\x8032L1e5\x813133e3c6\x8032u43;" [#function("8000v\x806;0c0\x80~L3530~\x7fK;" [label]) nconc lambda map #function("6000r1~F650~M;~;" []) copy-list #function("6000r1~F650~\x86;^;" [])])])  cond #function(":000s0c0^u42;" [#function("7000vc0qm02~\x8041;" [#function("8000r1~?640^;c0~Mu42;" [#function(";000v~Mc0<17702~M]<6@0~N\x8750~M;c1~NK;~N\x87@0c2~Mi10\x80N31L3;c3~Mc1~NKi10\x80N31L4;" [else begin or if])] cond-clauses->if)])])  throw #function(":000r2c0c1c2c3L2~\x7fL4L2;" [raise list quote thrown-value])  time #function("8000r1c0e130u42;" [#function(">000vc0~c1L1L2L1c2\x80c3c4c5c1L1~L3c6L4L3L3;" [let prog1 princ "Elapsed time: " - " seconds\n"]) gensym])  let* #function("A000s1~?6E0e0c1L1_L1e2\x7f3133L1;e0c1L1e3~31L1L1e2~NF6H0e0c4L1~NL1e2\x7f3133L1530\x7f3133e5~31L2;" [nconc lambda copy-list caar let* cadar])  case #function(";000s1c0^u42;" [#function("8000vc0m02c1e230u42;" [#function(";000r2\x7fc0\x8450c0;\x7f\x8740^;\x7fC6=0c1~e2\x7f31L3;\x7f?6=0c3~e2\x7f31L3;\x7fN\x87>0c3~e2\x7fM31L3;e4c5\x7f326=0c6~c7\x7fL2L3;c8~c7\x7fL2L3;" [else eq? quote-value eqv? every #.symbol? memq quote memv] vals->cond) #function("<000vc0~i10L2L1e1c2L1e3c4qi113232L3;" [let nconc cond map #function("8000r1i10\x80~M32~NK;" [])]) gensym])])  catch #function("8000r2c0e130u42;" [#function("@000vc0\x81c1~L1c2c3c4~L2c5c6~L2c7c8L2L3c5c9~L2\x80L3L4c:~L2c;~L2L4L3L3;" [trycatch lambda if and pair? eq car quote thrown-value cadr caddr raise]) gensym])) *whitespace* "\t\n\v\f\r \u0085  ᠎           \u2028\u2029   " /= #function("7000r2~\x7fW@;" [] /=) 1+ #function("7000r1~ay;" [] 1+) 1- #function("7000r1~az;" [] 1-) 1arg-lambda? #function("8000r1~F16T02~Mc0<16J02~NF16B02~\x86F16:02e1~\x86a42;" [lambda length=] 1arg-lambda?) <= #function("7000r2~\x7fX17602~\x7fW;" [] <=) > #function("7000r2\x7f~X;" [] >) >= #function("7000r2\x7f~X17602~\x7fW;" [] >=) Instructions #table(:sub2 74  :nop 0  :set-cdr! 32  :/ 37  :setc 63  :tapply 72  :lvargc 77  :cons 27  :loada1 79  :tcall.l 83  dummy_nil 94  :equal? 14  :cdr 30  :call 3  :eqv? 13  := 39  :setg.l 60  :list 28  :atom? 15  :aref 43  :load0 48  :let 70  dummy_t 92  :argc 66  :brne.l 85  :< 40  :null? 17  :loadg 53  :load1 49  :car 29  :brt.l 10  :vargc 67  :loada 55  :set-car! 31  :setg 59  :aset! 44  :loadc01 81  :bound? 21  :optargs 91  :pair? 22  :symbol? 19  :brn 89  :fixnum? 25  :loadi8 50  :not 16  :* 36  :neg 75  :pop 2  :largc 76  :loadnil 47  :brf 6  :vector 42  :- 35  :loadv 51  :loada.l 56  :seta.l 62  :closure 65  :loadc00 80  :number? 2
\ No newline at end of file
+(*banner* ";  _\n; |_ _ _ |_ _ |  . _ _\n; | (-||||_(_)|__|_)|_)\n;-------------------|----------------------------------------------------------\n\n" *syntax-environment* #table(assert #function("<000r1c0~]c1c2c3~L2L2L2L4;" [if raise quote assert-failed])  letrec #function("?000s1e0e0c1L1e2c3~32L1e2c4~32e5\x7f3134L1e2c6~3242;" [nconc lambda map #function("9000r1e0c1L1e2~3142;" [nconc set! copy-list]) copy-list #function("6000r1^;" [])])  backquote #function("7000r1e0~41;" [bq-process])  label #function(":000r2c0~L1c1~\x7fL3L3^L2;" [lambda set!])  do #function("A000s2c0e130\x7fMe2c3~32e2e4~32e2c5~32u46;" [#function("B000vc0~c1g2c2\x7fe3c4L1e5\x81N3132e3c4L1e5i0231e3~L1g432L133L4L3L2L1e3~L1g332L3;" [letrec lambda if nconc begin copy-list]) gensym map cadr #function("7000r1e0~31F680e1~41;~M;" [cddr caddr])])  when #function("<000s1c0~c1\x7fK^L4;" [if begin])  unwind-protect #function("9000r2c0e130e130u43;" [#function("@000vc0\x7fc1_\x81L3L2L1c2c3\x80c1~L1c4\x7fL1c5~L2L3L3L3\x7fL1L3L3;" [let lambda prog1 trycatch begin raise]) gensym])  dotimes #function("<000s1c0~M~\x86u43;" [#function("=000vc0`c1\x7faL3e2c3L1~L1L1e4\x813133L4;" [for - nconc lambda copy-list])])  define-macro #function("?000s1c0c1~ML2e2c3L1~NL1e4\x7f3133L3;" [set-syntax! quote nconc lambda copy-list])  receive #function("@000s2c0c1_\x7fL3e2c1L1~L1e3g23133L3;" [call-with-values lambda nconc copy-list])  unless #function("=000s1c0~^c1\x7fKL4;" [if begin])  let #function(";000s1c0^u42;" [#function("<000v\x80C6D0\x80m02\x81Mo002\x81No01530^2c0e1c2L1e3c4\x8032L1e5\x813133e3c6\x8032u43;" [#function("8000v\x806;0c0\x80~L3530~\x7fK;" [label]) nconc lambda map #function("6000r1~F650~M;~;" []) copy-list #function("6000r1~F650~\x86;^;" [])])])  cond #function(":000s0c0^u42;" [#function("7000vc0qm02~\x8041;" [#function("8000r1~?640^;c0~Mu42;" [#function(";000v~Mc0<17702~M]<6@0~N\x8750~M;c1~NK;~N\x87@0c2~Mi10\x80N31L3;c3~Mc1~NKi10\x80N31L4;" [else begin or if])] cond-clauses->if)])])  throw #function(":000r2c0c1c2c3L2~\x7fL4L2;" [raise list quote thrown-value])  time #function("8000r1c0e130u42;" [#function(">000vc0~c1L1L2L1c2\x80c3c4c5c1L1~L3c6L4L3L3;" [let prog1 princ "Elapsed time: " - " seconds\n"]) gensym])  let* #function("A000s1~?6E0e0c1L1_L1e2\x7f3133L1;e0c1L1e3~31L1L1e2~NF6H0e0c4L1~NL1e2\x7f3133L1530\x7f3133e5~31L2;" [nconc lambda copy-list caar let* cadar])  case #function(";000s1c0^u42;" [#function("8000vc0m02c1e230u42;" [#function(";000r2\x7fc0\x8450c0;\x7f\x8740^;\x7fC6=0c1~e2\x7f31L3;\x7f?6=0c3~e2\x7f31L3;\x7fN\x87>0c3~e2\x7fM31L3;e4c5\x7f326=0c6~c7\x7fL2L3;c8~c7\x7fL2L3;" [else eq? quote-value eqv? every #.symbol? memq quote memv] vals->cond) #function("<000vc0~i10L2L1e1c2L1e3c4qi113232L3;" [let nconc cond map #function("8000r1i10\x80~M32~NK;" [])]) gensym])])  catch #function("8000r2c0e130u42;" [#function("@000vc0\x81c1~L1c2c3c4~L2c5c6~L2c7c8L2L3c5c9~L2\x80L3L4c:~L2c;~L2L4L3L3;" [trycatch lambda if and pair? eq car quote thrown-value cadr caddr raise]) gensym])) *whitespace* "\t\n\v\f\r \u0085  ᠎           \u2028\u2029   " /= #function("7000r2~\x7fW@;" [] /=) 1+ #function("7000r1~ay;" [] 1+) 1- #function("7000r1~az;" [] 1-) 1arg-lambda? #function("8000r1~F16T02~Mc0<16J02~NF16B02~\x86F16:02e1~\x86a42;" [lambda length=] 1arg-lambda?) <= #function("7000r2~\x7fX17602~\x7fW;" [] <=) > #function("7000r2\x7f~X;" [] >) >= #function("7000r2\x7f~X17602~\x7fW;" [] >=) Instructions #table(not 16  vargc 67  load1 49  = 39  setc.l 64  sub2 74  brne.l 85  largc 76  brnn 87  loadc.l 58  loadi8 50  < 40  nop 0  set-cdr! 32  loada 55  bound? 21  / 37  neg 75  brn.l 90  lvargc 77  brt 7  trycatch 68  null? 17  load0 48  jmp.l 8  loadv 51  seta 61  * 36  function? 26  builtin? 23  aref 43  optargs 91  vector? 24  loadt 45  brf 6  symbol? 19  cdr 30  for 71  loadc00 80  pop 2  pair? 22  cadr 86  closure 65  loadf 46  compare 41  loadv.l 52  setg.l 60  brn 89  eqv? 13  aset! 44  eq? 12  atom? 15  boolean? 18  brt.l 10  tapply 72  dummy_nil 95  loada0 78  brbound 92  list 28  dup 1  apply 33  loadc 57  loadc01 81  dummy_t 
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/femtolisp/flisp.c
+++ b/femtolisp/flisp.c
@@ -237,13 +237,14 @@
     sym = (symbol_t*)malloc(sizeof(symbol_t)-sizeof(void*) + len + 1);
     assert(((uptrint_t)sym & 0x7) == 0); // make sure malloc aligns 8
     sym->left = sym->right = NULL;
+    sym->flags = 0;
     if (fl_is_keyword_name(str, len)) {
         value_t s = tagptr(sym, TAG_SYM);
         setc(s, s);
+        sym->flags |= 0x2;
     else {
         sym->binding = UNBOUND;
-        sym->isconst = 0;
     sym->type = sym->dlcache = NULL;
     sym->hash = memhash32(str, len)^0xAAAAAAAA;
@@ -932,29 +933,42 @@
             curr_frame = SP;
+            i = GET_INT32(ip); ip+=4;
             n = GET_INT32(ip); ip+=4;
-            v = fn_vals(Stack[bp-1]);
-            v = vector_elt(v, 0);
-            if (nargs >= n) {  // if we have all required args
-                s = vector_size(v);
-                n += s;
-                if (nargs < n) {  // but not all optional args
-                    i = n - nargs;
-                    SP += i;
-                    Stack[SP-1] = Stack[SP-i-1];
-                    Stack[SP-2] = Stack[SP-i-2];
-                    Stack[SP-3] = Stack[SP-i-3];
-                    Stack[SP-4] = Stack[SP-i-4];
-                    Stack[SP-5] = Stack[SP-i-5];
-                    curr_frame = SP;
-                    s = s - i;
-                    for(n=0; n < i; n++) {
-                        Stack[bp+nargs+n] = vector_elt(v, s+n);
-                    }
-                    nargs += i;
+            if ((int32_t)i < 0) {
+                if (nargs < -i)
+                    lerror(ArgError, "apply: too few arguments");
+            }
+            else if (nargs < i) {
+                lerror(ArgError, "apply: too few arguments");
+            }
+            else if (nargs > n) {
+                lerror(ArgError, "apply: too many arguments");
+            }
+            if (n > nargs) {
+                n -= nargs;
+                SP += n;
+                Stack[SP-1] = Stack[SP-n-1];
+                Stack[SP-2] = Stack[SP-n-2];
+                Stack[SP-3] = nargs+n;
+                Stack[SP-4] = Stack[SP-n-4];
+                Stack[SP-5] = Stack[SP-n-5];
+                curr_frame = SP;
+                for(i=0; i < n; i++) {
+                    Stack[bp+nargs+i] = UNBOUND;
+                nargs += n;
+        OP(OP_BRBOUND)
+            i = GET_INT32(ip); ip+=4;
+            if (captured)
+                v = vector_elt(Stack[bp], i);
+            else
+                v = Stack[bp+i];
+            if (v != UNBOUND) ip += (ptrint_t)GET_INT32(ip);
+            else ip += 4;
+            NEXT_OP;
         OP(OP_NOP) NEXT_OP;
         OP(OP_DUP) SP++; Stack[SP-1] = Stack[SP-2]; NEXT_OP;
         OP(OP_POP) POPN(1); NEXT_OP;
@@ -1525,7 +1539,7 @@
             sym = (symbol_t*)ptr(v);
             v = Stack[SP-1];
-            if (!sym->isconst)
+            if (!isconstant(sym))
                 sym->binding = v;
@@ -1686,11 +1700,11 @@
-static uint32_t compute_maxstack(uint8_t *code, size_t len, value_t vals)
+static uint32_t compute_maxstack(uint8_t *code, size_t len)
     uint8_t *ip = code+4, *end = code+len;
     uint8_t op;
-    uint32_t n, sp = 0, maxsp = 0;
+    uint32_t i, n, sp = 0, maxsp = 0;
     while (1) {
         if ((int32_t)sp > (int32_t)maxsp) maxsp = sp;
@@ -1713,11 +1727,13 @@
         case OP_LET: break;
         case OP_OPTARGS:
-            ip += 4;
-            assert(isvector(vals));
-            if (vector_size(vals) > 0)
-                sp += vector_size(vector_elt(vals, 0));
+            i = abs(GET_INT32(ip)); ip+=4;
+            n = GET_INT32(ip); ip+=4;
+            sp += (n-i);
+        case OP_BRBOUND:
+            ip+=8;
+            break;
         case OP_TCALL: case OP_CALL:
             n = *ip++;  // nargs
@@ -1848,13 +1864,13 @@
     cvalue_t *arr = (cvalue_t*)ptr(args[0]);
     char *data = cv_data(arr);
-    if (data[4] >= N_OPCODES) {
+    if ((uint8_t)data[4] >= N_OPCODES) {
         // read syntax, shifted 48 for compact text representation
         size_t i, sz = cv_len(arr);
         for(i=0; i < sz; i++)
             data[i] -= 48;
-    uint32_t ms = compute_maxstack((uint8_t*)data, cv_len(arr), args[1]);
+    uint32_t ms = compute_maxstack((uint8_t*)data, cv_len(arr));
     PUT_INT32(data, ms);
     function_t *fn = (function_t*)alloc_words(4);
     value_t fv = tagptr(fn, TAG_FUNCTION);
--- a/femtolisp/flisp.h
+++ b/femtolisp/flisp.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 } cons_t;
 typedef struct _symbol_t {
-    value_t isconst;
+    uptrint_t flags;
     value_t binding;   // global value binding
     struct _fltype_t *type;
     uint32_t hash;
@@ -87,9 +87,10 @@
 #define fn_name(f) (((value_t*)ptr(f))[3])
 #define set(s, v)  (((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->binding = (v))
-#define setc(s, v) do { ((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->isconst = 1; \
+#define setc(s, v) do { ((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->flags |= 1; \
                         ((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->binding = (v); } while (0)
-#define isconstant(s) (((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->isconst)
+#define isconstant(s) ((s)->flags&0x1)
+#define iskeyword(s) ((s)->flags&0x2)
 #define symbol_value(s) (((symbol_t*)ptr(s))->binding)
 #define ismanaged(v) ((((unsigned char*)ptr(v)) >= fromspace) && \
                       (((unsigned char*)ptr(v)) < fromspace+heapsize))
--- a/femtolisp/opcodes.h
+++ b/femtolisp/opcodes.h
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@
     &&L_OP_LVARGC,                                                      \
     &&L_OP_LOADA0, &&L_OP_LOADA1, &&L_OP_LOADC00, &&L_OP_LOADC01,       \
+    &&L_OP_BRNN, &&L_OP_BRNNL, &&L_OP_BRN, &&L_OP_BRNL,                 \
+    &&L_OP_OPTARGS, &&L_OP_BRBOUND                                      \
 #define VM_APPLY_LABELS                                                 \
--- a/femtolisp/print.c
+++ b/femtolisp/print.c
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
     case TAG_CVALUE:
     case TAG_CPRIM:
-      if (v == UNBOUND) { outs("#<undefined>", f); break; }
+        if (v == UNBOUND) { outs("#<undefined>", f); break; }
     case TAG_VECTOR:
     case TAG_CONS:
         if (print_circle_prefix(f, v)) return;
--- a/femtolisp/test.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/test.lsp
@@ -280,3 +280,17 @@
 	    lastcdr to-proper reverse reverse! list->vector
 	    table.foreach list-head list-tail assq memq assoc member
 	    assv memv nreconc bq-process))
+(define (filt1 pred lst)
+  (define (filt1- pred lst accum)
+    (if (null? lst) accum
+	(if (pred (car lst))
+	    (filt1- pred (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) accum))
+	    (filt1- pred (cdr lst) accum))))
+  (filt1- pred lst ()))
+(define (filto pred lst (accum ()))
+  (if (atom? lst) accum
+      (if (pred (car lst))
+	  (filto pred (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) accum))
+	  (filto pred (cdr lst) accum))))
--- a/femtolisp/todo
+++ b/femtolisp/todo
@@ -1128,3 +1128,25 @@
     uint32_t SP;
     uint32_t curr_frame;
 } stackseg_t;
+optional and keyword args:
+check nargs >= #required
+grow frame by ntotal-nargs   ; ntotal = #req+#opt+#kw
+(sort keyword args into their places)
+branch if arg bound around initializer for each opt arg
+example: (lambda (a (b 0) (c b)))
+minargs 1
+framesize 3
+brbound 1 L1
+seta 0
+brbound 2 L2
+loada 1
+seta 2