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ref: a55b46e9a6af38081aa9376b1f57f1e0d48dc057
parent: 38cf75733ec31e720c67f5be454ba524d37112f9
author: JeffBezanson <[email protected]>
date: Wed Jan 28 20:04:23 EST 2009

switching to scheme #t, #f, and () values
porting code to sort out which NILs are false and which are
empty lists

switching to scheme-style special forms. however you feel about
scheme names vs. CL names, using both is silly.

mostly switching to scheme predicate names, with compatibility
aliases for now. adding set-constant! to make this efficient.

adding null?, eqv?, assq, assv, assoc, memq, memv, member

adding 2-argument form of if
allowing else as final cond condition

looking for init file in same directory as executable, so flisp
can be started from anywhere

renaming T to FL_T, since exporting a 1-character symbol is
not very nice

adding opaque type boilerplate example file

adding correctness checking for the pattern-lambda benchmark

bugfix in int2str

--- a/femtolisp/ast/asttools.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/ast/asttools.lsp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+; -*- scheme -*-
 ; utilities for AST processing
 (define (symconcat s1 s2)
@@ -9,13 +10,13 @@
     (cons item lst)))
 (define (index-of item lst start)
-  (cond ((null lst) nil)
+  (cond ((null lst) #f)
 	((eq item (car lst)) start)
 	(T (index-of item (cdr lst) (+ start 1)))))
 (define (each f l)
   (if (null l) l
-    (progn (f (car l))
+    (begin (f (car l))
            (each f (cdr l)))))
 (define (maptree-pre f tr)
@@ -136,13 +137,13 @@
 ; flatten op with any associativity
-(defmacro flatten-all-op (op e)
+(define-macro (flatten-all-op op e)
     (pattern-lambda (,op (-- l ...) (-- inner (,op ...)) (-- r ...))
                     (cons ',op (append l (cdr inner) r)))
-(defmacro pattern-lambda (pat body)
+(define-macro (pattern-lambda pat body)
   (let* ((args (patargs pat))
          (expander `(lambda ,args ,body)))
     `(lambda (expr)
@@ -149,6 +150,6 @@
        (let ((m (match ',pat expr)))
          (if m
              ; matches; perform expansion
-             (apply ,expander (map (lambda (var) (cdr (or (assoc var m) '(0 . nil))))
+             (apply ,expander (map (lambda (var) (cdr (or (assq var m) '(0 . #f))))
-           nil)))))
+           #f)))))
--- a/femtolisp/ast/match.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/ast/match.lsp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+; -*- scheme -*-
 ; tree regular expression pattern matching
 ; by Jeff Bezanson
@@ -41,12 +42,12 @@
   (cond ((symbolp p)
 	 (cond ((eq p '_) state)
-		(let ((capt (assoc p state)))
+		(let ((capt (assq p state)))
 		  (if capt
 		      (and (equal expr (cdr capt)) state)
                     (cons (cons p expr) state))))))
-	((functionp p)
+	((function? p)
 	 (and (p expr) state))
 	((consp p)
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@
 		(and (match- (caddr p) expr state)
 		     (cons (cons (cadr p) expr) state)))
 	       ((eq (car p) '-$)  ; greedy alternation for toplevel pattern
-		(match-alt (cdr p) () (list expr) state nil 1))
+		(match-alt (cdr p) () (list expr) state #f 1))
 		(and (consp expr)
 		     (equal (car p) (car expr))
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@
 ; match an alternation
 (define (match-alt alt prest expr state var L)
-  (if (null alt) nil  ; no alternatives left
+  (if (null alt) #f  ; no alternatives left
     (let ((subma (match- (car alt) (car expr) state)))
       (or (and subma
                (match-seq prest (cdr expr)
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@
 ; match generalized kleene star (try consuming min to max)
 (define (match-star- p prest expr state var min max L sofar)
   (cond ; case 0: impossible to match
-   ((> min max) nil)
+   ((> min max) #f)
     ; case 1: only allowed to match 0 subexpressions
    ((= max 0) (match-seq prest expr
                          (if var (cons (cons var (reverse sofar)) state)
@@ -101,16 +102,16 @@
 ; match sequences of expressions
 (define (match-seq p expr state L)
-  (cond ((not state) nil)
-	((null p) (if (null expr) state nil))
+  (cond ((not state) #f)
+	((null p) (if (null expr) state #f))
 	 (let ((subp (car p))
-	       (var  nil))
+	       (var  #f))
 	   (if (and (consp subp)
 		    (eq (car subp) '--))
-	       (progn (setq var (cadr subp))
-                      (setq subp (caddr subp)))
-             nil)
+	       (begin (set! var (cadr subp))
+                      (set! subp (caddr subp)))
+             #f)
 	   (let ((head (if (consp subp) (car subp) ())))
 	     (cond ((eq subp '...)
 		    (match-star '_ (cdr p) expr state var 0 L L))
@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@
 ; returns the new expression, or expr if no matches
 (define (apply-patterns plist expr)
   (if (null plist) expr
-    (if (functionp plist)
+    (if (function? plist)
         (let ((enew (plist expr)))
           (if (not enew)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/femtolisp/ast/rpasses-out.lsp
@@ -1,0 +1,1710 @@
+'(r-expressions (<- Sys.time (lambda ()
+			      (let () (r-block (r-call structure (r-call
+								  .Internal (r-call
+  Sys.time))
+						       (*named* class (r-call
+  c "POSIXt" "POSIXct")))))))
+	       (<- Sys.timezone (lambda ()
+				  (let () (r-block (r-call as.vector (r-call
+  Sys.getenv "TZ"))))))
+	       (<- as.POSIXlt (lambda (x tz)
+				(let ((x ()) (tzone ()) (fromchar ()) (tz ()))
+				     (r-block (when (missing tz)
+						    (<- tz ""))
+					      (<- fromchar (lambda (x)
+							     (let ((res ()) (f
+  ())
+  (j ()) (xx ()))
+								  (r-block (<-
+  xx (r-call r-index x 1))
+  (if (r-call xx)
+      (r-block (<- j 1) (while (&& (r-call xx)
+				   (r-call <= (<- j (r-call + j 1))
+					   (r-call length x)))
+			       (<- xx (r-call r-index x j)))
+	       (if (r-call xx)
+		   (<- f "%Y-%m-%d"))))
+  (if (|\|\|| (r-call xx) (r-call ! (r-call (r-call strptime xx
+								(<- f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS"))))
+	      (r-call ! (r-call (r-call strptime xx
+					      (<- f "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%OS"))))
+	      (r-call ! (r-call (r-call strptime xx
+					      (<- f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"))))
+	      (r-call ! (r-call (r-call strptime xx
+					      (<- f "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"))))
+	      (r-call ! (r-call (r-call strptime xx
+					      (<- f "%Y-%m-%d"))))
+	      (r-call ! (r-call (r-call strptime xx
+					      (<- f "%Y/%m/%d")))))
+      (r-block (<- res (r-call strptime x f))
+	       (if (r-call nchar tz)
+		   (r-block (<- res (r-call attr<- res
+					    "tzone" tz))
+			    tz))
+	       (return res)))
+  (r-call stop "character string is not in a standard unambiguous format")))))
+					      (if (r-call inherits x
+							  "POSIXlt")
+						  (return x))
+					      (if (r-call inherits x
+							  "Date")
+						  (return (r-call .Internal (r-call
+  Date2POSIXlt x))))
+					      (<- tzone (r-call attr x
+								"tzone"))
+					      (if (|\|\|| (r-call inherits x
+								  "date")
+							  (r-call inherits x
+								  "dates"))
+						  (<- x (r-call as.POSIXct x)))
+					      (if (r-call is.character x)
+						  (return (r-call fromchar (r-call
+  unclass x))))
+					      (if (r-call is.factor x)
+						  (return (r-call fromchar (r-call
+  as.character x))))
+					      (if (&& (r-call is.logical x)
+						      (r-call all (r-call
+  x)))
+						  (<- x (r-call
+							 as.POSIXct.default x)))
+					      (if (r-call ! (r-call inherits x
+								    "POSIXct"))
+						  (r-call stop (r-call gettextf
+  "do not know how to convert '%s' to class \"POSIXlt\""
+  (r-call deparse (substitute x)))))
+					      (if (&& (missing tz)
+						      (r-call ! (r-call is.null
+  tzone)))
+						  (<- tz (r-call r-index tzone
+								 1)))
+					      (r-call .Internal (r-call
+								 as.POSIXlt x
+								 tz))))))
+	       (<- as.POSIXct (lambda (x tz)
+				(let ((tz ()))
+				     (r-block (when (missing tz)
+						    (<- tz ""))
+					      (r-call UseMethod "as.POSIXct")))))
+	       (<- as.POSIXct.Date (lambda (x ...)
+				     (let () (r-block (r-call structure (r-call
+  * (r-call unclass x) 86400)
+							      (*named* class (r-call
+  c "POSIXt" "POSIXct")))))))
+	       (<- (lambda (x ...)
+				     (let ((x ()))
+					  (r-block (if (r-call inherits x
+							       "date")
+						       (r-block (<- x (r-call
+  * (r-call - x 3653) 86400))
+								(return (r-call
+  structure x (*named* class (r-call c "POSIXt"
+				     "POSIXct")))))
+						       (r-call stop (r-call
+  gettextf "'%s' is not a \"date\" object"
+  (r-call deparse (substitute x)))))))))
+	       (<- as.POSIXct.dates (lambda (x ...)
+				      (let ((x ()) (z ()))
+					   (r-block (if (r-call inherits x
+								"dates")
+							(r-block (<- z (r-call
+  attr x "origin"))
+								 (<- x (r-call
+  * (r-call as.numeric x) 86400))
+								 (if (&& (r-call
+  == (r-call length z) 3)
+  (r-call is.numeric z))
+  (<- x (r-call + x
+		(r-call as.numeric (r-call ISOdate (r-call r-index z 3)
+					   (r-call r-index z 1)
+					   (r-call r-index z 2) 0)))))
+								 (return (r-call
+  structure x (*named* class (r-call c "POSIXt"
+				     "POSIXct")))))
+							(r-call stop (r-call
+  gettextf "'%s' is not a \"dates\" object"
+  (r-call deparse (substitute x)))))))))
+	       (<- as.POSIXct.POSIXlt (lambda (x tz)
+					(let ((tzone ()) (tz ()))
+					     (r-block (when (missing tz)
+							    (<- tz ""))
+						      (<- tzone (r-call attr x
+  "tzone"))
+						      (if (&& (missing tz)
+							      (r-call ! (r-call
+  is.null tzone)))
+							  (<- tz (r-call
+								  r-index tzone
+								  1)))
+						      (r-call structure (r-call
+  .Internal (r-call as.POSIXct x tz))
+							      (*named* class (r-call
+  c "POSIXt" "POSIXct"))
+							      (*named* tzone tz))))))
+	       (<- as.POSIXct.default (lambda (x tz)
+					(let ((tz ()))
+					     (r-block (when (missing tz)
+							    (<- tz ""))
+						      (if (r-call inherits x
+								  "POSIXct")
+							  (return x))
+						      (if (|\|\|| (r-call
+								   is.character
+								   x)
+								  (r-call
+								   is.factor x))
+							  (return (r-call
+								   as.POSIXct
+								   (r-call
+								    as.POSIXlt
+								    x)
+								   tz)))
+						      (if (&& (r-call
+							       is.logical x)
+							      (r-call all (r-call
+ x)))
+							  (return (r-call
+								   structure (r-call
+  as.numeric x)
+								   (*named*
+								    class (r-call
+  c "POSIXt" "POSIXct")))))
+						      (r-call stop (r-call
+								    gettextf "do not know how to convert '%s' to class \"POSIXlt\""
+								    (r-call
+  deparse (substitute x))))))))
+	       (<- as.numeric.POSIXlt (lambda (x)
+					(let () (r-block (r-call as.POSIXct x)))))
+	       (<- format.POSIXlt (lambda (x format usetz ...)
+				    (let ((np ()) (secs ()) (times ()) (format
+  ())
+						  (usetz ()))
+					 (r-block (when (missing usetz)
+							(<- usetz *r-false*))
+						  (when (missing format)
+							(<- format ""))
+						  (if (r-call ! (r-call
+								 inherits x "POSIXlt"))
+						      (r-call stop "wrong class"))
+						  (if (r-call == format
+							      "")
+						      (r-block (<- times (r-call
+  unlist (r-call r-index (r-call unclass x)
+		 (r-call : 1 3))))
+							       (<- secs (r-call
+  r-aref x (index-in-strlist sec (r-call attr x
+					 #0="names"))))
+							       (<- secs (r-call
+  r-index secs (r-call ! (r-call secs))))
+							       (<- np (r-call
+  getOption "digits.secs"))
+							       (if (r-call
+								    is.null np)
+								   (<- np 0)
+								   (<- np (r-call
+  min 6 np)))
+							       (if (r-call >=
+  np 1)
+								   (r-block (for
+  i (r-call - (r-call : 1 np) 1)
+  (if (r-call all (r-call < (r-call abs (r-call - secs
+						(r-call round secs i)))
+			  9.9999999999999995e-07))
+      (r-block (<- np i) (break))))))
+							       (<- format (if
+  (r-call all (r-call == (r-call r-index times
+				 (r-call ! (r-call times)))
+		      0))
+  "%Y-%m-%d"
+  (if (r-call == np 0)
+      "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
+      (r-call paste "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS" np
+	      (*named* sep "")))))))
+						  (r-call .Internal (r-call
+  format.POSIXlt x format usetz))))))
+	       (<- strftime format.POSIXlt)
+	       (<- strptime (lambda (x format tz)
+			      (let ((tz ()))
+				   (r-block (when (missing tz)
+						  (<- tz ""))
+					    (r-call .Internal (r-call strptime
+  (r-call as.character x) format tz))))))
+	       (<- format.POSIXct (lambda (x format tz usetz ...)
+				    (let ((tzone ()) (format ()) (tz ()) (usetz
+  ()))
+					 (r-block (when (missing usetz)
+							(<- usetz *r-false*))
+						  (when (missing tz)
+							(<- tz ""))
+						  (when (missing format)
+							(<- format ""))
+						  (if (r-call ! (r-call
+								 inherits x "POSIXct"))
+						      (r-call stop "wrong class"))
+						  (if (&& (missing tz)
+							  (r-call ! (r-call
+  is.null (<- tzone (r-call attr x
+			    "tzone")))))
+						      (<- tz tzone))
+						  (r-call structure (r-call
+  format.POSIXlt (r-call as.POSIXlt x tz) format usetz r-dotdotdot)
+							  (*named* names (r-call
+  names x)))))))
+	       (<- print.POSIXct (lambda (x ...)
+				   (let () (r-block (r-call print (r-call
+								   format x (*named*
+  usetz *r-true*)
+								   r-dotdotdot)
+							    r-dotdotdot)
+						    (r-call invisible x)))))
+	       (<- print.POSIXlt (lambda (x ...)
+				   (let () (r-block (r-call print (r-call
+								   format x (*named*
+  usetz *r-true*))
+							    r-dotdotdot)
+						    (r-call invisible x)))))
+	       (<- summary.POSIXct (lambda (object digits ...)
+				     (let ((x ()) (digits ()))
+					  (r-block (when (missing digits)
+							 (<- digits 15))
+						   (<- x (r-call r-index (r-call
+  summary.default (r-call unclass object)
+  (*named* digits digits) r-dotdotdot)
+								 (r-call : 1 6)))
+						   (r-block (ref= %r:1 (r-call
+  oldClass object))
+							    (<- x (r-call
+								   class<- x
+								   %r:1))
+							    %r:1)
+						   (r-block (ref= %r:2 (r-call
+  attr object "tzone"))
+							    (<- x (r-call
+								   attr<- x "tzone"
+								   %r:2))
+							    %r:2)
+						   x))))
+	       (<- summary.POSIXlt (lambda (object digits ...)
+				     (let ((digits ()))
+					  (r-block (when (missing digits)
+							 (<- digits 15))
+						   (r-call summary (r-call
+								    as.POSIXct
+								    object)
+							   (*named* digits
+								    digits)
+							   r-dotdotdot)))))
+	       (<- "+.POSIXt" (lambda (e1 e2)
+				(let ((e2 ()) (e1 ()) (coerceTimeUnit ()))
+				     (r-block (<- coerceTimeUnit (lambda (x)
+								   (let () (r-block
+  (switch (r-call attr x
+		  "units")
+	  (*named* secs x) (*named* mins (r-call * 60 x))
+	  (*named* hours (r-call * (r-call * 60 60) x))
+	  (*named* days (r-call * (r-call * (r-call * 60 60) 24) x))
+	  (*named* weeks (r-call * (r-call * (r-call * (r-call * 60 60) 24) 7)
+				 x)))))))
+					      (if (r-call == (r-call nargs) 1)
+						  (return e1))
+					      (if (&& (r-call inherits e1
+							      "POSIXt")
+						      (r-call inherits e2
+							      "POSIXt"))
+						  (r-call stop "binary + is not defined for \"POSIXt\" objects"))
+					      (if (r-call inherits e1
+							  "POSIXlt")
+						  (<- e1 (r-call as.POSIXct e1)))
+					      (if (r-call inherits e2
+							  "POSIXlt")
+						  (<- e2 (r-call as.POSIXct e2)))
+					      (if (r-call inherits e1
+							  "difftime")
+						  (<- e1 (r-call coerceTimeUnit
+								 e1)))
+					      (if (r-call inherits e2
+							  "difftime")
+						  (<- e2 (r-call coerceTimeUnit
+								 e2)))
+					      (r-call structure (r-call + (r-call
+  unclass e1)
+  (r-call unclass e2))
+						      (*named* class (r-call c
+  "POSIXt" "POSIXct"))
+						      (*named* tzone (r-call
+  check_tzones e1 e2)))))))
+	       (<- "-.POSIXt" (lambda (e1 e2)
+				(let ((e2 ()) (coerceTimeUnit ()))
+				     (r-block (<- coerceTimeUnit (lambda (x)
+								   (let () (r-block
+  (switch (r-call attr x
+		  "units")
+	  (*named* secs x) (*named* mins (r-call * 60 x))
+	  (*named* hours (r-call * (r-call * 60 60) x))
+	  (*named* days (r-call * (r-call * (r-call * 60 60) 24) x))
+	  (*named* weeks (r-call * (r-call * (r-call * (r-call * 60 60) 24) 7)
+				 x)))))))
+					      (if (r-call ! (r-call inherits e1
+								    "POSIXt"))
+						  (r-call stop "Can only subtract from POSIXt objects"))
+					      (if (r-call == (r-call nargs) 1)
+						  (r-call stop "unary - is not defined for \"POSIXt\" objects"))
+					      (if (r-call inherits e2
+							  "POSIXt")
+						  (return (r-call difftime e1
+								  e2)))
+					      (if (r-call inherits e2
+							  "difftime")
+						  (<- e2 (r-call unclass (r-call
+  coerceTimeUnit e2))))
+					      (if (r-call ! (r-call is.null (r-call
+  attr e2 "class")))
+						  (r-call stop "can only subtract numbers from POSIXt objects"))
+					      (r-call structure (r-call - (r-call
+  unclass (r-call as.POSIXct e1))
+  e2)
+						      (*named* class (r-call c
+  "POSIXt" "POSIXct")))))))
+	       (<- Ops.POSIXt (lambda (e1 e2)
+				(let ((e2 ()) (e1 ()) (boolean ()))
+				     (r-block (if (r-call == (r-call nargs) 1)
+						  (r-call stop "unary" .Generic
+							  " not defined for \"POSIXt\" objects"))
+					      (<- boolean (switch .Generic (*named*
+  < *r-missing*)
+								  (*named* >
+  *r-missing*)
+								  (*named* ==
+  *r-missing*)
+								  (*named* !=
+  *r-missing*)
+								  (*named* <=
+  *r-missing*)
+								  (*named* >=
+  *r-true*)
+								  *r-false*))
+					      (if (r-call ! boolean)
+						  (r-call stop .Generic
+							  " not defined for \"POSIXt\" objects"))
+					      (if (|\|\|| (r-call inherits e1
+								  "POSIXlt")
+							  (r-call is.character
+								  e1))
+						  (<- e1 (r-call as.POSIXct e1)))
+					      (if (|\|\|| (r-call inherits e2
+								  "POSIXlt")
+							  (r-call is.character
+								  e1))
+						  (<- e2 (r-call as.POSIXct e2)))
+					      (r-call check_tzones e1 e2)
+					      (r-call NextMethod .Generic)))))
+	       (<- Math.POSIXt (lambda (x ...)
+				 (let () (r-block (r-call stop .Generic
+							  " not defined for POSIXt objects")))))
+	       (<- check_tzones (lambda (...)
+				  (let ((tzs ()))
+				       (r-block (<- tzs (r-call unique (r-call
+  sapply (r-call list r-dotdotdot) (lambda (x)
+				     (let ((y ()))
+					  (r-block (<- y (r-call attr x
+								 "tzone"))
+						   (if (r-call is.null y)
+						       ""
+						       y)))))))
+						(<- tzs (r-call r-index tzs
+								(r-call != tzs
+  "")))
+						(if (r-call > (r-call length
+  tzs)
+							    1)
+						    (r-call warning "'tzone' attributes are inconsistent"))
+						(if (r-call length tzs)
+						    (r-call r-index tzs 1)
+						    ())))))
+	       (<- Summary.POSIXct (lambda (... na.rm)
+				     (let ((val ()) (tz ()) (args ()) (ok ()))
+					  (r-block (<- ok (switch .Generic (*named*
+  max *r-missing*)
+								  (*named* min
+  *r-missing*)
+								  (*named*
+								   range
+								   *r-true*)
+								  *r-false*))
+						   (if (r-call ! ok)
+						       (r-call stop .Generic
+							       " not defined for \"POSIXct\" objects"))
+						   (<- args (r-call list
+								    r-dotdotdot))
+						   (<- tz (r-call "check_tzones"
+								  args))
+						   (<- val (r-call NextMethod
+								   .Generic))
+						   (r-block (ref= %r:3 (r-call
+  oldClass (r-call r-aref args 1)))
+							    (<- val (r-call
+  class<- val %r:3))
+							    %r:3)
+						   (r-block (<- val (r-call
+  attr<- val "tzone" tz))
+							    tz)
+						   val))))
+	       (<- Summary.POSIXlt (lambda (... na.rm)
+				     (let ((val ()) (tz ()) (args ()) (ok ()))
+					  (r-block (<- ok (switch .Generic (*named*
+  max *r-missing*)
+								  (*named* min
+  *r-missing*)
+								  (*named*
+								   range
+								   *r-true*)
+								  *r-false*))
+						   (if (r-call ! ok)
+						       (r-call stop .Generic
+							       " not defined for \"POSIXlt\" objects"))
+						   (<- args (r-call list
+								    r-dotdotdot))
+						   (<- tz (r-call "check_tzones"
+								  args))
+						   (<- args (r-call lapply args
+								    as.POSIXct))
+						   (<- val (r-call
+								   .Generic (r-call
+  c args (*named* na.rm na.rm))))
+						   (r-call as.POSIXlt (r-call
+  structure val (*named* class (r-call c "POSIXt"
+				       "POSIXct"))
+  (*named* tzone tz)))))))
+	       (<- "[.POSIXct" (lambda (x ... drop)
+				 (let ((val ()) (x ()) (cl ()) (drop ()))
+				      (r-block (when (missing drop)
+						     (<- drop *r-true*))
+					       (<- cl (r-call oldClass x))
+					       (r-block (<- x (r-call class<-
+  x ()))
+							())
+					       (<- val (r-call NextMethod "["))
+					       (r-block (<- val (r-call class<-
+  val cl))
+							cl)
+					       (r-block (ref= %r:4 (r-call attr
+  x "tzone"))
+							(<- val (r-call attr<-
+  val "tzone" %r:4))
+							%r:4)
+					       val))))
+	       (<- "[[.POSIXct" (lambda (x ... drop)
+				  (let ((val ()) (x ()) (cl ()) (drop ()))
+				       (r-block (when (missing drop)
+						      (<- drop *r-true*))
+						(<- cl (r-call oldClass x))
+						(r-block (<- x (r-call class<-
+  x ()))
+							 ())
+						(<- val (r-call NextMethod "[["))
+						(r-block (<- val (r-call
+								  class<- val
+								  cl))
+							 cl)
+						(r-block (ref= %r:5 (r-call
+  attr x "tzone"))
+							 (<- val (r-call attr<-
+  val "tzone" %r:5))
+							 %r:5)
+						val))))
+	       (<- "[<-.POSIXct" (lambda (x ... value)
+				   (let ((x ()) (tz ()) (cl ()) (value ()))
+					(r-block (if (r-call ! (r-call
+								as.logical (r-call
+  length value)))
+						     (return x))
+						 (<- value (r-call as.POSIXct
+								   value))
+						 (<- cl (r-call oldClass x))
+						 (<- tz (r-call attr x
+								"tzone"))
+						 (r-block (ref= %r:6 (r-block
+  (<- value (r-call class<- value ())) ()))
+							  (<- x (r-call class<-
+  x %r:6))
+							  %r:6)
+						 (<- x (r-call NextMethod
+							       .Generic))
+						 (r-block (<- x (r-call class<-
+  x cl))
+							  cl)
+						 (r-block (<- x (r-call attr<-
+  x "tzone" tz))
+							  tz)
+						 x))))
+	       (<- as.character.POSIXt (lambda (x ...)
+					 (let () (r-block (r-call format x
+								  r-dotdotdot)))))
+	       (<-
+	       (<- (lambda (x)
+				   (let () (r-block (r-call (r-call
+								   as.POSIXct
+								   x))))))
+	       (<- c.POSIXct (lambda (... recursive)
+			       (let ((recursive ()))
+				    (r-block (when (missing recursive)
+						   (<- recursive *r-false*))
+					     (r-call structure (r-call c (r-call
+  unlist (r-call lapply (r-call list r-dotdotdot) unclass)))
+						     (*named* class (r-call c
+  "POSIXt" "POSIXct")))))))
+	       (<- c.POSIXlt (lambda (... recursive)
+			       (let ((recursive ()))
+				    (r-block (when (missing recursive)
+						   (<- recursive *r-false*))
+					     (r-call as.POSIXlt (r-call
+  "c" (r-call lapply (r-call list r-dotdotdot) as.POSIXct)))))))
+	       (<- all.equal.POSIXct (lambda (target current ... scale)
+				       (let ((scale ()))
+					    (r-block (when (missing scale)
+							   (<- scale 1))
+						     (r-call check_tzones
+							     target current)
+						     (r-call NextMethod "all.equal")))))
+	       (<- ISOdatetime (lambda (year month day hour min sec tz)
+				 (let ((x ()) (tz ()))
+				      (r-block (when (missing tz)
+						     (<- tz ""))
+					       (<- x (r-call paste year month
+							     day hour min sec
+							     (*named* sep "-")))
+					       (r-call as.POSIXct (r-call
+								   strptime x
+								   "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%OS"
+								   (*named* tz
+  tz))
+						       (*named* tz tz))))))
+	       (<- ISOdate (lambda (year month day hour min sec tz)
+			     (let ((hour ()) (min ()) (sec ()) (tz ()))
+				  (r-block (when (missing tz)
+						 (<- tz "GMT"))
+					   (when (missing sec)
+						 (<- sec 0))
+					   (when (missing min)
+						 (<- min 0))
+					   (when (missing hour)
+						 (<- hour 12))
+					   (r-call ISOdatetime year month day
+					    hour min sec tz)))))
+	       (<- as.matrix.POSIXlt (lambda (x ...)
+				       (let () (r-block (r-call as.matrix (r-call
+ (r-call unclass x))
+								r-dotdotdot)))))
+	       (<- mean.POSIXct (lambda (x ...)
+				  (let () (r-block (r-call structure (r-call
+  mean (r-call unclass x) r-dotdotdot)
+							   (*named* class (r-call
+  c "POSIXt" "POSIXct"))
+							   (*named* tzone (r-call
+  attr x "tzone")))))))
+	       (<- mean.POSIXlt (lambda (x ...)
+				  (let () (r-block (r-call as.POSIXlt (r-call
+  mean (r-call as.POSIXct x) r-dotdotdot))))))
+	       (<- difftime (lambda (time1 time2 tz units)
+			      (let ((zz ()) (z ()) (time2 ()) (time1 ()) (tz ())
+					    (units ()))
+				   (r-block (when (missing units)
+						  (<- units (r-call c "auto"
+								    "secs"
+								    "mins"
+								    "hours"
+								    "days"
+								    "weeks")))
+					    (when (missing tz)
+						  (<- tz ""))
+					    (<- time1 (r-call as.POSIXct time1
+							      (*named* tz tz)))
+					    (<- time2 (r-call as.POSIXct time2
+							      (*named* tz tz)))
+					    (<- z (r-call - (r-call unclass
+								    time1)
+							  (r-call unclass time2)))
+					    (<- units (r-call match.arg units))
+					    (if (r-call == units
+							"auto")
+						(r-block (if (r-call all (r-call
+ z))
+							     (<- units "secs")
+							     (r-block (<- zz (r-call
+  min (r-call abs z) (*named* na.rm *r-true*)))
+  (if (|\|\|| (r-call zz) (r-call < zz 60))
+      (<- units "secs")
+      (if (r-call < zz 3600)
+	  (<- units "mins")
+	  (if (r-call < zz 86400)
+	      (<- units "hours")
+	      (<- units "days"))))))))
+					    (switch units (*named* secs (r-call
+  structure z (*named* units "secs")
+  (*named* class "difftime")))
+						    (*named* mins (r-call
+								   structure (r-call
+  / z 60)
+								   (*named*
+								    units "mins")
+								   (*named*
+								    class "difftime")))
+						    (*named* hours (r-call
+								    structure
+								    (r-call /
+  z 3600)
+								    (*named*
+  units "hours")
+								    (*named*
+  class "difftime")))
+						    (*named* days (r-call
+								   structure (r-call
+  / z 86400)
+								   (*named*
+								    units "days")
+								   (*named*
+								    class "difftime")))
+						    (*named* weeks (r-call
+								    structure
+								    (r-call /
+  z (r-call * 7 86400))
+								    (*named*
+  units "weeks")
+								    (*named*
+  class "difftime"))))))))
+	       (<- as.difftime (lambda (tim format units)
+				 (let ((format ()) (units ()))
+				      (r-block (when (missing units)
+						     (<- units "auto"))
+					       (when (missing format)
+						     (<- format "%X"))
+					       (if (r-call inherits tim
+							   "difftime")
+						   (return tim))
+					       (if (r-call is.character tim)
+						   (r-block (r-call difftime (r-call
+  strptime tim (*named* format format))
+								    (r-call
+  strptime "0:0:0" (*named* format "%X"))
+								    (*named*
+  units units)))
+						   (r-block (if (r-call ! (r-call
+  is.numeric tim))
+								(r-call stop "'tim' is not character or numeric"))
+							    (if (r-call ==
+  units "auto")
+								(r-call stop "need explicit units for numeric conversion"))
+							    (if (r-call ! (r-call
+  %in% units (r-call c "secs"
+		     "mins" "hours" "days"
+		     "weeks")))
+								(r-call stop "invalid units specified"))
+							    (r-call structure
+								    tim (*named*
+  units units)
+								    (*named*
+  class "difftime"))))))))
+	       (<- units (lambda (x)
+			   (let () (r-block (r-call UseMethod "units")))))
+	       (<- "units<-" (lambda (x value)
+			       (let () (r-block (r-call UseMethod "units<-")))))
+	       (<- units.difftime (lambda (x)
+				    (let () (r-block (r-call attr x
+							     "units")))))
+	       (<- "units<-.difftime" (lambda (x value)
+					(let ((newx ()) (sc ()) (from ()))
+					     (r-block (<- from (r-call units x))
+						      (if (r-call == from value)
+							  (return x))
+						      (if (r-call ! (r-call
+  %in% value (r-call c "secs"
+		     "mins" "hours" "days"
+		     "weeks")))
+							  (r-call stop "invalid units specified"))
+						      (<- sc (r-call cumprod (r-call
+  c (*named* secs 1) (*named* mins 60)
+  (*named* hours 60) (*named* days 24) (*named* weeks 7))))
+						      (<- newx (r-call / (r-call
+  * (r-call as.vector x) (r-call r-index sc from))
+  (r-call r-index sc value)))
+						      (r-call structure newx
+							      (*named* units
+  value)
+							      (*named* class "difftime"))))))
+	       (<- as.double.difftime (lambda (x units ...)
+					(let ((x ()) (units ()))
+					     (r-block (when (missing units)
+							    (<- units "auto"))
+						      (if (r-call != units
+								  "auto")
+							  (r-block (<- x (r-call
+  units<- x units))
+								   units))
+						      (r-call as.double (r-call
+  as.vector x))))))
+	       (<-
+	       (<- format.difftime (lambda (x ...)
+				     (let () (r-block (r-call paste (r-call
+  format (r-call unclass x) r-dotdotdot)
+							      (r-call units x))))))
+	       (<- print.difftime (lambda (x digits ...)
+				    (let ((y ()) (digits ()))
+					 (r-block (when (missing digits)
+							(<- digits (r-call
+								    getOption
+								    "digits")))
+						  (if (|\|\|| (r-call is.array
+  x)
+							      (r-call > (r-call
+  length x)
+  1))
+						      (r-block (r-call cat "Time differences in "
+  (r-call attr x
+	  "units")
+  "\n" (*named* sep ""))
+							       (<- y (r-call
+  unclass x))
+							       (r-block (<- y
+  (r-call attr<- y
+	  "units" ()))
+  ())
+							       (r-call print y))
+						      (r-call cat "Time difference of "
+							      (r-call format (r-call
+  unclass x)
+  (*named* digits digits))
+							      " "
+							      (r-call attr x
+  "units")
+							      "\n"
+							      (*named* sep "")))
+						  (r-call invisible x)))))
+	       (<- round.difftime (lambda (x digits ...)
+				    (let ((units ()) (digits ()))
+					 (r-block (when (missing digits)
+							(<- digits 0))
+						  (<- units (r-call attr x
+								    "units"))
+						  (r-call structure (r-call
+  NextMethod)
+							  (*named* units units)
+							  (*named* class "difftime"))))))
+	       (<- "[.difftime" (lambda (x ... drop)
+				  (let ((val ()) (x ()) (cl ()) (drop ()))
+				       (r-block (when (missing drop)
+						      (<- drop *r-true*))
+						(<- cl (r-call oldClass x))
+						(r-block (<- x (r-call class<-
+  x ()))
+							 ())
+						(<- val (r-call NextMethod "["))
+						(r-block (<- val (r-call
+								  class<- val
+								  cl))
+							 cl)
+						(r-block (ref= %r:7 (r-call
+  attr x "units"))
+							 (<- val (r-call attr<-
+  val "units" %r:7))
+							 %r:7)
+						val))))
+	       (<- Ops.difftime (lambda (e1 e2)
+				  (let ((u1 ()) (e2 ()) (boolean ()) (e1 ()) (coerceTimeUnit
+  ()))
+				       (r-block (<- coerceTimeUnit (lambda (x)
+  (let () (r-block (switch (r-call attr x
+				   "units")
+			   (*named* secs x)
+			   (*named* mins (r-call * 60 x))
+			   (*named* hours (r-call * (r-call * 60 60) x))
+			   (*named* days (r-call * (r-call * (r-call * 60 60)
+							   24)
+						 x))
+			   (*named* weeks (r-call * (r-call * (r-call * (r-call
+  * 60 60)
+  24)
+							    7)
+						  x)))))))
+						(if (r-call == (r-call nargs)
+							    1)
+						    (r-block (switch .Generic
+  (*named* + (r-block)) (*named* - (r-block (r-block (ref= %r:8 (r-call - (r-call
+  unclass e1)))
+						     (<- e1 (r-call r-index<-
+								    e1
+								    *r-missing*
+								    %r:8))
+						     %r:8)))
+  (r-call stop "unary" .Generic
+	  " not defined for \"difftime\" objects"))
+							     (return e1)))
+						(<- boolean (switch .Generic (*named*
+  < *r-missing*)
+								    (*named* >
+  *r-missing*)
+								    (*named* ==
+  *r-missing*)
+								    (*named* !=
+  *r-missing*)
+								    (*named* <=
+  *r-missing*)
+								    (*named* >=
+  *r-true*)
+								    *r-false*))
+						(if boolean
+						    (r-block (if (&& (r-call
+  inherits e1 "difftime")
+  (r-call inherits e2
+	  "difftime"))
+								 (r-block (<-
+  e1 (r-call coerceTimeUnit e1))
+  (<- e2 (r-call coerceTimeUnit e2))))
+							     (r-call NextMethod
+  .Generic))
+						    (if (|\|\|| (r-call ==
+  .Generic "+")
+								(r-call ==
+  .Generic "-"))
+							(r-block (if (&& (r-call
+  inherits e1 "difftime")
+  (r-call ! (r-call inherits e2
+		    "difftime")))
+  (return (r-call structure (r-call NextMethod .Generic)
+		  (*named* units (r-call attr e1
+					 "units"))
+		  (*named* class "difftime"))))
+								 (if (&& (r-call
+  ! (r-call inherits e1
+	    "difftime"))
+  (r-call inherits e2
+	  "difftime"))
+  (return (r-call structure (r-call NextMethod .Generic)
+		  (*named* units (r-call attr e2
+					 "units"))
+		  (*named* class "difftime"))))
+								 (<- u1 (r-call
+  attr e1 "units"))
+								 (if (r-call ==
+  (r-call attr e2
+	  "units")
+  u1)
+  (r-block (r-call structure (r-call NextMethod .Generic)
+		   (*named* units u1) (*named* class "difftime")))
+  (r-block (<- e1 (r-call coerceTimeUnit e1))
+	   (<- e2 (r-call coerceTimeUnit e2))
+	   (r-call structure (r-call NextMethod .Generic)
+		   (*named* units "secs")
+		   (*named* class "difftime")))))
+							(r-block (r-call stop
+  .Generic "not defined for \"difftime\" objects"))))))))
+	       (<- "*.difftime" (lambda (e1 e2)
+				  (let ((e2 ()) (e1 ()) (tmp ()))
+				       (r-block (if (&& (r-call inherits e1
+								"difftime")
+							(r-call inherits e2
+								"difftime"))
+						    (r-call stop "both arguments of * cannot be \"difftime\" objects"))
+						(if (r-call inherits e2
+							    "difftime")
+						    (r-block (<- tmp e1)
+							     (<- e1 e2)
+							     (<- e2 tmp)))
+						(r-call structure (r-call * e2
+  (r-call unclass e1))
+							(*named* units (r-call
+  attr e1 "units"))
+							(*named* class "difftime"))))))
+	       (<- "/.difftime" (lambda (e1 e2)
+				  (let () (r-block (if (r-call inherits e2
+							       "difftime")
+						       (r-call stop "second argument of / cannot be a \"difftime\" object"))
+						   (r-call structure (r-call /
+  (r-call unclass e1) e2)
+							   (*named* units (r-call
+  attr e1 "units"))
+							   (*named* class "difftime"))))))
+	       (<- Math.difftime (lambda (x ...)
+				   (let () (r-block (r-call stop .Generic
+							    "not defined for \"difftime\" objects")))))
+	       (<- mean.difftime (lambda (x ... na.rm)
+				   (let ((args ()) (coerceTimeUnit ()) (na.rm
+  ()))
+					(r-block (when (missing na.rm)
+						       (<- na.rm *r-false*))
+						 (<- coerceTimeUnit (lambda (x)
+  (let () (r-block (r-call as.vector (switch (r-call attr x
+						     "units")
+					     (*named* secs x)
+					     (*named* mins (r-call * 60 x))
+					     (*named* hours (r-call * (r-call
+  * 60 60)
+								    x))
+					     (*named* days (r-call * (r-call *
+  (r-call * 60 60) 24)
+								   x))
+					     (*named* weeks (r-call * (r-call
+  * (r-call * (r-call * 60 60) 24) 7)
+								    x))))))))
+						 (if (r-call length (r-call
+  list r-dotdotdot))
+						     (r-block (<- args (r-call
+  c (r-call lapply (r-call list x r-dotdotdot) coerceTimeUnit)
+  (*named* na.rm na.rm)))
+							      (r-call structure
+  (r-call "mean" args) (*named* units "secs")
+  (*named* class "difftime")))
+						     (r-block (r-call structure
+  (r-call mean (r-call as.vector x)
+	  (*named* na.rm na.rm))
+  (*named* units (r-call attr x
+			 "units"))
+  (*named* class "difftime"))))))))
+	       (<- Summary.difftime (lambda (... na.rm)
+				      (let ((args ()) (ok ()) (coerceTimeUnit
+							       ()))
+					   (r-block (<- coerceTimeUnit (lambda (x)
+  (let () (r-block (r-call as.vector (switch (r-call attr x
+						     "units")
+					     (*named* secs x)
+					     (*named* mins (r-call * 60 x))
+					     (*named* hours (r-call * (r-call
+  * 60 60)
+								    x))
+					     (*named* days (r-call * (r-call *
+  (r-call * 60 60) 24)
+								   x))
+					     (*named* weeks (r-call * (r-call
+  * (r-call * (r-call * 60 60) 24) 7)
+								    x))))))))
+						    (<- ok (switch .Generic (*named*
+  max *r-missing*)
+								   (*named* min
+  *r-missing*)
+								   (*named*
+								    range
+								    *r-true*)
+								   *r-false*))
+						    (if (r-call ! ok)
+							(r-call stop .Generic
+								" not defined for \"difftime\" objects"))
+						    (<- args (r-call c (r-call
+  lapply (r-call list r-dotdotdot) coerceTimeUnit)
+  (*named* na.rm na.rm)))
+						    (r-call structure (r-call
+ .Generic args)
+							    (*named* units "secs")
+							    (*named* class "difftime"))))))
+	       (<- seq.POSIXt (lambda (from to by length.out along.with ...)
+				(let ((mon ()) (yr ()) (r1 ()) (by2 ()) (by ())
+				      (valid ()) (res ()) (to ()) (from ()) (status
+  ())
+				      (tz ()) (cfrom ()) (length.out ()) (along.with
+  ()))
+				     (r-block (when (missing along.with)
+						    (<- along.with ()))
+					      (when (missing length.out)
+						    (<- length.out ()))
+					      (if (missing from)
+						  (r-call stop "'from' must be specified"))
+					      (if (r-call ! (r-call inherits
+								    from "POSIXt"))
+						  (r-call stop "'from' must be a POSIXt object"))
+					      (<- cfrom (r-call as.POSIXct from))
+					      (if (r-call != (r-call length
+  cfrom)
+							  1)
+						  (r-call stop "'from' must be of length 1"))
+					      (<- tz (r-call attr cfrom
+							     "tzone"))
+					      (if (r-call ! (missing to))
+						  (r-block (if (r-call ! (r-call
+  inherits to "POSIXt"))
+							       (r-call stop "'to' must be a POSIXt object"))
+							   (if (r-call != (r-call
+  length (r-call as.POSIXct to))
+  1)
+							       (r-call stop "'to' must be of length 1"))))
+					      (if (r-call ! (missing along.with))
+						  (r-block (<- length.out (r-call
+  length along.with)))
+						  (if (r-call ! (r-call is.null
+  length.out))
+						      (r-block (if (r-call !=
+  (r-call length length.out) 1)
+								   (r-call stop
+  "'length.out' must be of length 1"))
+							       (<- length.out
+								   (r-call
+								    ceiling
+								    length.out)))))
+					      (<- status (r-call c (r-call ! (missing
+  to))
+								 (r-call ! (missing
+  by))
+								 (r-call ! (r-call
+  is.null length.out))))
+					      (if (r-call != (r-call sum status)
+							  2)
+						  (r-call stop "exactly two of 'to', 'by' and 'length.out' / 'along.with' must be specified"))
+					      (if (missing by)
+						  (r-block (<- from (r-call
+  unclass cfrom))
+							   (<- to (r-call
+								   unclass (r-call
+  as.POSIXct to)))
+							   (<- res (r-call
+								    from to (*named*
+  length.out length.out)))
+							   (return (r-call
+								    structure
+								    res (*named*
+  class (r-call c "POSIXt"
+		"POSIXct"))
+								    (*named*
+  tzone tz)))))
+					      (if (r-call != (r-call length by)
+							  1)
+						  (r-call stop "'by' must be of length 1"))
+					      (<- valid 0)
+					      (if (r-call inherits by
+							  "difftime")
+						  (r-block (<- by (r-call * (switch
+  (r-call attr by
+	  "units")
+  (*named* secs 1) (*named* mins 60) (*named* hours 3600)
+  (*named* days 86400) (*named* weeks (r-call * 7 86400)))
+  (r-call unclass by))))
+						  (if (r-call is.character by)
+						      (r-block (<- by2 (r-call
+  r-aref (r-call strsplit by
+		 " " (*named* fixed *r-true*))
+  1))
+							       (if (|\|\|| (r-call
+  > (r-call length by2) 2)
+  (r-call < (r-call length by2) 1))
+								   (r-call stop
+  "invalid 'by' string"))
+							       (<- valid (r-call
+  pmatch (r-call r-index by2
+		 (r-call length by2))
+  (r-call c "secs"
+	  "mins" "hours" "days"
+	  "weeks" "months" "years"
+	  "DSTdays")))
+							       (if (r-call
+		 valid)
+								   (r-call stop
+  "invalid string for 'by'"))
+							       (if (r-call <=
+  valid 5)
+								   (r-block (<-
+  by (r-call r-index (r-call c 1 60 3600 86400
+			     (r-call * 7 86400))
+	     valid))
+  (if (r-call == (r-call length by2) 2)
+      (<- by (r-call * by
+		     (r-call as.integer (r-call r-index by2 1))))))
+								   (<- by (if
+  (r-call == (r-call length by2) 2)
+  (r-call as.integer (r-call r-index by2 1))
+  1))))
+						      (if (r-call ! (r-call
+  is.numeric by))
+							  (r-call stop "invalid mode for 'by'"))))
+					      (if (r-call by)
+						  (r-call stop "'by' is NA"))
+					      (if (r-call <= valid 5)
+						  (r-block (<- from (r-call
+  unclass (r-call as.POSIXct from)))
+							   (if (r-call ! (r-call
+  is.null length.out))
+							       (<- res (r-call
+ from (*named* by by)
+  (*named* length.out length.out)))
+							       (r-block (<- to
+  (r-call unclass (r-call as.POSIXct to)))
+  (<- res (r-call + (r-call 0
+			    (r-call - to from) by)
+		  from))))
+							   (return (r-call
+								    structure
+								    res (*named*
+  class (r-call c "POSIXt"
+		"POSIXct"))
+								    (*named*
+  tzone tz))))
+						  (r-block (<- r1 (r-call
+								   as.POSIXlt
+								   from))
+							   (if (r-call == valid
+  7)
+							       (r-block (if (missing
+  to)
+  (r-block (<- yr (r-call (r-call r-aref r1
+					  (index-in-strlist year (r-call attr
+  r1 #0#)))
+			  (*named* by by)
+			  (*named* length length.out))))
+  (r-block (<- to (r-call as.POSIXlt to))
+	   (<- yr (r-call (r-call r-aref r1
+					  (index-in-strlist year (r-call attr
+  r1 #0#)))
+			  (r-call r-aref to
+				  (index-in-strlist year (r-call attr to
+								 #0#)))
+			  by))))
+  (r-block (<- r1 (r-call r-aref<- r1
+			  (index-in-strlist year (r-call attr r1
+							 #0#))
+			  yr))
+	   yr)
+  (r-block (ref= %r:9 (r-call - 1)) (<- r1 (r-call r-aref<- r1
+						   (index-in-strlist isdst (r-call
+  attr r1 #0#))
+						   %r:9))
+	   %r:9)
+  (<- res (r-call as.POSIXct r1)))
+							       (if (r-call ==
+  valid 6)
+								   (r-block (if
+  (missing to)
+  (r-block (<- mon (r-call (r-call r-aref r1
+					   (index-in-strlist mon (r-call attr
+  r1 #0#)))
+			   (*named* by by)
+			   (*named* length length.out))))
+  (r-block (<- to (r-call as.POSIXlt to))
+	   (<- mon (r-call (r-call r-aref r1
+					   (index-in-strlist mon (r-call attr
+  r1 #0#)))
+			   (r-call + (r-call * 12
+					     (r-call - (r-call r-aref to
+							       (index-in-strlist
+								year (r-call
+  attr to #0#)))
+						     (r-call r-aref r1
+							     (index-in-strlist
+							      year (r-call attr
+  r1 #0#)))))
+				   (r-call r-aref to
+					   (index-in-strlist mon (r-call attr
+  to #0#))))
+			   by))))
+  (r-block (<- r1 (r-call r-aref<- r1
+			  (index-in-strlist mon (r-call attr r1
+							#0#))
+			  mon))
+	   mon)
+  (r-block (ref= %r:10 (r-call - 1)) (<- r1 (r-call r-aref<- r1
+						    (index-in-strlist isdst (r-call
+  attr r1 #0#))
+						    %r:10))
+	   %r:10)
+  (<- res (r-call as.POSIXct r1)))
+								   (if (r-call
+  == valid 8)
+  (r-block (if (r-call ! (missing to))
+	       (r-block (<- length.out (r-call + 2
+					       (r-call floor (r-call / (r-call
+  - (r-call unclass (r-call as.POSIXct to))
+  (r-call unclass (r-call as.POSIXct from)))
+  86400))))))
+	   (r-block (ref= %r:11 (r-call (r-call r-aref r1
+							(index-in-strlist mday
+  (r-call attr r1
+	  #0#)))
+					(*named* by by)
+					(*named* length length.out)))
+		    (<- r1 (r-call r-aref<- r1
+				   (index-in-strlist mday (r-call attr r1
+								  #0#))
+				   %r:11))
+		    %r:11)
+	   (r-block (ref= %r:12 (r-call - 1))
+		    (<- r1 (r-call r-aref<- r1
+				   (index-in-strlist isdst (r-call attr r1
+								   #0#))
+				   %r:12))
+		    %r:12)
+	   (<- res (r-call as.POSIXct r1))
+	   (if (r-call ! (missing to))
+	       (<- res (r-call r-index res
+			       (r-call <= res
+				       (r-call as.POSIXct to)))))))))
+							   (return res)))))))
+	       (<- cut.POSIXt (lambda (x breaks labels start.on.monday right
+					 ...)
+				(let ((res ()) (maxx ()) (incr ()) (start ())
+				      (valid ()) (by2 ()) (breaks ()) (x ()) (labels
+  ())
+				      (start.on.monday ()) (right ()))
+				     (r-block (when (missing right)
+						    (<- right *r-false*))
+					      (when (missing start.on.monday)
+						    (<- start.on.monday
+							*r-true*))
+					      (when (missing labels)
+						    (<- labels ()))
+					      (if (r-call ! (r-call inherits x
+								    "POSIXt"))
+						  (r-call stop "'x' must be a date-time object"))
+					      (<- x (r-call as.POSIXct x))
+					      (if (r-call inherits breaks
+							  "POSIXt")
+						  (r-block (<- breaks (r-call
+  as.POSIXct breaks)))
+						  (if (&& (r-call is.numeric
+								  breaks)
+							  (r-call == (r-call
+  length breaks)
+								  1))
+						      (r-block)
+						      (if (&& (r-call
+							       is.character
+							       breaks)
+							      (r-call == (r-call
+  length breaks)
+  1))
+							  (r-block (<- by2 (r-call
+  r-aref (r-call strsplit breaks
+		 " " (*named* fixed *r-true*))
+  1))
+								   (if (|\|\||
+  (r-call > (r-call length by2) 2) (r-call < (r-call length by2) 1))
+  (r-call stop "invalid specification of 'breaks'"))
+								   (<- valid (r-call
+  pmatch (r-call r-index by2
+		 (r-call length by2))
+  (r-call c "secs"
+	  "mins" "hours" "days"
+	  "weeks" "months" "years"
+	  "DSTdays")))
+								   (if (r-call
+ valid)
+  (r-call stop "invalid specification of 'breaks'"))
+								   (<- start (r-call
+  as.POSIXlt (r-call min x
+		     (*named* na.rm *r-true*))))
+								   (<- incr 1)
+								   (if (r-call
+  > valid 1)
+  (r-block (r-block (<- start (r-call r-aref<- start
+				      (index-in-strlist sec (r-call attr start
+								    #0#))
+				      0))
+		    0)
+	   (<- incr 59.990000000000002)))
+								   (if (r-call
+  > valid 2)
+  (r-block (r-block (<- start (r-call r-aref<- start
+				      (index-in-strlist min (r-call attr start
+								    #0#))
+				      0))
+		    0)
+	   (<- incr (r-call - 3600 1))))
+								   (if (r-call
+  > valid 3)
+  (r-block (r-block (<- start (r-call r-aref<- start
+				      (index-in-strlist hour (r-call attr start
+  #0#))
+				      0))
+		    0)
+	   (<- incr (r-call - 86400 1))))
+								   (if (r-call
+  == valid 5)
+  (r-block (r-block (ref= %r:13 (r-call - (r-call r-aref start
+						  (index-in-strlist mday (r-call
+  attr start #0#)))
+					(r-call r-aref start
+						(index-in-strlist wday (r-call
+  attr start #0#)))))
+		    (<- start (r-call r-aref<- start
+				      (index-in-strlist mday (r-call attr start
+  #0#))
+				      %r:13))
+		    %r:13)
+	   (if start.on.monday
+	       (r-block (ref= %r:14 (r-call + (r-call r-aref start
+						      (index-in-strlist mday (r-call
+  attr start #0#)))
+					    (r-call ifelse (r-call > (r-call
+  r-aref start (index-in-strlist wday (r-call attr start
+					      #0#)))
+								   0)
+						    1 (r-call - 6))))
+			(<- start (r-call r-aref<- start
+					  (index-in-strlist mday (r-call attr
+  start #0#))
+					  %r:14))
+			%r:14))
+	   (<- incr (r-call * 7 86400))))
+								   (if (r-call
+  == valid 6)
+  (r-block (r-block (<- start (r-call r-aref<- start
+				      (index-in-strlist mday (r-call attr start
+  #0#))
+				      1))
+		    1)
+	   (<- incr (r-call * 31 86400))))
+								   (if (r-call
+  == valid 7)
+  (r-block (r-block (<- start (r-call r-aref<- start
+				      (index-in-strlist mon (r-call attr start
+								    #0#))
+				      0))
+		    0)
+	   (r-block (<- start (r-call r-aref<- start
+				      (index-in-strlist mday (r-call attr start
+  #0#))
+				      1))
+		    1)
+	   (<- incr (r-call * 366 86400))))
+								   (if (r-call
+  == valid 8)
+  (<- incr (r-call * 25 3600)))
+								   (if (r-call
+  == (r-call length by2) 2)
+  (<- incr (r-call * incr
+		   (r-call as.integer (r-call r-index by2 1)))))
+								   (<- maxx (r-call
+  max x (*named* na.rm *r-true*)))
+								   (<- breaks
+  (r-call start
+	  (r-call + maxx incr) breaks))
+								   (<- breaks
+  (r-call r-index breaks
+	  (r-call : 1
+		  (r-call + 1
+			  (r-call max (r-call which (r-call < breaks maxx))))))))
+							  (r-call stop "invalid specification of 'breaks'"))))
+					      (<- res (r-call cut (r-call
+								   unclass x)
+							      (r-call unclass
+  breaks)
+							      (*named* labels
+  labels)
+							      (*named* right
+  right)
+							      r-dotdotdot))
+					      (if (r-call is.null labels)
+						  (r-block (ref= %r:15 (r-call
+  as.character (r-call r-index breaks
+		       (r-call - (r-call length breaks)))))
+							   (<- res (r-call
+								    levels<-
+								    res %r:15))
+							   %r:15))
+					      res))))
+	       (<- julian (lambda (x ...)
+			    (let () (r-block (r-call UseMethod "julian")))))
+	       (<- julian.POSIXt (lambda (x origin ...)
+				   (let ((res ()) (origin ()))
+					(r-block (when (missing origin)
+						       (<- origin (r-call
+								   as.POSIXct
+								   "1970-01-01"
+								   (*named* tz
+  "GMT"))))
+						 (if (r-call != (r-call length
+  origin)
+							     1)
+						     (r-call stop "'origin' must be of length one"))
+						 (<- res (r-call difftime (r-call
+  as.POSIXct x)
+								 origin (*named*
+  units "days")))
+						 (r-call structure res
+							 (*named* origin origin))))))
+	       (<- weekdays (lambda (x abbreviate)
+			      (let () (r-block (r-call UseMethod "weekdays")))))
+	       (<- weekdays.POSIXt (lambda (x abbreviate)
+				     (let ((abbreviate ()))
+					  (r-block (when (missing abbreviate)
+							 (<- abbreviate
+							     *r-false*))
+						   (r-call format x
+							   (r-call ifelse
+								   abbreviate
+								   "%a"
+								   "%A"))))))
+	       (<- months (lambda (x abbreviate)
+			    (let () (r-block (r-call UseMethod "months")))))
+	       (<- months.POSIXt (lambda (x abbreviate)
+				   (let ((abbreviate ()))
+					(r-block (when (missing abbreviate)
+						       (<- abbreviate *r-false*))
+						 (r-call format x
+							 (r-call ifelse
+								 abbreviate "%b"
+								 "%B"))))))
+	       (<- quarters (lambda (x abbreviate)
+			      (let () (r-block (r-call UseMethod "quarters")))))
+	       (<- quarters.POSIXt (lambda (x ...)
+				     (let ((x ()))
+					  (r-block (<- x (r-call %/% (r-block
+  (ref= %r:0 (r-call as.POSIXlt x)) (r-call r-aref %r:0
+					    (index-in-strlist mon (r-call attr
+  %r:0 #0#))))
+								 3))
+						   (r-call paste "Q"
+							   (r-call + x 1)
+							   (*named* sep ""))))))
+	       (<- trunc.POSIXt (lambda (x units)
+				  (let ((x ()) (units ()))
+				       (r-block (when (missing units)
+						      (<- units (r-call c "secs"
+  "mins" "hours" "days")))
+						(<- units (r-call match.arg
+								  units))
+						(<- x (r-call as.POSIXlt x))
+						(if (r-call > (r-call length (r-call
+  r-aref x (index-in-strlist sec (r-call attr x
+					 #0#))))
+							    0)
+						    (switch units (*named* secs
+  (r-block (r-block (ref= %r:16 (r-call trunc (r-call r-aref x
+						      (index-in-strlist sec (r-call
+  attr x #0#)))))
+		    (<- x (r-call r-aref<- x
+				  (index-in-strlist sec (r-call attr x
+								#0#))
+				  %r:16))
+		    %r:16)))
+							    (*named* mins (r-block
+  (r-block (<- x (r-call r-aref<- x
+			 (index-in-strlist sec (r-call attr x
+						       #0#))
+			 0))
+	   0)))
+							    (*named* hours (r-block
+  (r-block (<- x (r-call r-aref<- x
+			 (index-in-strlist sec (r-call attr x
+						       #0#))
+			 0))
+	   0)
+  (r-block (<- x (r-call r-aref<- x
+			 (index-in-strlist min (r-call attr x
+						       #0#))
+			 0))
+	   0)))
+							    (*named* days (r-block
+  (r-block (<- x (r-call r-aref<- x
+			 (index-in-strlist sec (r-call attr x
+						       #0#))
+			 0))
+	   0)
+  (r-block (<- x (r-call r-aref<- x
+			 (index-in-strlist min (r-call attr x
+						       #0#))
+			 0))
+	   0)
+  (r-block (<- x (r-call r-aref<- x
+			 (index-in-strlist hour (r-call attr x
+							#0#))
+			 0))
+	   0)
+  (r-block (ref= %r:17 (r-call - 1)) (<- x (r-call r-aref<- x
+						   (index-in-strlist isdst (r-call
+  attr x #0#))
+						   %r:17))
+	   %r:17)))))
+						x))))
+	       (<- round.POSIXt (lambda (x units)
+				  (let ((x ()) (units ()))
+				       (r-block (when (missing units)
+						      (<- units (r-call c "secs"
+  "mins" "hours" "days")))
+						(if (&& (r-call is.numeric
+								units)
+							(r-call == units 0))
+						    (<- units "secs"))
+						(<- units (r-call match.arg
+								  units))
+						(<- x (r-call as.POSIXct x))
+						(<- x (r-call + x
+							      (switch units (*named*
+  secs 0.5)
+  (*named* mins 30) (*named* hours 1800) (*named* days 43200))))
+						(r-call trunc.POSIXt x
+							(*named* units units))))))
+	       (<- "[.POSIXlt" (lambda (x ... drop)
+				 (let ((val ()) (drop ()))
+				      (r-block (when (missing drop)
+						     (<- drop *r-true*))
+					       (<- val (r-call lapply x
+							       "[" r-dotdotdot
+							       (*named* drop
+  drop)))
+					       (r-block (ref= %r:18 (r-call
+  attributes x))
+							(<- val (r-call
+								 attributes<-
+								 val %r:18))
+							%r:18)
+					       val))))
+	       (<- "[<-.POSIXlt" (lambda (x i value)
+				   (let ((x ()) (cl ()) (value ()))
+					(r-block (if (r-call ! (r-call
+								as.logical (r-call
+  length value)))
+						     (return x))
+						 (<- value (r-call as.POSIXlt
+								   value))
+						 (<- cl (r-call oldClass x))
+						 (r-block (ref= %r:19 (r-block
+  (<- value (r-call class<- value ())) ()))
+							  (<- x (r-call class<-
+  x %r:19))
+							  %r:19)
+						 (for n (r-call names x)
+						   (r-block (ref= %r:20 (r-call
+  r-aref value n))
+							    (r-block (ref=
+  %r:21 (r-call r-index<- (r-call r-aref x n) i %r:20))
+  (<- x (r-call r-aref<- x n %r:21)) %r:21)
+							    %r:20))
+						 (r-block (<- x (r-call class<-
+  x cl))
+							  cl)
+						 x))))
+	       (<- (lambda (x row.names optional ...)
+					   (let ((value ()) (row.names ()) (optional
+  ()))
+						(r-block (when (missing
+								optional)
+							       (<- optional
+								   *r-false*))
+							 (when (missing
+								row.names)
+							       (<- row.names ()))
+							 (<- value (r-call
+								    (r-call
+  as.POSIXct x)
+								    row.names
+								    optional
+								    r-dotdotdot))
+							 (if (r-call ! optional)
+							     (r-block (ref=
+  %r:22 (r-call r-aref (r-call deparse (substitute x)) 1))
+  (<- value (r-call names<- value %r:22)) %r:22))
+							 value))))
+	       (<- rep.POSIXct (lambda (x ...)
+				 (let ((y ()))
+				      (r-block (<- y (r-call NextMethod))
+					       (r-call structure y
+						       (*named* class (r-call
+  c "POSIXt" "POSIXct"))
+						       (*named* tzone (r-call
+  attr x "tzone")))))))
+	       (<- rep.POSIXlt (lambda (x ...)
+				 (let ((y ()))
+				      (r-block (<- y (r-call lapply x rep
+							     r-dotdotdot))
+					       (r-block (ref= %r:23 (r-call
+  attributes x))
+							(<- y (r-call
+							       attributes<- y
+							       %r:23))
+							%r:23)
+					       y))))
+	       (<- diff.POSIXt (lambda (x lag differences ...)
+				 (let ((i1 ()) (xlen ()) (r ()) (ismat ()) (lag
+  ())
+					       (differences ()))
+				      (r-block (when (missing differences)
+						     (<- differences 1))
+					       (when (missing lag)
+						     (<- lag 1))
+					       (<- ismat (r-call is.matrix x))
+					       (<- r (if (r-call inherits x
+								 "POSIXlt")
+							 (r-call as.POSIXct x)
+							 x))
+					       (<- xlen (if ismat
+							    (r-call r-index (r-call
+  dim x)
+								    1)
+							    (r-call length r)))
+					       (if (|\|\|| (r-call > (r-call
+  length lag)
+								   1)
+							   (r-call > (r-call
+  length differences)
+								   1)
+							   (r-call < lag 1)
+							   (r-call <
+								   differences
+								   1))
+						   (r-call stop "'lag' and 'differences' must be integers >= 1"))
+					       (if (r-call >= (r-call * lag
+  differences)
+							   xlen)
+						   (return (r-call structure (r-call
+  numeric 0)
+								   (*named*
+								    class "difftime")
+								   (*named*
+								    units "secs"))))
+					       (<- i1 (r-call : (r-call - 1)
+							      (r-call - lag)))
+					       (if ismat
+						   (for i (r-call : 1
+								  differences)
+						     (<- r (r-call - (r-call
+  r-index r i1 *r-missing*
+  (*named* drop *r-false*))
+								   (r-call
+								    r-index r
+								    (r-call :
+  (r-call - (r-call nrow r)) (r-call - (r-call + (r-call - (r-call nrow r) lag)
+					       1)))
+								    *r-missing*
+								    (*named*
+  drop *r-false*)))))
+						   (for i (r-call : 1
+								  differences)
+						     (<- r (r-call - (r-call
+  r-index r i1)
+								   (r-call
+								    r-index r
+								    (r-call :
+  (r-call - (r-call length r)) (r-call - (r-call + (r-call - (r-call length r)
+							   lag)
+						 1))))))))
+					       r))))
+	       (<- duplicated.POSIXlt (lambda (x incomparables ...)
+					(let ((x ()) (incomparables ()))
+					     (r-block (when (missing
+							     incomparables)
+							    (<- incomparables
+								*r-false*))
+						      (<- x (r-call as.POSIXct
+								    x))
+						      (r-call NextMethod "duplicated"
+							      x)))))
+	       (<- unique.POSIXlt (lambda (x incomparables ...)
+				    (let ((incomparables ()))
+					 (r-block (when (missing incomparables)
+							(<- incomparables
+							    *r-false*))
+						  (r-call r-index x
+							  (r-call ! (r-call
+  duplicated x incomparables r-dotdotdot)))))))
+	       (<- sort.POSIXlt (lambda (x decreasing na.last ...)
+				  (let ((decreasing ()) (na.last ()))
+				       (r-block (when (missing na.last)
+						      (<- na.last NA))
+						(when (missing decreasing)
+						      (<- decreasing *r-false*))
+						(r-call r-index x
+							(r-call order (r-call
+  as.POSIXct x)
+								(*named*
+								 na.last
+								 na.last)
+								(*named*
+								 decreasing
+								 decreasing))))))))
--- a/femtolisp/ast/rpasses.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/ast/rpasses.lsp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+; -*- scheme -*-
 (load "match.lsp")
 (load "asttools.lsp")
@@ -18,10 +19,14 @@
 ; transformations
+(let ((ctr 0))
+  (define (r-gensym) (prog1 (intern (string "%r:" ctr))
+			    (set! ctr (+ ctr 1)))))
 (define (dollarsign-transform e)
    (pattern-lambda ($ lhs name)
-		   (let* ((g (if (not (consp lhs)) lhs (gensym)))
+		   (let* ((g (if (not (consp lhs)) lhs (r-gensym)))
 			  (n (if (symbolp name)
 				 name ;(symbol->string name)
@@ -41,7 +46,7 @@
    (pattern-lambda (-$ (<-  (r-call f lhs ...) rhs)
                        (<<- (r-call f lhs ...) rhs))
-		   (let ((g  (if (consp rhs) (gensym) rhs))
+		   (let ((g  (if (consp rhs) (r-gensym) rhs))
                          (op (car __)))
 		     `(r-block ,@(if (consp rhs) `((ref= ,g ,rhs)) ())
                                (,op ,lhs (r-call ,(symconcat f '<-) ,@(cddr (cadr __)) ,g))
@@ -77,9 +82,9 @@
   (let ((vars ()))
     (maptree-pre (lambda (s)
 		   (if (not (consp s)) s
-                     (cond ((eq (car s) 'lambda) nil)
+                     (cond ((eq (car s) 'lambda) ())
                            ((eq (car s) '<-)
-                            (setq vars (list-adjoin (cadr s) vars))
+                            (set! vars (list-adjoin (cadr s) vars))
                             (cddr s))
                            (T s))))
@@ -102,18 +107,3 @@
       (flatten-all-op && (flatten-all-op \|\| e)))))))
-;(trace map)
-;(pretty-print (compile-ish *input*))
-; (time-call (lambda () (compile-ish *input*)) 1)
-(define (main)
-  (progn
-    (define *input* (load "datetimeR.lsp"))
-    ;(define t0 ((java.util.Date:new):getTime))
-    (time (compile-ish *input*))
-    ;(define t1 ((java.util.Date:new):getTime))
--- a/femtolisp/builtins.c
+++ b/femtolisp/builtins.c
@@ -81,21 +81,32 @@
     return symbol(cvalue_data(args[0]));
+value_t fl_setconstant(value_t *args, u_int32_t nargs)
+    argcount("set-constant!", nargs, 2);
+    symbol_t *sym = tosymbol(args[0], "set-constant!");
+    if (isconstant(args[0]) || sym->binding != UNBOUND)
+        lerror(ArgError, "set-constant!: cannot redefine %s",
+               symbol_name(args[0]));
+    setc(args[0], args[1]);
+    return args[1];
 extern value_t LAMBDA;
 value_t fl_setsyntax(value_t *args, u_int32_t nargs)
-    argcount("set-syntax", nargs, 2);
-    symbol_t *sym = tosymbol(args[0], "set-syntax");
+    argcount("set-syntax!", nargs, 2);
+    symbol_t *sym = tosymbol(args[0], "set-syntax!");
     if (sym->syntax && (sym->syntax == TAG_CONST || isspecial(sym->syntax)))
-        lerror(ArgError, "set-syntax: cannot define syntax for %s",
+        lerror(ArgError, "set-syntax!: cannot define syntax for %s",
-    if (args[1] == NIL) {
+    if (args[1] == FL_F) {
         sym->syntax = 0;
     else {
         if (!iscons(args[1]) || car_(args[1])!=LAMBDA)
-            type_error("set-syntax", "function", args[1]);
+            type_error("set-syntax!", "function", args[1]);
         sym->syntax = args[1];
     return args[1];
@@ -109,7 +120,7 @@
     // don't behave like functions (they take their arguments directly
     // from the form rather than from the stack of evaluated arguments)
     if (sym->syntax == TAG_CONST || isspecial(sym->syntax))
-        return NIL;
+        return FL_F;
     return sym->syntax;
@@ -160,15 +171,15 @@
 value_t fl_constantp(value_t *args, u_int32_t nargs)
-    argcount("constantp", nargs, 1);
+    argcount("constant?", nargs, 1);
     if (issymbol(args[0]))
-        return (isconstant(args[0]) ? T : NIL);
+        return (isconstant(args[0]) ? FL_T : FL_F);
     if (iscons(args[0])) {
         if (car_(args[0]) == QUOTE)
-            return T;
-        return NIL;
+            return FL_T;
+        return FL_F;
-    return T;
+    return FL_T;
 value_t fl_fixnum(value_t *args, u_int32_t nargs)
@@ -278,7 +289,7 @@
     char *ptr = tostring(args[0], "path.cwd");
     if (set_cwd(ptr))
         lerror(IOError, "could not cd to %s", ptr);
-    return T;
+    return FL_T;
 value_t fl_os_getenv(value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
@@ -286,7 +297,7 @@
     argcount("os.getenv", nargs, 1);
     char *name = tostring(args[0], "os.getenv");
     char *val = getenv(name);
-    if (val == NULL) return NIL;
+    if (val == NULL) return FL_F;
     if (*val == 0)
         return symbol_value(emptystringsym);
     return cvalue_static_cstring(val);
@@ -297,7 +308,7 @@
     argcount("os.setenv", nargs, 2);
     char *name = tostring(args[0], "os.setenv");
     int result;
-    if (args[1] == NIL) {
+    if (args[1] == FL_F) {
         result = unsetenv(name);
     else {
@@ -306,7 +317,7 @@
     if (result != 0)
         lerror(ArgError, "os.setenv: invalid environment variable");
-    return T;
+    return FL_T;
 value_t fl_rand(value_t *args, u_int32_t nargs)
@@ -351,11 +362,12 @@
 extern void table_init();
 static builtinspec_t builtin_info[] = {
-    { "set-syntax", fl_setsyntax },
+    { "set-constant!", fl_setconstant },
+    { "set-syntax!", fl_setsyntax },
     { "symbol-syntax", fl_symbolsyntax },
     { "syntax-environment", fl_syntax_env },
     { "environment", fl_global_env },
-    { "constantp", fl_constantp },
+    { "constant?", fl_constantp },
     { "print", fl_print },
     { "princ", fl_princ },
--- a/femtolisp/color.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/color.lsp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+; -*- scheme -*-
 ; uncomment for compatibility with CL
 ;(defun mapp (f l) (mapcar f l))
 ;(defmacro define (name &rest body)
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
         ((equal key (caar dl))  (cdar dl))
         (T (dict-lookup (cdr dl) key))))
-(define (dict-keys dl) (map (symbol-function 'car) dl))
+(define (dict-keys dl) (map car dl))
 ; graphs ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 (define (graph-empty) (dict-new))
@@ -50,14 +51,14 @@
          (lambda (n)
-           (let ((color-pair (assoc n coloring)))
-             (if (consp color-pair) (cdr color-pair) nil)))
+           (let ((color-pair (assq n coloring)))
+             (if (consp color-pair) (cdr color-pair) ())))
          (graph-neighbors g node-to-color)))))
 (define (try-each f lst)
-  (if (null lst) nil
-    (let ((ret (funcall f (car lst))))
-      (if ret ret (try-each f (cdr lst))))))
+  (if (null lst) #f
+      (let ((ret (f (car lst))))
+	(if ret ret (try-each f (cdr lst))))))
 (define (color-node g coloring colors uncolored-nodes color)
@@ -71,14 +72,14 @@
 (define (color-graph g colors)
   (if (null colors)
-      (null (graph-nodes g))
-    (color-node g () colors (graph-nodes g) (car colors))))
+      (and (null (graph-nodes g)) ())
+      (color-node g () colors (graph-nodes g) (car colors))))
 (define (color-pairs pairs colors)
   (color-graph (graph-from-edges pairs) colors))
 ; queens ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-(defun can-attack (x y)
+(define (can-attack x y)
   (let ((x1 (mod x 5))
         (y1 (truncate (/ x 5)))
         (x2 (mod y 5))
@@ -85,10 +86,10 @@
         (y2 (truncate (/ y 5))))
     (or (= x1 x2) (= y1 y2) (= (abs (- y2 y1)) (abs (- x2 x1))))))
-(defun generate-5x5-pairs ()
-  (let ((result nil))
+(define (generate-5x5-pairs)
+  (let ((result ()))
     (dotimes (x 25)
       (dotimes (y 25)
         (if (and (/= x y) (can-attack x y))
-            (setq result (cons (cons x y) result)) nil)))
+            (set! result (cons (cons x y) result)) ())))
--- a/femtolisp/cps.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/cps.lsp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+; -*- scheme -*-
 (define (cond->if form)
   (cond-clauses->if (cdr form)))
 (define (cond-clauses->if lst)
@@ -8,20 +9,20 @@
            ,(f-body (cdr clause))
          ,(cond-clauses->if (cdr lst))))))
-(define (progn->cps forms k)
+(define (begin->cps forms k)
   (cond ((atom forms)       `(,k ,forms))
         ((null (cdr forms)) (cps- (car forms) k))
         (T (let ((_ (gensym)))   ; var to bind ignored value
              (cps- (car forms) `(lambda (,_)
-                                  ,(progn->cps (cdr forms) k)))))))
+                                  ,(begin->cps (cdr forms) k)))))))
-(defmacro lambda/cc (args body)
+(define-macro (lambda/cc args body)
   `(rplaca (lambda ,args ,body) 'lambda/cc))
 ; a utility used at run time to dispatch a call with or without
 ; the continuation argument, depending on the function
 (define (funcall/cc f k . args)
-  (if (and (consp f) (eq (car f) 'lambda/cc))
+  (if (and (pair? f) (eq (car f) 'lambda/cc))
       (apply f (cons k args))
     (k (apply f args))))
 (define *funcall/cc-names*
@@ -28,10 +29,10 @@
    (map (lambda (i) (intern (string 'funcall/cc- i)))
         (iota 6))))
-(defmacro def-funcall/cc-n (args)
+(define-macro (def-funcall/cc-n args)
   (let* ((name (aref *funcall/cc-names* (length args))))
     `(define (,name f k ,@args)
-       (if (and (consp f) (eq (car f) 'lambda/cc))
+       (if (and (pair? f) (eq (car f) 'lambda/cc))
            (f k ,@args)
          (k (f ,@args))))))
 (def-funcall/cc-n ())
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@
 (define (rest->cps xformer form k argsyms)
   (let ((el (car form)))
-    (if (or (atom el) (constantp el))
+    (if (or (atom el) (constant? el))
         (xformer (cdr form) k (cons el argsyms))
       (let ((g (gensym)))
         (cps- el `(lambda (,g)
@@ -79,14 +80,14 @@
      (cps- (macroexpand form) *top-k*)))))
 (define (cps- form k)
   (let ((g (gensym)))
-    (cond ((or (atom form) (constantp form))
+    (cond ((or (atom form) (constant? form))
            `(,k ,form))
           ((eq (car form) 'lambda)
            `(,k (lambda/cc ,(cons g (cadr form)) ,(cps- (caddr form) g))))
-          ((eq (car form) 'progn)
-           (progn->cps (cdr form) k))
+          ((eq (car form) 'begin)
+           (begin->cps (cdr form) k))
           ((eq (car form) 'cond)
            (cps- (cond->if form) k))
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@
                        ,(cps- form g))))))
           ((eq (car form) 'or)
-           (cond ((atom (cdr  form)) `(,k ()))
+           (cond ((atom (cdr  form)) `(,k #f))
                  ((atom (cddr form)) (cps- (cadr form) k))
                   (if (atom k)
@@ -132,18 +133,18 @@
                  (body (caddr form))
                  (lastval (gensym)))
              (cps- (macroexpand
-                    `(let ((,lastval nil))
+                    `(let ((,lastval #f))
                        ((label ,g (lambda ()
                                     (if ,test
-                                        (progn (setq ,lastval ,body)
+                                        (begin (set! ,lastval ,body)
-          ((eq (car form) 'setq)
+          ((eq (car form) 'set!)
            (let ((var (cadr form))
                  (E   (caddr form)))
-             (cps- E `(lambda (,g) (,k (setq ,var ,g))))))
+             (cps- E `(lambda (,g) (,k (set! ,var ,g))))))
           ((eq (car form) 'reset)
            `(,k ,(cps- (cadr form) *top-k*)))
@@ -158,12 +159,12 @@
           ((eq (car form) 'without-delimited-continuations)
            `(,k ,(cadr form)))
-          ((and (constantp (car form))
-                (builtinp (eval (car form))))
+          ((and (constant? (car form))
+                (builtin? (eval (car form))))
            (builtincall->cps form k))
           ; ((lambda (...) body) ...)
-          ((and (consp (car form))
+          ((and (pair? (car form))
                 (eq (caar form) 'lambda))
            (let ((largs (cadr (car form)))
                  (lbody (caddr (car form))))
@@ -183,13 +184,13 @@
 ; (lambda (args...) (f args...)) => f
 ; but only for constant, builtin f
 (define (η-reduce form)
-  (cond ((or (atom form) (constantp form)) form)
+  (cond ((or (atom form) (constant? form)) form)
         ((and (eq (car form) 'lambda)
               (let ((body (caddr form))
                     (args (cadr form)))
-                (and (consp body)
+                (and (pair? body)
                      (equal (cdr body) args)
-                     (constantp (car (caddr form))))))
+                     (constant? (car (caddr form))))))
          (car (caddr form)))
         (T (map η-reduce form))))
@@ -198,7 +199,7 @@
       (any (lambda (p) (contains x p)) form)))
 (define (β-reduce form)
-  (if (or (atom form) (constantp form))
+  (if (or (atom form) (constant? form))
     (β-reduce- (map β-reduce form))))
@@ -205,11 +206,11 @@
 (define (β-reduce- form)
         ; ((lambda (f) (f arg)) X) => (X arg)
   (cond ((and (= (length form) 2)
-              (consp (car form))
+              (pair? (car form))
               (eq (caar form) 'lambda)
               (let ((args (cadr (car form)))
                     (body (caddr (car form))))
-                (and (consp body) (consp args)
+                (and (pair? body) (pair? args)
                      (= (length body) 2)
                      (= (length args) 1)
                      (eq (car body) (car args))
@@ -227,15 +228,15 @@
         ; ((lambda (p1 args...) body) s exprs...)
         ; where exprs... doesn't contain p1
         ((and (= (length form) 2)
-              (consp (car form))
+              (pair? (car form))
               (eq (caar form) 'lambda)
-              (or (atom (cadr form)) (constantp (cadr form)))
+              (or (atom (cadr form)) (constant? (cadr form)))
               (let ((args (cadr (car form)))
                     (s (cadr form))
                     (body (caddr (car form))))
-                (and (consp args) (= (length args) 1)
-                     (consp body)
-                     (consp (car body))
+                (and (pair? args) (= (length args) 1)
+                     (pair? body)
+                     (pair? (car body))
                      (eq (caar body) 'lambda)
                      (let ((innerargs (cadr (car body)))
                            (innerbody (caddr (car body)))
@@ -248,14 +249,17 @@
         (T form)))
-(defmacro with-delimited-continuations code (cps (f-body code)))
+(define-macro (with-delimited-continuations . code)
+  (cps (f-body code)))
-(defmacro defgenerator (name args . body)
+(define-macro (define-generator form . body)
   (let ((ko  (gensym))
-        (cur (gensym)))
-    `(defun ,name ,args
-       (let ((,ko  ())
-             (,cur ()))
+        (cur (gensym))
+	(name (car form))
+	(args (cdr form)))
+    `(define (,name ,@args)
+       (let ((,ko  #f)
+             (,cur #f))
          (lambda ()
             (if ,ko (,ko ,cur)
@@ -263,17 +267,17 @@
                (let ((yield
                       (lambda (v)
                         (shift yk
-                               (progn (setq ,ko  yk)
-                                      (setq ,cur v))))))
+                               (begin (set! ,ko  yk)
+                                      (set! ,cur v))))))
                  ,(f-body body))))))))))
 ; a test case
-(defgenerator range-iterator (lo hi)
+(define-generator (range-iterator lo hi)
   ((label loop
           (lambda (i)
             (if (< hi i)
-              (progn (yield i)
+              (begin (yield i)
                      (loop (+ 1 i))))))
@@ -301,15 +305,15 @@
  (let ((x 0))
    (while (< x 10)
-     (progn (print x) (setq x (+ 1 x)))))
+     (begin (print x) (set! x (+ 1 x)))))
   (let ((x 0))
-     (let ((l nil))
+     (let ((l #f))
        (let ((k (shift k (k k))))
          (if (< x 10)
-             (progn (setq l (progn (print x)
-                                   (setq x (+ 1 x))))
+             (begin (set! l (begin (print x)
+                                   (set! x (+ 1 x))))
                     (k k))
--- a/femtolisp/cvalues.c
+++ b/femtolisp/cvalues.c
@@ -617,7 +617,12 @@
     case TAG_NUM:  return fixnumsym;
     case TAG_SYM:  return symbolsym;
     case TAG_VECTOR: return vectorsym;
-    case TAG_BUILTIN: return builtinsym;
+    case TAG_BUILTIN:
+        if (args[0] == FL_T || args[0] == FL_F)
+            return booleansym;
+        if (args[0] == NIL)
+            return nullsym;
+        return builtinsym;
     return cv_type((cvalue_t*)ptr(args[0]));
--- a/femtolisp/equal.c
+++ b/femtolisp/equal.c
@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@
 value_t equal(value_t a, value_t b)
     if (eq_comparable(a, b))
-        return (a == b) ? T : NIL;
-    return (numval(compare_(a,b,1))==0 ? T : NIL);
+        return (a == b) ? FL_T : FL_F;
+    return (numval(compare_(a,b,1))==0 ? FL_T : FL_F);
--- a/femtolisp/flisp.c
+++ b/femtolisp/flisp.c
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   * cvalues system providing C data types and a C FFI
   * constructor notation for nicely printing arbitrary values
   * strings
-  - hash tables
+  * hash tables
   by Jeff Bezanson (C) 2009
   Distributed under the BSD License
@@ -52,27 +52,28 @@
 static char *builtin_names[] =
     { "quote", "cond", "if", "and", "or", "while", "lambda",
-      "trycatch", "%apply", "setq", "progn",
+      "trycatch", "%apply", "set!", "begin",
-      "eq", "atom", "not", "symbolp", "numberp", "boundp", "consp",
-      "builtinp", "vectorp", "fixnump", "equal",
-      "cons", "list", "car", "cdr", "rplaca", "rplacd",
+      "eq?", "eqv?", "equal?", "atom?", "not", "null?", "boolean?", "symbol?",
+      "number?", "bound?", "pair?", "builtin?", "vector?", "fixnum?",
+      "cons", "list", "car", "cdr", "set-car!", "set-cdr!",
       "eval", "eval*", "apply", "prog1", "raise",
       "+", "-", "*", "/", "<", "~", "&", "!", "$",
-      "vector", "aref", "aset", "length", "assoc", "compare",
-      "for" };
+      "vector", "aref", "aset", "length", "assq", "compare", "for",
+      "", "", "" };
 #define N_STACK 98304
 value_t Stack[N_STACK];
 uint32_t SP = 0;
 value_t IOError, ParseError, TypeError, ArgError, UnboundError, MemoryError;
 value_t DivideError, BoundsError, Error, KeyError;
 value_t conssym, symbolsym, fixnumsym, vectorsym, builtinsym;
-value_t defunsym, defmacrosym, forsym, labelsym, printprettysym, setqsym;
-value_t printwidthsym;
+value_t definesym, defmacrosym, forsym, labelsym, printprettysym, setqsym;
+value_t printwidthsym, tsym, Tsym, fsym, Fsym, booleansym, nullsym, elsesym;
 static value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, uint32_t penv, int tail);
 static value_t *alloc_words(int n);
@@ -592,7 +593,7 @@
 // eval -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 // return a cons element of v whose car is item
-static value_t assoc(value_t item, value_t v)
+static value_t assq(value_t item, value_t v)
     value_t bind;
@@ -602,7 +603,7 @@
             return bind;
         v = cdr_(v);
-    return NIL;
+    return FL_F;
@@ -646,7 +647,7 @@
     FL_CATCH {
         v = cdr_(Stack[SP-1]);
         if (!iscons(v)) {
-            v = NIL;   // 1-argument form
+            v = FL_F;   // 1-argument form
         else {
             Stack[SP-1] = car_(v);
@@ -771,7 +772,7 @@
                 if (*pv == NIL) break;
                 pv = &vector_elt(*pv, 0);
-            sym = tosymbol(e, "setq");
+            sym = tosymbol(e, "set!");
             if (sym->syntax != TAG_CONST)
                 sym->binding = v;
@@ -809,7 +810,7 @@
         case F_IF:
             if (!iscons(Stack[saveSP])) goto notpair;
             v = car_(Stack[saveSP]);
-            if (eval(v) != NIL) {
+            if (eval(v) != FL_F) {
                 v = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
                 if (!iscons(v)) goto notpair;
                 v = car_(v);
@@ -816,17 +817,21 @@
             else {
                 v = cdr_(Stack[saveSP]);
-                if (!iscons(v) || !iscons(v=cdr_(v))) goto notpair;
-                v = car_(v);
+                if (!iscons(v)) goto notpair;
+                if (!iscons(v=cdr_(v))) v = FL_F;  // allow 2-arg form
+                else v = car_(v);
         case F_COND:
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
+            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = FL_F;
             while (iscons(*pv)) {
                 c = tocons(car_(*pv), "cond");
-                v = eval(c->car);
-                if (v != NIL) {
+                v = c->car;
+                // allow last condition to be 'else'
+                if (iscons(cdr_(*pv)) || v != elsesym)
+                    v = eval(v);
+                if (v != FL_F) {
                     *pv = cdr_(car_(*pv));
                     // evaluate body forms
                     if (iscons(*pv)) {
@@ -842,11 +847,11 @@
         case F_AND:
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = T;
+            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = FL_T;
             if (iscons(*pv)) {
                 while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    if ((v=eval(car_(*pv))) == NIL) {
-                        SP = saveSP; return NIL;
+                    if ((v=eval(car_(*pv))) == FL_F) {
+                        SP = saveSP; return FL_F;
                     *pv = cdr_(*pv);
@@ -854,10 +859,10 @@
         case F_OR:
-            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = NIL;
+            pv = &Stack[saveSP]; v = FL_F;
             if (iscons(*pv)) {
                 while (iscons(cdr_(*pv))) {
-                    if ((v=eval(car_(*pv))) != NIL) {
+                    if ((v=eval(car_(*pv))) != FL_F) {
                         SP = saveSP; return v;
                     *pv = cdr_(*pv);
@@ -871,9 +876,9 @@
             Stack[saveSP] = car_(Stack[saveSP]);
             value_t *cond = &Stack[saveSP];
-            PUSH(NIL);
+            PUSH(FL_F);
             pv = &Stack[SP-1];
-            while (eval(*cond) != NIL) {
+            while (eval(*cond) != FL_F) {
                 *body = Stack[SP-2];
                 while (iscons(*body)) {
                     *pv = eval(car_(*body));
@@ -892,7 +897,7 @@
-            v = NIL;
+            v = FL_F;
         case F_TRYCATCH:
             v = do_trycatch(car(Stack[saveSP]), penv);
@@ -900,13 +905,13 @@
         // ordinary functions
         case F_BOUNDP:
-            argcount("boundp", nargs, 1);
-            sym = tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "boundp");
-            v = (sym->binding == UNBOUND) ? NIL : T;
+            argcount("bound?", nargs, 1);
+            sym = tosymbol(Stack[SP-1], "bound?");
+            v = (sym->binding == UNBOUND) ? FL_F : FL_T;
         case F_EQ:
-            argcount("eq", nargs, 2);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
+            argcount("eq?", nargs, 2);
+            v = ((Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) ? FL_T : FL_F);
         case F_CONS:
             argcount("cons", nargs, 2);
@@ -937,12 +942,12 @@
             if (!iscons(v)) goto notpair;
             v = cdr_(v);
-        case F_RPLACA:
-            argcount("rplaca", nargs, 2);
+        case F_SETCAR:
+            argcount("set-car!", nargs, 2);
             car(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
-        case F_RPLACD:
-            argcount("rplacd", nargs, 2);
+        case F_SETCDR:
+            argcount("set-cdr!", nargs, 2);
             cdr(v=Stack[SP-2]) = Stack[SP-1];
         case F_VECTOR:
@@ -1015,37 +1020,48 @@
         case F_ATOM:
-            argcount("atom", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((!iscons(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
+            argcount("atom?", nargs, 1);
+            v = ((!iscons(Stack[SP-1])) ? FL_T : FL_F);
         case F_CONSP:
-            argcount("consp", nargs, 1);
-            v = (iscons(Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
+            argcount("pair?", nargs, 1);
+            v = (iscons(Stack[SP-1]) ? FL_T : FL_F);
         case F_SYMBOLP:
-            argcount("symbolp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((issymbol(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
+            argcount("symbol?", nargs, 1);
+            v = ((issymbol(Stack[SP-1])) ? FL_T : FL_F);
         case F_NUMBERP:
-            argcount("numberp", nargs, 1);
-            v = (isfixnum(Stack[SP-1]) || iscprim(Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
+            argcount("number?", nargs, 1);
+            v = (isfixnum(Stack[SP-1]) || iscprim(Stack[SP-1]) ? FL_T : FL_F);
         case F_FIXNUMP:
-            argcount("fixnump", nargs, 1);
-            v = (isfixnum(Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
+            argcount("fixnum?", nargs, 1);
+            v = (isfixnum(Stack[SP-1]) ? FL_T : FL_F);
         case F_BUILTINP:
-            argcount("builtinp", nargs, 1);
-            v = (isbuiltinish(Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL);
+            argcount("builtin?", nargs, 1);
+            v = Stack[SP-1];
+            v = ((isbuiltinish(v) && v!=FL_F && v!=FL_T && v!=NIL)
+                 ? FL_T : FL_F);
         case F_VECTORP:
-            argcount("vectorp", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((isvector(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL);
+            argcount("vector?", nargs, 1);
+            v = ((isvector(Stack[SP-1])) ? FL_T : FL_F);
         case F_NOT:
             argcount("not", nargs, 1);
-            v = ((Stack[SP-1] == NIL) ? T : NIL);
+            v = ((Stack[SP-1] == FL_F) ? FL_T : FL_F);
+        case F_NULL:
+            argcount("null?", nargs, 1);
+            v = ((Stack[SP-1] == NIL) ? FL_T : FL_F);
+            break;            
+        case F_BOOLEANP:
+            argcount("boolean?", nargs, 1);
+            v = Stack[SP-1];
+            v = ((v == FL_T || v == FL_F) ? FL_T : FL_F);
+            break;
         case F_ADD:
             s = 0;
             for (i=saveSP+1; i < (int)SP; i++) {
@@ -1157,21 +1173,39 @@
         case F_LT:
             argcount("<", nargs, 2);
             if (bothfixnums(Stack[SP-2], Stack[SP-1])) {
-                v = (numval(Stack[SP-2]) < numval(Stack[SP-1])) ? T : NIL;
+                v = (numval(Stack[SP-2]) < numval(Stack[SP-1])) ? FL_T : FL_F;
             else {
-                v = (numval(compare(Stack[SP-2], Stack[SP-1])) < 0) ? T : NIL;
+                v = (numval(compare(Stack[SP-2], Stack[SP-1])) < 0) ?
+                    FL_T : FL_F;
         case F_EQUAL:
-            argcount("equal", nargs, 2);
-            if (eq_comparable(Stack[SP-2],Stack[SP-1])) {
-                v = (Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) ? T : NIL;
+            argcount("equal?", nargs, 2);
+            if (Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) {
+                v = FL_T;
+            else if (eq_comparable(Stack[SP-2],Stack[SP-1])) {
+                v = FL_F;
+            }
             else {
-                v = (numval(compare(Stack[SP-2], Stack[SP-1]))==0) ? T : NIL;
+                v = (numval(compare(Stack[SP-2], Stack[SP-1]))==0) ?
+                    FL_T : FL_F;
+        case F_EQV:
+            argcount("eqv?", nargs, 2);
+            if (Stack[SP-2] == Stack[SP-1]) {
+                v = FL_T;
+            }
+            else if (!leafp(Stack[SP-2]) || !leafp(Stack[SP-1])) {
+                v = FL_F;
+            }
+            else {
+                v = (numval(compare(Stack[SP-2], Stack[SP-1]))==0) ?
+                    FL_T : FL_F;
+            }
+            break;
         case F_EVAL:
             argcount("eval", nargs, 1);
             v = Stack[SP-1];
@@ -1207,9 +1241,9 @@
                 lerror(ArgError, "prog1: too few arguments");
             v = Stack[saveSP+1];
-        case F_ASSOC:
-            argcount("assoc", nargs, 2);
-            v = assoc(Stack[SP-2], Stack[SP-1]);
+        case F_ASSQ:
+            argcount("assq", nargs, 2);
+            v = assq(Stack[SP-2], Stack[SP-1]);
         case F_FOR:
             argcount("for", nargs, 3);
@@ -1224,7 +1258,7 @@
             SP += 4;  // make space
             Stack[SP-4] = fixnum(3);       // env size
             Stack[SP-1] = cdr_(cdr_(f));   // cloenv
-            v = NIL;
+            v = FL_F;
             for(s=lo; s <= hi; s++) {
                 f = Stack[SP-5];
                 Stack[SP-3] = car_(f);     // lambda list
@@ -1256,6 +1290,10 @@
             noeval = 1;
             goto apply_lambda;
+        case F_TRUE:
+        case F_FALSE:
+        case F_NIL:
+            goto apply_type_error;
             // function pointer tagged as a builtin
             v = ((builtin_t)ptr(f))(&Stack[saveSP+1], nargs);
@@ -1358,6 +1396,7 @@
         // not reached
+ apply_type_error:
     type_error("apply", "function", f);
     lerror(TypeError, "expected cons");
@@ -1369,7 +1408,7 @@
 extern void builtins_init();
 extern void comparehash_init();
-static char *EXEDIR;
+static char *EXEDIR = NULL;
 void assign_global_builtins(builtinspec_t *b)
@@ -1393,8 +1432,9 @@
     htable_new(&printconses, 32);
-    NIL = symbol("nil"); setc(NIL, NIL);
-    T   = symbol("T");   setc(T,   T);
+    NIL = builtin(F_NIL);
+    FL_T = builtin(F_TRUE);
+    FL_F = builtin(F_FALSE);
     LAMBDA = symbol("lambda");
     QUOTE = symbol("quote");
     TRYCATCH = symbol("trycatch");
@@ -1417,12 +1457,17 @@
     fixnumsym = symbol("fixnum");
     vectorsym = symbol("vector");
     builtinsym = symbol("builtin");
-    defunsym = symbol("defun");
-    defmacrosym = symbol("defmacro");
+    booleansym = symbol("boolean");
+    nullsym = symbol("null");
+    definesym = symbol("define");
+    defmacrosym = symbol("define-macro");
     forsym = symbol("for");
     labelsym = symbol("label");
-    setqsym = symbol("setq");
-    set(printprettysym=symbol("*print-pretty*"), T);
+    setqsym = symbol("set!");
+    elsesym = symbol("else");
+    tsym = symbol("t"); Tsym = symbol("T");
+    fsym = symbol("f"); Fsym = symbol("F");
+    set(printprettysym=symbol("*print-pretty*"), FL_T);
     set(printwidthsym=symbol("*print-width*"), fixnum(SCR_WIDTH));
     lasterror = NIL;
     lerrorbuf[0] = '\0';
@@ -1433,7 +1478,7 @@
             ((symbol_t*)ptr(symbol(builtin_names[i])))->syntax = builtin(i);
-    for (; i < N_BUILTINS; i++) {
+    for (; i < F_TRUE; i++) {
         setc(symbol(builtin_names[i]), builtin(i));
@@ -1559,6 +1604,7 @@
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     value_t v;
+    char fname_buf[1024];
     locale_is_utf8 = u8_is_locale_utf8(setlocale(LC_ALL, ""));
@@ -1575,7 +1621,13 @@
         if (argc > 1) return 1;
         else goto repl;
-    load_file("system.lsp");
+    fname_buf[0] = '\0';
+    if (EXEDIR != NULL) {
+        strcat(fname_buf, EXEDIR);
+        strcat(fname_buf, PATHSEPSTRING);
+    }
+    strcat(fname_buf, "system.lsp");
+    load_file(fname_buf);
     if (argc > 1) { load_file(argv[1]); return 0; }
     printf(";  _                   \n");
     printf("; |_ _ _ |_ _ |  . _ _\n");
--- a/femtolisp/flisp.h
+++ b/femtolisp/flisp.h
@@ -103,18 +103,21 @@
     // special forms
     // functions
 #define isspecial(v) (uintval(v) <= (unsigned int)F_PROGN)
-extern value_t NIL, T;
+extern value_t NIL, FL_T, FL_F;
 /* read, eval, print main entry points */
 value_t read_sexpr(ios_t *f);
--- /dev/null
+++ b/femtolisp/opaque_type_template.c
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "llt.h"
+#include "flisp.h"
+// global replace TYPE with your type name to make your very own type!
+static value_t TYPEsym;
+static fltype_t *TYPEtype;
+void print_TYPE(value_t v, ios_t *f, int princ)
+void print_traverse_TYPE(value_t self)
+void free_TYPE(value_t self)
+void relocate_TYPE(value_t oldv, value_t newv)
+cvtable_t TYPE_vtable = { print_TYPE, relocate_TYPE, free_TYPE,
+                          print_traverse_TYPE };
+int isTYPE(value_t v)
+    return iscvalue(v) && cv_class((cvalue_t*)ptr(v)) == TYPEtype;
+value_t fl_TYPEp(value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
+    argcount("TYPE?", nargs, 1);
+    return isTYPE(args[0]) ? FL_T : FL_F;
+static TYPE_t *toTYPE(value_t v, char *fname)
+    if (!isTYPE(v))
+        type_error(fname, "TYPE", v);
+    return (TYPE_t*)cv_data((cvalue_t*)ptr(v));
+static builtinspec_t TYPEfunc_info[] = {
+    { "TYPE?", fl_TYPEp },
+    { NULL, NULL }
+void TYPE_init()
+    TYPEsym = symbol("TYPE");
+    TYPEtype = define_opaque_type(TYPEsym, sizeof(TYPE_t),
+                                  &TYPE_vtable, NULL);
+    assign_global_builtins(TYPEfunc_info);
--- a/femtolisp/perf.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/perf.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 (assert (equal (time (yfib 32)) 2178309))
 (princ "sort: ")
-(setq r (map-int (lambda (x) (mod (+ (* x 9421) 12345) 1024)) 1000))
+(set! r (map-int (lambda (x) (mod (+ (* x 9421) 12345) 1024)) 1000))
 (time (sort r))
 (princ "mexpand: ")
@@ -16,10 +16,13 @@
 (time (dotimes (n 5000) (macroexpand '(dotimes (i 100) body1 body2))))
 (princ "append: ")
-(setq L (map-int (lambda (x) (map-int identity 20)) 20))
+(set! L (map-int (lambda (x) (map-int identity 20)) 20))
 (time (dotimes (n 1000) (apply append L)))
 (path.cwd "ast")
 (princ "p-lambda: ")
 (load "rpasses.lsp")
+(define *input* (load "datetimeR.lsp"))
+(time (set! *output* (compile-ish *input*)))
+(assert (equal *output* (load "rpasses-out.lsp")))
 (path.cwd "..")
--- a/femtolisp/pisum.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/pisum.lsp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-(defun pisum ()
+(define (pisum)
   (dotimes (j 500)
     ((label sumloop
             (lambda (i sum)
--- a/femtolisp/print.c
+++ b/femtolisp/print.c
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
 static int specialindent(value_t head)
     // indent these forms 2 spaces, not lined up with the first argument
-    if (head == LAMBDA || head == TRYCATCH || head == defunsym ||
+    if (head == LAMBDA || head == TRYCATCH || head == definesym ||
         head == defmacrosym || head == forsym || head == labelsym)
         return 2;
     return -1;
@@ -200,7 +200,13 @@
 static int indentafter3(value_t head, value_t v)
     // for certain X always indent (X a b c) after b
-    return ((head == defunsym || head == defmacrosym || head == forsym) &&
+    return ((head == forsym) && !allsmallp(cdr_(v)));
+static int indentafter2(value_t head, value_t v)
+    // for certain X always indent (X a b) after a
+    return ((head == definesym || head == defmacrosym) &&
@@ -251,6 +257,7 @@
     if (!blk) always = indentevery(v);
     value_t head = car_(v);
     int after3 = indentafter3(head, v);
+    int after2 = indentafter2(head, v);
     int n_unindented = 1;
     while (1) {
         lastv = VPOS;
@@ -287,6 +294,7 @@
                    (n > 0 && always) ||
                    (n == 2 && after3) ||
+                   (n == 1 && after2) ||
                    (n_unindented >= 3 && !nextsmall) ||
@@ -328,8 +336,6 @@
         name = symbol_name(v);
         if (princ)
             outs(name, f);
-        else if (v == NIL)
-            outs("()", f);
         else if (ismanaged(v)) {
             outs("#:", f);
             outs(name, f);
@@ -338,6 +344,18 @@
             print_symbol_name(f, name);
     case TAG_BUILTIN:
+        if (v == FL_T) {
+            outs("#t", f);
+            break;
+        }
+        if (v == FL_F) {
+            outs("#f", f);
+            break;
+        }
+        if (v == NIL) {
+            outs("()", f);
+            break;
+        }
         if (isbuiltin(v)) {
             outs("#.", f);
             outs(builtin_names[uintval(v)], f);
@@ -624,7 +642,7 @@
 void print(ios_t *f, value_t v, int princ)
-    print_pretty = (symbol_value(printprettysym) != NIL);
+    print_pretty = (symbol_value(printprettysym) != FL_F);
     if (print_pretty)
     printlabel = 0;
--- a/femtolisp/read.c
+++ b/femtolisp/read.c
@@ -270,12 +270,6 @@
             read_token(f, ch, 0);
             toktype = TOK_SHARPSYM;
             tokval = symbol(buf);
-            c = nextchar(f);
-            if (c != '(') {
-                take();
-                lerror(ParseError, "read: expected argument list for %s",
-                       symbol_name(tokval));
-            }
         else {
             lerror(ParseError, "read: unknown read macro");
@@ -465,6 +459,7 @@
     value_t v, sym, oldtokval, *head;
     value_t *pv;
     u_int32_t t;
+    char c;
     t = peek(f);
@@ -511,8 +506,18 @@
         read_list(f, &Stack[SP-1], label);
         return POP();
     case TOK_SHARPSYM:
-        // constructor notation
         sym = tokval;
+        if (sym == tsym || sym == Tsym)
+            return FL_T;
+        else if (sym == fsym || sym == Fsym)
+            return FL_F;
+        // constructor notation
+        c = nextchar(f);
+        if (c != '(') {
+            take();
+            lerror(ParseError, "read: expected argument list for %s",
+                   symbol_name(tokval));
+        }
         read_list(f, &Stack[SP-1], UNBOUND);
         v = POP();
--- a/femtolisp/stream.c
+++ b/femtolisp/stream.c
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
 value_t fl_streamp(value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
-    argcount("streamp", nargs, 1);
-    return isstream(args[0]) ? T : NIL;
+    argcount("stream?", nargs, 1);
+    return isstream(args[0]) ? FL_T : FL_F;
 static ios_t *tostream(value_t v, char *fname)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 static builtinspec_t streamfunc_info[] = {
-    { "streamp", fl_streamp },
+    { "stream?", fl_streamp },
     { NULL, NULL }
--- a/femtolisp/string.c
+++ b/femtolisp/string.c
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 value_t fl_stringp(value_t *args, u_int32_t nargs)
-    argcount("stringp", nargs, 1);
-    return isstring(args[0]) ? T : NIL;
+    argcount("string?", nargs, 1);
+    return isstring(args[0]) ? FL_T : FL_F;
 value_t fl_string_length(value_t *args, u_int32_t nargs)
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
     int term=0;
     if (nargs == 2) {
-        term = (POP() != NIL);
+        term = (POP() != FL_F);
     argcount("string.decode", nargs, 1);
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
     char *p = memchr(s+start, c, len-start);
     if (p == NULL)
-        return NIL;
+        return FL_F;
     return size_wrap((size_t)(p - s));
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
         type_error("string.find", "string", args[1]);
     if (needlesz > len-start)
-        return NIL;
+        return FL_F;
     else if (needlesz == 1)
         return mem_find_byte(s, needle[0], start, len);
     else if (needlesz == 0)
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
                 return size_wrap(i);
-    return NIL;
+    return FL_F;
 value_t fl_string_inc(value_t *args, u_int32_t nargs)
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
 static builtinspec_t stringfunc_info[] = {
     { "string", fl_string },
-    { "stringp", fl_stringp },
+    { "string?", fl_stringp },
     { "string.length", fl_string_length },
     { "string.split", fl_string_split },
     { "string.sub", fl_string_sub },
--- a/femtolisp/system.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/system.lsp
@@ -1,56 +1,70 @@
+; -*- scheme -*-
 ; femtoLisp standard library
 ; by Jeff Bezanson (C) 2009
 ; Distributed under the BSD License
+(set-constant! 'eq       eq?)
+(set-constant! 'eqv      eqv?)
+(set-constant! 'equal    equal?)
+(set-constant! 'booleanp boolean?)
+(set-constant! 'consp    pair?)
+(set-constant! 'null     null?)
+(set-constant! 'atom     atom?)
+(set-constant! 'symbolp  symbol?)
+(set-constant! 'numberp  number?)
+(set-constant! 'boundp   bound?)
+(set-constant! 'builtinp builtin?)
+(set-constant! 'vectorp  vector?)
+(set-constant! 'fixnump  fixnum?)
+(set-constant! 'rplaca   set-car!)
+(set-constant! 'rplacd   set-cdr!)
+(set-constant! 'char?    (lambda (x) (eq? (typeof x) 'wchar)))
+(set-constant! 'T        #t)
 ; convert a sequence of body statements to a single expression.
 ; this allows define, defun, defmacro, let, etc. to contain multiple
 ; body expressions as in Common Lisp.
-(setq f-body (lambda (e)
+(set! f-body (lambda (e)
                (cond ((atom e)        e)
                      ((eq (cdr e) ()) (car e))
-                     (T               (cons 'progn e)))))
+                     (T               (cons 'begin e)))))
-(set-syntax 'defmacro
-            (lambda (name args . body)
-              (list 'set-syntax (list 'quote name)
-                    (list 'lambda args (f-body body)))))
+(set-syntax! 'define-macro
+             (lambda (form . body)
+               (list 'set-syntax! (list 'quote (car form))
+                     (list 'lambda (cdr form) (f-body body)))))
-(defmacro label (name fn)
-  (list (list 'lambda (list name) (list 'setq name fn)) nil))
+(define-macro (label name fn)
+  (list (list 'lambda (list name) (list 'set! name fn)) #f))
-; support both CL defun and Scheme-style define
-(defmacro defun (name args . body)
-  (list 'setq name (list 'lambda args (f-body body))))
+(define-macro (define form . body)
+  (if (symbolp form)
+      (list 'set! form (car body))
+      (list 'set! (car form) (list 'lambda (cdr form) (f-body body)))))
-(defmacro define (name . body)
-  (if (symbolp name)
-      (list 'setq name (car body))
-    (cons 'defun (cons (car name) (cons (cdr name) body)))))
+(define (set s v) (eval (list 'set! s (list 'quote v))))
-(defun set (s v) (eval (list 'setq s (list 'quote v))))
+(define (identity x) x)
-(defun identity (x) x)
-(setq null not)
-(defun map (f lst)
+(define (map f lst)
   (if (atom lst) lst
-    (cons (f (car lst)) (map f (cdr lst)))))
+      (cons (f (car lst)) (map f (cdr lst)))))
-(defmacro let (binds . body)
+(define-macro (let binds . body)
   (cons (list 'lambda
               (map (lambda (c) (if (consp c) (car c) c)) binds)
               (f-body body))
-        (map (lambda (c) (if (consp c) (cadr c) nil)) binds)))
+        (map (lambda (c) (if (consp c) (cadr c) #f)) binds)))
-(defun nconc lsts
+(define (nconc . lsts)
   (cond ((null lsts) ())
         ((null (cdr lsts)) (car lsts))
         ((null (car lsts)) (apply nconc (cdr lsts)))
         (T (prog1 (car lsts)
-             (rplacd (last (car lsts))
-                     (apply nconc (cdr lsts)))))))
+		  (rplacd (last (car lsts))
+			  (apply nconc (cdr lsts)))))))
-(defun append lsts
+(define (append . lsts)
   (cond ((null lsts) ())
         ((null (cdr lsts)) (car lsts))
         (T ((label append2 (lambda (l d)
@@ -59,26 +73,44 @@
                                      (append2 (cdr l) d)))))
             (car lsts) (apply append (cdr lsts))))))
-(defun member (item lst)
-  (cond ((atom lst) ())
-        ((equal (car lst) item) lst)
-        (T (member item (cdr lst)))))
+(define (member item lst)
+  (cond ((atom lst) #f)
+        ((equal     (car lst) item) lst)
+        (T          (member item (cdr lst)))))
+(define (memq item lst)
+  (cond ((atom lst) #f)
+        ((eq        (car lst) item) lst)
+        (T          (memq item (cdr lst)))))
+(define (memv item lst)
+  (cond ((atom lst) #f)
+        ((eqv       (car lst) item) lst)
+        (T          (memv item (cdr lst)))))
-(defun macrocallp (e) (and (symbolp (car e))
-                           (symbol-syntax (car e))))
+(define (assoc item lst)
+  (cond ((atom lst) #f)
+	((equal     (caar lst) item) (car lst))
+	(T          (assoc item (cdr lst)))))
+(define (assv item lst)
+  (cond ((atom lst) #f)
+	((eqv       (caar lst) item) (car lst))
+	(T          (assv item (cdr lst)))))
-(defun functionp (x)
+(define (macrocall? e) (and (symbolp (car e))
+			    (symbol-syntax (car e))))
+(define (function? x)
   (or (builtinp x)
       (and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'lambda))))
+(define procedure? function?)
-(defun macroexpand-1 (e)
+(define (macroexpand-1 e)
   (if (atom e) e
-    (let ((f (macrocallp e)))
-      (if f (apply f (cdr e))
-        e))))
+      (let ((f (macrocall? e)))
+	(if f (apply f (cdr e))
+	    e))))
 ; convert to proper list, i.e. remove "dots", and append
-(defun append.2 (l tail)
+(define (append.2 l tail)
   (cond ((null l)  tail)
         ((atom l)  (cons l tail))
         (T         (cons (car l) (append.2 (cdr l) tail)))))
@@ -85,17 +117,17 @@
 (define (cadr x) (car (cdr x)))
-;(setq *special-forms* '(quote cond if and or while lambda trycatch
-;                        setq progn))
+;(set! *special-forms* '(quote cond if and or while lambda trycatch
+;                        set! begin))
-(defun macroexpand (e)
+(define (macroexpand e)
   ((label mexpand
           (lambda (e env f)
-            (progn
+            (begin
               (while (and (consp e)
                           (not (member (car e) env))
-                          (setq f (macrocallp e)))
-                (setq e (apply f (cdr e))))
+                          (set! f (macrocall? e)))
+                (set! e (apply f (cdr e))))
               (cond ((and (consp e)
                           (not (eq (car e) 'quote)))
                      (let ((newenv
@@ -103,28 +135,26 @@
                                      (consp (cdr e)))
                                 (append.2 (cadr e) env)
-                       (map (lambda (x) (mexpand x newenv nil)) e)))
-                    ;((and (symbolp e) (constantp e)) (eval e))
+                       (map (lambda (x) (mexpand x newenv ())) e)))
+                    ;((and (symbolp e) (constant? e)) (eval e))
                     ;((and (symbolp e)
                     ;      (not (member e *special-forms*))
                     ;      (not (member e env))) (cons '%top e))
                     (T e)))))
-   e nil nil))
+   e () ()))
-; uncomment this to macroexpand functions at definition time.
-; makes typical code ~25% faster, but only works for defun expressions
-; at the top level.
-(defmacro defun (name args . body)
-  (list 'setq name (macroexpand (list 'lambda args (f-body body)))))
+(define-macro (define form . body)
+  (if (symbolp form)
+      (list 'set! form (car body))
+      (list 'set! (car form)
+	    (macroexpand (list 'lambda (cdr form) (f-body body))))))
+(define-macro (define-macro form . body)
+  (list 'set-syntax! (list 'quote (car form))
+	(macroexpand (list 'lambda (cdr form) (f-body body)))))
+(define macroexpand (macroexpand macroexpand))
-; same thing for macros. enabled by default because macros are usually
-; defined at the top level.
-(defmacro defmacro (name args . body)
-  (list 'set-syntax (list 'quote name)
-        (macroexpand (list 'lambda args (f-body body)))))
-(setq =   equal)
-(setq eql equal)
+(define =   equal)
+(define eql eqv)
 (define (/= a b) (not (equal a b)))
 (define != /=)
 (define (>  a b) (< b a))
@@ -134,11 +164,7 @@
 (define (1- n) (- n 1))
 (define (mod x y) (- x (* (/ x y) y)))
 (define (abs x)   (if (< x 0) (- x) x))
-(setq K prog1)  ; K combinator ;)
-(define (funcall f . args) (apply f args))
-(define (symbol-value sym) (eval sym))
-(define symbol-function symbol-value)
-(define (terpri) (princ "\n") nil)
+(define K prog1)  ; K combinator ;)
 (define (caar x) (car (car x)))
 (define (cdar x) (cdr (car x)))
@@ -153,51 +179,52 @@
 (define (cddar x) (cdr (cdr (car x))))
 (define (cdddr x) (cdr (cdr (cdr x))))
-(defun every (pred lst)
+(define (every pred lst)
   (or (atom lst)
       (and (pred (car lst))
            (every pred (cdr lst)))))
-(defun any (pred lst)
+(define (any pred lst)
   (and (consp lst)
        (or (pred (car lst))
            (any pred (cdr lst)))))
-(defun listp (a) (or (eq a ()) (consp a)))
+(define (listp a) (or (null a) (consp a)))
+(define (list? a) (or (null a) (and (pair? a) (list? (cdr a)))))
-(defun nthcdr (lst n)
+(define (nthcdr lst n)
   (if (<= n 0) lst
-    (nthcdr (cdr lst) (- n 1))))
+      (nthcdr (cdr lst) (- n 1))))
-(defun list-ref (lst n)
+(define (list-ref lst n)
   (car (nthcdr lst n)))
-(defun list* l
+(define (list* . l)
   (if (atom (cdr l))
       (car l)
-    (cons (car l) (apply list* (cdr l)))))
+      (cons (car l) (apply list* (cdr l)))))
-(defun nlist* l
+(define (nlist* . l)
   (if (atom (cdr l))
       (car l)
-    (rplacd l (apply nlist* (cdr l)))))
+      (rplacd l (apply nlist* (cdr l)))))
-(defun lastcdr (l)
+(define (lastcdr l)
   (if (atom l) l
-    (lastcdr (cdr l))))
+      (lastcdr (cdr l))))
-(defun last (l)
+(define (last l)
   (cond ((atom l)        l)
         ((atom (cdr l))  l)
         (T               (last (cdr l)))))
-(defun map! (f lst)
+(define (map! f lst)
   (prog1 lst
-    (while (consp lst)
-      (rplaca lst (f (car lst)))
-      (setq lst (cdr lst)))))
+	 (while (consp lst)
+		(rplaca lst (f (car lst)))
+		(set! lst (cdr lst)))))
-(defun mapcar (f . lsts)
+(define (mapcar f . lsts)
   ((label mapcar-
           (lambda (lsts)
             (cond ((null lsts) (f))
@@ -206,10 +233,10 @@
                            (mapcar- (map cdr lsts)))))))
-(defun transpose (M) (apply mapcar (cons list M)))
+(define (transpose M) (apply mapcar (cons list M)))
-(defun filter (pred lst) (filter- pred lst nil))
-(defun filter- (pred lst accum)
+(define (filter pred lst) (filter- pred lst ()))
+(define (filter- pred lst accum)
   (cond ((null lst) accum)
         ((pred (car lst))
          (filter- pred (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) accum)))
@@ -216,8 +243,8 @@
          (filter- pred (cdr lst) accum))))
-(defun separate (pred lst) (separate- pred lst nil nil))
-(defun separate- (pred lst yes no)
+(define (separate pred lst) (separate- pred lst () ()))
+(define (separate- pred lst yes no)
   (cond ((null lst) (cons yes no))
         ((pred (car lst))
          (separate- pred (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) yes) no))
@@ -232,12 +259,8 @@
   (if (null lst) zero
     (foldl f (f (car lst) zero) (cdr lst))))
-(define (reverse lst) (foldl cons nil lst))
+(define (reverse lst) (foldl cons () lst))
-(defun reduce (f zero lst)
-  (if (null lst) zero
-    (reduce f (f zero (car lst)) (cdr lst))))
 (define (copy-list l)
   (if (atom l) l
     (cons (car l)
@@ -248,57 +271,57 @@
           (copy-tree (cdr l)))))
 (define (nreverse l)
-  (let ((prev nil))
+  (let ((prev ()))
     (while (consp l)
-      (setq l (prog1 (cdr l)
-                (rplacd l (prog1 prev
-                            (setq prev l))))))
+	   (set! l (prog1 (cdr l)
+			  (rplacd l (prog1 prev
+					   (set! prev l))))))
-(defmacro let* (binds . body)
+(define-macro (let* binds . body)
   (cons (list 'lambda (map car binds)
-              (cons 'progn
-                    (nconc (map (lambda (b) (cons 'setq b)) binds)
+              (cons 'begin
+                    (nconc (map (lambda (b) (cons 'set! b)) binds)
-        (map (lambda (x) nil) binds)))
+        (map (lambda (x) #f) binds)))
-(defmacro labels (binds . body)
+(define-macro (labels binds . body)
   (cons (list 'lambda (map car binds)
-              (cons 'progn
+              (cons 'begin
                     (nconc (map (lambda (b)
-                                  (list 'setq (car b) (cons 'lambda (cdr b))))
+                                  (list 'set! (car b) (cons 'lambda (cdr b))))
-        (map (lambda (x) nil) binds)))
+        (map (lambda (x) #f) binds)))
-(defmacro when   (c . body) (list 'if c (f-body body) nil))
-(defmacro unless (c . body) (list 'if c nil (f-body body)))
+(define-macro (when   c . body) (list 'if c (f-body body) #f))
+(define-macro (unless c . body) (list 'if c #f (f-body body)))
-(defmacro dotimes (var . body)
+(define-macro (dotimes var . body)
   (let ((v (car var))
         (cnt (cadr var)))
     `(for 0 (- ,cnt 1)
           (lambda (,v) ,(f-body body)))))
-(defun map-int (f n)
+(define (map-int f n)
   (if (<= n 0)
-    (let ((first (cons (f 0) nil))
-          (acc nil))
-      (setq acc first)
+    (let ((first (cons (f 0) ()))
+          (acc ()))
+      (set! acc first)
       (for 1 (- n 1)
            (lambda (i)
-             (progn (rplacd acc (cons (f i) nil))
-                    (setq acc (cdr acc)))))
+             (begin (rplacd acc (cons (f i) ()))
+                    (set! acc (cdr acc)))))
-(defun iota (n) (map-int identity n))
+(define (iota n) (map-int identity n))
 (define ι iota)
-(defun error args (raise (cons 'error args)))
+(define (error . args) (raise (cons 'error args)))
-(defmacro throw (tag value) `(raise (list 'thrown-value ,tag ,value)))
-(defmacro catch (tag expr)
+(define-macro (throw tag value) `(raise (list 'thrown-value ,tag ,value)))
+(define-macro (catch tag expr)
   (let ((e (gensym)))
     `(trycatch ,expr
                (lambda (,e) (if (and (consp ,e)
@@ -305,13 +328,13 @@
                                      (eq (car  ,e) 'thrown-value)
                                      (eq (cadr ,e) ,tag))
                                 (caddr ,e)
-                              (raise ,e))))))
+				(raise ,e))))))
-(defmacro unwind-protect (expr finally)
+(define-macro (unwind-protect expr finally)
   (let ((e (gensym)))
     `(prog1 (trycatch ,expr
-                      (lambda (,e) (progn ,finally (raise ,e))))
-       ,finally)))
+                      (lambda (,e) (begin ,finally (raise ,e))))
+	    ,finally)))
 ; (try expr
 ;      (catch (type-error e) . exprs)
@@ -318,10 +341,10 @@
 ;      (catch (io-error e) . exprs)
 ;      (catch (e) . exprs)
 ;      (finally . exprs))
-(defmacro try (expr . forms)
+(define-macro (try expr . forms)
   (let* ((e        (gensym))
          (reraised (gensym))
-         (final (f-body (cdr (or (assoc 'finally forms) '(())))))
+         (final (f-body (cdr (or (assq 'finally forms) '(())))))
          (catches (filter (lambda (f) (eq (car f) 'catch)) forms))
          (catchblock `(cond
                        ,.(map (lambda (catc)
@@ -337,7 +360,7 @@
                                                    (eq (car ,e)
                                        T); (catch (e) ...), match anything
-                                    (let ((,var ,e)) (progn ,@todo)))))
+                                    (let ((,var ,e)) (begin ,@todo)))))
                        (T (raise ,e))))) ; no matches, reraise
     (if final
@@ -347,12 +370,12 @@
                               (lambda (,e)
                                 (trycatch ,catchblock
                                           (lambda (,reraised)
-                                            (progn ,final
+                                            (begin ,final
                                                    (raise ,reraised))))))
           ; finally only; same as unwind-protect
           `(prog1 (trycatch ,expr (lambda (,e)
-                                    (progn ,final (raise ,e))))
+                                    (begin ,final (raise ,e))))
       ; catch, no finally
       `(trycatch ,expr (lambda (,e) ,catchblock)))))
@@ -360,7 +383,7 @@
 ; setf
 ; expands (setf (place x ...) v) to (mutator (f x ...) v)
 ; (mutator (identity x ...) v) is interpreted as (mutator x ... v)
-(setq *setf-place-list*
+(set! *setf-place-list*
        ; place   mutator  f
       '((car     rplaca   identity)
         (cdr     rplacd   identity)
@@ -379,60 +402,58 @@
         (list-ref rplaca  nthcdr)
         (get     put      identity)
         (aref    aset     identity)
-        (symbol-function   set                identity)
-        (symbol-value      set                identity)
-        (symbol-syntax     set-syntax         identity)))
+        (symbol-syntax    set-syntax!        identity)))
-(defun setf-place-mutator (place val)
+(define (setf-place-mutator place val)
   (if (symbolp place)
-      (list 'setq place val)
-    (let ((mutator (assoc (car place) *setf-place-list*)))
+      (list 'set! place val)
+    (let ((mutator (assq (car place) *setf-place-list*)))
       (if (null mutator)
-          (error '|setf: unknown place | (car place))
-        (if (eq (caddr mutator) 'identity)
-            (cons (cadr mutator) (append (cdr place) (list val)))
-          (list (cadr mutator)
-                (cons (caddr mutator) (cdr place))
-                val))))))
+          (error "setf: unknown place " (car place))
+	  (if (eq (caddr mutator) 'identity)
+	      (cons (cadr mutator) (append (cdr place) (list val)))
+	      (list (cadr mutator)
+		    (cons (caddr mutator) (cdr place))
+		    val))))))
-(defmacro setf args
+(define-macro (setf . args)
    ((label setf-
            (lambda (args)
              (if (null args)
-                 nil
+                 ()
                (cons (setf-place-mutator (car args) (cadr args))
                      (setf- (cddr args))))))
-(defun revappend (l1 l2) (nconc (reverse l1) l2))
-(defun nreconc   (l1 l2) (nconc (nreverse l1) l2))
+(define (revappend l1 l2) (nconc (reverse l1) l2))
+(define (nreconc   l1 l2) (nconc (nreverse l1) l2))
-(defun list-to-vector (l) (apply vector l))
-(defun vector-to-list (v)
+(define (list-to-vector l) (apply vector l))
+(define (vector-to-list v)
   (let ((n (length v))
-        (l nil))
+        (l ()))
     (for 1 n
          (lambda (i)
-           (setq l (cons (aref v (- n i)) l))))
+           (set! l (cons (aref v (- n i)) l))))
-(defun self-evaluating-p (x)
+(define (self-evaluating? x)
   (or (and (atom x)
            (not (symbolp x)))
-      (and (constantp x)
+      (and (constant? x)
            (eq x (eval x)))))
 ; backquote
-(defmacro backquote (x) (bq-process x))
+(define-macro (backquote x) (bq-process x))
-(defun splice-form-p (x)
+(define (splice-form? x)
   (or (and (consp x) (or (eq (car x) '*comma-at*)
                          (eq (car x) '*comma-dot*)))
       (eq x '*comma*)))
-(defun bq-process (x)
-  (cond ((self-evaluating-p x)
+(define (bq-process x)
+  (cond ((self-evaluating? x)
          (if (vectorp x)
              (let ((body (bq-process (vector-to-list x))))
                (if (eq (car body) 'list)
@@ -442,7 +463,7 @@
         ((atom x)                     (list 'quote x))
         ((eq (car x) 'backquote)      (bq-process (bq-process (cadr x))))
         ((eq (car x) '*comma*)        (cadr x))
-        ((not (any splice-form-p x))
+        ((not (any splice-form? x))
          (let ((lc    (lastcdr x))
                (forms (map bq-bracket1 x)))
            (if (null lc)
@@ -451,8 +472,8 @@
         (T (let ((p x) (q ()))
              (while (and (consp p)
                          (not (eq (car p) '*comma*)))
-               (setq q (cons (bq-bracket (car p)) q))
-               (setq p (cdr p)))
+               (set! q (cons (bq-bracket (car p)) q))
+               (set! p (cdr p)))
              (let ((forms
                     (cond ((consp p) (nreconc q (list (cadr p))))
                           ((null p)  (nreverse q))
@@ -461,7 +482,7 @@
                    (car forms)
                  (cons 'nconc forms)))))))
-(defun bq-bracket (x)
+(define (bq-bracket x)
   (cond ((atom x)                   (list list (bq-process x)))
         ((eq (car x) '*comma*)      (list list (cadr x)))
         ((eq (car x) '*comma-at*)   (list 'copy-list (cadr x)))
@@ -469,21 +490,23 @@
         (T                          (list list (bq-process x)))))
 ; bracket without splicing
-(defun bq-bracket1 (x)
+(define (bq-bracket1 x)
   (if (and (consp x) (eq (car x) '*comma*))
       (cadr x)
-    (bq-process x)))
+      (bq-process x)))
-(defmacro assert (expr) `(if ,expr T (raise '(assert-failed ,expr))))
+(define-macro (assert expr) `(if ,expr T (raise '(assert-failed ,expr))))
-(defmacro time (expr)
+(define-macro (time expr)
   (let ((t0 (gensym)))
     `(let ((,t0 (
-           ,expr
-         (princ "Elapsed time: " (- ( ,t0) " seconds\n")))))
+	,expr
+	(princ "Elapsed time: " (- ( ,t0) " seconds\n")))))
-(defun (f v)
+(define (display x) (princ x) (princ "\n"))
+(define ( f v)
   (let* ((n (length v))
          (nv (vector.alloc n)))
     (for 0 (- n 1)
@@ -491,16 +514,16 @@
            (aset nv i (f (aref v i)))))
-(defun table.pairs (t)
+(define (table.pairs t)
   (table.foldl (lambda (k v z) (cons (cons k v) z))
                () t))
-(defun table.keys (t)
+(define (table.keys t)
   (table.foldl (lambda (k v z) (cons k z))
                () t))
-(defun table.values (t)
+(define (table.values t)
   (table.foldl (lambda (k v z) (cons v z))
                () t))
-(defun table.clone (t)
+(define (table.clone t)
   (let ((nt (table)))
     (table.foldl (lambda (k v z) (put nt k v))
                  () t)
--- a/femtolisp/table.c
+++ b/femtolisp/table.c
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
 value_t fl_tablep(value_t *args, uint32_t nargs)
-    argcount("tablep", nargs, 1);
-    return ishashtable(args[0]) ? T : NIL;
+    argcount("table?", nargs, 1);
+    return ishashtable(args[0]) ? FL_T : FL_F;
 static htable_t *totable(value_t v, char *fname)
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
     argcount("has", nargs, 2);
     htable_t *h = totable(args[0], "has");
-    return equalhash_has(h, (void*)args[1]) ? T : NIL;
+    return equalhash_has(h, (void*)args[1]) ? FL_T : FL_F;
 // (del table key)
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
 static builtinspec_t tablefunc_info[] = {
     { "table", fl_table },
-    { "tablep", fl_tablep },
+    { "table?", fl_tablep },
     { "put", fl_table_put },
     { "get", fl_table_get },
     { "has", fl_table_has },
--- a/femtolisp/tcolor.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/tcolor.lsp
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
+; -*- scheme -*-
 ; color for performance
 (load "color.lsp")
 ; 100x color 5 queens
-(setq Q (generate-5x5-pairs))
-(defun ct ()
-  (setq C (color-pairs Q '(a b c d e)))
+(define Q (generate-5x5-pairs))
+(define (ct)
+  (set! C (color-pairs Q '(a b c d e)))
   (dotimes (n 99) (color-pairs Q '(a b c d e))))
 (time (ct))
 (assert (equal C '((23 . a) (9 . a) (22 . b) (17 . d) (14 . d) (8 . b) (21 . e)
--- a/femtolisp/test.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/test.lsp
@@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
+; -*- scheme -*-
 ; make label self-evaluating, but evaluating the lambda in the process
 ;(defmacro labl (name f)
 ;  (list list ''labl (list 'quote name) f))
-(defmacro labl (name f)
-  `(let (,name) (setq ,name ,f)))
+(define-macro (labl name f)
+  `(let (,name) (set! ,name ,f)))
 ;(define (reverse lst)
 ;  ((label rev-help (lambda (lst result)
 ;                     (if (null lst) result
 ;                       (rev-help (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) result)))))
-;   lst nil))
+;   lst ()))
 (define (append- . lsts)
   ((label append-h
@@ -28,20 +30,20 @@
 (define (fib n) (if (< n 2) n (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
 ;(princ (time (fib 34)) "\n")
 ;(dotimes (i 20000) (map-int (lambda (x) (list 'quote x)) 8))
-;(dotimes (i 40000) (append '(a b) '(1 2 3 4) nil '(c) nil '(5 6)))
+;(dotimes (i 40000) (append '(a b) '(1 2 3 4) () '(c) () '(5 6)))
 ;(dotimes (i 80000) (list 1 2 3 4 5))
-;(setq a (map-int identity 10000))
-;(dotimes (i 200) (rfoldl cons nil a))
+;(set! a (map-int identity 10000))
+;(dotimes (i 200) (rfoldl cons () a))
 ; iterative filter
-(defun ifilter (pred lst)
+(define (ifilter pred lst)
   ((label f (lambda (accum lst)
               (cond ((null lst) (nreverse accum))
                     ((not (pred (car lst))) (f accum (cdr lst)))
                     (T (f (cons (car lst) accum) (cdr lst))))))
-   nil lst))
+   () lst))
-(defun sort (l)
+(define (sort l)
   (if (or (null l) (null (cdr l))) l
     (let* ((piv (car l))
            (halves (separate (lambda (x) (< x piv)) (cdr l))))
@@ -49,7 +51,7 @@
              (list piv)
              (sort (cdr halves))))))
-(defmacro dotimes (var . body)
+(define-macro (dotimes var . body)
   (let ((v   (car var))
         (cnt (cadr var)))
     `(let ((,v 0))
@@ -56,22 +58,22 @@
        (while (< ,v ,cnt)
              ,(f-body body)
-           (setq ,v (+ ,v 1)))))))
+           (set! ,v (+ ,v 1)))))))
-(defun map-int (f n)
+(define (map-int f n)
   (if (<= n 0)
-    (let ((first (cons (f 0) nil)))
-      ((label map-int-
-              (lambda (acc i n)
-                (if (= i n)
-                    first
-                  (progn (rplacd acc (cons (f i) nil))
-                         (map-int- (cdr acc) (+ i 1) n)))))
-       first 1 n))))
+      (let ((first (cons (f 0) ())))
+	((label map-int-
+		(lambda (acc i n)
+		  (if (= i n)
+		      first
+		      (begin (rplacd acc (cons (f i) ()))
+			     (map-int- (cdr acc) (+ i 1) n)))))
+	 first 1 n))))
-(defmacro labl (name fn)
-  `((lambda (,name) (setq ,name ,fn)) nil))
+(define-macro (labl name fn)
+  `((lambda (,name) (set! ,name ,fn)) ()))
 (define (square x) (* x x))
 (define (evenp  x) (= x (* (/ x 2) 2)))
@@ -88,43 +90,43 @@
         (T        (gcd b (- a b)))))
 ; like eval-when-compile
-(defmacro literal (expr)
+(define-macro (literal expr)
   (let ((v (eval expr)))
-    (if (self-evaluating-p v) v (list quote v))))
+    (if (self-evaluating? v) v (list quote v))))
-(defun cardepth (l)
+(define (cardepth l)
   (if (atom l) 0
-    (+ 1 (cardepth (car l)))))
+      (+ 1 (cardepth (car l)))))
-(defun nestlist (f zero n)
+(define (nestlist f zero n)
   (if (<= n 0) ()
-    (cons zero (nestlist f (f zero) (- n 1)))))
+      (cons zero (nestlist f (f zero) (- n 1)))))
-(defun mapl (f . lsts)
+(define (mapl f . lsts)
   ((label mapl-
           (lambda (lsts)
             (if (null (car lsts)) ()
-              (progn (apply f lsts) (mapl- (map cdr lsts))))))
+		(begin (apply f lsts) (mapl- (map cdr lsts))))))
 ; test to see if a symbol begins with :
-(defun keywordp (s)
+(define (keywordp s)
   (and (>= s '|:|) (<= s '|:~|)))
 ; swap the cars and cdrs of every cons in a structure
-(defun swapad (c)
+(define (swapad c)
   (if (atom c) c
-    (rplacd c (K (swapad (car c))
-                 (rplaca c (swapad (cdr c)))))))
+      (rplacd c (K (swapad (car c))
+		   (rplaca c (swapad (cdr c)))))))
-(defun without (x l)
+(define (without x l)
   (filter (lambda (e) (not (eq e x))) l))
-(defun conscount (c)
+(define (conscount c)
   (if (consp c) (+ 1
                    (conscount (car c))
                    (conscount (cdr c)))
-    0))
+      0))
 ;  _ Welcome to
 ; (_ _ _ |_ _ |  . _ _ 2
@@ -135,12 +137,12 @@
 ;| (/_||||_()|_|_\|)
 ;                 | 
-(defmacro while- (test . forms)
+(define-macro (while- test . forms)
   `((label -loop- (lambda ()
                     (if ,test
-                        (progn ,@forms
+                        (begin ,@forms
-                      nil)))))
+			())))))
 ; this would be a cool use of thunking to handle 'finally' clauses, but
 ; this code doesn't work in the case where the user manually re-raises
@@ -150,8 +152,8 @@
 ;      (catch (TypeError e) . exprs)
 ;      (catch (IOError e) . exprs)
 ;      (finally . exprs))
-(defmacro try (expr . forms)
-  (let ((final (f-body (cdr (or (assoc 'finally forms) '(())))))
+(define-macro (try expr . forms)
+  (let ((final (f-body (cdr (or (assq 'finally forms) '(())))))
         (body (foldr
                ; create a function to check for and handle one exception
                ; type, and pass off control to the next when no match
@@ -167,7 +169,7 @@
                         (,next ,var)))))
                ; default function; no matches so re-raise
-               '(lambda (e) (progn (*_try_finally_thunk_*) (raise e)))
+               '(lambda (e) (begin (*_try_finally_thunk_*) (raise e)))
                ; make list of catch forms
                (filter (lambda (f) (eq (car f) 'catch)) forms))))
@@ -175,10 +177,6 @@
        (prog1 (attempt ,expr ,body)
-(defun map (f lst)
-  (if (atom lst) lst
-    (cons (funcall f (car lst)) (map f (cdr lst)))))
 (define Y
   (lambda (f)
     ((lambda (h)
@@ -191,56 +189,39 @@
        (lambda (n)
          (if (< n 2) n (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))))))))
-(defmacro debug ()
-  (let ((g (gensym)))
-    `(progn (princ "Debug REPL:\n")
-            (let ((,g (read)))
-              (while (not (eq ,g 'quit))
-                (prog1
-                    (print (trycatch (apply '(macro x x) ,g)
-                                     identity))
-                  (setq ,g (read))))))))
 ;(defun tt () (time (dotimes (i 500000) (* 0x1fffffff 1) )))
-(let ((g (gensym)))
-  (defmacro delay (expr)
-    `(let ((,g ',g))
-       (lambda () (if (eq ,g ',g) (setq ,g ,expr) ,g)))))
-(defun force (p) (p))
-(defmacro accumulate-while (cnd what . body)
+(define-macro (accumulate-while cnd what . body)
   (let ((first (gensym))
         (acc   (gensym)))
-    `(let ((,first nil)
-           (,acc (list nil)))
-       (setq ,first ,acc)
+    `(let ((,first ())
+           (,acc (list ())))
+       (set! ,first ,acc)
        (while ,cnd
-         (progn (setq ,acc
-                      (cdr (rplacd ,acc (cons ,what nil))))
-                ,@body))
+	      (begin (set! ,acc
+			   (cdr (rplacd ,acc (cons ,what ()))))
+		     ,@body))
        (cdr ,first))))
-(defmacro accumulate-for (var lo hi what . body)
+(define-macro (accumulate-for var lo hi what . body)
   (let ((first (gensym))
         (acc   (gensym)))
-    `(let ((,first nil)
-           (,acc (list nil)))
-       (setq ,first ,acc)
-       (for ,lo ,hi
+    `(let ((,first ())
+           (,acc (list ())))
+       (set! ,first ,acc)
+       (for ,lo ,hi
             (lambda (,var)
-              (progn (setq ,acc
-                           (cdr (rplacd ,acc (cons ,what nil))))
+              (begin (set! ,acc
+                           (cdr (rplacd ,acc (cons ,what ()))))
        (cdr ,first))))
-(defun map-indexed (f lst)
+(define (map-indexed f lst)
   (if (atom lst) lst
     (let ((i 0))
       (accumulate-while (consp lst) (f (car lst) i)
-                        (progn (setq lst (cdr lst))
-                               (setq i (1+ i)))))))
+                        (begin (set! lst (cdr lst))
+                               (set! i (1+ i)))))))
--- a/femtolisp/torus.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/torus.lsp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-(defun maplist (f l)
+; -*- scheme -*-
+(define (maplist f l)
   (if (null l) ()
     (cons (f l) (maplist f (cdr l)))))
@@ -6,37 +7,37 @@
 ; make m copies of a CDR-circular list of length n, and connect corresponding
 ; conses in CAR-circular loops
 ; replace maplist 'identity' with 'copy-tree' for rapdily exploding memory use
-(defun torus (m n)
+(define (torus m n)
   (let* ((l (map-int identity n))
          (g l)
          (prev g))
     (dotimes (i (- m 1))
-      (setq prev g)
-      (setq g (maplist identity g))
-      (rplacd (last prev) prev))
-    (rplacd (last g) g)
+      (set! prev g)
+      (set! g (maplist identity g))
+      (set-cdr! (last prev) prev))
+    (set-cdr! (last g) g)
     (let ((a l)
           (b g))
       (dotimes (i n)
-        (rplaca a b)
-        (setq a (cdr a))
-        (setq b (cdr b))))
+        (set-car! a b)
+        (set! a (cdr a))
+        (set! b (cdr b))))
-(defun cyl (m n)
+(define (cyl m n)
   (let* ((l (map-int identity n))
          (g l))
     (dotimes (i (- m 1))
-      (setq g (maplist identity g)))
+      (set! g (maplist identity g)))
     (let ((a l)
           (b g))
       (dotimes (i n)
-        (rplaca a b)
-        (setq a (cdr a))
-        (setq b (cdr b))))
+        (set-car! a b)
+        (set! a (cdr a))
+        (set! b (cdr b))))
-(time (progn (print (torus 100 100)) nil))
+(time (begin (print (torus 100 100)) ()))
 ;(time (dotimes (i 1) (load "100x100.lsp")))
 ; with ltable
 ; printing time: 0.415sec
--- a/femtolisp/unittest.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/unittest.lsp
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+; -*- scheme -*-
 (define (every-int n)
   (list (fixnum n) (int8 n) (uint8 n) (int16 n) (uint16 n) (int32 n) (uint32 n)
         (int64 n) (uint64 n)))
@@ -7,7 +8,7 @@
 (define (each f l)
   (if (atom l) ()
-    (progn (f (car l))
+    (begin (f (car l))
            (each f (cdr l)))))
 (define (each^2 f l m)
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@
 (define (test-lt a b)
   (each^2 (lambda (neg pos)
-            (progn
+            (begin
               (eval `(assert (= -1 (compare ,neg ,pos))))
               (eval `(assert (=  1 (compare ,pos ,neg))))))
@@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
 (define (test-eq a b)
   (each^2 (lambda (a b)
-            (progn
+            (begin
               (eval `(assert (= 0 (compare ,a ,b))))))
--- a/femtolisp/wt.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/wt.lsp
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-(setq i 0)
-(defmacro while- (test . forms)
+(set! i 0)
+(define-macro (while- test . forms)
   `((label -loop- (lambda ()
                     (if ,test
-                        (progn ,@forms
+                        (begin ,@forms
-                      nil)))))
-(while (< i 10000000) (setq i (+ i 1)))
+			nil)))))
+(while (< i 10000000) (set! i (+ i 1)))
--- a/llt/int2str.c
+++ b/llt/int2str.c
@@ -4,9 +4,12 @@
 char *int2str(char *dest, size_t n, long num, uint32_t base)
     int i = n-1;
-    int b = (int)base;
-    int neg = (num<0 ? 1 : 0);
+    int b = (int)base, neg = 0;
     char ch;
+    if (num < 0) {
+        num = -num;
+        neg = 1;
+    }
     dest[i--] = '\0';
     while (i >= 0) {
         ch = (char)(num % b);