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ref: 3f28e8dc94f5db578d1bdcdc8fd32a4e55046307
parent: 518415febfea39229bf8a23ad2435009a8c88147
author: Jeff Bezanson <[email protected]>
date: Mon Aug 26 12:55:17 EDT 2013

fix lack of error when calling builtins with the wrong number of args

--- a/compiler.lsp
+++ b/compiler.lsp
@@ -366,16 +366,16 @@
       (get b2i b #f))))
 (define (compile-builtin-call g env tail? x head b nargs)
-  (let ((count (get arg-counts b #f)))
+  (let ((count (get arg-counts head #f)))
     (if (and count
 	     (not (length= (cdr x) count)))
-	(argc-error head count))
+	(argc-error b count))
     (case b  ; handle special cases of vararg builtins
       (list (if (= nargs 0) (emit g 'loadnil) (emit g b nargs)))
       (+    (cond ((= nargs 0) (emit g 'load0))
 		  ((= nargs 2) (emit g 'add2))
 		  (else (emit g b nargs))))
-      (-    (cond ((= nargs 0) (argc-error head 1))
+      (-    (cond ((= nargs 0) (argc-error b 1))
 		  ((= nargs 1) (emit g 'neg))
 		  ((= nargs 2) (emit g 'sub2))
 		  (else (emit g b nargs))))
@@ -382,13 +382,13 @@
       (*    (if (= nargs 0) (emit g 'load1)
 		(emit g b nargs)))
       (/    (if (= nargs 0)
-		(argc-error head 1)
+		(argc-error b 1)
 		(emit g b nargs)))
       (vector   (if (= nargs 0)
 		    (emit g 'loadv [])
 		    (emit g b nargs)))
       (apply    (if (< nargs 2)
-		    (argc-error head 2)
+		    (argc-error b 2)
 		    (emit g (if tail? 'tapply 'apply) nargs)))
       (else      (emit g b)))))
--- a/flisp.boot
+++ b/flisp.boot
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@
 							 #fn(length)] compile-arglist)
 	  compile-begin #fn(":000r4g3?6?0e0|}g2e13044;g3N?6>0e0|}g2g3M44;e0|}^g3M342e2|c3322e4|}g2g3N44;" [compile-in
   void emit pop compile-begin] compile-begin)
-	  compile-builtin-call #fn(":000r7c0qc1e2g5^3341;" [#fn("8000r1|16=02e0i03N|32@6=0e1i04|32530]2c2qi0541;" [length=
-  argc-error #fn(":000r1|c0\x82R0i16`W6<0e1i10c242;e1i10i15i1643;|c3\x82e0i16`W6<0e1i10c442;i16b2W6<0e1i10c542;e1i10i15i1643;|c6\x82v0i16`W6;0e7i14a42;i16aW6<0e1i10c842;i16b2W6<0e1i10c942;e1i10i15i1643;|c:\x82R0i16`W6<0e1i10c;42;e1i10i15i1643;|c<\x82Q0i16`W6;0e7i14a42;e1i10i15i1643;|c=\x82T0i16`W6>0e1i10c>c?43;e1i10i15i1643;|c@\x82]0i16b2X6<0e7i14b242;e1i10i12670cA540c@i1643;e1i10i1542;" [list
+	  compile-builtin-call #fn(":000r7c0qc1e2g4^3341;" [#fn("8000r1|16=02e0i03N|32@6=0e1i05|32530]2c2qi0541;" [length=
+  argc-error #fn(":000r1|c0\x82R0i16`W6<0e1i10c242;e1i10i15i1643;|c3\x82e0i16`W6<0e1i10c442;i16b2W6<0e1i10c542;e1i10i15i1643;|c6\x82v0i16`W6;0e7i15a42;i16aW6<0e1i10c842;i16b2W6<0e1i10c942;e1i10i15i1643;|c:\x82R0i16`W6<0e1i10c;42;e1i10i15i1643;|c<\x82Q0i16`W6;0e7i15a42;e1i10i15i1643;|c=\x82T0i16`W6>0e1i10c>c?43;e1i10i15i1643;|c@\x82]0i16b2X6<0e7i15b242;e1i10i12670cA540c@i1643;e1i10i1542;" [list
   emit loadnil + load0 add2 - argc-error neg sub2 * load1 / vector loadv []
   apply tapply])]) #fn(get) arg-counts] compile-builtin-call)
 	  compile-f #fn("8000r2e0c1qc242;" [call-with-values #fn("8000r0e0~\x7f42;" [compile-f-])