ref: 2d4a0ae30e864f02db8788551f1290e1184997ac
parent: e4e8d4dfdbad64af64e117554c6d41f0814c3a33
author: JeffBezanson <[email protected]>
date: Wed Jul 8 15:07:56 EDT 2009
adding functions max and min fixing make-system-image to save aliases of builtins
--- a/femtolisp/Makefile
+++ b/femtolisp/Makefile
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
LIBS = $(LLT) -lm
-SHIPFLAGS = -O2 -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer -march=native $(FLAGS)
+SHIPFLAGS = -O2 -DNDEBUG -march=native $(FLAGS)
default: release test
--- a/femtolisp/flisp.boot
+++ b/femtolisp/flisp.boot
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@
#function(";000r2e0e1~\x7f`y[`32e1~\x7fay[b832y41;" [int16 ash])
#function("8000r1e0~316<0e1e230~42;e330~T2;" [integer? mod rand rand.double])
#function("7000r1e0~31640~;c1~L2;" [self-evaluating? quote])
@@ -94,10 +96,14 @@
#function("8000r2~~\x7fV\x7fT2z;" [])
#function("9000r2~e0~\x7f32\x7fT2z;" [div])
+#function("<000s1\x7fA640~;e0c1q~\x7f43;" [foldl #function("7000r2~\x7fX640~;\x7f;" [])])
#function("8000r2\x7f?640^;\x7fM~=640\x7f;e0~\x7fN42;" [memv])
#function("8000r2\x7f?640^;\x7fM~>640\x7f;e0~\x7fN42;" [member])
+#function("<000s1\x7fA640~;e0c1q~\x7f43;" [foldl #function("7000r2~\x7fX640\x7f;~;" [])])
#function("9000r2e0~e1\x7f43;" [emit :label])
@@ -105,9 +111,9 @@
#function("9000r2\x7f^\x7fF6B02\x7f~\x7fM31O2\x7fNm15\x1d/2;" [])
-#function("=000s2g2A6;0c0_L1u42;c1^u32~\x7fg2K42;" [#function("9000v~^\x81F6H02~\x80\x81M31_KPNm02\x81No015\x17/2N;" []) #function("6000vc0qm0;" [#function("\xb7000r2\x7fMA640_;~e0e1\x7f32Q2\x80~e0e2\x7f3232K;" [map car cdr])])])
+#function("=000s2c0^^u43;" [#function("9000vc0qm02c1qm12i02A6;0~\x80\x81_L143;\x7f\x80\x81i02K42;" [#function("9000r3g2^\x7fF6H02g2~\x7fM31_KPNm22\x7fNm15\x17/2N;" []) #function("\xb7000r2\x7fMA640_;~\x80e0\x7f32Q2\x81~\x80e1\x7f3232K;" [car cdr])])])
-#function(";000r1c0e1~e2e3e434c5e6u44;" [#function("8000v^k02c1c2qu42;" [*print-pretty* #function("7000vc0qc1qt~302;" [#function(":000r0e0c1qe2e3e430313142;" [for-each #function("9000r1~E16b02e0~31@16W02e1~31G@16K02e2~i1132@16=02e3e1~3131@6\\0e4i10~322e5i10c6322e4i10e1~31322e5i10c642;^;" [constant? top-level-value memq iostream? io.print io.write "\n"]) reverse! simple-sort environment]) #function("7000r1\x80302e0~41;" [raise])]) #function("7000r0e0\x80312i02k1;" [io.close *print-pretty*])]) file :write :create :truncate (*linefeed* *directory-separator* *argv* that *print-pretty* *print-width* *print-readably*) *print-pretty*])
+#function(";000r1c0e1~e2e3e434c5e6u44;" [#function("8000v^k02c1c2qu42;" [*print-pretty* #function("7000vc0qc1qt~302;" [#function(":000r0e0c1qe2e3e430313142;" [for-each #function("9000r1~E16w02e0~31@16l02e1~31G@17C02e2~31e2e1~3131>@16K02e3~i1132@16=02e4e1~3131@6\\0e5i10~322e6i10c7322e5i10e1~31322e6i10c742;^;" [constant? top-level-value string memq iostream? io.print io.write "\n"]) reverse! simple-sort environment]) #function("7000r1\x80302e0~41;" [raise])]) #function("7000r0e0\x80312i02k1;" [io.close *print-pretty*])]) file :write :create :truncate (*linefeed* *directory-separator* *argv* that *print-pretty* *print-width* *print-readably*) *print-pretty*])
#function("6000r1e040;" [gensym])
--- a/femtolisp/system.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/system.lsp
@@ -24,22 +24,21 @@
(list (list 'lambda (list name) (list 'set! name fn)) #f))
(define (map f lst . lsts)
+ (define (map1 f lst acc)
+ (cdr
+ (prog1 acc
+ (while (pair? lst)
+ (begin (set! acc
+ (cdr (set-cdr! acc (cons (f (car lst)) ()))))
+ (set! lst (cdr lst)))))))
+ (define (mapn f lsts)
+ (if (null? (car lsts))
+ ()
+ (cons (apply f (map1 car lsts))
+ (mapn f (map1 cdr lsts)))))
(if (null? lsts)
- ((lambda (acc)
- (cdr
- (prog1 acc
- (while (pair? lst)
- (begin (set! acc
- (cdr (set-cdr! acc (cons (f (car lst)) ()))))
- (set! lst (cdr lst)))))))
- (list ()))
- ((label mapn
- (lambda (f lsts)
- (if (null? (car lsts))
- ()
- (cons (apply f (map car lsts))
- (mapn f (map cdr lsts))))))
- f (cons lst lsts))))
+ (map1 f lst (list ()))
+ (mapn f (cons lst lsts))))
(define-macro (let binds . body)
((lambda (lname)
@@ -115,6 +114,7 @@
(define (positive? x) (> x 0))
(define (even? x) (= (logand x 1) 0))
(define (odd? x) (not (even? x)))
+(define (identity x) x)
(define (1+ n) (+ n 1))
(define (1- n) (- n 1))
(define (mod0 x y) (- x (* (div0 x y) y)))
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@
(define (mod x y) (- x (* (div x y) y)))
+(define quotient div0)
(define remainder mod0)
(define (random n)
(if (integer? n)
@@ -130,7 +131,12 @@
(mod (rand) n)
(* (rand.double) n)))
(define (abs x) (if (< x 0) (- x) x))
-(define (identity x) x)
+(define (max x0 . xs)
+ (if (null? xs) x0
+ (foldl (lambda (a b) (if (< a b) b a)) x0 xs)))
+(define (min x0 . xs)
+ (if (null? xs) x0
+ (foldl (lambda (a b) (if (< a b) a b)) x0 xs)))
(define (char? x) (eq? (typeof x) 'wchar))
(define (array? x) (or (vector? x)
(let ((t (typeof x)))
@@ -787,7 +793,9 @@
(for-each (lambda (s)
(if (and (bound? s)
(not (constant? s))
- (not (builtin? (top-level-value s)))
+ (or (not (builtin? (top-level-value s)))
+ (not (equal? (string s)
+ (string (top-level-value s)))))
(not (memq s excludes))
(not (iostream? (top-level-value s))))
--- a/femtolisp/test.lsp
+++ b/femtolisp/test.lsp
@@ -240,11 +240,10 @@
(set! show-profiles
(lambda ()
- (define (max a b) (if (< a b) b a))
(define pr (filter (lambda (x) (> (cadr x) 0))
(table.pairs *profiles*)))
(define width (+ 4
- (foldl max 0
+ (apply max
(map (lambda (x)
(length (string x)))
(cons 'Function
--- a/femtolisp/todo
+++ b/femtolisp/todo
@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@
-consolidated todo list as of 8/30:
+consolidated todo list as of 7/8:
* new cvalues, types representation
* use the unused tag for TAG_PRIM, add smaller prim representation
* finalizers in gc
@@ -965,6 +965,14 @@
- eliminate string copy in lerror() when possible
* fix printing lists of short strings
+- evaluator improvements, perf & debugging (below)
+* fix make-system-image to save aliases of builtins
+- reading named characters, e.g. #\newline etc.
+- #+, #- reader macros
+- printing improvements: *print-big*, keep track of horiz. position
+ per-stream so indenting works across print calls
+- improve bootstrapping process so compiled version can recompile
+ itself for a broader set of changes
- remaining c types
- remaining cvalues functions
- finish ios
@@ -1033,7 +1041,7 @@
- lambda lifting
* let optimization
- fix equal? on functions
-- store function name and signature
+- store function name
* have macroexpand use its own global syntax table
* be able to create/load an image file
* fix trace and untrace