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ref: 180b05fa8e5ce0dd7a172c3a5cfad3fcec8f7073
parent: ed61ae48a570bd279f39480b53f767616a9d43ab
author: JeffBezanson <[email protected]>
date: Fri Jul 18 00:16:07 EDT 2008

storing environment size on the stack so lambda doesn't need to
compute it. changed penv from pointer to stack index.
result is best performance yet.

fixing constantp to be true for quoted values

--- a/femtolisp/builtins.c
+++ b/femtolisp/builtins.c
@@ -148,13 +148,18 @@
     return POP();
+extern value_t QUOTE;
 value_t fl_constantp(value_t *args, u_int32_t nargs)
     argcount("constantp", nargs, 1);
     if (issymbol(args[0]))
         return (isconstant(args[0]) ? T : NIL);
-    if (iscons(args[0]))
+    if (iscons(args[0])) {
+        if (car_(args[0]) == QUOTE)
+            return T;
         return NIL;
+    }
     return T;
--- a/femtolisp/flisp.c
+++ b/femtolisp/flisp.c
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 value_t DivideError, BoundsError, Error;
 value_t conssym, symbolsym, fixnumsym, vectorsym, builtinsym;
-static value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv, int tail);
+static value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, uint32_t penv, int tail);
 static value_t *alloc_words(int n);
 static value_t relocate(value_t v);
 static void do_print(FILE *f, value_t v, int princ);
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@
     if (tag(xpr)<0x2) { return (xpr); } \
     else { e=(xpr); goto eval_top; } } while (0)
-static value_t do_trycatch(value_t expr, value_t *penv)
+static value_t do_trycatch(value_t expr, uint32_t penv)
     value_t v;
@@ -650,16 +650,18 @@
  of the stack from LL through CLO.
  There might be zero values, in which case LL is NIL.
+ Stack[penv-1] is the size of the whole environment (as a fixnum)
  if tail==1, you are allowed (indeed encouraged) to overwrite this
  environment, otherwise you have to put any new environment on the top
  of the stack.
-static value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, value_t *penv, int tail)
+static value_t eval_sexpr(value_t e, uint32_t penv, int tail)
-    value_t f, v, *pv, *argsyms, *body, *lenv;
+    value_t f, v, *pv, *argsyms, *body;
     cons_t *c;
     symbol_t *sym;
-    u_int32_t saveSP, envsz;
+    uint32_t saveSP, envsz, lenv;
     int i, nargs, noeval=0;
     fixnum_t s;
     cvalue_t *cv;
@@ -669,17 +671,17 @@
     if (issymbol(e)) {
         sym = (symbol_t*)ptr(e);
         if (sym->syntax == TAG_CONST) return sym->binding;
+        pv = &Stack[penv];
         while (1) {
-            v = *penv++;
+            v = *pv++;
             while (iscons(v)) {
-                if (car_(v)==e) return *penv;
-                v = cdr_(v); penv++;
+                if (car_(v)==e) return *pv;
+                v = cdr_(v); pv++;
-            if (v == e) return *penv;  // dotted list
-            if (v != NIL) penv++;
-            if (*penv == NIL)
-                break;
-            penv = &vector_elt(*penv, 0);
+            if (v == e) return *pv;  // dotted list
+            if (v != NIL) pv++;
+            if (*pv == NIL) break;
+            pv = &vector_elt(*pv, 0);
         if ((v = sym->binding) == UNBOUND)
             raise(list2(UnboundError, e));
@@ -722,30 +724,23 @@
         case F_LAMBDA:
             // build a closure (lambda args body . env)
-            if (*penv != NIL) {
+            if (Stack[penv] != NIL) {
                 // save temporary environment to the heap
                 lenv = penv;
-                //envsz = saveSP - (penv - &Stack[0]);
-                envsz = 2;
-                v = *penv;
-                while (iscons(v)) {
-                    envsz++;
-                    v = cdr_(v);
-                }
-                if (v != NIL) envsz++;
+                envsz = numval(Stack[penv-1]);
                 pv = alloc_words(envsz + 1);
                 PUSH(tagptr(pv, TAG_BUILTIN));
                 pv[0] = envsz<<2;
                 while (envsz--)
-                    *pv++ = *penv++;
+                    *pv++ = Stack[penv++];
                 // environment representation changed; install
                 // the new representation so everybody can see it
-                lenv[0] = NIL;
-                lenv[1] = Stack[SP-1];
+                Stack[lenv]   = NIL;
+                Stack[lenv+1] = Stack[SP-1];
             else {
-                PUSH(penv[1]); // env has already been captured; share
+                PUSH(Stack[penv+1]); // env has already been captured; share
             c = (cons_t*)ptr(v=cons_reserve(3));
             c->car = LAMBDA;
@@ -843,25 +838,25 @@
         case F_SET:
             argcount("set", nargs, 2);
             e = Stack[SP-2];
+            pv = &Stack[penv];
             while (1) {
-                v = *penv++;
+                v = *pv++;
                 while (iscons(v)) {
                     if (car_(v)==e) {
-                        *penv = Stack[SP-1];
+                        *pv = Stack[SP-1];
-                        return *penv;
+                        return *pv;
-                    v = cdr_(v); penv++;
+                    v = cdr_(v); pv++;
                 if (v == e) {
-                    *penv = Stack[SP-1];
+                    *pv = Stack[SP-1];
-                    return *penv;
+                    return *pv;
-                if (v != NIL) penv++;
-                if (*penv == NIL)
-                    break;
-                penv = &vector_elt(*penv, 0);
+                if (v != NIL) pv++;
+                if (*pv == NIL) break;
+                pv = &vector_elt(*pv, 0);
             sym = tosymbol(e, "set");
             v = Stack[SP-1];
@@ -1134,17 +1129,18 @@
             v = Stack[SP-1];
             if (tag(v)<0x2) { SP=saveSP; return v; }
             if (tail) {
-                penv[0] = NIL;
-                penv[1] = NIL;
-                //envsz = 0;
-                SP = (u_int32_t)(penv-&Stack[0]) + 2;
+                Stack[penv-1] = fixnum(2);
+                Stack[penv] = NIL;
+                Stack[penv+1] = NIL;
+                SP = penv + 2;
                 goto eval_top;
             else {
+                PUSH(fixnum(2));
-                v = eval_sexpr(v, &Stack[SP-2], 1);
+                v = eval_sexpr(v, SP-2, 1);
         case F_RAISE:
@@ -1260,29 +1256,34 @@
         e = car_(f);
-        // macro: evaluate expansion in the calling environment
         if (noeval == 2) {
+            // macro: evaluate body in lambda environment
             if (tag(e)<0x2) ;
-            else e = eval_sexpr(e, argsyms, 1);
+            else {
+                Stack[saveSP+1] = fixnum(SP-saveSP-2);
+                e = eval_sexpr(e, saveSP+2, 1);
+            }
             SP = saveSP;
             if (tag(e)<0x2) return(e);
             noeval = 0;
+            // macro: evaluate expansion in calling environment
             goto eval_top;
         else {
             if (tag(e)<0x2) { SP=saveSP; return(e); }
+            envsz = SP - saveSP - 2;
             if (tail) {
                 noeval = 0;
                 // ok to overwrite environment
-                s = SP - saveSP - 2;
-                for(i=0; i < s; i++)
-                    penv[i] = argsyms[i];
-                SP = (u_int32_t)((penv+s) - &Stack[0]);
-                //envsz = s;
+                for(i=0; i < (int)envsz; i++)
+                    Stack[penv+i] = Stack[saveSP+2+i];
+                SP = penv+envsz;
+                Stack[penv-1] = fixnum(envsz);
                 goto eval_top;
             else {
-                v = eval_sexpr(e, argsyms, 1);
+                Stack[saveSP+1] = fixnum(envsz);
+                v = eval_sexpr(e, saveSP+2, 1);
                 SP = saveSP;
                 return v;
@@ -1366,9 +1367,10 @@
     value_t v;
     u_int32_t saveSP = SP;
+    PUSH(fixnum(2));
-    v = topeval(expr, &Stack[SP-2]);
+    v = topeval(expr, SP-2);
     SP = saveSP;
     return v;
--- a/femtolisp/todo
+++ b/femtolisp/todo
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 - a special version of apply that takes arguments on the stack, to avoid
   consing when implementing "call-with" style primitives like trycatch,
   hashtable-foreach, or the fl_apply API
-try this environment representation:
+- try this environment representation:
  for all kinds of functions (except maybe builtin special forms) push
  all arguments on the stack, either evaluated or not.
  for lambdas, push the lambda list and next-env pointers.
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@
  string.char    - char at byte offset
  string.count   - # of chars between 2 byte offsets
-*string.sub     - substring between 2 byte offsets, or nil for beginning/end
+*string.sub     - substring between 2 byte offsets
 *string.split   - (string.split s sep-chars)
  string.trim    - (string.trim s chars-at-start chars-at-end)